Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid
Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid
--_ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg I 240 I 89-111 I 6 Figs., 5 Tabs., 2 Pis. I Frankfurt a. M., 29. 01. 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------- Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid mandible from <;andtr With 6 figures, 5 tables, 2 plates • .. Erksin GOLEC & David R. BEGUN Abstract The single primate specimen from \:andlr, a well preserved mandible ofa female and the holotype of Griphopithecus alpani TEKKAYA, is described and it's functional anatomy and phylogenetic significance assessed. In molar morphology the specimen is essentially indistinguishable from the most common primate from Pa~alar. The corpus differs in morphology from that preserved on a single specimen from Pa~alar, though comparison is complicated by the fact that the latter specimen is from a male. It also differs morphologically from female specimens from Fort Ternan, Maboko and Majiwa, all in Kenya, attributed here to Kenyapithecus wickeri and Griphopithecus africanus. Functional analysis suggests an ability to withstand elevated occlusal loads, usually associated in primates with an adaptation for hard object feeding. This is consistent with the morphology of the molars as well. Griphopithecus a/pant from \:andlr lacks derived characters of late middle and late Miocene hominids, and is probably near the base ofthe radiation of Eurasian and African hominoids. It conforms closely to the hypothetical morphotype of the common ancestor ofAsian and Euro-African hominids. Keywords: middle Miocene Hominoid, robust mandible, thick molar enamel, stem hominid Zusammenfassung Das einzige Primaten-FundstUck von \:andlf, die gut erhaltene Mandibel eines Weibchens und der Holotypus von Griphopithecus a/pani TEKKA YA, wird beschrieben und seine funktionelle Anatomie und phylogenetische Bedeutung untersucht. In der Morphologie der Molaren ist das Exemplar im wesentlichen von dem h!\ufigsten Primaten aus P~alar nicht zu unterscheiden. Das Korpus unterscheidet sich morphologisch von dem einzigen erhaltenen Exemplar aus Pa~alar. Allerdings wird der Vergleich dadurch erschwert, daB dieses StUck von einem Mlinnchen stammt. Es fallen auch morphologische Unterschiede zu den weiblichen Exemplaren aus Fort Ternan, Maboko und Majiwa (aIle Kenya) auf, die hier Kenyapithecus wickert und Griphopithecus africanus zugeordnet werden. Die Funktionsanalyse zeigt die Eigenschaft erhOhten Okklusionslasten zu widerstehen. Dies wird bei Primaten iiblicherweise mit Anpassungen an mechanisch harte Nahrnng in Verbindung gebracht. Dem entspricht die Morphologie der Molaren. Griphopithecus a/pant aus \:andu fehlen die abgeleiteten Merkmale der Hominiden des spaten Mittel- und Obermiozans und steht moglicherweise an der Basis der Radiation eurasischer und afrikanischer Hominoiden. Er entspricht weitgehend dem hypothetischen Morphotyp des gemeinsamen Vorfahren asiatischer und euro-afrikanischer Hominiden. Schliisselworter: Mittelmiozliner Hominoide, robuste Mandibel, dicker Molarenschmelz, Stammhominide Authors' addresses: Erksin GOLEC, Oil ve Tarih Cografya Fakiiltesi Sihhiye, Ankara, 06100, Turkey, E-Mail:; David R BEGUN, Department ofAnthropology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada, E-Mail:· GOLE~ & BEGUN: Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid mandible from (:andlf Introduction The primate mandible recovered from <;andlr is one of the most complete and best preserved early middle Mio cene hominoid mandible currently known, and has there fore received a lot of attention in the past. The specimen has been described by TEKKAYA (1974), ANDREWS & TEK KAYA (1976) and figured by ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1976) and WOLPOFF (1980). When combined, these published descriptions are reasonably comprehensive and will not be duplicated here. In this paper we review previous in terpretations of the <;andlr mandible, supplement previ ous descriptions with additional data, add comparisons to new specimens, and attempt to place the specimen in a phylogenetic context. The specimen, MTA 2253, was recently reexamined by us, and we were graciously granted permission to clean and mold it. In the process, the glue joint holding the 2 halves of the mandible together at the symphysis was dissolved, proving a view of the symphysis in cross section. After cleaning, the mandible was reassembled, with a slight offset corrected. We also had the opportu nity to CT scan the specimen. Some of these images are reproduced here. New metric data were also collected to supplement published measurements of the teeth. Before discussing previous interpretations of MTA 2253 it is useful to briefly review the taxonomy of middle Miocene hominoids, focusing on specimens that share the basic characteristics of robust mandibles and/or thickly enameled molars. The first such specimens were described by ABEL (1902), based on two isolated teeth from a site then in Hungary called Neudorf an der March, which is now in Slovakia and is called Devinska Nova Yes. Unfortunately, but predictably, given the common practice of the time, separate genera were recognized for each tooth. Griphopithecus suessi is based on the smallest specimen, a heavily upper molar lacking the roots and cervical enamel. It has page priority over Dryopithecus darwini, the type of which is a relatively large M 3 • REMANE (1921), acting as first reviser of this material, considered Griphopithecus suessi to be ajunior subjective synonym of Dryopithecus darwini. He felt that both genera were synonymous, but that the type of Griphopithecus suessi, although it has page priority, was less suitable than the type of Dryopithecus darwini because the former is a deciduous molar. LEWIS (1934) transferred D. darwini to Sivapithecus darwini, based on general similarities to the much larger Siwalik samples that are mostly related to the shared presence of thick enamel. Over the years the sample from Devinska Nova Yes has doubled to four isolated teeth (GLASSER 1931, STEININGER 1961). Historically the next sample of middle Miocene hominoids to be described were the specimens attributed to Sivapithecus africanus (LE GROS CLARK & LEAKEY 1951). These specimens were first said to come from Rusinga, with early Miocene sediments, but subsequent 90 analysis confirmed the provenance to be middle Miocene Maboko (ANDREWS & MOLLESON 1979). Later LEAKEY (1962) described a new middle Miocene hominoid from Fort Ternan that he assigned to the nomen Kenyapithecus wickeri. Most authors place the Maboko and Fort Ter nan fossils, and others from localities close to Maboko (Majiwa, Nyakach and Kaloma) in Kenyapithecus, but some debate persists on the number of species (PICKFORD 1986, BEGUN 1992, HARRISON 1992, MCCROSSIN & BEN EFIT 1993, 1997). New specimens from middle Miocene deposits at Nachola, in northern central Kenya, origi nally tentatively assigned to Kenyapithecus africanus (IsHTDA et aI., 1984, PICKFORD, 1986) or to a new species (NAKATSUKASA et aI., 1998) of Kenyapithecus have been assigned to a new taxon, Nacholopithecus kerioi (IsHTDA et al. 2000). Specimens from Kipsarimon, in the Tugen Hills of Western Kenya that had been attributed to Ke nyapithecus africanus (WARD & BROWN 1996) are now considered by these authors to represent yet another new taxon, Equatorius africanus (WARD et al. 1999). Debate persists on the legitimacy ofthese newer nomena (BEGUN 2000). A number of the fossil hominoid specimens from the Siwaliks are also middle Miocene (Chinji Formation), but much later in time than the European and African samples discussed above (KAPPELMAN, et aI., 1991). These are all currently attributed to Sivapithecus, though some ofthese specimens may lack some of the diagnostic characters of that clade (BEGUN & GOLEc,:: (1998). Other taxa or samples known outside South Asia that have been synonymized or phyletically linked with Sivapithecus (Rudapithecus, Bodvapithecus, Ouranopithecus, Grae copithecus, Kenyapithecus, and the Buluk, Maboko and Lufeng hominoids) are now nearly universally attributed to other genera (Table 1). TEKKAYA (1974) described MTA 2253 as the type specimen of a new species, Sivapithecus alpani. Most of his description concerns the teeth and symphysis. Among other things, TEKKAYA (1974) noted the small size of the anterior teeth (based on the preserved alveoli), the verti cal symphysis, strongly developed superior and inferior transverse tori, the broad molars and the presence of molar cingula. While stressing the overall similarities to various Siwalk hominoid genera (all currently attributed to Sivapithecus), he also noted similarities to Plio-Pleis tocene hominids, particularly in the development of the transverse tori, mandibular robusticity and small incisors (TEKKAYA 1974). ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1976) pursued this theme further, noting similarities to specimens in terpreted at the time to be more closely related to fossil humans, usually attributed to the genus Ramapithecus. Although not actually reallocating the specimen to Ra mapithecus alpani, ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1976) do place Sivapithecus alpani in their Ramapithecus group, and indicate that all the referred material can be assigned to two species. ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1976) emphasize the simi Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Tab. 1: Summary of nomena used in this paper, and their syn onyms in this paper. Griphopithecus alpani Sivapithecus alpani Griphopithecus darwini Ramapithecus sp. Griphopithecus darwini Dryopithecus darwini Sivapithecus dar.vini Griphopithecus suessi Austriacopithecus weinfurti Austriacopithecus abeli Griphopithecus africanus Equatorius africanus Sivapilhecus africanus Kenyapithecus africanus Proconsul nyanzae Sivapithecus sp. I Dryopithecus sp. Ramapithecus sp. Ouranopithecus macedoniensis 2 Dryopithecus macedoniensis Graecopithecus freybergi Sivapithecus macedoniensis Ankarapithecus meleai Sivapithecus meteai Graecopithecus meleai Dryopilhecus sp. Bodvapilhecus Rudapilhecus Kenyapithecus wickeri Ramapilhecus breviroSlris Ramapithecus wickeri Kenyapithecus africanus Proconsul sp. ,<, from South Asia has yet to be taxonomically revised, a task well beyond the of paper. We hmIt our list of synonyms for Sivapithecus to the genus level. Many other synonyms are summarized in Simons and Pilbeam (1965) and Kelley and Pilbeam (1986). <Graecopithecus has pirority over Ouranopithecus, but much debate exist>; over the re lationship of these taxa. Until it is resolved, we prefer to use the nomen with the better "i,j preserved type and hypodigm. larities between MTA 2253 and the reconstruction of a middle Miocene hominoid mandible from Fort Ternan, Kenya. This composite specimen, originally attributed to the taxon Kenyapithecus wickeri (LEAKEY 1962) was re allocated to Ramapithecus brevirostris by SIMONS (1964), and later to Ramapithecus wickeri (ANDREWS, 1971). AN DREWS & TEKKAYA (1974) note a number of dental simi larities between MTA 2253 and the Fort Ternan material, including the small anterior teeth and the presence of molar cingula. They emphasize the similarities between the anterior mandibular areas, which is the best preserved part of the mandibular material from Fort Ternan (KNM FT 45). Both show very short anterior mandibles with strongly developed transverse tori. The <;andlr specimen is distinguished from that from Fort Ternan in having a shorter planum alveolare, more vertical symphysis, and less strongly developed transverse tori. Based primar ily on differences in the symphysis, ANDREWS & TEK KAYA (1974) suggest that the <;andlr and Fort Ternan specimens may belong to different species, possibly Ramapithecus punjabicus and Ramapithecus wickeri. 2003 The specimen was formally allocated to Ramapithecus wickeri by SZALAY & DELSON (1979). Stvapithecus alpani was synonymized with Sivapithecus darwini by ALPAGUT et al. (1990). In the most recent revision, MTA 2253 is again recognized as a type specimen, but for the no men Griphopithecus alpant, based on similarities to the sample of Griphopithecus from Devinska Nova Yes and Pa~alar (ANDREWS et al. 1996). Many of the similarities among the mandibles dis cussed above relate to small size and robusticity. It is clear today that most if not all ofthe middle and late Mio cene hominoid mandibles that resemble MTA 2253 are female, and cannot be easily distinguished from contem porary male specimens except by size. In fact, this point was made by ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1974), but without the recognition that the differences in size were due to sexual dimorphism and not taxonomy. It has been many years now since the differences between Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus were realized to be sexual dimorphism, leading to the recognition that Ramapithecus is a junior subjective synonym of Sivapithecus (GREENFIELD 1979, 1980, Al\DREWS & CRO;-.lIN 1982, KAY 1982, PILBEAM 1982). ANDREWS & CRONIN (1982) and PILBEAM (1982) were the first to recognize the cladistic affinities of Sivapithecus and Pongo, while other contemporary re searchers continued to link Sivapithecus with "hominids" (GREENFIELD 1979, 1980, KtW 1982). Most researchers since that time follow ANDREWS & CRONIN (1982) and Pilbeam (1982) in associating Sivapithecus with the Pongo clade (WARD & PILBEAM 1983, KELLEY & PILBEAM 1986, ANDREWS & MARTIN 1987a, BROWN & WARD 1988, SCHWARTZ 1990, 1997, ANDREWS 1992, MCCOLLUM et al. 1997, WARD 1997, BEGUN et al. 1997, although see PIL BEAM et al. 1990 and PILBEAM 1996, 1997 for an alterna tive view). Equally common today is the view that non-Siwalik, middle Miocene, thickly enameled, robust mandibles, such as the specimens from Fort Ternan and <;andlr, are not likely to be attributable to Sivapithecus, but represent more primitive hominoids (ANDREWS & MARTIN 1987a, ALPAGUT et al. 1990, ANDREWS 1992, MCCROSSIN & BEN EFIT 1993, 1997, BEGUN 1994a, BEGUN et al. 1997). ALP AGUT et al. (1990) cite preliminary evidence of a phyletic relationship between Turkish middle Miocene hominoids (Pa~alar and <;andlr) and Sivapithecus. Based on more recent discoveries at Pa~alar, ANDREWS et al. (1996) now believe there is no basis for linking the Pa~alar and <;andlr hominoids with Sivapithecus-Pongo, which is the main justification for reviving the nomen Griphopithecus (BEGUN 1992, MARTIN & ANDREWS, 1993). They cite im portant differences in palatal and premaxillary morphol ogy, including the retention of a Proconsul-like short premaxilla and broad incisive canal, and the absence of diagnostic pongine palatal features as found in Sivapithe cus and Pongo (WARD & PILBEAM 1983) and to a lesser extent in Ankarapithecus (BEGUN AND GULE<; 1998). This mirrors the conclusion of PICKFORD (1986) regarding the 91 GOLEC & BEGUN: Functional rn,,",",,-."'"'' and affinities ofthe hominoid mandible from primitive morphology of the palate of Kenyapithecus from Nachola (now attributed to Nacholapithecus (ISHI DA et aL 2000), and is also consistent with the primitive morphology of postcrania attributed to Kenyapithecus, Nacholapithecus and Griphopithecus (BEGUN 1992; WARD & BROWN 1996, Nakatsukasa et al. 1998,2000). This view is also consistent with a recent reconstruction ofevolutionary relations among many hominoids (BEGUN et al. 1997). To summarize the background information on the af finities of the <;andlr mandible, most authorities would place it in the taxon Griphopithecus a/pant, along with most of the sample ofhominoids from Pa~alar (ANDREWS et al. 1996). A second species of the genus is also thought to be present at Pa~alar (ANDREWS et al. 1996, WARD et al. 1999). Most regard Kenyapithecus, Nacholapithecus and Griphopithecus as more primitive than most or all other middle Miocene to recent hominoids, but the relations of these genera to each other is unclear, because they appear to share only primitive characters, including a suite of characters related to heavy mastication (thickly enam eled molars, broad, flat molar cusps, a low enamel-den tine junction, and short, robust mandibles with heavily reinforced symphyses). Materials and Methods All observations were made on the original specimen, in the collections of the MTA in Ankara, Turkey. MTA 2253 was cleaned, photographed (Plate 1) and molded in RTV silicone. High resolution cast.') were made for comparative analysis. The specimen was compared to cast.') and original specimens of Miocene to recent hom i noids. Data was previously collected on originals of all Miocene hominoid specimens included in this analysis. Measurements were made using an electronic dial caliper with modified jaws for access to small spaces. CT Scans were prepared at the Hacettepe Hospital Department of Radiology using a Philips Tomoscan SR 7000 set to 120 KV and 100 MA. All statistical analyses were carried out using SYSTAT for Windows, version 5. Measurements appear in Table 2. Anterior mandible (Plate la, d, e, f, g) As noted by ANDREWS & TEKKAY A (1974), the planum alveolare of MTA 2253 is more vertical and shorter than that of the composite reconstruction from Fort Ternan. In order to compare these two specimens more directly, a new reconstruction of the Fort Ternan specimen was made, based on KNM-FT 45,7,34,40, and 3318 (Plate 2). KNM-FT 46/47 were used to position the posterior molars relative to the anterior dentition, as in WALKER & ANDREWS (1973). The Fort Ternan composite is female, based on the morphology of the KNM-FT 3318 right canine and the alveolus for the left canine preserved 92 Tab. 2: Measurements of MTA 2253 in millimeters (unless otherwise indicated). Symphysis height thickness (sagittal) thickness (actual) length sublingual plane 24.75 20.9 16.4 30.1 32" Corpus (heightlbreadth) @PJ @P, @M, @M2 @M3 Mental foramen (inf.