Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe
Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe
Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe Report Climate change effect on hydro-meteorologic variables related to water budget and precipitation extremes for the region of Crete Activity: Activity number: WATER 5, T5.4 Deliverable: Report on climate change effect for Crete 5.5 Deliverable number: Author: Ioannis K. Tsanis, Aristeidis G. Koutroulis, Manolis G. Grillakis, (TUC) The work leading to this publication has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 265240. 1 Contents Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 2 1. Executive Summary............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Introduction and study area ................................................................................................................. 4 3. Datasets............................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Local measurements ......................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Long term transient experiments ....................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Decadal prediction experiments ........................................................................................................ 8 3.4 Non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs experiments ......................................................................... 8 4. Methods ............................................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 Case study framework ....................................................................................................................... 8 4.2. Bias adjustment ................................................................................................................................ 9 4.3 Hydrologic modelling ....................................................................................................................... 10 4.4 Annual Exceedance Probability ....................................................................................................... 10 5. Results ............................................................................................................................................... 11 5.1 Projections of water availability ....................................................................................................... 11 5.1.1 Recent past .................................................................................................................................. 11 5.1.2 Long term projections ................................................................................................................... 11 5.1.3 Scenarios of Water demand and technical infrastructure ............................................................ 13 Level of water demand: ......................................................................................................................... 13 Level of water supply: ............................................................................................................................ 13 5.2 Decadal projections ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.3 Precipitation extremes: Annual exceedance probability of maximum daily precipitation and higher percentiles ............................................................................................................................................. 21 5.4 Non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs experiments ....................................................................... 24 5.4.1 November 17, 2006 – the Almirida basin flash flood event. ......................................................... 25 5.4.2 January 13, 1994 – the Giofiros basin flash flood event .............................................................. 29 5.4.3 November 22, 2008 – the Ierapetra flash flood event .................................................................. 32 6. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 36 6.1 Long term projections of water availability ...................................................................................... 36 6.2 Decadal projections ......................................................................................................................... 36 6.3 Extremes and non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs experiments ................................................ 37 References ............................................................................................................................................ 38 APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................. 42 Page 2 of 43 1. Executive Summary The objective of this report is to present the technical details of climate information processing and modelling for the extraction of climate information in its most useful and manageable form, meeting the needs of the corresponding users. These needs are related to climate modelling outputs ranging from event scale to decadal and centennial experiments, at temporal scales ranging from hourly to monthly, and at spatial scales from very high resolution regional climate models (2 km) to typical GCMs. Centennial scale experiments were used in order to assess climate change impacts on water resources availability combined with estimates of the potential future water demand of the island of Crete. A Grand Ensemble of specialized hydrological information was structured from seven CMIP5 simulations (under RCPs 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5), from three GCMs (under A2 and B1 emission scenarios) and from 10 RCMs (ENSEMBLES FP6, under A1B emission scenario), bias adjusted against local observations. The range of projected information among the different emission scenarios, different climate model setups and scale represent a wide range of the uncertainty assessed in the projected hydro-climatology of the region. The continuous rainfall-runoff model SAC-SMA was used to estimate the hydrologic impact during the 21st century for the study area. Water availability for the whole island was then estimated for a range of different scenarios of projected hydro-climatological regime, demand and supply potential. Regarding the shorter term water management planning according to Water Framework Directive (WFD), the ability of decadal GCM prediction experiments to reproduce basic hydro-meteorological variables like precipitation and temperature, was also examined. In terms of potential future changes in extreme events related to precipitation the recurrence intervals of specific magnitude was studied using the Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) approach. Additionally, three special cases were framed, in collaboration with the WP2 modeling group, for demonstrating high resolution climate modeling applications of extreme flood events over the case study area and the evolution of the corresponding events at a +2oC warmer climate. This application had an ambiguous purpose firstly to convince the user for the capabilities of climate modeling against scaling uncertainty and secondly to test the high resolution modeling capability of realistic representation of such events. The main findings can be summarized as follows: • A robust signal of temperature increase and precipitation decrease is projected for all the pathways and scenarios resulting to a severe decrease of water availability. • A significant increase of the 2% Annual Exceedance Probability in maximum daily precipitation is projected for all future periods over the island of Crete. • Non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs proved to be sufficiently efficient in realistic capturing storm events and thus valuable in impact modelling. • Historical storm events over Crete, could produce significantly higher precipitation accumulations and intensities in a warmer climate. The final product of the communication with the end user and the research instigated by this interaction, was future climate statistics and time series on meteorologic variables and rainfall-runoff simulations supporting water availability decision-making, as well as statistics of projected precipitation extremes in terms of recurrence intervals delivered to the Regional Authority for Water Resources Management of Crete. 