page 15 of `Computer News - For HP Field
page 15 of `Computer News - For HP Field
For HP Field Personnel Worldwide January 15, 1985 he HP Integral PC power of UNIX '"in an integrated, transportable package For HP Use Only MARKETING & INTERNATIONAL SECTOR US Field Operations Vol. 10, No. 6 Editor Roman Kichorowsky Editorial Assistant Darleen Brettes Circulation Roster Administrator (408-864-5621) Computer News is published biweekly for Hewlett-Packard field personnel to keep you informed of new HP products and services. Please send address changes and subscription requests to Roster A d m i n i s t r a t o r , 49B2, Phone 408-864-5621, or TELNET 1-864-5621. Address editorial correspondence to Computer News, Hewlett-Packard C o m p a n y , Building 20BV, 3000 Hanover Palo Alto, CA 94304-0890 USA, COMSYS 0000, Phone 415-857-1501. Street, On the Cover On January 10,1985, HP announced a new concept in personal computing. The HP Integral PC was introduced worldwide in the U S , E u r o p e a n , and Intercon markets. See the articles on on. 13-19. A T&T Bell Laboratories. 2 COMPUTER NEWS F o r ,P use 0.1, European Operations Intercontinental Operations Major Accounts M a r k e t i n g Corporate Marketing MIC Marketing Information Center FRD Systems F~nanceIRemarketingDivision CSD Computer Support D i v ~ s ~ o n ISD Instrument Support Divlsion CSO Computer Suppl~esOperation PO Instrunlent Products Operat~on CPC Corporate Parts Center MEASUREMENT, DESIGN &MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS SECTOR Microwave & Communications C r o u p kCG Microwave &Communications Group SPD Stanford Park Division !Jh4D Network Measurements D~vlsion ;AD Signal Analysis Division SPK Spokane Division CTD Colorado Telecommunications Division GTD Queensferry Telecommunications Division Electronic Instruments Group EIG Electronic Instruments Group C New Jersey Division SCD Santa Clara Division BID Boeblingen Instrument Division , , v, I YHP lnstrument Division CD Integrated Circuits Division Design S y s t e m s G r o u p DSCDesign Systems Group FSD Fort Collins Systems Division FEO Fort Collins Engineering Operation LSD Logic Systems Division COL Colorado Springs Division Boeblingen Computer Division PCD BE3 Boeblingen Engineering Operation LSlC Lake Stevens Instrument Division EPD Engineering Productivity Division Manufacturing Systems C r o u p MSG Manufacturing Systems Group 3SD Data Systems Division PvlPD Manufacturing Productiv~tyDivision LIE Loveland Instrument Division MTF Manufacturing Test Division INFORMATION SYSTEMS & NETWORKS SECTOR lnformation Systems Group S S lnformation Systems Group CLL Computer Language Laboratory CSY Computer Systems Division FSO Financial Systems Operation BGI) Boeblingen General Systems Division K G YHP Computer Division ( ~ P D Office Productivity Division CID Computer Integrated Circu~tsDivlsion C4C3 Guadalajara Computer Operation IRO lnformation Resources Operation Personal Computer Group PCG Personal Computer Group RSC Roseville Terminals Division PCD Portable Computer Division GPCD Grenoble Personal Computer Division POL Personal Office Computer Division VCO Vancouver Division PSD Personal Software Division PCDO Personal Computer Distribution Operation PCGC: Personal Comouter Grouo. Ooeration . Information Products Group l?G lnformation Products Group @O! Boise Division DMP Disc Memory Division GLD Greeley Division CPB Computer Peripherals Bristol Divlslon SDC San Diego Division Ph1D Roseville Networks Division PJD lnformation Networks Division GNC Grenoble Networks Division CNO Colorado Networks Operation ANALYTICAL, COMPONENTS, MEDICAL &TECHNOLOGY SECTOR Analytical G r o u p AVD Avondale Division SID Scientific Instruments Division WAD Waldbronn Division Components G r o u p MSD Microwave Semiconductor Division € 3 Optoelectronics Division C!CC Optical Communication Division Medical G r o u p P C Andover Division BMC, Boeblingen Medical Division MCl4 McMinnville Division Waltham Division Medical Supplies Center WAL HCP Health Care Productivity Operation H P Labs Corporate Manufacturing Corporate Engineering J a n u a r y 15. 1985 HP Computer Museum For research and education purposes only. In This Issue MARKETING 4 General Remarketing in Review FRD advertises in Interact and Interface 5 Third Party Two creative financial solutions for British OEMs PERSONAL COMPUTERS 6 General PCG 8 0 0 line refers customers to dealers 6 Series 1 ClO a HP 1 5 0 upgrade paths Disc drive upgrade path for HP 150A systems Languages and tools available for HP Touchscreen personal computer Context MBA price reduction HP IBM 3278 Emulation Accessory helps sell H P Touchscreen personal computers Hardware support price reductions for HP Touchscreen personal computer New software products for HP Touchscreen and The Portable personal computers New acoustic coupler for The Portable Save $25 on Personal Solutions software packs TECHNICAL COMPUTERS 1 1 General New data acquisition application note BUSINESS COWIPUTERS Deluxe VisiCalc@.13000replaces old version HP Inform/3000 ;and the HP 3000 Series 3 7 How to position and sell DS/3000 and X.25/3000 Link HP solutions for the retail markets HP Toolset demo kit available HP 3000 Series 3'7 Special Financing wins a sale HP 3000 Series 3'7 sales video available Price change for l1P 3000 Series 37A upgrade to 37XE Remote Support Credit for HP 3000 ends February 1 28 Manufact~~ring SPN sales aids now available Excellent HP 3000 Series 3 7 performance results for HP MM and PM 28 D~str~bution IRO Distribution Sales Seminar to be held in February 1982 Census of Wholesale Trade now available New Distribution Management products and manuals available Current Distribution Management literature NETWORKS/PERIPHERALS 3 0 Networks 18150JA softwart:: an advancement in X.25 certification testing 3 0 Printers HP 1000 Series A600+ and A700 gain 256K bytes RAM HP 1 0 0 0 A600+ Option 012 replaced by Option 0 1 4 HP 92077A RTE-A data sheet update Announcing January 1984 update to HP 1000 Ordering Guide Revised HP 1 0 0 A-Series data book New customer training course for HP PMC/1000 Introducing the HP Integral PC The HP Integral PC - a powerful multitasking controller The HP Integral PC can communicate HP Integral PC offers full support of peripherals Localized version of the HP Integral PC available Application software for the HP Integral PC Ordering the HP Integral PC and accessories HP 9000 and HP 64000 - totaI solution to microprocessor product design Calculator/HP-UX now available Applications for HP Data Grapher/POO HP 9845B, 9878A, and 9825B/T now obsolete New HP EGS manuals HP 3054A software support on HP 9000 Series 200 co~>trollers January 15. 1985 Discounted HP 82905B and 82906A personal computer printers Free bar code font with every new HP 2687A purchase New character fonts for HP LaserJet More new options for the HP 2565A and 2566A HP 2565A and 2566A OEM sales reference manual generates orders HP 2563A price changes 33 Terminals New cabling included in HP 3081A shipments Option 0 2 1 and 0:!2 availability for HP 2625A and 2628A terminals SLIPPORT/SUPPLIES 34 Support/Supplies PRICE CHANGES Computer groups price changes effective 35 January 1 , 1 9 8 5 COMPLTTER NEWS For HP Use Only 3 Marketing GENERAL Remarketing in review Russ McBrien/FRD Fiscal year 1984 was a time of significant change and growth in the secondary market for Hewlett-Packard. Orders grew from a low of $1 million per month in the first quarter to over $2.5 million per month in the fourth quarter. Finance and Remarketing Division's (FRD) sales grew in spite of substantial changes in the low end for HP 3000 computer systems, eroding peripheral prices, and increased competitive pressure. By the end of 1984, HP remarketed equipment has come to represent over 50% of the entire market for used HP computer equipment. FRD entered the market less than three years ago, yet in FY84 it did $21.4 million in business worldwide. FY84 also saw the entry of new brokers into the HP marketplace. H P remained the dominant force in the market, moving other vendors to start offering somewhat increased levels of service and quality. T h e largest share of total worldwide orders was due to peripheral (MAC disc and HP 7970E tape) sales. Remarketed systems (SPU) were important engines, driving at least 30% of these peripheral sales. This distribution is not expected to change in FY85. Peripherals will continue to be the major contributor to the product line. Elements of success A price alternative. Incremental sales opportunities are generated by remarketed equipment. Remarketing provides SRs with a two-tier price structure - a "fighting brand" to counter "low price only" challenges. This is a general advantage to HP, as it reduces pressure to lower prices on new products in the price-sensitive market. An availability alternative. For customers who need rapid shipment, the remarketed product line offered an availability advantage. A close coordination between marketing and manufacturing has produced quick availability on most remarketed products. Nextday shipment has also been available on selected fullsystem configurations. 4 COMPLJTER NEWS For H P LJx Only A quality alternative. In FY84, FRD continued to concentrate on product quality. T h e goal was to achieve products that were "better than new." T h e results have been exceptional in some cases. For example, Series 40s shipped from FRD have experienced no field warranty failures. Product failure rates in FY84 were commonly well below those for new product shipment. This strong reliability track record, combined with FRD's complete cosmetic refurbishment, provides customers with a highquality alternative. Other factors for success included the Opportunity '84 sales promotion which allowed SRs to sell a system in the Series 37 price range six months prior to its announcement. Also important was the introduction of remarketed Series 4X systems and remarketed H P 7976A tape drives. These products were an important contribution to orders for the second half. Regional distribution T h e regional distribution for remarketed products has changed substantially from that for FY83. T h e domestic regions achieved virtually all the sales growth for FY84. T h e internationalldomestic split went from 4096160%)in FY83 to 30%1/70Y)for FY84. T h e Neely sales region dominated the domestic scene - Neely sales were nearly double that of any other region. This success was attributed to a widespread acceptance of the remarketing prograrn and its benefits. Future trends Orders should grow throughout the remainder of the year with seasonal adjustments. In order to achieve this growth, the remarketed program will need to gain visibility as a sales tool. Not every district has learned how to effectively use remarketed equipment to capture business. This presents the challenge and opportunity for FY85. With quality products, quick availability, and low prices, the remarketed product offering will remain attractive. T h e recent addition of several new products (such as the Series 48R, technical options for discs, and the HP 7976AR) make remarketing an especially appealing opportunity. Building involvement in every district will be a major goal for FRD in FY85. Januarv 15, 1985 Marketing FRD advertises in Interact and Interface Carol Robertson/FRD T h e following ad will appear in the January and February 1985 issues of Interactand Interface. Systems FinanceKemarketing Division (FRD) is actively promoting our quality and attractive prices to give you the fighting edge over the competition. This ad is one in a series of ads and brochures that will be developed in 1985 to promote FRD's quality, pricing availability, and more. All Equipment is Functionally and Cosmetically Equivalent to New and Includes: 1 00 Ilay Warranty Freight Installation I Contact Your Local HP Sales Representative HEWLETT PACKARO If you have questions on how you can sell remarketed equipment, call your FRD market development contact. January 15. 1985 THIRD PARTY Two creative financial solutions for British OEMs Beng Yeoh/Sales Finance, Bracknell, England For the last six months, OEMs in the UK have enjoyed low-cost alternatives to HP's normal 30-day terms of sale. From time to time OEMs encounter cash-flow restrictions. Factors such as rapid expansion and large account receivables make it tough for them to pay H P within the 30-day term. OEMs with thriving businesses often find that they are up against their credit limits with HP. T o ease cash-flow constraints, H P in the UK has worked to develop two unique financial solutions. They are the "'30-60-90 Cash Flow Plan" and the "Stocking Plan." 30-60-90 Cash Flow Plan T h e OEM splits the invoiced amount into three equal installments which are payable on days 30,60, and 90 from the invoice date. Instead of paying everything within 30 days, the OEhl has the benefit of stretching the payment over three months. And no interest is charged as long as the OEM adheres to the payment schedule. In addition, early settlement discounts are offered if the full amount is paid within the 30 or 60 days. Stocking Plan T h e stocking period for any order lasts for 120 days, and it is possible for an OEM to have equipment in stock for this time without having to pay for it. This is of greatest benefit to the OEMs that need to provide instant delivery and have to hold HP products in their inventories. There is no charge for the first 6 0 days. If an OEM has not sold the products in 6 0 days, small interest charges are mad'e in the second 6 0 days. At present, the interest rate is only 13.5%per year, comparable to the OEM's overdraft rate. Since the launch of these new financial products from Sales Finance, response from the OEMs has been very positive. Both schemes are subcor~tractedto Borg-Warner Acceptance Limited. They have extensive experience in providing financial services of this type. HP does not suffer greater credit risks than in a normal cash sale and receives payment within 1 5 days from Borg-Warner. COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 5 Personal Computers GENERAL PCG 800 line refers customers to dealers Gina (;rieco/PCG For the past 14 months, Personal Computer Group (PCG) Telemarketing has been giving dealer referrals, taking literature requests, and answering presale technical questions on HP Series 10-80 products, the HP Touchscreen personal computers. T h e Portable, H P ThinkJet and LaserJet personal computer printers, and the HI' 9000 Model 216. In order to direct our customers to our dealers more effectively, we are now referring customers to dealers for product ~nfornlationand demonstrations, so that interaction car1 occur in an appropriate sales environment. However, we ~ ~ ~ continue 111 to process literature requests. Please inform custonlers that the 800-FOK-HPPC number will help them locate their nearrst dealer who is well equipped to answer their producl questions. SERIES 100 HP 150 upgrade paths Phil Willson/GPCD For Europe and local language H P 1.50 systems Customers can upgrade their HP 150A personal computers in local language versions to full HP l50H functionality. Kits will be available to allow an upgrade of the svstem software and the owner's manual only, if desired. New supported per-ipherals, a RAM disc. and an improved MSrM-DOSoperating system are among the enhancements offered by these kits. Owner's manual update program This kit includes the operating system disc, application master disc, and the new owner's manual. T h e diskettes are in single-sided format, which allows users to continue to use their existing HP microfloppy drives (HP 9121S, 91211). 