-sup.) 23.6/15 23.2113.1 23.7/14 21.1/16.6 20.5118.7 8.6/12.9 Dental arcade bi-I, bi-I, bi-canine (mesial) bi-canine (distal) bi-PJ bi-P, bi-M, bi-M2 bi-M, 5.25 lOA 11.4 24.1 15.3 18.1 21.5 23.7 29.0 Teeth P, (m-dlb-I) P, (max. In/perp. bd) P, M, M, M; M J (hydlentd) molar row length premolar row length postcanine length left 7.919.1 10.4/6.6 6.9/8.6 9.3/8.6 10.319.8 11.9/9.6 7,9/8.5 31.5 14.3 46.1 right ---- ---- 6.8/8.3 9.118.7 10.4/9.9 11.9/9.6 7.9/8.8 31.6 ---- ---- mesiodistal, B-J = buccolingual, max In maximum length, perp. Bd, = breadth perpendicular to the maxImum length axis, hydlentd talonid breadth be tween the hypoconid and entoconid. Abbreviations: m--d on KNM-FT 45. MTA 2253 lacks a canine crown. We are convinced that it is female, given the very small size of the canine alveoli, the small size the preserved root of the right canine, and the small size of the canine jugum (Plate la). KNM-FT 3318, with most of its root preserved, fits well in the alveolus for the right canine of MTA 2253. The planum alveolare of the Fort Ternan composite is in fact noticeably different from that of MTA 2253. On the Fort Ternan specimen the portion of the symphysis opposite the p) is preserved to the midline, but the superior transverse torus is damaged posteriorly. Based on the preserved portion, it must have projected posteriorly at least as far as P4 -M 1• This is well posterior to the extent of the superior transverse torus on MTA 2253, which extends to about the level of the metaconids of the P4 's. The sublingual plane of the Fort Ternan com posite is also much more horizontal than in MTA 2253. BROWN (1989) reports the angle in KNM-FT 45 to be 20 degrees, while it is 32 degrees in MTA 2253. MCCROSStN & BENEFIT (1993) report a sublingual angle of38 degrees in KNM-MB 20573, a juvenile mandible of Griphopithe cus africanus from Maboko. The symphysis ofKNM-MJ 5 (Plate 2), attributed here to Griphopithecus africanus from Majiwa is too damaged to accurately measure. The Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 240, 2003 sublingual angle ranges from about 20 to 50 degrees in Proconsul and averages about 35 degrees in Sivapithecus (Brown, 1989), so it is not possible to ally MTA 2253 with either group on the basis of this feature. Kenyapithe cus wickeri does appear to be distinct from most other hominoids including Griphopithecus africanus in the low angle and degree of elongation of its sublingual plane, contra MCCROSSIN & BENEFIT (1993). The labial portion of the symphysis and the inci sor alveolar portion of the mandible in the Fort Ternan composite is not preserved. However, it is preserved in KNM-MB 20573 and KNM-MJ 5, although in the lat ter it is seriously damaged. KNM-MJ 5 does preserve a lateral incisor in situ that does seem to be in close to its anatomical position. Both of these mandibles preserve an incisor alveolar portion that is considerably larger transversely than in MTA 2252. This may also have been the case for KNM-FT 45, based on the reconstructed distance between the canines (Plate 2). The distance be tween the middle of the mesial canine alveolar margins in the Fort Ternan reconstruction is between 14 and 15 mm. Although juvenile, the lateral incisor of KNM MB 20573 was erupted, so the alveolar portion of the symphysis must have been close to it's adult size. The distance between the distal margins of the lateral incisor alveoli is about 16 mm, judging from McCrossin and Benefit (1993; Plate 1). KNM-MJ 5 is about 13-14 mm in the same measurement. In contrast, MTA 2253, which is dentally closest in size to Fort Ternan, has an internal bi canine breadth of 11.4 mm and an external bi-I 2 breadth of about 10.4 mm. Thus it has a much narrower incisor region than Kenyapithecus or Griphopithecus africanus. The lateral incisors known from KNM-MJ 5 and KNM MB 20573 are also too large to fit in MTA 2253. KNM-MB 29573 is described as having a "massive inferior transverse torus" and a "weak superior trans verse" (MCCROSSIN & BENEFIT, 1993), although in cross section the inferior torus barely extends beyond the level of the superior torus. KNM-MJ 5 has transverse tori of roughly equal prominence, and the inferior transverse torus is strongly developed on KNM-FT 45, as noted by WALKER & ANDREWS (1974) and ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1976). It is not possible to unambiguously reconstruct the superior transverse torus on KNM-FT 45 because too much is sheared off posteriorly. It could have been close in development of the inferior torus, as in many homi noids, or it may have been weaker. it is unlikely to have been stronger, as is the case for the superior transverse torus in Proconsul generally. in all three African speci mens the tori enclose a small, relatively deep genioglos sal fossa. In MTA 2253 the symphyseal transverse tori are of roughly equal prominence, but are on a relatively deeper symphysis, with the superior transverse torus more superiorly placed than in Kenyapithecus (Plate 1 d, e, t). The result is a wider separation between the tori, and thus a much broader genioglossal fossa. The broad and deep genioglossal fossa is continuous along the lin gual aspects of the corpora with well developed intertoral hollowing, palpable to the level of about the middle of the M I on both sides. The basal aspect of the symphysis of MTA 2253 has broad, shallow, poorly demarcated anterior digastric fos sae (Plate Ih). They are similar in development to those described for KNM-FT 45, and less strongly marked than on KNM-MJ 5 (BROWN 1989). The anterior digastric fos sae are similar to those of GSP 4622 and GSP 13875, though in these specimens the interdigastric spine is slightly more strongly developed. All three African mandibles also have more strongly proclined labial symphyseal surfaces compared to MTA 2253 and Sivapithecus, confirming the distinction be tween the Fort Ternan and <;:andlr specimens noted by ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1976). ANDREWS & TEKKAYA (1976) also note that the Fort Ternan reconstruction has a some what longer symphysis, but suggest that the overall pat tern is similar to MTA 2253, as evidenced by the position of the anterolateral angle of the corpus at P3 and the me sial position of the canine alveolus. We feel that the dis tinctions between the symphyses of Kenyapithecus and Griphopithecus alpani are more marked. The differences among these specimens are summarized in Table 3. Two males of Griphopithecus preserving the anterior portion of the mandible have been described. G 1313 from Pa~alar is attributed to Griphopithecus alpani and KNM-TH 28860 to Griphopithecus africanus (or Equatorius africanus) (ANDREWS et al. 1996, WARD et al. 1999, BEGUN 2000). No male mandibles have been described for Kenyapithecus. G 1313 is described as hav ing a long, sloping symphysis with a much more strongly developed inferior transverse torus, probably extending to the M 2 • As an indication of its great length, the ratio of symphyseal length to vertical height is 136.5, while in MTA 2253 it is 121.6. The superior torus extends to the P4 , as in MTA 2253 (ALPAGUT et al. 1990). The body of the mandible is also described as tall and gracile, with a robusticity index of 46.3 at Mp in comparison to 59.1 for MTA2253 (ALPAGUT, 1990; see table 2 of this paper). While these differences are noteworthy, they are typical of sexual dimorphism in anterior mandibular morphol ogy in many great apes (BROWN, 1989, 1997). In the absence of other evidence, these differences should not be interpreted to indicate a taxonomic difference between G 1313 and MTA 2253. In fact, G 1313 also contains both left incisors, and they, like the sample of lower inci sors from Pa~alar overall, are relatively small. As noted above, this must have been the case for MTA 2253 as well, and is a further indication that both may belong to the same taxon. The mandible associated with the partial skeleton KNM-TH 28860 from Kipsarimon, Kenya, is damaged anteriorly, but has been described by WARD et al. (1999) as having a strong inferior transverse torus and a pro clined sublingual plane, as in G 1313. On the other hand, the incisors appear to have been relatively large, more in 93 GDLEr,; & BEGUN: Functional mnrnh,nk.