royal poinciana mixed use overlay area
royal poinciana mixed use overlay area
ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA September 28, 2009 Note: This Document is in DRAFT form ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE TOWN OF PALM BEACH’S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN BACKGROUND Over the past 24 months, the Town of Palm Beach has been conducting a series of public meetings in different formats to gather community input regarding the Royal Poinciana Area. The public meetings conducted to date are: ‐ ‐ The Royal Poinciana Area Charrette (December 2007 - April 2008): A series of Charrette Steering Committee meetings between December 2007 and April 2008; 4 days of 30-minute , one-on-one interviews with staff, elected officials, business and property owners, and residents (January 2008); 7-days of intense public design process attended by over 200 people (February 2008) ; 1 Presentation of Work in Progress at the Breakers attended by over 230 people (February 2008); 2 presentations to Planning and Zoning Commission (April/May 2008); 2 presentations to the Town Council (May/December, 2008); 1 Joint Commission meeting (P&Z, Landmarks, ARCOM) (2008); 3 Individual Commission meetings (ARCOM, P&Z, Landmarks) (July/August 2008); 1 presentation to the Palm Beach Civic Association attended by over 300 people (October, 2008); 1 Presentation to the Chamber of Commerce (December 2008). 2 Public workshops to solicit community input (The Breakers -March 2009) September 28, 2009 ‐ i ‐ ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ‐ Planning & Zoning Commission meeting where the Commission endorsed concept of height and density bonuses and recommended the same to the Town Council. (April, 2009) ‐ Town Council meeting, where the Council endorsed bonus height and density concept and directed staff to arrange for a consulting contract to prepare comprehensive plan and zoning text changes. (May, 2009) The recommendations that stemmed from these public events were gathered, evaluated, and developed into a format that will allow their implementation. This format constitutes text amendments to the Town’s Land Development Regulations (LDRs) and Comprehensive Plan. All text amendments will be reviewed in accordance with corresponding Florida Statutes, as well as by the Town’s elected officials, the Planning and Zoning Commission, Town staff, and the community as a whole. Amendments to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan will additionally be reviewed by the corresponding Regional and State agencies. HOW THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS WORK Amendments are proposed as an OVERLAY. The existing, underlying zoning (C-TS) remains in effect. As such, developing under the regulations of the overlay is OPTIONAL. REGARDING HEIGHT: A consensus regarding height bonus increases was reached during the public meetings as a means to preserve the historic character and small town feel of the Royal Poinciana Area, while recognizing economic necessities and hardship related to improving existing structures or even building new ones. In order to create a balanced, pedestrian friendly environment, additional height was deemed acceptable, provided it is executed in a manner that is “organic”, and that is, for the most part, set-back from the property line. Community Leverage The proposed LDR’s address height increases as leverage in exchange for community benefits. As such: ¾ No height increases are awarded “as-of-right”. ¾ Height increases can only be achieved by: a. Providing publicly accessible open space, b. Providing underground parking, or September 28, 2009 ‐ ii ‐ ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY c. Financially contributing towards community improvements in or for the Overlay Area. ¾ Height increases resulting from this incentive program are in effect the equivalent to a single additional story (i.e. a third story). Only in special cases and locations, the area of the third story can be “split” and a small percentage of the third story can be placed as a fourth story. In both cases, additional height shall be set back from the property line, so the perception at street-level will not significantly change from the current condition. SECTION 134-1509 (PAGE 31) OF THIS DOCUMENT ADDRESSES HEIGHT BONUSES IN THE OVERLAY AREA REGARDING DENSITY: ‐ A consensus was also reached regarding density bonus increases to achieve a mixed use environment that is stable, both aesthetically as well as economically. Density bonuses will contribute to preserve and improve the “Town-Serving” function of the area, protect local retailers, and ensure the long-term economic viability and beauty of the area. Density bonuses will additionally create a more use-balanced, pedestrian friendly environment, which will in turn effectively improve traffic congestion in the area. Community Leverage The proposed LDR’s also treat density increases as leverage in exchange for community benefits. As such: ¾ No density increases are awarded “as-of-right”. ¾ The density for every parcel shall remain at 6 units per gross Palm Beach acre. ¾ An “Area-Wide Density Bank” is proposed, from which developments can “draw”, up to a certain density per acre (above the existing density). ¾ The Density Bank is capped at 200 residential units for the entire Royal Poinciana Area (or, 6 units per gross Palm Beach acre, the same as that for privately owned land). ¾ The impacts and performance of this Density Bank and the Density Bonus Program will be evaluated after 60 months of the date of adoption. At that time, the Town Council shall decide whether to continue, or indefinitely suspend this incentive-based program. ¾ Density increases can only be achieved by providing one or more of the community benefits listed below: a) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED); September 28, 2009 ‐ iii ‐ ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY b) Provision of Vias; c) Contribution to public infrastructure (e.g. a public waterfront path, a centralized parking area, etc); d) Historic preservation; e) Underground parking, rooftop parking; f) Art in public places; g) Exceptional landscape; and h) Exceptional Design. SECTION 134-1510 (PAGE 34) OF THIS DOCUMENT ADDRESSES DENSITY BONUSES IN THE OVERLAY AREA September 28, 2009 ‐ iv ‐ HOW TO READ THIS DOCUMENT Since the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay applies over an existing zoning district (CT-S Commercial Town-Serving), many of the regulations for the CT-S district are applicable to the overlay. For ease of review, the amendments contained in this document have been written in ‘strikethrough and underline format’. Text in blue indicates is has been extracted directly from the existing underlying CT-S language and is either being applied (underline), or specifically removed (strikethrough), from the proposed Overlay. ……. (blue dots) indicate existing CT-S language that applies both to the underlying zoning district as well as to the Overlay. Following the Town’s custom, this text has not been added to allow those reviewing to focus on actual proposed changes. A version containing this language will be available online September 30, 2009. Text in black, underlined, indicates proposed, new Overlay language. This text represents all policies and regulations that apply solely to the Overlay Area. This document is in DRAFT form. Updates will be posted on-line as they become available. Any changes to subsequent versions will also be identified in strikethrough and underline format. For comments or questions regarding this document, or if you wish to be notified when updates become available, please contact: Marcela Camblor Or Veronica Close ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY DEFINITIONS ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL …… Sec. 134-2. Definitions and rules of construction. …… Building frontage, for the purpose of the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area means the percentage of the total width of a lot (measured alongside the R.O.W. which the building fronts), which is required to be occupied by the front of a building. To be counted towards said percentage, such front shall be within the required setbacks. Portions of the building set back further than the maximum setback will not be counted towards building frontage requirements. Such front shall also have all the opening (windows/doors) requirements as per specific building type and zoning requirements. Building frontage shall be measured from exterior building wall to exterior building wall. Courtyard openings, where permitted, shall be considered as built for the purpose of calculating frontage. Driveways, even if covered by a second story, shall not be counted towards the fulfillment of frontage requirements. …… Building Type: A habitable structure defined by the combination of its configuration, placement, and function. The Building Types applicable to this specific Code are listed below: ¾ Courtyard Building: A building type consisting of residential, commercial, or mixed uses arranged around a shared, open space that is partially or wholly open to the public R.O.W. ¾ Live Work Building:A building type that integrates a single residence and commercial work space, both of which are used by a single household. The ground floor is designed to accommodate commercial or retail uses, with a single residence in the upper stories. Live-Work Building types may have an adjunct outbuilding in the rear yard. ¾ Mixed Use Building: A building type designed to accommodate commercial uses on the ground floor and a mix of multiple dwellings or commercial uses in the upper stories. ¾ Mixed Use Via: A multi-story mixed-use building designed to create a “Via” or retail-lined path or passage way that begins and ends in a public R.O.W. Upper stories can accommodate multiple dwellings or commercial uses. ¾ Multi Family Building: A building type designed to accommodate residential uses in multiple dwellings. In the case of multiple stories, all stories shall accommodate residential uses. …… Frontage Type: the architectural element of a building between the public R.O.W. and the private property associated with the building. Frontage Types combined with the public realm create the perceptible streetscape. The Frontage Types applicable to this specific Code are listed below: 1|Definitions ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY DEFINITIONS ¾ Front yard / Porch: a common frontage associated with single family houses, where the facade is set back from the right of way with a front yard. An encroaching porch may also be appended to the facade. A fence or wall at the property line may be used to define the private space of the yard. The front yard may also be raised from the sidewalk, creating a small retaining wall at the property line with entry steps to the yard. ¾ Stoop: an elevated entry porch/stair placed close to the frontage line with the ground story elevated from the sidewalk, securing privacy for the windows and front rooms. This type is suitable for ground-floor residential uses with short setbacks. This type may be interspersed with the shopfront frontage type. A porch or shed roof may also cover the stoop. ¾ Forecourt: a semi-public exterior space partially surrounded by a building and also opening to a public R.O.W. These spaces usually lead to a Court, which is a private exterior space. It is