DCS Remote TMCC Codes Remote Controller Dialog Commands
DCS Remote TMCC Codes Remote Controller Dialog Commands
PageI of8 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesfor mv... Friday,November 07,200811:43AM Subiect:Emailing: DCS& TMCCCAB-1codesfiormy... DCS Remote TMCCCodes In additionto the marked hard keys (i.e.- BELL,ENG,WH, DIR, I-ABORREVUP/DN,BOOST.BMKECPLR-R/F), when AX1 and AX2 are off, these DCS Remotenumber keys control the TMCCengine functionsas marked on the DCSRemote: # MARKING 1 - SMOKE 2- VO L + [IESSAGE SMUKb I (JN'tJFF MASTERVOLUMEUP STARTUP 3. SIAT<I U F 5- VO L e € 6 - SHUT DOWN 7 - HDLT MASTER VOLUME DOWN SHUT DOYVN HEADLIGHT ON/OFF When AXl is on, these DCSRemotenumber keys control the followingTMCCengine functions: # GOMi'IAND 1 Volume uo 2 3 4 5* 6 7* 8 9 0 CrewTalk/ TowerCom Startup sounds/ Steamblowoff Volumedown Shutdownsounds Steamlet off CrewTalk/ TowerCom Smokeunitheatinqelementoff Smokeunit heatinoelementon Enqinereset * See table below for more dialog commands. DCS Remote Controller Dialog Commands LOCOilOTTVE GOilitANDS EXA]f,PLEDIALOG STOPPED A X {+ 2 Crew: Can we go? Tower: No. olease standbv A Xl +7 Ar(2+2 tU7n0a8 Tower:Standby br clearance. Crew:Rooer. : Canwe go Page2 of8 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesfor my... Tower:Roqer.vou are clear MOVING Al(2+ 7 Tower:Youareclearbr departure. Crew:Roqer.weareclear. AXl+5 Crew:Signing off. Shutdownseouence AXI + 2* Crew:Trainis arriving. Tower:Rooer.vouareclearinbound. Tower:Youareclearfor arrival. Crew:Roqer. AXI + 7* AXz+2 Crew:Are we clearahead? Tower:You areallclear. AX2+7 Tower:Youareallclear. Crew:Roqer. A X l+ 5 Tower:Cometo an immediatestop. Crew:We are stoppinqnow. Tower:Slowto cautionspeed. Crew:Roqer.slowinqnow. A X 2+ 5 " ActivatingeitherAXi + 2 or AXI + 7 while the locomotiveis in motion enablesa #cetrain has now arrivedd€l conversationfor 15 seconds.lf the trainstopswithinthistime,pressingAXI + 2 or AXI+ 7 will playthis specialconversation. tU7t2008 Page3 of8 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesfor mY... CAB-I Remote TMCCCodes AUX1 + Number Pad 1 2' 3 4 5* 6 7* 8 9 0 Volumeup CrewTalk/ TowerCom Startup sounds/ Steamblowoff Volumedown Shutdownsounds Steamlet ofi CrewTalk/ ToweGom Smokeunitheatingelementoff Smokeunitheatingelementon Enqinereset 'See table belowfor more dialogcommands. CAB.l TMCC Controller Dialog Commands EXAMPLEDIALOG LOCOi|IOTIVE COiTIMANDS + we go? 2 Crew: Can AUX1 STOPPED Tower:No. oleasestandby Tower:Standby br clearance. AUXI + 7 Crew:Roqer. 2 Crew:Canwe go? Tower:Roger,Youare clear. Tower:You are clearfor departure. 7 Crew:Roqer,we are clear. Grew:Signingoff. AUX{ + 5 Shutdownsequence Crew:Trainis arriving. AUXI + 2' MOVING Tower:Rooer.vouareclearinbound. Tower:You are clearfor arrival. AUX1+ 7' Crew:Rooer. Crew:Are we clearahead? 2 Tower:You areall clear. You areallclear. Tower: 7 Crew:Roqer. Tower:Cometo an immediatestop. AUX1+ 5 Crew:We are stoppingnow. Tower:Slowto cautionspeed. 5 Crew:Roqer,slowingnow. * Activatingeither AUXI + 2 or AUX1 + 7 while the locomotiveis in motion enables a ffetrain has nour arrivedd€u conversationfor 15 seconds.lf the train stopswithinthis time, pressing2 or 7 will play this specialconversation. rU7t2008 Page4 of8 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesfor mY... CoMMANDS/ SOUNDS pressCAB-1AUXIor DCSpfiltpfi2 andthen keyto tumthenumerickeypadintocommand eJffi::t arespecificto eachlocomotive. Thesecommands # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8* 9* Command Stopsand resetsthe locomotive. directionto forward. Resetsthe locomotiveA€rus Resetsto AutomaticChuffMode. Raisesthe volumeof the chuffingand boilersounds. frr Thewhistle,bellandCrewTalk& TowerComplayat