June 16-18, 2016 FEATURING: - The Denturist Association Of Ontario


June 16-18, 2016 FEATURING: - The Denturist Association Of Ontario
The Denturist Asso ciation of O ntario’s
Perfecting Your Practice® Annual Conference
PYP Conference Program
June 16-18, 2016
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON
• Conference Agenda
• Maps
• Track Your C.E. Credits
• Tradeshow Directory
• Passport
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Thank You to our Generous Sponsors
Table of Contents
Message from the President and PYP Chair............................................................. 2
2016 PYP Committee................................................................................................. 2
Prize Details............................................................................................................... 4
Conference General Information................................................................................ 5
Wednesday Welcome................................................................................................ 6
Thursday at a Glance................................................................................................. 8
MAP OF EVENTS for Thursday, June 16.................................................................. 9
Thursday, June 16...................................................................................................... 10
Friday at a Glance...................................................................................................... 14
MAP OF EVENTS for Friday, June 17....................................................................... 15
Friday, June 17........................................................................................................... 16
Saturday at a Glance................................................................................................. 18
MAP OF EVENTS for Saturday, June 18................................................................... 19
Saturday, June 18...................................................................................................... 20
Map of the Campus.................................................................................................... 23
Track Your C.E. Hours/Credits................................................................................ 24
Exhibitor Map............................................................................................................. 25
Exhibitor Directory...................................................................................................... 26
ARTICLE: Genios: Spanning the range from combination restorations to....................... 27
Passport to PYP Tradeshow...................................................................................... 35
Message from the President
On behalf of the Denturist Association
of Ontario’s (DAO) Board Of Directors and
DAO Executive Director, Kim Stilwell, we
welcome you to the DAO’s 18th Annual Perfecting Your Practice® (PYP) Conference!
This year’s conference offers a terrific opportunity to get a jump start on the
next cycle of Continuing Education (CE)
hours required by the College of Denturists
I am known amongst Denturist colleagues and friends as the one who has
never missed a PYP conference. This, I am
quite proud of and the reason for it is that
for me PYP has always been more than just
CE credits.
It is intended to give our fellow Denturists
and the support staff we rely on direction
and assistance to improve our practices,
build and review on our current knowledge,
and develop new skills so we can continue
to grow and succeed in our practices. For
me, when we get together at PYP to share
with one another our experiences, and develop, as Denturists, health practitioners,
and friends, it means much more to me
than just fulfilling my CE hours.
Aside from all of the terrific lectures this
year that deal with Jurisprudence, Clinical
Dental, Dental Practice Management, CPR
and understanding the new CDO Medical
Record Keeping standard; PYP offers an
excellent opportunity to network with colleagues who share goals and concerns. It
is the chance to be a participant in a community that can laugh, learn and commiserate together.
This year’s phenomenal PYP experience
is due to the hard work and dedication of
PYP Chair Nancy Tomkins, the PYP Committee and Volunteers, the unwavering support of our valued Sponsors and, of course,
YOU– the DAO membership who continue
to attend PYP year after year. Let’s continue
to work and have fun together, bringing this
profession the recognition and respect that
it deserves.
See you at the BBQ.
Frank Odorico B.Sc. DD
DAO President
Please Note: As this is a University setting using meal cards, we are unable to accommodate
special food requests/allergy requirements. If you have a food sensitivity or allergy or special
requirement, please make sure to check with the individual food provider.
2016 PYP Committee
Nancy Tomkins DD
Past President,
PYP Chair
Frank Odorico DD
Michael Battell DD
PYP Committee
Sponsor/Exhibitor Acknowledgement
The Denturist Association of Ontario appreciates and salutes the following companies for
their generous sponsorship and support of Perfecting Your Practice®:
Petya Simeonova DD
Courtney Bruckert DD
Jaro Wojcicki Jr. DD
1st Vice President
Paul Conrad DD
Director, Volunteer Coordinator
Kim Stilwell
Executive Director
Sophie Maksym
DAO Administrative Associate
Tosha Lord
PYP Coordinator
On the Cover
Portrait IPN Denture Teeth by Dentsply
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Dental Office Consulting, Dentsply, George Brown College, Georgian College, Heraeus
Kulzer, Hiossen Implants Canada, Ivoclar Vivadent Inc., LHM Dental Studios Ltd,
Micrylium Professional Disinfectant, Moore-McLean Insurance Group, Myerson LLC,
Nobel Biocare, Nordenta Inc., Oxford College, Panthera Dental, Pow Laboratories Inc.,
Shatkin F.I.R.S.T. LLC, Straumann Canada, Surgically Clean Air, Swiss NF Metals Inc.,
Thommen Medical Canada Inc., Unique Dental Supply Inc., Vita North America, Zahn
Canada – A Division of Henry Schein Canada Inc.
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Prize Details
Prize Eligibility
Any paying 2016 PYP registered DAO/
DAC member or Board member is eligible for all prize draws. Staff are eligible
for limited prizes.
Non-paying PYP Committee members
and DAO staff are excluded from draws.
Winners must be present at time of
each prize draw, including the Dentsply draw for the trip to British Columbia, the PMG draw for Spectrum Day
in Chicago and the Vita Germany trip.
No exceptions will be made.
co-ordinated and confirmed with the DAO
office immediately following PYP.
• Non-refundable
• Non-transferrable
• No cash value
• The DAO does not assume any responsibility and is not responsible for:
(i) the incorrect or inaccurate capture
of registration information; (ii) any loss,
damage, or claims caused by the awarded Prize or the Contest itself; or (iii) any
other matter whatsoever.
How can I get more chances to win?
When will the draw take
place for the Grand Prize
The Dentsply British Columbia trip
draw will take place 8:00pm (approx.) on
Thursday, June 16 at the BBQ in the East
Both the Vita Germany and PMG Chicago draws will take place following the
last session on Saturday, June 18 in Rozanski Room 101.
When will the draw take
place for the other prizes?
All other prize draws will be drawn at the
same time as the Grand Prize trip draws,
Saturday, June 18.
Winners must be present at the time
of each draw. No exceptions will be
Grand Prize Dentsply Trip
Sponsored by Dentsply, the Denturist
Association of British Columbia and The
Denturist Association of Ontario – this
prize is for Denturists only.
• Includes conference registration, 3
nights accommodation and economy
airfare (up to $800 value) for one person
from Toronto Pearson International Airport to Vancouver.
• Dates and times for the trip are to be
co-ordinated with Vita and confirmed with
the DAO office.
• Non-refundable
• Non-transferrable
• No cash value
• The DAO does not assume any responsibility and is not responsible for:
(i) the incorrect or inaccurate capture
of registration information; (ii) any loss,
damage, or claims caused by the awarded Prize or the Contest itself; or (iii) any
other matter whatsoever.
Grand Prize PMG/Zahn
Canada Chicago Trip Conditions
Sponsored by PMG and The Denturist
Association of Ontario – this prize is for
Denturists only.
