20th Anniversary Edition


20th Anniversary Edition
ary Edition
Quarterly Newsletter
Fall 2012
J. Leonard Levy Family
Wellness Center Naming Ceremony
The community is invited to the naming ceremony of the
J. Leonard Levy Family Wellness Center, recognizing an
extraordinary grant of $2 million from the J. Leonard and
Myra B. Levy Fund, a donor advised fund of Rose Community
Please join us as we express our
gratitude to the Levy family
Wednesday, October 31 ~ 4:00 pm
at the Wellness Center
14800 E. Belleview Dr., Aurora
Located on the Shalom Park campus, the Wellness Center
offers therapeutic rehabilitation, recreation, and relaxation
services tailored specifically for seniors. Open to the
community, the facility houses a warm water therapy and
exercise pool, rehabilitation and therapy gym, fitness and
aerobic exercise gym, a public bistro, and a full-service salon.
For additional information about the Wellness Center, please
visit www.shalomcares.org.
Sweet Success!
When we opened the J. Leonard Levy Family Wellness Center in June, we set our
expectations high, knowing this one-of-a-kind facility had the means to improve, heal,
and even transform lives for seniors in our community. What we set out to accomplish
is well underway. The successes are many, so we’ll narrow them to a few:
• 31 fitness and aqua classes are taught each week
• Memberships total 135 – most from the outside community
• Attendance for June–Sept classes total 1,289
• Silver Sneakers classes are up and running
• Seven Program Partners utilize the facility to teach classes
• YMCA is our newest partner, offering children’s swim lessons
• Our water walking team has walked a combined total of 35 miles
• A $2 million naming gift was contributed by the J. Leonard Levy Family!
Shalom Cares
Board of Trustees:
In This 20th Anniversary Issue...
From the Desk of........................................3
Karen Gates, Director of Admissions
Shalom Cares Selected as Tour Site.........3
Michael Strear
The Dynamic Dedicated Dozen...............4
Giving from the Heart...............................4
Dan Stenersen
Hospice Tributes........................................5
Help us Go Paperless.................................5
Vice Chair
Dan Japha
Spiritual Spotlight......................................6
Shalom Cares ~ Home Sweet Home
John Pregulman
Annual Dog Show......................................7
Pet Therapy Workshop..............................7
Gary Yourtz
Board Members
Marshall Abrahams
Bruce Bendell
Joe Borus
Robin Chotin
Lisa Cook
Ken Feiler
Tom Gart
Jerry Gray
Susy Grazi
Andy Miller
Jay Moskowitz
Jordon Perlmutter
Sandy Wolf
Staff Training..............................................8
Before the Mourning..................................8
Founded on the Jewish values of improving the
Fall Events...................................................8
world and caring for all, Shalom Cares upholds
Shalom Cares Tributes.........................9-14
the commitment to Honor Our Mothers and
Shalom Cares Historical Timeline.........14
Our Fathers by providing the highest level of
Le’Atid for the Future.........................14-15
personalized and compassionate healthcare.
Client Spotlight........................................17
Liat’s Story
Shalom Cares welcomes and serves individuals of
any faith, race, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual
Spalon Open to the Public......................17
Shalom Cares offers services that
foster progressive recovery, healthy
activities, and a fulfilling lifestyle
~ wherever clients call home
Shalom Cares is a
beneficiary agency of
the Allied Jewish
Federation of Colorado
Shalom Park Campus:
Patio Homes
Apartment Homes
The Retreat for extra care
Nursing Home
Do we have your email
address? Please see
page 5 for details.
Shalom Cares Newsletter is published four times each
year for residents, families and friends of Shalom
Cares. Please direct inquiries to the editor:
Shalom Hospice Care
Shalom Palliative Care
Shalom Home Health Care
Shalom Cares
14800 E. Belleview Dr. Aurora, CO 80015
Wellness Center
Therapeutic Rehabilitation,
Recreation & Relaxation
From the Desk of
Karen Gates, Director of Admissions
It’s hard to believe that 20 years ago – two months after the
residents from the Beth Israel Home for the Aged were transported
to the new Shalom Park Nursing Home – I started working for
what is now the finest not-for-profit senior community in this
I never dreamed that accepting a job as a social worker would
evolve into a daily opportunity to invite seniors into our caring
family. Today, my role as admissions director for Shalom Park
allows me to share my pride in our community and in the staff
who are committed to providing extraordinary care to all those
we serve.
I’m proud of Shalom Cares – that we help others because we
genuinely care – that our mission stands true after all these years
of growth – that Honoring Our Mothers and Our Fathers is not only
engraved on the glass wall in the lobby, but ingrained in our hearts,
guiding our words and actions.
Being part of the Shalom Cares family is a joy and an honor.
Karen Gates
Director, Admissions
Shalom Cares Selected as Tour Site
During National Conference
In addition, two staff members have been
asked to speak at the conference. Stacey
Deitz, Director of Nursing, will speak about
“The Complexities of Staff Stability” at
an education session, and Marilyn Bogan,
Director of Donor Services, will present at a
pre-conference seminar, “Fundraising in a
Difficult Philanthropic Environment.”
LeadingAge, a national association of
not-for-profit organizations dedicated to
making America a better place to grow
older, is having their annual conference in
Denver, October 21-24. Each year, they select a few senior
communities for site visits, based on
innovative features and/or unique
programming. This year, Shalom Cares
is honored to be one of the four facilities
chosen for tours. About 100 nonprofit
executives from across the country will visit
our campus on October 23.
Thank you to our site visit sponsors:
CareVoyant, Inc.
Commercial Fitness Solutions, Inc.
Medline Industries, Inc.
Morrison Senior Living
Providigm, LLC
The Dynamic Dedicated Dozen
Shalom Cares is a great place to work. Proof of that is in the longevity of our staff. “The old saying, ‘it’s not the destination, it’s the journey’ is what I think of when looking back
over 20 years with Shalom Cares,” says Brenda Scott, Event Coordinator. “It has been a great
and inspiriting journey watching the campus grow with each added entity. Shalom Cares as an
employer has been wonderful to me, and now as a family member, I am experiencing the other
side of the dedication, honor and love that we provide to our residents.” Brenda holds the
honor of having worked for Shalom Cares
the longest of all our employees. She
celebrated 20 years of employment with
Shalom Cares in July of 2012. Brenda’s
mother is a resident at Shalom Park
Nursing Home.
We wish to honor 12 of the first employees
hired (in ‘92 and ‘93) by Shalom Cares - Beth
Israel at Shalom Park back then - who are
still with the company. (Left to right in
back) Ida Frichette, Linda Watt, Tally Law,
Dan Stenersen, Marilyn Bogan, Karen Gates,
Brenda Scott, Marsha Scolaro; (front) Janet
Hansen, Elizabeth Rukhotskiy; (not pictured)
Elba Maul, Carmen Williams.
Giving from the Heart
Generosity is an expression of the heart – whether
in words, deeds, or gifts.
Marilyn Bogan, Director of Donor Services,
invited Mary to Shalom Park. However, being
from Colorado Springs, she did not want to make
the trip, and she declined our offer to visit her she did not want to inconvenience us.
