A R I S H O S T - zionofspringcity.org


A R I S H O S T - zionofspringcity.org
May 2012
Volume XXXV • Number 5
o Lutheran
u eeraa CChurch
Dear Partners in Ministry,
I believe that prayer matters,
I believe prayer works. It works at a
variety of levels. Prayer changes the
mind of God, and prayer can change
our minds.
In the Bible there are some
instances where, in conversation with
God, leaders seem to influence God’s
decision on a particular action. Of
course, God probably planned to act
that way anyway, but He found out
how much He mattered to the People,
since they came to Him with a request
for forgiveness and leniency. In Genesis 18 Abraham seems to have changed
God’s planned action, and in the 14th
Chapter of the book of Numbers, God is
so angry with his people that he intends
to destroy them and disinherit them,
but Moses stands up for the people and
God does not destroy them. It is good
to let God know how you feel.
Prayer changes our minds. It
is said that when you regularly pray for
a person , you will increasingly see
them in a favorable light, making it
impossible to hate that person.
When you see that person as
God’s child, God’s gift
to the world, you become their advocate
and supporter. Likewise, when we regularly pray for a
particular action to
occur, we become in-
Zion Lutheran Church > Founded in 1743
vested in it, not just as something that
belongs to God, but also as a desire of
our own heart. To pray for a particular
event or outcome focuses our attention.
I have always advocated for
church meetings to begin and end with
prayer. This is always a reminder that
we are doing God’s work. Surely every
time the Church gathers we remind
ourselves that we are God’s People in
communion with God and with each
other. But the pastor does not need to
be the only one doing the public prayer.
Let me tell you about some instances of
our lay leaders leading the prayer:
*Back in the fall, at the
Opening of School gathering, since I
was detained, our School director, Fern
Detwiler began with prayer.
*At the pancake breakfast on March
18, while I was dealing with some important member concerns, our Director
of Christian Education, Shawn Rogers
led the pre-meal prayer.
*And then at the Easter
Brunch our Fellowship committee cochair Cristal Cloud prayed prior to the
meal. Someone was reported to have
asked: “Is Pastor Paul sick?” No, I
was still speaking to visitors and
prospects at the church door. Our
leaders are stepping up, addressing God
on our behalf.
My goal would be for all of us
to come to the point of feeling comfortable leading prayer in public forums.
Many have: Paul Condrack at Council
meetings; Gary Gorrell at Finance; George
Herbert at Worship and Music; most of our
youth have prayed at their meetings. I trust
that we are getting more comfortable with
this expression of our faith. I am so proud of
them all. This is a big step for us as a congregation as we become better witnesses to
God’s love in our lives. Let us pray because
prayer works.
Your Partner in Ministry,
Pastor Paul
Pastor Paul Townsend
In This Issue
• Old Organ Sunday
• Mother’s Day
Bake Sale
• Spring Clean-up
and more. .
Articles Are ALWAYS DUE The
10th of The Previous Month. i.e.
May 10th for June issue.
Parish Post
E-Mail Address:
Our Pastor:
Change of
Your new
address here
If you do NOT want your change of
address published in the PARISH
POST please notify the church office
immediately when you move.)
Pastor Paul Townsend
cell: 610-639-5921
Zion E-Mail Address:
May 2012
Volume XXXV• Number 5
Easter Season/Pentecost –
Planning for OOS
Easter Season's week of Sundays continues as we
move into the month of May. Through our meditations and music we consider some of Jesus’ last
George Herbert words to His disciples and their meaning in our own
Music Director
lives. The month culminates with the celebration of
Pentecost on May 27th.
On May 13th (Mother's Day) you will once again have the opportunity
to hear preludes performed on the Tannenberg Organ by Jim Kranz.
If you missed Jim's performance at both services on Palm Sunday,
you missed some wonderful musicianship of pieces from the masters.
Take heart! Jim will again perform on the Old Organ this month with
more performances to come in the future.
Jim has also graciously agreed to be part of the committee now forming to organize this year's Old Organ Sunday (October 14, 2012). As
this article is written, we are getting in gear to plan the program, retain
musicians, develop plans for advertising, hospitality, etc. An enormous
effort is required to make a great event happen. We are an open committee and will welcome your help in any aspect of making this year's
event the best ever.
Continued Blessings to All in this Easter Season!
Tannenberg Organ
On May 13th (Mother's Day)
Preludes performed on the Tannenberg Organ
by Jim Kranz during both the
8:15am & 10:45am services
Jim will perform on the Old Organ this month with more
performances to come in the future.