fullvolumeTurnthevolumecontrolknobunderTenderto set minimumvolumeof all sounds. frr CrewTalkdialogstarts CrewTalkdialog is an engineer-initlatedradio conversationwith the Dispatcher. Differentwords and phrasesare used depending on the movementof the locomotive. So Triggersthewaterpumpsounds. fro Startsthe soundsif the locomotivewas previouslyshutdown. frr ActivatesManualChuffModeto set the chuffintensi$nqlgdly.Lowersthe volumeof the backgroundsounds. Eo Thewhistle,belland CrewTalk& TowerComplayat full volume. Turnthe volumecontrolknobunderTenderto set minimumvolumeof all sounds. Eo Activatesthe steamlocomotiveshutdownsequence. is in motion,an d€eemergencystopd€tldialogwillplay. - lf the locomotive - lf the locomotiveis at rest,the engineerwill sign-off. fro ActivatesManualChuffModeto setthe chuffintensitymanually. TowerComannouncementscommence Er radioconversationwith is a dispatcher-initiated TowerComannouncements theengineer. of the on the movement Differentwordsand phrasesare useddepending locomotive. frr Turnsoff the smokeunit. Turnson the smokeunit(if the smokeunitswitchis in the ON frr oosition). Eo Er frr Sound fro Air release sound fro Sound volumeincreases fro CrewTalk/ TowerComdialog fro Water injectorsound fro Sound volume decreases fro Dialogand shutdown seouence fro ToweGom/ CrewTalkdialog frr Sr Let-offsound Let-offsound * AUX1 + 8/9 function only if the locomotive6€"s smoke unit switch is in the ON position. sounds play at full volume, regardlessof the settings The whistle, bell and CrewTalk/TowerCom entered with the CAB'I or DCS RemoteController.To set the maximum volume, use the volume control knob under of the Tender. ru712008 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesformy... Page5 of8 DCS TUNING YOUR LOCOMOTIVEA€TMS CHUFFINTENSIW AND PERFORMANCE TMCCallowsfine-tuningthe performanceof yourlocomotive.Useyour DCSRemoteControllerto makethese adjustments.Thesesettingswill be lost if you assigna new lD#. Chuff lntensity 5.0 soundsystem.The is a realisticsteamchufiingsoundsproducedby the RailSounds DynaOhuff, with the drivewheelsand the speedof the locomotive.The locomotived€rMs chuffrateis alwayssynchronized with the speedof the locomotivein automaticchuff chuffintensityis also capableof varyingautomatically mode.You mayalsochooseto set a c,onstant, or a lixed,chuffintensityin manualchuffmode. Thereare 15 chuffintensitylevels. Automaticchuff mode Whenyou firstthrottleup, the intensityof the chuffsoundswill varywith adjustmentsto the throttle.\Mrenyou stopthe locomotivebr two secondsor more,the soundswill retumto theirinitialintensi$. The initialchuff pullinga heavystringof cars. Keepin mindthatyoumay intensitysimulatesthe soundsof the locomotive chooseto reducethe initialintensityof the chuffsoundsto simulatea lighterloadon the locomotiveby pressing the BRAKEbuttonwhileyour locomotiveis at rest. Thiswill reducethe initialchuffintensityto the lowestlevel. Manual chuff mode Manualchuffmodeallowsyouto seta constantchuffintensityfor yourlocomotive.The intensityof thechuff soundsdoesnot varywith the throttlesettingsor the speedof the locomotive. To set a C_QllSjtAN_T chuffintensity: e Get your locomotivemoving. o ThenpressAXI + 3 or AXI + 6 to entermanualchuffmode. The locomotivewill be lockedat the currentchuffintensity. To adjustthischuffintensig: e To I]ICREASEintensityof the chuffing,pressAX2 + 3. Note: lf you pressAXl + 3 with the locomotiveat rest,chufftngis set to maximumintensig. or o To DEGBETASE intensityof the chuffing,pressAX2 + 6. Note: lf you pressAXi + 6 with the locomotiveat rest,chufftngis set to lowestintensity. The locomotivewill savethis intensitylevel. \Mtenyou pressAXI + 3 or AX{ + 6, thereis a ten-secondd€ewindow#n to