9133V, and 9133XV). T h e purpose of this kil is to provide support of EtherSeries1150 as an I-IP I 5 0 user node, support the HP ThinkJet printer and RAM disc, plus other enhancements. Available December 1, 1984, from Computer Supplies Operation for $80 US list. Full enhancement upgrade program This upgrade kit brings an H P 150A up to a full HI' 150R. It includes the operating system disc, application master disc, new firmware ROMs and RFI shield (installed by CE or authorized H P dealer technician), the new owner's manual and user instructions. T h e diskettes are provided in single-sided format. which allows users to continue using their existing microfloppy drives. T h e kit will allow support of HP's new peripheral products and double-sided disc drives (HP 9122S, 9122D, and 9133D). T h e new H P LaserJet printer is also fully supported. as is the I-IP 9143A 'A-inch cartridge tape drive. This kit should be ordered by HP support personnel or an H P dealer and installed by an engineer. This kit is not user-installable. Typically, this installation will be done at an H P FRC bench repair facility. Available December 1, 1984, to February 28. 1985, from PCE (Europe) and Corporate Parts Center (North America and Intercon), for $215 US list plus CE labor charge. A sales training memo, "European H P 150A-HP 150H IJpgrade Programme" should have arrived a t the European Sales and Support offices by now. M S ~ "is n trndpnrark o,fMicrosr?ft Corporatr,rr~. Personal Computers Disc drive upgrade path for HP 150A systems Phil Wzllson/GPCD Languages and tools available for HP Touchacreen personal computer For Europe only David Neu;comer/PSD T o benefit from Greeley Division's new double-sided disc drive products at special discounts, a trade-in program was announced for US customers in October. This program was described in detail in the October 1, 1984, issue of Computer News, in the article entitled "DoubJe storage capacity with new trade-in program." Now this program exists in some European countries where a local coordinator has been designated. This offer is only valid when the disc is ordered at the same time as a Full Enhancement Upgrade Kit for an HP 150A. Local country coordinators of disc drive returns for trade-in are listed bel,ow. With the announcement of the Lattice C Compiler on January 1 and the recent announcement of several software tools for the H P Touchscreen personal computer, HP now offers a wide of languages and programmer's tools. This is our current offering: - Country Germany France United Kingdom Netherlands Sweden Spain Switzerland Helgiurn Austria Finland South Africa Norway Contact Person HP Office l r ~ n g a r dBorsdorf Alain Rioult Terry Herring Ton Serne Nils Kallmark Albert Jozlen Adrian Koch Pierre Hrucceler Elisabeth Auer Paul Paukley Di Horton Kagnar Simonsen Odd Solheirn Had Homburg Paris Nord Winnersh (CSC) Amstelveen Sales Stockholrri Madrid Widen Brussels Vienna Helsinki Johannesburg Oslo Heig.;",",lund Copenhagen P/N Product Description 45445D BASIC by Microsoft Compiled BASIC by Microsoft GW-BASIC by Microsoft Pascal by Microsoft COBOL by Microsoft FORTKAN by Microsoft Lattice C Compiler BASIC Programmer's Library Forms Master Series 10OIBASIC interpreter Compiler for BASIC by Microsoft an advanced HASIC interpreter the popular Pascal compiler for business applications business, scientific, personal use New! For serious programmers practical routines for BASIC users 45446D 454501) 45447D 45448A 45449A 45452D 45310A 45443A Denrrlark J a n u a r y 15. 1985 92248BA Cross Keference Utility 45435A Touchscreen Programmers Tools 45311A Icon Design System powerful forms design tool for BASIC by Microsoft users Assembler and four manuals graph~cs programming tool US List Price $300 395 395 350 750 350 495 9Y 295 49 295 89 COMPL:TI.:K NEWS For HP Irse Only 7 Personal Computers Context MBA price reduction Marilyn Ruel/PSD On February 1. 1985, the US list price for Context MBA for the IjP Touchscreen personal computer will be reduced from $695 to $495. Context MBA is a truly integrated software package. Its functions include spreadsheet, graphics, word processing, data base management, and telecommunications. Context has the capability to create multiple "windows" on the screen, unlike any other software package currently available for the H P Touchscreen personal computer. By making a change on a spreadsheet in one window, a user may view the effect immediately by displaying the data in graph form within another window. All this can be done without swapping discs or learning new commands. Take advantage of this reduced price to sell one of the most advanced software products available for the HP Touchscreen personal computer. HP IBM 3278 Emulation Accessory helps sell HP Touchscreen personal computers Steve Martin/CNO HP IBM 3278 Emulation Accessory, the HP Touchscreen personal computer, and a third party software package have established H P as the vendor of choice for personal computers, software, and peripherals in a national car rental account. Jerry Williams, account manager, has been very successful over the past several months in moving H P Touchscreen personal computers into his custonier's corporate data center in Oklahoma City. T h e 3278 Emulation Accessory has been the key to replacing IBM terminals with I-IP Touchscreen personal computers T h e customer has IBM mainframes, HP 3000s, and a Univac 1100184. With the 3278 Emulation Accessory and a Univac terminal emulator from Kaufman Data Communications (Canoga Park, CAI, the customer now has a stand-alone personal computer, an HP terminal, an IBM terminal, and a Univac terminal all in one machine - the HP Touchscreen personal computer. Prior to HP entering the picture, most desks at the customer's data center had a Univac terminal and an IBM terminal. They also had a severe lack of office automation. Jerry was able to provide office automation on the HP 3000 and remove desktop clutter by replacing the two terminals with the H P Touchscreen personal computer. Key selling points were: T h e H P Touchscreen personal coniputer can talk to all different mainframes Cost savings Saving of physical space on the desk Office automation capabilities. T h e HP Touchscreen personal computers are being used in many functional areas. All of the programmers have them, as well as the accounting, customer service, and auto leasing departments. T h e customer has been very impressed with the fact that the 3278 Emulation Accessory just plugs right in. Most of their previously installed units have been upgraded to include the recently released file transfer capability. T h e 3278 Emulation Accessory (PIN 45641B) sells for $1,200 US list price. -!I Hardware support price reductions for HP Touchscreen personal computer Cynthia Bosworth/CSD Your H P Touchscreen personal computer customers will be pleased to discover that their contractual support prices will be lower beginning February 1, 1985. T h e Touchscreen personal computer has proven to be a reliable product, and HP will pass the resulting cost savings on to our customers in the form of a 30% reduction in on-site support contract prices. Returnto-HP support (Field Repair Center contracts and STREP prices) will remain unchanged. ? Personal Computers HP Touchscreen personal computer hardware support price reductions (PINS affected: 45611A and 45611B) Support Contract PMMC FMMC STREP Current Price Feb 1,1985 Price 240 240 Existing contracts will be updated with price decreases during the February 1, 1985, repricing cycle. As with any repricing cycle, prepaid or annualized agreements will not be affected by this price change. New software products for HP Touchscreen and The Portable personal computers Microsoft" Word. An advanced word-processing product capable of handling all your written communication needs, from memos to technical reports to manuals. Microsoft Wclrd is designed to work especially well with advanced printers, such as the HP LaserJet. It includes H:P Touch features. Rags to Riches accounting software for The Portable: Rags to Riches: Ledger. An easy-to-use accounting package for small businesses. Constantly displays the business bottom line -. income, expenses, assets, liabilities, estimated profits, and net worth. Updates the display each time a transaction is posted. Integrates with other Rags to Riches modules. Rags to Riches: Sales. F'rovides record keeping and sales analysis for retail businesses. Integrates with Rags to Riches: Ledger. Rags to Riches: Receivc!bles. Keeps track of purchases, payments, and creditldebit memos by customer name. Integrates with Rags to Riches: Ledger. Rags to Riches: Payables. Keeps track of purchases, creditldebit memos, anti payments to vendors. Integrates with Rags to Riches: Ledger. Marilyn Ruel/PSD The following new software products are available as of the January 1 Corporate Price List: Graphics software for the HP Touchscreen personal computer PFS:GRAPH. An easy-to-use graphics software package that works alone or directly with PFS-FILE, DIF, and Multiplan" SYLK files. This means PFS:GRAPH can accept data directly from the keyboard or retrieve data from PFS:, Multiplan, or VisiCalcto files. PFS:GRAPH produces bar, line, or pie charts of presentation quality in minutes. PFS:GRAPH charts can be used in PFS:WRITE documents and includes HP Touch features. Programming and word processing fo'r the HP Touchscreen and The Portable personal computers Lattice C Compiler. The industry standard C language for programmers interested in performance and power. Package includes compiler, linker, librarian, four memory modules, numerous library functions, low level inputloutput functions, the Terminal Independence Package, and more. January 15, 1985 US List PIN Description Price 45490A 45452D 45474D 45520C 45521C 45522C 45523C PFS:GRAPH Lattice C Compiler Microsoft'" Word $140 495 375 99 99 99 99 Rags to Riches: Ledger Rags to Riches: Sales Rags to Riches: Receivables Rags to Riches: Payables Microsoft 9 s a US registerea' trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Multiplan "s a US registered trademark of Microsoft Corfioration. VisiCalc 5 s a US registered trademark of VisiCorp. COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 9 Personal Computers New acoustic coupler for The Portable Also in this issue Pau 1Jurata/CSO Computer Supplies Operation (CSO) now has the new HP 92205D acoustic coupler, a battery-powered device that allows T h e Portable to communicate with other computers over ordinary telephone lines. It fits over the telephone receiver, thus eliminating the need for a modular jack. It's compatible with almost all telephones, including pay phones. Available in the US only, the acoustic coupler is priced a t $79. For fast service, customers should call CSO's Direct Order phone numbers listed in the Support1 Supplies section of this issue. Save $25 on Personal Solutions software packs Monica Nester/CSO T h e article entitled "Save $25 on Personal Solutions software packs," which appeared in the December 1, 1984, issue of Computer News, incorrectly stated the price of the Personal Solutions software packs in the fourth paragraph. T h e paragraph should have read as follows: "These packs are being offered for a $25 (or 17%) savings over the combined list price of the three individual products when purchased separately." Each pack costs $125 US list. Introducing the Hewlett-Packard Integral Personal Computer The HP Integral PC - a powerful multitasking controller The HP Integral PC can communicate HP Integral PC offers full support of peripherals Localized version of the HP Integral PC available Application software for the HP Integral PC Ordering the HP Integral PC and accessories Discounted HP 82905B and 82906A personal computer printers New character fonts for HP LaserJet 15 15 16 17 17 19 30 31 ? Technic:alComputers GENERAL I I ! j New data acquisition application note HP 1000 Series A600+ and A700 gain 2 5 6 K bytes RAM John Erickson/LID Dan Meitus/DSD Do any of your customers measure temperature, pressure, flow, power usage, or solar insulation? Do they do facilities monitoring or energy research? If so, they may be