In Association with MODEL DESIGNS COPYRIGHT © 2008 JOHN E. PAYNE EXCEPT WHERE NOTED COMPOSITE PHOTOGRAPHY COPYRIGHT © 2008 JOHN E. PAYNE MOST BACKGROUND PHOTOS © NASA, BORROWED WITHOUT PERMISSION Hovering over a distant Gamma Quadrant starbase, the cruiser USS Val'Walo awaits the arrival of a runabout carrying mission specialists for her current assignment. USS VAL'WALO JANUARY 2009 New Year's Day Gregorian Calendar Earth Kwanzaa Ends (Earth, United States) Weight Loss Seminar Starfleet Medical Health Program Kirstie Alley's Birthday Moon Shuttle Day Martin Luther King Day Conductors' DeForest Kelley's Earth United States Civil Rights Leader New Year Earth, Chinese Calendar Year of the Ox Australia Day (Earth, Australia) Birthday The cargo pod transport USS Sultana delivers crucial supplies to a new colony world, under escort of the battleship USS Coeur de Lion. USS SULTANA FEBRUARY 2009 Groundhog Day UFP Science Seminar Earth, United States Traditional Spring Ritual “Terraforming from Scratch” Little Life Form Day Bibi Besch’s Birthday Brent Spiner's Birthday nItlh SoH jaj (Scapegoat Day) Klingon Blame-Diverting Tradition John Shuck's Birthday Abraham Lincoln's Birthday Talaxian Bake-Off Delta Quadrant Tradition United States President Earth (Traditional) Melkot (Adopted) Ethan Phillips’ Birthday Presidents’ Day Earth, United States Traditional Tribute Hair Style Show Presidents' Day Theme: Tricks with Banana Clips United States Earth LeVar Burton's Birthday Whalebone Corset Invented Jeri Ryan's Birthday Boss’ Girlfriend’s Day Hollywood Tradition Majel Barrett's Birthday Dabo Day Ash Wednesday Earth Christian Religion Quark's Bar, DS9, Bajor Sector Chase Masterson’s Birthday Valentine's Day Earth (Traditional) Delta IV, Betazed (Adopted) The Exploration Cruiser Artemis Rendezvous with the frigate USS Peregrine at Saturn USS ARTEMIS MARCH 2009 Engineers' Day Artificial Enhancement Day Jimmy Doohan's Birthday Jolene Blalock's Birthday Starfleet Tradition Vulcan Bionics Conference Mawlid al-Nabi Earth, Muslim Religion Muhammad's Birthday Commonwealth Day Earth, Canada, Australia, NZ, UK Purim Earth Jewish Religious Celebration Burn Awareness Day St. Patrick's Day Earth, Ireland, Britain, US Traditional Drunken Celebration Take Pause Day William... Shatner's... Birthday Women Drivers’ Day Starfleet Safety Program Marina Sirtis' Birthday Starfleet Safety Program Connor Trinneer’s Birthday IDIC Festival Vulcan Philosophical Gathering Leonard Nimoy's Birthday USS Soryu's shuttle #12, "Voyager," surveys the burned out ruins of a city on Miri's planet HEAVY SURVEY SHUTTLE APRIL 2009 April Fool's Day Earth Traditional Day of Practical Joking Captains’ Conference Subject: Sexual Harassment Grace Lee Whitney's Birthday Palm Sunday Passover Begins Earth Christian Religion Good Friday Earth Jewish Religion Easter Earth Christian Religion Passover Ends Earth Christian Religion Earth Jewish Religion Joystick Day Traditional Helmsmen’s Holiday George Takei's Birthday Earth Day Earth (Duh) Replicated Coffee Appreciation Day UFP Kate Mulgrew's Birthday St. George's Day Earth, England National Day The Val'Walo disables a Cardassian scout ship as it tries to evade them in a gas giant's ring system. USS VAL'WALO MAY 2009 May Day Earth, Great Britian Traditional Spring Festival Labour Day Earth, Australia Mother's Day Cinco de Mayo Earth, Mexico, United States Traditional Festival Beltaine Earth Pagan Festival Liberation Day Earth, France Visakah Puja (Buddha Day) Earth Buddhist Religion Armed Forces Day Earth, United States Commercial Earth, United States Military Tribute Victoria Day Earth, Canada Technobabble Day Starfleet Seminar Memorial Day Earth, United States Military Rememberence Colm Meaney's Birthday