PCO Approved Materials List


PCO Approved Materials List
106 School Street, Suite 201 • Spring Mills, PA 16875 • (814) 422-0251 • pco@paorganic.org
PCO Approved Materials List
January 2013
Dear PCO Certified Operators, Members and Inspectors:
Enclosed you will find the updated PCO Approved Materials List. It lists all the materials
that we have approved for use according to the National Organic Program regulations on
behalf of our members. PCO publishes this list as a service to our certified operators and new
applicants to help determine which of the many materials in the marketplace have been
approved for use in organic production and processing.
The enclosed Materials List is effective for the entire year of 2013 — please dispose of the old
one with the green cover, as it is no longer accurate. Please keep the enclosed Materials List
list in an accessible spot and use it to determine whether products you are interested in using
are allowed for use by PCO. During you annual inspection, your inspector may also ask to
verify that you have access to this list.
The products included on this list have been reviewed by PCO within the last three years. We
periodically remove products from this list if we do not have current information. If you wish
to use a product that was formerly listed as allowed but is no longer included on this list, please
contact PCO to initiate an update of the product review.
PCO will provide notification of changes to this list throughout the year in the form of
Add/Drop Notices. These notices will list new additions to the Material List, materials that
have been removed from the current list, and other status changes. These notices must be
consulted and kept as part of the 2013 master list.
Crop producers, please note:
Sodium (Chilean) Nitrate is allowed temporarily as an (un-restricted) natural
substance until the NOP publishes a final rule that will completely prohibit use of this
material. Until then, operators shall use it in a manner that maintains or improves the
natural resources of the operation, including soil and water quality, and comply with
crop nutrient and soil fertility requirements.
Sulfur dioxide smoke bombs are prohibited for vertebrate pest control.
Livestock producers, please note:
Assuring the Integrity of Organic Products in the Marketplace
CERT A06 Materials List Letter V2, 12/13/12
Methionine is allowed in poultry feed at the following maximum rates: 2 pounds per
ton for laying and broiler chickens and 3 pounds per ton for turkeys and all other
Processors and Handlers, please note:
Yeast may continue to be used as a non-organic ingredient in processed food for human
consumption only if the operator can demonstrate that an organic form is not
commercially available.
Hops must be certified organic. The allowance for non-organic hops when organic
alternatives are not commercially available expired on January 1, 2013.
Vitamins and Minerals continue to be allowed in processed food as listed on the
National List at 205.605. However, an amendment to this listing is forthcoming from
the NOP.
Non-amidated Pectin may be used only if the operator can demonstrate that an organic
form is not commercially available.
All materials used must be documented in your Organic System Plan and approved for
use by PCO before you start using them. If you use a product that has not yet been reviewed,
we will ask you to discontinue use and provide documentation where and how you used it. You
may be subject to a notice of non-compliance or suspension of your certification if the product
is determined to be prohibited. You may also receive a notice of non-compliance for failure to
notify PCO before using materials that have not yet been reviewed.
Please feel free to contact the PCO Materials Resource Team if you have any questions about
the PCO Approved Material List or on the use of materials in general.
The PCO Materials Resource Team
Johanna Mirenda, Policy Director
Sabine Carey, Materials Specialist
Assuring the Integrity of Organic Products in the Marketplace
CERT A06 Materials List Letter V2, 12/13/12
PCO Approved Materials List
A USDA Accredited Certification Agency
106 School Street, Suite 201,
Spring Mills, PA 16875
(814) 422-0251 • fax: (814) 422-0255
pco@paorganic.org, www.paorganic.org
Copyright © 2013
CERT A06 Materials List Title V2, 12/13/12 - Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
The PCO Approved Materials List includes materials that PCO has reviewed for compliance with the
National Organic Program (NOP) regulations and allowed for use by PCO-certified operations in
accordance with an approved organic system plan.
This list is effective for the entire year of 2013. PCO will provide notification of changes to this list
throughout the year in the form of Add/Drop Notices. These notices will list new additions to the
Materials List, materials have been removed from the current list, and other status changes.
These notices must be consulted and kept as part of the 2013 master list.
Materials on this list are allowed only within their specific category of use and according to their
restrictions. Descriptions of categories and complete restrictions are explained in the following
pages. It is also important to read and follow all product label instructions. PCO has not evaluated
the effectiveness of these materials and in no way endorses their use.
If you are interested in using a material on this list, make sure you are using the exact brand
name and formulation listed here. Different companies manufacture similar products, and some
manufacturers have conventional and organic versions of the same product. It is helpful to stress
at the time of purchase that you are, or plan to be, a certified organic producer.
Materials that have been identified as compatible with organic production can also be found on the
Products List published by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), www.omri.org, or
Washington State Dept. of Ag. (WSDA), www.agr.gov/FoodAnimal/Organic/MaterialsLists.htm.
Contact PCO for hard copies of these lists.
If in doubt about a product, contact PCO before use!
It is the producer’s responsibility to ensure that any material used in their organic system is
compliant with the NOP regulations. Contact PCO if you are interested in using any material not
included on the PCO Approved Materials List, the OMRI List, or the WSDA List. Using a product
without prior approval from PCO may jeopardize your certification status! All materials used must
be listed within your organic system plan on your Materials Used Form, Medicine Cabinet
Inventory, or Organic Product Profile.
Attention Manufacturers!
Manufacturers and distributors of products on this list are not permitted to use this information to
advertise or sell their products. The use of the Pennsylvania Certified Organic (PCO) name or logo
on product packaging or marketing materials is expressly prohibited.
Manufacturers that would like to advertise products as approved for use in organic production are
encouraged to register products with the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI)
(www.omri.org, 1-541-343-7600). Suppliers of livestock and processing products can use the PCO
Discount Code APP410346 to receive both a free OMRI Application Kit and a 15% discount off
their first product application fee. (Crop materials are not eligible for this program.)
This publication must not be reproduced without PCO’s express permission nor may it be adopted
by or included in certification programs other than PCO’s. Please contact PCO if you have
questions regarding this list: 106 School Street Suite 201 • Spring Mills, PA 16875 • Ph (814)
422-0251 • Fax (814) 422-0255 • www.paorganic.org • pco@paorganic.org.
Copyright ©2013
CERT A06 Materials List Intro V2, 12/13/12 – Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
Table of Contents
Facility Pest Management …………………………………………………
Page 1
Material used to control vertebrate or invertebrate pests in an organic facility, including
greenhouses, barns, and buildings.
Example(s): sticky traps, fumigants, rodenticides, insecticides
Crop Production
Page 1
Material used in the production of crops that does not provide recognizable plant
nutrient, soil conditioning, or crop protection function.
Example(s): seed inoculants, forage inoculants, manure treatments, irrigation water
line cleaners
Disease Control
Page 6
Material used for disease control. May be applied to the soil or to the foliage of plants
unless restrictions apply otherwise.
Example(s): fungicides
Fertilizers/Soil Amendments
………………………………… Page 7
A single or blended substance containing one or more recognized plant nutrient(s)
which is used primarily for its plant nutrient content and which is designed for use or
claimed to have value in promoting plant growth. May also provide a soil conditioning
function. Includes materials intended for soil and/or foliar application unless otherwise
restricted by label instructions.
Example(s): micronutrients, raw manure, compost
Invertebrate Pest Control
………………………………… Page 23
Material used for invertebrate pest control. Includes materials intended for soil and/or
foliar application unless otherwise restricted.
Example(s): insecticidal soaps, horticultural oils, pheromones
Vertebrate Pest Control
………………………………………… Page 25
Material used for vertebrate pest control. Includes materials intended for soil and/or
foliar application unless otherwise restricted.
Example(s): deer or mole deterrent, rodent bait
Weed Control
Page 25
Material used for weed control. Includes materials intended for soil and/or foliar
application unless otherwise restricted.
Example(s): herbicides, mulch
Feed Additives/Supplements
………………………………… Page 25
Feed additive is a substance added to feed in micro quantities to fulfill a specific
nutritional need (i.e., essential nutrients in the form of vitamins, and minerals).
Copyright ©2013
CERT A06 Materials List Intro V2, 12/13/12 – Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
Feed supplement is a combination of feed nutrients added to livestock feed to improve
the nutrient balance or performance of the total ration and intended to be:
(1) Diluted with other feeds when fed to livestock;
(2) Offered free choice with other parts of the ration if separately available; or
(3) Further diluted and mixed to produce a complete feed.
Example(s): free choice minerals, vitamin supplements
External Parasiticides/Pesticides …………………………………… Page 39
Materials applied externally to animals to manage parasites and pests.
Example(s): fly spray, pour-on insecticides
Livestock Medical Treatments ……………………………………
Page 40
Materials that are administered to specific animals in low dosages for short periods of
time to treat a specific medical ailment. Use must be documented in Livestock Health
Care Records (except teat dips).
Example(s): injectable vitamins, teat dips, boluses, gels, vaccines
Livestock Production Aid
Page 58
Materials used in livestock production that do not have a nutritional or direct health care
Example(s): marking paint, barn grips, drinking water treatments
Boiler Chemicals
Page 60
Materials used in boiler systems to protect steam generating pipes and equipment from
Cleaners/Disinfectants/Sanitizers ………………………………… Page 61
Substance used to remove dirt, filth, or foreign matter from organic food products or
organic food contact surfaces. Also may be used to control microorganisms on organic
food products or organic food contact surfaces if reviewed for this specific use.
Examples(s) CIP cleaners, bleach, dish soap, food contact sanitizers, carcass washes
Defoamers/Egg Washes
Page 78
Material used to clean, disinfect, or otherwise treat wash water in direct contact with
organic eggs.
Non-Organic Ingredients
Page 78
A non-organically produced agricultural material that is used in the preparation of an
organic product that is still present in the final commercial product as consumed.
Example(s): salt, yeast, baking soda
Processing Aids
Page 80
(1) Substance added to food during processing but is removed in some manner from
the food before it is packaged in its finished form;
(2) Substance added to food during processing, is converted into constituents normally
present in the food, and does not significantly increase the amount of the constituents
naturally found in the food; and
(3) Substance added to food for technical or functional effect in the processing but is
present in the finished food at insignificant levels and does not have any technical or
functional effect in that food. (§205.2)
Example(s): filtering aids, ripening hormones, leavening agents
Copyright ©2013
CERT A06 Materials List Intro V2, 12/13/12 – Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
Restrictions on Use
Restrictions are indicated by “(R)” on the Materials List and must be followed.
Facility Pest Management
Pest Management Materials Consistent with National List. May be used if
management practices and physical and mechanical controls of pests are not effective.
Must document specific location, application manner, and method of contamination
prevention in Organic System Plan. §205.271(c)
Botanical Pesticide. Must document that the use of preventative, mechanical, physical,
and other pest, weed, and disease management practices provided for in paragraphs
§205.206(a)-(d) in the organic system plan were used and not effective before botanical
pesticides can be used. §205.206(e)
Calcium Chloride. Prohibited for use except as a foliar spray to treat a physiological
disorder associated with calcium uptake (e.g. blossom end rot in tomatoes or bitter pit in
apples). §205.602(c)
Chilean Nitrate (Sodium Nitrate). Pending additional rule-making, the use of sodium
nitrate shall follow these stipulations: Before October 21, 2012, operations shall not meet
more than 20 percent of an organic crop's nitrogen requirement with sodium nitrate.
Beginning October 21, 2012, operators using sodium nitrate shall use it in a manner that
maintains or improves the natural resources of the operation, including soil and water
quality, and comply with crop nutrient and soil fertility requirements. A proposed rule
regarding the use of sodium nitrate is forthcoming. (NOP Notice 12-1)
Compost Tea. Not permitted on edible seed sprouts. §205.206(d)(2)
Copper. Must be used in a manner that minimizes accumulation in the soil and shall not be
used as herbicide. §205.601(i)(2)
Magnesium Sulfate. Soil deficiency must be documented by testing (soil or tissue). Not to
be used as a defoliant, herbicide, or desiccant. §205.601(j)(5)
Micronutrient. Micronutrients (includes boron, selenium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese,
molybdenum, and zinc) must not to be used as a defoliant, herbicide, or desiccant. Soil
deficiency must be documented by testing. §205.601(j)(6)
Dehydrated (Processed) Manure. Must follow raw manure restriction if added to foliar
or other liquid solutions. §205.203(c)(1)
Raw Manure. Raw animal manure, which must be composted unless it is: Applied to land
used for a crop not intended for human consumption; Incorporated into the soil not less
than 120 days prior to the harvest of a product whose edible portion has direct contact with
the soil surface or soil particles; or Incorporated into the soil not less than 90 days prior to
Copyright ©2013
CERT A06 Materials List Intro V2, 12/13/12 – Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
the harvest of a product whose edible portion does not have direct contact with the soil
surface or soil particles. §205.203(c)(1)
Soap-based Herbicides. Not for use in organic production areas. For use in farmstead
maintenance (roadways, ditches, right of ways, building perimeters) and ornamental crops.
Atropine. For use by or on the lawful written order of a licensed veterinarian. Requires a
meat withdrawal period of at least 56 days after administering to livestock intended for
slaughter and a milk discard period of at least 12 days after administering to dairy animals.
Butorphanol. For use by or on the lawful written order of a licensed veterinarian. Requires
a meat withdrawal period of at least 42 days after administering to livestock intended for
slaughter and a milk discard period of at least 8 days after administering to dairy animals.
Chlorhexidine. Allowed for surgical procedure conducted by a vet. Allowed for use as a
teat dip when alternative germicidal agents and/or physical barriers have lost their
effectiveness. §205.603(a)(6)
Ethylene. Allowed as plant growth regulator for regulation of pineapple flowering and for
postharvest ripening of tropical fruit and degreening of citrus §205.601(k), 205.605(b)
Flunixin. Requires a milk discard period of at least 3 days after administering to dairy
animals and a meat withdrawal period of at least 8 days after administering to livestock
intended for slaughter. §205.603(a)(9)
Fenbendazole. Only for use by or on the lawful written order of a licensed veterinarian.
Prohibited in slaughter stock. Allowed in emergency treatment for dairy and breeder stock
when organic system plan-approved preventive management does not prevent infestation.
Milk or milk products from a treated animal cannot be sold as organic for 90 days following
treatment. In breeder stock, treatment cannot occur during the last third of gestation if the
progeny will be sold as organic and must not be used during the lactation period for
breeding stock. §205.603(a)(18)(i)
Furosemide. Requires a milk discard period of at least 4 days after administering to dairy
animals and a meat withdrawal period of at least 4 days after administering to livestock
intended for slaughter. §205.603(a)(10)
Ivermectin. Prohibited in slaughter stock. Allowed in emergency treatment for dairy and
breeder stock when organic system plan-approved preventive management does not
prevent infestation. Milk or milk products from a treated animal cannot be sold as organic
for 90 days following treatment. In breeder stock, treatment cannot occur during the last
third of gestation if the progeny will be sold as organic and must not be used during the
lactation period for breeding stock. §205.603(a)(18)(ii)
Copyright ©2013
CERT A06 Materials List Intro V2, 12/13/12 – Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
Lidocaine. For use as a local anesthetic. Requires a meat withdrawal period of at least 90
days after administering to livestock intended for slaughter and a milk discard period of at
least 7 days after administering to dairy animals. §205.603(b)(4)
Medical Treatment. Records must be kept documenting specific animal treated,
treatment/dosage used, and duration of treatment. §205.238(b)
Methionine. Allowed in organic poultry production until Oct. 1, 2012, with the following
maximum allowable limits of methionine per ton of feed: 4 pounds for layers, 5 pounds for
broilers, and 6 pounds for turkeys and all other poultry. §205.603(d)(1)
Moxidectin. For control of internal parasites only. Prohibited in slaughter stock. Allowed in
emergency treatment for dairy and breeder stock when organic system plan-approved
preventive management does not prevent infestation. Milk or milk products from a treated
animal cannot be sold as organic for 90 days following treatment. In breeder stock,
treatment cannot occur during the last third of gestation if the progeny will be sold as
organic and must not be used during the lactation period for breeding stock.
Oxytocin. For use in postparturition therapeutic applications. Not for use in routine milk
let-down. §205.603(a)(17)
Poloxalene. For emergency treatment of bloat only. §205.603(a)(21)
Procaine. For use as a local anesthetic. Requires a meat withdrawal period of at least 90
days after administering to livestock intended for slaughter and a milk discard period of at
least 7 days after administering to dairy animals. §205.603(b)(7)
Tolazoline. For use by or on the lawful written order of a licensed veterinarian. For use
only to reverse the effects of sedation and analgesia caused by xylazine. Requires a meat
withdrawal period of at least 8 days after administering to livestock intended for slaughter
and a milk discard period of at least 4 days after administering to dairy animals.
Xylazine. For use by or on the lawful written order of a licensed veterinarian. For use in
the existence of an emergency. Requires a meat withdrawal period of at least 8 days after
administering to livestock intended for slaughter and a milk discard period of at least 4
days after administering to dairy animals. §205.603(a)(23)
Chlorine. Residual levels of chlorine in water in direct food contact must not be greater
than specified in the Safe Drinking Water Act (4ppm as chlorine, 0.8ppm as chlorine
dioxide). §205.605(b)
Cleaners, Disinfectants, Sanitizers. Must not be used in direct food contact. Equipment
and food contact surfaces must be rinsed thoroughly after use. §205.272
Non-volatile Boiler Chemicals. Steam is allowed in direct food contact if documented
that material does not carryover into steam. §205.272
Package Sterilization. Steam contact restricted to package sterilization use. §205.605
Copyright ©2013
CERT A06 Materials List Intro V2, 12/13/12 – Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013
PCO Approved Materials List
| Facility Pest Management
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
AgRid 3 Bait Chunx
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
AgRid 3 Pelleted Bait
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Allur Ring
Ecolab, Inc.