2. Introduction and study area The Mediterranean can be considered as one of the “hot spot” areas for recent and projected climate change (Giorgi, 2006), most vulnerable to climatic and anthropogenic changes (Milano et al., 2013). The Mediterranean is getting drier and warmer with an observed increased frequency and intensity of summer temperature extremes (Frank et al., 2013). Model projections reveal a continual and gradual warming trend while exceptional hot summers during the control period may become “typical” by the end of the 21st century (Kostopoulou et al., 2013). Decreasing annual rainfall trends and rainfall events of shorter periods but of higher intensities are present in most projections from both global and regional climate change models and are consistent across emission scenarios, concentration pathways and future time periods (Ludwig et al., 2011). Currently, the southern and eastern rims are experiencing high to severe water stress induced by human and climatic drivers. Future scenarios for water resources in the Mediterranean region suggest a progressive decline in the average stream flow (García-Ruiz et al., 2011; Murray et al., 2012). By the 2050s, this stress could increase over the whole Mediterranean basin, notably because of a 30–50% decline in freshwater resources as a result of climate change (Milano et al., 2013). The current financial stress and the continuously reduced national investment programmes call for low cost, short and long term water management strategies in order to tackle the climate induced changes in water resources (Koutroulis et al., 2013). All the above indicates the necessity to improve and update local water management planning and adaptation strategies in order to attain future water security, and thus specialized climate services supporting these actions is of crucial importance. The Regional Authority for Water Resources Management applies Hydrological Balance models in order to manage water distribution and availability for domestic and irrigation use. Planning involves domestic and irrigation use infrastructure and policy development. Currently the Regional Authority owns a large number of hydro-meteorological stations over the island that allow for and adequate modelling of the current conditions. The availability of future climate data, during the 21st century, is crucial for the development of water management scenarios and risk assessment for future water availability. Page 4 of 43 The Crete region has suffered from numerous sever flood and flash flood event in the past decades. They have been a result of a combination of factors ranging from extreme climatic conditions to negligence and poor flood mitigation measures. Upgrading facilities for extreme events readiness is a major effort. At the same time, an assessment of the severity and frequency of future precipitation extremes is also important in order to develop Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) curves and design infrastructure. The island of Crete occupies the southern part of the country of Greece (Figure 1) and is divided into four prefectures from East to West: Lassithi, Iraklion, Rethymno, and Chania. With an area of 8,265km2, Crete covers almost 6.3% of the area of Greece (Tsanis et al., 2013). The mean elevation is 482m and the average slope 228m/km with the topography fracturing into small catchments with ephemeral streams and karst geology. Crete has a typical Mediterranean island environment with about 40% of the annual precipitation occurring in the winter months while there is negligible rainfall during the summer. The average precipitation ranges from 440mm/year on the Plain of Ierapetra (Lassithi) to more than 2,000 mm/year on the Askifou upland (Chania), where orographic effects tend to increase both frequency and intensity of winter precipitation (Naoum and Tsanis, 2004; Koutroulis and Tsanis, 2010). Figure 1: Location of the island of Crete, Greece and areas equipped with irrigation systems (source: FAO-Aquastat, 2007). Annual air temperature in Crete increases 1.5oC from West to East and 1oC from North to South. Potential evapotranspiration varies from 1370 to 1570mm/year, representing 75% to 85% of the mean annual precipitation in low elevation areas (less than 300m a.sl.) and 50% to 70% in high elevation areas. The annual water balance breaks down to 68-76% evapotranspiration, 14-17% infiltration and 10-15% runoff. The precipitation and ensuing runoff are greater in the north than in the south because Page 5 of 43 the prevailing wind direction is northwesterly. Generally, the western part of the island receives more precipitation than the eastern part (Naoum and Tsanis, 2004). Total water uses in the region in 2000 amounted to 420 million m 3, approximately 5.5% of the precipitation of a normal year (Fasoulas, 2002). Of this, 16% is used for domestic, tourist, and industrial uses, 3% for livestock and a vast 81% for irrigated agriculture on less than 30% of the total cultivated land, using mainly ground water in drip irrigation methods. Irrigation and tourism create peak demands resulting in a marked seasonal pattern in water demand with an annual volume of water abstracted exceeding 50% of the average annual runoff and 35% of the groundwater potential. The intense development of Crete in the last 40 years has exerted strong pressures on many sectors in the region. Urbanization and growth of tourism and agriculture had an adverse impact on the water resources of the Island. Despite the financial crisis of the last five years, water use in Crete continues to escalate at alarming proportions. Regarding the future water demands of the island, recent estimates forecast total uses for the year 2015 in the order of 550 m3/year, which represents 7% of the mean annual precipitation. It is therefore considered essential to encounter the increasingly severe water problems faced in the Island only by strategic policies using integrated water management systems (Tsanis and Koutroulis, 2011). 3. Datasets 3.1 Local measurements The observational dataset for the assessment of the water resources availability is structured from records in the period 1973 – 2005. It consists of daily precipitation at 53 precipitation stations, runoff at 22 stations (Figure 2), 15 temperature stations and 18 pan Evaporation stations. Figure 2: Location of the island of Crete, Greece and spatial distribution of hydro-meteorological gauging stations. Regarding the demonstration cases of non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs runs the following observations were used to support their evaluation: • November 17, 2006 – the Almirida basin flash flood event. Page 6 of 43 50 stations of daily accumulated precipitation and 3 stations of 10 min time step recording. A well-documented flash flood event with available rainfall runoff modeling data • January 13, 1994 – the Giofiros basin flash flood event 50 stations of daily accumulated precipitation. A well-documented flash flood event with available rainfall runoff modeling data • November 22, 2008 – the Ierapetra flash flood event 44 stations of daily accumulated precipitation and 13 stations 10 min time step recording. A detailed description of the events is included in Sobolowski et al., (2014). 3.2 Long term transient experiments Ten (10) different RCMs runs of the Ensembles FP6 project (Van der Linden and Mitchell, 2009) focusing on the Island of Crete over the European continent were used, at a horizontal resolution of about 25 km. The RCMs’ lateral boundary conditions were provided by 8 GCMs for the period 19512100 (Table 1). All simulations were forced using observed GHG greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations until 2000 and SRES A1B concentrations scenario until 2100. No Table 1: List of Ensembles FP6 Regional Climate models (RCMs). Institute RCM Driving GCM References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ETH ICTP KNMI METOHC METOHC METOHC C4I MPI SMHI DMI CLM RegCM RACMO2 HadRM3Q0 HadRM3Q3 HadRM3Q16 RCA3 REMO RCA HIRHAM HadCM ECHAM5-r3 ECHAM5-r3 HadCM3Q0 HadCM3Q3 HadCM3Q16 HadCM3Q16 ECHAM5-r3 BCM ARPEGE Jaeger et al. (2008) Giorgi and Mearns (1999) van Meijgaard et al. (2008) Collins et al. (2010) Collins et al. (2010) Collins et al. (2010) Kjellström et al. (2005) Jacob (2001) Kjellström et al. (2005) Christensen et al. (2006) Seven Earth System Models (ESMs) outputs analysed within COMBINE FP7 framework (Table 2), under three Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), a total of 45 realizations, and used in the ELCISE project as climate information of the new CMIP5 modelling experiment. Table 2: CMIP5 RCPs simulations Realizations Horiz. Resol. References CMCC-CESM MPI-ESM EC-Earth 1 3 3 3 RCP8.5 RCP4.5 RCP2.6 Model 1 3.75ox3.75o 1 1.875ox1.875o 3 o 1.125 x1.125 Hazeleger et al., 2011 Collins et al., 2011 Dufresne et al., 2013 HadGEM 4 4 4 1.875ox1.25o IPSL-CM5 4 4 4 3.75ox1.875o Page 7 of 43 Fogli et al., 2009 Roeckner et al., 2006 o CNRM-CM5 1 1 1 1.4ox1.4o Voldoire et al., 2012 2.5ox1.875o Bensten et al., 2012 NorESM 1 1 1 Total 14 16 15 Six additional datasets available for the period 2001-2100 based on 3 different GCMs (Echam5, IPSL, and CNRM) and two emission scenarios (A2 and B1), at a spatial resolution of 0.5o, were used for analysis. These datasets were developed in the context of WATCH FP6 project. 