Michael Piller's Birthday The hospital ship HOPE comes to the aid of the stricken destroyer USS Shaitan, damaged in the Orion blockade of Coridan in 2267. USS HOPE Saladin Class Destroyer Copyright © 1975 by Franz Joseph Designs JUNE 2009 Foundation Day Earth, Australia Silly Putty Invented Dunsel Day Rene Auberjonois' Birthday Anthony Montgomery’s Birthday Earth Starfleet Tradition D-Day Earth, US and Europe War Memorial Day of Payne Earth, New Jersey Flag Day Earth United States Replacement Training Seminar Robin Curtis' Birthday Bendii Syndrome Awareness Day Father's Day Earth, United States Commercial Vulcan Tim Russ' Birthday Jeri Taylor’s Birthday The Essex late in her career, when the noble old warhorse had been reassigned to shuttle pilot training. Here she is imaged over Cait, with young Caitian shuttle pilots practicing landings. USS ESSEX USS Essex Copyright © 1987 by Mastercom Data Center JULY 2009 Canada Day Earth, Canadia Pineapple Cake Day NX-01 Enterprise Tradition Dominic Keating's Birthday Restocking Day Independence Day Torpedoes Delivered Yesterday Earth United States Alan Ruck's Birthday Universal Translator Invented Earth, Japan/Korea 7/7/2005 Linda Park's Birthday Earth, Great Britain Memorial for Terrorist Victims Capt. Picard Day Annual Enterprise-D Event Patrick Stewart's Birthday Bastille Day Earth, France Dance of the Orbs Youth Science Fair Nana Visitor's Birthday Wil Wheaton's Birthday Bajoran Dance Festival Federation-Wide Event A Klingon loses a game of "chicken" with Artemis as her phasers track true, laying a beam across the cruiser's path. USS ARTEMIS AUGUST 2009 Lughnasadh Earth Pagan Harvest Festival Stem Bolt Day Picnic Day Hiroshima Day Earth, Australia, Jellystone Park Cochrane Day UFP Work Holiday Glenn Corbett's Birthday Earth, Japan Rememberance of War Self-Sealing Variety Cirroc Lofton's Birthday Mothers’ Day Timeline Violation Awareness Day Vulcan Starfleet Security Program Jane Wyatt's Birthday Brannon Braga's Birthday Great Bird Festival Ramadan Begins Federation-Wide Tradition Earth, Muslim Religion Gene Roddenberry's Birthday Johnathan Frakes' Birthday Diana Muldaur's Birthday Photography Seminar Subject: Nudes and Technology Kim Cattrall's Birthday Dancing Doctors’ Day Annual Federation Talent Show Gates McFadden's Birthday Sultana heads out for her next pick-up after delivering two cargo pods to a Starbase orbital warehouse facility USS SULTANA SEPTEMBER 2009 Genesis Day Mutara Sector Merritt Butrick's Birthday 9/11/2001 Earth, United States Memorial for Terrorist Victims Anger Management Starfleet Health Seminar Labor Day Roxann Dawson's Birthday Earth, United States Inwention Day Earth, Russia Annual Technology Fair Walter Koenig's Birthday Rosh Hashanah Begins Battle of Britain Day Earth Jewish New Year - 5769 Earth, United Kingdom War Memorial Childberth Seminar Officer Emergency Training Int’l Day of Peace Rosh Hashanah Ends Rosalind Chao's Birthday Earth United Nations Doomsday Yom Kippur Begins Earth Jewish Day of Atonement System L374 William Windom's Birthday Hatching Day Andorian Fertility festival Id al Fitr (Ramadan Ends) Earth Muslim Religion Exploring the performance envelope at warp seven USS COLUMBUS OCTOBER 2009 Emissary Day Bajoran Religious Observance Avery Brooks' Birthday Gazelle Appreciation Day California Pretentiousness Society Scott Bakula's Birthday Labour Day Earth, Australia Thanksgiving Day Coridan Day Earth, Canada Coridan System Celebrates UFP Membership Columbus Day Mark Lenard's Birthday Earth, United States Italian-American festival Orion Day of Mourning Dilithium Market Crash of 2267 Ira Steven Behr's Birthday Holographic Rights Day FCLU Annual Holo-Rally Robert Picardo's Birthday United Nations Day Earth