Justina Krakowski Design


Justina Krakowski Design
Vol. 6, issue 1
W ellness l iving s tore . com
Year of
the snake
Wellness living
detox retreats
c l e a n s i n g c r e at e s W e l l - b e i n g
ur body is automatically
programmed to cleanse itself daily.
However, with our fast-paced modern lifestyle and exposure to an increasing
number of harmful and toxic substances, our
body’s natural cleansing ability has become
overworked and compromised.
Many signs and symptoms attributed to stress
are now being linked to early signs of exposure
to harmful substances such as PCBs, pesticides,
herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, and
mercury in food and liquids as well as dioxins
and formaldehyde in the air.
These substances most notably affect the
healthy functioning of the liver and immune
system. Common symptoms of dysfunction
in these systems include:
Fatigue, anxiety and depression
Allergies and frequent infections
Unexplained weight gain and difficulty
losing or gaining weight
Joint pain and muscle weakness
Difficulty focusing and memory loss
Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea,
gas and/or abdominal bloating
Skin rashes, skin eruptions and/or acne
Recurrent yeast/fungal infections
Rapid aging
Harmful and toxic substances from our
chemically-laden food and polluted environment have also become implicated as a leading
cause of many serious illnesses such as:
Degenerative diseases
Infertility, birth defects and genetic changes
To counter this growing situation, the doctors
at Tao of Wellness have developed a Cleansing
and Detoxification Program that is unique
and highly useful in ridding the body of many
harmful and toxic substances.
“An amazing experience . . .
I am looking forward to experiencing
the lasting effects over the coming
weeks and months.”
In designing the detox program, the doctors
have drawn upon the centuries-old Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles to solve
a modern problem. The detox program combines selected TCM techniques that work
together synergistically such as: acupuncture,
cupping, herbal medicine, dietary therapy,
far-infrared sauna, tuina bodywork and
qi gong.
“The treatments were wonderful.
Each day I felt very refreshed. Definitely
lost some weight and inches . . .”
h oW D o e s i t Wo r k ?
The Cleansing and Detoxification Program
is a three-day retreat at the Tao of Wellness or
as a week-long program. The procedures used
are designed to stimulate the release of harmful
substances stored in the tissues and liver. Once
the toxins are released into the circulatory
system, it is important to remove them as
soon as possible. This is why the chosen
treatment modalities are so important.
ac u p u n c t u r e
Acupuncture stimulates neurological, immunological, and endocrine responses beneficial to
tissue cleansing and cell rejuvenation. It also
stimulates the release of endorphins that reduce
the pain and discomfort sometimes experienced when detoxifying and withdrawing
from addictive substances such as alcohol,
caffeine, drugs, nicotine and sugar.
“I feel an overall openness.
My mental clarity is better and
the fogginess has lifted.”
chinese herbal therapY
The proprietary herbal formulations focus
on drawing the toxins directly out of the
body through increased sweating, urination,
and bowel movements. Some of the herbs
directly support the filtering function of the
liver and assist it in cleansing and promoting
cell repair and cell regeneration.
D e tox D i e t p roto c o l
Dietary therapy plays a distinct and essential
role in the detox program. The prescribed
meal plan includes selected foods that cleanse
the liver and intestinal tract and provide key
nutrients such as all the vitamins and minerals
necessary for optimal health.
Toxins often accumulate in the connective
tissues creating blockages and impeding
blood and fluid circulation. The strong suction action of the cupping stimulates blood
and lymphatic fluid to flow near the skin’s
surface and to key areas of the body for
easy and direct release of toxins.
fa r - i n f r a r e D s a u n a
The heat and deeper vibratory action of the
sauna’s far-infrared energy also promotes the
release of toxins through increased circulation
and through sweating.
The far-infrared sauna differs from the
conventional sauna in its ability to penetrate
deeply beneath the superficial layers of the
skin. Studies show that the infrared light
waves help to rid the body of toxins that are
stored beyond the superficial layers of the
skin. The excreted toxins include: cholesterol,
fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals (such as
mercury and aluminum), sulfuric acid, sodium,
ammonia and uric acid. The unusually high
concentration of heavy metals and other
fat-soluble toxins is not found in the sweat
from normal exercise or a regular sauna.
“I feel refreshed, optimistic, and
my knowledge of my body is improved.
Though I'm lighter and calmer,
I'm more energetic!”
You r retreat pac kage
inc lu Des (DailY):
“Such a great weekend. The staff were
so wonderful, and everything was so
well organized. I felt at home here.
Thank you for all the great attention.”
W h o s h o u l D pa rt i c i pat e ?
The Cleansing and Detoxification Retreat is
helpful for those wishing to change their habits
and adopt a healthier lifestyle. It is effective for
people who feel constantly fatigued and for
people who are trying to stop smoking, wean
off drugs, lose weight, slow aging, prepare for
pregnancy or reduce inflammatory conditions.
Many participants have reported significant
improvement in their symptoms and conditions after attending a three-day detoxification retreat. All quotations are testimonials
from participants in a Tao of Wellness
Cleansing and Detoxification Retreat.
Acupuncture—special detox protocol
Cupping and dry brushing
Lymphatic tuina bodywork
Far infrared sauna
Vegetable juice blend
Special cleansing vegetable broth
Catered organic breakfast and lunch
Take home dinners for Friday, Saturday
and Sunday
Detox herbs and nutritional supplements
Lectures on diet, nutrition and
environmental health
Tai qi, qi gong and movement classes
(Once) InfiniChi® healing session
regis tratio n:
Weekend package: $1150, Tao of Wellness
patients $1050. Total number of participants
limited. If you are unable to attend, please contact Analilian Martin at least two weeks prior
to the the Retreat to avoid a cancellation fee.
lo c ation: Tao of Wellness,
Santa Monica, California
We recommend the calm,
beautiful asian-inspired
ambrose hotel for your
stay in santa monica.
ambrose hotel
1255 20th street
santa monica, ca 90404
DaY anD ti me
Friday — 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday — 9:30 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday — 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
contac t & in Quir ies : Analilian Martin, 310-917-2200, ext. 221 | amartin@taoofwellness.com
r e g i s t r at i o n
please fill out this form and send with your payment to tao of Wellness or fax to 310-917-2204.
2825 santa monica boulevard, suite 300, santa monica, ca 90404
name of participant
paYment: ❍ check
make checks out to
❍ creDit carD #
exp. Date
cvv2 coDe
are You a tao of Wellness patient?
❍ Yes ❍ no
Wellness liVing
the little Dragon
a water snake year
How do I protect my joints?
Secrets of Natural Healing
athletic performance
For aging athletes
Marvelous mushrooms
Tai qi for a healthy back
Li River, China
marka meyer
Justina krakowski Design
EDITORIAL marka meyer
Jason Moskovitz
Edsel Tan
tao of Wellness press
1412 fourteenth street
santa monica, california 90404
© 2013 by tao of Wellness press
Disclaimer: the contents of this magazine are meant to educate and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. neither the publisher nor the authors are engaged in rendering
professional advice or services to the individual reader. the remedies, practices and suggestions contained in this magazine are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. the reader
should consult with his or her physician or clinician for specific information regarding health matters and/or medical conditions.
