AGENDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 15, 2015 9:00 o’clock a.m. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD Chair Johnny W. Streets, Jr Teresa Watkins Brown Terolyn P. Watson Michael Flanders Forrest Banks Thomas C. Randall P. Leonardo Henderson, Jr. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 2200 SECOND STREET, FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Please complete a “Request to Speak” form if you plan to address the Community Redevelopment Agency Board and submit prior to the start of the meeting. CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America Roll Call PUBLIC INPUT–NON AGENDA ITEMS: (Four (4) minutes time limit per speaker) 1.01 Community Redevelopment Chairman’s Comments Agency 1.02 Community Redevelopment Attorney’s Remarks Agency SOUTHWEST FLORIDA ENTERPRISE CENTER 2.01 Fiscal Year 2015 financial report for the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center FORT MYERS COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 3.01 Fiscal Year 2015 financial report for each of the redevelopment districts 3.02 Fiscal Year 2015 financial report for the parking fund 1 AGENDA COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY June 15, 2015 9:00 o’clock a.m. 3.03 Request for Tax Increment Financing from Creighton Development & Construction and Trinity Commercial Group 3.04 Distribution of the Neighborhood Plan 3.05 Budget transfer of $20,450 from Downtown’s Expense Reserve account into Other Subsidies and Assistance to replace one of the HVAC units in the Arcade Theater leasehold 3.06 Proposed Schedule of Payments to Busey Bank for the Beau Rivage tax rebate; and Appropriate $219,242.25 of fund balance in the Downtown district, increasing the revenue and operating budgets by like amount in order to make a payment of $29, 242.25 to Busey Bank for monies owned under the Development Agreement for the Beau Rivage project 3.07 Discussion of Preliminary FY 16 budgets for the Downtown, Cleveland, and MLK districts 3.08 Association Updates: Downtown Neighborhood Association, Downtown Property Owner’s Association and River District Alliance 3.09 Project Updates Gardner’s Park UNAGENDAED ITEMS/COMMISSIONER DISCUSSION 2 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 DISTRICT: All WARD: All AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.01 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”) Chairman remarks. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the CRA Chair with the opportunity to address the Board on any upcoming issues. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The next CRA meeting will be held on July 22, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Update on Advisory Board’s discussion of future funding requests for McCollum Hall. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Chairwoman Johnny Streets/Don Paight BOARD Approved: Denied: ACTION Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 DISTRICT: All WARD: All AGENDA ITEM NO. 1.02 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Community Redevelopment Agency Attorney's remarks. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the CRA Attorney with the opportunity to address the Board on any pending legal issues. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Any updates will be provided at the meeting. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: CRA Attorney COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Item Continued To: Conflict of Interest: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets____ Watson____ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 DISTRICT: MLK WARD: 1 AGENDA ITEM NO. 2.01 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2015 financial report for the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a snapshot of the Enterprise Center’s revenues and expenditures for the current fiscal year. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The table below shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for the Southwest Florida Enterprise Center from October 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015. Revenue Budgeted Year to Date Revenues Difference % Received $432,900 $308,058 $124,841 71.16% Budgeted $432,900 Year to Date Expenses $233,623 Difference $199,276 % Used 53.97% Expenses Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Mike Love COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Item Continued To: Conflict of Interest: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets____ Watson____ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No glIncomeStatement Page: 1 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 6/5/2015 11:28:04AM City of Fort Myers 10/01/2014 through 05/31/2015 Fund: 134 Department: 0000 Account # Budget Actual Variance 0.00 90.63 -90.63 Department: 0000 Total Revenues: 0.00 90.63 -90.63 Department: 0000 Net Change: 0.00 90.63 -90.63 Revenues: 134-0000-361-1010 Interest and Other Earnings Page: 1 glIncomeStatement City of Fort Myers 10/01/2014 Fund: 134 Page: 2 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 6/5/2015 11:28:04AM through 05/31/2015 (Continued) Department: 6293 Account # Budget Actual Variance 0.00 125,600.00 0.00 6,300.00 3,100.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 287,900.00 0.00 0.00 99,373.02 0.00 4,309.48 2,349.60 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 191,936.00 0.00 0.00 26,226.98 0.00 1,990.52 750.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 95,964.00 0.00 432,900.00 307,968.10 124,931.90 78,360.00 63,100.00 2,800.00 30,000.00 9,300.00 49,900.00 23,700.00 1,000.00 100.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 100.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 500.00 34,000.00 2,500.00 20,500.00 3,400.00 18,100.00 6,500.00 1,000.00 7,800.00 500.00 14,100.00 17,200.00 1,500.00 0.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 16,900.00 1,000.00 15,240.00 0.00 70,208.64 2,228.68 1,745.77 3,704.87 13,869.11 13,437.93 666.64 0.00 0.00 2,437.03 100.00 1,304.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 24,782.17 714.94 13,666.64 2,266.64 12,066.64 3,695.80 304.00 4,969.74 0.00 14,095.57 11,466.64 443.62 0.00 1,403.10 0.00 16,900.00 748.26 15,240.00 78,360.00 -7,108.64 571.32 28,254.23 5,595.13 36,030.89 10,262.07 333.36 100.00 1,500.00 3,562.97 0.00 1,196.00 1,500.00 0.00 499.54 9,217.83 1,785.06 6,833.36 1,133.36 6,033.36 2,804.20 696.00 2,830.26 500.00 4.43 5,733.36 1,056.38 0.00 -103.10 1,000.00 0.00 251.74 0.00 Department: 6293 Total Expenditures: 432,900.00 232,466.89 200,433.11 Department: 6293 Net Change: 0.00 75,501.21 -75,501.21 Revenues: 134-6293-361-3015 134-6293-362-0030 134-6293-366-0001 134-6293-369-0010 134-6293-369-0100 134-6293-381-0002 134-6293-381-0061 134-6293-381-0151 134-6293-387-0002 134-6293-389-9010 Increase in Fair Value of Investments Rental Income-SWFLEC Donations from Private Sources Miscellaneous Revenue (SWFEC) Reimbursed Expense (SWFEC) Trsf from General Fund Trsf from CDBG Trsf from MLK #1 Intrafund Trsf from General Fund Prior Year Surplus Department: 6293 Total Revenues: Expenditures: 134-6293-552-1100 134-6293-552-1200 134-6293-552-1205 134-6293-552-1300 134-6293-552-2100 134-6293-552-2200 134-6293-552-2300 134-6293-552-2400 134-6293-552-2500 134-6293-552-3100 134-6293-552-3105 134-6293-552-3200 134-6293-552-3400 134-6293-552-4000 134-6293-552-4100 134-6293-552-4200 134-6293-552-4300 134-6293-552-4400 134-6293-552-4416 134-6293-552-4417 134-6293-552-4500 134-6293-552-4600 134-6293-552-4700 134-6293-552-4800 134-6293-552-4810 134-6293-552-4903 134-6293-552-4940 134-6293-552-5100 134-6293-552-5158 134-6293-552-5200 134-6293-552-5250 134-6293-552-5255 134-6293-552-5400 134-6293-552-6300 Salary - Exec (SWFEC) Sal/Wage Regular (SWFEC) Seniority Pay (SWFEC) Salaries/Wages - Other (SWFEC) FICA Tax (SWFEC) Gen Retirement (SWFEC) Health/Life Ins (SWFEC) Workers' Comp (SWFEC) Unemploy Comp (SWFEC) Prof Svcs (SWFEC) Legal Professional Services (SWFEC) Accounting/Auditing (SWFEC) Contract Svcs (SWFEC) Travel/Trans (SWFEC) Communication (SWFEC) Freight/Postage (SWFEC) Utilities (SWFEC) Rentals/Leases (SWFEC) ITS Svc Charges (SWFEC) ITS Capital Recovery (SWFEC) Insurance (SWFEC) Repairs/Maint (SWFEC) Printing/Binding (SWFEC) Advertising (SWFEC) Public Relations (SWFEC) Taxes/Assessments (SWFEC) General Admin Expense (SWFEC) Office Supplies (SWFEC) Hardware < $750 (SWFEC) Operating Supplies (SWFEC) Small Tools/Equip (SWFEC) Assets $750-$5,000 (SWFEC) Dues/Subscriptions (SWFEC) Improvements (SWFEC) Page: 2 glIncomeStatement City of Fort Myers 10/01/2014 Fund: 134 Page: 3 Statement of Revenues and Expenditures 6/5/2015 11:28:04AM through 05/31/2015 (Continued) Department: 9998 Account # Budget Actual Variance 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department: 9998 Total Expenditures: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Department: 9998 Net Change: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fund: 134 Total Revenues: 432,900.00 308,058.73 124,841.27 Fund: 134 Total Expenditures: 432,900.00 232,466.89 200,433.11 Fund: 134 Net Change: 0.00 75,591.84 -75,591.84 Grand Total Revenues: 432,900.00 308,058.73 124,841.27 Grand Total Expenditures: 432,900.00 232,466.89 200,433.11 Total Net Change: 0.00 75,591.84 -75,591.84 Expenditures: 134-9998-552-9998 SWFEC Reserves Page: 3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: All WARD: All MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.01 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2015 financial report for each of the redevelopment districts. