- Lafarge UK Pensions


- Lafarge UK Pensions
Plan news
Important updates
Your stories
A look at how you are
spending your retirement
Birthdays and anniversaries
Welcome to
Welcome to the 2015 issue of InTOUCH, the magazine
for retired members of the Lafarge UK Pension Plan.
The Lafarge Holcim merger has now been completed
and we have provided an overview of what that
means for the Lafarge UK Pension Plan on
page 4. Remember that you can always visit
the Plan website to get the very latest updates:
We hope this issue of InTOUCH contains articles
that interest you. Perhaps you have an interesting
pastime or hobby that you wish to share with others.
If so, please get in touch with us so that we can
consider it for a future issue of the magazine.
Please write to: The Editor, InTOUCH,
Lafarge Building Materials Ltd,
Regent House, Station Approach,
Dorking RH4 1TH
An update from the Plan
MND elections
Tools for Self Reliance
How is your eyesight today? 6
Taking action on
hearing loss
A satisfying retirement
Long service award
Changing Direction
Dabbling on Southwater
Veteran honoured
Contact Link Scheme
s 2015-16
Pension payroll date
Lafarge UK Pensions
Regent House, Station Approach, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1TH
Telephone: 01306 872100
Email: info@lafargeukpensions.com
Useful numbers
Age UK
0800 169 6565
Information and advice for the elderly
Independent Age
0800 319 6789
Support, advice and information for
the elderly
Carers’ UK Helpline
0808 808 7777
Support, advice and information
for carers
CRUSE Bereavement Centre
0844 477 9400
Bereavement support
27 August
29 September
29 October
27 November
Citizens Advice Bureau
England 03444 111 444
Wales 03444 77 20 20
Free confidential and impartial advice.
Elderly Accommodation Council
0800 377 7070
Advice and guidance
30 December
28 January
26 February
30 March
Website: www.lafargeukpensions.com
Information for pensioners on
our website includes: tax details,
Power of Attorney, Sir George
Earle Benevolent Fund,
publications, obituaries
and bereavement guidance.
Money Advice Service
0300 500 5000
Free and impartial money advice
Lafarge UK Pension Plan Tax Office
HMRC, Pay as you Earn
HM Revenue and Customs
Telephone: 0300 200 3300
Tax Reference Number: 846/B200CP
An update from the Plan
The Lafarge Holcim merger
The merger between Lafarge and Holcim to form
LafargeHolcim was completed 15 July 2015.
As you may recall, undertakings had been given at the
end of last year by senior management of both Lafarge
and Holcim to have discussions with the Trustee Board
following the merger with a view to agreeing longterm support for the Plan under the new ownership
structure. The Trustee Board had also agreed an interim
arrangement with both companies, which provides
continued security of benefits for members until a
permanent arrangement is put in place.
After the merger there will be two key agreements to be
reached between your Trustee Board and LafargeHolcim.
Firstly, the Trustee Board will be seeking agreement from
LafargeHolcim to provide support for the Plan which is
at least as good as that provided by the Lafarge Group
following the agreement reached in 2012.
We are aiming for the new arrangements to be
completed and implemented well within 12 months
following completion of the merger. Secondly, we will be
commencing the 2015 valuation of the Plan, which will
involve further in-depth discussions with the company
about the new triennial valuation and the effect of this on
the recovery plan. These discussions will run in parallel
with the above.
The Trustee Board will continue to update you on progress
via this website, so please continue to check the website:
MND elections
The Sale Of Lafarge Tarmac
During the early part of 2014, elections took place for
three member-nominated director (MND) positions on
the Trustee Board of the Lafarge UK Pension Plan. The
fourth MND position also became vacant when the term
of office of Arthur Cunningham (former Lafarge Redland
constituency) came to an end in June 2015.
Holcim owns Aggregates Industries (AI) in the UK and a
condition of the merger with Holcim required the sale of
Lafarge Tarmac in the UK. So, at the end of June 2015
most of the remaining Lafarge employees in Lafarge
Tarmac ceased contributing to the Lafarge UK Pension
Plan and joined new pension arrangements with their new
employers. Employees at Cauldon and Cookstown Cement
works were not included in the sale of Lafarge Tarmac and
during the next few months, they will be integrated into the
business of Aggregates Industries.