Cockroach bait station
Allur Ring Attractant Tablet
Ecolab, Inc.
Allur Ring Cockroach Pheremone Pad
Ecolab, Inc.
Jabb of the Carolinas
Eco 2000 GR
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Eco 2000 RX Freshbait
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
EcoExempt IC 2
EcoSmart Technologies
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate and Dust
MGK Company
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Natural Insecto Products
InTice Granular Bait
Rockwell Labs Ltd
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
MP Sulfur
Martin Operating Partnership
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Pyganic EC 5.0 II
MGK Company
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Pyganic PRO
MGK Company
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Revenge Sticky Fly Tape
Sticky Fly Tape
IBA, Inc.
| Facility Pest Management
Insect pheromone
Crops | Crop Production Aid
Accelerator Dairy
AgTech, Inc.
Manure digester
AccuTab SI Calcium Hypochlorite Tablets
PPG Industries, Inc.
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.601(a)(2)
ACS Humifier
Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc.
Microbial product
ACS N Converter
Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc.
Compost additive
Act Foliar
Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc.
Microbial product
Act N
Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc.
Microbial product
Act Phos
Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc.
Microbial product
Activated Charcoal NCB 20 x 50
NiChem Company
Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc.
Ag Master Alflalfa Haylage, Grass and Small
Grain Inoculant
Danisco Animal Nutrition
Ag Master Corn Silage Inoculant
Danisco Animal Nutrition
All Purpose Fortified Potting Mix (FortV)
Vermont Compost Co.
Compost tea activator
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Crop Production Aid
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
America’s Best Inoculant Liquid Formula
Advanced Biological Marketing
Seed inoculant
America’s Best Inoculant Non Sterile Peat
Advanced Biological Marketing
Seed inoculant
America’s Best Inoculant Soybean Inoculant
Sterile Peat
Advanced Biological Marketing
Seed inoculant
ANC DWT Organic
Agri Nutrition Consulting
Manure digester
Apex Green Seed Coating
Summit Seed Coatings
AZ Green ST Dry
TerraMax, Inc.
Balance NB
Ultra Bio-Logics Inc.
BD 500
Josephine Porter Institute
Berger Retail Peat Moss
Berger Peat Moss
Bio Aid
AgriEnergy Resources
Bio Coat Gold
Bio Comp SP Mix
Bio-Comp, Inc.
Potting Mix
Biogenesis III SD and SDG
Tainio Technology & Technique, Inc.
Seed treatment
BioTerra Plus Endo Mix
Plant Health, LLC
Brown Concrete Sand
Tressler & Fedor
Citric Acid
Biodiesel Supply Store & Chemical
Coconut Coir Organic Coconut Fiber
Sunleaves Garden Products
Guizzetti Farms
CowPots Manufacturing & Sales
CPR Manure Treatment
AgriEnergy Resources
Crop Guard Buchneri DI 50
Homestead Nutrition
Silage inoculant
Crop Guard Buchneri WS
Homestead Nutrition
Silage inoculant
Crop Guard DI 50 Organic
Homestead Nutrition
Silage inoculant
Crop Guard WS 250
Homestead Nutrition
Silage inoculant
Crop Guard WS 50
Homestead Nutrition
Silage inoculant
International Ag Labs, Inc.
Spray adjuvant
Dormal - Alfalfa/Luzerne
Becker Underwood, Ltd.
Seed inoculant; don’t confuse with Dormal Plus, which is prohibited.
Dormal - True Clover
Becker Underwood, Ltd.
Seed inoculant; don’t confuse with Dormal Plus, which is prohibited.
Dr. Higa’s Original EM 1 Microbial Inoculant
TeraGanix, Inc.
Dried Molasses
Good Food, Inc.
Dry Granular Silage Inoculant
The Old Mill Troy, Inc.
Silage inoculant
Compost inoculant
Microbial inoculant
For crop use only.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Crop Production Aid
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Ethylene Control Power Pellet
Ethylene Control, Inc.
See ethylene restrictions 205.601(k) and 205.605(b)
Excalibre OSI
Advanced Biological Marketing
Exciter Super Ag Adjuvant
Juneau Sales
EZ Slide 80
Van Sickle Paint Mfg Co.
Fafard Horticultural Perlite
Fafard, Inc.
Fertrell Biology
The Fertrell Co.
Compost tea ingredient
Fertrell Nutrients
The Fertrell Co.
Compost tea ingredient
Fertrell Potting Soil
The Fertrell Co.
Contains chilean citrate
FOF 10 Potting Mix
Fafard, Inc.
FOF 20 Potting Mix
Fafard, Inc.
FOF 30 Potting Mix
Fafard, Inc.
FOF 40 Potting Mix
Fafard, Inc.
FOF 60 Potting Mix
Fafard, Inc.
FOF 70 Potting Mix
Fafard, Inc.
Forage Inoculant WS OA
Mummau Sales
GHT Fortify
Good Bug Blend - Low Growing - Nitrocoated
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Good Bug Blend - Nitrocoated
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Graph Ex
Advanced Biological Marketing
Greenhouse Media
Keystone Bio Ag LLC
GroBiotix MCI
Organic Approach, LLC
GroBiotix SAI
Organic Approach, LLC
Guard N Inoculant - Garden Combination
INTX Microbials, LLC
Seed inoculant
Guardian 3
Blue River Hybrids
Seed coating
HyphaLink EDG Stripped
Organic Approach, LLC
Mycorrhizal inoculant
HyphaLink EG
Organic Approach, LLC
Mycorrhizal inoculant
Hyphalink Endo Ecto Transplant
Organic Approach, LLC
Mycorrhizal inoculant
HyphaLink ME
Organic Approach, LLC
Mycorrhizal inoculant
HyphaLink Nourish
Organic Approach, LLC
Mycorrhizal inoculant
Impro Mix Soluble Forage Inoculant
Impro Products, Inc. / AB Technologies
Forage inoculant
Conklin Co.
Manure treatment
Inoc U Lock
Crystal Creek
Silage inoculant
Seed inoculant
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Crop Production Aid
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Inoc U Lock BH
Crystal Creek
Silage inoculant
Inoc U Lock WS
Crystal Creek
Silage inoculant
Jiffy Pot
Jiffy International
King’s LB Inoculant
King’s AgriSeeds, Inc.
Great Lakes Calcium Corporation
Pathway BioLogic, LLC
Manure Conditioner
Lancaster Ag Products
Pathway BioLogic, LLC
McEnroe Premium Lite Growing Mix
McEnroe Organic Farm
McEnroe Premium Potting Soil
McEnroe Organic Farm
Myco Seed Treat
AgriEnergy Resources
N Dure Inoculant for Alfalfa
INTX Microbials, LLC
N Dure Inoculant for Pea/Vetch/Lentil
INTX Microbials, LLC
N Dure Inoculant for Soybeans
INTX Microbials, LLC
N Dure Inoculant for True Clover
INTX Microbials, LLC
Natur’l Oil
Stoller Enterprises, Inc.
Nature’s Natural & Organic Potting Soil
Sun Gro Horticulture
Nitragin Gold Pre Inoculant Alfalfa and Clover
EMD Crop Biosciences / Novozymes
BioAg Limited
Seed inoculant
Nitro Fix Dry Nonsterile Inoculant
Chemtura / Trace Chemicals
Seed inoculant
Nu-Flow 70R, Organic
Nutri Sil Forage Inoculant
The Fertrell Co.
Silage inoculant
OP 8
Tainio Technology & Technique, Inc.
Manure treatment
Organic Potting Mix
Espoma, Inc.
Organic Potting Mix / Greenhouse Media
Organic Seed Starter Premium Potting Mix
Espoma, Inc.
Organic Silage Inoculant Dry
Common Sense
Organic Silage Inoculant Dry Granular
IBA, Inc.
OU Biotal Buchneri 500
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Forage inoculant
OU Biotal Plus II
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Forage inoculant
Oxine Sanitizer
Bio-Cide International, Inc.
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.601(a)(2)
Peat Moss
Fafard, Inc.
Seed treatment
Spray adjuvant
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Crop Production Aid
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Whittemore Company
Phyto Plus Plant Stimulator
Baicor, L.C.
Pit and Pen
LP Bio-Ag
Manure digester
Pit and Pen Ultra
LP Bio-Ag
Manure digester
Pit Bacteria Mix
Lancaster Ag Products
Pit Power
Crop Resources, LLC
Planting Mix
Potting Mix
Patchwork Farms
Potting Mix 201
Morgan Composting
Powdered Graphite
John Deere
Premium Blend Potting Soil
Premium Seed Talc
John Deere
INTX Microbials, LLC
Pro Moss Hort Peat Moss Fine / TBK
Premier Horticulture
ProfitCoat Organic 4 Seed Coating
ProfitPro LLC
PSI 165 DG Organic
Danisco USA, Inc.
PureSpray Green
Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. / Whitmire
Micro-Gen Research Labs, Inc.
Purofine PFA 400 Strong Base Anion Exchange
Root Stimulator
Midwest BioSystems, Inc.
SC 1 Seed Coating for Corn
Blue River Hybrids
Scott Arboretum (SA)
Potting Mix
Seed Starting Blend / Germination Blend
Potting Mix
Silage Inoculant WS OA
Quarry Lane Feeds, Inc.
Silage Saver
LP Bio-Ag
Silage inoculant
Silo King Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Silage inoculant
Silo King WS Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Silage inoculant
Silo Primer Plus
Curtis Nutritional Services
Forage inoculant
SmartPost Adhesive
PostSaver USA, LLC
(R) No soil contact.
SmartPost Bag
PostSaver USA, LLC
Bio Soil Enhancers
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Potting Mix
Contains chilean nitrate
Seed inoculant
Silage inoculant
Microbial inoculant
Microbial inoculant
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Crop Production Aid
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Summer Creek Farm Premium Potting Soil Blend
“Container Mix”
Summer Creek Farm
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
New England Organics
Surestand Seed Coating
Summit Seed Coatings
ThermX 70, ThermX 15 M
American Extracts
TTP Supreme Compost Broth
Soil Secrets, LLC
Ultra Defense
Midwest Bio-Systems, Inc.
Microbial inoculant
Vault NP for Soybeans
Becker Underwood, Ltd.
Seed inoculant
Dickinson College
JP Austin
Vital Breakdown
Homestead Nutrition
Manure digester
VitaStim 9001 Bio
Do not confuse with Vitastim 9001 Manure, which is prohibited.
Wholistic Field Sprays
GW Agriculture
Wood Chips “Playground Mulch”
Tressler & Fedor
Agxplore International
Spray adjuvant
Seed treatment
Crops | Disease Control
30% Hydrogen Peroxide
Lancaster Ag Products
Actino Iron
Natural Industries, Inc.
Natural Industries, Inc.
Agri Mycin 17
Nu Farm Americas
Baking Soda
Arm & Hammer / Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Champ WG
NuFarm Americas, Inc.
Citrex / Procidic
Greenspire Group, Inc. / Citrex, Inc.
Loveland Products, Inc.
Copper Sulfate
International Ag Labs, Inc.
(R) Must be used in a manner that minimizes soil accumulation
Copper Sulfate
Old Bridge Chemicals, Inc.
(R) Must be used in a manner that minimizes soil accumulation
Cueva Fungicide Concentrate
W. Neudorff GmbH KG
(R) Must be used in a manner that minimizes soil accumulation
Delvocid - Natamycin
Nelson James
Dutch Soil Concentrate
Oregon Ag
Dutch Soil Concentrate Plus
Oregon Ag
Feed Mixing Salt
The Kissner Group / MagCo Inc.
Hydrated Lime
Graymont Inc.
Disease control only.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Disease Control
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Hydrogen Peroxide
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Hydrogen Peroxide
Univar USA Inc.
AgraQuest, Inc.
Kaligreen® Potassium Bicarbonate Soluble
Otsuka Chemical Co. / Toagosei Co.
Lime Sulfur Solution
Miller Chemical
Liquid Copper Fungicide Concentrate
Bonide Products, Inc.
(R) Must be used in a manner that minimizes soil accumulation
Micro Sulf
NuFarm Americas, Inc.
Nu Cop 50 WP
Albaugh, Inc.
Organic JMS Stylet Oil
JMS Flower Farms, Inc.
OxiDate Bactericide / Fungicide
BioSafe Systems, LLC
Regalia Biofungicide
Marrone Organic Innovations
Replaces Regalia SC, which is not alllowed.
BioWorks, Inc.
Serenade MAX
AgraQuest, Inc.
StorOx, Storox 2
BioSafe Systems, LLC
Natural Forces LLC
T 22 HC Biological Fungicide
BioWorks, Inc.
Certis USA
(R) Must be used in a manner that minimizes soil accumulation
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
0-0-0-10 Boron Granular
Little Britain Agri Supply
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
0-0-10 Blend
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
0-0-14 Potato Fertilizer / Produce Blend
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
0-0-50 Potash (Ag Granular)
Little Britain Agri Supply
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
0-0-9 Option 1
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
1-1-3 Basic Organic Blend
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
2-0-2 Fertilizer
AgriEnergy Resources
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
2-1-1 Fertilizer Mix
Restora - Life Minerals, LLC
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
3-1-3 CB
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
852 Agri Lime
Vulcan Quarry
9-0-4 All Natural Fertilizer
Organic Approach, LLC
Aeromaster Compost Premium Mineral Blend
Penn Valley Farms
Ag Lime
Kersch’s Ag Lime
Ag Lime
Lafarge North America
Agri Gro Ultra
Agri-Gro Marketing, Inc.
Agri Lime
Documented Crop Services
Agricultural Agri Cal Lime
Vulcan Quarry
Agricultural Agri Lime
Vulcan Quarry
Agricultural Gypsum
Michigan Gypsum Co.
Agricultural Hi Mag Lime
Vulcan Quarry
Agricultural Lime
Ligonier Stone & Lime Company
Agricultural Lime
Seneca Stone Corporation
Agricultural Limestone
Winfield Lime & Stone Co., Inc.
Agrisolutions Boron 14.5%
WinField Solutions LLC
Akron Hi Calcium Agricultural Limestone
County Line Stone Co., Inc.
Alfalfa Meal
Bedford Farm Bureau
Algamin Kelp Meal
P.B. Ohrstrom & Sons, Inc.
Alginate / KelGel
Cambrian Biotechnologies, Inc.
Keystone Commodities Company
Martin Marietta Aggregates
Nolt’s Spreading
The Fertrell Co.
Zimmerman Lime and Fertilizer
ARS Compost
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Lancaster Ag Products
Asparagus Mix
Lancaster Ag Products
Azomite / Peak Minerals
Baghouse Fines
Hanson Aggregates / Jordanville Plant
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
For crop use only.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
For crop use only.
(R) See micronutrient and chilean nitrate restrictions.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Baker’s Premier Pellets
Baker Lime
Baking Soda
Arm & Hammer / Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Balanced Vegetable Amendment
Sustainable Seed Company
Barn Grip
Kirby Agri, Inc.
Bear River Zeolite
Bear River Zeolite
Beau Ron D
Drexel Chemical Co.
Bell Mine High Calcium Pulverized Limestone
Graymont Inc.
Berry Mix 4-2-4
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See micronutrient and dehydrated manure restrictions
Bio Cal Phos Blend
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Bio Cal Traces
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Bio D
Lancaster Ag Products
Bio Hume 12% Concentrated Liquid Humus
The Fertrell Co.
Bio Humus
AgriEnergy Resources
Bio Nectar
Texas Earth
(R) See raw manure restriction §205.203(c)(1)
Bio Traces
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
BioChar - Charcoal
Humphrey Charcoal
Biomin Boron 3%
JH Biotech, Inc.
BioMin Calcium
JH BioTech, Inc.
Blood Meal
Griffin Industries Inc.
Blood Meal
Mason City By-Products, Inc.
Blood Meal
Provimi North America
Blood Meal 12-0-0
McGeary Organics, Inc.
Blu Min 35% Zinc Granular with Sulfur
Bay Zinc Company, Inc./ Kronos
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Blu Min Liquid Zinc Sulfate
Bay Zinc Company, Inc./ Kronos
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Blue K Plus 2-2-4
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Blue N 5-1-1
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Bone Char
The Fertrell Co.
Bone Meal
The Fertrell Co.
Bone Meal 4-12-0
Espoma, Inc.
20 Mule Team
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Boric Acid
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Boric Acid
Rose Mill Co.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Boric Acid
Searles Valley Minerals
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Bricker’s Choice Fertilizer Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Boron Complex
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Boron O
AgriEnergy Resources
BorreGRO HA 2 Powder
LignoTech USA
Brown’s Fish Hydrolysate
C.R. Brown Enterprises
Cal Boost
Lancaster Ag Products
Cal K
The Fertrell Co.
Cal Plus Humates
Nolt’s Spreading
Cal Sil
Cal Sul 24
Homestead Nutrition
Calcium 25
Bio-Gard Agronomics, Inc.
(R) See calcium chloride restriction §205.602(c)
Calcium Blend 35 C
Nolt’s Spreading
(R) See raw manure and micronutrient restrictions.
Calcium Carbonate
Prince Agri Products, Inc.
CalPhos (Granular and Standard)
Canton Mills Inc.
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Chickity Doo Doo 5-3-2.5
R&J Partnership, LLC
Clinoptilolite Zeolite
St. Cloud Mining
Cobalt Sulfate Monohydrate
Ajay North America
AgRecycle, Inc.
Dead Animal Removal
Deamer Mulch
Envision Waste Services
Forrest Stricker
Heavenly Acres Farm
Kreher Enterprises, LLC
Landisdale Farms
Laurel Valley Soils, Inc.
Lehigh Solid Waste Management
Lehman Ag Services, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See raw manure restriction §205.203(c)(1)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Organic Endeavors
Panorama PayDirt
Phil Roth
R & D Soil Builders, Inc.
