Fall 2015 Newsletter - German Family Society
Fall 2015 Newsletter - German Family Society
German Family Society of Akron, Inc. Deutscher Familien Verein, Akron e.V. www.germanfamilysociety.com Facebook: Akron German Family Society Twitter: @Akrongfs • blog: www.germanfamilysocietyblog.com 3871 Ranfield Road, Brimfield Township/Kent, Ohio 44240 • 330-678-8229 • Email: rstagl@germanfamilysociety.com Night out with the Buffettman by: Rich Reikowski The German Family Society welcomed back the music of Jimmy Buffett with the band Tom Watt “The Buffettman” & the Fruitcakes on Saturday August 15th. The evening was spectacular as you heard the best of Jimmy Buffett music and songs. Tom not only sounds like Jimmy Buffett but looks like him too! For the 2nd annual Jimmy Buffett night at GFS there were large crowds of “Parrot Heads” in beach attire, hats, flipflops, necklaces, and ready to party! The burgers were enjoyed by all as well as chicken, fries, fruit and more. Let’s not forget the island drinks of all kinds were flowing. Throughout the evening of music there were many fun beach and sing along games led by Dave Sensius.Well done Dave! The pictures say it all....the German Family Society certainly knows how to throw a party! Special thanks goes to Jill Armbrust, Tony Leipold, Hannah Thompson, and Arron Engelhart for sharing their pictures. A Message from our President It’s been a busy year for us here with our GFS family. 60th Anniversary was a complete success and with the help of Dave Sensius, who put together just an incredible video history of our club from our beginning at St. Bernard’s, joining the German American club in the early 60’s to moving out to our current home at our Donau Park. This video includes never seen photos and movies made throughout those early years. Many of our members had asked for a copy of this fantastic video so we had professional copies made and will have them available to members and guests at our upcoming Oktoberfest. Cost will be 12.50 each. It’s a great keepsake for future generations and fun looking back at so many of us that were once very young. Many thanks to Dave Sensius for taking the time to put this together. I hope all of our members have a copy of our 60th Anniversary Book. If you have not received a copy, please let someone on the board know. If you have family members that were involved in the club but are no longer in the area, let us know as we can provide you with an extra copy (as supplies last) for our former friends and family. Coming from an early summer of all rain to what you might consider to be a drought for the second half of summer, we managed to finish the Kuchen Haus. The Ladies will now be able to work in a brand new facility serving our pastries during the festivals and taking the congestion away from our building. It sure will be an improvement. We pride ourselves that for 60 years of our existence we have managed all of our club affairs with Volunteers. I can’t stress that enough, our members hold the future of our organization in their hands. As time goes by, we find it difficult at times to meet our needs for our events. We offer a lot to you all, our members. We don’t charge for kids in the groups and offer them many benefits including travel expenses to other cities. Of course there are times when bus travel is not feasible and we do ask kids/parents to help offset those costs but in most cases the club takes up most expenses for travel and lodging. In fact, in talking with the other cities, we are about the only club that does cover those costs. Most of their members are asked to pay for upcoming trips entirely. So I’m asking you all, our members, to give us some of your valuable time. We don’t ask for much, and have only 2 weekends per year when volunteering is even more critical to our events success. 4 hours, 6 hours once or twice a year minimum is what we ask from all of our members. Many enjoy giving more. We have had many new members over the last couple of years and we thank you for joining us. We welcome you into our Family and look forward to learning more about each other and interacting with you all. There is no better way of meeting others from our club than to spend some time helping our organization whether in the Kitchen, or with one of the Groups, maybe Bartending, selling Tickets or joining the Grounds Crew, who beside keeping our Donaupark so beautiful, enjoys 3-4 hours with other retirees and a nice hot lunch once a week through the summer. We want to get to know you all better and I think many of you would like to get to know the many others here at our club. Please, even if you had not been asked, come