Shalom Cares is the beneficiary of a generous
estate gift from someone who, upon learning
about our mission and good work, put Shalom
Cares in her will.
Something resonated for Mary about our mission,
about the services we offer to those in need, about
our passion for caring and treating others as we
would “Our Mothers and Our Fathers.”
Mary Shore was not a resident or a family
member of Shalom Cares. She never visited the
campus. She never utilized our services. She
wasn’t Jewish.
Mary was an acquaintance – a friend of a friend –
to Shalom Cares. She was introduced to a former
board member who contacted her about our
Mary passed away five years ago. Her estate
gift to Shalom Cares was $850,000. With her
annual gifts over the many years before her
death, her contributions to Shalom Cares total
more than $1 million. We are honored to have
been remembered by Mary Shore with such
Contributions to Shalom Hospice
June 1 - September 15, 2012
* Names in bold are
those being honored.
Please note that donations processed after September 15 will appear in our next issue.
In Honor
Rabbi Steven Rubenstein
Family of Sam Goldstein
Shalom Hospice Staff - thank
Latimer Family
Mel Dinner
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
David Fried
Sharon Goldberg
Karen Hagler
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Bruce Katchen
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Henny Kaufmann
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Louann Miller
Dan and Judy Pepper
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Ladeen Pluss
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Helene Pollock
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Marilyn Safran
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Arlene “Snookie” Shwayder
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Ed Towbin
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Ruth Goodman
Steven and Debra Weinstein
Len Herz
Joe and Tsai Bilett
Arthur and Joann Boss
Doris Diamond
Charlotte Fortner
Phyllis Goodman and Hyman
Phyllis Goodman
Jerry and Lorna Gray
Linda Kornfeld
Marvin and Bebe Levy
Bob and Robyn Loup
Dan and Judy Pepper
Dave and Helene Pollock
Beth Rosen and Danney
Larry and Susan Siegel
Elly Valas
Phil and Linda Waldbaum
Wirtz & Co LLC
Mort Hoffman
Sam and Euni Finer
Anne Levisohn
Jeff and Sandy Barter
Joe and Tsai Bilett
Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner &
Hottman, PC
Arnie and Benita Idelberg
Stephen and Terri Martin
Dave Purdum and Beth
Harold and Connie Rayor
Bob and Merle Rubin
Terri Tilliss and Stacy Pocrass
Gretel Trent
Elana Weinstein, Ken
Brownstein, and Madison
Speedy Recovery
Burt Dunevitz
Ernie and Rita Stone
Irwin Suson
Ernie and Rita Stone
In Memory
Gerson Barter
Todd Garvin and Dianne
Marvin Blaugrund
Marcee Newman
Alice Bleecker
Ralph, Louise and Harry
Hermann Family
Julia Jaffess
Gale Gold Nichols
Shari Rogge-Fidler and David
Susan Winchester
Evelyn Flaxer
Joe and Tsai Bilett
Gordon Friednash
Paul and Zelda Goldstein
Bob and Barbara Guttsmann
Mimi Karsh
Bill and Susan McKinney
Ira Golan
Marshall and Helene
Sam and Euni Finer
Sam Goldstein
Nolan and Patricia Zisman
Help Us Go Paperless!
Shalom Cares, a not-for-profit organization, is always looking
for ways to cut unnecessary expenses. We are also concerned
about our environment and the amount of waste we are
leaving for future generations. As such, our newsletter is now
available in an electronic format that can be emailed directly
to you. Please help by providing us with your email address.
Contact Michele Hood at 303-400-2335 or
Michele.Hood@ShalomCares.net. Thank you!
Gerry McMillan
Len and Katie Wheeler
Mary Mosher
Edward and Evelyn
Parmenter, Eleanor Fader
Ben Newman
Rabbi Sara and Michael
Marilyn Rosenberg and
Charles Eisen
Esther Pearlman
Barry and Sherry Kaplan
John and Fran Moore
Joe Powers
Phyllis Goodman
Geraldine Scanlon
Sue Parkhurst
Al Sorkin
Julie Busch
Annette Charney and Jerry
Norma Novak
Sandy Tenenbaum’s sister
Marcee Newman
Barry Tillis
Steven and Debra Weinstein
Ann Waldbaum
Ron and Patti Weinstein
Marvin Weinstein
Marshall and Helene
Stuart Weinstein
Steven and Debra Weinstein
John Western
Mariella Dibble
Home Sweet Home
Spiritual Spotlight
by Rabbi Steven Rubenstein, Shalom Cares Director of Chaplaincy
enter that this is “hamakom” – the place –
where we Honor Our Mothers and Our Fathers
by providing the best care possible to all those
who call this place “home.” However, more
important than the space itself are the “rare and
wonderful treasures” that fill that space. What
makes this place my “home sweet home” are
the relationships that I have developed with
both staff and with residents. At the end of August, the residents and staff
celebrated twenty years of being at home at
Shalom Park. Several months before this event,
I began preparing for the High Holy Days
by embarking on a theme as a focus for my
sermons during this New Year period of time.
During the High Holidays, I spoke about what
it means to be “at home” -- at home in the
universe, at home in our individual abodes,
at home with our bodies, and at home in our
spiritual endeavors.
There is a Jewish expression we use when
celebrating a birthday: “May you live until 120.”
This refers to the life of Moses who was beloved
by the Children of Israel. So may Shalom Cares’
next one hundred years be filled with the seeds
of growth as we face the opportunities ahead,
transforming new spaces into sacred ones that
convey “home sweet home” to all who enter ~
defining Shalom Park as a place where heaven
and earth do meet!
In the past, I have given a gift to my
congregational family as a way to remind us
throughout the year about the significance of
my remarks. My gift to the residents and to
the staff involved the help of a resident artist,
Marcia Horwitch, who took a quote from the
Book of Proverbs that I provided to her, and
we created
an artistic
of a
of the
so that
could have
special to
place on
their walls.
In the
of the
there is a
large glass
wall that
all who
Shalom Park Goes to the Dogs
It has been proven that stroking a pet or watching fish in an aquarium can relieve stress. Pets provide us with unconditional love. They don’t care if we are old or young, short
or tall, healthy or ill. They love us regardless. Shalom Park has always welcomed wellbehaved, leashed pets.
On August 2, the 19th Annual Shalom Park Dog Show took place, and we hosted a
multitude of dogs. We saw big dogs and small, young dogs and old, and dogs of every
shape and color. Residents, staff, volunteers, and friends arrived with their four-legged
furry pals to strut their stuff and entertain. The emcee for our dog show was American Kennel Club judge Dee Maltz. Dee was a
professional dog handler for 20 years and added many interesting tid-bits to the show. Thank you to everyone who participated in our Dog Show.
Pet Therapy Workshop
Sunday, November 4
A visit from a pet can have a positive effect on an elderly resident. Do you think your
dog has what it takes to be a therapy dog? Shalom Cares will be hosting a Pet Therapy
Workshop on Sunday, November 4 at 2:00 pm. This informational event will provide
details about:
• What to expect during a Pet Therapy visit
• Helpful hints for a successful pet visit
• The difference between Pet Therapy Certification and Pet Therapy Registration
This event will be geared toward pet owners only. If there is enough interest, we may
facilitate a team training session. Please RSVP to Jody at Jody.Neumann@ShalomCares.net
or 303-400-2205.
