Nutrient Advantage - Incitec Pivot Fertilisers


Nutrient Advantage - Incitec Pivot Fertilisers
Nutrient Advantage News – inside the latest edition
ISSUE No2. April 2012
See the news just in on Post Planting N Testing
Fertiliser Recommendations ready for sowing this Broadacre season
Growers and advisors in flood affected areas are urged to conduct deep nitrogen and sulphur
testing before sowing this season. Hopefully your soil test has been taken ready to make a
fertiliser recommendation based on your nitrogen and sulphur requirements. Nutrient Advantage
Advice makes writing recommendations a bit easier with the new version II functionalities.
Your Nutrient Advantage
Nutrient Advantage – Big on Quality
Nutrient Advantage Advice – Advisors Audits will be recommencing as part of Fertcare
accreditation requirements.
Nutrient Advantage Accreditation
Get in quick for the next Nutrient Advantage Accreditation Course coming soon.
Nutrient Advantage Advice Training in 2012
New technology used to enhance the Nutrient Advantage Advice Version II Training services
Home Ground Science
Precision nutrition starts with accurate soil data
“Precision nutrition is not about using more or less fertiliser, but distributing their fertiliser where it
will generate the greatest response” says Sam Trengrove from Trengrove Consulting.
Home Ground Advisor
Personalising Recommendation Reports for your Customer
How to personalise your fertiliser recommendation reports using Nutrient Advantage Advice.
For more information visit
Nutrient Advantage News is a newsletter of Incitec Pivot Fertliisers, a business of Incitec Pivot Limited ABN 42 004 080 264. ®
Nutrient Advantage and Nutrient Advantage Advice are registered trademarks of Incitec Pivot Limited. This is a guide only, it should not be relied on as a substitute for tailored professional advice and Incitec
Pivot Fertilisers accepts no liability in connection with this guide.
Fertiliser recommendations ready for sowing this
Broadacre season
Nitrogen and Sulphur update
With much of NSW and Northern Victoria recently affected by heavy rain and
floods, growers and advisors need to pay special attention to nitrogen and
sulphur levels in cropping soils this season. Leaching and denitrification will
potentially be issues again in 2012, as was the case following heavy summer
rain in some cropping areas in 2011.
Growers and advisors in affected areas are urged to conduct deep N and S
testing BEFORE sowing this season to determine nitrogen and sulphur
Making ‘recommendations’ using Nutrient Advantage Advice (NAA)
Depending upon sample results, recommendations in 2012 may need to take
into account higher rates of nitrogen at sowing as well as the need for risk
management and seed safety at this time with cereals and canola. Increasing
the row spacing and/or changing to a disc or narrow point can have a major
impact on the maximum N fertiliser rate that can be applied with seed. NAA is
a great tool for accredited users to create recommendations for the upcoming
sowing season especially to manage maximum N fertiliser rates at sowing by
automatically taking into account row spacing and crop type to limit the N
being applied with the seed to help avoid possibility of ‘seed burn’ for min till
or direct drilled situations. However at this stage, recommendations for disk
seeders are not catered for.
Recent improvements to NAA Version II also allow for each recommendation
to be personalized with the On the Go – Personal Comments Creation Tool.
This tool means your ‘favourite’ comment can be saved and standard
comments can be formatted, especially in relation to ‘risk management’ and
‘critical comments’ such as fertiliser placement in relation to seed.
Nutrient Advantage Advice Recommendations Function
The NAA “Recommendation” screen is only accessible by an L3
Advisor. The advisor has the ability to create personalised
fertiliser recommendations based on crop nutrient requirements
and production targets.
The recommendation defaults to a Version 1 auto generated
system recommendation. The Advisor then has the ability to
create, edit, update and save the recommendations.
In making changes to a recommendation, an L3 Advisor can
change the Expected Yield or row spacing information in the “Enterprise
Details” TAB related to crop management decisions.
Then click over to the Recommendations TAB and press Rerun Rec
If changes have been made to the sample and/or Enterprise details, the
system will then create a new recommendation. Note the Nitrogen levels will
automatically change with row spacing and crop type for Cereals (Wheat,
Barley and Triticale) and Canola
Then go to the Comments TAB
Add in or create a recommendation comment. Read our Tips and
Suggestions article on Personalising recommendations reports.