interested in our newest application note entitled, "Monitoring of a Solar Collector and Heat Reclamation Heating System" (Application Note 333). This application note is a reprint of a n article from Control Engineering, written by Platte River Power Authority. Platte River had a two-year project to determine how effective three different heating sources were in providing heat for their facility. In order to do that, they purchased an HP 3054DL Data Acquisition and Control System. They chose the HP 3054DL because of its ease of use and the high accuracy they needed to determine the efficiencies of the three systems. T h e three systems evaluated are a heat reclamation system for their computer room, an active solar system, and a conventional electric boiler system. This application note describes the H P 3054DL equipment and the reason it was chosen for this application. It also describes the sensors, the energy systems, and how the efficiencies were calculated. Interestingly, the computer room heat reclamation system has a calculated payback of three years, whereas the active solar system has an expected payback of 3 0 years. This application note will provide you with good sales tools for customers in the energy or facilities management field. Watch for it soon in your sales offices. It's also available from the Corporate Distribution Center, PIN 5953-6990. Last February, Data Systems Division (DSD) introduced HP's first 256K-byte RAM product for the HP 1000 A900 computer. Now, DSD is making available these high-density 256K-byte RAMs for five new memory products for the H P 1000 Series A600+ and A700 computers. With these five new products, we now have a complete line of 256K-byte RAM products for the A-Series family. New HP 1000 products P/N SPU HP l2llOA A600+ Description - Replaces N/A 512K-byte ECC mernory controller 1M-byte ECC memory controller 512K-byte ECC memory array IM-byte ECC memory array 1M-byte ECC menlory array US List Price $ 4,400 Features and benefits These products offer our customers several new capabilities for their memory subsystems. Overall reliability is increased because of the reduced number of boards and components plus the Error Correction Code (ECC) capability. .Previously, ECC had been available only on the Series A700 and A900 computers. Now the H P 12110AlB memory controller makes this feature optional for the Series A600+. T h e older H P 12104AlBlC ECC arrays (A700 only) will be replaced by the H P 1211.1AIBIC ECC arrays, which are compatible with both the Series A600+ and A700 computers. Because the HP 12111s use high-density RAMs, they save card cage slots for the installation of more 110 interfaces. Finally, the 256K-byte RAM products increase the total memory capacity to 8Mbytes for most Series A6'00+ and A700 systems. Ordering information Customers who would lilre to use the new memory for their Series A600+ must use the new Option 014 January 15, 1985 COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 11 1 j Delete Memory Controller and order either the HP 12110A or 12110B ECC memory controller. Formerly, Option 012 allowed customers to upgrade memory by substituting 512K bytes for 128K bytes of memory. Now, Option 014 deletes the standard memory controller (128K bytes or 512K bytes), credits the appropriate amount ($1,425 or $2,9251, and allows the customer to specifically order the required memory controller (HP 12110A or 12110B). For the Series A700, customers can take advantage of the new memory through the same procedure that is used to order the HP 12104 products. Option 014 is used to delete the standard memory and then the HP 12111s are ordered as line items. Option 014 is now the standard method to upgrade memory in all systems. Please refer to the new A-Series Data Book (PIN 595343761), the HP 1000 Order Guide lJpdate (PIN 5953-8763) (see the articles in this section), and the forthcoming A-Series Mailer Number 1 2 for futher details. HP 1000 A600+ Option 012 replaced by Option 014 Dan Meitus/DSD and Jan Filo/DSD HP 1000 Series A600+ Model 2436A, 2156B or 2106BK customers now have a new way to upgrade from the 128K-byte parity memory controller provided a s standard equipment with these products. Before January 1, Option 012 conveniently upgraded customers from the standard 128K-byte parity to the optional 512K bytes. Now, with the recent introduction of two additional memory controllers, Option 014 will be used to delete the standard memory and allow an upgrade to any of three choices with a specific lineitem order. Through these three choices, customers can upgrade to 512K bytes of parity or Error Correction Code (ECC) memory, or lM-byte ECC memory (HP 12102B, 12110A, or 12110B). Of course, Option 014 will provide an appropriate credit of $1,425 for the deletion of the standard memory. There will be no change in the cost to upgrade memory on these or any Series A600+ products. Option 014 simply provides the ability to order newly introduced products. Option 012 will be removed from the February Corporate Price List. i 12 COMPII'TER NEWS r ~ HP r us? o:,li HP 92077A RTE-A data sheet update Ted Proske/DSD With expanding use of RTE-A, some customers have encountered problems with configuring large systems. T o help customers better understand in advance the large-system support capabilities of RTE-A, we've published an update for the HP 92077A RTE-A data sheet in the H P 1000 Software Technical Data book, Volume I (PIN 5953-8710). Bulk quantities of this update (PIN 5953-8764) have been shipped to your office. As soon as it becomes available, the RTE-A update must be included in the HP 1000 Software Technical Data book, clipped to pages 2-11. Announcing January 1984 update to HP 1000 Ordering Guide Ted Proske/DSD T h e new H P 1211XAIBiC ECC (error correcting code) memory products, memory delete Option 014 for H P 1000 Series A600+ SPLrs and computers, and interfacing and ordering information on the HP 2392A display terminal, 2686A LaserJet printer, and 794XA discs a r e all covered in a new, 20-page update (PIN 5953-8763) to the H P 1000 Ordering Guide (PIN 5953-8755). This new update replaces pages 1 through 13, and 21 through 26 of the H P 1000 Ordering Guide. Revised HP 1000 A-Series data book Ted Proske/DSD Bulk quantities of a revised H P 1000 A-Series data book (PIN 5953-8761) a r e now being sent to your office. This revised data book incorporates the new 256K-byte RAM ECC (error correcting code) memory products, new terminals, and discs, corrects all known errors in the previous data book (PiN 5953-8712). and deletes all coverage of L-Series products. Because L-Series coverage has been omitted from PIN 59538761, PIN 5953-8712 should be kept by anyone needing data on HP 1000 L-Series products. January 15. I!)HT, Technical Computers New customer training course for HP PMC/1000 Charles Snyder/CSD Introducing the HP Integral PC A new customer training course (PIN 92127A) is now available for HP Process Monitoring and Contro1/1000 application software on the HP 1000 A-Series computers. This course will provide the necessary training customers need to configure, operate, and manage their HP PMC11000 software system. Dick Siegel/PCD A new concept in personal computing was announced by Hewlett-Packard during the January 10 HP Integral PC teleconference. The Hewlett-Packard Integral Personal Computer (HP Integral PC) was introduced worldwide in the three major markets US, Europe, and Intercon. Process Monitoring & Contro1/1000 Audience: System implementors and operators using the HP PMC/ 1000 (92121A) software. To provide the student with Objectives: operations level knowledge of HP PMC11000. Contents: Introduction to HP PMC11000 Getting started with HP PMC11000 Device and block configuration Bumpless transfer Display configuration Historian configuration Block scheduling User subroutines and devices Installation and troubleshooting Knowledge of process control. Prerequisites: Understanding and use of RTE-A operating system commands and utilities Program development skills with FORTRAN 77 Length: Five days Price: $1,000 per student This course can also be taught at a customer's site for $8,000 for 10 students (PIN 92127X). Each additional on-site student is $200 (PIN 92127X, Opt. 001). J a n u a r y 15. 1985 The HP Integral PC is the first low-priced UNIX-based personal computer. Integrated into the transportable package is a ThinkJet printer, a 3%-inch doubledensity disc drive, a 9-inch electroluminescent display and a full-size keyboard. The power of UNIXTM made easy and affordable For the first time your customers can experience the power of the UNIX operating system for the price of a personal, microfloppy-based computer. The HP Integral Personal Computer is a transportable, fullyintegrated, personal con-~puterthat has multitasking and multiwindowing capabilities. And, at just 25 pounds, it can be easily carried anywhere. Wherever you can find an electrical outlet, you can use the Integral PC. Following are brief descriptions of the Integral PC's major features. COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 13 Technical Computers The power of a UNIX operating system in a personal package 'The UNIX operating system makes the Integral PC a true multitasking computer. It can run numerous applications at the same time. It can do multiple processes - like printing files or monitoring instruments - while the user does other computer-aided work such as spreadsheet analysis. And to keep all of this activity organized, the user can view the different applications through the Integral PC's multiple windowing implementation, called H P Windows. 'The Integral PC comes with a remarkable 512K bytes of memory, expandable up to 1.5M bytes in the standard transportable configuration. With dual bus expanders, the RAM can be boosted to 5.5M bytes. A Motorola 68000 (16/32 bit) 8Mhz microprocessor makes this a very powerful application engine. In addition, an HPproprietary 16-bit GPU drives the 255 x 512 bitmapped flat-panel Electroluminescent (EL) display to provide outstanding graphics capability. The power of the UNIX operating system made easy Built into the Integral PC is 256K bytes of ROM, which includes the kernel of the UNIX operating system, a friendly user interface (Personal Applications Manager), and t h e window manager (HP Windows). These are all available within seconds after the machine is switched on. T h e Integral PC's Personal Applications Manager (PAM) is similar to the PAM that r u n s on the HP Touchscreen and T h e Portable personal computers. In the case of the Integral PC, PAM has been customized for the multitasking environment of HP-UX 2.1. Both novices and experts will appreciate the way that PAM simplifies the use of this powerful operating systeni. T h e Integral PC also comes with a helpful tutorial disc and a n easy-to-understand manual to further enhance the easy-to-use aspects of the Integral PC. For your customers who are UKIX operating systeni experts, the Integral PC also offers some traditional UNIX operating system shells - "csh" and "sh" ("C" shell and the "Bourne" shell). All together now: transportable and integrated T h e Integral PC is a con~plete,ready-to-go transportable personal computer. Everything your customer needs for full computing power including a built-in ThinkJet printer, a 90-key full-travel keyboard with numeric pad, a 9-inch diagonal 8 0 x 24-default window EL display, a single 3%-inch double-sided, double-density disc drive (710K bytes formatted), an HP-IB interface, two HP-HIL (Human Interface Link) front ports for the keyboard and the optional H P Mouse, and two plug-in ports for extra memory and optional interfaces, such as RS-232, Current Loop. GPIO, BCD and HP-IL (HP-Interface Loop). Included with the system is a set of six software discs, including a tutorial disc, utilities disc, HP-UX commands disc, standard applications disc. diagnostic disc. and a system disc. Personal productivity software T h e Integral PC will have a number of personal productivity software packages available within the introduction time frame, including: Multiplan", a leading spreadsheet analysis tool; Men~oMaker,a friendly easy-to-use memo and report writer; Picture Perfect, a business graphics presentation tool; Unify, a relational data base manager; Datacom, a charactermode terminal emulator with file transfer; VTIE, a VTlOO full-terminal emulator; Personal Card File, a Rolodex-like file-card manager; and many other and LTNIX software packages from both the MSTM-DOS universe. - H P Integral PC the state-of-the-art personal UNIX workstation T h e H P Integral PC is the first product to combine the power of a 32-bit UNIX system with the features of a transportable PC. T h e Integral PC provides the powerful functionality needed by technical professionals, Value Added Retailers (VAR) and technical OEMs. It provides an upgrade path for H P Series 8 0 users who desire higher performance. For UNIX software suppliers it offers the opportunity to have their software used by more people than ever before. It offers new capabilities as an instrument controller. And it provides entry-level access to the world of HP-UX computers. T h e Integral PC, in setting a new standard, truly becomes the state-of-the-art UNIX personal workstation. I1NI?i is a L'S trademark o f A T& T Hell La born tories. Multiplan is a US registered trademark of.2ficrosoft Corporation. MS7'"-DOSis a US trademark ofMicrosoft Corporation. " 14 COMPUTEK NEWS For HP Use Only J a n u a r y I,;, 1985 ,? Technic;al Computers The HP Integral PC a powerful multitasking controller c I I Bill Hodges/PCD I T h e H P Integral Personal Computer upholds the H P Series 8 0 and Series 200 heritage by supporting both HP and non-HP instruments. As a low-cost instrument controller, the HP Integral PC is richly endowed with 110 capabilities. Standard features such as a built-in HP-IB (IEEE 488) interface bus (allows up to 14 peripherals to be connected on the same bus) and two expansion ports for additionalloptional memory and interfaces enhance the value of the HP Integral PC in laboratory and control-engineering environments. Optional interfaces include: RS-232 with modem, instrument, and printer cables; 20mAmp Current Loop; BCD; GPIO; and HP-IL. An optional bus expander will be available to provide an additional five expansion ports for extra interfaces, memory, or modems. In order to continue to support a substantial installed base of H P Series 80 customers, the HP Integral PC will support I10 under HP-UX Technical BASIC. This BASIC is largely compatible with H P Series 8 0 BASIC and contains all of the I10 drivers included in the HP Series 80 I10 ROM including: HP-IB, Serial, GPIO, BCD, and HP-IL. Under the HP-UX "C" programming con~piler,such I10 enhancements as Real Time Extensions and the Device Independent Library (DIL) have also been added to support the H P Integral PC as a data collector and controller. T h e Real Time Extensions include: real time priority, reliable software signals, shared memory, memory lock, sync file system, interval timer, and time of day. Because the Integral PC's HP-IJX operating system allows multitasking, real time priority allows the processes to schedule themselves at a real time priority without interruption from other lower priority processes. For example, data collection can be set at a higher priority level than plotting a chart (another process) or even calculating a large MultiplanF spreadsheet. Under HP-UX Technical BASIC, real time priority can be used by calling up routines written in "C". T h e DIL again is aimed at giving users the ability to programmatically control their instruments in conjunction with HP-UX using "C". T h e current set of DIL 110 libraries to be supported are HP-IB. Serial, GPIO, and BCD device-control interfaces. 