Early Bird - Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds


Early Bird - Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds
 The Early
Published monthly by the Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds
May 2014 Chapter 50 – Classic Thunderbird Club International Volume 42 No. 5
May 10
May 9, 2014, 7:30 PM
May 26
The Early Bird Fan is the monthly newsletter of the
Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds, SCVT. SCVT is
dedicated to the enjoyment of the classic 1955, 1956, and
1957 Ford Thunderbirds.
Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds
P.O. Box 26103 San Jose, CA 95159
Web Site: http://santaclaravalleytbirds.com
CTCI Site: http://www.ctci.org
Meetings: 7:30 p.m. meetings are held on the second
Friday of each month at West Valley College 14000
Fruitvale Ave. Saratoga, CA. in the college board room.
Events SCVT members participate in parades, displays,
homecomings, regional and national meets, local cars
shows, and driving events.
Membership Dues are $40.00 per year per family and
are due by January 31 of each year . SCVT is Chapter 50
of the Classic Thunderbird Club International, CTCI.
Membership in CTCI is mandatory to participate in
parades and displays sponsored by SCVT. See
http://www.ctci.org for CTCI membership requirements.
Newsletter Deadline: Turn in articles, ideas,
suggestions by 25th of each month. Send to:
Cliff Monroe: 1207 Minnesota Ave.,San Jose, CA. 95125
e-mail: cliffmm@aol.com, Phone: 408-998-5880
CAR‐toon corner
SCVT Items for sale contact Bernie Epolite brunina@garlic.com 2013 SCVT Board Members
Logo Sales
Ray Delgado
Bill Croxton
Tina Ford
Bob Lawrence
Cliff Monroe
Kathy Kelley
Carl Epolite
Don Hamblin
Jill Schwab
Patti Lee Swigart
Joe Ryan
Bernie Epolite
Caravan tips
- Maintain your car.
- Gas up and check fluids/tires.
- Know who your leader is and follow.
- Turn CB to channel 22.
- Turn FRS to channel 7-11.
- Gas up at scheduled pit stops.
- Generic cars at the end of the caravan.
Parts Boxes
Box 1 - Doc Dockter
Box 2 - Gene Cox
Box 3 - Bill Mann
6-Volt- Mike Williams
Tents - Gene Cox
Banner - Don Reisinger
Magnetic sign
Baseball mesh cap
Baseball cotton cap
Summer jacket
Winter jacket
Large patch
Name badge
License plate frame
Personalized tote
Logo polo shirt
3 piece luggage set
SCVT Cooler
Antenna Flag
Charm Bracelet
Charm Necklace
Key Chain
6 glass set
Car Wash Kit
See web site for logo items.
SCVT President’s Message, Ray’s Reckonings
Time flies when you’re having fun. We must be having a whole lot of fun because its already May!!! Can you believe it, and for those that haven’t taken your car out for a spin yet. Don’t wait too long, another year will pass and you’ll wonder why your little bird keeps breaking down. Speaking of driving your car, we had a whole bunch of little birds and some “generics” heading south to the Fabulous Fords Forever car show at Knots Berry Farm. (I wrote this prior to the event) I’m sure we ate every two hours and had a great trip down and back. Thanks Joe Ryan & Charlie Affrunti. Hey….. You ever wonder what your fellow SCVT member do for a living? Or if they are retired what they used to do for a living? Judy and I have been with the club around 30 years and we still ask ourselves, “Wonder what he/she does/did for a living”. Then when we find out, wow, we didn’t expect that. We have doctors and teachers and wood working experts, contractors in various field and top‐‐‐notch T’bird mechanics. We have several junkyard dogs and bird collectors too. We know that Carl has trained rabbits for his hat tricks, but have you seen a trained turtle, we have a member that has one. We all come from different planets, with different likes and dislikes, but one thing is for sure. There’s nothing like our SCVT club that joins us at the hip. Wonder if we should publish a list of “did you know?” Come on down to our next meeting and witness a big agenda change, I think most people will like it. Oh, almost forgot, Last month, we didn’t discuss the pro’s and con’s regarding changing the start time of our meeting because of other items taking up time and the White Elephant was more important. (LOL) So, I’ll bring it up during old business list this time around. I reckon that’s it for now… see ya at the meeting May 9th.