<7v and affinities of the hominoid mandible from keeping with the morphology of Griphopithecus africa nus from Maboko and Majiwa. Mandibular corpus The mandibular corpus of MTA 2253 has been described as robust and posteriorly mildly divergent (TEKKAYA 1974; ANDREWS & TEKKAYA 1976). It shallows noticeably from the symphysis to the region of the pos terior molars, as indicated in the measurements provided in Table 2 (Plate Ib, c). The lateral eminence, which is opposite M 2, is very strongly developed, and contributes to the formation of a broad extramolar sulcus. Anterior to the lateral eminence is a broad, relatively deep fossa posterior to the mesial root of the P3. The mental foramen is situated at the antero-inferior corner of this depression. Both Kenyapithecus and Griphopithecus qfricanus also share these features whereas they tend to be less strongly developed on female Sivapithecus. The oblique line is fairly prominent and descends from the lateral eminence inferiorly and anteriorly. It comes very close to the base of the corpus at about the level of the MI before arching superiorly toward the an terior edge of the mental foramen, where is merges with the P3 mesial root prominence (Plate 1b, c). It is quite similar in degree of development and position to the oblique line on asp 16077 (Sivapithecus) and KNM-MJ 5. MTA 2253 lacks the double oblique line or buccinator line of Proconsul mandibles and KNM-MJ 5 (KELLEY & PILBEAM, 1986; WARD & BRmvN, 1986; BROWN, 1989). In superior view the corpus of MTA 2253 thins out considerably anterior to the M I, as in Sivapithecus, re sulting the same pattern of medial vs lateral buttressing noted by BROWN (1989) for Sivapithecus (Plate la). Lat eral buttressing, mainly via the lateral eminence, is stron ger than medial buttressing, mainly via the symphyseal transverse tori, whereas in Proconsul and KNM-MJ 5 medial and lateral buttressing are more equal. Overall the superior and lateral aspects of the corpus of MTA 2253 are quite sculpted, with strong eminences and fossae, and strong lateral buttressing. This is most similar to the man dibles of Sivapithecus (BROWN, 1989, 1997). Inferior to the lateral eminence and diverging from the oblique line is a crest that continues inferiorly to the base of the corpus, and then curves posteriorly along the infe rior edge of the corpus. In inferior view this crest, which marks the anterior and inferior limits of the attachment of the masseter muscle, serves to separate the broad, deep postcanine fossa from a shallower but still well devel oped concavity along the surface for the attachment of the masseter (Plate Ih). This concavity is opposite M3 and ends at a convexity approaching the posterior edge of the ramus, which is not preserved. Along the base of the corpus posterior to M3 a small notch marks the anterior extent of what was a flared gonial angle, most of which is not preserved (Plate I b, c). The lingual surface of the corpus of MTA 2253 is marked by a subtle mylohyoid line and a shallow sub94 mandibular fossa under M 2-M r Posterior to M3 is a very broad, deep fossa to accommodate a large, thick medial pterygoid muscle, the posterior and medial edge ofwhich has left a very well developed crest emanating from the gonial notch (Plate lb, c). Though damaged, the inferior border of the corpus near the gonial angle appears to have been strongly inverted. Again, the morphology of this aspect of the corpus of MTA 2253 is most similar to that of asp 16077. In this specimen of Sivapithecus the contours are exaggerated by the presence of a massive lingual accessory cusp and associated root that causes a significant lingual bulge in the region of the M 3. asp 16077 also has a more strongly developed mylohyoid line than MTA 2253. In inferior view the corpus of MTA 2253 bulges strongly posteriorly and laterally compared to most hominoid mandibles, which are of more uniform thick ness anteriorly and posteriorly (Plate Ih). The mandibles that come closest to the morphology of MTA 2253 are KNM-MJ 5, asp 16077 and asp 13875. Prognathism Short anterior mandibles and mesially displaced canines were once thought to be related to "hominid" like short faces and small canines, but these characters are clearly associated with sexual dimorphism in Siv apithecus. Specimens of Sivapithecus with small canines or small canine alveoli, which have small roots and minimally developed jugae tend to have mesially placed canines (aSp 13875,4622, 9563, YPM 13870, BMNH 15423), while males have laterally positioned canines (aSp 15000, 9564, YPM 13828, AMNH 19411, AMNH 19412). Early Miocene hominoids tend to lack this dis tinction between the sexes, and usually have more later ally positioned canines, and this is also the case for Old World monkeys, while Dryopifhecus (RUD 17), Ourano pithecus (RPL 54) and living great apes appear interme diate, with less mesially displaced female canines. While the anterior mandible of MTA 2253 is short, as in female Sivapithecus, it is in fact much less fore shortened in Griphopithecus africanus, despite a similar placement of the canine. In lateral view female mandibles of Sivapithecus do not project anteriorly much beyond the level of the anterior corner of the canine alveoli or the mesial root of the PJ (aSp 4622, asp 13875). The inter nal and external symphyseal inclinations are also similar in both Sivapifhecus females and MTA 2253. In KNM MJ 5 and KNM-MB 20573 the anterior portion of the mandible does indeed extend further anteriorly beyond the level of the PJ than in MTA 2253 and Sivapithecus fe males. This is probably related to the greater inclination ofthe symphysis in Griphopithecus africanus, and to the apparently greater relative size ofthe anterior dentition. Although the anterior mandibles of Sivapithecus and MTA 2253 are short, and those of Griphopithecus afi'i can us relatively longer, this does not necessarily mean that the faces in Griphopithecus a/pani and Sivapithecus Cour. Forsch.-Inst. were short, while those of Griphopithecus africanus were long. The teeth of Sivapithecus females are larger in absolute dimensions than those of MTA 2253, and the mandibles are consequently noticeably longer. Other indications suggest that Sivapithecus females may have been more prognathic than males or females of both spe cies of Griphopithecus and Kenyapithecus. In the former, the lateral eminence occurs opposite M3 or between M2 and M 3. In Griphopithecus and Kenyapithecus, it occurs opposite M2 • The root ofthe coranoid process arises close to this point, and it thus positioned more anteriorly in Griphopithecus and Kenyapithecus than in Sivapithe cus females. In relation to the posterior aspects of the mandible and the insertion of the temporalis muscle, the mandibles of Griphopithecus and Kenyapithecus are less anteriorly projecting or prognathic than Sivapithe cus females. Possibly related to this is the position of the mental foramen. Griphopithecus and Kenyapithecus the mental foramen is anterior to the P4 while in female Sivapithecus the mental foramen is under P4 or between P4 and MI (GSP4622, GSP 13875). More ofthe mandible projects anterior to the mental foramen in Sivapithecus, suggestive of a more prognathic face. As noted earlier, the premaxilla of Griphopithecus are short (this region is not known from Kenyapithecus), suggesting a short, less prognathic face as well. A Cross-sectional Anatomy CT scans and tracing were made of the corpus of MTA 2253 (Figure I). The mid-sagittal section of the symphysis is somewhat different from that published by TEKKAYA (1974: Figure 5), and reflects, we believe, a more accurate orientation of the specimen (Figure la). The sublingual plane is more horizontal than depicted by TEKKAYA (1974) and the inferior transverse torus somewhat more projecting. In general though, it is clear that the symphysis is relatively vertical with strongly developed but roughly equally prominent superior and inferior transverse tori. Comparisons to other hominoid symphyses are depicted in Figure 2. Coronal sections from P4 to M3 are also included here (Figure I b-e). The corpus becomes considerably more ro bust from P4 to M 3. The relatively deep intertoral sulcus, a continuation along the lingual surface of the corpus of the genioglossal fossa, is clear in the coronal section at P4 (Figure Ib), and the well developed fossa of the medial pterygoid muscle is clear in the section at M3 (Figure Ie). MTA 2253 shares with Sivapithecus and Griphopithecus africanus the characteristic thickening ofthe corpus pos teriorly and the distinctive triangular shape of the cross section of the corpus at M3 (Figure 3). Though damaged, this appears to be less well developed in Kenyapithecus c B 2003 D E Fig. 1: Mid-sagittal section of the symphysis, and coronal sections of the corpus ofMTA2253. a) symphysis; b) cross section at p. (note the development of the intertoral sulcus); c) at M 1; d) at M 2; e) at Mr A B c D E F Fig. 2: Some fossil hominoid symphyses in mid-sagittal sectional MTA 2253; b) GSP 1373/5; c) GSP 16077; d) GSP 4622; e) KNM-RU 7290; 1) RPL 54. B-D are Sivapithecus. E is Proconsul. F is Ouranopithecus. All sections from Brown (1989) except MTA 2253, from this analysis. 