often used as a vehicular entrance or drop-off, and its landscape may be improved with paving. ¾ Shopfront: a facade placed at or close to the R.O.W. line, with the entrance at sidewalk grade. This type is conventional for retail frontage and is commonly equipped with cantilevered shed roof(s) or awning(s). Recessed storefronts are also acceptable. The absence of a raised ground floor precludes residential use on the ground floor facing the street, although such use is appropriate above. ¾ Gallery: a storefront with an attached colonnade, that projects over the sidewalk and encroaches into the public right of way. This frontage type is ideal for retail use but only when the sidewalk is fully absorbed within the colonnade so that a pedestrian cannot bypass it. ¾ Arcade: a facade with an attached colonnade that is covered by upper stories. This type is ideal for retail use, but only when the sidewalk is fully absorbed within the arcade so that a pedestrian cannot bypass it. For Building Code considerations, this frontage type cannot cover the public R.O.W. as can the Gallery frontage type. ….. Liner Building means a structure that conceals large expanses of parking, blank wall areas, or structured parking, designed for occupancy by retail, commercial or residential uses. Liner buildings front the street space with a facade that has all the opening (windows/doors) requirements as per specific building type and zoning requirements Live/Work Building means an attached building that can accommodate integrated residential and business uses. These uses may occur on any story of a live/work building, so long as they are occupied and utilized by a single household. Mixed Use means combining two or more of the following uses: retail, commercial, and residential within the same building or on the same site. Mixed Use Area means a zone that due to its location, has the development potential to specialize in terms of accommodating significant business functions. A Mixed-Use Commercial Area 2|Definitions ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY DEFINITIONS should include a variety of uses and is encouraged to provide a place for retail and services that would not be compatible in residential neighborhoods. …. "Park-Once" (Shared Parking Policy): an accounting for parking spaces that are available to more than one function. The requirement is based on a range of parking-demand found in mixed-use areas. The Shared Parking ratio varies according to multiple functions in close proximity unlikely to require the spaces at the same time. This approach to parking uses off-and- on-street parking in combination, to achieve a balanced and distributed supply of parking. ….. Story means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it or, if there is no floor above it, the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it. Accessible open patios, observation decks and/or similar areas located above the first story shall be considered a story for the purpose of this definition. Roofs of buildings used as habitable space shall be considered as a story of a building. Each story used exclusively for parking vehicles is also counted as a story. Space within a roofline that is entirely non-habitable shall not be considered to be a story. For example, a structure that accommodates parking on the ground floor and a story of retail, commercial or residential uses above it is considered a two-story structure. ….. Yard: a private area that adjoins or surrounds a building, its landscape subject to the corresponding landscape requirements. Yards can be front, rear, or side. 3|Definitions ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII DIVISION 2. ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA Section. 134. 1106 1502 Purpose and Limitations. The purpose of the Royal Poinciana Mixed-Use Overlay Area is to: (1) Build upon the existing success and uses of the Royal Poinciana commercial area and encourage a sustainable and balanced mixed-use area ; (2) Create, preserve and enhance an area of attractive, small-scale, retail, personal and professional/business services to be developed incrementally, providing for the frequently recurring needs of townpersons; (3) Balance commercial and residential needs in order to accomplish high trip absorption rates and decrease traffic congestion at certain intersections within the Area; (4) Discourage regional traffic as a means to support local businesses; (5) Create a “park once” environment by providing a mix of uses within a pedestrian-friendly environment; (6) Promote walkability by maintaining and enhancing an interconnected network of vias, paths, sidewalks, and open spaces, reducing the need to drive through the district; (7) Maintain and enhance a continuous, inter-connected network of pedestrian and bicycle-friendly streets with shaded sidewalks, appropriate landscaping and street details, and traffic calming measures such as on-street parking; (8) Provide public open space in the form of vias, plazas, or walkways; (9) Preserve the historic character and small town scale of the area; and, (10) Enhance the general character of the Area and its compatibility with its residential surroundings, ….. Section 134.1503 Essential Development Concepts The essential concepts for the regulation of land designated within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area are as follows: A. The Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Area is an Overlay. As such, it is optional. A parcel in the area may be developed under the existing C-TS zoning district, or in accordance with the Overlay regulations. Its boundaries (Figure 1) are the properties abutting the north side of Sunrise Avenue to the north, the north side of Royal Poinciana Way to the South, the east side of Bradley Place to the east, and the properties abutting the west side of N. County 4| Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII Road to the east. This Overlay provides general guidance and specific standards that, in conjunction with the remainder of this Code, will carry out the goals, objectives, and policies of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element for this Area. Bradley Place N. County Rd. Sunrise Avenue Sunset Avenue Royal Poinciana Way Figure 1. District Boundaries B. Performance- Based Development Incentives. The development rights allowed in the CTS zoning district which are associated to any given parcel of land within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area may be increased to achieve community goals, if certain quantifiable performance standards are met. These performance standards specifically regulate potential lot coverage, height, and density increases. No density or height increases are awarded “as-of-right”. Additional height and density may only be achieved through the fulfillment of clear and quantifiable performance-based standards (Section 134.1509 and 134-1510). C. Area Wide Density. In order to avoid unwanted speculation and ensure predictability of the Area at build-out, this overlay does not increase the area’s existing 6du/ac density as of right, nor does it do it at the parcel level. Density may be increased beyond the base 6du/ac by drawing, on a first-come first-serve manner, from an area-wide density bank. Drawing from the density bank is only possible through the fulfillment of performance-based standards. The number of dwelling units available in the density bank is capped. This cap shall not be increased. 5| Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII D. Sunset Provision. Performance-Based incentives are created to encourage development in an appropriate form within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Area. Within 60 months of (day of adoption), date of adoption of this Overlay, the Town Council will monitor the performance of development in the Area (Section 134-1510). Based on the outcome of the monitoring process, the Town Council shall decide whether to sunset this incentive-based Overlay, or extend it for a period it considers appropriate. E. A System of Primary and Secondary Streets. Streets within the Royal Poinciana Overlay Mixed Use Area are different in character, scale and function. Regulations for the Area address those differences. Figure 2 illustrates a system of “Primary”, or “A” Streets and “Secondary”, or “B” Streets in the Area. Buildings fronting Primary Streets shall be held to higher development standards as they usually represent the “face” of the Area, house special uses, or line key destinations. Secondary Streets are be designed with equal care as Primary Streets, but regulations of buildings that front them can be relaxed slightly to allow for the provision of parking lots, driveways, special exception uses, and other non-retail ground floor uses. Figure 2. Primary and Secondary Streets Primary Streets Secondary Streets 6| Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII Section. 134. 1107 1503 Permitted Uses. (1) Enumeration; maximum gross leasable area. The permitted uses in the C- Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area TS town-serving commercial district, with a maximum of 2,000 square feet of gross leasable area (GLA), are as follows: (a) Retail and service establishments, such as restaurants, excluding formula restaurants as defined in section 134-2, and bars/lounges, hardware stores, food stores, clothing stores, drugstores, barbershops, beauty salons and jewelry stores, as long as the use is located and provided within a retail, live/work, or mixed use building type as described in Section 134.1508; (b) Offices, executive office suites, professional services, business services, and securities or financial brokerage and trust companies as long as the use is located and provided within a live/work, mixed use or office building as described in Section 134-1508;. (c) Nonprofit cultural centers, educational services (professional or studio-type schools) and civic uses, as long as they are located and provided within a civic building as described in Section 134.1508; (d) Professional or studio-type schools as long as they are located and provided within a live/work, office or mixed use building as described in Section 134-1508;. (e) Banks and financial institutions; (f) Essential Services. (2) Multiple family dwellings, as long as the dwelling is located and provided in the form of a townhouse, live/work, multi-family, or courtyard building, as described in Section 134-1508;. (3) Civic uses, as long as the use is located and provided within a Civic Building type as described in Section. 