Wellness liVing
letter from the editor
y granddaughter Holland had an inspired teacher
who invited her kindergarteners to fill a small
suitcase with items that explain who they are.
The students each gave a little talk about the objects they
chose and it was a wonderful way for the children to get to
know one another. When it was our granddaughter’s turn to
fill the suitcase, she chose legos, comic books, a photo of
her best friend, her favorite stuffed animal, her kung fu belt
and soccer cleats.
i thought this was a really neat challenge so i tried filling my
own imaginary suitcase and found that it was a pretty daunting
task. i began with garden dirt, scissors, a laptop; photos of my family, our
gourmet group, hiking group and my friends and pals at work. i added a
book, a skillet, some big plastic bracelets and a fluffy pillow because
napping is my favorite sport.
so dear readers, if you had to fill a small suitcase in order to explain who
you are, what objects would you choose? i suspect that you will find that
filling an imaginary suitcase is a surprisingly challenging exercise and i would
think that learning what really matters to us could be very useful in helping
us plan the course and focus of our lives.
i can’t wait to hear what You put in your imaginary suitcase.
— loVe, Marka
snake chilDren
it is said that children born in the Year
of the snake will tend to be solitary and
often like to play alone. it is important
however, for parents to understand that
their snake child has a rich inner life and
does not have the drive to be as social as
children born under most of the other
chinese astrological signs.
snake children are affectionate with
family and friends but do not reveal
themselves easily to others. because
snakes frazzle easily, they do best in a
calm, structured environment. this year’s
newborns are influenced by the Water
element and therefore there is a high
probability that they will be psychic.
as children, snakes can be unpredictable
and a bit moody, but their very contemplative and intuitive nature makes it is
very likely that they will grow up to
be highly successful scientists, artists,
spiritual leaders, psychologists, analysts,
surgeons or investigators.
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ome refer to the Chinese Astrological Year of the Snake as a year of the Little Dragon
because a Snake is closely related to the most auspicious sign of all; the Dragon. Snakes
are believed to attract prosperity, and in ancient Chinese households, having a snake live
in your house was a very good omen because it implied that your family would not go hungry.
Snakes are the philosophers and the mystics of the Chinese astrological
signs. They are undeniably beautiful and are considered to be the
guardians of the treasure; not only guardians of wealth but also
guardians of wisdom, compassion and discretion. Snakes are also
believed to be the harbingers of positive transformation and change.
If they are forced to rush, snakes are prone to stress. It is best for Snakes to avoid noisy,
confused situations because chaos is upsetting to them. If they want to enjoy a long healthy
life, it is important for Snakes to have a tranquil environment and to get plenty of sleep.
Snakes are known for refinement and elegance and are very unlikely to be attracted to
ordinary careers. Snakes have the ability to put their finger on a problem and find a solution
to difficult situations. Among famous Snakes are Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr.,
John F. Kennedy and Oprah Winfrey. ■
he Snake is a complex force in the twelve-year zodiac cycle and brings its own
negative Yin to balance Dragon’s positive Yang. Negative and positive do not confer
either good or bad, they are simply opposite forces of nature. Snake year events are
closely intertwined with turmoil that began in the previous year of the Dragon and Snake
reactions to balance Dragon beginnings can be unsettled and unsettling.
2013 is aligned with the Water Element, so we can flow like water through sticky situations
if we take the opportunity to think. The Snake allows us to see more, notice more and
exercise our perceptive abilities. The Snake gives us wisdom and brings us spiritual discovery...as a snake sheds its skin, we too can acknowledge and shed a troublesome past.
It is tradition to place a pine twig in your
doorway to represent the Snake on the
eve of Chinese New Year. In mythology
the Snake often represented healing of
the physical body while shifting to a more
spiritual outlook. It is a time to focus within, so it is fine to withdraw from social situations if you find you are more interested
in self-reflection rather than idle chatter. ■
A Snake confers responsibility, focus and discipline on each of us which is why it will be
possible for us to follow through and realize our goals. Be extra careful with your work and
study legal documents and look carefully for loopholes before signing. Pay attention to
detail; this a year with the energy to inspire new and great things.
Snakes are creatures that do not enjoy conflict, so look for a safe, quiet workplace in order
to facilitate your analytical skills. Be methodical and allow for slow but steady progress in
realizing your goals. Expect a true release of past blockages and a great deal of quiet progress
can be made. Slow and steady wins the race in 2013 year of the Snake.
A closeup of an old Chinese coin, with
depictions of the Chinese zodiac.
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 5
ask dr. mao:
Q: How can I get enough exercise to support a healthy heart
and yet make certain that I am not hurting my joints?
Get regular low-impact exercise
Exercise generates blood flow to your joints, and stimulates the body’s natural
regeneration mechanisms. Regular exercise also strengthens the muscles
supporting your joints, helping to prevent damage to cartilage. One more
bonus: exercise helps you maintain your ideal body weight. Protecting your
joints is just one more reason to consider losing weight if you are heavier than your ideal.
our traditional
chinese herbal
arthritis/Joint health
formula includes
eucommia in combination with other chinese herbs that are
important for maintaining healthy
joints. athletes can also use this nourishing formula to promote flexible
joints, tendons and ligaments.
ingreDients: eucommia,
loranthus, notopterygiu, gentian,
siler, astragalus, peach seed,
safflower, corydalis Yanhusuo,
myrrh, achyranthes, cassia,
Dong Quai, ligusticum Wallichii,
rehmannia, chinese peony,
chinese lovage, poria, licorice.
(AJ65) 65 capsules $16.95
call 800.772.0222 to order or
visit Wellnesslivingstore.com
Listen to your body
Are you stiff after sitting too long? Are you sore after a participating in sports? There is a fine
line between under-using your joints and putting too much stress on them. Pain after activity
or exercise may indicate that you have exceeded your limits. Paying attention to your body
will help you maintain a balance between motion and rest.
Posture makes perfect
Good posture protects your joints, and relaxes your muscles. To achieve perfectly aligned
posture, pull your chin inward and pretend that there is a string pulling you straight up from
the top of your head. Tai Qi and Qi Gong are perfect activities for encouraging good posture.
Essential foods for joint health
Control inflammation with natural omega-3 essential fatty acids in trout,
wild salmon, avocados, olives and olive oil. Papayas, almonds, sunflower seeds
and broccoli are rich in antioxidants; ginger reduces joint pain and swelling
while kale is loaded with calcium. An apple a day keeps joint damage away.
Try traditional herbal therapy
The traditional Chinese remedy for back and joint pain is Eucommia, which
strengthens bones, tendons, and ligaments. Western studies confirm that the
leaves and the bark of Eucommia contain a compound that encourages the
development of collagen, an important part of connective tissues such as
skin, tendons and ligaments.
May you live long, strong, and happy!
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Dr. Mao
secrets of natural Healing
Detox broth
from Arthritis: Secrets of Natural Healing
Dr. Mao Shing Ni & Jason Moskovitz, Dipl. O.M., L.Ac.
ur arthritis book is so different from most texts on the same subject
because in our book, arthritis is presented from a traditional Chinese
medical point of view. In TCM, joint disorders are categorized as painful
obstructions, and the wonderful thing about the Chinese point of view is that joint
disease in general, and each specific type of arthritis has its own specific treatment
that we can learn to do ourselves.
