Geoweb Overview
Geoweb Overview
comprehensive tools and services GEOWEB® system standard sizes Geoweb® sections are available in various cell types and depths, and section lengths to most economically meet project requirements. TOOLS: •Technical resources binder/CD creating •Engineering analysis/technical overviews 2 2 8 4. (4 in G W 30 V 3 1. (7 cm ) 2 in G W 20 V •Online SPECMaker® specification development tool 2 9 28 Available 75 mm (3 in), 100 mm (4 in), 150 mm (6 in), 200 mm (8 in) cell depths cm 2.3 m (7.7 ft) to 2.8 m (9.2 ft) GLOBAL LEADER • GLOBAL PARTNER 0 46 GW20V GW30V GW40V 1% 2) ea in Ar 7 ll 18 Ce 2 ( m 2 1. Variable Section Length Range Cells Long: 18, 21, 25, 29, 34 Minimum Maximum 3.7 m (12.0 ft) 8.3 m (27.3 ft) 4.7 m (15.4 ft) 10.7 m (35.1 ft) 7.7 m (25.4 ft) 17.8 m (58.2 ft) Ce ll Ty G pe W 40 V Section Width al in om N Cell Type Presto Geosystems and its distributors / representatives offer the most-complete services in the industry to support project design and installation requirements. sustainable •Project case studies ) •Detailed construction instructions Cell size and depth are determined by the details of the application, problem or desired solution. environments TM Refer to the Geoweb® material specification for more information. SERVICES: Project Evaluation Service: We analyze specific project needs and provide recommended preliminary designs for each project. integral system components TENDONS Tendons may be required and are available in various tensile strengths to meet specific requirements. The use of tendons: •Provides additional stability against gravitational and hydrodynamic forces. Presto Geosystems is committed to helping you apply the best solutions to your soil stabilization problems. Our solutions-focused approach to solving problems adds value to every project. Rely on the leaders in the industry when you need a solution that is right for your application. Contact Presto Geosystems or Presto Geosystems’ worldwide network of knowledgeable distributors / representatives for assistance. ATRA ANCHORS Presto’s ATRA® Clip provides time and material cost savings during installation of the Geoweb® system. (1) ® •Used with ½ inch rebar stakes, ATRA® Anchors are easier to drive than J-hook stakes, improving installation productivity. (4) 2 1 ATRA RESTRAINT CLIP The ATRA® Clip becomes a load-transfer mechanism when connected to tendons at specific load-transfer points. (3) Other components may include an underlying geotextile separation layer and/or impervious geomembrane layer, geogrids, an erosion control blanket, turf reinforcement mat or other surface treatments. UNSURPASSED QUALITY Presto’s commitment to quality begins with manufacturing and continues through final installation. GEOWEB •Quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000. •Sections manufactured from high-quality polyethylene provides consistent and maximum seam weld strength. ® cellular confinement system •Materials engineered to established geosynthetic industry guidelines. GEOWEB ® The Geoweb system is an engineered, high-strength network of interconnected cells that confines and stabilizes soils. The Geoweb® system provides innovative solutions to challenging soil stability problems in slope and channel protection, load support and earth retention applications. 1. ATRA® Clip 2. ATRA® Anchor with tendon 3. ATRA® Restraint Clip 4. ATRA® Anchor 5. ATRA® Anchor and specialized driving tools 4 5 PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS P.O. Box 2399 670 North Perkins Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54912-2399, USA P: 920-738-1707 TF:800-548-3424 F: 920-738-1222 E: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS; GEOSYNTHETICS, RETAINING, REINFORCED SOILS, PAVEMENTS, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, LANDSCAPING, WATER MANAGEMENT, CONTAINMENT, DEWATERING, ROCKFALL, COASTAL, BUILDING SOLUTIONS; AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, VITICULTURE, AQUACULTURE; INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS Head Office 14 Goodman Place P O Box 12536, Penrose Auckland 1642, New Zealand Tel: (64) 9 634 6495 Fax: (64) 9 634 6492 Napier Christchurch Hamilton Tel: 0800 60 60 20 158 Waterloo Road, Hornby Tel: 0800 60 60 20 P O Box 6227 Upper Riccarton Fax: (64) 6 836 6647 Fax: (64) 7 823 5041 Christchurch 8442, New Zealand Tel: (64) 3 349 5600 Fax: (64) 3 349 5004 Associates & Stock • INVERCARGILL • QUEENSTOWN • DUNEDIN • CHRISTCHURCH • Quality System Certified AS/NZS.ISO 9001-2000 our commitment: providing the highest quality products/solutions GW/GO-Nz Aug 2008 © 2008 Presto Geosystems AP-5691 A variety of infill materials can be used based upon details of the specific project/problem: •topsoil with various selected vegetation •aggregates from sand and gravel to larger rock or stone •concrete of various strengths and surface finishes •on-site available fill • WELLINGTON • PALMERSTON NTH • HASTINGS • HAMILTON • • TAURANGA • AUCKLAND • PAPUA NEW GUINEA • NEW CALEDONIA • • FIJI • COOK ISLANDS & OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDS. Geosystems®, Geoweb®, ATRA®, and SPECMaker® are registered trademarks of Presto Products Co. Creating sustainable environments™ is a trademark of Presto Products Co. This information has been prepared for the benefit of customers interested in the Geoweb® cellular confinement system. It was reviewed carefully prior to publication. Presto assumes no liability for its accuracy or completeness. Final determination of the suitability of any information or material for the use contemplated, or for its manner of use, is the sole responsibility of the user. System components include: •the perforated Geoweb® section •the specific infill material •ATRA® anchoring components •other critical, value-added components INFILL OPTIONS 0800 60 60 20 Engineered Environmental Solutions complete manufacturing process adheres to a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000, assuring consistent quality products. •engineered tendon reinforcement (when applicable) DISTRIBUTED BY: 3 methodologies, creative applications, and proven field results that provide long-term solutions to unique and difficult problems. system and components ® PRODUCT CATALOG ® Type and spacing of tendons and anchors are determined through analytical methods available through Presto Geosystems. Presto takes pride in providing highest quality products and solutions. Geoweb® sections are manufactured from high-quality polyethylene to achieve maximum seam weld strength and overall system performance. And the •Sections backed by a 10-year limited warranty. •Tendons and an ATRA® Anchor array provide additional anchoring to resist sliding and/or uplift forces. (2) •Specialized driving tools are available to significantly speed the driving of anchors. (5) advancing geotechnology highest quality products /solutions PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS’ COMMITMENT — To provide the highest quality products and solutions. •Is particularly effective on steeper embankments, where high flows exist or when a geomembrane underlayer or hard soil/rock prevents anchoring with stakes. ® Presto leads the cellular confinement industry in research and development resulting in meaningful product improvements, innovative features, advanced engineering Construction Services: Qualified on-site field support specialists can be available for construction training, and start-up installation supervision. Tendons, ATRA® Anchors and ATRA® Load-Restraint Clips may be integrated to meet engineering requirements: For the most advanced soil stabilization technology today, rely on Presto’s Geoweb cellular confinement system for solving challenging soil stability problems. •combinations of the above to meet project special conditions solving challenging soil stabilization problems comprehensive tools and services GEOWEB® system standard sizes Geoweb® sections are available in various cell types and depths, and section lengths to most economically meet project requirements. 2 ) 2 in G W 20 V 2 8 4. (4 in G W 30 V 3 1. (7 cm material specification for more information. TENDONS Tendons may be required and are available in various tensile strengths to meet specific requirements. The use of tendons: •Provides additional stability against gravitational and hydrodynamic forces. ATRA ANCHORS Presto’s ATRA® Clip provides time and material cost savings during installation of the Geoweb® system. (1) 2 1 Presto takes pride in providing highest quality products and solutions. Geoweb® sections are manufactured from high-quality polyethylene to achieve maximum seam weld strength and overall system performance. And the UNSURPASSED QUALITY Presto’s commitment to quality begins with manufacturing and continues through final installation. GEOWEB •Quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000. •Sections manufactured from high-quality polyethylene provides consistent and maximum seam weld strength. ® cellular confinement system •Materials engineered to established geosynthetic industry guidelines. GEOWEB ® The Geoweb system is an engineered, high-strength network of interconnected cells that confines and stabilizes soils. The Geoweb® system provides innovative solutions to challenging soil stability problems in slope and channel protection, load support and earth retention applications. 1. ATRA® Clip 2. ATRA® Anchor with tendon 3. ATRA® Restraint Clip 4. ATRA® Anchor 5. ATRA® Anchor and specialized driving tools 4 5 PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS P.O. Box 2399 670 North Perkins Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54912-2399, USA P: 920-738-1707 TF:800-548-3424 F: 920-738-1222 E: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS; GEOSYNTHETICS, RETAINING, REINFORCED SOILS, PAVEMENTS, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, LANDSCAPING, WATER MANAGEMENT, CONTAINMENT, DEWATERING, ROCKFALL, COASTAL, BUILDING SOLUTIONS; AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, VITICULTURE, AQUACULTURE; INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS Head Office 14 Goodman Place P O Box 12536, Penrose Auckland 1642, New Zealand Tel: (64) 9 634 6495 Fax: (64) 9 634 6492 Napier Christchurch Hamilton Tel: 0800 60 60 20 158 Waterloo Road, Hornby Tel: 0800 60 60 20 P O Box 6227 Upper Riccarton Fax: (64) 6 836 6647 Fax: (64) 7 823 5041 Christchurch 8442, New Zealand Tel: (64) 3 349 5600 Fax: (64) 3 349 5004 Associates & Stock • INVERCARGILL • QUEENSTOWN • DUNEDIN • CHRISTCHURCH • Quality System Certified AS/NZS.ISO 9001-2000 our commitment: providing the highest quality products/solutions GW/GO-Nz Aug 2008 © 2008 Presto Geosystems AP-5691 A variety of infill materials can be used based upon details of the specific project/problem: •topsoil with various selected vegetation •aggregates from sand and gravel to larger rock or stone •concrete of various strengths and surface finishes •on-site available fill • WELLINGTON • PALMERSTON NTH • HASTINGS • HAMILTON • • TAURANGA • AUCKLAND • PAPUA NEW GUINEA • NEW CALEDONIA • • FIJI • COOK ISLANDS & OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDS. Geosystems®, Geoweb®, ATRA®, and SPECMaker® are registered trademarks of Presto Products Co. Creating sustainable environments™ is a trademark of Presto Products Co. This information has been prepared for the benefit of customers interested in the Geoweb® cellular confinement system. It was reviewed carefully prior to publication. Presto assumes no liability for its accuracy or completeness. Final determination of the suitability of any information or material for the use contemplated, or for its manner of use, is the sole responsibility of the user. System components include: •the perforated Geoweb® section •the specific infill material •ATRA® anchoring components •other critical, value-added components INFILL OPTIONS 0800 60 60 20 Engineered Environmental Solutions complete manufacturing process adheres to a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000, assuring consistent quality products. •engineered tendon reinforcement (when applicable) DISTRIBUTED BY: 3 methodologies, creative applications, and proven field results that provide long-term solutions to unique and difficult problems. system and components ® PRODUCT CATALOG ® Other components may include an underlying geotextile separation layer and/or impervious geomembrane layer, geogrids, an erosion control blanket, turf reinforcement mat or other surface treatments. advancing geotechnology •Sections backed by a 10-year limited warranty. •Tendons and an ATRA® Anchor array provide additional anchoring to resist sliding and/or uplift forces. (2) Type and spacing of tendons and anchors are determined through analytical methods available through Presto Geosystems. ® highest quality products /solutions Presto Geosystems is committed to helping you apply the best solutions to your soil stabilization problems. Our solutions-focused approach to solving problems adds value to every project. Rely on the leaders in the industry when you need a solution that is right for your application. Contact Presto Geosystems or Presto Geosystems’ worldwide network of knowledgeable distributors / representatives for assistance. ® For the most advanced soil stabilization technology today, rely on Presto’s Geoweb cellular confinement system for solving challenging soil stability problems. Presto leads the cellular confinement industry in research and development resulting in meaningful product improvements, innovative features, advanced engineering PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS’ COMMITMENT — To provide the highest quality products and solutions. •Is particularly effective on steeper embankments, where high