134-1508;. (4) Parks, playgrounds, and recreation facilities under the supervision of the Town; (5) Outdoor seating in conjunction with permitted restaurants, provided all regulations for outdoor seating outlined in Article III are met; (6) Roof deck automobile parking, as long as it is provided in a manner consistent with the proposed building types outlined in Section 134-1111; (7) Any use commonly accessory to the above uses;. (b8) Regulation of existing nonconforming commercial uses. Any existing uses contained on the list of permitted uses shown in subsection (a) of this section which contain more than 2,000 square feet of gross leasable area (GLA) shall be classified as existing nonconforming uses under article IV of this chapter pertaining to nonconforming uses. However, all future changes of use shall be limited to those uses listed as permitted uses on the list contained in this section with a maximum gross leasable area of 2,000 square feet, and if a change of use is contemplated from one general commercial category (retail and services; office, professional and business services; or banks and 7| Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII financial institutions) to another, or from one generic use (residential, commercial, public/private group use) to another, wherein the new use will involve a gross leasable area exceeding 2,000 square feet, the contemplated new use shall be subject to prior approval of a special exception application by the town council before the change is made (refer to sections 134-227 through 134233 pertaining to special exception uses). In effect, this will allow any existing use over 2,000 square feet, in a district with a 2,000-square-footage limitation, to continue operating at its existing scale or to change to another use within the same general commercial category without town council approval. For example, if a ladies apparel store of 8,000 square feet exists in any of the C-TS Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area or C-WA districts and the owner wishes to change to an antique store of the same size or subdivide into two 4,000-square-foot stores, one being a toy store and the other a shoe store, such a change would be allowed without prior town council approval. However, if the owner of the same 8,000-square-foot ladies apparel store wanted to change to a bank or an office or a business service or the owner wished to subdivide into two 4,000-square-foot offices, the owner would need to apply for and obtain approval of a special exception from the town council. No existing commercial use which is subject to the 2,000 square feet maximum gross leasable area (GLA) regulation may occupy additional space within 1,500 feet of the existing licensed businesses, which distance shall be measured along the public sidewalk, if such new space to be occupied will increase the total gross leasable area (GLA) to more than 2,000 square feet. ….. Section. 134.1109 1504 1483 Special Exception Uses. (a) The special exception uses require a site plan and review as provided in article III of this chapter, and are as follows: (1) Public or private parking lots or storage structured parking garages. (2) Auto rental lots, as long as they are provided with a liner building shielding the surface lot(s) from the public R.O.W.;. (3) Residential tenancy above the first floor. (4) Private social, swimming, golf, tennis and yacht clubs. (43) Service stations, as long as they are provided along a Secondary Street within the Royal Poinciana Overlay Area, and in the form of a “backwards gas station” (See Section. 134-1508). (64) Public Structures. (5) Any commercial establishment with greater than 2,000 square feet of gross leasable area, provided the town council has found, as a fact, that the proposed use is town serving. (12) Banks and financial institutions, excluding securities or financial brokerage and trust companies. (6) Roof-deck automobile parking. (14) Outdoor seating in conjunction with permitted restaurants where administrative approval is not being requested. See section 134-1111 for additional conditions. 8| Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII (7) Museums occupying building of unique value as designated historical landmarks, as determined by the landmarks preservation commission and the town council. (8) Nightclubs. (18) Offices (excluding executive office suites), professional services, business services and securities or financial brokerage and trust companies on the first floor provided that there are at least 50 percent existing office uses on all floors of the building in which the office use is proposed and more than 50 percent existing office uses on the first floor within 300 feet of the proposed office use in the same zoning district. (159) Reserved. (b) An owner or tenant of a property, located within the C-TS Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area district, which property has received approval of a special exception after March 31, 1980, shall be required to obtain approval by the town council under the provisions of section 134-229(12) prior to being granted a new occupational license. This subsection shall not apply to renewal of an existing occupational license. ….. Section. 134. 1110 1505. Accessory Structures. (a) Generally. Enclosed accessory structures in the Royal Poinciana C-TS town-serving Mixed Use Overlay Area commercial district shall comply with front and side and rear yard requirements for the principal structure to which they are accessory, and shall be placed in accordance with Section 134.1508. and shall be not closer to any rear property line than ten feet. ….. Section. 134-1506 1111 Special Regulation for Stands, Seated Dining Areas and Open Counters for Eating and Drinking. (a) No stands or open counters and no open seating arrangement (except as otherwise provided in article VIII, division 14), whether or not at tables, intended for feeding or the dispensing of food or drink whether or not for profit or for any other similar purposes for the sale of commodities to the public shall be erected or permitted anywhere in the town unless they are contained within a building. However, in the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area C-TS town-serving commercial district, the town council may permit, as a special exception, the serving of food and beverages to seated patrons in outdoor open air areas which are operated as a part of a restaurant contained within a building, provided approval of such special exception does not increase the allowable capacity. The following are conditions to the approval of any such special exception: (1) Open air dining areas must be properly buffered to avoid noise, litter, light and odor impacts upon neighboring properties, especially nearby residential uses. (2) Area associated with the outdoor portion of the restaurant will not count toward any maximum square footage limitations associated with the town-serving aspects of this chapter. 9| Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII (b3) In the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area C-TS town-serving commercial district, the town council may permit, as a special exception, extra outdoor patron seating, over and above the inside seating capacity, as part of a take-out food business contained within a building provided the following conditions are met: …… (51) The amount of outdoor seating can not exceed eight seats, nor can it extend beyond any property line of the take-out business tenant space. ….. Section. 134-1507 1112. General Review Process; Commercial uses; site plan approval for new buildings, new building additions or changes in permitted uses over certain floor area. Specific standards for the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area review process are contained within this section. (a) The Royal Poinciana Mixed Use District is applied as an Overlay Area. When a property owner elects to build under the regulations of this Overlay, where the requirements of this overlay district conflict with other portions of this code (including the underlying C-TS zoning district), the requirements of this district shall prevail; however, no development may be approved that conflicts with the Comprehensive Plan. (b) All applications for new buildings or for new building additions or for changes in a permitted use in section 134-1505 1107 which involve more than 2,000 square feet of building floor area of buildings in the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area C-TS town-serving commercial district shall require a site plan approval in accordance with article III of this chapter. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any building, unless all facilities included in the site plan have been provided in accordance therewith. The maximum dimension of any structure or group of attached structures shall not exceed 150 feet. (c ) Review process for the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay District. The purpose of site plan review is to ascertain whether a proposed new development follows the pattern of development expressed by the community in numerous public workshops and meetings, and whether it conforms with all provisions of the Town of Palm Beach’s Comprehensive Plan and this code. All applications for development approval within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Area that are not otherwise permitted as nonconforming uses or structures shall comply with all requirements of this code. Development applications shall be processed administratively as follows: (A) The Director of Planning and Zoning or his designee shall review plans, including the exhibits listed below, for completeness and compliance with the provisions of this code. The Director shall issue a final decision of an application that the Director deems to be complete. Denials shall be in writing and shall specifically set forth the grounds for the denial. Any final decision of the Director may be appealed to the Town Council in accordance with the procedures established in this code for appeals of administrative decisions. (B) A pre-submittal meeting between the applicant and Town staff is required. 10 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY CHAPTER VII (C) Applications for site plan review under this article shall be accompanied by exhibits prepared by qualified professionals that include the following: i. Proof of ownership; ii. Zoning district and future land use map category for the subject property; iii. Gross acreage and number of Palm Beach Acres (40,000sf). iv. Location, shape, size, and height of existing and proposed buildings; v. Building type proposed; vi. Lot lines, setbacks, and build-to lines of existing and proposed buildings; vii. Total square footage for each use by type; viii. Total number of dwelling units and their corresponding square footage ix. Location of on-street and off-street parking, loading facilities and waste collection areas; x. Proposed signage; xi. Landscape plans, including specifications of species of plant material; xii. Street cross-sections, including adjacent buildings and open space; xiii. Floor plans, elevations, and sections of all buildings, including total gross square feet of area for each floor and gross leasable area where applicable; xiv. Figures showing the following: 1. Total lot coverage 2. Total floor coverage (percentage per floor) 3. Total building frontage 4. Amount of open space, landscaped areas, impervious areas and publicly accessible open space in square feet; 5. Public benefit performance standard if applicable (Bonus Density and Height) Calculations; and 6. Such other design data as may be needed to evaluate the project’s compliance with the requirements of this code. 11 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA CHAPTER VII Sec. 134-1508 Property Development Requirements – Generally A. BUILDING TYPES 1. Purpose. In order to preserve the small town atmosphere and historic character of the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area, development shall be organized into building types appropriate to house specific uses or combination of uses. The proposed, time tested building types identified for the Area are common to the Town’s traditional mixed use and commercial areas. The variety of authentic building types allowed will ensure diverse retail, office, and housing options. This Section identifies requirements for new buildings or buildings to be modified. It additionally establishes performancebased standards intended to encourage the type of development here proposed. Unless stated otherwise, all requirements expressed as 'minimums' may be exceeded (e.g., 2 parking spaces required and 3 provided). Requirements expressed as ‘maximums’ shall not be exceeded. 