MEETING MINUTES April 11, 2014 PRESIDENT: Ray Delgado called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. Officers in attendance were President, Ray Delgado; Vice President, Bill Croxton; Treasurer, Bob Lawrence and Secretary, Tina Ford. Ray spoke about the Memorial Service for Rod and Kathryn Marconi. We had a real nice showing. 5‐6 T‐
Birds showed up and it was a very nice ceremony. VICE PRESIDENT: Bill welcomed guests, Don Bettencourt, who came with Nell and Margaret and Barry Moore’s granddaughter, Elli. No new members tonight. APRIL ANNIVERSARIES: Bill Goldman 34 yrs. Jerre and Barbara Haynes 16 yrs. Bill and Diana Mann 34 yrs. Les and Bobbie Miller 15 yrs. Dan and Adela DiCanio 24 yrs. Larry Johnston 12 yrs. Barry and Irene Grenier 24 yrs. Jenny Jump and Al Thomas 10 yrs. Charlie Ryan 24 yrs. Joan Peterson 10 yrs. Beverly and Marty Handelman/Gerbasi 21 yrs. 3
Membership count is 96. Bill asked if anyone knew Jim and Joan Sisneros. They joined in January and have not been back. Their new member packet will be mailed to them. Thank you to Carl and Bernie Epolite tonight for the juice and coffee and Eddi and Gene Cox for the refreshments. Ray announced that the June meeting will be moved to the first Friday of that month, June 6th , because of the Napa trip scheduled on the 13th. Ray announced that a copy of the Board Meeting Minutes was here tonight, which included the 2014 budget, and that if anyone would like a copy for themselves, to email him with that request. The Board Meeting Minutes will not be put on the website. COMMITTEE REPORTS: SECRETARY: Tina Ford asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Dennis Kay informed Tina that there last name does not have an "e" at the end. TREASURER: Bob Lawrence gave a detailed report of the checkbook balance and the money market account. ACTIVITIES: Don Hamblin reported. 1. Fabulous Fords Forever (April 26‐29) Joe Ryan reported. 31 cars are going down. Participants will be given binders with all of the information for this trip. 2. Gil’s Tech Session (May 3) Gene Cox reported. Need to know if people want chicken or ribs for the BBQ. 3. Cruisin’ For A Cause Fundraiser, Fremont (May 3) Gus Gatto’s band, Cold Storage, will be playing from 10 – 11:30 am. The event is from 9 – 12. Classic and Custom Car Show. 4. Sons of Sicily Dinner, San Jose (May 10th) Cold Storage Band will be playing. $30 a person. 5. Sunnyview Retirement Community 50th Anniversary Classic Car Show, Cupertino (May 17) Al Thomas reported. Limit of 45 cars. 12‐3 pm. Lunch provided. 6. Friendship Day, Redwood City (May 18) Sandie Kay reported. Mid Peninsula Old Time Car Club. 7:30 – 2 pm. $15 registration fee (can register that day) Seaport Blvd. RWC 7. Sacramento Music Festival (May 23‐26) Sandie Kay reported. The event takes place in Old Sacramento. 8. Rosie the Riveter Museum, Richmond, CA (June 8th) hosted by Rick Deutsch. 9. Napa Wine Tasting (June 12‐13) River Pointe Napa Valley Resort. 10. Capital Mall Display (June 14) Carl Epolite. 11. Bonfante Gardens/Car Show, Picnic (July 13) Carl Epolite reported. Register early to get preferred parking. Includes entrance into the theme park. $50/one adult, $40/extra person ($90 per car). 12. Giant’s Game (Sept. 14) Don Reisinger reported. Giants vs Dodgers. 1:05 pm. DISPLAYS: Carl Epolite reported. The Capital Mall Display will be Sat. June 14th. HISTORIAN: Patti Lee absent. PARADES AND HOMECOMINGS: Kathy Kelley reported. Next month she will get started on mailing to the schools for homecomings. Any ideas for parades, let her know. EDITOR: Cliff Monroe reported. There’s a new section in the Fan. Travel Corner!!! Let Cliff know if you have any travel stories and keep sending photos from any of the car events and photos of you or your spouse for the photo recognition section. LOGO SALES: Bernie Epolite reported. All logo items are available. CTCI: Joe Ryan reported. There will be another article in the next Early Bird issue. WEBSITE: Larry Maness reported. The website is up and running and doing good. FUND RAISING: Jill Schwab was absent. Joan Peterson and Diana Mann ran the White Elephant Raffle. Ray thanked Russell Chinn for the Chinatown Tour!!! BREAK 4