flows exist or when a geomembrane underlayer or hard soil/rock prevents anchoring with stakes. ATRA RESTRAINT CLIP The ATRA® Clip becomes a load-transfer mechanism when connected to tendons at specific load-transfer points. (3) TM Construction Services: Qualified on-site field support specialists can be available for construction training, and start-up installation supervision. Tendons, ATRA® Anchors and ATRA® Load-Restraint Clips may be integrated to meet engineering requirements: •Specialized driving tools are available to significantly speed the driving of anchors. (5) environments SERVICES: Project Evaluation Service: We analyze specific project needs and provide recommended preliminary designs for each project. integral system components •Used with ½ inch rebar stakes, ATRA® Anchors are easier to drive than J-hook stakes, improving installation productivity. (4) sustainable •Project case studies ) Refer to the creating •Engineering analysis/technical overviews •Detailed construction instructions Cell size and depth are determined by the details of the application, problem or desired solution. Geoweb® TOOLS: •Technical resources binder/CD •Online SPECMaker® specification development tool 2 9 28 Available 75 mm (3 in), 100 mm (4 in), 150 mm (6 in), 200 mm (8 in) cell depths cm 2.3 m (7.7 ft) to 2.8 m (9.2 ft) GLOBAL LEADER • GLOBAL PARTNER 0 46 GW20V GW30V GW40V 1% 2) ea in Ar 7 ll 18 Ce 2 ( m 2 1. Variable Section Length Range Cells Long: 18, 21, 25, 29, 34 Minimum Maximum 3.7 m (12.0 ft) 8.3 m (27.3 ft) 4.7 m (15.4 ft) 10.7 m (35.1 ft) 7.7 m (25.4 ft) 17.8 m (58.2 ft) Ce ll Ty G pe W 40 V Section Width al in om N Cell Type Presto Geosystems and its distributors / representatives offer the most-complete services in the industry to support project design and installation requirements. •combinations of the above to meet project special conditions solving challenging soil stabilization problems channel protection system slope & shoreline protection system earth retention system The Geoweb® channel protection system provides a wide variety of flexible protection treatments for open channels and hydraulic structures. The system provides stability and protection of channels exposed to erosive conditions ranging from low-to-high flows either intermittent or continuous. The Geoweb® slope and shoreline protection system confines, reinforces and restrains the upper soil layer and infill controlling down-slope movement and slippage due to hydrodynamic and gravitational forces. The Geoweb® system, when layered, becomes an earth retention system meeting all project-specific structural requirements. The system allows for construction flexibility and provides aesthetics through a completely vegetated face. Horizontal terraces are formed where vegetation can flourish in the exposed outer cell infill. The system captures rainwater and controls groundwater evaporation, creating a more natural environment for vegetation. •Provides effective slope protection and structural confinement of granular materials such as sand, gravel and larger rock or stone. •Greatly improves the hydraulic performance of conventional protection materials such as aggregate, rip-rap and vegetation by confining them within the cellular structure. •Can produce a flexible concrete slab for a low-friction, armored channel lining. •Can be designed for specific site conditions based upon compatibility with local environmental, ecological and aesthetic requirements, maximum anticipated flow, and associated hydraulic stresses. •Surface roughness and hydraulic efficiency of the lining system can be changed to control flow. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •swales and drainage ditches •storm water diversion or containment •process water channels •spillways/down chutes/drop structures •culvert outfalls •Becomes a flexible concrete mat with built-in expansion joints when cells are infilled with concrete. •Meets a wide range of structural and hydraulic requirements as single or multi-layered systems. •Creates additional stability by integrating tendons on steeper slopes and shoreline embankments or when a geomembrane or hard soil/rock surface prevents anchoring with stakes. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •cut or fill embankment slopes •geomembrane protection •shoreline revetments •landfill linings and covers •storm water/waste water lagoons •dam faces and spillways •abutment protection •containment dikes & levees load support system The Geoweb® load support system stabilizes the selected infill and provides solutions in three key areas: 1) a load distribution system over weak soils, 2) base stabilization for paved surfaces and 3) surface stabilization for unpaved surfaces. Confined infill in the system produces a stiff layer with high flexural strength. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Maintains structural stability against all loading through its mass and frictional values of the infill. •bioengineered walls •Meets site challenges when subgrade soils are compressible or construction is in difficult-to-access locations. •dike & levee protection •Creates blending with any environment through use of tan, green or special-colored facia panels. •steepened embankments •culvert headwalls •landscape development walls •vegetated channel structures •sound barriers •intermittent or continuous/low to high flow channels •Significantly minimizes surface rutting. •Distributes loads laterally and reduces vertical deflection and subgrade contact pressures. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Controls shearing and lateral movement of the coarse and permeable infill material. •permanent and temporary site access roads •With open aggregate infill, reduces storm water runoff and creates on-site water detention/retention basin. •intermodal/port facilities •In most cases, the Geoweb® system doubles the effective structural number for load support. •permeable, load-supporting surfaces •transportation/storage yards •roadway shoulders •stabilized drainage layer •Subgrade drainage requirements and deformation potential within the structure can also be addressed. •stabilized base for asphalt/modular block pavements •track ballast and subballast structures •trails and walkways •boat ramps and low water crossings •foundation mattresses & pipeline protection •trench inverts channel, slope, and shoreline •Perforations facilitate parallel slope drainage of the infilled cell. In saturated conditions, the removal of excess water increases infill friction, reducing down slope sliding forces, resulting in a more stable system. load support earth retention •In vegetated systems, perforations allow roots to grow from cell-to-cell creating greater vegetative stability against short-term hydraulic events. •With aggregate infill, perforations create greater frictional resistance between infill materials and the