Junior School News 12 August 2016


Junior School News 12 August 2016
Pre‐prep to Year 12 Co‐Ed Day & Boarding 30 Dr George Ellis Drive, PO Box 235, Charters Towers Qld 4820 Phone: 47 88 2242 Email: takers@allsouls.qld.edu.au Junior School News 12 August 2016 Thank you to all the staff who prepared our JS Athle cs team for the event. Our students were both a credit to our School and to their families. Thank you to all the parents and friends who went along to the carnival to cheer and celebrate the spor ng skills of our athletes. Encouraging the students on the day does make a difference. All Souls St Gabriels Junior School athletes did their very best and once again brought home the Average Trophy and finished 4th overall. Congratula ons to our Age Champions: Anna Milton and Corey Guldbransen. We are also very proud of Yasmin Musk, Charlo e Jesberg, Anna Milton and Samantha Santo who were selected to represent Charters Towers at the NQ Athle c Trials later C
this term. I was delighted to see how well all our students The success of the carnival is a combina on of factors – conducted themselves throughout the day. We are very weather, people, students, a tude, organisa on and a proud that they wear the ASSG uniform. touch of good luck. It is about having a great day; experiencing the high of winning and the disappointment of losing and knowing how to manage those feelings; working as a team; doing your personal best (whatever that might be); accep ng the decision of the judges; and going home, exhausted and happy. DIARY DATES It takes more than talent to be a good athlete. It includes having a passion and commitment and always giving of your best. It requires the support of family and friends and a lot of hard work. I feel that all the athletes who competed at the recent Primary Inter‐School Athle cs Carnival clearly demonstrated these a ributes and I would like to congratulate every compe tor on their efforts and great sportsmanship. Monday 15 August Year 2, 3 & 5 Overnight Reef HQ Tuesday 16 August Braveheart Presenta on Thursday 18 August Rescheduled NQ Football Academy 3:15—4:15 Next Week Charters Towers Eisteddfod Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au C
Every student had a piece of their work on display in the Schools’ Exhibi on. Thank you Mrs McGuire, Miss Browne, Mrs Polsen and Mrs Fleming for organising the All Souls St Gabriels display and our Maintenance staff for their assistance. Well done to our Upper Junior School Choir on their performance in the arena at the Show. R
Year 2 Anna Dunn 1st Place Year 3 Dale Bea y 2nd Place & HC Shelden West 2nd Place Nate Taylor 1st Place Champion Handwri ng Year 4 Will North 1st Place Emily Maxwell 2nd Place Year 5 Alexandra Holt 1st Place 2nd Place Lucie Taylor Year 6 Jessica Hay 1st Place 2nd Place Emma Loxton Poster Compe
Rory Barr 1st Place & HC Della Walsh 2nd Place Year 4 Hunter McKellar 1st Place & HC Charlo e Jesberg 2nd Place Year 5 Meg Brassington 1st Place Year 5 Jed Marshall 2nd Place Year 3 on Students in Year 3 and Year 5 received their NAPLAN reports last week. I encourage parents to read the report in the context of what you already know about your child’s academic performance and in conjunc on with other assessment informa on and reports you have already received. As a School we use the NAPLAN data in conjunc on with other forma ve and summa ve assessments to provide informed teaching and learning programs to enhance our students’ strengths and improve in those areas that the data suggests could be stronger. on As parents we remind you that the NAPLAN student report is a point in me; a snapshot of your child’s achievements in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Evidence shows that a well‐rounded educa on, including the pursuit of other ac vi es such as sport, music and the arts, also contributes to the development of literacy and numeracy knowledge and skills. All ac vi es are crucial to the School program and contribute to developing informed, happy students who are confident in their own abili es. Handwri ng Compe
Next Monday it will be very quiet in the Junior School as the Year 2, 3 & 5 students will be heading to Townsville to overnight at Reef HQ. The trip will provide the opportunity for the students to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience authen c learning experiences and enjoy learning outside of the classroom. However, no ma er how much the students learn during their overnight at Reef HQ, their favourite memories will be based on their enjoyment of the day. As this is the first overnight excursion for these students, I know the parents join me in thanking their teachers: Miss Browne, Mrs Fleming and Mr Roughley, for the planning and prepara on that they have done to make this a fun educa onal experience for all the students. Thank you also to Mr Marshall, Ms Walker, Jaron and Sullivan (GAP Staff) for giving up their me to provide the addi onal supervision required during the trip. I am sure that everyone will have a very memorable experience and the students will return to the classroom with a renewed focus on their schoolwork. P
