Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice
Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice
Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Page 1 of 48 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Quiz No. Title 115224 Escape from Jabar-Loo EN 108287 In the Shadow of Goll EN 112566 Pirates of the Purple Dawn EN 117016 Queen of Shadowthorn EN 5490 EN Song and Dance Man 749 EN Watership Down 49812 Best Book of Volcanoes, The EN 17659 Cam Jansen and the Chocolate Fudge Mystery EN 5210 EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery at the Monkey House 18707 EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery of Flight 54 17660 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Babe Ruth EN Baseball 7605 EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Circus Clown Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Dinosaur 7606 EN Bones 17662 EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Gold Coins 17664 Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Monster Movie EN Cam Jansen and the Mystery of the Stolen 308 EN Diamonds 109523 Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery EN 103356 Cam Jansen and the Valentine Baby Mystery EN 20901 Picture Book of Harriet Tubman, A EN 513 EN Little Women (Book I and II) (Unabridged) 66727 Little Women: Book One EN 44078 Young Clara Barton: Battlefield Nurse EN 210 EN Black Cauldron, The Book Level Points Abbott, Tony 3.9 2.0 Abbott, Tony 4.4 2.0 Abbott, Tony 3.9 2.0 Abbott, Tony 4.2 2.0 Ackerman, Karen Adams, Richard 4.0 6.2 0.5 25.0 Adams, Simon 6.3 0.5 Adler, David A. 3.7 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.7 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.8 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.9 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.8 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.7 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.9 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.2 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.6 1.0 Adler, David A. 3.4 1.0 Adler, David A. 4.3 0.5 Alcott, Louisa May 7.9 33.0 Alcott, Louisa May 7.4 15.0 Alcott, Sarah 3.5 0.5 Alexander, Lloyd 5.2 7.0 Author 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 17794 Time Cat EN 63447 Town Cats and Other Tales, The EN 5234 EN Miss Nelson Is Missing! 49950 Saint Francis of Assisi: Gentle Revolutionary EN 109466 May Bird Among the Stars EN 101829 May Bird and the Ever After EN 42961 Fever, 1793 EN 56863 Cock-a-doodle-doo! Barnyard Hullabaloo EN 48271 Commotion in the Ocean EN 54861 Giraffes Can't Dance EN 48280 EN Rumble in the Jungle 8660 EN I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 79697 Mayflower Project, The EN 108715 American Story: 100 True Tales from American EN History, The 84 EN Sounder 21428 Parts EN 5515 EN Happy Birthday, Moon 34782 Foundation and Empire EN 67274 EN I Am a Star: Child of the Holocaust 43747 Christmas Rat, The EN 108313 Crispin: At the Edge of the World EN 58513 Crispin: The Cross of Lead EN 566 EN Fighting Ground, The 7014 EN Nothing But the Truth 52625 Secret School, The Page 2 of 48 Alexander, Lloyd 4.7 5.0 Alexander, Lloyd 6.4 4.0 Allard, Harry Alves, Mary Emmanuel Anderson, Jodi Lynn Anderson, Jodi Lynn Anderson, Laurie Halse 2.7 0.5 5.0 2.0 5.4 9.0 5.1 12.0 4.4 7.0 Andreae, Giles 3.7 0.5 Andreae, Giles 4.2 0.5 Andreae, Giles 3.8 0.5 Andreae, Giles 4.4 0.5 Angelou, Maya 6.7 13.0 Applegate, K.A. 5.0 5.0 Armstrong, Jennifer 8.1 13.0 Armstrong, William H. 5.3 3.0 Arnold, Tedd 2.8 0.5 Asch, Frank 2.6 0.5 Asimov, Isaac 6.4 12.0 Auerbacher, Inge 6.6 2.0 Avi 3.7 3.0 Avi 4.8 7.0 Avi 5.0 7.0 Avi Avi 4.2 3.6 4.0 4.0 Avi 4.1 3.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 5093 EN True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, The 236 EN Kneeknock Rise 247 EN Tuck Everlasting 103102 Door to Time, The EN 540 EN National Velvet 75911 Dragon's Breath EN 105862 Wright 3, The EN 29508 When Sophie Gets Angry--Really, Really, Angry EN 119700 Kickoff! EN 123884 Brand-New School, Brave New Ruby EN 5463 EN Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 105488 Ivy and Bean EN 83056 Peter and the Starcatchers EN 7214 EN Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs 70012 Almost Home EN 52310 Wizard of Oz (Unabridged), The EN 88278 Vacation Frustration! EN 5478 EN Madeline 11377 Madeline and the Bad Hat EN 7378 EN Madeline and the Gypsies 7283 EN Madeline's Christmas 21259 Madeline's Rescue EN 87018 Invention EN 44081 Young Harriet Tubman: Freedom Fighter EN 7483 EN B. Bears Get Stage Fright, The Page 3 of 48 Avi Babbitt, Natalie Babbitt, Natalie Baccalario, Pierdomenico Bagnold, Enid 5.3 4.4 5.0 8.0 2.0 4.0 4.2 5.0 5.5 11.0 Baker, E.D. 5.3 10.0 Balliett, Blue 5.7 7.0 Bang, Molly 1.4 0.5 Barber, Tiki 4.3 5.0 Barnes, Derrick 4.3 2.0 Barrett, Judi 4.3 0.5 Barrows, Annie 3.2 1.0 Barry, Dave 5.2 13.0 Barton, Byron Baskin, Nora Raleigh 2.9 0.5 3.9 5.0 Baum, L. Frank 7.0 7.0 Beechen, Adam 4.0 1.0 3.1 0.5 3.6 0.5 3.8 0.5 3.2 0.5 3.2 0.5 Bender, Lionel 8.4 1.0 Benjamin, Anne 3.3 0.5 Berenstain, Stan 3.8 0.5 Bemelmans, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ludwig Bemelmans, Ludwig 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Page 4 of 48 7485 EN B. Bears Go out for the Team, The 7488 EN B. Bears Go to the Doctor, The Berenstain, Stan Berenstain, Stan 4.0 3.2 0.5 0.5 7493 EN B. Bears' Moving Day, The 58850 Chomp! A Book About Sharks EN 63211 Do Stars Have Points? Questions...About Stars and EN Planets 86013 Grrr! A Book About Big Cats EN 58860 Screech! A Book About Bats EN 63229 What Do Sharks Eat for Dinner? Questions...About EN Sharks Berenstain, Stan 3.7 0.5 Berger, Melvin 3.0 0.5 Berger, Melvin 4.8 1.0 Berger, Melvin 3.5 0.5 Berger, Melvin 3.0 0.5 Berger, Melvin 5.4 1.0 Bishop, Claire Huchet 4.0 2.0 Black, Sonia 2.8 0.5 Blade, Adam 4.3 1.0 Blake, Robert J. 3.3 0.5 Blume, Judy Blume, Judy 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.0 Blume, Judy 3.6 5.0 Blume, Judy Blume, Judy 3.1 3.3 0.5 3.0 Blume, Judy 3.0 1.0 Blume, Judy Blume, Judy Blume, Judy Blume, Judy Blume, Judy 3.4 2.5 3.5 3.4 3.3 4.0 0.5 4.0 4.0 3.0 Bogacki, Tomek 3.4 0.5 Bond, Michael Bottner, Barbara 4.7 2.6 4.0 0.5 Bourgeois, Paulette 2.6 0.5 Bourgeois, Paulette 2.6 0.5 Bourgeois, Paulette 2.5 0.5 200 EN Twenty and Ten 89543 Let's Read About...Abraham Lincoln EN 115164 Sepron the Sea Serpent EN 27701 Akiak: A Tale from the Iditarod EN 5055 EN Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. 6453 EN Blubber 61267 Double Fudge EN 262 EN Freckle Juice 5220 EN Fudge-a-Mania 125559 Going, Going, Gone! with the Pain and the Great EN One 5274 EN It's Not the End of the World 679 EN One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo, The 488 EN Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great 443 EN Superfudge 294 EN Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing 39569 My First Garden EN 154 EN Bear Called Paddington, A 7178 EN Bootsie Barker Bites 18612 Franklin and the Tooth Fairy EN 18618 Franklin Is Lost EN 16956 Franklin's Bad Day 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 30709 Franklin's Class Trip EN 23326 River Boy EN 109203 Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The EN 528 EN Dandelion Wine 736 EN Fahrenheit 451 56490 Halloween Tree, The EN Page 5 of 48 Bourgeois, Paulette 2.5 0.5 Bowler, Tim 5.3 6.0 Boyne, John 5.8 7.0 Bradbury, Ray Bradbury, Ray 6.0 5.2 10.0 7.0 Bradbury, Ray 4.7 4.0 6.2 9.0 3.3 0.5 8.2 9.0 4.4 11.0 4.5 10.0 4.3 11.0 Brashares, Ann 4.5 9.0 Brenaman, Miriam 5.1 8.0 Brennan, Herbie 5.2 14.0 Brennan, Herbie 5.4 14.0 Brett, Jan 3.2 0.5 Brett, Jan 4.0 0.5 Brett, Jan 2.6 0.5 Brett, Jan 3.1 0.5 Brett, Jan 3.1 0.5 Bridwell, Norman 2.1 0.5 Bridwell, Norman 2.2 0.5 12790 Martian Chronicles, The Bradbury, Ray EN 13844 More Than Anything Else Bradby, Marie EN 86824 Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of Iwo Jima Bradley, James EN 112353 Forever in Blue: The Fourth Summer of the Brashares, Ann EN Sisterhood 84371 Girls in Pants: The Third Summer of the Sisterhood Brashares, Ann EN 67499 Second Summer of the Sisterhood, The Brashares, Ann EN 53483 Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The EN 57909 Evvy's Civil War EN 71752 Faerie Wars EN 103839 Purple Emperor, The EN 65733 Christmas Trolls EN 14997 EN Comet's Nine Lives 26639 Hat, The EN 117605 Three Snow Bears, The EN 7595 EN Trouble with Trolls 70785 Clifford's Class Trip EN 78948 Clifford's Day with Dad EN 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 709 EN Jane Eyre (Unabridged) 64324 Thicker Than Water EN 107758 Day the Dinosaurs Died, The EN 732 EN Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee 13392 Flat Stanley (unabridged) EN 14672 Invisible Stanley EN 14696 Stanley and the Magic Lamp EN 68258 EN Stanley, Flat Again! 