:°Sm G~ - Worldwide TV
:°Sm G~ - Worldwide TV
o~ z ~ o z C C O h The Official Publication of the Worldwide TV-FM DX Association b r 0 "°~~ ~~ ~ . SEPTEMBER 1995 > WTFDA MEMBERSHIP SURVEY (FILL IT OUTS!!) b f > WTFDI~, LAKE PLACID CONVENTION REPORT t;~ i-_i ff-7 r _ t~~ .~ ~-~ ~ r ~ hn >~~, r ~~~ `b~ A O fit 1J~t a+ > MUCH, MUCH MORE, INCLUDING STATS, VHF UTILITY DX, AND SOME ~A-~cLASSiC 1950'S TV IDs ~~~a > A . .. vl 1rl o r ~JJ r-. _ .r.~I: _ y it.. > SUPER SUMMER TROPO AND E-SKIP REPORTS :° Sm m h 0 m .- . (/, z P .o. BoX 1930 Bluefield, WV 24701-1930 (. . `,~~ FAX : 2304-327-5586 W ayne " ~.l G~ . :.r . Bo~ Marfirl~ "~ Pike togm ,~ Y: ti Fayette Powhontas y . ' Martinet" ~I Nicholas ~~- / ... ~ " ~ecit z ~~" WYo!?ung -s' " eme,~m. s1 Ralei~ a S Highland Bath " way sprng. i .. _~, " .,-. ~ Beadey fin w~mmv+ ` I t " Kanawh _ Lincoln ~ ".umm -~ Monroe '. j . f Aaeghany owBmn " tae .+: de R«kbridg Botetourt _~ . ~ ,Y ~ Merter Craig `1. A°~xeo ~B " Roanoke .~ ~, : .klcDvwell ~. " Bedford " ce,o,dy is saes "I" Buchanan . ~ .~~ ~ ~: . " BlueReld Mon mery Oin Bland ~,: _ '._yauwell h.ae-eB >. Pulaski ~ °'y "RieiJada Di~ n v " "Pu1Wi Russell fl°yd Franklin Wise t<eu~on " wynmtt woyd" Smyth Wythe ash'n8ton Scott " Henry ~ PittsylGrayson smart Carro e^ .~ vania ". "r =trick ~ .~ .~ ~ . :.tn.~°d .~ .~.~ . Suaivan "~ pahe " spun Gtr nllegnany s "~ " au,wry Rockingham to -tarter /'~ Stokes Wilkes I WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION SERVING THE VHF-UHF DX ENTHUSIAST THE VHF-UHF DIGEST IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE WORLDWIDE TV-FM DX ASSOCIATION, DEDICATED TO THE OBSERVATION AND STUDY OF THE PROPAGATION OF LONG DISTANCE TELEVISION AND FM BROADCAST SIGNALS AT VHF AND UHF. W.T .F .D .A . IS GOVERNED BY A BOARD OF DIRECTORS: TOM BRYANT, GREG CONIGLIO, BRUCE HALL, DAVEJANOWIAK, AND BILLTHOMPSON . EDITOR/PUBLISHER ; BILLTHOMPSON COMPTROLLER .~DAVEJANOWIAK FM NEWS: GREG CONIGLIO CONVENTION CO-ORDINATOR;TOM BRYANT TV NEWS : DOUG SMITH PSB : BILL HEPBURN SATELLITES : GEORGE JENSEN CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: TOM BRYANT, DANNY BUNTIN, GREG CONIGLIO, VICTOR FRANK, BILL HEPBURN, GEORGE W. JENSEN, JEFF KRUSZKA, TIM MCVEY, FRED NORDQUIST, MATT SITTEL, DOUG SMITH, STEPHEN WEST, THOMAS J, YINGLING, JR . LAYOUT ; BILL THOMPSON . COVER DESIGN BY: HARRY HAYES. FROM THE STAFF : APPOINTMENT.' Ernest J. (Ernie) Wesolowski of Omaha, NE has accepted the position of WTFDA representative to the Association of North American Radio Clubs . Ernie is well known and highly respected in dx circles and we are fortunate to have a member of his stature as our ANARC spokesperson . Among other duties he will act as WTFDA goodwill ambassador at dx related functions sponsored by other clubs. ATTENTION WTFDA MEMBERS!! The Official WTFDA logo decal is here! ! ORDER YOURS TODAYI (Details are found below.) ~ .FM ~ IR VF. Y.' Here's an up-front reminder to complete the questionnaire in this issue of the VIJD. It needs to be in Matt Sittel's hands no later than December 1 for your input to be included in the final compilation. Matt also wanted you to know that "Mailbox" will return next month. MF.MB .R HIP CONVF.NTION.~ Highlights of our recent Lake Placid convention are reported elsewhere in this issue. Many thanks to Peter George for putting together a fete described by many as one of the best in years. As noted below, we are still looking for a host for next year. As of 8/16 1Y_t2 bids had bin received. ~n ang.. .wha~t areare you w i ing fort RF. RFTS'.~ News of the death of another WTFDA member comes from Gary Siegel of Toledo, OH, who reports that Ken Romstadt of Ottawa Lake, MI passed away recently. Our sympathy to his family, and especially his wife Cheryl . Ken was 39. Also, our condolences to WTFDA charter member Jce Gragg of Palestine, Texas, who learned of the death of his brother while attending the convention in upstate New York. Hopefully we won't have to devote many lines of copy to announcements of this nature for a long time. BIDS FOB T~ lg36 R'TFDA CO ,IVTION ARF, TI .1, B ,IN A ,PTF,D, All submissions should be mulled to convention coordinator Tom Bryant at 849 Todd Preis Dr., Nashville, TN, 37221. Deadline fs September 30. Please Include as much Information as Iposs~Ie (even though tt may be tentative) about the proposed location, facBtifes, field trip possibNtties, your past convention attendance history, and any other pertinent Information"', dFor more Information phone 615-646-2000 (no collect calls, please); _j The Official WTFDA logo decal is now available in white, red, or light blue . All are 5 .25" in diameter and are computer-cut in reverse to be applied to the inside of your favorite DX vehicle window. Are you a WTFDA member? ADVERTISE IT!! Send $5.00 check or money order to: Oid West Graphics 749 S. L®may, Ste. A3-355 Ft. Collins, CO 80524-3251 3 (Convenffon Specfaf Report ..page 2) CONVENTION '9 J / WHITEFACE CHALET SPECIAL REPORT: (by Tom 6ryant, convention coordinator) Fog, drizzle and downpours didn't dampen the spirits of the 20 TV and FM dxers who made their way to the Lake Pladd, NY area for the club's annual get-together on August 4, 5, and 6. In view of the sweltering heat engulfing most of the U . S. and Canada, the cooler climate at the convention site was a welcome relief. . .but most agreed we could have managed quite nicely without all the rain . There was disappointment that the planned dx-pedition to the summit of Whiteface Mountain had to be scrubbed when the park service dosed the road due to heavy fog, but the group managed to find plenty of other activities to fill the void . Our host Peter George had a dx monitoring station set up for both FM and TV ...with FM reception providing the most interesting results. No E-skip was noted on TV, but the FM crew logged a couple of E-hoppers including WSM-FM (95.5) from Nashville. The Stereo Probe 9 performed nicely, with many of the loggings a direct result of signals reflected off Whiteface Mountain which was directly in front of our monitoring position . During lulls in off-air monitoring, the VCR was kept busy playing videotapes of several members' dx catches. Following the Saturday evening banquet Peter George got the program underway with a "VUD Quiz" which had been prepared by Matt Sittel . Moans, groans, and grumbling accompanied the mind-boggling 20 questions. 'Einstein' Coniglio captured first prize with 14 correct answers. Eight correct seemed to be the average. After the quiz, a brief open forum fielded discussion of several areas of dub business . For the first time in several years, the Board of Directors was represented at the convention ; with three of the five members present. h was announced that in the future, at least one member of the Board would attend each convention for the purpose of getting input on dub affairs as well as to answer questions. Appointment of Emest J . (Emie) Wesok~wski of Omaha as WTFDA's ANARC representative was announced. His selection was based on many years of activity in the hobby, his rapport with members of several dx dubs, and his willingness and ability to represent the WTFDA as a goodwill ambassador at dxer conventions . The need for a membership list was expressed, and steps are being taken to make such information available. Lack of communication with HQ was a bone of contention for some; and ft was pointed out that corrections have been (and are continuing to be) made in that area . Dr . Bruce Elving, editor/publisher of the "FM Atlas" and "FM Media" took the floor to offer some observations on the current dx season . He touched on the benefits of antenna phasing to increase loggings, and briefly discussed the availability of the products and services he offers for dxers. Any lingering doubts about the convention being moved from Boston to the Lake Pladd area were quickly dispelled upon arrival at the upstate NY locale . Jim Thomas was recognized for his interest in providing dub-related materials. He is currently marketing WTFDA decals and plans to venture into other areas including stationery and T-shirts . The Whiteface Chalet was ideally suited to our group, and proprietors Madge and Chuck Randa made everyone feel welcome. Their unique brand of hospitality, along with the Cory atmosphere, added a distinctive 'homey touch to the affair. The remainder of the evening was spent dxing, watching dx tapes, talking dx, and enjoying the company of fellow dxers. WTFDA member Scott Fybush of Boston, a producer at WBZ, supervised origination of a broadcast from Lake Pladd. The Inn featured a large den-like room where several WTFDAers kwnged and visited. The downstairs bar was the hot spot for talking dx (1 think the tales got taller as the evenings progressed) ; and the adjacent room featured the monitoring setup. All three areas were popular and used extensively . By mid-day Sunday the crowd began to disperse . As good-byes +mere said, several commented on the excellence of the Whfteface Chalet fadlities, and expressed interest is a possible return . Peter George (perhaps still in a convention-altered state of mind) even mentioned that he'd be interested in hosting again at the Inn. Saturday and Sunday breakfast was served as part of the room package. Since your reporter stayed up 'til the wee hours (and chose to sleep late), there is no report on that aspect of the gathering other than to note that the menu looked qufte appetizing . Here's who attended : (by state 8~ province) /L - Bill Edkberg, Neil Kazaross, Frank Merrill, Marv Shults MA - Scott Fybush (8 fiancee), Peter George MN - Bruce (& Mrs.) Elving NE- Emie Wesolowski NJ- Bill Burrows, Paul Mount NY- Greg Coniglio, Dave (r3~ Mrs. Nieman), Fred Nordquist, Bob Seybold OH- George Greene ON- Phil Gebhardt, Roger (& Mrs.) Gravelle, D. Bruce Hall TN - Tom Bryant TX-Joe Gragg. Daytime activity on Saturday centered on sightseeing . In spite of a steady drizzle, just about everyone headed out to take a look at the Olympic faclities. The winding roads, mountain scenery, cascading streams, and quaint villages got rave reviews. Some went into Lake Pladd to shop, and a few drove up to Plattsburgh to check out studio and transmitter sites. Other side trips (before and after the convention) found dub members exploring new territory throughout New England and into Duebec . 4 tf your name was not on the list, you missed one hedk of a good time at outstanding convention site . Whether large or small, WTFDA gatherings are aNvays a lot of fun. If you've never attended a convention you need to seriously consider a trip to our 1996 funfest (wherever it is). tf it's been a while since you've taken part in a dub get together, how about getting re-acquainted next year?. 5 TV News Doug Smith 1385 Old Clarksville Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098 n Abbreviations used in this column : ERP= Effective Radiated Power in kW HAAT=Height Above Avg . Terrain nc= no change TL= Tower Location CP= Construction Permit Pr= Province (of Canada) = Non-commercial CRTC=Canadian Radio-Television Commission DBS= Direct Broadcast Sat . SS := Spanish language LPRT=Low Power Relay Transmitter (Canada) TBD= To Be Determined APPLICATIONS FOR NEW S'T'ATIONS _St _ Ch EFP HART City AR 31 15 .1 197 Harrison (TL: 36 ° 19'39"N/93 ° 13'15"W) RS 36 3470 324 Hutchinson (TL : 37°47'30"N/97 ° 33'29"W) ON 11 130 206 Ottawa (TL : 95°21'02"N/75°16'13"W) CONSTRUCTION PERMITS GRANTED TO NEW STATIONS St Ch ERP HART City NE 24 2590 366 Albion (TL: NE-70/NE-14 junction) NV 10 .79 304 Elko (TL: 40 ° 48'42"N/115 ° 91'56"W) NV 7 .89 650 Winnemucca (TL : 91 ° 00'91"N/117 ° 45'59"W) ON 6 .56 ? Windsor (TL: 92 ° 18'58"N/83 °02'29"W) APPLICATIONS TO CHANGE EXISTING STATIONS St Ch ERP HAAT Call City AB 13 1 .8 96 CFRN-TV-12 (Athabasca ; was 7 .1kW) AK 13 316 238 RIMO Anchorage (TL : 61 ° 25'22"N/149°52'20"W) (was 38 kW/27m ; TL about 20km S of Anchorage) APPLICATIONS TO CHANGE CALL LET`I'ER CHANGES EXISTING STATIONS (contd .) (contd .) St Ch ERP HAAT Call City CT 59 2843 314 WTVU New Haven (was 100kW/281m) FL 35 nc 451 WOFL Orlando (was 448m) MO 26 113 .2 292 ROZJ Joplin (was 51 .3kW/284m) NF 4 4 .65 nc CJSV Stephenville (was 3 .1kW) NM 50 1420 1275 RASP Albuquerque (TL : 35 ° 12'90"N/106 ° 36'57"W) (was 1950kW/1266m ; TL change a few dozen meters) TX 61 4680 429 RZJL Houston (TL : 29 ° 33'25"N/95 ° 30'09"W) (on the KHOU-11 tower . Was 4683kW/443m on the KPRC-2 tower .) WA 22 324 nc RSRN Spokane (was 832kW; st . currently dark) Was WAXA-90 new-55 new-62 new-16 new-49 CHANGES GRANTED TO EXISTING STATIONS _St _Ch _ERP _HART _Call CA 25 500 675 RCAH (was 52 .SkW/670m) IA 28 2510 209 RFXA (was 1950kW/205m) NC 33 2667 816 WUNF (was 1510kW/799m) NH 21 nc 320 WNHT (was 344m) City Watsonville Cedar Rapids Asheville Concord CHANGES GRANTED TO CON STRUCTION PERMITS 3t Ch ERP HAAT Call City 548 WRAZ Raleigh (TL: 35 ° 40'35"N/78 ° 32'09"W) (roughly 20km ENE . Was 999m .) NC 50 nc CALL LETTER CHANGES Was KKTM-13 new-23 WTLL-57 WNPL-46 WVGA-99 new-49 KOCR-28 new-67 KWLB-95 new-31 WEOU-30 KTHI-11 KWNM-10 KZIR-15 WNYC-31 WPTJ-19 WIEC-98 Now KWBF-13 KBAV-23 WFXU-57 WTVK-46 WGVP-49 KWBN-44 KFXA-28 WAOM-67 KSHV-95 WUNU-31 WRAP-30 KVLY-11 KOVT-10 KINC-15 WBIS-31 WTWB-19 WV02-98 City, state Flagstaff, AZ Ceres, CA Live Oak, FL Naples, FL Valdosta, GA Honolulu, HI Cedar Rapids, IA Morehead, KY Shreveport, LA Lumberton, NC Wilson, NC Fargo, ND Silver City, NM Las Vegas, NV New York, NY Johnstown, PA Ponce, PR Now WFBC-40 KHZM-55 KAKW-62 KPTB-16 WFFF-99 City, state Anderson, SC Conroe, TX Killeen, TX Lubbock, TX Burlington, VT Many of these changes are probably pretty old . Z don't have a reliable source for call changes, so if you see any, please let me know! There have also been many -LP calls issued to LPTVs, too many to list here . The WAXA=>WFBC, KWLB=>KSHV, and WNYC=>WBIS changes aren't yet official . NETWORK CHANGES Station WBRC-6 Birmingham KWLB-95 Shreveport KNLC-24 St . Louis WNYC-31 New York WAXA-40 Anderson, SC WS1AU Greeneville,TN Was ABC ind rel PBS ABC ABC Now Fox UPN rel/FoxK ind ind UPN Fayetteville ; Fox affiliate : Seen by Eric Voytko in early August . CHANGES ON THE A1R WCCV-54 Arecibo, PR ; WMTV-15 Madison, WI ; WNTV-29 Greenville, SC ; OTHER STUFF' The two new stations in Nevada have the same licensee . These are indeed licensed as full-power sta tions, but I wouldn't expect big signals! Channel 24 at Albion, Nebraska replaces KCAN-8, which is moving to Lincoln . 