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a snapshot of each redevelopment district’s expenditures. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: A summary of each district’s expenditures for the period from October 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015 is shown below. District Central Cleveland Downtown MLK Remaining Balance 1 Amended Budget Expenditures + Encumbrances 59,300 4,857 54,443 444,700 3,134,341 695,900 276,588 2,586,498 158,576 168,112 547,843 537,324 Notes $50,000 hs been encumbered for the Mid‐Town plan Includes $500,00 state grant 1 Please note the Remaining Balance shown includes amounts which may already be committed for existing programs and expenses, but which not yet been encumbered or spent. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Leigh Scrabis BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No Central Fort Myers Redevelopment District Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:09AM Periods: 1 through 8 133 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment TIF 6305 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment Area Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 6305-500-1000 Personnel Services 6305-559-1100 Salary - Exec (CEN DRA TIF) 5,300.00 3,453.08 3,453.08 0.00 1,846.92 65.15 6305-559-1202 Vehicle Allowance (CEN DRA TIF) 100.00 109.28 109.28 0.00 -9.28 109.28 6305-559-1205 Officer Seniority Pay (CEN DRA TIF) 200.00 185.81 185.81 0.00 14.19 92.91 6305-500-2000 Personnel Services - Benefits 6305-559-2100 FICA Tax (CEN DRA TIF) 400.00 282.36 282.36 0.00 117.64 70.59 6305-559-2300 Health/Life Ins (CEN DRA TIF) 900.00 559.88 559.88 0.00 340.12 62.21 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 6305-500-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 6305-559-3100 Prof Svcs (CEN DRA TIF) 6305-500-4000 Travel and Other Services 6305-559-4700 Printing/Binding (CEN DRA TIF) 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 6305-559-4810 Public Relations (CEN DRA TIF) 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 6305-559-4940 General Admin Expense (CEN DRA TIF) 400.00 266.64 266.64 0.00 133.36 66.66 6305-559-4800 Advertising (CEN DRA TIF) 6305-500-9000 Other Uses Page: 1 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:09AM Periods: 1 through 8 133 Central Fort Myers Redevelopment TIF 9998 Reserves Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 59,300.00 4,857.05 4,857.05 0.00 54,442.95 8.19 9998-500-9000 Other Uses Grand Total Page: 2 Cleveland Redevelopment Districts I-IV Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:10AM Periods: 1 through 8 141 Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 5141 Cleveland Ave Redevelopment District #1 Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 5141-500-1000 Personnel Services 5141-559-1100 Salary - Exec (CAD TIF) 5,300.00 3,452.99 3,452.99 0.00 1,847.01 65.15 5141-559-1200 Sal/Wage Regular (CAD TIF) 57,900.00 37,674.17 37,674.17 0.00 20,225.83 65.07 5141-559-1202 Vehicle Allowance (CAD TIF) 200.00 109.26 109.26 0.00 90.74 54.63 5141-559-1205 Seniority Pay (CAD TIF) 1,000.00 1,301.38 1,301.38 0.00 -301.38 130.14 5141-559-1400 Sal/Wage Overtime (CAD TIF) 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 63.94 5141-500-2000 Personnel Services - Benefits 5141-559-2100 FICA Tax (CAD TIF) 4,500.00 2,877.13 2,877.13 0.00 1,622.87 5141-559-2200 Gen Retirement (CAD TIF) 20,100.00 13,010.10 13,010.10 0.00 7,089.90 64.73 5141-559-2300 Health/Life Ins (CAD TIF) 16,900.00 11,484.95 11,484.95 0.00 5,415.05 67.96 82,400.00 1,979.25 1,979.25 72,601.85 7,818.90 90.51 4,000.00 1,560.00 1,560.00 2,440.00 0.00 100.00 5141-500-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 5141-559-3100 Prof Svcs (CAD TIF) 5141-559-3105 Legal Professional Services (CAD TIF) 5141-559-3200 Accounting/Auditing (CAD TIF) 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 3,500.00 700.00 700.00 1,300.00 1,500.00 57.14 2,200.00 1,832.20 1,832.20 0.00 367.80 83.28 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 2,500.00 1,646.40 1,646.40 0.00 853.60 65.86 30,000.00 22,734.46 22,734.46 8,024.99 -759.45 102.53 5,600.00 2,710.97 2,710.97 2,889.03 0.00 100.00 5141-559-4700 Printing/Binding (CAD TIF) 500.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 475.00 5.00 5141-559-4800 Advertising (CAD TIF) 900.00 29.75 29.75 0.00 870.25 3.31 5141-559-4813 Public Relations (CAD TIF) 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 22,000.00 17,844.12 17,844.12 0.00 4,155.88 81.11 150,000.00 32,984.28 32,984.28 17,015.72 100,000.00 33.33 20,100.00 13,400.00 13,400.00 0.00 6,700.00 66.67 5141-559-3400 Contract Svcs (CAD TIF) 5141-500-4000 Travel and Other Services 5141-559-4000 Travel/Trans (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4200 Freight/Postage (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4300 Utilities (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4400 Rentals/Leases (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4600 Repairs/Maint (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4904 Tax Increment Rebates (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance (CAD TIF) 5141-559-4940 General Admin Expense (CAD TIF) Page: 1 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:10AM Periods: 1 through 8 141 Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 5141 Cleveland Ave Redevelopment District #1 Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 60.36 5141-500-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies 5141-559-5100 Office Supplies (CAD TIF) 1,500.00 905.36 905.36 0.00 594.64 5141-559-5200 Operating Supplies (CAD TIF) 5,000.00 177.65 177.65 0.00 4,822.35 3.55 5141-559-5400 Dues/Subscriptions (CAD TIF) 6,600.00 3,776.83 3,776.83 0.00 2,823.17 57.22 5141-500-7000 Debt Service 5141-500-9000 Other Uses Page: 2 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:10AM Periods: 1 through 8 141 Cleveland Ave #1 Redevelopment TIF 9998 Reserves Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 444,700.00 172,316.25 172,316.25 104,271.59 168,112.16 62.20 9998-500-9000 Other Uses Grand Total Page: 3 Downtown Redevelopment District Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:07AM Periods: 1 through 8 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 6301 Downtown Redevelopment Agency Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 6301-500-1000 Personnel Services 6301-552-1100 Salary - Exec (DRA) 84,400.00 55,249.09 55,249.09 0.00 29,150.91 65.46 6301-552-1200 Sal/Wage Regular (DRA) 177,200.00 105,418.38 105,418.38 0.00 71,781.62 59.49 6301-552-1202 Vehicle Allowance (DRA) 2,900.00 1,748.40 1,748.40 0.00 1,151.60 60.29 6301-552-1205 Seniority Pay (DRA) 4,200.00 5,136.39 5,136.39 0.00 -936.39 122.30 27,500.00 10,221.15 10,221.15 0.00 17,278.85 37.17 1,000.00 1,741.73 1,741.73 0.00 -741.73 174.17 6301-552-1300 Salaries/Wages - Other (DRA) 6301-552-1400 Sal/Wage Overtime (DRA) 6301-500-2000 Personnel Services - Benefits 6301-552-2100 FICA Tax (DRA) 20,400.00 12,582.98 12,582.98 0.00 7,817.02 61.68 6301-552-2200 Gen Retirement (DRA) 51,300.00 28,207.83 28,207.83 0.00 23,092.17 54.99 6301-552-2300 Health/Life Ins (DRA) 86,700.00 36,148.21 36,148.21 0.00 50,551.79 41.69 6301-552-2400 Workers' Comp (DRA) 1,100.00 733.36 733.36 0.00 366.64 66.67 6301-552-2500 Unemploy Comp (DRA) 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 197,218.00 87,483.58 87,483.58 52,034.29 57,700.13 70.74 64,000.00 28,271.13 28,271.13 15,728.87 20,000.00 68.75 400.00 400.01 400.01 0.00 -0.01 100.00 70,664.00 35,289.73 35,289.73 6,887.24 28,487.03 59.69 78.62 6301-500-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 6301-552-3100 Prof Svcs (DRA) 6301-552-3105 Legal Professional Services (DRA) 6301-552-3200 Accounting/Auditing (DRA) 6301-552-3400 Contract Svcs (DRA) 6301-500-4000 Travel and Other Services 6301-552-4000 Travel/Trans (DRA) 1,500.00 1,179.24 1,179.24 0.00 320.76 6301-552-4100 Communication (DRA) 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 6301-552-4200 Freight/Postage (DRA) 1,500.00 419.25 419.25 386.43 694.32 53.71 6301-552-4300 Utilities (DRA) 74,900.00 46,167.36 46,167.36 0.00 28,732.64 61.64 124,090.00 92,835.16 92,835.16 31,345.91 -91.07 100.07 35,100.00 23,400.00 23,400.00 0.00 11,700.00 66.67 5,800.00 3,866.64 3,866.64 0.00 1,933.36 66.67 6301-552-4500 Insurance (DRA) 29,000.00 19,333.36 19,333.36 0.00 9,666.64 66.67 6301-552-4600 Repairs/Maint (DRA) 85,842.00 11,016.28 11,016.28 18,153.67 56,672.05 33.98 6301-552-4400 Rentals/Leases (DRA) 6301-552-4416 ITS Svc Charges (DRA) 6301-552-4417 ITS Capital Recovery (DRA) Page: 1 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:07AM Periods: 1 through 8 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 6301 Downtown Redevelopment Agency Account Number 6301-552-4700 Printing/Binding (DRA) Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 68.61 6,947.00 2,409.08 2,409.08 2,357.33 2,180.59 30,000.00 20,065.00 20,065.00 6,340.00 3,595.00 88.02 1,000.00 265.81 265.81 0.00 734.19 26.58 6301-552-4813 Public Relations Special Events (DRA) 255,000.00 250,600.00 250,600.00 1,200.00 3,200.00 98.75 6301-552-4904 Tax Increment Rebates (DRA) 594,322.00 594,321.39 594,321.39 0.00 0.61 100.00 6301-552-4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance (DRA) 220,000.00 220,000.00 220,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 6301-552-4940 General Admin Expense (DRA) 105,900.00 70,600.00 70,600.00 0.00 35,300.00 66.67 6301-552-4800 Advertising (DRA) 6301-552-4810 Public Relations (DRA) 6301-500-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies 6301-552-5100 Office Supplies (DRA) 900.00 144.84 144.84 0.00 755.16 16.09 6301-552-5200 Operating Supplies (DRA) 8,841.00 4,144.26 4,144.26 224.60 4,472.14 49.42 6301-552-5400 Dues/Subscriptions (DRA) 1,663.00 1,579.81 1,579.81 0.00 83.19 95.00 24,440.