Staff Training Continues
Before the Mourning
Shalom Cares requires all staff to attend
mandatory training sessions throughout
the year. There are usually two training
sessions each month. Topics that are
covered include: fire safety, dietary
needs of the elderly, fall prevention,
infection control, resident rights, and
others. Working at Shalom Cares means
working in the home of our residents.
Understanding and respecting the wellbeing of our residents is vital to their
Feldman Mortuary, Shalom Cares, and
Jewish Family Service are presenting a free
series dealing with grief. The series will
be held at noon on Thursdays at Shalom
Cares, and a kosher meal will be provided.
Oct 25 - Mediation Before Mourning
Nov 1 - So Your Values Live On: Writing
an Ethical Will
Nov 8 - Keeping Your Physical Energy
High when Your Emotional Energy is Low
Nov 15 - Organ and Tissue Donations: A
Jewish Perspective
Reservations are required. Please contact
Jamie Sarche at Feldman Mortuary for
more information or to reserve a spot 303-322-7764 or jamie@feldmanmortuary.com
“You have no idea how much I appreciate
what you have done for me.”
~ Patricia, Resident
Fall Events
Sun, Nov 4 - 3:30 pm
Gino DeQuinzio
Tues, Nov 6 - 5:30 pm
Election results dinner
Wed, Nov 7 - 3:30 pm
Birthday Party
Sun, Nov 11 - 3:30 pm
Cliff Spratt - Veterans’
Day program
Mon, Nov 12 - 10:30 am
Bob Wiley - WWII
Wed, Nov 28 - 11:45 am
Theme Luncheon Political Families
Wed, Nov 14 - 7:00 pm
John Melton - piano
Sun, Dec 2 - 3:30 pm
Smithsonians - hand
bell choir
Sun, Nov 18 - 10:00 am
- 2:00 pm
Holiday Boutique
Wed, Dec 12 - 7:00 pm
John Melton - piano
Sun, Dec 16th - 3:30 pm
Colorado Hebrew
Wed, Dec 5 - 3:30 pm
Birthday Party
Wed, Dec 19 - 2:30 pm
Theme Luncheon Shalom Cares Families
Wed, Nov 21 - 10:00 am
- 2:00 pm
Annual Bake Sale
Thur, Dec 6 - 10:45 am
Fox Hollow School
Choir-Holiday Concert
Sun, Dec 23 - 3:30 pm
Shir Ami Singers concert
Thur, Nov 22 - 10:30 am
Nessa Marquez guitarist
Sat, Dec 8 - 5:30 pm
Hanukkah First Candle
Sun, Dec 30 - 3:30 pm
Generations Musical
Sun, Dec 9 - 3:30 pm
Hanukkah Party with
Osi Sladek
Sun, Nov 25 - 3:30 pm
Molly Kaufman - piano
Mon, Dec 31 - 3:30 pm
New Year’s Party
Tribute Contributions
June 1 - September 15, 2012
Please note that tributes processed after September 15 will appear in our next issue.
In Honor
Marshall and Helene
Nicki Hirsh
Phil and Arlene Mobell
Ted and Marsha Alpert birth of granddaughter
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Alan and Gayle Boxer - Bar
Mitzvah of grandson
Diane Morris
Suzie Robinson
Lance Chayet - thanks for all
your hard work
Joe Siegel and Moira Saltz
Lisa Cook - in honor of 30
years of Affair with Flair
Marshall and Helene
Christine Hayutin
Stephen and Mitzi Kurtz
Lisa Cook and Leslie Heinsin honor of 30 years of Affair
with Flair
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Sheldon and Leslie Levy
Doris Diamond - marriage of
Martin and Renee Gross
Ian Gardenswartz and Anat
Charles marriage
Selma Gordon
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Julius and Rose Pluss
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Michael and Suzanne Strear
Elaine Wolf
Scott and Cindi Gelman son’s engagement
Shirley Londer and Ely
Phyllis Goodman - graduation
of grandson from medical
Elaine Millman
Sandra Goralnik - best wishes
on your new home
Elaine Millman
Jerry and Leona Harris marriage of grandson
Elaine Millman
Carol Karsh - being honored
by AJF
Stan and Phyllis Averch
Stuart and Judy Heller
Sandy Melnick
Dan and Judy Pepper
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Mark Schwartz - birth of
Isaac Stone
Steven and Michelle Toltz
Shalom Cares staff - thank
Linda Derby and Jordan Levy
Michael and Karen Shapiro birth of Keturah
Mark and Susan Zalkin and
Art and Gere Shenkin - in
Bernie and Roberta Naiman
Elizabeth Y. Shwayder - being
named a Stellar Woman
Ruth Davis
Marcia Naiman
Leonard Strear - Happy
Father’s Day
Les and Linda Liman
Edythe Sunshine
Sandra Urlik
Warren and Ruth Toltz - ADL
Community Service Award
Phil and Arlene Mobell
Norm Wedgle
Ron and Ellen Wedgle
Gary and Terri Yourtz
Alan and Anna Levin
David and Litamae Sher
Bruce and Florrie Katchen all of your special occasions
Del and Audrey Ahrendt
Micky and Louann Miller
Bernie and Roberta Naiman
Dan and Judy Pepper
Freda Landie - being honored
by YTC
Marion Schwartz
Marvin Leff
Martin and Renee Gross
Charlene Loup and Seymour
Mark and Susie Linkow marriage of their son
Jerry and Lorna Gray
Briana McKinney - thanks
for the music
Marjorie Zaragoza
Charlie Miller and Sara
Indyk - marriage
Dan and Judy Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Al and Barbara Eglow
Dave and Helene Pollock new home
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Devin Prezant - Bar Mitzvah
Jack and Marsha Feuer
Eddie and Susan Robinson special occasions
Irv and Roz Ash
Jerry and Lorna Gray
Sandy Melnick
Marcee Newman
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Suzie Robinson
Larry and Joan Rubenstein wedding of granddaughter
Jerry and Lorna Gray
Rabbi Steven Rubenstein
Sophia Portnoy
Mallory Rubin - engagement
to Aaron
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Lee Rudofsky - thanks for all
your hard work
Joe Siegel and Moira Saltz
Stan Averch
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Sylvia Buros
Bluma Wenner
Grace Cardone
Barbara Hailpern
Dick Cook
Dave and Helene Pollock
Larry and Lou Stein
Dan and Judy Pepper
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Mel Dinner
Dan and Judy Pepper
Eleanor Sobol and Joe Pells
Ruth Epstein
Bluma Wenner
Estelle Gottesfeld
Doris Diamond
“Great people make Shalom Park a
great place.”