First we learn about diet, nutrition, herbs, bodywork, acupressure and movement.
Then we learn how to use our body-mind connection to help us release tension and
sooth discomfort. We receive dozens and dozens of tips, and we are advised how to
put together an optimal healing team plus we receive lists of resources and organizations to contact for more help and more information.
We learn for example, how sugar affects our joints, whether cow or goat dairy products
are better for pain, if we should eat cold foods…raw foods…or even no foods and fast
for a day. We are taught which herbs are good for us, how to meditate, whether we
should medicate, acupressure points for all our joints, what cupping is all about,
detoxing to calm inflammation, just to mention a few.
The most exciting gift of all is complete access to the highly-regarded Tao of Wellness
detox diet program for alleviating inflammation. We are provided with a detailed
schedule and food choices for meals and snacks. Recipes are given for both a detox
broth and a detox juice, there are special diets for every different of arthritis, a sample
arthritis diet, a depleted energy diet, a yeast-free diet, a one-day fast as well as a very
helpful recipe section.
in a large pot of water, add as many
items from this list of ingredients as
you can find in your local farmer’s
market or organic grocery store:
collards, swiss chard, kale, mustard
greens, cabbage, dandelion greens,
brussels sprouts, daikon radish,
watercress, seaweed, shiitake
mushrooms, cilantro, garlic, leeks,
fennel, anise and turmeric.
bring water, vegetables and spices
to a boil and then simmer the broth
gently for 1 - 2 hours.
for convenience, the broth can
be made up in a large batch and
then held in the refrigerator for
up to one week.
Wellness living
collagen boost is a
high-potency vitamin,
mineral, glucosamine and
chondroitin formulation
created to promote
joint flexibility and mobility while
strengthening skin, joints, ligaments
and tendons.
(VcB) 60 tablets $32.00
call 800.772.0222 to order or
visit Wellnesslivingstore.com
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 7
Traditional Chinese Medicine and
bY eDsel tan, l.ac., Dipl. o.m., Resident Acupuncturist, Tao of Wellness – Pasadena, CA
ctive people of all kinds are
continually seeking methods
and supplements to improve
their athletic performance, and
it seems that there is something new and/
or improved on the market every month.
However, one need not look to the future
for results. Chinese Olympians have been
utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM) to naturally enhance strength and
endurance, as well as heal physical injuries.
The TCM modalities of acupuncture, tuina
bodywork, Chinese herbs and qi gong
help to optimize internal physiology.
ACUPUNCTURE reduces pain and
inflammation. By improving blood
circulation and range of motion, it not
only shortens recovery time from injuries,
but also enhances strength and endurance,
thereby helping to prevent injuries.
TUINA BODYWORK improves circulation, eliminates toxins,
relaxes muscles, increases joint lubrication and motion, while
releasing stress. Tuina establishes a more harmonious flow of qi
(vital energy) and body fluids throughout the body. This allows
the body to naturally heal itself and function at its optimum level.
CHINESE HERBS such as ginseng, cordyceps, and astragalus
enhance strength and endurance. Ginseng regulates metabolic
rate, optimizing the breakdown of foods. It also improves the use
of oxygen in the body. Better metabolism and more efficient use
of oxygen allow one to generate and use energy more efficiently.
Astragalus benefits digestion, respiration and the immune system. Cordyceps fortifies all body
systems by strengthening the immune system, maximizing oxygen uptake, promoting strong
muscles, and improving kidney, liver, and lung functions. These are just a sample of herbs
that can improve strength and endurance.
QI GONG techniques have traditionally been used in martial arts to improve balance,
power, stamina, speed and flexibility. Qi gong’s isometric poses and restorative movements
in coordination with one’s breath improve respiration, posture, concentration, blood
chemistry, and relaxation.
These TCM modalities along with a nutritious diet can help one to achieve the utmost
strength and endurance both at work and at play. ■
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JoinT HealTH I
n studies at Lund University in Sweden,
researchers found a surprisingly high
incidence of hip and knee osteoarthritis
in former elite athletes, but a lower-thanaverage rate of osteoporosis and age-related
bone fractures in the same group. When
retired elite athletes were compared with
non-exercising men, the former athletes had
an 85 percent risk of developing osteoarthritis of the hip or knee while the risk for nonexercisers was 19 percent. The Swedish
study also concluded that high-impact and
high-contact sports like soccer and ice hockey increased the risk for osteoarthritis and
that lower-impact sports like swimming and
cycling were less likely to do so.
“Regular exercise is
important to health
and wellbeing, but
certain kinds of exercise
expose you to greater
risk of injury, ”
said Joseph Buckwalter, who studies
osteoarthritis and sports medicine at the
University of Iowa. “If you're an overweight, middle-aged runner who wants
to run at an intense level, there are better
ways [than running] of staying in shape
without risking a knee injury.”
Experts agree that physical activity
regardless of the type of sport has health
benefits that outweigh the risk of arthritis,
but they recommend participation in
lower-impact sports that are potentially
less damaging to joints. Baseball, basketball,
football, handball, hockey, karate, racquetball, running, soccer and waterskiing are
examples of potentially high impact sports,
while tai qi, bicycling, bowling, golfing,
sailing, swimming, yoga and scuba diving
are among the most joint-friendly for
inexperienced, out-of-shape or new athletes.
In the addition to engaging in lower-impact
sports, one can also utilize modalities of
traditional Chinese medicine to relieve and
prevent the discomfort of joint damage.
Healing modalities such as acupuncture,
herbal therapy and massage can help activate one’s healing mechanisms to reduce
inflammation, promote circulation and
reduce pain. ■
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ddly enough, fungi
are not plants
although mushrooms
are indeed the fruit of a fungal
underground roots and web
system that is called a mycelium.
Even though mushroom fruits
are short-lived, their mycelium
can be hundreds or thousands
of years old. The world’s largest
living thing is an enormous
2,200-acre colony of honey
mushrooms growing in an
Oregon forest that is believed
to be at least 2,400 years old.
1 0 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m
olive leaf complex
You can support
your natural immune
response with the
natural power of shitake, maitaki, reishi
and agaricus blazei mushrooms, olive
leaf extract and echinacea.
mushrooms have long been used in
traditional chinese medicine for their
cardiovascular, antiviral, antibacterial,
anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory and
anti-diabetic properties.
Mushrooms are a low-calorie, high-fiber and high-protein food. Because they contain all nine
amino acids, mushrooms are often referred to as the meat of the vegetable world. Mushrooms
are featured in the cuisine of many cultures, particularly China, Korea, Europe and Japan.
China, the world’s largest grower, produces an incredible 6,000,000,000 pounds of edible
mushrooms annually to help feed its one billion citizens.
Mushrooms have long been noted in the
history of the world, from early cave paintings
to ancient Egypt where mushrooms were
believed to be immortality food and were
reserved for royalty. Ling Zhi or Reishi mushrooms have been discussed in Chinese literature for at least 2,000 years, mushrooms were
found in the possession of Otzi the Iceman and
Pre-Columbian cultures used mushrooms for
both therapeutic and spiritual purposes.
olive leaf extract gained international
attention when it was shown to have
an antioxidant capacity almost double
green tea extract and 400% higher
than vitamin c.
echinacea, the purple coneflower,
is a familiar and well-researched native
american herb commonly used for
promoting a healthy immune system.