Arthur was willing to stand again, and as no one came
forward to stand for election against him, Arthur resumed
his seat for a further four years to June 2019.
The current MNDs and their terms of office are noted below:
End of
current term
Robert Napier
Lafarge Redland
June 2017
Les Waining
Non Lafarge Redland June 2017
Paul Hunter
Non Lafarge Redland June 2019
Arthur Cunningham Lafarge Redland
June 2019
If you are interested to find out more about the role of an
MND, with a view to putting yourself forward for the 2017
elections, you will find further information on the Plan
website www.lafargeukpensions.com or you can write to the
Secretary in Dorking.
Your pensions team based in Dorking and other colleagues
employed by Lafarge Building Materials Ltd will remain
contributing members of the Plan.
Thank you!
A big thank you to all of our pensioners who have
completed and returned the recent questionnaire with your
personal details to help us update our pension records.
We will update our website with the names of our 100
lucky winners in our prize draw in the next few weeks.
Our pension records will be updated and we ask that if your
circumstances change in the future, you let the pensions
team in Dorking know, so that we can amend your record.
How is your
eyesight today?
James Potter came out of the eye clinic shocked and
emotional after being diagnosed with a macular condition.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) affects 600,000
people in the UK.
New research reveals that 54% of the over-65s are now at
risk of developing AMD. The change occurs in the central
area of the retina, the macula, usually in people over the
age of 55.
Several factors are responsible for AMD, including age,
genetics, diet, smoking and exposure to sunlight. We
cannot do much about our genes, but a healthy diet and
stopping smoking are two things we can control in life.
For James his diagnosis came out of the blue. ‘Sight loss is
a whole new world,’ he said, ‘suddenly you’ve got something
you know nothing about. The Macular Society helpline gave
me really useful, practical advice that helped me get back
on my feet after the shock of diagnosis.’
Having a regular eye test is a very good idea.
Recognise the early signs of
macular degeneration:
• Straight lines such as windows, door frames or tall
buildings appear distorted or bent.
• Words may disappear when you are reading.
• Gaps or dark spots appear in your vision.
The helpline 0300 3030 111 is available for anyone
with a macular condition, their family and friends.
Alternatively, for more information visit the website:
Calibre Audio Library is a national charity
providing a subscription-free service of unabridged
audio books for adults and children with sight
problems, dyslexia and other disabilities, who cannot
read print. Books are available on MP3, CD and USB
Memory Stick and via streaming.
Tel: 01296 432 339
Taking action on hearing loss
Many people don’t realise how much they value their hearing – until they start to lose it.
The first signs often include turning up the volume on the
TV, struggling to discern song lyrics or finding it difficult to
follow conversations with friends, family and colleagues in
bars or restaurants.
One in six people in the UK already have some kind
of hearing loss with more than half of people over 60
affected. As with many other parts of our body, our
hearing diminishes over time as some of the cells in the
inner ear that detect sound vibrations are damaged.
Hearing loss is a serious health condition, which, if ignored
or mismanaged, can lead to social isolation, unemployment
and other health conditions such as depression and
dementia. Yet, on average, it takes ten years for people to
seek help from when they first started noticing problems.
The good news is that, with early intervention, everyone
with hearing loss can continue to live life to the full.
If your hearing loss would benefit from a hearing aid,
the sooner you start using one, the better your brain’s
chances of adjusting to it, and of you getting the most
from it. Digital hearing aids are free on the NHS and can
make a huge difference to everyday conversations, your
work and relationships.
If you think you or someone you love is losing their hearing,
visit your GP who will be able to refer you to an audiologist
for a hearing test if necessary. To offer an indication of
whether or not your hearing needs attention, you can
also take Action on Hearing Loss’s free hearing check
by calling 0808 808 0123 or visiting their website
Action on Hearing Loss is a Royal National Charity that
helps more than 250,000 people each year confront
deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss to live the life they
choose. We enable them to take control of their lives
and remove the barriers in their way. We give people
support and care, develop technology and treatments,
and campaign for equality. For further information,
please contact our helpline on 0808 808 0123.