• Includes all Spectrum Day courses
and 2 nights accommodation and airfare
from Toronto Pearson International Airport (up to $500 value).
• Dates and times for the trip are to be
co-ordinated with PMG.
• Non-refundable
• Non-transferrable
• No cash value
• The DAO does not assume any responsibility and is not responsible for:
(i) the incorrect or inaccurate capture
of registration information; (ii) any loss,
damage, or claims caused by the awarded Prize or the Contest itself; or (iii) any
other matter whatsoever.
Grand Prize Vita Trip Conditions
Sponsored by Vita and The Denturist
Association of Ontario – this prize is for
Denturists only.
• Includes Vita course and economy
airfare (up to $1,500 value) for one person from Toronto Pearson International
Airport to Zurich, Switzerland airport.
• Dates and times for the trip are to be
Each Denturist could have up to three
chances to win:
1) One ballot for each draw is allotted
automatically as part of your PYP registration (received with name badge)
2) One ballot for each draw is allotted
if you registered for PYP on or before
May 8, 2016 (ballots received with name
3) One additional Dentsply ballot is allotted if you are registered and seated for
the Dentsply Sizzle in Rozanski Room
101 on Thursday, June 16 by 8:00 am.
4) One additional PMG Chicago Trip
ballot is allotted if you are registered and
seated for the Sizzle in Rozanski Room
101 on Friday, June 17 by 8:00 am.
5) One additional Vita Germany Trip
ballot is allotted if you are registered and
seated for the Sizzle in Rozanski Room
101 on Saturday, June 18 by 8:00 am.
It is the Denturist’s sole responsibility
to legibly fill out your name on your ballot and deposit each of your ballots into
the designated ballot box prior to the
draw. If your name cannot be read, it will
become void and another ballot will be
drawn. Determining the legibility is at the
discretion of the President and Executive
Committee of the DAO. Delegate is responsible for depositing ticket into correct
ballot box. In the event the wrong ballot is
deposited and drawn as the winner, the
draw will be declared null and void and
another draw will occur.
Ballot boxes will be situated at the DAO
Registration booth, except on Friday during the tradeshow, when it will be at the
DAO booth #204/206.
Lost or stolen ballots cannot be replaced.
Conference General Information
Registration Desk located in
the Rozanski Concourse
*Pre-registered delegate badge pickup:
• Wednesday, June 15
from 7:00 pm-10:00 pm
• Thursday, June 16
from 7:00 am-11:00 am and
• Friday, June 17
from 7:00 am-10:00 am.
*A delegate may pick up his/her badge
only, unless picking up a spouse’s or child’s
meal wristband.
Conference Badges
All attendees must wear their badge/
wristband to gain entrance to any seminar,
meal, PYP event or the Exhibitor Forum.
No exceptions – everyone must wear a
conference badge.
For delegates who stay overnight in the
University of Guelph residences, parking
is included in the accommodation rates.
Delegates staying in residence will receive
a GREEN parking pass when they check
into their dorm, and may park in P19 (North
residences), P17 (East residences and
Townhouses) or P13 (South residences).
If you are not staying at the University,
YOU MUST pay for parking in P15 parking lot – cost is $9 per day.
If you are staying at one of the hotels,
you may be required to pay for overnight
Meal Plans
At registration, you will receive a Meal
Card for use at breakfast and lunch each
day, which is to be used at the food court on
the main floor of University Centre.
Thursday evening’s dinner is a barbecue
in the Courtyard and Friday has a paid dinner (pre-purchased at time of online registration) in Creelman Hall.
Meal plan cards can not be used for confectionary items.
Lost Badges or Meal Plan Cards
Replacement for lost badges is $15.
Lost meal plan cards can be replaced at a
charge of $50. Please go to the DAO registration desk in Rozanski Concourse for
Delegates are required to show proof
of purchase and photo I.D. to receive a
badge or meal card replacement.
Loss or Theft
The DAO is not responsible for loss, theft
or damage to materials, equipment or personal belongings.
Exhibitor Forum
Delegates are encouraged to visit the
Exhibitor forum, located in the Peter Clarke
Hall on the lower level of University Centre,
on Friday, June 17 from 12:30-4:30 pm.
This is the premier time in which the sponsors and exhibitors – who contribute significantly to our success at this conference –
have an opportunity to demo new products,
materials, equipment and dialogue with
delegates. Denturists have the reputation
in the dental profession as kind, appreciative and loyal customers to the companies
from whom they purchase; continue to let
our generous sponsors and exhibitors know
how much their presence is imperative to
the success of this conference. We could
not do this without them!
Please arrive on time to prevent disruption to speakers and attendees.
About the Conference
The University of Guelph has free WiFi
for all delegates. You will receive a WiFi
code with your registration package.
• For those not staying at the University
parking is $9.00 per day. The Best Western and Delta hotels have their own parking
• Families/children welcome.
• Smoking is not permitted on University
• Dress is casual
If you are staying in the
University of Guelph
• Parking is free for all guests staying at
the University.
• A fee of $75 per key will be charged for
any University accommodation room key
not handed in at time of check out.
• Reminder to bring extra towels.
The Denturist Association of Ontario is
not responsible for loss, theft or damage
done to instruments, materials, equipment
or personal belongings.
There will be a photographer on-site, taking photos of public areas, sessions, the
tradeshow and other aspects of Perfecting
Your Practice®. If you do not wish to be in
the photo, please advise the photographer.
Official Disclaimer
The DAO does not endorse speaker content or products presented at the conference. Any claims, statements and opinions
expressed by speakers or exhibitors about
products, equipment and techniques refer
to their beliefs and not those of the DAO.
While this information is correct at
the time of publishing, we reserve the
right to make changes to the program,
location, speakers or other without prior
notice. Such alterations may occasionally
be necessary due to circumstances beyond
our control. We are not liable for any consequential loss arising from such changes.
We do our utmost to ensure the
accuracy of the enclosed information;
however, we do not assume any liability
for errors or exclusions that may occur.
As a courtesy to the speakers and your
colleagues, please turn off your cell phone,
or set them to vibrate before entering each
Important & Emergency
Phone Numbers
In case of Emergency, call
519-824-4120, ext. 52000
For Campus Police, call
519-824-4120, ext. 52245
The 24-hour University
Housing line is
519-824-4120, ext. 58124
Wednesday Welcome
1:00 pm
Tee times begin at Guelph Lakes Golf & Country Club
Must e pre-registered to participate.
Guelph Lakes Golf & Country Club
7874 Wellington Road 124, Guelph/Eramosa, ON N1H 6H7
7:00 pm
Registration and Badge Pick Up
7pm to 10pm
8:00 pm
Wednesday Welcome from 7:00pm- 10:00pm
Come and mingle with other early arrivals in the Rozanski
Concourse. The DAO will be providing a pre-selected, limited number
of hors d’oeuvres.