24 will be a satellite of KLAN . Interestingly, the tower coordinates approved are _not those cf the existing KCAN tower ; indeed, they're over 60km northwest . The new Windsor, Ontario station is owned by the CFPL/CKNX/CHWI network and will probably relay CHWI-16 . Fox had invested in both WBRC6 and WVTM-13 in Birmingham ; it was uncertain which would go Fox . Fox has now purchased WBRC outright, and announced it will switch to Fox by the time you read this, on September 1. I presume WTTC-21 will go ABC, but that hasn't yet been announced . WNYC-TV has been sold to private interestes ; see Other Stuff . KNLC is picking up the Fox Kids Network, not carried by new Fox affiliate KTVI-2 . WAXA-40 had been a satellite of WLOS-13 ; it's going independent and becoming WFBC-TV . Those calls are currently used by an AM/FM radio station in Greenville, and they were the original calls of what's now WYFF-9 . WS1AU had been relaying coowned WKPT-19, an ABC affiliate . According to Matt Sittel, it's now relaying W30AP, a UPN affiliate in Kingsport . (W30AP is also owned by WKPT) NEW STATIONS ON THE AIR Wilson, NC : WRAY-TV-30- : 1820kW/539m, 35 ° 49'53"/78 ° OB'S0" near the NC-92/I-95 junction west of Wilson . Satellite of WFAY-62 Canadian authorities . have announced the receipt of two applications for new English-language sta tions at Ottawa, Ontario . Technical parameters aren't specified, though I suspect the ones I show above are correct . (if you write them in your Database, use a pencil!) Both applicants seem to be proposing the same technical facilities . One applicant proposed a full relay of another (unspecified) station; another proposed a partial relay, and some local programming . The announcement doesn't say who the applicants are . Other applications are being solicited . Both in the U .S . and in Canada, applicants for new TV sta tions must show they have enough financial resources to build and operate the station . But in Canada, they also have to show that the market can generate enough adver (Other Stuff, contd .) using revenue to support not only the new station, but all (this reguexisting stations . lation also used to be on the books in the U .S . but was repealed several years ago) the process of licensing and building a new station seems to go much more quickly in Mexico than in the U .S . . The language barrier, and the lack of Mexican information in reliable references like the Factbook don't help . The wording of the announcement suggests it will be very difficult for applicants to maF;e this showing . Don't expect any construction permits to be issued here! It's also possible a^.other applicant will propose a different channel (UHF channels 14, 19, and 65 are open at Cttawa) and the CRTC could (but probably won't) grant two new CPS . Depending on the powers used, I'm not sure that Guadalajara and Vallarta are too close. Meredith Corp . has purchased WOGX-51 Ocala . It's too early to tell, but with Meredith already owning Fox affiliate WCFL-35 in adjacent Orlando, one might expect WOGX to become a WC FL satellite . FORUM Danny+ Oglethorpe, Shreveport LA : Danny has a few questions He about his Mexican loggings . asks, "What do you do with call letters that have no location?" One station he saw, XHVIZ-3, has also been reported seen by Pat Dyer, but no city is listed for this station . Another question involves two stations (or are there two?) on channel 4 . He's seeing a "TV 4 Guadalajara" and a "4 Vallarta" . At scarcely 160km apart, Danny suggests these cities are too close to both have channel 4 stations . And finally, he asks, which state is XHBS-9 in? The Worldwide Radic-TV Handbook lists both Sinaloa and Sonora . I'm afraid Mexican information is rather lacking, except in border areas . As in Canada, In the U .S ., two channel 4 stations must be separated by enough distance to allow both stations to us e. l00kW power, even if one or both stations actually use much less than 100kW . However, in Mexico and Canada, station spacing seems to reflect the actual power used . And, it's not unusual for those countries to license stations for less than 100 kW- such lower power licenses are rare in the U .S . So, if one or both of these two Mexican stations is using relatively low power, they might be licensed at this close spacing . Danny also forwarded an article from the July 29 Shreveport Times regarding his local channel 95 . The station, built as KWLB by a religious organization, has been sold and will become a UPN affiliate . Along with the programming changes, comes a change in call letters, to KSHV . KSHV-95 will continue to carry Shreveport Pirates football and Shreveport Captains baseball . The article also indicates the station will increase power ar.d tower height in October . Ernie Wesolowaki, Omaha NE . : As you may remember, Ernie suffered a near total wipeout of UHF DX when new KXVO-15 signed on the He wrote KXVO, KPTM-92, and air . KYNE-26 asking if there might be any problems at the stations causing the severe crossmodulation . Ernie has now received a reply from Nebraska Educational Telecommunications Commission engineer William Ramsay . Parts of Ramsay's letter are important reading for any DXer in an urban area considering adding a high gain preamplifier . "What you describe would appear to be a classic case of intermodulation products generated in your hiyh gain UHF antenna preamplifier . It is likely that the strongest UHF signals, possibly our channel 26 or channel 92 drive the (Forum, Weslolwski, contd.) preamplifier into a non-linear operating region and once this occurs, sum and difference products of virtually any of the visual or aural carriers can be generated . The arithmetic can be complex, but on a spectrum analyzer you would see a great many spurius signals, some of which fall in the channels you are trying to see . . . Such high gain UHF preamplifiers will only be able to produce output levels of about 10 to 20 dBmv before overloading ." "Your description of the AM radio station intermodulation is accurate, but such mixing at the trans mitter requires that the two carriers be present at one or the other transmitter at a high enough levels to generate intermodulation in the final amplifier of the transmitter . While it may be possible that channels 15 and 92, sharing the same tower could generate a transmitter intermodulation product, it is very unlikely due to the substantial difference in frequency between the two channels and the fact that UHF transmitters usually incorporate bandpass output filters that would prevent the undesired signal from, reachign the amplifier in the other transmitter where the intermodulation products could be generated ." "At Nebraska ETV we receive channel 26 in Lincoln for off-air monitoring . Since we also use high gain UHF preamplifiers at our receive antennas, it has been necessary to add UHF single channel traps for both channels 15 and 92 to provide a clean monitoring signal for channels 26 from Omaha and 29 from Hastings . . . . . . The only way to correct for this type of intermodulation is to use filters between the antenna and preamplifier (emphasis Ramsay's) that reduces the strength of the signals causing the overload so that the preamplifier can handle the weaker signal you are trying to receive, without distortion . Since the tuners in most TV sets have very good overload characteristics, you may be better off using a higher gain UHF antenna without a preamplifier, if you want to receive a wide variety of UHF stations at substantially different signal strengths ." This is an excellent discussion of intermod and spurious reception . I know several other members have experienced similar interference, as I have myself in the past . On a different subject, advises both Omaha-area TBNs, and K53EY, are now off . Ernie K95CQ Hill Draeb, Kewaunee WI : Bill has a bunch of area LPTV information . First, he observes two new WGKI-33 (Fox) translators . W61CG Sault Ste . Marie and W64CR Pickford-Hessel (about 30mi . south of W61CG) are both on the air . Interestingly, W69CR doesn't appear in the FCC list as of August 3! (which means I can't really address Bill's observation that it appears to be 20kHz off frequency) Chances are, W64CR is licensed for N (no) offset ; this relaxes the frequency tolerance requirements at the expense of greater distance separation requirements . Or, judging from its absence from the FCC database, it may not be licensed at all! W93AN (which is IDing as W93AE - but they're still in the FCC list as W43AN) Iron Mountain is still carrying WBAY-2 . Which must be confusing to the viewers of that area- as WLUK-11's IDs include this LPTV! Bill has noted another Canadian station with an ID ir. the vertical interval . CJCH-9 Syndey, NS has joined the CBAT staticr.s in New Brunswick with this DX aid . Bill also saw this ID on CJCB-TV-6 (ch . 3) Port Hawkesbury . Bob Delaney-_Mount Vernon ZL : On the same LPTV subject, several new LPTVS have popped up in the southern Illinois area . K48ER St . Louis is now on, with Three Angels . In Evansville, Indiana, W67CB has appeared with All News Channel and other programming parallel to W52AZ . (one DXer asked on the Internet whether this station replaces W52AZ . No ; the towers are separated by quite some distance, and the stations cover different parts of the city .) Ed Phelps has also seen W67CB, as have I . Finally, a new W98BM is on ir. Bowling Green, Kentucky with religion . I have yet to see this one, despite its relatively nearby location . The terrain up that way is rather hilly, and the full-power Bowling Green stations don't do all that well either . Keith Short, Columbus 09 : Keith is just one of a number of correspondants to pass along word of the end of a tradition . After 47 years, WLWT-5 won't be carrying the Cincinnati Reds in 1996 . WLWT was the first TV sta (Forum, Short, contd .) tion to broadcast a night game, and the first to air a game in color, and except for a brief loss of rights to WCPO-9 and a "war-time hiatus" (I assume the Korean War), WLWT has carried the games since 1948 . The Cincinnati Enquirer suggested three reasons for the end of Reds telecasts on channel 5 : The games were losing lots of money- over $lmillion in 1995 . WLWT had signed a new affiliation contract with NBC . In return for greater compensation payments for carraige of NBC programs, the station is expected to avoid pre-empting network programs as much as possible . The station was for sale . (and indeed did sell three days after the baseball announcement) The paper suggested potential new owners would be scared off by a large financial committment to baseball . Keith brings up another subject that's been in the news quite a bit lately . While most of the country is looking at the news of the sale of ABC to Disney, and of CBS to Westinghouse, in Ohio the news involves smaller groups . Multimedia owned WLWT-5 and Slls of WKYC-3 Cleveland . (NBC owns the other 99° of WKYC) They also have three other stations- WBIR-10, WMAZAll five have been 13, and KSDK-5 . sold to Gannett Co ., which owns 10 other TV stations . For the most part, there is no overlap in signal coverage among the stations of these two groups, though WMAZ-13 overlaps with Gannett's WXIA-11 Atlanta . The other notable sale was of Outlet Communications, to NBC . Outlet's Ohio operation is WCMH-9 Colum bus . Outlet's other two TV stations are WJAR-10 Providence and WNCN-17 Goldsboro, NC . Keith offers some observations about some of this news . . Regarding NBC's reluctance to al low WLWT to preempt prime-time for sports, he says "It seems to me that the networks are putting restriction clauses in their affiliation contracts concerning preempting network television shows for sports programming . I wonder if this will affect college sports programming such as SEC basketball games on Wednesday and Saturday nights? The independent and cable sports networks (ESPN, KBL, etc .) could well be the only stations offersing sports coverage on non network affiliated stations ." To a considerable degree, I think this is true . Though there's a growing move towards LMAs in television- Columbus's own WCMH has one, with WWHO-53 . Such agreements give the controlling network affiliate the opportunity to spin off potentially profitable sports to their unaffiliated LMA partner without risking their own affiliation . With regard to the Gannett/Multimedia deal, Keith asks whether they'll have to sell WLWT5 because of the common ownership with the Cincinnati Enquirer . TV / newspaper co-ownership is generally not allowed by the FCC, though many combinations have been grandfathered in . My immediate inclination is to suggest the Enquirer would be sold instead; few cities are supporting two newspapers, and despite the relatively depressed state of the broadcasting industry, I believe it's in better shape than publishing . Finally, a (very) brief excursion into the world of pay TV for Columbus' W13BN. After years of HSC, the LPTV decided to offer subscriptions to the History Channel, scrambled . Apparently it didn't work ; after only one week, W13BN returned to HSC . . DX ETC . August has been slow . Some decent enhancements and a little Hope skip, but nothing exciting . the tropo starts catching up soon! c u'"5'A C f THE NEWS CHANNEL Doug Smith (W9WI/4) 1385 Old Clarksville Pike Pleasant View, TN 37196-8098 Internet 72777 .3143@compuserve .com editor- GREG CONIGLIO I .. r```'r WILLIMASVILLE, GNEWYYORK 14221 e-mail : roniglio~ geog .buffalo .edu e-mail : v131kkd n~ubvms.bitnet Man of the items listed in this column are taken from the ublication : ! /~ M Street ,~ournal - 304 Park Ave. So . 7th Floor - New '~ork, NY 10010 PHONE (212) 473-4668, FAX (212) 473-4626 GA: proldsd amendment to table of FM PC< : a power change (decrease) KEY: 6: satellite programming AF: new frog . albcation aeapted for tiling for a new FM license CC : call chanpelnew calls signed CL : city of license change proofed C0 : new xmtr rro-ordinates CX : a CP has expired, ands cancelled C1,C2, etc: change in class status DA : diroctiorrol antenna DE : calls deleted, license returned to FCC FC : station lormat change allocations GE : station was prorded extension of a CP GX : proMed replacemem of expired CP LC: filed for license to cover (for new stn .) MC : multiplstlty Iepal ID NC : no change yet, on a reported pending prardlchanpe . N0: shrtion is nM on the air NS : a neer :tation prarded a license NW : MW slah0n SIpnS On the air PA : proposed amsndmsrd to change tabk; of allocations PC> : a poWSr change (increase) uNrzEnsz .