February - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
February - St. Francis of Assisi Raleigh
1st Sunday of Lent FEBRUARY 14, 2016 Super Sole Sunday See page 3 Our Mission Statement Weekend Mass: Saturday: 5:30 pm Inspired by our patron Francis of Assisi, we seek to proclaim the reign of God by growing in Holiness through our experience of Christ in word, sacrament and one another, offering Hope to those who hunger for human dignity, and extending Hospitality to all. Sunday: 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 5:30 pm Daily Mass: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am St. Mary of the Angels Chapel The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi 11401 Leesville Road, Raleigh, NC 27613 919-847-8205 www.stfrancisraleigh.org I am always impressed, walking around our campus, at the many ways people live out the gospel here. In Clare Fellowship Hall, for example, last week a steady stream of students from our school helped prepare casseroles for our Feed the Need ministry. There were stations set up and the students rotated from station to station, each adding their own ingredient to what became a completed casserole. Feed the Need is a ministry that provides ready-made meals for people who may be going through a hard time in their life. If you’re interested in learning more about this important ministry, contact Kathleen Owen at 919-847-8205x241. Last Saturday morning I spoke with two volunteers who help with our Brown Bag ministry. This group meets on Saturday mornings, prepares a hundred or so brown bag lunches and then delivers them to a senior center in Durham. The women spoke about what that was like – driving over to Durham, knocking on the doors of people who live there, and how many of those seniors wait with anticipation for their lunch. The women also spoke about how they involve their children in the ministry and one said how important it was for their kids to see that not everyone lives a privileged life. Thank you to everyone who helps out with that ministry. Thank you especially to Tricia Downs who leads the ministry, and who just this past week “retired” from staff at St. Francis to spend more time with her family. We will miss her warm presence and, as we would say in Boston, her wicked sense of humor. A n update on the Bishop’s Annual Appeal: I have heard from many people that it has been helpful to hear about how St. Francis and the Diocese of Raleigh are linked, that we do not stand alone here, that St. Francis shares in the mission of the diocese. The following is from the principal of our school, Jennifer Bigelow: “The Diocese of Raleigh regularly provides professional development for new teachers, aspiring administrators, and all teachers in the area of curriculum, differentiated instruction, faith formation, and best practices in assessment. On a regular basis, the Catholic Schools office coordinates a diocesan-wide professional development day. This is a great opportunity for teachers across the diocese to share effective classroom strategies and to learn more about how they can improve student achievement.” Our Franciscan community has deep connections with the Diocese of Raleigh. Let me address a couple of questions that people have about the BAA. First, the BAA does not support the new downtown cathedral. The cathedral was a separate campaign. Second, some of you may have received a pledge card from the diocese asking for a pledge far higher than in the past. We received an email of apology about that from the bishop which reads as follows: “In the last few days I have learned that there was an error in some of the letters that came under my signature to the faithful who have been previous donors to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Unfortunately, some parishioners were asked for Vinn Jaiden Bracamonte Jacquez Son of Jewsco and Adele Jacquez Taylor Grace Osborne Daughter of Joe and Anne-Catherine Leone unreasonably high BAA pledge amounts, based upon their prior giving history. I offer my sincere apology for this error and for any difficulties or frustrations that it caused to you or your parishioners. I am mindful of the financial challenges faced by individuals and families in our diocese, and I am extremely grateful for whatever gifts are offered by the faithful, as well as the support they have extended through the years.” If you have already contributed to the BAA, thank you. If not, we ask that you please consider making a pledge. Remember, it’s Our BAA for 2016. A final word: Justice Theater Project is presenting “Tuesdays With Morrie” here at St. Francis both this weekend and next. Check the stewardship center for days/times. Also, discussion groups around Greg Boyle’s book “Tattoos on the Heart” begin Wednesday. Blessings on your week! Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, February 15 in observance of President’s Day 2 The Catholic Community of St. Francis of Assisi Celebrates the Jubilee Year Feed the Hungry and Drink to the Thirsty Tattoos on the Heart February 15 – 21 E L ive mercy by embracing this corporal work of mercy through the CPO food drive. Drop your donation at the CPO truck in our parking lot before or after all the masses this weekend or next. You may also drop your donations in the large canvas collection bins in the Stewardship Center of the Community Center anytime between February 15-21. List of needs: Cans of vegetables, tuna, chicken, soup, spaghetti sauce, fruit, boxes of cereal, mac and cheese, spaghetti, hamburger/chicken/tuna helper, crackers, instant dry milk, bags of rice and bean, peanut butter, fruit juice, laundry detergent, bathroom tissue, soap, diapers (size 4-6), wipes, and milk based formula. Please also consider bringing your family and help receive donations at the CPO truck: Sign up here: www.signupgenius.com/go/60b054caca62f4-cpofeed Sole Hope Wednesdays February 17 - March 16 xplore the theme of Mercy and experience Lent in a new way! Join us for prayer, music, talks, small group faith sharing, and book discussion on Fr. Greg Boyle’s “Tattoos on the Heart.” Reading the book is encouraged, but not required. All are welcome. 10:00-11:00am in Anthony Hall Founders Room OR 7:00-8:00pm in Clare Fellowship Hall. Childcare is available. To sign up or order “Tattoos on the Heart”: stfrancisraleigh.org/lent. Make it a summer of Mercy! Youth Opportunities Visit http://www.stfrancisraleigh.org/ff-retreat-forms/ For Middle School: Mercy Camp - registration open Week 1: June 13 - 17 Week 2: July 11-15 For High School: High School Mercy Camp - registration begins 2/15 June 27 - July 1 S ole Hope is an organization that exists to offer HOPE, healthier lives, and freedom from foot related diseases through education, jobs and medical relief. As a Catholic Community, over 350 parishioners gathered together and traced, cut, and, organized over 300 denim shoe kits that will be shipped to Uganda. These shoes will be put on the feet of the children to protect them from harmful and painful parasites that infest their bare feet. St. Francis Inn Trip - registration open June 20 - 24 (for rising Juniors through college freshman) Guatemala-Sister Parish Trip - registration open July 23 - August 2 (Contact Carie Gunnells at 864-320-9452 for more information) Service feels good because it’s God’s Work! 3 2016 Formation Summer Offerings Register at www.stfrancisraleigh.org/ff-retreat-forms/ NEW! Vacation Bible School July 25-29, 2016 - 9:00am-12:00pm For grades Pre-K (age 4) through rising 5th Grade. Registering now! St. Francis Inn Service Trip Open to rising 11th Grade through rising College Freshman June 20 - 24, Registering now! Guatemala-Sister Parish Trip July 23 - August 2 Contact Carie Gunnells at 864-320-9452 for more information. Mercy Camp A Social Justice Camp for Middle School Led by our High School youth Week 1: June 13 - 17 Week 2: July 11 - 15 Registering now! High School Mercy Camp Open to rising 10th Grade Through rising College Freshman June 26 - July 1 Registration starts February 15 Christ Alive in Our Marriage Retreat for Married Couples - March 12 uring this season of Lent and the Year of Mercy, we invite recently married young adult couples to join us next month for Christ Alive in our Marriage, a day retreat created by Charis Ministries. At this retreat, you'll spend the day hearing talks from other young couples, talking and praying with each other, and inviting Christ more deeply into your marriage – kind of like Marriage Prep: Part 2. The retreat is centered around 2 peer-led reflections by other recently married young adult couples, and incorporates opportunities to pray with and for each other, and to take these ways of praying home with you. D This retreat will include: Married couples in their 20’s and 30’s sharing their experiences of finding Christ in each other and on their journey Time and space for your own personal reflection and time for reflection as a couple Discovering tools that will support you on your journey as a married couple Socializing with other young adult married couples Sign up for today by visiting www.stfrancisraleigh.org/charis. Questions? Call Jason Lillis at 919-847-8205x244 or email jason.lillis@stfrancisraleigh.org 4 Mercy Sharing the Fruits of Ministry Thank you, St. Francis, and Thank you, Killer During the most recent snow, several brave souls made it to Mass to stand at the Stewardship Center and offer information about our Transportation Ministry. You see, we’re in desperate need of new drivers for the increasing number of folks who can no longer drive to Mass, but who still enjoy being in community here at St. Francis. Without more drivers, we will have to start putting people on a waitlist for rides to Mass. The ministry drivers are on a rotation once every 3-4 weeks to drive someone to Mass who would not otherwise be able to come. The drivers are easy to spot. They are the ones with the easy smiles and the gentle gestures, and they have some great company in the pews! So, when the snow came, they still made it to Mass so they could share how important this ministry is to so many people. But many other folks weren’t able to come to Mass, so the Transportation Ministers returned last weekend. Between the two weekends, we were able to sign up 2 drivers and there are 6 other potential drivers. That’s the good news. The sad news is that one of our faithful riders will no longer be joining us at Mass. Gyro, nicknamed Killer, served Mr. Ed Meskys faithfully for 9 years. He spent half the year in New Hampshire and half the year in Raleigh, but always by Mr. Mesky’s side. Sadly, Killer passed away last week. As you can imagine, Ed and his family are grieving the loss of this great friend, but because of the Transportation Ministry, he will not have to grieve alone. He will still be coming to Mass with the help of our ministry drivers