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Thursday at a Glance
7:00 am
8:00 am
8:10 am
DAO Opening Remarks / overview of pyp in Room 101
8:30 am
9:00 am
Keynote Lecture: Understanding
Every Patient’s Needs - Right Patient,
Right Denture
Dr. Effrat Habsha
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Sponsored By
Effective Appointment
Scheduling and Telephone
Techniques for the Denturist
Session #1
Pick Up
Sandie Baillargeon,
Practice Management Advisor
Sponsored By
Medical Record Keeping &
Professional Self Regulation
Sponsored By
Sponsored By
Dr. Glenn Pettifer, Registrar of the
College of Denturists of Ontario
12:30 pm
1:15 pm
1:30 pm
Technique for
Custom Made
Dentures and
Dr. Mostafa El-Sherif
Sponsored By
Sandie Baillargeon,
Practice Management
and Tooth Selection Introductory
for implant Patients Implant Hands-on
Dr. Effrat Habsha
Pick Up
Nancy Tomkins,
DT(dip), DD, FCAD
Sponsored By
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
Transformational HANDS-ON COURSE HANDS-ON Set Up C.P.R.
Customer Service
COURSE session #1: Re-certification
Session #2
Occlusion Concepts
in Denturism
Sponsored By
Sponsored By
Brantford Piston Pushers Antique Car Show
Sponsored By
Gold Sponsor BBQ DINNER
in the Courtyard featuring Emcee Carlo Soscia
Please note: No alcohol is permitted outside of the Courtyard.
(Rain location will be in the Science Atrium)
Technical Staff
Sponsored By
Visit the Brantford Piston Pushers Car Rally located in P7 from 5:30 pm to
7:30 pm to receive and deposit draw tickets for various prizes.
Please note: No alcohol is permitted outside of the Courtyard.
6:30 pm
- 9:00 pm
Courses recommended for: Denturists
Admin Staff
MAP OF EVENTS for Thursday, June 16
Rozanski Hall
DAO Registration
& Information
Opening Remarks • 8:00 am-8:10 am
Gold Sponsor Sizzle: Dentsply • 8:10 am-8:30 am
Keynote Lecture: Understanding Every Patient’s Needs – Right Patient,
Right Denture • 9:00 am-10:45 am
Medical Record Keeping and Professional Self Regulation
• 11:00 am-12:30 pm
Predictable Technique for Custom Made Dentures and Implant
Overdenture • 1:30 pm-4:00 pm
CPR Recertification • 8:30 am-12:30 pm AND 1:30 pm-5:30 pm
Straumann Introductory Implant Hands-on Course
• 1:30 pm-5:00 pm
Hands-On: Occlusion Concepts and Tooth Selection for Implant
Patients • 1:30 pm-5:00 pm
Effective Appointment Scheduling and Telephone Techniques for the
Denturist Practice • 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Transformational Customer Service in Denturism
• 1:30 pm-4:30 pm
Thursday, June 16
7:00 am-11:00 am
Rozanski Concourse
Badge Pick Up and PYP Information Desk
7:00 am-8:00 am
Centre 6 in University Centre
8:00 am-8:10 am
Opening Remarks / Welcome
Frank Odorico, President and Nancy Tomkins, PYP Chair
8:10 am-8:20 am
Gold Sponsor Sizzle
9:00 am-10:45 am
KEYNOTE LECTURE: Understanding Every Patient’s Needs – Right Patient, Right Denture
Dr. Effrat Habsha
Rozanski 101
Rozanski 101
Rozanski 101
Overview: In the Keynote lecture, Dr. Effrat Habsha explains how implant-supported overdentures offer
highly predictable treatment solutions for completely and partially edentulous patients. Proper treatment planning and patient evaluation and selection are crucial in achieving ideal treatment outcomes.
The focus of this session is to provide the experts with key concepts regarding implant-supported overdentures. Indications and contraindications for implant-supported overdentures as well as treatment planning
concepts and design will be reviewed. Numerous clinical examples illustrating both maxillary and mandibular
complete and partial overdentures using attachments and various bar assemblies will be presented.
About the Speaker: Dr. Effrat Habsha is a prosthodontist with a private practice in midtown Toronto.
She teaches at the University of Toronto, Mount Sinai Hospital, and George Brown College and presents at
many international dental meetings. She is an examiner in Prosthodontics for the The Royal College of Dentists
of Canada and is a member of many prestigious organizations. Dr. Habsha has been awarded the Harold Keith
Box Prize and received the A.A.P. Senior Student Award. Dr. Habsha’s work in Prosthodontics extends beyond
her private practice limited to Prosthodontics and Implant Dentistry in Toronto. She has published numerous
articles on topics including tooth wear, dental implants, porcelain veneers, partial denture attachments, and
other prosthodontic related topics. Dr. Habsha lectures and provides continuing education programs nationally and internationally on various topics related to Prosthodontics with a focus on digital and conventional
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Rozanski 102
Effective Appointment Scheduling and Telephone Techniques for the Denturist Practice
Sandie Baillargeon, Practice Management Advisor
Overview: This seminar will provide the administrative support staff with protocols and scripting that
will make your patients feel welcomed and comfortable at your practice and encourage them to refer new
patients. These are essential skills for any and all administrative staff members to help your practice run
efficiently and effectively.
What you will learn:
• The points of influence in the service cycle of dentistry
• How to make your new and existing patients feel that they are important and valued at every interaction
• How to reduce the number of no shows and short notice cancellations
• How to answer difficult patient questions with great answers
About the Speaker: Sandie Baillargeon is a leading authority on how to increase the effectiveness of
medical and dental business systems. Ms. Baillargeon is author of two text books, Dental Office Administration
and The Canadian Dental Office Administrator, published by ITP Nelson Canada. Sandie is the owner and
operator of Dental Office Consulting Services, which specializes in dental business planning, staff development,
consulting and continuing education seminars.
8:30 am-12:30 pm
Rozanski 105
C.P.R. RE-Certification SESSION 1
Pre-Registration required.
Terri Mellors RPN
Overview: The Red Cross Level C- CPR re-certification course is for those whose certification has not
yet expired by the time of the conference training. This course includes instruction on the prevention of heart
attack, recognition of heart attack and other causes of sudden death, CPR for adults, children and infants,
recognition and assistance of a choking adult/infant & child who is conscious or unconscious and Automated
External Defibrillation (AED).
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As compared to SLA.
Thursday, June 16
11:00 am-12:30 pm
Rozanski 101
Medical Record Keeping and Professional Self Regulation
Dr. Glenn Pettifer, Registrar, College of Denturists of Ontario
Part 1: The Social Contract of Professional Self-Regulation
Some of the activities that arise out of professional self-regulation are rewarding, others are admittedly
irritating. This presentation will involve an exploration of the “social contract” of professional self-regulation
and its associated responsibilities. The different roles and responsibilities of the College, professional
Associations, and individual members of the profession in the self-regulatory process will be examined.
