Discover Intensive Phonics


Discover Intensive Phonics
Discover Intensive Phonics
for Yourself
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself is a research-based program
that has been tested and proven for over 26 years. It not only empowers
students, it empowers teachers with proven strategies to help students
improve reading, spelling, grammar, handwriting, listening, and thinking
skills. There are numerous affordable options for teacher instruction. The
results are fast and guaranteed.
Top Six Benefits
1. Research-Based Instruction
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself has been researched and proven in a variety of settings and is
perfectly aligned with the findings from the National Reading Panel and requirements of No Child
Left Behind.
2. Effective
The Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself method emphasizes phonetic structure and quickly
gives students the skills they need to fluently read. Consequently, they experience less frustration
than students who are forced to learn in a less-structured and systematic format. All students learn
through the use of Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself.
3. Affordable
We understand that your funds are always tight and that every dollar must count. For that reason,
we offer non-consumable direct instruction materials. We also offer FREE technical assistance
for the life of our products as well as one free upgrade for software. Our network products have NO
RENEWAL FEES, allowing you to pay once and not worry about finding funds every year to sustain
the program. You’ll continue to reap benefits year after year at no additional cost.
4. More Than Just a Curriculum
We provide effective-yet-simple tools, bundled as a system, that produce far-reaching effects on your
reading culture. Many teachers don’t feel competent in their phonics instruction and need additional
training in practical strategies. Our one-, two-, and three-day workshops, reinforced with our online
training tool, EMPOWER teachers with the knowledge that they need to reach all students.
5. Superior Support
Ask any of our thousands of teachers, and they’ll tell you that our support is unmatched in the
industry. We work hard to ensure your reading success. Customer support specialists are assigned to
every customer and provide access to training and resources to ensure your success.
6. Response to Intervention Solution
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself works perfectly in all three tiers in the Response to
Intervention model. It can be taught in the Tier I mainstream classroom as a supplement to the core/
basal reading program. In Tier II, the materials lend themselves perfectly to small-group instruction.
Smaller groups can focus on acceleration, not just remediation. Discover Intensive Phonics for
Yourself has long been used one-on-one in Tier III with students in special education. Direct
instruction and computer software can be used effectively in all three tiers.
Teachers who use this approach to teaching reading are, without exception,
impressed with the rapid, lasting, virtually universal success their students
experience. By the end of the course, students are reading just about
How It Works
Discover this revolutionary approach to teaching reading.
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself uses multi-sensory, Orton-Gillingham principles of instruction
and appeals to students’ individual learning styles: visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic. Through
direct instruction, logical sequencing, and multi-sensory techniques, it accomplishes the primary goal of
phonics instruction: learning to decode and recognize words rapidly and automatically.
Explicit, systematic phonics taught in a logical sequence. Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself is taught
in an explicit, logical sequence starting with the introduction of the alphabet, moving through blends,
teaching long and short vowel sounds, and presenting the five patterns of English words represented
in the Five Phonetic Skills. The remaining sounds are taught, along with a two-step decoding skill for
dividing multi-syllabic words.
Multi-sensory instruction that incorporates a unique marking system. Discover Intensive Phonics for
Yourself uses multi-sensory instruction, which appeals to all learning styles. The unique marking system
allows students to identify vowels, vowel sounds, digraphs, and so forth within whole words. Marking the
words strengthens the visual ability to identify patterns.
Individualized. The Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself approach provides an opportunity for each
student to work at his or her own level and at his or her own pace, respecting individual learning styles.
Computer software further enhances every students learning experience.
Perfect for learning disabilities. The more severe the learning disability, the more crucial the need for
explicit, sequential, intensive phonics. Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself is a must for students
suffering from dyslexia or other learning disabilities. Research has shown that explicit, sequential
phonics can actually rewire crucial brain patterns in students who have trouble learning to read.
Complementary to other reading programs. Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself is an ideal
supplement to any core/basal program and will greatly augment and enhance the results.
Correlations to most core programs have been created and can be found in the community section of
See the power of Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself
with our online tour. Visit and
click the “Take a Tour” button.
“The design of the program enables teachers to strengthen their understanding of the underlying phonetic
structure of our language. Instruction is explicit, systematic, and builds cumulatively, progressing from simple
skills to more complex.”