and he will still be in community with us each week. So if you have twenty extra minutes once each month, consider signing up with our Transportation Ministry, www.stfrancisraleigh.org/transportation-ministry. Contact Stephanie Smith at 919-302-0080. You’ll enjoy the company you keep! in Everyday Life By Jason Lillis, Family Life Coordinator W hen we entered into this year of mercy, I started wondering, “How do people experience mercy in their everyday lives? What are the ways in which God’s mercy becomes real to them, and how do they make that mercy real to others?” I thought of the daily interactions and relationships that guide us and form us, and wondered particularly about those who are married, and how mercy is so crucial in that intimate relationship. The scripture readings have some guidance for us on this St. Valentine’s Day: YHWH’s might over those who enslaved the Hebrews, the power of Jesus’ name over other names, and the power of Christ’s humility over the devil’s temptations of power. In each case, our faith tradition reminds us that the meek are inheritors of far more than those who grab at power. It tells us that those who live dependent upon mercy experience the love of our God who is there in the dark moments of their lives to support them. I think that a big challenge to living out mercy here in our faith community is that we expect life to be automated and efficient, rather than being messy and requiring lots of care, because it makes us less personally dependent on each other. We hand over power to some device or machine that’ll take care of a task for us, but often fail to use that freed-up time to better connect with each other. Disconnection, distance between each other, makes it difficult to practice mercy. But when we reach out to connect, when we step into the messiness of each other’s lives, we see how desperately each of us is in need of love and mercy from each other. My hope is that mercy will grow in the hearts of all married couples during this Jubilee Year and in the hearts of all: The kind of mercy that overcomes hardness of heart, fear, and the temptation to rely on quick offers of power instead of the steadfast love of our God. V alentine’s Day can be full of intense emotions. It can be easy for passions to go the wrong way and lead to domestic violence. If you are worried about a spouse or partner’s behavior, don’t stay silent. The National Domestic Violence Hotline provides crisis intervention and referrals to local sources of help in all 50 states. Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) for help. The call to be meek and merciful does not mean that you have to stay in a dangerous relationship. Violence inside or outside the home is never justified. 5 F Starting the Journey with Kindergarten W e know this time of year can be busy for families as they begin looking for schools for Kindergarten. It’s a milestone for both the child and the parent as they take an important early step in their child’s education. At the Franciscan School, it’s also an important step forward in a faith journey that will last for the rest of their lives. Our Kindergarten students, as well as all of our Franciscan School students are rooted in faith, educated in mind, and compassionate in heart. Our curriculum includes all of the guided learning experiences of the student under the direction of the Diocese of Raleigh, the Franciscan School, and the classroom teachers. Students participate in religious, intellectual, cultural, physical, social, and civic activities both in the classroom, and when possible outside of school. Kindergarten students do have a structured day where they learn math, social studies, science, religion, and language arts. In addition, the children participate in specials, which consist of Physical Education, Spanish, Media, Art, and Music and Movement class. The Kindergarten students have snack time and participate in recess both in the morning and in the afternoon. The children learn, get the assistance they need, and most importantly are welcomed with smiles every day from faculty and staff and the student community. Whether it is getting help tying a shoe, assistance opening their lunch, participating in activities with their eighth grade prayer buddies, or welcoming parents and grandparents to help volunteer in class, the smiles are always there! Kindergarten isn’t just a grade at the Franciscan School, it’s a wonderful experience in a special place. I invite you to come and tour our school and see how the Franciscan School can become that special place in your child’s life. We are accepting applications for the 2016-17 school year. For more information, please contact Lura Tysiac at lura.tysiac@stfrancisraleigh.org. 6 or many of us Preschool Students growing up, Prepare for Lent Lent meant Jennifer Benik, “giving up Preschool Marketing Specialist candy.” That wasn’t a bad way to introduce us to the notion of selfdiscipline, but simply giving up something for Lent can leave kids dreading Lent more than looking forward to it. The first and most important help for little children is that we as adults understand Lent and enter into it ourselves with real devotion and joy. If Lent makes its way into our home and into our conversations that children can see and hear, they will naturally grow up in a culture that embraces Lent as a season of grace. I stopped by Ms. Connie and Ms. Tammy’s class to talk with the children