Part 2: Being in the Weeds – Medical Record Keeping.
The Council of the College of Denturists recently approved a new Standard of Practice: Record Keeping. This presentation will examine the elements of the new Standard and include a description of tools
that denturists can use to perform a self-audit of their own record keeping practices.
12:30 pm-1:30 pm
Centre 6 in University Centre
1:00 pm-3:00 pm
Rozanski Concourse
Badge Pick Up and PYP Information Desk
1:30 pm-4:00 pm
Rozanski 101
Predictable Technique for Successful Dentures / Implant Overdentures – “The Massad
Dr. Mostafa El-Sherif
• Introduction for the Exam/Diagnostic app and its efficiency in giving patient’s different treatment options
• Step by step technique for successful dentures/implant over dentures
• How to produce a cosmetic dentures/implant over dentures
• Utilizing the technique to minimize or eliminate post delivery complications
• Implant abutments pick up, direct and indirect technique.
• Attendee, at the end of this presentation, will understand the technique to produce a successful and
predictable and cosmetic dentures/implant over dentures
About the Speaker: Dr. El-Sherif received his B.D.S., in 1979 at the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University,
Alexandria, Egypt. He then earned his M.Sc.D., Masters Degree in Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta
University, Tanta, Egypt in 1984. He then graduated from the School of Dental Medicine, Tufts University in 1995
after having obtained his Ph.D., Doctor Degree in Restorative Dentistry (Fixed Prosthodontics), Joint supervision,
College Of Dentistry Oklahoma University and Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta University in 1990. Dr. El-Sherif is currently
the Visiting Associate Professor, Restorative Department, College of Dentistry Oklahoma; a Trustee, Board of Trustees Concord Hospital, Concord, NH; President of the 21st Century Study Club; and Assistant Professor, Restorative
Department, OU College of Dentistry. He has been in private practice since 1995. From 2000 to 2014, he was President /Vice President/ Board of Directors, Tufts University School of Dentistry Alumni Association. Dr. El-Sherif has
held many other positions, including Ex President Tufts Dental Alumani Association (2014-2015), Clinical Associate,
Restorative Department, School of Dental Medicine, Tufts University, Boston, MA (1993-1995), Prosthodontist Consultant, King Khaled National Guard Hospital (Royal Family Hospital) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (1992-1993), Associate
Professor and Director, Fixed Prosthodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia (1990-1992) and Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta
University, Tanta, Egypt (1989-1990).
1:30 am-4:30 pm
Rozanski 102
Transformational Customer Service in Denturism
Sandie Baillargeon, Practice Management Advisor
Overview: Transform satisfied customers into loyal customers and find out what is the difference and
why it matters. Excellence in customer service doesn’t happen by chance. It takes the full commitment of
the leadership, a sound strategy and alignment of the people, processes, tools and technology to provide
a superior level of service that is sustainable in the long term. Excellence in customer service begins with
a sincere desire to go above and beyond what is necessary to surprise and delight your customer. Make
your practice patient centered and not insurance driven. Provide total dental health even in a challenging
economy. Demonstrate how you can help your patients save money by NOT having dental insurance.
• How to recognize a loyal customer and why does the customer care matter?
• Top ten things to say in customer service
• Understand who your customers are and what is important to them
• Consistently enhance the customer service experience and create a culture of continuous improvement
• How leadership affects the customer care experience
• Problem solving, handling customer complaints and fostering an environment that creates patient loyalty
About the Speaker: See Speaker Bio on page 10.
Thursday, June 16
1:30 pm-5:00 pm
Rozanski 109
Hands-On: Occlusion Concepts and Tooth Selection for Implant Patients
Pre-Registration required.
Dr. Effrat Habsha
Overview: In this hands-on session, we will discuss the tooth selection for implant patients and why
tooth selection is more important for implant patients versus no implants. Every patient has specific needs
and wants out of denture teeth.
We will be setting up a maxillary arch of teeth with four implants and a bar. We will discuss & show different concepts/techniques when setting denture teeth in different occlusal schemes for implant patients.
Advantages & Disadvantages of different tooth brands and what companies can offer, in size, shape,
shade, density, layers.
Must bring hand instruments
About the Speaker: See Speaker Bio on page 10.
1:30 pm-5:00 pm
Rozanski 106
Hands-On: Straumann Introductory Implant Hands-on Course • SESSION #1
Pre-Registration required.
Nancy Tomkins DT(dip), DD, FCAD
Overview: This lecture is intended for Denturists who have little to no implant experience.
• Learn implant terminology - demystify implant jargon and confidently dialogue with other dental care
• Learn to treatment plan cases for implant retained-tissue supported and implant supported
• Hands-on component - removing healing caps, place Locator abutments, impression taking, use
of torque controller
About the Speaker: Nancy Tomkins graduated from both dental technology and denturism programs at
George Brown College. She has been in the profession since 1980, and began her private practice in 1988.
She is a consultant and lecturer for Straumann, and former BPS international certified instructor. Nancy is a
Masters Certified International Trainer and Member of the International Team of Implantology.
1:30 pm-5:30 pm
Rozanski 105
C.P.R. RE-Certification SESSION 1
Pre-Registration required.
Terri Mellors RPN
About the Speaker: See Speaker Bio on page 10.
5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Parking Lot P7
Brantford Piston Pushers Vintage Car Show
6:30 pm-9:00 pm
East Courtyard
Gold Sponsor barbecue Dinner
Come and see some vintage cars, courtesy of the Brantford Piston Pushers.
Draw Tickets and Prizes! Don’t miss it!
Friday at a Glance
7:00 am
8:10 am
silver SPONSOR Sizzle in Room 101
8:30 am
9:00 am
Leap Off the Business Plateau and Soar to
New Heights: A Three Step Approach to
Grow Your Practice in a Challenging
Sandie Baillargeon, Practice Management Advisor
Characteristics of
Modern and
Composite Resins
Intended for the
Production of
Removable Prosthesis
Dr. Effrat Habsha
Anastasiya Sivkova DD
Glen Gonzalez CDT
Implant Hands-on
Michael Flower, B.Sc.
Sponsored By
Sponsored By
12:00 pm
COURSE session #2:
Badge Pick Up
Sponsored By
12:30 pm
- 4:30 pm
6:30 pm
PAID Dinner in creelman hall – meal ticket required.
purchaseD at the conference.