OLD BUSINESS: No old business. NEW BUSINESS: It was decided that the discussion about the start time of the meeting take place next month. Too many people were missing for there to be a fair vote. It was discussed to have new business and old business be at the start of the meeting. These topics will be discussed at the May meeting. Bill Croxton would like to look for other options for our current drink dispensers. He will report back on what he finds. TECH SESSION: Paul Perry had radiator questions and water pump pulley questions. BUY/SELL: Bill Croxton read the Buy/Sell Sheet. RAFFLE: Thank you to Joan and Diana! Another successful White Elephant Raffle!! Lots of bad gifts! Lots of laughs! Next Month: Drinks – Barbara and Paul Perry Snacks – Tina and Patrick Ford Meeting adjourned at 9:35 pm. Submitted, Tina Ford
SCVT Secretary 2014 SCVT Snacks and Beverage Signup
Thanks for signing up for meeting snacks and beverages. That is why some of the men show up!!!
Date Snacks Beverages Date Snacks Beverages Jan 10 Jerry & Jill Schwab Joan Peterson Jul 11 @ Harry's Hofbrau Feb 14 Kay's & Goldberg's Affrunti's Aug 8 @ Harry's Hofbrau Mar 14 Maness' Ralph & Holly Citti Sep 12 Monroe's Paul Lynch & Janette Adair Apr 11 Gene & Eddie Cox Epolite's Oct 10 Jenny J. & Al T. Jerry &Gail Dance May 9 Ford's Barbara @ Paul Perry Nov 14 Miller's Parker's Jun 13 Moore's Reisinger's See the May 2009 Fan for Snack & Beverage Helpful Hints. See our website: www.santaclaravalleytbirds.com May 2014 Membership Anniversaries Member
Marge Gray(Hon/Memb)
Fred & Alice Meyer
Ray & Judy Delgado
Bob & Barbara Kiehl
John Holland
Andy & Birgit Myles
Barry &Margaret Moore
2014 Santa Clara Valley Thunderbird Activities by Don Hamblin
650‐348‐0669 home, 650‐576‐6234 cell, dhamblins@aol.com Redwood City Freindship Day May 18, 2014, Dennis & Sandie Kay Located at the Pacific Shores Center, 1300 Seaport Blvd, Redwood City. Seaport Blvd. is the eastern extension of Woodside Rd., East of Hwy 101. There is ample parking for 700 cars, trucks, trailer & motorcycles. There is a very large lawn area for picnicking ‐ lots of trees to sit under (bring a blanket).Bring your walking shoes to explore the great walkways. As usual, complimentary coffee and doughnuts to early participants. Food will be available from Canyon Inn. There will also be informational booths, goodie bags and door prizes. Gates open at 8 AM with the usual $15 gate fee. The first 500 entries will receive a goodie bag with dash plaque and door prize tickets. The Mid Peninsula Old Time Auto Club signature annual event is Friendship Day, which began in 1963 with an invitation issued to all northern California old car clubs to get together in one location for a picnic and day of fun. Friendship Day is a cherished tradition now for generations of old car people in the Bay Area, involving the noncompetitive gathering of hundreds of cars and clubs. Most of those who attend bring their old cars, but they do also welcome those without cars, but with a love of them. This is how people can learn about and be drawn into the hobby. Friendship Day has always been one of the most friendly, most carefree events around. They don't judge the cars, trucks, trailers, or motorcycles, they just love having them to look at and having their owners there to tell something about them. They don't even preregister. Questions? Contact the Chair of FSD 2014 at friendshipday14@aol.com. Sacramento