~r.~s ALABAMA: Ashland : WASZ 95 .5 PG~2250w, 164tt . Brandey : 'NS 100.3 6 kW, 328 tt . Chathom : 'NS 106.1 AF Cupman : WFMH101 .1 PG> 100 kW, 1338 tt. DadeviNe: WDVI 88.7 PG> 100kW(v), 305', DA, dassCt Dofhan : WJJN 101 .3 PG< 1150w, 535 tt, CO : 31-12-04 / 85-20-04 E.Brewton : WZEW 95.7 NO-RE(2nd) Mobile: WHIL 91 .3 inc. to 1066 tt, DA Thomasville : WJDB95.5 adds Jones "CD Country" (8) ALASKA : Chevak : Glenallen : King Cove r McCarthy : Pedro Bay : Seward : KCUK 88.1 CX CP for 6 kW, 101 h . KKGA 90.5 NW, variety // KCHU AM KZO 1 DA88 .1 NS-158w(h) : KSDP AM 840 KKKM 89.7 NW, variety // KCHU AM K210D888.1 NS-81w(h) : KDLG AM 670 'NS 105.9 AF x]L!licY"^- Chime : KFXR 107.3 CC (ex KAKK) Coolidge : KBZR 103.9 PA : to doss C2, from doss A Flagstatt: KVNA 97.5 FC to aduh contemporary Globe : KHOT 100.3 FC to new rock // KEDJ"The Edge" 06 .3(Pheonix) Oracle : Id08 103.1 GA : to 103 .7, class A Page : KKAZ 93 .5FC to a/c (~), "Crystal 93 .5" K261 BX Page : 100. t on the air with KONY 101 .1 San Garbs : KCDX 103.7 GA : to 103 .1 class C2 Seligman: KZKE 103.3 NW, oldies (&) Show Low : KVWM 93.5 NC to 25 kW, 150 tt, GE (4th) Tuscon : KMXZ 94.9 CC (ex KKLD) "Mix" Tuscon : KCRZ 107,5 PG> 92 kW, 2027 ft. CO 32-14-56 / 111-06-59 Window Rock : KWIM102.7 NC to 93 .1 - C2, RE Winslow : K217CJ91 .3 NS-190w :WAFR88 .3Tupelo MS ARKANSAS : Bentonville : Conway : DeWitt : Dumas : KFAY 98 .3 KTOD 92 .7 KDEW 96.7 KKFE 107.1 CC (ex KOLZ), FC to country adds Prime Sports NC to 97 .3, 50 kW, GE NC to 106 .9, 25 kW, RX PG>: pmeer change proMed (increase) PG< : power change graMad (decrease) OC : frequency change for this station OG : frequency change granted RA : station returns to the air RE: station roquests extension of a CP RX : station roquests re-instatement of an expired CP SG : slogan change or update SI : station is sllerd XC: station proofed a transmitter ( :mfr) site change Arksnttas: EI Dorado : KAGL 93 .3 CC (ex KISO), FC to classic rock SG "The Eagle" Eudora : "' 101 .5 GA for lass A Fayetteville : KBHG89 .3 NO~X-DE Helena : KFFA 103 .1 adds Jones"CDCountry"(8) Hoxie : KHOX 105 .3 FC to Prime Sports Huntsville : KREB 99 .5 FC to SMN Okties (&) Joriesboro : KDQ 100.3 OG to 100.5, 26 kW, 407 ft. CO : 35-54-27 / 90-41-38, NC to 100.5, GE Mena : KTTG 96 .3 CC (ex KOUA),'Top Gun" Newport : KOKR 96 .7 NC to 35 kW, 548 tt, RE (3rd) cauFORNw : Avabn : KISL 88 .7 NO-GE(3rd) Avenal : KAAX 105.7 NO-RX(2nd) Buena Vista : KBVC104.1 NO-RX (been CX since 7/1/93) Carmel : KKDC 101 .7 CC (ex KAXT) Columbia: KTDO 98.9 PG> 4.1 kW, 397 tt . CO : 38-02-16 / 120-22-06 Concord : KBGG198.1 NS-186w(v) : KBGG San Fran . Essex : "' 103.9 GA to add Bass B Fairmead : 'NS 91 .1 AF Garbervipe : KLVG 103.7 CC (ex KWEO) Green Acres : KRAB106.3 NC to 106.1, 25 kW, GE (2nd) Healdsburg :KHBG 95.9 NO-GE KAXT 93.5 CC (ex KKDC) Hopister : Independence :KDAY92.5 NO-RE(2nd) Johannesburg : "' 100.9 PA to add doss A IGngCity : 'NS 91 .3 AF Klamath Falls : "` 704.7 GA for doss C1 Los An,)eles : KLSX 97.1 FC to all talk,'young talk" which may include Kato Kaolin . May run new rock weekends Los Altos : KNOT 97.7 FC to adult ah. /l KFOG 104 .5 SF Ludlow : 'NS 100.1 AF,KHWY(Califomia),L .P . Meroed : KYAJ 94.1 NO~X-DE Needles : "' 107.1 GA to add class B N.Blythe : K220FM91 .9 NS-37w(v): KNLB 91 .1 AZ Oakhurst KAAT 103 .1 F'G>500w,1122', XC :37-25-10/119-44-42 Pacific Grove : KOCN 104.9NC to 105 .1, molly. CP for there for t .8 kW, 600 tt, CO : 36-33-09 / 121-47-17 FC to W Wt oldies (&), expects to go to 105.1 soon KQNC102 .3 GA :SO102 .1-C2,CL :Susanvllle Quinsy : Sacramento : KEDR88 .3 PG< 43 kW, 430 tt, 00 :38-16-25/121-30-tt San Clemenle : KWVE 107.9 PG< S60w, 3689' (,o : 33-42-40 / 117-31-54 ~r~~i~ws Calffornia : San Fran : KIOI 101 .3 CP for 37-41-15 / 122-26-01 CX SantaYnez :KAGA105.9 NO-GX,PG<94w,2463tt,ND,XC Sebastopol :'NS 93.7 530 w. 781 H . SusanviYe : KKLC 96.3 NO-CX-DE TahoeCity: KKKH 90.5 NO-GE (2nd), PG~41 kW (v) 2880 tt, CO : 39-18-47 / 119-52-59 Thousand Palms : KLOB 94 .7 PG> 1 .8 kW, 607H, DA Yreka : KYRE 97 .7 NC to 103 .9. 3250w, RX COLORADO : KPVW107 .1 NO-GE Aspen : Avon : KZYR 103 .1 NC io 13.5 kW, RE (3rd) Bums Vista : KBVC104 .1 NO-GX, GA : to doss C3 Clark: "' 92 .9 PA to add doss C2 Cortez : KISZ 97.9 SG "97 .9 The Planet" (modem) Craig : KUZR 102.5 still SI Delta: KKNN 95.1 FC to country, "Mustang Country" Denver : KVOD 99.5 OSA for doss C,1820 H. CO : 39-40-35 / 105-29-09 Durango: KRS! 100.5 carries Denver Broncos NFL Durango: KIOX 101 .3 carries Cdorado Rockies MLB Durango : K? 105.9 xttr for KPCL 95 .7 NM noted FLCdlins : KCSU 90.5 NC to 89.7, 40 kW, RE Greeley: KUNG 91 .5 PG< 90 kW, 656 tt, XC Gresley: KGLL 96.1 XC : 4a38-32 / 104-49-05, 754 H . Kremming : KRKM106.3 stiIISI La Juma : KBLJ 92 .1 still cou ntry, but simulcasts talk of KBZZ 1400 in morning, noon, and PM drive LeadvNle : "' 93 .5 GA for doss A Loveland: KTRR 102 .5 FC to Z-Rock (&) Pagosa Sps : KR0S106.3 SG "K14 and 0106" Pueblo: KYZX 104 .5 adds SMN Hot AC (&) Pueblo: KERP 91 .9 inc. to 633 tt. Steamboa4 Sps : KBCR96 .9 FC to country "The Bear" Wray : KATR 98 .3 noted with country, "Cat" CONNECTICUT ; Guittord : WGRS 91 .5 PC> 2.7 kW, 79 H. Sharon : W000103.3 FC to dassical & 70's tidies, no bngersimubasting WREF-AMdays Tonington : 'NS 89.9 NS, t00w, 92 H . FLORIDA ; Baklwin : WXOL105.7 reportedSl(Jacksonville) CaNahan : WPLT 93.3 FC to modem rods "Planet Radio" CC (ex WAW), SG "The Planet" Cedar Key : W000102 .7 CC (exWVNM) Clenrant : 'NS 88.7 1kW (v), 505 ft. Destin : WMMK 92.1 XC :3a23-20 /86-24-16, 223 ft. R .Myors : WOLZ 95.3 PC< 78510w., 476 H . XC : 26-3x18 /81-51-14 HainesCty : WLVF 90 .3 NC to 3 MN, 249 H., GX Hialeah : WCMQ 92 .3 FC to Spanish soH AC Holry HNI : 'NS 88 .1 2 IAN, 195 H. Jupiter : WTPX105 .5 CC(NS) Key Largo : WZM0103 .9 FC to Spanish soft AC /NVCMO Kew West : WSKP107 .9 NW, Spanish talk // WCM01210 Lakelatrd : WSfT 94 .1 CCIexWF1Y) ,'Smooth Jazz Tampa" Melbwme : WGGD102.3 OG to 95.1, 6 kW, 210 tt . C0:26-04-42 /Ba35-Ss Palm Boy: WW IA 88 .5 NO-GX (for a 6 month period), PG<600w(v), 108tt, DA, 00 :28-02-54 /80-40-34 St .Augustine Bch : WJOR 105.5 PCv 12 kW, Bass C3, noted on the air with country SamaAa : WKTO 86 .7 N0~3E, PCvSkW(v), 351 H, doss C3, CL : Edgewater, FL, XC Tallahassee : W250AF 97.9 NS-13w : WAFT 101 .1 Veldosta,GA Tampa: WUSF 89 .7 PC< 72 kW, 941 tt . rvi1e : WPIO 89 .3 NC to 10kW(v), 6750w(h), CX n Park: WAQ 88 .3 NW, CoM. Christian S (Orlando) P~2.5 kW (h) s_p~~~rn~;x tvv~ Florida : W .Palm Bch : W207AD 101 .9 NS-19w: W MC U 897 .am Mii GEORGIA : Datton : WYYU104.5 NW,aduticontemporary(8) Douglas : WKZZ 92 .5 GA : to doss C3, CL : Tifton, GA FayetteviNe : WHTA 97 .5 CC (ex WOUL) Gray: WWIO 96 .5 OG for 96 .7, 7 .6 kW, 587 H . 00 :32-58-31/83-47-59 Hawkinsville : WOSY103.9 PG510 .5 kW, 495 tt, GE McRae : WYSC102 .7 adds Jones country (8) Thomson : WTH0101 .7 PC> 5126w, 354 H, CO : 33-28-20 / 82-31-02 Hanalei : K0NG193.5 NS-46yv(h) :KONGLihue KLHI1101 .1 NS-984w :KLHILahaina Lahaina : Pdpu : KSRF 95.9 NO-GE(2nd) ~AHO : American Fls : KOUU104.1 SG "Core 104" Burley : KZDX 99.9 SG'Hits 99 .9" Hoyden : KHTO 94.5 CC (ex KKCH), FC to new roduCHR (Spokane, WA) klaho Falls : K2118D90.1 on the air with KCIR 90 .7 klahoFalls : K220DG 91 .9 NOT on (WJSO 90 .1 KY) Pocateb : K204AL88.7 on the air with KCIR 90 .7 PocateNO : K211AD90.1 NOT on (WJSO 90 .1 KY) PocateNo : K249CM97.7 on air with KLCE 97 .3 PocateAo: KFTZ1103.3 on the air PocateMo : K285C0104 .9 on the air with KRIC 100 .5 PocateNo : KOSZ1105 .5 on the air PocateMo : K296AE 107.1 on the air wtth KID 96 .1 PocateNO : K299AH 107.7 on the air with KUER 90 .1 Twin Falls : K252CZ98.3 on the air with KRIC 100 .5 h I INAIS " Athens : "' 96.1 PA to add doss A &ease : WYJB 97.5 NO~X-DE Carthage : WZBN 92.1 CC (ex WCAZ) Casey: WCBH704 .3 SG'Hot 104 .3" Chicago : WLUW 88.7 FCtodance-CHR Fairfield : WFIW104.9 PCv4.9kW,364H. GraniteCity :WKKX106.5 addsAtterMidnight Lake Villa : W206A189.1 NS-BOw(v):KAWZ88.91D Marshall : WMMC105 .9 RA with a/c, "Magic 106" Ogtesby: WALS 102.1 adds SMN country (&) RockIsland :WHTS 98.9 CC (ex WPXR), "Hits" S.Jacksonville : WJVO 105.5 FC to country Springfield : WUIS 91 .9 CC (ex WSSU), this refieds a change in the college name, fo "Univ. of Illinois" WKTW 93 .5 SI Tuscda : White Hall : W202AV88 .3NS-19w : WJS090 .1 KY Wilmington : WYKT105 .5 stays aduH alt . tart adds DRENew Rods net overnights (3), "The Cat" L,7>)LIOI~Cs Crawfordsville : WNDY 106.3 P03.4 MN, 440 H, XC : 40-03-19 / 86-55-57 Crown Point : WWJY103 .9FCtorock,//WABT Greenc~tle : WRE894 .3 CC (ex WJNZ),'The Rebel" Greensburg : WRZ0107.3 SG "107.3 The Right Mix" Krwghtstown :WKPW90 .7 SG"K91" Ligonier : WLNB 102.7 FC to SMN country (b) and 3 hrs of southern Gospel each nfte Munae : WLBC 104.1 FC to hoVac or adult top 40 Princeton : WS10100.5 NW, hot AC "Mix 100 .5" Princeton : WRAY 98.1 FCtocountry Richmond: WFMG101 .3 FC to adult con . Roann : "' 101 .9 GA : to add doss A RushvNle: WRCR 94.3 noted with all oldies Tone Haute : WMGI100.7 FC to top 40 "100.7 Mix FM" Fr~~ ~i _ vvs Indiana : TeneHaute :W220BB91 .9 on the air with WAFR 88.3 Upland : 'NS 89 .7 SOw,194'(TaybrlJniv .) Wabash : WKUZ 95 .9 PG14 .2 kW, 394 H XC : 40-41-54, 85-05-03 Westport : WKLO 91 .5 LC IOWA : Ankeny : KJJY 92.5 PA : to doss C2 : West Des Moines Atantic : "' 95 .7 PA to add doss C3 Atlantic : KKKT 103 .7 GA : to CL d Glenwood, IA, doss c Des Moines : KKDM107.5 NO-RE(2nd) Faifield : KIIK 95 .9 FC to tidies (&) Forest City : KAMK 91 .9 CC(NS) Hampton : KRNQ 98.9 NO~X-DE Hudson : KZME 96.1 NO-GE(2nd) Independence : KOMG 95.3 PC< 2 .9 kW, 410 H. XC:42-28-32/91-52-26 bwa City : KKRQ 100.7 FC to dassic rock "The Fox" Lanani : "` 97.9 GA for doss C3 Sioux Center : KDCR88 .5 CO : 43-05-34 hJ6-09-23 (495 H . ) Arkansas C :"' 102.5 GA for doss A Baldwin City : `NS 90.5 AF Clearwater : KSPG 98.7 NW, country"Kansas Pig" DanviNe : WMGE107.1 PCv4 .9kW,157tt. CO : 37-40-28 / 84-46-06 Dearirg : "' 98.1 PA to add doss A Great Bend : KVGB 104.3 SG "8104", a/c tierington : ImMM 96.3 NO-RX(5th) HiIICity : 'NS 101 .9 AF lola : K217CI 91 .3 NS-250w : KRPS 89.9 Pittsburg Lamed : 'NS 106 .9 AF Liberal : KLDG 102 .7 SG "102 .7 The Legend" Winfield : KSOK 107.9 CC (ex KWKS), FC to country KENTUCKY : Catiettsburg :WRVC92 .7 PU~6kW,253feet. DanviNe : WHIR 107.1 CC (ex WMGE), "The Skunk" Fi .Knox: WLVK105.5 CC (exWASE),FCtocountry Rankfort: WKYW104 .9 FCtoWWlAduttRock(8) Hazard : WJMD104.7 PG~ 480 watts Ledchfield : WKHG104.9 FC to hot AC Lexington : WKQ098 .1 C0 :38-02-07/84-27-02,748 H . Louisville : WUOL 90 .5 PG< 21 kW, 774 , C0 :38-21-55185-50-24 Paducah : WGCF 89 .3 NO-RE Raddttf : WASE703 .5 NW, oldies, "Oldies 103 .5" Richmond : WMC0101 .7 OG to 101 .5 C3, 7200w, 541 H 00 :37-52-21/84-19-40 Russell Sps : WHVE92.7 tx (ex WOEG), FC to adult con . Tompkinsville :"' 1027 GA to add doss A WNmore : WVRB 96.3 CC (exWVYI) LOUISIANA : Benton : KLKL 92.1 PCv 6 kW Gibsland : "' 95.5 PA to add doss A Oak Grove : KWCL 96.7 PG> 6 .9 kW, 328 ft, doss C3 C0 :32-51-32191-21-22 Ruston: 'NS 88.3 250w, 197H. Thibodaux: KKOR 106.3 PG125 kW, 328 H. XC :29-38-52 /90-41-34 Biddeford : WCYY 94 .3 FC to new rock, //WCYI 93.9 DervrysvNIe :WVZD102 .9 OSAfordassC1,100kW,456H CO : 45-01-44 / 67-19-25, NO-GE Lewiston : WCYI 93 .9 FC to new rock, // WCYY 94 .3 Madison : WIGY 97 .5 NW, oldies (S) Millinocket : WSYY 94 .9 SG "North Country 95" OtdTown: WBZN107.3 NW,70'soldies(Bangor), "Z107 .3" ~~~~~~rn~ .x wv Maine: Saco: WRED 95 .9 CC (ex WHYR) VanBuren : 'NS 98 .1 AF MARYLAND : Crisfield : WLSL 96 .9 NW, country(&) Federalsburg : WTDK 107.1 FC to 70's tidies (&) CC (ex W W PL) MA~ACHUSETTS : Haverhill : WLYT 92.5 FC to adult attemative "The River" HoAislon : WHHB 91 .5 OG to 99 .9 doss D, PG< 17 w 203 H, CO : 42-12-42 / 71-26-36 Hyannis : WPXC102.9 PG<3.1kW,462H. Orange : WJDF 97.3 CC (ex W FUB), NO-RE (5th) Southbridge :WOVR100 .1 PC<2100w,397H. Tumors Falls : W PV093 .9 PG< 2 .5 kW, 358 H . MICHIGAN : 8sulah : WROT 92 .1 PG< 1600w, 600 H, XC Iron Mtn : "' 106.7 GA for doss A ~ Mtidland : WUGN 99 .7 CP for 997 H. CX Muskegan : WMHG107.9 adds urban AC (3), Tom Joyner Negaunee : "` 99 .5 GA for doss A MINNESOTA : &ainerd : KVBR 103.5 PCv 20 kW, Bass C3 DulAh : KLXK 101 .7 OSA to doss C3, PCv 3 .7 kW, 823' ~y : WELY 92.1 RA with variety, induding folk bluegrass, country, and adult standards Proctor : KUSZ 107.7 OSA to doss C2, PCv~ 7 .7 kW Redwood Fis : KLGR97 .7 NC to 60 kW, GE (3rd) Rushford : KWNO 99.3 FC to Jones "CD Country" St .Joseph: KKJM 92 .9 NO-GE SaukRapids : WHMN101 .7 adds talk inmomings Springfield : IOVSG 94 .7 NW, country MI~SIPPI : Bay Springs : WIZK 93 .5 QG to 94 .3, doss C3, 25 kW,295 H CO : 31-57-56 / 89-18-03 Columbia : W215AM90.9 NS-38w : WAFR 88.3 Tupelo, MS Moss Pdnt : WYOK104.9 CC (ex WZBA) Vncksburg: WJKK 98.7 CC (ex W IIN), "Kapttal Kountry" Vbksburg : W28888 105 .5 NS:38w : KYFL 89.5 Monroe, LA MISSOURI : Asbury: KWXD103.5 SG "The X", tidies Ash Grove : KZPD 104.1 OSA for doss C3, 21 .5 kW, 354 ft . CO : 37-15-22 /93-41-14 Birch Tree : KBMV 107 .1 NC to 15 kW, 328 H, RE (2nd) BonneTene : KDBB104.3 FC to WW t adult rock (&) &ookfield : KZBK 97 .7 NC to 96.9, 50 kW, RE (2nd) Colombia : KOOL 102 .3 on the air, "Cool 102" tidies Gordonville : KCGQ 99 .3 SG "Total Rock Radio 099" Joplin : K207BT89 .3 NS-250w(v): KAWZ 88 .91D Joplin : KSYN 92.5 SG "Krssin 92.5", FC to top 40 Kennett : KOLW104.3 CC (ex KAKA) LakeOzark :KOUL 102.7 SG "Cod t 02.7" LaMorMe : KOSY 97.1 NO-CX-DE Lebanon : KCL0107.9 SG "0107 .9"(country) LutesvNle : KOUA 105 .1 LC Neoeho: 'NS 99.7 4.2 kW, 393 H, KBTN, Inc . Ottervtlle : "' 107 .7 GA for doss A Plt easanope: HKZBE955 .to FC dassic htts Sl.James : KTTR 99 .5 NW, on with talk, not //AM St.Robert : KFLW 98 .9 SG "Classic Oldies 99" SteetvNle : fWSX 93 .3 stillSl Warrensville : KJPW102.3 SG"KJCountry" Washington :KSL0104 .5 FCtoJonesadultcon .