adjustthe chuffintensity. Thewaterinjectorsounds(3) and blowdown(6) are inactiveduringthe firstten secondsof enteringmanual chuffmode. Thesesoundsare restoredafterthe ten secondshaveelapsed. To adjustchuffintensityafierthe ten secondshaveelapsed,pressAXI + 3 or AXI + 6 again. To exit manualchuffmode,turn off trackpowerand allowthe locomotiveto reset,enterthe shutdownsequence (AXl + 5) or resetthe locomotive(AXl + 0). rr/7t2008 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesfor my... Page6 of8 CAB-1 CHUFFINTENSITY AND TUNING YOUR LOCOMOTIVEE€T'S PERFORMANCE TMCCallowsfine-tuningthe performance of your locomotive.UseyourCAB-1RemoteControllerto make theseadjustments.Thesesettingswill be lostif you assigna newlD#. Chutr intensifi 5.0soundsystem.The is a realisticsteamchuffingsoundsproducedby the RailSounds DynaChuff, with the drivewheelsand the speedof the locomotive.The locomotiveA€ilschuffrateis alwayssynchronized with the speedof the locomotivein automaticchuff chuffintensityis also capableof varyingautomatically mode. You mayalsochooseto set a constant,or a fixed,chuffintensityin manualchuffmode. Thereare 15 chuffintensitylevels. Automatic chuff mode \Men you firstthrottleup, the intensityof the chuffsoundswill varywith adjustmentsto the throttle.\Men you stopthe locomotivefor two secondsor more,the soundswill retumto theirinitialintensi$. The initialchuff intensitysimulatesthe soundsof the locomotivepullinga heavystringof cars. Keepin mindthat you may chooseto reducethe initialintensityof the chuffsoundsto simulatea lighterloadon the locomotive by pressing the BRAKEbuttonwhileyour locomotiveis at rest. Thiswill reducethe initialchuffintensi$to the lowestlevel. Manual chutf mode Manualchuffmodeallowsyouto set a constantchuffintensityfor yourlocomotive.The intensityof thechuff soundsdoes not varywith the throttlesettingsor the speedof the locomotive. To set a COI{$TANTchuff intensity: o Get your locomotivemoving. o ThenpressAUX1+ 3 or AUX1+ 6 to entermanualchuffmode. The locomotivewill be lockedat the cunentchuffintensity. To adjust this chuff intensity: o To lllCBEA$E intensityof the chuffing,press3. Note: lf you pressAUXI + 3 with the locomotiveat rest,chuffingis set to maximumintensity. or o To DEGBEALEintensityof the chuffing,press6. Note: lf you pressAUXI + 6 with the locomotiveat rest,chuffingis set to lowestintensity. The locomotivewillsave this intensitylevel. \Men you pressAUX1+ 3 or AUXI + 6, thereis a ten-secondA€ewindowa€trto adjustthe chuffintensity. Thewaterinjectorsounds(3) and blowdown(6) are inactiveduringthe firstten secondsof enteringmanual chuffmode. Thesesoundsare restoredafterthe ten secondshaveelapsed. To adjustchuffintensityafterthe ten secondshaveelapsed,pressAUXI + 3 or AUXI + 6 again. To exit manualchuffmode,tum off trackpowerand allowthe locomotiveto reset,enterthe shutdownsequence (AUXI + 5) or resetthe locomotive (AUX{ + O). tt/7/2008 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesfor my... Page7 of8 Volume sounds. The Railsounds5.0soundsystemgivesyougreatercontroloverthe volumeof yourlocomotived€rus o PressingAUX1+ 1 (or DCSVOL+) raisesthevolumeof the chuffingand boilersounds. o PressingAUXI + 4 (or DCSVOL-) lowersthevolume. Thereare ninevolumelevels. The volumelevelyou set will be savedand restoreduponpower-up. of the soundsplayat fullvolume,regardless Thewhistle,bell,CrewTalkdialog,andTowerComannouncement To maximum volume,usethevolumecontrolknob settingsenteredwiththe CAB-1RemoteController. set the foundon the underside of thetender. Momentum of a locomotive featuresimulatesthe laboredperformance TheTrainMaster CommandControlmomentum pullinga light,moderate,or heavyload. PressL, M, or H (accessedby pressingthe DCSMOMSoftKeyor