~ Jill, Family Member
Phyllis Goodman and Hyman Goren
Elaine Millman
Bluma Wenner
Lois Grayck
Frieda Levenson
Maxine Hailpern
Margery Blumberg
Barry Hirschfeld
Dan and Judy Pepper
Leland Huttner
Larry and Joni Litvak
Herb Jacobson
Ely Birnbaum and Shirley
Donald Kaplan
Jordon and Bonnie Saliman
Stuart and Judy Heller
Sandy Melnick
Marcee Newman
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Larry and Susan Siegel
Allan and Helena Striker
Florrie Katchen
Stuart and Judy Heller
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Glenda Kaufman
Mort and Helene Zerobnick
Henny Kaufmann
Suzie Robinson
Joyce Leszman
Herb and Sharon Jacobson
Shirley Londer and Ely
Joyce Wagner
Danny and Lois Zuckerman
Molly Lipsman
Martin and Renee Gross
Shirley Londer
Ely Birnbaum
Stephen and Mitzi Kurtz
Jerry Mellman
Mimi Karsh
Henny Melnick
Larry and Susan Siegel
Lee and Barbara Mendel
Stuart and Judy Heller
Micky and Louann Miller
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Larry and Susan Siegel
Elaine Wolf
Arlene Mobell
Herb and Sharon Jacobson
Shirley Londer and Ely
Eleanor “Itty” Sobol
Layah Wolpa
Melba Niernberg
Marla Levin
Bluma Wenner
Layah Wolpa
Ken Pepper
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Jim Pluss
Dick and Bobbe Cook
Bruce and Florrie Katchen
Ladeen Pluss
Dick and Bobbe Cook
Don and Snookie Shwayder
Helene Pollock
Mimi Karsh
Dan and Judy Pepper
Suzie Robinson
Ted Pomeranz
Bud and Patti Rittenberg
Mutty and Helene Zerobnick
Eddie and Susan Robinson
Jordon and Essie Permutter
Elaine Wolf
Micky and Louann Miller
Dave and Helene Pollock
Hank and Bobette Robinson
Don and Snookie Shwayder
Gloria Scharlin
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Bobbie Seserman
Helen Aaron
Arlene “Snookie” Shwayder
Dan and Judy Pepper
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Ann Stein
Bud and Patti Rittenberg
Mimi Weinberger
Helen Aaron
Marge Blumberg
Ruth Epstein
Anne Fendrich
Isabelle Price
Sandra Savit
Bobbie Sesserman
David Weinstein
Bernie and Roberta Naiman
Gayle Weinstein
Bernie and Roberta Naiman
Hy Zuckerman
Danny and Lois Zuckerman
Mark and Krista Boscoe
Maxine (and Shash) Hailpern
Bob and Diane Cohn
Jordon and Bonnie Saliman
Alan and Anita Eisenberg
Phil and Arlene Mobell
Ed and Marilyn Pepper
Ted and Vivian Epstein
Bluma Wenner
David and Myrna Garfield
Stuart and Judy Heller
Jerry and Thelma Gross
Elaine Millman
Ed and Elka Haligman
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Paul and Zelda Goldstein
Martin and Renee Gross
Lolo Heller
Diane Morris
Bernie and Roberta Naiman
Ellie Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Charlene Shaffer
Eleanor Sobol
Jack and Diane Zelinger
Howard and Deanie Zelkin
Bruce and Florrie Katchen
Stuart and Judy Heller
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Mel and Roberta Klein
Ed and Marilyn Pepper
Jim and Saralee Kolitz
Eleanor Sobol
Howard and Jan Lavitt
Elaine Millman
Brad and Patti Levin
Suzie Robinson
Paul and Susan Levine
Beth and Fred Barnet
Art and Dorothy Malman
Jordon and Bonnie Saliman
Jerry and Gen Mellman
Martin and Renee Gross
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Bernie and Leba Munishor
Bob and Barbara Guttsmann
Phil and Arlene Mobell
Marshall and Helene
Ely Birnbaum and Shirley
Phyllis Goodman and Hy
Layah Wolpa
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Dick and Bobbe Cook
Bruce and Florrie Katchen
Arnie and Gwen Schatz
Dan and Judy Pepper
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Schwartz
Ron and Marilyn Levenson
Arnie and Marlene Siegel
Charlene Shaffer
Ralph and Pat Silversmith
Dave and Helene Pollock
Mel and Jan Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Bob and Joanie Talpers
Bob and Barbara Guttsmann
Sandy and Lois Wohl
Ruth Wolff
Marty and Sonia Wolf
Walter and Iverne Treidel
Paul and Mikki Zatulove
Elaine Millman
Jack and Diane Zelinger
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Speedy Recovery
Marshall Abrahams
David and Cindy Bershof
Steven and Robin Chotin
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Stan Averch
David and Litamae Sher
Itty Sobol
David Bershof
Marshall and Helene
Steven and Robin Chotin
Cissy Coben
Dick and Bobbe Cook
Jack and Marsha Feuer
DeeAnn and John Goetz
Stuart and Judy Heller
Carole and Paul Jacobs
Al and Judy Levin
Patty Lorie-Kupetz
Dan and Judy Pepper
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Larry and Joanie Rubenstein
Sidney and Noreen Stillman
Steven and Enid Wenner
Howard and Deanie Zelkin
Louise Boris
Bernie and Sandy Fleischer
Norton Boslow
Lolo Heller
Milford and Jo Anne Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Barbara Chapman
Marshall and Helene
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Sheila Cohen
Cissy Coben
Joyce Wagner
Shell Cook
Marshall and Helene
Harold and Sue Cohen
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Barby Sidon
Sylvia Eisenberg
Bernie and Sandy Fleischer
Lee Engbar
Ellie Pepper
Dottie Flax
Martin and Renee Gross
Alan Freis
Pete and Gerrie Peters
Marilyn Freis
Allan and Sherry Tenenbaum
Paula Friedland
Irving “Fritz” Friedland
Marion Galant
Sidney and Noreen Stillman
John Glaser
Bluma Wenner
Carol Goldstein
Stuart and Judy Heller
Lolo Heller
Lynn Gordon
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Martin Gross
Doris Diamond
Miff and Jo Anne Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Edith Hayutin
Jeanette Kaminski
Naomi Strear
Jerry Hein
Figs and Sheila Cohen
Leonard Herz
Irv and Roz Ash
Miff and Jo Anne Pepper
Hesh Weinstein and Beth
Arnie Idelberg
Stuart and Judy Heller
Bruce Katchen
Jack and Marsha Feuer
Louis and Marion Gelfand
Stuart and Judy Heller
Sandy Melnick
Miff and Jo Anne Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Sam and Zoni Pluss
David and Litamae Sher
Bev Sigman and Bob
Les Levitt
Phil and Arlene Mobell
Sheldon Levy
Ely Birnbaum and Shirley
Bruce Madison
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Nelson Magedman
Bernie and Sandy Fleischer
Michael Miller
Morton and Roberta Miller
Micky Miller
Dan and Judy Pepper
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Manny Nash
Pete and Gerrie Peters
Rose Pluss
Stan and Phyllis Averch
David Pollock
Mimi Karsh
David and Litamae Sher
Patti Rittenberg
Jack and Marsha Feuer
Suzie Robinson
Stan and Phyllis Averch
Cissy Coben
Phyllis Goodman and Hyman
Renee Heller
Morton and Roberta Miller
David and Litamae Sher
Itty Sobol and Joe Pells
Sheldon Rogers
Martin and Renee Gross
Elaine Rosenberg
Margery Blumberg
Darlene Shwartz
Cissy Coben
Leonard Strear
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Sandy Wolf and Walt Yearick
Layah Wolpa
Irwin Suson
Charlene Loup and Seymour
Judy Vad
Sherwin and Audrey
Jon Waldman
Steven and Michelle Toltz
In Memory
Marlin Barad’s father
Steven and Robin Chotin
Gerson Barter
Garrett and Elke Barter
Veronica Bernal’s father
Anne Fendrich
Sandra Savit
Bobbie Sesserman
Bernie and Dubby Bernstein
Michael and Francene Boxer
Joel Bernstein
Michael and Francene Boxer
Sharon Bernstein
Barbara Freis
Pete and Gerrie Peters
Marvin Blaugrund
Harold and Sue Cohen
Maxine Levin
Skip and Nancy Miller
Morton and Roberta Miller
Dan and Judy Pepper
Ellie Pepper
Peggy Pepper and Bob Thall
Hank and Bobette Robinson
Alice Bleecker
Barbara Dey
“…It is the crown jewel of our community’s
effort to take care of our senior citizens in
whatever stage they find themselves.”