about Lent. I explained that Lent is a time to pause, to pray, and to prepare for what lies ahead, just as Jesus had done to prepare himself for the cross and Easter. This is what a few thought would be a good way to prepare themselves during Lent. Lucas: “I love my Mom and Dad and I am giving up an hour on the iPAD.” Isabella: “I love my family and I will stop playing and help my Mom cook.” Campbell: “I’m giving up ice-cream for a week.” John: “I’m giving up an hour of watching videos.” Owen: “I’m going to share better with my brother.” Ella: “I’m giving up the Wii for 100 days.” Addison: “I will give up climbing trees at my grandma’s house.” Ryan: “I’m giving up chocolate.” It was refreshing to see how the children really thought about what would be challenging for them during this time of grace, forgiveness, and the hope in the Resurrection of Jesus. For more information about our wonderful Preschool, please call us at 919-847-8205 or visit us at www.preschoolatstfrancis.com. Diocese of Raleigh News Tricia Henry, Coordinator of Community Life Worldwide Marriage Encounter Sunday, February 14 Today is the first Sunday of Lent and in the Gospel we see how Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert. Are there times in your life or marriage relationship when you judge you are in a spiritual desert? Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are Apr 29-May 1, 2016 in Chapel Hill, NC and Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at applications@NCMarriageDiscovery.org or 704-315-2144. Search Retreat for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders Search is a peer-led Catholic retreat sponsored by the Diocese of Raleigh since 1978 that touches people’s lives because it encourages participants to seek and find Christ in them and in one another. A series of witness talks and activities are prepared and given by a team of high school students that help participants grow in their Christian maturity. Come to one or both! All are welcome! Stations of the Cross 6:00pm in the Church Suppers Serving: 6:30 – 7:30pm in the Assisi Cafe February 19 Lenten Assisi Café Menu: Black Bean Soup, Quesadillas, Salad Adult Plate: $6, Child Plate: $4 No Reservations or prepayment required Connect as Families With the spiritual sounds of Eugene Taylor with djembe and guitar along with selected readings as we prepare for this holy season. Registration is occurring now for Search #181 – February 16-18 and Search #182 – March 18-20. The URL for registration is http://dioceseofraleigh.org/sites/default/files/ files/TeenSearchRegistrationFormFall2015.pdf All Search retreats are held at Short Journey Center in Smithfield, NC. Cost for the Search weekend is $105 for youth and adults. No one is denied participation because of inability to pay. For more information, please contact the diocesan directors of Search, Joe and Monique Wertis (St. Catherine of Siena parishioners), at 919-520-7059 or 919-426-6608. Eugene Taylor 7 WIHN Service opportunity: Hosting homeless families at St. Francis March 27-April 3. We need many hands on deck for cooking, evening hospitality, overnight hosting, childcare, transportation, laundry, and take down at the end of hosting. This is a great opportunity for the whole family. Contact: Ron Smith, jrs1ron@aol.com. The Springmoor Eucharistic Ministers are seeking a co-leader. Duties include scheduling ministers to visit Springmoor on Sundays as well as attend the monthly Mass. Contact: Mary Papi, 919-381-6764. Ushers needed: We are looking for ushers at all of our masses, but specifically the Sunday 7:30 and 5:30 masses. This can be for your youth or you can serve as a family. It’s a great way to earn service hours too. Contact: Troy Chaput, troychaput@gmail.com. Our Abbotswood Eucharistic Ministry is accepting volunteers. Each team meets at Abbotswood once every three weeks to lead a communion service. Training is included and enjoyment is guaranteed! Contact: Gerry or Karen Collins, gcollins3@nc.rr.com Job Connections Ministry Leader(s) Are you good at networking and enjoy helping people? You’re perfect! This role involves indentifying volunteer coaches to help in the job search process and match the coaches up with job seekers. Contact: Vince Papi, 724-316-2952 or vpapi@executivesmarts.com. Job Coaches for our Job Connections Ministry: If you’re good at putting your best foot forward, could you help someone else do the same? We need folks to help others with resume development, networking, and interviewing skills. Contact: Vince Papi, 724-316-2952 or vpapi@executivesmarts.com. Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who receive special training to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation and community experiencing challenges in life: grief; loneliness; divorce; hospitalization; disability; job loss; and many other life difficulties. Learn how to become a Stephen Minister or receive care from one. Contact: Kathleen Owen, 919-847-8205x241 or kathleen.owen@stfrancisraleigh.org Volunteer opportunity to Mentor Engaged Couples: We invite couples married 10 years or more to join the Fully Engaged Ministry team. Mentor couples; help engaged couples talk about beginning their marriage through guided conversation based on a pre-marriage inventory that the engaged couple has taken. Contact: Jason Lillis, 919-847-8205x244. Feed the Need: Help provide cooked meals to families in our parish who are adjusting to life’s challenges. Sign up for a date that works for you. 10 Contact: Donna Mariani, donnam@nc.rr.com. or AA Meeting: The Daily Reprieve Group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets Mon thru Fri. at 7:00 am in the LaVerna Center (log cabin across from the Chapel). Enter through the garage. Al-Anon Meetings: Sun. 7:00 pm, Anthony Hall Rm 403. Always Our Children: A Safe, welcoming, confidential place for GLBT persons and family/friends of GLBT persons to discuss issues of personal concern. Meeting Sunday, March 6, 3:15pm, Anthony Hall Room 403. Adult Open Play Nights: Assisi Community Center Gym. Visit http://stfrancisraleigh.org/adult-open-play to contact the ministry leaders for each of our adult open play nights. Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Support Group: The first Wednesday of the month, 1:00-3:00 pm in the Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center and the third Wednesday of the month, 7:00-9:00 pm in Anthony Hall Room 405. Carol Gault, cgault@nc.rr.com. Centering Prayer: Thursdays, 9:35 am or 7:30 pm in St. Mary of the Angels Chapel. Community Center Classes: Regular exercise classes and parent/child classes run on a weekly basis. www.stfrancisraleigh.org/programs-and-classes. Community Garden: Saturday mornings,10:00 am. Call Pat or Paul Kelly at 919-413-8833, email mpmkelly@hotmail.com or just drop by. Divorce Care: Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 pm in the Padua Rm. of the Assisi Community Center. Confidential, co-ed healing from separation and divorce by people who understand and want to help you heal. $20 one time fee. Contact Bill Morgan at dejanuts@yahoo.com. Exercise Programs: http://bit.ly/14T9JXR. Men’s Ministry: Breakfast, Monday, March 7, 7:00 am, Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center. Visit www.bit.ly/SFAMensMinistry for details. Prayer Shawl Ministry: Thursday, February 18, Clare Hall Room 202, 12:00noon-2:00pm. Contact Cindy Cardello, 919-846-8825 or Donna Quirk, 919-847-2084. Rosary Ministry: Mondays, 7:30 - 8:30 pm, St. Mary of the Angels Chapel. 55+ Adults Group: Monthly potluck luncheons throughout the year and monthly game days September through May in Clare Fellowship Hall. Contact Carole Warner, 919-321-1289. The St. Francis Single/Single Again Ministry: Activities include game night, service projects, monthly birthday dinners and nights on the town. Contact Kathy Duckworth, mduckworth1@nc.rr.com. Third Option: A marriage skills-building small group, http://bit.ly/sfathirdoption. Young Adults Community: (20’s and 30’s) Weekly Bible study every Wed.,7:00 pm, Anthony Hall Rm. 403. Welcome Coffees: Our next welcome coffee will be on Sunday, March 13 after 9:30 am Mass. Contact Mary Lacy Simmons at 919-847-8205x488 mary.lacy@stfrancisraleigh.org. Register at www.stfrancisraleigh.org/welcome-events. 11 12 First Contact New Parishioner Contact: Trina Sugrue 847-8205x245 Stewardship—Get Involved Tresa Pickup 847-8205x249 The Way of Francis Ben Whitehouse whitehouseben5@gmail.com Care and Wellness Resurrection Ministries Consolation & Care Emmaus Ministers Funeral Receptions Eucharistic Ministries EMs to Abbotswood EMs to the Homebound EMs to the Magnolia Glen EMs to the Meadows EMs to Rex Hospital EMs to Springmoor 818-4122 847-8205x241 818-4122 Gerry & Karen Collins gcollins3@nc.rr.com Pat Spencer 704-608-1678 Erica Schaab Emerson 617-7765 Andrea McVerry amcverry@yahoo.com Edward Gilmartin edward.gilmartin@gmail.com Mary Papi 381-6764 Stephanie Smith Lisa Cilento Carol Derrenbacher Sharon Holland 302-0080 lmcilento@gmail.com 554-2578 847-8205x402 hollandbozo@yahoo.com Ministries of Care & Presence Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregivers Carol Gault Caring Casseroles Divorce Care Feed the Need Life After Loss Job Connections Project Rachel Stephen Ministry Special Needs Ministry cgault@nc.rr.com Linda Tucker 900-8280 Donna Mariani 326-3768 William Morgan dejanuts@yahoo.com Donna Mariani 326-3768 Cindy Nackashi 247-3632 Mary Horner 610-755-5392 projectrachel@nc.rr.com 852-1021 Kathleen Owen 847-8205x241 Heather Lisk hlisk@nc.rr.com Karen Ondejko karen@ondejko.com Ministries of Prayer & Faith Sharing Centering Prayer Prayer Line Prayer Shawl Ministry Rosary Ministry Alice Stanford 781-5860 Susan Stamey susanstamey.pr@gmail.com Cindy Cardello 846-8825 Donna Quirk 847-2084 Judy Newell 977-9058 Justice and Peace Education and Advocacy Ministries Advocacy Task Force JustFaith Justice Theater Project Service Ministries AIDS Care Team Blood Drive Brown Bag Ministry Returning Catholics Fr. David McBriar Rite of Christian Initiation-Adults Gabriele Monetti Christian Initiation of Children Gabriele Monetti Intergeneration. Fam. FF (FIRE) Gabriele Monetti Family Life Celesta Carlson Kathleen Owen Celesta Carlson Ministries to the Infirm, Sick, and Hospitalized Transportation to Mass Cancer Companions Caregivers Caregivers 402 Line Medical Facility Visitation Formation Trevor Thompson Trevor Thompson Deb Royals-Mizerk 847-8205x270 847-8205x270 272-1551 Tom Zimmerman 870-1379 Tom & Elaine Dupree 577-6901 Nanette Kirsch stfrancisbbm@gmail.com Tricia Downs stfrancisbbm@gmail.com Catholic Parish Outreach (873-0245) Sue Hand 846-7954 Climate Change Sheila Read sheila2read@gmail.com Community Garden Pat & Paul Kelly 413-8833 Curbside Care Andrew Rinderer 559-2733 Duke Children's Hospital Ginny Winckelmann 848-8791 Film Night Trevor Thompson 