Press SAVE and a new recommendation version number will be created
Click Print Rec to print recommendation report. The comments will then
appear on the Recommendation Report for that Version
Some standard comments already available on the NAA system for sowing of
cereals and canola, examples of which can be found in the table below:
Comment that can be used for Crop: Wheat, barley and triticale
Based on a row spacing of 7” / 18cm, the maximum amount of nitrogen (N) that should be applied with the
seed of this crop is 25kg N/ha. Nitrogen input above this will need to be applied either pre-seeding, postseeding or deep banded away from the seed.
Based on a row spacing of 9” / 23cm, the maximum amount of nitrogen (N) that should be applied with the
seed of this crop is 19kg N/ha. Nitrogen input above this will need to be applied either pre-seeding, postseeding or deep banded away from the seed.
Based on a row spacing of 10” / 25cm, the maximum amount of nitrogen (N) that should be applied with
the seed of this crop is 17.5kg N/ha. Nitrogen input above this will need to be applied either pre-seeding,
post-seeding or deep banded away from the seed.
Based on a row spacing of 12” / 30cm, the maximum amount of nitrogen (N) that should be applied with
the seed of this crop is 15kg N/ha. Nitrogen input above this will need to be applied either pre-seeding,
post-seeding or deep banded away from the seed.
Based on a row spacing of 14” / 35cm, the maximum amount of nitrogen (N) that should be applied with
the seed of this crop is 12.5kg N/ha. Nitrogen input above this will need to be applied either pre-seeding,
post-seeding or deep banded away from the seed.
For further information regarding seed furrow placement of fertiliser at sowing
and the factors effecting germinating seed damage go to and have look at what the Farmer or
Agronomy Community sites can offer you.
An article on “Seed and fertiliser rates” by Dr Rob Norton, Regional Director
for International Plant Nutrition Institute, can also be found in the February
edition of Fertiliser News Grain and much more.
For UAN applications at sowing, please visit the EasyN website at
Further information
Nutrient Advantage News is a newsletter of Incitec Pivot Fertilisers, a business of Incitec Pivot Limited
ABN 42 004 080 264. For Feedback of further information, contact Nutrient Advantage on 1800 803
453 or visit
This is a guide only, which we hope you find helpful as a general tool. While Incitec Pivot Fertilisers has
taken all reasonable care in the preparation of this guide, it should not be relied on as a substitute for
tailored professional advice and Incitec Pivot Fertilisers accepts no liability in connection with this guide.
Talk to your local Incitec Pivot Fertilisers Distributor Agronomist about soil testing and arranging a
specific fertiliser recommendation that best suits your needs.
®Nutrient Advantage and Nutrient Advantage Advice are registered trademarks of Incitec Pivot Limited
Post Planting N Testing
If deep N testing has not been done pre planting there is potential to do it incrop. Ensure to take samples in the inter-row area to avoid contamination with
any residual nitrogen from the starter fertilisers. When it comes to timing, the
earlier the better is best for any nitrogen testing, as this will allow adequate
time to plan a low risk, maximum benefit strategy.
When assessing nitrogen requirements this season, break the paddocks down
in to three groups, those that need nitrogen early, those that might need
nitrogen and those that don’t need nitrogen unless the 2012 season is one out
of the box.
Table 1: When to apply nitrogen
Soil nitrogen levels*
Nitrogen strategy
Less than 60 kg N/ha
Need early nitrogen to
maximise yield
Apply from GS25 to
60-120 kg N/ha
Additional nitrogen may Apply from GS32 to
be needed depending
on seasonal conditions
and yield potential
120-200 kg N/ha
Additional nitrogen may Apply from GS40 to
be needed depending
on seasonal conditions
and yield potential
* Dependant on region/yield potential. Source: Incitec Pivot Fertilisers, 2010
The paddocks where current soil nitrogen levels are adequate for average
target yields can be marked for reassessment at a later date. Remember that
if the season is good, nitrogen can be applied as late as flowering in cereals
and pre-flowering in canola.
In those low nitrogen paddocks that need the high rates of nitrogen, do the
nitrogen budgets at 11-12% protein and apply some of that nitrogen early to
ensure nitrogen deficiency does not reduce yield.
Be ruthless with these paddocks, especially if they have low soil organic
carbon levels and/or soils with poor water holding capacity as they may not be
worth spending limited funds on in an attempt achieve an unrealistic yield.