Rare Earth Diversified Services
Rodale Institute
Spring Wood Organic Farm - Roman
State College Borough
Zeiset Ag
Compost - Aeromaster
Penn Valley Farms
Compost Extract - Aeromaster Humus
Penn Valley Farms
Compost (Humus)
Lancaster Ag Products
Compost, Premium
Fafard, Inc.
Compost Tea
Sunny Ridge Farms
Copper L
AgriEnergy Resources
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Copper Sulfate
Growmark FS, LLC
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Copper Sulfate
International Ag Labs, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Copper Sulfate
Old Bridge Chemicals, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Copper Sulfate 35, 40
Pestell Minerals
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Copper Sulfate Feed Grade
C.F. Zeiler Co.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Corn Gluten Meal
Extremely Green, Inc.
Corn Row Starter Green
Lancaster Ag Products
Crop Recycle
Living Stone Organics / Terra Biotics
Crusher Run Stone
Baker Lime
Dairy Manure Compost
Kreider Farm
DairyDoo Compost
Morgan Composting
Damp High Calcium AgLime
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Denali Gold Arctic Humus
Desert DynaMin
Dolomitic Limestone Pellets
Tyler Grain and Fertilizer Co.
Dried Blood
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See raw manure, chilean nitrate and micronutrient restrictions
(R) See raw manure restriction §205.203(c)(1)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Dried Blood 12-0-0
Espoma, Inc.
Dutch Soil Concentrate Plus
Oregon Ag
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Only the “Plus” version is allowed as soil amendment.
Dynamite Premium Plant Food Organic Based All Enviro-Safe Laboratories, Inc.
Purpose 10-2-8
Earth Friendly All Purpose 5-5-3
The Fertrell Co.
ECO CAL AG Calcium Carbonate
Specialty Minerals, Inc.
Cambrian Biotechnologies, Inc.
Elemental Sulfur
Bricker’s Choice Fertilizer Inc.
Elemental Sulfur
Nolt’s Spreading
Soil Secrets, LLC
Energizer 0-6-5
Lancaster Ag Products
Epso Grow
Epsom Salt
Giles Chemical Co. / Premier Magnesia,
(R) See magnesium sulfate restriction §205.601(j)(5)
Epsom Salt - Bittersalz
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Epsom Salt (Food Grade)
PQ Corporation
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
EpsoTop Epsom Salt
K + S Kali GmbH
Essential Micronutrients Copper 15% Zinc 10% Cameron Chemicals, Inc.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
EU Tobacco Fertilizer 5-2-4
The Fertrell Co.
Fall Blend C
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Fall Blend M
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Fall Blend P
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Feather Meal
JCR Enterprises
Feather Meal
Mason City By-Products, Inc.
Feather Meal
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
Feather Meal
Zeiset Ag
Feather Meal 13-0-0
The Fertrell Co.
Feed Cal Coarse
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Feed Cal Fine
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Feed N Gro 2-4-2
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Feed N Gro 3-2-3
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure and chilean nitrate restrictions.
Fertilizer Blend
Hewitt Brothers, INc.
Fertrell 2-4-4
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See micronutrient and dehydrated manure restrictions
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Fertrell Liquid #3
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
The Fertrell Co.
Fine Dolomitic Limestone
Lafarge North America
Finesse GVH
Organic Approach, LLC
Finesse Worm Castings
Organic Approach, LLC
Fish 3-3-0.3
Lancaster Ag Products
Fish and Kelp
Schafer Liquid Fish
Fish Hydrolysate
Keystone Bio Ag, LLC
Fish Meal
Protein Products Inc. (PPI)
Flora Stim
Restora - Life Minerals, LLC
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Foliar Fertilizer
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Fossil Shell Flour
Perma-Guard, Inc.
Fulvic Acid
Lancaster Ag Products
Fulvic Acid O
AgriEnergy Resources
Garden Gypsum
Espoma, Inc.
Garden Tone 3-4-4
Espoma, Inc.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Garden Top Dress Green 2-4-4
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient and chilean nitrate restrictions
Gold Special Starter (Gold SS) 2-4-2
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See micronutrient and dehydrated manure restrictions
Grandol Limestone
Baker Lime
Granubor 2
U.S. Borax Inc.
Granular Calcitic Limestone
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Green Blend 2
Green Field Farms Co-Op
(R) See magnesium sulfate and dehydrated manure restrictions
Green Life
Restora - Life Minerals, LLC
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Green Potash
The Fertrell Co.
Greenhouse Potassium
EEGAL Farm Service
Greensand - Glauconite
Inversand Company
Greer Limestone
Greer Limestone
Ground Calcium Carbonate / Limestone
Mississippi Lime
GSR Calcium / Genesis Soil Rite Mix
GSR Calcium / Soil Works Labs LLC
Lancaster Ag Products
Mill Creek Consulting
Herbal Infusion
AgriEnergy Resources
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Hi Cal Ag Lime “Organic Feed Grade”
Nolt’s Spreading
Hi Cal Lime
Bricker’s Choice Fertilizer Inc.
Hi Cal Pulverized Limestone
Keefer Lime Spreading
Hi Mag Pulverized Limestone
Keefer Lime Spreading
High Calcium Agricultural Lime
M & M Lime Co. Inc.
High Calcium Lime
I-A Asphalt Plant / Lindy Paving
High Calcium Limestone
Cheney Limestone Co.
High Calcium Pulverized Limestone
Graymont Inc.
High Calcium Pulverized Limestone
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co.
High Potassium Pelleted Blend 4-3-10
Kreher Enterprises, LLC
Highway Lime
Highway Materials Inc.
Holganix Blend 60T HG YCA - Tree and Shrub
Holganix Blend 66 CT - Super Concentrate
Holly Care 4-6-4
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure and chilean nitrate restrictions.
Holly Tone 4-3-4
Espoma, Inc.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Horticultural Grade Perlite
Perlite Vermiculite Packaging Industries,
Horticultural Grade Vermiculite
Perlite Vermiculite Packaging Industries,
Hum Amend B
Organic Approach, LLC
Hum Amend Standard Grade
Organic Approach, LLC
Humate Concentrate
Neptune’s Harvest
Mesa Verde Resources
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Industrial Ground Gypsum
United States Gypsum Company
International G 0-0-20
Crop Production Services
International G 13-0-0
Crop Production Services
International G 4-2-3
Crop Production Services
Intrepid Trio Sulfate of Potash Magnesia
Intrepid Potash New Mexico, LLC
IPC 960 Fishmeal Preserved with Naturox
Premium Liquid Antioxidant
International Protein Corp.
Jersey Greensand
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Thorvin, Inc.
Zimmerman Lime and Fertilizer
For crop use only.
Kelp Meal 1-0-2
Espoma, Inc.
For crop use only.
Caltec Ag Marketing Services
Kiln Dust
Bituminous Paving Materials
Kompost 1 (Compost 2-3-2)
Living Acres
KS Plus
Crops Services International
Kurtz Limestone
Martin Limestone Inc / Kurtz Quarry
Leroy Glick’s Fertilizer Blend #6
Nolt’s Spreading
(R) See raw manure and micronutrient restrictions.
Leroy Glick’s Fertilizer Blend #7
Nolt’s Spreading
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Leroy Glick’s Fertilizer Blend #8
Nolt’s Spreading
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Crushed Rock Products, Inc.
Hanson Aggregates / Sandusky Crushed
National Limestone Quarry, Inc.
Thomasville Quarry / York Building
York Building Supplies
Lime - (Hi Cal) Damp Ag Lime
Lancaster Ag Products
Limestone (Bulk)
Bonsal & Sons
Limestone Fines
Valley Quarries
Limestone, Hi Cal
Specialty Minerals, Inc.
Limestone Screenings
Buffalo Limestone, Inc.
Liquid Fish 3-4-3
The Fertrell Co.
Liquid Fish Fertilizer
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Liquid Kelp Concentrate
Cambrian Biotechnologies, Inc.
Liquid Kelp Concentrate 10%
The Fertrell Co.
Liquid Seaweed
Lancaster Ag Products
Liquid Starter 2-3-1
The Fertrell Co.
Litchfield Ag Lime
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
Low K
The Fertrell Co.
Magnesium Sulfate
Quarry Lane Feeds, Inc.
(R) See magnesium sulfate restriction §205.601(j)(5)
Manganese L
AgriEnergy Resources
(R) See magnesium sulfate restriction §205.601(j)(5)
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Manganese Sulfate Heptahydrate
Valudor Products
(R) See magnesium sulfate restriction §205.601(j)(5)
Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate
Pestell Minerals
(R) See magnesium sulfate restriction §205.601(j)(5)
Maximo Sulca DH Gypsum
Yesera Monterrey
Maximo’s Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate
Zinc Nacional S.A.
McEnroe Compost
McEnroe Organic Farm
McGeary Corn Gluten Fertilizer 9-0-0 (CGM)
McGeary Organics, Inc.
McGeary Low Phosphorus Fertilizer 6-0-4
McGeary Organics, Inc.
McGeary Organics 2-3-4
McGeary Organics, Inc.
McGeary Organics 3-5-3
McGeary Organics, Inc.
McGeary Organics 8-1-1 (Side Dress 8-1-1)
McGeary Organics, Inc.
McGeary Organics General Purpose Fertilizer
McGeary Organics, Inc.
McGeary Organics Hay and Pasture Fertilizer
McGeary Organics, Inc.
McGeary Organics Horticultural Fertilizer 5-3-4
McGeary Organics, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Meadow Top Dress Green 2-4-4
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient and chilean nitrate restrictions.
Menefee Humate All Natural Organic Soil
Earthgreen Products, Inc.
Metalosate Calcium Boron Organic Amino Acid
Soluble Powder
Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See calcium chloride restriction §205.602(c)
Metalosate Calcium Organic Amino Acid Soluble Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See calcium chloride restriction §205.602(c)
Metalosate Copper Organic Amino Acid Soluble
Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Metalosate Iron Organic Amino Acid Soluble
Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Metalosate Magnesium Organic Amino Acid
Soluble Powder
Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Metalosate Manganese Organic Amino Acid
Soluble Powder
Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Metalosate Multimineral Organic Amino Acid
Soluble Powder
Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See calcium chloride restriction §205.602(c)
Metalosate Zinc Organic Amino Acid Soluble
Albion Laboratories,Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Micro Pak
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Micronized Lime (Micro Lime)
Keystone Bio Ag, LLC
Micronized Rock Phosphate
Soil Works LLC
Micronized Soft Rock Phosphate
High Brix Manufacturing
SONO Ag Distributor
MicroStart 60 / 3-2-3
Perdue Agri-Recycle, LLC / PACMA
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
MicroStart 60 Plus / 7-2-2
Perdue Agri-Recycle, LLC
Blended fertilizer
Mixed Blend
Natural Acres Composting
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Moist Eco Lime
Meckley’s Limestone Products, Inc.
Molasses - Barbados
Silver Forest
Monoculture Blend
Tainio Technology & Technique, Inc.
MP Clam Meat
One Earth Organics
MP Sulfur
Martin Operating Partnership
Lancaster Ag Products
Mushroom Compost
C. P. Yeatman & Sons
Soil Secrets, LLC
Nature’s Essence Fish Hydrolysate (FH) 2-3-1
Organic Approach, LLC
For crop use only.
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
Nature’s Essence Seaweed Extract Powder (SEP) Organic Approach, LLC
Neptune’s Harvest Fish Fertilizer
Neptune’s Harvest
Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer
Neptune’s Harvest
Clawel/Brandt Consolidated
North Atlantic Kelp
The Fertrell Co.
NutraSoft Pelletized Gypsum
Mineral Processing Companies of Ohio, Inc. / Anderson
NutraSul 90 Organic Elemental Sulfur
Keg River Chemical Corp.
Nutribalance P 15
Timac, Inc.
NY Walk Grip 0-0-0
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
O Charger / PVO Charger / 1-3-3
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
O Fritter 0-0-0
Lancaster Ag Products
OmegaGrow 5-1-1
Omega Protein, Inc.
OmegaGrow Plus 3-1-1
Omega Protein, Inc.
Organic Approach 5-2-4
Organic Approach, LLC
Organic BioLink Cal Plus
Westbridge Agricultural Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Organic Blend 37
Nolt’s Spreading
(R) See raw manure and micronutrient restrictions.
Organic Blend Starter 2-3-4
Timac, Inc.
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
Organic Blend Starter 3-3-10
Timac, Inc.
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
Organic Cal Plus
Nolt’s Spreading
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Organic Copper 5% Spray
Star Dairy Resources
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Organic Gem
Advanced Marine Technolgies
Organic K + Ag Granular SOP
Great Salt Lake Minerals Corp.
Organic Super 8 (Sam Zook Super 8 Organic)
Keystone Bio Ag, LLC
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Organic Super Basic Blend
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Organic Vegetable Blend 7-2-4
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Organic Vitazyme
Vital Earth Resources
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Paramagnetic Rock
The Green Dance-World Organic Inc
Pelletized Gypsum
Kirby Agri, Inc.
Pelletized Hi Cal Limestone
Tyler Grain & Fertilizer Co.
Pelletized Poultry Manure
Herbrucks Poultry Ranch
Pelletized Poultry Manure
Kreher Enterprises, LLC
Penrock Lime
Kinsley Material / Penroc Operation
Pepzyme Clear
Tainio Technology & Technique, Inc.
Performance II
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Peruvian Seabird Guano
Sunleaves Garden Products
(R) See raw manure restriction §205.203(c)(1)
Phos Fish
Lancaster Ag Products
Phostrell 0-6-0
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
PHT Organic Calcium
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
PHT Organic Phosphorus
PHT Organic Potassium
Timac, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Phyto Plus Boron 3%
Baicor, L.C.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Phyto Plus Calcium 5%
Baicor, L.C.
(R) See calcium chloride restriction §205.602(c)
Phyto Plus Copper 5%
Baicor, L.C.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Phyto Plus Iron 5%
Baicor, L.C.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See raw manure restriction §205.203(c)(1)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Phyto Plus Magnesium 2.5%
Baicor, L.C.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Phyto Plus Zinc 5%
Baicor, L.C.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Phyto Stim
Pillar 2-0-1
AgriEnergy Resources
(R) See micronutrient and chilean nitrate restrictions.
PKT Blend O
AgriEnergy Resources
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Plant Tone 5-3-3
Espoma, Inc.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Planters II
US Soil
Potassium Sulfate
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
Potassium Sulfate Solution (K Sulfate Solution)
AgriEnergy Resources
Potato Special 0-0-28
Keystone Bio Ag, LLC
Potting Soil
Nutrient Density Supply Company
Poultry Compost
Giroux’s Poultry Farm, Inc.
Poultry Compost
Morgan Composting
Lancaster Ag Products
Pro Booster 10-0-0
North Country Organics
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
Pro Crop 4-3-1
North Country Organics
(R) See micronutrient and chilean nitrate restrictions.
Pro Crop High P 6-6-3
North Country Organics
(R) See micronutrient and chilean nitrate restrictions.
Pro Holly 4-6-4
North Country Organics
(R) See dehydrated manure and chilean nitrate restrictions
Pro Select Pelletized Dolomitic Limestone
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
ProBio Balance Original
SCD Probiotics
Protein Crumblies
Soil Secrets, LLC
PSG Plant Food Pellets 12-12-2.5
Blue Ocean Organics
Pulverized Limestone
Con-Lime, Inc.
Pulverized Limestone
Martin Limestone Inc
Pulverized Limestone
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
QB 10 (Granular and Liquid)
Quality Borate Company, LLC
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
QB 21 Foliar Powder
Quality Borate Company, LLC
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
QLF Cane Molasses
Quality Liquid Feeds, Inc.
For crop use only.
Quantum Growth
Ecological Laboratories, Inc.
Quantum Growth HSC
Ecological Laboratories, Inc.
Quantum Growth Light
Ecological Laboratories, Inc.
Quantum Growth Revive
Ecological Laboratories, Inc.
(R) See raw manure restriction §205.203(c)(1)
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Quantum Growth VSC
Ecological Laboratories, Inc.
Rebecca Brown Fertilizer Blend 0-0-4
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Redmond Conditioner
Redmond Minerals, Inc.
Redmond Natural Trace Mineral Salt #4, #10
Redmond Minerals, Inc.
Renrock Fertilizer Dry Phos
Penny Nutrition
Residuce Plus Liquid 1-0-0
AgriEnergy Resources
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
ReVita Pro 5-4-5
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
Rice Hull Ash
Riceland Foods Inc.
Rock Phosphate
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Rock Salt
Cope Company Salt
Rohrer’s Hi Cal Lime
Rohrer’s Quarry
Rohrer’s Lime
Rohrer’s Quarry
Root Boost
Premium Trucking Supplies
RP 6 Limestone
Baker Lime
Schafer’s Liquid Fish / SF Organics 2-2-0
Schafer Fisheries, Inc.
SDC Clam Mix
One Earth Organics
Sea 90
SeaAgri, Inc.
Sea Crop
Sea Crop
Ambrosia Technology, LLC
Sea Min Kelp Meal
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
Sea Plus Liquid Seaweed & Fish Fertilizer
Living Acres
Sea Salt
Lancaster Ag Products
Sea Sure
Seabird Guano 1-10-0
Down to Earth
(R) See raw manure restriction §205.203(c)(1)
Seabird Guano 12-12-2
Down To Earth
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Feedworks USA / Celtic Sea Minerals
SeaCi de
The Fertrell Co.
SeaLife Kelp
North American Kelp
Seaweed Shakings
FMC BioPolymer
Seed Gro
Lancaster Ag Products
For crop use only.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
For crop use only.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Seed Starter 101
Morgan Composting
Slow Release Organic Fertilizer 5-4-3
Kreher Enterprises, LLC
Sodium Molybdate
Hydro-Gardens / Univar USA Inc.