(&) Waynesville : KFBD 97.9 FC, sounded AOR, "B98" 13 S~Pf=AA~s'it 1915 NORTHCAROLINA : Carolina Beach : WLGX 106.7 NO-GX (2nd), PCv 5575w Billings : "' 107 .5 GA to add dass C Butte : KAAR 92 .7 OG io 92 .5, dass C1, PCv 4.5 kw 1 fioa n, co : as-0o-2s / 112-2s-3o Chapel Hill : WUNC 91 .5 NC to 1361 tt, DA, GE Cut Bank : "' 102 .7 GA for dass C1 Charlotte : WWSN107.9 CC (ex WBT-FM), "Sunny" Great Falls : K201DC88 .1 NS-143w(v) :KAWZ88 .91D Fair Bluff : "' 105 .3 GA for dass A Missoula: KDXT 93 .3 XC :47-01-57/113-59-31 Greenville : W287AH105 .3NS-55w: WYFL 92.5 "' Shelby : 97 .9 GA for dass C Hendersonville Sidney : 'NS 95 .1 100 kW, 672 tt. Jacksonville :WOSL 92 .3 PC< 22.7 kW, 7256 ft, NEBRASKA: xc :3a-31-10 /n-2x-52 Aurora : KLRB 97 .3 OSA tordass C1,100 kW, 669ft Jacksonville : WXOR 105 .5 PG119 kW, 794 ft. C0 :40-41-56/98-26-33 Leland : WAAV 94 .1 NW,newsAalk//AM(Wilmington) WK0T103 .3 inc . to 981 ft . Gadon : KSDZ 95.5 OSA to dass C1, PG>60kW, 313' Newport : Md:ook: 'NS 93.9 AF Salisbury : W267AG101 .3 NS-38w : WBFJ 89.3 NC Milford : i Semora : WOVA106.7 NO-GE(3rd) KUHG 98.1 NO-RE(5th) Superior : KRFS 103.9 adds Jones country (6) Snow Hill : WANH 88.7 CC (NS) NORTHDAKOTA : ~CBQt9; Wendover : KYOU102.3 NO-RE(b'th) Arthur: KCOV 96.7 adds newsRak durirg the day Beach : K220FI91 .9 NS-fiw(h):KDPR89.90ickinson NEWHAMPSHIRE : Bismarck : K259AD99.7 NS-50w : KODY 94 .5 Bismarck Keene: WKNH 91 .3 CA :42-55-36/72-16-54,-387ft. Bowman : K220FJ91 .9 NS-8w(h) :KDPR89.9Dickinson Lancaster : "' 102 .3 GA for dass A Crosby : K220FF91 .9 NS-Sw(h) : KPPR 89 .5 Williston Moftonborough : WSCY 106 .9 adds Jones CD Country (3) Harvey : K220FD91 .9 NS-Sw(h) : KMPR 89 .9 Minot NEW JERSEY : Harwood : "' 100.7 GA to add dass C3 Cape May: WSJL 102 .3 FC to rock 1/ WMID 99.3 Hetfinger : K220FG91 .9 NS$w(h) : KPPR89 .5 Williston Newark : WNWK105 .9 NCto810w,1222',RX Plentywood : K220FE91 .9 NS-fiw(h) : KPPR89 .5 Williston N .Cape May : WJNN106 .7FCto cost. Christian (&) T'ioga: K220FH91 .9 NS-Sw(h) : KPPR 89.5 Williston Tudcerton : WTUC 99 .7 NO-GE(3rd) Williston : KYYZ 96 .1 FCtooldies NEW MEXICO : Wishek: KAEI 100 .3 NO~CX-DE Albuquerque :KASY103.3 SG"CatCountry103" OHIO : Albuquerque:KHTZ100 .3 SG "K-Hits"(70'soldies) Ashtabula : WUFP 98 .3 NOCX-DE Annijo: KNKT 107.1 SG'TheConnedion"(religion) Cirdeville : WAHC107.1 SG"Arrow107 .1" Bosque Fartns : KEXT 104 .7SG "Radio Exitos" Delaware : WCF2107.9 SG"F-2108" Cadsbad : "` 106.1 GA for dass C2 Columbus: W201AK88 .1 on the air wRh WCDR 90 .3 Clayton : K228DP 93.5 NS-170w(h) :KENW89 .SPortales Geneva: WKKY104.7 adds SMN Real Country (&) Ciovis: KSMX 107.5 CC (ex KPWX), Ironton : WMLV107 .1 FCtodassichits//WFXN106 .3 RA with 70's oldies& Johnstown : WTJY 103.1 SG "Joy FM" (cost. Christian) Conales : KSVA 95.1 noted on the air McConnelsville : W280CY 103 .9 NS-9w(v) : Farmington : KDAG 96 .9 _ SG "Big Dog" (dassic rock) WCVV 89 .5 Belpre JaI : 'NS 105 .1 AF Mansfield : W257BC99 .3 NS-25w :WHVT90.5Clyde Lordsburg : "' 103 .7 PA to add dass C3 Ripley: WAOL 99.5 FCtocountryoldies Raton : "' 96 .5 PA to add dass A Spencerville :'NS 88.1 AF,TaylorUniversity,lnc . RosweH : KWFI . 99 .5 XC :33-21-47/104-36-11,315 ft . Springfield : WING 102.9 adds Bob & Tom show Santa Fe : KOLT 105 .9 SG "Crary 105 .9", no call change lfiion City : WTGR 97.5 on the air w/ac "Tiger'1 yet, saw logo "This Colt's gone aazy!" Wilmington : WSW0102.3 FCtocountry Twos : K264GE100 .7 NS-250w :KAFR99.tAngeIFre OKLAHOMA : Texico: "' 96 .5 GA for dass A Bixby: KJMN 105.3 SG "Fresh Jams 105" HEW YORK : Broken Arrow : KCMA92 .1 FC to smooth jazz "Oasis" (Tulsa) Binghamton: WJIK 91 .5 NW, coat. Christian (8) Duncan : KRHD 102 .3 FC to aduR contemporary (8) Binghamton : WAAL99 .1 FC to dassic rock "The Whale" Ketdwm : KGND107 .5 SG "K-Grand", mostly a/c but Binghamton : W222AC92 .1 on air (w/W KGB 92.5), not on92 .3 heard a wide variety, eve Motley CrOe! Binghamtdn : W273AB 102.5 on air with W GRG 101 .7 Owego Lahorna: KMKZ 95 .7 LC, NO-RE (2nd) Briardiff Manor : WRGX 107.1 PC.~ 890w, 590 ft . Marbw : KFXI 92 .1 PG> 100 kW, 718 ft, dass Ci XC: 41-04-49 / 73-48-26 XC : 34-42-35 / 98-03-00 Buffalo : WEDG103.3 CC (ex WUFX), "The Edge" FOiIG 94 .3 PAao 104 .9-A Nowata : Cape Vincent : WMHI94 .7 PG~ 6 kW Pryor : FUAYZ 104 .5 FC to new rock, Chateaugay : WYUL 94 .7 PG> 1 .9 kW, 2061 ff ., dass C2 °Z104.5 The Edge" CO : 44-41-43 / 73-53-00 Taft: KHJM 100 .3 noted in MONO, also Herxietta : WBER 90.5 PG~ SOkw, DA, dass B dual ID-ed with "KHJA Holdenville-Ada-MCAllister" (?) N.Rodtelle : WRTN 93.5 FCtoadultstandards(&) 93 .5 ai the air with KOLL 106 .1 TuIsa :K228BR Ogdensburg :"' 98.7 GA for dass A TuIsa :KJSR 103 .3SG "Star 103" (70's oldies) Ossining : WDFH 90.3 NO-GE(3rd) Woodward :K2108089.9 NS-75w:KJIL99 .1Copeland,KS Ravena : WEMX 94.5 adds talk, Gam to 7pm Woodward : 'NS 90 .7 16 .5 kw, 403 ftChrislian Comm . R. Rodrester : WVOR100.5 FC to adult con . from hot AC Stony &ook : W US890.1 NC to 4 kW, 508 ft. Westpon: WAD0102.5 NO-GE, PG< 1 .2 kW, -334 ft . CO : 44-11-04 / 73-26-08 14 FAA 1I~kYS OREGON : Bend : KTWS 98.3 PC< 6.8 kW, 626ft, ND Coos Bay: KYSC 106.5 CC (ex KRSR), RC to s . Cospel & Coquils : KSHR 97.3 FC to W W t Hot Country (&) Eugene : K214CI90.7 NS-tOw(v) : KLRD90.1 Yucaipa,CA Gokf Beach :KGBR 92 .7 NC to 42060w, 1378ff, CX Medlord : KDOV 91 .7 PG< 26 kW, -364 tt, XC, dass C2, NO-GE (3rd) Gleneden Bch : K2188X 81 .5 NS-212w : KOPB 91 .5 OR Nyssa : KGZH 98 .7 No-Gx (2nd), ins. to 63o n . C0:42-23-25/116-50-23 Salem : KKRH 105.1 CC (ex KKYO), "Earth" PENNSYLVANIA : BeaverFls : WWKS106.7FCtonewrock(Pittsburgh) Clamedon : WKNB106 .9 CC (ex WOVU) Easton : W226AA93.1onthearcwNVWFMTrenton . Grove City : W220BG9t .9 NS-38w : WAFR 88 .3Tupelo,MS HoNidaysburg : WHPA 104.9 PG>302w,1407 ft, t~ :40-29-19, 78-21-20 NewCastle :WVMN 90.1 CC(NS) North East : WRKT100.9 NC to 4.2 kW, 797tt, GE (2nd) Russefi : WRLP103 .1 PG<1450w,469ft. S. Wavedy: "' 96.1 GA for dass A State Cofiege :'NS 90 .7 100w, 85 ft ., Penn State . U. Stroudsburg : 'NS 88 .7 AF SOUTHCAROLINA : Batesburg : WKWQ 93 .1 RA with urban AC, sister station WKSO 103 .9 is still silent, however. Chester : WBT 99 .3 CC (ex WBZK) Columbia : W240AX95.9NS-13w :WYFV88 .7Columbia Greenwood : W286AC 105 .1 NS-13w : WYFG 91 .1 Gaffney Leurens : W290AE105 .9 NS-55w : WYFG 91 .1 Gaffney Marion : WKSY100.5 FCtosottAC(Fbrence) Moncks Comer: WJYQ 105 .5 OG for 105 .3, C3, 13 .5 kW 446 ft, CO : 33-00-06 / 79-55-51 SOUTHDAKOTA : Lead : "' 94.3 GA to add dass C Little Eagle : KLND69.5 NO-GE Madison : 'NS 91 .1 230 w, 59 ft, Dakota State U . Rapid City : "` 92.3 GA to add dass C TENNESSEE : Didcson: WYYB 93.7 FC to new rock // WRLG 94.1 Erwin : WXIS 103 .9 FCtoCHRhnodemrodc"X104" Lafayette : WLCT102 .1 NW, WW1 countrydJNVEEN 1460 Lepngton : "' 96 .5 PA to add dass A Monterey : WLM0104 .7 CC (NS) Mufreesboro :WFCM91 .7 CC (ex WAKN) Muheesboro:WM0T89 .5 NC to t00kW, 584 tt, RE Shelbyvdle : WYC0102 .9 NC to 820ft, RE (3rd) Soddy Daisy : WFXS102.3 adds Stan Major Swsetwater: WDEH98 .3 NC to t 870w, 589 ff, CX, XC Union City: WWUC105.7 carries Mark 5 Brian show J.rO0fr3 Amarilb: I®UY 94 .1 SG "K-Buy 94", Real Country (3) Amarilb: KLLA 99 .7 SG "Clear 99" KAEZ 105.7 SG'The Breeze" Amarilb: Amarilb: KPVY 100.9 not rested on the air Bay City : KKGJ 101 .7 NO-GE f3igSpring : KBTS 94 .3 NW,tejara Burger : `NS 91 .5 AF Burger : KQFX 104.3 SG "Hot Tejarw FM" Bumet: KBLK 92.5 PG. 1 .1 kW, 548 tt, CO : 30-48-41 / 98-15-43 Caklwell : KHEN 95.1 GA : charxle to 107.3, dass A Canyon : KAKS 107.9 FC to Z-Rock (3) Canyon : KPUR 107.1 SG "Oldies 107 .1" College Stn : KTSR 92. t GA: change to 95 .1, dass C2 (KTSR currently has e CP to move to 107.3) SeeCaldwell 5~Pf=AA~cR 1995 Te1t»$ : Conroe : KKHi 106 .9 PG<90 kW, 1899ff, CO : 30-13-50 / 95-07-25 CotuNa : "' 97 .7 GA for dass A Gockett : K209BV89.7 NS-205w : KSBJ 89.3 Humble Dal Rio : K2088X89 .7 NS-45w : WAFR 88 .3 Tupelo, MS Dal Rio : KDLK 94.3 FC to WWt country (&) l/ AM Demon : KHCK 99.1 CC (ex KDZR), "IOck" Dirtmitt: 'NS 100.5 AF Edna : 'NS 96.1 AF faoresville : FffilO 94.1 PG>25kW Fremont: KMFM104.9 PA : to 100 .7 dass C3 Freeport : KJOJ 103 .3 adds MGS Christian CW (&) Friona : KGRW 9d .7 NW, Tejano // KOFX 104 .3 TX Giddings : 'NS 91 .5 8 kW, 335 tt . Gilmer : KFRO 95 .3 NC to 5850w, 666 ft, RE Granbury : KCKK 106.7 CC (ex KCYT), "Flick" GreenvAls : KIKT 93 .5 PG< 8299w, 300 ft, ND HaYettsville : "' 99.9 GA for dass A hiempstead :KEZB 105 .3 NO-GX Hereford : "' 103 .5 GA for dass C2 FGngsviNe : KNGV 92 .7 OSA for dass C2, Pty 12 .5 kW 869 h, CO : 27-39-12 / 97-33-55 (to stay on 92.7) Longview : KYKK 105 .7 00 : 32-35-37 / 94-49-10, 1270 ft. Marshall : KCUL 92 .3 PCv 5 .8 kW Mason : KOAX 97 .9 NOLX-DE AMdlarxf : KORX 95 .1 NO-GE(6th) aney : "' s7.s GA ror sass c2 Plainview : KHDY 106.9 NS :30 kW, 561 ff . San Angelo : KUTX 90.1 NS :S kW, (h), 909 ff. San Angelo : KYZZ100 .1 NW, tejano, and country Shennan : K2188Y91 .5 NS-140w(h):KERA90 .1 Dallas St~ton : 'NS 105.9 AF Temple : KLTD 101 .7 NO-RE Tenell : KTLR 107.1 PG~ 3276 w ., ND Tyler: FO70K 92.1 PG> 9.6 kW, 443 ft, dass C3 Warn : K256AF99 .1 NS-205w : KERA 90.1 Dallas Winona : "' 102.7 PA iw dass A UTAH : BountHul : KUTO 99.5 sounding very'Ynodem rock" Brian Head :KRC-C 98.1 SG"Classy98.1" Brigham City : KLZX106 .9 CC (ex KSOS), "Classics" CedarCity : K269DG101 .7 on with KSFI 100 .3, not KZEZ Mkdvale : KQM8102.7 NO-GE(7th) Ogden : KKAT 101 .9 SG "Young Country" Payson : KTCE 92 .3 NW, adult contemp. (SLC) Provo : KKRK 96.1 OSA for 96 .3, dass C, 38 kW 2952 ft., CO : 40-36-26 / 112-09-2 Rovo : K256AE99 .1 on the air with KUTQ 99 .5 Roosevelt : KIDX 98 .5 SG "98 .5 The Fox" Rural Utah Co : K252DB 93.5 on with KLZX 106 .9 Rural Utah Co : K264AC 100 .7 on with KSFI 100 .3 Salt Lake C :KISN 97 .1 FC to adult con. from hot a/c Salt Lake C:FBEE 98 .7 FC to hot a/c, "B 98 .7" St.George : KVYS 95 .9 NO-GE(2nd) Spanish Fork : KUJJ106.5 SG, fake calls "Ky1+JJ" (country) JJl7YlLLCa Alberta : 'NS 103 .1 AF Broadway : WLTK 96 .1 adds MGS cost . Christian (&) Charbttesville :WANJ91 .9 CC (NS) Geese : W299AH107.7NS-250w :(v) : WJYJ 90 .5 VA Medtanicsville: WCDR 92 .7 NC to 92 .1, 4.5 kW, RE Monterey: WVLS 89 .7 PG to 200w(v), 1460tt Richalnds: WRIC 100.7 PG~ 1 .3 kW, DA Richmond : W298AG 107.5 NS-80w(v) : WJYJ 90.5 VA'SalviNe: 'NS 106.7 GAaO dass C3, CL :Jeffersoo, NC Waynesboro :W PVA90 .1 00 : 38-01-43 / 78-52-35, 1016 ft. NO-GE (4th) White Stone : WNDJ104.9 NO-GE(4th) Winchester :W292CI106.3 NS-10w(v): WJYJ 90:5 VA f~b11I~h`/5 v~?'!s'AA3ck yY9J WASHINGTON : Aberdeen : KAYO 99 .3 PG> 39 kW, 1417 tt, DA dass Ct, XC : 46-54-05 / 123-25-07 Chehalis: KACS 90 .5 inc. to 18 7 tt. Dishman : KWOL106 .5 NO-GE(3rd) Goldendale : K275AC 102 .9 NS-60w(h) : KYYT 102.3 WA Leavenworth :KLVH97 .7 NO-RE Naches : KYKA 96 .9 PG< 289 w, 1043 tt, XC Opportunity : KNFR96 .1 addsAttermidnight Roy : KWFJ 89 .7 LC U.S .TERRffORIES : MARITIMEPROVINCES: Garapan : KPXH 100 .3 NO-RE(3rd) GarapanSaipan :"'101 .1 GAfordassC VIRGINISLANDS : Charlotte Amalie : WVNX 97.1 GA : to 101 .3 B, CL :Cruz Bay Christiansted :"' 104.9 GA : for dass A Frederiksted : "' 107.5 XA for dass A here WESTVIRGINIA : Bluefield : WPIB 90 .9 NW, coot. Christian // WPIR 91 .3 Clarksburg : WPDX104 .9 noted // WMOC 100 .9, with a/c Montgomery : WZKM93 .3 FC to Jones soft AC (&) New Martinsville : WNMR 103 .9 FC to hot AC, rto bnger // WRRR 93.9 St .Marys, WV Ravenswod : WFYZ93.1 NO-GE(2nd)PCx4 .3kW,384tt, 00 :38-52-36/81-46-52 Salem: "' 99.5 PA for dass A Union : W218AT91 .5 NS-17w(h):WVP891 .7Beddey WhRe Sulphur Sps : "' 93.3 GA for dass A WISCONSIN: Berlin : WISS 102.3 GA : to 104.7 dass A Brooldield : wrMllos.s cc(eXwwu,Nw,smootn)azza Cleveland : WKTT 98.1 OCfrorn103 .1,PG>5.1kW DeForest : "' 93.1 GA to add dass A Hayward : WHSM101 .7 OCto101 .1,1500w,413ft. XC : 45-59-07 /91-32-23 Lacrosse : WLXR104.9 PG>3 .4kW,440tt. CO : 43-45-28 /91-17-26 Lancaster: WGLR 97.7 PG> 25 kW, 328tt, dass C3 Menomonie : WHWC88 .3 NC to 100 kW, DA, RE (2nd) Fiesdsburg : WNFM104 .9 PCv 3.2 kW, C0 :43-35-32 / 90-00-42 Shell Lake : WGMO 95 .3 PC< 2380w, 508 ft . XC :45-40-28/91-58-54 Sturgeon Bay : W PFF90 .5 PG> 100 kW Trempeabau :WKBH105 .5 PG>2 .1 kW, CO : 43-5633 / 91-26-03 Waualoma : WAEI 93 .1 GA : to 102 .3 dass A WYOMING: Cheyenne : KFBO 97 .9 Cheyenne : KKAZ 100 .7 Diamondville : "' 103.5 RockSprlngs :KS1T104.5 16 still SI still SI GA for dass C2 FCtoadultprogressive S~jE~.~~~~E This months column contains much information on recent changes . Please make updates to any lists that you may have accordingly . SATCOM 5 - remains unchanged SATCOM 1 - XPDR 1 - Jade HONG KONG feeds in AM Sports Channel CFO Alternate VC2 7 - Now called Prime Sports West 9 - feeds and Sports Channel alternates 10 - now called Prime Sports Southwest 17 - Kleidescope now Digital elsewhere 18 - Prime Sports Showcast WILL go VC2 20 - International Channel to G712 SATCOM 4 - XPDR 10 - now called Home Shopping Network GALAXY 1 - XPDR 3 - Encore only not Pay-Per-View 8 - Cartoon NETWORK 13 - Encore Multiplex Digital 18 - HHO multiplex - digital 24 - ESPN International - MAC SATCOM XPDR 5 - Faith and Values Channel 6 - Court TV - now digital 10 - Home Shopping Spree 20 - digital services 22 - digital services 19 - digital services G-STAR 2 XPDR 11 - ID Channel delete all other regular services only feeds now GALAXY 5 - XPDR 24 - digital service TELSTAR 303 - XPDR 10 delete Spice 2 - now feeds 17 - PandaAmerica home shopping 22 - delete SCOLA - now digital elsewhere SBS 5 - XPDR 29V - Russian Television Service All of the old Holiday Inn Satellite Cinema services are now here in MAC MORELOS 2 - XPDR 10 gEP educational service 16 - XHIMT - Ch . 22 - mexico City 18 - Clara Vision - Catholic television 22 - TV Azteca - Ch 7 - Mexico City ALL ANIK CHANGES WILL BE IN THE NEXT COLUMN G-STAR 1 - XPDR varies - Court TV feeds in the clear GALAXY 4 - XPDR 8 - delete Telemundo 23 - delete Family Network on the Ku side 9 - Chinese News Service 15 - delete WMUR 32 - add - The Philippine Channel MAC 23 - TVB Jade TV Hong Kong now in VC1? TELSTAR 401 - KU-side XPDR 7, 10~ 13~ 14 . 