For those paddocks in the ‘mid-range’ of nitrogen levels, monitor and apply
budgeted-for nitrogen at a later growth stage. If the season is good any low
nitrogen paddocks with potential can be ‘topped up’ at the same time.
Lastly, for high nitrogen paddocks leave them alone, as any extra nitrogen
applied may be wasted.
In 2012, aim to maximise returns where nitrogen is deficient, don’t allow those
paddocks to suffer for too long as yields will be affected.
Look to do some tissue testing as well as there is no point in putting nitrogen
on crops that may be deficient in phosphorus, sulphur, zinc or potassium.
Sulphur in particular may be an issue in canola.
Take home messages
Keep an eye on nitrogen levels through deep N soil testing and tissue
Only apply nitrogen where there is good yield potential. Target 11-12%
protein in nitrogen budgeting to gauge whether it is worth putting on
extra nitrogen.
Keep an eye on other nutrients, particularly sulphur in canola.
Further information
Nutrient Advantage News is a newsletter of Incitec Pivot Fertilisers, a business of Incitec Pivot Limited
ABN 42 004 080 264. For Feedback of further information, contact Nutrient Advantage on 1800 803
453 or visit
This is a guide only, which we hope you find helpful as a general tool. While Incitec Pivot Fertilisers has
taken all reasonable care in the preparation of this guide, it should not be relied on as a substitute for
tailored professional advice and Incitec Pivot Fertilisers accepts no liability in connection with this guide.
Talk to your local Incitec Pivot Fertilisers Distributor Agronomist about soil testing and arranging a
specific fertiliser recommendation that best suits your needs.
Information in this article was taken from the 2010 Topdress edition of Fertiliser News – Grain a farmer
newsletter of Incitec Pivot Fertilisers, a business of Incitec Pivot Limited ABN 42 004 080 264.
Sign on to the Farmer or Agronomy Community sites found on our website and see what we have to
Nutrient Advantage - Big on Quality
At Nutrient Advantage we put a big emphasis on quality assurance. We are
regularly audited by independent bodies such as National Association of Testing
Authorities (NATA) against standards such as ISO/IEC 17025. This is national and
international recognition of technical competence and that our laboratory consistently
adheres to the highest standards at every stage of testing.
Along with our NATA Accreditation we also hold Australian Soil and Plant Analysis
Council (ASPAC) Certification for a large range of nutrition tests conducted at
Nutrient Advantage through our participation in ASPAC proficiency studies.
But quality assurance doesn’t stop there. Our
decision support platform Nutrient Advantage
Advice (NAA) is a Fertcare Accredited System.
Fertcare is the national training and accreditation
program of the Fertiliser Federation of Australia
(FIFA). The Fertcare Accredited Adviser
Program independently assesses the
competence of advisers and decision support
systems to make nutrient recommendations
against nationally endorsed competencies set by
Fertcare accreditation gives farmers and other
stakeholders’ confidence in the accuracy of
fertiliser recommendations made by Fertcare
Accredited Advisers and accredited systems.
A key component of maintaining Fertcare Systems
Accreditation is auditing of all Advisors who use Nutrient
Advantage Advice.
The NAA process will have minimal impact and disruption
on Advisors’ time due to the ability to utilise information
centrally backed up in the NAA database.
All L3 Advisors will be audited and will be given plenty of
notice when they are scheduled for an audit to occur.
Audits will be conducted once every 2 years.
Fertcare Accredited Advisors are audited by an external auditor
while non-accredited Advisors are audited internally by the NA
The NAA auditing process will be managed by Jack Rohde and
Jillian Maas, both of whom have extensive experience in Quality
Systems and have been heavily involved in NA auditing and
Analysis Systems Accreditation programmes in the past.
For more detailed information on the NAA audit process, please
Jack Rohde
Phone: 07 3867 9370
Jillian Maas
Phone: 07 3867 9424
Nutrient Advantage Accreditation
Places are available for the Next Nutrient Advantage Accreditation
Course to be held in Werribee on Tuesday 19 June to Thursday 21 June
The Nutrient Advantage Accreditation course combines practical agronomy with
hands-on use of the Nutrient Advantage Advice (NAA) software. Users completing
the course will be Level 3 NA Accredited and will have full use of the NAA system.