8 t 1 January 15. 1985 T h e Integral PC is richly endowed with I10 capabilities to make it one of the most powerful lowcost data collectors and instrument controllers in the world. With the Integral PC's multitasking HP-UX operating system and additional 110 programming tools such as real time priority, new and exciting sales opportunities will open in such market areas as laboratory instrument control, remote data acquisition, and control engineering. UNIX 1s a trademark ofAIm&TBell Laboratories. Multiplail ' 1s a US registered trademark ofMicrosoft Corporation. The HP Integral PC can communicate Bill Kemper/PCD Communications has been a major focal point in the development of the HP Integral PC. T h e initial offering for the HP Integral PC includes both software and hardware products. Datacom (PIN 82815J) provides several essential data-communications features, such as character-mode terminal emulation with file transfer capability. Files can be transferred using the UMODEM protocol, which is the same protocol as XMODEM and MODEM7 which is built into the terminal program in T h e Portable. Datacom will either work with RS-232-C interface or the 30011200 BPS modem. T h e 30011200 BPS modem plugs into one of the 110 slots of the Integral PC. Packaged with the modem is the datacom software, so that the purchaser of the modem will have an iminediate solution. T h e modem is designed to run at either 300 or 1200 bits per second and features autodialing and ease of use with the datacom software. T h e modem is not Hayes compatible. As a listed software product, P21i will be selling their VTIE Video Terminal E:mulator. This terminal emulator is a sophisticated communications package that enables the HP Integral PC to communicate with another UNIX system, a DEC system using VMS, any system that supports the DEC VTlOO terminal, and any system that suppor1.s the Model 33 Teletype Communications protocols. COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 15 Technical Computers VTIE allows the user to divert data presented on the display to a local UNIX file. V T / E performs both UNIX-to-UNIX file transfer functions and UNIX-toVAXIVMS and VAX/17MS-to-UNIX file transfer and conversion functions. VTIE is certified by Tymnet for usage with, and compatibility in, its network. There are other data communications products under investigation that will be introduced later. Areas under investigation include H P 2392 emulation, Local Area Networks, and Shared Resource Management, but there are no definitive plans for any of these products. Product Availability 1 PIN Product Date Available 828151 8292 1A NI A Datacom January * April January from P2li' 3001 1200 BPS VTIE video terminal from P2/i 'While the soft~ilare ill be available, it is not func-tioncrl u~ithout either the 300/1200 BPS modem or the RS-232-Cinterface. HP Integral PC offers full support of peripherals Dick Siegel/PCD T h e H P Integral PC lives up to its name by having the most often used peripherals - a printer and a disc drive - already built-in. For most needs, you will never have to use any other peripheral with the HP Integral PC. T h e r e a r e times, however, when external peripherals can be used to provide additional capabilities: External disc drives are needed to provide a fullycapable UNIX development system and to minimize disc handling. Graphics plotters provide full, multicolor, hardcopy graphics capability. External printers provide true letter-quality printing, different font styles, and other features not found on the built-in HP ThinkJet printer. 16 COMPIJTEK NEWS For HP trse On,\ 1 A full complement of peripherals is completely supported by the HP Integral PC. Supported peripherals have been chosen to provide t h e most needed solutions at the best performance/price ratio. Disc drives A large number of disc drives is fully supported by the H P Integral PC. These include essentially all of the HP-IB disc drives currently in production. Included are both single- and double-sided disc drives. 3%- or 5lA-inch floppies, as well a s the new HP 7941 and 7945 Winchester discs. T h e full support of these disc drives guarantees a full range of choices in providing the most functional configuration for any use to which the HP Integral PC may be put. T h e recommended disc drives are: H P 9122s or D to provide an additional one or two channels of 3%-inch microfloppy capability, or an HP 9133D to provide 15M bytes of Winchester capability and an additional 3%-inch drive. T h e H P 9133D or 9134D hard disc is recommended for HP-UX system development, where the additional storage capacity and multi-volume capability a r e useful. Printers A number of printers are supported for use with the H P Integral PC, but the built-in H P ThinkJet offers such terrific performance, ~ncludingscreen-dump graphics, that only occasionally may an external printer be needed. 'The H P LaserJet printer will probably be the most used because of its silent, highspeed, letter-quality output. Other printers include the letter-quality HP 2602A daisy wheel and the high speed dot-matrix HP 2932 and 2634 printers. Graphics plotters T h e H P 7470 and 7475 plotters, as well as the new HP 7550 are fully supported by the H P Integral PC. These high-performance plotters offer the capabilities most needed by the HP Integral PC's target market - the technical professional. Supported peripherals a r e guaranteed to work with the HP Integral PC, and they are fully tested and documented. T h e full-feature sets of these HP peripherals are supported and will work. A number of other peripherals have been partially tested and, although they work, their full-feature sets have not yet been qualified on the H P Integral PC. Peripherals such as the HP 7580 and 7585 DIE size plotters and the HP 7933H disc are examples. T h e use of this type of equipment will be documented through application notes a t a later date. ,T Technical Computers Localized version of the HP Integral PC available Dick Thompson/PCD Within the first three months of product shipments, the HP Integral PC will be available in fully localized versions for the German, French, Italian, UK, and Japanese markets. A fully localized Integral PC will include a local keyboard, power cord. and documentation. Local software will include PAM (Personal Applications Manager), a tutor disc, utilities, and a diagnostic disc. The unit is also localized on the production line for voltage setting and the appropriate fuse, so that your customers can simply plug in the HP Integral PC, put the tutor disc in the drive, turn it on, and be greeted in their local language. Localization of the HP Integral PC was an important design consideration in the product's development. Some of the major features of the product design include: Loadable PAM - Local versions of PAM are included on the system disc. Keyboard sensing - T h e HP Integral PC can recognize which version of the keyboard is plugged into it. When the product is turned on, it looks for the version of the keyboard, looks to the disc for a corresponding version of PAM, and will bring up the local version of PAM on the display. Roman 8 character set - A standard feature in ROM. Loadable fonts - multiple font files are included on the standard applications disc. Fonts can easily be selected in PAM. Font editing - A program included on the standard application disc is "FEDIT." While it has not been localized, it does give your customer the ability to modify standard characters and develop a new character font file, plus modify the size and style of characters. ITF keyboard design - T h e keyboard layout and design is based on the I T F standard. Switchable voltage setting - A 1101220 switchable voltage setting is standard. Replaceable system ROMs - Over time, as HP-UX is enhanced, it will be very easy for your customer to upgrade their system. January 15. 1985 Additional keyboards and localization efforts continue to be evaluated based on demand. Current products on the January 1 Corporate Price List are included in the article on ordering information. Application software for the HP Integral PC David Bufford/PSD T h e HP Integral PC provides software compatibility with other computers running version 2.1 or 2.2 of the HP-UX operating sys1:em. Currently this includes the H P 9000 Models 217, 220, and 236. T h e following software is available from HP for these computers: US List Price P/N Prioduct 45413G 45413H 45420G 454208 45473G 45473H 45524G 45524H Calculator (Multi-user) MernoMaker ('Multi-user) Multiplan (Multi-user) Mic:roTrak (Multi-user) $ 75 150 195 395 295 595 775 1,550 In addition, the following products are available for the HP Integral PC only: Product 82860J 82857J Datacom HP-UX: BASIC HP-UX C Price 295 295 COMPUTER NEWS For HP use only 17 Technical Computers Third party application software for the HP Integral PC Available directly from third-party vendors are: Supplier US List Price Phone Number Programming Languages APL Language FASTIBASIC-M Language FASTICOBOL Language MBASIC-HP-IJX Translator BASIC Xlator STSC Philon Philon Oswego Software $1,495 350 1,250 300 301-984-5123 516-921-0300 516-921 -0300 312-554-3567 Engineering Eng Survey Pac Site Comp I1 Topography Flow Network Analysis Surveying Surveying Topography Chemical Engineering Pac Soft Land Innovation Pac Soft Kelix ISAM program File Manager Data Base Data Base RDS RDS RDS Unify Corp. Product Data Bases CISAM File-It! Informix Unify Type Communications HP-UX-t~-MSDOS Interchange File Transfer SofGram Communication Terminal Emulator VT/E Oswego Software SofTest P2/i 2,200+ 1,500 1,500+ 395 206-827-0551 612-420-681 1 206-827-0551 504-769-6785 150 1.000 395 312-554-3567 201-447-3901 505-822-8585 295 503-757-8887 89 617-965-9652 Word Processing Word Processor Vertical Applications Investor I1 Real Estate Turning Point Financial Planning I8 SofTest REMS Consumer Financial Institute COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use o n l y J a n u a r y 15. 