2. Applicability. Each proposed improvement and building shall be designed in compliance with the regulations of this Section, except for public and institutional buildings, which because of their unique disposition and application are not mandated to comply with these requirements, and shall be reviewed by special permit and procedures. 3. Requirements by building type. Each proposed building shall be designed according to the regulations identified in this Division. Table 1 indicates allowable building types by street within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area. An applicant may propose additional building types during the planning process provided the building types comply with the intent of this Code. Any new building type proposed requires approval by ArCom, and its historic precedent needs to be established. The Town Council shall decide whether to accept, modify, or reject such additional building types during the approval process. Table 1 – Allowable Building Types by Street Building Type Mixed Use Building Royal Poinciana Way ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Apartment Building ♦ Townhouse building Retail building Via Building Civic building Sunset Avenue ♦ Office Building Live/work building Sunrise Avenue Bradley Place N. County Rd. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 12 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – MIXED USE MIXED USE BUILDING A building designed to accommodate commercial uses on the ground floor and a mix of multiple dwellings or commercial uses above the first floor. Ground floor uses for Mixed Use Buildings fronting Royal Poinciana Way and N. County Rd. are limited to retail/restaurants only 1. Access: (a) The main entrance(s) to ground story commercial space(s) shall be directly from a street or public R.O.W. (b) Primary access to upper story commercial and/or residential units shall be through a street level lobby, directly accessible from the public R.O.W or a side yard. (Figure MU.2 – B) (c) Exterior staircases, when constituting special architectural features, may be used as a means of access to second-story residential units. (d) Circulation and access to upper-story residential or commercial units shall be through interior corridors or other forms of interior circulation. Exterior (“cat-walk”) access to units is not permitted. 2. Dimensional Requirements Table MU-1 provides dimensional requirements, illustrated on Figure MU-1 for clarity purposes. 3. Lot Coverage (a) Lot coverage for Mixed Use Buildings is 80% (Figure MU. 1 H) (b) Underground parking shall not be counted towards lot coverage requirements (i.e. 100% of the lot may be occupied by parking if it is underground and designed in accordance with best LEED practices.) 4. Parking Standards. (a) Required Off-Street Parking Spaces: - 2 spaces/unit with 2 or more bedrooms. - 1.5 spaces/unit for 1 bedroom or efficiencies. - For non-residential uses, the number of offstreet parking spaces required in Section 1342176 multiplied by a factor of .60. (b) Where an alley is present or possible to plat, parking shall be accessed from the alley. (c) Where an alley is not present or possible to plat, parking shall be through the building or to one side (Figure MU.1 – C). Such access shall be limited to the minimum required width, and designed in a way that is subordinate to the pedestrian realm. Figure MU-1 – Dimensional Requirements Frontage Royal Poinciana Way N. County Rd. Bradley Place Sunrise Avenue; Sunset Avenue Setback Minimum Maximum (A) Front 0’ 5’ (B) Rear 0’ - (C) Sides 0’ (5’ if set back) see frontage percentage (C)Frontage% 80% 100% (A) Front 0’ 0’ (B) Rear (C) Sides 5’ 0’ (5’ if set back) see frontage percentage (C)Frontage% 80% 100% (A) Front 5’ 10’ (B) Rear 5’ -- (C) Sides 0’ see frontage percentage (C)Frontage% 70% 100% (A) Front 10’ (C) Sides 5’ 0’ Sunset - 10’ Sunrise 0’ (5’ if set back) see frontage percentage (C)Frontage% 60% 100% (B) Rear - - Table MU-1. – Building Placement Dimensional Requirements 13 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – MIXED USE (c) Parcels 50’ or less in width that house mixeduse buildings shall be exempt of providing parking for residential uses. (d) On-street parking spaces directly adjacent (fronting) Mixed Use Buildings may be counted towards off-street parking requirements. (e) Buildings that accommodate required parking underground in accordance with best LEED practices shall be eligible for height and density bonus increases in accordance with Sec. 1341509 & 1510. (f) Roof-top parking is permitted as long as it is not visible from the public R.O.W. Buildings that accommodate roof-top parking shall be eligible for density bonus increases in accordance with Sec. 134-1510. (f) See Sec. 134-2176 thru 2178 for additional parking regulations. 5. Façade Standards (a) Ground story façades of mixed use buildings fronting streets must have between 30% and 80% (Figure MU.2 –C) of each story in transparent windows. Windows of stores fronting N. County Rd. and Royal Poinciana Way shall be clear and remain unobstructed during business hours since they are limited to retail/restaurant uses. Figure MU.2 - Uses CHARACTER EXAMPLES 6. Frontage Requirement (a) Allowable frontage types are identified in Table MU. 2. Frontage Types Allowed Arcade % of Frontage 50 to 100 Gallery 50 to 100 Shopfront 75 to 100 Forecourt Max 25 Table MU-2 – Frontage Regulations 7. Use (a) The first story of all mixed use buildings with the exception of buildings fronting Royal Poinciana Way or N. County Rd ., may be for commercial use (office or retail). Mixed Use Building – Town of Palm Beach the first story is limited to retail/restaurant uses only. In these locations, (b) For buildings fronting Royal Poinciana Way and N. County Rd , office and residential uses are not permitted on the first floor. 14 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – MIXED USE (c) Upper stories are for residential and/or commercial uses, but said uses shall have separate access and circulation if located on the same floor. (d) Essential Services (utility access, trash, general equipment) shall not be visible from the public R.O.W. (except for collection or maintenance). (e) See Section 134-1503 & 1341504 for additional use regulations. 10. Outdoor dining (a) Outdoor dining is permitted provided that 10 foot clear path is maintained at all times. (b) Outdoor dining is subject to all applicable regulations in Section 1341111. (c) If outdoor dining occurs within open space in private property, and that open space was used in calculations to achieve performance-based increases, 20% of the outdoor seating shall be publicly available (i.e. available for use by someone not dining) and clearly designated. (d) Other encroachments to public R.O.W.s are subject to approval of P&Z and Town Council by separate permit and agreement. 8. Accessory Dwellings Not Allowed 9. Height The following height regulations are illustrated in Figure MU.3 for clarity purposes. (a) Maximum building height is two stories or 26 feet, with additional height achievable upon the implementation of specific performance standards as outlined in Section 134-1509. (b) The ground story (A) of commercial or mixed-use buildings shall be a minimum of10 feet (floor to ceiling).(c) Each story above the ground floor (B, C) shall be a minimum of 8 feet tall (floor to ceiling). (d) For buildings that are eligible for a third story through the application of performance standards, the third story (C) with maximum lot coverage of 60%, may have a maximum frontage of 20% (E). The remainder shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet (D). Figure MU.3 - Height (e) For mixed use buildings eligible for a fourth story through the application of performance standards, the fourth story (F) with a maximum lot coverage of 20%, shall have a minimum front and rear setback (G) of 30 feet. (f) Flat roofs shall be enclosed by parapets. No roof-top equipment shall be visible. 14 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – VIA MIXED USE VIA BUILDING A multi-story mixed-use building designed to create a “via” or retail-lined path or passage way that begins and ends in a public R.O.W. Upper stories can accommodate multiple dwellings or commercial uses. Upper story uses, if different, must have independent access. Ground floor uses for via building types accessed from or fronting N. County Rd., Sunset Ave. or Royal Poinciana Way, are limited to retail/ restaurant use only. 1. Access: (a) The main entrance(s) to ground story commercial space(s) shall be directly from and street face, public R.O.W, or Via. (b) Primary access to upper story residential or commercial uses shall be through a street-level lobby, directly accessible from a public R.O.W. or via. (Figure V3 - A). Upper story access should be located with minimum impact to retail continuity (i.e. in corners, courtyards, or side passages) (Figure V3 - A). (c) Exterior staircases, when constituting special architectural features, may be used as a means of access to second-story units. (d) Circulation and access to upper-story residential or commercial units shall be through interior corridors or other forms of interior circulation. Exterior (“cat-walk”) access to units is not permitted. 2. Dimensional Requirements Table V-1 provides dimensional requirements illustrated on Figure V.1 for clarity purposes (a) Minimum parcel width for a Via Building is 75 feet. 3. Lot Coverage (a) Lot coverage for Via Buildings is 80% (Figure V. 1 H). (b) Underground parking shall not be counted towards lot coverage requirements (i.e. 100% of the lot may be occupied by parking if it is underground and designed in accordance with best LEED practices.) 4. Parking Standards. (a) Required Off-Street Parking Spaces: - 2 spaces/ unit with 2 or more bedrooms. - 1.5 spaces/ unit for 1 bedroom or efficiency units. Figure V-1 – Dimensional Requirements Frontage Royal Poincia na Way N. County Rd. Bradley Place Sunrise Avenue; Sunset Avenue Setback Minimum Maximum (A) Front 0’ 5’ (B) Rear 0’ - (C) Sides (D) Frontage % 0’ (5’ if set back) 70% - 90% (A) Front 0’ 0’ (B) Rear 5’ - (C) Sides 0’ (5’ if set back) see frontage percentage (D) Frontage % 70% 90% (A) Front 5’ 10’ (B) Rear 5’ 10’ (C) Sides 0’ see frontage percentage (D) Frontage % 70% 90% (A) Front 5’ 0’ Sunset - 10’ Sunrise 10’ (B) Rear - (C) Sides 0’ (5’ if set back) see frontage percentage (D) Frontage % 70% 90% Table V-1 – Building Placement Dimensional Requirements 16 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – VIA - 1.5 spaces/unit for 1 bedroom or efficiencies. - For non-residential uses, the number of offstreet parking spaces required in Section 1342176 multiplied by a factor of .60. (b) Parking for Vias shall be accommodated either off-site or underground in accordance with best LEED practices. (c) Buildings that accommodate required parking underground shall be eligible for height and density bonus increases in accordance with Sec. 134-1509 & 134.1510. (d) See Sec. 134-2176 thru 2178 for additional parking regulations. 