MTS 2016
MTS 2016
AN NO F UN IRS CE T M EN T MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 Congress Secretariat M T S A n n u a l Co n g ress G-1 Medical Academies of Malaysia, 210 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (603) 4025 3700, 4025 4700, 4023 4700 TEL (603) 4023 6100 FAX EMAIL WEBSITE 28 th - 31st July 2016 Hotel Equatorial Bukit Jambul, Penang u MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY OFFICE BEARERS 2015 - 2017 PRESIDENT: Prof. Dr. Roslina Abdul Manap VICE-PRESIDENT: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pang Yong Kek HON SECRETARY: Dr. Hooi Lai Ngoh HON TREASURER: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jessie de Bruyne HON ASSISTANT SECRETARY: Dr. Asiah Kassim HON ASSISTANT TREASURER: Dr. Helmy Haja Mydin COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Dato’ Dr. Abdul Razak Abdul Muttalif Dr. Lalitha Pereirasamy Dr. Nurhayati Mohd Marzuki Dr. Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail COOPTED COMMITTEE MEMBER: Dr. Irfhan Ali Bin Hyder Ali MTS ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 ORGANISING COMMITTEE CONGRESS ADVISOR: Prof. Dr. Roslina Abdul Manap ORGANISING CHAIRMAN: Dr. Irfhan Ali Hyder Ali SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Dr. Helmy Haja Mydin (Chairman - Adult Programme) Dr. Rus Anida Awang (Chairman - Paediatric Programme) Dato’ Dr. Abdul Razak Abdul Muttalif Dr. Lalitha Pereirasamy Dr. Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail SECRETARY / BUSINESS MANAGER: TREASURER: PUBLICITY AND PUBLICATIONS: SOCIAL EVENTS: Dr. Hooi Lai Ngoh Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jessie De Bruyne Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pang Yong Kek Dr. Sundira Kumar A/L Namasemayam Dr. Lalitha Pereirasamy AUDIO-VISUAL FACILITIES: Dr. Goon Ai Khiang Dr. Nurhayati Mohd Marzuki LOCAL ORGANISING TEAM: Dr. Irfhan Ali Hyder Ali Dr. Lalitha Pereirasamy Dr. Goon Ai Khiang Dr. Ong Choo Khoon Dr. Rus Anida Awang Dr. Sundira Kumar A/L Namasemayam CONGRESS SECRETARIAT: Y. M. Kong and Secretariat of Academy of Medicine of Malaysia WELCOME ADDRESS After a lapse of over ten years, I am pleased to invite all delegates back to Penang for the MTS Annual Congress 2016. This year is extra special since the MTS will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary. Pulmonology is advancing rapidly; we are still facing diseases of old that have returned with a vengeance and at the same time we are encountering new emerging diseases. We have at our disposal various new modalities for diagnostics and treatment and are venturing and expanding into new areas while eagerly awaiting new developments. With all this in mind, we have put together a programme encompassing various interesting topics. Starting with a workshop session on Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing, we will proceed to having symposia in both Adult and Paediatric Pulmonology. Do come and learn as our expert speakers delve into subjects that are common (COPD, Tuberculosis, Asthma, Sleep Medicine) to the uncommon (Ethics in Pulmonary Medicine, Driving, Flying and Diving with Respiratory Disease). The Congress will end with a mesmerising debate. You will have an opportunity to be entertained during our Gala Dinner and a surprise tantalising feast with the king of fruits. So see you in Penang, the