QB-12 BALUN - Palomar Engineers
QB-12 BALUN - Palomar Engineers
Model CB-9-1500 Dual Core, Balanced Voltage Balun 50:450 Ohm, 1.8-31 Mhz, 1KW PEP Purpose. This balun is designed to convert 450 ohms balanced to 50 ohms unbalanced at 1500 watts power at 100% duty cycle from 1.8-31 MHz. It provides conversion from unbalanced coax to a balanced 450 ohm ladder line/antenna feed point and gives a 9:1 impedance step-up to reduce VSWR on the coax feed line. The balun is housed in a 4” x 4” “2 NEMA weather resistant Copyright Palomar Engineers, Inc, 1965-2013 www.Palomar-Engineers.com box with SO-239 coaxial input and ¼” stud terminals opposite the input connector. This balun is DC grounded and will bleed off static electricity but it is NOT A LIGHTENING ARRESTOR. Model CB-9-1000 is a 50 ohm to 450 ohm (9:1) current balun used to translate a 50 ohm input up to 450 ohms at RF power levels up to 1000 watts PEP (50% duty cycle) when used with a matched load. With a matched 450 ohm balanced load SWR should not exceed 1:5 over the frequency range 1.8-31 MHz. (see figure below) Application. For balanced Zepp type antennas fed with 450 ohm line, the 9:1 balun makes a good transformer for converting to 50 ohm coax to the 450 ohm feed point. If you use the antenna on multiple bands, the feed point impedance may not always be 450 ohms and use of the balun at high (>600 ohms) or low (<300) will require reduced power input or the balun/unun may have its power ratings exceeded and damage to the balun may occur. The (9:1 conversion ratio will change for loads other than 450 ohms balanced. Typical frequency response (1.8-31 Mhz) and impedance transformation with 450 ohm balanced load is: Check www.Palomar-Engineers.com for the latest product updates Copyright Palomar Engineers, Inc, 1965-2013 www.Palomar-Engineers.com Palomar Engineers stocks ferrite beads and cores for radio communication and radio frequency interference (RFI) suppression. We also carry coaxial common mode chokes, Sleeve baluns, CUBE Baluns™, line isolators, and voltage & current balun/unun kits in ratios 1:1, 4:1, and 9:1 used for antenna matching and radio station noise floor reduction. Ferrite Toroid Cores RFI Suppression Kits SNAP ON Ferrite Beads Balun/Unun Kits 1:1 4:1 9:1 SLIP ON Ferrite Beads CUBE Baluns™ Kurt Sterba Products Super Choker™ Sleeve Baluns Phone: 760-747-3343 Fax: 760-941-4676 www.Palomar-Engineers.com Email: Sales@Palomar-Engineers.com Providing Quality Ham Radio Products Since 1965 We Ship Worldwide