Courses recommended for: Denturists
Technical Staff
Admin Staff
MAP OF EVENTS for Friday, June 17
Rozanski Hall
DAO Registration
& Information
Leap Off the Business Plateau and Soar to New Heights:
A Three Step Approach to Grow Your Practice • 9:00 am-11:00 am
Straumann Introductory Implant Hands-on Course
• 8:30 am-12:00 pm
Hands-On: Characteristics of Modern and Biocompatible Composite Resins
Intended for the Production of Removable Prosthesis
• 8:30 am-12:00 pm
Friday, June 17
7:00 am-10:00 am
Rozanski Concourse
Badge Pick Up and PYP Information Desk
7:00 am-8:00 am
Centre 6 in University Centre
8:10 am-8:20 am
Silver Sponsor Sizzle
Zahn Canada
8:30 am-12:00 pm
Hands-on Course: Characteristics of Modern and Biocompatible Composite Resins Intended
for the Production of Removable Prosthesis
Rozanski 101
Rozanski 109
Pre-Registration required.
Dr. Effrat Habsha with Anastasiya Sivkova DD, Glen Gonzalez CDT
Overview: This Hands-on shows the procedures that involve the use of light-curing composite resins
(UDMA). These procedures can completely replace cold and hot cure resins, methyl methacrylate based
(PMMA) and light-curing composites in all operational areas where they are used. This lecture/handson course will give you the opportunity to interact with resins that can be cured in the Enterra VLC, and
Eclipse Processing Unit to make clear base, full dentures, clear dentures, splints, custom trays, and more!
Must bring hand instruments
About the Speaker: Dr. Effrat Habsha See Speaker Bio on page 10.
About the Speaker: Anastasiya Sivoka received her DD from George Brown College and is a registered member of The College of Denturists of Ontario and The Denturist Association of Ontario. During her
studies Anastasiya was recruited to conduct a study on methods of recycling acrylic waste and has worked as
a Teacher Assistant for the subjects of Pharmacology and Dental Materials at George Brown College. Working
as a Denture Technician at Prosthodontic Associates Anastasiya actively pursues her passion for innovation
by working with the latest tools and materials available on the market today. She can be found lecturing on
behalf of Prosthodontic Associates at various professional organizations about Eclipse, a monomer-free family
of resins used in denture fabrication.
About the Speaker: Glen Gonzalez has been working at Barzilay Dental Laboratory since 2006. He has
attended George Brown College, part-time, to enhance his talents as a laboratory technician. He has also established the Digital Denture workflow and the Injection system protocols for denture processing. He is heavily
involved in continuing education at PACE and attends many international dental and laboratory meetings.
8:30 am-12:00 pm
Rozanski 106
Hands-on Course: Straumann Introductory Implant Hands-on Course • SESSION #2
Pre-Registration required.
Michael Flower B.Sc., Canadian Director of Denturist Sales
See Course Description on page 13.
Michael Flower B.Sc. is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario with a B.Sc. in Pharmacology
and Toxicology. Michael has worked for Block Drug Co., Dentsply Canada, Zimmer Dental Canada and now
Straumann Canada. His entire sales and management career has been selling dental products to Denturists,
and the dental industry at large. Michael Flower is presently the Canadian Director of Denturist Sales and has
extensive CE in Implant Surgery, restorative, regenerative and the business aspect of the dental industry.
Friday, June 17
9:00 am-11:00 am
Rozanski 101
Leap Off the Business Plateau and Soar to New Heights: A Three Step Approach to Grow Your
Sandie Baillargeon, Practice Management Advisor
Overview: This fast paced seminar will engage every member of your dental team to develop and maintain committed patient relationship based on a three step approach:
• Empower yourself
• Empower your team
• Empower your patients to accept treatment.
You will leave this seminar ready to achieve case acceptance more effectively and more often. Learn to
turn challenging conversations into patient educational opportunities and be prepared for tough questions
with great answers. Change your practice paradigm from being insurance driven to being value based.
• Learn the emotional triggers that will motivate your patients to want the dentures that they really need
Benefits of Attendance
• Learn how to present and practice consistency in messaging with confidence and power
• Develop a win-win strategy to deal with insurance concerns and demonstrate how your patients can
save money by NOT having dental insurance
• Work with a highly focused and motivated team who promote dentistry and walk the talk
• Increase patient referrals easily and effectively
• Increase case acceptance with power questions and identify the top patient motivators
• Present financial options that really work – the moments of truth in the patient relationship
• Deal with Patient Objections and be prepared for tough questions with great answers
See Speaker Bio on page 10.
12:00 pm
12:30 pm-4:30 pm
6:30 pm-8:00 pm
Dinner paid for at time of PYP Registration; Meal cannot be purchased on site.
Centre 6 in University Centre
Peter Clarke Hall
Creelman Hall
Saturday at a Glance
7:00 am
8:10 am
8:30 am
silver SPONSOR Sizzle
Perfecting Your Denturist Extraoral and Intraoral Examination and
Oral Screening Techniques
Dr. Sue Eckenswiller B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed, RDH
10:00 am
Complete Edentulous
Arch Rehabilitation
from Prosthodontic to
Laboratory Principles
Dr. Effrat Habsha &
Fadi Touma RDT, CDT
Sponsored By
Sponsored By
11:30 pm
- 12:30 pm
Closing remarks, drawS for prizes
Courses recommended for: Denturists
Technical Staff
Admin Staff
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Friendly, reliable, 24/7 software telephone support
We offer FREE conversion from many other software programs. To schedule a demonstration, contact us.
MAP OF EVENTS for Saturday, June 18
Rozanski Hall
Hands-On: Complete Edentulous Arch Rehabilitation from
Prosthodontic to Laboratory Principles • 8:30 am-11:30 am
Perfecting Your Denturist Extraoral and Intraoral Examination and Oral
Screening Techniques • 8:30 am-11:30 am
Saturday, June 18
7:00 am-8:00 am
Centre 6 in University Centre
8:10 am-8:20 am
Silver Sponsor Sizzle
Vita North America
8:30 am-11:30 am
Perfecting Your Denturist Extraoral and Intraoral Examination and Oral
Screening Techniques
Rozanski 101
Rozanski 101
Dr. Sue Eckenswiller B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed, RDH
Overview: This course will provide an enhanced discussion of extraoral and intraoral examination and
oral screening techniques for the practising denturist in today’s everyday practice. Participants will have
the opportunity to practice some of the new skill sets during the course. With the increase in lumps and
bumps in the oral cavity, denturists will be guided into enhanced oral assessment techniques to meet the
standards of practice of the profession.
About the Speaker: Dr. Sue Eckenswiller holds a Doctorate in Education Leadership from the University of Calgary and her research specializes in mandatory professional development for dental professionals
in the province of Ontario. She also holds a Master of Education in Curriculum from Nippissing University, a
Bachelor of Science from the University of Waterloo, a Bachelor of Education in Adult Education from Brock
University, and is a graduate of the George Brown College Dental Hygiene program.
Sue is passionate about research and is a board member of the Canadian Foundation for Dental Hygiene
Research and Education. In addition, she is a past Quality Assurance Assessor with the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario and was a part of the Quality Assurance program since its inception and subsequent evolution. She has had the distinct pleasure of being the longest participating CHDO Quality Assurance Assessor.