23559 Stanley in Space EN 73321 Stanley's Christmas Adventure EN 6102 EN Arthur Babysits 16969 Arthur's Halloween EN 7218 EN Goodnight Moon 80688 Dark Pond, The EN 129314 Bad Kitty Gets a Bath EN 108348 Babar the King EN 34898 Story of Babar, The EN 19602 Horse Shy EN 41847 EN Class Picture Day 53703 Tree Is a Plant, A EN 36009 Mother's Day Mice, The EN 34830 Home Run: The Story of Babe Ruth EN 124 EN Little Princess (Unabridged), A 78 EN Secret Garden, The Page 6 of 48 Bront‘, Charlotte 7.9 33.0 Brooke, Lauren 4.3 5.0 2.7 0.5 7.9 27.0 Brown, Jeff 4.0 1.0 Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 Brown, Jeff 3.7 1.0 Brown, Jeff 3.3 1.0 Brown, Jeff 3.9 1.0 Brown, Jeff 3.2 1.0 Brown, Marc 2.4 0.5 Brown, Marc 2.8 0.5 Brown, Margaret Wise 1.8 0.5 Bruchac, Joseph 5.3 4.0 Bruel, Nick 3.7 0.5 Brunhoff, Jean de 4.7 0.5 Brunhoff, Jean de 3.9 0.5 Bryant, Bonnie 4.7 4.0 Buckless, Andrea 1.6 0.5 Bulla, Clyde Robert 2.3 0.5 Bunting, Eve 3.0 0.5 Burleigh, Robert 2.0 0.5 6.0 11.0 6.3 13.0 Brown, Charlotte Lewis Brown, Dee Burnett, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Frances Hodgson 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 230 EN Incredible Journey, The 17235 Plant EN 17248 Tree EN 5484 EN Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel 609 EN Enormous Egg, The 661 EN 18th Emergency, The 63092 Keeper of the Doves EN 32573 Roller Skates! EN 5245 EN Stories Julian Tells, The 106127 Blood on the River: James Town 1607 EN 82347 From Head to Toe EN 108089 Little Cloud EN 123276 Rabbit and the Turtle, The EN 23629 Tiny Seed, The EN 36015 Very Busy Spider, The EN 5496 EN Very Hungry Caterpillar, The 36523 Very Quiet Cricket, The EN 467 EN Family Under the Bridge, The 503 EN Alice in Wonderland and Through the LookingGlass 29272 Bye, Mis' Lela EN 116220 Will You Read to Me? EN 87648 Timmy Turner, Action Hero EN 32572 Best Teacher in the World, The EN 102234 My Friend the Enemy EN 67821 Ella Sarah Gets Dressed Page 7 of 48 Burnford, Sheila 7.6 5.0 Burnie, David 7.5 1.0 Burnie, David 7.4 1.0 4.4 0.5 5.0 4.7 6.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 2.5 0.5 3.4 1.0 Carbone, Elisa 5.3 7.0 Carle, Eric 1.0 0.5 Carle, Eric 1.9 0.5 Carle, Eric 3.8 0.5 Carle, Eric 2.7 0.5 Carle, Eric 1.3 0.5 Carle, Eric 2.9 0.5 Carle, Eric 3.0 0.5 Carlson, Natalie Savage 4.7 3.0 Carroll, Lewis 7.8 10.0 Carter, Dorothy 2.8 0.5 Cazet, Denys 2.2 0.5 Cerasini, Marc 4.1 1.0 Chardiet, Bernice 2.3 0.5 Cheaney, J.B. 5.4 10.0 2.6 0.5 Burton, Virginia Lee Butterworth, Oliver Byars, Betsy Byars, Betsy Calmenson, Stephanie Cameron, Ann Chodos-Irvine, 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 74909 Al Capone Does My Shirts EN 28012 Moonstruck: The True Story of the Cow Who EN Jumped over the Moon 6661 EN City of Gold and Lead, The 11548 Pool of Fire, The EN 11746 When the Tripods Came EN 397 EN White Mountains, The 11415 Hard Drive to Short EN 693 EN Tough to Tackle 20914 House on Mango Street, The EN 34791 2001: A Space Odyssey EN 65272 Childhood's End EN 87194 Amphibian EN Page 8 of 48 Margaret Choldenko, Gennifer Choldenko, Gennifer Christopher, John 3.5 7.0 3.5 0.5 6.5 8.0 Christopher, John 7.0 8.0 Christopher, John 5.2 5.0 Christopher, John 6.2 7.0 Christopher, Matt 3.9 2.0 Christopher, Matt 4.2 2.0 Cisneros, Sandra 4.5 3.0 Clarke, Arthur C. 9.0 12.0 Clarke, Arthur C. 7.7 12.0 Clarke, Barry 8.4 1.0 123697 Black Out! Animals That Live in the Dark EN 304 EN Beezus and Ramona 24 EN Dear Mr. Henshaw 5009 EN Ellen Tebbits 6262 EN Emily's Runaway Imagination 266 EN Henry and Beezus Clarke, Ginjer L. 3.5 0.5 Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 4.8 4.9 4.9 6.1 4.6 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 4.0 418 EN Henry and the Clubhouse 663 EN Henry and the Paper Route 34 EN Henry Huggins 6336 EN Mitch and Amy 182 EN Mouse and the Motorcycle, The 6482 EN Otis Spofford Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 5.1 5.3 4.7 6.2 5.1 4.6 4.0 4.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 336 EN Ralph S. Mouse 72 EN Ramona and Her Father 491 EN Ramona and Her Mother Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 5.1 5.2 4.8 3.0 3.0 4.0 186 EN Ramona Forever 134 EN Ramona Quimby, Age 8 32142 Ramona's World EN Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 4.8 5.6 4.0 3.0 Cleary, Beverly 4.8 4.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 285 EN Ramona the Brave 492 EN Ramona the Pest 7745 EN Ribsy 5041 EN Runaway Ralph 190 EN Socks 5442 EN Strider 29490 Just Another Ordinary Day EN 6254 EN Big Al 16637 Frindle EN 31641 Landry News, The EN 82274 Last Holiday Concert, The EN 88626 Lunch Money EN 77860 Report Card, The EN 106750 Room One: A Mystery or Two EN 50395 School Story, The EN 17213 Cat EN 436 EN Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes 5029 EN Molly's Pilgrim 100632 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat! EN 15114 Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive, The EN 14855 Story of Ruby Bridges, The EN 54675 Artemis Fowl EN 59973 Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident EN 68990 Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code EN 109333 Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony EN 87709 Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception EN Page 9 of 48 Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly Cleary, Beverly 4.9 5.1 5.0 5.3 5.2 4.8 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 Clement, Rod 3.2 0.5 Clements, Andrew 3.8 0.5 Clements, Andrew 5.4 2.0 Clements, Andrew 6.0 4.0 Clements, Andrew 5.4 4.0 Clements, Andrew 5.2 6.0 Clements, Andrew 4.9 5.0 Clements, Andrew 5.1 4.0 Clements, Andrew 5.2 5.0 Clutton-Brock, Juliet Coerr, Eleanor Cohen, Barbara 7.3 1.0 4.1 3.0 1.0 0.5 Colandro, Lucille 2.2 0.5 Cole, Joanna 3.9 0.5 Coles, Robert 4.4 0.5 Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 Colfer, Eoin 5.0 9.0 Colfer, Eoin 5.0 10.0 Colfer, Eoin 5.3 13.0 Colfer, Eoin 5.7 12.0 105928 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN Half-Moon Investigations 78565 Supernaturalist, The EN 43602 Animal Dads EN 127 EN My Brother Sam Is Dead 105811 D Is for Dragon Dance EN 51775 Dear Lovey Hart, I am Desperate EN 17277 I Love You, I Hate You, Get Lost EN 5268 EN Face on the Milk Carton, The 39788 Absolutely Lucy EN 109 EN Dark Is Rising, The 11466 Greenwitch EN 33 EN Grey King, The 129 EN Over Sea, Under Stone 6682 EN Silver on the Tree 103765 Free Baseball EN 101209 Misadventures of Maude March, or, Trouble Rides EN a Fast Horse, The 73767 Juliet Dove, Queen of Love EN 715 EN Red Badge of Courage (Unabridged), The 5271 EN I Heard the Owl Call My Name 34713 Bloomability EN 17762 Chasing Redbird EN 71135 Granny Torrelli Makes Soup EN 77515 Heartbeat EN 52616 Love That Dog EN 18741 Pleasing the Ghost EN 101800 Replay Page 10 of 48 Colfer, Eoin 4.2 9.0 Colfer, Eoin 4.8 9.0 Collard III, Sneed B. Collier, James/Christopher Compestine, Ying Chang 3.9 0.5 4.9 7.0 2.3 0.5 Conford, Ellen 6.5 5.0 Conford, Ellen 4.3 3.0 Cooney, Caroline B. 4.8 6.0 Cooper, Ilene 2.7 1.0 Cooper, Susan 6.2 13.0 Cooper, Susan 5.3 6.0 Cooper, Susan Cooper, Susan Cooper, Susan 6.2 5.4 6.0 9.0 12.0 14.0 Corbett, Sue 4.3 5.0 Couloumbis, Audrey 5.1 11.0 Coville, Bruce 5.0 7.0 Crane, Stephen Craven, Margaret 8.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 Creech, Sharon 5.2 7.0 Creech, Sharon 5.0 7.0 Creech, Sharon 4.2 2.0 Creech, Sharon 5.0 2.0 Creech, Sharon 4.5 1.0 Creech, Sharon 3.0 2.0 Creech, Sharon 4.2 4.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 58208 Ruby Holler EN 10299 Walk Two Moons EN 36678 Wanderer, The EN 6057 EN Bigmama's 20104 Congo EN 45430 Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type EN 104090 Click, Clack, Splish, Splash: A Counting EN Adventure 72276 Diary of a Worm EN 58465 Giggle, Giggle, Quack EN 29554 Bud, Not Buddy EN 117751 Elijah of Buxton EN 11552 Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963, The EN 14989 Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The EN 8693 EN Catherine, Called Birdy 43469 Matilda Bone EN 11553 Midwife's Apprentice, The EN 35821 100th Day Worries EN 104742 EN Invisible in the Third Grade 65702 Skeleton Hiccups EN 110486 Great Green Gator Graduation EN 10697 Werewolves Don't Go to Summer Camp EN 5058 EN BFG, The 20 EN Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 5063 EN Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator Page 11 of 48 Creech, Sharon 4.3 6.0 Creech, Sharon 4.9 9.0 Creech, Sharon 5.2 6.0 Crews, Donald 2.8 0.5 Crichton, Michael 7.5 15.0 Cronin, Doreen 2.3 0.5 Cronin, Doreen 1.0 0.5 Cronin, Doreen 2.8 0.5 Cronin, Doreen 2.3 0.5 5.0 8.0 5.4 12.0 Curtis, Christopher Paul 5.0 8.0 Cushman, Karen 5.8 7.0 Cushman, Karen 6.4 8.0 Cushman, Karen 5.7 5.0 Cushman, Karen 6.0 3.0 Cuyler, Margery 3.0 0.5 Cuyler, Margery 3.8 1.0 Cuyler, Margery 1.3 0.5 Dadey, Debbie 4.0 1.0 Dadey, Debbie 3.8 1.0 Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald 4.8 4.8 6.0 5.0 Dahl, Roald 4.4 5.0 Curtis, Christopher Paul Curtis, Christopher Paul 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 10772 Esio Trot EN 232 EN James and the Giant Peach 5429 EN Matilda 9297 EN Twits, The 6448 EN Witches, The 42444 Play to the Angel EN 21 EN Courage of Sarah Noble, The 11145 Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon EN 12760 Amber Brown Wants Extra Credit EN 213 EN Cat Ate My Gymsuit, The 27724 Forever Amber Brown EN 88649 I Have a Dream: The Story of Martin Luther King EN 7158 EN Just Like Martin 29778 EN Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky 28025 Big Anthony: His Story EN 19208 Bill and Pete EN 80072 Bonjour, Mr. Satie EN 27466 Cloud Book, The EN 81200 Jingle, the Christmas Clown EN 6093 EN Strega Nona: An Old Tale Retold and Illustrated 185 EN Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade 102444 Grand Old Tree, A EN 408 EN Cookies and Crutches 11457 EN Boy of the Painted Cave 39557 Because of Winn-Dixie EN 102971 Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, The EN 70401 Tale of Despereaux, The EN Page 12 of 48 Dahl, Roald 4.4 1.0 Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald Dahlberg, Maurine F. Dalgliesh, Alice 4.8 5.0 4.4 4.7 4.0 6.0 1.0 5.0 4.7 6.0 3.9 1.0 Danziger, Paula 3.7 1.0 Danziger, Paula 3.7 2.0 Danziger, Paula 3.9 4.0 Danziger, Paula 3.8 1.0 Davidson, Margaret 4.8 2.0 Davis, Ossie Dayrell, Elphinstone 5.2 8.0 3.1 0.5 De Paola, Tomie 3.0 0.5 De Paola, Tomie 2.8 0.5 De Paola, Tomie 3.0 0.5 De Paola, Tomie 3.7 0.5 De Paola, Tomie 3.6 0.5 De Paola, Tomie DeClements, Barthe DePalma, Mary Newell Delton, Judy 3.9 3.7 0.5 4.0 2.6 0.5 3.0 1.0 Denzel, Justin 5.2 5.0 DiCamillo, Kate 3.9 3.0 DiCamillo, Kate 4.4 2.0 DiCamillo, Kate 4.7 5.