~ Herb, family member
Hesh Weinstein
Bobbie Carr
Ben and Robyn Friedman
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Bev Sigman and Bob
Ron and Elaine Soy
Steve Wenner
Bud and Patti Rittenberg
Jordon and Bonnie Saliman
Eleanor Sobol
Allan and Sherry Tenenbaum
Howard and Sherrie Zeppelin
Mikki Wolf
Linda Raphael
Eleanor Sobol
Bluma Wenner
Elaine Wolf
Sandy Wolf and Walt Yearick
David Zapiler
Stuart and Judy Heller
Diane Zelinger
Stuart and Judy Heller
Jack Zerobnick
Mort and Helene Zerobnick
Mark Einhorn and Carolyn
Gloria Fine
Al and Judy Levin
Norm Replin
Laz and Roberta Sanders
Mary Lavina Boyd
JoAnn Turner
Mel Braginsky
Anne Fendrich
Coki Crane
Byron and Jo Capito
Colorado SAG-AFTRA
Anne Fendrich
The Fradkins and The Klines
Francine Landow
Donna and Howard Lutz
Bobbie Sesserman
Phillip Stahl
Irwin and Barbara Suson
Sheila Heller and Sam
Howard and Deanie Zelkin
Tim Curtiss
Michael and Debbie Feiner
and Family
Gladys Draeger
Ira and Sharon Hertz
George Duckworth
Harriet Goodman
Carolyn J. Samuel
Lorraine Eisenstat
Bev Sigman and Bob
Ruth Fayerman
Beth and Fred Barnet
Helene Hoffman
Seymour Feder
Harold and Sue Cohen
Harriet Goodman
Diane Morris
Sy Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Ben and Robyn Friedman
Renee Heller
Sherman and Lois Rich
Carolyn J. Samuel
Evelyn Flaxer
Estelle Knaster
Mark and Aureen Weinstein
Bruce Forbes
Ron and Mimi Goss
Ed and Elka Haligman
Marty Freedman
Ellie Pepper
Miff and Jo Anne Pepper
Bev Sigman and Bob
Bob Friedman
Bev Sigman and Bob
Gordon Friednash
Stan and Phyllis Averch
Sylvia Buros
Dr. Alan Feiner
Sol and Dorothea Flax
Morris and Helen Ginsburg
Phyllis Goodman and Hy
Selma Gordon
Ed and Elka Haligman
Miriam Hellerstein
Marvin and Shirley Leff
Al and Judy Levin
Steve and Diane Levine
Patty Lorie-Kupetz
Sandy Melnick
Elaine Millman
Bernie and Roberta Naiman
Miff and Jo Anne Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Sherman and Lois Rich
Hank and Bobette Robinson
Marion Schwartz
Charlene Shaffer
Larry and Susan Siegel
Bev Sigman and Bob
Bob and Joanie Talpers
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Steven and Michelle Toltz
Hesh Weinstein and Beth
Elaine Wolf
Layah Wolpa
Howard and Deanie Zelkin
Mort and Helene Zerobnick
Debby Furman
Herb and Sharon Jacobson
Bev Sigman and Bob
Bob Garner
Sid and Renae Levin
Jerry Ginsberg
Bryan Cave
Frank and Hedy Gold
Sid and Renae Levin
Leonard and Irma Strear
Ira Golan
Richard and Elaine Asarch
Sally Babcock
Bruce and Jennifer Bendell
David and Cindy Bershof
Michael and Denise Bilyeu
Ely Birnbaum and Shirley
Marge Blumberg
Marilyn and Paul Bogan
Art and Ruth Chapman
Steven and Robin Chotin
Lil Cohen
David and Vicki Dansky
Ben and Robyn Friedman
Lynda Goldstein
Jerry and Lorna Gray
Suzy Grazi
Martin and Renee Gross
Norma Irgens
Dan and Angela Japha
Anita Katz
Robert Kaufmann and Jen
Harold and Marilyn Lande
Joan Lander
Peggy Lehmann
Linda Levin
Steve and Diane Levine
Bob and Robyn Loup
Evan and Evi Makovsky
Sandy Melnick
Diane Morris
Bob and Barbara Nieder
Kay Orona
Abe Paper
Jonathan and Lisa Perlmutter
Debbie and Ron Pierce
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Bill Pomeranz and Harriet
Hank and Bobette Robinson
Rose Community Foundation
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Nina Sabban
Sandra Savit and Family
Bobbie Seserman
Larry and Susan Siegel
Artis Silverman
Marvin and Goldie Smith
Sidney and Noreen Stillman
Leonard and Irma Strear
Mary Thornton
Richard Wedgle and Susan
Russell, Rhonda, Sydney and
Samantha White
Elaine Wolf
Gary and Terri Yourtz
Mark and Carol Zaitz
Walt Goldberg
Figs and Sheila Cohen
Herb and Sharon Jacobson
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Leonard and Irma Strear
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Joel Goldberger
Steven and Robin Chotin
Bob and Barbara Guttsmann
Sid and Renae Levin
Diane Morris
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Hank and Bobette Robinson
Howard and Marci Rosenberg
Gil Goldstein
Scott and Hydee Pringle
Sam Goldstein
Deanie Anderson
Paul and Susie Fishman
Barbara Freis
Jerry and Betty Goodman
Sheldon and Elaine Hayutin
Susan Laskin
Patty Lorie-Kupetz
Goldie Nelson and Kathy
Marguerite Oxman
Sherman and Lois Rich
Lee Rudofsky
Carolyn J. Samuel
Len and Judy Schiff
Smith Family, Godshall
Family, Perkins Family
Saralee Spivak
Sidney and Noreen Stillman
Jack and Diane Zelinger
Shirley Goldstein
Anne Fendrich
Bobbie Sesserman
Shirley Francis Goldstein
Marion Schwartz
Rose Graber
Candy Kiffor and Lynne Rest
Don Handler
Phil and Arlene Mobell
Len Herz
Stan and Phyllis Averch
Beth and Fred Barnet
Steven and Robin Chotin
Jack and Marsha Feuer
DeeAnn and John Goetz
Martin and Renee Gross
Renee Heller
Stuart and Judy Heller
Sandy Melnick
Elaine Millman
Milford and Jo Anne Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Julius and Rose Pluss
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Hank and Bobette Robinson
Arnie and Gwen Schatz
David and Litamae Sher
Bev Sigman and Bob
Eleanor Sobol
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Jack and Diane Zelinger
Sherwin and Audrey
Estelle Hilb
David and Cindy Bershof
Sandy Melnick
Bev Sigman and Bob
Eleanor Sobol
Steven and Michelle Toltz
Mort Hoffman
Jerry and Pearl Neiman
Miles Hostetler
Irving “Fritz” Friedland
Ernie Jacobs
Michael and Francene Boxer
Roselyn Jacobs
Michael and Francene Boxer
Mike and Carol Jacobs
Joni Lane
Jerry and Pearl Neiman
Bonnie Saliman and Mary
Mollye Kahn
Abe Paper
Bobbie Sesserman
Harry Kaminsky
Eleanor Sobol
Kitty Kopolovic
Helen Rotbart
Bob Krause
Sid and Renae Levin
Sheri Labovitz’s father
Carole and Paul Jacobs
Carl Lee
Renae Levin
David Levenson
Michael and Debbie Feiner
and Family
Margie Levine
Jordon and Bonnie Saliman
Anne Levisohn
Cookie Gold
Miriam Goldstein
Diane Morris
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Gloria and Steven Seelig
Bluma Mandel Wenner
Frieda Makovsky Englard
Bob and Robyn Loup
Gerry McMillin
Dania Cunningham
Helen Hawkins and Harold
Hawkins Jr.
