Friedens MESSENGER - Friedens Lutheran Church


Friedens MESSENGER - Friedens Lutheran Church
Non-profit Org.
Friedens Ev. Lutheran Church
540 D Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68502-1054
U.S. Postage
Lincoln, NE
Permit #432
Office Phone: 402-476-3888
Fax Number: 402-438-5669
Pastor’s Home Phone: 402-488-4291
Pastor’s Cell Phone: 402-540-8794
Volume 29, Issue 9 — September 2013
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Church email:
Pastor’s email:
Office Hours:
9am—12 pm, Monday—Friday
The Rev. Howard P. Rasmussen, Pastor
Billie Hansen, Secretary
Carol Joy Holling Camp’s 12 Annual
Golf Tournament…
The Prayer Chain at Friedens (and all other
The Camp Classic at Iron Horse Golf Course in Ashland, Ne. on Monday, September 9th, 2013. For more
do. Caring for others in general, but especialinformation or to sign up go to or call 402-944-9800.
ly for those in our church family, is what we
churches) is a vital part of the ministry we
are called to do. You are needed. Our num-
School Kits for Lutheran World Relief…..
bers are way down and more volunteers are
needed. Please call Maxine Pfrimmer (402-
As of August 19th, we are close to reaching our goal of
assembling 50 Kits! We are still in need of these
464-3024) and tell her you would love to be
part of the prayer chain.
 Blunt-tip Scissors (need 19)
 Rulers (need 19)
—Important dates —
 Crayons (need 15 boxes)
 Pencils (need 48)
September 9th — CJH The Camp Classic at
Our greatest need is for:
Iron Horse Golf Course
 Pens (need 108)
September 23rd — Women of St. Andrews sal-  Notebooks (need 97)
ad supper
We do not need any more erasers.
October 13th — CROP hunger walk
Thank you for all your donations so far!!
From Pastor’s Desk . . .
If we are honest, I believe that each of us have regrets about some things in our lives. One of my regrets
is that my siblings and I became adults, followed our callings and ended up living in Oklahoma, North Carolina, Arizona and Nebraska. Granted, Harry tried to retire in Lincoln and moved away twice, the last time in
late 2005; and my sister, Norajean and her husband tried to move back to Nebraska from Arizona in the 70’s,
but that didn’t work out and they returned to Arizona. Jim’s career choice after the Marine Corps took him
to several places, but none of them anywhere near Nebraska. I regret that we are not closer, geographically
and emotionally. Now that we are all over 60, with extended families of our own which use up large chunks
of our so-called “free” time, it isn’t going to get any better. Today, as I sit here mourning Harry’s death 12
days ago, I am acutely aware that if my branch of the family tree is going to remain connected to Harry’s
branch, it will be up to me to do that. Somehow I will need to find the time and discipline to write letters and
send cards. With God’s help, I’m sure I will be able to do these simple things, but it won’t be easy.
Many of you have had Harry in your prayers for years and I thank you for doing that. It is those prayers
that have supported him throughout his illness. And I thank you for all of your cards and prayers since his
death. They have helped me through these last couple of weeks. Part of grieving (at least for me) is remembering. In the spirit of remembering, I share the following with you.
My brother, Harry, had lung cancer. He was diagnosed way back in late 2004 or early 2005. I
remember visiting him at the VA hospital in Omaha after the doctors removed part of one lung. I
stopped while on my way from Falls City to Midland for a meeting (that’s how I remember when
events take place). It was quite a battle. Along the way he became very ill in the summer of
2008 with something other than the cancer and nearly died. But somehow he recovered and
continued to fight on. He was on hospice for many, many months before they removed him because he didn’t die fast enough. Eventually, the cancer was declared to be in remission, but other lung issues limited his activity and kept him on oxygen 24 hours a day. And through it all his
faith continued to increase.
During the last couple of months, he had a series of mini-strokes. Then on Friday, August 2,
he didn’t feel well, again. After calling his doctor, his wife Maddie helped him into the car with
the intention of taking him to the doctor. Just a couple of miles from home he had a major
stroke, and she detoured to the emergency room in Stroud where he died peacefully without regaining consciousness.
Harry graduated from Lincoln High in
1959. That summer he left home for Marine boot-camp. He served over 21 years
in the Corps and retired as a GnSgt. He
served two tours of duty in Vietnam, one
in Korea, and one in Japan, as well as several duty stations in the states. He was
actually stationed in Hawaii when it became a state. Early in his retirement, Harry
was a Lancaster County Deputy Sheriff,
and then he worked for an air ambulance
company. During the years immediately
preceding the onset of his health issues,
he worked as a short-order cook at Brewsky’s and Randy’s in Lincoln.
Garage Sale News…
We were truly blessed during the Garage sale. The weather was perfect. Carolyn and I wish to thank all who donated
items, baked goods. Fresh produce.
Thank you to those who carried items
from the annex to the basement; to
those who sorted ,priced and worked
the sale. A special thanks to Bob Hogg
for being our cashier for the 2 1/2 days
of the sale; to Scott Milliken and Delmar
Smith who took the remaining items to
the city Mission. Our total sales was
$2,222.54. This breaks down to 22 hours
at $100.00 per hour which equals 50
bags per hour sold.