With over 400 advisors already accredited, this is worth looking into.
Agronomy Advantage is an industry accreditation provided by Incitec Pivot Fertilisers
i) Increase agronomy and product knowledge,
ii) Enhance advisory skills relating to fertiliser
Subjects include:
Soils – chemical, physical and biology
Salinity and acidity
Macro and Micronutrients
Soil & plant tissue analysis and interpretation
Soil & Plant sampling procedures
Nutrient Advantage Advice (NAA) is advisory software to assist with the interpretation
of soil sample results and development of nutrient recommendations. NAA is a
Fertcare* Accredited system.
Cost of the Course is $990.00 (GST inclusive) including all materials
Spaces are limited!!!
To register your interest in this course or in future training for Nutrient
Advantage Accreditation see the attached registration form and/or
contact Nutrient Advantage on Freecall: 1800 803 453 or
Please complete this registration form and fax to Nutrient Advantage on: 03 9974 0699
Section 1: Applicant Information
Street Address:
Phone No.:
Fax No.:
Mobile No.:
Email Address:
Previously accredited for
Nutrient Advantage/Analysis Systems: Yes
* This is the email address to which all notification will be sent
Agricultural Qualifications and Training Details:
Award or Course
Year Completed
Section 2: Invoice Authorisation Details
Business Trading Name:
Incitec Pivot Customer Number:
Purchase Order No.:
Authorising Contact:
Signature of Authorising Contact:
Phone No.
Section 3: Request for Accreditation Training
Price (Incl GST)
Nutrient Advantage Accreditation
3 Days + Pre-work
- Agronomy Advantage
- Nutrient Advantage Advice
Prices are current as at the issue date of this form and are subject to change at the discretion of Incitec Pivot Limited
Please circle key industry:
Section 4: Request NAA Software
Request for new Nutrient Advantage Advice Software Installation
Please indicate which Microsoft Windws Operating Sytem is installed on your computer in order for Nutrient Advantage
Customer Support to issue correct installation pack
Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or better)
Windows 7/Vista
32 Bit
Windows 7/Vista
64 Bit
Services Terms and Conditions
This Nutrient Advantage Registration Form will be used by Incitec Pivot Limited ABN 42 004 080 264 ( IPL) to register
interest in participating in the course(s) nominated above. By submitting this form, the Applicant’s business agrees to be bound by
these terms and conditions.
At the time of submitting this Nutrient Advantage Registration Form, businesses are required to nominate the individual who
will attend each course (Applicant), including the Applicant’s agricultural training and qualifications.
IPL may, at its absolute discretion, determine whether or not to accept registration to attend a course(s).
Subject to clause 3, IPL will subsequently advise the Applicant of dates and locations of the course(s) nominated on this
Nutrient Advantage Registration Form. This advice will be sent by email to the Applicant’s email address provided (Notification
You will be required to confirm attendance of the Applicant nominated on the Nutrient Advantage Registration Form at the
relevant course(s) detailed in and within the time specified in the Notification Email (Confirmed Attendance).
Nominations of Applicants are not transferable. If after submitting a Nutrient Advantage Registration Form, a different
applicant to that specified will be attending, a separate Nutrient Advantage Registration Form including that applicant’s agricultural
training and qualifications must be submitted to IPL.
IPL will invoice the business upon receipt of a Confirmed Attendance.
Places may be limited and all Confirmed Attendances will be processed on a first come first served basis.
Course materials will be forwarded to the mailing address provided on this Nutrient Advantage Registration Form after IPL
has received the Confirmed Attendance.
10. Prices noted on this Nutrient Advantage Registration Form are current as at the issue date of this form and are subject to
change at IPL’s discretion.
Cancellation and Refunds
(a) It is acknowledged that the fees charged by IPL are applied towards the costs incurred by it in preparing and conducting the
(b) IPL may, in its discretion, cancel a course if it does not receive a sufficient number of enrolments for that course.
(c) In the event that a course(s) is cancelled by IPL after an invoice has been issued, the Applicant’s business will be given the
choice of either:
the Applicant attending the applicable course(s) on an alternative date as notified by IPL; or
a full refund of the course fee.
(d) In the event of either an Applicant (or the Applicant’s business) cancelling their registration after an invoice has been issued,
or non-attendance at a course by the Applicant, the Applicant’s business will be entitled to a refund of 40% of the relevant
course(s) fee.