Sue has taught at Georgian College for sixteen years and in response to a need for quality professional
development, she founded DH Portfolio Solutions, a professional development firm for dental hygienists and
denturists. Over the past several years, Sue has facilitated countless workshops pertaining to dental hygiene
and denturism. Sue is particularly proficient in quality assurance for regulatory bodies, mandatory professional
development, professionalism, Standards of Practice, inclusive practices for dental professionals, and leadership within dental professions.
Sue has been proud to have been a dental professional for over twenty-five years in diverse settings that
include clinical practice, education, research, governance, and administration.
8:30 am-11:30 am
Rozanski 109
Hands-on Course: Complete Edentulous Arch Rehabilitation from Prosthodontic to
Laboratory Principles
Pre-Registration required.
Dr. Effrat Habsha with Fadi Touma RDT, CDT
Overview: In this hands on session, we will discuss the tooth selection for implant patients and why
tooth selection is more important for implant patients VS no implants. Every patient has specific needs
and wants out of a denture teeth. Considering that each patient treatment option depends on a variety of
different factors. In this presentation, participants will gain an understanding and confidence in restoring most full arch, implant-supported restorations. This course is designed for practitioners that want to
expand their current treatment options to include complete arch solutions. A detailed overview of the
restorative procedures will be given so that the professionals will be able to decide on the appropriate
treatment solution for achieving optimal results for each individual case.
Must bring hand instruments
About the Speaker: See Dr. Effrat Habsha Speaker Bio on page 10.
About the Speaker: Fadi Touma is a 1994 graduate of Ferris State University (Dental Technology program). He worked in a prosthodontic specialty office from 1994 to 2001. In 2001, he started his
own specialty laboratory focusing on full mouth reconstruction, implants and cosmetic dentistry. He has
extensive implant knowledge and experience with most implant systems. Mr. Touma holds an American
certification in addition to his Canadian registration. He is currently the DENTSPLY Implants District Sales
Manager and Technical Advisor for the Eastern and Atlantic regions of Canada.
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June 15-17, 2017
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Don’t miss these benefits of
the annual Perfecting Your
Practice Conference
• Hands on courses
• Technical, Professional and
Business related courses
• Co-operative marketing
• Continuing Education covering all
categories of CDO requirements
• Tradeshow
• Networking
• So much more!
• Children welcome!
• An Annually Sold Out Event!
*Subject to change without notice.
This repeatedly sold out conference
meets all your continuing education
credit requirements in one
fabulous weekend!
The Denturist Association of Ontario
is here for you.
Map of the Campus
Institute ald
Computing &
Visitor Information
Rozanski Hall
University Centre/
Centre 6 Cafeteria
Creelman Hall
East Courtyard
Brantford Piston Pusher
Vintage Car Show
Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food
Food Option at Centre 6 Cafeteria
Tim Hortons
Salad/Soup Bar
The Grill House
Pizza Pizza
Nature’s Best (Vegetarian & Vegan)
Piller’s Deli
Wok-a-Thon (Chinese Food)
Track Your C.E. Hours/Credits – PYP June 16-18, 2016
of Lecture
Keynote Lecture: Understanding Every Patient’s Needs – Right
Patient, Right Denture
Yes / No
Effective Appointment Scheduling and Telephone Techniques
for the Denturist Practice • Presented by Sandie Baillargeon, Practice
Yes / No Dental
• Presented by Terri Mellors RPN and Heather Norden
Yes / No Dental/Medical
Medical Record Keeping and Professional Self
Yes / No
Predictable Technique for Custom Made Dentures and Implant
Overdenture • Presented by Dr. Mostafa El-Sherif
Yes / No
Clinic Dental
Transformational Customer Service in Denturism • Presented by
Sandie Baillargeon, Practice Management Advisor
Yes / No Dental
Hands-On: Occlusion Concepts and Tooth Selection for Implant
Patients • Presented by Dr. Effrat Habsha
Yes / No
Clinic Dental
Yes / No
Clinic Dental
Hands-On: Characteristics of Modern and Biocompatible
Composite Resins Intended for the Production of Removable
Prosthesis • Presented by Dr. Effrat Habsha with Anastasiya Sivkova DD, and
Yes / No
Clinic Dental
Leap Off the Business Plateau and Soar to New Heights: A Three
Step Approach to Grow Your Practice • Presented by Sandie Baillargeon,
Yes / No
Dental Practice
Yes / No
Hands-On: Complete Edentulous Arch Rehabilitation from
Prosthodontic to Laboratory Principles
Yes / No
Clinic Dental
Perfecting Your Denturist Extraoral and Intraoral Examination
and Oral Screening Techniques
Yes / No
Clinic Dental
• Presented by Dr. Effrat Habsha
Management Advisor
C.P.R. Red Cross Re-Certification
• Presented by Dr. Glenn Pettifer, Registrar, College of Denturists of Ontario
Hands-On: Straumann Implant Introductory Hands-On Course
• Presented by Nancy Tomkins DT(dip), DD, FCAD /
Michael Flower B.Sc., Canadian Director of Denturist Sales
Sponsored by
Clinic Dental
Other –
Glen Gonzalez CDT
Practice Management Advisor
Tradeshow • Featuring 27 Exhibitors
• Presented by Dr. Effrat Habsha and Fadi Touma RDT, CDT
• Presented by Dr. Sue Eckenswiller, B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed, RDH
NOTE: This is your record for the CDO for your C.E. hours/credits. A letter of attendance will not be provided. DISCLAIMER: The Denturist
Association of Ontario (DAO) does not accept any responsibility or liability as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the conduct or content of the courses /
seminars listed in the chart(s) or the information contained in the chart(s). Continuing Education (CE) point eligibility represented in courses/seminars should be
verified with The College of Denturists of Ontario (CDO) by members to determine if the course’s CE points can be applied.
Exhibitor Map
Panthera Dental
Oxford College
LHM Dental Studios Ltd.
Straumann Canada Limited
200/202 Dentsply
Hiossen Implants Canada
Dental Office Consulting Services
204/206 DAO
Shatkin F.I.R.S.T., LLC
Pow Laboratories Inc. 208/210 Zahn Canada – A Division of Henry Schein Canada Inc.
209/211 Vita North America
300/302 Central Dental
Moore McLean Insurance Group Ltd.
Myerson LLC
Nobel Biocare
Surgically Clean Air
Micrylium Professional Disinfection
Unique Dental
308/310 Ivoclar Vivadent Inc.
Georgian College
Abutment Direct
BDO Canada LLP
Swiss NF Metals
401/403 Heraeus Kulzer
George Brown College Denturism Program
Thommen Medical Canada Inc.
Nordenta Inc.