5. Façade Standards (a) Ground story façades of Via Building types fronting streets or Vias must have between 30% and 80% (Figure V.2 -A) in transparent windows. All windows shall be clear and remain unobstructed during business hours, since they are limited to retail/restaurant uses. 6. Frontage Requirement (a) Allowable frontage types, applicable to portions of the Vias fronting public R.O.Ws or Vias are identified in Table V-2. Frontage Types Allowed Arcade Figure V.2 - Uses CHARACTER EXAMPLES % of Frontage 50 to 100 Gallery 50 to 100 Shopfront 75 to 100 Table V-2 – Frontage Regulations 7. Use (a) The first story of all Vias is for commercial uses (office/retail/restaurant), with the exception of buildings fronting or accessed from Royal Poinciana Way, N. County Rd. or Sunset Ave.. (b) For Via Building types fronting or accessed from Royal Poinciana Way, Sunset Ave., and N. County Rd. the first story is for retail/ restaurant uses only. (c) Residential uses (except for lobby access) are not permitted on the first floor. Via Building Type – Town of Palm Beach 17 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – VIA (d) Stories above the ground floor are for residential and/or commercial uses. (e) Upper stories are for residential and/or commercial uses, but said uses shall have separate access and circulation if located on the same floor. (f)Essential Services (utility access, trash, general equipment) shall not be visible from the public R.O.W. (except for collection or maintenance). (g) See Sec. 134.1503 & 1504 for additional use regulations. 8. Outdoor dining (a) Outdoor dining is permitted in courtyards and open space within Vias, provided that 6 foot clear path is maintained at all times. (b) Outdoor dining is subject to all applicable regulations in Section 134-1111. (c) If outdoor dining occurs within open space in private property, and that open space was used in calculations to achieve performancebased increases, 20% of the outdoor seating shall be publicly available (i.e. available for use by someone not dining) and clearly designated. (d) Other encroachments to public R.O.W. are subject to approval of P&Z and Town Council by separate permit and agreement. 6. Accessory Dwellings Not Allowed. 7. Height The following height regulations are illustrated in Figure V.3 for clarity purposes. (a) Maximum building height is two stories or 26 feet, with additional height achievable upon the implementation of specific performance standards as outlined in Section 134-1509 (b) The ground story (A) of a Via building shall be a minimum of 10 feet (floor to ceiling). (c) Each story above the ground floor (B, C) shall be a minimum of 8 feet (floor to ceiling). (d) For buildings that are eligible for a third story through the application of performance standards, the third story (C) with maximum lot coverage of 60%, may have a maximum frontage of 20% (E). The remainder of the façade shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet (D). (e) For via building types that are eligible for a fourth story through the application of performance standards, the fourth story (F) with a maximum lot coverage of 20%, shall have a minimum front and rear setback (G) of 30 feet. (f) Flat roofs shall be enclosed by parapets. No roof-top equipment shall be visible from the public R.O.W. Figure V.3 - Height 18 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES - OFFICE OFFICE BUILDING A multi-story building designed to accommodate office uses in all stories. This building type is not permitted along N. County Rd. or Royal Poinciana Way. 1. Access: (a) The main entrance(s) to ground and upper story commercial (office) space(s) shall be through a ground level lobby, directly accessible from a street or public R.O.W. Figure O-2.A (b) Primary access and circulation to upper-story commercial units shall be through interior corridors or other forms of interior circulation. Exterior (“cat-walk”) access to units is not permitted. (c) Exterior staircases, when constituting special architectural features, may be used as a means of access to second-story residential units. 2. Dimensional Requirements Table O-1 provides dimensional requirements, illustrated on Figure O-1 for clarity purposes. 3. Lot Coverage (a) Lot coverage for Mixed Use Buildings is 80% (Figure MU. 1 H) (b) Underground parking shall not be counted towards lot coverage requirements (i.e. 100% of the lot may be occupied by parking) 4. Parking Standards. (a) Required Off-Street Parking Spaces: - For non-residential uses, the number of offstreet parking spaces required in Section 134.2176 multiplied by a factor of .60. (b) Where an alley is present or possible to plat, parking shall be accessed from the alley. (c) Where an alley is not present or possible to plat, parking shall be through the building or to one side. Such access shall be limited to the minimum required width, and designed in a way that is subordinate to the pedestrian realm (Figure O.1 – C). (d) On-street parking spaces directly adjacent (fronting) Office Buildings may be counted towards off-street parking requirements. (e) Buildings that accommodate required parking underground in accordance with best LEED Figure O-1 – Dimensional Requirements Frontage Royal Poinciana Way N. County Rd. Bradley Place Setback Minimum Maximum Front N/A N/A Rear N/A N/A Sides Frontage % N/A N/A N/A N/A Front N/A N/A Rear N/A N/A Sides N/A N/A Frontage % N/A N/A Front 5’ 10’ Rear 5’ 10’ Sides 0’ see frontage percentage Frontage % 70% 100% Front 5’ 10’ Sunrise 0’ Sunset Rear Avenue; 10’ Sunrise Sunset 0’ (5’ if set see frontage Sides percentage Avenue back) Frontage % 60% 100% Table O- 1 – Building Placement Dimensional Requirements 19 | Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES - OFFICE practices shall be eligible for density bonus increases in accordance with Sec. 134-2176. (f) Roof-top parking is permitted as long as it is not visible from the public R.O.W. Buildings that accommodate roof-top parking shall be eligible for height and density bonus increases in accordance with Sec. 134-1509 & 134-1510. (f) See Sec. 134-2176 thru 2178 for additional parking regulations. 5. Frontage Requirement (a) Allowable frontage types are identified in Table O. 2. Frontage Types Allowed Arcade % of Frontage 50 to 100 Gallery 50 to 100 Stoop 20% (10’ max) Figure O.2 – Uses Table O.2 – Frontage Regulations 6. Use (a) Within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area, all stories are for commercial uses. (b) Essential Services (utility access, trash, general equipment) shall not be visible form the public R.O.W. (except for collection or maintenance) (c) See Section 134-1503 & 134-1504 for additional use regulations. 7. Accessory Dwellings Not Allowed 8. Height The following height regulations are illustrated in Figure O.3 for clarity purposes. (a) Maximum building height is two stories or 26 feet, with additional height achievable upon the implementation of specific performance standards as outlined in Section 134-1509. (b) Office buildings are not eligible for a fourth story bonus through the application of performance standards. (c) Each story above the ground floor (Figure O.3 - B, C) shall be a minimum of 9 feet tall (floor to ceiling). (d) For buildings that are eligible for a third story Character Example 20 | Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES - OFFICE through the application of performance standards, the third story (C) with maximum lot coverage of 60%, may have a maximum frontage of 20% (E). The remainder shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet (D). (e) Flat roofs shall be enclosed by parapets. No roof-top equipment shall be visible. Figure O.3 – Height 21 | Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING TYPE MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING A building designed to accommodate residential uses in multiple dwellings. In the case of multiple stories, all stories shall accommodate residential uses. This building type is not permitted along Royal Poinciana Way or N. County Rd. 1. Access: (a) The main entrance(s) to upper story residential uses shall be through a street level lobby, directly accessible from the public R.O.W. (b) Exterior staircases, when constituting special architectural features, may be used as a means of access to second-story residential units. (c) Access to ground floor residential unit(s) may be through a street level lobby, or directly from a street, or public R.O.W. (d) Primary access and circulation to upperstory residential unit(s) shall be through interior corridors or other forms of interior circulation. Exterior (“cat-walk”) access to units is not permitted. 2. Dimensional Requirements Table MF.1 provides dimensional requirements, illustrated on Figure MF.1 for clarity purposes. 3. Lot Coverage (a) Lot coverage for Apartment Buildings is 80% (Figure MF. 1 H) (b) Underground parking shall not be counted towards lot coverage requirements (i.e. 100% of the lot may be occupied by underground parking). 4. Parking Standards. (a) Required Off-Street Parking Spaces: - 2 spaces/unit with 2 or more bedrooms - 1.5 spaces/unit for 1 bedroom or efficiencies. (b) Where an alley is present or possible to plat, parking shall be accessed from the alley. (c) Where an alley is not present or possible to plat, parking shall be through the building or to one side. Such access shall be limited to the minimum required access width (Figure MF.1 – C), and shall be designed in a manner that is subordinate to the pedestrian realm. (d) On-street parking spaces directly adjacent (fronting) Apartment Building Types may be counted towards off-street parking requirements. Figure MF.1 – Dimensional Requirements Frontage Royal Poinciana Way N. County Rd. Bradley Place Sunrise Avenue; Sunset Avenue Setback Front, Rear, Sides, Frontage % Front, Rear, Sides, Frontage % Front Minimum Maximum N/A N/A N/A N/A 5’ 10’ Rear see frontage percentage Frontage % 10’ 0’ (5’ if set back or corner) 70% Front 5’ 10’ Rear 10’ 0’ (5’ if set back or corner) 60% - Sides Sides Frontage % 100% see frontage percentage 100% Table MF.1 – Building Placement Dimensional Requirements 22 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING TYPE (e) Buildings that accommodate required parking underground shall be eligible for height and density bonus increases in accordance with Sections 134-1509 & 134-1510. (f) See Section 134-2176 thru 2178 for additional parking regulations. 3. Façade Standards (a) Toward the extent possible, public living space (living rooms/dining rooms) shall be open to, and oriented fronting the street, and service rooms shall be oriented toward side and rear yards. (a) Ground story façades of Apartment Buildings fronting streets must have a minimum of 15% of each story in transparent windows. 4. Frontage Requirement (a) Frontage types are intended to provide a transition from public to private space and may encroach within required setbacks as indicated in Section 134-1508. (b) Ground floor residential units shall be raised a minimum of 1’6” to provide privacy to ground floor dwelling units. (c) Allowed frontage types are identified in Table MF.2. Frontage Types Allowed % of Frontage Porch Max 20% (not to exceed 10’ in width) 50 to 100 Forecourt Max 25 Stoop Figure MF.2 – Use Table MF.2 – Frontage Regulations 5. Use (a) Within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area, all stories shall be for residential uses. (b) Essential Services (utility access, trash, general equipment) shall not be visible form the public R.O.W. (except for collection or maintenance) (c) See Section 134-1503 & 134-1504 for additional use regulations. Character Example 23 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA MULTI-FAMILY BUILDING TYPE 6. Accessory Dwellings Not Allowed. 