(e) In the event of an Applicant’s failure of two attempts of any Pre-assessment questionnaire sent by IPL prior to the course, the
Applicant’s business will be entitled to a refund of 40% of the relevant course(s) fee.
In the event that the Applicant fails the course, the Applicant’s business will not be entitled to any refund of fees.
Privacy Statement
Registration forms become and remain the property of IPL. IPL collects personal information about course Applicants to enable Applicants to participate in
the course(s) selected, to assess an Applicants suitability to participate in a selected course(s) and to send Applicants information on training courses or
services provided by IPL from time to time. In order for IPL to do this, IPL may disclose Applicants personal information to its other associated entities.
Each Applicant consents to such disclosure. If an Applicant requires access to his or her personal information or does not wish to receive information
from IPL on training courses, or services provided by IPL from time to time, then he or she should tick the appropriate box on this Registration Form. If at
a later date an Applicant decides that he or she does not wish to receive information from IPL on training courses or services provided by IPL from time to
time, or requires access to his or her personal information, he or she can contact IPL by email at
Please tick this box if you do not, want to receive additional material about training courses or services offered
by Incitec Pivot Limited in the future.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information supplied is true and correct.
Name ( Please Print): ...........................................................................................
Signature: ............................................................................................................
Date: ...................................................................................................................
If you have any questions regarding accreditation, or need any advice, please call Nutrient Advantage Customer Support
on FREECALL 1800 803 453.
Nutrient Advantage Advice Training in 2012
Following the successful introduction of the travelling classroom back in 2011,
Incitec Pivot’s Nutrient Advantage Team has once again provided a new
approach to offering Nutrient Advantage Advice training. To showcase new
functionality improvements found in the Version II release of Nutrient
Advantage Advice in January, the Nutrient Advantage Training Centre
conducted various web training sessions.
These sessions known as “Webinars” included topics
such as Using NAA EasyRec and On the Go- Comments
Tool, Using NAA My Sample and My Product tools and
more recently NAA working demonstration - Deep Soil
The Webinars proved to be quite popular with over 150
users logging on for the sessions so far.
Using this new technology as well as capitalising on the Travelling Classroom
success, the NA team aims to provide multiple training options for NAA users
this year.
A number of Webinars have been scheduled to cover all seasonal topics.
NAA Version II Sessions for Queensland Sugarcane and Horticulture are
coming up in April where updated agronomic charts (including potatoes,
fruiting vegetables, cucurbits, brassica, tropical fruit, banana and macadamia
nuts) plus sugar cane will also be discussed.
Another way of viewing the Nutrient Advantage Advice additions and
enhancements is to take a Virtual Tour or Online Instruction Guide located on
the Incitec Pivot Fertilisers website.
Delivering more than soil testing
Phil Hoult, Nutrient Advantage Business Manager, said Nutrient Advantage
delivers a complete system when it comes to plant nutrition.
“Nutrient Advantage is much more than just analysing soil tests through our
“It is a powerful management tool that delivers the knowledge and insights in
soil and plant nutrition to help improve productivity and reduce any potential
financial and enviromental risks.”
For more information contact Nutrient Advantage on 1800 803 453
or Email:
Precision Nutrition starts with accurate soil data
Grain growers can maximise the benefits of
precision nutrition by first determining the
constraints limiting crop yield and growth before
adopting the latest techniques.
Sam Trengove from Trengove Consulting, based
in SA’s Yorke Peninsula and Mid North region,
says data used to identify constraints include
using previous crops’ yield data, soil test results,
EM38 data or imagery of crop growth.
EM38 data provides information on the apparent
electrical conductivity of soils.
Soil characteristics that influence EM38 include soil texture, moisture and
salinity levels. This information is gathered from a sensor towed behind a
vehicle as it travels over the paddock.
“Constraints may vary across paddocks. Growers should identify different
production zones by using different data layers,” Sam said.
Along with yield and EM38 data, he advised growers to ‘ground truth’ - which
involves soil and leaf testing.
“Where there are different yielding areas in a paddock, it is important to make
sure first that nutrition is not limiting yield in those areas,” he said.
“Identify if there is a constraint that can be fixed, such as a zone of low pH or
sodic soils, which can be addressed with an application of lime or gypsum.