textured/perforated cell wall, resulting in greater resistance to hydraulic scour. •With concrete infill, perforations allow infill to interlock with the cell walls, increasing frictional resistance, creating a better armored slope. benefits of •Perforations improve frictional interaction between the textured/perforated cell wall, creating greater back wall friction, potentially reducing horizontal destabilizing forces and increasing vertical stabilizing forces. perforations •Perforations create a better full-wall drained system that significantly reduces hydrostatic forces, resulting in more economical wall designs. •Perforations and a textured surface increase the friction angle between aggregate infill and the cell wall, generating better aggregate lockup and greater overall load distribution. • Perforations facilitate lateral cell-to-cell drainage of excessive ground and surface water, reducing the negative effects of trafficking over saturated soils. channel protection system slope & shoreline protection system earth retention system The Geoweb® channel protection system provides a wide variety of flexible protection treatments for open channels and hydraulic structures. The system provides stability and protection of channels exposed to erosive conditions ranging from low-to-high flows either intermittent or continuous. The Geoweb® slope and shoreline protection system confines, reinforces and restrains the upper soil layer and infill controlling down-slope movement and slippage due to hydrodynamic and gravitational forces. The Geoweb® system, when layered, becomes an earth retention system meeting all project-specific structural requirements. The system allows for construction flexibility and provides aesthetics through a completely vegetated face. Horizontal terraces are formed where vegetation can flourish in the exposed outer cell infill. The system captures rainwater and controls groundwater evaporation, creating a more natural environment for vegetation. •Provides effective slope protection and structural confinement of granular materials such as sand, gravel and larger rock or stone. •Greatly improves the hydraulic performance of conventional protection materials such as aggregate, rip-rap and vegetation by confining them within the cellular structure. •Can produce a flexible concrete slab for a low-friction, armored channel lining. •Can be designed for specific site conditions based upon compatibility with local environmental, ecological and aesthetic requirements, maximum anticipated flow, and associated hydraulic stresses. •Surface roughness and hydraulic efficiency of the lining system can be changed to control flow. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •swales and drainage ditches •storm water diversion or containment •process water channels •spillways/down chutes/drop structures •culvert outfalls •Becomes a flexible concrete mat with built-in expansion joints when cells are infilled with concrete. •Meets a wide range of structural and hydraulic requirements as single or multi-layered systems. •Creates additional stability by integrating tendons on steeper slopes and shoreline embankments or when a geomembrane or hard soil/rock surface prevents anchoring with stakes. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •cut or fill embankment slopes •geomembrane protection •shoreline revetments •landfill linings and covers •storm water/waste water lagoons •dam faces and spillways •abutment protection •containment dikes & levees load support system The Geoweb® load support system stabilizes the selected infill and provides solutions in three key areas: 1) a load distribution system over weak soils, 2) base stabilization for paved surfaces and 3) surface stabilization for unpaved surfaces. Confined infill in the system produces a stiff layer with high flexural strength. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Maintains structural stability against all loading through its mass and frictional values of the infill. •bioengineered walls •Meets site challenges when subgrade soils are compressible or construction is in difficult-to-access locations. •dike & levee protection •Creates blending with any environment through use of tan, green or special-colored facia panels. •steepened embankments •culvert headwalls •landscape development walls •vegetated channel structures •sound barriers •intermittent or continuous/low to high flow channels •Significantly minimizes surface rutting. •Distributes loads laterally and reduces vertical deflection and subgrade contact pressures. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Controls shearing and lateral movement of the coarse and permeable infill material. •permanent and temporary site access roads •With open aggregate infill, reduces storm water runoff and creates on-site water detention/retention basin. •intermodal/port facilities •In most cases, the Geoweb® system doubles the effective structural number for load support. •permeable, load-supporting surfaces •transportation/storage yards •roadway shoulders •stabilized drainage layer •Subgrade drainage requirements and deformation potential within the structure can also be addressed. •stabilized base for asphalt/modular block pavements •track ballast and subballast structures •trails and walkways •boat ramps and low water crossings •foundation mattresses & pipeline protection •trench inverts channel, slope, and shoreline •Perforations facilitate parallel slope drainage of the infilled cell. In saturated conditions, the removal of excess water increases infill friction, reducing down slope sliding forces, resulting in a more stable system. load support earth retention •In vegetated systems, perforations allow roots to grow from cell-to-cell creating greater vegetative stability against short-term hydraulic events. •With aggregate infill, perforations create greater frictional resistance between infill materials and the textured/perforated cell wall, resulting in greater resistance to hydraulic scour. •With concrete infill, perforations allow infill to interlock with the cell walls, increasing frictional resistance, creating a better armored slope. benefits of •Perforations improve frictional interaction between the textured/perforated cell wall, creating greater back wall friction, potentially reducing horizontal destabilizing forces and increasing vertical stabilizing forces. perforations •Perforations create a better full-wall drained system that significantly reduces hydrostatic forces, resulting in more economical wall designs. •Perforations and a textured surface increase the friction angle between aggregate infill and the cell wall, generating better aggregate lockup and greater overall load distribution. • Perforations facilitate lateral cell-to-cell drainage of excessive ground and surface water, reducing the negative effects of trafficking over saturated