Exhibitor Directory
Alvaro Mendivelso
161 Vinyl Court
Woodbridge, ON L4L 4A3
T. 905-851-6060 • F. 905-851-9809
Straumann Canada Limited
3115 Harvester Road
Burlington, ON L7N 3N8
T. 416-993-1434
Vita North America
Lisa Graye
3150 E. Birch Street, Brea, CA USA 92821
T. 800-263-4778 • F. 800-848-2726
Zahn Canada
A Division of Henry Schein Canada, Inc.
Bill Dowe
345 Townline Road
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T. 905-646-1711, ext. 3113
F. 905-323-3563
Central Dental Ltd.
Joe Smith
3420 Pharmacy Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1W 2P7
T. 416-694-1118 • F. 416-694-1071
Ivoclar Vivadent Inc.
Rob Mior
1-6600 Dixie Road
Mississauga, ON L5T 2Y2
T. 905-670-8499 • F. 905-670-3102
Abutment Direct
Mike Parsons
102-7351 Victoria Park Avenue
Markham, ON L3R 3A5
T. 416-558-3853 • F. 905-604-0900
BDO Canada LLP
Matt Holmes
201 George St. N., Suite 202
PO Box 1018, Peterborough, ON K9J 7A5
T. 705-742-4271, Ext. 5120 • F. 705-742-3420
Dental Office Consulting Services
Sandie Baillargeon
1440 Grahams Ln. #1, Burlington, ON L7S 1W3
T. 905.336.7624
George Brown College Denturism Program
Deepak Naik DD
51 Dockside Drive, Toronto, ON M5T 2T9
T. 416-415-5000 x4561
Georgian College
Marianne Petropoulos DD
1 Georgian Drive, Barrie, ON L4M 3X9
T. 416-729-1617
Heraeus Kulzer
Julie Lorenz
300 Heraeus Way
South Bend, IN USA 46614
T. 800-343-5336 • F. 574-291-1868
Hiossen Implants Canada
Dinesh Shettigar
#174-628 E. Kent Ave. S.,
Vancouver, BC V5X 0B2
T. 647-890-4045
LHM Dental Lab
Vera Demelo
1407 Dufferin Street, Toronto, ON M6H 4C7
T. 416-924-6684 • F. 416-925-8289
Micrylium Laboratories Inc.
Greg Gero
5000-M Dufferin Street
Toronto, ON M3H 5T5
T. 416-667-7040 • F. 416-667-0071
Moore-McLean Insurance Group
Bert Long
25 Watline Avenue, Suite 301
Mississauga, ON L4Z 2Z1
T. 416-364-4616 • F. 905-451-4447
Myerson LLC
Frank Morelli
5106 North Ravenswood Avenue
Chicago, IL USA 60640-2713
T. 800-423-2683 • F. 800-424-2928
Nobel Biocare
Visakan Shanmugalingam
9133 Leslie St., Unit 100
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 4N1
T. 905-762-3500 • F. 905-762-0568
Nordenta Inc.
Jackie Lindberg
31 Ridgevalley Crescent
Etobicoke, ON M9A 3J8
T. 905-858-4022 • F. 905-821-8635
Oxford College
Olga Haletskaia DD
869 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M2W 2H2
T. 416-907-2571, ext.362
Panthera Dental
Andreas Klie
2035 rue du Haut-Bord
Quebec City, QC G1N 4R7
T. 905-220-6122
Pow Laboratories Inc.
Natalie Ryan
63 Ridgeway Circle
Woodstock, ON N4V 1C9
T. 519-539-2065 • F. 519-537-7894
Shatkin F.I.R.S.T., LLC
Thomas J. McQuillen
2495 Kensington Avenue
Amherst, New York 14226
T. 716-517-0155
Surgically Clean Air
Doug Eaton
3451 Lake Shore Boulevard West
Toronto, ON M8W 1N2
Swiss NF Metals, Inc.
Julian Kempnich
461 Alden Road, Units 26 & 27
Markham, ON L3R 3L4
T. 905-479-2500 • F. 905-479-2502
Thommen Medical Canada Inc.
Vivianne Masson Scheurich
300-1100 Burloak Drive
Burlington, ON L7L 6B2
T. 877-242-6012 • F. 877-242-6013
Unique Dental Supply Inc.
Oleg Chouster
21 Bradwick Drive, Unit 1
Concord, ON L4K 1K6
T. 905-532-0554 • F. 905-532-0704
Genios: Spanning the range from
combination restorations to implant
One tooth line instead of three: Same performance, lower inventory cost
by Hans-Peter Vögtle
Discussions about healthcare have a
way of focusing almost exclusively on rising costs and associated problems. Yet,
experiences have shown that restorations
fabricated by pros in dental laboratories
at a fair price generally continue to be in
great demand. Most patients will opt for
restorations in the upper-medium price
range when presented with different options. Treatments commonly opted for as
a result include combination restorations
or telescoping bridges that include the use
of denture teeth. The quality and economic aspects of a restoration will therefore
greatly depend on the selection of an appropriate tooth line. This article discusses
aspects to be considered in the selection
process and reflects the experience by the
author’s medium-sized laboratory with a
staff of 12.
The Vögtle dental laboratory has traditionally focused on combination restorations. Recently, this existing focus has
been expanded to cover more and more
implant restorations. Needless to say,
our top priority is to offer consistently
high quality in terms of function, occlusal design and aesthetics. However, the
upper-medium price range of dental restorations requires an aggressive approach
to cost calculation. A novel and very economical strategy employed at our laboratory concerns our use of denture teeth to
finish combination restorations, telescoping bridges and bar-supported suprastructures.
The Objective: One tooth line for all
A few years ago we were still using
three different tooth lines side by side.
But given the time-consuming and costly
inventory requirements, we decided to
streamline our workflow by standardiz-
ing on a single tooth line. A well-deviser
product was therefore needed that could
be both universally applied and conveniently processed. In other words, compatibility was required both with all indications and with the personal preferences
of all staff members. This search criteria
eventually led us to the Genios system
(Dentsply, Hanau, Germany).
A number of cases will be presented
below to illustrate some of the important
aspects of this decision in greater detail.
Fig. 1
Comparative aesthetics
A natural aesthetic appearance is a vital goal when restoring teeth in the anterior segment. We evaluated the aesthetic
outcomes of the Genios system in comparison with other tooth lines. It turned
out that interdental closures just did not
get any nicer than with the Genios A (anterior) tooth line.
The lively arrangement of the layering,
especially in the incisal areas, were convincing. If trimming adjustments were
necessary at all, they could usually be
kept to a minimum, promoting fast and
economical workflows. The competing
product required placing the papillae at
a higher level, such that a larger percentage of the tooth surface was covered with
denture resin. The human eye will immediately notice the artificial nature of such
teeth. Not so with Genios.