Soft Rock Phosphate
Espoma, Inc.
Soft Rock Phosphate
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
Soil Acidifier
Espoma, Inc.
Soil Infusion
Living Stone Organics / Terra Biotics
Soil Mineralizer
The Fertrell Co.
Soil Sweetner (Pelleted Lime)
The Andersons Co.
Soluble Fish Fertilizer Powder 12-0-0
Ohio Earth Food, Inc.
Soyaplex SP
NaEx Corp / Poulenger USA
SP 1
AgriEnergy Resources
Spaghnum Peat Moss
Acadian Peat Moss
Special MPM
Lancaster Ag Products
Tainio Technology & Technique, Inc.
Spectrum Extra
Tainio Technology & Technique, Inc.
Spent Mushroom Substrate
Giorgi Mushrooms Co.
Spent Mushroom Substrate
Phillips Mushroom
Star Boron 3%
Star Dairy Resources
Star K 5
Star Dairy Resources
Star Zinc 5
Star Dairy Resources
Sul Po Mag (Sulfate of Magnesium Potassium)
The Fertrell Co.
Sul Po Mag (Sulfate of Magnesium Potassium)
Zimmerman Lime and Fertilizer
Sulfur 1660 Red Ball
International Sulphur, Inc.
Summer Creek Farm Premium Blend “Plant
Summer Creek Farm
Super 10
Oregon Ag
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Super Cal
Keystone Bio Ag, LLC
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Super Cal Plus
Zeiset Ag.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Super K 3-4-7
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Super Lawn & Garden 3-2-3
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Super N 4-2-4
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Super Root Starter
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See chilean nitrate restriction
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Super Sulfur Potash (SSP)
Heart of Nature
Super Trace O 0-0-1
Full Sircle Products
SuperBio SoilBuilder
Advanced Microbial Solutions, LLC
SuperCal 98 G
Calcium Products Inc. / Conklin Products
SuperCal SO4
Calcium Products Inc./ Conklin Products
Living Stone Organics / Terra Biotics
Symphony 5-4-3
Tecmangam / Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate
Tera Vita L 85
Organic Approach, LLC
Tera Vita LC 10 Plus 7
Organic Approach, LLC
Tera Vita LC 12 / Super Humate LC 12
Organic Approach, LLC
Tera Vita SP 100
Organic Approach, LLC
Tera Vita SP 65
Organic Approach, LLC
Tera Vita SP 85
Organic Approach, LLC
Tera Vita SP 90
Organic Approach, LLC
Terra Genesis
TerraPro Agriculture Grade
Soil Secrets, LLC
Tobacco Fertilizer Green 0-0-0
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) See micronutrient and chilean nitrate restrictions.
Tree Tone
Espoma, Inc.
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
Triangle Brand Copper Sulfate
Phelps Dodge Refining Co. /
Freeport-McMoran Sierrita Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
TTP Supreme Compost
Soil Secrets, LLC
Ultra Humate
Living Stone Organics / Terra Biotics
ILC Resources, Inc.
USG Sof n Soil
United States Gypsum Company
Wittemore Company
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Keystone Bio Ag, LLC
Weevil Bug Mix (WBM)
Lancaster Ag Products
Yellowstone Brand Montana Sulfur
Montana Sulfur and Chemical Co.
Zinc 36%
Cameron Chemicals, Inc.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Zinc Dextro Lac
Agro-K Corp.
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See dehydrated manure restriction
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Foliar feed
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Fertilizer/Soil Amendment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Zinc L
AgriEnergy Resources
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Zinc Sulfate
Prince Agri Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Zinc Sulfate
Valudor Products
(R) See micronutrient restriction §205.601(j)(6)
Zone Organic Liqua Cal
Zone Products
Zook’s Dry Molasses
Zooks Molasses Company
ZSO Soybean Oil
Zook Molasses / Golden Barrel
For crop use only.
Crops | Invertebrate Pest Control
BioSafe Systems, LLC
Azera Insecticide
MGK Company
Beneficial Nematodes
Best Yet Insect Control Solution
CedarCide Industries, Inc.
Biocare Flour and Pantry Moth Trap
SpringStar Inc.
Natural Forces LLC
Arysta Life Science North America
Checkmate CM OFM Duel
Suterra LLC
Codling Moth Pheromone lLre PIT107
Pest Wizard / Alpha Scents
Certis USA
Dipel DF
Valent Bioscience Corp.
(R) See botanical pesticide restriction §205.206(e)
Dipel PRO DF
Valent BioScience Corp.
(R) See botanical pesticide restriction §205.206(e)
Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Soap
Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap
E Scent Shield
Earth Tone Insecticidal Soap
Espoma, Inc.
Entrust Naturalyte Insect Control
Dow AgroSciences
Evergreen Pyrethrum Concentrate and Dust
MGK Company
Fly Trap Attractant Fly Terminator Pro
Farnam Industries
Garden Safe Brand Neem Oil Extract
Schultz Company
Garlic Barrier AG +
Garlic Research Labs
Gnatrol WDG
Valent BioScience Corp
Golden Pest Spray Oil
Stoller Enterprises, Inc.
IAP Organic 440 Spray Oil
Independent Agribusiness Professionals
IAP Organic Summer 415 Spray Oil
Independent Agribusiness Professionals
(R) See botanical pesticide restriction §205.206(e)
(R) Must document location, application manner, and contamination prevention
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Invertebrate Pest Control
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Isomate C Plus
Pacific BioControl Corporation
Insect pheromone
Isomate CM / OFM TT
Pacific BioControl Corporation
Insect pheromone
Isomate P
Pacific BioControl Corporation
Insect pheromone
Isomate PTB Dual
Pacific BioControl Corporation
Insect pheromone
Kaolin Clay
Colombus Clay Co.
Abundant Life Seeds
Liquid Ladybug
ASAP Products, LLC
M Pede
Dow AgroSciences
Microthiol Disperss
United Phosphorus / Cerexagri-Nisso LLC
Mosquito Barrier
Garlic Research Labs
Myco Stat
Natural, Food Grade, Evaporated Cane Juice
NimBioSys Neem Oil
The Ahimsa Alternative, Inc.
Nu Film P
Miller Chemical
NutriShield Insect Repellent
Nutritek Inc.
Helena Chemical Company
OMNI Supreme Spray
Helena Chemical Company
PCO Choice (Pest Control Operator)
CedarCide Industries, Inc.
Phyto Guard
True Green Organics
Pro Natural Dormant Oil Spray
Wilbur-Ellis Company
PureSpray Green
Petro-Canada / Whitmire Micro-Gen
Research Labs, Inc.
Pyganic EC 1.4 II
MGK Company
Pyganic EC 5.0 II
MGK Company
Gardens Alive
Radiant SC
Dow AgroSciences
Safer Brand BioNEEM Multi Purpose Insecticide
& Repellent Concentrate
Woodstream Corp.
ScanMask Beneficial Nematodes
BioLogic Company
SeaCi de
The Fertrell Co.
Slug B Gon Slug & Snail Bait
Scotts EcoSense
Insect pheromone
(R) See botanical pesticide restriction §205.206(e)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Crops | Invertebrate Pest Control
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Sluggo Plus
W. Neudorff GmbH KG
Soap Nut Powder
Neem Resource
Superior Spray Oil N.W.
Wilbur-Ellis Company
Sure Catch Cucumber Beetle Trap
Gardens Alive
Surround WP Crop Protectant
Tessenderlo Kerley Inc.
Certis USA
Vita Stim
Restora - Life Minerals, LLC
ZSO Soybean Oil
Zook Molasses / Golden Barrel
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Sticky trap
Crops | Vertebrate Pest Control
Deer Stopper
Messina Wildlife Mgmt.
Crops | Weed Control
Burn Out II (Concentrate and Ready to Use)
St. Gabriel Organics
GreenMatch Burndown Herbicide
Cutting Edge Formulations, Inc.
GreenMatch EX Burndown Herbicide
Marrone Organic Innovations
Kosher Vinegar 30% White Distilled
Mizkan American Inc.
MaestroGroOrganic Vinegar
Maestro Gro, Inc.
Brandt Consolidated, Inc.
Soybean Oil
JL Moyer and Sons
Vinegar, Distilled White
The Fertrell Co.
WeedGuardPlus Organic
Weed Guard Plus
Biodegradable mulch - Only organic version is allowed.
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
2:1 Dairy Mineral
Crystal Creek
4 Plex E
Zinpro Corporation
A Mix
Helfter Feeds
Acetic Acid and Vitamin C Mix
Free Choice Enterprises
Acid Neutralizer OH
Free Choice Enterprises
Acidified Copper Sulfate
Animal Science Products, Inc.
Acidified Copper Sulfate
Best Veterinary Solutions, Inc.
Alltech, Inc.
Activated Charcoal NCB 20 x 50
NiChem Company
Alfalfa Leaf Powder - Organic
Mountain Rose Herbs
Replaces ZinPro 4 Plex, which is no longer allowed.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Alkaline Neutralizer CL
Free Choice Enterprises
AllZyme SSF
Alltech, Inc.
AllZyme VegPro
Alltech, Inc.
Aloe Vera Plus Garlic and Kelp
Helfter Feeds / Advanced Biological
Aloe Vera Powder
Terry Laboratories LLC
American Stockman Big 6 Mineral Salt
North American Salt Co.
American Stockman White Block
North American Salt Co.
Ana Plex
The Fertrell Co.
The Fertrell Co.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Lancaster Ag Products
ATS A 1 Blend
Nelson Habecker Nutrition
AviLution Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Azomite / Peak Minerals
Bear River Zeolite
Bear River Zeolite
Beef Balancer
The Fertrell Co.
Betafin S1
Danisco Animal Nutrition
Big Valley Organic Dry Cow Mineral
Big Valley Feeds
Big Valley Organic Lactating Cow Mineral
Big Valley Feeds
Bio D
DBC Agricultural Products / Heritage
Bio D WS
DBC Agricultural Products / Heritage
Bio Lac Gold V
LP Bio-Ag
Bio Lac Pro Blend
LP Bio-Ag
Bioplex Copper
Alltech, Inc.
Bioplex Manganese 15%
Alltech, Inc.
Bioplex Zinc 15% OA
Alltech, Inc.
Lesaffre Feed Additives
Biotene Total PX Organic
Eggland’s Best, Inc. / ADM Alliance
Nutrition, Inc.
Black Earth Humates Powder / Mini Granules
Black Earth Humic LP
Bovine Plus
Curtis Nutritional Services
Breeder Pak or Mix
The Fertrell Co.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Buffer Blend
The Fertrell Co.
Buffer Plus
Helfter Feeds
Butterfat Formula
Free Choice Enterprises
Helfter Feeds
By O Reg+ Supplement
Professional Proteins / Advanced Ag
C Mix
Helfter Feeds
C&L 2-1 Dry Cow Feed Additive
Mercer Milling
Calcium CA
Free Choice Enterprises
Calcium Carbonate
Old Mill Troy
Calcium Chips
York Ag Products
Calf Milk Mate
Crystal Creek
Calf Shield - Organic
Crystal Creek
Calf Starter - Organic
Hayts Corner Mill
Feedworks USA, Ltd.
CalPhos (Granular and Standard)
Canton Mills Inc.
Carbo Clean
MarSyt, Inc.
Cattle Choice 12-12
The Fertrell Co.
CB 10
Free Choice Enterprises
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Choline Chloride 60 % Feed Grade
Balchem Corp.
Lesaffre Feed Additives
Citric Acid
Animal Science Products, Inc.
Citric Acid
Archer Daniels Midland Co. (ADM)
Citric Acid
Best Veterinary Solutions, Inc.
Citric Acid
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Citric Acid
Paragon Specialty Products, LLC (PSP)
Citric Acid
Yixing-Union BioChemical Co.
Cold Springs Stress Pack
Harbor Point Minerals
Copper Sulfate 35, 40
Pestell Minerals
Crab Meal
The Fertrell Co.
Crystal Min Calf and Heifer Mineral
Crystal Creek
Crystal Pellets
Crystal Creek
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Only Organic version is allowed.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
CU Mix
Helfter Feeds
D Cad Plus
Arm & Hammer / Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Dairy 2x1 Grazing Mineral Mix
Mummau Sales
Dairy 3x1 Min Vit
Mummau Sales
Dairy Cow Vitamin and Trace Mineral Pak
Crystal Creek
Dairy Glow
Crystal Creek
Dairy Nutribalancer # 1
The Fertrell Co.
Dairy Nutribalancer # 2
The Fertrell Co.
Dairy Nutribalancer # 3
The Fertrell Co.
Dairy Solutions Organic Dry Cow Mineral PL
ADM Alliance Nutrition, Inc.
DBC Enzyme 101
DBC Agricultural Products / Heritage
DCAD Plus (Feed Grade Potassium Carbonate)
Arm & Hammer / Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Desert DynaMin
DiaFil Diatomaceous Earth
Celite Corp.
Diamond Crystal Winter Melt Rock Salt
Cargill Salt
DL Methionine
Adisseo USA Inc.
Dried Sea Salt
Quarry Lane Feeds, Inc.
Dry Cow Mineral
Crystal Creek
Helfter Feeds
Dynamate Feed Grade Potassium & Magnesium
Mosaic Feed Ingredients
EcoBac Plus - Organic Version
EFS Dairy Cow Mineral Package
EEGAL Farm Service
Enviva Pro 201 GT
AgTech, Inc. / Danisco
Epsom Salt - Bittersalz
K + S Kali GmbH
K + S Kali GmbH
Feed Ate
Eastern Minerals Inc.
Feed Cal Coarse
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Feed Cal Fine
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Feed Grade Calcium (Feed Cal)
Kirby Agri, Inc.
Feed Mixing Salt
Kissner Group
Feed Mixing Salt
The Kissner Group / MagCo Inc.
Feed Ox
Eastern Minerals Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See methionine restriction §205.603(d)(1)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Feeder Blend 24
W.M. Golden & Son
Feeder Blend 24 Organic SE
W.M. Golden & Son
Feeder Blend 24 Plus E
W.M. Golden & Son
Feedphos 18.5
Eastern Minerals Inc.
Feedphos 21
Eastern Minerals Inc.
Fenugreek Seed Powder - Organic
Mountain Rose Herbs
Ferro (Colloidal Minerals)
Soil Nutrients
Fertrell DFM
The Fertrell Co.
Fertrell Lac Zyme
The Fertrell Co.
Fertrell Poultry Vitamin
The Fertrell Co.
Fertrell Yeast Cultures
The Fertrell Co.
Fertrell Yeast FG
The Fertrell Co.
Fish Meal 10-4-0
Down To Earth
Fish Meal with Naturox
The Fertrell Co.
Flash Point
Curtis Nutritional Services
Flo Bond
Brookside Agra
Foc AB Dry Cow Phos (Org)
Foc Heifer 2 (Org)
Foc Milker Plus C (Org)
Formula A Next Generation
Free Choice Enterprises
Formula B Next Generation
Free Choice Enterprises
Formula C Next Generation
Free Choice Enterprises
Formula D+
Free Choice Enterprises
Formula D-
Free Choice Enterprises
Formula SE
Free Choice Enterprises
Formula Trouble Free
Free Choice Enterprises
Formula V
Free Choice Enterprises
Fossil Shell Flour
Perma-Guard, Inc.
Fresh Cow YMCP for Organic Dairies
TechMix, Inc.
Fuse 207
Crystal Creek
GalliPro Tect 1.0
Chr. Hansen
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Feed formulations with this ingredient must be PCO approved.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Garlic - Organic
Van Drunen
Geo Bond
Bennet Mineral Co. / Geo Research
Associates, Inc.
Golden Pasture 20 X VT
W.M. Golden & Son
Gran I Grit
North Carolina Granite Corporation
Grazier’s Essentials 1.5:1 Pasture, Prarie, &
Range Lick
Grazier’s Essentials 1:1 Pasture, Prarie, & Range Agri-Dynamics
Grazier’s Essentials 1:2 Pasture, Prarie, & Range Agri-Dynamics
Grazier’s Essentials 2:1 Pasture, Prarie, & Range Agri-Dynamics
Grazier’s Essentials Aqua Nox Stock Saver
Grazier’s Essentials Flies Be Gone PreMix
Grazier’s Essentials Native Lick Minerals
Grazier’s Essentials PC Pre Mix
Grazier’s Essentials Poultry Nature Lytes for
Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese
Grazier’s Essentials Whole Hog for Grower
Grazier’s Essentials Whole Hog for Sows
Grazier’s Essentials Winter Mune
Graziers Choice
The Fertrell Co.
Ground Gypsum
Allied Custom Gypsum
Heifer Choice 2-1
The Fertrell Co.
Heifer Feed
Lakeview Grain
Heifer Pride
Crystal Creek
Hi Cal Ag Lime “Organic Feed Grade”
Nolt’s Spreading
High Energy Blend Green
Lancaster Ag Products
High Phos Organic HPOH1
Harbor Point Mineral Products
Hoagland Hog Special Mineral Mix
The Fertrell Co.
Hoffman’s Organic Vita Lac
J.L. Hoffman Co.
Hoof King Special
Agri-King, Inc.
HP Organic 2:1 FC
Harbor Point Mineral Products
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See methionine restriction §205.603(d)(1)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Common Sense Nutrition
Mesa Verde Resources
Hy Brix - Organic
Natural Way Feeds LLC
I 75
Free Choice Enterprises
In Heat
Free Choice Enterprises
Invigorate Vitamin and Mineral Supplement
The Fertrell Co.
Iodine I
Free Choice Enterprises
IPC 960 Fishmeal Preserved with Naturox
Premium Liquid Antioxidant
International Protein Corp.