Delivering tools
and training to Africa
Few people will know how busy it is in the crypt under the
church in Buxton Road, Bakewell, but if you venture inside
you will find a workshop packed with old tools. On Monday
and Friday mornings it is buzzing with life and the sound of
machinery. This is the home of the Bakewell group, who
support international charity Tools for Self Reliance.
The group has been in Bakewell since 1984. The team
of 15 volunteers collect unwanted hand tools and sewing
equipment, sort and refurbish them to the highest
standards, and then make up kits to send to training
and work groups in various countries in Africa. They are
a mixed group, with a variety of talents, who have taken
an opportunity to learn new skills (or pass on existing
skills) and make new friends while working for a common
cause. Although there is no need for specialist knowledge,
it does help that you don’t mind getting your hands dirty,
as rust and oil seems to get everywhere.
The story starts with Tools for Self Reliance founder
Glyn Roberts on a visit to Dar es Salaam. He was appalled
Allan from Matai Shoe Repair
to see the tools the local
craftsmen were using. They
were working with saws and
chisels that were reduced
to stumps. Glyn offered to
send a carpentry kit, and on
his return to UK he started
to collect tools. In 1980
the charity was set up, working
with local African organisations
to deliver a programme of tools
and training to trades people and
their communities.
There are now 54 UK groups, who collect and refurbish
tools to make up kits in response to requests from partners.
One important principle was established at the start – tool
quality. The idea that ‘any tool was better than nothing’ was
not accepted. The tools need to be reliable and good for
many years of hard use, as the tools are intended to enable
the trades people to establish a business.
The kits are
using kit lists from
the headquarters,
which have
been prepared
in collaboration
with the African
partners; this ensures that what is sent is what they really
need. Kits are made up for a wide range of trades including
carpentry, building, brick and block laying, auto mechanics,
sewing, sewing-machine repair, shoemaking and repair,
general maintenance, bike repair, plumbing, motorbike
repair, metalwork, electrical repair and many more.
Amiina Abibla and staff sewing
The group refurbish hand-operated sewing machines in
Bakewell, while swing-needle models are sent to the Tools
for Self Reliance headquarters near Southampton for
checking. Each sewing kit is packed with a length of
material sufficient to make a garment and supplies of
buttons, cotton, zips,
pins, needles and other
haberdashery materials
so that the recipient
can make a garment to
help establish a small
business on receipt of
Bike repairs in progress
the kit.
All kits eventually end up at Tools
for Self Reliance headquarters
from where they are shipped to the
partners and projects in Africa.
Tools for Self Reliance also funds
the training for these projects, to
ensure the benefits are long term
A workshop
and can provide sustainable
employment opportunities for the trainees.
Andrea Ako, founder
of SanyaBicycle
Repair - SIDO
Manyara 2014
Lafarge pensioner, Peter Dumenil, has
been a volunteer with Tools for Self
Reliance for three years. The group in
Bakewell has been in existence for 30
years and is well established in its
current workshop and supported by
the Catholic Church, but this is just
one group. Tools for Self Reliance has
collectors and groups across the UK;
if you would like to know more about
a group in your area, donate tools,
request a guest speaker or help to
fund a training project, please get in
touch using the details below.
Telephone: 023 8086 9697
Email: info@tfsr.org Website: www.tfsr.org
Platinum Wedding
Anniversary - 70 years
Reginald and Enid Foster
10 February 2015
Reginald worked at
Celebrating 100 years
Sam is still mentally very sharp and always watches
Countdown on TV in the afternoon, being very good with
both the letters and the numbers. He is also a keen
follower of football and cricket on TV and in the newspaper.
During the Second World War Sam served as a staff
sergeant in an elite group of soldiers called Force 136,
who were stationed in Calcutta in India.
Designed and produced by Wordshop 501975
Lafarge pensioner Sam Brice celebrated his 100th birthday
on 18 January this year. He was born in Bloxwich, near
Walsall, and spent most of his life in the West Midlands.