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 45130 Tiger Rising, The EN 44702 EN Christmas Carol (Unabridged), A 707 EN Great Expectations (Unabridged) 5673 EN Mystery of Cabin Island, The 5674 EN Mystery of the Aztec Warrior, The 6674 EN Morning Girl 8403 EN Ant Cities 67232 Where I'd Like to Be EN 5984 EN Hound of the Baskervilles (Unabridged), The 53684 Flipped EN 69274 City of Ember, The EN 80066 People of Sparks, The EN 106652 EN Prophet of Yonwood, The 7678 EN Loop the Loop 30796 Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Sleep EN 767 EN I Know What You Did Last Summer 41964 Here Is the African Savanna EN 32210 Journal of Sean Sullivan: A Transcontinental EN Railroad Worker, The 471 EN Half Magic 117607 Emperor Penguins EN 31 EN Ginger Pye 42 EN Hundred Dresses, The 57 EN Middle Moffat, The 43410 Pinky Pye EN 47421 Rufus M. EN 44266 Olivia EN 70108 Butterflies for Kiri EN 105 EN Black Stallion, The Page 13 of 48 DiCamillo, Kate 4.0 3.0 Dickens, Charles 6.7 5.0 Dickens, Charles Dixon, Franklin W. Dixon, Franklin W. Dorris, Michael Dorros, Arthur Dowell, Frances O'Roark Doyle, Arthur Conan Draanen, Wendelin Van 9.2 5.2 5.8 4.9 3.2 35.0 5.0 6.0 2.0 0.5 5.4 6.0 8.3 11.0 4.8 8.0 DuPrau, Jeanne 5.0 9.0 DuPrau, Jeanne 4.9 11.0 DuPrau, Jeanne 4.9 9.0 Dugan, Barbara 3.7 0.5 Dunbar, Joyce 2.2 0.5 Duncan, Lois 4.7 7.0 Dunphy, Madeleine 5.1 0.5 Durbin, William 5.9 5.0 Eager, Edward 5.0 5.0 Edwards, Roberta 2.9 0.5 Estes, Eleanor Estes, Eleanor Estes, Eleanor 6.0 5.4 4.6 9.0 1.0 6.0 Estes, Eleanor 5.9 9.0 Estes, Eleanor 5.2 8.0 Falconer, Ian 2.0 0.5 Falwell, Cathryn 3.9 0.5 Farley, Walter 5.2 7.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 11713 Ear, the Eye, and the Arm, The EN 11144 Zlata's Diary EN 59434 Miss Malarkey Doesn't Live in Room 10 EN 226 EN Harriet the Spy 5492 EN Story About Ping, The 146 EN Whipping Boy, The 7857 EN In the Tall, Tall Grass 55664 Autumn Leaves Are Falling EN 55033 EN Walk Across the Sea 47 EN Johnny Tremain 57736 Magic Hat, The EN 530 EN Diary of a Young Girl, The 64592 Understanding September 11th: Answering EN Questions...America 18468 Children of the Wild West EN 18482 Indian Chiefs EN 238 EN Lincoln: A Photobiography Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane, 5913 EN The 5464 EN Corduroy 75358 Corduroy Makes a Cake EN 84457 T. Rex EN 6460 EN Double Life of Pocahontas, The 5418 EN George Washington's Breakfast 82162 Dragon Rider EN 71683 EN Inkheart 100861 Inkspell EN 114750 Princess Pigsty EN 63446 Thief Lord, The EN Page 14 of 48 Farmer, Nancy 4.7 12.0 Filipovic, Zlata 4.3 5.0 Finchler, Judy 2.4 0.5 Fitzhugh, Louise Flack, Marjorie Fleischman, Sid Fleming, Denise 4.5 4.3 3.9 1.6 8.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 Fleming, Maria 1.1 0.5 Fletcher, Susan 4.3 5.0 Forbes, Esther 5.9 13.0 Fox, Mem 2.8 0.5 Frank, Anne 6.5 14.0 Frank, Mitch 8.1 5.0 Freedman, Russell 6.9 2.0 Freedman, Russell 7.3 5.0 Freedman, Russell 7.7 5.0 Freedman, Russell 7.7 4.0 Freeman, Don 3.5 0.5 Freeman/Inches 1.7 0.5 French, Vivian 3.1 0.5 Fritz, Jean Fritz, Jean 5.9 4.1 4.0 0.5 Funke, Cornelia 4.9 16.0 Funke, Cornelia 5.4 23.0 Funke, Cornelia 5.6 29.0 Funke, Cornelia 3.3 0.5 Funke, Cornelia 4.8 13.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 7712 EN Dragons of Blueland, The 7714 EN Elmer and the Dragon 486 EN My Father's Dragon 34710 Jack on the Tracks: Four Seasons Of Fifth Grade EN 293 EN Stone Fox 9 EN Blue Willow 47425 Hero of Ticonderoga, The EN 114987 Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark, The EN 11179 EN More Spaghetti, I Say! 49 EN Julie of the Wolves 64 EN My Side of the Mountain 9798 EN Three Hat Day, A 4999 EN Mice Are Nice 51292 Moon Book, The EN 85478 Secrets of the Sphinx EN 5211 EN Candy Corn Contest, The 17781 Lily's Crossing EN 61467 Pictures of Hollis Woods EN 5246 EN Valentine Star, The 66 EN Old Yeller 2898 EN Compost! Growing Gardens From Your Garbage 5221 EN Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, The 744 EN Lord of the Flies 52150 "Let's Get a Pup!" Said Kate EN 524 EN Wind in the Willows (Unabridged), The 131 EN Philip Hall Likes Me. I Reckon Maybe. 391 EN Summer of My German Soldier 119244 Elly: My True Story of the Holocaust EN 49949 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton: Daughter of America EN Page 15 of 48 Gannett, Ruth Stiles Gannett, Ruth Stiles Gannett, Ruth Stiles 4.9 4.6 5.6 1.0 1.0 1.0 Gantos, Jack 5.1 6.0 Gardiner, John Reynolds Gates, Doris 4.0 1.0 6.5 6.0 Gauthier, Gail 5.5 9.0 Geist, Ken 3.0 0.5 1.2 0.5 5.8 6.0 5.2 6.0 3.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 Gibbons, Gail 4.8 0.5 Giblin, James Cross 8.2 1.0 Giff, Patricia Reilly 2.5 1.0 Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.6 5.0 Giff, Patricia Reilly 4.4 5.0 Giff, Patricia Reilly Gipson, Fred Glaser, Linda Goble, Paul Golding, William 2.5 5.0 2.8 4.1 5.0 1.0 5.0 0.5 0.5 9.0 Graham, Bob 2.8 0.5 Grahame, Kenneth Greene, Bette Greene, Bette Gross, Elly Berkovits Grunwell, Jeanne Marie 8.2 5.0 5.2 11.0 4.0 9.0 5.1 2.0 5.3 2.0 Gelman, Rita Golden George, Jean Craighead George, Jean Craighead Geringer, Laura Ghigna, Charles 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 6121 EN Is Your Mama a Llama? 529 EN Death Be Not Proud 103771 EN Homework Machine, The 110169 Miss Holly Is Too Jolly! EN 103588 Satch & Me: A Baseball Card Adventure EN 21296 Summertime Song, A EN 34884 Just Ella EN 596 EN Wait Till Helen Comes 117766 Book of a Thousand Days EN 104732 Princess Academy EN 8671 EN Roots 6663 EN Cousins 68619 Time Pieces: The Book of Times EN 79913 Ida B...and Her Plans to Maximize Fun...Save the EN World 17624 I Thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly: The Diary EN of Patsy...Girl 71686 EN Shadows on the Sea 114472 Just Grace EN 104829 Night Pirates, The EN 57450 100 Days of School EN 57572 Johnny Appleseed: My Story EN 105794 Owen and Mzee: The True Story of a Remarkable EN Friendship 127747 Violet Raines Almost Got Struck by Lightning EN 49932 Blesseds Jacinta and Francisco Marto: Shepherds EN of Fatima 7668 EN Day of Ahmed's Secret, The Page 16 of 48 Guarino, Deborah Gunther, John 1.6 8.0 0.5 8.0 Gutman, Dan 4.8 4.0 Gutman, Dan 4.0 1.0 Gutman, Dan 4.1 5.0 Haas, Irene 3.5 0.5 5.5 6.0 4.6 5.0 Hale, Shannon 5.3 9.0 Hale, Shannon 6.0 10.0 Haley, Alex Hamilton, Virginia 7.4 3.7 48.0 4.0 Hamilton, Virginia 3.2 4.0 Hannigan, Katherine 5.3 5.0 Hansen, Joyce 5.0 5.0 Harlow, Joan Hiatt 4.2 5.0 Harper, Charise Mericle 4.8 2.0 Harris, Peter 2.4 0.5 Harris, Trudy 2.3 0.5 Harrison, David L. 2.4 0.5 Hatkoff, Isabella 5.4 0.5 Haworth, Danette 3.7 4.0 Heffernan/Jablonski 5.5 2.0 Heide, Florence Parry 3.4 0.5 Haddix, Margaret Peterson Hahn, Mary Downing 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 27963 Have Space Suit Will Travel EN 110337 EN Horns & Wrinkles 5994 EN Old Man and the Sea, The 51 EN King of the Wind 120416 Dulcie's Taste of Magic EN 726 EN All Creatures Great and Small 68950 Nappy Hair EN 10036 Hiroshima EN 32207 Light in the Storm: The Civil War Diary of Amelia EN Martin, A 18783 Out of the Dust EN 11733 Phoenix Rising EN 101038 Flush EN 61464 Hoot EN 21396 Ibis: A True Whale Story EN 381 EN Outsiders, The 47324 Coyote and Badger: Desert Hunters of the EN Southwest 28221 Arthur's Funny Money EN 6252 EN Bargain for Frances, A 16865 Bread and Jam for Frances EN 27524 EN Toot & Puddle 7335 EN Mrs. Brice's Mice 5452 EN Amazing Grace 32216 Why Do They Hate Me? EN 116937 Piper Reed, Navy Brat EN 17330 No Fair! EN 363 EN Farewell to Manzanar Page 17 of 48 Heinlein, Robert A. 5.9 12.0 Helgerson, Joseph 5.1 8.0 Hemingway, Ernest Henry, Marguerite 5.1 5.4 4.0 5.0 Herman, Gail 3.2 1.0 Herriot, James 6.8 26.0 Herron, Carolivia 2.2 0.5 Hersey, John 8.4 9.0 Hesse, Karen 5.3 4.0 Hesse, Karen 5.3 3.0 Hesse, Karen 4.0 6.0 Hiaasen, Carl 5.0 9.0 Hiaasen, Carl 5.2 9.0 Himmelman, John 3.4 0.5 Hinton, S.E. 4.7 7.0 Hiscock, Bruce 4.6 0.5 Hoban, Lillian 3.1 0.5 Hoban, Russell 2.8 0.5 Hoban, Russell 3.4 0.5 Hobbie, Holly 2.2 0.5 Hoff, Syd Hoffman, Mary 2.3 3.5 0.5 0.5 Holliday, Laurel 6.8 12.0 Holt, Kimberly Willis 3.5 2.0 Holtzman, Caren 1.4 0.5 Houston, Jeanne 6.7 7.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 254 EN Bunnicula 32448 Bunnicula Strikes Again! EN 660 EN Celery Stalks at Midnight, The 5021 EN Howliday Inn 20656 Pinky and Rex EN 16389 Pinky and Rex and the New Neighbors EN 20036 Pinky and Rex and the School Play EN 6696 EN Pinky and Rex and the Spelling Bee 6484 EN Return to Howliday Inn 67074 Sally Goes to the Beach EN 60689 Sally Goes to the Farm EN 57172 Sally Goes to the Mountains EN 102 EN Across Five Aprils 7322 EN Johnny Lion's Book 25557 Spring Break EN 86937 Every Child a Light: The Pope's Message to Young EN People 21572 EN Secret of Platform 13, The 60763 Saint Maximilian Kolbe: Mary's Knight EN 900 EN "Charles" 7168 EN Mariel of Redwall 28453 Marlfox EN 81927 Rakkety Tam EN 7129 EN Redwall 10793 Salamandastron EN 22515 My Friend Whale EN 64752 Survival in the Storm: The Dust Bowl Diary of EN Grace Edwards Page 18 of 48 Howe, Deborah/James 4.2 2.0 Howe, James 4.8 3.0 Howe, James Howe, James 4.