Our students and staff are working extremely hard to prepare our students for this year’s Charters Towers Eisteddfod. The experience of performing in front of an audience at the World Theatre is a great opportunity and I would like to applaud the students for the extra prac ce and prepara on they are doing. In addi on to individual students performing set pieces, the JS Choirs and Year 3/4 Choral Speaking Choir will perform at the World Theatre. We know when children are intrinsically mo vated, persevere with a task and focus their a en on they are more likely to succeed. I am sure with the energy and endeavour that is going into preparing for this year’s Eisteddfod, our students will do very well. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au S
Arrival at School When students are on our School premises, we have a duty of care for their well‐being and physical safety. As Junior School classes do not begin un l 8:30 am, we ask that you drop your child off at School a er 8am. Although many of the staff arrive at School before 8 am, they are diligently preparing for the day’s learning ac vi es. We have staff on duty for supervision in the Junior School between 8am and 8:25. Pre‐prep and Prep children are welcomed into the classrooms a er 8:15. Student Absence As a School, we are responsible for monitoring and accurately recording the a endance of every student enrolled at our School. It is therefore of the utmost importance that parents/carers inform the School of their child’s absence each day by 9 am. This can be done by a phone call 4788 2242 or by an email sent to juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au . We have recently started using SMS messages to communicate with parents if we have not been advised about your child’s absence. You will automa cally receive an SMS message no fying you of your child’s absence. To assist the School to maintain accurate records, please respond as requested in the messages. Your co‐opera on is greatly appreciated. T
JSSG The P & F plays a very important role in our School by encouraging the development and growth of parental involvement through a range of School and community social ac vi es. It aims to raise funds for the educa onal, social and spiritual growth of all the students at our School and acts as a liaison between the wider School community and the Headmaster. All parents/carers are welcome to a end the P & F / JSSG mee ngs. As a sub‐commi ee of the P & F, the funds raised by the Junior School Support Group from the: Easter Raffle, Mother’s Day Stall, Cross‐Country Cake Stall, Father’s Day Raffle, JS Disco Sausage Sizzles and the November Shopping Spree, are all recycled to support the learning and well‐being of the students in the Junior School. This year, the JS Support Group has con nued to provide funds to support the teaching and learning programs in the Junior School. On behalf of the JS staff and students I thank the JSSG for contribu ng over $5,000 for: Literacy Resources: high interest low level readers (Prep‐ Year 6) a selec on of reading resources from the Scholas c Bookshelf and a significant contribu on to the annual Literacy Planet subscrip on. Numeracy Resources: high interest Math Boxes to compliment the Mathema cs curriculum in Year 2 – 6. Subsidising the cost for all children in Year 1 – 6 to a end the Live and Loopy performance at the World Theatre. Funds to purchase materials for the Country Music Float & seedlings & plants for the JS garden beds. Thank you to the P & F, JSSG and the wider School community for the dedica on and commitment to the various fundraisers and extra‐curricular ac vi es enjoyed at ASSG; a School where we are all commi ed to invest our me and energy to provide the best for all ASSG students. Working together we can ‘Make a Difference’. Always learning, Serving others, Staying safe, Going forward Tina Akers Head of Junior School WELCOME TO OUR GAP STAFF Bas an Jaron Thorben Sullivan Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au Pre‐Prep Mrs Peagham, Mrs Limkin & Mrs Cragg The beginning of Term 3 has seen us immersed in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture to celebrate NAIDOC Week. We have built a tradi onal Aboriginal shelter (a Mia‐Mia), made musical instruments, (a Didgeridoo) danced like tradi onal dancers with musical instruments including clapping s cks and bells and created art using tradi onal dot and line pain ng. We have watched some video clips of Indigenous people sourcing tradi onal foods, including honey ants and witche y grubs, and read tradi onal dreaming stories. We no ced that the Torres Strait Islander people were wearing grass skirts and discovered that they had to find things in their environment to make the things they needed. We asked our friend, Ms Sarlina, to come into our class and show us how she weaves palm leaves to create baskets and works of art from her cultural background in Indonesia. We read a story about how Captain Cook came to Australia and how white Europeans affected the Aboriginal people. This unit has provided a great opportunity to engage in Literacy, Art, Music, Geography, History and Science in an integrated way. Our teachers are taking photographs of us learning and playing with our friend, Buddy Bear, so we are able to create a book for Literacy. We are looking and thinking about what we are doing in the photos and making sentences that tell us a lot of informa on. The books we are crea ng are informa on books (non‐fic on). By crea ng sentences we are thinking about the words we use and the sounds in the words, punctua on and capital and lowercase le ers. We will be crea ng our own non‐fic on book about our me