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Science Webinar Series PLEASE STAND BY… the webinar Winning the Translational Race: Making Good Choices in Biomarker Assay Development for the Clinic will begin shortly… Change the size of any window by dragging the lower right corner. Use controls in top right corner to close or maximize each window. What each widget does: shows the audio media player shows slide window opens the Ask a Question box shows speaker bios download slides and more info search Wikipedia Facebook login LinkedIn login Twitter (#ScienceWebinar) to login login to Twitter and send tweets if you need help Science Webinar Series Winning the Translational Race: Making Good Choices in Biomarker Assay Development for the Clinic 9 October 2013 Brought to you by the Science/AAAS Custom Publishing Office Participating Experts: Richard Kennedy M.D., Ph.D. Almac Diagnostics Craigavon, UK James A. Timmons, Ph.D. Loughborough University Leicestershire, UK Sponsored by: Best Practice in Biomarker Development Richard Kennedy VP and Diagnostic Lab Director, Almac Diagnostics McClay Professor of Medical Oncology , Queen’s University Belfast Consultant Medical Oncologist, Northern Ireland Cancer Centre Clinical Biomarkers Risk Assessment Is patient at risk of disease? BRCA1/2, MSH2 mutation Disease Markers Is disease present? PSA, b-HCG Prognostic Is treatment needed? Oncotype Dx, Gleason score Predictive Which treatment? ER, HER2, KRAS mutation, BCR-ABL Pharmacogenomic Is the treatment safe?DPD, UGT, TMPT Pharmacodynamic What is the correct dose? Ki67, H2AX, S6K1, CE- MRI Physiological Is the patient fit for treatment? FBP, U+E, LFTs Kennedy, Harkin, Salto-Tellez and Johnston et al, Oxford Textbook of Oncology 2013, In print Clinical Biomarkers Risk Assessment Is patient at risk of disease? BRCA1/2, MSH2 mutation Disease Markers Is disease present? PSA, b-HCG Prognostic Is treatment needed? Oncotype Dx, Gleason score Predictive Which treatment? ER, HER2, KRAS mutation, BCR-ABL Pharmacogenomic Is the treatment safe?DPD, UGT, TMPT Pharmacodynamic What is the correct dose? Ki67, H2AX, S6K1, CE- MRI Physiological Is the patient fit for treatment? FBP, U+E, LFTs Kennedy, Harkin, Salto-Tellez and Johnston et al, Oxford Textbook of Oncology 2013, In print Predictive Biomarkers • Predict benefit from a specific therapy • Over 15,000 manuscripts reporting predictive biomarkers in cancer • Few have made an impact on clinical practice What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation Biomarker Discovery Compare samples to identify distinguishing features Biomarker Quantitative Or Qualitative Material • Disease biopsy • Blood/plasma • Skin/hair bulb • Mucosa • Radiological Technology • Immunohistochemistry • Mutation specific or Q-PCR • DNA-Microarray • Next generation sequencing • Mass spectrometry • MRI/USS/CT scan/PET Biomarker • Protein expression/modification • mRNA expression • miRNA expression • DNA mutation/methylation • Metabolite • Radiological measurement Two Major Types of Predictive Biomarker Qualitative • Mutation / no mutation (KRAS / BRAF / p53) • Expression / no expression (c-KIT) Quantitative • • • • Score based Positive or negative result depends on a score IHC for estrogen receptor Q-PCR / DNA microarray multigene signatures (OncotypeDx, Mammoprint) What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation Biomarker Discovery Strategies 1. Preclinical Model Systems 2. Retrospective Archived Tissue 3. Prospective Discovery Biomarker Discovery Strategies 1. Preclinical Model Systems 2. Retrospective Archived Tissue 3. Prospective Discovery Preclinical Biomarker Discovery • Human cell lines and animal models • Advantages: • Early in drug trial process • Allows behavior of drug to be modeled in specific molecular contexts • Disadvantages: • Different physiology • Can be little genetic variation between animals • No immune system in xenografts • No tumour stroma in cell culture • No reliable cut-off for quantitative assays Biomarker for SRC Inhibitor Isogenic Cell Line and Xenograft