Retirement your way
Just as each of us is individual, how we occupy ourselves in retirement can be just
as varied. At reaching this new phase in life, it can be an opportunity to evaluate and
redirect our paths. Lafarge pensioners John Guy and David Fuller share their experiences
and achievements.
Long service award
Lafarge pensioner, John Guy, was
employed for 16 years by Armitage
Shanks, starting as a kiln fireman,
rising to kiln foreman before opting
for voluntary redundancy at the
age of 60.
Wishing to continue employment,
John opted to join the ‘Pressure
Therapy’ department as a volunteer,
where he receives, records and
accompanies deliveries of air
mattresses and pumps to 200
wards throughout the hospital.
John, not ready to retire, took
employment installing home aids for
North Staffordshire Hospital. After ten
years’ service at the hospital, it was
again time for retirement.
In recognition of his ongoing service
and commitment, John has received
the following awards: ‘Highly
Commended’ by the Management
of the Institute of Healthcare in
the ‘unsung Heroes and Heroines
category’, the North Staffordshire
Hospital Volunteer of the Year
award and in 2014 he earned
a long service award.
John (now 79) leaves home each
morning at 6am to work four to five
hours. John says, ‘I’m spurred on by
being useful to patients, knowing that
I provide a service. My work keeps my
body and mind active and I intend to
continue as long as possible.’
Changing direction
In 1994, at the age of 53, David Fuller
decided to retrain as a computer
scientist. After qualifying, he taught for
five years at Blackburn College,
Lancashire. David takes up the story:
With retirement in 1999, my wife
and I relocated to the Isle of Mull,
Scotland, and became active
members of the local Anglican
Church; an invitation to conduct
services and to preach soon
followed. To preach satisfactorily
and meaningfully I felt I needed
to improve my limited theological
knowledge. I enrolled as a part-time,
distance-learning student at Aberdeen
University and was awarded an
honours degree in Theology in 2009.
Later that year I became a part-time
research student at the University
of Glasgow, studying the life and
liturgical works of Anglican monk
Dom Gregory Dix (1901–52). The
University conferred on me the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy
in June 2014.
I am now a licensed Lay Reader in
the Scottish Episcopal Church and
have published my autobiography,
my thesis and an anthology of
sermons, together with a handful
of other works.
When not studying, I enjoy
cabinet making, calligraphy and
problem solving. All this has
culminated in a very satisfying
and fulfilling retirement.
David Fuller, BSc, BTh, PhD
Cross, candlesticks and flower vase
containers, designed and made by David
Dabbling on Southwater
On Friday afternoons, you can find 25 to 30 model yachts and boats upon the
water, as Bill Wayman and other members of the Southwater Dabblers Model
Boat Club gather to sail, or race, their model yachts and boats.
Bill enjoys the social aspect of
meeting with others, to sail
and to chat over coffee. He also
builds his own radio-controlled
models, and his latest creation
is a model of the America’s
Cup racing yacht, the ‘Victory’.
Bill worked at Shoreham
Cement Works.
Southwater Country Park, where the club meets,
was once the site of Redland brickworks that
produced high-quality engineering bricks that were
used widely in London’s sewer construction, river
protection and bridge building. Following the works’
closure in the 1980s, the council implemented a
project to transform the area into a country park.
The lakes in the country park were created from
the old clay workings of the brickworks.
For more information about
the model boat club, contact
Alan Woodroffe: telephone
01903 264387 or email
Be inspired!
You may recall
we featured
and keen
in our 100th
last year.
We are
delighted to share the news that
Beatrice received the Cottsway
Housing Association’s 1st Prize
for ‘Most
Gardener 2014’.
Beatrice continues
to inspire us, as
she grows all her
bedding plants
from seed and
works on her
garden at 101
years young.
Blue Circle veteran honoured at a
special event at RAF Conningsby
Ken Matthews served as a flight engineer with 419 ‘Moose
Squadron’ during the Second World War, flying as a crew
member in Lancaster bombers on operations across Europe.
Ken was invited to attend the RAF Conningsby event,
where the last two airworthy Lancasters would be seen
together in formation for the first time. A presentation
was made of Bomber Command medal clasps, awarded to
aircrew in recognition of their bravery and service during
the Second World War.