3.3 Decadal prediction experiments Decadal prediction experiments within the CMIP5 protocol were also analyzed in order to examine the ability of realistic reproduction of decadal trends, number of wet and dry years, and general information useful for short term resources planning. A large number of different initializations and realizations (totally 439) from five contributing models (Table 3) were analyzed. Table 3: Decadal prediction datasets from CMIP5 archive Realizations Model 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 CMCC-CM 3 3 3 3 3 3 CNRM-CM5 10 10 10 10 10 10 EC-Earth-KNMI 11 11 11 11 11 HadCM3 20 20 20 20 20 MPI-ESM-LR 10 10 10 10 Total 54 54 54 54 2000 2005 2010 3 0 10 10 0 11 11 11 0 20 20 20 0 10 10 10 10 10 54 54 51 54 10 3.4 Non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs experiments High-resolution non-hydrostatic regional climate modelling experiments (NHRM) were conducted for the selected cases over the island of Crete (Sobolowski et al., 2014). Three models (i) REMO by CSC (Jacob and Podzun, 1997, Jacob, 2001), (ii) HARMONIE by SMHI (Lindstedt et al., 2014) and (iii) WRF by UNI (Hong and Lim, 2006), were set up and run for a model domain covering the island of Crete at a past climate and a warmer climate (+2oC) mode. 4. Methods 4.1 Case study framework A wide range of available climate information were communicated to the user (Directorate of Water). An established assessment framework was used (Tsanis and Koutroulis, 2011; Tsanis et al., 2013) which was based on previous studies but also on new interactions during the ECLISE project. A detailed quantification of trends in water needs for Crete were implemented regarding future Page 8 of 43 perspectives for policy, management and hydrological (climate) regime, resulting in a simple and practical framework for assessing future water resources status for the island of Crete (Figure 3). These future scenarios includes the augmentation of agricultural practices, improvement and extension of the already established irrigation network to tourism, permanent population and demand trends (Koutroulis et al., 2013). The projected reference periods were split to 2000-2050 and 20502100. The present report includes the assessment of water practices of the local water managing authority as well as the current status and the future plans for water use (demand and supply). Figure 3: Water resources assessment framework for Crete study site. 4.2. Bias adjustment In order to optimally remove the systematic bias of the modeled precipitation, a new methodology that was developed in the frame of European funded projects, including ECLISE, and applied to climate model outputs. The methodology belongs to the widely used family of quantile mapping correction methods. The method uses different instances of gamma function that are fitted on multiple discrete segments on the precipitation CDF, instead of the common quantile-quantile approach that uses one theoretical distribution to fit the entire CDF. This imposes to the method the ability to better transfer the observed precipitation statistics to the raw GCM data. The selection of the segment number is performed by an information criterion to poise between complexity and efficiency of the transfer function (Grillakis et al., 2013). The methodology was tested on CMIP3 global climate models resulting to a very good performance in reducing the systematic biases of the climate model data. Details of the methodology and the validation are presented in Grillakis et al. (2013). Page 9 of 43 4.3 Hydrologic modelling Hydrologic modelling was performed with the use of the continuous rainfall-runoff model SAC-SMA (Sacramento) model (Tsanis and Apostolaki 2009). Precipitation and potential evapotranspiration are used as sole model inputs to generate an estimated flow which can be used to calibrate the model with a genetic algorithm optimization process (Wang, 1998). The objective function of the optimization is the Nash-Sutcliffe model accuracy statistic. An optimization method based on genetic algorithms was used in 17 gauged basins (Figure 4) using a monthly time step. In general, the calibration yielded satisfactory results. For 15 out of the 17 basins the R2 of the calibration was between 0.52 and 0.90 while the Nash–Sutcliffe criterion was between 0.51 and 0.90. The comparison of the observed and simulated flow for all calibrated basins yields a total R2 of 0.81 and a Nash–Sutcliffe criterion yielding the same value. The remaining 2 basins failed to be calibrated to a satisfactory degree. The averaging for all basins parameters was implemented using a naïve” parameter to make estimations for all 110 basins. Figure 4: The 17 gauged basin of the island of Crete. 4.4 Annual Exceedance Probability Changes in the recurrence intervals of specific magnitude events are studied using the Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) approach (Eash et al., 2013). Theoretical parametric distributions are fitted on the annual maximum values of precipitation (the maximum of each year). Following the rule that a theoretical curve can be extended to as far as the double size of the fitted sample, it is safe to extrapolate the distributions to as far as 1% AEP. Nonetheless, the agreement between the observed and the bias corrected historical data is also an indicator of the a) quality of the bias correction, b) the uncertainty induced to the extrapolation, which should be taken into consideration. Page 10 of 43 5. Results 5.1 Projections of water availability 5.1.1 Recent past The hydrological water balance of the control period (1970-2000) corresponds to a typical east Mediterranean island state. The majority of the precipitation fraction evapotranspirates (72%) while 1417% infiltrates and the rest (10-15%) goes towards surface runoff. The monthly distribution of estimated actual ET, runoff and infiltration is shown in Figure 5. As expected, the estimated runoff and infiltration is high during the winter and the actual ET during spring. According to the above simulation, the approximately 934mm or 7,697Mm3 (Table 4) of long term annual precipitation that falls on the island of Crete following the standardization with the respective basin areas, is distributed into 70% Evapotranspiration, 17% Infiltration and 13% Runoff. These values are produced for the median Sacramento model parameters. (a) (b) (c) Figure 5: Monthly estimated actual ET, Runoff and Infiltration for the control period. Table 4: Water balance components for the island of Crete for the period 1970-2000 Precipitation Runoff ET Actual Infiltration 934mm 7,697Mm 3 93-140mm 635-710mm 131-159mm 770-1,555Mm3 5,234-5,850Mm3 1,078-1,308Mm3 10-15% 68-76% 14-17% 5.1.2 Long term projections The climate models output analysis was based on one 30-year and two 50-year discrete periods over Crete in the COMBINE domain WATCH and Ensembles domain. The control period (1970-2000) was used for weighting of ENSEMBLES RCMs, bias correction of COMBINE, WATCH and ENSEMBLES model results and interpretation for the two future (2000-2050 and 2050-2100) periods. The projected hydrologic regime was also distinguished in two time periods (2000-2050 and 2050-2100) for the three pathways (RCPs 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5) and three emission scenarios (B1, A2 and A1B) based on the Page 11 of 43 hydrologic simulation of the COMBINE, WATCH and ENSEMBLES climate model input data through continuous rainfall-runoff modelling. Detailed results for WATCH FP6 and COMBINE FP7 modelling is included in Tsanis and Koutroulis, (2011); Koutroulis et al., (2013) and Tsanis et al., 2013. Figures A1 and A2 in Appendix summarizes the projected temperature and precipitation change over Crete