1985 ----- --. -- - -- Technical Computers HP Integral PC Order Numbers Ordering the HP Integral PC and accessories Dick Siegel/PCD and Kermit Yensen/PCD The HP Integral PC and accessories are now on the Corporate Price List and can be ordered using normal procedures. Ordering Information P/N Description 9807A T h e HP Integral PC (see table below for local language versions) US List Price $4.999 Memory Cards 82925A 256K-by te RAM card 82927A 512K-byte RAM card Interface 82919A 82919AF 82919AZ 829746 82974B 829740 82974D 82977A 82977B Cards RS-232-C interface card RS-232-C interface card, French RS-232-C interface card, Italian RS-232-C modem cable RS-232-C instrument cable RS-232-C printer cable femalelfemale RS-232-C printer cable femalelmale HP-IB cable, 1 meter HP-IB cable, 2 meter Local Language Versions Major Market P/N CPI. Volt/ Cord F u s e Keyboard Manual US UK Intercon Europe Germany France Italy Japan 9807A 9807All 9H07AK 9807AB 9807AI) 9807AF 9807AZ 9807AJ JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN JAN APK 903 900 None 902 902 902 902 903 - 110 220 220 220 220 221) 220 110 US 11K US I~S German French Itallan Japanese English English English English German French Itallan Japanese 1 Contracts The HP Integral PC will be offered on the following contracts and exhibits: GSA contracts Computer Products Purchase Agreements Exhibit A-1, A-1V (leveraged) end-user and Agressive OEM Schedules Exhibit A-9, A-9V (non-leveraged) end-user and Agressive OEM Schedules Exhibit A-11E (educational) Personal Computer Contract Advanced System Program Addendum The HP Integral PC represents .4 functional units. Accessories 460606 HP Mouse Microsoft 2 n d M u l t i p l a n k r e US registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Software 45473G Microsoft "Multiplan'lHP-UX spreadsheet 45420G MemoMakerlHP-UX word processor 45413G CalculatorIHP-UX 828571 HP-UX C development system 82815J Datacom communications software HP 9000 and HP 64000 - total solution to m,icroprocessor product design Nancy Daley/LSD I In addition to these items, which are on the current CPL, additional 110 cards, accessories, and software will become available at a later date. The most recent of the integrated Hewlett-Packard solutions are a high-speed link between the HP 64000 system bus and HP 9000 Series 500 computers and HP 64000-compatible software tools - cross assemblers, C compilers, Pascal compilers - that reside on a Series 500 computer. These products are on the January Corporate Price List and will be announced to the public on February 1,1985. COMPLITER NEWS For HP llse Only 19 Technical Computers tween designers working from a common data base. And now these clusters can be added to a larger computer-based network. How does it run? The HP 6 4 0 0 0 Logic Dez~elopmentSystem linked to an HP 9000 Series 500 for more powerful and efficient software development.for microprocessor products. Adding a computer to the development system adds many more software development stations. T h e HP 9000 workstations and computer terminals provide many more input sites and more economy per user station. Beyond that, there is more computing power and the advantages of an HP-UX operating system. Adding a development system to a computer opens a whole spectrum of analysis tools and design aids that support the entire cycle of microprocessor-based product development. Sophisticated emulators, hardware and software analyzers, and high-level language debuggers can be accessed directly from an integral development station, or remotely from a computer terminal. HP 64000 Logic Development System: total microprocessor support HP 64000 Logic Development System offers a complete measurement set to test, exercise, and debug microprocessor-based products at any stage of development. Emulators for over two dozen processor families display target system activity beginning from the very first code module. There are analyzers for troubleshooting and optimizing - state analysis, timing analysis, software performance analysis, and highlevel language debugging. When an HP 64000 system is established in a cluster, up to six development stations, a hard disc, and a printer form a distributed network for quick response and close communication be- T h e physical tie between an HP 64000 system and the HP 9000 Series 500 computer is a high-speed link from the computer to the dedicated HP-IB system bus of the Development System. Shared software tools are cross assemblers, C cross compilers, and Pascal cross compilers that run on the H P 9000 Series 500 computers with HP-UX and generate code that is compatible with the HP 64000 system. Compilers are available for seven major microprocessor families: 8085, 8086, 6800, 6809,68000,280, and 28000. T h e r e are cross assemblers for these and an additional seven processor families. Software con~pletedon the H P 9000 terminals can be downloaded to an HP 64000 development station for analysis and emulation. Alternatively, the development system tools can be accessed remotely from an HP 9000 Series 500 workstation or terminal. Target market News of the HP 9000lHP 64000 union will be especially welcome to organizations with very large software design teams and those with many projects that must be coordinated. T h e combined strengths of the two systems maintain the integrity of distinct projects while allowing a high degree of resource sharing and overall system management. Now you can offer a total H P solution for microprocessor-based product design and development. H P has the tools your custonlers need for microprocessor designs - software and hardware development tools, computing power, networks, workstations, development stations, terminals, peripherals. HP-UX operating system, as well as analysis and troubleshooting systems. Where to address your HP 64000 questions T h e H P 63000 Logic Development System comes from the Logic Systems Division in Colorado Springs. If you have any questions or need more information about the development system, contact Mike Kinslow at 303-590-3078 or TELNET 590-3078. Price and delivery Con~pletesoftware systems for a single microprocessor fanlily range in price froin $2,700 to $10,000, depending upon processor, host computer, and languages selected. Delivery is six to ten weeks. ,- Technical Computers Calculator/HP-UX now available Dan Garfinkel/PS.D The Calculator/HP-UX software program is now available for HP-UX users. The calculator features many of the same features as the HP Series 10 calculators, including: Financial calculations of n, i, PV, PMT and FV Statistical calculations of average, standard deviation, weighted mean, linear regression, and linear estimation Trigonometric calculations including polar to rectangular and rectangular to polar conversion Standard math operations of natural and common logs, square root, and x-v. Tr~g Keys Ordering Information P/N US List Price Description 45413G For single user HP-UX systems $ 75 45413H For multi-user HP-UX systems 150 Note: With Option 022, Linus tape medium, add $75 to cost. Applications for HP Data Grapher/ZOO Mark Smith/PSD For US and Intercon only Since we introduced HP Data Grapherl200 in the December 1, 1984, issue of Computer News, SRs have asked for a more complete explanation of its function and data plotting capabilities. Data Grapher eliminates manual plotting of functions. Instead of plotting points and inflection points, all the technical professional has to do is specify the equation of the function. HP Data Grapherl200 performs the calculations and plotting. The advanced calculation keys let you do complex calculations. There are four sets of ten advanced calculation keys: math, trigonometric, statistical, and financial. The Calculator/HIJ-UX is as simple to use as a real calculator. Simply "point" to the "keys" and "press" them. On the HP Integral PC, the results of calculations can be "sent"' to other programs such as MemoMaker. The calculator runs on the HP Integral PC and HP 9000 Models 217,220, and 236 computers running the HP-UX 2.1 or :2.2 operating system. Solid line produced from the equation y = ( 2 . 4 - x ) + (x: 2)+10 You can plot using all commonly used equations: arithmetic, exponentiation, absolute value, square root, exponential, natural logarithm, common logarithm, and trigonometric. It plots to four January 15, 1985 COMPUTER NEWS For HP llsr o n l y 21 Technical Computers quadrants or any subset of the graph you wish. You can also specify the position of the origin, tick increments, titling and labeling for graph and axes, and whether it's plotted over a grid. Plot using linear, loglog, or semi-log axes. HP 9845B, 9878A, and 9825B/T now obsolete HP Data Grapherl200 also provides you with the capability to enter data from the keyboard or a file to create a scattergram of those points. Or, ask H P Data Grapherl2OO to draw a smooth curve through the data in order to visualize what it looks like. T h e picture on the previous page shows one function from an equation along with a curve that reflects the general trend of the actual data. This capability to combine functions with data helps you to analyze data quickly and easily. Due to low customer demand and the increasing popularity of the current H P 9000 Series 200 and 500 products, Fort Collins Systems Division announces the obsolescence of the H P 9845B, 9878A 110 Expander, and 9825BlT. These products will be removed from the Corporate Price List on May 1, 1985. Cathleen Hendevshot/FSD US orders for these products will be accepted until May 31, 1985. International orders will be accepted until July 31, 1985. Final shipments of these products will be on September 15, 1985. Support life will be through September 15,1995. Desktop SRs will receive more information in the n/lomentum mailing which arrives in January. Pamphlets (PIN 5953-5889) can be obtained from the Literature Distribution Center. W e do not anticipate any problems with this obsolescence program. If, however, you encounter special problems with a customer, OEM, or third-party software supplier, please call Cathleen Hendershot a t 303226-3800, ext. 3805, to discuss your situation. Ordering Information I US List Price P/N 45480B Opt. 630,650,655 $295 I New HP EGS manuals A1 Jackson/FEO T h e enhanced version of H P EGS 2.0 has a new set of manuals, one for each user's needs: Learning H P EGS 2.0 provides tutorials to help your customers learn H P EGS and its personalities: General Drawing, Electrical Schematic Drawing, Printed Circuit Board Layout, and Mechanical Drafting. Users learn the basic concepts of H P EGS quickly by following simple exercises. T h e reader can even see a preview of each exercise by running a special program supplied with H P EGS. Understanding H P EGS 2.0 describes the theory and operation of H P EGS for the system manager. It provides instruction on installing the system, and explains how the Graphics Editor works. T h e system manager learns how to manipulate files and volumes to store drawings. Customizing the system is explained with the help of a complete, customized personality for space planning. This manual also includes information on using the H P EGS post-processors to create material and connection lists, producing output to r u n photoplotter and drill machines, and translating drawings to and from the IGES translator. 22 COMPUTER NEWS For HP (lie Only J a n u a r y 15. 1985 ? Technical Computers HP EGS 2 . 0 Syntax Reference lists all HP EGS commands. Each command is illustrated with a diagram and is shown in use with one or more examples. T h e introductory sections of the reference explain how to interpret the diagrams and enter the commands. HP EGS 2.0 Upgrade Note shows how to convert from HP EGSl200 to the new HP EGS. It explains how to install IIP E.GS on an existing system and lists the differences between HP EGSl200 (1.05) and HP EGS 2.0. T h e first three manuals, with binders, are supplied with each HP EGS product, a s is a comprehensive index covering all I-IP EGS manuals. T h e upgrade note is supplied only with an H P EGS Upgrade Kit. Customers on an H P EGSl200 support service will be receiving the new I'IP EGS manuals soon. You can also order the manuals through Computer Supplies Operation. HP EGS Manuals* HP 3054A software support on HP 9000 Series 200 controllers Rich Sowell/LID T h e H P 3054A Operating and Programming Manual change sheet contains the details about which drivers and extensions (and the amount of memory used by each) need to be loaded into H P 9000 Series 200 controllers to r u n the HP 3054A system software. If you need a copy of this change sheet, contact your Loveland Instrument Division RSE (regional sales engineer). All H P 3054A shipments will include the manuals with this change sheet. Also in this issue US List Price *.scription 98305-90003 98305-90004 98305-90005 98305-90006 98305-90007 9282-1023 Learning HP EGS 2.0 Understanding HP EGS 2.0 HP EGS 2.0 Syntax Reference HP EGS 2.0 Upgrade Note HP EGS 2.0 Manuals Index Manual Binder $20 20 20 5 5 5 Discounted HP 82905B and 82906A personal computer printers *Individual manuals not supplied with 6indr.r~. January 15. 1985 COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 23 Business Computers requests. In addition, a number of major enhancements are planned for the product in the next year that will make it an even more viable product. Deluxe VisiCalc@/3000replaces old version Paul Dauoust/PSD Deluxe VisiCalc13000 is the latest version of VisiCalc for the H P 3000. It replaces the previous version effective January 1, 1985. T h e new, "deluxe" version includes many enhancements. T h e most requested one is the ability to easily consolidate spreadsheets. T h e r e are also command files for programmatic access, new functions, and even block replicate. In fact, Deluxe VisiCalcl3000 has been integrated under H P Desk 111. You can create, edit, read, and mail spreadsheets within the HP Desk environment. Furthermore, the HP 3000 version is still compatible with the H P Touchscreen personal computer version. W e offer Deluxe VisiCalc on both systems. VisiCalci3000 customers with the appropriate support will be upgraded to the new package free of charge. T h e support required is the office tools family and the individual package support (32133A+S00 SMS). VisiCalcl3000 is the best-selling office product ever. With these most recent improvements, it's an even more competitive product. T h e PIN 32133 remains the same and the price is still $2,500. VisiCalc is a US registered tradevrark of VisiCorD. HP Inform/3000 and the HP 3000 Series 37 Bart Coddington/CS Y H P Inform13000 and the H P 3000 Series 37 are excellent partners for the majority of the sales situations that call for a Series 37 solution. Departments and remote offices need ad hoc reporting capabilities, and Informi3000 is the ideal product. Inform13000 provides meaningful information from data stored on the system. H P Inform13000 receives high marks from users who now have access to data without having to wait for MIS groups to write a report for them. This point is even rllore important as systems will be in remote sites away from MIS help. MIS personnel like Inform/ 3000 because it reduces their backlog of report 24 COMPIJTEK NEWS For Hp [Is, o n l y W h e n the Series 3 7 field training manual went to press, RAPID was still being tested. Informl3000, as have all the RAPID products, has now been fully tested on the Series 3 7 for performance in a multiuser environment. T h e testing was successful and RAPID is fully supported on Series 37s with at least 1M byte of memory. How to position and sell DS/3000 and X.25/3000 Link Doug McLean/IND Unbundling X.2513000 from DSl3000 and the implementation of the Links and Services product structure has generated a number of questions about how to position and sell X.25. Fortunately, diagnosing your X.25 customers' needs and meeting them is a very straightforward process. All H P 3000 customers fall into one of four categories vis-a-vis X.25. T h e first category is those customers who have the old bundled DS and X.25 product 3219OA/R/M. T h e second category is those customers who have upgraded to the unbundled 11s (32189AlRiM) and X.25 (32191AlRl M) products, which includes block mode Packet AssemblerIDisassembler (PAD) support. T h e third category is those customers who do not have DS or X.25 on their systems. T h e fourth category is those customers already using the current versions of DS (32185AlRiM) and X.25 (32187AiRIM). Customers with 3 2 1 9 0 A / R / M T h e old DSl3000 product, which included character mode X.25 (32190AlRlM) has been obsoleted a s of the January 1 Corporate Price List. Custorners who are still using the old bundled DS and X.25 product will be automatically upgraded to 32185AlRlM and 32187AlRlM with the installation of MPEIVP Delta-1 and subsequent MITs. These customers' support contracts should be updated when they a r e renewed (see the November 15, 1984 issue of Computer News, page 19, for further details). If customers who are upgraded through the MIT process do not want X.25 and never intend to use it, these customers may delete it from their system and save the $20 per month SMS charge. Customers who a r e upgraded through the M I T process will also need t h e new DS and/or X.25 manuals. January 15. 