Pearl of the Orient. We welcome all of you for a Congress where we hope you will gain not only knowledge and skills, but also build up networks for future collaboration, meet up with old colleagues and make new friends, gain new insights and formulate new ideas all for the betterment of our service to our patients. There is no better place to do all this than in Penang during MTS 2016. Dr. Irfhan Ali Hyder Ali Organising Chairman 1 Programme Summary Date Time Thursday 28th July 2016 0700 – 00800 Registration 0800 – 0810 WELCOME ADDRESS 0810 – 0850 08.30 – 12.00 Friday 29th July 2016 PLENARY 1 (P1) Pulmonary Rehabilitation Workshop for Doctor 08.30 – 12.00 Equatorial Hotel 0850 – 1005 Symposium 1 (S1) 1005 – 1035 Coffee Break 1035 – 1150 Symposium 2 (S2) 1150 – 1230 Sponsored Symposium 2 (SS2) (AstraZeneca) 1230 – 1415 Lunch and Friday Prayers 1400 – 1700 Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) Workshop 1400 – 1700 Equatorial Hotel 1415 – 1545 Symposium 3 (S3) 1545 – 1625 Sponsored Symposium 3 (SS3) (Cipla Malaysia) 1625 – 1815 1845 – 1925 Coffee Break & Annual General Meeting Sponsored Symposium 1A Sponsored Symposium1B (SS1A) (SS1B) (Boehringer Ingelheim) (Novartis) 2000 – 2130 6 Sponsored Symposium 4 (SS4) (GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical) Dinner MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 Programme Summary Time Date 0700 – 0800 Saturday 30th July 2016 Sunday 31st July 2016 The Year in Review: Sunrise Session Tobacco Control ATS Bronchoscopy video 0800 – 0840 PLENARY 2 (P2) PLENARY 3 (P3) 0840 – 1010 SYMPOSIUM 4 (S4) SYMPOSIUM 6 (S6) 1010 – 1040 Coffee Break Coffee Break 1040 – 1210 SYMPOSIUM 5 (S5) PLENARY 4 (P4) 1120 – 1220 1210 – 1250 Debate Sponsored Symposium 5 (SS5) Novartis 1220 – 1330 Sponsored Symposium 8 (SS8) 1230 – 1400 Lunch 1250 – 1400 Lunch 1400 – 1500 Concurrent Grand Round 1500 – 1600 Concurrent Oral and Poster Presentation 1600 – 1640 Sponsored Symposium 6 (SS6) (Boehringer Ingelheim) 1640 – 1710 Coffee Break 1710 – 1750 Sponsored Symposium 7 (SS7) 2000 – 2200 MTS Gala Dinner MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 7 Congress Workshops PULMONARY REHABILITATION WORKSHOP FOR DOCTORS 28TH JULY 2016, Hotel Equatorial Penang, Ballroom III Coordinators: Dr. Azlina Shamsudin Dr. Lam Yoke Fong TIME TOPIC SPEAKER 0830 - 0900 Understanding COPD and other Chronic Lung Diseases Dr. Lam Yoke Fong 0900 - 0930 Comprehensive patient assessment for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Dr. Saari Mohamad Yatim 0930 - 1000 Role of Pulmonologist in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Dr. Azlina Samsudin 1000 - 1030 Exercise Prescription in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Dr. Worawan Sirichana 1030 - 1045 Tea break 1045 - 1115 Trouble shooting during Pulmonary Rehabilitation Dr. Saari Mohamad Yatim 1115 - 1145 Pulmonary Rehabilitation during acute illness Dr. Worawan Sirichana 1145 - 1215 Q & A Session All speakers CARDIOPULMONARY EXERCISE TESTING (CPET) WORKSHOP 28TH JULY 2016, Hotel Equatorial Penang, Ballroom III Coordinator Dr. Lalitha Pereirasamy TIME TOPIC SPEAKER 1400- 1445 Cardiac and respiratory responses to exercise in health and respiratory diseases Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loo Chian Min 1445 - 1515 Conducting a CPET Applications of clinical exercise