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 15,860.00 1,080.00 95.58 50,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00 657,500.00 657,500.00 657,500.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 6301-500-6000 Capital Outlay 6301-552-6400 Equipment (DRA) 6301-500-7000 Debt Service 6301-552-7188 Principal Expense Advances (DRA) 6301-500-9000 Other Uses 6301-587-9131 Intrafund Trsf to DRA Debt Svc (DRA) Page: 2 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:07AM Periods: 1 through 8 130 Downtown Redevelopment Area 9998 Reserves Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 9998-552-9998 DRA Fund Reserves 29,414.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,414.00 0.00 Grand Total 3,134,341.00 2,435,979.45 2,435,979.45 150,518.34 547,843.21 82.52 Account Number 9998-500-9000 Other Uses Page: 3 MLK Redevelopment Districts I-IV Expenditure Report expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:12AM Periods: 1 through 8 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 5161 MLK Blvd Redevelopment District #1 Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 5161-500-1000 Personnel Services 5161-559-1100 Salary - Exec (MLK TIF) 10,500.00 6,906.14 6,906.14 0.00 3,593.86 65.77 5161-559-1200 Sal/Wage Regular (MLK TIF) 64,800.00 42,233.84 42,233.84 0.00 22,566.16 65.18 5161-559-1202 Vehicle Allowance (MLK TIF) 400.00 218.55 218.55 0.00 181.45 54.64 5161-559-1205 Seniority Pay (MLK TIF) 1,700.00 1,612.77 1,612.77 0.00 87.23 94.87 5161-559-1400 Sal/Wage Overtime (MLK TIF) 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 5161-500-2000 Personnel Services - Benefits 5161-559-2100 FICA Tax (MLK TIF) 5,800.00 3,765.99 3,765.99 0.00 2,034.01 64.93 5161-559-2200 Gen Retirement (MLK TIF) 21,400.00 14,083.54 14,083.54 0.00 7,316.46 65.81 5161-559-2300 Health/Life Ins (MLK TIF) 11,600.00 7,762.53 7,762.53 0.00 3,837.47 66.92 5161-500-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 5161-559-3100 Prof Svcs (MLK TIF) 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 5161-559-3104 Prof Svcs McCollum Hall (MLK TIF) 37,800.00 0.00 0.00 37,800.00 0.00 100.00 5161-559-3105 Legal Professional Services (MLK TIF) 10,000.00 2,242.50 2,242.50 1,757.50 6,000.00 40.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 5161-559-4000 Travel/Trans (MLK TIF) 900.00 688.75 688.75 0.00 211.25 76.53 5161-559-4200 Freight/Postage (MLK TIF) 200.00 22.23 22.23 0.00 177.77 11.12 18,500.00 7,787.50 7,787.50 750.00 9,962.50 46.15 2.30 5161-559-3200 Accounting/Auditing (MLK TIF) 5161-559-3400 Contract Svcs (MLK TIF) 5161-500-4000 Travel and Other Services 5161-559-4600 Repairs/Maint (MLK TIF) 5161-559-4603 Repairs/Maint McCollum Hall (MLK TIF) 462,200.00 0.00 0.00 10,628.00 451,572.00 5161-559-4700 Printing/Binding (MLK TIF) 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 5161-559-4800 Advertising (MLK TIF) 900.00 640.30 640.30 0.00 259.70 71.14 5161-559-4813 Public Relations (MLK TIF) 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5161-559-4903 Taxes/Assessments (MLK TIF) 1,500.00 486.60 486.60 0.00 1,013.40 32.44 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 8,900.00 5,933.36 5,933.36 0.00 2,966.64 66.67 5161-559-4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance (MLK TIF) 5161-559-4940 General Admin Expense (MLK TIF) Page: 1 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:12AM Periods: 1 through 8 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 5161 MLK Blvd Redevelopment District #1 Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 5161-500-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies 5161-559-5100 Office Supplies (MLK TIF) 5161-559-5400 Dues/Subscriptions (MLK TIF) 300.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 3,600.00 1,655.59 1,655.59 0.00 1,944.41 45.99 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 5161-500-6000 Capital Outlay 5161-500-7000 Debt Service 5161-500-9000 Other Uses 5161-581-9134 Trsf to SWFLEC (MLK TIF) Page: 2 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:12AM Periods: 1 through 8 151 MLK Blvd #1 Redevelopment TIF 9998 Reserves Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 695,900.00 107,640.19 107,640.19 50,935.50 537,324.31 22.79 9998-500-9000 Other Uses Grand Total Page: 3 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: DT WARD: 4 MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.02 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 2015 financial report for the Parking Fund. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a snapshot of the Parking Fund’s revenues and operating expenses. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The table below shows the year to date revenues and expenditures for the Parking Fund from October 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015. Revenue Budgeted Year to Date Revenues Difference % Received $1,023,892 $783,553 $240,339 76.53% Budgeted Year to Date Expenses & Encumbrances Difference % Used $1,023,892 $769,916 $253,976 75.20% Expenses Note: The Parking Fund is an enterprise fund that falls under the domain of the City. Due to the relationship between parking and redevelopment, daily management of the parking operations is overseen by the Community Redevelopment Agency and the City’s consultant, Standard Parking. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Leigh Scrabis BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No Parking Fund Revenue Report (Note: This is an enterprise fund belonging to the City.) revstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:26AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 0000 Non-Departmental Revenue Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 5/31/2015 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 23,633.00 23,633.98 23,633.98 -0.98 100.00 23,633.00 23,633.98 23,633.98 -0.98 100.00 0000-361-1010 Interest and Other Earnings 300.00 813.71 813.71 -513.71 271.24 Total *** Title Not Found *** 300.00 813.71 813.71 -513.71 271.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 124,959.32 0.00 0.00 124,959.32 0.00 Account Number 0000-0000 *** Title Not Found *** 0000-369-0011 Special Events Revenue Total *** Title Not Found *** 0000-1000 0000-3000 *** Title Not Found *** *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 0000-7000 *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 0000-9000 Program Income 0000-389-9010 Prior Year Surplus Page: 1 revstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:26AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 0000 Non-Departmental Revenue Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 5/31/2015 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd Total Program Income 124,959.32 0.00 0.00 124,959.32 0.00 Total Non-Departmental 148,892.32 24,447.69 24,447.69 124,444.63 16.42 Account Number Page: 2 revstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:26AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4030 Parking Garage - Main Street Revenue Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 5/31/2015 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 240,000.00 220,075.83 220,075.83 19,924.17 91.70 Total Strategy A Revenue Loan 240,000.00 220,075.83 220,075.83 19,924.17 91.70 Total Parking Garage - Main Street 240,000.00 220,075.83 220,075.83 19,924.17 91.70 Account Number 4030-0000 *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 4030-5000 Strategy A Revenue Loan 4030-344-5010 Parking Garage Fees (MAIN PG) Page: 3 revstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:26AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4031 Parking Garage - City of Palms Revenue Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 5/31/2015 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 33,897.82 33,897.82 16,102.18 67.80 50,000.00 33,897.82 33,897.82 16,102.18 67.80 360,000.00 306,925.85 306,925.85 53,074.15 85.26 Total Strategy A Revenue Loan 360,000.00 306,925.85 306,925.85 53,074.15 85.26 Total Parking Garage - City of Palms 410,000.00 340,823.67 340,823.67 69,176.33 83.13 Account Number 4031-0000 *** Title Not Found *** Total *** Title Not Found *** 4031-1000 *** Title Not Found *** 4031-362-1010 Rental Income-City of Palms Parking Gar Total *** Title Not Found *** 4031-5000 Strategy A Revenue Loan 4031-344-5010 Parking Garage Fees (COP PG) Page: 4 revstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:26AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4032 Parking Garage Administration Revenue Status Report Page: 5 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 5/31/2015 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd 160,000.00 166,842.60 166,842.60 -6,842.60 104.28 160,000.00 166,842.60 166,842.60 -6,842.60 104.28 4032-344-5000 Parking Meter Permits 