Halloween Earth Pagan Festival In the confused meleé during the battle for the Chin'toka System, the corvettes of the Arminius class take a beating while USS Surak and her destroyer escort move in to attack enemy capital ships. Arminius and her sister USS Vercingetorix maneuver to attack lighter Jem'Hadar units, while at lower right USS Hamilcar burns, and USS Boudicca tumbles from a crippling hit. USS ARMINIUS NOVEMBER 2009 Lobe Festival Ferengi Ritual Day Election Day Armin Shimerman's Birthday Earth, United States Futile Political Excercise Armistice Day Earth, France Military Rememberence Rememberence Day Samhain Earth Celtic/Pagan Festival Interstellar Hat Festival Earth,Canada Military Rememberence Salamander Day Warp 10 Achieved Theme: Least Practical in a Confined Space Veterans' Day Robert Duncan McNeill's Birthday Whoopi Goldberg's Birthday Earth, United States Military Rememberence Face Marking Day Robert Beltran's Birthday Terry Farrell's Birthday Mogh Day Klingon Effigy Burning Oil Slick Day John Larroquette's Birthday Denise Crosby's Birthday Earth, War Memorial Vagra 2 Environmental Rally St. Andrew's Day Earth, Scotland National Day Eugenics War Day Ricardo Montalban's Birthday Thanksgiving Day Earth, United States Traditional Holiday Name Confusion Day Siddig Al - er... Alexander Siddig's Birthday USS Coventry joins in the effort to move the dead hulk of the "Planet Killer" to a secure location for study. USS COVENTRY USS Coventry and USS Essex Copyright © 1987 by Mastercom Data Center DECEMBER 2009 Targ Day Klingon Pet Show & Barbeque Pearl Harbor Day Michael Dorn's Birthday Earth, United States Military Rememberance Underachievers' Day Theme: Ensigns Forever! Garret Wang's Birthday Rights Day Earth Hanukkah Begins Earth Jewish Religion Hanukkah Ends Wright Brothers Day Earth Jewish Religion Earth, International Technological Milestone Kwanzaa Begins Slug Swapping Day Trill Holiday Christmas Day Nichole DeBoer's Birthday Earth Christian Religion Boxing Day Earth, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand Nichelle Nichols' Birthday New Year's Eve Earth, Gregorian Calendar Traditional Drunken Orgy Earth, United States Boxing Day Canada, Australia NOTES ON THE MODELS: All the Star Trek ships herein were built by me from commercially available model kits, or parts thereof. If a design was inspired by someone else, I make note of it below. I do not light my models; all lighting apparent in the images is digitally added into the picture. NOTES ON THE ARTWORK: Photo compositions are executed using Corel PhotoPaint. Some 3D elements are created using Caligari TrueSpace, and Daz Bryce. Background images are often astronomical photographs taken from NASA websites. The calendar was assembled in CorelDRAW! JANUARY FEBRUARY SHIP: USS Val’Walo, exploration cruiser SHIP: USS Sultana, cargo pod carrier SCALE: 1/1400 SCALE: 1/1000 PROJECT: Gundam/Trek Hybrid. PROJECT: Excelsior-based Transport/Tug. INGREDIENTS: Bandai “Val Walo” EX Gundam kit, Deflector and nacelle pylons from Ertl’s 1/2500 Enterprise-D, Hangar doors and phasers from Ertl 1/1400 Enterprise-C, Nacelles are Staedtler “Text Surfer” Highlighter Pens. INGREDIENTS: Ertl USS Excelsior, sheet plastic hull extension, resin engines by Dark Star Models. Cargo pods are PVC pipe with end caps made from gashapon capsules. Cargo pod pads are resin units from PNT Models Franz Joseph Tug conversion. THE NAME: Failing to get creative, I adapted the name of the Gundam into a Vulcan name by adding an apostrophe. Cargo pods are removeable. MARKINGS: RLM 76 German WWII light blue/gray overall with pale green paneling to evoke the Next Generation era. Decals created in CorelDRAW and printed on an Alps 5000. The NCC number, again