for the above set of experiments. Hydrological modeling results of these trends are presented in the following Figures A3 and A4 of the Appendix showing the continuously decrease water availability. Table 5 summarizes the projected hydrological changes for all pathways/scenarios and multi-model ensemble for the two reference periods according to the water resources assessment framework for Crete. Period Table 5: Summary of projected hydrological changes. Results Average annual precipitation is expected to be slightly decreased (RCP2.6 1.7%) with a parallel increase of temperature by 1.8 oC on average that could lead to a decrease of about 6.5% in availability Precipitation is projected to slightly decrease (-3.4%) and combined with the slightly less (compared to RCP2.6) temperature increase 1.7 RCP4.5 oC, could result to an average decrease in availability by 2.1%. Scenario 2000-2050 RCP8.5 B1 A2 A1B RCP2.6 2050-2100 RCP4.5 RCP8.5 B1 A2 A1B Projections show an average decrease of 4.7% in average annual rainfall and an average temperature increase of 2.1 oC, leading to a water availability decrease by 13.5%. Projected average annual precipitation is expected to be similar to that of the control period (1970-2000). Average annual temperature (16.3 oC of 1970-2000 period) could increase by an average of 1.5oC. We could expect an average increase of water availability by 8%, varying from 4% to 11%. Annual precipitation could slightly decrease (2%) to an average of 919mm. Average annual temperature could increase by an average of 1.4oC and average water availability conditions remain similar to past climate. According to the Ensembles results from 10 RCMs, future projections show an average decrease of 14% in average annual rainfall and an average temperature increase of 1.7 oC, leading to a water availability decrease by 28%. Average annual precipitation is expected to be slightly decreased (-1%) with a parallel increase of temperature by 2.5 oC on average that could lead to a decrease of about 21% in availability Annual precipitation could decrease (-8.7%), annual temperature could increase by an average of 3.2oC and average water availability could decrease by 17% compared to past climate. Projections show an average decrease of average annual rainfall by 18.6% and an average temperature increase of 5.5 oC, leading to a water availability decrease of -33%. Projected average annual precipitation is expected to decrease slightly (4%, 989mm). Average annual temperature could increase by an average of 3.1oC. During this period we could expect on average 10% less available water resources. Projected average annual precipitation is expected to drop to 735mm, 21% less in comparison to the period 1970-2000. Average annual temperature could increase by an average of 4.5oC. Average water availability could decrease by 40%. Projections show an average decrease of average annual rainfall by 26%, reaching 688mm, and an average temperature increase of 4.6 oC, leading to a water availability decrease of 48%. Page 12 of 43 5.1.3 Scenarios of Water demand and technical infrastructure The adopted scenarios of water demand and supply potential are described in detail in Tsanis and Koutroulis, (2011); Koutroulis et al., (2013). The developed scenarios were based on the water practices of the local water management authority (Papagrigoriou et al., 2001) and have three basic components: (a) the level of demand of water for the various uses and (b) the projected water supply potential derived from the combination of the technical infrastructure and the projected water availability (dams, barrages, groundwater abstractions, etc.). Each scenario is composed by a concrete condition of the above two components, for a climate model projection under various emission scenarios, during each of the analysis periods (2000-2050, 2050-2100). Summarizing: Level of water demand: D1: Existing situation of water demand: it includes the current level of demand (2000), based on elements that were assembled from irrigation, water supply authorities and other water users over the whole extent of the Island estimated at 535.7 Mm3/year (458.4 Mm3 in irrigation and 77.3 Mm3 in general water supply). D2: Scenario of future water demand a realistic future scenario of demand which results from the local irrigation facilities construction programs, the future irrigation extend plans, the estimate of future population trends and an increase of tourism activities, resulting to a total of 775.8 Mm3/year (670.8 Mm3 for irrigation and 105 Mm3 for general water supply). Level of water supply: S1: Business as usual (existing infrastructure): it includes all the existing works of exploitation of water resources. A total of 302 Mm3 are supplied for irrigation and 69.7 Mm3 for general water supply. An additional 42.8 Mm3, originating from groundwater abstractions, are supplied to the system, shaping the total supply to 414.6 Mm3 (normal hydrological conditions). S2: Future technical infrastructure: it includes the future technical infrastructure based on the proposed technical work of exploitation of water resources that has been evaluated as mature enough for construction. A total of 398.3 Mm3 are supplied for irrigation (59.4% of the demand), 100.4 Mm3 for general water supply, and an additional 35.4 Mm3 from groundwater abstractions are supplied to the system, shaping the total supply to 534.2 Mm3 (normal hydrological conditions). A direct connection of the decrease (%) of projected water availability to the supply formulated from the two technical infrastructure scenarios (S1 and S2) depicts the estimation of the impact of climate change to the projected supply potential. The combination of the above components produces a large number of different scenarios and offers ample flexibility in their configuration. The estimated excess or deficit of the water balance system from the combination of all components is included in Tables 6.1 and 6.2 for the first half and the second half of the 21st century, respectively, including comparison with the current status (Scenario1 – BAU) of the deficit of 122 Mm3 (23% less from demand). Page 13 of 43 For the first time slice (2000-2050) a range of 24 different futures of projected hydro-climatological regime, demand and supply potential are examined. Only six of these scenarios result to excess in water resources and only for the cases of D1 (existing demand) and S2 (future infrastructure). For the second period (2050-2100) a robust signal of water scarcity is projected for all the combinations of pathways/emissions, demand and infrastructure scenarios, with the estimated deficit ranging from 10% to 74%. The only case that an improvement of the current condition (BAU) could be expected is under the assumption of B1 emission scenario and RCPs 2.6 or 4.5 and the combination of current demand (D1) and future infrastructure (S2). Page 14 of 43 Demand Infrastructure Est. Demand (Mm3) Est. Supply (Mm3) Est. Deficit (Mm3) Est. Excess or Deficit (%) Difference from BAU (Mm3) D2 S1 776 388 -388 -50% -266 D2 S1 776 328 -448 -58% -326 D2 S2 776 499 -277 -36% -155 D2 S2 776 422 -354 -46% -232 D1 S1 536 406 -130 -24% -8 D1 S1 536 344 -192 -36% -70 D1 S2 536 523 -13 -2% 109 D1 S2 536 443 -93 -17% 29 D2 S1 776 406 -370 -48% -248 D2 S1 776 344 -432 -56% -310 D2 S2 776 523 -253 -33% -131 D2 S2 776 443 -333 -43% -211 D1 S1 536 359 -177 -33% -55 D1 S1 536 278 -258 -48% -136 D1 S2 536 462 -74 -14% 48 D1 S2 536 358 -178 -33% -56 D2 S1 776 359 -417 -54% -295 D2 S1 776 278 -498 -64% -376 D2 S2 776 462 -314 -40% -192 D2 S2 776 358 -418 -54% -296 D1 S1 536 449 -87 -16% 35 D1 S1 536 374 -162 -30% -40 D1 S2 536 579 43 8% 165 D1 S2 536 482 -54 -10% 68 D2 S1 776 449 -327 -42% -205 D2 S1 776 374 -402 -52% -280 16 D2 S2 776 579 -197 -25% -75 D2 S2 776 482 -294 -38% -172 17 D1 S1 536 410 -126 -24% -4 D1 S1 536 251 -285 -53% -163 D1 S2 536 529 -7 -1% 115 D1 S2 536 323 -213 -40% -91 D2 S1 776 410 -366 -47% -244 D2 S1 776 251 -525 -68% -403 20 D2 S2 776 529 -247 -32% -125 D2 S2 776 323 -453 -58% -331 21 D1 S1 536 297 -239 -45% -117 D1 S1 536 200 -336 -63% -214 D1 S2 536 382 -154 -29% -32 D1 S2 536 257 -279 -52% -157 D2 S1 776 297 -479 -62% -357 D2 S1 776 200 -576 -74% -454 D2 S2 776 382 -394 -51% -272 D2 S2 776 257 -519 -67% -397 19 22 23 24 -122 -23% 0 COMBINE COMBINE WATCH RCP2.6 RCP4.5 RCP8.5 414 WATCH 18 536 ENSEMBLE S 15 B1 14 A2 13 A1B 12 2000-2050 11 S1 2051-2100 8 10 Difference from BAU (Mm3) -86 -21% 9 Est. Excess or Deficit (%) -39% -114 8 Est. Deficit (Mm3) -208 422 7 Est. Supply (Mm3) 328 536 6 Est. Demand (Mm3) 536 S2 5 Infrastructure S1 D1 4 Demand D1 85 3 Hydrologic regime -26 -7% 2 D1 COMBINE -28% -37 Emission scenario -148 Period 388 499 Past 536 536 SCENARIO S1 S2 1 BAU D1 D1 1 Normal Table 6: Estimated excess- deficit of the water balance from the combination of all components for the 2000-2050 and 2051-2100 periods. 