70,000.00 31,363.79 31,363.79 38,636.21 44.81 Total Strategy A Revenue Loan 70,000.00 31,363.79 31,363.79 38,636.21 44.81 230,000.00 198,206.39 198,206.39 31,793.61 86.18 Account Number 4032-0000 *** Title Not Found *** 4032-354-0010 Parking Meter Fines Total *** Title Not Found *** 4032-5000 Strategy A Revenue Loan Total Parking Garage Administration Page: 5 revstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:26AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 9998 Reserves Revenue Status Report Page: 6 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 5/31/2015 through Adjusted Estimate Revenues Year-to-date Revenues Balance Prct Rcvd -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 -5,000.00 0.00 Total Program Income -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 -5,000.00 0.00 Total Reserves -5,000.00 0.00 0.00 -5,000.00 0.00 1,023,892.32 783,553.58 783,553.58 240,338.74 76.53 1,023,892.32 783,553.58 783,553.58 240,338.74 76.53 Account Number 9998-9000 Program Income 9998-389-9998 Revenue Reserves Total Downtown Parking Garages Operations Grand Total Page: 6 Parking Fund Expenditure Report (Note: This is an enterprise fund belonging to the City.) expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:23AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4030 Parking Garage - Main Street Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 1 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 4030-500-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 4030-545-3100 Prof Svcs (MAIN PG) 4030-545-3400 Contract Svcs (MAIN PG) 3,000.00 5,045.74 5,045.74 0.00 -2,045.74 168.19 190,143.00 108,756.00 108,756.00 77,776.05 3,610.95 98.10 4030-500-4000 Travel and Other Services 4030-545-4300 Utilities (MAIN PG) 4030-545-4600 Repairs/Maint (MAIN PG) 4030-545-4903 Taxes/Assessments (MAIN PG) 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 24,400.00 9,800.00 9,800.00 3,800.00 10,800.00 55.74 1,800.00 1,718.87 1,718.87 0.00 81.13 95.49 4030-500-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies Page: 1 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:23AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4031 Parking Garage - City of Palms Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 2 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 4031-500-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 4031-545-3100 Prof Svcs (COP PG) 4031-545-3400 Contract Svcs (COP PG) 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 198,757.00 107,846.53 107,846.53 77,126.05 13,784.42 93.06 4031-500-4000 Travel and Other Services 4031-545-4300 Utilities (COP PG) 2,500.00 958.40 958.40 0.00 1,541.60 38.34 4031-545-4600 Repairs/Maint (COP PG) 78,275.00 32,807.03 32,807.03 29,525.00 15,942.97 79.63 4031-545-4941 Harborside Retail Tenant Exp (COP PG) 23,800.00 17,525.70 17,525.70 0.00 6,274.30 73.64 4031-500-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies Page: 2 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:23AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 4032 Parking Garage Administration Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 3 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 4032-500-1000 Personnel Services 4032-500-2000 Personnel Services - Benefits 4032-500-3000 Operating Expenses - Services 4032-545-3200 Accounting/Auditing (PGA) 4032-545-3400 Contract Svcs (PGA) 300.00 300.01 300.01 0.00 -0.01 100.00 208,842.00 131,746.38 131,746.38 81,310.00 -4,214.38 102.02 71.17 4032-500-4000 Travel and Other Services 4032-545-4100 Communication (PGA) 4032-545-4600 Repairs/Maint (PGA) 4032-545-4900 Other Current Chgs (PGA) 4032-545-4910 Bad Debt Expense (PGA) 4032-545-4930 Cash (Over)Short (PGA) 4032-545-4940 General Admin Expense (PGA) 2,500.00 1,779.36 1,779.36 0.00 720.64 11,973.00 998.38 998.38 0.00 10,974.62 8.34 7,343.00 7,220.69 7,220.69 0.00 122.31 98.33 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 -141.90 -141.90 0.00 141.90 0.00 2,200.00 1,466.64 1,466.64 0.00 733.36 66.67 4032-500-5000 Operating Expenses - Supplies 4032-545-5100 Office Supplies (PGA) 825.00 787.73 787.73 0.00 37.27 95.48 2,675.00 2,411.36 2,411.36 0.00 263.64 90.14 4032-581-9002 Trsf to General Fund (PGA) 100,000.00 66,664.00 66,664.00 0.00 33,336.00 66.66 4032-581-9310 Trsf to General CIB (PGA) 152,459.32 2,687.96 2,687.96 0.00 149,771.36 1.76 4032-545-5200 Operating Supplies (PGA) 4032-500-6000 Capital Outlay 4032-500-9000 Other Uses Page: 3 expstat.rpt 06/05/2015 10:23AM Periods: 1 through 8 403 Downtown Parking Garages Operations 9998 Reserves Account Number Expenditure Status Report Page: 4 City of Fort Myers 10/1/2014 through 5/31/2015 Adjusted Appropriation Expenditures Year-to-date Expenditures Year-to-date Encumbrances Balance Prct Used 1,023,892.32 500,378.88 500,378.88 269,537.10 253,976.34 75.20 9998-500-9000 Other Uses Grand Total Page: 4 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 DISTRICT: CL WARD: 5 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.03 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Request for Tax Increment Financing from Creighton Development & Construction and Trinity Commercial Group for the property located at 5370 Cleveland Avenue ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION: Approve an annual tax increment subsidy of $120,000 for a period of 10 years for the property located at 5370 S. Cleveland Avenue. FUNDING SOURCE: FISCAL IMPACT: Future Cleveland tax increment $120,000 per year for 10 years WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides a subsidy to allow the property owner/developer to compete with other sites outside the City limits to attract a major national retailer to this site which is located within Cleveland District No. 4. Tax increment rebates are one of the financial incentives included Action Step ED-5 in the 2014 update proposed for the 2010 Cleveland Plan. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Creighton Development & Construction and Trinity Commercial Group have the property located at 5370 S. Cleveland Avenue under a purchase contract. The site is located on the west side of Cleveland Ave. just south of the intersection of Cleveland Avenue and Boy Scout Drive. The developer plans to construct a 40,000 sq. ft. single tenant building with 287 parking spaces with the possibility of a future outparcel of approximately 6,000 sq. ft. with 108 parking spaces. The attached presentation contains information on the applicants, Creighton and Trinity, along with some basic information for the proposed project. The tenant is a national retailer but due to confidentiality restrictions the name cannot be released. The total projected cost of the development is $12,100,000 which includes: land acquisition ($6,856,000); professional fees ($461,500); and construction costs ($4,782,500). In order to attract the tenant to this site, which is within the City limits, the developer has to be able to offer a competitive lease rate which is estimated to be $16.96 per sq. ft. or better, which yields a return on investment (ROI) of only 5.6%. The developer approached the CRA requesting a $3 per sq. ft. subsidy for a period of 10years in order to increase the ROI to a more acceptable rate of 6.6%. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight/Leigh Scrabis BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Background Information – Continued Meeting Date: June 15, 2015 Motion: Approve an annual tax increment subsidy of $120,000 for a period of 10 years for the property located at 5370 S. Cleveland Avenue. A $3.00 per foot subsidy would amount to $120,000 per year. In order for this project to generate $120,000 per year in tax increment revenue the Property Appraiser would have to value the development at approximately $10 million. The developer is competing with a site in the County that offers better demographics and a lease rate in the range of $16.00 $17.00 per foot. The CRA Advisory Board agreed that this project would be a strong anchor on this end of Cleveland. It will generate over 200 jobs (18 of which will be store level managers at salaries of $70,000 to $200,000), attract additional development to the corridor and increase the sales tax collections. To insure the developers offer was competitive the Board discussed offering a 95%, 10 year tax increment subsidy with a minimum payment of $120,000 (a $3.00 per foot subsidy) and a maximum, depending on the final property evaluation, of $160,000 (a $4.00 per foot subsidy). Since this district is approximately $2 million below the base year the Board requested that staff contact the Lee County Property Appraiser’s office to determine how they would value the property upon completion. As stated previously the property would have to be valued at $12 million to generate the minimum $120,000 requested (including bringing the district value back up to the base year value). The Property Appraiser was consulted and their analysis indicated that the development would likely be valued at $6.5 to $7.0 million. Their numbers are based on comparable land values, building values and the fact that it is a single tenant building. At $6.5 million the project will generate $80,600 in tax increment revenue and at $7 million it will generate $86,800. In order to achieve the minimum requested $120,000 an additional $39,400 or $33,200 respectively would have to be provided from the Cleveland