Florida Center for Reading Research review of the Discover Intensive Phonics program
Response to Intervention
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself can play a major role in each of the three
Response to Intervention tiers and, if used for all three tiers, can strengthen students’
skills as they learn and reinforce learned principles.
Tier III: SPED/Title I/ELL
Students who need intensive instruction
1–5% of students
Tier II: “At Risk” and ELL
Students who need explicit instruction
5–10% of students
Tier I: General Education Curriculum
80–90% of students
Elementary Mainstream, Tier I
Tier I requires that instruction and assessments be research-based and effective in helping students
gain academic proficiency. Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself is a research-based program, using
explicit, systematic phonics that can be taught to a full class as well as to small groups. Multi-sensory
involvement throughout the program addresses and appeals to varied learning styles. Frequent direct
assessments are used to identify levels of proficiency, and progress monitoring is continuous. It
supplements the core/basal reading program and has been correlated to most major core publications.
The program is taught in the K-3 classroom on a daily basis for 30 to 90 minutes.
Elementary Intervention for K–3rd Grades
Tier II
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself lends itself perfectly to small-group instruction. Smaller groups
can focus more on acceleration, not just remediation. In smaller groups, students can receive better,
more-guided practice.
By using the same materials and methods taught in Tier I, the 30 minutes per session spent in Tier II can
help enhance skills and can often pre-teach classroom lessons. Tier II students frequently return to the
classroom well ahead of their peers.
Tier III
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself has long been used one-on-one in Tier III with students in special
education and those displaying dyslexia, ADD, and other learning problems. Discover Intensive Phonics
for Yourself can address any age group. The instructional techniques and content of the course are not
condescending to older students. Computer software and active, multi-sensory involvement have been
proven to be essential elements in working with special needs students. Additionally, using computer
software allows for collaboration between all teachers: regular classroom teachers, specialists, and special
education teachers.
RTI Documentary: Happy Tiers. Visit to view a short video
highlighting how a school has implemented Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself in all three tiers of
the RTI model.
Grades 1-3 Teacher’s Kit
Direct Instruction Materials
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself is designed to enhance the reading effort
so reading becomes automatic, fluent, enjoyable, and meaningful. The program
is designed to complement and supplement core reading programs with explicit,
systematic phonics instruction. The Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself Teacher’s Kit
contains all necessary material to teach the program, including: teacher manuals (two
volumes); an enrichment CD (with black line masters); practice, reinforcement, and
enrichment materials; posters; and practice cards. The materials are non-consumable,
allowing teachers to use this effective system year after year. The system can be taught
to individuals, groups, or entire classes at the board on a daily basis. Three different kits
cater to Kindergarten, First-Third grades, and Special Education.
Administration System
Visit to download a sample page of the lessons.
Multi-Sensory Computer Software
Discover Intensive Phonics for Yourself software is educational technology at its
best. The software allows students to reinforce concepts learned at the board in an
interactive, engaging, individualized format. The Administration System and progressmonitoring tools allow instructors to keep their fingers on the pulse of each student to
ensure reading success.
Lesson Manager
The software includes 75 lessons, 73 practice sessions, 28 stories, and phonemic
awareness activities as well as progress assessment and interim testing. The progress
assessment may be administered at any time and determines reading grade level,
site word competency, ability to read nonsense words, and a phonemic awareness
component that can improve DIBELS scores. The progress assessment will customize
curriculum for each student. Fun with Phonics activities reinforce concepts in an
engaging way. Favorite activities include Pizza! Pizza! and Tomb Reader.
Software Screens
The software correlates exactly with the Teacher’s Kit and the direct instruction method.
Students hear a warm, friendly, encouraging human voice presenting each lesson as
they see the concepts, words, and stories illustrated on the screen. They then use the
keyboard, paper, and pencil to practice the concepts during each lesson, all while
receiving constant reinforcement.
Upon request, one free Teacher’s Kit will be included with every five software licenses or
25 online student entries purchased.
Professional Development
Affordable workshops provide detailed, hands-on instruction in the methodology and
software. One-, two-, and three-day workshops are conducted by certified trainers for
up to 25 teachers, volunteers, or administrators.
Training dates may be scheduled by calling 800.333.0054.
60 N. Cutler Drive Ste. 101
North Salt Lake, UT 84054