(VOM) 30 capsules $29.95
call 800.772.0222 to order or
visit Wellnesslivingstore.com
chinese fu ling
In the modern era, fungi were the source of
penicillin as well as the first statins. Mushroom
components can also be used for biodegradable
packaging and mushroom extracts are finding
new applications in biological remediation
including some that encourage plant growth
and others that filter bacteria out of contaminated water. Fabulous fungi and magnificent
mushrooms, indeed!
storing mushrooms
If you bring mushrooms home in a plastic bag, or if they were overwrapped in plastic
film, take your mushrooms out of their plastic packaging and put them in the refrigerator
in a brown paper bag. The paper bag will block light and allow air circulation so that you
can keep your mushrooms free of blemishes for up to one week. If you would like to freeze
mushrooms raw, freeze them individually on a baking sheet and then scoop them into
containers and keep them in the freezer for up to three months. If you prefer to keep
mushrooms for longer than three months, they will need to be cooked first; either
steamed or sautéed and then placed in small containers in the freezer. ■
fu ling or poria cocos is a wood fungus
that grows underground and resembles a
small coconut. in the united states,
native americans ate the fungus in times
of food scarcity while in china, fu ling is
treasured for its medicinal properties. in
asia, the fungus is dried in the shade and
then sliced into thin curls. fu ling is one
of the important tonifying herbs in Dr.
mao’s beautiful hot herbal cereal.
Dr. mao’s
hot herbal
(CEREAL) $25.00
call 800.772.0222 to order or
visit Wellnesslivingstore.com
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 1
Tai Qi for a
nyone who has seen images from
China of masses of people slowly
moving in choreographed routines
is familiar with the beautiful, health-giving
art of tai qi. Tai qi is a hybrid of yoga and
martial arts; its circular movements are based
on the cyclical movements of the natural
world and reconnect us to the flow of energy
that permeates our universe. The fact that
more than 100 million people practice tai qi
around the world is a testament to its widely
acknowledged health benefits.
People generally engage in mental activity
while remaining oblivious to their bodies, or
engage in physical activity while allowing
their minds to wander. Through the consis-
1 2 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m
tent practice of tai qi or qi gong, we can strengthen and integrate our physical and mental
functions, and repair the mind/body split.
Studies have shown that practicing
tai qi for thirty minutes, three
times a week, for at least three
months can lower blood pressure,
lessen anxiety, improve sleep,
increase functional mobility and
balance, enhance circulation,
improve one’s cholesterol profile
and slow bone loss in osteoporosis.
Most back pain is caused by the wear and
tear of living. For a healthy back, I often
recommend a combination of exercise: a
daily 30-minute walk, moderate weight
training and tai qi or qi gong to build
endurance, strength and flexibility. If you
suffer from back pain, is important to begin
an exercise program slowly and never to
exercise to the point of discomfort.
As you study and learn tai qi, gently follow along with the movements as you gradually
increase strength and flexibility. Dao-In is a particularly good form for back pain because
it is both gentle on the body and very helpful for increasing flexibility. ■
By Hua-Ching Ni
hua-ching ni
clearly and meticulously guides you
through 49 postures including many
sitting meditation postures never shown
before. these gentle movements can be
done by almost anyone in almost any
circumstance…and for the serious
student looking for longevity, the
foundation is here.
Dao-in is part of the taoist immortal
cultivation. because Dao-in energizes
and conducts energy through specific
channels, it can also help dissipate emotional problems and is especially effective
for people who are inactive or who have
their energy concentrated in their heads.
DVD (DDAOI) $24.95
Book (BDOI) $16.95
guided by
Jason moskovitz,
l.ac., Dipl.o.m.
chinese medicine recognizes that diseases can either arrive from outside of
our bodies or from inside our bodies.
in the West we often say, “i caught a
cold.” this is a great illustration of how
a bacteria or virus can make its way
into our body from the outside. the
equivalent phrase for “catching” something in chinese is “i produce disease.”
this puts more focus on a patient’s
ability to create disharmony inside
his own body.
many people recognize that mental and
emotional stress can create tense muscles, headaches, or worsen many other
physical symptoms. What may be less
widely understood are the ways in which
we are able to use our minds to think
and feel our way out of these very same
problems we’ve helped to create.
the simple instructions contained in
this recording will help you heal yourself,
mind and body. You no longer need to
feel distress over your emotional state,
for anything can be changed. 1 disc
(CDDETOX) $12.95
tai Qi & Qi gong
learning opporTuniTies
mastering chi, strength
from movement
by hua-ching ni
Learn about the physical
arts, then practice these
very simple movements.
Book (BsTre) $17.95
with Dr. Mao Shing Ni NEW!
An introductory qi gong
practice derived from the
Taoist Eight Treasures.
(DliTTle) $24.95
18-step harmonY stYle
with Dr. mao shing ni
Eighteen steps in 15 minutes;
a simplified Ni Family
Harmony Style form.
DVD (DsTep) $24.95
taoist eight treasures
with Dr. mao shing ni
Foundation level Ni
family form to clear and
unblock qi stagnation.
DVD (DeigH) $24.95
Book (BeigH) $19.95
tai chi sWorD
with Dr. mao shing ni
Ni Family sword form;
cut away obstacles and e
nhance protective energy.
DVD – (DsWorD) $24.95
self-healing Qi gong
with Dr. mao shing ni
Instructional mind-body
meditation to balance the
five organ systems.
DVD (DsHcg) $29.95
tai chi chuan:
an appreciation
with hua-ching ni
Gentle Path, Sky Journey
& Infinite Expansion,
from our archives.
DVD – (Dapp) $24.95
cosmic tour ba gua
with hua-ching ni
Demonstrational, walking
and embracing the 8
energy transformations.
DVD (DcosM) $24.95
tai chi chuan
stYle of harmonY
with Dr. mao shing ni
Dr. Mao’s long-form
Harmony Style, from
our archives. 2 discs.
DVD (DTaiseT) $29.95
crane chi gong
with Dr. Daoshing ni
Instructional, standing,
birdlike…one of the
most graceful forms.
DVD (Dcran) $24.95
Book (Bcran) $11.50
meDitations to
live to be 100
with Dr. mao shing ni
Traditional practices for health,
vitality, and longevity. 2 discs.
cD (cDlon) $19.95
Qi meDitation
with Dr. mao shing ni
Boost resistance to illness and
disease with energy-balancing
visualizations. 2 discs.
cD (cDQi) $19.95
public tai Qi classes in
southern california
The Wellness Living Store in Santa Monica and Yo San
University in Marina del Rey offer many wonderful tai qi
and qi gong classes. Please call The Wellness Living Store
310.260.0013 for the latest schedule, and speak with Tora at
Yo San University for the university schedule. 310.577.3000
private tai Qi instruction
Contact the Chi Health Institute for a certified
qi instructor’s list: www.chihealth.org
to order w
v iw
s iw.
t ww
e lw.
l n teas os loi vf w
i negl sl nt oe rs es . c o m | 21 59
If you choose natural foods because they’re
better for your body, why would you choose
cosmetics that do any less for your skin?