Music Festival May 23‐26, 2014, Dennis & Sandie Kay Add this to your TBird Calendar of events!!! The "Memorial Day Weekend Sacramento Music Festival" will be held from Friday May 23 through Monday May 26th. There are "All Event Tickets" for $99 (youth at $50) or purchase day only entry for Fri/$39; Sat/$39; Sun/$39 Mon/$20. Several club members went last year and it was great....good music, nice weather, fun for all ages. This year there are already 5 members interested in attending for one or three days. The music ranges from Blues, Jazz, Zydeco,Swing, Western, Pop, etc. Most of the music is centered in venues around Old Town, with some in nearby hotels. If you have not attended one of these type events give it a try and you'll come again and again! The day begins at about 10am and runs until about 11pm. Each set is usually 45 minutes ‐ one hour and you can stay in one place or move from venue to venue. Try it for just one day or come for the whole weekend! We are working on a hotel, most likely the Embassy Suites, Hilton Garden Inn, or Springhill Suites. The sign up sheet will be circulated again at the March meeting but if you are interested or have questions please contact Dennis and Sandie Kay at 650‐
341‐6868 or Sandie sgkay@yahoo.com. Rosie the Riveter site June 8, 2014, Ricky & Diane Deutsch We Will Go!
troops ***Note: Plans being finalized. All attendees will be emailed with final info*** 7:30 ‐‐‐ South Group – Meet at Starbucks @ 880/Dixon Landing Road. 7:45 ‐‐‐ South Group Departs 8:15 – Meet North Group at TBD 8:30 – All depart and convoy via 880/80/580/Cutting Blvd 10:00 – Arrive Rosie the Riveter site / Ford Assembly plant 6
11:45 ‐‐‐ Depart for lunch – Old Town Richmond
12:00 ‐‐‐ 1:30 ‐‐‐ Lunch 1:30 – 3:00 Tour Red Oak Victory ship 3:30 – Depart for home Details: * Visitor Center is free. * Lunch is a “pick one of 3” Price is $TBD including Tax, tip, soft drinks (no host bar) * Ship tour ‐‐‐ $5.00 pay as you go Must have lunch selection and check NLT May 30 To: Rick Deutsch, 4035 Ashbrook Circle, San Jose, CA 95124 See www.nps.gov/rori/index.htm for more info RiverPointe Napa Valley Resort Art and Wine Event June 12‐13, 2014, Elaine & Geoff Dye Yes, June 12th is a Thursday (Thursday is an unhurried day for Napa vintners). For the past 7 years, RiverPointe Napa Valley Resort has hosted an art and wine event especially for RiverPointe guests at no charge. Local artists show their work while small wineries of Napa Valley pour wine at the resort. Marilynn, the head concierge, has once again asked SCVT to display our vintage vehicles (any vintage car) at the event. RiverPointe is the resort with the colorful tree‐lined cottages that accommodated us while we attended the Napa Valley car show in August in prior years. The wine pouring event is from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Last year, 17 small wineries participated in this event. And this year Riverpointe is providing music for dancing. After a couple of hours tasting wine, we can have dinner at the Mexican restaurant across the street and return to the resort for music and dancing. So, we can stroll along looking at artwork, taste wine, look at vintage cars, have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, listen to music and dance…all this without driving our cars. Care to join us? Accommodations are $125 (plus room tax and a resort fee). Call Elaine or Geoff at 1.408.262.1078 or email us at geoffdye@yahoo.com. We can then assign you a reservation number and provide further details. Bonfante Gardens (now Gilroy Gardens) Rod, Motorcycle & Classic Car Event July 13, 2014 Epolites and Delgados 7:30 a.m. ‐ 9:30 a.m. Check in – Coffee/Cookies at beverage station 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Socializing – Theme Park opens at 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Italian sausage appetizer 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch: BBQ tri‐tip/chicken/hot dogs, Vegetarian Chile beans, Fresh fruit, Green Salad, Garlic bread, Coke/Diet Coke/Sprite