removingthe panelonthe CAB-1)to adjust increases and setting,youwillfindthatthe locomotive the momentum setting.lf you selectthe highmomentum decreasesits speedslowlyto\ simulatetheweightof the train.Forquickerresponseto your@mmands,press L, whichis the factorydefaultsetting.You locomotivewill keepthis settinguntilit is changed. Adjusting ffie speed The BRAKEand BOOSTbuttonsgiveyou incrementalcontrolof you locomotiveA€rus speedwhileyou press and holdthesebuttons,allowingyou to makesmall,gradualadjustmentsaroundcurvesand overgrades.The locomotive will resumeits initialspeedwhenthe buttonsare released.Listenfor the squealof your locomotiveA€rus brakeswhenyou usethe BRAKEbutton. CAB-I i€" Seffing the maximum speed (hlgh vottage) You mayuseyourCAB-1RemoteController to set yourlocomotiveA€rus maximumspeed.Thiswill preventthe locomotivefromderailingas a resultof excessivespeed. 1. \Mththe Commandreverseunitswitchin the RUNposition, addressyourlocomotive by pressingENGand enteringthe lD#. 2. PressSETon the CAB-1RemoteController. The headlight willflash. 3. Getyour locomotivemovingat yourdesiredmaximumspeed. 4. PressBOOST. The maximumspeedhasbeenset.To clearthissetting,pressSETandthenBOOST,holdingeachbuttonfor one second. CAB-I l€" Seffing the minlmum speed (stall voltage) You mayuseyourCAB-1RemoteController to set yourlocomotived€ilsminimum,or stall,speed. 1. \Mththe Commandreverseunitswitchin the RUNposition,addressyourlocomotive by pressingENG andenteringthe lD#. 2. PressSETon the CAB-1RemoteController. Theheadlight willflash. 3. Getyourlocomotive movingat yourdesiredminimumspeed. 4. PressSETagain.The locomotive willstop. The nexttimeyouthrottleup,yourlocomotive will startat the speedyouset.To clearthissetting,pressSETtwice,holdingthe buttonfor one secondeachtime. Theseseftingswill be lostwhenyou assigna newlocomotivelD#. 1U7t2008 DCS& TMCC CAB-I codesfor mv... Page8 of8 RAILSOUNDS5.O FEATURES- TMCC DynaChuff determinesthe levelof chuffingsounds.At low speeds,the Your locomotiveA€ilsspeedautomatically chuffingis relaxed.\Men youhighballdownthe mainline,thechuffingintensityis labored.You mayalso manuallyset the chuffsoundsto a particularlevelusingyourCAB-1RemoteController. Multi-Whlstle A differentwhistlesoundat differentspeedsA€"a RailSounds5.0 soundsystemexclusive. Authentlcbell PressBELL on yourtransformerto beginthe efiect,then pressBELL a secondtime to discontinuethe effect. Squealingbrakes Pressthe BRAKEbuttonand listenfor the squealingof the locomotivel€ils brakesas the locomotiveslors down. Coupler releasesounds UseyourGAB-I RemoteControllerto releasethe Electro-Coupler, and you get the soundsof the coupler opening. TowerComannouncements Tower0omannouncements area dispatcher-initiated radioconversation withthe engineer.Depending on the movementof the locomotive,the dialogwill change.The RailSounds5.0 soundsystemwill oftenusedifferent wordsand phraseswhencomposing the conversation. CrewTalkdialog CrewTalkdialogis an engineer-initiated radioconversation with the dispatcher.Dependingon the movement of the locomotive, the dialogwill change.The RailSounds 5.0soundsystemwill oftenusedifferentwordsand phraseswhencomposingthe conversation. Reveee unit reset sound Powerdownyourtrack,wait threeseconds,and listenfor the air-releasesoundd€"that#ils the locomotive tellingyouthat its LionelCommandreverseunithasresetto fonnrard. (A nine-voltalkalinebatteryis required.) Shutdown$equence \Mtenyou turn off trackpower,you havetwo secondsto powerup againafreryou hearthe reverseunitreset sound.lf you do not restorepower,youwill hearthe realisticshutdownsequence.Becausetrackpoweris off, a batteryis requiredfor this sequenceto function. rU712008
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