failing creativity, refers to this being my first kitbash of 2008. THE NAME: The original Sultana was a Mississippi river boat. It was destroyed April 27, 1865 by an boiler explosion while transporting Union Civil War veterans home. 1,800 people were killed. BACKGROUND: Bubble City (Original Design) created in TrueSpace. Scene created in Bryce. Runabout is downloaded LightWave mesh, origin unknown. MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall Testors Model Master “Light Gray,” my standard color for Motion Picture era starships. Decals created in CorelDRAW and printed on an Alps 5000. The NCC number refers to the date of the Sultana’s sinking, April 1865. BACKGROUND: NASA Photo of Stellar Nursery W5, by Lori Allen using rthe Spitzer Space Telescope. MARCH APRIL SHIP: USS Artemis, exploration cruiser SHIP: Heavy exploration shuttlecraft SCALE: 1/1400 SCALE: 1/96 PROJECT: A delta-shaped starship based loosely on Arids Sofia’s USS Ariel shuttlecarrier. PROJECT: To create a shuttlecraft using the obviously-perfectly shaped hull of the Aurora Voyager, which also reminds me of the shuttles from the old “Space Family Robinson” comics. INGREDIENTS: Moebius Models’ repop of the old Aurora model of the “Voyager” ship from the 1970 cartoon series “Fantastic Voyage,” saucer and necelles from Starcraft’s 1/1400 resin Enterprsie refit kit. Shhet plastic “neck.” INGREDIENTS: Moebius Models’ repop of the old Aurora model of the “Voyager” ship from the 1970 cartoon series “Fantastic Voyage,” nacelles from the 1/1600 AMT Spaceship Set Enterprise THE NAME: A random visual suggestion: The ship looks like an arrowhead. Artemis was the Greek goddess of the hunt. THE NAME: Well, duh. That aside, I chose an earlier kitbash, the through-deck cruiser Soryu, to be its mother ship. MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall Testors Model Master “Light Gray,” my standard color for Motion Picture era starships. Decals created in CorelDRAW and printed on an Alps 5000. The NCC number is yet another unimaginative acknowledgement to the year i built the model. MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall gloss gull gray, with dark gull gray undersides. Decals created in CorelDRAW and printed on an Alps 5000. The markings are meant to conform to TOS shuttlecraft standard, but i had to come up with a “close enough” font for the name. BACKGROUND: A NASA/Cassini probe photo of saturn combined with another astronomical photo of the Mily Way. BACKGROUND: Ruined city meshes borrowed from a friend who purchased them online, rendered in Bryce. MAY SHIP: USS Val’Walo, exploration cruiser DETAILS: See January’s entry JUNE SHIP: USS Hope, hospital ship SCALE: 1/1000 BACKGROUND: Ringed planet scene entirely created in Bryce. cardassian ship is a photo of the actual filming miniature found online. PROJECT: creating something interesting using the Franz Joseph cargo container as a hull.. INGREDIENTS: PVC pipe, PNT Models cargo pod end caps, PNT models dreadnought conversion for Polar Lights Enterprise, and nacelles from the PL Enterprise. THE NAME: The first real hospital ship that popped into my head. MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall Testors Model Master “Light Gray.” Decals created in CorelDRAW and printed on an Alps 5000. The NCC number is a random choice for a low-numbered, early Starfleet vessel, with an H for hospital added for the hell of it. Some decals are from PNT’s generic 1/1000 Starfleet sheet. BACKGROUND: Entirely generated in Corel PhotoPaint using Flaming Pear’s “Glitterato” and “Lunar Cell” effects filters. PERSONAL NOTE: This is a recreation of an orginal kitbash I did using GameScience miniatures a very long time ago. that one was only about 3” long. It was