ticket form with email - Lakeside World Professional Darts
ticket form with email - Lakeside World Professional Darts
Office use only 2013 TICKET APPLICATION FORM Name Lakeside World Darts 2013 World Darts Date Open Ref Please complete this form and post it to Lakeside World Darts Box Office Table Wharf Road Frimley Green Camberley Surrey GU16 6PT Fax 01252 836777 Or fax it No: to 0044 (0) 1252 836777 Event Supporters You may scan & emailDO this NOT form to applications@lakesideworlddarts.co.uk APPLY BY EMAIL MAXIMUM APPLICATION 6 PEOPLE PER PARTY/SESSION NO MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED CHILDREN UNDER 10 YEARS CANNOT BE ADMITTED UNDER 18 YEAR OLDS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A RESPONSIBLE ADULT Toe the Matches Price No. Total Oche Men's 1st round x 5 sets (3 matches) Women's Qtr final x 3 sets (1 match) All day Ticket Sold only as a package @ Sat 5th Jan Doors Open 12 noon 1st session 1pm INTERVAL 2nd session 6pm Sun 6th Jan Doors Open 12 noon 1st session 1pm INTERVAL 2nd session 6pm Men's 1st round x 5 sets (3 matches) Women's Qtr final x 3 sets (1 match) Mon 7th Jan Tue 8th Jan Wed 9th Jan 4.30pm 5.30pm Men's 1st round x 5 sets ( 4 matches) £21 4.30pm 5.30pm Men's 2nd round x 7 sets ( 4 matches) £21 4.30pm 5.30pm Men's 2nd round x 7 sets ( 4 matches) £21 Thu 10th Jan 4.30pm 5.30pm Fri 11th Jan 4.30pm 5.30pm Sat 12th Jan Sun 13th Jan 1pm 2pm Men's semi finals x 11 sets (2 matches) 4.30pm 5.30pm MEN'S FINAL x 13 sets ( 1 match) Men's 1st round x 5 sets (3 matches) Women's Qtr final x 3 sets (1 match) Men's 1st round x 5 sets (3 matches) Women's Qtr final x 3 sets (1 match) Men's Qtr finals x 9 sets (2 matches) Women's semi final x 3 sets ( 2 matches) Men's Qtr finals x 9 sets (2 matches) WOMEN'S FINAL x 3 sets ( 1 match) All day Ticket Sold only as a package @ £42 Last four days sold only as a package @ £158 £305 5th to 13th January - Whole tournament. Please Note Credit card transactions incur a 50p per ticket surcharge. There is no surcharge on debit card transactions - No cheques accepted A £3 administration and postage charge is added to each total booking. All prices include VAT. No refunds or exchanges are possible The name on the credit or debit card must be yours .We cannot process applications using someone else’s card details .We are obliged by law to send tickets only to the registered card holders address. Last Name: Address: £42 SUB TOTAL Credit Card Surcharge Admin & P+P £3 TOTAL PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY IN BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS First Name: (Mr/Mrs/Ms) Post Code: Email: MOBILE: Pease charge my Credit card Card No. Valid from date: / Expires: Debit card / L/LINE: Please tick appropriate box. ISSUE No. Security Code: (last 3 digits on the signature strip) Bank transfers can sometimes be accepted but an additional charge will be made -please call for details. Lakeside must be informed at the time of booking if any guests are wheelchair users. Applicants for Lakeside World Darts tickets are required to sign the following declaration (unsigned applications may be rejected). I accept that tickets for Lakeside World Darts Championships are sold on the strict understanding that they must not be sold on to third parties for more than the original face value .If it is proven that such prohibited transactions have taken place e.g. through Internet auction sites,via secondary sellers or by touting, Lakeside reserves the right to invalidate such tickets without notice or refund. SIGNATURE DATE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS FROM OUTSIDE THE UK WILL RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL AND THEIR TICKETS MUST BE COLLECTED FROM THE BOX OFFICE ON ARRIVAL- ID REQUIRED.