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 Howe, James 3.1 0.5 Howe, James 3.0 0.5 Howe, James 3.3 0.5 Howe, James Howe, James 3.2 5.8 0.5 3.0 Huneck, Stephen 1.4 0.5 Huneck, Stephen 1.1 0.5 Huneck, Stephen 1.5 0.5 Hunt, Irene Hurd, Edith 6.6 2.3 10.0 0.5 Hurwitz, Johanna 4.7 3.0 II, John Paul 7.0 0.5 Ibbotson, Eva 5.8 7.0 5.3 2.0 7.0 5.7 0.5 16.0 Jacques, Brian 5.7 17.0 Jacques, Brian 5.5 16.0 Jacques, Brian 5.6 16.0 Jacques, Brian 5.7 16.0 James, Simon 2.4 0.5 Janke, Katelan 6.4 6.0 Jablonski, Patricia Edward Jackson, Shirley Jacques, Brian 17305 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN Biggest, Strongest, Fastest 17835 Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural EN Revolution 2485 EN Circuit, The 7318 EN Harold and the Purple Crayon 117320 What Kind of Baby-Sitter Is This? EN 32676 They Led the Way EN 106781 Sand Dollar Summer EN 61033 Blue-Ribbon Blues EN 61034 Buried Treasure EN 61046 Santa Dog EN 6077 EN Mama, Do You Love Me? 88393 Hello, Goodbye Window, The EN 130 EN Phantom Tollbooth, The 74071 Kira-Kira EN 16856 Fat Cat Sat on the Mat, The EN 74462 Trellis and the Seed, The EN 102601 Dog Who Cried Wolf, The EN 7655 EN Apt. 3 45240 Goggles! EN 27506 Letter to Amy, A EN 73894 Louie EN 16869 EN Peter's Chair 17550 Whistle for Willie EN 5620 EN Hidden Staircase, The 5645 EN Secret of the Old Clock, The 6122 EN Jack and the Beanstalk 142 EN Trumpeter of Krakow, The Page 19 of 48 Jenkins, Steve 2.3 0.5 Jiang, Ji-li 5.0 8.0 JimŽnez, Francisco Johnson, Crockett 5.3 3.0 4.0 0.5 Johnson, Delores 2.9 0.5 Johnston, Johanna 5.1 2.0 Jones, Kimberly K. 4.6 6.0 3.6 1.0 3.5 1.0 3.4 1.0 2.3 0.5 Juster, Norton 3.4 0.5 Juster, Norton 6.7 7.0 Kadohata, Cynthia 4.7 7.0 Karlin, Nurit 1.9 0.5 Karon, Jan 3.6 0.5 Kasza, Keiko 1.8 0.5 Keats, Ezra Jack 2.6 0.5 Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 Keats, Ezra Jack 2.4 0.5 Keats, Ezra Jack 1.7 0.5 Keats, Ezra Jack 1.8 0.5 Keats, Ezra Jack 2.5 0.5 Keene, Carolyn Keene, Carolyn Kellogg, Steven Kelly, Eric 5.5 5.4 4.1 7.1 6.0 5.0 0.5 10.0 Jones, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia Thornton Jones, Marcia Thornton Joosse, Barbara M. 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 16720 Profiles in Courage EN 66531 Pirate Pete EN 110948 Pirate Pete's Giant Adventure EN 83024 Akhenaten Adventure, The EN 104779 Blue Djinn of Babylon, The EN 73956 Lily B. on the Brink of Cool EN 21235 EN Hooray! It's Passover! 120362 Slam Dunk EN 17579 Mouse Called Wolf, A EN 14884 School Mouse, The EN 31213 Water Horse, The EN 113950 Diary of a Wimpy Kid EN 119441 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules EN 127979 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw EN 733 EN Captains Courageous 20237 Jungle Book (Books I & II), The EN 29969 Kim (Unabridged) EN 127112 EN Thanksgiving Turkey Trouble 83158 Tooth Trouble EN 108681 Herbie Jones and the Second Grade Slippers EN 6270 EN Horrible Harry and the Ant Invasion 20023 Horrible Harry and the Drop of Doom EN 15298 Horrible Harry and the Dungeon EN 6272 EN Horrible Harry and the Green Slime Page 20 of 48 Kennedy, John F. 11.4 13.0 Kennedy, Kim 3.8 0.5 Kennedy, Kim 3.3 0.5 Kerr, P.B. 5.7 13.0 Kerr, P.B. 5.9 14.0 Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 5.6 7.0 Kimmelman, Leslie 2.1 0.5 King, Donna 4.5 3.0 King-Smith, Dick 5.3 2.0 King-Smith, Dick 5.0 3.0 King-Smith, Dick 5.4 2.0 Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Kinney, Jeff 5.2 3.0 Kinney, Jeff 5.4 3.0 Kipling, Rudyard 8.0 9.0 Kipling, Rudyard 7.4 20.0 Kipling, Rudyard 7.7 18.0 Klein, Abby 3.1 1.0 Klein, Abby 3.3 1.0 Kline, Suzy 2.8 0.5 Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 Kline, Suzy 2.8 1.0 Kline, Suzy 3.1 1.0 Kline, Suzy 3.3 1.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 20024 Horrible Harry and the Kickball Wedding EN 69043 Horrible Harry and the Mud Gremlins EN 18725 Horrible Harry and the Purple People EN 109524 Horrible Harry and the Triple Revenge EN 487 EN Horrible Harry in Room 2B 6273 EN Horrible Harry's Secret 64032 Marvin and the Mean Words EN From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. 29 EN Frankweiler 15098 View from Saturday, The EN 48259 No More Dead Dogs EN 119940 Swindle EN 5522 EN Leo the Late Bloomer 11171 Fraidy Cats EN 75987 Drat! You Copycat! EN 67288 I Hate Rules! EN 104963 Karate Katie EN 89120 Whirlwind Vacation, A EN 80190 Who's Afraid of Fourth Grade? EN 4 EN And Now Miguel 56446 Water Hole Waiting EN 102551 EN Leon and the Champion Chip 5251 EN Acceptable Time, An 5945 EN Many Waters 6398 EN Swiftly Tilting Planet, A 10650 Troubling a Star EN 5098 EN Wind in the Door, A Page 21 of 48 Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 Kline, Suzy 3.5 1.0 Kline, Suzy 2.9 0.5 Kline, Suzy 3.0 1.0 Kline, Suzy Kline, Suzy 3.2 2.8 0.5 0.5 Kline, Suzy 2.9 1.0 Konigsburg, E.L. 4.7 5.0 Konigsburg, E.L. 5.9 7.0 Korman, Gordon 4.5 5.0 Korman, Gordon 4.9 5.0 Kraus, Robert 1.2 0.5 Krensky, Stephen 2.0 0.5 Krulik, Nancy 3.4 1.0 Krulik, Nancy 3.3 1.0 Krulik, Nancy 3.3 1.0 Krulik, Nancy 3.5 2.0 Krulik, Nancy 3.5 2.0 Krumgold, Joseph Kurtz, Jane/Christopher 4.8 8.0 2.3 0.5 Kurzweil, Allen 4.9 9.0 L'Engle, Madeleine L'Engle, Madeleine L'Engle, Madeleine 4.5 4.7 5.2 11.0 10.0 10.0 L'Engle, Madeleine 5.1 12.0 L'Engle, Madeleine 5.0 7.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 150 EN Wrinkle in Time, A 114 EN Fledgling, The 39892 EN Time Bike, The 42386 Big Wide-Mouthed Frog: A Traditional Tale, The EN 6736 EN Lost Star 29521 Painters of the Caves EN 13839 Who Eats What?:Food Chains and Food Webs EN 9519 EN Patty Reed's Doll 73564 EN Pirates of Pompeii, The 58242 Thieves of Ostia, The EN 10114 Farthest Shore, The EN 246 EN Tombs of Atuan, The 5100 EN Wizard of Earthsea, A 5493 EN Story of Ferdinand, The 720 EN To Kill a Mockingbird 121167 Valentine Surprise EN 10043 Phantom of the Opera (Unabridged), The EN 114111 EN You Wish 18481 If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island EN 17769 Ella Enchanted EN 39907 Wish, The EN 612 EN Horse and His Boy, The 619 EN Last Battle, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Unabridged), 52 EN The 622 EN Magician's Nephew, The 634 EN Prince Caspian 747 EN Screwtape Letters, The 639 EN Silver Chair, The 649 EN Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Page 22 of 48 L'Engle, Madeleine Langton, Jane 4.7 5.0 7.0 6.0 Langton, Jane 5.8 5.0 2.1 0.5 6.0 3.0 Lauber, Patricia 5.8 1.0 Lauber, Patricia 3.8 0.5 Laurgaard, Rachel 5.7 4.0 Lawrence, Caroline 5.0 6.0 Lawrence, Caroline 5.2 6.0 Le Guin, Ursula K. 6.1 10.0 Le Guin, Ursula K. Le Guin, Ursula K. Leaf, Munro 5.9 6.7 3.7 7.0 9.0 0.5 Lee, Harper 5.6 15.0 Lee, Quinlan B. 1.8 0.5 Leroux, Gaston 7.1 12.0 Lethcoe, Jason 6.2 6.0 Levine, Ellen 6.4 1.0 Levine, Gail Carson 4.6 8.0 Levine, Gail Carson 3.5 5.0 Lewis, C.S. Lewis, C.S. 5.8 5.6 8.0 7.0 Lewis, C.S. 5.7 6.0 Lewis, C.S. Lewis, C.S. Lewis, C.S. Lewis, C.S. Lewis, C.S. 5.4 5.7 8.8 5.7 5.9 6.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Larra–aga, Ana Mart’n Lauber, Patricia 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 70841 Runaway Pumpkin, The EN 105809 Bats at the Beach EN 18739 Pippi Goes on Board EN 18740 Pippi in the South Seas EN 69 EN Pippi Longstocking 17503 Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse EN 82357 Six Crows EN 17549 Swimmy EN 353 EN Afternoon of the Elves 40318 Fables EN 5512 EN Frog and Toad All Year 6116 EN Frog and Toad Are Friends 5467 EN Frog and Toad Together 7333 EN Mouse Soup 7334 EN Mouse Tales 7387 EN Owl at Home 7399 EN Uncle Elephant 44771 Where the River Begins EN 107 EN Call of the Wild, The 72204 White Fang (Unabridged) EN 2128 EN Baby Whale's Journey 15805 Froggy Goes to School EN 32246 Froggy Plays Soccer EN 16388 Let's Go, Froggy! EN 229 EN In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 106154 Rules EN 119224 Nightmare Academy EN 54446 Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon EN Page 23 of 48 Lewis, Kevin 4.2 0.5 Lies, Brian 3.4 0.5 Lindgren, Astrid 5.3 4.0 Lindgren, Astrid 5.4 3.0 Lindgren, Astrid 5.2 4.0 Lionni, Leo 3.0 0.5 Lionni, Leo 3.2 0.5 Lionni, Leo 2.9 0.5 Lisle, Janet Taylor 5.0 4.0 Lobel, Arnold 4.2 1.0 Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold Lobel, Arnold 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.4 3.0 2.7 2.