1985 r) '- Business Computers These manuals are: 1 Manual -- Customer P/N DSl3000 Reference Manual Network Administrator's Manual DSl3000 Quick Reference Manual DSI1000-DSl3000 Reference Manual DSI1000-DS,'3000 Quick Reference Manual 32189-90001 32189-90002 32189-90003 32189-90005 32189-90006 X.2513000 Reference Manual X.2513000 Quick Reference Manual 32191-90001 32191-90006 T o obtain any of the above manuals, a HEART order must be submitted. T h e supplying division is Roseville Networks Division (5200). Customers with 32189A/R/M and 32191A/R/M Customers who are already running the newer unbundled DS and X.25 with block mode Packet AssemblerlDisassrmbler (PAD) do not need to do anything until their support contract comes up for renewal. At that time, their support contract should be changed to indicate support for 32185AlRlM and 32187 AIRIM. (See the November 1 5 , 1 9 8 4 issue of Computer News.) Customers with no DS or X.25 Customers who are not currently using DS or X.25 should be sold the :Links and Services versions 32185AlRlM and 32187AlRlM. These are the only two DS and X.25 product numbers currently on the Corporate Price List. If you have any questions about either of these products or the Links and Services product structure, refer to the HP 3000 Data Communications Products Specification Guide (PIN 59337671) and the HP 3000 Data Communications Products Network LinkIService Products Structure Field Training Manual (PIN 5933-7684). a Customers with 32185A/R/M and 32187A/R/M Customers using tlne current versions of DSl3000 and X.2513000 Link do not have to change hardware, software, or support products. T h e following- table may be used in determining- what action to take with the various customer situations you may encounte-r. January 15, 1985 Upgrade Pat? & qequlred A c t o n-- 1 - ~ 32190Ai3 u s t o m ~ upgraded b e through the MIT process M /-Order manuals from as rpqured from RND -Upgrade support contract when renewed I I 1 - 32189A1R1M 3219lAlRlM I 1 U p g r a d e support wher so-tract s renewed i As you can see, no matter what brand of DSl3000 and X.2513000 your customer is currently using, upgrading to the new products is simple and easy. If you have any further questions about how to upgrade and sell DS and X.25, contact the Systems Marketing Center. HP solutions for the retail markets Karen Dozier/CS Y and Karen Sharriff/ISG Hewlett-Packard recently won a $2.5 million sale at a bookstore company which has 250 stores across North America. T h e individual stores range in revenues from $25 million to $8 million. T h e firm is actively expanding, and management decided that they would improve productivity by installing microcomputers in each store to handle inventory, purchasing, receiving, and a data base of book titles. A host computer a t headquarters would poll the individual microcomputers each night to transfer the daily sales, so an integrated software solution was required. T h e competition in this deal was DEC, who had a 20160 installed, and IBM. Both DEC and IBM responded to the bid request by donating a microcomputer for the customer to use in developing the software. IBM proposed a software approach which used MSTM-DOS and BASIC or COBOL with sequential files. DEC suggested concurrent-CP/M* with multiterminals. However, after further evaluation, the customer felt that the DEC Rainbow microcomputer could not handle the job. T h e bottom line was that neither of these attempts provided a satisfactory COMPUTER NEWS F o r HP Use O n l y 25 Business Computers answer. T h e customer's programmers were familiar with programming COBOL for t h e mainframe environment, not programming for micros, and they needed help in developing an integrated solution for micros and a host. HP's approach was different. W e demonstrated our commitment immediately by setting up a project team to work with the customer's evaluation team. Included in the team were microcomputer programmers so that the development was not dependent on the customer's COBOL-oriented mainframe programmers. H P recommended t h e H P Touchscreen MAX with a software package called MIRAGE, which was developed by Datasoft International and is an IMAGE-compatible data base. This product allows H P to provide a data base that is compatible across the product line, including microcomputers. In addition, the customer hired the developer of MIRAGE a s a consultant. T h e customer liked the solution that the project team came u p with, and t h e order was placed. An H P 3000 Series 6 8 has already been installed a t the customer's headquarters and is performing the financial applications, order processing, distribution, and office automation. It will also be t h e host computer a t headquarters that will poll the individual microcomputers. T h e next step is to finalize the data communications to tie the Touchscreen MAXs and the Series 68. T h e phase after that will be to implement HP's local area network to provide additional functionality. H P won this deal because we could provide total integration across the product line, from the Touchscreen MAX to t h e Series 68. SR (now District Manager) Bob Miller used today's products to find a supportable solution in the lucrative retail markets. He presented the customer with all the pieces to provide t h e best solution: Third-party software (MIRAGE) to provide data base compatibility between the Touchscreen MAX and the H P 3000 T h e Series 6 8 a s the high-end minicomputer that could handle the job HP's reputation for reliability and support. MSTM-DOSis a US trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 1 ! 26 COMPUTER NEWS w us, on,, HP Toolset demo kit available Marnie Grube/CSY T h e H P Toolset demo kit, offered to customers in August 1984 through an ad in Interactmagazine and a direct mailing, was programmed to time out a s of January 1 , 1 9 8 5 . However, because this demo has proven to be such a powerful tool, we have removed the time stamp, and it is available for internal order from the Software Distribution Center. T h e kit number is PIN 32350-60003. Aimed primarily at SEs, the demo kit can be used in the office to learn H P Toolset or demo the product to customers, or it can actually be installed at a customer site and then purged after the customer has had a chance to evaluate t h e product. Included in the demo kit is a script and a mag tape for both COBOL I1 and Pascal. T h e demo kit is a s u r e way to learn H P Toolset in a very short time. HP 3000 Series 37 Special Financing wins a sale P h i l Rosenzweig/FRD This is just one example of interest in the H P 3000 Series 3 7 Special Financing Plan, which lets customers try the H P 3000 Series 3 7 for three or six months before making a final decision to buy. Furthermore, customers can convert into a long-term lease, thereby lowering monthly payments and also reducing the risk of obsolescence. T h e H P 3000 Series 37 Special Financing Plan recently made possible a deal out of our Dallas office. SR Judy Ellerman was working with a rapidly growing start-up company in Irving, TX, that had been using a n HP Touchscreen to handle a customer data base. T h e company needed a more powerful computer system, but didn't have the time to consider t h e various financing alternatives. Judy presented the H P 3000 Series 3 7 Special Financing Plan a s a "low-cost and no obligation" way for the customer to get t h e equipment now and defer a final decision until a later date. T h e customer liked t h e flexibility of the special financing plan, and also liked t h e low buyout price. This financial solution satisfied the customer, closed t h e deal, and also gained full quota and con~missionfor the SR. For further information about Series 3 7 Special Financing and for supplies of sales literature, please see your Sales Finance Representative. January 15. 1985 Business Computers HP 3000 Series 37 sales video available upgrade product, the Series 37XE will still cost less than t h e IBM Series 36. By encouraging the sale of the higher-end, more expandable system up front, the extra step of selling the upgrade and add-on products will not be needed. For those customers who have no immediate need to grow to a Series 37XE, the upgrade product is still a cost-effective way of increasing system capacity and performance. Karen Dozier/CS Y T h e video from the September 1 teleconference that illustrated the benefits of the H P 3000 Series 3 7 in the branch office is now available a s a sales aid. This sixminute film uses a customer testimonial and scenes of the Series 3 7 in the work environment to communicate its unique capabilities - pricelperformance ratio, ease of use, con~patibility,expandability, and integrated solutions. T h e film will help you explain the advantages of the Series 3 7 in the branch office to your customer in a brief, but interesting way. Ordering Inform ;a t'lon I - PIN - Description US List Price 90366HZ a Series 37 sales video (X-inch U-matic) $62 90366HV Series 37 sales video (VHS) 62 90366HW Series 37 sales video (Beta) 62 Note: T o place an I:! order, a HEART override* is necessary: the marketing division is 00, supplying division is 1500, sales force is 09, product line 91, and current list price is "please advise." 1 *To override HEART on this sales video, please read the OP field documentation. Price change for HP 3000 Series 37A upgrade to 37XE Mike Tarens/C:S Y-R a A s of January I., 19'85, the price of the 32450AH upgrade product from an H P 3000 Series 37A to a Series 37XE changed from $12,500 to $15,000. T h e price increase is designed to provide an incentive to your customers to purchase the Series 37XE model on their initial system order. This will result in larger orders for you and a savings of 7% to your customers by placing a Series :37XE order as compared to purchasing a Series 37A and subsequently upgrading to a Series 37XE. Tlnis program will have no negative competitive impact with regard to the IBM Series 36. T h e entry-level system and the higher-end system prices will remain unchanged. Even when buying the January 15, 1985 System 37A to 37XE Via LJpgrade 37A 37XE Bundle Upgrade 32450AH 32449A $19,950 1 + + $15,000 37XE System* = = $34.950 37XE Initial Purchase = $32.451) Customer Incentive = $ 2,500 ( 7 ' ~Savings) ) *37XE System includes SPU, disc, cartridfe tape, console and cable. Remote Support Credit for HP 3000 ends February 1 Mike Balma/CSD T h e Remote Support Credits for H P 3000 systems will no longer be provided a s of February 1, 1985, except for some European countries. T h e credit was designed a s an incentive to participate in HP's Remote Support Program. Since the credit was obsoleted August 1, 1983, all customers on the credit have had a minimum of 18 months to recoup their investment. These customers can continue to take advantage of HP's new Tele-Support Program. T h e Tele-Support Program features include a 30minute telephone response by a response center engineer (CE) for hardware service calls. Since the response centers have engineers highly trained in remote diagnostics, 20% of the hardware calls can be resolved remotely. And for those calls that do require on-site assistance, the CEs are better prepared to bring t h e appropriate parts for the repair. T h e modems used in this program are also extremely useful for resolving software problems and allowing patches to be downloaded. This all means faster problem resolution. So please inform your customers of the termination of the credit since it will affect their monthly support bill. COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 27 Business Computers downloaded. This all means faster problem resolution. soplease inform your customers of the termination of the credit since it will affect their monthly support bill. terminals to 4.5 seconds with 1 5 terminals. As with all performance statistics, use these numbers for general comparison. Actual performance may vary depending on application load and transaction mix. Details of these tests will be available in a future issue of Perfor- mance N e ~ Notes. s MANUFACTURING SPN sales aids now available Steve Hoch/MPD New and improved sales aids for HP's Semiconductor Productivity Network (SPN) are now available for use in your current and prospective semiconductor accounts. T h e following items are available today from Sales Literature Distribution: Product Function IC-10 EN-10 Lot Tracking Engineering Data Collection Engineering Analysis Cost Accounting Systems Process Control Semiconductor CAM EA-10 CA-10 PC-10 All SPN P/N IRO Distribution Sales Seminar to be held in February GIM 5953-7568 Paul Sievers/IRO GIM 5953.7569 GIM GIM 5953-7571 5953-7683 Data Sheet 5951-0222 Brochure 5953-7642 Excellent HP 3000 Series 37 performance results for HP MM and PM Mike Morel/MPD MMIPM performance testing on the H P 3000 Series 37 has been completed, and the results look good. T E P E was used to emulate 5, 10, and 1 5 interactive users. T h e system was configured with two H P 7914 disc drives and 2M bytes main memory. Mean response time for MM ranged from 2.2 seconds with 5 terminals to 2.9 seconds with 1 5 terminals. For PM, mean response time ranged from 3.9 seconds with 5 COMPUTER NEWS For HP ore o n l y DISTRIBUTION Literature TYpe Take advantage of these SPN sales aids in your semiconductor accounts. Expect more valuable sales tools from Manufacturing Productivity Division's SPN program. 