Data 7 gene classifier for SRC activity Test on independent cell lines Almac Diagnostics AACR 2012 Biomarker Discovery Strategies 1. Preclinical Model Systems 2. Retrospective Archived Tissue 3. Prospective Discovery Retrospective Biomarker Discovery • Use archived tissue from tumour banks • Advantages: • Relevant human material • Full clinical annotation including outcome is often available • Large numbers may be available - clustering analysis • Can set population distribution based cut-off for quantitative assays • Disadvantages: • Unlikely to be possible for novel therapies entering trials • Tissue may not have been collected appropriately • Archived tissue can degrade over time Example: Biomarker for Angiogenic Agents 300 High grade serous ovarian samples Angiogenesis 63 gene microarray assay for non-angiogenesis Retrospectively validate in ICON7 Bevacizumab In Ovarian cancer study Gourley C., Michie C, Keating K, Gavigan A, DeHaroS, Hill L, Harkin DP, Kennedy RD ASCO 2011 Biomarker Discovery Strategies 1. Preclinical Model Systems 2. Retrospective Archived Tissue 3. Prospective Discovery Predictive Biomarker Discovery • Analysis of tissue from responding and non-responding patients on a clinical study • Advantages: • Material is relevant to the drug in question • Disadvantages: • New drug may be given in combination with other • therapies, difficult to develop specific biomarker Can require large numbers of patients - needs adequate numbers of responding and non responding patients Simple Biomarker Discovery Trial Design Patient Enrolment Sample Biomarker Studies New Treatment Responders Non-Responders Biomarker Generation • If predicted response rate is 10% in unselected population will need 500 • people to get 50 responder samples! Adaptive trial designs may help reduce numbers. What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation Technology Material Type • Storage and shipping (fresh/archived) • Patient safety/comfort (biopsy/resection/blood) Technology • Quality (CE marked, GMP) • Maintenance (calibration and scheduled servicing) • Practicality (cost, turnaround time, ease of use) • Longevity (will it be obsolete soon?) Reagents • Many laboratory reagents are “research use only” (RUO) • Can be considerable variation in performance batch to batch • Biomarker may become “batch dependent” • Ideally use GMP reagents, batch tested • Can consider pooled batches if RUO only available Batch Effects Almac Diagnostics 2010 Lab Operator Effects • Biomarkers discovered by a single lab operator may only work for that individual • Modified lab protocols • Very experienced in a particular assay • Adhere to strict standard operating procedures • Randomize samples between several operators during discovery phase Lab Operator Effects Operator 1 Operator 2 Almac Diagnostics 2010 What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation Clinical Centre Effects • Biomarkers discovered from a single centre may not be applicable elsewhere • Specific surgical approaches • Specific specimen fixation protocols • Ideally use material and clinical data representing response/non-response from multiple centres Centre Effects Kennedy et al J Clin Oncol. 2011 Dec 10;29(35):4620-6 What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation Population Effects • Important to ensure that the population used for biomarker discovery is relevant to the population in which it will be applied • E.g. • Afro Caribbean variations in prostate or breast cancer biology • Asian variations in lung cancer biology What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation Balancing for Convoluting Factors Positive and negative discovery samples must be balanced for potential confounding factors such as: • • • • • • Gender Age Ethnicity Other medication/smoking Other medical conditions Known prognostic/predictive factors • Tumour Stage • Tumour Grade • Lymphocyte infiltrate Failure to do this may result in a biomarker for the wrong thing What to Consider Discovery and Development • • • • • • What does it measure? Quantitative/Qualitative