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Locker, Thomas 4.1 0.5 London, Jack 8.0 7.0 London, Jack 7.4 13.0 London, Jonathan 3.5 0.5 London, Jonathan 2.4 0.5 London, Jonathan 2.2 0.5 London, Jonathan 1.9 0.5 Lord, Bette Bao 4.6 4.0 Lord, Cynthia 3.9 4.0 Lorey, Dean 5.3 9.0 Lovell, Patty 3.5 0.5 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 18348 Three Little Javelinas, The EN 454 EN Anastasia at Your Service 8568 EN Giver, The 105737 Gossamer EN 77348 Messenger EN 379 EN Number the Stars 117266 Curse of the Campfire Weenies, and other EN Warped...Tales, The 32916 Hidden Talents EN 43534 Because I Love You EN 106285 Heat EN 56876 Scaredy Mouse EN 63 EN Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle 34688 Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm EN 36025 Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic EN 80120 Black Water EN 66731 EN Lost City of Faar, The 66636 Merchant of Death, The EN 70165 Never War, The EN 116249 Pilgrims of Rayne, The EN 106822 Quillan Games, The EN 72386 EN Reality Bug, The 89886 Rivers of Zadaa, The EN 137 EN Sarah, Plain and Tall 9545 EN Castle 47219 Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction Page 24 of 48 Lowell, Susan 3.7 0.5 Lowry, Lois Lowry, Lois 4.3 5.7 5.0 7.0 Lowry, Lois 4.4 4.0 Lowry, Lois 4.9 5.0 Lowry, Lois 4.5 4.0 Lubar, David 3.8 5.0 Lubar, David 4.2 7.0 Lucado, Max 3.4 0.5 Lupica, Mike 5.3 9.0 MacDonald, Alan 2.8 0.5 MacDonald, Betty 5.2 3.0 MacDonald, Betty 4.9 4.0 MacDonald, Betty 5.5 5.0 MacHale, D.J. 4.6 17.0 MacHale, D.J. 4.9 17.0 MacHale, D.J. 5.0 18.0 MacHale, D.J. 4.4 14.0 MacHale, D.J. 4.3 22.0 MacHale, D.J. 4.7 22.0 MacHale, D.J. 4.5 15.0 MacHale, D.J. 4.5 18.0 MacLachlan, Patricia Macaulay, David 3.4 1.0 7.9 1.0 Macaulay, David 7.3 1.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 75166 City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction EN 18491 Pyramid EN 110845 Monster Math EN 41843 "What is That?" Said the Cat EN 109085 John Madden's Heroes of Football: The Story of EN America's Game 17339 Seven Chinese Brothers, The EN 7103 EN Autobiography of Malcolm X, The 43671 George and Martha Tons of Fun EN 64174 Goldilocks and the Three Bears EN 65915 Life of Pi EN 670 EN Knots on a Counting Rope 101885 Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray, A EN 9436 EN Karen's School Picture 20130 Parrot in the Oven EN 7701 EN Adventure in Legoland 48513 Boy at War: A Novel of Pearl Harbor, A EN 80955 Boy No More, A EN 88487 Heroes Don't Run: A Novel of the Pacific War EN 116749 EN Ten Ways to Make My Sister Disappear 18244 Dark at the Top of the Stairs, The EN 17240 Reptile EN 58830 Hondo and Fabian EN 70880 Gilgamesh the Hero EN 5459 EN Blueberries for Sal Page 25 of 48 Macaulay, David 7.7 1.0 Macaulay, David 7.5 1.0 Maccarone, Grace 1.5 0.5 Maccarone, Grace 1.4 0.5 Madden, John 7.5 6.0 Mahy, Margaret 4.8 0.5 Malcolm/Haley 7.5 32.0 Marshall, James 2.4 0.5 Marshall, James 3.1 0.5 Martel, Yann 5.7 16.0 Martin Jr., Bill 2.8 0.5 Martin, Ann M. 5.1 5.0 Martin, Ann M. 3.1 2.0 Mart’nez, V’ctor 6.1 7.0 Matas, Carol 3.8 2.0 Mazer, Harry 3.8 3.0 Mazer, Harry 3.5 4.0 Mazer, Harry 4.0 3.0 Mazer, Norma Fox 3.7 3.0 McBratney, Sam 3.9 0.5 McCarthy, Colin 7.6 1.0 McCarty, Peter 1.2 0.5 5.1 3.0 4.1 0.5 McCaughrean, Geraldine McCloskey, Robert 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 39 EN Homer Price 5524 EN Make Way for Ducklings 740 EN Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, The 6335 EN Mirette on the High Wire 14433 Papagayo: The Mischief Maker EN Raven: A Trickster Tale from the Pacific 7642 EN Northwest 56498 Judy Moody Gets Famous! EN Page 26 of 48 McCloskey, Robert McCloskey, Robert McCullers, Carson McCully, Emily Arnold 6.6 4.1 6.3 4.0 0.5 19.0 3.6 0.5 McDermott, Gerald 3.8 0.5 McDermott, Gerald 2.5 0.5 McDonald, Megan 3.5 1.0 3.6 1.0 3.5 1.0 3.5 1.0 2.4 0.5 4.1 1.0 1.5 0.5 3.6 3.0 4.1 6.0 2.1 0.5 McKy, Katie 4.8 0.5 McLeod, Bob 2.4 0.5 McMullan, Kate 2.6 0.5 McNamara, Margaret 1.5 0.5 McPhail, David 1.3 0.5 McPhail, David 1.6 0.5 McPhail, David 1.7 0.5 McPhail, David 1.7 0.5 62253 Judy Moody Saves the World McDonald, Megan EN 48375 Judy Moody Was in a Mood. Not a Good Mood. A McDonald, Megan EN Bad Mood. 114236 Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers McDonald, Megan EN 78818 Mrs. Watson Wants Your Teeth McGhee, Alison EN 18478 If You Lived in Colonial Times McGovern, Ann EN 44124 Too Much Noise McGovern, Ann EN 16952 Good Grief...Third Grade EN 112565 Friendship for Today, A EN 7383 EN Monkey-Monkey's Trick 110682 Pumpkin Town! Or, Nothing is Better and Worse EN Than Pumpkins 104414 SuperHero ABC EN 73310 EN Fluffy Meets the Tooth Fairy 72356 Pumpkin Patch, The EN 40699 Bug, a Bear, and a Boy, A EN 40700 Bug, a Bear, and a Boy Go to School, A EN 41883 Day the Sheep Showed Up, The EN 108486 EN Lost! McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy McKissack, Patricia C. McKissack, Patricia C. 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 7192 EN Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore! 27491 Cinderella's Rat EN 55264 Tiny the Snow Dog EN 635 EN Pushcart War, The 101659 Twilight EN 31110 Cows Can't Fly EN 109555 Substitute Groundhog EN 18769 EN House at Pooh Corner, The 103216 Roman Conspiracy, The EN 68580 Dinosaurumpus! EN 69667 Down by the Cool of the Pool EN 121160 Playful Little Penguins/Penguins to the Rescue! EN 551 EN Anne of Avonlea (Unabridged) 203 EN Anne of Green Gables (Unabridged) 5256 EN Anne of the Island (Unabridged) 53508 Search for the Missing Bones, The EN 112029 Time of Miracles, A EN 13784 Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin EN 17226 Insect EN 8019 EN Love You Forever 79376 Smelly Socks EN 109861 EN Desperate Journey 86638 Zen Shorts EN 111292 Confessions from the Principal's Chair EN 59209 Handbook for Boys: A Novel EN Page 27 of 48 McPhail, David 2.0 0.5 Meddaugh, Susan 2.5 0.5 Meister, Cari 0.6 0.5 Merrill, Jean 6.5 6.0 Meyer, Stephenie 4.9 18.0 Milgrim, David 2.4 0.5 Miller, Pat 2.6 0.5 Milne, A.A. 4.8 4.0 Mitchell, Jack 5.6 6.0 Mitton, Tony 2.0 0.5 Mitton, Tony 2.0 0.5 Mitton, Tony 2.9 0.5 Montgomery, L.M. 8.6 16.0 Montgomery, L.M. Montgomery, L.M. 7.3 6.3 17.0 12.0 Moore, Eva 4.4 1.0 Moore, Eva 3.3 0.5 Moss, Lloyd 3.3 0.5 Mound, Laurence 8.2 1.0 Munsch, Robert N. 3.4 0.5 Munsch, Robert N. 3.2 0.5 Murphy, Jim 5.5 9.0 Muth, Jon J. 2.9 0.5 Myers, Anna 4.8 8.0 Myers, Walter Dean 4.9 5.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Page 28 of 48 31189 Journal of Joshua Loper: A Black Cowboy, The Myers, Walter Dean EN 34709 Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins: A World War II Myers, Walter Dean EN Soldier, The 10129 Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary Myers, Walter Dean EN 7015 EN Now Is Your Time! 78680 Shooter EN 15087 Slam! EN 11379 Magic School Bus Inside Ralphie, The EN 45151 Tiger Math: Learning to Graph From a Baby Tiger EN 48949 Flying Machine EN 56481 Jimmy, the Pickpocket of the Palace EN 5440 EN Shiloh 5.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 8.0 6.0 Myers, Walter Dean 8.3 9.0 Myers, Walter Dean 4.8 5.0 Myers, Walter Dean 4.5 8.0 Nadler, Beth 3.5 0.5 Nagda/Bickel 4.9 0.5 Nahum, Andrew 7.9 1.0 Napoli, Donna Jo 3.6 4.0 Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4.4 4.0 3.5 0.5 4.6 9.0 4.5 9.0 4.9 10.0 7.0 2.0 2.2 0.5 3.9 0.5 7.6 1.0 7.1 5.3 7.0 5.0 Numeroff, Laura 2.2 0.5 Numeroff, Laura Numeroff, Laura 2.4 2.7 0.5 0.5 Numeroff, Laura 2.5 0.5 34595 Young Thomas Edison: Great Inventor Nemes, Claire EN 58682 How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found Nickerson, Sara EN 115222 Charlie Bone and the Beast Nimmo, Jenny EN 88697 Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors Nimmo, Jenny EN 60761 Saint Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe Nobisso, Josephine EN Noble, Trinka 5466 EN Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash, The Hakes 42391 Nolen, Jerdine EN In My Momma's Kitchen 17218 Dinosaur Norman/Milner EN 73 EN Rascal North, Sterling 10 EN Borrowers, The Norton, Mary 82078 Beatrice Doesn't Want To EN 6072 EN If You Give a Moose a Muffin 9570 EN If You Give a Mouse a Cookie 29210 If You Give a Pig a Pancake 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 60905 If You Take a Mouse to School EN 78618 What Aunts Do Best/What Uncles Do Best EN 44667 What Grandmas Do Best/What Grandpas Do Best EN 110497 What Mommies Do Best/What Daddies Do Best EN 62 EN Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH/The Secret of NIMH 57010 Things They Carried, The EN 44658 Ten Timid Ghosts EN 104 EN Black Pearl, The 555 EN Black Star, Bright Dawn 45 EN Island of the Blue Dolphins 5077 EN My Name Is Not Angelica 385 EN Sarah Bishop 244 EN Sing down the Moon 5300 EN Zia 516 EN My Friend Flicka 45250 Nice Try, Tooth Fairy EN 45793 Nim's Island EN 5976 EN 1984 727 EN Animal Farm 14651 Afternoon on the Amazon EN 109522 Blizzard of the Blue Moon EN 31058 Buffalo Before Breakfast EN 86191 Carnival at Candlelight EN 44894 Civil War on Sunday EN 121639 Dark Day in the Deep Sea EN 20015 Day of the Dragon King EN 35832 Page 29 of 48 Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 Numeroff, Laura 2.5 0.5 Numeroff, Laura 2.4 0.5 Numeroff, Laura 2.3 0.5 O'Brien, Robert C. 5.1 8.0 O'Brien, Tim 5.8 10.0 O'Connell, Jennifer 2.8 0.5 O'Dell, Scott O'Dell, Scott O'Dell, Scott O'Dell, Scott O'Dell, Scott O'Dell, Scott O'Dell, Scott O'Hara, Mary 5.4 4.3 5.4 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.1 6.