15 - PBS feeds 26 and 28 - Peach Star - Georgia Public Television feeds SBS 6 - delete Satellite Cinema feeds GALAXY 3 - XPDR 6 - American Independant Network 10 - ESPN International DELETE 11 - delete iFeyetoer inrapira~t~~ 16 - delete ESPN Mac feed 21 - add American Collectible Network GALAXY 7 - XPDR 9 - RAi - Italy 12 - delete Home Shopping add - International Channel VC2 22 - News Talk Television on the Ku-Side add - 29 - Classic Sports Network SPACENET 3 - XPDR 2 - detele Nebraska Public Television to .go digital 24 - now America One TELSTAR 302 - XPDR 4 and 6 - DELETE 7 - Turner Vision sales 10 - ABC in L 3 - ALBERTA: Edson : CJYR 970 Victoria : CKK0100 .3 PG> 47.6 kW Winnipeg : CKRC OG to 99.9, 100 kW BRITISHCOLUMBIA: MANITOBA : ONTARIO: 630 to add a 96 .7, 9kW Bracebridge : CFBG100 .9 SG'fheMoose" London : CJBX 92 .7 SG "Country 92 .7", rw more BX93 Orangeville :CIDC 103.5 XCgranted Pembroke : CBCD 96 .7 NC to 92 .5 yet. Smfths Falls : CFM0101 .1 XC to Camp Fortune, PO (the Ottawa tower fans bcation) W'insdor : CJAM 91 .5 PG>456watts PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND : Charlottetown : C? OUEBEC : ? NS-torthe Univ . of PEI Gatineau : CKTF 104.1 PG> 19 kW LaSarre: CJMM192.5 PCv270watts Masheuiatish :C- 107.3 NSrequested,Native/French,50w RiviBre du Goufhe : CIH02 ??? PCv 16.3 w, XC granted Sept-8es : C94.1 NS applied for, 1250w, French Lorgueui : CHAA 103.1 XCgranted ~lEEL1S ~ George W.Jensen 4604AnntanaAvenue Baltimore MD 21206-4220 TE NEWS sP temtae=_19s 12 - Outdoor Channel 19 - National Programming Services 15 - Adult Promo Channel VC2 17 - XXXOtica VC2 18 - XXXotica promo channel 20 - ABC 21 Sky Vision GALAXY 6 - XPDR 6 - NHK Tokyo feeds SATCOM 2 - DELETE THE ENTIRE SATELLITE SPACENET 2 - XPDR 21 - Sports Channel New England VC2 23 - NHK New York to Tokyo INTELSAT 513 - no analog services at this time INTELSAT 506 - XPDR - SUR to Latin America on XPDR 3V 22V - TVB - Bolivian Television PANAMSAT 1 - delete NHK feed on XPDR 14 Ku-Band TDRS 4 - XPDR 1 - BBC World Service in unknown encryption 17 - Teleport International London in PAL S Mac INTELSAT 603 delete SCPC Greenland Feed INTELSAT 601 XPDR 9V - BBC World Service encrypted 11V is the NBC to New York from London not xpdr 9 INTELSAT K XPDR 14 is Dubai Television in NTSC NOT ENCRYPTED EKSPRESS 1 XPDR 6 - Cubavision occ at night Ahmadiyya Moslem TV in Pal occ . APNA India programming from London in PAL US afternoons this is a 65 watt transponder 16 - PTP Lisbon in Pal 21 - TV3 - Moscow in SECAM these other transponders are 10 .5 watts TELECOM 2A there are major changes here with most services deleted and an occasional TP on XPSR 3 in PAL Dear readers that concludes the latest updates with the exception of the ANIK birds which will appear next column . Complete Audio Sub-Carrier listings will come in future up-dates . See you in 30/ VHF-UHF UTILITY DX WEATHER - AIR - MARINE - PSB BKLfAEJ°~Y-35LOQtTYIXJCDIdd- 177DYOY-L6Y~T7 Some PSB DX reports (some 300-mile plus tropo and Airband ES) and Wx-Radio news have oome this way. .in time for a kxig-overdue column ~a Move over WXJ-62 Nome!. . . VBU-996 Inwik, NWT has come on the air and now claims title as the world's most northern Weather Radio station (and the first above the Arctic Circle). It's 54 watts of power on 162.40 MHz serve the 3,200 residents of the town of Inuvik . Those who can, have, or wiA DX the Canadian "Weatheradio Canada" will notice a number of changes recently . Most stations now broadcast a high-rate data twrst lasting 2 - 5 seconds once a cycb . This date burst contains information to be detected and/or printed by specalized "Weathercopy" receivers . Unfortunatey, the data mode is not a slenderized one, and is a specialized non-standard Baud rate Packet-type signal . DXers will not be able to decade the broadcasts using decoders such as the Universal M-8000, etc. The receivers, costing around CdnS500, are used by various muniapal :mss, . canpanies, and other users that require routine or specialized forecasts and wamihgs. As well, data from stations such as VAD-320 Niagara are used to control large signs along the lakeshores and other waterways giving up-io-date marine forecasts and warnings electronically (sure beats the old "signals" flags used prior to 1989 to indicate gale warnings, etc.) . A study is now underway to allocating unique frequencies to be used for data transmissions only, leaving the standard wx channels for voice only (there have been many complaints about the "kwd screeches" on the radio, hi). I have also heard of the NWS in Washington testing with standard 1200 baud ASCII data transmissions in the 163 MHz area . Another major change on the Canadian stations is voice automation . Most stations in the major centres are partially or fully automated . Your PSB editor is actually in charge of the automation project for South-Central and Southwestern Ontario. This system is not like the usual Elmer Fudd-type computer voice (like that used by the USCG Portsmouth on HF). .but instead uses digitized samplings of human-spoken words and phreses. .inGuding muRiple intonations depending on where a word or phrase falls in a sentence . It sounds not that bad, though there are a few small bugs still to be wortced out. During severe weather, the human "DJs" take over . To hear a sample. .try tuning into Gander Volmet on HF (3485, 6604, 10051, 13270 kHz at 20 & 50 past) as this broadcast uses the same system . I was taking to a forecaster at NWS Chicago the other day, and he says that the NWS is also kooking into automation . Now, some new station news (mostly from Canada, as the networkcontinues to rapidly expand ; most wx offices will be Dosing within 3 years as wx-radio broadcasts become available in most areas for routine information, with 1-900 services from the remaining regional wx centres for specialized information) . . . WEATHER RADIO NEWSTATIONS 162.525 AM 162.55 162.40 162.475 WX WX WX WX WX WWF-35 ? VBX-254 VBU-827 VBU-829 OH AB AB AB AB Bridgeport - relays WXJ-47 162.475 Camtxidge Banff - planned. Crowsnest Pass - 98 W. Edson - 100 W, relays VBU-829 162.475 Flighvale: Highvale (near Wabamum) - 74 W, from EC Edmonton . 19 VHF-UHF UTILITY DX. . . VHF-UHF UTILITY DX . . . NEW STATIONS STATUS CHANGES 162.55 WX VDA-280 AB 162.475 162.475 WX WX VBK-616 VBU-374 AB AB 162.55 WX VBU-828 AB 162.40 162.55 162.40 162.475 162.40 162.475 162.40 162.40 162.475 162.55 WX WX WX WX WX WX WX WX WX WX ? ? ? ? ? ? VBL-854 VBU-996 VDB-224 VBE-716 BC BC BC BC BG BC MB NT ON ON 162.55 WX VBE-718 ON 162.40 WX VAW-217 ON FM 88 .9 WX CB? ON FM 90.7 WX CBPS ON ? ? 162.40 AM 810 WX WX WX WX ? OC QC SK YT VBU-746 Limestone Mtn (sw of Rocky Mtn House) - 120 W, relays VBC-336 162.55 Red Deer . Medicine Hat - 100 W. Peace River - 123 W, relays VBA-557 162.40 Grande Prairie. Whilecourt - 100 W, relays VBU-828 162.475 Highvale . Campbell River - planned. Castlegar. Cranbrook - xmtr = Kimberiey. Penticton - xmtr = Summeriand. Prince George . Vemon - xmtr = Commanage Mtn. Portage - tram EC Winnipeg . Inuv ik - 54 W. Fort Frances - 21 W, from EC Thunder Bay. Levant (NwoT Lanark) - 126 W, relays VBE-719 162.40 Ottawa (EE1FF), replaced former Almonte station . Moose Creek - 126 W, relays VBE-719 162.40 Ottawa (EEIFF), xmtr= Sandrindham. Omemee - 125 W, relays VEU-671 162.55 Peterborough . Pany Sound - 50 W, planned, to relay XMJ-316 162.475 Cotlingwood for drivers on Hwy. 69, xmtr = 45-23-24 80-02-21 . Tobermory (Bruce Peninsula Nafl Pk) - 50 W, from EC London, oprjointly by Environment Canada 8 Parks Canada, xmtr = Cypress Lake 43-13-20 81-31-25 . Drummondvi!!e - info unkn, (FF). La Tuque - info unkn, (FF) . Lanigan - tram EC Saskatoon. Whitehorse . CALL CHANGES 162.d0 WX VBE-719 162.475 WX VAZ-533 ON Ottawa - ex-XLJ-896, 126 W, xmtr in ON (former xmtr in QC), UHF Ilnk XLN-572 on 414.2375 MHz. ON Windsor - ex-XMJ-838 . FREQ CHANGES 162.55 162.40 1b2 .4U WX WX wX XLW-573 XLT-839 JWV-JbJ NS Yarmouth - ex-162 .475. ON Goderich - ex-162 .475. ON Kingston - ex-"Ib2 .47J, 1701IV . STATUS CHANGES 162.475 WX WXN-68 162.475 WX XLJ-892 20162.55 WX XMJ-320 NY Watertown - now originates programming (from either NWS Binghamton or Albany). ON Beardmore - now relays XW-891 162.55 Red Rock . ON Paisley - ex-Port Elgin, now (once again) relays XLT-839 162.40 Goderich . 162.55 WX XLJ-891 162.40 WX XMJ-373 ON Red Rock - back on air, 170 W, from EC Thunder Bay. ON Sauft Ste Marie - now uses VHF link VAT-342 on 173.955 MHz. LO(3GINGS. . . HA1V-IC HOT~BROOK - 407 R TNI~Fi R - F rR A VFN ('T TFFS l~T TNKTR K A 2p754 Rcvr 1: Sony AIR-8 Ant 1: ANT-8 whip Rcvr 2: Drake R-8 w/V1R Com~erter Ant 2: ChannelMaster 5094 VHF on chimney (120' ASL) # = Initial CQ on 156 . S MAY 1995 (EDT) 23 TR 0832 KS2T 50 .072 1~ TR 0538 WYT-9297 156.7 0615 ~ 156 .7 0630 ~ 156.7 DUCF 156.7 0631 WSE-3119 156.7 0632 ? 156.7 0830 WTD-423 156.425 # 14 ES 2024 }~QIS 77 17 TR 0720 NMY-54 157.1 # 0900 WHW-819 156.7 18 TR 0229 NMY-25 156.8 0232 NMY-42 156.8 0233 NMK-2 157.1 # 0626 NMN-80 156.8 0847 NMK-3 156.8 0851 'CG-41335' 157.1 # 26 ES 2056 K4TOR ~QQ( 28 TR 1719 WXM~B 162.425 29 TR 0342 NMF-2 156.8 0459 KL7GLK 885 30 TR 0424 NMY-15 157.1 # .i, AM R NJ DE DE DE DE DE DE DE FZ NY DE NY NY PA VA NJ NJ AL VT MA MD CT TOMS RIVER DELAWARE BY ENT 80 SHIP F.E. Bouchard DELAWARE BAY 80 SHIP Continental 8o SHIP Granite 75 SHIP Sotithem Princess 80 SHIP Big Stone 5 80 SHIP Tower NEWARK 76 MRNNAV Univ of Del. ORLANDO 752 BCN 1 Watt ! JONES BEACH 195 USCG LEWES 75 MRN NAV Del. Pilot FII2E ISLAND 215 USCG MORICHES 240 USCG wldistress call PHILADELPHIA 111 USCG best HAMPTON ROADS 130 USCG w,Pan Pan ATLANTIC CTTY 119 USCG w/distress call 125 SHIP w/IISCG~disVess BII2NIINGHAM 676 BCN 2-4 W (solar pwr) MARLBORO 350 WX NWS Burlington WOODS HOLE 370 USCG ANNAPOLIS 20 BCN NEW HAVEN 258 USCG Long Isld Sound PB TR'~ - 5 f1C'KWOOD T) Rcvr: Realistic PRO-2004 & Icom IC-R100 J1JrrE 199s (EDT) 19 ES 1719 muf 115 .2 21 TR 0703 ERI ES 1921 1I{Q 1924 OMA 1927 MSP 1930 FCM 1932 ~$ 1933 j3~T 1940 HSI 1943 Q~I 1948 ZTIL 109.4 109 .8 116 .3 115.3 111.8 111.2 117.7 108.8 112.0 112.5 151 BCN RR AMPTCIN (1N r FV 4TY Ant: Atticv & h dipoles w/F'Mtrap PA ERIE K~ MANKATO Qf;~ OMAHA NE MN T~IINNEAPOLIS MN MINNEAPOLIS NE KEARNEY NE HAYES CENTER NE HASTINGS NE GRAND ISLAND IA NEWTON T VOR 987 VOR 831 VOR-Ft Dodge HIWAS T VOR T VOR-TWEB 1002 VOR 1104 VOR T VOR-HIWAS 963 VOR 688 VOR VHF UTILffY DX CONTINUES ON PAGE 26 . .. 21 STATISTICS Yred Nordquisi fealunogJY/Yp'ScnrrA7aids: ,UllSbieAslanm .fi~oJr~s: .SYales SYa1r and l~rsonaJbi~r! SYaLsGcs o/iy/rj'OJ"ers /Cak»mn iawcd 6=monibly. J.9lZS L~adbbes Sqv 3Lf t Ab~ ,Nb/ UPDATED B/12 /95 DXSR NAMH DYHR STROBHL BUNTIN CONIGLIO PUGH 8B&LING FHLA SLVING BUGAJ NORDQIIIST HAWK NIHMAN SBfiLING SHYBOLD ZONDLO SHAFTAN ALLEN SMOLARBK OHTTING HOLBROOK WISHBLOOD NIfiNAJADLY HALL SIfiGHL STSINBERGER TUDSNHAM NIHMAN MORGAN JHZIORKSI CHHRNOS GBORGE RUNT BIISNBMAN MCVBY ONYSCHUK RHMINGTON SCHWEITZHR 111 SCOREBOARD DXSR LOCATION PAT RALPH DANNY GRHG KBITH JOHN JOSHPH BRIICH MIKH FRHD MIKE DAVID JOHN BOB JOHN RICHARD DOUGLAS BOB DANIEL HANK STEVEN HILL D . BRUCH GARY RICHARD JOHN DAVID GIL MIKE SAUh PfiTHR PPZJL HRIC TZM KHN SHfiL BOH 7915 Hoziord Rd Clap. NY 13091 E-Pail : 9DOrdqui®e7r.Dal .syLedu TX IN OK NY AL MN NJ MN CT NY NH NY MN NY OK NJ CO NJ PA MD TX NJ ON OH MA ~ NY MO FL ON MA NJ MO PA ZL HI VA SAN ANTONIO MONCZS STILLWATSR WILLIAMSVILLB NHW HOPfi BIgOMINGTON S . PLAINPIHLD DL7LUTH HNFZHLD CLAY OMAHA AKRON PROSIT DUNKIRK YUKON SPARTA WOODLAND PARK OLDWICK HXTON/PHOHNIXV " DUNKIRK BROWNSVILTS CLIFTON BRANTFORD TOLEDO HUDSON JOPLIN ROCK CITY LEBANON CRESCENT BHACH TORONTO STOIIGHTON MC7Z'dOiTlli HAZHLWOOD HANOVSR STHGHR KHAAU SALHM TOTAL 88-92 2691 425 2324 621 2032 344 1973 334 1907 297 1837 312 1835 402 1788 318 1758 245 1724 369 1588 312 1512 409 1414 268 1340 219 1217 242 1154 191 1122 168 1046 175 919 234 884 233 852 183 806 116 800 132 770 164 736 155 111 603 597 135 565 123 482 81 399 103 394 94 307 48 200 30 192 32 168 36 135 19 76 9 VHRIPIHD . ALLTVSCR - TV STATISTICS DHADLZNH : THH 5TH ES YS 2198 73 773 180 1210 4 1032 24 964 95 1041 51 1008 2 1375 9 970 25 864 48 866 30 467 53 919 4 611 0 2 6C9 514 21 854 83 458 2 317 9 234 19 381 5 376 8 153 106 177 0 329 12 151 1 44 4 79 21 203 0 82 0 149 20 21 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 UPDATED AU USA CN MX PO TPU YB AS OF : DXHR NAMH 0 7 0 38 18 E3 10 8 23 59 0 27 6 2 0 0 19 4 2 0 0 0 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 KADBT SHYBOLD DRAHB SZBG&L KRA7~R LAPINSKI PSRNANDO NIHMAN BARSTOW DYHR COMBS BRYANf CONIGLIO SITTfiL AORDQIIIST HBPBiTRN WHHELSR KRUSZKA SHAPTAN SMITH NIII4AN HANLBY SMOLARHK BUHNfiMAN ALLEN MILTIHR BUNTIN RBNPREW HAWK CONTONH RHMINGTON 44+ 43+ 48+ 41+ 46+ 47+ 38+ 47+ 37+ 42+ 47+ 43+ 48+ 45 42+ 37+ 40 36+ 34+ 35+ 32 34+ 40+ 32+ 35+ 38+ 25+ 35+ 33+ 21+ 36+ 20+ 24 10+ 7 2 5+ 4 21 7 5 5 9 8 2 7 11 6 5 6 0 4 1 5 1 5 0 6 4 8 0 9 2 8 3 5 9 5 0 5 4 4 0 7 0 7 0 0 9 3 0 1 6 5 2 4 0 2 2 2 0 3 3 3 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 2 2 4 5 0 3 0 3 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 1 3 7 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 58 65 56 70 59 47 53 47 51 5B 55 60 59 57 46 49 43 43 46 48 40 51 41 40 43 28 42 39 23 42 21 26 11 7 3 6 70 72 74 85 E3 52 68 48 79 69 91 59 75 58 79 78 88 78 77 59 92 75 90 76 58 91 91 94 93 77 67 90 92 94 68 89 91 10/31/93 01/09/95 07/01/94 10/02/94 02/23/93 01/01/95 05/21/95 08/23/94 11/18/94 07/23/95 07/30/95 11/07/93 01/01/95 01/16/95 02/26/95 07/05/95 08/24/93 01/10/93 07/23/95 03/28/94 07/13/99 07/01/94 07/20/94 11/12/99 05/01/99 08/03!95 11/07/93 01/22/94 08/09/95 08/12/94 07/05/95 08/29/92 06/15/95 01/06/95 08/20/94 05/02/94 01/14/95 COLUMN DBPZNITIONS : are es follow : Total = Total number of PM stations logged fran DXer's location (All loggings should be received within 25 mile radius of this location to count .) Preq . changes count as a station, call letter changes DO NOT count . Also count a station only once regardless if logged by different propagation modes . 88-92 = All stations logged from 88 .0 to 91 .99 Mhz . Hs=Total number of stations logged by 8-skip . MS=Total by meteor scatter . Au=Total via Aurora . USA=Total number of states and the "+" -- Washington, DC . PO=Number CN=Number of Canadian provinces logged . MX=Number of Mexican states logged . of foreign countries, but not Canada/Mexico . TPU (Total number of political units)=Sum of location . Other groundrules for USA CN MX and FO . YH = The year you began DXing fran this computing log totals are included in VUD issue 2/95 . Only current WTFDA members are include in the scoreboard . Please submit your current scoreboard state if I left you off . 