“In a lot of cases, we find that the difference in production between zones is
related to stored soil moisture and the water-holding capacity of the soil,
which typically can’t be altered by human intervention.
“Recognising what’s behind the lower yield of poorer performing zones means
you’re not throwing good money after bad.”
Sam recommended that growers utilise the data gathered to identify where
they could achieve the best return on their fertiliser investment and apply it
“Growers could have been applying too little fertiliser in some areas because
those zones were already producing good yields, but with higher fertiliser
inputs there may be potential for even higher yields.
“Alternatively, the data could show some areas where fertiliser has been
overused because the soil constraints always restrict yield potential below the
paddock average and therefore limit any responses to additional fertiliser.”
Sam said precision nutrition was not about necessarily using more or less
fertiliser, but distributing the fertiliser where it would generate the greatest
response in grain yield.
Phil Hoult, Business Manager for Nutrient Advantage, Incitec Pivot Fertilisers’
soil testing laboratory, said deciding correct rates of application and products
when applying precision nutrition should be based on an understanding of soil
nutrient levels.
“Growers need to understand their soil nutrient levels to accurately feed
crops. Precision nutrition depends on regular, reliable information from soil
tests to make accurate decisions,” Phil said.
Further information
This article was taken from the February 2012 edition of Fertiliser News –
Grain a farmer newsletter of Incitec Pivot Fertilisers, a business of Incitec
Pivot Limited ABN 42 004 080 264.
Personalising Recommendation Reports for your
At Nutrient Advantage we are constantly looking for improvements. One of
the main topics of feedback we received from customers regarding the
previous Nutrient Advantage Advice platform was the inability to make
formatting changes to recommendation comments.
This led to the introduction of one of our key functionality improvements
recently released in the Nutrient Advantage Advice Version II in January. We
designed the “On the Go – Personal Comments Creation Tool” to increase the
‘user friendly” nature of NAA for advisors and agronomists.
This tool allows you to “format” fertiliser
recommendation comments by reviewing,
and personalising standards NAA
comments or creating new customised
comments. Advisors now have the ability
to save a favourite comment and make
changes to the fonts, font size, font style
such as bold or italics and even font colour.
We give you the basic framework of the
Nutrient Recommendation report from
which you can add a company logo or
customise comments to make your
recommendation report unique.
On the Go – Personal Comments Creation Tool
Only L3 accredited users can view the comments related to that
recommendation, change the sequence of the comments, and add or remove
The Advisor now has the ability to save a comment when creating a
recommendation. These comments can now be formatted before saving into
the reports. Key comments can be emphasized by applying different Fonts,
bold, italics, underlining and font colours to enhance the customer report. A
Cut and Paste function also lets the User import comments from other word
files and save them for recall at a later stage.
To Save Comment during the recommendation process Navigate to the
Comments tab as displayed below:
Type a comment in Recommendation Comment field. Click Font button to
select font name and size.
Click Colour button to select font colour and click OK
Click Save Comment for future access and a Comment Maintenance screen
will appear
Enter a Comment Code, Comment Description and Comment Text
Click Save
Press OK
To add saved comments during recommendation process:
Click Add Comments button to add more comments. The following screen will
be displayed: Through this screen, existing comments can be added
To enter a customized comment just created tick the custom “Comment Type”
only and select Search and I list of Comments created by you will appear.
Highlight the desired comment and Press select
The selected comment will populate in the comments grid in the Sample
Comments screen
To search for Standard NAA Comments tick the Standard button in the
Comment Type field, Enter search Criteria or click Search. All comments will
be displayed in the List of Comments
Highlight the required comment and click Select. The selected comment will
populate in the comments grid in the Sample Comments screen
To prioritise order of comment
This process allows the advisor to prioritise comment in sequence order the
User would like comments to be represented.
In the comments grid, highlight the desired comment to be ordered
Click Move Up, Move Down or Delete button.
Always remember to Click Save to save recommendation. A new report
version number will be created.
Click Print Rec to print recommendation report. The comments will then
appear on the Recommendation Report.
Add your company logo
Another facility available to Nutrient Advantage Advice users is the ability to
add your own logo to a recommendation report.
To attach your logo to the Nutrient Advantage advice Report send a copy of
your logo to
The NA helpdesk will send you an email with the instructions of what to do.