with Buddy Bear in Pre‐prep, we will create a tle and provide some illustra ons. In Literacy, we will con nue to learn the le ers of the alphabet. We are learning the “o, e and c” le er group as we improve our fine motor development for wri ng. We have also started to listen for rhyming words. This is a bit tricky because we have to listen for the sounds at the end of a word that are similar and we some mes confuse this with the beginning sound (allitera on). We will con nue prac sing our listening for words that rhyme. We had a great me running in our race at the Athle cs Carnival. Thank you to all our parents and grandparents who were there to cheer us at the finish line for running as fast as we could. It was wonderful to see the children with big smiles on their faces and really enjoying running with their friends. Taking part in physical ac vi es is about fun and good health and must be encouraged. We will soon begin exploring the weather in Science and be introduced to “Denki”, the Dream‐maker helper for Drama. We have so much to explore and discover in Pre‐prep. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au News From Prep Margaret Riddle and Vanessa Herring News From Prep …… Margaret Riddle and Vanessa Herring There is a focus on the weather in the room these days with many discussions and ac vi es centred on this Term 3 Science topic. The children learn about different types of weather as well as collect data on weather at school and look at the affect weather has on us. It is a topic that interests them and one which sees us using literature and mathema cs as part of the learning. The children watched an old Russian tale on the screen which told of a boy and his goat, Zatleh, who faced the devasta ng consequences of changing weather at Hanukah me. Our learning about main characters in stories has con nued. The digital pictures on the back door were made by the children who then began wri ng a li le about their character. We are enriched by how deep the children’s learning can take us within topics. This a ernoon, the group discussed whether the wind could be a character in a story. It’s one of those mes when no one is right or wrong, but each child speaks assuredly about their opinion or their wonderings. Talking about talking … We have made the children a golden “Cha erbox”. One table group will play it most days a er morning tea. A card is taken from the box, the ques on read out and one child must speak for 30 seconds on that topic. They use a sand mer for the task. It is interes ng that the children didn’t like the sand mer at first, “because it doesn’t give us enough me.” It is so important that children are able to write about topics that they feel enthusias c about. There must be very li le that equals the ability to put on paper what lies in one’s heart or fires one’s brain. This has proved to be a challenge for Vanessa and I, as we try to help the children write the names of assorted Pokemon characters or superheros. We decided today to create a bespoke “Superhero Dic onary” to save us some me. I spent considerable me last week with one child who was desperate for the spelling of an animated character. A er scouring Google references, the problem was solved by a Year 10 student later that a ernoon. He knew just who was being referred to and the appropriate spelling. We have started a list of the words we will need for this very select dic onary. Thank you for your con nuing support of the children as they complete those before school prac ce sheets. There really is no avoiding that many skills for children have to be repeated over and over again. You will have no ced that our Number learning has reached 20 at last! The children are having many lessons on examining this number line learning many facts such as what number comes before .. What number comes a er …? count on from … and such like. They must become fluent at coun ng back from 20. A few of the children are competent at this, so their names have gone up on the number line chart to celebrate their achievement. Please help your child prac se this skill at home. They are very keen to be up on the chart! Thank you Peter Wallis, Senior School Head of Science who again helped us; this me allowing the children to examine the microscopes in the school laboratories. The children were learning about the skill of observa on. A few of these Duke of Edinburgh Senior School students work in Pre‐prep or Prep a er school each week. They are a fantas c help…. crea ng the winter scene in book corner, colouring pictures for sound and le er games and making our fine “Ferdinand the Bull.” Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au Marvellous Marvels Mrs Marshall This term has started off with a bang! We celebrated Braxston’s birthday by sharing a beau fully decorated cake with his classmates. Ma hew brought in his father’s Lego crane, which was amazing to say the least! Torino also brought in his prize winning goats, which he has been showing at the Ekka and now we have a TV personality in the making, as Torino was interviewed on ‘Sunrise’. Right, back to what else has been happening in Year 1 …………. The children are having a closer look at characters in stories. We will be iden fying different characters by appearance and personali es then wri ng about a character of our own. We have been picking out adjec ves and verbs to help us with this task, from our reading. During the Inter‐House Athle cs Carnival, the Year 1s went up to the oval to do some maths. We tallied who placed first, second and third in the different events. A er watching all the 400m races the children found that there was only 1 point between the 3 teams. When we got back to class, I showed them how coun ng and marking in 5s is much quicker when working out totals. During Maths the children had to work in groups to make 100. They used blocks, straws and chain links. A er this I showed them 100 one cent coins. They were amazed at this cool money. We then discussed how 100 one cent coins is the same as a dollar coin. We decided that we would rather carry one coin than 100 coins. The children have been working on simple addi on in their Quad books. Prac sing doubles and add on 1,2,3 are really important strategies to remember. Next we will be looking at rainbow facts. These are the numbers we add together to get 10. In Science and Geography, we are reading books that talk about change in our environments. Jeannie Baker books, The Lorax and Uno’s garden are good examples. These books help the children discuss the topic of caring for the environment. We have started a garden to observe change over me. The children are not allowed to touch the things in the garden. We will monitor the garden over 4 weeks and discuss any changes. Soon the children will be collec ng cu ngs and seeds to grow pot plants for our Plant Stall at this year’s Fete. If you have plants you would like to donate, please let me know. Anyway, if you would like to come in and discuss anything about what we are doing in class, or how you can help your child’s learning at home, please let me know. I’m looking forward to sharing a great term with the Marvels. Un l next me….. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au Toothless Twos Miss Melissa Browne What do you call it when worms take over the world? Global Worming! That’s right, the Year 2 classroom has been taken over! By worms! Not just any kind of worm. Mealworms! We are currently caring for and observing the lives of over 100 mealworms. The students are in charge of keeping the worm containers clean and changing the food each day. They are keeping a calendar and monitoring changes that they see. Since having the mealworms in our classroom, we have learnt some really interes ng science vocabulary. Our favourite word so far would have to be metamorphosis. This is the process by which an animal physically develops and changes a er birth or hatching. The students have been told that a mealworm goes through metamorphosis, so they are keeping a close eye on the physical changes. They s ll are not en rely sure what the mealworms could turn in to, but they have their suspicions. If you want to know what they turn into… watch this space!! As well as studying mealworms in Science, the students have been learning about young and old. We have been discussing our knowledge of life cycles and are excited to learn more as we progress through the term. They have began crea ng their own PowerPoint to share what they have learnt. When we aren’t caring for mealworms, we are pretending to travel all over the world in Geography to discover, explore and inves gate some of the various countries and cultures of the world. With the Olympics currently underway, what be er me to learn about not only our beau ful country, but also to discover some of the connec ons we have with other countries. Throughout the term, we will be focusing on 5 main countries: Australia, China, Brazil, Papua New Guinea and Germany. We will be learning about the customs and tradi ons, flora and fauna, food, popular sports, famous Olympians and learning dances, songs and the Na onal Anthem of each country. We have par cularly enjoyed learning a bit more about our own Na onal Anthem. We have been learning the words to both the first and second verse of Advance Australia Fair. As we con nue to learn about each country, the students will have the opportunity to have their very own passport stamped. This passport will gain them access to something quite special (top secret). To do this, they must complete set tasks for each country. We look forward to sharing some of our new knowledge with you all soon. In addi on to mealworms and exploring countries of the world, we have also begun to learn about character descrip ons in English. We are learning about the structure of the text, as well as the type of language that is used. We have been prac sing this genre by wri ng about Ms Browne’s dog Harry. While Harry might not like some of the adjec ves that have been used to describe him, the students sure have grasped the idea of descrip ve and effec ve vocabulary. We just won’t tell Harry that he is a mischievous and cheeky dog who o en smells atrocious. We will shortly begin our own character descrip ons on a character chosen from the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ‘by Roald Dahl’. We have met many different types of characters throughout this book, from the polite and courteous type, to the spoilt and bad‐mannered characters. I look forward to seeing some well wri en and well thought out pieces of work. Un l next me…. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au Year 3 News Mrs Wendy Fleming Canada, India, New Caledonia and Japan. What do these countries have in common? Year 3 have been learning to use a world map and a globe to find countries around the world and these were some of the first countries we looked at. With the Olympic Games underway, there have been many challenges to find countries which have been compe ng. We have also had our Gap Staff from Germany and Canada helping in the classroom and it has been interes ng to find out where they have come from. So, which country will be next? Exploring challenges and solving problems has also been a target during our Technology studies. Year 3 students were each given an A4 piece of paper and asked to design a paper plane that would either travel over a long distance or stay alo in the air. There were a couple of trials and then we took the paper planes out onto the oval to measure the results. A er some interes ng flight pa erns, the students then watched a YouTube tutorial of how to build a replica of the world record winning paper plane. We all a empted to replicate the design and found that most of these planes were more successful than the original design. The next task was how to iden fy the key components that made a successful flight. During Science, we have been examining classifica on of living things. A walk around the Junior School playground revealed many varied living things. Year 3 had to record their observa ons and sketch the findings, with labels a ached. This task will be refined further when we visit Reef HQ in Townsville next week. We will then follow this up with a wri en informa on report, watch out for news about the exci ng happenings in Science. Students have been reading picture story books and selec ng key components to turn into pieces of Art. They had to choose the main points from their stories and choose a colour to represent each of these points. Each student is now in the process of weaving these colours using a box loom to represent the stories. We have s ll been watering our co on plants and watching them grow bigger, sprou ng more leaves and changing colour to have more red tones on the stems and leaves instead of only being green. As you can see, observa on skills are highly valued in Year 3. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au Year 5 News Mr Rob Roughley It has been a tremendously busy start to Term 3. In our first few weeks, we have seen some wonderful spor ng achievements from Year 5, as well as some fantas c awards in the recent Charters Towers Show. In Term 2 Technology, our class created some very useful everyday items and toys using recycled and found materials. Keeping the idea of upcycling going and fi ng in with the Junior Schools theme of ‘Black and White Art’ for the School display at the Charters Towers Show, Year 5 got very crea ve with newspaper origami as well as comple ng our ‘If it’s flooded forget it’ posters and Handwri ng entries. With the Rio Olympic Games now in full swing, our Class Assembly Presenta on in Week 3 was… well, all about the Olympics of course. Each student had the opportunity to nominate an Australian athlete and research what made him or her well‐known in their field of sports. While we had a number of swimmers put forward in our ini al round of names, it was wonderful to see students broaden their scope, and eager to learn more about athletes from diving, equestrian, pentathlon and gymnas cs. Thanks to Miss Taylor’s nomina on, Year 5 are par cipa ng in the #22pushups22days challenge. Over the next three weeks you'll see us doing 22 push‐ups a day to raise awareness for veteran suicide and mental health issues such as PTSD, trauma c brain injury and also circumstances such as assimila on from military life back to or into civilian life, which causes stresses or struggle and may lead people to take their own lives. The rules are simple:  Once you are nominated your 22 days starts the following day.  Every day you record yourself doing 22 push‐ups, try your best to reach 22. If that means doing assisted (from your knees) push‐
ups or that you have to stop and take a break that's fine, but try to get them all done in one video.  Every day you must nominate a different person, try to choose people you think will want to do this and/or have the ability to do it.  And finally, have fun with this! This is a simple and fun way to get the word out about a ma er that more people need to be aware about. As a class we are not nomina ng anyone each day, but encourage everyone to get on board and take part in the challenge. If you want to see one of our recent efforts, log on to the All Souls Facebook page and give us a ‘like’. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au This term, we also got the chance to par cipate in another video workshop. Unlike our video from last year, where the Year 5s experimented with special effects, this year with the phenomenal assistance of Jed Cahill from the Queensland Traveling Film Fes val, Years 5 and 6 created a narra ve tled ‘Bad Day Off’. The short film provided the students with a chance to think about the story they wanted to tell, experiment with blue screen special effects, dress up a li le, incorporate their own artwork for backgrounds, film using a drone and mysteriously dispose of an unwanted teacher. With all the laughter and frivolity of the day, it was hard to tell what aspect the students enjoyed the most; perhaps it was all the screaming. Remember, to keep an eye out for our video on the All Souls Facebook page and share, share, share. Being