95 GOLEc,: & BEGUN: Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid mandible from <;:andlr wickeri. The coronal section at M3 also reveals the strong lingual inclination of the M3 relative to the Mr A number of Sivapithecus specimens show this morphology, which appears to be more strongly developed in the smaller, ro bust mandibles (YPM 13814, YPM 13806, GSP 16077, GSP 4622) (Figure 3). The same condition may have been present on KNM-MJ 5, though the damage to the corpus makes a definitive assessment difficult. Subocclusal morphology CT scans ofMTA 2253 also reveal details of the sub occlusal morphology of the specimen (Figure 4). The roots of the P4 in MTA 2253 are longer than those of the M" and their long axes converge (Figure 4). This is A B c D E F QUo UU() Uou UU(J O{)U UU(J Fig. 3: Coronal sections of the same specimens from Figure 2. a) MTA 2253; b) GSP 13873/5; c) GSP 16077; d) GSP 4622; e) KNM-RU 7290; f) RPL 54 (M2' M3 not available) Taxa and sources are in Figure 2. 96 similar to Kenyapithecus and Griphopithecus africanus, while in Sivapithecus the roots of the P4 are the same length or shorter than those of the M J and they diverge or remain parallel (BROWN 1989: Figure 5.37). Also in contrast to most Sivapithecus, MTA 2253 has relatively short, thick molar roots. The distal root of M J is roughly the same length as those of the more posterior molars, while the mesial root is shorter. This is most like the condition in Gorilla reported by BROWN (1989). In most Sivapithecus the M J roots are both shorter than those of the posterior molars (BROWN 1989). The exceptions for the most part are the smaller, more robust mandibles, which appear to have root proportions close to that of MTA 2253. Even among these robust specimens, most have M J mesial and distal roots of close to the same length, though YPM 13828 shares with MTA 2253 and Gorilla a shorter M J mesial root (BROWN 1989: Figure 5.37). The mesial root ofM J has a slight distal inclination to its long axis, whereas roots of the premolars are more vertical. It is more typical, according to BROWN (1989) for the transition from vertical to distal inclination to oc cur at the distal root ofM J in hominoids, though a few of the fossil specimens she depicts have M] root angulations similar to MTA 2253, including YPM 13814, a small, ro bust specimen, and KNM-MJ 5. Pulp chambers are very difficult to discern but appear overall to be cynodont, as in Sivapithecus generally (BROWN, 1989). A damaged portion of the right corpus has now been cleaned of adhering matrix, and reveals characteristics of the subocclusal morphology that are not visible on the CT scans (Figure 1c). A cross section of the inferior alveolar canal is visible just inferior to the distal root of the M3. The canal disappears deep to some dense cancel lous bone, and then re-emerges more inferiorly under the mesial root of the Mr From this point the medial and superior portions of the canal continue antero-inferiorly across the M2. Damage has obliterated the canal between the mesial root of the M2 and below P4 -M J , where a cross section of the canal can be seen at the interface between the alveolar process and the base of the mandible, cours ing towards the mental foramen. Most of the alveolar process appears more or less in tact minus the sheared off lateral eminence. The cortical bone of the base of the mandible is relatively thick, espe cially laterally. The base ofthe alveolar process, exposed in the roof of the damaged mandibular base, deepens anteriorly to accommodate the longer roots of the pre molars and canines. At about the level of the distal root of the P4' approximately two thirds down the corpus, the alveolar process merges into a thickened beam of cortical bone inferior of the metal foramen and continuous with the inferior transverse torus. The cortical bone ofthe base ofthe mandible posterior to this point is also much thick er that the cortex of the walls of the mandibular corpus. A similar pattern of basal cortical thickening continuous with the inferior transverse torus, and hollowing inferior to a robust alveolar process characterizes KNM-FT 45. Cour. Forsch.-Inst. a 240,2003 b Fig. 4: Longitudinal section through the left corpus ofMTA 2253. a) CT scan; b) tracing. Dentition The dentition of MTA 2253 has been described in detail in TEKKAYA (1974), with some additions by AN DREWS & TEKKAYA (1976). They noted the small size of the anterior teeth (deduced from the alveoli), the narrow, elongated P3 with a small metaconid, the broad P4 and molars, the latter with flat cusps, and the traces of cingu la, developed most strongly on the M3. As noted above, the wear pattern and cusp morphology of the dentition of MTA 2253 are consistent with thickly enameled molars. The hypoconulid of the right M3 is fractured distobu cally, exposing the underlying dentine and an enamel cross section that is very thick at close to the cusp apex (Figure la). Tekkaya (1974) suggested that the P4 of MTA 2253 had four cusps and a low trigonid cristid, but this is not the ease. The teeth are heavily worn and both have dam aged protoconids. These teeth in fact have high trigonids relative to their talonids, and a strongly developed lateral protocristid extending uninterrupted between the meta conid and the protoconid (Figure I a, b). It is also worth noting that the M 1 is much smaller than the M,. The M is the longest tooth, and it is strongly tapered (Figure la)~ The teeth of MTA 2253 are extremely similar to those of the Devinsk Nova Yes lower molars (two M/s), and also to the specimens from Pa~alar. The premolars are strikingly similar to those ofKNM-FT 45. Molars are not well known from Fort Ternan. Lower posteanine teeth from Maboko, Majiwa and Kaloma are also quite similar to those of MTA 2253, and share many of the features noted above. However, the specimens from Maboko and Kipsarimon tend to be more erenulated and have more distinct cusps separated by deeper grooves on the occlu sal surface and by notches buccally. The talonid basins are also broad and deep, which appears to be related to the less rounded morphology of the occlusal surfaces of the trigonid cusps surrounding the basin. The distal fovea are also larger and deeper than on MTA 2253. The com parisons ofMTA 2253 to other robust Miocene hominoid mandibles are summarized in Table 3. Tab. 3: Summary of the morphological differences among Griphopithecus Kenyapithecus and female Sivapithecus rnand'bl 1 es. Caracter Griphopithecus alpani Griphopithecus africanus Kenyapithecus wickeri Sivapithecus sp. I. Planum alveolare 2. Inferior transverse torus 3. Interora! comparison 4. Sublingual plane 5. Labial symphysis 6. Incisor alveolus length 7. Genioglossal fossa 8. Interoral hollowing 9. Symphyseal depth 10. Corpus depth change 11. LAteral eminence 12. Mental formen 13. Mylohyoid line 14. Anterior mandible shorter (mesial P4) mid-P4 sub-equal 38 degrees vertical short (10.4) broader developed deep deep anteriorly shorter mid- P4 sub-equal 32 degrees proclined long (13-16) smaller indistinct deep deep anteriorly @M, distal p] subtle short longer (P4-M,) mid-M, inferior> superior 20 degrees proclincd long (14-15) smaller indistinct shallow more constant shorter mid-P 4 sub-equal mean 35 degrees vertical long broader developed deep more constant @M, P/P4-M , stronger short @Mz distal P, subtle short @Mz distal P 1 subtle long 97 GDLE<;: & BEGUN: Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid mandible from <;andlf Fortsetzung Tab. 3: Caracter Griphopithecus a/pani Griphopithecus africanus Kenyapithecus wickeri Sivapithecus sp. 15. Postcanine fossa 16. Buccinator line 17. Corporal buttressing 18. Posterior tickening 19. P4-M, roots length 20. P4 roots orientation 21. Molar roots 22. M, root proportions 23. M, mesial root angulation 24. P4 breadth 25. Molar shape 26.M,-M 2 