Abby Lee Meisterplass
Diane Jantz
Melvin and Elaine Mayerson
Bill Moller
Sid and Renae Levin
Ben Newman
Verner and Linda Averch
Judith Lee Berg
David and Cindy Bershof
Michael and Geegee
Bobbie Carr
Bobby and Nancy Casper
Peter and Marcia Chernis and
Helen Rae Cohan
Harold and Sue Cohen
Harvey and Judy Cohen
Sumner Darman
Agnes Davis
Stephen and Nancy Dephoure
Doris Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Eileen Eller
Richard Endlar
Jerry and Jane Evans
Jack and Marsha Feuer
Don and Jeannie Friedman
Louis and Marian Gelfand
Morris and Helen Ginsburg
Gerry Goldberg
Phyllis Goodman and Hy
Stephen and Celeste Gorden
Selma Gordon
Jerry and Lorna Gray
Jo Ann Grayson and Ann
Zelda Greene and Family
Martin and Renee Gross
Lolo Heller
Stuart and Judy Heller
Sheila Heller and Sam
Wendy Jolles and Suzanne
Herb and Sue Karas
Paul and Lisa Karofsky
Mimi Karsh
Don and Henny Kaufmann
Jerry Lande and Marlene
Michael and Roberta Leis
Maxine Levin
Marvin and Bebe Levy
Liz Lipper
Dick and Frankie Loeb
Shirley Londer and Ely
Patty Lorie-Kupetz
Charlene Loup and Seymour
Libby Marcus
David and Peggy Marks
Bill and Susan McKinney
Sandy Melnick
Bob and Sue Mettler
Micky and Louann Miller
Elaine Millman
Steve and Janie Needel
Dan and Judy Pepper
Milford and Jo Anne Pepper
Ellie Pepper
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Jim and Ladeen Pluss
Sam and Zoni Pluss
Dave and Helene Pollock
Eddie and Susan Robinson
Suzie Robinson
Joe and Harriette Schwartz
Charlene Shaffer
David and Litamae Sher
Dena Shpall
Larry and Susan Siegel
William Silverman
Sam and Marty Sloven
Eleanor Sobol
Philip Stahl
Naomi Strear
Barbara Student
Roberta Swerling
Allan and Sherry Tenenbaum
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Bob and Janet Traister
Hesh Weinstein and Beth
Bluma Wenner
Layah Wolpa
Jack and Diane Zelinger
Daniel Patterson
Sid and Renae Levin
Esther Pearlman
Sandra Savit
Steve Pearlman
Naomi Strear
Evelyn K. Petersen
Beverly Petersen
Jeanne Ping
Carolyn J. Samuel
Henrietta Radinsky
Harold and Marjorie Rosen
Bev Sigman and Bob
Eleanor Sobol
Kelvin Rice
Ben and Robyn Friedman
Steve and Diane Levine
Herman Richman
Sylvia Buros
Elaine Millman
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Bluma Wenner
Reva Rivkin
Ricki and David Rest and
Cookie Gold
Michael and Nanci Shapiro
Gloria Ronayne
Bernice Mittelstaedt
Richard and Barbara Robie
Selma Rose
Steven and Robin Chotin
Jerry and Lorna Gray
Martin and Renee Gross
Elaine Millman
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
John Pregulman
Michael and Suzanne Strear
Leonard Samson
Barbara Hailpern
Esther Seldin
Geraldine Fertel
Deedee Sherman’s mother
Laz and Roberta Sanders
Bev Sigman and Bob
Elizabeth Shwayder-Kelly
Marion Schwartz
Sylvia Stellor Siegal
Marion Schwartz
Robert Siegel
Sylvia Buros
Sylvia Siegel
Lou and Marian Gelfand
Gerry Sloven
Walter and Iverne Treidel
Esther Sobule
Howard and Deanie Zelkin
Morris Sobule
Howard and Deanie Zelkin
Al Sorkin
Beth and Fred Barnet
Helene Hoffman
Terri Kwiatek
Dr. Meg Lemon
Ben Letterhos
Mark and Susan Zalkin and
Mort and Helene Zerobnick
Tom and Sally Stich’s mother
Paula Mosko
Sandy Tenenbaum’s sister
Ben and Robyn Friedman
Mimi Karsh
Dave and Helene Pollock
Lillian Uba
Exelis Visual Information
Ann Waldbaum
Richard and Elaine Asarch
Mike and Shirley Coren
Elderlink Home Care
David and Charlene Engleberg
Ron and Sara Jane Epstein
Michael and Debbie Feiner
and Family
Bill and Roberta Fishman
Paul and Susie Fishman
Thomas and Amy Fortner
Lynda M. Goldstein
Martin and Renee Gross
Jen, Rob, Brandon, Marissa,
Rachel, and Alyssa
Don and Henny Kaufmann
Steve and Elizabeth Kris
Carol Leder
Marvin and Shirley Leff
Sheldon and Leslie Levy
Evan and Evi Makovsky
David and Peggy Marks
Diane Morris
Mona Pasternack
Jordon and Essie Perlmutter
Ted and Sandy Pomeranz
Eddie and Susan Robinson
Rose Community Foundation
Libby Rosen
Bobbie Seserman
Lucky and Judy Shore
Mark and Leslie Sidell
Bev Sigman and Bob
Marcia Snyder
Allan and Helena Striker
Lynn and Lisa Taussig
Evie Verderber
Ron Waldbaum
Stephen and Sherri Weinstein
Gary and Terri Yourtz
Jack and Diane Zelinger
Sherwin and Audrey
Harvey Webb
Marcia Horwich
Marvin Weinstein
Libby Marcus
Maxine Weintraub
Penny Berenbaum
Doris Diamond
Millie Weiss
Mark and Vicki Gordon
Nina Madden Sabban
Gary and Terri Yourtz
Rachel Welsh
Mary Digrappa
Sydney Wolfe
Jay and Lisa Perlmutter
Janet Yabrove
Joyce Sachter
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Carl and Mimi Weinberger,
Joy and David Shulman
William Zelkin
Howard and Deanie Zelkin
Jerry Zuckerman
Bev Sigman and Bob
Josef Altman
Mary Altman
Annabelle Bailey
Arlene Keyser
Dorothy Bernstein
Donna and Howard Lutz
Dr. Edward Bershof
Larry and Joan Rubenstein
Stanley Blumberg
Marge Blumberg
Sidney Cohen
Lil Cohen
Moisey Dyskin
Irina and Boris Usorov
Dora Egoroff
Heinke Reitzig
Elizabeth Fishman
Milford and Jo Anne Pepper
Sarah Galchinsky
Herb and Arlene Galchinsky
Paul Gugenheim