If desired, Genios teeth can be perfectly customized by minimal abrasive
adjustments, or by the addition of resin
material. For example, translucent incisal
edges could be implemented in this fashion (Figures 15 to 17). Mamelons can be
designed without a problem. Genios teeth
also differ from competing products by
retaining their surface texture even after
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Figs. 1 to 5: Situation on the cast: Nice relation between the Genios A anteriors with the mandibular
ceramic bridge.
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Figs. 6 to 8: Intraoral try-in: Thanks to their favourable surface structure, the Genios A anteriors self-adjust to the mandibular restorations, which still require treatment.
Combination restorations: Preserving a
traditional strength
We have been able to capitalize on all
these Genios advantages for combination
works too. Restorations of this type have
been a traditional focus of our laboratory.
Perfect compatibility with this application
was therefore a major requirement in selecting this new tooth line.
Figures 10 and 11 illustrate a telescopic
restoration. Perfect harmony of the gypsum teeth, telescope and denture teeth
is evident from the sizes without any cut
backs. Functionally excellent occlusal relations are almost invariably obtained in all
clinical situations. Due to the translucency offered by Genios teeth, more refined
shades can normally be obtained using
standard layering techniques for composite resins (Figure 12) – all conductive to a
swift, and hence economical, workflow.
Implant restorations: Broadening the
laboratory focus
Implant-supported restorations have
become another focus of our laboratory.
One important requirement was therefore
that our denture teeth should be universally suited for implant-supported restorations. The Genios system is perfectly
serviceable in this respect, for example
by ensuring that the resultant papillae
have nice outlines that can be visualized
on the model ahead of time (Figures 1 to
5). Teeth 11 and 12 were optimized in size
and position by axial and longitudinal adjustment to balance out an asymmetrical
lip line. We did not have to wait for customization with veneering resin but were
able to appreciate the overall harmony
in appearance as early as during the wax
try-in (Figures 6 to 8). Note the correct
occlusal relationships with the mandibular dentition, which had been restored
with a ceramic bridge. The lower anterior segment had yet to be restored at the
time. Nevertheless, the patient expressed
a desire for younger, brighter teeth. This
goal could be readily achieved, given the
late juvenile morphology of the Genios
teeth. Unpleasant contrasts with the nonrestored mandibular dentition were safely
avoided by the natural surface texture of
the denture teeth.
Fig. 9
Implant restorations: Accelerating the
With appropriate denture teeth, more
straightforward routes can be selected on
the roadmap to success. Time can be saved
by circumventing any lengthy wax-up and
modelling procedures with verification in
the articulator. The case presented here
required the design of a four-unit partial
denture supported by two implants (sites
11 and 21). Our initial thought was to
combine a substructure with a mesostructure and a tertiary structure. However, on
performing a simple set-up with the help
of an occlusion rim, it became evident that
casting a fully anatomical onepiece framework was a much better solution. The
screw abutments were placed far lingually
and were eventually bonded without tension in the patient’s mouth.
A laborious wax-up was not needed in
this case, thanks to the anatomical form
and size of the Genios A tooth used. Instead, the set-up could be tried in directly (Figures 13 and 14). Experience has
shown that this approach will yield good
results even in the hands of less experienced technicians.
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Figs. 9 to 11: Combination restoration, standard telescopic design: The Genios tooth blends in very naturally into the overall situation with regards to both
shape and size.
Fig. 12
Complete dentures: Convincing quality
and cost effectiveness
Complete dentures – which unfortunately are not always given as much attention as other dental restorations – can
also be fabricated to the standards expected in the uppermedium price range by
using Genios teeth within economically
reasonable limits. After all, the occlusal
Fig. 13
Figs. 12 to 13: Combination restoration, standard
telescopic design: The Genios tooth blends in very naturally into the overall situation with regards to both
shape and size.
surface design of Genios P (posterior)
teeth features an intercuspation pattern
that is inherently correct for all practical purposes. A fully balanced occlusion
with group function could be obtained
without major effort (Figure 18 to 21).
Overall evaluation and conclusions
Committing to the Genios tooth line
has allowed us to reduce our denture teeth
inventory by more than half, minimizing
inventory cost. Nevertheless, we still have
a complete range of teeth for universal
indications available. Even those staff
technicians who initially preferred working with other teeth have quickly become
familiar with the new system. In fact, they
ended up reconsidering their previous
option, realizing that this streamlining of
laboratory routines has simplified things
rather than narrowed down options.
The convenient processing of Genios
teeth has certainly contributed greatly to
this positive feeling. Also, we have noticed
that long-term bond with the denture resin is guaranteed even without the use of
any specific retention aids or primers. Genios teeth are not prone to fracture, and
their overall design ensures that natural
colour effects will be present at all times,
even in the sporadic cases where major
subtractive adjustments are required.
The Genios posterior moulds with a
reduced basal segment allow even faster
and more efficient workflows in situations
Figs. 18 to 20: Even
complete dentures
can be fabricated in
a highly economical
manner thanks to
the anatomic shape
of the Genios teeth.
Fig. 14
Fig. 18
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Fig. 19
Fig. 17
Figs. 14 to 17: Natural papillary design and beautiful
interdental closures: Comparison of Genios A (teeth
21 to 23) with a competitor product (teeth 11 to 13).
characterized by limited space. Beyond
improving the cost-effectiveness of our
workflows, the tooth line is continuously
being improved further, yielding products
that really make our daily laboratory work
more efficient.
Personally, I like these Genios teeth
better than any of the other tooth lines we
have used. Their occlusal surface design
has suited me very well. Their translucency including the mamelon structure and
multiple layering correspond with the desire of many patients for having relatively
brighter teeth with significantly enhanced
aesthetics. Genios teeth can, if desired, be
perfectly veneered and offer a final appearance similar to ceramic teeth.
Fig. 20
Our Profession, Our Specialty, Serving Your
Best Interests
In addition to other services, The DAO provides members with:
The most comprehensive professional liability insurance available for Ontario Denturists
The largest and best continuing education event available for Denturists (PYP)
Knowledgeable, professional representation to the Ministry, the CDO and the public
Membership in the DAC with access to EDI, unique numbers and procedure codes
The Denturist Society of Ontario (DSO) incorporated on April 15, 1972. There were two
associations, the DSO and the OADT (Ontario Association of Denture Therapists),
who put their differences aside and joined forces. The society then changed its name
to The Denturist Association of Ontario on November 24, 1982.
Together – grow through dedication, commitment and integrity!
Passport to PYP Tradeshow
Tear out this page and submit in entry box upon completion.
Draw Prizes
Please visit as many exhibitors as possible. In order to be eligible for the draw prizes, you need to visit a minimum of
15 exhibitors. After you have obtained the minimum 15 stamps from Exhibitors, please deposit this page in the entry
box located at the DAO Booth #204/206.
The WINNER of the draw prizes will be announced at lunch on Saturday.
You must be present at that time to win.
Phone Number
June is
Seniors’ Month
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For the patient who demands the best in natural anatomy, Portrait IPN
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