27. Molar cingulum 28. Molar cusps 29. Molar occlusal surfaces 30. P4 talonid 31. Incisor size 32. incisor implantation prominent absent lateral> medial pronounced longer convergent short, thick short mesial distal broad broad small moderate less distinct simple low small vertical prominent present lateral = medial pronounced longer convergent short, thick equal distal broad broad small moderate more distinct more crenulated low large? more horizontal prominent absent lateral = medial weaker longer convergent longer, slender equal distal intermediate broad small? reduced? less distinct? simple low large more horizontal? shallower absent lateral = medial pronounced same/shorter parallel/divergent longer, slender equal usually vertical long long larger absent less distinct simple high large vertical Morphometric analysis While it is most useful in a phylogenetic analysis to consider individual character states (see below), some patterns of overall morphological similarity may emerge only from a multivariate approach. In order to examine general rather than specific patterns of similarity among the specimens discussed above, metric data were used to perform a cluster analysis and a principle components analysis, the latter primarily to detect the specific sources of variance in the sample that may be most responsible for the cluster analysis results. A cluster analysis was run using a normalized Euclid ean distance metric and single linkage. Nine variables reflecting mandibular robusticity, dental shape, and rela tive dental/mandibular size were included in the analy sis (Table 4). The results are given in Figure 5. <;andlr clusters most closely with Sivapithecus (GSP 16077) and then KNM-MJ 5 and another Sivapithecus specimen (YPM 13814). GSP 16077 and YPM 13814 are from the Chinji Formation, and are among the oldest specimens attributed to Sivapithecus. They are thus closer in age to Griphopithecus than most of the sample of Sivapithecus, though still about 2.5-4.0 MA younger than these taxa (BEGUN, et al. this volume, BROWN 1989, KApPELMAN 1990, RAzA et al. 1983). This could be interpreted to indi cate that the oldest Sivapithecus more closely resembles Griphopithecus than later Sivapithecus, but the signal is mixed. Other Chinji Sivapithecus, such as D198 and D118/119 cluster more distantly, while D197/GSI 18040, one of the youngest Sivapithecus, is the next closest spec imen to the group that includes MTA 2253. Nevertheless, two of the four Chinji Sivapithecus mandibles do cluster with Griphopithecus, and both species of Griphopithecus also cluster with each other, suggesting that there may be a real signal present in these data. Tab. 4: Shape indices fOf MTA 2253, Griphopithecus africanus (KNM-MJ 5) and 11 mandibles of Sivapithecus. Specimens M,shape M3 shape M3 taper M,I mandible M/ mandible robust@M, robust@M3 M,iM3 !l. robusticity <;andir KMN-MJ 5 aSID1181119 aSI D 198104 YPM 13814 asp 16077 asp 9564 asp 4622 asp 13566 asp 15000 AMNH 19413 YPM 13806 aSI D 1971180 105.100 113.330 116.830 104.880 106.730 107.830 116.000 127.890 118.640 110.850 108.870 115.630 107.140 123.960 127.710 117.930 108.400 107.410 126.320 134.780 125.710 138.980 112.600 110.240 124.720 123.080 109.090 106.410 108.160 111.970 108.000 120.000 100.000 111.700 103.510 110.440 115.460 104.710 104.000 59.040 61.220 68.240 72.350 63.030 64.610 62.500 70.270 69.410 60.850 65.960 56.140 67.310 51.340 47.980 53.000 64.850 52.680 53.270 48.320 51.220 61.780 52.050 61.650 37.808 61.910 78.670 84.970 67.270 51.520 72.690 76.720 50.250 56.490 66.930 67.300 62.460 68.400 75.640 91.220 96.110 81.000 65.160 97.620 92.240 59.500 72.700 72.080 76.730 66.030 92.310 85.370 88.360 104.340 89.950 85.300 92.150 86.870 101.580 99.800 85.370 101.580 94.150 107.870 100.960 88.770 84.970 74.000 84.160 80.490 83.180 86.890 72.200 89.010 86.890 91.260 71.250 99.050 98 Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 240, 2003 GSP 13566 GSP 9564 -----------,J GSP 4622 D 1181119 GSP 15000 AMNH 19413 D 198 D 197/GSI 18040 MJ 5 <::ANDIR GSP 16077 YPM 13814 YPM 13806 I I Fig. 5: Results of a cluster analysis (Euclidean distance, single linkage) of hominoid mandibles, using ratio data from table 5. See text for discussion. A number of principle component analyses were run on the same data to discover more about the variables that are contributing most to the pattern of overall simi larity detected by the cluster analysis. Two of these are reproduced in Figure 6. The specimens of Sivapithecus are labeled by areas corresponding to different time periods (BROWN 1989). <;andlr groups closely with the same two Chinji specimens that clustered with MTA 2253, while KNM-Ml 5 is more distant, particularly along factor 1. Loadings for factor 1 are primarily high mandibular robusticity at M3, a high ratio of mandibular breadth at M2 compared to M3 (reflecting the position of the lateral eminence), and small or narrow molars relative to mandibular breadth. Factor 2 loadings are mainly high robusticity at M2 and M3 and a broad M2 relative to length (Figure 6a). The younger specimen of Sivapithecus Dl97/GSI 18040 again falls fairly close to MTA 2253. KNM-Ml 5 may separate from MTA 2253 in this analysis mainly due to the effects of molar size, which may in tum be related to the much smaller size of KNM-MJ 5 compared to MTA 2253. In Figure 6b, Ke nyapithecus falls closest to Griphopithecus along factors 2 and 3. The main Factor 3 loading is high mandibular breadth ratio at M2 compared to M3, which suggests that it is indeed relative molar size that distinguishes KNM MJ 5 from MTA 2253 along factor 2. Results and Discussion Functional interpretations The robust mandible, thick enamel, and low rounded molar cusps of MTA 2253 are part of a classic suite of characters routinely associated with powerful mastication (HYLANDER 1979, 1985, 1988, KAy 1981). Some more detailed aspects of mandibular and dental morphology may provide additional insights into the nature of Griph opithecus dietary adaptations. Damage to the lateral side of the right corpus reveals a thickened cortex at the base of the mandible below the P4 that appears to continue to about the level of the M J in the CT images. The thick cortex of the base of the mandible is continuous with the inferior transverse torus and the base of the symphysis, which is the most massive part of the symphysis. The thickened anterior halves of the bases of each corpus are probably structurally related to the basal symphysis and serve to stiffen the mandible and reinforce the symphysis against both wishboning and bending due to twisting of the corpora along their long axes (HYLANDER 1988). The relatively strongly developed superior transverse torus is also a response to wishboning, the bending moments of which derive from laterally placed muscle resultant forces in the molar region (HYLANDER 1985, 1988). Addi tionally, high muscle resultant forces are indicated in the molar region of the corpus by its substantial thickness, related both to the presence of a pronounced lateral emi nence and thickened cortical bone, especially buccally. Transversely thick corpora are an effective response to wishboning and torsional stress caused by twisting along the long axis of the corpus, which results from eversion of the corpus due to the lateral placement of resultant muscle vectors (HYLANDER et al. 1987). The posterior mandible is very shallow, which while reducing torsional and transverse bending stress (wish boning), would not be an effective response to parasagit 99 GOLE<;: & BEGUN: Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid mandible from <;:andlr tal bending. However, the corpus does increase in depth anteriorly. This is only partly related to the length of the roots of the canine and P3. Most of the increase in vertical depth anteriorly can be related to the strong thickening of the base of the corpus from M1 anteriorly to the sym physis. The thickened bone of the base of the corpus con tributes directly to increasing the depth of the symphysis, another structural response to symphyseal bending due to corporal twisting (HYLANDER 1988). It is possible that the increase in mandibular depth anteriorly is entirely related to reinforcing the symphysis, but it would also have served to reduce parasagittal bending moments in the anterior corpus, since the increase in depth is not confined to the symphysis, but continues to the MI. Hy LANDER (1979) suggests that parasagittal bending is most significant on the balancing side corpus. The fact that this response to parasagittal bending is confined to the anteri or mandible, if it is not simply a side effect of increasing the