testing Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loo Chian Min 1515 - 1530 Tea break 1530 - 1600 Interpreting the results of CPET tests Dr. Napplika Kongpolprom 1600 - 1700 Sample casesBasic patterns of exercise limitations Dr. Napplika Kongpolprom 8 MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 Daily Programme 28th July 2016, Thursday 1845 – 1925 Sponsored Symposium 1A (S1A) BALLROOM I Boehringer Ingelheim Chairperson: Prof. Dr. How Soon Hin 1845 – 1925 Topic: The Evolving Landscape of EGFR TKI Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pang Yong Kek Sponsored Symposium 1B (SS1B) BALLROOM II Novartis Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Liam Chong Kin Topic: The FLAME Expert Meeting Speaker: Prof. Wisia Wedzicha MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 9 Daily Programme 29th July 2016, Friday 0700 – 0800 0800 – 0810 0810 – 0850 0850 – 1005 0850 – 1005 0850 – 1005 1005 – 1035 1035 – 1150 10 Registration WELCOME ADDRESS • Prof. Dr. Roslina Abdul Manap, President, Malaysian Thoracic Society • Dr. Irfhan Ali Hyder Ali, Organising Chairman, MTS Annual Congress 2016 PLENARY 1 (P1) Chairperson: Prof Dato’ Dr Azizi Omar Paediatrics to adult medicine: the importance of transitional care Dr Norzila Mohamed Zainudin SYMPOSIUM 1 (S1) S1A – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Chairpersons: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tidi Hassan / Prof. Dr. Fauzi Abdul Rani 1. Diagnosing COPD: Moving beyond spirometry Prof. Dr. Roslina Abdul Manap 2. The role of beta-blockers in COPD Dr. Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail 3. Heterogeneity in COPD: Implications for management Prof. Dr. Richard Loh Li Cher S1B – Respiratory Infections Chairpersons: Prof. Dr. How Soon Hin 1. The microbiology of bronchiectasis Assoc Prof. Dr. Sanjay Chotrimall 2. Prognostic markers in community-acquired pneumonia Assoc Prof Dato’ Dr Basri Mat Nor 3. Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial infection Assoc Prof. Dr. Pang Yong-Kek S1C (Paediatric) – Malaysian Consensus In Paediatric Respiratory Medicine Chairpersons: Dato’ Dr. Azizi bin Hj Omar / Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Fadzil Abdullah 1. ApproachTo Empyema thoracis Dr. Patrick Chan 2. ApproachTo Children With Snoring Dr, Asiah Kassim 3. Home Respiratory Care in Malaysia Dr. Norzila Mohamed Zainudin COFFEE BREAK SYMPOSIUM 2 (S2) S2A - Special Populations Chairpersons: Dr. Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail / Dr. Goon Ai Khiang 1. Flying and lung disease Lt Col Dr Zulkefley Mohammad 2. Diving and lung disease Col Dr. Andrew Ng Wei Aun 3. Driving and lung disease Dr. Lalitha Pereirasamy S2B – Ethics Chairpersons: Prof Martyn R Partridge / Dr. Sundari Ampikaipakan 1. To intubate or not to intubate? Dr. Tai Li Ling 2. Withdrawing therapy in end-stage respiratory disease Dr. Hilmi Lockman 3. Lung transplant – opt-in vs opt-out Dr. Hirman Ismail MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 BALLROOM I& II BALLROOM I & II MATAHARI I MATAHARI III TERATAI/RAYA MATAHARI I MATAHARI III Daily Programme 29th July 2016, Friday S2C (Paediatric) - Hot Topics In Paediatric Respiratory Medicine Chairpersons: Dr. Patrick Chan / Dr. Asiah Kassim 1. 2. 