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 5.0 15.0 Olson, Mary W. 1.7 0.5 Orr, Wendy 5.8 3.0 Orwell, George Orwell, George Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope 8.9 7.3 17.0 5.0 2.6 1.0 3.9 2.0 3.3 1.0 3.9 2.0 3.4 1.0 3.8 2.0 3.3 1.0 Osborne, Mary 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN Dingoes at Dinnertime 6311 EN Dinosaurs Before Dark 17563 Dolphins at Daybreak EN 51896 Earthquake in the Early Morning EN 17566 Ghost Town at Sundown EN 61516 Good Morning, Gorillas EN 68287 High Tide in Hawaii EN 25835 Hour of the Olympics EN 6327 EN Knight at Dawn, The 18727 Lions at Lunchtime EN 17578 EN Midnight on the Moon 116912 Monday with a Mad Genius EN 10644 Mummies in the Morning EN 105864 Night of the New Magicians EN 10680 Night of the Ninjas EN 9291 EN Pirates Past Noon 18742 Polar Bears Past Bedtime EN 43682 EN Revolutionary War on Wednesday 85874 Sabertooths and the Ice Age: A NF...Sunset of the EN Sabertooth 100034 Season of the Sandstorms EN 58030 Stage Fright on a Summer Night EN 25224 Standing in the Light: The Captive Diary of EN Catharine Carey... 14885 EN Sunset of the Sabertooth Page 30 of 48 Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope 3.2 1.0 2.6 1.0 3.1 1.0 3.3 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.3 1.0 3.4 1.0 3.3 1.0 2.9 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.8 1.0 3.8 2.0 2.7 1.0 4.0 2.0 2.7 1.0 2.8 1.0 3.3 1.0 3.5 1.0 4.3 1.0 3.9 2.0 3.3 1.0 5.1 4.0 3.0 1.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 64034 Thanksgiving on Thursday EN 31073 Tigers at Twilight EN 31065 Tonight on the Titanic EN 47830 Twister on Tuesday EN 20050 Vacation Under the Volcano EN 24935 Viking Ships at Sunrise EN 67431 EN I Know an Old Lady 58834 Moosetache EN 89884 Eldest EN 74404 Eragon EN 115599 How To Be a Girly Girl in Just Ten Days EN 13987 Whale EN 112061 Cupid Chronicles, The EN 5453 EN Amelia Bedelia 10501 Amelia Bedelia and the Baby EN 10502 Amelia Bedelia and the Surprise Shower EN 10503 Amelia Bedelia Goes Camping EN 20001 EN Amelia Bedelia Helps Out 9584 EN Amelia Bedelia's Family Album 5526 EN Merry Christmas, Amelia Bedelia 6087 EN Play Ball, Amelia Bedelia 57153 Junie B., First Grader (at Last!) EN 61519 Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch EN 68705 Junie B., First Grader: Cheater Pants EN Page 31 of 48 Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope Osborne, Mary Pope 3.3 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.1 1.0 3.2 1.0 3.3 1.0 3.3 1.0 Owen, Ann 3.5 0.5 Palatini, Margie 3.0 0.5 Paolini, Christopher 7.0 36.0 Paolini, Christopher 5.6 25.0 4.1 4.0 6.6 1.0 3.8 5.0 2.5 0.5 Parish, Peggy 2.0 0.5 Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Parish, Peggy 1.8 0.5 Parish, Peggy 2.3 0.5 Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy Parish, Peggy 2.2 2.1 2.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 Park, Barbara 2.6 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 Papademetriou, Lisa Papastavrou, Vassili Paratore, Coleen Murtagh Parish, Peggy 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 112907 Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny EN 73514 Junie B., First Grader: One-Man Band EN 80075 Junie B., First Grader: Shipwrecked EN 64031 Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder EN 14677 Junie B. Jones and That Meanie Jim's Birthday EN 32900 Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime EN 6324 EN Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus 44907 Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket EN 24936 Junie B. Jones Is a Beauty Shop Guy EN 49412 Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl EN 17571 EN Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal 31061 Junie B. Jones Is (Almost) a Flower Girl EN 44908 Junie B. Jones Is Captain Field Day EN 17572 Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook EN 12775 Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren EN 49768 Single Shard, A EN 83081 Hello, School Bus! EN 17222 EN Fish 17229 Mammal EN 17236 Pond & River EN 17241 Seashore EN 17245 Skeleton EN 6395 EN Rosa Parks, My Story 11 EN Bridge to Terabithia Page 32 of 48 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Park, Barbara 3.1 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.9 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.8 1.0 Park, Barbara 3.0 1.0 Park, Barbara 2.7 1.0 Park, Linda Sue 6.6 6.0 Parker, Marjorie Blain 0.6 0.5 Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Parker, Steve 7.8 1.0 Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Parker, Steve 7.6 1.0 Parker, Steve 7.9 1.0 Parks/Haskins Paterson, Katherine 6.2 4.6 6.0 5.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 116 EN Great Gilly Hopkins, The 120 EN Jacob Have I Loved 14992 EN Jip: His Story 73399 Sign of the Chrysanthemum, The EN 12780 Cry, The Beloved Country EN 85407 SantaKid EN 76894 Brian's Hunt EN 25297 EN Brian's Return 11704 Brian's Winter EN 360 EN Dogsong 367 EN Hatchet 7023 EN River, The 647 EN Tracker 398 EN Winter Room, The 6950 EN Woodsong 100601 Kingdom Keepers, The EN 111362 Slugs in Love EN 27940 EN Long Way from Chicago, A 114707 On the Wings of Heroes EN 83176 Teacher's Funeral: A Comedy in Three Parts, The EN 44671 Year Down Yonder, A EN 36564 Child Called "It", A EN 48148 Lost Boy: A Foster Child's Search for the Love of a EN Family, The 48133 Man Named Dave: A Story of Triumph and EN Forgiveness, A 30793 Kissing Hand, The EN 108873 Clementine EN Page 33 of 48 Paterson, Katherine Paterson, Katherine 4.6 5.7 5.0 8.0 Paterson, Katherine 5.3 7.0 Paterson, Katherine 5.6 5.0 Paton, Alan 6.2 14.0 Patterson, James 3.5 0.5 Paulsen, Gary 5.9 3.0 Paulsen, Gary 5.5 4.0 Paulsen, Gary 5.9 5.0 Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary Paulsen, Gary 5.2 5.7 5.5 5.3 5.0 5.6 5.0 7.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 Pearson, Ridley 4.2 9.0 Pearson, Susan 3.2 0.5 Peck, Richard 5.0 5.0 Peck, Richard 4.6 4.0 Peck, Richard 4.7 6.0 Peck, Richard 4.5 4.0 Pelzer, Dave 5.8 5.0 Pelzer, Dave 5.1 9.0 Pelzer, Dave 5.9 15.0 Penn, Audrey 2.7 0.5 Pennypacker, Sara 4.5 2.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 113967 Talented Clementine, The EN 58893 EN Four Perfect Pebbles: A Holocaust Story 11399 When the Fly Flew In... EN 20027 Littles and the Great Halloween Scare, The EN 20029 Littles Go to School, The EN 29269 Sounds All Around EN 10922 EN Hopper 14998 Rainbow Fish, The EN 126517 Penguins EN 17293 Dumb Bunnies, The EN 55273 Make Way for Dumb Bunnies EN 19476 One Hundred Hungry Ants EN 55279 Snow Day EN 52299 EN Tales of Mystery and Terror (Unabridged) 11158 Babushka's Doll EN 8685 EN Pink and Say 84762 Some Birthday! EN 7651 EN Addy Learns a Lesson 15796 Tale of Peter Rabbit, The EN 106424 Pish Posh EN 53417 Walk in the Rainforest, A EN 75653 Case of the Race Against Time, The EN 14621 Hiccups for Elephant EN Page 34 of 48 Pennypacker, Sara 4.0 2.0 Perl, Lila 7.3 4.0 Peters, Lisa Westberg 2.6 0.5 Peterson, John 3.3 1.0 Peterson, John 3.5 1.0 Pfeffer, Wendy 2.9 0.5 Pfister, Marcus 3.0 0.5 Pfister, Marcus 3.3 0.5 Pichon, Liz 2.1 0.5 Pilkey, Dav 2.8 0.5 Pilkey, Dav 2.3 0.5 Pinczes, Elinor J. 2.6 0.5 Plourde, Lynn 1.7 0.5 Poe, Edgar Allan 11.6 13.0 Polacco, Patricia 2.4 0.5 Polacco, Patricia 3.8 1.0 Polacco, Patricia 3.4 0.5 Porter, Connie 3.9 1.0 Potter, Beatrix 4.2 0.5 Potter, Ellen 5.6 6.0 Pratt, Kristin Joy 6.0 0.5 Preller, James 3.1 1.0 Preller, James 1.1 0.5 109984 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN What a Day It Was at School! 21232 Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis EN BlŽriot, The 114198 Big Bad Wolf Is Good EN 46636 Splat! EN 53803 Anthem EN 57412 Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther EN King, Jr. 144 EN Westing Game, The 18408 EN Ruby the Copycat 95 EN Where the Red Fern Grows 13985 Elephant EN 52028 Witch Child EN 83085 EN Penguin's Big Hill 701 EN All Quiet on the Western Front 5509 EN Curious George 7611 EN Curious George Gets a Medal 43115 Curious George Learns the Alphabet EN 18666 EN Curious George Rides a Bike 11054 Birds (Our Living World) EN 11088 Microorganisms: The Unseen World (Our Living EN World) 31191 My Heart Is on the Ground: The Diary of Nannie EN Little Rose 6144 EN Tar Beach 118742 Today at School EN 89885 Lightning Thief, The EN 105933 Sea of Monsters, The EN 114711 Titan's Curse, The EN 55962 Thanksgiving Mice! Page 35 of 48 Prelutsky, Jack Provensen, Alice/Martin 4.6 0.5 2.6 0.5 Puttock, Simon 2.9 0.5 PŽrez-Mercado, Mary Margaret 0.5 0.5 Rand, Ayn 6.1 3.0 Rappaport, Doreen 3.4 0.5 Raskin, Ellen 5.3 8.0 Rathmann, Peggy 3.1 0.5 Rawls, Wilson 4.9 11.0 Redmond, Ian 7.8 1.0 Rees, Celia 6.0 9.0 Regan, Dana 2.0 0.5 Remarque, Erich Rey, H.A. Rey, H.A. 6.0 2.6 4.1 10.0 0.5 0.5 Rey, H.A. 3.2 0.5 Rey, H.A. 4.1 0.5 Ricciuti, Edward 6.0 2.0 Ricciuti, Edward 7.9 2.0 Rinaldi, Ann 4.3 5.0 Ringgold, Faith 3.4 0.5 Ringler, Matt 1.8 0.5 Riordan, Rick 4.7 13.0 Riordan, Rick 4.6 9.0 Riordan, Rick 4.2 10.0 Roberts, Bethany 1.3 0.5 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 253 EN Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The 57190 EN Jackie's Nine: Jackie Robinson's Values to Live By 117037 Slam Dunk! EN 613 EN House Without a Christmas Tree, The 50483 Bugs Are Insects EN 174 EN How to Eat Fried Worms 83744 Give Me a Sign, Helen Keller! EN 83747 EN Let's Play Soldier, George Washington! 