fun to make it big. JULY AUGUST SHIP: USS Essex heavy cruiser SHIP: Artemis SCALE: 1/1000 DETAILS: See March PROJECT: To recreate one of the Constitution-class variations that appears in Mastercom Data Center’s classic book “Ships of the Star Fleet.” BACKGROUND: The Elephant's Trunk in IC 1396, Copyright: Brian Lula; Ertl Klingon battlecruiser model. INGREDIENTS: Polar Lights’ 1/1000 Enterprise. The sensor dish was reversed to create the Essex’s pre-TMP-style deflector. An extended landing pad was added to the hangar deck. THE NAME: From the book MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall RLM 76 just to have a variation on the ghost gray I usually use for TOS-era ships. Decals created in CorelDRAW and printed on an Alps 5000 to exactly duplicate the look in the book, which postulates markings that may have existed between the end of the TV series and the first Trek movie.. BACKGROUND: A NASA photo of the Heart and Soul Nebulas by Davide De Martin. The two planets were generated with the LunarCell filter in PhotoPaint. The Caitian shuttles were modeled in Caligari Truespace and rendered in Bryce 6. The Essex is copyrighted by Mastercom Data Center. SEPTEMBER OCTOBER SHIP: USS Sultana SHIP: USS Columbus, Exploration Cruiser DETAILS: See February SCALE: 1/1000 BACKGROUND: A NASA astronimical photo composited with a Megellan photo of Venus. The space station was created with TrueSpace and rendered in Bryce PROJECT: A nice, lean, low rework of the basic Enterprise INGREDIENTS: Polar Lights’ 1/1000 Enterprise. THE NAME and NUMBER: Yeah, uh, sorry about that. MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall Light Ghost Gray. Decals by me. BACKGROUND: hubble photo of NGC 346 with a motion blur, NOVEMBER DECEMBER SHIP: USS Arminius SHIP: USS Coventry, Frigate SCALE: 1/1400 SCALE: 1/1000 PROJECT: The USS Arminius is one of the hundreds of Starships built in Starfleet's emergency shipbuilding program during the crisis of the Dominion War. Pieced together out of a combination of new-build components, depot spares and parts scavenged from other projects, these ships were built as quickly as possible to meet the threat, and no two were alike. PROJECT: To recreate one of the “Early Reliant” variations that appears in Mastercom Data Center’s classic book “Ships of the Star Fleet.” INGREDIENTS: Polar Lights’ 1/1000 Enterprise, and a buttload of sheet plastic. INGREDIENTS: Saucer: Two stands from Ertl's Excelsior sandwiched; Aft hull: Monogram's 1/2500 Maquis raider; Nacelles: Ertl's 1/2500 Enterprise-D THE NAME: From the book THE NAME: The German ruler who wiped out a Roman Legion in a decisive battle at the Teutenborg Forest in 9AD MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall Light Ghost Gray, which I usually use for TOS-era ships. Decals by JTGraphics, based upon the ship’s appearance in the book. Additonal detail decals by me, and PNT models. MARKINGS: The kit was painted overall Light Gray, with late DS9-era markings, made in Corel and printed on my Epson inkjet using Micro-Mark inkjet decal paper.. BACKGROUND: Hubble image of the Dumbbell Nebula (M27); color-altered Cassini image of Saturn's moon Enceladus; my USS Surak cruiser kitbash, USS Preble destroyer kitbash, and other shots of the Arminius. BACKGROUND: Photo of the Lagoon Nebula, copyright: Fred Vanderhaven; Doomsday machine was created and rendered in Bryce. Other ships are more pics of my Essex and Coventry models. The Coventry is copyrighted by Mastercom Data Center. All things Star Trek are owned and copyrighted and trademarked and all that by CBS, paramount, Viacom, Desilu, Gene and Majel Roddenberry, and eberybody BUT me. I'm just doing this for fun and not making any money off it. Please don't hurt me.