Online Bestellformular 4 en
Online Bestellformular 4 en
Fax : 0049 - 6021 - 24 775 L ABEL MY COFFEE - ORDER FORM Please send us this order form filled by fax or email. Afterwards you will receive a detailed bill from your shopping per email. Please be aware of the fact, that the international shipping cost will be determined individually. When you have transferred the full amount of the bill to our account, your coffee will be shipped directly to you. We wish you a great coffee experience. What do you like to order? PRE V I E W DESCRIP TION PA C K A G E PR I C E OR D E R LOJ O‘S BL ACK L ABEL - ESP RESSO - perfect for Baristi and all italian coffee specialties - fairly traded coffee from organic agriculture 500 g whole beans € 11,50 Packages 500 g whole beans € 10,50 Packages 500 g ground beans € 7,80 Packages 12,00 Packages Packages 60,00 Packages Packages 18,00 Packages Packages LOJ O‘S WHITE L AB EL - KAFFEE - the allrounder on high-end level - fairly traded coffee from organic agriculture LOJ O‘S SILVER L AB EL - KAFFEE - perfect for classical brewing methods such as hand brewing - UTZ certified LOJ O‘S BLUE L AB EL - B LUE MOUN TA I N 100 g whole beans € - Jamaican speciality 100 g ground beans - the original with the famous stamp: Blue Mountain Coffee 500 g whole beans € - intense, clear nutty flavour 500 g ground beans LOJ O‘S GOLD L ABEL - KOP I LUWA K 100 g beans € 100 g ground beans - most exclusive coffee of the world - selected from the civet cat SHIP P ING COSTS You will find your individual shipping cost on your bill. - within Germany 4 € - internationally starting with 16 € L ABEL M Y C O F F E E * S U R NA ME * F OR E N AME C O MPAN Y STREET * * C ITY * POS T C ODE C O UN TRY * * E-MAIL TELEFON FA X PH ON E /F A X +49 6021 86 232 75 +49 6021 24 775 M AI L A CCOUN T IBAN DE 60795200700017535978 BIC HYVEDEMM407 HypoVereinsbank AG US T-I D-N R DE 276299308 OT H E R I accept the General Terms & Conditions Im Trauenloh 1 63814 Mainaschaff/Germany *needed to be filled out CE O Jonas Braun