Preclinical/retrospective/prospective discovery Technology/reagents/lab effects Centre effects Population effects Convoluting factors Validation • Analytical validation • Clinical validation Biomarker Validation 1. Regulatory Landscape 2. Analytical Validation 3. Clinical Validation Regulatory Landscape • Different levels of regulatory approval exist • This choice is influenced by the type of biomarker and intended use and risk to patients • Companion diagnostics most stringent • Relevant bodies are • CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment act) • FDA (Food and Drug Administration) PMA route for companion • diagnostics EMA (European Medicines Agency) • Needs to be considered at the start of research Biomarker Validation 1. Regulatory Landscape 2. Analytical Validation 3. Clinical Validation Analytical Validation • Precision • Accuracy Analytical Validation • Precision • Accuracy Precision • Measure of biomarker repeatability • Loss of precision can occur due to: • Inherent variability in technology (IHC for phosphoproteins, plasma protein measurement) • Variability in reagents, equipment or technique • Normal/Stromal/malignant cellular content Effects Effects of Macrodissection on Precision of a q-PCR-based Biomarker Full Biopsy Material Macrodissected Biopsy Material Almac Diagnostics 2013 Analytical Validation • Precision • Accuracy Accuracy • A measure of how close the result is to the known truth • Truth may be a: • Result from a reference lab • Gold standard technology • Can be affected by: • Site / type of biopsy - tumour heterogeneity • Incorrect sample fixation or lab technique • further treatment since diagnostic biopsy taken Gene Expression Differences Gene Expression Differences Between Original Diagnostic Tissue and Recurrent Disease • Series of ovarian cancers analysed pre-chemotherapy and on recurrence • 486 genes >2 fold differentially expressed p<0.005 Biomarker Validation 1. Regulatory Landscape 2. Analytical Validation 3. Clinical Validation Clinical Validation • Absolute requirement for a companion diagnostic to be used for drug selection in regular clinical practice • Needs strategy agreed with regulatory authority prior to study • Simple biomarker validation • Complex biomarker validation • Must show that the biomarker can adequately stratify patients (sensitivity, specificity, hazard ratio) Simple Biomarker Validation Study Patients Enrol to Study Biomarker Predicted Responder Predicted Non-Responder Randomise Not on Trial Experimental Drug Standard Therapy Compare outcome Mandrekar and Sargent J Clin Oncol 2009 27(24):4027-34 Complex Biomarker Validation Study Patients Enrol to Study Biomarker Predicted Responder Predicted Non-Responder Randomise Randomize Receive Experimental Drug Receive Standard Therapy Receive Experimental Drug Calculate Sensitivity / Specificity etc. Receive Standard Treatment Conclusions What to consider for a predictive biomarker to be used in the clinic: • Discovery and Development • Correct discovery dataset • Correct technology and reagents • Not convoluted by other known factors • Validation • Regulatory requirements depending on use • Analytical: precision and accuracy • Clinical: sensitivity, specificity etc Science Webinar Series Winning the Translational Race: Making Good Choices in Biomarker Assay Development for the Clinic 9 October 2013 Brought to you by the Science/AAAS Custom Publishing Office Participating Experts: Richard Kennedy M.D., Ph.D. Almac Diagnostics Craigavon, UK James A. Timmons, Ph.D. Loughborough University Leicestershire, UK Sponsored by: Winning the Translational Race: Why so-called “hypothesis free” technologies may be the best Professor James A Timmons PhD Chair in Systems Biology, Loughborough University, UK Lets start at the beginning – why do we need biomarkers? Caleb Parry (1755-1822) “It is much more important to know what kind of patient has a disease, than to know what kind of disease a patient has” My background 20 yr of Personalized medicine • PhD in Physiology and Metabolism, 80 articles and patents • 8yr pharmaceutical industry experience profiling drug-targets and developing pharmaco-dynamic markers • 10 yr genomics and bioinformatics experience focused on personalized medicine Main interest: producing tools so that we can move (way) beyond the current over-reliance on epidemiological correlation and preclinical models 70 50 65 45 60 40 55 35 30 50 25 45 20 40 15 35 10 30 5 0 25 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Annual R&D Expenditure ($ billion) NCE's launched per year The drugs don’t work (or the research model doesn’t) Drug benefits in humans are not easily predicted by the mouse 00 Year Year The pharmaceutical sector has spent $400 BILLION in two decades on a research model that fails – lets not repeat this mistake Graph source: PriceWaterhouseCoopers Personalized medicine based on translational research done in humans aims to solve this problem Major life-style changes do not protect your heart when applied as a 1-size fits all approach Intervention worked – the key biomarkers changed e.g. less diabetes, higher fitness and less fat 10yr later (on average) • ZERO improvement in heartattack, angina or stroke (n=5,145) Did Look Ahead fail because exercise fails in some people or is the correlation between exercise and cardiovascular health not causal? FITNESS GAINS MUSCLE GAINS INSULIN SENSITIVITY How much exercise should YOU do to get the most/any benefit? Can we predict the outcome of lifestyle interventions in humans? Case Study 1: aerobic fitness How do we do molecular translation research directly in humans? DNA DNA Sequence variation e.g. GWAS TRANSCRIPTION RNA [RNA] variation TRANSLATION PROTEIN/METABOLITE [P/M] variation POST-TRANSLATION Physiology Timmons et al US09/56057 2009 Clinical variation Methodology for OMIC diagnostic discovery and validation DISCOVER Sample Size ~50-100 Sample Size ~50-100 Pre-intervention [Gene] vs response Predictor discovery Pre-intervention [Gene] vs response Predictor Validation RNA Predictor US09/56057 & GB2474618 VALIDATE VALIDATE x 2+ Sample Size ~500 Candidate genomics Targeted DNA SNP biomarkers Affymetrix Gene-Chips to measure clinical sample* [RNA] * * ** * 11µm 11µm Millions of identical probes / feature * We can use tiny micro-samples e.g. size of a few grains of rice Predicting aerobic fitness changes in humans 6-week training period (100% supervised, 100% compliance) Single small muscle biopsy and blood sample Baseline determinations of VO2max – test-retest within 5% 24 subjects cycled 4 days/week (45min@ 72% of aerobic capacity) Genomic, biochemical and physiology submax and max measures Can we predict the ‘low’ responders from the baseline RNA profile? Timmons et al 2005 FASEB J and Keller et al 2011 JAP RNA classifier produced/validated to predict gains in aerobic adaptation Gene predictor score (n=24, cc=0.76, p<0.00001) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 % increase in aerobic capacity Baseline fitness does not predict improvement (r2=0.04) We predict aerobic fitness changes from RNA profile (r2=0.76) Timmons et al US09/56057 2009 Group 2 (young, athletic) N=17, cc=0.6, p=0.0001 Can we predict the future health? Case Study 2: healthy ageing How do we build a diagnostic for ‘successful ageing’ ? Cross-sectional – discovery Healthy Young (25y) 1992 Human muscle Classification Healthy Old (65y) Longitudinal 20y follow-up - application Classifer RNA (70y) 2012 Medical Status (~90y) Human muscle Key - Physiologically phenotyped drug-free snap-frozen human clinical samples – not biobank ‘junk’ Muscle samples on Affymetrix ‘RNA’ Gene-chips ~54,000 transcripts per sample Q. Is the induction of this signature beneficial ? Computational scheme for building prototype Loop samples in and out of the 1st data-set to avoid over-fitting Rank RNA predictive performance during each loop and take the best performing probe-sets forward to a final classifier list Throw-away your 1st data-set!! You then need >2 independent data sets to validate the classifier performance Timmons JA and Knudsen S STEP 1: Build the first accurate healthy muscle ‘ageing’ signature (n=300 subjects) % 100 100 96 87 70 60 LA SS IF IE R S K R A U E PP A O FF M H TR A N Y B ER D PB A M TR A IN IN G EL L¥ * 50 C Kazmi et al 2013 under review 85 80 None are regulated by exercise or common disease Is this program active in other tissues? 