847-8205x270 Gabriel Project Kip Moffett kiplyne.moffett@gmail.com Gay & Lesbian Ministry Jane Paris 847-7431 Chris O’Neill 210-5319 Gay & Lesbian Parent Support Kathryn Cox 618-2178 Habitat for Humanity Diane & Bob Steinbeiser 846-8026 Inter-Faith Food Shuttle (250-0043) Suzanne Szymendera 845-4885 Migrant Ministry Bruce Cartier bcartier@nc.rr.com Passage Home (834-0666) Peg Cavender 985-5950 Prison Pen Pal Trevor Thompson 847-8205x270 Ronald McDonald House Julie & Jason Huckaby 624-5065 Sister Parish - Guatemala Carie Gunnell carie.gunnells@gmail.com St. Francis Feeds Donna Mariani 326-3768 St. Francis Inn, Philadelphia John Budway 305-205-5104 Support Circles Ellen Ferrone 381-5509 Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network Ron Smith 455-7786 AAMEN Ministry Baptism Preparation Family & Marriage Enrichment Marriage Preparation Team Men’s Ministry 55+ Adults Group Senior Monthly Potluck Single/Single Again Young Adults 847-8205x261 monetti@gmail.com monetti@gmail.com monetti@gmail.com Leon Cooke 740-7515 Bill & Regina McCrorie 847-6757 Steve & Cecy Becker 870-0694 Theresa & Mark Baumgartner 848-3383 Steve Becker 870-0694 Carole Warner 919-321-1289 Joe & Kate Corsaro 554-4498 Kathy Duckworth mduckworth1@nc.rr.com Kathy Reynolds kkvision1@gmail.com Melissa Misko stfrancisyac@gmail.com Community Life Youth Basketball High School Basketball Youth Volleyball Adult Summer Basketball Adult Gym Nights Community Center Programs Summer Camps Parish Community Events Assisi Café Volunteers Assisi Café Entertainment Babysitting Co-Op II Rich Wessel Tim Burns Mary Arleth Tim Burns Tricia Henry Ashley Watson Ashley Watson Tricia Henry Ashley Watson Diogenes Ruiz Ute Feger 870-1643 949-4472 847-8205x379 949-4472 847-8205x375 847-8205x444 847-8205x444 847-8205x375 847-8205x444 847-8205x271 stfrancisbsc2@gmail.com Liturgy Altar Servers & Thurifers Assisi Scripture Study Liturgical Ministry Mailbox Children’s Liturgy of the Word Play and Pray Church Keeping Cross Bearers Deaf Ministry Environment & Art Eucharistic Ministers Funeral Ministers Lectors Master of Ceremonies Music Ministry Parking Ministry Ushers Wedding Directors Bob Kaczynski robert.kaczynski@nc.rr.com Marie Kaczynski rakmjk@nc.rr.com Barbara Efird barbaraefirdlpc@gmail.com liturgical-admin@stfrancisraleigh.org Jackie Kelly 896-6297 Niamh Crotty niamh.crotty@stfrancisraleigh.org Beverly Saunders 846-5795 Tresa Pickup tresa.pickup@stfrancisraleigh.org Jean Cooke-Byrne 412-8365 Theresa Baumgartner 848-3383 Deb Rodi 803-3304 stfrancisraleighEMs@gmail.com Lisa Gianturco 845-9718 Mike Wrzesien 624-1592 Shawn Bayle Michael & Julie Ducatte 622-8883 stfrancisraleighMCs@gmail.com Joyce Petzka jepetzka@gmail.com Steve Burdett 845-2714 John Cuomo 931-4308 Troy Chaput 665-7194 Judy Ferraro 395-3005 Administration Collection Counters Columbarium & Mem. Plaques Volunteer Receptionists Webmaster Campus Beautification Spring/Fall Other Organizations Knights of Columbus Marriage Encounter Boy Scouts Cub Scouts (pack352nc.org) Girl Scouts Secular Franciscan Order Pat Kowite Tresa Pickup Toni Hammes Diogenes Ruiz Jim Anderson Mike Wrzesien Charlie Abbott Angela Abbott Pete Oertel Chris Triplett Jamie Johnson Stan Driscoll OFS 847-8205x229 847-8205x249 847-8205x265 847-8205x271 847-8205x263 mwrzesien@nc.rr.com ncmarriagediscovery.org 556-7401 781-8055 crtriplett@gmail.com 847-8205x379 http://ofscentralnc.org 13 226 261 224 249 FRANCISCAN FRIARS Fr. Steve Kluge, O.F.M., Associate Pastor Fr. David McBriar, O.F.M., Associate Pastor Fr. Steve Patti, O.F.M., Pastor Tresa Pickup, Assistant to the Pastor 473 264 239 238 289 244 489 269 236 488 230 FORMATION MINISTRIES Trish Adamkowski, Administrative Specialist Martina Dumberger, Administrative Specialist Dawn Eagan, Coordinator of Family Formation-Children Jennifer Fiduccia, Director of Family Formation Terri Layer, Admin. Specialist-Family Life Jason Lillis, Coordinator of Family Life Alex Mancuso, Coordinator of High School Formation Jennifer McCourt, Administrative Specialist Matt Merry, Coordinator of Family Formation-Youth Mary Lacy Simmons, Coor. of Liturgy and Weekend Experience Jim Wahl, Director of Liturgy and Music 255 233 254 253 251 469 314 651 CATHOLIC EDUCATION MINISTRIES The Franciscan School Marie Leone, Receptionist (Main Number) Jennifer Bigelow, Principal Michele Northington, Assistant Principal, K-5 Donna Sincock, Bookkeeper, Franciscan School Joanne Sullivan, School Nurse Lura Tysiac, Coordinator of Marketing and Admissions Laureen Wacenske, Guidance Mike Watson, Assistant Principal, Middle School OUR PASTORAL COUNCIL Jim Carr, Patty Carr, Julia Earnhardt, Thomas Graham, Robert Longley Alberto Lopez, Liz Mosler, Jane Paris, Steve Patti, O.F.M. OUR FINANCE COUNCIL Delynn Alexander, Jennifer Bigelow, Betty Camp, Rebecca Daumen, Steve Dilger Julio de la Rosa, Ron Doggett, Tim Hrehor, Steven Joseph, Bill Laxton, Robert Longley, Mike Keleher, Marc Kielty, Pat Kowite, Adam McCarthy, Tom Mense, Robert Neppel, David Nerz, Steve Patti O.F.M. Bob Randolph, John Smith St. Francis Preschool 240 Cathy Ashton, Director 262 Jennifer Benik, Marketing Specialist 262 Shelley Freeman, Administrative Specialist Cardinal Gibbons High School 919-834-1625 268 267 241 270 PASTORAL MINISTRIES Jackie Adamo, Admin. Specialist-Care and Wellness Becky Cawley, Justice and Peace Specialist Kathleen Owen, Coordinator of Care and Wellness Trevor Thompson, Director of Justice and Peace