Farmer/Producer Application 2008


Farmer/Producer Application 2008
Thank you for your interest in the Phoenixville Farmers’ Market. The Market opened in
2002, and it has gained widespread acceptance and community support, with record sales
and participation last season. We are looking forward to an even better year in 2008.
Enclosed you will find a 2008 Farmer/Producer Application for the Market. If you would
like to sell at the market, please send the following to the address below:
1. A completed application
2. Copies of all permits, licenses, labels etc. required by the county or the state for
you to sell your product
Phoenixville Farmers’ Market
c/o Kirsten Van Vlandren
223 Carolina Avenue
Phoenixville, PA 19460
You do not need to send any payment or proof of insurance with your application. Once
we receive your application and copies of the necessary permits, we will call you to
discuss your farm or farm-related business. After our discussion, we will consider how
your business will contribute to the market and how the market can help you, in order to
decide if we can accept your application. If you are accepted into the Market, we will
then require the following:
1. Proof of $1,000,000.00 liability insurance listing the “Phoenixville Main Street
CDC” as an additional insured
2. An initial payment of $60.00 towards the annual market fee of $180.00
Again, thank you for your interest in the market, and feel free to call me at
484-924-8203, or email me at, you have any questions.
Kirsten Van Vlandren
Market Manager
Phoenixville Farmers' Market
Located in the Parking Lot at Taylors Alley
Under the Gay Street Bridge, Phoenixville. Pa 19460
Open Every Saturday, 9am to 1pm
May 10 through November 22
Farmer/Producer Application
The Phoenixville Farmers' Market, a grower/producer market located at the Foundry in downtown
Phoenixville, was established to: -Build community in downtown Phoenixville
-Support local farms and preserve local agriculture
- Improve health through nutrition education
-Increase access to fresh, affordable, nutritious food
The Market is open every Saturday, Mid-May through November, from 9am to 1pm. For more
information about the Market, visit
Farm/Business Name ____________________________________________
Contact Person ________________________________________________
Farm/Business address ____________________________________________
Mailing address (if different from farm/business loction) ____________________________________
Phone #_______________________ Fax #_______________________ Cell #_________________
email address _______________________________
Website _________________________
Farm/Business Description
Please write a few sentences describing your farm or business and your products (if your application is
accepted, this information will be used to create our 2007 brochure.) Feel free to write or print this on a
separate piece of paper.
For Farmers
How many acres do you farm? ______________________________________
How long have you been farming? ____________________________________
What are your major products (general, ie. vegetables, beef, etc.) _________________________
How would you describe your production method? (ie. certified organic, organic but not certified, natural,
conventional, low spray etc.)_____________________________________________________
Do you plan to come to the Market for the whole season? _____________________________
If not, when will you come to the Market - estimated start date_________________________
estimated end date _______________________
How often will you come? ___ weekly ___ every other week (weekly is preferred)
Do you accept FMNP (WIC) vouchers? ______________________________________________
Phoenixville Farmers' Market
__beans, lima
__beans, green
__beans, soy
__bok choy
__brussel sprouts
__cabbage, chinese
__corn, sweet
__greens, collard
__peppers, hot
__peppers, sweet
__squash, summer
__squash, winter
__sweet potatoes
Farmer/Producer Application
Crop List
Please check off all products you grow/produce
__Other (list)
__lemon balm
__hot dogs
__Other (list)
__baked goods
__beeswax products
__dried flowers
__jams, jellies. preserves
__potted plants
Phoenixville Farmers' Market
Farmer/Producer Application
Fee Structure
Farmer fees help cover operating expenses to make the Market successful, such as advertising and
Fees are as follows:
(We strongly encourage farmers/producers to come to the Market each week they have product to sell)
Whole Season $180.00
Weekly $18.00
* Checks should be made payable to Phoenixville Main Street CDC
** Whole season fees may be paid in 3 installments of $60 each, 5/1, 8/1, 10/1
Market Rules
1. Vendors shall sell only agricultural, food, or other items that they themselves have grown, produced or processed.
Exceptions may be made when farmers are working cooperatively. Approval for such exceptions will be made on a case
by case basis.
2. All products must comply with federal, state and local health and agriculture regulations. Farmers/producers must
have any necessary licenses or permits that may be required to produce and sell their product and shall provide the
market manager copies of such permits. Farmers/producers must comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the
United States, the State of Pennsylvania, the Borough of Phoenixville, and the County of Chester.
3. Baked goods and prepared foods should highlight regional produce and seasonal ingredients, and when possible,
should be prepared with healthful whole grains and unrefined sugars. No commercial mixes,
crusts, flavored fillings, or artificially flavored ingredients should be used in bakery products. Traditional cultural baked
goods, (such as Whoopee Pies or Empanadas) may be allowed at the discretion of management on a limited basis.
4. Each producer shall display a sign, which states the producer's name and address.
5. All farmers/producers agree to host a site visit by a representative from the Market, if requested.
6. All farmers/producers shall provide the market manager with a copy of their liability insurance policies. "Phoenixville
Main Street CDC" must be listed as an additional insured.
By signing this application, I agree to comply with the Phoenixville Farmers' Market rules, to pay the applicable
market fees, and participate fully in the Phoenixville Farmers' Market for the 2008 season.
_________________________________________________________ Date ___________________
Please mail completed application to:
Phoenixville Farmers' Market, c/o Kirsten VanVlandren
223 Carolina Avenue
Phoenixville, PA 19460
email: phone: 484-924-8203