forward and let someone know you’d like to help. Many have already done so and were new like yourselves and today they are enjoying what this club has always been about. Family! And I want to shout out to all of you that give us so much of your time. Thank You, Thank You and again, Thank You All. Sincerely, your Volunteer President, Rudy As our date for the European Fest approached, We were hoping and praying that some of our past members might be looking down and might assure us of reasonably good weather for our festival. Like most of our early summer days, the only thing we could be assured of was it was probably going to rain that day. Heck, it had rained just about every day for the last several weeks! Our June date fast approached and forecasts called for, you guessed it, Rain, but not just any rain, forecasters calling for a complete Washout.” Move your plans indoors” said some of the forecasters. Well, once again, those that seemed to always be watching out for us from above, may have pulled together and made it happen once again. Almost no rain for both Saturday and Sunday during our Festival. Although parking cars on the wet grounds presented a challenge to our parking crew the weekend Festival was once again a amazing success. Our Jugend and Kinder Groups performed gracefully with smiles on their faces. Our ever growing Tanz Group also entertained our guests and wowed them once again. Although our crowds were a bit light as even our guests weren’t sure what to expect with this crazy weather. We were to introduce and open our new Kuchen Haus but as plans had it scheduled to be moved indoors, on short notice we decided to move our festival back outdoors but our pastries remained indoors due to problems moving equipment back out. Our Sunday morning Mass was held indoors to play it safe but after lunch, the groups lined up and we opened the Kirchweih Festival with a March around in the Pavilion. The current Kirchweih Bub and Madel Joe Koberlein and Hannah Sensius relinquished their titles to the new Kirchweih royalty of, Madel, Marissa Sensius and Bub, Zak Kemerer. With their initial dance together, they opened the evening with fun, laughter and dance. What a wonderful day at our park... and no rain! Did You Know..... • The term Donauschwaben in English is referred to as Danube Swabians. This name was coined for the people and families that moved from the Schwaben or Swabian area of Germany in the early 1700 to the fertile grounds along the Danube River of Eastern Europe. Hence the term Donauschwaben. • Donauschwaben immigrated to the US and many other countries at the conclusion of the First World War and many more after losing their homes and property to the Communists after the 2nd World War. • There are Donauschwaben organizations all over the World. Most being in the United States, Canada and throughout Central and Eastern Europe. South America and Australia both host many Donauschwaben clubs as well. • The Leadership boards for these countries are referred to as “Landesverband” translated to “National Association” as in the “USA Landesverband” The Donauschwaben World Headquarters is located in Sindelfingen, Germany and is referred to as the Weltdachverband or World Association for Donauschwaben. This is also where the Museum is located focused on our Heritage and History. • The Financial Arm of the US Donauschwaben organization is referred to as the “Stiftung”, translated to “Foundation”. Every club pays a portion of their membership to support the Stiftung. Their representatives are elected separate from the main Landesverband board and each city has 2 representa- tives to this board. Michael Rodesheim and Allison Burdeshaw represent our German Family Society • The Stiftung supports our Clubs and Youth. They donate thousands of dollars to Groups traveling overseas for performances, The Youth Group Lagers (National Youth Group Campouts), Soccer Programs and helps support clubs with their German Schools and often overlooked, Scholarships for our Youth. If you have any interest in applying for these, see our 2 representatives noted above. • Financial Support to the Stiftung comes from Membership fees but mostly from Donations made on behalf of family members, a Will or often a suggestion made “In Lieu of Flowers”. A tax deductible donations can be made to the National Stiftung or our own Club to support continuation of our history and traditions for current and future members. • Once a year the US and Canada host a “Landestreffen” or National Meeting of all Donauschwaben Clubs. Cities that host are selected in advance and some funding is provided by the Stiftung. Here the Youth