All You Need For An AP Baby Registry!


All You Need For An AP Baby Registry!
All You Need For An AP Baby Registry!
Attachment parenting means that you meet the needs of your baby as quickly and simply as
possible; it also means there’s very little you actually need on your registry!
Items marked with an * have their own reviews on!
Feeding Your Baby
•Breast-feeding pillow*
•Nursing pads*
•Breast Pump* (free through insurance) and accessories
Sleep For Baby
•Snuggle Nest* or cosleeper
•Swaddle blankets or sleep sacks
•Baby monitor
Diapering Your Baby
•Newborn size disposables* (small packs)
•24+ cloth diapers*
•Cloth baby wipes*
•Wet bag
Dressing Your Baby
•Various outfits for sizing and weather
•Socks for feet and hands
•Baby carrier for wearing your baby*
Safety for Baby
•Car seat (installation checked by a certified
•First aid kit
•Baby care kit including comb and nail clippers
•Nose Frida*
•Infant ibuprofen, acetaminophen, gas drops, rectal thermometer
Check out for more ideas and reviews!

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