5.2 Decadal projections The Directorate of Water (user) as the general managing authority of water resources in the Prefecture of Crete is responsible for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for the corresponding hydrological compartment (GR13). The implementation of the WFD is based on 6 years term management plans. The first draft management plan was developed during the course of the ECLISE project and information regarding short term experiments such as decadal projections were considered as very useful and appropriate for this application. In light of this climate information need, the ability of decadal prediction experiments to reproduce temperature and precipitation parameters over Crete was examined based on a set of 439 realizations from ESMs available in the frame of COMBINE FP7 project. Figure 6 compares the models skill of the experiments in simulating annual average temperature over Crete region starting from 1970, initializing every 5 years. EC-Earth and CMCC-CM models resulted to better representation of average annual temperature. Each modelling group provided a different number of realization in CMIP5 archive as referred in section 3.3. Figure 6: Decadal predictions experiments from 5 ESMs over Crete. For all the plots the black solid lines shows the observed average annual temperature. Black dots and lines shows initialization year and realizations average. Similarly, Figure 7 compares the skill of the decadal experiments in simulating average annual precipitation over Crete. Figure 7: Decadal predictions experiments from 5 ESMs over Crete. For all the plots the black solid lines shows the observed total annual precipitation. Black dots and lines shows initialization year and realizations average. A summary of simple performance metrics like mean, standard deviation and coefficient of variation of monthly precipitation and temperature values are included in Table 7. It is obvious that decadal predictions cannot describe the precipitation regime over the study area with a bias ranging from -55% to -70%. These biases could be caused by imperfections in sub-grid scale climate model Page 17 of 43 conceptualizations and the still course spatial resolution. This pronounced underestimation makes decadal experiment results of low usefulness in their native form. MPI-ESM 0.166 1.041 CV 1.235 0.867 1.132 1.087 1.233 83.4 STDEV 29.6 32.1 36.1 35.3 32.7 80.1 Mean 23.9 37.1 31.9 32.5 26.5 Bias -56.2 -44.7 -48.4 -54.3 -55.2 OBS Precipitation Temperature CV-DEV MPI-ESM HadCM3 -0.025 HadCM3 EC-EARTH 0.047 EC-EARTH CNRM-CM5 -0.204 CNRM-CM 0.125 CMCC-CM CV-DEV OBS CMCC-CM Table 7: Summary of the skill of decadal experiments for precipitation and temperature. -0.146 -0.066 -0.156 -0.149 -0.162 0.214 0.295 0.204 0.211 0.198 3.6 5.5 3.4 3.9 3.7 0.350 CV 5.6 STDEV 16.1 Mean 16.8 18.8 16.8 18.4 18.8 Bias 0.5 2.4 0.4 2.1 2.5 In order to be comparable with local observations, results were adjusted for their mean value and variability against observations and tested for the ability to capture decadal trends, number of “wet” and “dry” years and number of “hot” and “cold” years (Table 8). Years with total annual precipitation below the 20th percentile (<780mm) of the control period 1970-2000 were defined as “Dry”, while years over the 80th percentile (>1100mm) were defined as “Wet”. Similarly, years with average annual temperature below the 20th percentile (<15.9oC) of the control period 1970-2000 were defined as “Cold”, while years over the 80th percentile (>16.7oC) were defined as “Hot”. Figure 8 presents the annual temperature and precipitation over Crete from decadal prediction experiments, after bias and variability adjustment from a number of realizations (initializations) per model. It is clear that no robust signal, neither for temperature nor for precipitation is detected. The identification of similar slope trends, number of Wet/Dry and Hot/Cold years for a few decades and models but not in a systematic pattern seems to be due to randomness. The low resolution of the models when compared to the size of the study area could be the main reason of the presence of these biases. Decadal experiments with a horizontal resolution of the order of one or more decimal degree cannot capture and resolve local scale processes. Therefore, every effort of downscaling, even with a high resolution dynamical nonhydrostatic application for the case study region, could probably be redundant and without any practical outcome. Page 18 of 43 Temperature Precipitation Table 8: Decadal experiments: slope, correlation coefficient, number of “wet” and “dry” years and number of “hot” and “cold” years. 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 OBS Slope (mm/y) -11.0 -45.0 -11.4 17.1 19.3 WET(#y) 0 2 3 4 1 DRY(#y) 0 2 2 3 1 CMCC-CM Slope (mm/y) -14.0 -30.0 -16.7 -24.6 -14.3 WET(#y) 1 3 2 2 3 DRY(#y) 0 1 2 1 1 Correl 0.41 0.28 -0.11 0.17 0.04 CNRM-CM5 Slope (mm/y) 4.4 12.1 -24.0 -18.7 48.9 WET(#y) 1 2 3 2 3 DRY(#y) 0 1 2 2 1 Correl -0.19 -0.03 -0.17 0.11 0.37 EC-Earth-KNMI Slope (mm/y) 21.3 41.2 49.3 54.0 66.6 WET(#y) 1 2 3 2 1 DRY(#y) 0 2 2 2 1 Correl -0.31 -0.44 -0.01 0.27 0.24 HadCM3 Slope (mm/y) -2.6 -4.8 14.9 13.5 -6.2 WET(#y) 1 2 2 3 2 DRY(#y) 0 1 2 2 1 Correl 0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.06 -0.14 MPI-ESM-LR Slope (mm/y) 10.9 0.9 -29.3 -39.0 -4.5 WET(#y) 2 1 2 2 3 DRY(#y) 0 1 1 2 1 Correl -0.18 -0.12 0.64 -0.21 0.69 OBS Slope (oC/y) -0.02 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.13 0.06 COLD(#y) 0 0 1 1 3 2 HOT(#y) 1 2 2 2 3 2 CMCC-CM Slope (oC/y) -0.09 -0.10 -0.07 -0.09 -0.14 -0.12 COLD(#y) 1 1 1 2 3 1 HOT(#y) 1 1 0 1 4 2 Correl 0.18 -0.39 -0.23 -0.06 -0.37 -0.86 CNRM-CM5 Slope (oC/y) -0.10 -0.10 -0.09 -0.12 -0.09 -0.11 COLD(#y) 1 1 1 2 1 2 HOT(#y) 1 1 2 3 2 4 Correl 0.28 -0.23 -0.35 -0.15 -0.21 -0.61 EC-Earth-KNMI Slope (oC/y) -0.03 -0.03 0.09 -0.05 0.14 0.13 COLD(#y) 1 2 1 3 2 2 HOT(#y) 1 1 1 1 3 3 Correl 0.52 0.31 0.47 -0.14 0.22 0.42 HadCM3 Slope (oC/y) -0.07 -0.09 0.02 0.06 -0.03 0.07 COLD(#y) 1 0 1 2 1 2 HOT(#y) 0 2 3 2 4 2 Correl 0.20 -0.07 0.41 0.20 -0.10 0.47 MPI-ESM-LR Slope (oC/y) -0.01 0.06 0.09 -0.02 0.10 0.09 COLD(#y) 0 1 2 1 4 1 HOT(#y) 2 1 1 2 3 1 Correl -0.26 0.57 0.58 0.44 0.24 0.20 Page 19 of 43 Figure 8: Annual temperature and precipitation over Crete from decadal prediction experiments, after bias and variability adjustment. Solid black line corresponds to observations and color lines to average model results from a number of realizations (initializations). Page 20 of 43 5.3 Precipitation extremes: Annual exceedance probability of maximum daily precipitation and higher percentiles Projected changes in precipitation extremes were communicated in terms of changes in Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) based on annual maximum precipitation values. Annual Exceedance from 10% Probability (10 years return period) up to 1% (100 years return period events) were estimated at station level based on daily precipitation records at 52 locations over Crete (observations), control period RCM runs (1970-2000) and three projection periods (2010-2040, 20412070, 2071-2100). Based on 30 years long time-series it is safe to extrapolate up to 2% AEP (50 years return period) and results presented below are based on these estimates. Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution was used to model the annual rainfall maxima. Projections were obtained from the most complete in terms of models number and more detailed in terms of spatial resolution simulations of ENSEMBLES FP6 project (Van der Linden et al., 2009), forced using observed GHG greenhouse gas and aerosol concentrations until 2000 and SRES A1B concentrations scenario until 2100. Simulations from 17 RCMs were retrieved and adjusted for biases at station level against daily precipitation records using a multi-segment bias correction method that performs better especially for extremes values, compared to methods using one theoretical distribution to fit the entire CDF or distribution free methods. The coarse density of the station network over the western part of Crete results to biased results based on a few stations. The effectiveness of the bias correction method to realistically adjust climate modelled precipitation maxima close to observations is presented in Figure 9 (three upper panels). The average bias of 50 years return period extreme values (2% AEP) based on raw RCMs outputs compared to the ones estimated from observations was underestimated by more than 50% (-87mm results not shown here and ranging from -19mm to -221mm among the 52 stations) and with the application of the adjustment the underestimation dropped to 5% (remaining average bias of 8-mm ranging from -04mm to +25mm among the 52 stations). A significant increase of the 2% AEP is projected for all future periods. An average increase of over 40% (over 65mm) is projected form the average of the 17 RCMs under A1B scenario ranging from 9mm to 175mm among the 52 stations (Figure 9 lower panels). A similar but less increase in average 2% AEP is projected for the subsequent periods. Extreme daily precipitation of 2% AEP could increase over 30% (50mm) for the 2041-2070 period (ranging from 18mm to 230mm among the 52 stations) and over 25% (40mm) during the 2071-2100 period (ranging from 36mm to 236mm among the 52 stations). Although average 2% AEP is decreasing moving from 2010-2040 to 2041-2070 and 20712100, the 2% AEP variability among the 52 station locations is continuously increasing. Page 21 of 43 Figure 9: Spatially interpolated (IDW) 2% Annual Exceedance Probability using GEV based on precipitation records of 52 stations (OBS), and average AEP estimated from 17 bias adjusted RCMs for the control (1970-2000) and three projection periods (2010-2040, 2041-2070, 2071-2100). Precipitation maxima were also expressed in terms of extreme percentiles and more specifically the 99.9-ile%. This percentile for a 30 years long time series of daily precipitation corresponds to a threshold of the 11 maximum values. The value of this percentile based on daily precipitation records of the 52 stations is described by an average of 89mm ranging from 59mm over central south Crete to 184mm over Western Crete. The application of the bias adjustment had similar results to the 2% AEP. Page 22 of 43 The remaining bias of the average 99.9-ile% over the 52 stations dropped to about 1% from an over 55% average bias (-50mm). Projections indicate a similar increase of the 99.9-ile% values of the order of 9%, 8% and 7% for the 2010-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100 periods, respectively. The values range from a decrease of 2.5mm to an increase of 27mm among the stations. Figure 10: Spatially interpolated (IDW) 99.9-ile% based on precipitation records of 52 stations (OBS), and average 99.9-ile% estimated from 17 bias adjusted RCMs for the control (1970-2000) and three projection periods (2010-2040, 2041-2070, 2071-2100). Page 23 of 43 5.4 Non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs experiments Simulations for three storm events triggering flash flooding in different parts of Crete were performed by the modelling groups. The events were selected in terms of severity, data availability and location (Figure 11). A short overview of the events is presented in D2.4 (Sobolowski et al., 2014). Figure 11: Three high resolution test cases over Crete. The 99.5-ile% classified map derived from the interpolation (IDW) of daily precipitation values from 50 stations (with more than 30 gauging years). Black dots indicate precipitation stations with daily accumulated precipitation lower that the 99.5-ile%. Blue and green dots correspond to stations daily accumulated precipitation over the 99.5-ile%, for two classes of less than 100mm and more than 100mm, respectively. Page 24 of 43 5.4.1 November 17, 2006 – the Almirida basin flash flood event. The Almirida watershed is located in the northwest part of the island of Crete. The watershed covers an area of 25 km2 and has a mean slope of 11.9 % with elevation ranging from 5 to 527 m above sea level. The mean annual precipitation is 648 mm. On 17 October, 2006, a frontal depression in the central Mediterranean moved eastward and crossed the island of Crete mid-day on 17 October 2006 (Tsanis et al., 2008). This depression caused a high intensity short duration heavy rainfall event resulting in a flash flood. Weather radar located less than 25 km from the watershed provided sparse reflectivity data during the event due to power outages in the area (Daliakopoulos and Tsanis, 2011). The neighboring rain gauge of Souda Bay (16 km) recorded a maximum hourly precipitation of 25.2 mm and a daily gauge (Kalives) located just 3 km from the watershed recorded 220 mm, far exceeding the 1% AEP (100yrs return period) of the particular station (Koutroulis et al., 2010). Hydrologic analysis showed that this flash flood event produced an estimated peak flow on the order of 120 m3/s (Tsanis et al., 2013), which corresponds to a specific peak discharge of 5 m3/s/km2 (Gaume et al., 2009). This extreme event led to the loss of one life and over € 1M in damages in Almirida alone and a total damage toll of approximately € 3M. This storm event was simulated by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs. The location of the storm over Western Crete was adequately captured by all three models. Observed accumulated precipitation (up to 330mm) for the three days 16-18 October 2006 (Figure 12, upper) was simulated more realistically by WRF model in terms of rainfall height. HCLIM and HARMONIE resulted in less rainfall compared to observations. The lower panels of the Figure 9 shows the difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations. Especially for the stations in the wider are of the flood impacted region, simulations result to higher precipitation totals ranging from 7% to 40%. It is also interesting that all models agree to increased precipitation over the south central part of the island. The temporal evolution of the precipitation was captured by all models but more realistically in terms of rainfall amount by WRF, for the flood nearby station of Souda airport (Figure 13). WRF model overestimated precipitation for all high temporal resolution gauging stations in terms of total accumulations and intensity (Table 9). Simulations of +2oC resulted to increased precipitation totals for the Souda-airport and Chania-Halepa stations that are located relatively close to the most impacted flood area. The relative increase for Souda station ranges from 12% to 58% for total precipitation and from 18% to 210% for hourly precipitation intensity depending on the model (Table 9). Page 25 of 43 Figure 12: Storm event accumulated precipitation for the three days 16-18 October 2006 based on local observations at 62 stations and as simulated by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs interpolated at station locations (upper panels). Difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations (lower panels). Page 26 of 43 Figure 13: Temporal evolution of precipitation at station scale based on records and simulations of the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs. Simulations of +2oC are plotted in dashed lines. Table 9: Information of accumulated and maximum hourly precipitation at station level for reference and +2oC simulations. 77.5 18.8 38.5 21.3 77.8 54.2 13.0 36.9 9.7 131.9 Chania - Halepa Knossos Palaiochora Heraclio Airport Souda Airport 32 29 3 29 144 7.4 13.6 14.4 8.2 25.2 11.1 4.9 25.0 5.9 16.7 4.7 2.9 7.7 2.4 13.2 Page 27 of 43 4% 5% 35% 17% 43% 15% -4% -4% 0% 12% 119% 44% 95% -12% 58% 82% -26% 43% 11% 18% 21% 6% -10% 13% 22% 287% 105% 126% 16% 211% WRF WRF HARM Accumulated precipitation 205.1 80.6 62.2 449.1 140.2 19.7 12.5 201.3 66.4 52.1 35.5 129.5 196.2 25.0 9.7 172.4 246.4 111.4 147.7 389.9 Maximum hourly precipitation 30.4 20.3 5.7 117.8 23.8 3.6 3.1 48.6 13.9 35.7 7.0 31.5 46.9 6.6 2.8 54.2 31.1 19.6 16.1 96.7 HCLIM 81.8 73.2 39.0 55.2 154.4 Relative change (%) HARM 32 29 3 29 144 WRF HCLIM HARM OBS Elev.(m) Station Chania - Halepa Knossos Palaiochora Heraclio Airport Souda Airport HCLIM +2oC Reference simulations Figure 14 illustrates total event precipitation for the 16-18 October 2006 storm based on simulations by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF models for the reference and warmer climate experiments, as well as, their difference. The table on the right includes spatially aggregated information of accumulated precipitation for Almirida watershed and for the total land area of Crete. Information on maximum and minimum point (NHRMs node) rainfall is also included. WRF simulation resulted to total precipitation of more than double in comparison to the HCLIM and HARMONIE models. HARMONIE model simulates 25% more total precipitation at basin level for a warmer climate of 2oC, while HCLIM results to 17% and WRF to 1% higher precipitation that would probably result to more severe flooding conditions. 