soils. channel protection system slope & shoreline protection system earth retention system The Geoweb® channel protection system provides a wide variety of flexible protection treatments for open channels and hydraulic structures. The system provides stability and protection of channels exposed to erosive conditions ranging from low-to-high flows either intermittent or continuous. The Geoweb® slope and shoreline protection system confines, reinforces and restrains the upper soil layer and infill controlling down-slope movement and slippage due to hydrodynamic and gravitational forces. The Geoweb® system, when layered, becomes an earth retention system meeting all project-specific structural requirements. The system allows for construction flexibility and provides aesthetics through a completely vegetated face. Horizontal terraces are formed where vegetation can flourish in the exposed outer cell infill. The system captures rainwater and controls groundwater evaporation, creating a more natural environment for vegetation. •Provides effective slope protection and structural confinement of granular materials such as sand, gravel and larger rock or stone. •Greatly improves the hydraulic performance of conventional protection materials such as aggregate, rip-rap and vegetation by confining them within the cellular structure. •Can produce a flexible concrete slab for a low-friction, armored channel lining. •Can be designed for specific site conditions based upon compatibility with local environmental, ecological and aesthetic requirements, maximum anticipated flow, and associated hydraulic stresses. •Surface roughness and hydraulic efficiency of the lining system can be changed to control flow. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •swales and drainage ditches •storm water diversion or containment •process water channels •spillways/down chutes/drop structures •culvert outfalls •Becomes a flexible concrete mat with built-in expansion joints when cells are infilled with concrete. •Meets a wide range of structural and hydraulic requirements as single or multi-layered systems. •Creates additional stability by integrating tendons on steeper slopes and shoreline embankments or when a geomembrane or hard soil/rock surface prevents anchoring with stakes. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •cut or fill embankment slopes •geomembrane protection •shoreline revetments •landfill linings and covers •storm water/waste water lagoons •dam faces and spillways •abutment protection •containment dikes & levees load support system The Geoweb® load support system stabilizes the selected infill and provides solutions in three key areas: 1) a load distribution system over weak soils, 2) base stabilization for paved surfaces and 3) surface stabilization for unpaved surfaces. Confined infill in the system produces a stiff layer with high flexural strength. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Maintains structural stability against all loading through its mass and frictional values of the infill. •bioengineered walls •Meets site challenges when subgrade soils are compressible or construction is in difficult-to-access locations. •dike & levee protection •Creates blending with any environment through use of tan, green or special-colored facia panels. •steepened embankments •culvert headwalls •landscape development walls •vegetated channel structures •sound barriers •intermittent or continuous/low to high flow channels •Significantly minimizes surface rutting. •Distributes loads laterally and reduces vertical deflection and subgrade contact pressures. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Controls shearing and lateral movement of the coarse and permeable infill material. •permanent and temporary site access roads •With open aggregate infill, reduces storm water runoff and creates on-site water detention/retention basin. •intermodal/port facilities •In most cases, the Geoweb® system doubles the effective structural number for load support. •permeable, load-supporting surfaces •transportation/storage yards •roadway shoulders •stabilized drainage layer •Subgrade drainage requirements and deformation potential within the structure can also be addressed. •stabilized base for asphalt/modular block pavements •track ballast and subballast structures •trails and walkways •boat ramps and low water crossings •foundation mattresses & pipeline protection •trench inverts channel, slope, and shoreline •Perforations facilitate parallel slope drainage of the infilled cell. In saturated conditions, the removal of excess water increases infill friction, reducing down slope sliding forces, resulting in a more stable system. load support earth retention •In vegetated systems, perforations allow roots to grow from cell-to-cell creating greater vegetative stability against short-term hydraulic events. •With aggregate infill, perforations create greater frictional resistance between infill materials and the textured/perforated cell wall, resulting in greater resistance to hydraulic scour. •With concrete infill, perforations allow infill to interlock with the cell walls, increasing frictional resistance, creating a better armored slope. benefits of •Perforations improve frictional interaction between the textured/perforated cell wall, creating greater back wall friction, potentially reducing horizontal destabilizing forces and increasing vertical stabilizing forces. perforations •Perforations create a better full-wall drained system that significantly reduces hydrostatic forces, resulting in more economical wall designs. •Perforations and a textured surface increase the friction angle between aggregate infill and the cell wall, generating better aggregate lockup and greater overall load distribution. • Perforations facilitate lateral cell-to-cell drainage of excessive ground and surface water, reducing the negative effects of trafficking over saturated soils. channel protection system slope & shoreline protection system earth retention system The Geoweb® channel protection system provides a wide variety of flexible protection treatments for open channels and hydraulic structures. The system provides stability and protection of channels exposed to erosive conditions ranging from low-to-high flows either intermittent or continuous. The Geoweb® slope and shoreline protection system confines, reinforces and restrains the upper soil layer and infill controlling down-slope movement and slippage due to hydrodynamic and gravitational forces. The Geoweb® system, when layered, becomes an earth retention system meeting all project-specific structural requirements. The system allows for construction flexibility and provides aesthetics through a completely vegetated face. Horizontal terraces are formed where vegetation can flourish in the exposed outer cell infill. The system captures rainwater and controls groundwater evaporation, creating a more natural environment for vegetation. •Provides effective slope protection and structural confinement of granular materials such as sand, gravel and larger rock or stone. •Greatly improves the hydraulic performance of conventional protection materials such as aggregate, rip-rap and vegetation by confining them within the cellular structure. •Can produce a flexible concrete slab for a low-friction, armored channel lining. •Can be designed for specific site conditions based upon compatibility with local environmental, ecological and aesthetic requirements, maximum anticipated flow, and associated hydraulic stresses. •Surface roughness and hydraulic efficiency of the lining system can be changed to control flow. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •swales and drainage ditches •storm water diversion or containment •process water channels •spillways/down chutes/drop structures •culvert outfalls •Becomes a flexible concrete mat with built-in expansion joints when cells are infilled with concrete. •Meets a wide range of structural and hydraulic requirements as single or multi-layered systems. •Creates additional stability by integrating tendons on steeper slopes and shoreline embankments or when a geomembrane or hard soil/rock surface prevents anchoring with stakes. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •cut or fill embankment slopes •geomembrane protection •shoreline revetments •landfill linings and covers •storm water/waste water lagoons •dam faces and spillways •abutment protection •containment dikes & levees load support system The Geoweb® load support system stabilizes the selected infill and provides solutions in three key areas: 1) a load distribution system over weak soils, 2) base stabilization for paved surfaces and 3) surface stabilization for unpaved surfaces. Confined infill in the system produces a stiff layer with high flexural strength. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Maintains structural stability against all loading through its mass and frictional values of the infill. •bioengineered walls •Meets site challenges when subgrade soils are compressible or construction is in difficult-to-access locations. •dike & levee protection •Creates blending with any environment through use of tan, green or special-colored facia panels. •steepened embankments •culvert headwalls •landscape development walls •vegetated channel structures •sound barriers •intermittent or continuous/low to high flow channels •Significantly minimizes surface rutting. •Distributes loads laterally and reduces vertical deflection and subgrade contact pressures. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS •Controls shearing and lateral movement of the coarse and permeable infill material. •permanent and temporary site access roads •With open aggregate infill, reduces storm water runoff and creates on-site water detention/retention basin. •intermodal/port facilities •In most cases, the Geoweb® system doubles the effective structural number for load support. •permeable, load-supporting surfaces •transportation/storage yards •roadway shoulders •stabilized drainage layer •Subgrade drainage requirements and deformation potential within the structure can also be addressed. •stabilized base for asphalt/modular block pavements •track ballast and subballast structures •trails and walkways •boat ramps and low water crossings •foundation mattresses & pipeline protection •trench inverts channel, slope, and shoreline •Perforations facilitate parallel slope drainage of the infilled cell. In saturated conditions, the removal of excess water increases infill friction, reducing down slope sliding forces, resulting in a more stable system. load support earth retention •In vegetated systems, perforations allow roots to grow from cell-to-cell creating greater vegetative stability against short-term hydraulic events. •With aggregate infill, perforations create greater frictional resistance between infill materials and the textured/perforated cell wall, resulting in greater resistance to hydraulic scour. •With concrete infill, perforations allow infill to interlock with the cell walls, increasing frictional resistance, creating a better armored slope. benefits of •Perforations improve frictional interaction between the textured/perforated cell wall, creating greater back wall friction, potentially reducing horizontal destabilizing forces and increasing vertical stabilizing forces. perforations •Perforations create a better full-wall drained system that significantly reduces hydrostatic forces, resulting in more economical wall designs. •Perforations and a textured surface increase the friction angle between aggregate infill and the cell wall, generating better aggregate lockup and greater overall load distribution. • Perforations facilitate lateral cell-to-cell drainage of excessive ground and surface water, reducing the negative effects of trafficking over saturated soils. comprehensive tools and services GEOWEB® system standard sizes Geoweb® sections are available in various cell types and depths, and section lengths to most economically meet project requirements. 2 ) 2 in G W 20 V 2 8 4. (4 in G W 30 V 3 1. (7 cm material specification for more information. TENDONS Tendons may be required and are available in various tensile strengths to meet specific requirements. The use of tendons: •Provides additional stability against gravitational and hydrodynamic forces. ATRA ANCHORS Presto’s ATRA® Clip provides time and material cost savings during installation of the Geoweb® system. (1) 2 1 Presto takes pride in providing highest quality products and solutions. Geoweb® sections are manufactured from high-quality polyethylene to achieve maximum seam weld strength and overall system performance. And the UNSURPASSED QUALITY Presto’s commitment to quality begins with manufacturing and continues through final installation. GEOWEB •Quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000. •Sections manufactured from high-quality polyethylene provides consistent and maximum seam weld strength. ® cellular confinement system •Materials engineered to established geosynthetic industry guidelines. GEOWEB ® The Geoweb system is an engineered, high-strength network of interconnected cells that confines and stabilizes soils. The Geoweb® system provides innovative solutions to challenging soil stability problems in slope and channel protection, load support and earth retention applications. 