IPR Pellets
Helfter Feeds
Jump Start Formula
Free Choice Enterprises
K Mix
Helfter Feeds
Kauffman’s Beef Mineral
Kauffman’s Animal Health
Thorvin, Inc.
Kelp Conditioner Binder Mix
The Fertrell Co.
Kelp / Dried Seaweed Meal
Tidal Organics, Inc.
Keystone Dry Cow
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Keystone Lactation
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
KOW Carb Buffer
Mill Creek Consulting
KOW Organic Calf Concentrate Mineral Mix
Mill Creek Consulting
Mill Creek Consulting
Mill Creek Consulting
Lactic Acid
Brenntag Inc.
LFA Selenium Yeast (SelYeast 3000)
Lesaffre Feed Additives
Lira Vita Gold
Kauffman’s Animal Health
LNS ProMin Organic CS
Livestock Nutritional Services
LOL Natural Dairy PreMix
Land O’Lakes
LOL Natural DryCow Mineral
Land O’Lakes
LOL Natural Heifer Mineral
Land O’Lakes
Low Cell Formula
Free Choice Enterprises
LP Bio-Ag 1 x 3 Mineral Supplement
LP Bio-Ag
LP Bio-Ag 2 x 1 Dairy Mineral – Vitamin
LP Bio-Ag
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Feed formulations with this ingredient must be PCO approved.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
LP Bio-Ag Buffer Blend
LP Bio-Ag
M Mix
Helfter Feeds
Magnesium MG
Free Choice Enterprises
Magnesium Oxide
American Minerals. Inc.
Magnesium Oxide
Old Mill Troy
Magnesium Oxide
Prince Agri Products
Magnesium Oxide (Magox)
Cargill Animal Supply
Magnesium Potassium Sulfate
Old Mill Troy
Magox Feed Grade
Premier Chemicals, LLC
Maltodextrin - Organic
Ag Commodities
Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate
Pestell Minerals
Mara Organic 2 - 1 Dairy Mineral
Mara Seed, Inc.
Mara Organic Mixing Mineral
Mercer Milling
Groff Bros. Farm
Maximizer Beef Mineral
Crystal Creek
Maximizer No Phos Beef Mineral
Crystal Creek
Maximo’s Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate
Zinc Nacional S.A.
Menefeed G (MFG) 150 Humates
TBNI, Inc.
Mineral Balancer
Natural Way Feeds LLC
Mintrex Zn
Novus International, Inc.
Molasses Mineral Lick Block O
The Fertrell Co.
Molasses Mineral Lick Tub O
The Fertrell Co.
Molasses, Organic
Zooks Molasses Company
Morrison’s ADE Premix
Mercer Milling / Morrison’s Custom Feed
Morrison’s Pasture Beef Cow Mineral
Mercer Milling / Morrison’s Custom Feed
MP Clam Meat
One Earth Organics
MP Sulfur
Martin Operating Partnership
Crystal Creek
Native Lick Plus (KNS)
Nature Smart 4:1 Lactation C
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Nature Smart Pasture Mineral
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Nature’s Best 2:1 Dairy Mineral
Kreamer Feeds
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Nature’s Best Vitamin E 20,000
Kreamer Feeds
New York Dairy Base Mix
The Fertrell Co.
Norit GCA 1240 Charcoal
Norit Americas, Inc.
North Atlantic Kelp
The Fertrell Co.
Nutra Fix Pro Blend
Nutra Fix
Nutri Cow Org
Warwick Nutrition
Nutri Min Calf Mineral
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Complete Free Choice Minerals
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Dairy Mineral
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Dairy Mineral 2
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Dry Cow Mineral
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Enhance
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Heifer Mineral
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min K S DE
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Kelp Aloe Plus
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Min Pre Fresh
Lancaster Ag Products
Nutri Vit
Crystal Creek
NutriCore #391 Poultry VTM Plus
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Advantage Lacto 50
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore DFM 10391 Poultry Premix
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Egg Shell Plus
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Feather Fresh ES
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Folic Acid 1%
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Formula One (2X)
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Health Tract - P with Encrypt
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Lacto Mix (2X)
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Lacto S (2X)
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Poultry Vitamin Stress WD #501
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Shell N Dur
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Turkey / Breeder VTM PreMix #401
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NutriCore Zyfend A
Heritage PMS, Inc.
NYL 129
Renaissance Nutrition, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Activated Charcoal
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
O 1:2 Mineral
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O BioBaby PreMix
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Calf Starter
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O D r r r y Cow Mineral
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Free Choice
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Generator Elite
Bio-Vet, Inc.
O Grazing Special
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Heifer Mineral
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O K Milk Additive
Bio-Vet, Inc.
O Key Cap
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Pork Premix
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Poultry Premix
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Selenium + Vitamin Premix
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Sheep Mineral
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O SK Blend
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Special 1110
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Special 1512
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Special 2114
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
O Top Cap
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
Old Mill Salt
The Old Mill Troy, Inc.
Opti Peak
Crystal Creek
Organic 1:1 Mineral Plus for Beef
Helfter Feeds
Organic 2% I Mix
Helfter Feeds
Organic 2:1 Mineral Plus for Dairy
Helfter Feeds
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Lancaster Ag Products
Organic Corner Post
Free Choice Enterprises
Organic Dairy Mineral
Quarry Lane Feeds
Organic Dried Kelp
Acadian Seaplants, Ltd.
Organic Dry Cow Mineral
Cows Come First
Organic Dry Cow Mineral
Quarry Lane Feeds
Organic Kelp Meal
Acadian Seaplants, Ltd.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Organic Lick Tub
Free Choice Enterprises
Organic MicroZyme Y
Common Sense Nutrition
Organic Min Buff PAH 550
Renaissance Nutrition, Inc.
Florida Crystals
Helfter Feeds
Organic Q Gestall - DigestAll
Natural Way Feeds LLC
Organic Seasonal Cleansing
Royal Advantage
Organic Selenium .06%
The Old Mill Troy, Inc.
Organic Selenium Premix .06%
Quarry Lane Feeds, Inc.
Organic Sugar
Wholesome Sweetners, Inc.
Organic Vitamin Trace Pac
Cows Come First
Organic Yucca Schidigera
Baja Agro International
Oyster Shells Ground
Coastal Brand
P Mix
Helfter Feeds
PAP 651 Org
Renaissance Nutrition, Inc.
Pasture Buffer
Mummau Sales
Pasture Mineral
Crystal Creek
Penny 383
Penny Nutrition
Penny 383 w/ E & Sel
Penny Nutrition
Penny ADE Organic Sel Px
Penny Nutrition
Penny CSF Power Pak
Penny Nutrition
Penny CSF Se/E
Penny Nutrition
Penny Organic 282
Penny Nutrition
Penny Organic ADE
Penny Nutrition
Penny Organic Dry Cow
Penny Nutrition
Phosphorus P
Free Choice Enterprises
Pivot FL
Crystal Creek
Potassium K
Free Choice Enterprises
Potassium Magnesium Sulfate (MATE)
Baltzell Agri-Products
Poult Pak
Alpharma / I.D. Russel Company
Poultry Ad Pak
Crystal Creek
Poultry DFM W/S
The Fertrell Co.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Poultry Nutribalancer - No Methionine
The Fertrell Co.
Does not contain methionine.
Poultry Nutribalancer - Original
The Fertrell Co.
(R) See methionine restriction §205.603(d)(1)
Poultry Pasture Pak
Crystal Creek
Poultry Shield FG
Georgia Gulf Sulfur Corp.
Premier Goat NutriBalancer / Goat Vitamin
Mineral Premix
The Fertrell Co.
Premier Pasture PreMix
Premier Feed, Inc.
Premium Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Primalac Livestock W/S
Star Labs
Primalac Poultry F/G
Star Labs / Forage Research, Inc.
Pro Min Daily OM
TLC Animal Nutrition
Procreatin 7 Active Dry Yeast
Lesaffre Feed Additives
ProP 169 for Dairy Cows
Bio-Vet, Inc.
Pulverized Limestone
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Purex Salt
Morton Salt
Quantum Growth VSC
Ecological Laboratories, Inc.
RC Gold 4 X
The Fertrell Co.
Reap 4M Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Redmond Clay
Redmond Trading Company, LC
Redmond Natural Livestock Mineral Conditioner
Redmond Minerals, Inc.
Redmond Natural Mineral Salt Block
Redmond Minerals, Inc.
Rovabio Excel AP
Adisseo USA Inc.
Rovabio Excel AP 10% O
Adisseo USA Inc.
Rovabio Excel AP T FLEX
Adisseo USA Inc.
Rovabio Excel AP T FLEX 10% O
Adisseo USA Inc.
Royal Optimum Powder
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
RuMax Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Wendell’s Dairy Service Inc
Ruminant MBO
Animal Medic Inc.
Ruminant PYK
Midwestern Bio-Ag, Inc.
S Carb Feed Grade Sodium Sesquicarbonate
FMC Specialty Alkali Corporation
S Mix
Helfter Feeds
SAF Agri Feed Yeast
Lesaffre Feed Additives
/ Forage Research Inc.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
SAF Levina Inactive Dry Yeast
Lesaffre Feed Additives
SafMannan A
Lesaffre Feed Additives
Lesaffre Feed Additives
McGeary Organics, Inc.
Renaissance Nutrition Inc.
Salt - Feed Grade
Quarry Lane Feeds, Inc.
SDC Clam Mix
One Earth Organics
SE Top Choice Mix
Advanced Biological Concepts
Sea Crop
Ambrosia Technology, LLC
Sea Salt
Lancaster Ag Products
Feedworks USA / Celtic Sea Minerals
Sel Plex
Alltech, Inc.
Sel Plex 2000
Alltech, Inc.
Selenium .06%
Eastern Minerals Inc.
Selenium Yeast 600 Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Selenium Yeast Vitamin Mix
EEGAL Farm Service
SelenoSource AF 2000
Diamond V Mills
Sheep NutriBalancer
The Fertrell Co.
Silicon SI
Free Choice Enterprises
Simphos 21 P
J. R. Simplot Company
Sodium Bicarbonate
Cargill Animal Supply
Sodium Bicarbonate
Eastern Minerals, Inc.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Natural Soda, Inc.
Sodium Bicarbonate - Feed Grade
Arm & Hammer / Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Sodium Bicarbonate USP Fine Granular No. 2
FMC Specialty Alkali Corporation
Sodium Chloride
Compass Minerals / North American Salt
Sodium NA
Free Choice Enterprises
Sodium Selenite .06%
Eastern Minerals Inc.
Sow Premix
The Fertrell Co.
SQM Copper
SQM Iron
SQM Magnesium
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
SQM Manganese
SQM Zinc
Sulfur 99
Old Troy Mill
Sulfur S
Free Choice Enterprises
Super Life
Natural Way Feeds LLC
Super Micro Plus Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Swift Start Calf Pellets OA
Crystal Creek
Swine Grower - No Lysine Added
The Fertrell Co.
Tecmangam / Manganese Sulfate Monohydrate
Synergie Eurobec Inc.
Trace Mineral Mix
The Fertrell Co.
Trace Mineral TA
Free Choice Enterprises
Trace Mineral TB
Free Choice Enterprises
Trace Mineral TC
Free Choice Enterprises
Trace One T1
Free Choice Enterprises
Trace Two T2
Free Choice Enterprises
Trilution Ruminant Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Trilution WS Special
Agri-King, Inc.
Trophy Rock
Redmond Minerals , Inc.
Tru Flo Untreated LCM Food Grade Salt
United Salt Corporation
Helfter Feeds
Vi tal Supplement (Vi-tal)
Ideal Animal Health / Neogen
Vita Guard OM
TLC Animal Nutrition
Vital Buf R OA
Homestead Nutrition
Vital Choice OA
Homestead Nutrition
Only OA version is allowed.
Vital Dairy 9 OA
Homestead Nutrition
Only OA version is allowed.
Vital Detoxx OA
Homestead Nutrition
Only OA version is allowed.
Vital Dry Cow 12 OA
Homestead Nutrition
Only OA version is allowed.
Vital Lac EXP Organic
Homestead Nutrition
Only Organic version is allowed.
Vital Nutriboost Organic
Homestead Nutrition
Only Organic version is allowed.
Vital Poultry Pre Mix Organic
Homestead Nutrition
Only Organic version is allowed.
Vitamin A Premix
Homestead Nutrition
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Feed Additive/Supplement
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Vitamin E 20,000
The Fertrell Co.
Vitamin E 20,000 Booster Pac OA
Homestead Nutrition
Vitamin E Selenium Pre Mix
The Fertrell Co.
Vitamin E Supplement
Kauffman’s Animal Health
Vitamins A D E
The Fertrell Co.
American Colloid Co.
W.M. Golden Feeder Blend 20 (FB 20)
W.M. Golden & Son
W.M. Golden Feeder Blend 20 (FB 20) Plus E
W.M. Golden & Son
Wheat Grass Powder - Organic
Mountain Rose Herbs
White Salt
Lancaster Ag Products
White Salt
Mill Creek Consulting
White Salt
Warwick Nutrition
Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Gel
Crystal Creek
XP 4
Astaris, LLC
XP Green
Diamond V Mills
XPC Green
Diamond V Mills
Yea Sacc 1026
Alltech, Inc.
Young’s Magnesium Oxide
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Young’s Sodium Bicarbonate
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Zeo, Inc.
Zinc 36%
Cameron Chemicals, Inc.
ZinPro 40
ZinPro Corporation
ZinPro E Zinc Methionine Complex
ZinPro Corporation
Zym O Factors Special
Agri-King, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Only OA version is allowed.
/ ICL Performance Products
Livestock | Livestock External Parasiticides/Pesticides
Best Yet Insect Control Solution
CedarCide Industries, Inc.
Bug Off
Spring Time Inc.
Citronella Essential Oil
Starwest Botanicals
Compost Tea
Rodale Institute
Corn Plus
Defy the Fly Collar for Cattle
IBA, Inc. / R&R Enterprises
E Scent Shield
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock External Parasiticides/Pesticides
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Ecto Phyte
Eucalyptus Oil
NOW Foods
Garlic Barrier AG +
Garlic Research Labs
Knit Away
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Lavender Oil
NOW Foods
Lice and Mange Wash
Crystal Creek
Natur’l Oil
Stoller Enterprises, Inc.
Natural Fly Spray
Free Choice Enterprises
NutriShield Insect Repellent
Nutritek Inc.
PCO Choice (Pest Control Operator)
CedarCide Industries, Inc.
Peppermint Oil
NOW Foods
Pyganic EC 1.4 II
MGK Company
Pyganic EC 5.0 II
MGK Company
Pyganic Livestock and Poultry Insecticide
MGK Company
Pyganic PRO
MGK Company
Soft Skin
Lancaster Ag Products
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil
Desert Essence
35% Hydrogen Peroxide
Delaware Valley Chemical and Equipment
For topical use only.
ABC Relief
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Abcess Infusers
Activated Charcoal Gel with Electrolytes
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Activity / Joint Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Adenomune II Vaccine
Ceva Biomune
Agrimectin PourOn / Injectable
AgriLabs, Inc.
First Priority, Inc.
Alcohol Wipes
Aloe Alpha
New Beginnings Nutrition, LLC
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aloe C
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aloe Comfort
Crystal Creek
Aloe Vera
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Farms
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aloe Vera Juice
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Aloe Vera Juice
Fruit of the Earth
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aloedine Iodine Sanitizing Teat Dip
Chemland / West Agro Inc. / Universal
Dairy Supply
Anti Diarrheal Bolus
Merrick’s, Inc.
Anti Diarrheal Calf Bolus
Aspen Vet Resources
Antioxidant Blend Tincture
Crystal Creek
Antioxidant Blend Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Aqua DEE
Dawe’s Laboratories
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aqua Flo
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Armor Sanitizing Iodine Barrier Teat Dip
Arnica Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Ascend Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Lancaster Ag Products
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Bimeda, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Butler Schein Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Phoenix Pharmaceuticals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
AgriLabs, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
Aspen Vet Resources
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
Durvet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
First Priority, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
Merrick’s, Inc. / Vet One
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin Bolus
Sparhawk Laboratories, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Aspirin, Water Soluble
Animal Science Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Assure M Sanitizing Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
B Com Extra
Hubbard Feeds, Inc.
B & W Ointment / Salve
Wholesale Specialties
Bac Stop Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Systemic Formulas
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Banamine (Flunixin)
(R) Flunixin - 3 day milk discard, 8 day meat withhold.
(R) Xylazine - 4 day milk discard, 8 days meat withholding
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Barrier Dyne 10
Universal / West Agro
Bayberry Powder
Starwest Botanicals
Beet Oh Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Betadine Solution
Mountain View Veterinary Services
Betadine Solution
Purdue Frederick
Biocel CBT
Black Walnut Hull Powder
Starwest Botanicals
Blockade Teat Dip
West Agro, Inc.
Blue Cohosh Root Powder
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Blue Ribbon Sanitizing Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
(R) See chlorhexidine restriction §205.603(a)(6)
Bo Se
Schering-Plough Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
BoliSorb Max & Jr.
Vet One
Boost Her
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Bovadine Sanitizing Teat Dip
West Agro, Inc.
Bovi Drop Capsules
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
Bovi Sera Serum Antibodies
Colorado Serum Company
Bovikalc Bolus
Boehringer Ingelheim, Inc.
Bovine Bluelite for Organic Dairies
TechMix, Inc.
Bovine Ecolizer + C20 Vaccine
Novartis Animal Health
Bovine Ecolizer Vaccine
Novartis Animal Health
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Bovine IgG E. Coli Antibody BCP First Colostrum Durvet, Inc.
