It`s Festival time! - West Oxfordshire Community Web


It`s Festival time! - West Oxfordshire Community Web
Village Voice
The Newsletter of Stanton Harcourt and Sutton
It’s Festival time!
Festival Week: 13–20 June 2010
Festival Week this year starts on Sunday
13 June with a week of Open Gardens and
Events throughout the Village. Many Village
groups, organisations and charities benefit
from the proceeds raised from these events,
so please come along and lend your support.
The Programme will again include a lucky
number and contains full details of all
activities throughout the week.
Don’t forget to submit your entry forms for the
Scarecrow Competition to be eligible for a
prize. Last year this proved to be a great
success and we are looking forward to even
more entries this year. Entry forms are
available from the Village Shop.
Saturday 19 June is Gala Day and the theme
is ‘Stanton World Cup Safari’. The traditional
procession will start from Blackditch and will
be led by Wantage Silver Band. The ‘Royal’
float will carry the Festival Queen Hannah
Watts, her Attendant Mair Thomas, Princess
Ceara Wall, and Prince Connor Kearney.
At the Fête on Saturday there will be many
stalls and attractions based on the theme,
including African Drumming, an Animal
Treasure Hunt, and a Football Competition
for the more energetic. Also, watch out for
any gate-crashing ostriches ... !
We sincerely hope that a good time will be
had by all – do come along and support a
very traditional week of Village events.
Please note that the next issue of
Village Voice will cover both
July and August so please send
your July and August items
by Monday 21 June.
Many thanks!
June 2010
Junior Apprentice?
It was Teacher Swap Day at Stanton
Harcourt School on Friday 14 May. Children
were doing everything from teaching PE to
explaining the workings of the internal
combustion engine or running the School
Office! No fewer than five headmistresses
made sure that all was in order, addressed
the School, held a staff meeting ... and wore
their executive high-heeled shoes.
Think you know
about football?
2010 World Cup Competition
Raising money for the St Michael’s Church
Restoration Fund and FOSHS
(Friends of Stanton Harcourt School)
This is a competition for people who think they know a
thing or two about football. But it is also a competition
for people who know nothing about football and just
want to have a bit of fun trying to beat the so-called
‘experts’ at their own game!
Have a go – enter as a family or on your own. Entry
fee is ONLY £2 of which £1 goes to the Restoration
Fund and FOSHS, and the remaining £1 will go into
the prize fund for the competition. Entry forms can be
obtained from the following places:
Peter Floyd, Lee-Way, New Road
Sarah Sharp at The Rectory, Main Road
Village Shop/Harcourt Arms pub
Alex at The Fox pub
Kerstie Judson or any FOSHS committee
Closing date: Friday 11 June @ 6.00 pm.
The New Post Office
is up and running!
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
mornings, 9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Parish Council Annual Meeting
Tuesday 1 June at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall
Reports from the School, WODC Planning, and
the Police. Please come and provide your
feedback to your Parish Councillors.
Dorothy Cox
Janet, Jacky, Michelle and Tracey Culley would like to
say thank you to everyone in the Village for all the
cards sent to them after the loss of Dorothy Cox who
died, aged 102 years, on 18 April. Also, thank you to
Sarah Sharp for the lovely service.
Young people on the
Village Green – a view
I have lived in Stanton Harcourt for 12 months and have two
children, one aged 18 and one aged 14.
I recently read the article ‘Young people on the Village
Green’ in Village Voice and it made me think of my own son
Rob and my first thoughts were “Oh no, what has he done?”
However, I started to read and I felt really proud that a young
person, a resident of this Village, had obviously had the
courage to put pen to paper and express their views on a
subject that was close to their heart. This, I thought, was
carefully written, a good constructive argument, a structured
piece stating facts and putting over a point of view seldom
heard as most young people think “what’s the point?”
I work with young people aged 16 to 18 years. I find them to
be very intelligent, able to look at problems in a creative and
constructive way, plain speaking and a lot of fun. I do not
fear young people and think that they have every right to use
facilities in public places as much as the next person.