their first official day with us, the workshop was also a wonderful way to help introduce our new Gap Staff: Sullivan, Jaron, Thorben and Bas an to Junior School and some of our talented students. The film workshop was also a great way to introduce Year 5 to their Technology assessment for this term and provide some basic skills needed to get the task completed. Over the next few weeks if you discover your child is preoccupied by television adver sing and is Googling schools overseas, don’t get your hopes up too much, they’re not planning on running away. The class has been divided in to two teams and they will be working with their crea ve friends to produce, script, film and edit their very own advert for ASSG Junior School. This means they will need to work co‐opera vely together to share ideas, listen to others opinions, present informa on in a clear and concise manner, manage their me to meet deadlines and inves gate how to use electronic devices and so ware. This week the teams will have their first deadline that will see them ‘pitch’ their crea ve ad concepts to Mrs Akers. It will be interes ng to see how Year 5 sees their School and what parts of their educa on they will choose to put on display. At last, it is here, the combined Years 2, 3 and 5 Reef HQ sleepover & Museum visit. This is going to be a fun and exci ng way to support all of these students in their Science, Arts, English, as well as the Humanity and Social Sciences Curriculum. For Year 5, the excursion will help strengthen their understanding of units so far undertaken in Biological Science and will provide them with valuable insights and support on our natural and built environment units. Our visit to the museum will also see students further their cultural apprecia on and compete in a number of hands on team ac vi es. These ac vi es will have students: build team skills, work co‐opera vely, solve team challenges within a set me, think about building techniques and engineering solu ons and crea ng scaled models.. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au On Loca on with the Famous 4s Mrs Laura Heuir nowhere to go except up the bo le towards the balloon.” (William North) “The chemicals reacted to make a gas called carbon dioxide and that’s what The Famous 4s have had a very even ul start to the term, but in blew up the balloon.” (Keegan Henley) true “Famous” style, they have faced any challenges with an energe c and enthusias c outlook. We have been very lucky to Superfly Film Workshop welcome three new students to our class, par cipated in both In Week 2, our students were lucky the Inter‐School and Inter‐House Athle c events, have been enough to par cipate in a film involved in an exci ng film workshop, have rehearsed our workshop that focused on the use of Eisteddfod poem ‘The Car Trip,’ AND are well into working on special effects in movie making. This our new learning units for this term. Sounds impressive, workshop involved the children especially that we are only half way through the term! Keep crea ng some quick scenes that were reading and you will find out even more………. then edited by ‘Jed’, the film making Hi Everyone! mastermind. They discovered that In our poetry unit, the students have been looking at the specific making a movie is not always as it seems, as many of the special effects language and structural features that poets use in humorous are added in by the editor. They were verse. We have been analysing and examining different poetry forms to find examples of these features. Some of the ones we amazed, as Jed demonstrated before their eyes, different ways to have discussed include: manipulate and change film. In the Pun ‐ playing with words that have a double meaning. “The end product of the movie the hungry clock went back four seconds!” children swapped lines, moved in fast Neologism – A new word that a poet creates by combining two mo on, changed voices, repeated ac ons, shrunk to ny propor ons or more words. “Fun + tas c = funtas c.” and were even zapped by a magical Spoonerism – The star ng sounds of two words are swapped. zapping machine. The students loved “Grab your spork and foon.” viewing their movie and had an Nonsense Words – Silly words that are made up to make the amazing session crea ng it. poem funny. “I went right on biggering.” The Art of Sculpture Allitera on‐ A group of words that begin with the same sound. In Visual Arts, the ‘Famous Fours’ “Mrs Heuir made mad mud cakes on Monday.” have been studying the crea ve world of sculpture making. They have viewed pictures of different types of sculpture and have classified them into groups according to how they were made. They have read about the four different sculpture techniques‐ cas ng, modelling, assembling and carving‐ and have created their first ‘assembled’ sculpture using paper and card. They will study the works of famous sculptor Alberto Giacome and will create a modelled piece reflec ng his style. I can’t wait to see what crea ve masterpieces the students create! English ‐ Poetry Don’t forget to pop in and check out all of our work displayed in our classroom. Science – Chemical Reac ons A group of mad scien sts have taken over our class with the aim of inves ga ng the effect of chemical reac ons between different substances. In the ‘Famous Fours’ Science lab, the students adopted an inquiry approach to examine what happens when vinegar is mixed with bicarbonate soda. The results were astounding and our scien sts soon learnt an alterna ve way of blowing up balloons! The students discussed reasons why this may have occurred and came to the conclusion that there was a new substance that was created when the two chemicals were combined. Two budding scien sts made the following statements: “When the chemicals were mixed they expanded and had Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au Year 6: Mrs Marilyn Toohey So far this term, the Year 6 classroom has been buzzing with excitement about the upcoming Canberra Trip, which is now less than 3 weeks away! Students have been learning about the important events and people involved in the lead‐up to Federa on, wri ng a possible argument between 2 people living in Australia in the 1890s about the advantages and disadvantages of Federa on, finding out what the Australian Cons tu on and role of the Queen is all about. They have also been learning some interes ng facts about Canberra, finding out about how elec ons work, the roles of the House of Representa ves and the Senate and the responsibili es of each of the 3 levels of government in Australia. The students are currently conduc ng some research on two of Australia’s Prime Ministers. Each student will have a great deal of informa on about ‘their’ Prime Ministers which will enable them to develop an understanding of the reasons for the significant decisions made by that Prime Minister. The students will follow a specific set of guidelines for their research and will share the results of their findings in a mul ‐media presenta on for the rest of the class. Students will also be developing a comparison table between two war me Prime Ministers, Billy Hughes and John Cur n and posing some ques ons about the difficult decisions each had to make. Through their studies of Civics and Ci zenship, the students will be preparing a mock Bill to try and pass through our mock House of Representa ves in the classroom. During the next 2 weeks, all the children will have a chance to role‐play a person in the House of Representa ves and to argue for or against various Bills in our classroom parliament. They will learn about the various ceremonial aspects and correct protocol of this process (they will probably follow this protocol be er than many of our real poli cians!) The students will also learn about the preferen al vo ng system used in Australia and will compare it to other vo ng systems. These ac vi es will help prepare the students for some of the ac vi es they will be doing at both Old and New Parliament House. 
CSIRO Discovery Centre Na onal Museum of Australia Questacon Na onal Archives of Australia Australian Ins tute of Sport ANZAC Parade Australian War Memorial Parliament House Indoor Rock Climbing As Parliament will be in session during our me in Canberra, the visit to Parliament House will be extra special and we are hoping that we will be able to meet with our representa ve, Bob Ka er. We will update you on the most exci ng and interes ng aspects of our trip in the next Junior School News! The Year 6 students are also busy finding informa on about one or two of the venues we will be visi ng whilst in Canberra. Each student will share their knowledge of the venue with the rest of the class on the evening before visi ng that venue, including why it is important or significant in Australia’s history and how it is s ll special today. The venues on our i nerary are: 
Mt Ainslie Lookout Na onal Capital Exhibi on High Court of Australia Lake Burley Griffin Government House Na onal Film and Sound Archive Canberra Rep le Zoo Na onal Gallery of Australia Museum of Australian Democracy (at Old Parliament House) Ice Ska ng Rink Na onal Dinosaur Museum Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au 
German (LOTE) Mrs Skylea McLean With the hec c start to the term including the Inter‐
House and Inter‐School Athle cs and Charters Towers Show holidays I am looking forward to a few ‘normal’ weeks of teaching. Last week, we welcomed Bas an and Jaron, our 2016/17 Gap Staff. If the support they provided during their first lesson is anything to go by, then we are going to have a wonderful year learning German with them. The Year 5/6 classes have been learning about different pets in German and we have touched on the grammar rules for definite ar cles. Both classes have shown they are very good at charades and are learning to call out in German and not in English! The Year 3/4 classes have enjoyed learning about the days of the week, months of the year and this week they will be looking at the weather. Our new students Anna, Sam and Kody have se led in well and although learning a new language is different for them, they are learning very quickly. The P‐ 2 classes have been making posters to remind themselves of different verbs that are used daily in the classroom. They have been learning the German names for the classroom sta onery items and have been enjoying singing number songs. A requirement for all students this term, it to count in German, so a lot of our lessons this term will be based around numbers and coun ng. Un l next me Auf Wiedersehen JS HPE & SPORT NEWS Miss Pia Taylor Can you believe it, we are in Week 4 already! It has been a very busy start to the term on the spor ng calendar. I would like to start by thanking all the staff, parents and students who were involved