28 These excellent results open up a new market for MM and PM. II you have customers that need (or will need) the full-function features of MM and PM but cannot afford the hardware that will provide for their long term needs, an H P Series 37 can provide a short term solution. If you are interested in selling solutions to wholesale distributors or manufacturers with a distribution arm, you should attend one of Information Resources Operation's (IRO) Distribution Sales Seminars, held at IRO in Denver, CO. T h e next seminar is scheduled for February 11-14, 1985. SRs, SEs, their managers, and FMMs are all encouraged to attend. 9 T h e seminar covers the function of wholesalers in the economy, trends in distribution, the potential for HP, solutions selling, product information and targeted selling. T o register, contact Kelly Lister at 303-773-1992 or COMSYS D100. 1982 Census of Wholesale Trade now available Lou Stover/IRO T h e US Department of Commerce has released their 1982 Census of Wholesale Trade, reminding us that our 418,041 wholesalers had sales of $2 trillion in 1982. T h e data is further organized into two categories that we at IRO use for our planning and which is useful for territory planning as well. T h e count of establishments, their sales, and their number of employees are separated into "merchant wholesalers" (stand-alone distribution companies) January 15. 1985 .T Business Computers and other sources of distribution (such as the sales and service branches of manufacturers). T h e data is sorted and presented by Standard Industrial Classification (:SIC), which defines the individual distribution segments, such as industrial, paper, hardware, etc. If we add up the segments that distribution industry consultant Gordon Graham refers to as the "hard goods market," we find that there were 139,451 (merchant) wholesalers in 1982. This hard goods market is one where HP Distribution Management products have an excellent fit, resulting in sales to 4 8 companies, translating to 62 HP 3000 sales. If you are interested in your own copy of this 1982 data, contact K.elly Lister at COMSYS D100, or 303-772-1992. New Distribution Management products and manuals available Rebecca Derrington/IRO T h e following products and manuals are now on the Corporate Price List: 1 P/N Description HP S~FDi3000Technical Documentation Manual Set HP S'FDl3000 User Documentation Manual Set HP S,FDl3000 Data Base Tech.nical Manual Distribution Management Product Evaluation Guide HP OM13000 Technical Documentation Guide HP OM13000 User Documentation Manual Distribution Management System I Distribution Management System I Right-to-Copy Distribution Management System I1 Distribution Management System I1 Right-to-Copy January 15, 1985 US List Price Current Distribution Management literature Rebecca Derrington/IRO Here is the current list of literature and other sales materials for HP SFDl3000, HP OMl3000, and H P Invision. Unless otherwise indicated, they are available from the Literature Distribution Center. P/N Description 5954-0423 HP Distribution Solutions brochure (family brochure) 5953-7484 OM13000 brochure 5953-7485 SFDl3000 brochure 5953-7635 PerformanceIConfiguration Guide for Distribution Management Systems *5953-7691 HP Invision Data Sheet * HP Distribution Management poster * HP Invision poster * Office products direct mail piece (with envelope) * HP Distribution Management buttons * Distribution Management literature folder * Supply House Timesreprint of February 1984 article, "El Paso Pipe's Real-time Computer" 5953-7574 5953-7575 5953-7580 5953-7581 *5953-7692 Sales Training Manuals (for internal use) SFDlOMl3000 Office Products Sales Training manual SFDlOMl3000 Paper Products Sales Training manual SFD/OM/3000 Industrial Supplies Sales Training manual SFDlOMl3000 Electronics Sales Training manual HP Invision Sales Training manual *Orderfrom IRO. Contact Kelly Lister at COM- S YS Dl 00, OY 303- 772-1992. IhA COMPUTER NEWS For H P Use Only 29 NETWORKS 18150JA software: an advancement in X.25 certification testing Also in this issue How to position and sell DS/3000 and X.25/3000 Link 24 Bruce Batky/CTD X.25 Packet Switching Networks (PSN) are rapidly becoming a cost-effective method of interconnecting computers, not only in the US but also worldwide. T h e new 18150JA X.25 Certification Testing and Analysis System further extends the capabilities of t h e HP 4955A Protocol Analyzer in this area. This easy-touse set gives X.25 users greater means for certification testing and network troubleshooting than previously available. PRINTERS Discounted HP 82905B and 82906A personal computer printers Chuck Wright/VCD T h e 18150JA consists of X.25 link level certification, X.25 packet level certification, and X.25 link level emulation. T h e 18150JA is designed to the National Bureau of Standards X.25 verification procedure for FS 10411 FIPS100, which is rapidly gaining acceptance as the international verification procedure for X.25. T h e implementation of this procedure in the 18150JA represents a significant advance in state-of-the-art X.25 certification tools. W e can now offer 176 H P 82905B and 5 H P 82906A printers for the H P Touchscreen and H P 9000 Series 200 personal computers. These printers are in consignment inventory, aged 18 to 36 months, throughout t h e sales regions. T h e discount price is $495, which includes a full 90-day warranty. See your demo consignment coordinator for ordering information. No other discounts apply. Anyone developing a PSN or equipment that connects to a PSN can benefit from the H P 4955Al18150JA combination. With more than 700 individual tests a t their disposal, developers of PSNs can quickly isolate link and packet level problems and ensure that their PSN conforms to CCITT X.25 specifications. Developers of X.25 equipment (terminals, hosts, network nodes) can cut product development time by using the 18150JA instead of connecting to a live PSN. T h e link level and packet level certification tests were written by M.F. Smith and Associates, Inc. of Bernardsville, NJ. T h e tests were written in H P 4955A BASIC and a r e completely documented, making customization easy. T h e X.25 link level emulator allows the user to concentrate on testing X.25 packet level by handling the details of level two automatically. T h e user can emulate the link level of the X.25 network or subscriber using enhancement to the simulate menu. T h e 18150JA has a list price of $2,500, the H P 4955A Protocol Analyzer is available at $18,680, and Option 001 BASIC program language is $1,200. Delivery is estimated at four weeks ARO. Free bar code font with every new HP 2687A purchase 30 COMPLTER NEWS For HP LIrc 011iy Steve Beru be/BOI Boise Division now offers a special H P 2687A promotion program. With every HP 2687A purchase, your customer can receive the new 3-of-9 12-mil bar code font cartridge for free. This program will be in effect until April 30. 1985. This font cartridge allows your customers to print 3-of-9 bar codes - a function used extensively in the manufacturing, shipping, and receiving environments. Through simple user-written programs, your customer can take full advantage of the added print flexibility offered by this new font cartridge. I Ordering details have been supplied to your order processing manager in the Corporate Order Processing Field documen,t. However, the following sample offers an explanation of the program: Courier I Line Printer P/N Factory Base Price Description - - HP 2687A Desktop laser printer Opt. 3XX Subsystem interface Opt. S12 Bar code font (PIN 92186T) Opt. M05 Promotion adjustment $12,500 0 255 -255 ABC abc123@'!"#$%&'()*+, -./: ; < = > ? [ \ I A1 -)-ts ( ABCabc123@'!"#$%h1()*+,-./: ; < = > ? [ \11-3 IA( ~ ~ ~ a b c 1 '2! "3#@ $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? [ \I I) -A zi - ( ABC a b c l 2 3 S ' ! " d V / & ' O * +- ,./:;<=>? [\I' - (I)-% AAE b C a - ' : ' ~ ! ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + " C s N n , j o E YE§ f- uA i o i t 5 i o e ~ 1 0 ~ ~ 1n3A6 ~ D d i i 6 0 0 5 $ s u ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 T h e 92286D font cartridge has nine character fonts, Prestige Elite regular/bold/italic typefaces, Portrait Mode and Symbol Sets USASCII, Roman 8 and Roman Extension. Prestige Elite Purchase agreement and demo development discounts apply. Backlog orders are also eligible. Orders must be received no later than April 30, 1985. New character fonts for HP LaserJet printer Debbie Litle/(:SO Five more character fonts for the H P LaserJet printer now can be purcha.sed through Computer Supplies Operation (CSO). P/N Forit Cartridge 922866 92286D 92286E 92286F 92286L International Courier Pre:stige Elite Letter Gothic Proportional Spaced I1 Courier US List Price $225 225 225 330 330 T h e H P 92286C is the first international font cartridge available. for the HP LaserJet. It features fifty character fonts and five typefaceslstyles in eight language symbol sets - USASCII, French, German, UK, Spanish, SwedishIFinnish, DanishINorwegian, and Italian. Typefaces include Courier medium/bold/ italic in Portrait M:ode and Line Printer compressed in Portrait and L,and!;cape modes. January 15, 1985 T h e 92286E also has nine character fonts in Letter Gothic regular/bold/italic typefaces, Portrait Mode and Symbol Sets USASCII, Roman 8 and Roman Extension. Letter Gothic ABCabc 1 2 3 - = I : ] \ ; ' , ./' !@#$%^&*()+() 1 :I1<>?- ABCabc123-=[]\;',./'!@#$%^&*()+()1:"<>?A B C a b c 1 2 3 = [ ] \; ', . / ' ! P # $ X ' & * ( j P t ( j 1: "<>?- T h e 92886F font cartridge has Proportional Spaced I1 mediumlbold typefaces, Portrait Mode and Symbol Sets USASCII, Roman 8 and Roman Extension. COMPUTER NEWS For HP Use Only 31 Networks/Periphera Below is an updated support matrix for the H P 256X family showing the systems on which the printers are supported and their corresponding options. Proportional Spaced I1 SYSTEM T h e 928862, font cartridge has six character fonts, Courier medium/bold typefaces in Portrait and Landscape modes and Line Printer medium typeface in Portrait and Landscape modes. For faster service, your customers should call CSO's Direct Order phone numbers listed in the Support/ Supplies section of this issue. More new options for the HP 2565A and 2566A Mary Boles/BOI T h e H P 2565A and 2566A, 600- and 900-line-perminute printers, add new options to the January 1 Corporate Price List. - - Option Description 065 HP 3000 printer graphics support software Series 200 BASIC/Pascal subsystem HP 9000 subsystem Shared Resource Manager subsystem 200 290 850 Factory Base Price $3.000 4 00 400 400 HP 250 HP 1000 MIEIF A-Series HI' 3000 Series 111 Series 30. 33 Series 37 Serles 39. 40. 42 Series 11.48 Series 61,68 HP 9000 Series 200 BASIC Pascal Series 500 RASIC HP-UX SRM FjP 3065 HP 64000 Non-HP Systems OPTIONS 2563A 2565/66A 049, 250 No support 049, 100, 210 049,211 049. 100, 210 049.214 300 333 337 049. 050. 055. 340 049, 050. 055, 3.11 049, 050. 055. 364 300 No support 200 200 200 200 290 290 290 290 337 340 344 :364 850 850 230 26.1 019, 050, 05:$ No supp~,rI No support 049, 050, 05:3 HP 2565A and 2566A OEM sales reference manual generates orders Kim Millier/BOI In September 1984, Boise Ilivision mailed 850 H P 2565AI66A OEM sales reference manuals to existing and potential OEMs. Response to this mailing has been great. In the first month after the mailing, OEM orders represented 62'k of total orders for the HP 2565A, and 29'Vl for the HP 2566A. OEMs are attracted to these printers because of their reliability, high print quality, print flexibility, bar code printing, multi-part form capabilities, graphics. and low maintenance costs. 32 COMPU7'EK NEWS R r HY llse 0111~ January 15. 1985 /Cb Networks/Peripherals If you would like a copy of the OEM sales reference manual or details on individual OEM orders, please contact Kim Millier at Boise Division, T E L N E T 3232235 or H P Desk HP4600lM2. For those of you who currently have an H P 2565A/ 66A sales reference manual, please do not order, as the two manuals are very similar. HP 2563A price changes Rich Suyehira/BO.l Some options for the H P 2563A, 300-line-per-minute printer have increased in price effective January 1. 