73 -Fred 22 8/12/95 TV SCOREBOARD DXHR LOCATION JHFP HOH WILLIAM GARY ROBHRT MIKH GARCIA DAVID ROY PAT JOHN TOM GRHG MATT FRHD WILLIAM FRANK JHFF RICK DOUG DAVID CHRIS BOH HRIC DOUGLAS RANDY DANNY JIM MIKfi RICHARD SHSLDON FRHD NORDQUIST 7945 BOXPORD RD CLAY, NY 13041 B-Mail : fnordquimerc .cat .syr .edu DHADLZNH : TH8 STH . IL RY NI OH IL NY NL NY MA TX PL 127 NY PL NY ON PA LA NJ TN NY IL NJ MD CO CA OK NY NE NY HI MACOMS DUNKIRK KEWADNEH TOLEDO CHICAGO J71118STOWN CD . GDADALIIPH AKRON THATICKHT SAN ANTONIO ORLANDO NASHVILLE WILLIAMSVILLH TALLAHASSBB CLAY BRAMPTON SRIB BATON ROUGH EPARTA PLBASANT VIEW ROCK CITY GALHSBURG HIGH BRZI7GH HAZHLWOOD WOODLAND PARK SAN JOSS STILLWATER ROCHESTHR OMAHA JAMAICA FBRN PORHST TOTAL i7HP LP1'V 1433 947 1293 746 1131 580 632 299 632 364 581 409 560 356 556 366 478 282 478 148 461 235 383 184 378 219 375 206 366 225 358 242 328 91 318 213 289 139 226 140 219 152 210 108 166 116 150 102 135 51 126 38 123 90 92 35 82 48 40 30 11 2 VERZPIED . 441 219 191 45 83 77 117 77 66 9 62 18 30 24 37 3B 0 45 23 17 26 10 15 5 42 2 6 4 7 5 2 BS MS 245 3 217 30 210 113 147 0 106 30 70 1 96 0 90 5 98 5 195 64 129 13 78 3 87 0 97 0 72 3 1 63 237 5 43 0 :9 0 0 36 il 0 60 0 20 0 24 0 49 1 70 2 6 D 34 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 AL7 IISA CN MX FO TPO YB AS OF : 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 45+ 49+ 43+ 39+ 40+ 37+ 30 37+ 36+ 42+ 30+ 30 33 28 35+ 30+ 33+ 25+ 32+ 27 14+ 28 25+ 22 30 16 22 17 11 7 1 7 11 7 1 7 2 6 2 7 3 6 0 0 7 7 0 7 0 5 16 2 6 4 4 6 0 2 6 6 0 5 0 9 0 1 4 4 0 1 2 3 0 6 0 0 0 1 1 4 3 ? 3 2 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 7 5 1 2 4 3 5 0 1 4 9 1 2 4 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 63 54 50 54 47 42 45 45 68 48 39 41 40 43 37 44 33 38 31 18 35 26 24 37 ? 24 20 13 7 2 83 50 53 70 71 78 91 84 71 59 72 64 86 92 69 85 53 93 81 90 91 88 85 92 BB 69 77 89 91 81 93 05/28/9! 01/20/9 " 07/08/9 : 11/12/9" 09/25/9 : 04/23/9 : 03/19/9! 03/01/9 ". 05/14/9! 12/31/9 : 05/23/9 : 09/18/9 : 09/14/9 : 07/04/9" 08/03/9! 06/30/9" 06/20/9 : 06/21/9! 07/05/9! 12/17/9". 03/01/9! 08/09/9! 01/01/95 06/15/9` 04/10/9 : 01/25/9`. 03/01/9! 04/01/9_ 07/29/9` 02/01/95 05/02/95 COLUMN DHPINITIONS are as follrnrs Total = Total number of TV stations logged fran DXer's location (All loggings should be received rithin 25 mile radius of this location to count .) Preq . changes count as a station, call letter changes 110 NOT count . Also count a station only once regardless if logged by different propagation modes . UHF = All stntiane logged fran CHANNELS 14 TO 83 . Be=Total number of stations logged by H-skip . MS=Total by meteor scatter . Au=Total via Aurora . USA=Total number of states and the "+^ = Washington, DC . CN=Number of Cmadian provinces logged . MX=Number of Mexican states logged . PO=Number of foreign countries, but not Canada/Mexico . TPtT (Total cumber of political units)=Sum of IISA CN 4D[ and PO . YS = The year you began Dxing fray this location . Other gzoundrules for coatg7uting log totals are included in VUD Issue 2/95 . Note : Sane of you need to get current and submit your latest state to keep on the Scoreboard . Also submit any distance records, states state and personal best statistics . Send via B-mail if you have computer/modem . i,aserjet printouts of personalized DX distances covering 5600+ FM/TV North/Central America and Caribbean cites, with choice of miles oz kilometers, are available for only $2 .00 donation . Include your DX location and grid coordinates Kith your order . 73 . . .Fred . 23 AS OF : TV STATISTICS PU .- .__ " D%ER __ . __ . . S D%ER ___ . . _ . ~ PU _ . _ ._ ~ 8/12 Y DXER ___ . . ._ ~ USA STATES STATS R DXER __- .___ USA(LONT) ) PU ___- . I ~ M DXER __ . ____ R D%EP . . . _ . ._ ~ PU -____ ._ . I ~ GNADA K DXER ___ _ ._ . N D%ER ___ ____ NE%ICO AL 46 JKA- 43 FGA- ~ MT B JKA- b PDY- ~ AT 9 JKA- 2 PDT- ~ BCN(BN) 2 iW- 2 PoY- AK 0 Norx 0 None ~ NE 29 JKA- 19 MXA- ~ BC 1 FYX- 0 None ~ BCS(BS) 2 PDY- 0 None AZ 5 JM- 5 PDY- ~ NV 3 FU- 3 PDY- ~ NB 7 JG- 3 FWN- ~ CNI(CI) 5 JKA- 2 AR 26 JG- 10 PoY- ~ NH 8 RBA- 2 DNI- ~ NB U 7 PoY- 2 iW- ~ NJ 16 RSM- 8 RL01 CO 16 JKA- 12 PDY- ~ NM 5 JKA- 5 PDY- LT 19 RBA- 12 RSM- ~ NY % DNI- DE 5 RSM- 1 JG- ~ N[ 31 FL 83 fGA- 80 MSI2 ~ ND 10 GA 34 FW- 33 JKA- ~ OH XI 10 SRE1 0 Xane ~ ID < JG- 4 PDT- ~ IL 73 JKA- 33 DSM- IN 56 JKA- 23 DSM- IA 62 JM- KS 33 KT 38 LA JKR- 9 RBA- 4 JM- ~ CHD(LN) 1 FW- 0 None NF 5 RBA- ' CCO- 4 JKA- 4 NS 28 RBA- L OM11 ~ ~ COA(CU ~ COL( ) 1 JKR- D Narx 79 FNO- ~ ON 84 DNI- 77 GCO- ~ Df (DF) 2 PDY- 1 RBA- 19 JG- ~ PEI 1 RBA- 0 None ~ GRO(GR) 2 PoY- 0 None JKA- 6 PDY- ~ PO 19 DNI- 14 JKA- ~ GTO(GN) 1 JG- 7 JKR1 83 JKA- 53 DNI- ~ SK 14 ~JKA- FYN- ~ JAL(JA) 1 PDY- 0 Nax OK 30 JKII- 2e DBU- ~ XL 1 PDT- 0 None NYf 2 YxEb 1 VNE7 ----__________________ . . . ~ OR ~ PA 48 DNI- 44 RBA- ~ RI 7 RBA- 2 DNI- ~ CllBl1 17 MXA- ~ SC 18 RBA- 8 FW- ~ JKA- 8 MNA- ~ SD 18 JKA- 9 PoY- JKII- 28 DSM7 ~ TN 47 JKA- 34 DSM1 54 JKR1 47 JKR- ~ T% 157 FW- 104 ME 18 RBA- 3 JKA- ~ UT 4 JG- 2 10 13 .5M0 9 JKA- ~ VT 9 RBA- MA 27 RBA- 12 RSM- ~ VA 34 RBA- 11 MI 72 JKA- 39 DNI- ~ VA 3 JKA- 1 MN 109 JKA- 8 PoY- ~ W 19 JKA- 5 DNI- MS 27 FW- 26 JKR1 ~ YI 67 JKA- 27 DSM- MO 59 JKA- 17 DSM1 ~ VY 4 JKA- DC B RSM- ABOVE STATS REPRESENT MOST N0 . PERSpUI BESTS CXANNEL METRICS - Fred Nordquist I 28 11 30 4 30 TOTAL 103 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 3 5 6 5 6 7 38 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 3 4 4 6 5 5 4 31 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5 7 4 5 4 5 7 37 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (NL) 14 fW- b PoT- PIJE(PU) 1 PoY- 1 JKR- ~ gR0( ) 1 PDY- 0 None 4 JKA- ~ SIN(SN) 1 PDY- 0 None D .REP 1 JKA- 0 Xone ~ 5011(50) 3 PDY- 0 None ~ EL SA 2 FGA- 2 PoY- ~ TAB(TB) 1 PDT- 0 None ~ GUATE 1 iW- 1 TM(TM) 16 FG- 6 PDY- PDY- ~ NOIB)U 2 FU- 0 Xone ~ YLZ(Y2) 4 PDT- 3 JG- PDT- ~ NIGR 1 PDT- 1 FGII- ~ TUC(YU) 4 FU- 2 PDY- 5 DNI- ~ DUERT 1 JKA- 0 None ~ UC(2C) 2 JKA- JKA- ~ VEXE2 1 GCO- 0 None ~ FYN- ~ FOREIGN(NIERIGS) PDY- I 1 JKR-----------________ . .____ . ._ FOREIGN (OTXER) ( I 1 ~ FRANCE ~ ~ USSR/AUSTRALIA 1 2 FYH- ~ ~ XORYA7/SYEDEN 1 EA 5 JKA- ~ ~ IX( (PU) OTHERS TXAT ARE TIED LOGGED FOR JK/1- 2 YNES FROM A SINGLE SDELIFIED D%ER'S LOCATION . DALTBRRBR DBRMBUDBUGCOPDYJEBJE82 BEL2 JFEMXAYNE2 JJE2 JJE3 DOUL MIEN CO IIOODLAND PMK 39 TODD BRANDENBURG'KS SILVER LAKE 39 RUSS BROWN' MI ST JOSEPH 42 DAVE BRUIFIELD IN MUNCIE 60 MIKE BUWJ CT ENFIELD 41 DANNY BUNTIN OK STILLYATER 36 GREG LONIGLIO NY VILLIAMSVILLE 42 PAT DYER T% SAN ANTONIO 29 JOXN EBELING MN Bl00MINGTON 44 JOHN EBELING MN PROSIT 47 BRUCE ELYING MN DULUTH 46 JOSEPX FELA NJ S PIAINFIELD <0 MIKE MAYK NE OMAHA 41 YILLIAM NEPBURN NT CORAL XARBOR 64 JOHN JEFFERSON G PLEASANTON 37 JOHN JEFFERSON AK ANCXORAGE 61 WS IUNLU50 MD CNEVERLY 38 GMA1 GUS MANCU50 W BIRCH RIVER 38 FMCFRED MCLORIUCK XD DES LAOS 48 FMC2 FRED MLLORMACK ND FARGO 46 TMCTIM MCVEY TN BOLIYAR 35 FMEFRANK MERRILL M1 MILAN 42 FME1 FRANK MERRIIL IL MIlLOMB 40 AMIALAN MILLIWKER' IL CENTMLIA 38 DNIDAVID NIEMAN NT AKRON 42 WNOBILL MOLLMAN CT BOZRAH 41 FNOFRED NORDWIST NY CLAY 43 DODDAVID ODELL' AR LITTLE ROCK 43 JPIJIM PIZZI NM IOVINGTpI 32 KPUKEITX PUGN AL XEY HOPE 34 SRE1 SHELDON REMINGTp1 X) KEMU(FERN FOREST) 19 RSARICK SAIIFORD' TX BURNETT 30 KSISIMON' KEN FL LAKE 7gRTN 26 MSI1 MATT SITTEL NC RALEIGH 35 MSI2 MATT SITTEL FL TALLAXASSEE 30 DSM1 DOUG SMITH TN PLEASANT VIEY 36 RSMBOB SIX)LAREK NJ xIGXBRIDGE 40 RST1 RICHARD STEINBERGER MA xwsoN <z RSTRALDX STROBEL IN MUNCIE 40 SVI1 STEVEN VISEBL000 T% BROYNSVILLE 25 J20JOHN 2ONDLO OK YUKON 35 ' " 110 LQIGER YT FDA MEMBER57 IF NOT, THEN THEIR RECORDS 0 6 6 11 58 7 59 28 50 D 47 35 13 e 40 13 55 30 17 52 16 5 27 31 58 20 8 16 57 3T 27 46 37 47 29 24 40 z4 11 54 30 ARE - Cley N7 -(8/13/95) 6 3 5 5 3 5 3 30 35 36 38 39 40 41 4 3 6 2 6 5 26 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 3 3 3 4 3 3 6 25 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 4 4 4 2 4 5 5 28 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 6 4 3 4 2 4 2 25 63 64 65 66 67 M 69 1 3 1 5 2 5 1 DISCONTINUED UXf TRANSLATOR BAND R CN R CX 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 18 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 4 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 TOTAL 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 66 46 61 47 60 44 42 1 366 Persarol Bests - Eric BYendimn - Xazlewood MO (1/1/95) Best UNF Tr : CIC019-19 Su~ury ON 776 wi . farthest ES : KPVI-6 Pxatello ID 1189 wi . Best-VHF=Lw-Tr :-YKRN-2/VSMV-4-Nashville-TN-266 .wi .--Best-YXF-Nigh-T r- Y1(Y2-7 Detroit MI-456-wi .----Perearol Bests - Doug &with - Dleasent VieN TN (12/77/94) Shortest ES : KSNY-3 Yichits KS 582 wi . Farthest ES : CKND2-2 Mirrledosa MN 1157 wi . farthest -TR : -- tie -KlTJ-22/KVW-57 -Galveaton/BaytoNn -T% 680 wi .------_----------- .-______ . ._________-_ Perearol Bests - Roy earstw - Teeticket MA (05/16/94) Shortest Es : YUIID4 Loluabia XC L97 wi . Furthest Es : KLBY-4 Loltry KS 1607 wi . Farthest UHF (TR) : YLTV-23/YHFT-45/7D2L-39 ell Miewi FL 7208 wi . Personal Bests - Matt Sittell - Tallahassee FL (7/4/94) Furthest Es : YAPA-4 PR 1413 mi . Longest TR : Lo-Band KIII-3 812 mi . Farthest UNF (TR) : KVXO-48 McAllm T% 898 mi . TV STATES STATS-DXER INITIALS/LOUTION/GRID COORDINATES LAT N0 . LONG PEST D%ER NAME D%ER LOCATION DEG MIN DEG MIN RBADBUGCORC01 PD YFUYHES YXE6 YNE7 JGJKRJKRt DNIDNI1 FNOSRE1 MSI2 DSNDSM1 RSMFYN- ROY DANNY GREG RICHARD PAT fERNANDO YILLIAM Y[LIIAM YILLIAM JEFF JEFF JEFF DAVID DAVID FRED SNEIDON MATT DOUG DOUG 808 FRAIIK BARST04 BUNTIN CONIGLIO CONTd1E DYER GRCIA NEPBURN NEPBURN XEPBURN KADET KRU52KA KRUSZKA NIEMAN XIEMAN NORDDUIST REMINCTON SITTEL SMITH SMITH SIIDLAREK YXEELER MA OK NT XY i% TIE% ON NT X7 IL LA U XY NY NY NI FL YI TN NJ PA TEATICKET STILIYATER YIIIIAMSVILIE JAMIl1LA SAN ANTg1I0 GUADALOUDE(XU NIAWRA FAILS FROBISXER BAY El1REKA M1ICOMB MAMNAX BI1Tp1 ROl1GE AKRON ROCK CITY CLAY KEMU(FERN FOREST) TALLAHASSEE M1IDISON PLEASANT VIEY XIGNBRIDGE ERIE 41 36 42 40 29 25 43 63 0 40 29 30 42 42 43 19 30 43 36 LO 42 36 7 59 43 28 41 6 K 0 27 56 30 58 1 8 27 M 5 24 LO a r PU 70 97 78 73 9e 100 79 68 0 90 90 91 m le 76 155 e4 89 87 74 BO 36 L <1 42 36 15 4 2D 0 40 11 10 32 26 6 10 10 22 5 54 L DXER f I DX¬R r PU 106 KPU- 69 MSI2 ~ MT 11 JJE3 0 None ~ NE 50 PDT- 39 JJE2 ~ 86 DOD- 63 DBU- ~ WV L28 JJE2 133 PDT- 122 DAL- 71 JJE2 49 MBI1- <2 AMT- 19 DOE- 175 MSI2 16 JFE162 112 MSI2 STATISTICS As oF : D%ER USA 52 AL 29 2S K 36 AZ 4 AR 41 36 G 19 LO 37 CT 6 25 DE 3 FL 10 W 53 53 Mf 55 ID 47 Il 25 4e IX 59 IA AO KS 40 e CY 32 U 76 ME e 15 ID 21 MA 2< MI 10 14 w 3 MS 39 MO 18 5 54 35 N as z3 97 30 97 45 I1P FOR f~ABS . INIT iw BTATES BTATS 95 86 85 7z 97 76 % 93 92 92 74 % 83 121 149 76 80 101 % e8 83 90 e9 78 72 76 % 103 % 155 % e0 78 84 87 74 71 08/95 Persorwl Beats - Demy Oglethorpe - Shreveport LA (8/3/93) YTY7-4 Dothan AL 498 wi . Shortest Es : IGCY-2 Mwrillo T% 501 wi . LBFT-2 Montreal Pg 141< wi . Farthest ES : YCVB-5 Boston MA 1423 mi . 24 YHES EA JKA- SECOND ARE NOT lISTED . . . .fJX . ._______________________-_UXF LO-VHF NI-VNf UNF-----------_____ . .____--_ ._____ ! CN >Y CX / / CN N CN R CN >r CH R CN CH N [N R CM 2 3 4 5 6 JKR1 FGA- ~ FOR EALN POLITICAL UNIT Of STATIONS TV STA715TIC5 - I 4 FW- 7 D%ERS ARE LISTED ONLY . FIRST ND SECOND PLACE I FM STATES STATS-D%ER INITIALS/LOUTIpI/GRID COORDINATES LAT N0 . LONG PEST INIT DXER NAME DXER LOUTION DEG MIN DEG MIN enz Y D%ER LRiA( COXT ) 30 JJE2 25 JPI- BO MNA- 53 JJE2 26 PDY- NN 33 RST1 24 DW- ~ NJ 87 JFE- ~ NM 51 ~ NY JJE2 49 RST- 238 FYO- 198 DNI- ~ NC 124 MSIt PDY- ~ IID 34 FMC- 86 PDY- 103 PDY- ~ OX 242 RST- 177 FME131 0 None 17 AMI73 R91- 3L FMC2 p SRE1 ~ OK 139 DBU- 26 DBU- 28 PDY- ~ OR 3b JPI- 225 FME1 222 RST- ~ DA 170 29 fMC2 219 RST- 132 DBR- ~ DNI- 144 DOE- 120 RI 74 IMO- 13 R5T1 RBR- 120 JEB- ~ SC 61 MSI1 106 DBU- 90 TBR- ~ SD 6p PDY- 120 RST- 74 PDT- ~ 42 JJE2 39 KPU- 76 JFE- 110 KPU- 95 DSM1 7S GLO- T% 320 PDY- 45 RST1 30 KPU- I TX ~ UT 226 R5T- 30 . PDY- JZO- 23 FME1 59 JFE- 54 OOE- ~ wT 16 R5T1 U KPU- 102 RST1 77 MBU- ~ VA 67 MSl1 173 RST- 139 FME- ~ YA 66 214 JEB2 205 46 FMC2 35 DAL- JEB- ~ W 68 GM111 40 RST- 78 KPU- 64 TML- ~ YI 143 160 fR10- 143 fME1 ~ W BEL2 133 JEB- 31 RST- 26 PDY- OC 13 oN- 13 DXI- 1 D%ER " D%ER _ ._ ____ ~ I PU R ________ __ . DI(ER ____ JfE- R I D%E MEXICO AGU(AG) 2 MSI2 29 JJE2 ~ BCN(8N) JJE2 11 JEB2 14 PDY- ~ BCS(BS) 1 PDT- 1 RO FMC- 13 fMC2 ~ CAM(LE) t JPI- t SYI FIff1 6 RST- ~ LxI(LI) 9 FME1 FIN)- 12 DNI- ~ LNP(CX) 3 PoY- 9 MIUI 0 Non 118 30 JJE2 BC 20 IB 15 " 11 RF 13 XS 15 FME1 9 KW- ~ COA(CU ON 133 DNI- 131 GCO- ~ DF 2 JFE- 2 RST- ( DUR( PEI 8 FME1 21 TMC- ) 1 PDY- (DF) 1 JPI 10 FMC 7 MNA 21 JPI 0 Ron PO 31 DNI- 2' GCO- ~ GRO(GR) 5 PDY- 1 Q 12 FME1 10 JJE2 ~ GTO(GN) 9 JPI- 2 TMC 18(f 1 YNE2 1 JJE2 ____________ .____________ ~ XGO(HD) 1 JPI- 0 Nan JAl(JA) 12 TMC- 10 PDY MEX(Mp 3 JD1- 3 POY MIC(MN) 3 JPI- JPI MA b RST- 5 FME1 I I I BELIZ 3 PDY- 0 None ~ IIOR(MR) 5 PDY- 3 JP1~ BERMU 3 OXf- 3 GCO- ~ NL (NL) 20 SYI1 18 MXA FOREIGN 1 PD7~ SA 8 PDY- 4 SYI1 ~ OA%(0%) 1 JDI- t PDY GUATE 15 PDY- 5 SY11 ~ NA7(XA) T PD Y- 0 NorX NONDU 5 SY11 2 PDY- ~ DUE(PU) 5 PDY- 4 TMC- JAMAI 74 KPU- 11 MSI2 ~ SIX(SN) 3 JJE2 7 PUERT 4 KSI- 1 DNI- ~ SLD(SL) 2 TMC- 0 NoM D .REP 1 MSI2 7 KSI- ~ 9gl(SD) B JJE2 5 PDY- BANAM 1 FNO- 1 YNO- ~ TAB(TB) 2 TML- 2 PDY- 6 SY11 ~ TM(TM) 25 BY11 1L Ip1A- VC2(VZ) 17 1$II1 9 JPI- TUC(TU) < SYI7 3 MS17 El CJ)STA RIG I I DBU- Xi-Bard %HAB-7 Matwaoros TA 864 25 VHF-UHF UTILITY DX. . . . . .CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 WILLIAM R. HEPBURN -~BRAMPTON ON JULY 1995 9 TR 0636 TON 114.9 PA TYRONE T VOR 110.4 PA SELINSGROVE 0638 SEG T VOR 13 TR 0206 WNQN-352 155.34 PA ERIE 108 EMERGE 14 TR 0316 WXN~B 162.475 NY WATERTOWN 202 WX NWS Binghamton ? (no longer // WXL31 162.55 Syracuse) 0353 WXL52 162.55 PA CLEARFIII.D 188 WX NWS State College (ex-NWS Pittsburgh) 0436 TON 114.9 PA TYRONE 215 VOR 0510 EBI 1Q4~4 PA ERIE 117 VOR "Erie VOR" (ex-110.8) 0512 CXR 112.7 OH CHARDON T VOR 18 ES 1939 I-ELD 111.1 AR EL DORADO 1006 IIS 115.5 1941 Ei .p AR EL DORADO 1002 VOR 1943 PBF 116.0 AR PINE BLUFF T VOR-HIWAS 1949 muf 117.4 19 ES 1917 muf 114.0 113.5 ~, ST JOHNS 22 ES 1650 yXT 1320 VOR 1652 y~Q 113.8 pH CHARLOTTETOWN 837 VOR 1654 YGR ~ LS-DE-LA-MADELEIN 906 VOR j12,Q 1658 YOY 114.9 j1S SYDNEY 976 VOR 1659 YOM 117.3 b]$ MONCTON 762 VOR 1712 yt1Z 115.1 NS HALIFAX 812 VOR 1732 YQI 113.3 NS YARMOUTH T VOR 27 TR 0021 VBC-2 161.775 ON MEAFORD 71 CMB Wiarton CGR Have you hadsome recent PSB DX. . unid DX . or have some news of new WX, AIR, or MARINE 'broadcast"stations . . . . be sure 8 pass it along. Thanks foryour support.! 