Beer/Wine available $5.00 per glass 4:00 p.m. Exit out of paved lot or grass field 5:00 p.m. Exit Theme Park 6:00 p.m. All cars must be gone Tickets: Adults $50.00, Children (ages 2‐11) $12.50 – 2nd Adult with car entry $40.00 Includes entry to Theme Park, Lunch ,Snacks and beverages. For registration form and information : http://nebula.wsimg.com/4594b43d9e05a7e73aa2ff9d3164413f?AccessKeyId=9FC0FEFCE494D91E274D&dispos
ition=0&alloworigin=1 Giants We Won’t Know What We’ll Get Until We Get There!! Submitted by Don Reisinger With a limited number of options available to SCVT on weekend dates, of the 2 best options available, the membership th chose to attend the September 14 against the LA Dodgers. The initial allocation of tickets that I was given looks like it is sold out. But, I am taking names and creating a waiting list in case there are any additional seats that become 7
available. I have requested additional tickets but that request hasn’t been fulfilled as of today. If and when I get news I will advise by email. So far, the Giants are looking to be far better than last year and seem to have the Dodgers numbers. This makes this late season meeting where – who knows – the division could be up for grabs between the teams a lot more important than some of the games we’ve seen in the past. Call me at 650‐‐‐823‐‐‐8577 or email me Dreisinger@earthlink.net if you have any questions or want to get put on the wait list. Displaysby Carl Epolite
The Capital Mall
Display will be Sat.
June 14th. Need
about 20 cars.
No parades at
this time, but we
are working on it.
Parades by Kathy
Past Events Fabulous Fords Forever April 26 ‐ 29th, 2014, Charlie Affrunti & Joe Ryan It takes a village to raise a child, friends to make an event successful and an angel to watch over them. We had 35 members, driving 24 little birds, 1 retro bird, 4 classic Mustangs, 1 Fairlane, 1 ‘56 Continental, 2 newer Mustangs and 2 generic cars attend the 'Fabulous Fords Forever' event at Knott's Berry Farm. The event drew almost 1800 Ford Company cars and trucks. Our "angels" were Bill & Diana Mann volunteering to endure the 800 mi trip in a bouncing car carrier in case there were any vehicle issues. The trip down was uneventful, unless you count a loose wire on Geoff's car 30' out of the parking lot! On the way home Larry Johnston blew a transmission seal just before we got to the Nethercutt museum. Bill then unloaded his car for Larry to drive and put Larry's on the car carrier. We continued on our way and at our lunch stop, Rich Eichenbaum had a wheel bearing disintegrate. Bill now had to load a 2nd car on the carrier as well as having 'guests' in the cab with him and Diana. The rest of the trip was without any issues. I would like to thank Charlie Affrunti for helping plan the trip and was sorry that he could not attended because of a funeral. I want to thank Claire for all of the chocolate chip cookies that she made for the goodie bags. I also need to thank Sandie & Dennis for helping stuff the goodies bags, Don Hamblin for volunteering to lead 'Charlie's Angels' to Knott’s Berry Farm, Ricky D, Gene and Bill Mann for their tail gunning duties and to Melodie Monroe for her map duties while we wandered around LA to get away from the traffic. I also want to thank Beverly Handelman for arranging the great lunch at California Adventure. Pat and I give a special thank you to Sam & Bonnie Hollingsworth for opening up their home to us and arranging for a great taco dinner. It as a great 4 days. We hope everyone had as much fun as we did. Now it is time to go back to work an rest.