I personally never talk down to anyone; I speak to people as
I would like to be spoken to. As far as I am concerned, being
a new resident to the Village, the Green is an area to be
shared by the entire Village. The fact that it has football goal
posts on it indicates to me that it should be used for
recreational purposes.
I would like to congratulate Mair and wish to express my full
support for her and her friends [including my son, Rob] to
continue to enjoy yourselves on the Green. Even though I
don’t live near to the Green, I would still have the same
views if I lived closer.
Happy play/ chill out time for the kids – school’s hard enough
these days and they need some down time!
Julia Blackwell
Stonehenge Farm Public Inquiry
The Stonehenge Farm Public Inquiry resumes on
Tuesday 29 June at 10.00 am in Northmoor Village
Hall and runs until Friday 2 July. All members of the
public are most welcome and encouraged to attend to
show local interest in the issue. There are huge
implications for our Village, one of which is in excess
of 10,000 lorries per year leaving Stanton Harcourt via
the Haul Road onto the B4449. Please could anyone
willing to help with fundraising activities to pay for
OUTRAGE’s legal representation at the Inquiry contact
Emma Hare on 881923.
Books wanted Stanton Harcourt Village Hall is hoping to run a
bookstall on Festival Day, in aid of Village Hall funds.
If you have any second-hand books to donate, please
contact Thelma Faulkner (01865 880540) for
collection, or bring them along on Festival Day.
Lost cat – ‘Panda’
If you see this cat, please call Jan or Paul on 01865
881709. Even if it is bad news, we would still like to
know. Thanks, Jan and Paul (Spindlewood,
New Road).
Green TEA: saving energy,
saving money, saving the planet!
Transition Eynsham Area (Green TEA) helps our community
cope with the twin threats of rising global temperature and
falling oil supplies by making the transition from an oildependent economy to one that uses only renewable energy
and is therefore sustainable indefinitely.
Here are a few ideas from our Energy group.
1. Switch to a Green Energy supplier. Green TEA has a
scheme to supply electricity and gas for the same price
as your local supplier and invest 100% of your bill in
clean forms of power. Find out more at
2. Consider installing solar photovoltaic panels and the
government will pay you for all the energy you generate
at a very generous rate, guaranteed for 25 years. If you
have about £10k to invest, the system should pay for
itself in about 10 years and yield over 5% tax-free.
3. Pick up information on cutting your bills at our Energy
Stall at Eynsham Swap Shops on 19 June and
16 October; also at the Green TEA Café.
June 19 – Eynsham Swap Shop 10.00–12.00 noon at the
Baptist Church, Lombard St., Eynsham
July 3 – Eynsham Carnival – TEA entry: ‘Bicycle Flotilla’
and EAWW (our ‘Waste’ working group) stall
July 17 – Free film show – Long Hanborough Recreation
Hall 7.30 pm. Free film show ‘In Transition 1.0’ followed by
The Harcourt Arms
Tel: 01865 881931
Tues 1 June ~ Quiz and Curry, last one of the season!
Fri 4 June ~ First Friday Club ~ it’s a man thing!!
Brewery Trip ~ First Friday blokes … we can have a trip to
the Wychwood brewery on any Monday night from 7.00 pm.
Guided tour then sampling of a couple of barrels of their
finest in the bar. 12 blokes at a time, so may have to make a
couple of trips!! All fellas welcome – let Derek know!
World Cup Football ~ South Africa 2010
BIG telly in the bar for all the England matches
Saturday 12 June ~ England vs USA, 7.30 pm
Friday 18 June ~ England vs Algeria 7.30 pm
Wednesday 23 June ~ England vs Slovenia 3.00 pm
Giant hotdogs with onions at halftime £2.50
Special price beers and bottles during matches!
Sweepstake ~ lucky dip to pick the country/ies you will be
following. Small entry fee ~ cash prizes!
We’ll have all the England matches on and the final stages
of the tournament whoever’s in it. Ask about other matches.
Tues 15 June ~ Festival Week, Family Quiz with lasagne
supper. Supper from 6.00 pm with quiz from 7ish. One
family per team. This is a very popular night, so could you
please let us know if you are attending, so we have an idea
for numbers (and veggie folk) ~ Raffle for the School.