2006 WRF HCLIM HARMONIE Alimirida Crete Mean Simulation 123.3 47.5 Max Simulation 140.2 255.9 Min Simulation 116.6 0.0 Mean +2C 154.7 56.5 Max +2C 166.8 334.6 Min +2C 142.7 0.1 Diff Mean 31.3 9.0 Diff Max 44.2 113.9 Diff Min 16.2 -19.4 Mean Simulation 150.5 72.1 Max Simulation 171.1 484.6 Min Simulation 129.8 0.3 Mean +2C 175.7 76.5 Max +2C 199.7 546.3 Min +2C 145.9 0.4 Diff Mean 25.2 4.4 Diff Max 33.9 61.8 Diff Min 16.0 -16.8 Mean Simulation 354.6 149.9 Max Simulation 370.8 559.2 Min Simulation 308.1 0.3 Mean +2C 359.9 189.8 Max +2C 404.2 660.7 Min +2C 295.6 28.5 5.3 39.9 Diff Max 65.9 312.6 Diff Min -57.2 -172.3 Diff Mean Figure 14: Storm event accumulated precipitation for the three days 16-18 October 2006 based on simulations by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs and difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations. Table includes spatial aggregated information of mean, max and min precipitation and corresponding differences at basin and whole island level. Page 28 of 43 5.4.2 January 13, 1994 – the Giofiros basin flash flood event The Giofiros basin is located in North-Central Crete and occupies an area of 186 km2. The Giofiros basin has a seasonal flow during the wet winter period (December to March), when the most of the mean annual rainfall of 827 mm occurs. On January, 1994, a frontal depression in the south-eastern Mediterranean moved eastward then north crossing the island of Crete (Koutroulis and Tsanis, 2010). On the 13th January 1994 around 1500 UTC, the intensity of the light precipitation that saturated Giofiros soils during the previous days increased. The warm air mass with high dew point, southwest– northeast flow (as determined from an analysis at 500 hPa) and highly positive relative vorticity was primarily blocked by the Psiloritis Mountains’ steep topography. The air mass was forced to higher elevations, cooled and produced high rates of precipitation of up to 37 mm/h at Ag. Varvara station (uphill). A maximum 5 h accumulated precipitation of 123 mm was recorded at 2100 UTC. This extreme rainfall eventually stopped at 2400 UTC and lasted almost 9 h, triggering a flash flood. The resulting flash flood had catastrophic impacts on the Giofiros basin. Houses located near the coast were flooded leaving 49 people homeless. The single most adverse effect of the flood was the damage caused to the city’s wastewater treatment plant, which was still under construction at the time of the flood. Many of the concrete tanks were rendered inoperable or were completely destroyed by the force of the flood wave. The location of the storm over central Crete was fairly captured by all three models. Observed accumulated precipitation (up to 200mm) for the three days 12-14 January 1994 (Figure 15, upper) was underestimated by all models. HCLIM and HARMONIE resulted in less rainfall compared to observations as the case of 2006. The lower panels of the Figure 14 shows the difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations. Especially for the uphill stations of the flood impacted watershed, simulations result to higher precipitation totals ranging from 5% to 55% depending on station and model. WRF proved more efficient in capturing the temporal evolution of the precipitation and but more realistically in terms of rainfall amount, for the flood nearby station called Ag. Varvara (Figure 16). Figure 17 shows total event precipitation for the 12-14 January 1994 storm based on NHRMs simulations for the reference and warmer climate (+2oC) experiments, as well as, their difference. The table on the right includes spatially aggregated information of accumulated precipitation for Giofiros watershed and for the total land area of Crete. Information on maximum and minimum point (NHRMs node) rainfall is also included. All simulations resulted to similar total basin precipitation estimations of the order of 60mm to 70mm. HARMONIE model simulates 18% more total precipitation at basin level for a warmer climate of 2oC, while HCLIM results to 64% and WRF to 62% higher precipitation. Page 29 of 43 Figure 15: Storm event accumulated precipitation for the three days 12-14 January 1994 based on local observations at 51 stations and as simulated by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs interpolated at station locations (upper panels). Difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations (lower panels). Page 30 of 43 Figure 16: Temporal evolution of precipitation at Ag. Varvara station based on hourly records and simulations of the three NHRMs. Simulations of +2oC are plotted in dashed lines. 1994 HCLIM HARMONIE Giofiros Mean Simulation 61.0 76.4 Max Simulation 85.8 240.0 Min Simulation 38.1 6.2 Mean +2C 72.1 79.0 Max +2C 96.2 293.0 Min +2C 45.6 1.2 Diff Mean 11.2 2.6 Diff Max 22.7 142.2 Diff Min 0.0 -58.7 Mean Simulation 69.2 94.1 Max Simulation 93.0 352.9 Min Simulation 47.0 14.2 Mean +2C 113.7 119.2 Max +2C 145.9 382.1 Min +2C 81.3 14.2 Diff Mean 44.5 25.1 Diff Max 71.5 81.3 Diff Min WRF Crete 5.8 -14.9 Mean Simulation 63.8 62.4 Max Simulation 97.3 217.1 Min Simulation 44.2 5.4 Mean +2C 103.3 70.6 Max +2C 158.5 190.4 Min +2C 70.3 5.5 Diff Mean 39.5 8.2 Diff Max 65.8 65.8 Diff Min 19.7 -90.5 Figure 17: Storm event accumulated precipitation for the three days 12-14 January 1994 based on simulations by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs and difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations. Table includes spatial aggregated information of mean, max and min precipitation and corresponding differences at basin and whole island level. Page 31 of 43 5.4.3 November 22, 2008 – the Ierapetra flash flood event The Ierapetra region, located in the Southeast of Crete is an area of high agricultural and tourism activity. The average annual precipitation (440 mm) is significantly lower compared to the western part of the island. The late autumn event of the 22th of November 2008 with an overall duration of 17 hours affected mainly the eastern and central part of the island of Crete, causing extensive damage to property and infrastructure (Koutroulis et al., 2012). The closest synoptic scale atmospheric system was a strong, closed, intense depression of 988 hPa centered over southern Serbia at 0600 UTC 22 November (time of flood event) with an extended effective radius of 5.28 degrees and a depth of 6.4 hPa/degree (Iordanidou et al., 2013). This closed system moved over northern Greece at 1200 UTC 22 November with the same intensity and dissipated within the next few hours. The accumulated rainfall from a nearby station was 73.8 mm and the maximum 10 minutes recorded precipitation was 12.4mm. Exceptional lightning activity was also recorded during the evolution of the storm. The location of the storm over eastern Crete was not captured the models. Rainfall occurrence was better captured over the western and central part of Crete. Observed accumulated precipitation (up to 210mm) for the three days 21-23 November 2008 (Figure 18, upper) was largely underestimated by all models. The lower panels of the Figure 17 shows the difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations. WRF proved efficient in capturing the temporal evolution of the precipitation at the Ierapetra station (Figure 19) located near the flood location. Figure 20 shows total event precipitation for the 21-23 November 2008 storm based on NHRMs simulations for the reference and warmer climate (+2oC) experiments, as well as, their difference. The table on the right includes spatially aggregated information of accumulated precipitation for Giofiros watershed and for the total land area of Crete. Information on maximum and minimum point (NHRMs node) rainfall is also included. All simulations except WRF resulted to increase in total precipitation at watershed level estimations due to a warmer climate. Page 32 of 43 Figure 18: Storm event accumulated precipitation for the three days 21-23 November 2008 based on local observations at 51 stations and as simulated by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs interpolated at station locations (upper panels). Difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations (lower panels). Page 33 of 43 Figure 19: Temporal evolution of precipitation at station scale based on records and simulations of the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs. Simulations of +2oC are plotted in dashed lines. 