Bright Eyes
Bright Start
Crystal Creek
Burdock Root Tincture
Crystal Creek
Burdock Root Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Bursa Vaccine
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Bursine Vaccine
Fort Dodge Animal Health
Best Veterinary Solutions, Inc.
C 1000 Antioxidant with Rose Hips and
NOW Foods
Cal C Fresh Gel
Bomac Vets Plus, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal C Fresh Gel
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Caps Calcium Bolus
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Cal D Caps
Bio-Vet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Dex CMPK Injection
Agri Laboratories, Ltd.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Dex CMPK Injection
Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Drench Plus
Dr. Register & Assoc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Mag Booster
The Fertrell Co.
Cal Nate 1069
Butler Animal Health Supply
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Phos #2
Vedco / Durvet / IVX
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Phos #2 Injection
AgriLaboratories Ltd.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Cal Thu Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
C a l c i ph o s
Radix Labs
Calcium Gluconate
Nova-Tech, Inc.
Calcium Gluconate
Vet One
Calendula Tincture
Crystal Creek
Calendula Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Calf 180
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Calf Start
Dr. Paul’s Lab
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Calnate DMPK
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Canola Oil
Spectrum Organics
CattleMaster Gold FP 5 L5 Vaccine
Pfizer Animal Health
CattleMaster Gold FP 5 Vaccine
Pfizer Animal Health
Caulophyllum Tincture
Crystal Creek
Caulophyllum Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Starwest Botanicals
Cayenne Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
CEG Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Cel Reducer
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
CGS Remedy
Dr. Paul’s Lab
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Chamomile Flower - Organic
Starwest Botanicals
Chaparral Leaf Powder
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Chewable C
Spring Valley
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Chickweed Healing Salve
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
CinnaTube Dry Cow Treatment
New AgriTech Enterprises
Clost. Perfringens Type C / LitterGuard LT
Pfizer Animal Health
Clostridium p. Type A Toxoid Vaccine
Novartis Animal Health
Radix Labs
CMPK Bolus
Bomac Vets Plus, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
CMPK Bolus
PRN Pharmaceutical
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
CMPK Bolus
Vet One
Durvet, Inc.
CMPK Gel Plus
Bomac Vets Plus, Inc.
CMPK Injection
Nova-Tech, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
CMPK Injection
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
CMPK Injection
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
CMPK Slow Release Bolus
Trophy Animal Health Care
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
CMPK Solution
Vet One
Maxwell House
Colimune Oral E. Coli Antibody Vaccine
Bioniche Animal Health, Inc.
Comfort Bolus
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Complete Poultry Vitamins and Electrolytes
Paragon Specialty Products, LLC (PSP)
Confidence 1 - 10
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
Confidence 1 - 3
West Agro, Inc.
Confidence .5
West Agro, Inc.
Controlled Iodine Spray
Durvet, Inc.
Copper Sulfate
Old Bridge Chemicals, Inc.
Copper Sulfate 35, 40
Pestell Minerals
Copper Sulfate Feed Grade
C.F. Zeiler Co.
Copper Sulphate (Sulfate)
Fondel Commodities
Covexin 8
Intervet / Schering-Plough
Crystal Pellets
Crystal Creek
Crystal Whey
Crystal Creek
Cyanocobalamin / Vitamin B 12 Sterile Solution
Cydectin Pour-On
Boehringer Ingelheim
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See moxidectin restriction.
Dairy Formula Condensed Whey Solubles
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Do not vaccinate 21 days prior to slaughter.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Dairy M Caps
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Dairy M Power Pak
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Dairy Pro 5000
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
Dairy Pro Endure Teat Dip
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
Dairy ProP 169 for Dairy Cows
Bio-Vet, Inc.
Dairy R Caps, with A, D and E
Impro Products, Inc.
Dairy Star EconoStar 5000
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
Dairy Star Starguard 110
Damiana Leaf Powder
Starwest Botanicals
Damiana Liquid Herb Extract
Herb Pharm
Dandelion Leaf Powder
Starwest Botanicals
De Lice and Mange Spray
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Della Barrier
DeLaval / West Agro
Della Care Enhanced
DeLaval / West Agro
Della One Ten
DeLaval / West Agro
Della Soft Enhanced
DeLaval / West Agro
Derma Sof ‘N Dry Powdered Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Derma Star / Sani Star
BouMatic, LLC
Detox Plus Capsules
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Dexalyte 8x Powder
Butler Schein Animal Health
Vet One / MWI
IBA, Inc.
Dextrose 50%
Vet One
Dextrose Solution
Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
Downer Bolus
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Developmental Natural Resources Inc.
Dull It Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Dy's Liquid Bandage
Advanced Biological Concepts
Dyna Vites / Vita Plus
Dynamint Blue Udder Spray
Marabo Products Ltd.
Dynamint Udder Cream
Marabo Products Ltd.
Easy Life Tincture
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) See chlorhexidine restriction §205.603(a)(6)
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Easy Life Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Echinacea Angustifolia - Organic
Starwest Botanicals
Echinacea Root Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Echinacea Tincture
Crystal Creek
Eco Gard 100
Ecolab, Inc.
Edema Guard Capsules
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Emergency Pak
Natural Way Feeds LLC
Encore Barrier Teat Dip
ABS Global Inc.
Environ Whey Blends 1,2,3 and 4
Impro Products, Inc.
LP Bio-Ag
American Regent
Epsom Salt
Giles Chemical Co. / Premier Magnesia,
Epsom Salt (Food Grade)
PQ Corporation
Essential AD
Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
Eucalyptus Tincture
Crystal Creek
Eucalyptus Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Ex Cell 12 Udder Oil
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
Ex Cell 2-30
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Ex Cell 2000
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Ex Cell 3-10
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Ex Cell Countdown 7000
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Ex Cell Somaticare
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Ex Cell Sweet Udder
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Ex Cell Udder Clear
Synergy Animal Prodiucts, Inc.
Exceed Sanitizing .5% Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Express FP 10 Vaccine
Boehringer Ingelheim, Inc.
Express FP 5 Vaccine
Boehringer Ingelheim, Inc.
Fastrack Calf Bolus
Conklin Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fastrack Jump Start Gel
Conklin Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fastrack Ruminant Bolus
Conklin Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fastrack Ruminant Microbial Gel
Conklin Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Must not be administed in the absence of illness.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Fertrell Herbal Capsules
The Fertrell Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fev 4 Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
First Formula Condensed Whey Solubles
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
First Step Tincture
Crystal Creek
First Step Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
FLC Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
FluMeglumine (IVX)
Phoenix / Clipper Distributing Co.
(R) Flunixin - 3 day milk discard, 8 day meat withhold
Flunazine S Injectible Solution
Bimeda, Inc.
(R) Flunixin - 3 day milk discard, 8 day meat withhold
Fort Dodge Animal Health
(R) Flunixin - 3 day milk discard, 8 day meat withhold
Butler Schein Animal Health / Bimeda
(R) Flunixin - 3 day milk discard, 8 day meat withhold
Foot Fix Spray
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Foot Salve
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Formula 18 Tincture
Groff Bros. Farm
Formula 41
Groff Bros. Farm
Formula 47 Tincture
Groff Bros. Farm
Free Lac
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fresh Cow Bolus
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fresh Cow Bolus
Dr. Paul’s Lab
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fresh Cow C Caps
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Fresh Start Whey
The Fertrell Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
FS 103 II Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
FS 103 X Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
FS 104 Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
FS 106 Sanitizing Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Full Bac Sanitizing Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Furosemide Injection
Fusogard Vaccine
Novartis Animal Health
GalliPro Tect WS US
Huvepharma, Inc.
NOW Foods
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Garlic Bulb Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Garlic Juice
Garlic Valley Farms
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) See chlorhexidine restriction §205.603(a)(6)
(R) Furosemide - 4 day milk discard, 4 day meat withhold.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Garlic Oil
The Fertrell Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Garlic Powder
AHC Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Garlic Powder
Dutch Valley Foods
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Garlic Powder
Gel Spice Co.
Garlic Tincture
Crystal Creek
Gener Cap Capsules for Calves
Bio-Vet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Gener Cap Capsules for Cattle
Bio-Vet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
General Lube
First Priority, Inc.
Genesis 52 Sanitizing Teat Dip
IBA Inc.
Gentle Iodine 1%
Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
Gentle Iodine Wound Spray
First Priority, Inc.
Get Well Bolus
Hubert J. Karreman, VMD
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
AHC Products, Inc. - ANIMED
For use as a teat dip only.
Glycerin 99%
First Priority, Inc.
For use as a teat dip only.
Glycerin 99%
IBA, Inc.
For use as a teat dip only.
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Graze Guard
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Happy Cow
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Heat Seek
Bovinity Health, LLC
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Hedgerow Aloe
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Hemocel 100
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Hemocel Bullets
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Herbal Paste Supplement
The Fertrell Co.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Hi Cal 23%
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
High Energy Blend Green
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
High Potency B Vitamins
Radix Labs
High Potency Vitamin C
Radix Labs
HolisTec Calcium 135
Animal Medic Inc.
Homeopathic Ointments
Washington Homeopathics
Hoof Healer Cream
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Hoof Mate
HUX Inc.
Hoof Zink
Gladwin A. Read Co. / Garco
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Hydrogen Peroxide
Western Family
For topical use only.
Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Solution
First Priority, Inc.
For topical use only.
Hydrogen Peroxide Topical Solution
Cumberland Swan
For topical use only.
Hypericum Ointment
Washington Homeopathics
Hypertonic Saline Solution 7.5%
Radix Labs
I Deal
Ecolab, Inc.
ICON 10000 II Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
ICON 10000 IV Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
ICON 10000 V Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
ICON 5000 Iodine Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
ICON 5000 IV Iodine Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
ID 1 / Bovine IgG
Alpha Genetics / Immuno-Dynamics, Inc.
IdoShield Active
FIL Agritech, LLC
Immu Phyte
Hubert J. Karreman, VMD
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Immunoboost Mycobacterium Cell Wall Fraction
Bioniche Animal Health, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Impro SEC L Booster Bolus
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Impro SKA A Booster Bolus
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Impro SSA E Booster Bolus
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Impro SSR C Booster Bolus
Impro Products, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Inforce 3 Vaccine
Pfizer Animal Health
Insta Mag Bolus Laxative
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Instant Coffee
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
IO FOAM 5000 Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Iodine 2% Tincture
AgriLabs, Inc.
Iodine 7% Topical AntiSeptic
IBA, Inc.
Iodine Detergent
Metz Sales, Inc.
Iodine Teat Dip
Metz Sales, Inc.
Iodine Tincture 7%
Iodine Wound Spray 1%
Irish Moss
Starwest Botanicals
Isopropyl Alcohol
Cumberland Swan
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Isopropyl Alcohol 70%
Top Care
Iver On
Med-Pharmex, Inc.
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction.
Ivermax Pour On for Cattle
First Priority, Inc. / RXV
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction.
Ivermectin Injectable
Sparhawk Laboratories, Inc.
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See Ivermectin restriction.
Ivermectin Pour On
Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction.
Ivermectin Pour On
Durvet, Inc.
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction.
Ivomec 1% Injection
Merial Select / Vet One
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction.
Ivomec Pour on for Cattle
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction.
J Lube
Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc.
Jump Start
Dr. Register & Assoc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Laxade Bolus
Layermune Vaccine
Ceva Biomune
Lice and Mange Wash
Crystal Creek
Lini Rub
Crystal Creek
Lira Basic
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Basic A S
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold Bovine Gel
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold Calf Powder
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold EXT
Kauffman’s Animal health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold Microbial Gel
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold OC DFM
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold Oral Calf Paste
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold Original Formulation
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Gold TN+
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira MicroGold NiaStart
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira MicroGold Plus VTM
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Lira Vita Gold
Kauffman’s Animal Health
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
LT Solution
Dr. Paul’s Lab
MagLax Bolus
Vet One
Marshmallow Powder - Organic
Starwest Botanicals
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Master Guard 10 Vaccine
AgriLabs, Inc.
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
MaxiBac Calf Gel
American Farm Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Medic Booster Aloe 100 Aloe Dip
Animal Medic Inc. / Metz Sales LLC
Medic Booster Gel
Animal Medic Inc.
Medic Booster Peroxide Dip
Animal Medic, Inc.
Mega C 1000 Complex with Bioflavonoids and
Rose Hips
Krause Products
Micro Nutrition Plus
Crystal Creek
Micro Salve
Restora - Life Minerals, LLC
Milk Booster Tincture
Mammal Mama
Mineral Oil 95 Viscosity
First Priority, Inc.
For topical use only.
Mineral Oil (Light)
For topical use only.
Mint Udder Cream or Cai Pan Mint
Syrvet / Cai-Pan A/S
Mu Se
Schering-Plough Animal Health
MultiMin 90
MultiMin USA, Inc.
MultiMin 90
Nova-Tech, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Muscle Therapy Gel with Arnica
My Bone Tincture
Crystal Creek
My Bone Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Natural E AD
Neogen Vet
Natural High Aloe Vera Juice
Dean Distributors, Inc.
Nature's Cycle H Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Nature's Cycle Tincture
Crystal Creek
Neema Tox Liquid
New Castle Bronchitis Vaccine
Fort Dodge
Nia Plus Drench
Dr. Register & Assoc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Nolvasan Ointment
Fort Dodge Animal Health
(R) See chlorhexidine restriction §205.603(a)(6).
Normosol R
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See ivermectin restriction.
Nutra Glo
Sunrise Supply Company
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Nutri Min Whey
Lancaster Ag Products
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Nutri Vit
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NutriCore Shell Color Aid
Heritage PMS, Inc.
O Cal D Caps
Bio-Vet, Inc.
O Gener Cap Capsules for Calves
Bio-Vet, Inc.
O Pecti Cap
Bio-Vet, Inc.
O Pectilyte
Bio-Vet, Inc.
Bio-Vet, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
O Rumen Aider
Bio-Vet, Inc.
OB Lube
AgriLabs, Inc.
Oil Based Salve 43
V.E. Irons, Inc.
Olive Leaf Powder
Starwest Botanicals
Optimum UterFlush
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
Option One LS Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Option One Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Oral Cal MPK
Durvet, Inc.
Cold Spring Vet Clinic
Oral CMPK Gel
DVM Formula / Bomac Vets Plus, Inc.
Oregano Oil
ZAND Formulas
Oregano Tincture
Crystal Creek
Oregano Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Oregon Grape Root Powder
Starwest Botanicals
Organic Cranberry Concentrate
Lakewood Juices
Original YC Yeast
Diamond V Mills
Oxxy Phyte
Oxytocin Injection
(R) Oxytocin - Prohibited for routine milk let-down.
Intervet Inc. / Merck Animal Health
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See fenbendazole restriction.
Panacur Equine and Cattle Dewormer Paste 10% Intervet Inc. / Merck Animal Health
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See fenbendazole restriction.
Pecti Cap
Bio-Vet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Pecti Cap Jr.
Bio-Vet, Inc.
Penetrate 5000
A & L Laboratories
Perox I Care Teat Dip
Fisher & Thompson
Peroxi Wipes
IBA, Inc.
Phos Aid
Neogen Vet
Panacur Beef & Dairy Cattle
Suspension 10%
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Physiological Saline Solution
Butler Schein Animal Health
Phyto Biotic
Hubert J. Karreman, VMD
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Phyto Gest
Hubert J. Karreman, VMD
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Phyto Mast
Hubert J. Karreman, VMD
Piliguard Pinkeye Triview Vaccine
Intervet / Merk / Schering-Plough
Pine Tar
Horse Health Products
Pivot FL
Crystal Creek
Plasma Gold
Hubert J. Karreman, VMD
Poho Oil
D.A. Bloch
Poke Oil Liniment
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Poult Pak
Alpharma / I.D. Russel Company
PoultryStar sol US
BIOMIN America Inc.
Povidone Bolus
Butler Animal Health Supply
Povidone Iodine
AmericSource Bergen
Povidone Iodine
Povidone Iodine Scrub
Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
Power Fresh
Pre Post 5000
Pretty in Pink Milking Comfort
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Primalac Livestock W/S
Star Labs
Primary Care Calf Capsules
Crystal Creek
Priority Gold Spike for the Organic Producer
Priority International Animal Concepts
(IAC), Inc.
Crystal Creek
Pro Vita Zyme
Crystal Creek
Proteat 2 Teat Dip
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
Proteat Teat Dip
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
Protect Her
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Pul Mate
Crystal Creek
Bio-Vet, Inc.
Quad Support Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Quadraplex Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Quarter Bac +
IBA, Inc.
Teat Dip
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
For topical use only.
Under direct veterinary care only.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
/ Forage Research Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
QuarterMate Plus Sanitizing Teat Dip
West Agro, Inc.
Quatracon 2X Vaccine
Boehringer Ingelheim, Inc.
Renew Udder Powder
IBA, Inc.
Respiratory Balance
Celletech Ltd
Respiratory Purge
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Revitalize Capsules (Regano SP)
Ralco Mix Products, Inc.
Revive Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Bayer HealthCare
Royal Advantage Calcium Bolus
Royal Advantage
Royal EXR Capsules
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
Royal Ointment
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
Royal Udder Care
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
Rumalax Bolus
Agri Laboratories, Ltd.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Rumalax Bolus
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Rumen Aider
Bio-Vet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Rumen Stimulator - Organic Drench Mix
White Oak Vet Clinic
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Rumen Yeast Tablets for Organic Dairies
TechMix, Inc.
S & G Pills
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Saf Cal
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
SafeGuard Dewormer for Cattle & Goats
Suspension 10%
Intervet Inc. / Merck Animal Health
(R) Prohibited for slaughter stock. See fenbendazole restriction.
SafeGuard Horse and Cattle Dewormer Paste
Intervet Inc. / Merck Animal Health
Saline Solution
American Fare
Saline Solution
Salix Furosemide
Durvet, Inc.
(R) Furosemide - 4 day milk discard, 4 day meat withhold
Salix Furosemide
Intervet, Inc.