Groups perform and show off their latest dances and uniforms to the other Cities. Every third year a competition is held within the groups. Akron has always been one of the leaders in the past, recognized for their dance skills and congeniality. This year’s event, held just a few weeks ago was hosted by our sister club, Los Angeles Donauschwaben Club. Akron was represented by 60 Kids and Adults. Kultur Ecke Culture Corner Präsident Rudy Stagl hat mich ersucht als Kulturleiterin des Clubs etwas über die Kultur zu schreiben. Leider ist die Zeit für mich ein bisschen zu kurz, aber ich werde mich bemühen im nächsten Newsletter mehr zu schreiben. Eventuell werde ich etwas über kochen schreiben. Ich bin kein Experte, was das kochen angeht, aber ich kann der jüngeren Generation beibringen wie man aus wenigen Zutaten eine einfache Mahlzeit zubereiten kann (Rezepte um zu überleben). As the Kulturleiterin President Rudy Stagl asked me to write an article about culture for the newsletter. In future addition I will be including more. One of the topics I like to include would be about cooking, even though I am not an expert. However, do to my life experiences I can help our youth continue our tradition through cooking. The three most important things in my life are: Family, faith and culture! Mit Gruß Anna König Kulturleiterin Das wichtigste in meinem Leben sind drei Dinge: Familie, Glaube und Kultur! Los Angeles, Landestreffen and Jugend Lager by Maddie Von Stein Our Jugend Lager, or “youth camp” if directly translated, is a great way for the members of Schwob Youth Groups around the country to get to know each other and gain a greater perspective of our heritage. Much like the annual Labor Day trips, each Jugend Lager takes place in a different city during the summer. The event usually occurs over the course of a weekend in tents, hosted by the Ortsgruppen (local groups) who schedule times to learn about the host city, how their ancestors settled in that region, while learning more about Donauschwaben culture in general. Three coach buses drove the nearly 100 kids and chaperones to the heart of LA where we visited the city’s historical sites. Once lunch had been finished, Erika Neumayer, owner and designer of Rare Dirndl, gave a presentation on traditional trachts. Much like the differences in design of the costumes we use today, each region used a different style of pleating in the underskirts, along with unique hairstyle, aprons and skirt lengths. Liz Burmeister, our fearless leader and MC of the day, then explained each color team would have one hour to be split up to create both a boy and girl’s traditional costume out of the materials provided. Each of the six groups got to work straight away, us- ing scraps of fabric, table skirts, wrapping paper, ribbons, hot glue, safety pins, fake flowers and whatever else we could get our hands on to begin constructing the outfits on our two volunteers. The biggest surprise of the day was just how well each of the groups used a unique design and ideas to create the makeshift costumes. After an entertaining fashion show where a group of judges deemed all of us creative winners. The most important and fun part was being able to introduce new friends to each other that we had met that day. These lagers, where we have a chance to bond together and learn more about where we all come from are what makes us a family, no matter how far the distance between groups. From Los Angeles to Akron and everywhere in between, we all had the chance to make new friends from other groups while strengthening the friendships we already had. Opportunities to make memories, sharing in these amazing trips and cultural experiences are unique experiences will last us a lifetime and help keep our heritage alive our hearts always. 42nd Annual German Family Society Special Attractions & Games for Kids on Sunday! Free Parking Souvenirs 2015 Friday, September 11, 6 pm – Midnight Saturday, September 12, 3 pm – 11 pm Sunday, September 13, Noon – 7 pm Outdoor “Biergarten mit Gemütlichkeit,” a Kinder Playground & Jäger Tent. Band Schedule: Al Zimmerman Band – (Hall) Friday, 6-10 pm Fred Ziwich Band – (Pavilion) Friday, 6:30-11:30 pm Menu Schnitzel Dinners, Sausage Dinners, Cabbage Roll Dinners, Oktoberfest (mixed) Dinners, Rotisserie Chicken Dinners, German Franks, Bratwurst, Hot Pretzels, Corn on Cob, and German Pastries. Delci Tones – (Hall) Saturday, 4-8 pm Beverages Spass Band – (Pavilion) Saturday, 3-6:45 pm German & Domestic Beer, Wine, Spirits, Soft Drinks and Fresh Squeezed Lemonade. Edelweiss Combo – (Pavilion) Saturday, 7:15-11 pm Al Zimmerman Band – (Hall) Sunday, 1-5 pm Deutcher