ke itrade (Eng Version)


ke itrade (Eng Version)
User Manual
This free real-time application is initiated by Maybank Kim Eng
Securities (Thailand),which the brokerage company is leading
innovation on the internet trading. It provides a real-time stock
quotation, stock information, real-time order, and news and KELive
research on iPhone/iPad.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
Advantages of KEiTrade iOS Application
1. Show real-time stock information, stock market overview, movement of stock price.
2. To send trading order with safety and very quick, included financial transactions
on this application.
3. Rapidly check trading and port .
4. To provide data analysis from kelive
5. To compare chart for each stock from kelive.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
Devices that support KEiTrade
1. Support all iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch with firmware upper 3.2
(You can check Firmware version by going to setting > general > about > version )
2. Connect via internet through wifi ,3G, EDGE, GPRS
3. Download application via iTunes application icon
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
How to download application
1.Select App Store application
2.Type key word “KEiTrade” at search button
3.Select KEiTrade icon for iPad
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
How to use KE ITrade Program
1. You must have a Maybank Kimeng’s stock account to login KEiTrade iOS application.
2. If you have username and password for KEiTrade, you can login KEiTrade iOS
application immediately.
3. For the customers who don’t have username but have a Maybank stock account,
you can make a register for using KEiTrade iOS application by logging in the same
account of internet trading.
How to login KEiTrade
Type username and password ,then login.
Forget about password
In case the customer forget password, you can select
“forget password” button. The system will sent your new
password to your e-mail in order to reset new password.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
Market Overview
There are 5 parts in the market overview icon
1. The first part, it will show you about SET Index Tab such as SET,
SET50, SET100, MAI etc.
If tab shows GREEN letter, it means that index is PLUS
If tab shows RED letter, it means that index is MINUS.
2. The second part, it will shows you about data’s SET Index Tab
and the important information for the investment such as SET,
SET50, SET100, MAI, Net /Buy /Sell.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
Market Overview
3. The third part, it shows SET Index details.
- Date / Time
- Status (shows stock exchange status at that time)
- Change (difference between currently index and the
previous day Index)
- %Change ( difference percentage between newest index
and pervious day index )
- Prior ( newest closing price )
- Val. ( Value = Purchase value )
- Vol. ( Volume = Purchase volume )
- High ( highest index for today )
- Low ( lowest index for today )
4. The fourth part, it shows graphs and index data in the stock
market such as SET, SET50, SET100 and MAI.
The upper graphs shows the movement of the price(Value).
The lower graphs shows the movement of stock volume in
each index.
5. It shows currently index data in each stock market
If tab shows GREEN letter, it means that index is PLUS
If tab shows RED letter, it means that index is MINUS.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
This page will shows favorite stock’s name which you can add 20
lists of stocks per 1 favorite button. And this application support
you 5 favorite buttons.
TIP : swipe for watch the most stock movement for example ;
Most Active Value, Most Active Volume, Top Gainer, Top Loser
and Top Swing etc.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
The second part will shows stock details.
= stock’s name
-Vol.Bid = purchase offer volume at that price
= offer the best purchase price
= offer the best selling price
-Vol.Offer = offer selling volume at that price
= the lastest market price
-Change = difference between currently market price and
previous day of closing price
-%Change = difference percentage of currently market price
and previous day of closing price
In addition, you can know more stock details very quick by touching
at the stock’s name which you are interested. And you can watch the
newest stock price for 5 bids, 5 offers by touching at “Last” button.
You can make stock trading on this page by touching at triangle
button, then it will show trading page.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
How to add to Favorite
1.Touch at “search” button or add symbol.
2.Type stock’s name (acronym) then it will show you the similar stock’s name while you are typing.
And you can touch that stock’s name in order to add to favorite. You can adjust stock’s name list on Favorite.
In case, you want to sort out your stock, you can touch the button at the last row for moving stock up or down.
In case you want to delete stock’s name list on Favorite, you can press (-) minus sign and then delete it.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
For this icon , you can watch stock details one by one.
For example; 5 bids, 5 offers, Trade Log, Intraday Chart etc.
And you can trade by using short cut button. It’s at the top of
right hand side. Then, touch it in order to go trading page.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
This icon use for trading. You can choose your account for trading
and then choose account no. at the top of the left hand side to watch
buy limit and credit line of that account. Trade icon will show stock
details for a real time. Then, Fill in the blank
1.Type stock’s name
2.Choose market category –NVDR
3.Type volume
4.Type price
5.Type pin
Then, submit it. If you can your mind , you can delete it
by choosing at “Reset” button
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
NVDR (non-voting depository receipt) = for Foreign customer
Volume = the number of stock you want to trade.
Price = price for trading.
(-) minus = reduce price spread by spread as stock exchange standard
until reach floor price
(+) plus = increase price spread by spread as stock exchange standard
until reach ceiling price.
ATO/ATC = specific price
ATC = trade order at open price.
ATC = trade order at the close price.
MP = trade order immediately at the best price
and use only when open market.
Validity = to specify order in a condition. There are 3 ways
Day (Ordinary Condition) =
to trade order as a specific price. If cannot
sell it all , the rest have to wait to match.
FOK (Fill or Kill)
If not complete , it won’t be match.
IOC (Immediately or Cancel) = If cannot trade all that amount ,
the rest amount will be canceled.
Pin ID = the last process of stock trading on KEiTrade programme.
Then “submit” button in order to send trading order.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
Ticker is a running report of the price and trading volume on various stock exchange which present in real-time, volume,
-Stock = stock’s name
-Vol. = trading quantity
-Last = newest purchasing price
-Chg. = difference between newest price compare with
previous day of closing price
-Time = trading time
-Side = buy list and sell list
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
Portfolio & Order status
To show the rest stock, average price in a port and show your each account details
Order Status
To show order status within a day such as , Pending, Matched, Canceled, Rejected etc.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
You can watch “Intraday Chart” one by one and compare
with SET or group of SET with menu “Chart”
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
News & Research
get more information by menu “News”
read stock analysis report at menu “Research”
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
Social Media
Social Media
You can link to visit Facebook Page of Maybank KimEng
at menu “ Social media” or get through browser :
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.
It will be able to remember your Account Digits and Pin.
To set Auto-Fill, NDVR, Prevent fro sleep, Watch list,
Other Reset etc.
Copyright 2012Online Service - Maybank Kim Eng Securities (Thailand) plc.