Ely Birnbaum and Shirley
Rosalie Katz
Bernie and Shana Katz
Morey “Sonny” Katz
Anne Levine
Bert Levine
Milton Levy
Lois and Sandy Wohl
Marvin and Bebe Levy
Gilda Lichtman
Lewis and Jeanne Abrams
Marian Loveday
Joan and William Betz
Evelyn Mandelbaum
Phyllis and Hy Goodman
Judy Handler
Gary and Debbie Mandelbaum
Sam Mandelbaum
Phyllis and Hy Goodman
Judy Handler
Gary and Debbie Mandelbaum
Frida Mihaly
Martin Lew
Abe Okner
Sylvia Buros
Phyllis Paper
Abe Paper
Marion Rabin
Ron and Marilyn Rabin
Sam and Rowena
Geraldine Kramer Weinstein
Joy Weinstein
Ann Rudofsky
Gerard and Sheila Rudofsky
Lee Rudofsky
Helen Sacks
Albert Sacks
Irving Schonhaut
Arlene and Larry Smith
Evelyn Shaner
Susan Shaner
Meyer Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Don Richtol and
the Rotbart Family
Klara Spektor
Svieta Sklarevsky
Irene Sulsky
Elliot and Jeanne Sulsky
Paul Toltz
Warren and Ruth Toltz
Ida Uster
Dolores and Milton Sherman
Philip Volock
Stan and Sandy Bauer
Julius Waterman
Mel and Diane Dinner
Ted Weinstein
Mark and Aureen Weinstein
Beatrice Wolf
Linda Brothers
Gertrude Zimmerman
Stephen and Arleen Parker
Sam Zimmerman
Stephen and Arleen Parker
Morris and Edna Zivin
Lawrence and Karen Zivin
One Time Gifts
Allied Jewish Apartments
Allied Jewish Federation of
Bill Barrett Corporation
Sandie Brown
Ted Engel
Sybil Goldman
Jack and Celeste Grynberg
Monte Haberman
Stuart and Judy Heller
IBM Matching Program
Angela and Daniel Japha
David and Peggy Marks
Tom and Carolyn McKee
Jerry and Roberta Quiat
Arnold and Jean Rosen
Hannah Sperber
Strausberg, Karsen & Frosgong
Asya Tenenbaum
Wells Fargo
Marjorie Zaragoza
Park Stone
Marilyn & Paul Bogan and Mark & Claire Golan
Vivian Mega
Cory Sher
Larry and Susan Siegel
Allied Jewish
Federation of
Colorado Total Choice
Vern and Lisa Engbar
Herb and Arlene Galchinsky
Steven Gittelman
Bruce and Sandi Ogin
David and Litamae Sher
Roberta and Bob Witkow
Rabbi’s Omer Project Match - for AJA Food
Linda Boelter
Steven and Lynn Rubenstein
Thanksgiving for
Paul and Barbara Fruitman
Baseball Game &
Food for Residents
Bob and Robyn Loup
“Shalom Park
holds a special
place in our
~ Pat and Jim,
Family Members
Thank you to Rose
Medical Center for
your continued support
of Shalom Cares
Historical Timeline
1919 Beth Israel Hospital and Home Society founded by Bella Mintz
1923 Beth Israel Hospital and Home for the Aging opened
1946 New Beth Israel facility on West 16th and Meade opened
1991 Construction began for Beth Israel at Shalom Park
1992 Beth Israel at Shalom Park (later renamed Shalom Park Nursing Home) opened – 48 residents moved from old Beth Israel facility
1996 Completion of Patio and Apartment Homes at Shalom Park
1999 Acquired six acres of land contiguous to the west property line
2001 Shalom Park Institute of Nursing established
Music therapy program initiated
2002 Gardens with pavilion built north of Shalom Park Nursing Home
Three-story addition to Shalom Park Nursing Home completed
2003 LPN Training Program commenced
2004 Implemented innovative technology in nursing home for dementia residents
2005 Purchased 9.6 acres west of campus, bringing total campus size to 52 acres
2006 Shalom Park chosen as training site for RN students from local colleges
Kosher Meals on Wheels program launched
2007 Beth Nehamah Hospice, meaning “House of Comfort” (later renamed Shalom Hospice), established and licensed to care for individuals throughout community
2008 Shalom Hospice received accreditation from The Joint Commission
2009 Nehamah Palliative Care (later renamed Shalom Palliative Care) implemented as community-wide service through Shalom Hospice
2010 Etahnu In-Home Services (later renamed Shalom Home Health) established and licensed, followed by accreditation from The Joint Commission
Shalom Cares selected as new name for organization, reflecting compassionate, caring treatment as well as spectrum of services offered to entire community
2011 The Retreat for extra care opened on first floor of apartment building
Construction for Wellness Center began in August
2012 Wellness Center opened in June
Le’Atid For the Future
“The level of service and quality of care is amazing,” says Bruce Bendell
when he talks about Shalom Cares. He continues, explaining why he
and his wife, Jennifer, have included Shalom Cares for a bequest in their
“I was living in Colorado when my father lived in Florida in a facility
somewhat similar to the Shalom Park Nursing Home. I know that the
Board members and donors there ensured that Dad received good care.
When he passed away, I realized that I wanted to dedicate my time and
resources where I could ‘give back’ – by visiting residents, serving on
the Board, and making financial contributions to benefit seniors.” Bruce joined our Board of Trustees in 2001. “I had never seen anything
like this before. The other Board members are very experienced and
devoted, and I have learned a tremendous amount from them. I am
honored to have the opportunity to serve with them.”