1985. T h e typical price increases are $20 to $25 and mainly affect the interface options. Since there is a 30-day grace period on price increases, customel-s can still place orders at the old prices until February 1, 1985. T h e H P 2563A dot-matrix line printer still offers the best price1perform;mce and flexibility in the industry when compared to the competition. High density, italic, OCR-AIB, bar codes, and 8-bit character sets, plus raster graphics offer printing flexibility for most EDP printing applications. Industry-standard interfaces with RS-232-C, RS-422A, Centronics parallel, and Dataproducts parallel offer connections to several systems and for 0E.M opportunities. In addition to these, the HP-IB interface for H P systems gives you many sales opportunities for this product. TERMINALS New cabling included in HP 3081A shipments T h e H P 3081A shipment now includes a two meter current loop cable with a connector to fit the H P 92922A four-channel adapter or the new H P 92923A single channel adapter. For a longer cable, please order one of the following products: 92920A - Reel of 300 meters Supplier: GPCD, Division 6 3 (maximum cable length: 6 0 meters) 92921A - Reel of 300 meters Supplier: GPCD, Division 6 3 (maximum cable length: 150 meters) 92179H - $1 per meter Minimum order: 50 meters Supplier: CSO, Division A 5 (maximum cable length: 150 meters) H P 92922A and 92923A provide both power to the H P 3081A and RS-232-C data connection. In addition, the H P 92923A features RS-422 for connection up to 1,200 meters (4,000 feet) from the computer. T h e factory base price for the H P 92923A is $310, and $900 for the HP 92922A. Ordering an HP 3 0 8 1 A demo unit Since the HP 3081A now includes cabling, a demo kit can be set up by ordering only two products, the H P 3081A and 92923A. Option 021 and 022 availability for HP 2625A and 2628A terminals Ron Sandretti/RTD Option 021, the DSNIData Link Module, and Option 022, the H P 262X Datacom Pod Adapter, are now shipping with a four-week availability on the H P 2625A and a six-week availability on the H P 2628A. January 15. 1985 COMPUTER NEWS For HP llse Only 33 As the latest additions to the HP 2625A and 2628A terminals, these two options are designed to enhance your customers' datacom flexibility. Your DSNIData Link customers can order Option 021 to connect a link directly to the terminal, or they can order Option 022, providing the flexibility to connect to an HP 13264A Data Link Pod. Read about all the datacom capabilities of the HP 262X Pod Adapter in the following article. CSO Fast I'hones - the easy, direct way fol. c.ustomers to 01-der-supplies. accesso~-ies,media, furniture and softw;~rt,. Location llnited States California l:nited Kingdom HP 262X Pod Adapter for HP 2625A and 2628A terminal customers A r t Newman/RTD Option 22, the HP 262X Pod Adapter for the HP 2625A and 2628A, provides you with a female 50-pin connector with the same signals a s 262X terminals. It provides power to allow use of the following H P products: H P 12005B A-Series Fiber Optic Interface (also needs Option 005) H P 13264A Data Link Pod H P 13265A 300 Baud Modem Pod HP 13266A Current Loop Pod HP 1326718A Multipoint Pods HP 27201A Speech Module. As you can see, this option opens up a whole new world of interfacing for the HP 2625A and 2628A. One customer is using it in a multipoint applic~tionto intermix H P 2624B, 2626A, and 2628A terminals on the same drop with the flexibility to move terminals to different locations without cabling complications. Other possibilities include connection to an existing Data Link with the HP 13264A Data Link Pod or speech output with the H P 27201A speech module. T h e number of uses is unlimited. Basically, an application designed to connect to the 50-pin port of a 262X terminal should also work with this new option. Telephone Number 800-5:<8-8787 108-7:<8-41:<:< 0734-6!)720 I 07:<4-7!12!15!) (6) $128:12 64 (02) 762 :12 00 (057) :<I 22 ,i,1 01- :<I22 59 (02) !I2 :<6!)I (06) 5 18 :31 070:3 I - 1,1282$) 'I'hc Netherlantls South Africa 070:<I -22:3I :3:< 020-4706:1$) 802-511 1 5:<-7<154 28-41 78 Carlntia 'I'orc~ntoI, Ont:~rio Quebec 111-itishColulnbia Other F'I-r~vinces Sweden Price Changes Computer groups price changes effective January 1,1985 These prices, effective January 1,1985, appear on the Corporate Price List on that date, available in your office. Prices are US List unless otherwise noted. Orders a t old prices will be honored at the factories for 3 0 days (or 60 days in the case of government quotes, see exception, 111. GSA) after the effective date of an increase. All quotations, either verbal or written, shall be made a t the new prices upon the effective date of the new price list. T h e customer should be notified that his order will be honored a t the lower price if it is received within the 30-day grace period. Price decreases are effective immediately and in-house orders shipped 5 working days prior to the announced decrease date will be billed a t the new lower price. Product No. Description Mass :itorage 3OM PlotteriPrinler ROM M a t r x ROM Advanced Pruyram ROM Potler ROM Matrix ROM Advanced Proilram ROM 512K bvtes w l ' h contralier L a p ~ BM E F bdodule M u l t i ~ s PSI e EF nlerlece Loop E,ul Terminal Interlice Time Base Ger~ 1 6 b i l Duplex IReg Micro Duplex IReg T r a n s ~ R e cS y r ~ cK 1 0 Brr~adboarri 1 M byte CIB Prray 256K bytes Memory Module Memo y Exparis~on HP IB Adapter KII 64K-byles H g h Perlormance l i l e m o r i 128K bytes Hlgh Perlormance hlemory Twenty 1 2 7 4 7 ~ 51 2 k bytes High Performance lilemory 20 par.k o l 1 2 i 4 9 H Prior Jumper Card 2 5 6 K ~ b y t e sHigh Chk Board 512K-bytes H ~ g hChk Board 1 2 8 K ~ b y t e sSlandard Package~E 2 5 6 K ~ b v t e sS t a l d a r d ~ a c k a g kE 51 2K-byles Slandard Package-E I 28K-bytes Standard FC Package-E 2 5 6 K ~ b y t e sStandard FC Package-E 5 l 2 K - b y t e s Msmory Package I M - b i t e Standard FC Package-E l 2 8 K - b y t e s High Package-EIF 2 5 6 K ~ b y l e sHigh Perlormance hdemory Package 512K byles H g h Perlormance hdemory Package 1M-byte H ~ q h Perlormance hdemary Package January 15, 1985 Old price New Price Product No. 12788G Description 1 5 M ~ b y t el i i g h Performance Memory Package 2 M ~ b y t e sHigh Performance Memorv Package 512K-byles High Perlormance FC Package-El: 1 M byle High Pertornlance FC 1 13?22M 13722N 13222P 13?22W 13?22X 13222Y 13242H 13?42Y 133078 1535~3914 21 0 2 8 21 112E Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt 2302A 2392A 092 093 301 302 303 304 Opt 305 Opt 306 Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt 003 004 005 006 007 023 Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt opt 049 050 053 055 065 068 100 opt opt Opt opt 110 112 115 200 1 5 ~ - b y t eI i i g h Perlormanre FC Package Elz 2 M - b y l e s tliqh PerlormanceFC Package E.F M u l t ~Term nal Subsystem 8 Channel 1-erminal MllX F F ~ ~ 3 Mollem 0 0 Link M E F Modem I ink C D Disc Interlace M E F Hardware Link MIEIF PSI {Card Direct Canr~eclInterlace High Speed Interlace Memory Protect User WR D ~ v e r s Buf Asyn lr~terface Upgrade K l CPU lnterface M u l t CPU Interface RS 232 Cable European Modem Cable US Modem Cable Oirect Conrect 422 Cable HP 300 C a t l e D r e c t Conrlect 232 Cable Emp Protect Cable RS-237 M I F Cable ~ m protect p cable DM1 Group Ribbon lor 2619A Standard Cleniory Controller High Speed Memory Canlroller High FC M t m o r y Conlroller HP 1000 E Series CPU HP 1000 E Series CPU HP 1000 F Series CPU Model 40 RFI EMC HP 1000 Model 6 0 HP 1000 Model 65 Power Unit HP MULTlhAUX 4 Channel (Card O i s p a y Teimlnal R S ~ 2 3 2 ~Interface C Centronics Inlerlace US Modem Cable European Modem Cable RS-232 E x l e n s ~ o nCable Oirect Conriect 232 Cahl? i m p - p r o t e c t cable D ~ r e c Cl o n ~ i e c4l 2 2 Cable Character Sets Character :;ets Character :;el? Characler Sets Bar Codes 512K byle!; Graphics Board RS-232 lnterface R S ~ 4 2 2Interface Centronics 110 HP 3000 M u t i Sub HP 3000 G.aohic Suo ~ibbons HP 1000 MIEIF Subsystelr Sound Attachment Printer Stand Paper Stacker HP 9000 Series 200 Subsysterr~ . . Old Price New Price Produc:t NO. Description 2563A opt 210 HP 1000 MIEIF Subsysteni Opl 214 HP 1000 A Series Subsystem Opt 230 3065 Test Subsystem Opt 250 HP 250 Subsysteriis Opt 264 HP 64000 Subsyslem Opl 290 HP 9000 Subsystem Opt 300 HP 3000 Series Ill o p t 333 HP 3000 Series 30 3 3 Subsystems HP 3000 Ser~es37 Subsystem Opt 340 HP 3000 Serles 3 9 40 42 Subsystems opt 344 HP 3000 Series 44 48 Subsystems Opl 364 HP 3000 Series 64 6 8 Subsystems Opt 500 Extended Package Opt 715 Service Document Opt 850 Shared Manager Subsystem o p t 001 Character Set Opt 003 Character Sets Opt 004 Character Set Opt 005 Character Sets Opt 006 Character Set Opt 008 Character Set n o t 010 Characler Sel o p t 022 Graphlcs Converson Board Opt 023 Graphlcs C o n i e r s o n Board Opt 028 E x Language Supp PCA Opt 049 RS-232-C 1'0 Oot 050 RS-422-A I 0 Opt 053 Cenlroncs ' 0 o p l 100 Para 0111-1000 Opt 115 Passive Slacker Opl 214 HP 1000 A ~ S e r i e s Subsystem Opt 300 HP 3000 Series I l l S~bsystem op1 337 HP 3000 Series 3 7 Subsvstem opt 34C HP 3600 Series 39 40 42 Subsyslems o p t 344 HP 3000 Series 44 42 Subsystems Opl 364 HP 3000 Series 64 68 Subsystems Opt 50P Prnter Package Opllon Opt 715 S e r v ~ c eDocumellation P t n t e r Interlace K I ~ Opt 301 US M o d e v Cable Opl 302 European Modem Cable Opt 303 RS-232 Cable Opt 304 Dlrect Connect 232 Cable Opt 305 Emp Protect Cable Opt 306 D r e c t Connect 422 Cable Opt 301 US Modem Cable Opt 302 European Modern Cable Opt 303 RS-232 Cable Opt 304 Oirect Connect 232 Cable Opt 305 Emp Protecl Cable Opt 306 Direct Connect 422 Cable Opl 3C1 US Modem Cable Opt 302 European Modem Cable opt 303 R S ~ 2 3 2Cable Opt 304 Direct Connect 422 Cable OpI 305 Emp Prolect Cable Opt 3116 Dlrecl Connect422 Cable Opt 308 l M HP I 8 Cable Opt 309 D a s y Chain MPT Opt 310 F ~ r sMPT l Snc wlth CH t Scn WIO CK Opt 31 1 F ~ r s MPT Opt 312 F ~ r s tMPT Async 001 301 US Modem Cable Opt 302 European Modem Cable Opt 303 RS-232 Cable Opt 304 Direct Connect 232 rnhl~ Opt 305 i i p b r o t e c t Cable Opt 306 Direct Connecl 422 Cable Opt 301 US Modem Cable Old Price COMPLITER NEWS For HP Ilre Only New Price 35 Price Changes Product No. Description 2628A Opt 302 Europ?an M o d r n i Cable 2628A Opt 303 AS-232 Lablr 2628A Ont 304 D ~ t e rConr~ect l 232 2628A 2628A Opt 305 Opt 306 2628A 2628A 2628A 26286 2680P 3001 8A 3'101 9P 311143A Opt Opl Opt Opt 30145P 701 55P 3024511 302454 Old Price I :: IA: : : New Price :8 Product No. 45420AD 85 85 85 R5 85 85 85 73 4110 1791 1 7'15 308 309 310 312 D-Person-aj Card F11e E Personal Card F ~ l e F Personal Card Flip H Personal Card F ~ l e N Personal Card File 5 Personal Card F P X Personal Card F ~ l e Y P ~ i s d n a Card l FIE Z Personal C.ird F I ? R DSN'LlnklllLl D DSN!Lnk E DSN'Lnk F OSNlllrk H DSNlLinkll50 S DSNlLlnk X DSNlLlnk A PPC T o u c h s ~ r e e nPk D PPC Touchscreen Pk E PPC Tollchscreen Pk F PPC Touchscreen Pk H PPC Touchscreen Pk N PPC To!~chscreenPk S PPC T o l ~ r . h s r r ~Pk ~n x PPC Touchscreen Pk Y PPC Touchscreen Pk Z PPC Touchscreen Pk Pctrlre P e r l e c t l l 5 0 Ulaqraph'l if1 MulIp\an:I50 Soltwdre llpyradc Soltharc Uoorade Software ~ b i r a d p V l s C a l ~' Spanish V s C a L ' Graphrs Spanlsh G t d p h ~ c s l o u c h s r l c c n Tcrnlnal HP 150 128K Card HP 150 256K Card HP 150 384K Card Venlel Internal Modeni Touchscreen PC lorlchscreen PC MAX Interlace Card Portable Computer Porlable Colnputer ?OM h y l ? C D !OM hyle ICD Rk M I 20M b y l r Masler 20M b y l r Masler D r ~ v e 2OM byte Add un D r ~ v e 20M byte Add on D r ~ v e 1 3 2 M byte 1600 (.PI D~scrTapeSiibsyslpm 50M-byte ICD DISC 50M bvte Master 50M b i t e Add on 120M byte C D DISC 120M byte Masler D r ~ v r 7925M Return C r e d t 120M-byte Add on Drive 79255 Relurn Credtt 3175 h 590 R 140 1500 1500 750 750 7511 750 3 045 3 625 4 045 890 7 000 4 900 7 000 4 900 4 900 1 I100 Opt 315 001 335 1 4110 32270LA- SOD ~ ~ ' ~ l s l i i i e ql31 prr1 lo Copy SMS PM 3t,d SMS PM 31",'.1~'G ~ , i i a ~ ? SMS PM 3 Y i l P r ~ n t P SMS PM 3 r 2 rdlahdn.~ SMS PM I l l l ' ~.~\ ~ s t r SMS Ph1 3 6 br1las11 SMS PM 31111~ F i 71 s t SMS PM 30C'I 1 , i l i r SMS HP \1.31,1It1ll n i o CAA l i p h 1 , ~ 1 1 1 l ~ nf , i ! ~ , Mrlt t i p 300!' 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" E l r p P r o l e ~ Ct a b f f Modcm Bypass Cablf 8 Cllanl~ell ~ t e r l a c i :dd 4 P o ~ tn r ~ ~ r B a s r Prooranl L b r a r i Tools Old Price 150 150 150 New Price 160 175 175 I Product No. 82816A 8281 7A 82823A 82823F Description l e x t E d ~ i n yPar nipac Word 80 Word 80 F ~ ~ n r h Word 80 G e r l l l ~ n Word 80 I t a a n F e 80 F i e 80 FrPnr h F e 8OG~1man F ~ l e8 0 Italian V s C a l c ' Plus HP L nicr!:ice Card Pelsonal C ' i l p u t e r F e Manage1 S p a n s h 2M byte RAM 51 2K byte RAM 4hj byte RAM A d d I l o n a CPL 2 Addtlooa CPU9 21,1 byte w M 512K b y t r RAM 4M b l t e Hiihl A d d t o n a . LPL! 2 A d d ~ t ~ oLPUs ~~il 2M b i l e HAW i l 2 K - b i l e HAM 4\1 b i t e HAM b : d t ~ o ~ i i :PIJ I I P d d 1 . 1 1,I r,P!Ih b d d l ' c n , l i PI, .' Addili?",, IPII. AdCitional iP!. ? Add!t~or.ll CPUs ?M b i l e RAM 5 1 2 r b,te RAM 41) bylc RAM i d d ~ t ~ o r 'LPU ~al 2 A d d t ~ o i l aCPUs 2hq b i t e HAM 51 2K cyte RAM 4hi by!? RAM A d d I l o n a CPI 2 A d d ~ l ~ o r i CPUs a 2111 byte HAM 512K byte AAM 4 M byle RAM A d d t ~ o n aLPU A d d l o n a CPtl 2M byte RAM 51 2K b y t ~RAM 4M byte RAM Addltonai CPU 2 A d o ! o n a CPUs SMS RTF 4501i 2M bytes RAM 512K by!? RAM Upqrade C r r d I Upgrade C.edI Desktop Corlipuler Desktoo CorriD~~lPl Desktop ~ o r l b l r t p r Color C o r n p u t ~ l Color C o m p ~ l l r rSysterlr Color C o r n p ~ i t e ~ Desktop CornpotPr M M U Conlp.llel FILS HP !1X 2011 S Old Price New Price 115 11 5 275 275 275 275 27C 27n 2711 27r1 275 275 275 275 275 115 61 5 61 5 295 225 445 15C 1695 2GO I4 3 5C~l 74 i t r ' fi j 1 l . 1 1 7 OOJ 14 8?1'18 3 51;:' 21 rJrJ:, 8 Sir(' 17 OOC I4000 3 500 (4 5 45 95 2 050 870 1 1I1 99 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 730 730 710 79700 7970E 7970E 7970E 7970E 7971A 7974A 7978A 82161A H2400A Opl Opl Opl dlSC Maynellr Tape M a g n r l ~ cTape JRV DC Power Slavc IJnlt Master U n ~ l D y 1 1 a lJnll!si May Tape D r ~ v r Mag Tape D r ~ v e 41 D ~ g t aCassette l Card Reader 325 HEWLETT PACKARD 1 Please send a d d r e s s changes and u n d e l l v e r e d C o m D u t e r N e w s c o p ~ e sl o R o s t e r A d r n i n ~ s t r a t o r 1Yi32. , 19320 Pruner~daeA v e n u e . C u ~ e r t ~ n CA o . 9501.1 /