Sat 19 June ~ Festival Day … Pimms, Piggs and Lammb
Roast in the garden. Sausages and burgers for the kids, as
well as a bouncy castle. The Limitations ~ a six-piece live
band will play in the garden during the evening. Disco
indoors from 11 till late … Smashie and Nicey on the decks.
Tickets for Festival Evening will be on sale from 1 June.
The Sausage Club ~ Every Tuesday (except Quiz). Choose
your sausages, choose your mash for just £7.50. Bottle of
house red or white only £10 when eating.
Murder mystery Meet at 2.15 pm at the Village Hall
on Sunday 27 June
Ends with tea (free) at the rectory
Tickets on sale from Monday 7 June at both pubs,
the Shop or John Faulkner (880540)
Tickets cost more on the door
Accompanied under 12s with family go free!
Bring a friend, form a team, enjoy a summer stroll
around the Village looking for clues
Filling the graveyard in aid of Church funds
Playspace Project 2010
On the day after Polling Day, we learned that our Playbuilder
application had been unsuccessful.
This was deeply
disappointing but not unexpected given the large number of
applications that were submitted.
So what do we do next? The answer is to explore alternative
sources of funding.
But this is easier said than done. Each grant-giving body
has its own deadlines and decision dates, and its own rules
about what it can and cannot provide funds for. Decisions
can take months, after which you may have to start all over
again. Money is tight (an understatement if ever there was
one) and an application that is worthy but unsuccessful may
exclude us from applying again to the same body.
It would be so easy to give up! But that is the last thing that
we must do. The scheme for the Leys and Fox Field was so
well received at the public meeting, and has generated so
much interest since, that giving up is unthinkable. So the
question remains: “What do we do next?”
The key to success will be to carve the Playspace scheme
into bite-sized slices that could be implemented in a sensible
order and correspond, in timing and cost, to potentially
available funds. For example it might be possible to seek a
grant for building paths, walls and disabled parking from one
body while at the same time obtaining from another the
materials, funding and volunteer effort for tree-planting in the
buffer zones.
Devising such a plan is a challenge in itself! Watch this
space in Village Voice (and the Playspace page on our web
site) to find out how we are doing.
Colin Wells, Volunteer Facilitator (01865 881760)
PS: Though I intended to stand down after the Playbuilder
application was submitted, I have agreed to assist the Parish
Council until they have secured funds for at least a first
phase of Jane Bain's scheme. The plans can still be viewed
at The Harcourt Arms (in the Shop) and The Fox.
Mondays 14 June and 12 July
at 7.00–9.00 pm
Stanton Harcourt Village Hall
Age 10 years upwards
St Michael’s Church 200 Club
April draw
1st 165 E Tupper
2nd 187 M Floyd
3rd 264 A Boer
4th 191 M McEachern
The Fox Village Pub and Café
Summer’s here, so come along
and enjoy our garden with your family!
Watch the World Cup at The Fox!
Fri 12 June – 7.30 pm England vs USA
Fri 18 June – 7.30 pm England vs Algeria
Weds 23 June – 3.00 pm England vs Slovenia
All pints are £2.40 during each England game
Weds 16 June: Sheila’s Coffee Morning
8.00 am – 12 noon – proceeds to the Thursday Club
Thurs 17 June: Teddy Bear’s Picnic in the garden from
12 noon. £3, including lunch for the children – proceeds to
the Toddler Group
Fri 18 June: Music, 9.00 pm, Kev G after the England game
Sat 19 June – Festival Evening at The Fox
World Cup Safari Garden at The Fox from 6.00 pm. Family
games with Alex, including Family Football Kick-About
and bouncy castle – come on kids, beat your dads!
Fabulous Pig Roast supplied by Densham Butchers in
Witney. Outside bottle bar and very funny family
entertainment with JEFF DENTON from 7.30 pm. Then
party till late with the Disco!
Sunday 4 July – Family Fun afternoon 2.00 pm – 7.00 pm
International Soul and Reggae Star Pete McCray
3.00–6.00 pm. BBQ, bouncy castle, games etc ...