3. TERATAI/RAYA Severe acute asthma in children Dr. Su Siew Choo NIV in acute respiratory failure Professor Dr. Tang Swee Fong Role of hypertonic saline in respiratory illness: a pinch of salt Assoc Prof Dr Jessie de Bruyne 1150 – 1230 Sponsored Symposium 2 (SS2) Company: Astra Zeneca Chairperson: Dr. Helmy Haja Mydin Speaker: Prof. Martyn R Partridge Topic: Adherence: the biggest current challenge for respiratory medicine MATAHARI I 1230 – 1415 LUNCH ETIOLE RESTAURANT 1415 – 1545 SYMPOSIUM 3 (S3) MATAHARI I S3A – Critical Care Medicine Chairpersons: Assoc Prof Dato’ Dr. Basri Mat Nor / Dr. Tai Li Ling 1. Weaning off mechanical ventilation Dr. Napplika Kongpolprom 2. Acute Lung Injury – what works? Dr. Maya Nagaratnam 3. The role of early pulmonary rehabilitation Assoc Prof. Dr. Loo Chian Min S3B – Lung Cancer Chairpersons: Prof. Dr. Liam Chong Kin / Dr. Nurhayati Mohd Marzuki 1. 2. 3. Confocal bronchoscopy – a new diagnostic tool? Assoc Prof. Dr. Tidi Hassan Beyond standard lobectomy - increasing resection rates in lung cancer patients Dr. Soon Sing Yang Stereotatic Ablative Radiosurgery Dr. Pierre Yves Bondiau S3C (Paediatric) - Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease In Children Chairpersons: Dr. Rus Anida Awang / Dr Dayang Zuraini Sahadan 1. 2. 3. 1545 – 1625 1625 – 1815 1845 – 1925 1925 – 2200 Matahari III TERATAI/RAYA The role of pH and impedence study Assoc Prof. Dr. Hasniah Abdul Latif When and how to treat GORD in children Prof. Dr. Lee Way Seah Controversies surrounding gastro-oesophageal reflux and the lung Assoc Prof. Dr. Anna Marie Nathan Sponsored Symposium 3 (SS3) Company: Cipla Malaysia Chairperson: Prof. Dato’ Dr Hj Abdul Razak Mutttalif Speaker: Dr. Raja Dhar Topic: Optimizing current treatment for managing severe asthma COFFEE BREAK MATAHARI I MTS Annual General Meeting TERATAI/RAYA Sponsored Symposium 4 (SS4) Company: Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceutical Speaker: Topic: DINNER MATAHARI I ETIOLE RESTAURANT MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 11 Daily Programme 30th July 2016, Saturday 0700 – 0800 The year in review Tobacco Control Chairperson: Dr. Nurhayati Mohd Marzuki TERATAI/RAYA Speaker: Dr. Kow Ken Siong 0800 – 0840 PLENARY 2 (P2) Chairperson: Prof Dr. Roslina Abdul Manap mHealth : Policy and economic ramifications Assoc Prof Dr. Josip Car 0840 – 1010 SYMPOSIUM 4 (S4) S4A – Quality and Service Improvement Chairpersons: Dr. Irfhan Ali / Dr. Helmy Haja Mydin 1. Paving the Way Forward in Clinical Sponsored Research Dr. Akhmal Yusof 2. The National Lung Cancer Registry Dr. Soon Sing Yang 3. Using mHealth to empower respiratory patients Assoc Prof Dr Josip Car S4B – Sleep-disordered breathing Chairpersons: Dr. Azza Omar / Dr Kow Ken Siong 1. Dentistry and OSAS - what’s the link? Dr. Premthip 2. OSAS & OHS - Does bariatric surgery play a role? Dr. Mohamad Shukri Jahit 3. Central sleep apnoea Dr. Naricha Chiralkawasan BALLROOM I AND II MATAHARI I MATAHARI III S4C (Paediatric) - Bronchiolitis Obliterans In Children TERATAI/RAYA Chairpersons: Assoc Prof. Dr. Jessie de Bruyne / Assoc Prof. Dr. Hasniah Abdul Latif 1. Who are at risk of Bronchiolitis Obliterans? Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Fadzil Abdullah 2. Assessment of children with suspected Bronchiolitis Obliterans Dr. Noor Zehan Abdul Rahim 3. Management of Bronchiolitis Obliterans Dr. Rus Anida Awang 1010 – 1040 COFFEE BREAK 1040 – 1210 SYMPOSIUM 5 (S5) S5A – Pulmonary Vascular Disease Chairpersons: Assoc Prof. Dr. Sanjay Chotirmall / Dr. Helmy Haja Mydin 1. Unprovoked VTE – Huntingthe cause Dato’ Dr. Vijaya Sangkar Jaganathan Naidu 2. The medical management of CTEPH Dr. Sundari Ampikaipakan 3. The changing landscape of treatment for PAH Prof. Dr. Paul Corris MATAHARI I S5B - Tuberculosis MATAHARI III Chairpersons: Dr. Hilmi Lokman / Assoc Prof. Dr. Pang Yong Kek 1. The End TB strategy Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Razak Abdul Muttalif 2. Advances in TB diagnostics Dr. Rukumani Devi 3. Tobacco Cessation into regular TB services for tuberculosis patients- Does it work? Dr. Tara Singh Bam 12 MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 Daily Programme 30th July 2016, Saturday S5C (Paediatric) - Respiratory Complications After Cardiac Surgery Chairpersons: Dr. Nor Zehan Abdul Rahim / Dr. Mariana Daud 1. 2. 3. TERATAI/RAYA Identifying patients at risk of developing complications post cardiac surgery Dr. Su Siew Choo Clinical presentations: when to suspect? Dr. Rus Anida Awang Respiratory Assessment and Management following cardiac surgery Dr. Dayang Zuraini Sahadan 1210 – 1250 Sponsored Symposium 5 (SS5) Company: Novartis Chairperson: Prof Dr. Roslina Abdul Manap Speaker: Prof Dr Wisia Wedzicha Topic: FLAME: Unlocking the role of bronchodilators in prevention of exacerbations in high risk COPD patients MATAHARI I 1250 – 1400 LUNCH ETIOLE RESTAURANT 1400 – 1500 Concurrent Grand Rounds A. Clinical (Adult) Grand Round Moderators: Dr. Ong Choo Koon / Dr. Goon Ai Khiang 1. 2. 3. 1500 – 1600 MATAHARI I Dr Chan Swee Kim (Hospital Umum Sarawak, Kuching, Sarawak) Dr Raymund Dass (Institut Perubatan Respiratori, Kuala Lumpur) Dr Lem Li Khen (Hospital Pulau Pinang, Penang) B. Radiology Grand Round Moderators: Dr. Lalitha Pereirasamy, Dr. Irfhan Ali Hyder Ali Speaker: Dr. Dennis Tan Gan Pin MATAHARI III C. Paediatric Grand Round Maderators: Assoc Prof. Dr. Anna Marie / Dr. Asiah Kassim 1. Dr Eng Ying Rui (Hospital Seberang Jaya) 2. Dr Khor Wan Teng, (Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar) 3. Dr Louise Ngu (Hospital Umum Sarawak, Kuching, Sarawak) TERATAI/RAYA Concurrent oral and poster presentations Oral presentations Chairpersons: Dr. Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail MATAHARI I Case Report Poster Presentations Coordinator: Dr. Ong Choo Khoon Poster Paper Presentations Linkway leading to Grand Ballroom Coordinator: Dr. Rus Anida Awang MAWAR 1600 – 1640 Sponsored Symposium 6A (SS6) Company: Boehringer Ingelheim Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Liam Chong Kin Speaker: Prof. Dr. Richard Russell Topic: Optimizing bronchodilator therapy in COPD patients MATAHARI I 1640 – 1710 COFFEE BREAK 1710 – 1750 Sponsored Symposium 7 (SS7) MATAHARI I Company: Mundipharma Chairperson: Dr. Nurhayati binti Mohd Marzuki Speaker: Dr Omar Sharif Usmani Topic: The BIG question on small airways disease: Delivering treatment to where it matters 2000 – 2200 MTS Gala Dinner Ballroom I and II MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 13 Daily Programme 31st July 2016, Sunday 0700 – 0800 Sunrise Session Moderator: Dr. Tan Juinn Liang ATS Discovery Session: Past, Present and Future of Bronchoscopyand Future of Bronchoscopy Dr. Atul Mehta 0800 – 0840 Plenary 3 (P3) Chairperson: Dato’ Dr. Zainudin Md Zin TERATAI/RAYA MATAHARI I 30 years of heart and lung transplants: Lessons for the future Prof Dr Paul Corris 0840 – 1010 Symposium 6 (S6): Asthma Chairpersons: Dr. Andrea Ban / Prof. Dr. Richard Loh Li Cher 1. 