in the Inter‐House Athle cs Carnival. Congratula ons to all our Age Champions and to Feetham and Becket who were overall winners. Last week we took our Athle cs team consis ng of 50 students to Columba to compete in the Inter‐School Athle cs Carnival. Congratula ons to all the students who par cipated in events and helped us to bring home the Average Shield for the 6th year in a row. Congratula ons to Anna Milton and Corey Guldransen who were Age Champions for their respec ve age groups. Congratula ons also to Anna Milton, Charlo e Jesberg, Samantha Santo and Yasmin Musk who were selected in the Charters Towers Athle cs Team. At the start of Week 2 Samantha Santo, Annika Peace and Jasmine Elliot (Yr 7) travelled to Herbert River to compete at the Northern Region trials. The girls played very well and should be proud of their efforts. Congratula ons to Samantha Santo who was selected in the Northern Region team. Samantha will travel to Brisbane to compete at the State trials. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au AFTER SCHOOL CARE CLUB (Pre‐prep—Year 1) We are thrilled to introduce our new program for A er‐School Care for Pre‐prep to Year 1. We have enjoyed our new daily planned ac vi es including Make‐It Monday, Tea Party Tuesday, Walkabout Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Free‐Choice Friday. So far in Term 3, on Make‐It Monday’s we have celebrated NAIDOC Week by doing dot and line pain ng on bark, boomerangs and rocks. We have also made some cra birds and sensory pockets for our local Even de residents to celebrate Senior’s Week. On Tea Party Tuesday’s we have baked damper and mini pizza’s. On Walkabout Wednesday we have created our own challenging obstacle course, collected natural objects to create a collage and played outdoor games. On Thinking Thursday, we have been conduc ng experiments including which liquid makes the best bubbles, crea ng volcanoes and exploring floa ng and sinking. On Free‐Choice Friday we have been chilling out and watching a movie and enjoying some quiet me or other ac vi es around the classroom. We have got a great program planned for both fun and learning! A
A er‐School Ac vi es and A er School Care Club are services provided by the School to assist parents who are working and unable to collect their children at the end of the School day. If your child requires a er school supervision, parents/
carers are asked to complete the details on the daily sign in sheet each morning by 8:45. If the register is full, or if there is a circumstance that your child may require A er‐School Supervision, please discuss with Mrs Akers. We will do our best to accom‐
modate every family’s needs. We ask you to respect the criteria and mes when regis‐
tering your children into the A er School Care/
Supervised Ac vi es. It is expected that children will be collected directly a er parents have finished work. Thank you for your co‐opera on and understanding. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au J
3 W
5—7 WEEK 5 Monday 15 August A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Reef HQ Excursion Year 2, 3 and 5 No NQ Football Academy Session today Tuesday 16 August Braveheart Presenta on Pre‐prep—Year 1 A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Wednesday 17 August 8:30 JS Assembly & Year 3/4 Verse Speaking Presenta on Li le Souls A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Less Talk More Art 3:15—4:30pm (Year 5/6). Thursday 18 August A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Dance with Mrs Heuir NQ Football Academy—Rescheduled from Monday Friday 19 August A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Year 5/6 Inter‐School Cricket WEEK 6 Monday 22 August A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Eisteddfod ‐ JS Choir 5.30pm—8pm Tuesday 23 August A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Wednesday 24 August 8:30 JS Assembly Li le Souls A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Less Talk More Art 3:15—4:30pm (Year 5/6). ** Eisteddfod—Verse Speaking Thursday 25 August A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Dance with Mrs Heuir Eisteddfod—Verse Speaking—Year 4 Friday 26 August A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Sunday 28 August Community Day in the Park Early Years tent at Centenary Park WEEK 7 Monday 29 August Year 6 Canberra Trip A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Tuesday 30 August Year 6 Canberra Trip A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Wednesday 31 August Year 6 Canberra Trip 8:30 JS Assembly Li le Souls A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Less Talk More Art 3:15—4:30pm (Year 5/6) Thursday 1 September Year 6 Canberra Trip A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 Dance with Mrs Heuir Friday 2 September Year 6 Canberra Trip A er School Care Pre‐prep—Year 1 & A er School Ac vi es Year 2—Year 6 ** More informa on will be/has been sent home to families about these events.** A friendly reminder to parents and guardians: Children can be dropped at School a er 8am (Year 1 –6) and from 8:15am (Pre‐prep & Prep). We do not have any staff rostered for the supervision of children before these mes, as we are busy preparing for the day’s learning ac vi es. Your understanding and co‐opera on are greatly appreciated. Junior School Direct 07 4788 2242 Fax: 07 4787 3049 Email: juniorschool@allsouls.qld.edu.au