1. ATRA® Clip 2. ATRA® Anchor with tendon 3. ATRA® Restraint Clip 4. ATRA® Anchor 5. ATRA® Anchor and specialized driving tools 4 5 PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS P.O. Box 2399 670 North Perkins Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54912-2399, USA P: 920-738-1707 TF:800-548-3424 F: 920-738-1222 E: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS; GEOSYNTHETICS, RETAINING, REINFORCED SOILS, PAVEMENTS, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, LANDSCAPING, WATER MANAGEMENT, CONTAINMENT, DEWATERING, ROCKFALL, COASTAL, BUILDING SOLUTIONS; AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, VITICULTURE, AQUACULTURE; INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS Head Office 14 Goodman Place P O Box 12536, Penrose Auckland 1642, New Zealand Tel: (64) 9 634 6495 Fax: (64) 9 634 6492 Napier Christchurch Hamilton Tel: 0800 60 60 20 158 Waterloo Road, Hornby Tel: 0800 60 60 20 P O Box 6227 Upper Riccarton Fax: (64) 6 836 6647 Fax: (64) 7 823 5041 Christchurch 8442, New Zealand Tel: (64) 3 349 5600 Fax: (64) 3 349 5004 Associates & Stock • INVERCARGILL • QUEENSTOWN • DUNEDIN • CHRISTCHURCH • Quality System Certified AS/NZS.ISO 9001-2000 our commitment: providing the highest quality products/solutions GW/GO-Nz Aug 2008 © 2008 Presto Geosystems AP-5691 A variety of infill materials can be used based upon details of the specific project/problem: •topsoil with various selected vegetation •aggregates from sand and gravel to larger rock or stone •concrete of various strengths and surface finishes •on-site available fill • WELLINGTON • PALMERSTON NTH • HASTINGS • HAMILTON • • TAURANGA • AUCKLAND • PAPUA NEW GUINEA • NEW CALEDONIA • • FIJI • COOK ISLANDS & OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDS. Geosystems®, Geoweb®, ATRA®, and SPECMaker® are registered trademarks of Presto Products Co. Creating sustainable environments™ is a trademark of Presto Products Co. This information has been prepared for the benefit of customers interested in the Geoweb® cellular confinement system. It was reviewed carefully prior to publication. Presto assumes no liability for its accuracy or completeness. Final determination of the suitability of any information or material for the use contemplated, or for its manner of use, is the sole responsibility of the user. System components include: •the perforated Geoweb® section •the specific infill material •ATRA® anchoring components •other critical, value-added components INFILL OPTIONS 0800 60 60 20 Engineered Environmental Solutions complete manufacturing process adheres to a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000, assuring consistent quality products. •engineered tendon reinforcement (when applicable) DISTRIBUTED BY: 3 methodologies, creative applications, and proven field results that provide long-term solutions to unique and difficult problems. system and components ® PRODUCT CATALOG ® Other components may include an underlying geotextile separation layer and/or impervious geomembrane layer, geogrids, an erosion control blanket, turf reinforcement mat or other surface treatments. advancing geotechnology •Sections backed by a 10-year limited warranty. •Tendons and an ATRA® Anchor array provide additional anchoring to resist sliding and/or uplift forces. (2) Type and spacing of tendons and anchors are determined through analytical methods available through Presto Geosystems. ® highest quality products /solutions Presto Geosystems is committed to helping you apply the best solutions to your soil stabilization problems. Our solutions-focused approach to solving problems adds value to every project. Rely on the leaders in the industry when you need a solution that is right for your application. Contact Presto Geosystems or Presto Geosystems’ worldwide network of knowledgeable distributors / representatives for assistance. ® For the most advanced soil stabilization technology today, rely on Presto’s Geoweb cellular confinement system for solving challenging soil stability problems. Presto leads the cellular confinement industry in research and development resulting in meaningful product improvements, innovative features, advanced engineering PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS’ COMMITMENT — To provide the highest quality products and solutions. •Is particularly effective on steeper embankments, where high flows exist or when a geomembrane underlayer or hard soil/rock prevents anchoring with stakes. ATRA RESTRAINT CLIP The ATRA® Clip becomes a load-transfer mechanism when connected to tendons at specific load-transfer points. (3) TM Construction Services: Qualified on-site field support specialists can be available for construction training, and start-up installation supervision. Tendons, ATRA® Anchors and ATRA® Load-Restraint Clips may be integrated to meet engineering requirements: •Specialized driving tools are available to significantly speed the driving of anchors. (5) environments SERVICES: Project Evaluation Service: We analyze specific project needs and provide recommended preliminary designs for each project. integral system components •Used with ½ inch rebar stakes, ATRA® Anchors are easier to drive than J-hook stakes, improving installation productivity. (4) sustainable •Project case studies ) Refer to the creating •Engineering analysis/technical overviews •Detailed construction instructions Cell size and depth are determined by the details of the application, problem or desired solution. Geoweb® TOOLS: •Technical resources binder/CD •Online SPECMaker® specification development tool 2 9 28 Available 75 mm (3 in), 100 mm (4 in), 150 mm (6 in), 200 mm (8 in) cell depths cm 2.3 m (7.7 ft) to 2.8 m (9.2 ft) GLOBAL LEADER • GLOBAL PARTNER 0 46 GW20V GW30V GW40V 1% 2) ea in Ar 7 ll 18 Ce 2 ( m 2 1. Variable Section Length Range Cells Long: 18, 21, 25, 29, 34 Minimum Maximum 3.7 m (12.0 ft) 8.3 m (27.3 ft) 4.7 m (15.4 ft) 10.7 m (35.1 ft) 7.7 m (25.4 ft) 17.8 m (58.2 ft) Ce ll Ty G pe W 40 V Section Width al in om N Cell Type Presto Geosystems and its distributors / representatives offer the most-complete services in the industry to support project design and installation requirements. •combinations of the above to meet project special conditions solving challenging soil stabilization problems comprehensive tools and services GEOWEB® system standard sizes Geoweb® sections are available in various cell types and depths, and section lengths to most economically meet project requirements. 2 ) 2 in G W 20 V 2 8 4. (4 in G W 30 V 3 1. (7 cm material specification for more information. TENDONS Tendons may be required and are available in various tensile strengths to meet specific requirements. The use of tendons: •Provides additional stability against gravitational and hydrodynamic forces. ATRA ANCHORS Presto’s ATRA® Clip provides time and material cost savings during installation of the Geoweb® system. (1) 2 1 Presto takes pride in providing highest quality products and solutions. Geoweb® sections are manufactured from high-quality polyethylene to achieve maximum seam weld strength and overall system performance. And the UNSURPASSED QUALITY Presto’s commitment to quality begins with manufacturing and continues through final installation. GEOWEB •Quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000. •Sections manufactured from high-quality polyethylene provides consistent and maximum seam weld strength. ® cellular confinement system •Materials engineered to established geosynthetic industry guidelines. GEOWEB ® The Geoweb system is an engineered, high-strength network of interconnected cells that confines and stabilizes soils. The Geoweb® system provides innovative solutions to challenging soil stability problems in slope and channel protection, load support and earth retention applications. 