Musik Verein Blasskapelle (Pavilion) Sunday Noon – 3:15 pm Hank Haller Band – (Pavilion) Sunday 3:45 - 7 pm Entertainment GFS Performers: Kindergruppe, Jr. Youth Folk Dancers, Youth Folk Dancers & Schuhplatter and Adult Tanzgruppe. No Food or Drinks Allowed in Park. $5 per Person Entrance (12 & under are Free) It’s Not Too Late!!! German Family Society – Donaupark 3871 Ranfield Road, Brimfield Twp/Kent, Ohio 330-678-8229 Sign up Now for the 5K Keg run on Saturday, September 12th. Register at www.germanfamilysociety.com We extend our condolences to the families of: Anton Schaffer Phillipp Mayer Siegfried Henz ( President Chicago Aid Society) Don’t Forget to Make Reservations for ALL Club Events Please Note: We require reservations for our events but if you cannot attend, please, please call and cancel. Our last event, Traubenfest was a sell out and numerous family members turned away. User-created with abctools® for home and classroom use only. Graphics and format ©2000-2008 abcteach® German: Crossword ... www.abcteach.com May not be sold/redistributed without permission We had 35 No-Shows which caused many not able to attend and a loss of hundreds of dollars in lost food. Please be considerate for future events. Thank You, Rudy Reservations: Mrs. Moellmann: 330-633-3949 Mrs. Lehner: 330-335-8985 We are happy to have you join our organization. E Z 8 U 11 A N 12 K S E U G 14 N S F U I T E R F 19 B A D E N 4 S I O N T R A N D A N Z U G 7 F R L A U B U G C H I F F A F E I N German: Crossword - Vacation VACATION - ANSWERS German Cross Word Puzzle Hannah Thompson Kristen Misbrener Madeline VonStein Jerry Vydra Scott Burghardt Erika Sheeler Louise Teach Elizabeth Klingensmith Jacob Neptune Nathan Brunn Barbara Habel Nicholas Burdohan Christine Ahmed Richard Hummel Julianna Leber Ann Robinson 1 K 2 H O T E L 3 F P E N F 5 6 R E I S E P A S S R U 9 10 S S T A D T P L A T O O R M 13 A M F L U G ß E 15 E R A 16 17 N F L U G B E G L K E F E 18 A R M A P 20 R E I S E H Ä T E E R C E N R T K WELCOME NEW MEMBERS German Family Society Youth Group Sausage Sale Fundraiser Example: Qty 1 = 3 lbs Qty 2 = 6 lbs (etc) $4.50 Per Pound / 3-lb min ($13.50 per ~ 3 lb pack) SELLERS NAME:_______________________ Sausage Orders Deadline: Sunday Oct 4, 2015 Sausage MUST be picked up on: Sunday Oct 18 4-7pm at German Family Society, Brimfield OH PLEASE ORDER IN * ~3 POUND PACKS ONLY * Full Name Phone 1 2 3 4 5 For additional lines Please use back of form If you have any questions or additional orders: Carri or Steve Sensius 1492 Stoney Pointe Dr North Canton, Ohio Phone: (330) 899-9848 FILL IN # OF PACKS (Number of ~3 lb packs) Linked sausage Regular Hot Bulk Sausage Regular Hot # packs # lbs Total lbs Upcoming Events German-American Dance Traubenfest Saturday, October 10, 2015 Saturday, November 14, 2015 Music by: Pete Karsti Eintracht Band Reservations Required by October 6th. Music by: Edelweiss Combo Reservations Required by November 10th Annual Elections Member Appreciation Dinner Sunday, November 8, 2015 2:00 PM All members are welcome! Membership Dues Update: Please hold off on sending in your membership dues.We are proposing some changes to Membership and possibly moving towards a Family membership plan. Proposal shall be submitted and voted on at our Annual Meeting November 8th. Please join us to hear more about these changes Reservations: Eva Lehner (330) 335-8985 OR Renate Moellmann (330)633-3949 German: Crossword - Vacation German Family Society of Akron 1 3871 Ranfield Road 2 Kent, OH 44240 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n: Crossword - Vacation 14 15 16 17 4 18 20 19 7 8 11 17 Across 12 2. Tourists can rent rooms here 3. Bed-and-breakfast 14 5. Proof of citizenship? 8. Vacation 10. Map of a city 12. Very large boat 19 13. A flying thing 16. Flight attendant 19. Swimsuit 20. Travel Down German Cross Word Puzzle German: Crossword - Vacation 1. Suitcase 14. Where the land meets the ocean 6. Car 7. Airport 3 4 9. Road map 10. Summer vacation 6 7 11. Arrival 8 14. You need a surfboard for this 11 15.10Departure 17. Baggage 18. Very large body of salt water 12 VACATION 2 5 9 Down 1. Suitcase 4. Where the land meets the ocean User-created with abctools® for home and classroom use only. German: Crossword 6.Graphics Car and format ©2000-2008 abcteach® 7. Airport 16 9. Road map 10. Summer vacation 11. Arrival 20 14. You need a surfboard for this 15. Departure 17. Baggage 18. Very large body of salt water 13 ... www.abcteach.com May not be sold/redistributed without permission 15 17 18 Across 2. Tourists can rent rooms here 19 Down 1. Suitcase 14
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