Joe & Pat
2014 Activities Calendar
Jan 11 Candlestick Park Stadium Tour Hamblin See above for details Jan 25 2013 Awards Banquet Cox Feb 15 SCVT Pacific Coast Highway Drive Croxton TBA Fabulous Fords Forever/Disney Calif Affrunti/Ryan See above, Rooms at the Knott's Hotel Oroville Car Show See the March Fan for details Rosie th Riveter site TBA Dennis & Sandie Kay Deutsch Riverpoint wine and art show Geoff & Elaine Dye
See the March Fan for details July 20 Hillsborough Concours D'Elegance TBA July 26 Burlingame Cars in the Park TBA Hot August Nights Reno/Sparks TBA Register now San Mateo Car Show and BBQ TBA Birds on the Wharf TBA Monterey Bay TBird Club posted 1/2/2014 Dec Senior Bag Filling & Distribution Schwab TBA Dec Holiday/Christmas/Festivus party Delgado’s TBA, except we will have fun Apr.26‐29 May 9 May 23‐26 June 8 June 12‐13 July 29‐Aug 3 Aug 9 Sept 27 Sacramento Music Festival 5:30 PM Three Flames Restaurant 1547 Meridian Avenue, San Jose, $42 per person See April Fan for details The Travel Corner The Travel Corner is a new Early Bird Fan column to share travel information. Lucy, Doc (Janet and Kathy), Elaine, and I recently returned from a 14‐‐‐day European River Cruise with Viking up the Rhine River. The high temps ranged from high 50s to low 70s with mostly fair‐‐‐weather days. The accommodations aboard the Viking Longship was comfortable, the service was impeccable, and the all‐
‐ important cuisine was very delightful. Our pre‐‐‐cruise excursion was in Lucerne, Switzerland. The river cruise started in Basel, Switzerland, and sailed to Strasbourg, France. In Germany, we docked in Heidelberg, Rudesheim, Koblenz, and Cologne. In the Netherlands, we landed in Kinderdijk. Our post‐‐‐ cruise extension was in Bruges, Belgium. Sooo much to see and do…the funicular ride up the Swiss Alps, Strasbourg’s remarkable Renaissance architecture, the Heidelberg and Marksburg Castles, the historic Kinderdijk windmills, and the absolutely magnificent and amusing city center of Bruges. And a glorious time was had by all. Elaine and Geoff Dye 9
BUY 1) Pins from Hot August Nights for years 1994, 1995,1996 and 1999. Dennis Kay denkay4adr@yahoo.com 2) 57 TBird stock wheels ‐ Paul Lynch 408‐206‐6796 3) Vinyl Records (rock, punk and heavy metal) ‐ James Croxton (408) 472‐2641 or jwcroxton@gmail.com 4) Early 55, one piece, stainless trim over door on hard top ‐ Barry Moore 650‐591‐9295 5) 57 TBird Drivers side window & mechanism ‐ Paul Lynch 408‐777‐8839 SELL 1) '56 License Plate for '56 or '57 Good condition $100 Paul Perry 408‐353‐1930 2) 2004 Mustang Mach One, Best offer, Paul Lynch 408‐206‐6796 3) 2001 Grand Marquis car cover, brand new, $120, Paul Lynch 408‐206‐6796 4) 1957 original, re‐cored, brass, TBird Radiator. $250 Ben Gage 1‐650‐579‐6100 5) No‐Mar Deck Protector for all years. $9.99 SCVT members only. Don Reisinger 650‐823‐8577 DREISINGER@earthlink.net 6) 56 TBird oil bath air cleaner w/ new cork $225 Gerry Nelson 650‐851‐3546 7) 55‐57 15” reverse chrome rims w/ small Ford caps (4) $275 Gerry Nelson 650‐851‐3546 8) 2 stock 15” rims for 55/56 Ford $100 need cleaning Gerry Nelson 650‐851‐3546 9) 56‐57 Horn Ring, very good condition, $30, Joe Ryan, 650‐483‐6256 10) Battery Tender ‐ 6 volt $20 Dennis Kay 650‐341‐6868* 11) Mini Charger‐ 12 volt $20 Dennis Kay 650‐341‐6868* *all 3 for $50 12) Sure Charger ‐ 12 volt $20 Dennis Kay 650‐341‐6868* 13) 2 Steinbach Nutcrackers, $95‐$225 Sandra Kay 650‐341‐6868 (one w/music box) 14) Richard Marconi is selling 2002 T‐Bird: $14,500 richanddi@yahoo.com 15) Allen Brown is selling ’94 Mustang GT Convertible: $4,000 831‐688‐0926 16) 12 volt '57 generator, works well, $25 Dick Osgood 650‐968‐2349 Yo u a r e g o i n g t o l i k e t h i s : Jack Robinson, Cliff Underwood’s son‐‐ in‐‐‐law, in Redding, California, on April 23rd, 2014, reported the following episode to Don Reisinger. “This is the Kool April Nites season for our area, and we have many events