7. Height The following height regulations are illustrated in Figure A.3 for clarity purposes. (a) Maximum building height is two stories or 26 feet, with additional height achievable upon the implementation of specific performance standards as outlined in Section 134.1509. (b) The first story (A) shall be at least 9 feet in height (floor to ceiling). Upper stories (B, C) shall be at least 8 feet in height (floor to ceiling). (c) The ground floor ‘finished floor’ shall be raised at least 1’6” feet but no more than 3 feet above the adjacent sidewalk grade. (d) For buildings that are eligible for a third story through the application of performance standards, the third story (C) with maximum lot coverage of 60% may have a maximum frontage of 20% (E). The remainder of the front facade shall be set back a minimum of 15 feet (D). (f) Flat roofs shall be enclosed by parapets. No roof-top equipment shall be visible. Figure MF 3 - Height 24 | D i v i s i o n 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPE - LIVE WORK LIVE/WORK BUILDING A building that integrates a single residence and commercial work space, both of which are used by a single household. The ground floor is designed to accommodate commercial or retail uses, with a single residence in the upper stories. Live-Work Building types may have an adjunct outbuilding in the rear yard. This building type is not permitted along Royal Poinciana Way or North County Rd. 1. Access: (a) The main entrance to ground story commercial space shall be directly from and face a street or public R.O.W. (b) Internal access and connectivity between the residential and commercial spaces is required. (d) Access to the dwelling unit may be by a separate entrance, visible from the street. 2. Dimensional Requirements Table LW.1 provides dimensional requirements which are illustrated on Figure LW.1 for clarity purposes. 3. Parking Standards. (a) Required Off-Street Parking Spaces: - 2 spaces per live/work unit (b) Where an alley is present or possible, parking shall be accessed from the alley. (c) Where an alley is not present or possible, parking shall be through the building or to one side. Such access shall be limited to the minimum required width, and designed in a way that is subordinate to the pedestrian realm. (d) On-street parking spaces directly adjacent (fronting) Live Work Buildings may be counted towards offstreet parking requirements. (f) See Sec. 134-2176 thru 2178 for additional parking regulations. Figure LW.1 – Dimensional Requirements Frontage Royal Poinciana Way N. County Rd. Bradley Place Sunrise Avenue; Sunset Avenue Outbuilding Minimum Lot Size (all districts) Setback Front, Rear, Sides, Frontage % Front, Rear, Sides, Frontage % Front Rear Minimum Maximum Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed 5’ 10’ 10’ 0’ - (5’ at corners) see frontage percentage Frontage % 70% 100% Front 5’ 0’ Sunset - 10’ Sunrise 10’ Sides Rear - Sides 0’ (5’ if set back) see frontage percentage Frontage % 60% 100% Rear Setback 5’ Side setback 0’, (5’ at corners) 20’ 35’ Table LW.1 – Building Placement Dimensional Requirements 25 - Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPE - LIVE WORK 4. Frontage Requirement (a) The ground floor fronting a street or other public R.O.Ws. shall comply with the requirements for a frontage type per the table below. (c) Allowable frontage types are identified in Table LW.2. Frontage Types Allowed Stoop % of Frontage 50 to 100 Porch 50 to 100 Balcony Max 25 Figure LW.2 – Frontage Regulations Figure L.W. 2 – Use 5. Use (a) Within the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use District, the first story is for commercial uses (retail or office). The upper stories are for a single residential unit. (b) Accessory dwellings are not permitted combined with live/work units. 6. Height (a) Maximum building height is two stories or 26 feet, with a third story achievable upon the implementation of specific performance standards outlined in Section 134.XXXX (b) The first story shall be at least 12 feet in height. (c)Upper stories shall be at least 8 feet in height Figure L.W. 3 – Height 26 - Division 2 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – MIXED USE FRONTAGE TYPES Frontage Types are constituted by the architectural elements of a building placed between the public R.O.W. and the private property associated with the building. Frontage Types combined with the public realm create the perceptible streetscape. The Frontage Types applicable to this specific Code are listed below: 1. Front Yard/Porch A Front Yard or Porch is a common frontage, where the facade is set back from the right of way with a front yard. An encroaching porch may also be appended to the facade. A fence or wall at the property line may be used to define the private space of the yard. The front yard may also be raised from the sidewalk, creating a small retaining wall at the property line with entry steps to the yard. This frontage type is appropriate for multi family and live work building types within the Royal Poinciana Area. 2. Stoop A stoop is constituted of an elevated entry porch/stair placed close to the frontage line with the ground story elevated from the sidewalk, securing privacy for the windows and front rooms. This type is suitable for ground-floor residential uses with short setbacks. This type may be interspersed with the shopfront frontage type. A porch or shed roof may also cover the stoop. This frontage type is appropriate for multi family, office, and live work building types within the Royal Poinciana Area. CHARACTER EXAMPLES Figure F.1 - Stoop Figure F.2 – Courtyard 3. Forecourt A Forecourt is constituted by a semi-public exterior space partially surrounded by a building and also opening to a public R.O.W. These spaces usually lead to a Courtyard, which is a private exterior space. This frontage type is appropriate for multi family and office building types within the Royal Poinciana Area. 4. Shopfront A shopfront is constituted by a facade placed at or close to the R.O.W. line, with the entrance at sidewalk grade. This type is conventional for retail frontage and is commonly equipped with cantilevered shed roof(s) or awning(s). Recessed Figure F.3 – Arcade | D i v i s i o n 2 29 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA BUILDING TYPES – MIXED USE storefronts are also acceptable. The absence of a raised ground floor precludes residential use on the ground floor facing the street, although such use is appropriate above. This frontage type is appropriate for mixed use, retail and Via building types within the Royal Poinciana Area. 5. Gallery A shopfront with an attached colonnade, that projects over the sidewalk and encroaches into the public right of way. This frontage type is ideal for retail use but only when the sidewalk is fully absorbed within the colonnade so that a pedestrian cannot bypass it. This frontage type is appropriate for mixed use, retail and Via building types within the Royal Poinciana Area. It is particularly appropriate within the Vias. 6. Arcade An arcade is constituted by a facade with an attached colonnade that is covered by upper stories. This type is ideal for retail use, but only when the sidewalk is fully absorbed within the arcade so that a pedestrian cannot bypass it. This frontage type is appropriate for mixed use, retail and Via building types within the Royal Poinciana Area. It is particularly appropriate within the Vias. Figure F.4 - Gallery | D i v i s i o n 2 30 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY SPECIAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Section 134-1509 Special Performance Standards 1. Purpose. The purpose of the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area is to establish an environment that is balanced and appropriate for townserving retail, commercial, and residential uses. This balance is not just aesthetic but economic as well. Incentive based development strategies or “performance standards” to preserve and protect a desirable scale, but also desirable uses and a healthy economy in the town are contained in this Section, and are the essence of this Overlay Area. 2. Performance-based height bonus (a) ‘As-of-right’ height is 2 stories or 26 feet (Figure H.1). (b) Performance standards implemented to their fullest potential shall yield a maximum bonus area equivalent to one additional story at 80% lot coverage. This bonus area/height shall be split as follows: - 60% maximum as a third story. - 20% as a fourth story (for building types that allow a fourth story). This increase in height shall be distributed in accordance to the design principles for each Building Type as established in Section 134.1508. 3. Performance-Based Standards Three potential ways to achi0eve additional height through the implementation of performance standards are available as follows: (A) Publicly Accessible Open Space For qualifying development, publicly accessible open space may be subject to a multiplier that increases the overall height and buildable area. (a) Lot coverage (ground floor) in the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area is 80%. Figure H.1 – Building Height Achieved through Performance Standards 31 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY SPECIAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (b) Underground parking shall not count towards lot coverage restrictions. (c) Required Open Space (20%) within a privately owned parcel, designed in a manner that makes this open area publicly accessible, may be subject to a multiplier that increases the overall buildable area. See Table H-1 and Example H.1 #1. (d) Open Space provided in excess of minimum requirement of 20% (i.e. 30%), within a privately owned parcel, designed in a manner that makes this open area publicly accessible, may be subject to a multiplier that increases the overall buildable area. See Table H-1 and Example H.1 #2. (e) Required Open Space provided at the minimum required (20%), where only a portion is designed in a manner that is publicly accessible, may be subject to a multiplier that increases the overall buildable area. This multiplier shall only apply to the percentage of land that is publicly accessible. See Example H-1 #3 and Table H-2 for applicable multiplier. (B) Underground Parking For qualifying development, underground parking may be subject to a multiplier that increases the overall height and buildable area. (a) A minimum of 50% of the required off-street parking shall be provided underground for a development to be eligible for a height bonus multiplier. (b) Bonus height/buildable area shall be awarded with a multiplier = 1. See Examples H.2 #1 and Table H-2 for applicable multiplier. (c) Ramps to access underground parking, underground stairways, hallways, elevators, or any other space not directly associated with the physical space to park a car, shall not be eligible for a bonus multiplier. (d) Should the underground parking provided exceed the maximum height bonus