The event was a unique opportunity to meet with other
veterans and to be reacquainted at close quarters with
an aircraft with which they were once so familiar.
Ken Matthews worked at Blue Circle for 35 years and
celebrated his 90th birthday in August 2014.
A word from our volunteers
Funded by Lafarge as part of the Lafarge UK Pension Plan, the Contact Link Scheme currently serves just under 5,000 retired
employees across the UK. The Scheme allows our team of volunteers to visit or call retired employees, their widows and
dependants in their local area. Without these volunteers, the Scheme simply would not exist. Here, in their own words, they
share their thoughts about the Scheme:
Communication - that’s
what it’s all about.
It’s good to
Although my pensioners
keep in touch.
are mainly well and quite
active, they say they still
like to be
It’s just having
They just love to have
time to talk. Visiting
keeps me occupied
and the brain
ticking over.
a friendly chat and
a laugh.
Many of my pensioners I meet around town, whilst
shopping. It is nice to
It is great to hear of the wide range of activities and
interests our pensioners are involved in. Sometimes I hear
poignant stories of people who overcome health issues,
which can be both moving and inspirational.
I feel
chat and exchange news.
The scheme
Pensioners enjoy the
talk about
their work and their
time with the
company. The visit
chance to
gives them a feeling that
the company
appreciates their
past service.
is a useful network linking and
reconnecting with those who have lost contact with
former colleagues.
I get a lot of
As Principal Visitor,
I assist the Dorking Office with home assessments
to support claims from applicants to the Benevolent Fund.
from visiting my
pensioners. Many have
fascinating stories to
tell. One jolly man makes
quite an occasion of it, as
he brings out the best
china for our
tea and opens a special
packet of biscuits.
When delivering
Some of my pensioners
The reward of being a
visitor is the contact with
group of individuals,
with all kinds of
experiences and
stories to tell. I am
an amazingly
certainly glad I took
anniversary/birthday cards
up visiting.
nice to
represent Lafarge
and vouchers, it’s
Being part of the Scheme is
former work
colleagues. Sharing
memories and news is
satisfying to them,
becoming a visitor, you must
and myself.
be prepared to drink
a very rewarding
experience. Be warned:
if you are considering
numerous cups of
and to eat lots of
chat over a
cuppa. Discussions cover
a variety of topics, news,
updates and we always
As a visitor I’ve made many
discuss the cost of living.
new friends.
cakes and biscuits.
and be the bearer of
good tidings.
Visiting can vary from a few visits a year, to other relationships
Without exception, all my
For those who don’t get
contact with a
friendly face.
many visitors,
the scheme, particularly
developing to not only visits but trips out for coffee or lunch.
elderly and those
living alone.
If you would like to be visited or would like more
information on being a visitor or telephone befriender
please contact Kay Rhodes
kay.rhodes@lafargeholcim.com or
01306 872164
festive lunch
On 3 December 2014, 68 veterans
attended the annual Christmas
lunch held at Hope Works.
veterans’ lunch
Cauldon veterans enjoyed an excellent
lunch at the Three Horseshoes Inn,
Blackshaw Moor on 13 May 2015.
Cauldon drivers
Former Cauldon drivers met for lunch at the Blacksmith Arms, Kingsley
on 16 April 2015. The drivers enjoyed an excellent lunch and time to
catch up with each other’s news.
For more information about Cauldon drivers, please contact
Edwin Sellers on 01538 360051.
Redland Club
A group of 24 former employees of Redland Companies,
some ‘old’ and some still working ‘boys’, met for their
10th annual meeting on 19 September 2014 at the
Stratton House Hotel, Cirencester.
The event started with lunch at a local Cotswold pub
followed by a very interesting tour of the National
Training Centre and roof tile production plant at
South Cerney, Cirencester.
Some 25 members have already paid their deposit to
attend in 2015 but there may still be a few places
available for anyone interested in joining us, so please
contact me as soon as possible to establish availability
and costs involved.
The main event for 2015 will be a private dinner and
overnight stay at the Abbey Hotel in Great Malvern,
Worcestershire on 10 September 2015. This will follow
an optional buffet lunch and a two-hour hosted tour of
Morgan Motors’ unique production facility, where these
iconic handmade, ash-framed cars are produced.