73s, bill. YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! TURN TO PAGE 38 AND REMOVE YOUR MEMBERSHIP SURVEY FORM . . .FILL IT OUT, AND MAIL IT T0 : Matthew C. Sittel Bear Creek Lane Apt A-4 ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 YOUR HELP WITH THIS PROJECT WILL MAKE FOR A BETTER V.U .D.! 26 EDITED FOR TF<E 'VHF/UF~ DICIEST' BY TOM BRYAIVT, 849 TODD F'REIS DR., IVASHVdLE, TEhIIdESSEE, 8722 I Whether you were dxing in 1950, or just wish you'd been ; you'll enjoy these IDs. There's nothing significant about this group other than the infamous I{LEE-tv slide alleged to have been seen in England. Of the eight, only WHIO-TV, WTVR (TV), end WGN-TV retain their original calls. [KNBH was NBC in Hollywood.] wES~raw Victor Frank 12450 Skyline Blvd . Woodside, CA 94062-4541 Tv~na e-mail frank@sneezy .sri .com (415)851-7031 September 1995 Doug Smith, 7277.3143@compuserve.co m (1385 Old Clarksville Pike, Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098) Was just re-reading your notes about vertipllypolarized antennas as local-QRM re'ectors-and the results are indeed interesting . I thin to some degrce they re0ectthe severe terrain of the Bay Area . Note that not all TV stations are horizontally polarized! While those using linear polarization are required to use horizontal, stations may voluntarily ttse rircular polarization instead . If they choose to do so, they may double their ERP (maintatnlnp the same ERP in the horizontal lane as they'd have If th ey weren't CP. It is possibPe to be licensed for a power in the vertical plane less than your horizontal powerelliptiplpolarization-but in practice very Cew stations do this, probably fewer than five in the U .S.) CP is supposed to improve reception on rabbit ears & similar cheap antennas on sets near the transmitter. By my experience, using such antennas at sites within a mile of WISC-3 (not CP, though it will be in a few weeks!) and WSMV-4 and WTVF-5 which have been CP for several years), I tan tell you P works, and works very well! At least from the station's, and the "sane" viewer's, paint of view. A quick scan of the 1991 Factbook shows KCRA and KCAL (L.A.) as the only two CP stations in California . To be honest, I strongly suspect several mare stations are now CP. In any case, that may explain the roughly 4dB lower V(H ratio for KCRA as compared to KTVU and KRON . I would theorize the better V/H ratios for KPIX and KVIE are due to tighter antenna patterns at the higher frequencies. Maybe the most interesting factor is that you're seeing nearly lOdB V/H ratio on a station that's supposed to he transmitting a OdB ratio! I usuall only DX TV when I'm tired of the opening on ~. I'm sure I'd DX TV a lot more if 1 ever decided to mount my antenna outside. Keith H Smith, P.O. Box 45008, St . Louis, MO 63145 (314)355-5043 QTH near Spanish Lake, MO Equipment : see August 1995 Western TV DX July 1995 10 tr 1930 2100 2102 2219 2319 2330 11 tr 2011 2011 Es 2030 tr 2133 16 tr 2249 2313 23 tr 0045 0155 015 25 Es 2103 30 tr 0037 KRCG KMIZ VTJR KNBC KM12 KCPT K~ 13 17 16 9 17 19 3 11Ew 44 unlD 3 VTCT 27 VAND 17 VTJR 16 MEEK 25 K851 23 VSIU 8 VSIL 3 VUSI 16 unlD 3 KYOU 15 KVVLt 7 MO NO IL MO MO 7K) MO IN 98 11938 KpAI 2102 KNCI 98 2219 KNLJ 229 Note ~f1 111 Note w2 ~ 2334 VLIA 156 12011 VTVV 152 111 IL 101 IL 92 (in color) 98 ~ 2259 VICS IL IL 132 MO 108 VTCT IL 92 KFVS IL 176 IL 113 //VSIU-8 Note K3 IA 195 10037 VEEK IA 0037 WILL I 8 NO 38 KS 25 MO CDT 106 j70 98 3 IL 7 IN 137 152 20 IL 74 27 IL 12 MO 101 25 IL 12 IL 132 139 108 Notes : 1 . Tearing through KETC on & off for about an hour OIlWO. 2 . Rush with footage of AI Gore & George Ste,t~fhanopolous . 3 . ` riBS Saskatchewan" . Any ideas? I suspect CFSS . . . but it could be CFQCI-Vl or CBCPTV3 . A strange phenomenon has struck my closed caption (cc) decoder-the captions have been known to turn red, purple, green, or even BLUE! Also, captions have turned up on Qromos such as for "Star Jell Kruszka,7706 N . Jefferson Place Circle #M, Baton Trek : The Next Generation' , but not complete sentences. I guess local stations don't pre about Rouge, LA 70809 deaf viewers as much as 1 thought! (As for myself, I CDT pn hear very well, but the (cc) decoder pme with Julv 1995 the TV, so I might as well use it-should tome in 6 Es 1840 unlD 3 4 55 1900 KYV 3 PA 1120 14 Es 1757 unlD handy in pse I tome down with a headache while 1852 VEDU 3 fl 550 18 Es 1849 VCIK < fl 745 listening to the sound! Then all I have to do is press 1726 CELT 5 ON 1115 19 E s 1700 VNBC 4 NY 1 1 50 the MATE button for peace & quiet, and watch the 4 SD 1 080 1859 KB M E 3 ND 1 40 181 ) K P RY "subtitles" . I don't have to miss a word of dialogue! 4 SS 31 Es 1724 unlD Well, on most shows, that is . . .) DX is pretty bad when you pn [it a July Es . . . and the DX just keeps on coming in! Two report on a postprd . months, 25 stations. Look out Eric-I'm not near the airport anymore!!! Michael Hawk, 10212 P St., Omaha, NE 68127-2130 1~uipment : Korvettes TV, Radio Shack U-100 Yagi inside. ~Jul 1995 1 tr 1230 29 tr 0236 0253 1000 7022 28 KSPR KDNL KDEB KAMC VRSP 33 30 27 28 55 MO MO MO TX IL 313 358 313 616 350 1230 0241 0825 1020 1030 CDT KOZK 21 MO 313 VHSL 46 IL 362 KJTV 34 Tx 676 VICS 20 IL 350 unlD south w/HSN Randy Milder, KK6TQ/?, 1185 Linda Avenue, Ashland, OR 97520 (503)482-2314 June 7995 28 Es 7919 2018 2700 29 Es 1955 30 Es 7000 1017 KDTA KTVS KENV KTVK KENV unlD 3 CO PDT 3 AZ 835 3 Canada 3 3 989 12000 KTVK 1014 2052 untD NM 1187 AZ 835 NM 1187 ~ 1016 KTVK Spanish 3 SD 3 3 2 A2 835 Western TV DX RandyMiltier's report continues JDIY 199s 1 Es 1054 KNAZ 2 AZ 765 1100 KURT b AZ 943 1101 unlD 4 NBC 2000 KENV 3 NM S Es 1600 KENV 3 NM 11603 KTVK 3 A2 1720 CFDC 3 SK 930 1723 KTVK 3 AZ 1800 CKSA 2 AB 967 1830 KDTA 3 SD 9 Es 1030 KSVK 3 KS 1179 11 Es 1059 KLNE 3 NE 1190 11100 KSVK 3 KS 1146 KNAZ Z A2 1338 CKOS 3 SK 1132 1356 CBCP 3 SK 906 Note A7 1400 CKCK 2 SK 1031 12 Es 1929 KRTV 3 MT 668 ~ 1935 inlD 6 1940 [lot 3 SK 13 Es 1715 unlD 3 "wheel of Fortune" 1715 unlD 3 "Extra" 1759 KRMA 6 CO 937 1800 KDUH 4 NE 975 14 Es 0859 KLNE 3 NE 975 10900 KTVS 3 CO 15 Es 1807 KTVK 3 AZ 16 Es 1300 KENV 3 NM 1510 unlD < Note R2 1512 un10 6 "CBS News" 1515 unlD 4 "ABC News" 1539 KTtp 2 YY 834 17 Es 0759 KACV 2 TX 1223 0803 KTVK 3 A2 19 Es 0829 KBME 3 ND 1125 0830 KSVK 3 KS D859 KRMA b CO 0900 KTVS 3 CO 0916 unlD 2 "Leeza" D931 KVNB 6 NE 11 29 0931 KBSD 6 KS 1231 "12 Eyewitness News 1000 KSIM 3 KS 1028 KLBY 4 KS 1147 "News 10" 1034 KTVX 4 UT 567 ~ 1038 KCNC 4 CO 937 1100 KTVS 3 CO 1115 KTIq 2 VY 1350 KSNV 3 KS 1378 romo for "3 News" 1356 KSVK 3 KS 11421 KSNC 2 KS 1287 1440 unlD 2 Canada 1444 KBSD b KS 1928 CKCK 2 SK 20 Es 0935 unlD 2,3 (PBS) ( 1156 KTVO 2 VY 1200 KNOP 2 NE 1133 22 Es 2300 CICT(T)2 AB Note 713 2305 CKOS 3 SK 2335 unlD 2 French, Note M4 23 Es 2030 KTVOt 2 VY 12036 KTVS 3 CO 24 Es 0929 unlD 2 2030 unlD 3(2)A8C8PBS Notes : 1 . Am I correct in assuming CBCP-3 is the satellite station for CJFB-5? 2. The program heard here was "Palo Alto Gateways" and they talked about Boulder Creek. Palo Alto and Boulder Creek are in the S .F. Bay Area . 1 called KRON-4, but they said it wasn't them . 3 . Not CKKX anymore? 4 . This station was due north and in French. CKPG? CBUT? Those small TV dipole antennas work wonders . 1 pn't tell You how manY stab ons I togged usinB t he di po le that I didn't see o n the ch. 2-6 Yag i . July 19 here was a rear E-skiQ day, many TV stations logged and many meter stations logged . Shortest TV skip goes to KT VX-4 at 567, Ion est to KSNW-3 at 1378. Many double-hoppers on ~ meters to the east toast. Thanks to Doug Smith for the 1995 USA TV database ; it is very well done and will help me in future DXing . Mike Cherry, VE7SKA, Box 631, Ganges PO, Salt Spring Island BC, V8K 2W2 CANADA Jul 1995 UTC 2 Es 1743 KMTVS 3 NE 1428 7756 KTVK 3 AZ 1223. 23 Ea 1717 KNBC 4 CA 1048 11728 KEYTS 3 CA 1006 Ea 1800 KUTV 2 UT 795 August 1995 05 Es KENV NS KOBE Ob Es CFSS 09 Es 0030 XNBC Es 0259 KEPT Es 0320 KRNV Es 0259 KVBC Es 0400 KTW 3 S 3 3 3 < 3 2 NM Portales for 4% hwrs OR Nedford 40 sec burst SK CKCK T SK BCN 1197 0213 KTVKf 3 A2 1223 CA 1008 0310 KVBCf 3 NV 986 NV 667 0326 KIEV 3 CA 5621 NY 0400 KRON G U CA Frank Aden, Jr . (N7SOK), 4096 Marcia Place, Boise, ID 83704 u) mcnt : 27-inch Magnavox Color Monitor, 19-inch JC Penney (RCA) color set, 13-inch BMG color monitor. VCRs: Radio Shack #45 MTS stereo, JC Penny (RCA) Mono, Hitachi VM-39A pmcorder. Antenna : Radio Shack ch . 6 to 13, 14 el . on rotor at 22 Ct . W'mgard 20 dB preamp, hi-Q filter for ch . 6 . ut So far the season rema'ns 1 r a few o in have been seen in June and Julyb with M~Fs rarely going above ch. 4 . June 1995 04 Es 1100 1205 1930 05 Es 0730 06 Es 1D30 1140 07 Es 2000 2100 11 Es 1230 1520 15 Es 7930 22 Es 1230 28 MS 0246 0416 July 1995 O1 Es 2100 02 MS 0577 0555 Ob Es 2000 10 MS 0422 0430 11 Es 7900 12 Es 2000 25 Es 2000 inlD KMTV unlD unlD KTVOt unlD KOEit unlD KMTV KMTV KLNE KDBC XSt, KTVK KDBC KTVx KTVK KLBYt KMTV KSNV KYTV PDT 3 i 1200 KLNE 3 NE 3 NE died out > 1230 Es beck in, but did mt lest 3 for short time, m tDs 3 3 IA // KGfE ND 3 2100 KT%Tt 4 TX 3 OK 2230 KACB 3 TX 3 1500 KLNE 3 NE 3 NE 1730 KYTV S XO 3 NE 2100 KACB 3 TX 3 NE 7300 KSNV 3 KS 4 TX, ID s ide 4 who in midwest could this be7 AZ until 2300 TX (1D slide sgein) UT (C8, a good one for herel) AZ ~ 2000 KPHOt 5 A2 CB with "STV" in LRNC, idees7 KS (KS weather map) (MUF to ch 5) 3 NE 3 KS (M1F to eh 6) 3 MO 3 4 4 3 4 4 John Ebeling, 6843 County Road 47, Alborn, MN 55702 ~q mpment : 19~General Electric 19" TV, model 19EC0740W with a form of electronic tuning (no fine tuning) . Antennas in pbin attic~ne pointed South toward Minneapolis/St. Paul and the other aimed SE towards Duluth . Antenna selection is via a knife switch . Neither antenna pn be considered a DX type. Mav 1995 12 Es 1600 KM1D 2 TX 15 Es 1400 2 1407 xNCN 2 CN 16 Es 1800 unlDs 2 21 Es 2200 unlDS 2,4 2201 KDBC 4 TX 22 Es 0008 unlD 2 Ed-1 note Clear Laksa In 0008 0040 1000 7030 1130 unlD unlD unlD KDTN inlD COT (weak Es) Spanish plsinly seen w/phone K Spanish/Pizza Ads -1900 Spanish on 2 ~ 2202-2400 Veak Es on 2 Ctesr Lske Dodge Comnercist ManRobe, Onterlo, CA, Ut, tA, MN, SD, 11T, 8 W1. 2 "Extra" program 4 TX Ref .t o OJ trial on ch . 27 2,4 2 TX 2,4 (had to leave) 29 Western N 28 Es 0955 unlD June 1995 Es 1353 6 Ee 1800 7 Es 1700 2030 B Es 0107 9 Es 0050 12 Es 2230 13 Es 0900 0942 1030 20 Es 1500 1520 1712 27 Es 1800 1830 2230 KXLF WLBD 2 "Action News 2" Logo, unlD, weak 2 T% 2,3 12200 KNID 1730 unlDS 2-5 Cto FN> 2 2 weak Es 2 WA ~ 1700 KNID 2 T% 2 LA 2 T% week 10930 KACV 2 T% z AL 2 TX Es2-4 1000 WBRZ 2 LA weak 2 TX week 2 T% faded 1230 KPRC 2,4 Washington weather 4 DC First time in 45 yearsll 2 PA Excellent Pix 2 NT 4 NT to the FN tuner 2 SC unlDS WD10 unlD WNC WFNY KPRC unlD KUTV unlD WSJK KPRC unlD KACV unl0 WND KPRC 2-5, with 263 8~. -1300 ~ 1200 WBRZ 2 LA 2 AL 2,3 ABC on 2 ; probably LA 4 NC Es in on 2-6 2 SC 2 NC weakening ~ 2231 WLBD 2 Tx weak 2,3 weak -2200 2 UT ~ 1800 KPRC 2 TX 2,3 2 TN weak Es ; good ID 2 TX 2 TX ~ 1820 KPRC 2 to SE 2 TX, Es in on 2 8 3 French, -1615 2 2 NC only one in, -1800 2 T% unlD unlD unlD unlD KREN WBR2 KNID lAla KPRC KACV unlD WRL KDKA KT Vg Julv 1995 1 Es 0830 1200 3 Es 1400 5 Es 1800 2200 b Es 1100 7 8 17 18 21 22 25 DX John Ebeling's report continues 2 TX probably ; a 2 with a star In top of 2 1800 2236 1700 1300 1200 1630 Es 1630 Es 1530 Es 1740 1830 Es Es Es Es August 1995 5 Es 1900 CFAC b Ea 1100 KBCI 2 Note#1 2 ID 2000 KTVD 11130 KAID 2 NT 4 ID Note: No ch2 mentioned-only Calgary ch 7 on ID, used to use 2(I ID . E.s days noted in Bloomington, MN (time spent on FM, as only open channels are 3 & 6): June 21, 23; July 11, 19; August 3 . Christo her H~nley, 1321 Beecher Ave ., Galesburg, IL 6141-2027 1've been a WTFDA member since 1980. I moved from Winston-Salem NC to Galesburg (on I-74 midway between Peoria and the Quad Cities) in 1988 . Reports from me have been rare because I don't have the time or money to pursue TV-DX like it should be. Here's my DX so far, edited considerably (no relogs under 290 km/180 miles) . vx 1995 Es 1620 WPBT unlD KPRC unlD KWGN CFAC 2 2 2 2 2 2 1859 unlD 2 2001 unlD 2 KTVD WBT WFIE WT1K unlD 2 2 14 29 2 1835 1922 6 Es 1903 1913 7 Ea 1853 2034 20 Es 1724 21 tr 0615 0628 Es 2125 30 ~ 1620+WESH 2 fL fl "Eyes of Texas" T% ~ 1929 KMIDt 2 T% Nex . Note R1 LO Now VB affiliate AB 1333mi/2146km ID w/BBS (Ny sixth province!) Ad for "Farm Progress Show" (egri-fair, not a TV Show) Ad for "The Brick~enada's largest Naytag dealer" . NT "02" FL ~ 1724+MESH 2 FL IN IN "4 Kids Only"(£rom WTTV-4) ON Note fl2 27 Es 2145 CfAPt 2 PO ~Jul 199~5 2 NT 8 Es 1857 KTVD 14 tr 0625 W08At 26 WI 0639 WLUK t1 WI 18 Es 1859 20 Ea 1829 1859 29 tr 0921 30 tr 0839 ~ 2201 WCBS Western N DXEric Buenenlnn's 2 NY ~ 0633 WNE 38 WI 0703 WHLA 31 Wt 203mi / 27km Lacrosse Public TV KNID 2 TX CKCK 2 SK "CKCK" ID w/BBS WBT 2 FLT KTKAt 49 KS 0930 WTTK 29 IN XPTN 42 NE 10929 KSIN 27 IA John R. Tudenham (WOJRP), 2824 MO 64804 MisoJpln, Notes : 1 . Spanish audio w/mentions of Mexico and Yugoslavia ; video credits at the top of the hour show "Dean Golden" and "(unreadable) Yugoslavia" 2. Story (apparently , loral) about Ontario work[are, with two people on It"interviewed . ERIC BUENEMAN (NOU1H), 631 Coachway Lane, Ha2elwood, MO 63042-1347, (314) 839-9751 (Internet: EBSDJDX@aol.co m). Equipment: Alaron 12-inch (30 cm)~black and white TV, Archer VU-110 V1-IFNHF/FM antenna with Archerotor at 33 feet above ground level . Distances in miles and kilometers. July 1995 19 Es 1220 KACB 1245 KENW 1259 XHY 3 TX 3 NN 3 YU Sen Angelo 755/1208 Portales 785/1256 Nerida 1270/2032 ~T E-skip was discovered at midday on 7/19, where not only local KTVI-2, but also local KMOV-4, was propagating . 1 checked Channel 3, and sure enough, there was DX in there! It was the first time this season I saw KENW-3 (two acquaintances of mine, Jason Batas and Matt Kerns, are news anchors there), and another rece)ttion of XHY (this time, with a telenovela, Spanish for "soap opera") . 22 tr 1950 WAND 17 IL 1955 WLIA 3 IL 2010 WSIU 2011 KFVS 8 IL 12 NO Decatur (in weaker then WLIA-3) 110/176 Champaign/Urbana (//WCFN49), over WSIL 150/240 Carbondale 100/160 Cepe Girsrdeeu 115/184 This trop opening was rather strapge, because these were the only TV stations in (no UHFs made it through except for WAND-17, but K18BTwas pulled). FM stations did make it in from Champaign/Urbana, Decatur and Springfeld . Maximum useable frequen for the trop hit only . 