achievable, the excess may be Example # 1: Open space provided is 20%, all of which is publicly accessible Lot size: Maximum Lot Coverage Open Space Required Open Space Provided Multiplier Total Bonus 100’ x 120’ = 12,000sf (80%) = 9,600sf (20%) = 2,400sf (20%) = 2,400sf (all publicly accessible) 2 (20%) 2,400sf x 2 = 4,800sf Example # 2: Open space provided is 35% (greater than requirement), all of which is publicly accessible Lot size 100’ x 120’ = 12,000sf Maximum Lot Coverage (80%) = 9,600sf Open Space Required (20%) = 2,400sf (all publicly accessible) Open Space Provided (33.3%) = 4,200sf Multiplier 2 for first 20% 3 for area above 20% Bonus 2,400sf (20%) x 2 = 4,800 1,600sf (13.3%) x 3= 4,800sf Total Bonus 4,800sf + 4,800sf = 9,600sf Example # 3: Open space provided is 20%, only 10% of which is publicly accessible Lot size Maximum Lot Coverage Open Space Required Open Space Provided Multiplier Total Bonus 100’ x 120’ = 12,000sf (80%) = 9,600sf (20%) = 2,400sf (10%) = 1,200sf (all publicly accessible) 2 (10%) 1,200sf x 2 = 2,400sf Example H.1 Height Achieved through Publicly Accessible Open Space Example # 1: 50% of required off-street parking is provided underground Lot size Maximum Lot Coverage Total Parking Required Parking Provided on-street Parking Provided Underground Parking Provided in rear of lot Underground Parking Area 100’ x 120’ = 12,000sf (0.3 PB acres) (80%) = 9,600sf 43 spaces 4 spaces 20 spaces 19 spaces 20 spaces = 6,000sf (replace by actual area Multiplier Total Bonus 1 6,000sf x 1 = 6,000sf dedicated to park cars) Example # 2: In the example above, % of required off-street parking is provided underground and exceeds Total Parking Required Parking Provided Underground Underground Parking Area Multiplier Total Bonus 43 spaces 40 spaces 40 spaces = 12,000sf 1 12,000sf x 1 = 12,000sf (exceeds by 2,400sf maximum buildable area allowed. This amount can be applied towards Density bonus calculations (See Table D.1) Example H.2 – Height Achieved through Provision of Underground Parking 32 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY SPECIAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS applied towards a density bonus multiplier. See Examples H.2 #2 and Table H-2 for applicable multiplier. (e) In no case shall the same area of underground parking qualify for more than one performance based bonus. (C) Financial Contributions for Community Improvements. For qualifying development, monetary contributions towards public improvements in the Area may be subject to increases in overall height. (a) All financial contributions shall be earmarked for improvements as outlined in the Town’s Capital Improvements Program. (b) The smallest increment that can be acquired through financial contributions is 800sf. This area (800sf) constitutes a Financial Contribution Unit or FCU. (c) More than one FCU may be acquired (e.g. 2,400sf or 3 FCUs)) (d) The maximum FCUs to be acquired shall not exceed a buildable area equal to 80% lot coverage. 4. Building Height By Type (a) Appropriate building types and their corresponding maximum height are defined in Table H.1. (b) Building types are permitted an ‘as-of-right’ height of two (2) stories or 26 feet. (c) Eligible building types where publicly accessible open space is provided up to of 20%, that publicly accessible open space area shall be multiplied by a factor of 2. Table H.2. (c) Eligible building types where publicly accessible open space is provided in excess of 20%, that excess area shall be multiplied by a factor of 3. Table H.2. 5. Height Bonus Multiplier (a) The maximum permitted lot coverage is 80%. (b) Eligible building types where the 20% required open space is designed (d) (i) First Story lot coverage 80% (ii) Second Story lot coverage 80% Building Type Mixed Use Mixed Use Via Office Multi Family Retail Live Work ‘As-of-Right’ Height 2 stories or 26ft 2 stories or 26ft 2 stories or 26ft 2 stories or 26ft 2 stories or 26ft 2 stories or 26ft Potential Bonus Height 4 stories or46ft 4 stories or46ft 3 stories or 36ft 3 stories or 36ft 2 stories or 26ft 3 stories or 36ft Table H.1 Building Height Achieved through Performance Standards Performance Standard Publicly Accessible Open Space between 1% and 20% 2 Publicly Accessible Open Space > 20% 3 Underground Parking 1 FCU Example Multiplier 1 20% open space req. = 2,000sf 1,200sf (10%) publicly accessible 1,200sf x 2 = 2,400sf 20% open space req. = 2,000sf 2,500sf (25%) publicly accessible 2,000sf x 2 = 4,000sf 500 x 3 = 1,500sf TOTAL 5,500sf 6,000sf of underground parking area 6,000sf x 1 = 6,000sf buildable area Cost of unit to be determined by Town Council Unit = 800sf If 2 units acquired: - Cost x 2 = Financial Contribution - 1,600sf buildable area Table H.2 Height Bonus Multiplier (iii) Third story lot coverage 60% (iv) Fourth story lot coverage 20% (Where Applicable) 33 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY DISTRICT DENSITY Section 134.1510- Density 1. Purpose. In order to create a mixed use environment that is balanced, both aesthetically as well as economically, that preserves and improves the “Town-Serving” function of the area, density increases are available for qualifying developments. 2. Area-Wide Density Bank (a) Existing density is 6du/PBac (b) No density increases are awarded ‘“as-ofright’. (c)The density for every parcel shall remain at 6du/PBac. (d) Density for qualifying development may be increased if ‘drawn’ from a ‘Density Bank’. (e) An ‘Area-Wide Density Bank’ is proposed, from which developments can “draw”, up to an additional 18du/PBac (above the existing density (i.e. 24du/PBac). (f) Area Wide Density Bank is capped at 200 residential units for the entire Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area. (g) The impacts and performance of this Density Bank and the Density Bonus Program will be evaluated after 60 months of (the date of adoption). At that time, the Town Council shall decide whether to continue, or indefinitely suspend this incentive-based program. (h) Density increases can only be achieved by providing one or more of the community benefits outlined in this Section. 3. Performance-Based Density Bonus The following constitute performance-based standards that may result in the increase of residential density for qualifying properties. Table D.1 outlines the implementation of each performance standard. (a) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) with local approval determined by ARCOM: LEED (gold, silver, platinum) levels shall be developed by ARCOM, modeled after LEED requirements (National). Frontage Base Density Underground Parking LEED Certification per ARCOM. LEED Certification per ARCOM. LEED Certification per ARCOM. Community Improvement Financial Contribution Rooftop Parking Exceptional Architecture/Historic Preservation Publicly Accessible Landscaping in excess of requirement Open Space in the form of Vias Art in Public Places Public Outdoor Seating Building Articulation & Use of Appropriate Architectural Elements Maximum Density Bonus Achievable Maximum Multiplier 1 Density (du/ac) 6 Qualifying Parameter 2 +6 Min 50% of required parking to be provided underground 1.66 +4 Platinum 1.5 +3 Gold 1.33 +2 Silver 1.66 +4 Min contribution of 3 base units 1.5 +3 Min 50% of required parking to be provided on rooftop 1.5 +3 Landmarks/ ARCOM Determination 1.5 +3 50% in excess of requirement 1.33 +2 1.33 +2 Min. equal to or greater than 1.5 base units 1.16 +1 Min. 15% of total seating 1.16 +1 ARCOM Determination 18 (Highest possible bonus density achievable per acre) Table D.1 – Density Bonus Multipliers For qualifying development, LEED approval shall be awarded by ARCOM. Different levels of approval result in different bonus multipliers, ranging between 1.33 and 1.66. (b) Underground Parking. For qualifying development, underground parking may be subject to a multiplier that increases its overall density, provided that: 34 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY DISTRICT DENSITY (i) A minimum of 50% of the required offstreet parking is provided underground. (ii) Bonus height/buildable area shall be awarded with a multiplier = 2. (iii) Ramps to access underground parking, underground stairways, hallways, elevators, or any other space not directly associated with the physical space to park a car, shall not be eligible for a bonus multiplier. (vi) Should the underground parking provided exceed the maximum density bonus achievable, the excess may be applied towards a height bonus multiplier. (c) Financial Contributions for Community Improvements: For qualifying development, monetary contributions towards public improvements in the Area may be subject to increases in overall density. (i) All financial contributions shall be earmarked for improvements in or relative to the Royal Poinciana Area. (ii) The smallest increment that can be acquired through financial contributions is 3 units. The value of each Financial Contribution Unit or FCU shall be determined by the Town Council. (d) Rooftop Parking: For qualifying development, rooftop parking may be subject to a multiplier that increases its overall density, provided that: (i) A minimum of 50% of the required off-street parking is be provided on the rooftop. (ii) Bonus density shall be awarded with a multiplier = 1.5. (e) Exceptional Architecture: Qualifying properties that demonstrate authenticity of style and exceptional architecture may be eligible for a density bonus multiplier of 1.5. Appropriateness shall be determined by ARCOM. (f) Historic Preservation: Qualifying properties that demonstrate appropriate historic preservation may be eligible for a density bonus multiplier of 1.5. Appropriateness shall be determined by the Landmarks Commission. (g) Publicly Accessible Landscaping in excess of requirement: Qualifying properties that provide exceptional landscaping in excess of the requirements outlined in Article III of this Code may be eligible for a density bonus multiplier of 1.5. (h) Provision of Open Space in the form of Vias: For qualifying development in the form of Vias, a density bonus multiplier of 1.33 may be applied. (i) Art in Public Places: Qualifying properties that provide art in public places (statues, sculptures, fountains, pergolas, etc.) with a cost equal to or greater than 1.5 FCUs may be eligible for a density bonus multiplier of 1.33. (j) Provision of Public Outdoor Seating: For qualifying development that dedicates a minimum of 15% of its outdoor seating to public uses (e.g. a restaurant that allows tables for non-patrons), a density bonus multiplier of 1.16 may be applied. (i) Building Articulation and Appropriate Use of Architectural Elements: Qualifying properties that provide organic and stylistically appropriate building articulation; or, buildings that make appropriate use of architectural elements such as balconies, trellises, loggias, arcades, colonnades, and towers may be eligible for a density bonus multiplier of 1.16. Appropriateness of design, use, placement, and quantity shall be determined by ARCOM. Section 134.1511- Performance Monitoring 1.Purpose In order to ensure that the community’s vision is being appropriately implemented and achieved, within 60 months of (date of adoption), the Town shall monitor and evaluate the performance of the Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay District as it relates to the application of performance-based standards. At that time, the Town Council may decide to continue with this incentive program, or allow it to sunset indefinitely. 