The Wellness Living Store has a fully-stocked
Chinese herbal apothecary. Depending upon
your health needs and preferences, we can
offer access to nearly 400 high-quality single
herbs in their naturally dried state, or as concentrated extract powders, and close to 100
proprietary formulations for specific health
conditions in convenient capsule form.
We procure from growers throughout China
to ensure the highest quality herbs for you and
your family’s health and wellness. Our products
are tested for potency and contaminants and
processed in GMP-certified laboratories so that
you can be assured of their purity and quality.
We invite you to have an herbal prescription
from your doctor of Oriental medicine and
acupuncture filled on premises and watch as
our herbalists assemble your personal formula.
We will also teach you how to ‘cook’ your
formula and make your healing brew at home.
. M ED
Jane ireDale
mineral makeup
the Jane iredale line of cosmetics is a
sophisticated blend of minerals and pigments
whose particles overlap on the skin to form
a filter that allows the skin to breathe while
protecting it from airborne pollutants. it has
skin-care benefits that conventional makeup
can only envy: non-comedogenic,
non-allergenic, broad-spectrum uvb and uva
protection, calms and soothes irritated skin,
high water resistance, complete coverage for
skin conditions like acne, rosacea, and redness
following chemical peels and resurfacing, contains no talc or parabens, and is composed of
inert minerals that cannot support bacteria.
liQuiD minerals
a light-reflecting mineral
foundation that has spheres
of active skin care ingredients
that are suspended in a gel
of aloe vera to create makeup
and skin care in one bottle! lightweight, comfortable coverage that diminishes fine lines
and wrinkles, minimizes pores and evens
skin tones.
18 shades (JilM) $48.00
finish poWDer
specially formulated to help
those who want to avoid
shine. use under or over
our mineral powders. no oil,
talc, fD&c dyes or synthetic preservatives.
highly absorbent rice starch will not clog
pores or dry skin.
(JippureMatte) $36.00
. M ED
peter lamas proDucts
peter lamas products are eco-friendly,
natural, healthy and organic: vegan, parabensfree, sulphate-free and formulated to a high
professional standard. peter lamas unites
nature and healthy science for effective
products that deliver on their promise.
each product uses a synergy of exotic
extracts, powerful botanicals and potent
herbs to enhance all skin and hair types.
chinese herbal
botanically rich
pl36c $22.00
chinese herbal
Deeply restorative
pl37c $20.00
chinese herb
scalp serum
for thicker, fuller hair
pl34c $45.00
1412 14th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 | wellnesslivingstore.com | 310.260.0013
1 4 | w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m
Wellness liVing herbs
tonic oil is perfect for massaging into
sore muscles and aching joints. is made from
precious menthol, eucalyptus, wintergreen,
camphor and fennel in a pure sesame base.
the soothing oils warm, stimulate and
activate the flow of Qi and blood, and
smell absolutely wonderful.
high performance
the vitality formula, formulated to work in
perfect synergy with the combined five
elements of health. supporting herbs and
whole grains to cultivate high energy.
(Hp700) 700 tablets $45.95
(HppoW) 22 oz. powder $45.95
internal cleanse - Wood element
Detox formula for the liver and gall bladder.
(iccap) 90 capsules $19.95
super claritY - fire element
brain power and circulation formula
for the heart & small intestine.
(sccap) 90 capsules $19.95
abunDant energY - earth element
Digestive formula for the stomach and spleen.
(aecap) 90 capsules $19.95
camphor oil is an aromatic herb with local
warming properties; menthol, eucalyptus,
fennel and wintergreen
oils are often used in
traditional chinese
medicine for relieving
joint pain; sesame oil
provides a hypo-allergenic base and is often
utilized both internally
and topically in tcm
for skin problems.
reader’s suggestions
the combineD
five elements of health
our strongest longevity formula
our most powerful herbs, a concentrated
whole-body tune up. available in either
capsules or powder.
(fe180) 180 capsules $49.95
(fepoW) 8.2 oz. powder $49.95
perpetual shielD - metal element
immunity formula for the lungs and
large intestine.
(pscap) 90 capsules $19.95
enDuring Youth - Water element
hormone balance for the kidney and bladder.
(eYcap) 90 capsules $19.95
Add a little Tonic Oil to your shampoo
to stimulate the scalp.
A drop of Tonic Oil rubbed above the
upper lip can help alleviate a stuffy nose.
Adding a few drops of Tonic Oil to bath
water is both comforting and fragrant.
(TosM) 2 fl. oz $12.95
(ToXl) 8 fl. oz. $39.95
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 5
Wellness liVing supplements
atients at the tao of Wellness have asked the doctors to recommend a brand of nutritional supplements. Dr. mao has researched and carefully selected a 30-year old, family-owned, highly-qualified manufacturer whose formulations combine vitamins, minerals, foods and herbs…a balancing concept
that is very similar to the tenets of classic chinese medicine.
for sexual function
(Vpa) 90 capsules $33.00
aDrenal support
(Vas) 60 capsules $30.50
heart health NEW
(Vpo) 50 gels $21.95
natural chelation
(Vnc) 100 capsules $42.50
lYmph support
(Vls) 60 capsules $32.00
ovarian support
(Vos) 60 capsules $37.26
natural Dhea
hormone precursor
(VnD) 69 tablets $36.00
probiotics for digestion
(VpB) 90 capsules $43.00
virus fighter
(VVf) 60 tablets $27.90
natural immunitY
(VoM) 30 capsules $29.95
immunitY loZenges
(Vil) 30 wafers $19.00
pituitarY support
(Vps) 60 tabs $27.00
prostate support
(VpH) 60 capsules $39.50
renal support
(Vrs) 60 capsules $33.50
thYmus support
(VTMs) 60 capsules $32.30
thYroiD support
(VTs) 60 capsules $33.90
16 |
allergY – animals
(Vaa) 1 fl. oz. $23.00
allergY – DairY
(VaD) 1 fl. oz. $23.00
allergY – haY fever
(VaH) 1 fl. oz. $23.00
allergY – nightshaDe
(VsH) 1 fl. oz. $23.00
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m
kiD’s vitamins
(VkV) 60 tablets $30.00
prenatal vitamins
(VsD) 60 capsules $37.50
super vitamin a
(Vca) 1 fl. oz. $25.00
super vitamin b
(VsB) 60 capsules $35.00
b12 for vegans
(VBV) 60 tablets $25.00
super vitamin D-3
(VsD) 60 capsules $15.95
cell protection
anti aging
(Vcp) 60 tablets $41.90
super potassium
(VpM) 90 tablets $22.50
collagen boost
(VcB) 60 tablets $32.00
metabolism boost
(VMB) 60 capsules $29.00
sugar leveler
(Vsl) 60 capsules $29.90
Weight control
(VWc) 2 fl. oz. $51.00
natural carnitine
fat into energy
(VcT) 60 capsules $41.60
(Van) 2 fl. oz. $23.00
blooD pressure
(VBp) 90 capsules $26.00
bone health
(VBH) 90 capsules $35.90
cholesterol /
(Vcl) 60 capsules $25.00
inflammation fighter
(Vif) 60 capsules $27.50
Yeast control for candida
(VYc) 90 tablets $29.95
chamomile / calm
(VcM) 2 fl. oz. $23.00
natural melatonin
(VMe) 60 tablets $19.00
natural sleep
(Vns) 2 fl. oz. $23.00
Wellness liVing herbs
aciD stomach - for acid reflux and
gastric symptoms. (TasT) 65 capsules $16.95
colon clear - herbal formula for lower
intestinal tract. (Tcol) 65 capsules $16.95
lung congestion - calms inflammation,
mucous and swelling. (Tlc) 65 capsules $16.95
acne / blemish - Drain heat from red,
irritated skin. (TaB) 65 capsules $16.95
Detox NEW
supports natural ability to secrete toxins.