FINANCE AND PLANNING 228 Charlie Abbott, Financial Administrator 229 Pat Kowite, Coordinator of Finance and Administration 243 Rob Neppel, Director of Finance and Planning 263 234 265 375 227 271 245 PARISH OPERATIONS Jim Anderson, Facilities Manager David Crout, Database/Web Specialist Toni Hammes, Admin. Specialist-Stewardship Tricia Henry, Coordinator of Community Life Marc Kielty, Director of Parish Operations Diogenes Ruiz, Coordinator of Communications Trina Sugrue, Admin. Specialist-Safe Environment & Welcome Staff email address: firstname.lastname@stfrancisraleigh.org OUR SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Jennifer Bigelow, Jim Carr (co-chair), Patty Carr (co-chair), Mike Keleher, Robert Neppel, Michele Northington, Steve Patti, O.F.M, Phil Strand, Lisa Tomaino OUR PRESCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Cathy Ashton, Jennifer Bigelow, Amy Challgren, Barb Dobner, Nicole Gass, Darren Harris, Gail Hemedinger, Heather Lisk, Trey Morris, Liz Mosler, Steve Patti, O.F.M. See Your Ad in COLOR Call J.S. Paluch Today! 1.800.432.3240 Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! www.jspaluch.com email: laughinghousem@jspaluch.com Call Monnie Laughinghouse Chauncy F. 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Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA 006792 St Francis of Assisi Church (B) What We Can Offer You and Your Business: • Many ad size options to meet your budget in color or black and white • One-on-one customer service to help build and design your ad • The ability to change your ad up to 12 times per year J.S. Paluch Company www.jspaluch.com 1.800.432.3240 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Eric D. Challgren, MD, Parishioner Gregory J. Wilmoth, MD Margaret B. Boyse, MD Laura D. Briley, MD Tracey S. Cloninger, PA-C 919-782-2152 4201 Lake Boone Trail Suite 200, Raleigh, NC 27607 DAYLIGHT DONUTS 676.7442 “Stonehenge Market” Larry Warner, JD, MBA • Parishioner 5am.-Noon Tues.-Sun. 919-510-8130 • larry@warnerlawoffices.net • Business Law • Contracts, Leases • Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney • Estate Administration 10% off w/this ad 10010 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27614 www.southernderm.com Jenny Doyle, Esq. Family Operated Immigration Counsel Abogada de Inmigracion 919.307.4408 St. Francis Parishioner Bilingual Attorney • OLL Parishioner Practice Limited to Immigration Law. NE Licensed Leesville's Dentist for the Entire Family RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Bonded ★ Insured ★ Licensed 919-754 919-754 -7977 -7977 Luis & Carolina Calderon Owners / Parishioner www.CleanCarolina.com We accept ALL major insurance No insurance? No worries! 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The Justice Theater Project Tuesdays with Morrie All performance in Clare Fellowship Hall Sunday, February 14 - 3:00pm show FREE Childcare. Reservations required by email: thejusticetheaterproject@gmail.com Tuesday, February 16 - 9:30am “Over 55” performance with after show discussion with the cast. $14 Friday, February 19 - 8:00pm show Saturday, February 20 - 8:00pm show Free admission for visually impaired patrons using audio equipment. Sunday, February 21 - 3:00pm show Individual Confession Saturdays, 4:30pm in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Church Now through February 14 Migrant Ministry Supply Drive Inspired after participating in our Migrant Ministry with their family, two Franciscan School alumni continue to support the migrant farm workers of North Carolina and they need our help. As part of Catholic Schools Week they will be collecting much needed supplies that will go in welcome packages they give to all the men in the spring. Please help them welcome these dedicated and often very impoverished men back to our fields? Here are the supplies needed: T-shirts, long and short sleeved shirts, work boots, rain jackets/ ponchos/slickers, men’s hats, sunglasses, towels, sheets, water bottles, single-use laundry detergent, non-latex gloves, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving cream, deodorant and small hand sanitizers. Collection bins will be in the Stewardship Center after all masses this weekend. As always thank you for your generosity! February 15 - 21 Lent Collection Feed the Hungry and Drink to the Thirsty During Lent we will hold collections for various community organizations. Large canvas collection bins will be located in the Assisi Community Center and in the Church Stewardship Center for non-perishable food items for Catholic Parish Outreach and caring casseroles for our Feed the Need ministry. Parish Lenten Series Wednesdays, February 17 - March 16 See page 3. February 21 & 23 Eucharistic Minister Training We need more Eucharistic Ministers at each of our five masses. This is a great way to share your time and talent. EM's must be at least 16 years old, Catholic, Confirmed, and registered members of the parish. Our next training sessions will be on Sunday, February 21 at 1:00pm and Tuesday, February 23 at 7:00pm in the Church. Stop by or call the Receptionist desk or write your name on the sign-up sheets on the Liturgy Bulletin Board in the Stewardship Center. February 21 Young Adults Mass and Dinner Come engage in fellowship with the Young Adult group at dinner following the Sunday 5:30 Mass. We will meet in the gathering space after Mass before heading over to the Brier