1. ATRA® Clip 2. ATRA® Anchor with tendon 3. ATRA® Restraint Clip 4. ATRA® Anchor 5. ATRA® Anchor and specialized driving tools 4 5 PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS P.O. Box 2399 670 North Perkins Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54912-2399, USA P: 920-738-1707 TF:800-548-3424 F: 920-738-1222 E: CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS; GEOSYNTHETICS, RETAINING, REINFORCED SOILS, PAVEMENTS, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL, LANDSCAPING, WATER MANAGEMENT, CONTAINMENT, DEWATERING, ROCKFALL, COASTAL, BUILDING SOLUTIONS; AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, VITICULTURE, AQUACULTURE; INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS Head Office 14 Goodman Place P O Box 12536, Penrose Auckland 1642, New Zealand Tel: (64) 9 634 6495 Fax: (64) 9 634 6492 Napier Christchurch Hamilton Tel: 0800 60 60 20 158 Waterloo Road, Hornby Tel: 0800 60 60 20 P O Box 6227 Upper Riccarton Fax: (64) 6 836 6647 Fax: (64) 7 823 5041 Christchurch 8442, New Zealand Tel: (64) 3 349 5600 Fax: (64) 3 349 5004 Associates & Stock • INVERCARGILL • QUEENSTOWN • DUNEDIN • CHRISTCHURCH • Quality System Certified AS/NZS.ISO 9001-2000 our commitment: providing the highest quality products/solutions GW/GO-Nz Aug 2008 © 2008 Presto Geosystems AP-5691 A variety of infill materials can be used based upon details of the specific project/problem: •topsoil with various selected vegetation •aggregates from sand and gravel to larger rock or stone •concrete of various strengths and surface finishes •on-site available fill • WELLINGTON • PALMERSTON NTH • HASTINGS • HAMILTON • • TAURANGA • AUCKLAND • PAPUA NEW GUINEA • NEW CALEDONIA • • FIJI • COOK ISLANDS & OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDS. Geosystems®, Geoweb®, ATRA®, and SPECMaker® are registered trademarks of Presto Products Co. Creating sustainable environments™ is a trademark of Presto Products Co. This information has been prepared for the benefit of customers interested in the Geoweb® cellular confinement system. It was reviewed carefully prior to publication. Presto assumes no liability for its accuracy or completeness. Final determination of the suitability of any information or material for the use contemplated, or for its manner of use, is the sole responsibility of the user. System components include: •the perforated Geoweb® section •the specific infill material •ATRA® anchoring components •other critical, value-added components INFILL OPTIONS 0800 60 60 20 Engineered Environmental Solutions complete manufacturing process adheres to a quality management system certified to ISO 9001:2000, assuring consistent quality products. •engineered tendon reinforcement (when applicable) DISTRIBUTED BY: 3 methodologies, creative applications, and proven field results that provide long-term solutions to unique and difficult problems. system and components ® PRODUCT CATALOG ® Other components may include an underlying geotextile separation layer and/or impervious geomembrane layer, geogrids, an erosion control blanket, turf reinforcement mat or other surface treatments. advancing geotechnology •Sections backed by a 10-year limited warranty. •Tendons and an ATRA® Anchor array provide additional anchoring to resist sliding and/or uplift forces. (2) Type and spacing of tendons and anchors are determined through analytical methods available through Presto Geosystems. ® highest quality products /solutions Presto Geosystems is committed to helping you apply the best solutions to your soil stabilization problems. Our solutions-focused approach to solving problems adds value to every project. Rely on the leaders in the industry when you need a solution that is right for your application. Contact Presto Geosystems or Presto Geosystems’ worldwide network of knowledgeable distributors / representatives for assistance. ® For the most advanced soil stabilization technology today, rely on Presto’s Geoweb cellular confinement system for solving challenging soil stability problems. Presto leads the cellular confinement industry in research and development resulting in meaningful product improvements, innovative features, advanced engineering PRESTO GEOSYSTEMS’ COMMITMENT — To provide the highest quality products and solutions. •Is particularly effective on steeper embankments, where high flows exist or when a geomembrane underlayer or hard soil/rock prevents anchoring with stakes. ATRA RESTRAINT CLIP The ATRA® Clip becomes a load-transfer mechanism when connected to tendons at specific load-transfer points. (3) TM Construction Services: Qualified on-site field support specialists can be available for construction training, and start-up installation supervision. Tendons, ATRA® Anchors and ATRA® Load-Restraint Clips may be integrated to meet engineering requirements: •Specialized driving tools are available to significantly speed the driving of anchors. (5) environments SERVICES: Project Evaluation Service: We analyze specific project needs and provide recommended preliminary designs for each project. integral system components •Used with ½ inch rebar stakes, ATRA® Anchors are easier to drive than J-hook stakes, improving installation productivity. (4) sustainable •Project case studies ) Refer to the creating •Engineering analysis/technical overviews •Detailed construction instructions Cell size and depth are determined by the details of the application, problem or desired solution. Geoweb® TOOLS: •Technical resources binder/CD •Online SPECMaker® specification development tool 2 9 28 Available 75 mm (3 in), 100 mm (4 in), 150 mm (6 in), 200 mm (8 in) cell depths cm 2.3 m (7.7 ft) to 2.8 m (9.2 ft) GLOBAL LEADER • GLOBAL PARTNER 0 46 GW20V GW30V GW40V 1% 2) ea in Ar 7 ll 18 Ce 2 ( m 2 1. Variable Section Length Range Cells Long: 18, 21, 25, 29, 34 Minimum Maximum 3.7 m (12.0 ft) 8.3 m (27.3 ft) 4.7 m (15.4 ft) 10.7 m (35.1 ft) 7.7 m (25.4 ft) 17.8 m (58.2 ft) Ce ll Ty G pe W 40 V Section Width al in om N Cell Type Presto Geosystems and its distributors / representatives offer the most-complete services in the industry to support project design and installation requirements. •combinations of the above to meet project special conditions solving challenging soil stabilization problems
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