Proceeds to be split between Village charities. Come along,
support and have some fun!
Parish Council Updates
Tar Road: The 10-week enforcement period on the Tar
Road Gypsy site expired on 5 May. The requirements of the
notice have not been complied with. Ian Morrow, Head of
Planning and Sustainable Communities at West Oxfordshire
District Council, will be reporting to the Lowlands Area
Planning Sub-Committee on 24 May recommending the
seeking of an injunction to secure the removal of the
unauthorised development from the site. The report to the
concentrates on the health and safety aspects of living on a
contaminated site. If the Planning Committee accepts the
recommendation that it is necessary to commence injunction
proceedings to remedy the breach of planning control, the
matter will then be referred to the County Court.
STOP PRESS: WODC's Lowlands Area Planning SubCommittee voted unanimously on 24 May to accept the
recommendation by the Head of Planning, Ian Morrow, “to
commence injunction proceedings to remedy the breach of
planning control at the site”.
St Michael’s Church
Rev. Sarah Sharp
01865 880249
9.30 am
10.30 am
6.00 pm
Parish Communion and Sunday School
Benefice Communion
Flower Festival Songs of Praise:
Midsummer Madness (see below)
10.30 am
All Age Worship
8.00 am
Holy Communion
8.00 pm
Late 8ers at Sutton Chapel
At this year’s Flower Festival Songs of Praise, Bishop
Colin will be joining us to admire the flowers and bless the
work in the south transept that we have been able to
complete thanks to your generosity. Please join us to share
in the celebrations.
Emmaus – the Way of Faith: ‘Growing in the Scriptures’ –
looking at the Old Testament. Tuesdays June 1, 15 and 29
at Stanton Harcourt Church from 7.30 to 9.00 pm.
Sutton Methodist Chapel
Contact: Rita Stockill
01865 880200
3.00 pm
Rev Richard Donoghue inc. Holy Commn
10.00 am
Mr Richard Bloomfield, Family Service
10.00 am
Anne Welch, Sunday School
3.00 pm
Rev Asif Karam
Wed 2 June: Coffee morning, 10.00–11.30 am. All welcome
Wed 16 June: House Group at Chapel, 9.30 am.
The Catholic Church of St Peter
Fr Martin Flatman
07719 646790
Sunday Mass
10.00 am
Saturday (for Sunday) 7.30 pm; Monday 5.30 pm; Tuesday
7.30 pm; Wednesday 9.30 am; Friday 6.00 am.
St. Peter’s Church: Open for prayer every day at Abbey
Street, Eynsham, OX29 4HR. Tel: 01865 881613
Summer Fête: Sunday 4 July, 11.30 am to 3.00 pm. Various
stalls, teas, cakes, and a barbecue.
And finally …
Winners all round!
A big congratulations to The Fox Darts Team who came first
in the Eynsham Winter League Doubles and second in the
Singles. Congratulations also to Stanton Harcourt Football
Club who defended the Supplementary Cup and won 4–1
against FC Mills. They also won the league and were
promoted to Division 2. They look forward to playing at
home again next year. Well done all!
And really finally, Stanton Harcourt Football Club now have a
reserve team, so if you are interested in playing for the
Village, please contact the Club Secretary, Alex Fallon, on
01865 881551.
Parish Council information
All official communications should be addressed to the
Parish Clerk: Trudi Gasser, 27 Main Road, Stanton Harcourt,
OX29 5RP.
01865 883475
Parish Council website:
Thank you to this month’s contributors. Material for
Village Voice can be sent by email or put through Phil
and Linda’s letterbox. Please include your name and
phone number in case we need to check anything.
Deadline for the July/August 2010 issue:
Monday 21 June 2010
Published on behalf of Stanton Harcourt Parish Council
by Phil and Linda Loder, 25 Bury Mead, Stanton
Harcourt, OX29 5SD.
01865 883016
While we try to ensure the accuracy of information in Village
Voice, readers use the information at their own risk.
Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not
necessarily those of the Editors or the Parish Council.