CRUK Accelerator Award in Molecular Pathology
CRUK Accelerator Award in Molecular Pathology
2015 will be a good year for Molecular Pathology in the UK 2015 – Molecular Pathology INITIATIVES ECMC – CMPath Proposal (Elli & Bridget) MRC Molecular Pathology Document RCPath - FRCPath for Clinical Scientists FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES MRC Molecular Pathology Nodes Precision Medicine Catapult CRUK – Accelerator Award Centres Network Accelerator Awards Our research strategy is built on the understanding that effective partnerships are crucial for delivering the greatest impact. We want to support a united Cancer Research UK community in which our Centres work as a network, not just as individual locations. To support this aim, we have launched a new funding scheme, the Cancer Research UK Centres Network Accelerator Awards. These awards provide additional infrastructure support that aim to enable Centres to increase collaboration, promote translational research and build capacity in areas of strategic priority for the Centres and Cancer Research UK. The basic remit and eligibility requirements are: Maximum of £1m per annum for up to five years Cancer Research UK Centre directors may lead one application Centres, Major Centres and other non-centre locations may collaborate on any applications Scientific Need – the genotyping of tissue-based cellular compartments in cancer Technical Need – the development of digital molecular pathology as an available commodity in cancer research Strategic Need – the training of future molecular pathologists BELFAST CR-UK ACCELERATOR PROPOSAL Research Resource – A national digital molecular pathology platform to genotype the epithelial-immune compartments in solid tumours, complemented by a comprehensive Clinical Fellowship programme in Molecular Pathology. BACKGROUND 1 AN INTEGRATED MOL PATH MODEL Our mission is to improve patient care through the development of: 1. Biomarkers for prognosis, prediction and markers of response 2. Biologically determined targeted therapies. SUPPORT FOR BASIC RESEARCH CLINICAL MOLECULAR RESEARCH (support clinical trials) BASIC SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH RESEARCH BIOMARKER VALIDATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PATHOLOGY DIAGNOSTICS (MOLECULAR & IHC) DIAGNOSTICS THERAPEUTICS INTERFACE RESEARCH / DIAGNOSTICS VALIDATION OF DIAGNOSTIC TESTS / TEST DESIGN DIAGNOSTICS BACKGROUND 1 AN INTEGRATED MOL PATH MODEL BACKGROUND 1 AN INTEGRATED MOL PATH MODEL BACKGROUND 1 AN INTEGRATED MOL PATH MODEL BACKGROUND 1 AN INTEGRATED MOL PATH MODEL Northern Ireland Molecular Pathology Laboratory (NI-MPL) End to End Diagnostic and Research Service Cutting Across Technologies and Infrastructures Salto-Tellez et al. Molecular Oncology, 2014 c a FFPE Material b Discovery HT Technologies Clinical Information Fresh sample collection Bioinformatics Analysis New Biology h e New Taxonomy d New Treatments In-vitro confirmation of the relevance of the discoveries New Clinical Trial PDX j g f Single biomarker validations BACKGROUND 2 DIGITAL MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY Target 1 HETEROGENEITY AND CANCER IMMUNOLOGY HOW TO ADDRESS HETEROGENEITY: TOPOGRAPHIC HETEROGENEITY: Analyzing as many different parts of the tumor as possible HISTOGENETIC HETEROGENEITY: Analyzing many cell types as available TEMPORAL HETEROGENEITY: Analyzing as many samples from the same tumor in the course of time COMPARTMENTAL HETEROGENEITY: Analyzing as many body compartments as possible, such as primary tumor, circulating tumor cells, and exosomes or plasma. Salto-Tellez M. In: Tan & Lynch’s Principles of Molecular Diagnostics and Personalized Cancer Therapy, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012 Target 1 HETEROGENEITY AND CANCER IMMUNOLOGY Target 1 HETEROGENEITY AND CANCER IMMUNOLOGY J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Jan;106(1):djt335. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djt335. Target 1 HETEROGENEITY AND CANCER IMMUNOLOGY Low High Target 1 HETEROGENEITY AND CANCER IMMUNOLOGY Target 2 DIGITAL PATHOLOGY & GENOMICS Hamilton P (Salto-Tellez M). Oncotarget 2015 (accepted) Target 3 DIGITAL NEUROPATHOLOGY THE CLINICAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME MSc in Molecular Pathology THE CLINICAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME MSc in Molecular Pathology THE CLINICAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME MSc in Molecular Pathology Speicher MR, Pantel K.Nat Biotechnol. 2014 May;32(5):441-3. THE CLINICAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME MSc in Molecular Pathology CRUK DIGITAL MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY & TRAINING NETWORK Leicester Lung Ca Training BELFAST Manpower, IT, Instrumentation EPITHELIAL INTERROGATION Training UCL Neuro Manpower Training SOUTHAMPTON Manpower, IT Instrumentation CANCER IMMUNE INTERROGATION Training MARSDEN Newcastle Clin Trials Training Manchester Liq Bx Training Manpower WGS QA/QC Training THE PROPOSAL 1. To create a “common digital pathology language” across the members of the proposal 2. To use digital pathology to describe tumour heterogeneity and cancer immunology 3. To improve the efficiency of NGS through digital pathology pre-analytical interventions 4. To develop “digital neuropathology” in CNS oncology 5. To create a structure of Clinical Fellowships /MSc in different aspects of Molecular Pathology (Including liquid biopsy pathology, lung digital pathology and the pathology of early-phase clinical trials) BELFAST CR-UK ACCELERATOR PROPOSAL True partnership to develop and consolidate molecular pathology in the UK Focusing on an area of significant need (digital molecular pathology) and with a strong training programme Attending to a very specific scientific purpose (tissue genotyping of specific cellular compartments) Partnership (Belfast-Southampton) and a true network Proposal that has the potential of transforming the molecular pathology scene in the UK Tom Simms Memorial Fund
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