Creek location of San Jose Tacos and Tequila (7961 Skyland Ridge Pkwy, Raleigh). Please RSVP on our Facebook group page or email stfrancisyac@gmail.com, so we can get a good head count for the restaurant. See you then! = LENT Activities/Events 8 February 21 GLBT Newcomer Dinner On Sunday we will gather at the 5:30 pm. Mass and continue the celebration afterward at a local restaurant for a light dinner together. During Mass we sit together as a group to the right of the main altar (to the right, facing the altar from the central aisle). We encourage existing members to join us in welcoming these newcomers! Our Dinner will start about 6:45 at Back Yard Burger (9860 Leesville Road) just down the road from St. Francis. This is a great opportunity not only to welcome new folks to our ministry but to also reconnect with existing members. Come Join us!! As always, ALL ARE WELCOME. Questions should be directed to Chris O’Neill at coneill95@gmail.com. February 22 - 28 Lent Collection Clothe the Naked Gently used and new clothing and outerwear to support a variety of partner organizations including Catholic Parish Outreach, Note in the Pocket. February 28 Community Garden Season Opening Event On Sunday, February 28 at 12:30pm in Anthony Hall Founders Room, the Community Garden Ministry will host season opening gathering. Please join us for this if you are interested in being part of the garden community this season. This is the 6th year! This is potluck, so bring a dish to pass and meet up with some old and new friends. After eating, our good friend and plant extraordinaire Deb Nelson will guide us in a short lesson in seed germination as we start some plants for this coming season of plenty. All our produce is donated to the hungry in the greater Triangle area. Contact Paul and Paul Kelly at mpmkelly@hotmail.com for more information. February 29 St. Vincent de Paul The next meeting scheduled for February 15 has been moved to February 29 beginning at 6:45pm in the Padua Room of the Assisi Community Center. There is still a need for a secretary to keep track of meeting decisions and someone to help with parish communications. Your service to those in need can bring the love and peace of Jesus to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness and dread. Contact Cathy Smith at smithtcr@gmail.com. Parish Reconciliation Services Monday, February 22 - 7:00pm Monday, February 29 - 11:00am February 24 St. Francis 55+ Adult Group Pot Luck Luncheon We welcome all 55 + (Parishioners and non-parishioners) to our Monthly Potluck Luncheon, 12:00 noon on Wednesday, February 24 in Anthony Hall Founders Room. Menu # 2 will be followed this month. All who attend are asked to contribute to the meal. A thru D : Salad/ Side Dish E thru M : Main Dish N thru Z : Dessert /Bread or Rolls This is Book-Share month. We will also be collecting books for children up to age six. February 29 - March 6 Lent Collection Visit the Sick and Imprisoned Cards for our homebound, sick, and imprisoned parishioners and we are also collecting books for prisoners through the Prisoner Book Program. March 5 Taste of Italy Dinner Knights of Columbus will host a fundraiser to support the Franciscan Student Friars/Seminarians on Saturday, March 5 in Clare Fellowship Hall. Enjoy professionally prepared authentic Italian food by Capri Restaurant. Menu: salad, main dish, bread, dessert, iced tea, lemonade, coffee and tea. Wine will be available by the glass for purchase. Tickets will be sold in the Stewardship Center after Masses February 13/14, 20/21, and 27/28. Adult -$15, Children (6-15) - $8, Children (under 6) - Free. You can also purchase your tickets or make a donation at www.bit.ly/toi2016. March 7 - March 13 Lent Collection Shelter the Homeless Gently used, homemade, and new blankets; gently used and new tents and sleeping bags to support a variety of partner organizations including St. Francis Inn and Oak City Outreach Center. March 12 Christ Alive in our Marriage: See page 4. March 14 - March 20 Bury the Dead Cards for our bereaved families who have lost loved ones in our community. If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Becky Cawley at 919-847-8205x267. Living Stations of the Cross Palm Sunday, March 20 - 7:15pm in Church Sacred Triduum Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper March 24 - 7:00pm Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion March 25 - 3:00pm Holy Saturday Morning Prayer March 26 - 9:00am Blessing of Easter Food 10:00 - 10:30am Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass March 26 - 8:00pm Easter Sunday Masses - March 27 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 5:30pm in Church 10:00am and 12:00pm in the Gym Women’s Indoor Volleyball Semi-Competitive (A/AA) Ladies, Join Open Gym Nights! Looking for a way to stay in shape? Miss being out on the court? Join a great group of women for volleyball. High school students and older welcome. It's free; it's a great workout; and it doesn't matter how long it's been since you last played! St. Francis of Assisi Community Center Gym Tuesdays, 8:30 -10:00 pm. All are welcome. Please contact Becky Jacobs at beckyjacobs425@yahoo.com to participate. Family Formation Summer Offerings See page 4. Special Collections in February February 21: Catholic Relief Services/Homes for the Poor For a complete listing of Parish Events, visit www.stfrancisraleigh.org/calendar. February 28: Easter Flowers 9