(TDX) 65 capsules $16.95
menopause - calm anxiety, emotional
irritability and insomnia of menopause.
(TMp) 65 capsules $16.95
Dragon male - boost the Yang and
stimulate masculine Qi. (DMcap) 90 capsules
$19.95 (DMlX) 1 oz. tincture $12.95
menstruation - Dispel blood stagnation
to help ease abdominal discomfort.
(TMsT) 65 capsules $16.95
Durabone - vital bone-strengthening vitamins and minerals. (DBcap) 90 capsules $16.95
mooD elevation - herbs to help relieve
sadness and depression, and induce calm.
(TMe) 65 capsules $16.95
allergY tamer - relief from bothersome
allergy symptoms. (allcap) 90 capsules $16.95
anxietY / sleepless - Diminish insomnia,
anxiety & mental exhaustion. (Tas) 65 capsules
arthritis / Joint - relief from painful
arthritis symptoms. (aJ65) 65 capsules $16.95
b-slim - reduce appetite, eliminate bloating,
control weight safely. (BsliM) 180 capsules
blooD booster - nourish the blood
and tonify the Qi life-force energy.
(TBB) 65 capsules $16.95
breathe ease - classic herbs for coughing
and wheezing. (TBe) 65 capsules $16.95
exQuisite skin - Detox, cleanse, nourish
skin from within. (escap) 90 capsules $16.95
eYes - herbal nourishment for dry, red,
tired, blurry eyes. (TeY) 65 capsules $16.95
fatigue - nourish the spleen, stomach; for
fatigue/poor digestion. (Tfa) 65 capsules $16.95
feminine Desire - Warming herbs to
kindle the fire. (fD65) 65 capsules $19.95
bloat - Dispel Dampness, encourage release
of excess water. (TBl) 65 capsules $16.95
hair nurture - nourish hair follicles,
encouraging hair growth. (Hn65) 65 capsules
calm / sleep - calms the spirit; provides
rest for the weary. (cscap) 90 capsules $16.95
hangover - indigestion, nausea, loose stools,
fatigue, headache. (THo) 65 capsules $16.95
cancer support - important herbal
support during chemotherapy and radiation.
(Tcs) 65 capsules $16.95
heart - traditional chinese herbs for heart
function. (THT) 65 capsules $16.95
chest congestion - herbal formula for
congestion, from the common cold, and flu.
(TcHe) 65 capsules $16.95
herp-ease - clear heat of canker sores, cold
sores, genital lesions. (THp) 65 capsules $16.95
hot flashes - nourish kidney Yin, clear heat
& subdue hot flashes. (THf) 65 capsules $16.95
chronic fatigue - modulate inflammation, modulate the immune system; calm pain.
(Tcf) 65 capsules $16.95
immunitY - Defend against colds, flu and
respiratory infection. (TiM) 65 capsules $16.95
colD / flu - supports immunity, promotes
recovery. (cf65) 65 capsules $16.95
inDigestion - harmonize the stomach
and promote movement of stagnant food.
(TinD) 65 capsules $16.95
muscle strength - strengthen life-force
Qi and promote blood circulation. (TMs) 65
capsules $16.95
pain - harmonize the stomach, sooth pain
and relax muscles. (Tpa) 65 capsules $16.95
passages plus - for pms and menopausal
discomfort. (ppcap) 90 capsules $19.95
pms - harmonize liver Qi, nourish blood; for
pms and mood. (TpMs) 65 capsules $16.95
sinus - release wind/heat for nasal and sinus
congestion. (Tsi) 65 capsules $16.95
sleep - calm insomnia, restlessness, anxiety,
dreams, and stress. (Tsl) 65 capsules $16.95
Woman’s Wellness - tonify the kidney &
support Yin sexual wellness. (TWW) 65 capsules
Yang exhaustion - replenish Yang
energy from long-term illness; impotence.
(TYang) 65 capsules $16.95
Yin exhaustion - build energy reserves;
useful for chemo, radiation, and long-term aiDs.
(TYin) 65 capsules $16.95
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 7
Wellness liVing teas
all natural non-caffeinated herbal teas
30 plump little tea bags in each beautiful tea box
Wood element
Drink in the
springtime or
early morning
for grey days and
morning fogginess.
sprTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
fire element
Drink in the
summer or late
morning to replenish energy drained
by activity or heat.
suMTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
our best-seller
a perfect blend
of all our tao teas
to tonify the Qi,
nourish the Jing
and calm the shen.
aTTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
shen formula
calms the
emotions and
settles the mind,
but does not
cause drowsiness.
eTTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
metal element
Drink in the fall
or in the afternoon
as a tonifying tea.
strengthens and
soothes the lungs.
auTTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
Water element
a cozy drink
for winter or
evening to expel
cold and tonify
the kidneys.
WinTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
Qi formula
moves energy
and relieves liver
stagnation caused
by stress and poor
lifestyle choices.
icTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
Jing formula
relieves stagnation,
activates circulation
and balances the
energies of Yin
and Yang.
cBTea (30 tea bags) $6.95
18 |
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m
recipe from DR. MAO’S SECRETS
egg White scramble
With charD anD
porcini mushrooms
benefits: heart + immunity + Digestion
a patient of mine shared this recipe
with me; it was a favorite of her
sardinian grandmother who lived
to the ripe old age of 102. the featured
ingredients, porcini mushrooms – and
most mushrooms for that matter – are
high in fiber with virtually no fat, very
helpful in lowering cholesterol and
cleansing the intestinal tract. meanwhile,
the high-fiber chard (or spinach) also
gives your heart health a boost with
its minerals magnesium and potassium.
(serves 2)
Eat to thrive, live long,
and be healthy
Over eighty fabulous recipes for heart health,
immunity, anti-inflammation and weight management along with some amusing yet useful
tips from long-lived centenarians such as...do
not eat at your computer, do not eat standing
up and do not eat in your car.
Dr. Mao suggests that we sit down and pay
attention to the flavor and texture of our food,
while engaging in conversation with others at
the table. In this way he says that we will enjoy
our meals, we will not overeat and we will be
able to digest our food well.
2 teaspoons avocado oil
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 small bunch swiss chard,
finely chopped
8 fresh porcini mushrooms, chopped
6 large egg whites
sea salt and freshly ground
black pepper
¼ red bell pepper,
finely chopped, for garnish
1. heat the oil in a large nonstick
skillet over medium heat. add
the garlic and cook, stirring until
fragrant, about 1 minute. add the
chard (or spinach) and mushrooms
and cook, stirring, until mushrooms
are softened and chard is just limp,
3 to 4 minutes. Drain any excess
liquid from the pan.