(R) Furosemide - 4 day milk discard, 4 day meat withhold
Sassafrass Root and Bark Powder
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Savvy Utter Salve
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Savvy Wound Salve
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Schreiner’s Herbal Solution
Restoration Products Company
Scour Bos 9 Vaccine
Novartis Animal Health
Second Formula Condensed Whey Solubles
Impro Products, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) See chlorhexidine restriction §205.603(a)(6)
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Xylazine - 4 day milk discard, 8 days meat withhold
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Senna Leaf Powder
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Shoo Fly Spray
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Skin Joy Lotion (Udder Joy)
Ralco Nutrition
Skin Joy Lotion (Udder Joy)
The Fertrell Co.
Slippery Elm - Organic
Starwest Botanicals
Sodium Iodide 20% Injection
Sodium Iodide Injection 20% Preservative Free
Wedgewood Pharmacy
Soft Kote Teat Dip
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) See chlorhexidine restriction §205.603(a)(6)
Soft Kote Teat Spray
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) See chlorhexidine restriction §205.603(a)(6)
Soft Oil
Crystal Creek
Somnu Shield Vaccine
Novartis Animal Health
Spirovac Vaccine
Pfizer Animal Health
St. Johns Wort Tincture
Crystal Creek
St. Johns Wort Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Staph. Vaccine
Hygieia Biological Laboratories
Strata Cell
Groff Bros. Farm
Strong Iodine Tincture 7%
Durvet, Inc.
Stronger Iodine Tincture 7%
Agri Laboratories, Ltd.
Stronger Iodine Tincture 7%
Vet One
Super Booster for Adult Cattle
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Super Booster for Calves
IBA, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Super Calcium Gel
Trophy Animal Health Care
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Super Calcium Gel “62”
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Super Magnesium Gel
Trophy Animal Health Care
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Super Spray Yellow
Super Spray
Super Start
Superior Cow Cream (SCC)
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
System Support Tincture
Crystal Creek
System Support Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
System V
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
T Pro (Tea Pro)
Healing Tree
TD Iodine Sanitiziing Teat Dip
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Teat Dip 7001 10%
North Country Dairy Supply, LLC
Teat Kote 10 / III
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
Teat Neat
Impro Products, Inc.
Teat Sof
Impro Products, Inc.
Tee Trea Oil
NOW Foods
TheraBloat Drench Concentrate
Pfizer Animal Health
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
Thiamine HCL Injectable
Thiosinaminum Ointment
Washington Homeopathics
Thuja Occ. Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Tincture #2
The Fertrell Co.
Tonic Tincture
Crystal Creek
Tonic Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Toxi Sorb Bolus
Aspen Vet / Sparhawk Labs
Transcend Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
Tri Support Tincture
Crystal Creek
Triangle Brand Copper Sulfate
Phelps Dodge Refining Co. /
Freeport-McMoran Sierrita Inc.
Triodine 7
Aspen Vet Resources
Triodine 7
Priority Care
Triodine 7
Trivac Ark Vaccine
Intervet, Inc.
Udder Bac
Fisher & Thompson
Udder Comfort Spray - Yellow
Udder Comfort
Udder Dyne Iodine Udder Wash
West Agro Inc. /
Udder Fancy
Crystal Creek
UdderBlend Super 5025
BouMatic, LLC
Udderdine 110 Teat Dip
BouMatic, LLC
Ecolab, Inc. Tiesen Products
Alpha Genetics / Immuno-Dynamics, Inc.
Ralco Nutrition
The Fertrell Co.
Ultra Cal Drench
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Poloxalene - emergency bloat treatment only
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
UltraMint Cream
IBA, Inc.
UltraMint Cream Green
IBA, Inc.
UltraMint Spray
IBA, Inc.
UltraMint Spray Green
IBA, Inc.
Van Beek Scientific, LLC
Uterine Care
Impro Products, Inc.
Utter Relief
Dr. Sarah’s Essentials
Vectormune FP LT Vaccine
Biomune Vaccines
Veda Sorb Bolus
Vedadine / Povidone Solution / Scrub
Vedco / First Priority, Inc.
Verm X Poultry Liquid
Verm X USA
Verm X Poultry Pellets
Verm X USA
Vermi Tox
Veterinary Dairy Spray Liniment
Crystal Creek
Vet One
Vira Shield 6 Vaccine
Novartis Animal Health
Vita Jec E 300
Vita Life
Restora - Life Minerals, LLC
Sunrider International
Vital E 300
Schering-Plough / Intevet / Merck
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vital E A D
Schering-Plough / Intevet / Merck
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin A & D Injection
Veterinary Laboratories, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin AD x E
Durvet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin B 12
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin B 12 Injection
Med-Pharmex Inc. / Clipper
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin B Complex
Durvet, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin B Complex One Fifty Injection
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin B12 Injectable
Vet One
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C 1000 mg
Puritan’s Pride
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin C Injectable
Aspen Veterinary Resources, Ltd.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin C Injectable
Sparhawk Labs
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Medical Treatment
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Vitamin C Injection
Vet One
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin E
AgriLabs, Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin E 40% Liquid
Wynco LLC
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Vitamin E Complex
Schiff Nutrition Group Inc.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
VitaPak Dairy
Alpha Genetics / Immuno-Dynamics, Inc. (R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
VitaPak Dairy
Immuno-Dynamics, Inc.
Water Based Salve 41
V.E. Irons, Inc.
Webcol Alcohol Prep Pads
Kendall / Tyco Healthcare
Wellness Tonic
Dr. Paul’s Lab
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
White Distilled Vinegar
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
White Mineral Oil
Crystal Creek
For topical use only.
White Mineral Oil
Lancaster Ag Products
For topical use only.
Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Gel
Crystal Creek
Wild Herb Drench
Dr. Paul’s Lab
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Wild Herb Tea
Crystal Creek
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Will John Tincture
Dr. Paul’s Lab
Wormwood Leaf Powder
Starwest Botanicals
Wound Spray
Crystal Creek
Yarrow Leaf Powder
Starwest Botanicals
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Yellow Jacket Teat Tonic
Synergy Animal Products, Inc.
For topical use only.
1.75 % Iodine
Soft Jamb Company
(R) Flush lines with clean water before livestock use.
12.5% Hypochlorite Solution
Brainerd Chemical Company
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Anchor Blue Lotion Spray
Marking spray for livestock identification
Lancaster Ag Products
Barn Grip
Old Castle Industrial Minerals
Barn Lime
Quarry Lane Feeds, Inc.
Walk grip
Biosentry Iodine Disinfectant
Neogen Corp.
(R) Flush lines with clean water before livestock use.
Blizzard Wizard Ice Melt
International Salt Company, LLC
Bovi Bond Adhesive
Vettec Hoof Care Products
Chlorinating Tablets
Pentair Residential Filtration LLC
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Chlorine Pellets
Automated Pure Water, Inc.
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
(R) Must note illness and duration in individual health records.
Livestock | Livestock Production Aid
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Production Aid
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Citric Acid
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Livestock drinking water treatment
Crystal 5
Martin Water Conditioning
Livestock drinking water treatment
Crystal 7
Martin Water Conditioning
Livestock drinking water treatment
Detect Her Livestock Marking Paint
H & W Products
Diamond Crystal Solar Salt Extra Coarse
Cargill Salt
Livestock drinking water treatment
Duo Brite 5, Duo Brite 25
Agri-Enzyme Products, LLC
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Feed Grade Lime
Quarry Lane Feeds, Inc.
GPR4 Walk Way
EEGAL Farm Service / Quarry Lane Feeds Walk grip
Grip Cal
Nolt’s Spreading
Grip X2 Barn Dry
USA Gypsum / Agri-Marketing
Hi Cal Ag Lime “Organic Feed Grade”
Nolt’s Spreading
High Calcium Pulverized Limestone
Graymont Inc.
HTH Liquid Chlorinator
Arch Chemiclas, Inc.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Surpass Chemical
Livestock drinking water treatment
Interox Hydrogen Peroxide
Solvay Chemicals
Livestock drinking water treatment
Iodine Sanitizer - Disinfectant
BioSentry, Inc.
(R) Flush lines with clean water before livestock use.
Mark Her Livestock Marking Paint
H & W Products
Conseal International / Preserve
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.603(a)(7)
Obec’s Premium Wood Shavings
Rip-O-Bec, Inc.
Livestock bedding
Oxy Blast
Essential Water Solutions, Inc.
Livestock drinking water treatment
PeroxyClear 35%
Roberts Chemical
Pine Shavings
D & S Shavings
Livestock bedding
Proxy Clean
Kanters Special Products, USA
(R) Flush lines with clean water before livestock use.
Salt Pellets
Martin Water Conditioning
Livestock drinking water treatment
SaniDate 12.0
BioSafe Systems, LLC
Water line cleaner
SaniDate 5.0, SaniDate 12.0
BioSafe Systems, LLC
Water line cleaner
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
Buckman’s Inc.
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Softwood Bedding
Sure Foot
GardenScape (Previously Imerys)
Walk grip
Homestead Nutrition
Walk grip
Technovit Hoof Kit (J 16)
Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc.
Walk grip
Walk grip
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Livestock | Livestock Production Aid
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Top Bedding Wood Shavings
Top Bedding
Livestock bedding
Walk Grip
Zimmerman Lime and Fertilizer
Walk Grip #6
Lancaster Ag Products
Wood Shavings
HDK Wood Products
Wood Shavings
Johnson Lumber Co.
Livestock bedding
TR 99 CI
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
AFCO TR 113 BT 9557
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Anco Ox 1027
Chem Aqua, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
BCS Caustic Soda Solid
Basic Chemical Solutions
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
BFW 81
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Boiler Care 1002
EcoLab, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
BoilerCare 1012
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
BoilerCare 1121
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
BoilerCare 9980
Ecolab, Inc.
Steam is allowed in direct food contact
BSC 30
Rochester Midland Corp.
Steam is allowed in direct food contact
BT 105
Chemical Supply and Services Co.
Steam is allowed in direct food contact
BT 133
Triguard Labs, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
BT 141
Chemical Supply and Services Co.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Chem Aqua 160 F
Chem Aqua, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Chem Aqua 216
Chem Aqua, Inc.
Steam is allowed in direct food contact.
Chem Aqua 900
Chem Aqua, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Chemsearch Resin Cleaner
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
ChemTreat B121
ChemTreat, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
ChemTreat BL 1771
ChemTreat, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
ChemTreat, Inc.
(R) Steam contact restricted to package sterilization use.
ChemTreat, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Coil Guard 220
Clayton Industries
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) Steam contact restricted to package sterilization use.
Cortrol IS 100 and 104
GE Betz, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Cortrol IS 101
GE Betz, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Cortrol IS 104
GE Betz, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Processing | Boiler Chemical
AFCO 9574
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Boiler Chemical
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Formula 2250
The Keeler Company / ProAsys
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
HD 102
Hydro Dynamics
Steam is allowed in direct food contact
HD 132
Hydro Dynamics
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
HD 134
Hydro Dynamics - Tricorn, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
HD 152
Hydro Dynamics - Tricorn, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
HD 181
Hydro Dynamics
Steam is allowed in direct food contact
Nalco 1720
Nalco Co.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Nalco 19 PULV
Nalco Co.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Nalco 2811 Pulv
Nalco Co.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Nalco 7408
Nalco Co.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Optisperse ADJ 560
GE Betz, Inc.
Steam is allowed in direct food contact
Optisperse AP 302
GE Betz, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Optisperse CL 362
GE Betz, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Optisperse CL 369
GE Betz, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Optisperse SP 531
GE Betz, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Polyplex 753
The Keeler Company / ProAsys
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
PolyPLex 755 F
The Keeler Company / ProAsys
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Rust Remover Super Pellens
Morton Salt
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Sodium Sulfite
Allied Chemical
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
System Saver II Pellets
Morton International Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Watcon, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Watcon, Inc.
(R) See non-volatile boiler chemical restriction.
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
1X Joy Dish Liquid and Antibacterial Hand Soap
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
2 Propanol
J. T. Baker
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
2585 S
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
35% Hydrogen Peroxide
Delaware Valley Chemical and Equipment
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
3540 (KP 3540)
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
400 Sanitizer
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AC 103
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AC 55 5 Red
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Acid 40
BouMatic, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Acid 60
BouMatic, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Acid Blend N/P 1000
DeLaval / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Acid Cleaner AFCO 5491
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Acid Dairy Cleanser
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Acid Sanitizer LF
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Acidet D
Progressive Systems, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Roxxon Corporation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 0251 Chlorilizer Plus
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 4390 Perafoam
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
AFCO 5212 Scrubber Magic
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5240 Liquid Fryer Cleaner
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5249 Scrubbie
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5255 Lance
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5261 Liquid Terg
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5282 McShine
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5284 Pipe Line Shine LF
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5301 Power Clean
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5302 HD 2000
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5333 Power Foam
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 5347 Intrigue
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 546 Chlorilizer
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
AFCO 6001 Millenium Release
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 6003 TW Foam
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 6005 Millenium Red
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO 6008 Millenium Yellow
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AFCO Perafoam
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Agri Phosphoric Acid pH Reducer
Agri-Enzyme Products
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
Agro San
AgroChem, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
AgroBac Foam Wash
Deb USA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ajax Dishsoap
Colgate Palmolive Co.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alcohol Sanitizer Spray
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alka Plus Foam
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
All Purpose Cleaner
Sun & Earth
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
All Purpose Cleaner
Victoria Bay - Dade Paper Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Alpha MP
Alpha Chemical Service
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Animal Medic Inc. / Gilmer Industries
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Augment Liquid Bacterial Digestor
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Austin’s A1 Bleach
James Austin Co.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Bac Drop
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Bac Flush
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Bac Stop Teat Dip
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Basic H
Shaklee Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Basic I
Shaklee Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
BCS Sodium Hypochlorite
Basic Chemical Solutions
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
BioSide HS 15%
Enviro Tech Environmental Services, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Birk Ox Sanitizer
Birko Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Birko White Oil
Birko Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Great Value (Walmart)
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Bleach Floral
James Austin Co.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Bleach Fresh
James Austin Co.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Bleach Lemon
James Austin Co.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Bleach Regular
James Austin Co.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Blend Caustic 250G
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Blend CIP Cleaner
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Blend LP Acid
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Blend Powdered Caustic Cleaner HD
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Blend Powdered Chlorinated Cleaner
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FMC Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Blitz Acid CIP
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Bloc Aid
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Blue Blaster L 1820
Progressive Systems, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
20 Mule Team
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Boraxo Powdered Hand Soap
The Dial Corporation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Cascade Automatic Dishwashing Detergent
Powder Phosphate Free
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Caustic Cleaner FP
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
CD 10
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CD 543
EcoLab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CDG 3000
CDG Environmental, LLC
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Checkmate Liquid Alkaline Heavy Duty Cleaner
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Chemseptic One Step Hand Cleaner
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Chlor 125
BouMatic, LLC
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
ChlorFoam 50
Thatcher Company of New York
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Chlorinated Dairy Cleanser
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Chlorinated Degreaser
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Chlorinated Sanitizer
AST, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Chlorinated Sanitizer
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Chlorine Free Bleach
Seventh Generation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Chlorine, Liquid Gas
Univar USA, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
West Agro Inc. / Chemland / Universal
Dairy Supply
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CipiChlor HD
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Citra-Solv, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Citric Acid
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Citric Acid 50% FCC
Hawkins, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CitroBio, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CitroBio 921
CitroBio, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
FMC Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Classic Dynemate Liquid
West Agro, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Classic Dynemate Powder
West Agro, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Clean Shape Antibacterial Hand Soap
Kutol Products Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CLN 233
Clenesco Products Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CLN 266 Aluminum Safe Foam Degreaser
Clenesco Products Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CLN 344 Chlorinated Alkaline Foam Cleaner
Clenesco Products Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
CLN 455
Clenesco Products Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HD 3000 AFCO 5915
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Clorox Clean Up Cleaner with Bleach
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Clorox Clean Up Cleaner with Bleach Spray
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Clorox Clean Up Gel
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Clorox Germicidal Spray
The Clorox Company
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Clorox Ready Mop Advanced Floor Cleaner
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Clorox Regular Bleach
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Clorox Wet Premoistened Floor Wipes
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
West Agro/ Charles Olin / Agro Chem
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Cycle 3
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy MSR 50 Acid Cleaner
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Placid
West Agro, Inc. / Chemland / Universal
Dairy Supply
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Prime
West Agro Inc. / Chemland / Universal
Dairy Supply
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Pro Blen Sol HD
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Pro Calais
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Pro Nitro Phos 660
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Pro OxyChlor
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Dairy Pro PF 14
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Star Chlorine Sanitizer
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Dairy Star CIP Acid Cleaner
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Star Heavy Duty CIP Chlorinated Cleaner
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Star Liquid CIP Detergent
TVI / WestfaliaSurge
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dairy Star Nitro Acid
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dawn Complete
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dawn Complete Dish Liquid & Hand Soap
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dawn Direct Foam Citrus Kick AB Hand Soap
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dawn Direct Foam Fresh Rapids
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dawn Direct Foam Lime Surge
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Dragonfly Organix / OSM Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Della Extra Brite
Delaval / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Della Final
DeLaval / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Della Supreme
DeLaval / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Diton B
Diversey, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Diversol NA White
DuBois Chemicals
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Divosan Activ
Diversey, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Divosan Hypochlorite
Diversey, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Double Team Acid Sanitizer
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Drano Max Gel
Diversey, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Duo Brite 5, Duo Brite 25
Agri-Enzyme Products, LLC
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Duo Pfan
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Earth Enzymes Natural Drain Opener
Earth Friendly Products
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Diversey, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Eco Dish Detergent
Victoria Bay / Midlab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Eco San
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
EcoLab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Enforce LP
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Equipment Sanitizer
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Evap O Kleen E
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Exelerate 101
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Exelerate CIP
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Extract 2
Chemland / West Agro
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
F 130 Plus Chlorinated Low Foam Cleaner
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
F 184 Liquid Alkaline Foam Cleaner
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
F 204
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
F 222
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
F 364 Liquid Chlorinated Alkaline Cleaner
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Fabuloso All Purpose Liquid Cleaner
Colgate Palmolive Co.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Fast Orange Hand Cleaner
Permatex, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
FC 297 CIP Acid Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 298 CIP Acid Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 299 CIP Acid Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 300 CIP Acid Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 301 CIP Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 310
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 350
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 503
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 505
IBA, inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 509 “P”
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 516 Chlorinated CIP Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 517 EX3
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 518 EX2
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 520 Classic
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 590
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 599
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 699
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 700
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 701
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 701 SH
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 710 Manual Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 750
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 751
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 800 Vacuum Line Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FC 98 Udder Wash
IBA, Inc.