Harry was preceded in death by his
birth-father (Roy Martin) who was killed in
Europe during WWII, his adoptive father
(Rudolph Rasmussen) who died in March
of 1977, and a son (Brian) who died as a
toddler. He is survived by his wife of 47
years, Maddie; two sons; one daughter;
seven grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.
—Carolyn Hogg & Maxine Pfrimmer
Friedens Sunday school/ Church Picnic
Sunday September 8th 3:00pm to 7:00pm
For the kids!!!!
Bounce House!
18’ Dual slide!
50’ ultimate obstacle course!
Rock Climbing Wall!
Face Painting!
We will have
games for all ages
starting at 3:00pm
and running until
Russ's Market at Codington and A Streets is furnishing our picnic with
hamburgers, hotdogs
and buns. The Fellowship Committee will furnish the side dishes.
Please bring a dessert
item to share. Dinner
starts at 5:00.
Bingo will start after dinner at 6:00pm Bingo prizes includes grocery items donated by
Russ’s Market. Sunglasses, t-shirts, cell phone accessories, novelty items, restaurant
gift certificates and many others!!!!
God’s Peace be with you all as the summer ends and
the fall begins.
The youth Group will be selling
Pastor Rasmussen
The women of St. Andrew ELCA Lutheran
If your Email has changed please
Church invite Friedens Ladies to attend a
send us an email at the following
church address...
salad supper on Tuesday Sept. 23 at 1015
Picnic possible with contributions by Russ’s Market and Runza restaurants
Please plan on attending and feel free to bring a friend(s)!
Lancaster lane Please contact Maxine
Pfrimmer (402-464-3024)
Evangelism Committee
Hosted by the
Fellowship Committee
Youth Group
Faith Andrews (01)
Altar Guild
Chaz Wright (02)
Jane Cosier and Fran Zessin
Head Usher
Nick King (05)
Scott Milliken
Ryan Pinkerton (06)
Communion Assistant
Ann Hockenbary (10)
1—Fran Zessin
15 – Carolyn Hogg
Jenna Rempe (10)
Kirk Beute (14)
Bryan Logewolf (14)
1 — Jim Plucknett
8— Steve Russell
15— Sue Busker
22—Carolyn Hogg
29 — Maxine Pfrimmer
Daniel Russell (15)
Emma Greenwalt (17)
Nancy Borrell (18)
Jonathan Zweerink (19)
1 — Delores Kaufman and Eunice Worster
8— Irene Newhouse and Maria Kildau
15 — Jewell Hardt and Gisela Niebuhr
22 — Gerry Blake and Aide
29 — Randy Koch and Sharon Koch
Kathleen Holland (20)
Charles Fullerton (20)
Jodi Urban (23)
James Ripenburg (25)
Kris Plucknett (26)
Christian Education
Baptized We Live
Down + Out
The organizational
meeting for this coming year will take place
at 7:00 pm on
Wednesday, September 4. The parents (or
other adults) and
youth in grades 7-9
are asked to be in
attendance at this
meeting. If you have
any questions, please
call Pastor
. . . by Daniel Erlander, will be the
study guide for a four-session class
lead by Pastor Rasmussen. The first
session will take place on Saturday,
September 7, at 11:00 am. Following this course, participants may
become members of Friedens
through baptism or affirmation of
faith. Anyone interested in participating in this class should contact
Pastor Rasmussen (402.476.3888)
or simply sign up on the sheet in
the entryway. For those of you
who are already members of
Friedens, this is a good review
course, and you too are invited to
participate in this class.
Where Grace Takes You
September Anniversaries
September Pantry Needs
Earl and JoAnn Ninneman
38 Yrs.
Daniel and Linda Koch
37 Yrs
Fruit, soup, beans-any canned, cereal and mac &
cheese, any personal care— toilet paper, shampoo,
soap, toothpaste, or toothbrushes.
Daniel and Sharon Trout
36 Yrs.
Money donations are appreciated. Could use
Norm and Irene Newhouse
21 Yrs,
some new volunteers. Contact Patty Flynn at
Troy and Pam Schon
19 Yrs
Mark and Sunny
6 Yrs.
Nathan and Kayla Johanson
6 Yrs.
Other Study Opportunities
Five hundred years ago, a little-known
German monk discovered in Scripture two
simple ideas so scandalous that they set
Europe aflame for centuries. The church
would never be the same.
But now, God’s people are rediscovering
what Martin Luther uncovered five centuries ago. And those two simple ideas, justification and vocation, so evident
throughout Scripture, are the foundation
of the Christian life.
In our congregations, in our communities,
in our families, and in our work lives,
grace takes us out into God’s world, confident in God’s promises. We are sent out
of our churches, to love and obey, to cocreate with God on behalf of others, for
the sake of the world.
This course - Down + Out - will reintroduce you to the life-changing reality of
God’s promises, and points the way to a
completely different view of life in the
light of where grace takes you.
Thursday morning Bible Study
10:00 — 11:00
Sunday morning Education hour
This six-session course will begin at 7:00
pm on Thursday, September 26. For
more information, call Pastor Rasmussen
(402.476.3888). Please sign up on the
sheet in the entryway.
9:15 — 10:15
All ages are encouraged to participate
Women of the ELCA Bible Study
4:30 — 5:30 at Van Dorn Villa
The first Tuesday of each month.