2. reduce the heat to medium-low and
pour in the egg whites. cook, stirring
gently, until just set, 1 to 2 minutes.
season with salt and pepper to taste
and remove from the heat. garnish
with chopped red pepper and
serve immediately.
(BCOOK) $24.99
To purchase, call 800.772.0222
or visit www.wellnesslivingstore.com
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 1 9
Wellness books
Evolving Heaven
on Earth
Hua-Ching Ni
the shrine set
Mind, body, moral, spiritual
and financial health for all
(BHealTH) $19.95
8000 Years of WisDom i:
DietarY guiDance
Question & answer discussions
between Hua-Ching Ni and
his students
(BWis1) $18.50
complete Works
of lao tZu
A remarkable elucidation of
Lao Tzu's classic, including the
orally transmitted Hua Hu Ching
(BcoMp) $13.95
evolve heaven
on earth
Spiritual teachings
from West and East
for an orderly world
(BeVo) $19.95
8000 Years of WisDom ii:
sex & pregnancY
More student questions
and answers from
Hua-Ching Ni
(BWis2) $18.50
tao, the subtle
universal laW
The invisible net of
universal energy responds
to thoughts and behavior
(BTaos) $16.95
love of
mother universe
Becoming more human
by living in harmony with
the Mother Universe
(BloVe) $19.95
ageless counsel
for moDern life
Natural wisdom through
stories, poems and warm
personal experiences
(Bage) $15.95
the taoist
inner vieW of
the universe
A glimpse at the inner
world and immortal realm
(BTaoi) $16.95
the path of
constructive life
A ‘how-to’ book for living
a constructive, healthy,
and balanced life
(BHearT) $19.95
unlimiteD life
Chuang Tzu’s teachings
(BaTT) $19.95
concourse of
all spiritual paths
Benefit from the
great ‘oneness’ all
religions share
(Bconc) $15.95
poWer of
the feminine
Applying feminine yin
attributes to balance
masculine strength
(BfeM) $16.95
attune Your boDY
With Dao-in
The practice of 49
Chinese Yoga postures in
book form; also on DVD
(BDaoi) $16.95
enrich Your
life With virtue
A broad study of
human nature and
centuries-old tradition
(Benr) $15.95
neW universal
Becoming a spiritual
coach, serving ourselves
and our communities
(BMor) $16.95
centermost WaY
An inspiring account
of human spiritual
(BcenT) $17.95
essence of
universal spiritualitY
An examination and discussion
of all levels of religion
(Besse) $19.95
entering the tao
A beginner’s guide to
Taoism gathered from
Hua-Ching’s many books
(BenT) $15.95
tao teh ching
Advanced spiritual
studies of Lao Tzu’s
classic work
(BesoT) $15.95
tai chi for a
healthY boDY,
minD anD spirit
By Hua-Ching Ni & Mao
Shing Ni with Joseph Miller
(BTaicHi) $19.95
20 |
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m
eternal light:
teachings of
mY father
The inspiring life story of
Grandmaster Yo San Ni
(BeTer) $14.95
A loving and intimate glimpse
of Hua-Ching Ni's mother
(BMYsT) $14.95
footsteps of
the mYstical chilD
Profound questions and
thoughtful answers to
open up our understanding
(BfooT) $9.50
of a happY life
A well-planted personality
brings healthy growth;
advice for families
(Bfoun) $15.95
from DiversitY
to unitY
Transcend cultural
and religious diversity
to achieve spiritual unity
(BDiV) $15.95
gate to infinitY
Getting started on
safely and surely reaching
spiritual development
(BgaTe) $13.95
gentle path of
spiritual progress
Hua-Ching Ni’s public
classes and lectures
in book form
(BgenT) $15.95
guiDe to
inner light
Using your internal
light to shine upon
difficult matters
(BguiD) $12.95
the art of life
Frank talk about sexuality,
yin & yang, fire & water,
history and government
(BHar) $16.95
maJestic Domain of
the universal heart
The power of universal love
and wisdom drawn from
Lao Tzu and Chen Tuan
(BMaJ) $17.95
heavenlY WaY
A tiny booklet
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of gems from
Hua-Ching Ni
(BHeaV) $2.50
moonlight in
the Dark night
Emotions, love and
relationships and healing
a broken heart
(BMoon) $12.95
i ching, the book
of changes
A fascinating predictive tool
and one of our best sellers
(BBook) $35.00
The 68 mystical
diagrams of Lau Tzu's
tower, and much more!
(BMYsM) $13.95
casting seeds
(McasT) $2.00
and internal energy
(BalcH) $17.95
internal groWth
through tao
Becoming a sage
for yourself and
a sage for others
(BinTe) $13.95
keY to
gooD fortune
Newly reprinted
with a previously
unpublished chapter
(BkeY) $17.95
life & teaching
of tWo immortals - i
All about Kou Hong,
283 A.D. and a bridge
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(Blif1) $12.95
life anD
teachings of
tWo immortals - ii
The fascinating story
of Chen Tuan 871 A.D.
(Blif 2) $12.95
Your spirits
Channeling, UFOs,
past lives, soul parties,
spirits and ghosts
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natural healing
Prevention, healing and
revitalization; a favorite
at the Tao of Wellness
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Nurturing and saving
the soul, and freeing the
soul after death
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spiritual messages
from a buffalo riDer
Arts, achievement, fairies, qi,
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Follow the powerful
teachings of Yen Shi
as he travels west
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w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 2 1
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A wonderful collection of
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The struggle between
the Kingdoms of Light
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movement - mastering chi
Learn to feel healthy,
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Improve the quality of life
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Guidelines for living a
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BWaYH Hardcover $20.00
BWaYs softcover $14.00
Workbook for
spiritual Development
ancient invocations,
meditation postures, sleep
cultivation and much more
(BWork) $16.95
sitting moon:
a guiDe to natural
reJuvenation after
By Dr. Daoshing Ni & Jessica Chen
(BsiT) $19.95
chi gong
60-page booklet
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specific instructions
(Bcran) $11.50
surveY of tcm
classics & Doctrines
150-page booklet of
slide show presentation for
TCM Classics course
(BsurV) $14.50
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Fabulous information;
preparing the body, mind
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(BferT) $15.95
22 |
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m
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One hundred interesting
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secrets of longevitY
Dr. mao’s 8-Week program
A simple 8-week program
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Dr. mao’s secrets of
longevitY cookbook
Fabulous healthy recipes
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A mini-course in TCM
concepts; then applying
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seconD spring:
a guiDe to
anD menopause
Helpful tips from Dr. Mao
(Bspr) $17.99
A summation of the
teachings of their father
by Drs. Dao and Mao
(BgolD) $11.95
WaY, the truth
anD the light
Three eastern wise men travel to
the West to locate the special child.