2. 3. MATAHARI I Occupational asthma Dr. Tan Keng Leong The role of macrolides in the management of asthma Prof. Dr. Fauzi Abdul Rani Late-onset asthma – Does it exist? Dr. Azza Omar 1010 – 1040 COFFEE BREAK 1040 – 1120 Plenary 4 (P4) Chairperson: Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Razak Abdul Mutallif MATAHARI I The History of Tuberculosis Tan Sri Dr. K. Ampikaipakan 1120 – 1220 Debate MATAHARI I ‘This House believes that tuberculosis is a greater threat to Malaysians than dengue Chairperson: Dr. Irfhan Ali Hyder Ali For : Prof. Dato’ Dr. Abdul Razak Abdul Muttalif Against: Dr Chow Ting Soo 1220 – 1300 Sponsored Symposium 8 (SS8) Company: Glaxo SmithKline Pharmaceutical Chairperson: Dr. Tharishini Mohan Topic: COPD Expert Forum #2 Speaker: TBC MATAHARI I 1220 Lunch MATAHARI I 14 MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 HOTEL ACCOMMODATION RATES Room Type Single Twin / Double Deluxe RM325.00++ (RM381.95nett) RM380.00++ (RM446.08nett) Premier RM355.00++ (RM416.93nett) RM410.00++ (RM481.06nett) Premier Deluxe RM385.00++ (RM451.91nett) RM440.00++ (RM516.04nett) Club Premier RM440.00++ (RM516.04nett) RM495.00++ (RM580.17nett) Club Premier Deluxe RM470.00++ (RM551.02nett) RM525.00++ (RM612.15nett) * The rates are inclusive of buffet breakfast and broadband Below are the steps to perform the room booking. Step 1: Step 2: Require to change the dates accordingly Step 3: Promo Code (Password) is HEPMTS Step 4: Click “Check Availability” Step 5: Choose desire room category. Go to “Change Criteria” on the top page, right side if you need to change the booking dates, add pax or require more rooms. Click “Apply Criteria” once you have done. Step 6: Validate your Booking Step 7: Select extras for your stay Step 8: Book - Please confirm your booking details and fill up “Guest Information” and guarantee the booking by providing your credit card details. Step 9: Thank you, you have done your booking. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY The Conference Secretariat must be notified in writing of all cancellations. Refunds will be made after the Conference. The refund policy is as follows: Cancellation on or before Cancellation after 30th June 2016 : 50% refund 30th June 2016 : No refund ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Members are encouraged to submit abstracts for free papers / poster presentations online at Please log-on to our website for full details on how to submit abstracts. The closing date for receipt of abstracts is 31st May 2016. CPD POINTS WILL BE AWARDED DISCLAIMER Whilst every attempt will be made to ensure that all aspects of the Conference as mentioned in this publication will take place as scheduled, the Organising Committee reserves the right to make changes should the need arise. 9 AN NO F UN IRS CE T M EN T MALAYSIAN THORACIC SOCIETY ANNUAL CONGRESS 2016 Congress Secretariat M T S A n n u a l Co n g ress G-1 Medical Academies of Malaysia, 210 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (603) 4025 3700, 4025 4700, 4023 4700 TEL (603) 4023 6100 FAX EMAIL WEBSITE 28 th - 31st July 2016 Hotel Equatorial Bukit Jambul, Penang u
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