May 2012
Volume XXXV• Number 5
• Mother's Day walk
The Sunday School Children will
once again have a Mother’s Day
walk to support anyone who has had
Cancer or know someone that is
currently struggling with this disease. (See page2) Please help them
in raising awareness by donated in
this cause!
• VBS June 18-22 6-8:15pm
The theme is “SKY - Everything is
possible with God”. Event time will
be from 6-8:15pm. Ages 3 years
though 5th grade are welcome.
(see ad)
• Easter Egg Hunt -update
The Easter Egg Hunt went very well.
It was a beautiful day outside, a great
day for an egg hunt. MThank you to
the Easter Bunny for stopping
by and saying hello to all the Children. MThank you to everyone who
donated Easter candy!
• Pancake Breakfast
MThank You to the Christian Eduction Committee for hosting the Pancake Breakfast in March. We had a
great turn out. We could not have
done this without the help of the
entire Weiss Family with the cooking. A Big Thank You to All of
• Helping Hand's Day
Thank you to the Sunday School
and Youth Group for Helping Hands
Day. We went to Bull's House and
did some yard work for them. We
had a great time!
Don't forget!!
Youth group - please check the
web calendar for your dates
each month.
Youth Group
• Youth Sunday Look for upcoming events
• New Orleans this summer
with the ELCA
Five of our young Lady's will be
going to New Orleans this summer
with the ELCA. Look for upcoming
events to help support them on
going on this trip. It's a great way to
meet other Lutherans for all over
the Country .
• June 23 Breakfast
Mark your calendar for June 23
breakfast at Applebee's in Royersford to help support the New Orleans trip. The girls will be selling
ticket from now till June 17. They
are Jessica Wilson, Brandy Rogers,
Emily Detwiler, Faith Gorrell, and
Rebecca Gorrell. You can buy any
tickets from them.
• Mother's Day Bake Sale
A Youth Bake Sale is scheduled for
Sunday, May 13th which will benefit our Youth’s trip to New Orleans.
MThank you to all the Teens who
help with Youth Sunday on April
Blessings! Shawn
Are you on the...
birthday/anniversary list? If
not, and you would like to
be, please email or call the
office with your information.
The Sunday School
Children will once
again have a
Mother’s Day walk to
support anyone who
has had Cancer or
know someone that
is currently struggling
with this disease.
Your donations will
benefit the Susan B.
Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. The
walk will take place
in the cemetery from
Is there someone special in
your life that you would like
Honor, Remember,
Thank or Praise?
If so, Why not sponsor the
Sunday Bulletin on a
special day in their name?
It costs only $20 per
week. Call the church
office, 610-948-3323, to
check a date.
Calling All
We are requesting the
names of any new Graduates (High School, College, Certifications, etc.)
for our June Recognitions.
Please contact the office
with any information you
may have.
May 2012
Volume XXXV• Number 5
5/06 Adele Lanyon
5/13 Mindy Swartley
5/20 Bruce Wilson
5/27 Paul Condrack
5/06 Paul Peters
5/13 Lou Mandik
5/20 Kathryn Alexis
5/27 Ron Hoinowski
5/06 Dan Bauman
5/13 Lynda Heck
5/20 Brian Mickiewicz
5/27 Fern Detwiler
5/06 Jody Cannon
5/13 Sherri Fried
5/20 Peg Hoinowski
5/27 Sean Alexis
5/06 Frank & Julie Evans
5/13 The Thompson Family
5/20 George Cloud Jr. Family
5/27 The Gorrell Family
5/06 Mike & Cheryl Hoinowski
5/13 The Peters Family
5/20 Kathy & Donald Shaner
5/27 Doris Bauman &
Gladys Vammen
5/06 Maggie Shillinger &
Christina Fatula
5/13 Adam Gorrell &
Emily Holmberg
5/20 Morgan Rogers &
Zack Sutton
5/27 Amanda Monachelli &
Erin Evans
5/06 Jamie Burry
5/13 Anna Florio
5/20 Zachery Gallow
5/27 Anna Florio
5/06 Barbara Grubb
5/20 Rich Sutton
5/27 Joan Rarich
5/06 Lisa Ashburn
5/20 Frank Evans, Jr.
5/27 Carol Mandik
Communion will be offered
on the following Sundays in
May: 5/6, 5/20 & 5/27
Zion Members, Thank you for
your continued support of the
Spring City Food Pantry. Your donations of both food and money
allow us to provide for the people of
our community.
Blessing & Thanks, Susan Davis
M Thank you to Zion & the Nelson Family for presenting me with
The Richard G. Nelson Award for
2012. It truly was an honor to receive this award.
Blessing, Gladys Vammen
Thank you to all at Zion for
supporting the Sunday Church
School’s Lenten Project. Because
of your generous donations, we
have reached our goal of $500 to
support St. Mary’s!