District reserves or operating budget. Advisory Board Recommendation: Provide a 95% rent subsidy, based on the Property Appraiser’s assessed value, with a minimum of $120,000 and a maximum of $160,000 for a period of 10 years with the stipulation that 100% of the subsidy go to the tenant. Staff recommendation following consultation with Lee County Property Appraiser: Provide an annual tax increment subsidy of $120,000 for a period of 10 years. Approving this request will require an additional $33,000 – $39,000 from the Cleveland District operating budget or reserve account each year. Page 2 SITE PREMIUM TENANT OPPORTUNITY FOR BOYSCOUT & US 41 5370 S CLEVELAND AVE | FORT MYERS, FL 33907 BOYSCOUT & US 41 PREMIER RETAIL OPPORTUNITY 5370 S CLEVELAND AVE | FORT MYERS, FL 33907 TOTAL TOTAL 200,000 ± SF 250,000 ± SF 450,000 ± SF GROSS SF LEASED & SOLD 98 ± AC TOTAL RAW LAND LEASED & SOLD COMPLETED TRANSACTIONS: 85 ACTIVE LISTINGS 530± ACRES & 2.1± MILLION SF 3 BOYSCOUT & US 41 2,100,000 SF 55 LEASES 30 SALES 2014 YEAR IN REVIEW Creighton Companies | 900 SW Pine Island Rd STE 202 | Cape Coral, FL 33901 Trinity Commercial Group | 9250 Corkscrew Rd | Suite 13 | Estero, FL 33928 | M. Dan Creighton 239.210.0455 G. Brent Evans Chief Operating Officer 239.210.0455 Dan O’Berksi Managing Director | Principal 239.334.3040 Tony Mangione Principal 239.334.3040 4 BOYSCOUT & US 41 CONTACT INFO 5370 S CLEVELAND AVE FORT MYERS, FL 33907 C1 ZONING (CITY OF FORT MYERS) 52,000± AADT 40,000± SF National High End Retailer with 287 parking spaces and a possible 6,000± SF Outparcel with 108 parking spaces The subject site is located on the SWQ of Boy Scout Drive & US 41 in Fort Myers, FL. 5 BOYSCOUT & US 41 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Overcoming Lower than Average Incomes 6 BOYSCOUT & US 41 DEMOGRAPHICS Overcoming and Attracting High End Retailers Against Market Competition The Costs 5370 S. Cleveland Ave: 1. Land Costs = $6,856,000 (including): a. Land b. Closing Fees c. Appraisal Fees d. Internet Reserves 2. Professional Fees = $461,500 (including): a. Legal b. Engineering c. Architectural d. Commissions e. Environmental/Survey As you review the information in this slide you will see estimated costs and estimated and projected required returns. We believe that in order to attract the tenant away from competing sites outside of the City Limit we have to have a market competitive rate. We believe that this rate is close to the $16.95 provided below. Unfortunately this rate provides too low of a return to justify the investment and we are asking for this Subsidy to allow for the developer to obtain a very reasonable return in this other wise underserviced market with National High End Retailers. 3. Complete Site and building Construction Costs = $4,782,500 We are asking for a $3psf subsidy for the retailer for 10 years TOTAL Projected Cost = $12,100,000 Project Income = 40,000sf X $16.95 = $678,000 or a 5.6% Return INCENTIVE based Potential Income = 40,000sf X $19.95 = $798,000 or a 6.6% Return 7 BOYSCOUT & US 41 PRO FORMA 8 BOYSCOUT & US 41 REGIONAL VIEW 9 BOYSCOUT & US 41 SITE PLAN SITE PREMIUM TENANT OPPORTUNITY FOR BOYSCOUT & US 41 5370 S CLEVELAND AVE | FORT MYERS, FL 33907 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: DT WARD: 4 MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.04 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Distribution of the Gardner’s Park Neighborhood Plan MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the CRA Board with a draft of the Gardner’s Park Neighborhood Plan. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: At the May 27, 2015 meeting, Ensite, Inc. presented a PowerPoint of recommendations for Gardner’s Park. At that time, the CRA Board did not approve the Gardner’s Park Neighborhood Plan, but instead requested a hard copy of the plan for review and directed staff to coordinate with Public Works to ensure the existing infrastructure was capable of handling a density increase from 6 to 12 units per acre. A draft copy of the Gardner’s Park Neighborhood Plan is attached. A hard copy will be distributed at the meeting. Staff intends to bring the plan back for adoption at the July meeting after receiving comments from Public Works and Community Development. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan DRAFT Gardner's Park Neighborhood Plan COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 DISTRICT: DT WARD: 4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.05 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Transfer $20,450 from Downtown’s Expense Reserve account into Other Subsides and Assistance in order to replace one of the HVAC units in the Arcade Theater, home of the Florida Repertory theater. ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION: Transfer $20,450 from Downtown’s Expense Reserve account into Other Subsidies and Assistance in order to replace one of the HVAC units in the Arcade Theater. FUNDING SOURCE: Downtown Expense Reserves Account FISCAL IMPACT: Decrease the Expense Reserves account by $20,450 and increase the Repairs and Maintenance account by like amount WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides $20,450 in funding needed to replace one of the HVAC units needed in the Arcade Theater. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Under the terms of the CRA’s lease agreement with Bill Smith Inc. for the Arcade Theater, the CRA is responsible for capital repairs to the HVAC system. These funds will be used to replace a failed AC unit. The work needs to be completed during the summer months in between summer camp but before the next theatre season begins. A copy of the repair proposal from Eaton AC is attached. The Florida Repertory Theater sought bids from several companies and Eaton was the lowest and they have previous experience working on the Arcade Theater systems. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: DT WARD: 4 MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.06 Revision Distributed: 6/10/11 SUBJECT: Proposed Schedule of Payments to Busey Bank for the tax rebate due under the Development Agreement for the Beau Rivage project; And Appropriate $29,243 of fund balance in the Downtown district, increasing the revenue and operating budgets by like amount in order to make a payment of $29,243 to Busey Bank for monies owed under the Development Agreement for the Beau Rivage project. MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION: Approve MOTION: Approve the Proposed Schedule of Payments to Busey Bank for the tax rebate due under the Development Agreement for the Beau Rivage project; And Approve FY2015 budget amendment appropriating $29,243 of fund balance in the Downtown district, increasing the revenue and expenditure budget by like amount with the increase in the expenditure budget occurring in the Other Subsidies and Assistance in order to make a payment of $29,242.25 to Busey Bank for monies owed under the Development Agreement for the Beau Rivage project. FUNDING SOURCE: Downtown Fund Balance FISCAL IMPACT: $29,243 WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Approves a schedule of payments to cover the monies due to Busey Bank under the Development Agreement for the Beau Rivage project. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: During the recession, the CRA experienced several years in which it was unable to make full tax rebate payments to Busey Bank for Beau Rivage project. As a result, the CRA is currently $359,242.25 in arrears. In response to a directive by the CRA Board during the April 2013 meeting, staff is bringing forward a proposed Schedule of Payments designed to eliminate the deficit prior to the date on which the development agreement should terminate in FY 2020. Advisory Board recommendation: The Advisory Board unanimously approved the proposed schedule as well as the appropriation of funds in order to make the FY 2015 payment shown in the attached schedule. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: DT, CL, & MLK WARD: All MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.07 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Discussion of Preliminary FY 16 budgets for the Downtown, Cleveland and MLK districts MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: Tax increment FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the CRA with the opportunity to provide input on the FY 16 budgets for the Downtown, Cleveland and MLK districts. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Lee County Property Appraiser released their preliminary property value estimates on May 29, 2015. Staff has used the preliminary assessments to calculate the tax increments and to create a preliminary budget for the next fiscal year. A copy of the budgets for the Downtown, Cleveland and MLK districts are attached. The Downtown tax increment district is expected to receive approximately $120,000 in additional revenue from the City but approximately $65,000 less from the County. The projected County decrease is due to not counting on the Conservation 2020 millage being included in the County general fund as it has been over the past two years. The net effect will be a $45,000 decrease in the budget. Approximately $41,000 in Prior Year surplus funds are programmed into the budget, along with some budget cuts, to make up this difference. On the expense side the personnel lines include the 3% salary increase and a higher percentage of the Director’s salary coming from the downtown district instead of the MLK budget. Most of the other expense lines are comparable to FY 2015 with some decreases in the professional services line, the contractual services line and the special events line. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Background Information – Continued Meeting Date: June 15, 2015 Motion: Discussion of the preliminary FY ’16 budgets for the Cleveland Ave, Downtown and MLK budgets. The Cleveland Ave District revenues increased by approximately $66,000 which will allow a decrease in the use of prior year surplus funds by over $100,000. The Cleveland budget for FY 2016 will be $400,000. On the expense side the salary lines will increase slightly to reflect the 3% salary increase and the professional services line will decrease by over $52,000. A total of $150,000 is programmed again next year for grants. The MLK projected revenue decreased by approximately $10,000 and due to the declining fund balance no prior year surplus funds have been programmed not the budget. On the expense side the salary lines have decreased (despite the built in 3% salary increase) due to a smaller percentage of other staff time being billed to this district. The budget does include $20,000 for grants. Page 2 Downtown Budget Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016 Budget Downtown Redevelopment District Rev. 6/1/15 REVENUE PROJECTIONS City and County TIF Revenues shown are based on millage estimates as shown in parentheses. May 29, 2015 property values used for TIF revenue calculations. TIF Revenue City ( .0087760) County (.0036506) Transfer from General Fund Difference Amended Proposed (FY 16 Proposed FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget FY 15 Amended) $ 2,028,061 $ 2,147,665 $119,604 $ $ 959,169 - $ Revenue projections are less due to change in how county ($65,793) will be handling the 20/20 millage $0 893,376 Prior Year Surplus $ 140,111 $ 40,959 Reimbursed Expense Interest Income Special Event Revenue $ $ $ 7,000 $ $ $ 7,000 Total Revenue $ 3,134,341 $ 3,089,000 Notes Remaining undesignated balance is estimated to be $440,738 assuming the amount of Prior Year Surplus shwon for FY 16 ($99,152) is used. The CRA is in the process of increasing its reserves for the Downtown in anticipation of the debt service reserve that will be required for the Harborside parking garage bonds. $0 $0 $0 Farmers' Market ($45,341) EXPENSE PROJECTIONS – The expenses for each line item are shown below. Personnel Services: Personnel expenditures includes the following positions: 1 Executive Director (80%) 1 Deputy Director (35%) 1 Marketing and Promotions Manager (75%) 1 Redevelopment Manager (50%) 1 Office Manager (90%) 3 FT Service Worker II's (100%) 2 PT Service Worker II's (100%) Difference GL Account and Description 1100 Salary - Exec Amended Proposed (FY 16 Proposed FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget FY 15 Amended) $ 84,400 $ 94,900 $10,500 1200 Salary - Regular $ 177,200 $ 224,650 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,200 $ 27,500 $ 1,600 $ 20,400 $ 51,300 $ 86,700 $ 1,100 $ 1,200 $ 455,600 $ 5,900 30,600 2,600 24,750 68,700 71,500 1,200 100 524,900 1205 Seniority Pay 1300 Salaries/Wages - Other 1400 Salaries/Wages Overtime 2100 FICA Tax 2200 General Retirement 2300 Health/Life Ins. 2400 Worker's Comp 2500 Unemployment Compensation Total Personnel Services FY 16 DT Budget_Rev 06012015.xlsx Page 1 of 5 Notes Once FY 16 begins,funds moved to Contractual Services line $47,450 due to frozen position(s). $1,700 $3,100 $1,000 $4,350 $17,400 ($15,200) $100 ($1,100) $69,300 6/8/2015 - 12:20 PM Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016 Budget Downtown Redevelopment District Operating Expenses GL Account and Description 1202 Vehicle Allowance 3100 Professional Services Arbitrage Riverfront Project Gardner's Park Miscellaneous 3105 Legal Professional Services General CRA Expenses Downtown District 3200 Accounting/Auditing 3400 Contractual Services Contract Labor Window and Office Cleaning Farmers' Market Manager Trimming mangroves Miscellaneous 4000 Travel and Per Diem FRA and other conferences 4100 Communications 4200 Freight Express and Overnight Shipping for Currents Postage 4300 Utilities DRA Office Water and Sewer Riverwalk/downtown irrigation Patio De Leon Irrigation Electric - Streetlights FY 16 DT Budget_Rev 06012015.xlsx Difference Amended Proposed (FY 16 Proposed FY 15 Budget FY 16 Budget FY 15 Amended) $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $0 $ $ $ $ $ 3,250 98,922 34,968 59,478 196,618 $ $ $ $ $ 3,200 50,000 10,000 50,000 113,200 $ $ $ 4,000 60,000 64,000 $ $ $ 4,000 25,000 29,000 $ 400 $ 300 $ $ $ $ $ $ 47,000 2,000 7,000 3,500 10,545 70,045 $ $ $ $ $ $ 25,000 2,000 7,000 3,500 20,000 57,500 $ $ 1,500 1,500 $ $ 1,500 1,500 $ 500 $ 500 $ $ $ $ 400 500 600 1,500 $ $ $ $ 400 500 600 1,500 500 $ 33,200 $ 2,100 $ 39,100 $ 74,900 $ 2,500 31,200 2,100 39,100 74,900 $ $ $ $ $ Page 2 of 5 Notes ($50) Required by bond covenant Includes Acquest, FP&L, BSSW and Johnson ($9,478) Midtown & Gardner's Park neighborhood plans ($83,418) $0 CRA meetings ($35,000) Charges incurred for specific projects in Downtown district ($35,000) ($100) Fixed cost ($22,000) Contractual labor used in place of frozen FT positions $0 Splitting 50%/50% with Cleveland district $0 $0 $9,455 ($12,545) $0 Budgeting for 2 people $0 $0 MiFi charges to provide music for basin $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 Shared 50%/50% with Cleveland ($2,000) $0 $0 $0 6/8/2015 - 12:20 PM Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016 Budget Downtown Redevelopment District Operating Expenses (continued) GL Account and Description 4400 Rentals and Leases Arcade Theater Office Rent Water Cooler Copier Amended FY 15 Budget Proposed FY 16 Budget Difference (FY 16 Proposed FY 15 Amended) $ $ $ $ $ 92,900.00 29,000.00 400 1,790.00 124,090 $ $ $ $ $ 95,700 29,900 400 1,800 127,800 4416 ITS Service Charges $ 35,100 $ 42,600 $7,500 Fixed cost 4417 ITS Capital Recovery $ 5,800 $ 6,300 $500 Fixed cost 4500 Insurance $ 29,000 $ 23,200 ($5,800) Fixed cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 110 50 150 6,400 700 25,000 8,700 10,000 34,732 85,842 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 200 50 150 6,400 700 25,000 8,700 10,000 35,000 86,200 $90 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $268 $358 $ $ $ $ 500 4,500 1,947 6,947 $ $ $ $ 500 8,400 3,000 11,900 $0 $3,900 1,053 $4,953 $ 30,000 $ 25,000 $ $ $ $ 400 300 300 1,000 $ $ $ $ 400 300 300 1,000 4600 Repairs and Maintenance Pest Control Fire Extinguisher Carpet Cleaning Roof on Arcade AC Maintenance Contract Riverfront Detention Basin Holophane streetlight poles Miscellaneous Patio de Leon, Gardner's Park 4700 Printing and Binding Color Copies Business maps Miscellaneous 4800 Advertising General advertising program 4810 Public Relations FRA Awards Applications Food for CRA Mtgs & Other Mtgs Plaques for Board FY 16 DT Budget_Rev 06012015.xlsx $2,800 $900 $0 $10 $3,710 Notes $ Page 3 of 5 Includes 3% multiplier. Includes 3% multiplier. Shared 50%/50% with Cleveland Shared 50%/50% with Cleveland Shared 50%/50% with Cleveland Shared 50%/50% with Cleveland Shared 50%/50% with Cleveland Roof fee due per Arcade lease Required in office lease. Shared with Cleveland. Shared 50%/50% with Public Works Spare poles Benches, trash receptacles ($5,000) $0 $0 $0 $0 6/8/2015 - 12:20 PM Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016 Budget Downtown Redevelopment District Operating Expenses (continued) GL Account and Description 4813 Special Events River District Alliance Art Fest Amended FY 15 Budget Proposed FY 16 Budget Difference (FY 16 Proposed FY 15 Amended) $ $ 145,000 25,000 $ $ 145,000 20,000 Holiday House $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Streets Alive Florida Arts/Sidney & Berne Davis Art Ctr Gulf Coast Opera Pink Heals Dixie Land Strollers Miscellaneous $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000 50,000 5,000 1,000 3,200 5,800 255,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,000 40,000 5,000 230,000 Beau Rivage $ 206,661 $ 252,400 St Tropez & Riviera Hotel Indigo David Plummer $ $ $ 220,000 23,661 619 $ $ $ 220,000 26,000 700 Publix $ $ 144,000 594,941 $ $ 150,000 649,100 Florida Repertory Theatre $ 70,000 $ 50,000 Cameratta--FSV Liner Buildings $ $ 150,000 220,000 $ $ 150,000 200,000 $ 105,900 $ 115,100 $ $ $ 200 700 900 $ $ $ 200 700 900 $0 $0 $0 $ $ $ $ 400 600 7,841 8,841 $ $ $ $ 400 600 10,000 11,000 $0 $0 $2,159 $2,159 Notes $0 Includes $20,000 funding for PT position ($5,000) Advisory Board recommended adding $5,000 for new LED $0 lights for two years for a total of $15,000. This is the 2nd payment. $0 ($10,000) ($5,000) ($1,000) ($3,200) ($800) ($25,000) 4904 Tax Increment Rebates Proposed payment includes FY 16 rebate + an additional $45,739 $25,000 to begin repaying deficit of $359,242. $0 $220,000 payment due per settlement agreement $2,339 CRA is current on all rebates for this project. CRA is current on all rebates for this project. Remaining balance, after proposed FY 16 payment is made, $6,000 will be $150,000. $54,159 4906 Other Subsidies and Assistance 4940 General Admin 5100 Office Supplies Toner and Ink Cartridges Office Depot 5200 Operating Supplies Janitorial Supplies Doggie