depth of the symphysis, may indicate strong parasag ittal bending stresses in the anterior mandible. The fact that the increased depth is relatively anterior is probably related to the relatively anterior position of the resultant muscle forces given the anterior placement of the lateral eminence and the root of the ramus on MTA 2253. It could reflect powerful incisal biting (HYLANDER 1979), though this seems unlikely given the probable small size of the incisors of MTA 2253. HYLANDER (1979) also sug gests that increased mandibular depth may be a response to prevent fatigue failure, which he further suggests may be more critical for primates that spend more time chew ing, such as folivores. MTA 2253 does not have a denti tion suggestive of folivory (SMITH 1999), but it may have consumed relatively low quality hard or tough foods requiring both powerful and frequent mastication. The lateral eminence is a thickened region of cortical bone that not only serves to increase the transverse diam eter of the corpus in response to bending and twisting, but also serves to anchor the ramus onto the corpus to counter the effects of multiple loading modes generated by the powerful muscles of mastication. The dense and complex network of cancellous bone of the alveolar pro cess, along with the other structures and materials of the alveolar process (large, thickly enameled molars, short, thick roots) served to absorb and dissipate the substantial bite forces generated by these powerful muscles. This is not to say that the alveolar process and the base of the mandible have separate and unrelated functions. As noted by DAEGLING et al. (1992), in normal, healthy jaws with crowns, roots, alveoli and periodontium in good condition these structures all contribute to the structural integrity of the mandible, and serve to reduce torsional loads in the corpus. However, as also noted by these au thors, elevated bite forces or occlusal loads will also raise shear strain in the alveolar process of a healthy mandible (DAEGLING et al. 1992). KING et al. (1999) conclude that Griphopithecus was a Pongo-like frugivore, mostly consuming relatively 100 soft fruits and occasionally ingesting harder fruits and nuts. This is on the basis of microwear on molars from Pa~alar. SMITH (1999) reaches a similar conclusion for both the Pa~alar and <;:andlr molars based on her analysis of cusp proportions, although KING et al. (1999) place more emphasis on hard objects and SMITH (1999) on soft fruit. A possible explanation for this minor discrepancy may come from the circumstances of deposit and the paleoecology of Pa~alar. ANDREWS (1990) concluded that the environment represented at Pa~a1ar was forested but seasonal, with a marked dry season and nearby patches of grass. QUADE, et al. (1995) concluded on the basis of stable isotopes that Griphopithecus from Pa~alar was exploiting resources from both open and closed envi ronments. ANDREWS & ERSOY (1990) concluded that the assemblage of hominoids from Pa~alar was probably deposited very rapidly over a very short time. However, more recently ANDREWS (1995) concluded that the fossils from Pa~alar probably accumulated over as much as 200 years elsewhere before being redeposited in a very rapid event, possibly no more than a few hours duration, at the locality. It may be that there is a bias that favored the sampling of hominoids at Pa~alar during the pronounced dry season. Since microwear signals are relatively ephemeral on occlusal surfaces, the importance of hard object feeding may be over-emphasized due to seasonal differences in food availability. On the other hand, if the sample was attritional, as suggested more recently by ANDREWS (1995), a seasonal bias may be less likely than in the case of an catastrophic accumulation, though still possible. Griphopithecus molars have more steeply inclined cusp occlusal surfaces lingually than buccally, both at Pa~alar and <;:andlr. Though we have not measured the angles, the relatively unworn mesial cusps ofthe M3 from <;:andlr and of a number of molars from Pa~alar have this morphology clearly apparent from visual inspection. This configuration is most like the inclination of cusp oc clusal surfaces in Pan, and less like that in Homo, Pongo, or Gorilla, according to SPEARS & CROMPTON (1996). In their model of the effects of occlusal surface inclinations on stresses that are applied to food particles SPEARS & CROMPTON (1996) concluded that the configuration in Pan was in a sense the best of both worlds, combining the ability to apply both high tension and shear stress, given their relatively flat buccal cusps and their relatively in clined lingual cusps. If the mechanics of Griphopithecus occlusal surfaces is similar to that of Pan, then according to the analysis of SPEARS & CROMPTON (1996) it should have been relatively efficient at processing foods that require high tensile stress to induce failure (hard foods) and foods that require high shear stress (leaves or fibrous fruits). However, as noted above, the M3 of MTA 2253 is strongly inclined lingually, which is another way of saying that it has a marked Curve of Monson. As SPEARS & CROMPTON (1996) note, the Curve of Monson could significantly affect the inclination of the cusp occlusal I Cour. Forsch.-Inst. surfaces. The effect would be to reduce the inclination of the lingual cusps relative to the maxillary cusps com pared to their inclination relative to the cervical line, the measurement used by Spears and Crompton (1996). This may mean that the shear stress capabilities of the teeth of Griphopithecus are somewhat exaggerated in this type of analysis. Overall, the combined evidence of the dentition suggests a varied diet, perhaps with the ability to exploit certain key, more difficult to process food items during periods of scarcity. Despite the somewhat ambiguous signal from the teeth, it is likely that the MTA 2253 mandible in life was subjected to high levels of stress directly related to elevated bite forces required for food processing. This conclusion is based on the combination of indications of powerful muscles of mastication, relatively large oc clusal surfaces, thickly enameled molars, and robust and structurally reinforced mandibular corpora and symphy sis. This suite of characters is most commonly associated with "hard object feeding" (KAy 1981), although it is certainly possible that hard objects represented a critical but not extremely common component of the diet. Griph opithecus probably needed the ability to consume foods requiring very high, possibly sustained and frequent bite forces. These can range from hard, or brittle foods, such as nuts with brittle cortices, to tough foods with resistant coverings requiring very high occlusal loads to induce structural failure. The mandible and teeth of MTA 2253 are inconsistent morphologically and functionally with soft fruit frugivory or folivory of the type that typifies the African apes, or probably even the "hard object feed ing" of the type seen in orang-utans. The closest modem analogue may be the hard object feeding of Cebus apella (Kay, 1981). However, differences in cusp proportions and microwear however suggest that Griphopithecus did not have a very close analogue among living primates. Systematic interpretations It has been noted elsewhere that attempts to recon struct hominoid phylogeny based exclusively on man dibular evidence is a risky business (BEGUN 1994b). Mandibles and teeth are highly responsive to dietary adaptations, and they seem to concentrate homoplasy more than most other primate skeletal elements. That the primate mandible is a magnet for homoplasy is evident in the numerous suggestions of parallelism in primate jaws and teeth, ranging from hominoids to prosimians (lOLLY 1970, BEECHER 1983, RAVOSA 1991, SKELTON & McHENRY 1992, TURNER & WOOD 1993, BEGUN 1994a, b, 1995, 2001, LIEBERMAN et al. 1996, BEGUN & KORDOS 1997, STRAIT et al. 1997). In the absence of other primate fossils from <;andlr it is tempting to carry out a phyloge netic analysis on this mandible alone. In our view a cla distic analysis based exclusively on characters preserved on this specimen would result in a character tree of very unclear relationship to the true phylogenetic tree of the ~prl('l<,pnhpro- 2003 Hominoidea. However, we do feel that it is possible to make some basic conclusions about the phylogenetic po sition of Griphopithecus, based on a number of lines of evidence. It is clear from the preceding analysis and from previous work that MTA 2253 is morphologically closest to the sample of hominoids from Pa~alar (MARTIN AND ANDREWS 1993; ANDREWS et al. 1996). It is also