leading up to the main show this upcoming weekend. Cliff and I attended a Show 'N Shine near my home in Palo Cedro on Monday and met a very interesting young man named Wyatt. As we were backing the T‐‐‐Bird into our assigned spot, Wyatt came running up to us while pointing to Cliff's car shouting, "This is it! This is it!" to his parents who were trailing behind him. As I got out of the car, Wyatt told me, "I have one of these in my garage at home." I asked him, "Well, what is this?" He told me that it was a 1955 Ford Thunderbird, so I asked him how he knew it was a 1955 and not some other year of Thunderbird. His reply, "Because it doesn't have the square things here," pointing to the area of the fender where the vents would have been present. Needless to say I was impressed, and even more so when I discovered he was only 9 10
years old. But the real shocker came when I discovered that he actually owned the 1955 Thunderbird parked in his garage! It was given to him by his grandfather as an inheritance, and he has owned it for about one year. It is an all original car with black paint and black and white interior. I asked him if it was in running condition, and was told that his dad also got a T‐‐‐Bird from grandpa, and they were working on getting dad's running prior to working on his. Since Wyatt is the youngest owner of a T‐‐‐Bird that I know personally, we thought it best to get a picture of him with the oldest T‐‐‐Bird owner I know! What a thrill it was to meet him ‐‐‐ it really set the tone of our Kool April Nites week.” ‐‐‐ Jack Co o l , H u h ? Spark Plugs can talk! by Cliff Monroe What do these plugs say to you? Notice the black build‐up on the plugs on the right compared to Tech corner
the plugs on the left. My 57 T'Bird was running rough. Part of the tune‐up was to replace the spark plugs after 4,000 miles. We had a suspicion that the carburetor might also need some adjustments. The spark plugs confirmed that the carburetor was running rich. That means that the mixture of gas and air going into the cylinders had too much gas and not enough air for a clean burn. The 1957 Ford Car and Thunderbird Shop Manual states, "Gas fouling is usually identified by dry, black, fluffy deposits which result from incomplete combustion. Too rich a fuel‐air mixture can cause incomplete burning. In addition, a defective coil, defective breaker points, or a defective ignition cable can reduce the voltage supplied to the spark plug and cause misfiring." The Shop Manual also identified a "running rough" condition to Engine idle speed set too low, Engine idle fuel‐air mixture not properly adjusted, Float setting incorrect, Air leaks between carburetor and manifold and/or fittings, Fuel leakage at the carburetor bowl, bowl plugs and/or throttle body fittings, Idle system air bleeds restricted, and Idle fuel system restricted. We replaced the points and condenser system with a Pertronix Ignitor system, replaced the spark plugs, and adjusted the carburetor settings. The engine seems to start better, it has more pick‐up from the start and feels like it is more powerful. The real test will be what the spark plugs say to us in a couple thousand miles. So, pull your plugs and listen to them! 11
Fabulous Fords Forever - April 26-29
What did
She was 2
Kathy do?
minutes late!
Joe is a tough
Day 1 - Ready to go.
We've arrived at
Knott's Berry
Farm Hotel.
The party is in the Ryan's room.
Day 2 - The Fabulous Fords Forever Show
Well we've
at Knott's
Berry Farm.
What could
possibly go wrong?
The Chick‐Magnet going to the coop!
Santa Clara Valley Thunderbirds have arrived.
A Garden Party at Bonnie & Sam Hollingsworth's
"OK. You have just completed a successful car show. Now what are you going to do?"
We're going to
Carl loves
thrill rides!
Day 3 - Disneyland
California Adventure Park
Note: I do not recommend
cruising through Los Angeles
Day 4 - Driving home
commuter traffic on a hot day!
Nethercutt Museum