Bags Mulch, sprinker, electrical FY 16 DT Budget_Rev 06012015.xlsx Page 4 of 5 Between the rent subsidy, roof repair and operating subsidy, ($20,000) Florida Rep receives a total of $152,100 $0 A payment of $150,000 in FY 16 will pay this debt in full. ($20,000) $9,200 Fixed cost 6/8/2015 - 12:20 PM Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016 Budget Downtown Redevelopment District Operating Expenses (continued) GL Account and Description 5255 Assets $750-$5,000 (DRA) Amended FY 15 Budget Difference Proposed FY 16 Budget (FY 16 Proposed FY 15 Amended) $ - $ - $ $ $ $ 800 463 400 1,663 $ $ $ $ 800 500 400 1,700 6304 Sidewalks $ - $ - 6400 Equipment $ 24,440 $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 657,500 $ 637,400 $ - $ - Trolley Service $ - $ 63,600 9998 DRA Fund Reserves $ Total Operating Expenses $ 2,678,741 $ 2,564,100 $ (114,641) TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,134,341 $ 3,089,000 $ (45,341) REVENUE OVER (UNDER) EXPENSES $ 0 $ - 5400 Dues and Subscriptions Conference reg. -FRA Subscriptions Website $ Notes $0 Registration for 2 people at $400 each $37 MiFi and Pandora for basin $0 Web hosting $37 $0 FY 15 budget included a golf cart and a new ball and pedestal ($24,440) for the fountain in the Patio de Leon Principal and Interest Payments 7188 Principal Expense Repayment of Cleveland loan 9131 Debt Service (Transfer to Fund 131) Principal + Interest Transfers 9002 Transfers to the General Fund FY 16 DT Budget_Rev 06012015.xlsx 29,414 $ $0 After proposed FY '16 paymenet the balance will be $100,000 $ (20,100) Payment based on amortization schedule $0 $63,600 CRA splitting cost of 2nd trolley with the City - ($29,414) Page 5 of 5 6/8/2015 - 12:20 PM Cleveland Budget MLK Budget COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 DISTRICT: DT WARD: 4 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.08 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Association Updates: Downtown Neighborhood Association, Downtown Property Owner’ Association, and River District Alliance MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the CRA Board with an update on any developments pertaining to the Downtown Neighborhood Association (“DNA”), Downtown Property Owners Association (“DPOA”) or the River District Alliance (“RDA”). BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In accordance with the RDA’s agreement, a copy of the RDA’s 2nd quarter financials are attached for review. The RDA also communicated that it is still $25,000 short for the July 4th Freedom Fest funding. This is a major community-wide event that attracts citizens from all over the County. The Advisory Board recommended providing a $2,500 sponsorship for Freedom Fest. Funds are available within the budget to cover this expense. Also attached is a copy of the RDA’s June newsletter for the Board’s review.p Any new updates from any of the associations related to downtown will be presented at the June meeting. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No PO Box 1686 Fort Myers, FL 33902 The Voice of Downtown Fort Myers May 30, 2015 Mr. Donald Paight Executive Director Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency 1400 Jackson Street Ft. Myers, FL 33901 Dear Don, Please find enclosed the first and second quarter Special Events Report for fiscal year 2014-2015 on behalf of the River District Alliance. Kindly note the following: 1. The attached report indicates revenues and expenses per event/function. 2. Fees paid back to the City of Fort Myers have been highlighted for your reference. 3. Dollars indicated reflect invoices received at time of preparation and may be updated at a future time. As always, we value the support of the Community Redevelopment Agency. Sincerely, River District Alliance Executive Board River District Alliance PO Box 1686 Fort Myers, FL 33902 www.fortmyersriverdistrictalliance .com Promoting & Enhancing the Development of the Historic River District as a Hub of Economic, Social, and Cultural Activity. Quarterly Events Report October - March, Q1 / Q2, FY2014-2015 Saturday Art Fair: November 15th, December 20th & January 17th Ordinary Income/Expense Income Revenues - Vendors Total Income Gross Profit Expense 1,090.00 1,090.00 1,090.00 Advertising Printing Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 1,200.00 79.90 1,279.90 -189.90 Net Income -189.90 Art Walk: First Friday's Ordinary Income/Expense Income Grant Income SWFL Comm Fdn - Art Walk 15,000.00 Total Grant Income Revenues- Merchants Revenues - T-shirts Revenues - Vendors Revenues - Other 15,000.00 280.00 435.00 675.00 38.00 Total Income Gross Profit Expense 16,428.00 16,428.00 Supplies Advertising Clean Up Contract Labor Cost of T-Shirts Graphic Design Printing Expense Security Expense Transportation Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 212.34 13,215.00 345.00 450.00 297.63 225.00 438.30 3,800.00 1,840.00 20,823.27 -4,395.27 -4,395.27 Quarterly Report to the City of Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Q1 / Q2, FY 2014-2015. Submitted 05/30/2015 Quarterly Events Report October - March, Q1 / Q2, FY2014-2015 Bike Night: November 8th, January 10th, March 14th & May 9th Ordinary Income/Expense Income Revenues - Merchants Revenues - Beer Sales Revnues - Sponsorships Revenues - T-Shirts Revenues - Vendors Total Income Gross Profit Expense 275.00 553.00 2,200.00 365.00 14,560.00 17,953.00 17,953.00 Equipment Rental Advertising Barricade Expenses Clean Up Contract Labor Cost of Bands Cost of Disc Jockey Cost of T-Shirts Permits Port-O-Johns Security Expense Stage Expense Transportation Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 1,308.94 6,450.00 1,647.00 435.00 1,500.00 4,203.18 200.00 850.00 715.00 795.00 2,810.00 2,550.00 316.25 23,780.37 -5,827.37 Net Income -5,827.37 Car Cruise-In: Fourth Saturday's Ordinary Income/Expense Income 0.00 Total Income Gross Profit Expense 0.00 0.00 Barricade Expenses Cost of Disk Jockey Permits Security Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 1,610.00 1,360.00 80.00 800.00 3,850.00 -3,850.00 -3,850.00 Quarterly Report to the City of Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Q1 / Q2, FY 2014-2015. Submitted 05/30/2015 Quarterly Events Report October - March, Q1 / Q2, FY2014-2015 Holiday Stroll: November 29th Ordinary Income/Expense Income 0.00 Total Income Gross Profit Expense 0.00 0.00 Supplies Barricade Expenses Other Entertainment Permits Postage Printing Expense Security Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 5.29 276.00 300.00 80.00 9.80 23.39 640.00 1,334.48 -1,334.48 Net Income -1,334.48 Holiday Decorations: November/December Ordinary Income/Expense Income Total Income Gross Profit Expense 0.00 0.00 Decorations Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 24,975.00 24,975.00 -24,975.00 -24,975.00 Quarterly Report to the City of Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Q1 / Q2, FY 2014-2015. Submitted 05/30/2015 Quarterly Events Report October - March, Q1 / Q2, FY2014-2015 Music Walk: Third Friday's Ordinary Income/Expense Income Grant Income Revenues- Merchants Revenues - Sponsors Revenues - Vendors Total Income Gross Profit Expense 2,500.00 -775.00 75.00 75.00 1,875.00 1,875.00 Advertising Clean Up Contract Labor Security Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 3,000.00 345.00 375.00 3,200.00 6,920.00 -5,045.00 Net Income -5,045.00 Mystery Walk: Second Friday's Ordinary Income/Expense Income Revenues- Merchants Revenues - Beer Sales Revenues - Sponsorships Total Income Gross Profit Expense 5,000.00 412.00 12,150.00 17,562.00 17,562.00 Equipment Rental Bank Fee Barricade Expenses Clean Up Contract Labor Other Entertainment Permits Port-O-Johns Security Expense Stage Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 1,184.12 63.30 928.00 425.00 200.00 23,075.00 130.00 413.40 3,700.00 3,001.36 33,120.18 -15,558.18 -15,558.18 Quarterly Report to the City of Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Q1 / Q2, FY 2014-2015. Submitted 05/30/2015 Quarterly Events Report October - March, Q1 / Q2, FY2014-2015 New Year's Eve: December 31st Ordinary Income/Expense Income Revenues- Merchants Revenues - Beer Sales Revenues - Sponsorships Revenues - Vendors Total Income Cost of Goods Sold (Beer) Gross Profit Expense 5,250.00 3,548.00 6,200.00 2,850.00 17,848.00 1,021.50 16,826.50 Supplies Equipment Rental Advertising Barricade Expenses Clean Up Cost of Bands Fireworks Permits Port-O-Johns Printing Expense Security Expense Sound Expense Stage Expense Transportation Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 60.00 727.86 1,250.00 511.00 3,250.00 8,232.80 5,000.00 240.00 588.30 30.75 8,541.00 2,000.00 1,325.00 135.00 31,891.71 -15,065.21 -15,065.21 Quarterly Report to the City of Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Q1 / Q2, FY 2014-2015. Submitted 05/30/2015 Quarterly Events Report October - March, Q1 / Q2, FY2014-2015 Veteran's Day Parade: November 11th Ordinary Income/Expense Income Total Income Gross Profit Expense 0.00 0.00 Supplies Barricade Expenses Permits Port-O-Johns Security Expense Transportation Total Expense Net Ordinary Income 33.76 302.00 80.00 212.00 1,664.00 440.00 2,731.76 -2,731.76 Net Income -2,731.76 Special Events: Operating & General Ordinary Income/Expense Income Grant Income CRA Grant 145,000.00 Total Grant Income Revenues - Dues 145,000.00 1,975.00 Total Income Gross Profit Expense 