(Bligp) softcover $14.95
(BligH) Hardcover sale $14.95
ageless: natural
guiDe to menopause
Booklet: Dr. Mao’s
practical tips for sailing
through menopause
(BMeno) $9.95
eight treasures:
energY enhancement
The 32 movements of
a Ni family qi gong
practice in book form
(BeigH) $17.95
YelloW emperor's
classic of meDicine
Translation and commentary
of the ancient Neijing, a
TCM classic
(BYell) $24.95
the tao of
Newly refreshed and reprinted
with dozens of entries…one
of our long-time best sellers
(BTaon) $19.95
arthritis: secrets of
natural healing
Joint health and joint
care through the
chinese healing tradition
(BarTH) $19.95
101 vegetarian Delights
by lily chuang &
cathy mcnease
From exotic feasts to
nutritious everyday meals;
includes herb and flowers
(B101) $15.95
a gathering of cranes
by solala towler
Interviews with nine who
have brought Taoism from
China to the West
(BgaTH) $12.95
ginseng anD
rose petals
by sarah sachs-kohberg
Behind the scenes in a Chinese
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(Brose) $14.95
healing poWer
of acupuncture
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by matthew bauer, l.ac.
Explores the roots of Oriental
Medicine and teaches self-care
(Bacu) $14.95
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tao teh ching
by hu huezhi
The spiritual process of internal
alchemy as described by Lao Tzu
(BreV) $19.95
chinese vegetarian
by lily chuang
Dao and Mao’s mother
presents beautiful
vegetarian dishes
(BVeg) $7.50
Hua-Ching Ni and Mao Shing Ni
Nearly everyone accepts the importance of a
healthy mind and body, but it is imperative to
expand our perception of health to include a sense
of morality, an awareness of spiritual development
and an appreciation for vigorous finances. As people interested in a wholesome and safe world for
ourselves and for future generations, Hua-Ching
and Mao Shing Ni help us to expand our sense of
a health and to understand how all five healths
affect and influence one another.
(BHEALTH) $19.95
Hua-Ching Ni and Mao Shing Ni
To evolve heaven on earth means cultivating
the wisdom, kindness, and courage that can be
transformed into universal love. Hua-Ching and
Mao Shing Ni take us on a journey that explores
the essence of the world’s major religions, introduces us to spiritual leaders and sages, and discusses the values of naivety, humanism, and the unity
of life that are fundamental to the Integral Way.
A refreshing spiritual perspective of humanity at
one with Nature is taught by engaging us with
inspiring verses and rich insights.
(BEVO) $19.95
hua-ching ni on kinDle
Many of Hua-Ching Ni’s classic Taoist books
are available at Amazon.com to download onto
your PC or Kindle reader. You can search for
digital books under their hardcopy titles.
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 2 3
ni familY organiZations
---------------------------------------------------------Yo san universitY of
traDitional chinese meDicine
Master’s & Doctoral Acupuncture Degrees
Clinical Doctoral Program in Integrative Medicine
with specialties in Reproductive Medicine
& Healthy Aging/Longevity
Public Tai Qi Classes
13315 W. Washington boulevard, 2nd floor
los angeles, ca 90066
877.967.2648 or 310.577.3000
---------------------------------------------------------Yo san bookstore & cafÉ
Acupuncture Supplies, Books, Coffee, Tea, Snacks
---------------------------------------------------------the Wellness living store
Green Living, Custom Chinese Herbs, Herbal
Formulas, Cosmetics, DVDs, Books, Tai Qi Classes
1412 14th street
santa monica, ca 90404
800.772.0222 or 310.260.0013
---------------------------------------------------------tao of Wellness - santa monica
Traditional Chinese Medicine Healing Center
2825 santa monica boulevard, suite 300
santa monica, ca 90404
tao of Wellness - newport beach
359 san miguel Drive, suite 200
newport beach, ca 92660
tao of Wellness - pasadena
171 south los robles avenue, suite a
pasadena, ca 91101
---------------------------------------------------------traDitions of tao
herbal health supplements available at:
The Wellness Store, Tao of Wellness
800.772.0222 or 310.260.0013
---------------------------------------------------------tao of Wellness press
Publisher of books, DVDs, & CDs
Yo San Ni
Hua-Ching Ni
Mao Shing Ni
the college of tao & integral health (cot) is a non-profit
organization dedicated to disseminating the ni family taoist
tradition of the integral Way. this tradition includes taoist
self-cultivation movement arts—tai qi, qi gong, dao-in and
ba gua—energetic healing arts, meditation, and internal
alchemy practices that are representative of the spiritual
context in which traditional chinese medicine developed.
the college of tao website, www.collegeoftao.com, makes it easy to find out the latest
news. on the Welcome page, just scroll down to the announcements section. also learn
how hua-ching ni started the college of tao, how to learn about the tao, how to practice
tai qi and qi gong and how you can become a certified instructor in these movement arts.
You can enroll in distance learning courses that teach you basic taoist wisdom as well as
courses that teach you about traditional chinese medicine from a layperson’s perspective.
find information about involvement opportunities such as becoming a Wellness coach or
a mentor of the integral Way. connect to a movement arts instructor, integral Way mentor
or Wellness coach by scrolling through the cot Directory. You can learn about medical
energy healing or become a friend of the integral Way. the website informs you of
activities, learning resources, retreats, and classes.
the chi health institute recently inaugurated a new ni family movement arts form,
Qi meditation for cancer patients and survivors.
find out how to join the college of tao community (cotc) by clicking on the cot
community tab on the homepage. as a cotc member, you receive information about
how to listen to Dr. mao shing ni’s monthly teleseminars on the phone or the cot
website. recently, Dr. mao has been discussing the five elements and how these
transforming energies apply to your life.
Yo san ni launched the college of tao in china in the early twentieth century. his son,
hua-ching ni (also known as master ni or omni), is the author of many books on the
taoist tradition of the integral Way [visit taostar.com]). he and his two sons, Drs. Daoshing
and mao shing ni, re-established the college in the united states. Dr. mao shing ni, ph.D.,
o.m.D., l.ac., is the chancellor of the college and Dr. Joseph miller, ph.D. is the director. ■
college of tao • 13315 W. Washington blvd. • los angeles, ca 90066
www.collegeoftao.com • contact@collegeoftao.com
tao of Wellness
the mission of tao of Wellness is simple:
bringing ancient chinese tradition to help heal, transform and enrich people’s lives.
n 1976 Tao of Wellness was founded in
Los Angeles by the esteemed doctor, teacher
and author, Hua-Ching Ni. In 1985 Dr. Daoshing
and Dr. Mao Shing Ni took over from their father,
putting together a team of outstanding doctors
and expanding Tao of Wellness into premiere
healing and wellness centers.
The secret of our clinical success lies with our
excellent team of doctors. As a result of a rigorous and methodical selection process, Tao of
Wellness ensures that our doctors are the top in
their field. Through daily collaboration and weekly
case conferences, our doctors work as a team and
tailor a course of treatment for each individual
patient, thus providing an unrivalled level of care.
At Tao of Wellness we aim to establish a respectful and trusting partnership between doctor and
patient. An essential part of this partnership is
the education of our patients. We empower and
inspire our patients to have the confidence to
make life-style changes that will promote healing.
In our experience it is the most effective and
compassionate way to regain health.
tao of Wellness santa monica
2825 santa monica boulevard, suite 300
santa monica, ca 90404
tao of Wellness neWport beach
359 san miguel Drive, suite 200
newport beach, ca 92660
tao of Wellness pasaDena
171 south los robles avenue, suite a
pasadena, ca 91101
w w w. w e l l n e s s l i v i n g s t o r e . c o m | 2 5
prsrt stD
u.s. postage
permit # 31050
los angeles, ca
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