121139 Who Conducted the Underground Railroad?...Path EN to Freedom 39808 Grace's Letter to Lincoln EN 9480 EN Monster Mama 32081 EN Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 116230 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EN 40670 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire EN 89154 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince EN 69785 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix EN 32082 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban EN 26759 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone EN 24939 EN Empty Envelope, The 31059 Haunted Hotel, The EN 31060 Invisible Island, The EN 44930 Jaguar's Jewel, The EN 44931 Kidnapped King, The EN 44932 Lucky Lottery, The Page 36 of 48 Robinson, Barbara 5.1 2.0 Robinson, Sharon 7.3 4.0 Robinson, Sharon 3.6 3.0 Rock, Gail 4.9 3.0 Rockwell, Anne 3.4 0.5 Rockwell, Thomas 3.5 2.0 Roop, Peter 4.3 1.0 Roop, Peter 3.6 1.0 Roop, Peter 5.3 1.0 Roop, Peter/Connie 3.7 1.0 Rosenberg, Liz 3.7 0.5 Rowling, J.K. 6.7 14.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.9 34.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.8 32.0 Rowling, J.K. 7.2 29.0 Rowling, J.K. 7.2 44.0 Rowling, J.K. 6.7 18.0 Rowling, J.K. 5.5 12.0 Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.4 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 116909 Mayflower Treasure Hunt EN 46482 Missing Mummy, The EN 53082 Ninth Nugget, The EN 62265 Orange Outlaw, The EN 62266 Panda Puzzle, The EN 61526 Quicksand Question, The EN 65673 Runaway Racehorse, The EN 69219 School Skeleton, The EN 74702 Talking T. Rex, The EN 77275 EN Unwilling Umpire, The 80082 Vampire's Vacation, The EN 125566 White House White-Out EN 83391 White Wolf, The EN 85882 X'ed-Out X-Ray, The EN 86483 Yellow Yacht, The EN 87386 Zombie Zone, The EN 71854 EN Lily's Ghosts 11491 Steal Away Home EN 82864 Becoming Naomi Leon EN 44286 Esperanza Rising EN 116832 Paint the Wind EN 27747 EN Riding Freedom Page 37 of 48 Roy, Ron 4.1 2.0 Roy, Ron 4.0 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.7 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.5 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.5 2.0 Roy, Ron 3.6 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.9 1.0 Roy, Ron 3.8 1.0 Ruby, Laura 4.3 8.0 Ruby, Lois 5.5 7.0 Ryan, Pam Mu–oz 5.4 6.0 Ryan, Pam Mu–oz 5.3 6.0 Ryan, Pam Mu–oz 5.3 6.0 Ryan, Pam Mu–oz 4.5 3.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 6119 EN Henry and Mudge and the Happy Cat 7320 EN Henry and Mudge in Puddle Trouble 15000 Henry and Mudge in the Green Time EN Henry and Mudge: The First Book of Their 7572 EN Adventures 6673 EN Missing May 58685 Old Town in the Green Groves EN 83514 Puppy Mudge Finds a Friend EN 29999 Boy Who Lost His Face, The EN 28081 Holes EN 5243 EN Sideways Stories from Wayside School 102722 Small Steps EN 349 EN There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom 11497 EN Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger 5247 EN Wayside School Is Falling Down 123 EN Little Prince, The 46620 Giggle Belly EN 72121 EN Crazy Hair Day 7570 EN Grandfather's Journey 50630 Dig, Wait, Listen: A Desert Toad's Tale EN 17161 And Nothing but the Truth EN 64422 All You Need for a Snowman EN 77527 Little Raccoon's Big Question EN 78550 Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy EN 45428 Chewy Louie EN 18788 Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark EN 7345 EN There Is a Carrot in My Ear and Other Noodle Page 38 of 48 Rylant, Cynthia Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 2.5 0.5 0.5 Rylant, Cynthia 2.4 0.5 Rylant, Cynthia 2.7 0.5 Rylant, Cynthia 5.3 3.0 Rylant, Cynthia 5.2 4.0 Rylant, Cynthia 0.6 0.5 Sachar, Louis 4.0 6.0 Sachar, Louis 4.6 7.0 Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 Sachar, Louis 4.2 7.0 Sachar, Louis 3.4 5.0 Sachar, Louis 3.3 3.0 Sachar, Louis Saint-Exupery, Antoine de 3.4 4.0 5.0 2.0 Sakelaris, Page 1.1 0.5 Saltzberg, Barney 2.8 0.5 Say, Allen 3.6 0.5 Sayre, April Pulley 2.1 0.5 Scariano, Richard 3.1 1.0 Schertle, Alice 2.3 0.5 Schlein, Miriam 1.9 0.5 Schmidt, Gary D. 5.9 10.0 Schneider, Howie 2.4 0.5 Schwartz, Alvin 4.1 1.0 Schwartz, Alvin 2.5 0.5 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Tales 8524 EN Good, the Bad, and the Goofy, The Page 39 of 48 Scieszka, Jon 3.8 1.0 Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales, 7165 EN The Scieszka, Jon 3.4 0.5 Scieszka, Jon Sendak, Maurice 3.0 3.4 0.5 0.5 Seuling, Barbara 4.1 1.0 Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Seuss, Dr. Sewell, Anna 4.0 2.1 2.1 0.6 1.5 4.4 1.7 7.7 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 11.0 Shannon, David 3.8 0.5 Shannon, David 0.9 0.5 Shannon, David 2.0 0.5 2.4 0.5 2.9 0.5 2.6 0.5 2.5 0.5 Shaw, Nancy 1.1 0.5 Shearer, Alex 5.1 8.0 Shields, Carol Diggory 2.7 0.5 Sill, Cathryn 2.3 0.5 Sill, Cathryn 2.1 0.5 2.6 0.5 1.7 0.5 9506 EN True Story of the 3 Little Pigs, The 5499 EN Where the Wild Things Are 83756 Robert and the Chocolate-Covered Worms EN 9001 EN 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins, The 9013 EN Cat in the Hat Comes Back, The 6107 EN Cat in the Hat, The 9018 EN Foot Book, The 9021 EN Green Eggs and Ham 9043 EN Scrambled Eggs Super! 9044 EN Shape of Me and Other Stuff 8 EN Black Beauty (Unabridged) 27685 Bad Case of Stripes, A EN 36596 David Goes to School EN 58826 Duck on a Bike EN 64479 Nate the Great and the Big Sniff EN 7628 EN Nate the Great and the Halloween Hunt 7630 EN Nate the Great and the Phony Clue 13880 Nate the Great and the Tardy Tortoise EN 44122 Sheep in a Shop EN 61473 Great Blue Yonder, The EN 18630 I Wish My Brother Was a Dog EN 66976 EN About Arachnids: A Guide for Children 51006 About Mammals: A Guide for Children EN Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman 5469 EN Giving Tree, The Silverstein, Shel 45453 Stray Dog: From a True Story by Reiko Sassa, The Simont, Marc EN 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 108710 Endymion Spring EN 5215 EN Chocolate Fever 41280 Austere Academy, The EN 41281 Bad Beginning, The EN 63667 Carnivorous Carnival, The EN 110253 End, The EN 46103 EN Ersatz Elevator, The 81705 Grim Grotto, The EN 53273 Hostile Hospital, The EN 41284 Miserable Mill, The EN 101791 Penultimate Peril, The EN 41286 Reptile Room, The EN 72848 Slippery Slope, The EN 48687 Vile Village, The EN 41287 Wide Window, The EN 217 EN Egypt Game, The 10661 Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Dead EN Eagles 40626 Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Treasure EN Hunt 116564 Encyclopedia Brown Cracks the Case EN 14666 Encyclopedia Brown...Disgusting Sneakers EN 18718 Encyclopedia Brown Sets the Pace EN 7718 EN Encyclopedia Brown Shows the Way 32015 EN Encyclopedia Brown...Slippery Salamander Page 40 of 48 Skelton, Matthew 6.3 13.0 Smith, Robert Kimmel 4.2 1.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.7 6.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.4 4.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 Snicket, Lemony 7.3 9.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.6 7.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.5 8.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.9 6.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.2 5.0 Snicket, Lemony 7.4 7.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 Snicket, Lemony 7.1 9.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.7 7.0 Snicket, Lemony 6.3 5.0 Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 6.4 7.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.3 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.4 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.8 2.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.0 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.6 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 3.9 1.0 Sobol, Donald J. 4.8 2.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 10663 Encyclopedia Brown Takes the Case EN 79633 EN Living up the Street 7163 EN Skirt, The 7697 EN Talking Eggs, The 66814 Life on Other Worlds (Out of This World) EN 138 EN Sign of the Beaver, The 98 EN Witch of Blackbird Pond, The 26727 Two Cool Cows EN 15 EN Call It Courage 24962 Library Card, The EN 59382 Loser EN 5075 EN Maniac Magee 41562 Stargirl EN 108353 Pumpkin Hill EN 117632 Ghost, the White House, and Me, The EN 114768 White Giraffe, The EN 40737 Snake Camp EN 105913 Case of the Back-to-School Burglar, The EN 83751 EN Case of the Missing Pumpkins, The 5494 EN Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 113370 EN Leaves 8665 EN Of Mice and Men 7119 EN Pearl, The 5030 EN Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters 34983 Freedom Train: The Story of Harriet Tubman EN 88641 Great Fuzz Frenzy, The Page 41 of 48 Sobol, Donald J. 4.2 1.0 Soto, Gary 6.2 8.0 Soto, Gary Souci, Robert D. San 3.7 1.0 4.4 0.5 Spangenburg/Moser 8.8 3.0 4.9 5.0 5.7 9.0 Speed, Toby 2.8 0.5 Sperry, Armstrong 6.2 3.0 Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 4.0 Spinelli, Jerry 4.3 5.0 Spinelli, Jerry 4.7 5.0 Spinelli, Jerry 4.2 6.0 Spurr, Elizabeth 4.1 0.5 St. George, Judith 4.7 4.0 St. John, Lauren 6.2 7.0 Stanley, George Edward 2.7 0.5 Star, Nancy 2.9 1.0 Star, Nancy 3.3 1.0 Steig, William 4.0 0.5 Stein, David Ezra 2.2 0.5 Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Steptoe, John 4.5 7.1 4.3 4.0 4.0 0.5 Sterling, Dorothy 6.2 6.0 Stevens, Janet 1.9 0.5 Speare, Elizabeth George Speare, Elizabeth George 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice EN 83531 "Could Be Worse!" EN 531 EN Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Unabridged) 512 EN Kidnapped (Unabridged) 522 EN Treasure Island 120259 If I Ran for President EN 8202 EN Babysitter II, The 8201 EN Babysitter, The 14937 Blob That Ate Everyone, The EN 14941 Deep Trouble II EN 14946 Haunted School, The EN 9612 EN Let's Get Invisible! 