96 90 90 C We measure 146 RNA (0.7%) and can muscle age with 93% accuracy STEP 2: Demonstrate healthy ‘ageing’ signature works in brain Fig 2 91 90 84 84 81 80 72 70 60 50 SU R PE IO F G L EX G S U T C EN T R IN H L A C O T R C R YR O * AIN BR R A LE EN MU SC ST Can this multi-tissue molecular program predict future health? 93 PO There appears to be a common age-program 100 Percentage correct classifications The same 146 RNA can tell age of human brain up to 91% accuracy U MP A PO IP H Post-mortem ‘healthy’ human brain (n=200) Kazmi et al 2013 under review S The first valid diagnostic of human ageing The new diagnostic is highly sensitive and specific Majority of 146 genes have not previously linked to ageing (most molecular ageing data is mouse, worm & fly) Is this new ‘healthy ageing’ diagnostic useful? Is our ‘healthy ageing signature’ prognostic ? Longitudinal 20y follow-up - application Human muscle Human brain 1990 Classification Classifer RNA (69y) 2011 Medical Status (~90y) Hypothesis: induction of the ‘age signature’ is protective Longitudinal study: 108 healthy Swedes - baseline & 20yr follow-up Muscle tissue sample from men in 1992 (passport age=69y) and measure only the 146 ‘age-genes’ RNA levels Subject ranked 1st (low median gene score) - had failed to activate the ‘healthy age’ program Subject ranked 108th (high median gene score) - had strongly activated the ‘healthy age’ program A 4-fold range in gene-score was seen despite all men being 69y old (& not related to life-style or fitness) Kazmi et al 2013 under review We have produce a robust biomarker of health tissue age – we don’t know the underlying biology but we can relate the biomarker to disease and death Kazmi et al 2013 under review 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 Probabilityover of death 20yr (%) Chance of death A higher gene-score at 69y meant a lower risk of death after 20yrs (p=0.049) 0.00 A lower gene-score at 69y = a greater decline in renal function after 12yrs (p<0.001) 0.30 Induction of ‘healthy ageing RNA profile’ reduces death P=0.05 40 60 80 100 ageing score RNA Gene expression score What should the future look like? Optimising life-style advice to combat disease and ageing Joe Fitness response Drug response Muscle response BP response AGE Profile Appetite response Jill Ian A single clinical sample & multiple diagnostics will provide details on how you respond to treatment – only then can we offer advice that works for YOU Conclusions • RNA provides better promise than DNA – as variance in expression integrates genomic, epigenomics and environmental influences • Proteomics is far behind in cost & reproducibility and protein abundance may never be a good functional surrogate • Technical and cost barriers currently prevent wide-spread RNA diagnostics being used routinely in clinical medicine – but this will change • A good biomarker is characterized by its technical performance – not by how much we ‘think’ we understand its link to the disease. Science Webinar Series Winning the Translational Race: Making Good Choices in Biomarker Assay Development for the Clinic 9 October 2013 Brought to you by the Science/AAAS Custom Publishing Office Participating Experts: Richard Kennedy M.D., Ph.D. Almac Diagnostics Craigavon, UK To submit your questions, type them into the text box and click . James A. Timmons, Ph.D. Loughborough University Leicestershire, UK Sponsored by: Science Webinar Series Winning the Translational Race: Making Good Choices in Biomarker Assay Development for the Clinic 9 October 2013 Brought to you by the Science/AAAS Custom Publishing Office Look out for more webinars in the series at: To provide feedback on this webinar, please e-mail your comments to For related information on this webinar topic, go to: Sponsored by: