SHARE yOUR UNQUENCHABLE SPIRIT Careers at PBG | www.pbgjobs.com You can see it in our energy. Hear it in our voice. And sense it in the way we compete. It’s called UnqUenChaBle sPirit, and it defines who we are and how we operate. As the world’s largest manufacturer, seller and distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages, PBG generates nearly $14 billion in annual sales throughout the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Europe and Russia. In addition to continued business success, we’re equally proud of our culture, which is built around integrity, authenticity and responsibility. If you’re ready for leadership, opportunity and possibility, then it’s time for you to explore The Pepsi Bottling Group. We Sell Soda… and More… a qUiCk siP OF PBG PBG laUnCheD AS A PUBLICLy TRAdEd COMPAny In MARCH 1999. YOU Can FinD OUr PrODUCts In THE U.S., CAnAdA, MExICO, RUSSIA, TURkEy, SPAIn And GREECE. We OPerate In MORE THAn 100 PLAnTS And 525 dISTRIBUTIOn CEnTERS, WITH A WORkFORCE OF 70,000 EMPLOyEES. PBG has Been nOteD as One OF the MOst aDMireD COMPanies On FORTUNE’S list, DIVERSITY INC.’S tOP COMPanies FOr DiVersitY, anD BOth BLACK ENTERPRISE anD HISPANIC BUSINESS MaGazines’ tOP COMPanies lists. We sell anD DeliVer Naturally, we’re known for our refreshing carbonated drinks, including Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, AMP and Sierra Mist. w e also have the number one ready-to-drink tea in the U.S., Canada, Russia, Turkey and Greece – Lipton’s – along with number one water brands Aquafina in the U.S., Aqua Minerale in Russia and Electropura in Mexico. And to meet changing consumer trends, we’re always expanding our lineup in the Hydration, Refreshment and Invigoration categories. Some of our most popular products today are SoBe LifeWater and Starbucks Frappuccino, along with G2 by Gatorade and Propel. In addition to our strong brand portfolio, we are admired for our operational excellence in logistics, supply chain management, manufacturing, merchandising, sales and distribution. We’re constantly investing in new technologies MORE THAn 85 BILLIOn to sustain our leadership. One more thing – because of our SERvInGS AnnUALLy. training and development programs and the high degree of BUT WHO’S COUnTInG? responsibility we give employees early on in their careers, we’re also known for producing superior managers. AT TA A s Te of Life AT PBG What it’s like insiDe Once you’re inside our doors, you’ll get a sense that life here is fast paced, challenging and rewarding. you’ll also notice a few things all of your PBG colleagues share: an entrepreneurial nature, a results orientation and a competitive spirit. To help you reach your personal and professional goals, PBG will work to provide you with the right experiences in different functional areas and regions. raise a Glass tO YOUr health anD Wellness At a time when most companies are cutting healthcare benefits, PBG is growing its offerings. These include onsite wellness clinics at many of our U.S. locations, free lifestyle and nutrition programs, onsite health screenings and worksite wellness services. In 2007, we were awarded the prestigious C. Everett koop Award for our Healthy Living Program, which recognizes innovative healthcare initiatives. thirst tO Make a DiFFerenCe? sO DO We! PBG employees are passionate about giving back. Through the PBG Foundation, we donate more than $16 million in cash and products a year to organizations our employees select, and we match their contributions dollar for dollar (or two to one if the employee is on a nonprofit’s board of directors). We also match dollars for volunteer time so that an individual or group can earn more for their nonprofit organization. Whether YOU’re On a PrODUCtiOn line Or in a sales OFFiCe, YOU’ll haVe a hiGh DeGree OF FreeDOM anD resPOnsiBilitY FrOM DaY One. inteGratinG WOrk anD liFe Work/life balance is tough to achieve in a 24/7 global economy. So PBG has evolved its thinking into the concept of work/life integration – or a co-mingling of personal and professional commitments. For example, not sure how to build a college fund for your children? don’t worry. Just attend our workshop sponsored by our “HealthyMoney” program. Or if you’re interested in expanding your own education, you can take advantage of our tuition reimbursement plan. Eric J. Foss, President and CEO, with Campus Hires Be Your own Brand “We think aBOUt DiVersitY nOt as a PrOGraM, BUt as a CharaCteristiC OF OUr CUltUre. it’s BUilt intO eVerYthinG We DO.” –eriC J. FOss, PresiDent anD CeO Diversity can be seen in every aspect of our business – from our people to our products to the markets where we operate. f or us, diversity includes any characteristic that might make a person unique: race, gender, experience, work style, culture, religion, age, language, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and interests. Our aim is to look like the market, build an inclusive culture, capture the multicultural consumer and connect with the community. How do we do this? By working hard to make sure our employee base reflects the markets we’re serving. By creating an environment where participation and sharing ideas are encouraged. By respecting the causes that are important to our employees and recognizing the needs of our communities. Only then can we realize our potential as an employer and corporate citizen. As you can see, we put a case of Unquenchable Spirit into everything we do and tend to attract creative and ambitious people ready to leave their mark. If you’re looking for a company that puts a premium on leadership, teamwork and responsibility, PBG is the place for you. Visit www.pbgjobs.com to unleash your Unquenchable Spirit today. www.pbgjobs.com The Pepsi Bottling Group is dedicated to the policy of equality of employment opportunity for all its employees without regard to their race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, national origin, sexual orientation or any other category protected by law.