Shawn Rogers
Congregational Meeting will
be held on
May 20th at
Hey... you were shopping anyway
...why not help YOUR Preschool?
If you use AMAZON.com as a site
to purchase items on-line, please
consider “entering AMAZON” from
the Zion Preschool website. Doing
so will earn our Preschool a percentage of your purchase!! All
YOU have to DO is go to
and scroll down to the bottom of
the home page. You will see the
familiar AMAZON logo. CLICK on
the logo and you will be immediately directed to amazon and you
just shop as you normally would.
Zion Preschool will earn a minimum of 4% of your purchase
price!!!it’s as easy as that!!!
...All the KIDS THANK YOU!!!
Fern Detwiler
Volume XXXV• Number 5
May 2012
Pastor Paul is Available
to All Who Need Him.
Pastor Paul Townsend
cell: 610-639-5921
Church: 610-948-3323
Our Worship
Service Schedule
of services at
8:15am and
with Sunday Church
School at 9:30am.
Would you like take an active
role in the worship service?
Please sign the sheet on the
table in the narthex if you have
not been a lay reader or an assisting minister and would like to
participate in the service. You
will be notified well in advance of
your assigned date and the readings or bulletin will be sent to you
to preview. If you have been an assistant in
the past, your name is on a revolving list and you do not need
to sign up again.
It's that time of year for the
NEW bars of soap collection
(please note that used bars of
soap are NOT be accepted
anymore). We shipped one
box of soap last year. We
would like to fill a second carton of soap this year. Please
keep those NEW bars of soap
coming to the box on the
bench in the Narthex.
Your donations will be a part
of the Lutheran Charities Appeal through the Christmas
In-gathering in December.
Thank you
A Suggestion Box
for comments, questions, and suggestions is
available in the narthex. Comments, questions and suggestions
may be signed or unsigned.
(If a response is desired, it’s best to include your name!)
The Southeastern Pennsylvania
Synod has a website.The website
contains a large amount of information about the synod and its activities. Sign up for the free weekly
synod email newsletter at www.ministrylink.org
Caring for the community during
May. Please select how you would
like to minister to those in need.
Synod and
National News
1. Soles for Souls: UPDATE
171 shoes were collected and shipped to
Soles4Souls. Thanks to everyone who
took the time to clean out their closets and
help this cause.
2. Meals on Wheels -Service Award
John and Joan Rarich were honored at the
annual Meals on wheels Luncheon for 10
years of service to Meals on Wheels.
Bear Creek
Summer Camp 2012
Summer Camp at Bear Creek is a
gift that helps children and youth
build spiritual friendships, inspire a
love of nature, strengthen a sense of
responsibility and accomplishment
and deepen their relationship with
God. Now is a great time to get
signed up for a wonderful summer
camp experience. The summer
camp experience is packed full of
adventure and discovery for children
and youth from 1st grade through
senior high. Scholarships are still
Congratulations Joan and John!
MinistryLink Mobile
Site Launches
Now you can easily keep up with
news and resources from MinistryLink.org on any web-enabled
mobile phone. When you browse
to MinistryLink.org on your phone
you are now redirected to our mobile site (m.ministrylink.org). This
phone-friendly site gives you onetap access to calling the Synod office, finding the churches closest
to your GPS location, and all the
latest news. This mobile portal
draws in updates from the SEPAYouth.org site, GodIsDoingSomethingNew.com, and ELCA News.
May 2012
Volume XXXV• Number 5
Join us for VBS
at Zion Lutheran Church
this summer from
June 18th-22nd
From 6 to 8:15pm
Ages 3 years
though 5 grade welcome.
Come join us as we enjoy music, games,
storytelling, crafts and explore how
everything is possible with God!
Register now for the fun in June!
Sign-up registration in the Narthex
at Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Paul is Available
to All Who Need Him.
Telephone Numbers:
Pastor Paul Townsend
cell: 610-639-5921
* Please note:
The phone numbers above have
answering machines attached, so
please wait for them to come on and
then leave a message if a person
does not answer.
Spring Work Day
Saturday, May 19th
Share your time for 30 minutes, up to a couple
hours.This is a great time for some fun and fel­
lowship. Many hand make everything much
more enjoyable. Whatever time you can spare
will make a difference.
Any help is much appreciated!
A pizza lunch will be provided for all
that help with clean up.
o Lutheran
u eeraa Church
C uc
39 Bonnie Brae Road • Spring City, PA 19475-2401
> Founded in 1743
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