Founded on the
Jewish values of
improving the
world and caring
for all, Shalom
Cares upholds the
commitment to
Honor Our Mothers
and Our Fathers
by providing the
highest level of
personalized and
Along with Bruce
and Jennifer,
your gift will
help us preserve
our community’s
dream of
providing the
highest quality of
care and services
for our clients.
Bruce and Jennifer
ask you to join
them in listing
Shalom Cares
for a bequest in
your will.
Jennifer says that her bequest to Shalom Cares is one way she honors
her parents, who live in Kansas City. “I joined Bruce in his commitment
to Shalom Cares because I feel that we have a responsibility to our
elders. They took care of us, and we can honor them by taking care of
others who need care but can’t pay for it themselves.”
Bruce and Jennifer impart their values and their commitment to the
community to their children, Isaac who is nine and Farrah who is seven.
As a family, they serve our community in many ways. We are indeed
fortunate that they have chosen to “give back” through the legacy
program of Shalom Cares, Le’Atid For the Future.
Please contact
Marilyn Bogan,
Director, Donor
Services at 303680-5000, ext.
2200, if you would
like additional
about Le’ Atid.
We are truly grateful to the following individuals who have made a
commitment to the Le’ Atid program. Their names are listed on the
Le’Atid plaque in the Shalom Park Nursing Home building.
Marshall and Helene Abrahams
Jeff and Phyllis Adler
Fred and Jessica Allen
Ethelind Elbert Austin
Fred and Beth Barnet
Bruce and Jennifer Bendell
Paul and Marilyn Bogan
Libby Bortz
Joe and Carolyn Borus
David Bressler
Jerry and Bobbie Carr
Robin D. Chotin
Leslie Cohn
Ozro M. and Pauline Covington
Claude and Florence Deats
John and Betty Dial
Bernice and Bruce Dinner
Larry and Devora Deutsch
The Feiler Family
Debbie and Michael Feiner
Jerome M. Fogel
Thomas and Marjorie Gart
Lester and Cookie Gold
Dora and Mel Goldberg
Walter Goldberg and Family
Barbara and Norman Gray
Gerald and Lorna Gray
Sidney and Ann Grazi
Susy Grazi
Zelda Gutman
Orbin J. Harber
Gerald and Leona Harris
Jack and Joan Hartman
Marilyn and Leland Huttner Family Foundation
Jack and Andrea Hyatt
Dan and Angela Japha Family Charitable Fund
Gerry and Ly Japha
David Justman
Dr. Max Kaplan
Gene Kay
Betty Kirbens
Marilyn and Harold Lande
Linda C. Levin
Bob and Robyn Loup
Jimmy and Debbie Lustig
Ernest S. Madison Family
Evan and Evi Makovsky
Ida R. Malbin
Bernard and Virginia Mesard
David Mesard
Paul Mesard and Larned
Peter M. Mesard
Andrew Miller
Jay and Joyce Moskowitz
Dail A. Neugarten
Gerald (Jerry) Olesh
Robin and Stuart Pack
Abraham Paper
The Fred Pasternack Foundation
Essie and Jordon Perlmutter
John Pregulman
Ricki Gold (Perry) Rest
Michael S. Rifkin
Edward A. Robinson
Hank Robinson
Richard and Marcia Robinson
Dr. Reuven and Florence Rosen
Libby Rosen
Sherwin and Barbara Rosen
Adolf and Gerda Rothschild
Lee Rudofsky
Sheila and Gerard Rudofsky
Charles and Muriel Satter
Burton L. and Cleopatra Sayles
Janet Sayles-Falls
Dick Schellenberg
Larry Schwartz and Cherie Karo Schwartz
Helen Shapiro
David and Litamae Sher
Harold and Mary Shore
Larry and Susan Siegel
Ruth S. Silver
Marvin and Goldie Smith
Daniel and Nancy Spruit
Walter D. and Elsie Stein
Dan and Jody Stenersen
Strear Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Strebor
Michelle and Steven Toltz
Martin and Gloria Trotsky
Richard Tucker Family
Lori and Lary Weintraub
Elle and Phil Winn
Elaine Wolf
Sandy Wolf-Yearick and Walt Yearick
Gary and Teresa Yourtz
Rabbi David J. and Donna D. Zucker
There are various options to address your wishes while supporting the mission of Shalom Cares to
provide the finest care and service to all residents.
Please consider a bequest in your will. It is also possible to list Shalom Cares as a beneficiary of
your trust, retirement account, or life insurance. Your gift will benefit residents who need financial
For additional information about Le’ Atid, or if you have already designated Shalom Cares – or
Shalom Park – in your estate plan, please contact Marilyn Bogan, Director, Donor Services, at
303-680-5000 ext. 2200. It is also advisable to consult your financial advisor.
Client Spotlight
“I Will Never Forget What You Did For Me”
Liat was frightened when she was diagnosed
with breast cancer last spring. She didn’t
know what she was going to do. She had no
family. She had no insurance. She lived with
her 5 year-old daughter in a cold basement
From seeking grants for shelter and bills,
to spending time with Liat’s daughter, to
arranging transportation to and from doctor
appointments, our team provided physical,
spiritual and emotional care for both mother
and daughter. They temporarily lived in a
Shalom Park guest home, which provided
warmth and security – something they had
not experienced for years.
Fortunately, Liat had come to know several
Shalom Cares employees through her
caregiver job for a campus resident. Scared
about what this diagnosis meant for her and
her daughter, she finally shared her story
with two of our staff members.
“God put me in the right place with the right
people. I think I would not have been able
to survive without the Palliative Care team.
They have been like my breath. They are like
As one would expect, the Shalom Cares
Palliative Care team took this situation to
heart. They designed a plan that would
support Liat and provide the care she needed
to get through her surgery and chemotherapy
We’re pleased that Liat (not her real name)
and her daughter, who recently turned six, are
doing fine and continue to stay in contact with
the Palliative team members.
The Spalon is Open
to the Public
Aromatherapy is the use of therapeuticgrade essential oils as a complement
to the plan of care for a patient’s and
family’s comfort. Aromatherapy can
be helpful in relieving stress, anxiety,
pain, and agitation. Shalom Hospice
offers many therapies to clients, such
as pet therapy, music therapy, massage
and now
These therapies
may be used
in conjunction
with traditional
Our fabulous Spalon welcomes residents,
family members, employees and
neighbors for pampering. Get a haircut,
manicure, shampoo-set, massage, or pick
up some shampoo. Our cosmetologists
and massage therapist are here to serve
you. Stop by and inquire about all the
wonderful things the Spalon has to offer.
Spalon Hours:
Mon - Thurs, 8am - 4pm
Fri, 8am - 3pm
Please call today for an appointment!
Look at How We’ve Changed!
Nursing Home ~ 1992
Nursing Home ~ 2012
Patio & Apartments
Homes ~ 1997
Patio & Apartments
Homes ~ 2012
14800 E. Belleview Dr.
Aurora, CO 80015
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please contact
Michele Hood at 303-400-2335 or Michele.Hood@ShalomCares.net