146,975.00 146,975.00 Equipment Rental Accounting Advertising Bank fee Contract Labor Graphic Design Insurance Expense Membership Dues Office/Admin. Expense Postage Printing Expense Promotional Telephone Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 146.00 1,750.00 1,133.90 333.36 11,250.00 2,886.00 13,448.60 749.70 259.57 78.75 850.77 1,500.00 261.41 34,648.06 112,326.94 112,326.94 Quarterly Report to the City of Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Q1 / Q2, FY 2014-2015. Submitted 05/30/2015 Quarterly Events Report October - March, Q1 / Q2, FY2014-2015 Gardner's Park: Tracking Ordinary Income/Expense Income Revenues - Dues Revenues - Vendors Total Income Gross Profit Expense Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income 145.00 90.00 235.00 0.00 0.00 235.00 235.00 Note: highlighted items indicate fees to the City of Fort Myers Quarterly Report to the City of Fort Myers Community Redevelopment Agency Q1 / Q2, FY 2014-2015. Submitted 05/30/2015 River District Alliance Membership Monthly Message from President Kevin Boyd As summer has set in we often fall back to thoughts of slowing down and taking a break from the businesses of season, yet looking forward it appears there’s no slowdown in sight for the River District. June alone has events and activities throughout the month, with more scheduled throughout the summer than I can ever recall. During this past year the River District has collectively experienced an outstanding winter season with record breaking attendance numbers at events, continuing positive upward growth by our member merchants, new business development, and exciting future redevelopment within the district. On the RDA side, we’re working now to begin increased road closures for various events as the demand has become so great. We’re continuing to welcome new members, and are taking a brief pause to reevaluate each of our events. We’re also working on goal setting to further benefit our membership, including implementation of a new RDA website later this summer that focusses on promoting our merchant members and the always exciting on goings of the River District. You’ll also see in the upcoming year the RDA shift slightly and focus more efforts on our merchants and business success. Much lies ahead for us, as a community and your merchant’s organization. This is an exciting time to be in the River District! While the activity of our summer season continues to grow and blend much more closely with our winter season, I and the board of directors hope you take some time to enjoy the successes of the past year, while also looking forward to even greater successes in the upcoming year. June 2015 “Art of HeART” at SBDAC Opens at Art Walk In its annual juried exhibition SBDAC invites artists to explore both the physiological heart as well as art that speaks to what is at the core of their being. Pieces submitted to the exhibition should fit the call to artists and the artist statements submitted should serve to explain how those pieces fit, For more information please visit: Special for Dad on Father’s Day in the River District! Celebrate Father’s Day with great events in the River District! Special free events include complimentary admission for dad’s at the Edison Ford Estate, on Sunday, June 21st, Pure Fort Myers offers a free cruise for dad’s with the purchase of a full price spouse or children’s ticket on both Saturday June 20th and Sunday June 21st! For more details please visit, Other special events include “Dad’s are Superheroes Storytime and Crafts at Cornog Plaza on Saturday, June 20th at 9:15 am, and don’t miss the “Longest Day” from 6 am until 10 pm in the Patio de Leon to support Alzheimer's by Wear the Fund! Musician Applications: Please visit to download and complete an application. This Month at Cornog Plaza Saturday, June 6th, 4pm: Family Art & Music Time; Family-friendly arts, crafts and songs. Offered in partnership with Music Together and Pushing Daizies. Friday, June 19th, 6pm: Teen Author & Talent Night; Teens, come with your hidden talents. Sing, read your own poetry or play an instrument during this contest for the best performer. Meet and greet local teen authors. A panel of teen authors will be here to answer your questions. Books can be purchased and signed at the event. Sponsored by the Friends of the Fort Myers Regional Library. Registration is required. Saturday, June 20th, 9:15 am: Dad’s are Superheroes Storytime & Crafts; special storytime on the plaza. River District Alliance: June 2015 Sunday Funday at the Butterfly Estates The first Sunday of every month the Florida Native Butterfly Society opens its doors to the public with free admission. Our purpose is to expose as many people as we can to the importance of Florida's incredible butterflies. We hope to inspire guests to plant butterfly gardens to support and increase natural populations. Enjoy many new vendors every month, kids projects and activities. Please be our guest and join us for a beautiful day. ...}i{ Downtown Car Cruise-In Held the fourth Saturday of every month from 48 pm, Car Cruise-In is a free event open to the community. Free to participate with your vehicle and no registration required. For vehicle loading please enter First Street from Monroe Street. Show parking located along: First, Hendry, Broadway, and Jackson Streets. Rockin’ the Patio, Summer Concerts Event begins at 6pm, music at 7pm in the Patio de Leon, with portion of proceeds benefit charity: June 13th: Stolen Fruit; June 27th: Deb & the Dynamics; July 10th: The Trips; July 24th: High Five Friday; July 25th: Memphis 56; July 31st: Bad Banditos; September 25th: The Trips; September 26th: Memphis 56 RDA Supports “The Longest Day” June 21st, 6am - 10pm The River District Alliance proudly supports Wear The Fund’s benefit for The Alzheimer’s Association. The Alzheimer’s Association is a non-profit organization with the mission to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Wear The Fund is an apparel company which gives a percentage of wholesale and retail sales back to non-profit organizations. Wear The Fund is hosting “The Longest Day”, a fundraiser to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association, for the third year in a row. The event will be in the heart of Downtown Fort Myers at Patio De Leon with raffles, kid activities, food, drink, and live music all day! The Longest Day is held annually on the Summer Solstice, June 21st; the longest day of the year. The date falls on Father’s Day, making this event even more special. The celebration begins at Starbucks at 6am. Purchase of an event t-shirt entitles guests to a goody bag and special perks at participating River District businesses. The shirts will be on sale for $10 at several locations, so pick one up and join the fun! For more information, please contact: or 239-362-2401 River District Alliance: June 2015 June Dates: Monday, 1st: RDA Board Meeting at the VCB, 4pm Friday, 5th: Art Walk Friday, 5th: Art of HeART at SBDAC Opens Friday, 5th: SWFL Critical Mass Sunday, 7th: Sunday Funday at the Butterfly Estates Saturday, 13th: Rockin’ the Patio: “Stolen Fruit” Friday 19th: Teen Author & Talent Night at Cornog Plaza Friday, 19th: Music Walk Saturday, 20th: Dad’s are Superheroes Storytime & Crafts at Cornog Plaza Sunday, 21st: The Longest Day Saturday, 27th: Downtown Car Cruise-In Freedom Fest 4th of July The annual Freedom Fest 4th of July celebration well underway and will be another great event for the River District! There are many opportunities to be involved in the event, and sponsorships are available. For detailed information please visit: Applications for sponsorship, vendors, and performers are also available at For additional information, please contact: Rob: Patsy: Saturday, 27th: Rockin’ the Patio: “Deb & the RDA New Website Welcome Recent Members: As the RDA and the events we produce for the River District continue to grow, so does the need to further enhance the information about them and the merchants that create the district. As you know, the RDA is currently in development of a new, comprehensive site that will be better geared towards event attendees of the River District, and more importantly, to you as merchants. The new site is looking great and will be a much better resource for the River District. While we look forward to this, we also recognize the cost associated with it. To help in minimizing that, we have created a Go Fund Me account and would ask any interested follows to consider donating to help defray this expense. 2431 S. Cleveland Ave. 239-332-3232 Kelli & Krystal 239-770-7097 River District Alliance: June 2015 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY DISTRICT: All WARD: All MEETING DATE: June 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.09 Revision Distributed: SUBJECT: Project Updates MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATION: N/A MOTION: N/A FUNDING SOURCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A WHAT ACTION ACCOMPLISHES: Provides the Board with an update on current projects. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Any project updates will be provided during the meeting. Continued to Next Page Yes Person Initiating Request: Don Paight BOARD ACTION Approved: Denied: Tabled: Conflict of Interest: Item Continued To: Voting Log: Brown ____ Streets___ Watson___ Flanders____ Banks___ Leonardo___ Henderson___ No