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Chemetall Oakite Products Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FiSan LC Degreaser
Chemetall Oakite Products Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Fit Antibacterial Fruit and Vegetable Wash
HealthPro Brands, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Flo Chem N
Nalco Co.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Foam Safe
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Foam Shine
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
West Agro, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Foaming Acid Dairy Cleanser
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Formula 50
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Formula HD Acid Dairy Cleanser
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FS 100 Liquid Sanitizer
IBA, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
FS 101 Bactericide
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FS 102 Sanitizer and Udder Wash
IBA, Inc.
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
FS CIP Cleaner
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FS Foam Chlor
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FS Formula 3685
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FS Process Cleaner
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FS Strike Three
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Gil Chlor 12.5 II
Gilmer Industries, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Gil Chlor On
Gilmer Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Gil FP Liquid Cleaner
Gilmer Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Gil O Fact II
Gilmer Industries, Inc.
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
Gil Save
Gilmer Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Gil Sheen
Gilmer Industries
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Gil Smokehouse PF
Gilmer Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
GL 55
Meyer Laboratory, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Glisten Manual Acid Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Gojo MultiKleen Handsoap
Gojo Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
GOJO® Ultra Mild Antimicrobial Lotion Soap
with Chloroxylenol
Gojo Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Greased Lightning All Purpose Cleaner
HomeCare Labs, Onc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Green Solutions All Purpose Cleaner
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Green Works All Purpose Cleaner
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Green Works Dishwashing Liquid
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Green Works Natural Manual Pot & Pan
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Greenworks Glass and Surface Cleaner
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Guardian Acclaim
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
H2 Orange2
EnvirOx LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Hand San
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HC 10
Ecolab, Inc./ Klenzade
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HC 10 Chlorinated Kleer-Mor
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HCP 900 Heavy Duty Cleaner
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HD Acid PL 10
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HD PL - 10 PLus
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HDA 1000 CIP Acid Cleaner
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HDA 5600 CIP
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Heavy Duty Dairy Utensil Cleaner
Stearns Packaging Corporation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Heavy Duty Hand Cleaner with Pumice
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
High Foam Acid Detergent
Alpha Chemical Service
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HLC 1600 Plus
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HLC 3200 Plus
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
HTH Dual Action 1” Chlorinating Tablets
Arch Chemicals, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Hurricane Part A
West Agro, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Hurricane Part B
West Agro, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Hydrogen Peroxide 35%
Brenntag, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Indco, Inc.
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
I Force KA NB Cleaner/Degreaser
Hillyard Industries
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Indco LA 20 Special
Indco, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Indco LC 15
Indco, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Indco PA 27 A
Indco, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Indco PA 46
Indco, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Inspector’s Choice
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Inspexx 100
Ecolab, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Iodine Detergent
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Iosan Detergent Germicide
West Agro, Inc. / Universal Dairy Supply
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
Isopropoyl Alcohol 70%
Aaron Industries
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Isopropyl Alcohol 70%
IBA, Inc.
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
Jack Hammer L 1850
Progressive Systems, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Jinx Organic All Purpose Cleaner
Victoria Bay / Midlab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Joy Dishsoap
Proctor & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
K 80 Ag Spray Cleaner
Kisco Sales
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Keeper Professional
Bio-Cide International, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Keystone All Purpose Cleaner
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Keystone Blue Ultra
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Kleen 100
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Kleen HD
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Kleen Line
BouMatic, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
BouMatic, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Labsan Activator
Sanitation Strategies
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
LC 24 Oxine Activator
Indco, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
LFC 390
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
LifeTree Citrus Fresh Dish Soap
Lotus Brands, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
LifeTree Homesoap
Lotus Brands, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Lift II
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Lift RT
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Univar USA, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Liquid Chem Brite
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid Chisel
Betco Corporation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid Chlorinated Sanitizer (LCS)
West Agro Inc. / Universal Dairy Supply
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Liquid CIP Cleaner
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid Countdown
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid Dishwash
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid Hot Rod
West Agro Inc. / Universal Dairy Supply
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid Hot Stuff
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid K
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquid Pfite
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Liquid Sunshine
Vermont Soap Organics
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquik 4
Birko Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Liquik 5
Birko Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Lite N Foamy Sunflower Fresh
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
LP 150
O’Neill Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
LP 1503 SuperChloroFoam
O’Neill Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
LP 57
O’Neill Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Mandate Plus Acid Sanitizer
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Master Kleen Plus
DuBois Chemicals
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Metz All Purpose Dairy Cleaner
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Metz Dairy Sanitizer
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Micrell Antimicrobial Lotion Soap
Gojo Industries, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Mikroklene DF
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Milkstone Remover
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Monarch Perform
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Morado Super Cleaner
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day All Purpose Cleaner
Clean and Company LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
MSR 4000 HD Acid Rinse
North Country Dairy Supply, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
MSR (Milk Stone Remover)
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Multi-Purpose Liquid Detergent
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Nattura Concentrated All Purpose Cleaner
Nattura Products / Midlab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Nattura Powder Dishmachine Detergent
Nattura Products / Midlab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Natural Dish Liquid
Seventh Generation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Nature’s Sunshine Concentrate Cleaner
Nature’s Sunshine
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Neutra Sul
Pro Products LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Nutra Sol
Becker Underwood, Ltd.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Oakite ABC
Chemetall Oakite Products Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Oakite Fisan Dioxide
Chemetall Oakite Products Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Oakite FiSan OxySanitizer
Chemetall Oakite Products Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Oasis 115 XP
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
On An’ On
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Oracid / Oracid Plus
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Organic All Purpose Antimicrobial Cleaner
Greenology Products, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Oxine Sanitizer
Bio-Cide International, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Oxonia Active Sanitizer
Ecolab, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
AgroChem, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Paragon CIP Acid Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash)
Five Star Chemical
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Penn O Pine
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Per Ox Liquid Sanitizer / AFCO 4325
Alex C. Fergu.sson, Inc
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Peraclean 5, Peraclean 15
Evonik-Degussa Corporation
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Perasan A
Hydrite Chemical Co.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Pericide 513
Enerco Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
PeroxySan RS
WestfaliaSurge / Gea Farm Tech
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Phos Acid Cleaner
Industrial Cleaning Products, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Phos Free
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Phosphoric Acid 75%
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
Pine Sol
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Plush Foaming Hand Soap
Misco Products
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Powder Cleanser
Bon Ami
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Power Clean
Animal Medic Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Power Foam ALS
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Power San Sanitizer
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Premium Peroxide II Sanitizer
West Agro, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Pretreat Plus 0100
King Lee Technologies
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Prime D
West Agro Inc. / Chemland / Universal
Dairy Supplues
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
ProClean Boil Out
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
ProClean CIP Acid
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
ProClean CIP Wash
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
ProClean Degreaser
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
ProClean Foam
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
ProClean Foaming Acid
Madison Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Proforce Oven Grill and Fryer Cleaner
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
ProOxine Sanitizer
Bio-Cide International, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
ProtectFx 993
Synergy Technologies
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
ProVisions Pot and Pan
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Purell Hand Sanitizing Gel
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Purell Sanitizing Wipes
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
QT 100
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Questar ACC NF
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Questar Acid
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Questar CAF
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Questar GPC
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quick & Clean KA Industrial Degreaser
Hillyard Industries
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Brown
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Brown II
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Copper
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Green
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Quorum Orange
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Pink II HF
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Pink II LF
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Purple
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Red II
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum White/Blanco
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Yellow
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Quorum Yellow II
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Quorum Yellow LP
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Rodox Sanitizer
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Rox I Dyne
Roxxon Corporation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
S 6000 “L” CIP Cleaner
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
San 2000
North Country Dairy Supply, LLC
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Sani Line
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Sani Osmo
Leader Evaporator
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
SaniDate 12.0
BioSafe Systems, LLC
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
SaniDate 5.0
BioSafe Systems, LLC
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
SC 205
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Sunburst Chemcials, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
SG 2900S
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Sheen Ezey
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Shineline Multi Surface Cleaner
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
SHS 900
Diversey, Inc. / Dubois
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner
Sunshine Makers, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Smart San-Ethanol Lauricidin Glycerol-water
Best Sanitizers, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Sodium Hydroxide 15% FFC
Hawkins, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Sodium Hydroxide 50% FFC
Hawkins, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Sodium Hypochlorite 12.5%
Univar USA Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
George Coyne Chemical
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
Tilley Chemical Company
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Soft Scrub Liquid Gel with Bleach
The Clorox Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Soil Off II
EcoLab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
A & L Laboratories
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
SparChlor Chlorinated Sanitizer
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Sparkleen 310
ChemClean Corporation
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
FMC Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact. No rinse required.
Spectrum 2000
FMC Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact. No rinse required.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Spray Nine Cleaner
Spray Nine Corp. / Permatex, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Sprayway Glass Cleaner
Sprayway, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
SS Plus
ABC Compounding Co., Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Stainless Steel Cleaner Polish
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Stainless Steel Polish and Cleaner
Sprayway, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
West Agro, Inc. / Chemland
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Stera Sheen Green Label Sanitizer and Cleaner
Purdy Products Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
SteriChem 2
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Sterosol Milkstone Remover and Acid Rinse
Stearns Packaging Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Sulfur Discs
Sulfur Gloria
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super CIP
Metz Sales, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super Foam Chlor
Choice Chemical, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super Foam Chlor 900
Choice Chemical, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super H2O Concentrate
Enviro-Solutions Limited
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super Kleenite
Universal Dairy Supply / West Agro
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super Klenz
Ecolab, Inc. / Klenzade
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super Lime Sol
Rochester Midland Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Super San
IBA, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Super Soap
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Slack Chemical Co., Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Sure Comfort
WestfaliaSurge / GEA Farm Tech
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Swim Pure
Amrex Chemical Corp
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
T Chlor
Thatcher Company of New York
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Task Force A
IBA, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Tray Clean
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Tru Blu Parlor Brite
BouMatic, LLC
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Tsunami 100
Ecolab, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Tundra or Tandil Ultra Liquid Bleach
Aldi / West Agro
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
U Mac
Thatcher Company of New York
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Clorox Germicidal Bleach
The Clorox Company
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Ultra Dawn Advanced Power
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Dawn Original Blue Dishwashing Liquid
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Dawn Oxi
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Dawn Plus Hand Care
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Dawn Power Plus
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Dawn with Bleach Alternative
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Dishwashing Liquid
Sun and Earth
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Joy Mandarin Orange Splash & Hand Soap
Procter & Gamble
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Palmolive Antibacterial Dishwashing Liquid Colgate - Palmolive Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra Palmolive Original Dishwashing Liquid
Colgate - Palmolive Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultra San SCD II / AFCO 4309
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Ultrasil 76
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ultrasil OP
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Verox 5 HM
The Verox Group
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Verox DSXP Activator
The Verox Group
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
VigorOx 15 F & D (Fruit & Vegetable)
FMC Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
VigorOx Citrus XA
FMC Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
VigorOx Liquid Sanitizer & Disinfectant OA
FMC Corp.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
Viking Cleaner
Birko Corp.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Virkon S
Antec International - Dupont
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Ecolab, Inc.
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
WindFresh Laundry Detergent
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Wyandotte Sanifect E 3
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Wyandotte True View
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
XT 6994
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
XY 12
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
Z Series Coil Cleaner Maintenance
(R) No rinse required on equipment, NOT for use in direct food contact.
Zep FS Formula 12167
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Zep FS Formula 4665
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
ZEP FS Pro Chlor
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Wyandotte Sanifect Foam - E II
- 5508
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Cleansers/Disinfectants/Sanitizers
Brand Name
Manufactured by
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
Zep I Dine
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Zep Manufacturing Company
(R) No food contact allowed. See cleaners, disinfectants, sanitizer restriction.
Zinicin Chlorinated Sanitizer
(R) No rinse on equipment, see chlorine (R) for direct food contact
3030 (KP 3030)
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
4307 Hydrogen Peroxide
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
4805 O
AFCO 0251 Chlorilizer Plus
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
AFCO 5242 Egg Wash Organic
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
CLN 611
Clenesco Products Corp.
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Egg Anic
Roxxon Corporation
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Eggs So Clean pH Booster
Spartan Chemical Company, Inc.
Foam Blast Organic 40
Emerald Performance Material / Lubrizol
Ful Bac Liquid Sanitizer
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Liquid Egg Tro
Roxxon Corporation
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Magrabar Organic 3000
Magrabar Chemical Corporation
Magrabar Organic 3200
Magrabar Chemical Corporation
Magrabar Organic 3300
Magrabar Chemical Corporation
SHS 900
Diversey, Inc. / Dubois
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Sodium Hypochlorite Solution
Buckman’s Inc.
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Twelve Plus
Roxxon Corporation
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Processing | Defoamers/Egg Washes
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Processing | Non-Organic Ingredients
Hebei Welcome Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Baking Soda
Arm & Hammer / Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
Breton French Grey Sea Salt
SaltWorks, Inc.
California Pure Medium Sea Salt
Morton Salt
Celtic Sea Salt
Selina Naturally / Celtic Ocean
International, Inc.
Charsol LFB Hickory
Red Arrow Products Company LLC
Charsol LFB Supreme
Red Arrow Products Company LLC
Choozit LH Cheese Culture Series
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Non-Organic Ingredients
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Choozit MA Cheese Culture Series
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Choozit RA Cheese Culture Series
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Choozit TA Cheese Culture Series
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Citric Acid
Global Ingredients
Citric Acid
Citric Acid
Mrs. Wages
Citric Acid
Precision Foods, Inc.
Citric Acid
Tate & Lyle
Citric Acid 50% AFCO 0236
Alex C. Fergusson, Inc.
Citric Acid Anhydrous
Cargill Animal Nutrition
Citric Acid Anhydrous
WEGO Chemical & Mineral Corp./ Citrique
Culinox 999 Fine Salt
Morton Salt
Dairy House Vitamin D3 #200 GMO Free
Dairy House Company
Danstil 46 EDV
DCI 831 Culture
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
DCI Org Rennet
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
DistilaMax DS Active Dry Yeast
(R) Must document commercial unavailability of organic form.
DistilaMax LS Active Dry Yeast
(R) Must document commercial unavailability of organic form.
DPL ABY 611 Yogurt
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Extra Fine Sea Salt
Morton Salt
Chr. Hansen
Himalayan Pink Jurassic Salt
SaltWorks, Inc.
Instaferm Instant Yeast
MA 4001 Mesophilic “Farmhouse” Culture
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Marzyme 55 PF
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Mesophillic Aromatic Type B
Abiasa Inc.
Pasteur Champagne Red Star Yeast
Fermentis / Lesaffre Yeast Corporation
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Pure Ocean Atlantic Sea Salt
SaltWorks, Inc.
Purified Sea Salt Untreated
Cargill Salt
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Real Salt
Redmond Minerals, Inc.
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must document commercial unavailability of organic form.
Yogurt culture
(R) Must document commercial unavailability of organic form.
Cheese rennet
(R) Must document commercial unavailability of organic form.
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
PCO Approved Materials List
Processing | Non-Organic Ingredients
Brand Name
Manufactured by
Rudin Smoke 10
Ruitenberg Ingredients
Saf Spirit Range Yeast
Fermentis / Lesaffre Yeast Corporation
Sanova Antimicrobial Food Additive Base
Ecolab, Inc.
Sanova Food Additive Activator Concentrate
Ecolab, Inc.
Superior General Purpose Salt
Chr. Hansen
Termamyl Classic
White Silver Salt
Hawaii Kai Corp.
Wright’s Hickory Seasoning Liquid Smoke
B & G Foods, Inc.
Yo Mix ABY 2C Freeze Dried Culture
Dairy Connection, Inc. / Danisco
Zesti Smoke 10
Mastertaste - Hickory Specialties
NOP Restrictions / Notes / Uses
(R) Must document commercial unavailability of organic form.
Processing | Processing Aids
Activated Charcoal Filter (in-line)
Alpha MP
Alpha Chemical Service
BioSide HS 15%
Enviro Tech Environmental Services, Inc.
Caustic Soda Anhydrous
Duda Diesel LLC
EP Minerals
CitroBio 921
CitroBio, Inc.
Dicalite Diatomaceous Earth Filter
Dicalite Diatomaceous Earth FW6
Duo Brite 5, Duo Brite 25
Agri-Enzyme Products, LLC
Industrial Grade Liquid and Gaseous Nitrogen
Air Liquide
Lactic Acid 88% FCC
Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.
Powdered Activated Carbon
Carbon Resources
For use only as filtering aid.
Brainerd Chemical Company
Allowed in direct food contact, no rinse required.
ProtectFx 993
Synergy Technologies
Victory Fruit and Vegetable Wash
Ecolab, Inc.
(R) Prohibited for use in lye peeling of fruits and vegetables
(R) See chlorine restriction §205.605(b)
Effective January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.

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