9.0 3.6 16.4 1.4 1.8 17.8 10.0 6.0 1.2 6.6 5.4 8.4 2.8 0.8 0.2 0.4 1.4 0.0 1.8 0.8 0.2 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.7 0.1 0.5 0.1 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.7 0.0 7.6 2.5 0.6 0.2 WRF 801 137 240 115 10 5 418 3 39 1250 405 820 58 HCLIM Anogia Chania FragmaP Knossos Heraklio (Port) Ierapetra Metaxochori Paleochora Rethimno Samaria Spili Tzermiado Vrisses HARM 4.4 0.3 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.3 18.0 0.1 170.1 36.1 6.0 1.2 WRF 2.6 0.4 2.2 5.1 0.2 9.2 4.4 0.8 7.1 29.0 3.8 3.2 0.1 HCLIM 34.8 5.8 52.2 5.0 4.4 74.0 47.6 24.6 2.6 70.8 30.2 32.6 5.6 HARM HCLIM 801 137 240 115 10 5 418 3 39 1250 405 820 58 WRF HARM Anogia Chania Fragma P. Knossos Heraklio (Port) Ierapetra Metaxochori Paleochora Rethimno Samaria Spili Tzermiado Vrisses Elev. (m) OBS Station Table 10: Information of accumulated and max hourly precipitation at station level for reference and +2oC simulations. Reference simulation +2oC Relative change (%) 47% 94% 52% 263% 604% 37% -9% 13% -5% 2% 110% 17% 6% -29% 204% 12% 54% 54% 316% -5% 6% 455% 6% -7% 21% -40% 160% -87% 118% 1682% 5489% -31% 8% 4% -49% 12% -3% 33% -39% 95% 119% 81% 443% 1630% 29% -76% 0% -1% 11% 170% 63% 0% -57% 150% -12% -21% -21% 133% 5% 2% 347% -3% -12% 12% -2% 477% -89% 363% 1840% 3686% -30% 4% -37% -41% 15% 35% 105% 15% Accumulated precipitation 8.3 3.8 3.1 21.6 2.9 0.7 0.8 0.4 12.0 3.3 12.0 26.1 0.4 18.5 0.0 6.7 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.9 14.3 12.6 0.1 9.8 26.2 4.0 8.8 28.3 4.5 0.9 19.0 4.6 1.0 6.8 0.6 0.5 132.7 29.6 180.3 148.9 26.0 7.9 33.6 25.2 8.5 3.8 7.3 11.3 6.3 0.1 0.7 3.9 Maximum 30min precipitation 1.4 1.6 0.2 8.4 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.1 1.3 0.8 1.1 6.0 0.2 7.8 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.0 2.6 2.4 0.0 1.8 3.4 0.2 1.1 3.5 1.0 0.2 1.7 0.6 0.4 1.2 0.2 0.3 9.0 1.7 7.3 10.3 3.6 1.3 2.2 4.9 1.4 1.1 0.7 2.9 1.6 0.1 0.2 1.8 Page 34 of 43 2008 Ierapetra WRF HCLIM HARMONIE Mean Simulation Crete 5.0 19.9 Max Simulation 19.8 244.5 Min Simulation 1.4 0.0 Mean +2C 7.0 24.0 Max +2C 24.0 306.3 Min +2C 2.5 0.0 Diff Mean 2.1 4.1 Diff Max 5.6 77.8 Diff Min 0.6 -17.3 Mean Simulation 7.0 43.9 Max Simulation 67.5 420.6 Min Simulation 0.0 0.0 Mean +2C 12.1 46.3 Max +2C 69.4 435.5 Min +2C 0.1 0.0 Diff Mean 0.5 2.4 Diff Max 2.7 29.2 Diff Min -0.1 -22.2 Mean Simulation 23.4 32.1 Max Simulation 47.0 253.8 Min Simulation 15.2 0.3 Mean +2C 21.1 38.2 Max +2C 46.0 301.2 Min +2C 10.8 0.2 Diff Mean -2.3 6.1 Diff Max 5.0 73.8 Diff Min -8.1 -28.8 Figure 20: Storm event accumulated precipitation for the three days 21-23 November 2008 based on simulations by the HCLIM, HARMONIE and WRF NHRMs and difference in the +2oC warming scenario as compared to the reference simulations. Table includes spatial aggregated information of mean, max and min precipitation and corresponding differences at wider impacted area and whole island level. Page 35 of 43 6. Conclusions Despite limitations and uncertainties, this study presents a wide range of draft estimates and results, providing water resources management community with a glimpse into a very plausible future where the quantitative impact of climate change on water availability and water extremes can be substantial, especially in a Mediterranean island like Crete. 6.1 Long term projections of water availability Basin scale climate information was delivered to the user, useful in prioritizing certain water resources related infrastructure development. A robust signal of water scarcity is projected for all the combinations of emission, demand and infrastructure scenarios. According to the Water Directorate, the overwhelming majority of small works (barrages, small dams) are projects of purely local character regarding and most of these infrastructures do not have a significant effect on a municipal or greater level. Therefore, they should be evaluated only based on technical, economic and social criteria of the local region in which they are located and which they will serve. Regarding the large scale water resources engineering, some of them are presented as additional supply for covering the existing demand, while other are of course surplus in the present situation and consequently should be connected with further cultivation. The planned development policy of new water resources infrastructures is very closely connected with the growth of new irrigated areas. This leads to a great increase of irrigation demand level, as this has been determined in the present study, precluding the practicability of this scenario. The conclusion is that an alternative policy of development of new infrastructure should be adapted. This policy should not only give priority to the increase of irrigated areas, but should also assist in the practice of the existing irrigated areas with parallel evaluation of plans for newly irrigated areas. It emerges that the inability to control large outflow quantities that runoff into the sea, despite recent improvements, remains a problem despite the growth of an abundance of infrastructure aiming to store winter spring and stream flows. 6.2 Decadal projections The coarse resolution of ESMs compared to the extent of the study area, cannot describe the local precipitation regime probably due to failure in capturing small scale processes. The bias is ranging from -55% to -70% and could be caused by imperfections in sub-grid scale climate model conceptualizations. This pronounced underestimation makes decadal experiment results of low usefulness in their native form. Dynamical downscaling of these experiments is proposed to be performed and evaluated for their applicability on short term management planning. Page 36 of 43 6.3 Extremes and non-hydrostatic high-resolution RCMs experiments A robust increasing signal of daily precipitation maxima under A1B emission scenarios is projected from a set of 17 RCMs. Projected changes in precipitation extremes were communicated in terms of changes in Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) based on annual maximum precipitation values and in terms of extreme percentiles and more specifically the 99.9-ile%. A significant increase of the 2% AEP (50 years return period daily precipitation maxima) is projected for all future periods by an average of almost 40% (over 65mm) ranging from 9mm to 236mm among the 52 stations analysed. Projections indicate a similar increase of the 99.9-ile% values of the order of 8%. Three present day extreme events over the island of Crete were simulating with the use of Nonhydrostatic high-resolution RCMs by the modelling groups of SMHI, UNI and KNMI. These events were also simulated under conditions of a warmer climate (+2oC). Simulations proved to be sufficiently efficient in realistic capturing historical storm events and thus valuable in impact modelling. Historical storm events over Crete, could produce significantly higher precipitation accumulations and intensities in a warmer climate. Further detailed hydrological and hydraulic impact assessment is planned to be performed and communicated to the end user. Hydrological modelling using HBV and HEC-HMS models will follow, examining peak discharge estimations and propagation of flood waves. Hydraulic modelling will be conducted in order to validate maximum water levels of reference simulations and projected maximum water level and flood extend under warmer climate conditions. 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Figure A3. Black lines depict the historical simulated annual availability based on observations. Red dotted lines correspond to historical and projected multi-model mean annual availability. Trend lines represent the average annual availability slopes for the observed period (in black ) and for the ensemble projections (in red) under (a) B1, (b) A2 and (c) A1B emission scenarios. Grey areas indicate the amplitude of historical and projected availability of multi-model RCM and GCM ensembles and hydrological modeling. Figure A4: Projections of annual average runoff (availability) over Crete from a multi-model ensemble for the three RCPs for different reference periods (a) 2006-2100, (b) 2006-2050 and (c) 2051-2100. Page 43 of 43