9616 EN My Hairiest Adventure 9625 EN Stay out of the Basement 10029 Dracula (Unabridged) EN 114459 Is That a Sick Cat in Your Backpack? EN 19177 Bell, the Book, and the Spellbinder, The EN 73958 Amulet of Samarkand, The EN 82165 Golem's Eye, The EN 104013 Ptolemy's Gate EN 14784 Rocks and Minerals EN 50635 Grapes of Math: Mind-Stretching Math Riddles, EN The 55909 Penguin Chick EN 315 EN Friendship, The 136 EN Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry 17223 Fossil EN Page 42 of 48 Stevenson, James 2.7 0.5 9.5 5.0 7.6 14.0 8.3 12.0 Stier, Catherine 5.5 0.5 Stine, R.L. 5.8 5.0 Stine, R.L. 5.3 5.0 Stine, R.L. 3.0 2.0 Stine, R.L. 2.9 2.0 Stine, R.L. 3.0 3.0 Stine, R.L. Stine, R.L. Stine, R.L. 3.3 3.5 3.9 3.0 3.0 3.0 Stoker, Bram 6.6 25.0 Strasser, Todd 4.4 3.0 Strickland, Brad 5.4 5.0 Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 19.0 Stroud, Jonathan 5.9 24.0 Stroud, Jonathan 5.7 20.0 Symes, R.F. 8.3 1.0 Tang, Greg 3.3 0.5 Tatham, Betty 3.4 0.5 Taylor, Mildred D. Taylor, Mildred D. 4.1 5.7 1.0 10.0 Taylor, Paul D. 8.2 1.0 Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 108 EN Cay, The 63613 Dear Mrs. LaRue: Letters from Obedience School EN 6468 EN Great Debate, The 741 EN Hiding Place, The 11075 Fungi (Our Living World) EN 11091 Patterns in Nature (Our Living World) EN 126235 Back-to-School Fright From the Black Lagoon EN 87268 Bully from the Black Lagoon, The EN 83154 Class Election from the Black Lagoon, The EN 83155 Class Trip from the Black Lagoon, The EN 53079 Custodian from the Black Lagoon, The EN 101503 Field Day from the Black Lagoon, The EN 12754 Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon, The EN 87271 New Kid from the Black Lagoon, The EN 83753 Science Fair from the Black Lagoon, The EN 121152 Snow Day from the Black Lagoon, The EN 12757 Teacher from the Black Lagoon, The EN 104855 Amazing Snakes! EN 128017 EN New Step-Mummy, The 60652 Surviving the Applewhites EN 737 EN Fellowship of the Ring, The 511 EN Hobbit, The 5286 EN Return of the King, The 18839 Silmarillion, The EN 5295 EN Two Towers, The 58963 Maroo of the Winter Caves Page 43 of 48 Taylor, Theodore 5.3 4.0 Teague, Mark 3.6 0.5 Tedrow, T.L. TenBoom, Corrie 4.4 6.4 9.0 13.0 Tesar, Jenny 7.2 2.0 Tesar, Jenny 6.9 2.0 Thaler, Mike 3.4 0.5 Thaler, Mike 2.6 0.5 Thaler, Mike 3.3 0.5 Thaler, Mike 3.2 0.5 Thaler, Mike 3.5 0.5 Thaler, Mike 3.6 0.5 Thaler, Mike 2.2 0.5 Thaler, Mike 2.3 0.5 Thaler, Mike 3.8 0.5 Thaler, Mike 2.6 0.5 Thaler, Mike 2.4 0.5 Thomson, Sarah L. 3.2 0.5 Thorpe, Kiki 3.6 1.0 Tolan, Stephanie S. 5.5 7.0 Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.1 6.6 6.2 29.0 16.0 22.0 Tolkien, J.R.R. 7.9 21.0 Tolkien, J.R.R. 6.3 23.0 Turnbull, Ann 5.7 5.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice Page 44 of 48 EN 5238 EN Nettie's Trip South Turner, Ann 501 EN Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Unabridged), The Twain, Mark 502 EN Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Unabridged), The Twain, Mark 10039 Life on the Mississippi Twain, Mark EN 54437 Prince and the Pauper (Unabridged), The Twain, Mark EN 30525 Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Twain/Laiken EN 12661 Lewis and Clark: Exploring the Northwest Twist, Clint EN 6452 EN Best Bad Thing, The Uchida, Yoshiko Ullman, James 207 EN Banner in the Sky Ramsey 5519 EN Jumanji 5240 EN Polar Express, The 103578 Ants in My Pants EN 523 EN 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) 504 EN Around the World in Eighty Days Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, 5451 EN Very Bad Day 12751 Alexander, Who's Not (Do You Hear Me ? I Mean EN It!) Going To Move 7301 EN Alexander, Who Used to Be Rich Last Sunday 26994 EN Tenth Good Thing About Barney, The 110 EN Dicey's Song 87550 Black and White EN 74975 Welcome to the Monkey House EN 5474 EN Ira Sleeps Over 20386 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile EN 7560 EN Farmer Duck 62568 Snow Bears EN 66260 Benjamin Banneker: Pioneering Scientist EN 32379 Biggest Klutz in Fifth Grade, The EN 3.6 6.6 8.1 0.5 18.0 12.0 9.1 24.0 9.5 13.0 5.3 2.0 8.0 2.0 4.9 4.0 5.1 11.0 Van Allsburg, Chris Van Allsburg, Chris 3.9 3.8 0.5 0.5 Vantrease, Norma 1.2 0.5 Verne, Jules Verne, Jules 10.0 9.6 28.0 12.0 Viorst, Judith 3.7 0.5 Viorst, Judith 3.5 0.5 Viorst, Judith 3.4 0.5 Viorst, Judith 2.8 0.5 Voigt, Cynthia 5.0 11.0 Volponi, Paul 4.9 6.0 Vonnegut, Kurt 5.7 16.0 Waber, Bernard 2.2 0.5 Waber, Bernard 4.6 0.5 Waddell, Martin 2.2 0.5 Waddell, Martin 2.4 0.5 Wadsworth, Ginger 3.7 0.5 Wallace, Bill 4.1 4.0 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 113797 Curveball EN 105949 Dunk Under Pressure EN Page 45 of 48 Wallace, Rich 4.8 2.0 Wallace, Rich 4.5 2.0 Warner, Gertrude Chandler 3.7 2.0 Warner, Sally 4.7 4.0 Watson, Richard Jesse 1.6 0.5 Weeks, Sarah 5.5 3.0 Weeks, Sarah 5.0 6.0 Weinberger, Kimberly 2.5 0.5 Wells, H.G. 7.7 9.0 Wells, H.G. 7.4 6.0 Wells, H.G. 9.1 11.0 Wells, Rosemary 2.6 0.5 Wells, Rosemary 2.9 0.5 Weninger, Brigitte 3.0 0.5 Weston, Carrie 2.9 0.5 Whalley, Paul 8.6 1.0 White, E.B. White, E.B. White, E.B. 4.4 6.0 4.9 5.0 3.0 6.0 White, Ruth 4.4 5.0 Wiesel, Elie Wiesel, Elie 4.8 4.8 4.0 4.0 Wild, Margaret 1.1 0.5 212 EN By the Shores of Silver Lake Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.3 9.0 11163 Christmas in the Big Woods EN Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3.8 0.5 5321 EN Deserted Library Mystery 46281 How to Be a Real Person (In Just One Day) EN 86718 Magic Rabbit, The EN 34833 Regular Guy EN 78419 So B. It EN 89546 Let's Read About...George Washington EN 10037 Invisible Man, The EN 12799 Time Machine (Unabridged), The EN 550 EN War of the Worlds, The 18639 Noisy Nora EN 29511 Yoko EN 19239 Ragged Bear EN 123076 New Bear at School, The EN 17211 Butterfly & Moth EN 19 EN Charlotte's Web 194 EN Stuart Little 90 EN Trumpet of the Swan, The 15791 Belle Prater's Boy EN 901 EN Night 5279 EN Night 88494 Piglet and Mama EN 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 112 EN Farmer Boy 5012 EN First Four Years, The 179 EN Little House in the Big Woods 53 EN Little House on the Prairie 327 EN Little Town on the Prairie 370 EN Long Winter, The 67 EN On the Banks of Plum Creek 497 EN These Happy Golden Years 85982 Each Little Bird That Sings EN 42150 Don't Cut My Hair! EN 18631 I'll Always Love You EN 106284 Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late! EN 108585 Edwina, the Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was EN Extinct 695 EN Velveteen Rabbit, The 80660 Life in Prison EN 18636 Library Lil EN 118472 Bear Feels Sick EN 106024 EN Bear's New Friend 67066 Bear Wants More EN 57158 Birds Build Nests EN 101133 Night Before First Grade, The EN 104991 Night Before Halloween, The EN 104993 EN Night Before the 100th Day of School, The Page 46 of 48 Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls 5.2 9.0 5.8 4.0 5.3 5.0 4.9 8.0 5.4 9.0 5.3 10.0 4.6 8.0 5.6 10.0 Wiles, Deborah 4.5 6.0 Wilhelm, Hans 0.6 0.5 Wilhelm, Hans 2.6 0.5 Willems, Mo 1.1 0.5 Willems, Mo 2.5 0.5 Williams, Margery Williams, Stanley "Tookie" 4.9 1.0 6.4 2.0 Williams, Suzanne 4.0 0.5 Wilson, Karma 1.8 0.5 Wilson, Karma 1.9 0.5 Wilson, Karma 2.2 0.5 Winer, Yvonne 2.6 0.5 Wing, Natasha 2.5 0.5 Wing, Natasha 3.3 0.5 Wing, Natasha 2.1 0.5 Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Laura Ingalls 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 7332 EN Morris Goes to School 64361 Jennifer Jones Won't Leave Me Alone EN 6221 EN Heckedy Peg 45246 King Bidgood's in the Bathtub EN 51676 Silly Sally EN 12118 Coral Reefs: Hidden Colonies of the Sea EN 105833 Skeletons EN 44085 EN Young Orville and Wilbur Wright: First to Fly 44088 Young Squanto: The First Thanksgiving EN 45431 Daisy the Firecow EN 5917 EN Dealing with Dragons 6991 EN Searching for Dragons 55829 Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace EN 106304 Star Wars, Episode II: Attack of the Clones EN 106305 Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith EN 111766 EN American Born Chinese 73256 Millicent Min, Girl Genius EN 10113 Dragon's Gate EN 111 EN Dragonwings 5532 EN Owl Moon 46261 Piggins EN 21508 EN Welcome to the Ice House 55130 Welcome to the River of Grass EN 5523 EN Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China 7592 EN Seven Blind Mice 51927 Snow Child, The EN Page 47 of 48 Wiseman, Bernard 2.0 0.5 Wishinsky, Frieda 2.1 0.5 Wood, Audrey 3.2 0.5 Wood, Audrey 1.7 0.5 Wood, Audrey 2.6 0.5 Wood, Jenny 6.2 0.5 Wood, Lily 4.5 0.5 Woods, Andrew 3.0 0.5 Woods, Andrew 3.3 0.5 Woodworth, Viki 2.5 0.5 Wrede, Patricia C. Wrede, Patricia C. 5.5 5.3 8.0 9.0 Wrede, Patricia C. 5.1 5.0 Wrede, Patricia C. 5.9 6.0 Wrede, Patricia C. 5.5 6.0 Yang, Gene Luen 3.3 1.0 Yee, Lisa 5.8 8.0 Yep, Laurence 5.3 10.0 Yep, Laurence Yolen, Jane 5.3 3.2 10.0 0.5 Yolen, Jane 3.1 0.5 Yolen, Jane 4.0 0.5 Yolen, Jane 4.5 0.5 Young, Ed Young, Ed 3.5 1.9 0.5 0.5 Ziefert, Harriet 1.7 0.5 8/15/2011 Accelerated Reader Quiz List - Reading Practice 46858 Gadget, The EN 106101 Book Thief, The EN 111259 Fire Star EN 87157 Fire Within, The EN 88382 Icefire EN 1943 EN Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet Page 48 of 48 Zindel, Paul 4.5 4.0 Zusak, Markus 5.1 18.0 d'Lacey, Chris 4.8 12.0 d'Lacey, Chris 4.1 7.0 d'Lacey, Chris 4.4 10.0 deGroat, Diane 3.2 0.5 8/15/2011
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