Although the club was originally conceived as a reunion
for former male workmates, some of us are taking our
wives for an extended stopover, relaxation and sightseeing.
Although they will not be taking part in the club activities,
they are of course very welcome.
For more details, please email James Slater
Cookstown Veterans
Ninety veterans attended the annual lunch held at
the The Royal Hotel, Cookstown, on Wednesday
10 December 2014.
Blue Circle
Northern Region
Twenty-one retired Blue Circle employees and their
spouses enjoyed their annual meeting for Christmas
lunch on 1 December 2014 at the Bridge Hotel
near Wetherby.
For details of the December 2015 reunion please
contact Ron Aitken (01937 585400)
Eighteen former employees of Tilbury Roadstone (later
Redland Aggregate) gathered for a visit to the Elveden
Estate in Thetford on 13 August 2014.
U & I Pensioners’ Club
This year another visit is planned to the Elveden Estate,
Thetford on Wednesday 12 August 2015.
Events last year
April: Outing to see ‘Singing in the Rain’ at the Grand
Theatre, Wolverhampton.
July: A day trip to Stratford-upon-Avon, which included
a river cruise and pub lunch. The day was made all the
more enjoyable by warm and sunny weather.
September: Coach trip to the Staffordshire Moorlands.
November: We were delighted to welcome 10 new faces to
the club AGM. A fish and chip supper followed the meeting.
January: The guest speaker provided a film show.
April: A river cruise in Nottingham with lunch on the boat.
Tilburians interested in joining the group this year
should contact Robert Webster on 01953 455489.
For more information, please contact Tony Partington on
01543 491 525.
Portland 82 Club
The club holds three or four lunch meetings each year, usually in Kent, Surrey, Sussex or London.
The meetings are leisurely and informal, with plenty of time to talk with friends and old colleagues before and after the
meal. Attendance at recent lunches has been between 40 and 60 people.
Events for 2014
April Darenth Valley Golf Course
June Thames River boat trip
December Christmas lunch,
Rowfant House
New members are always welcome
Anyone interested in joining us can come as a guest to one of our
lunches before formally joining the club. For more information,
please contact:
Hon. Secretary, Brian Tettmar
Telephone: 01474 702528
Email: brian.tettmar@tiscali.co.uk
Circle 2001 Club
With a membership of just over 100 former employees, we hold four lunch
meetings each year and we extend a warm welcome to former Blue Circle Group
and Lafarge Cement employees.
Events in 2014 included visits to Bowood House and Gardens, a Georgian
country house in Wiltshire, and the Great House, Sonning, Berkshire alongside
the River Thames. In December we held our Annual Christmas Lunch at the
Regency Park Hotel, Thatcham.
The club’s 15th AGM was held in March at Sandford Springs Golf Club.
Having served on the committee for 12 years, Joan Collins did not seek
re-election. Chairman Jim Osborne thanked Joan for her valuable contribution
to the club and a presentation was made on behalf of the
members. Linda Luff-Smith was elected to fill the vacancy.
Peter Fergusson stood down as Auditor and was thanked for
his contribution to the club.
For details of membership and a
list of members please contact
David Brazier, The Secretary
Tel: 01635 253994 or 07770410209
Forthcoming events
10 September Lunch at the Castle & Ball Hotel, Marlborough
9 December Christmas lunch, Regency Park Hotel, Thatcham
Aspdinians Club
Founded in 1971, the purpose of the
club is to maintain contact with former
colleagues, allowing members to
socialise over a cup of coffee and
entertainment by a guest speaker –
all for just £1 each time you attend.
The club meets every other Thursday
from 10am to 12 noon at Parrock
Street, Gravesend.
This year we have a full programme
of 21 meetings and three lunches
planned. A guest speaker from the
Ellenor Lions Hospice gave a
presentation at our March meeting,
after which the club gave a donation
of over £80 to the hospice.
For more information, please
contact John Jago on
01732 823617 or Ivor Ellis
on 01474 369454.