reason ably well established that the sample from Pa~alar retains a number of primitive characters, particularly of the pal ate, and the same is true of cranial and postcranial fos sils of Griphopithecus africanus (MARTIN AND ANDREWS 1993, ANDREWS et al. 1996, PICKFORD 1986, BEGUN 1992, 2001, WARD & BROWN 1996, NAKATSUKASA et al. 1998, WARD et al. 1999). Candlr is also roughly the same age as the localities from which these other samples come, and is geographically close to Pa~alar. MTA 2253, while sharing mandibular characters with such diverse taxa as Australopithecus, Sivapithecus, Ouranopithecus, and Gigantopithecus, also retains primitive morphology seen in Proconsul. These attributes include broad molars and premolars, presence of molar cingula, small M, relative to M 2 , large, tapered M 3 , and an anterior placement of the lateral eminence. Overall this evidence supports sugges tions that Griphopithecus and Kenyapithecus are succes sive sister clades to either all subsequent hominoids, or to great apes and humans, with Kenyapithecus being derived relative to Griphopithecus (Al\DREWS 1992,ANDREWS et al. 1996, BEGUN 1994a, 2001, BEGUN et al. 1997, WARD et al. \999). Both appear to share only primitive characters with each other, while each can be distinguished from the other by characters of the mandible (see above). Thus, while we feel the evidence is strong that they represent differ ent genera, placing Griphopithecus and Kenyapithecus in the same clade in the absence of shared derived characters would make that clade paraphyletic, and is thus inadvis able. For this reason, until more is known ofthese taxa we prefer to assign both genera and the species they contain to Hominoidea family indeterminate (Table 5). The hominoid mandible from Candlr is one of the best preserved jaw specimens of a middle Miocene hominoid. It is one of a number of specimens ranging in age between about 17 and 14 MA that show evidence of more modem hominoid morphology (thickly enameled, low cusped molars, low dentine penetrance, robust man dibles, reduced cingula) while retaining primitive char acters of early Miocene hominoids (primitive postcrania, continued presence of cingula on many molars, small M, relative to M2 , broad molars and premolars, large, tapered M 3, anteriorly placed lateral eminence). Griphopithecus a/pani lacks a number of characters that have been re lated to a specialized sclerocarp feeding adaptation in Griphopithecus aji-icanus and Afropithecus and possibly Kenyapithecus as well (MCCROSSIN & BENEFIT 1997, LEAKEY & WALKER 1997). It may be that this morphology is convergent in these hominoids, as it is between these taxa and living pithecines, but it could also be primitive for the clade that includes Griphopithecus, and lost in G. 101 GOLE<;: & BEGUN: Functional morphology and affinities of the hominoid mandible from Candrr Tab. 5: Taxonomy of middle Miocene to recent Hominoidea Vienna Basin (Devinska Nova Ves), Turkey (Candlr and Pa~alar), and Kenya (Maboko, Majiwa, Kaloma, Nacho Hominoidea la, Kipsarimon) (HEIZMANN & BEGUN 2001). Some of the Hylobatidae hominoids from Kenya become more specialized in their Hylobates Hominidae anterior dentition, possibly in relation to changing eco Ponginae logical conditions, and may have become more terrestrial Sivapithecus as well, although the evidence for this is very ambiguous Pango Ankarapithecus (NAKATS{]KASA et al. 1998,2000). None of these samples Homininae or taxa share any specific affinity to specific clades of Dryopithecus more advanced hominoids (hominids). Out of this array Ouranopithecus Gorilla of hominoids, but most likely from the Eurasian contin Pan gent, later middle and late Miocene hominoids evolve Ardipithecus (BEGUN et al. 1997, 2000, 2001, STEWART & DISOTELL Praeanthropus I Australopithecus' 1998). Some slim evidence suggests a possible link Homo between pongines and Griphopithecus. BEGUN & GOLE<;: Paranthropus (1998) have suggested that Ankarapithecus is the sister Hominidae indeterminate Lufengpithecus clade of the clade that includes Sivapithecus and Pongo. Gigantopifhecus Ankarapithecus lacks some of the derived characters Gen. et sp. nov. 3 of this clade, and Chinji Sivapithecus may lack some Hominoidea indeterminate Oreapithecus of these characters as well (BEGUN AND GULE<;: 1998). Kenyapithecus Ankarapithecus may share with Griphopithecus small Griphapithecus lower incisors, though the symphyses ofthe males of An Samburupithecus karapithecus (MTA 2124) and Griphopithecus (G1313) lPraeorUhropus includes the hypodigm of Australopithecus a/arensis (Strait, et a1., 1997) and possibly also Paroustralopithecus aethiopicus. are morphologically different (BEGUN AND GULE<;: 1998). zAuslralopithecu'i, including samples usually attributed to A. anamensis, A, bahrelgha::ali, and A. africanu:; is in our opinion paraphyletic. We believe that Austra{opilhecuJ a/ricanus Beyond this, there is no good evidence to exclude Griph is the only specics of the genus Australoplthecus, and that the other taxa represent 1 or opithecus or a Griphopithecus-like taxon from the ances more different genera. '>The diversity of Chinese fossil hominoid" from localities other than Lufeng tKalyuan, try of all subsequent hominids or hominoids. Yuanmou, Shihuiba) probably belong to at least one nev., genus. Intense and rigorous renewed excavations at Candlf have unfortunately failed to yield any new primate mate rial, though a tremendous amount of information on the alpani. The morphology related to sclerocarp feeding is locality has been amassed (chapters in this volume). well preserved in the anterior dentition, maxilla and man There are therefore no new fossil data from Candlr with dibles of Afropithecus (LEAKEY & WALKER 1997), while it which to test these hypotheses. However, much new and is somewhat more ambiguous in Kenyapithecus and Gri little or unpublished fossil material exists from Pa~alar phopithecus africanus. Of the three mandibular symphy and East Africa. Detailed anatomical descriptions and ses, one is juvenile and two are seriously damaged. Even rigorous phylogenetic hypothesis testing based on these if one or both of Kenyapithecus and Griphopithecus afri data should allow other researchers to test some of the canus were sclerocarp feeders, their incisors and canines hypotheses presented here. are less robust than in Afropithecus, and it also lacks the short crowned, massive canines and flared premolars of Afropithecus, suggesting that the sclerocarp adaptations Acknowledgements of Afropithecus may have been acquired independently. The oldest known thickly enameled, low dentine DRB is grateful to Erksin for her invitation to topography hominoid fossil is the M3 fragment from participate in the analysis of the Candlr mandible. We Engelsweis, dated to between 16 and 17 MA (HEIZMAN"N are grateful to the staff of the Maden Tetkik ve Arama 1992, HEIZMAN"N et al. 1996, HEIZMANN & BEGUN 2001, Enstitilsil for granting access to the specimens and for permission to restore it. Special thanks go to Sevim ANDREWS et al. 1996, BEGUN 2001). It is impossible to say ifthis individual had adaptations ofthe anterior mandible YILDIRIM and her staff in the Natural History Museum, and dentition similar to those seen in Afropithecus and and to the General Director of the MTA at the time, possibly Kenyapithecus and Griphopithecus africanus. Ziya G6ZLER. Thanks also to Ger\,:ek SARA<;:, Mustafa One scenario to explain the geographic and temporal KARABIYIKOGLU, and Engin UNA y for their hospitality and distribution ofthese middle Miocene hominoids is as fol collegiality. This work benefited from discussions about mandibles with Bobbie BROWN and Matt RAVOSA, and by lows. A descendant of Afropithecus and/or Heliopithecus (ANDREWS & MARTIN 1987b) dispersed into Eurasia after discussions and comparisons to Sivapithecus specimens about 17 MA, with a first occurrence datum at Engels made possible by Jay Steve WARD, and David weis at about 16.5 MA (HEIZMANN 1992, HEIZMAN"N & BE PILBEAM. This manuscript was improved by the valuable comments of Denis GERAADS and 2 anonymous review GUN 2001.). Following the Langhian regression about 15 15.5 MA, thickly enameled hominoids disperse into the ers. We both acknowledge the financial support of the 102 COUTo 2 ~I • GandIr ./ C~--- Hari/· 0 .Chinji • Majiwa • • \ -1 • Hari • ........... Khaur........ • 0 Majiwa • Khaur• • Har~ Hari Chinji . • 2003 .<;andlr Khaur Chinji Forsch.-Inst. ·C~· .. • illJI -I Hari • Khaur Khaur ~ -2 -2 -I 0 -2 2 -2 -I 0 2 Fig. 6: Principle component analysis of hominoid mandibles. Data from Table 5. 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