2. Monitoring Parameters Density and Height Monitoring Parameters shall include, at a minimum: (a) Number of projects eligible for performancebased density bonuses; (b) Number of proposed residential units resulting from change of as-of-right or base density and performance-based density bonus; (c) Net developable area of each approved project under the performance based bonus; (d) Roadway impacts; (e) Town-serving impact; (f) Variety in projects/architecture proposed; (g) Scale; (h) Variety in height to ensure an organic pattern; (i) Preservation of historic structures. 35 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA CHAPTER VII X. BUILDING FORM AND PLACEMENT ON LOTS The primary entrance of every building must directly face a street, a square, a park, a plaza, or a green. The proper building placement is illustrated below for each lot type, along with additional regulations plus illustrations of some of the lot size and dimensional requirements from Table 3-1. In the C-TS town-serving commercial district, the schedule of lot, yard and area requirements is as given in this section: (1) Lot area. The minimum lot area is 4,000 square feet. (2) Lot width. The minimum lot width is 30 feet. (3) Lot depth. The minimum lot depth is 90 feet. (4) Density. A single dwelling unit, or multiple dwelling units not to exceed six dwelling units per gross acre. See article III of this chapter for site plan review requirements. (5) Front yard. a. For one-story buildings, the minimum front yard setback is five feet. b. For two-story buildings, the minimum front yard setback is five feet. c. All buildings shall be set back so as to provide at least a ten-foot-wide pedestrian walkway between the street curbline and the building, exclusive of beautification strips, not more than five feet of which may be on the town street right-of-way, where appropriate, and additionally, to provide for the minimum building front yard setback, which shall be measured from the inside (lot side) of the required pedestrian walkway. Where no front yard building setback is approved or required, two feet of the required ten-foot-wide pedestrian walkway, adjacent to the inside (lot side) of the walkway, may be landscaped by placement of potted plants or removable planters. Such potted plants or planters shall include xeriscape landscaping whenever possible. d. For buildings in excess of 15 feet in height, increase all minimum yard requirements one foot for each two feet of building height, or portion thereof, exceeding 15 feet. (6) Side yard. a. There is no minimum side yard required for one-story structures, but a side yard shall be five feet if provided. When the side yard of a C-TS property adjoins property zoned in any R district, a ten-foot side yard is required on that side. b. For buildings in excess of 15 feet in height, increase all minimum yard requirements one foot for each two feet of building height, or portion thereof, exceeding 15 feet. Side yards shall be as calculated or five feet, whichever is greater. (7) Rear yard. a. For one-story buildings, the minimum rear yard setback is ten feet. b. For two-story buildings, the minimum rear yard setback is ten feet. 35 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA CHAPTER VII c. For buildings in excess of 15 feet in height, increase all minimum yard requirements one foot for each two feet of building height, or portion thereof, exceeding 15 feet. Side yards shall be as calculated or five feet, whichever is greater. 1)Building Height. Unless otherwise specified herein, the height of buildings shall be measured in and regulated by the number of stories. Increasing the maximum number of stories allowed in a downtown district may not be approved as a variance. Stories are measured from the floor to the bottom of the lowest structural member that supports the story above. (a) The ground story of commercial or mixed-use buildings shall be 10 feet to 18 feet tall. (b) The ground story of residential buildings shall be from 9 feet to 14 feet tall. Each story above the ground story in all buildings must be from 8 feet to 12 feet tall; any (c) upper story taller than 12 feet will count as two stories for the purpose of measuring building height. Mezzanines that exceed 15% of the floor area are counted as stories for the purpose of (d) measuring height. Each parking garage level exposed to a street or civic open space shall be counted as a (e) story for the purposes of measuring height. Parking levels fully concealed from view by a habitable story and use are not counted as stories for the purpose of measuring height. Within the Downtown Core and Mixed Use Neighborhood districts, residential units must (f) have the floor of the first story elevated at least 18 inches above the adjacent sidewalk. Within the Downtown Neighborhood General district, residential units must have the floor of the first story elevated at least 12 inches above the adjacent sidewalk. In all districts, if this floor is elevated more than 5 feet above the adjacent sidewalk, the space below counts as the ground (first) story for the purposes of measuring building height. Lobbies and common areas in multi-unit buildings may have a 0” to 6” ground floor finish level. Flat roofs shall be enclosed by parapets no less than forty-two inches high, or as required to screen equipment. (g) Mechanical equipment necessary to the operation or maintenance of the building such as, but not limited to, elevator, stair, and mechanical penthouses, cooling towers, vent stacks and antennae shall be enclosed and screened in such a manner that the enclosure is an integral part of the overall building design and provides a balanced and graceful silhouette, and ameliorates the visual impact from adjacent buildings. Minor features not exceeding one foot in height shall be exempted from this regulation. (h) (i) Architectural features such as church spires, steeples, belfries, cupolas, or similar, nonhabitable structures are not limited by story height. (8) Height and overall height. a. For one-story buildings, the maximum building height is 15 feet. b. For two-story buildings, the maximum building height is 25 feet. c. In this district, the maximum building height allows one story, with provision for a special exception for two stories. See special exception provisions in sections 134-227 through 134-233 (special exception use), section 134-1115 relating to allowable height and lot coverage, and article III of this chapter (site plan review). 36 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA CHAPTER VII d. Maximum overall height of a building shall be the maximum allowable building height, as defined in section 134-2, plus five feet for a flat roof and ten feet for all other roof styles. When a parapet is used above the maximum building height, as defined in section 134-2, the building overall height will be calculated based on the flat roof style identified above. Parapet walls extending above the maximum allowable building height shall have appropriate architectural treatment. (9) Lot coverage. a. For one-story buildings, the maximum lot coverage is 70 percent. b. For two-story buildings, the maximum lot coverage is 70 percent. (10) Length. a. For one-story buildings, the maximum building length is 150 feet. b. For two-story buildings, the maximum building length is 150 feet. (11) Landscaped open space. a. For one-story buildings, the minimum landscaped open space is 15 percent. b. For two-story buildings, the minimum landscaped open space is 25 percent. c. Additionally, not less than 35 percent of the required front yard must be landscaped open space in the C-TS district. (12) Floor area. a. For one-story buildings, the maximum gross floor area of buildings is 15,000 square feet. b. For two-story buildings, the maximum gross floor area of buildings is 15,000 square feet. (Ord. No. 2-74, schedule A, 3-26-74; Ord. No. 7-79, §§ 2, 6, 3-30-79; Ord. No. 4-80, § 3, 3-31-80; Ord. No. 6-81, § 2(e), (f), 3-31-81; Ord. No. 7-82, § 3(e), 3-31-82; Ord. No. 2-83, §§ 3(a), (b), 2-2383; Ord. No. 1-84, §§ 2(a)--(e), 3-1-84; Ord. No. 1-85, § 2(b)--(f), 2-11-85; Ord. No. 1-86, § 2(a), 210-86; Ord. No. 1-88, § 1, 2-8-88; Ord. No. 1-89, § 2(b)--(d), 2-6-89; Ord. No. 1-90, § 2(a)--(e), 2-590; Ord. No. 1-92, § 2(a)1, 2, 2-3-92; Ord. No. 9-93, § 2(b), 6-8-93; Ord. No. 1-94, § 2(a), 2-7-94; Ord. No. 1-96, § 8, 2-5-96; Ord. No. 1-97, § 1, 2-17-97; Ord. No. 1-98, §§ 2--4, 2-9-98; Ord. No. 298, §§ 1, 2, 2-27-98; Ord. No. 1-04, § 31, 3-9-04) Sec. 134-1114. Same--Exceptions. (a) In the C-TS Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area town-serving commercial district, cornices, solid canopies, or architectural features may extend 48 inches over the sidewalk or required yard area, provided they shall have nine feet of vertical clearance between any solid construction and the sidewalk or yard. ….. 37 ROYAL POINCIANA MIXED USE OVERLAY AREA CHAPTER VII Sec. 134-1115. Special exception to height regulations; special exception structures. In order to encourage increased open space, landscaped open space, reduced density and lot coverage and architectural detail, the town council may at its discretion, upon review of an application and public hearing thereon, allow for the increase of the maximum building height in the C-TS town-serving commercial district, upon a finding being made by the town council that the proposed increase in height for a contemplated special exception structure is in the public interest, that careful attention is given to architectural detail, and that it meets the standards of sections 134227 through 134-233 and the following goals and guidelines: Two-story guidelines. Lot coverage not more than 35 percent. (Ord. No. 2-74, § 5.48, 3-26-74; Ord. No. 3-76, § 3, 3-23-76; Ord. No. 5-78, § 11, 3-31-78; Ord. No. 7-82, § 4(g), 3-31-82; Ord. No. 2-83, § 4(d), 2-23-83; Ord. No. 1-84, § 3(e), 3-1-84; Ord. No. 1-85, § 3(d), 2-11-85; Ord. No. 1-91, § 3(e), 4-23-91; Ord. No. 1-92, § 3(d), 2-3-92) Sec. 134-1116. Supplementary Area regulations. The supplementary Area regulations which may be applicable to the C-TS town-serving commercial Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay district are contained in article VIII of this chapter. Sec. 134-1117. Off-street parking and loading. The off-street parking or loading requirements which may be applicable in the C-TS town-serving commercial Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area are contained in article IX of this chapter. Sec. 134-1118. Signs. The sign regulations which may be applicable in the C-TS town-serving commercial Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area are contained in article XI of this chapter. ….. Sec. 134-1120. Architectural tower features. In the commercial zoning Royal Poinciana Mixed Use Overlay Area, a maximum of two towers as architectural features may be constructed as integral parts of the building provided that no tower(s) exceeds the allowable overall height by more than five feet; such tower(s) is set back an additional five feet on the front, rear, side, and street side and street rear yards; and, such tower(s) has no habitable floor area in its uppermost level. The area of such tower(s) shall in combination not exceed two percent of the gross floor area of the building. This section does not apply to entry facades or parapets. (Ord. No. 1-00, § 2, 2-22-00) 38