Forthcoming events
9 July
Linda Clatworthy
Fun with flowers
23 July
Wilf Lower
The last days of musical variety
6 Aug
Summer lunch
20 Aug
Air Ambulance update
3 Sep
Melanie Gibson-Barton Wandering in Flanders Fields
17 Sep
Rod Legear
Underground Kent
1 Oct
Brian Laverick-Smith
The Lady and the Mountain
15 Oct
Rob ‘T’ Vocalist and Ukulele Basher
29 Oct
Peter Hartley
12 Nov
Jim Preston
Rochester Airport
26 Nov
Rob Poole
Crossings lower Thames and Medway
10 Dec
Christmas lunch
If you would like to have your club or reunion details in the magazine
please contact Kay Rhodes. You can write to her at: Lafarge Pensions,
Regent House, Station Approach, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1TH
or send an email to: kay.rhodes@lafargeholcim.com
Blue Sapphire Wedding
Anniversaries - 65 years
William and Mary Ellen Vauls
5 August 2014
William worked
at Magheramorne.
Harold and Flora Mycock
21 January 2015
Harold worked at Cauldon.
Stanley and Mary Bradwell
3 September 2014
Stanley worked at Hope.
Kenneth and Idres Littlewood
19 November 2014
Kenneth worked at Melton
Whiting & Humber Cement.
Arthur and Maisie Luckup
20 August 2014
Arthur worked at Hope
and Barnstone.
Ronald and Kathleen Jacobs
5 December 2014
Ronald worked at
Oxford Works.
Diamond Wedding Anniversaries
- 60 years
Ernie and Marion Walker
17 July 2014
Ernie worked at Birmal
Norman and Margaret Faulkner
20 March 2014
Norman worked at Redland
David and Sylvia Gibson
7 August 2014
David worked at Greenhithe.
Alfred Ernest and Mary Jones
19 March 2015
Alfred Ernest worked at Myson
SMC, Bridgewater.
Terence and Valerie Bullock
2 October 2014
Terence worked at Aberthaw.
Thomas and Gillian Blenkinsopp
12 March 2015
Thomas worked at Stirling
International, Nuneaton.
Jim and Maureen McGrath
3 September 2014
Jim and Maureen worked at
Armitage Shanks, Barrhead.
Ronald and Sylvia Elliott
25 September 2014
Ronald worked at
Reginald and Violet Theobald
11 September 2014
Reginald worked at Atco
Bill and Eileen Rutter
19 March 2015
Bill worked at Cauldon.
Frederick and Barbara Gliddon
23 October 2014
Frederick worked at Westbury.
Alfred and Patricia Berry
26 March 2015
Alfred worked at Davis Bros.
Golden Wedding
Anniversaries - 50 years
Harry and Kath Wright
18 July 2014
Harry worked at Cauldon.
Michael and Hazel Reeves
16 January 2015
Michael worked at Weardale.
Vernon and Anne Hall
31 October 2014
Vernon worked at Hope.
Norman and Patricia Strong
27 February 2015
Norman worked at Shoreham.
Sheila and Colin Randall
12 December 2014
Sheila worked at Potterton
George and Val Masson
5 September 2014
George worked at Beddington,
Birmingham, Aldermaston
and Hope.
Millar and Joan Wright
26 September 2014
Millar worked at
Alec and Jean Raymen
27 March 2015
Alec worked at Dunstable.
David and Anne Robertson
3 October 2014
David worked at Dunbar.
Peter and Sylvia Clacy
13 March 2015
Peter worked at Oxford,
Dunstable, Westbury
and overseas.
Ronald and Irene Seager
27 March 2015
Ronald worked at Myson.
Your anniversary photos
Would you like to have your wedding anniversary or 100th
birthday photograph included in next year’s edition of the
InTOUCH magazine? Please email or send a current ‘head and
shoulders’ photograph, together with your name(s), your
anniversary date and your works location to: Kay Rhodes,
Lafarge Pensions, Regent House, Station Approach, Dorking,
Surrey, RH4 1TH. Email: kay.rhodes@lafargeholcim.com
Please note that scanned copies or photocopies are not
suitable quality for the magazine.