104.5 MHz Did have some-skip the revious nlght, pointed ENE with an unlD CBS on 3 leither KYW Of WFSB) . 29 tr 2131 2132 2133 2135 2155 2156 2156 2157 2159 2201 2202 2216 2216 2216 Terra Neute 170/272 Terra Nsute 170/272 Chenpsign 150/240 WCCU Urbane 155/248 Indienepolia 240/384 WNNB Champaign (video only) WCIA uo/z4o WSIL 3 IL Narrisburg (sudio only) 130/208 WSI 16 IL Olney (at semi-local strength) 130/208 WTtlO' 2 IN Terra Naute tinder local KTVI) 170/272 WILL 12 IL Urbane 155/248 Charleston 130/208 WEIU" 51 IL WFHL 23 IL Decatur 110/176 Columbia, MO 8, 17 105/168 Jefferson City, NO 13, 25 100/160 WTHI WEAK WILD 10 38 15 27 40 3 IN IN IL IL IN IL rt concludes heat means mare Crops, risht? repoM 7b'o new stations made it through, including blg rprise . It was a really strapge opening, suWEIU-51 with the antenna pointed toward Terra Haute, umbia/ Cuy was coming in off the back ColJe[frsn side of the antenna, not only on TV, but also on FM. uri Av, E ui ment : 1 Zenith 19" TV, Radio Shack Y gi at 15' July 1995 O1 tr 2100 WOAT OS Es 1843 KWGN 2250 WCR2 09 Es 1930 CKCK 10 tr 1200 KCCI 2205 KRCC 2312 WICS 11 tr 0026 unlD 1258 WOWT 1703 KARK 21 Es 1757 WNO 28 tr 1210 KOCO August 1995 03 Es 1315 CBLT OS Es 2316 KOBC 4 2 2 2 B 13 20 26 6 < 2 5 W 737 CO 597 ~ 1846 KLNC 4 NY 919 SK 1050 IA 313 12030 KDNL 30 MO 163 2258 KNLJ 25 IL 321 Name S opping Lhamel NE 298 1432 KLRC 9 AR 207 1800 KETS 2 NC 1018 2002 LEFT 2 OK 2 0 2 11215 KADA 10 5 ON < T% CDT LO 597 NO NO 259 163 IA 370 AR 207 PO 1233 OK 203 916 776 Walt Breville, 11491nnsbrook Estates, Wright City, MO 63390-9801 _Eg_u_i~~ me~nt : RCA 20-inch stereo color TV, c. 1991, Archer VU-190 VHFNHF antenna, 14' AGL, high location . No ant. amp . RCA 13-inch color TV digital tuning, c. 1984 using built-in rod & bowtie antenna indoors. 3 AZ, Phoenix June 1995 03 Es 1730 WEDU 1812 WCTV 3 FL, Tenpa 6 W, Th masville Julv 1995 10 tr 2230 KODE KYOU WTJR KNBS K02K KCPT KDTN 0010 KWOC 0037 KSNB 12 tr 1100 lA1AF 2240 2258 2300 2336 2337 11 tr 0006 12 15 16 40 21 19 11 M0, IA, IL, AR, N0, N0, tA, b IA, 41 M0, 4 M0, Springf eld O tumwa Ouincy Ft . Smith Springfield Kansas Lity Des Moines Davenport Kansas City Kansas City 1 fervently believe this world is in so much turmoil & so screwed u because of all the computers disruptingpeople's was & causing more turmoil, more lost productrvuy than gained since computers invaded workplaces-maybe to Cuture years common sense will prevail & these &'%#S%@# aTmputers & this computer age will be phased out! ! ! Editor-wftholJt the aid of computers, 1 would trot be able to put this column together . I can, however, remember my frustration wfth this Sanyo MBC-550 computer and WordStar 3.3 back in 1983 . We'll see what Waft has to say in a yeacor so, when he has overcome the teaming curve Jeff Kadet (W3CRH), Box 20, Macomb; IL 61455 (309)833-1$09 This is my Grst year of any serious TV DXin . Spend more time on FM or radio amateur 6 and mfr DXing. July was much better than June, with better than average tropo and almost normal E skip conditions . Joplin is a good place to DX ch 2-6 with no local area stations . Channel 3 from Springfield at 70 miles and channel 2 and 6 from Tulsa at 100 miles do give me some problems. I may consider a vertical Yagi for E skip. Nav 1995 22 Es 1730 KTVK is people like me getting new word-processor typcwrtters & trying to use them! 1 have one I bought three months apo, & I'm still having a Lot of trouble geuing used to It-it STILL takes me longer to type a letter than using a plain old typewriter, 1 am very sorry I got it because of all the rigamaroll I've had to go through reading the 3(10Page manual & then screaming cusswords when It does all kinds of tunny thins & I have to try punching certain keys or go back & read the manual some more . 1220 CDT 00 680 160 170 82 300 160 200 230 190 200 200 Note : All receptions on July 10-11 on the 13" TV with indoor antennas, except channels I1 & 6 from Iowa . A big thrill for me, as I have never experienced UHF TV reception beyond 62 miles before this! Maybe one reason there are not more reporters July 1995 CDT O1 Es 1819 KENS 5 TX 890 1830 KNOL 4 TX 890 2200 WTVJ 4 fl 1190 2335 WESH 2 iL 955 03 Es 0830 KPRC 2 TX 775 0840 XEFB 2 NL 1160 0840 " % 4 "TV Aaeca" d 4 "Canal Tecec" 0900 KNOL 4 T% 890 10900+KEN5 5 TX 890 0900 "X b+ CVC 1315 CBFTt 2 .P0 t33o Wc~x 3 vT 9zo OS Es 1815 KENW 3 NN 820 1815+KANR 4 TX 705 1815+KDBL 4 TX 1055 1815+C 2 "NCTV" 1840 FFC 2 1900 WABI 5 NE 1125 1900"CBC 4 1900"LFCL 6 ON 720 1958 CITO 3 ON 720 1958"LFLL 2 ON 765 see Note K1 2032 LKRN 4 P0 810 2100 LHNB 4 ON 685 2158 WGBN 2 NA 1015 2758" uFSB 3 LT 975 2214 WLBZ 2 NE 1155 2235 KDKA 2 PA 560 (rare) 06 Es 2100 LKND2 2 NB 820 07 Es 0944 XEfB 2 NL 1160 10944+KPRC Z TX 775 0944+KRGV 5 T% 1160 0944+KIII 3 TX %0 0958 KDTN 2 T% 640 0958" KNOL 4 TX 890 08 tr 0307 K38DU 38 IA 325 Sioux Cfty ; TBN 0320 K51EP S1+IA 190 Iowa tells ; ABE ; tqt STV o3so u31AL 31 IN zoo Ind;enepolie "WKOg" ; ID 0423 K31DP 31 SD 360 Yankton ; TBN 0657 WSBN 47 VA 500 CB TP w/ID 0720 K66 66 50 370 Sioux Fells ; TBN 09 Es 0930 WBt 2 FL 1170 ~ 1400 WESN 2 fL 955 10 NS 0523 WUND 2 NC 840 CB TP w/"l1NC" 0527 KPRC 2 TX 755 CB TP w/ID Es 0757 WNAR 2 ND 750 ~ 0757+11NC 4 DC 730 0757" WFSB 3 CT 975 tr 2107 K45 45 sw Farm y Net 2117 K66EK 66 OK 370 Bertlesvilte/Dewey ; "Anteme 66" Es 2130 WESN 2 fL 955 tr 2131 KDTX 58 TX 645 2145 K61 61 NO 280 Branson ads ; cw mx vid 2148 K54DJ 54 OK 500 Edmond ; see note aY2 2152 K56 56 saw "Kalidiscope KTV" NET 2152+K69EK 69 d( 510 Okla City ; religion 2152 "K67 67 sw TBN ; Neosho, MO arv,ct's 21s2 "K51DN 51 KS 410 Topeka ; STV 11 tr 0024-unlD 61 saw pNL ; Branson? 0024 K19DJ 19 saw 280 Brenson ; // KNLJ-25 0024 K22EN 22 OK 510 Norman ; The Bon 0141 K20 20 saw // KNLJ-25 0141+K43E0 43 KS 300 Topeka ; KTNJ-6 lower R 0141+K62D0 62 AR 370 Fsyetteville ; KFSN-5 0219 K380D 38 MO 300 Nonett ; TBN 31 esern WtN DXJKdoreortcontinuea eJjnes 0219+K27A2 27 OK 615 Lavton ; TBN "Worship NET" 0229 K20 20 sw 0229 " wnAV 18 NS 425 0250 KiSDR 15 AR 365 Johnson ; //50,60,63 also 0252 unlD 56- s Shopping to Nmphis ; not HSC 0317 K23 23 ssw TBN 0324 1736AN 36 TN 365 Memphis; The Box "wxVT 15 NS 470 ~ 0346 KYTH 26 AR 435 0324 0346+N53AF 53 NS 420 Booneville ; TBN 0346+wBNG 42 AL 525 ~ 0443 KXAN 36 TX 805 0930 Chattanooga 8 N~ntsville U's 0930+WEUt 69 GA Es 1730 wCBD 2 SC 790 12 tr 0030 w68CD 68 TN 360 Nashville ; The Box 0130 Mimeapolis U's 0255 K34- 34 NN ESPN 0316 K26_ 26 NN TBS; STV 0316+unID 21-MN Xeadline News 0316+unID 39 NN STV 0316+K48 68zMN STV; CNN 0316"K36 36zMN WCCO-4 0316+K598E 59+NN 395 Granite Falls KARE-11 0316+K44AD 44-MN 320 St . James; KNSP-9 0316+K38 38+NN a sports rxtwork 0400 K15 15 NN KDSN-17, (norm KTCIT) 0427 K34DG 34 NN 395 Nillmar ; CBC North TP 0503 KTTN 12 SD 475 CB TP w/ID 0503+KTTN 17 SD 370 C8 TP v/ID ; // above 21 SD 370 Yankton; // above 0503" K21 OBSO Oklaharo City U's 1046 KAKE 10 KS 400 killing local wGEN 1046+K56FC 56zNE <30 Grand Island ; comm~n .acc 1046+K52 52 nw CNN ; STV 1046 "KS1DNt57 KS Body By Jake ; not STV 1046 "K53E0 53 KS 400 Wichita; HSC 1046 "K57 57 NN KTNA-23 1046+K54AC 54 NN 320 St . James; NCCO-4 1046+ 62 Kansas City noted off 1350 unllA 59 NN see note #3 KATE-11 1350+K65 65"MN 1350+K66ON 66-MN 395 Villmar; Ueather ch . 35"NN //ch 44 w/MASH assume KNSP-9 1350+K35 1350+unID 44 NN // above 1350 K69DP 69 NN Granite Falls; cw mx videos See note #4 . 1430 unlD 67 :NN See note #S . Tabloid TV show 1435 unlD 63zMN STV, ESPN 2150 unlD 34 "NN HLLO-4 2210 K57 57zMN 2210"KG6AA 46-NN 320 St . James; KTCA-2 2210"K688J 68 NN 365 Redwood fells; KARE-11 Cheers (offset .747) 2238 unlD S2 NN 2253 K33 33+NN wCCO-4 2319 K63 63zMN Cops, STV 2328 K67 67zMN #b ~ 2336 K64_ 64 MN #7 2349 K53 53 NE/IA TBN (offset .765) #8 13 tr 0009 K48 48-w A8E to Omaha 0015 Oklehaae City U's bat w/MEEK-zs 003o NEUx 4s NI K46LB 46 SD 360 Yenkton; KDLT-5 CB TPw/ID 0100 53zNN WCCO-4 0113 K53 0136 CBLFT 68 ON 460 TP 0136+CIC0 59 ON 465 TVO slide 0136 "CIII 22 ON <80 Global ID slide 0158 N67LN 67 41 235 Lacrosse, KTTC-10, rare 02j0 KDLT 5 SD 470 Cg TP w/ID 0245 KESD 8 SD 425 ID slide 0302 K14NK 14 KS 455 Great Bend; KSAS-24 0302+K30AC 30 NN 365 Marshall ; KSTP-5 0345 CFMT 69 ON 510 CB TP w/ID 0555 K22Cx 22 NE 305 Lincoln; KSNB-4 0559 KSNB < NE 382 1237 K5959+NN YFTL-29 14 tr 0115 w22BN 22 wl 375 Sturgeon Bay; WGBA-26 #9 NBL (wCCO-4?) 0247 unlD 48 NN STV; family Ch . 0322 K27 27 NN NN? wFLD-32 0329 unlD 20 Nindom ; KNSP-9 w/vy bed huR 0337 KS6AH S6zNN 0420 unlD 29 m+ Shepard's Chap . ; KTNA-237 (offset .735) 0420+unID 40 rwmv Almost due N", see note #10 0455 un1D 14 due n KNSP-9 cutting on end off 0510 N63AN 63 MI 395 Iron Mountain TNT 0510+V59Ag S9 MI 395 iron Mountain 2 FL 955 ~ 7800 NEDU 3 FL 980 Es 7624 MESH 32 1soo+WBT z FL tno ~ 1eoo+x - 4 2 FL 1770 16 Es 0830 41PBT 17 ES 1030 KDTN 2 Tx 640 1715 wNL 4 LA 735 2110 CKCK 2 SK 970 1115"KPRC 2 TX 775 0930 KTVK 3 A2 1265 18 Es 0900 KNAZ 2 A2 1195 1655 CBFTI 2 Pg 1700 (MAR 2ND 750 7718 wTKR 3 VA 810 1800 WRAC 5 NC 725 1800+WND 4 NC 700 7800 tA1NC 2 NC 840 1830"UCBD 2 SC 790 1830 vCSC 5 SC 800 2 FL 955 1830+W BT 2 FL 1170 20 Es 1830 wESH 21 Es 7150 KPRY 4 SO 565 1759 KSRE b ND 745 7224 CKSB 3 ? 1159+KNSE 4 ND 840 7231+KxLF 4 NT 1150 1231 CKND 2 NB 820 7251 CFAP 2 Pg 1060 7400 (KIV 4 BC 790 1400+VCBD 2 SL 790 1820 wESx 2 FL 955 1900"NPBT 2 FL 1770 24 Es 1900 MESH 2 FL 955 2200 XEFB 2 NL 1760 27 tr 0510 unlD 55 rcnv See rote #11 0540 KS4AT 54 NN 455 Breinard ; KVRR-15 CB TP 28 tr 2310 K53CI 53 OK 550 Sailing; KFOR-4 2310+K53 53 vsv Prime Sports ; KJTL-18 IDs 29 tr 0010 K22EN 22 OK 510 Nornmn ; The Box KS 310 Junction City ; TBN 0010+K26B2 26 0010"KFtID 52 TX 645 57-vsv K(tTV-9 0010+K57 0010+K57 57 nw "Request"; STV 0010+uniD St+nw A6E; STV See rote #12 0010+KS3 53 tw STV 0010+K36AB 36 OK 595 Lavton; DETA TP 0010"K5488 54 OK 585 Duncan; OETA TP 0132 K21DC 21 OK 675 Lavton; religion rote #13 68 OK KWTV-9 0135 K68 0144 K20 20 vsv TBN 0144"unlD 64 w See tote #14 HSC (KOLN-10 xltr7) 0144+unID 22 w Cowboy movie to KC 0144+unID 55 KS 0230 _Kb5D5 65 OK 610 Guymon ; KVII-7 (but v/KSwO TP) 0230 K61FN 61 OK hip Guymon ; KCIT-14 0230+K69Eg 69 OK 670 Cuymon ; KFDA-10 0230 "K53BE 53zOK 610 Cuymon ; TBN TBN to Omaha 0230+K53 53+ 0252 K6DN 63 OK 610 GuNson ; KANR-4 0252+KCIT 14 TX 705 0252 " KSSFS 55 KS 400 Wichita; Bloanberg info 0314 K48AP 48 OK 600 Elk City ; Kl7TV-9 0314 K46AN 46 OK 600 Elk City ; KfOR-4 0314+K44 44 OK KOCO-5 0374+KSS 55 OK KFOR-4 0314 "unlD 64 vsv ( .728) NBC KJTL-18 0337 K54 54 vsv Religion//KYFL-50 0350 unlD 62 usw wsw KCIT-14 0350+K36 36 49 wsw KANR-4 0350+K49 0402 K31 31 wsw KSAS-24 0402 "K67 67 sw TBN; Neosho, NO amcts 0402 "K64 64 sw ' Headline News (same dir as above) 47 vsw NBC 0402 " K47 0402+K14HK 14 KS 455 Greet Bend ; KSAS-24 KCIT-14 04 02+K54 54 wsw 0431 KCBD 11 Tx 780 Lubbock 0431+KJTV 34 TX 780 0431+uniD 36 wsw CB TP ro ID on AN 0510 unlD 69zvsw Headline Nevs 0530 KLBK 73 TX 780 Lubbock 0530+unID 36 wsw Pulsating tone; same 04317 0608 K69 69 NE 330 Lolumlws, LB TP roID STV 0608+K39 39 NE 330 Lolurbus weather charnel K4LN-12/KBSO-6 CB TP w/ID 0608+unID 33 w See note #15 KS 445 0647 KOOD 9 5 NE 405 See rote #16 0700 KNAS 1012 KHET 12 OK 595 1043 KSBAX S8 OK 550 Buffalo; KWET-12 1043+K56 56-OK OETA //above 1115 K44 44 NE 330 Columbus ; N(ckledon STV 1115 "K46 46 "NE 330 Columbus ; regional sports Columixis; ItGN-9 STV 1115+K33 33 NE 1115 "K21 21 NE 330 Columbus ; Fam.Ch . STV 1115+K63 63 NE 330 Columbus ; 71785 rot STV 1175+K50 SO NE 330 Columbus ; Country/mx vid 1134 K56FC Sb NE 430 Grand Isletd; caam . acc . 1157 unlD 51 "wsw See rote #17 KANR-4 1157+K66 66 wsw 64 wsw KFDA-10 ( .737) 7757+K64 K67 67 vsw KOKN-25 ( .760) 1216 Western TV DXJeJJKadet'sreportcontinues 29 tr 1224 unlD 57 wsw See note #18 1224 "K54 54 NE 330 Columbus ; TNT (STV) 1316 69 OK OETA 2000 wb7 67 IN 245 Evensvitle ; UAZ-TV #19 30 tr 0105 K69DP 69 NN Granite Falls w/their trusty repeating cv ID . (Just to eonxrvespace, 1 will not list theother 50+ MN xltr/Llz"I'Vs coming in this AM,exce t for unIDs & probable newbggings. Many of the Granite )ails, Redwood Falls, St . James, Wmdom, Wilimars, I~ttle Falls, Alexandria, Worthington, and Austin, and probably others were in & oul all AM.) K6 30 tr 0120 unlD 0144 unlD 0200 K53 0200+unID 0241 K25 0249 K55 0303 K31 0310 K61 0310"K48 0310"K28AP 0401 KVNB 0435 KDVR 0503 KGlttt 0520 K54AF 54 NN 24 NN 53 NN 53 NN 25 NN 55 NN 31 NE 61 NN 48 NE 28 NE 6 NE 31 CO 14-WY S4 IA 330 400 545 T70 CBS-23 ID (wIFR?) STV; See note #20 KARE-11 Prime Sports gee note #21 CNN ; tat STV Columbus ; LB TP ro1D STV KSTP-S KOLN-10 Neligh ; KOLN-10 10431 KXRN 21 CO 765 0435 "KTVD 20 CO 770 Keosaquai ; KtIN-12 (but w/KCCw-12 TP) 0521 KURD 59 CO 770 Shop At Nome 0534 KFCT 22 CO 775 //KDVR-31 0537 K6D8 69 KS 575 Hoxie 8 rural area ; KOOD-9 (but w/KWTV-9) 0537 "KWHF 53 LO T/0 OSS2 unlD 68 Cg TP ro ID due N 0552+K34 34 SD KTTN-12 TP 0552"KTTN 12 SD 475 Cg TP w/ID 0552+KTTN 17 SD 370 0617 KCEC 50 CO 770 Spanish 0622 K34AL 34 CO 650 Puma ; KCNC-4 0638 KLOLG 40 CO 650 Yuma ; KNGH-7 Cg TP w/ID 0658 KPNF 9 NE 550 s/on 0658 KMNE 7 NE 475 s/on 0658 K69DB 69 KS 515 K000-9 s/on 0707 KStAI 51 CO 645 Haxtun ; KCNC-4 0712 KR6E 12zNE 590 31 E5 1358 KPRL 2 Tx 775 1643 %HPN 3 COAH NUF ch b 1900 XEFB 2 NL 1160 Notes: i. gave both MCTV and CBC IDs 2. call levers on screen all the time upper L 3. Love Connection ; 1400 Cosby Show 4 . Giving constant cw IDs over and over (about 3 a minute). Only 734 Watts, but in for at least 36 stralght hours at 395 miles. 5. ABC; General Hospital ; 1432 local Cadillac ad? 6. Current Affair 2335 Real Stortes ' of HI'gh wa y Patrol; Northland Ford Dealer ad . 7. Movie about a black woman with British accent recalling sexual incident to tamale interviewer 8. this is the TBN around Omaha that has been reported, but is apparently unlicensed 9. ad an ID slide up with WGBA-26 in largeletters and W228W in small letters, but do not think WGBA was on the air at the time 10. Lutong on and offwith Shepherd's Chapel (KLGT-23?) and then a CBS (WIFR-23?~ 11. Fargo-Morehead weather station audio but direction was too far north for that area 12. same as the non-STV A&E logged here on 718? 13. calls and )trayer line ph # on screen 14. JerrySpanger; 0153 Clorex &Bud Light ads 15. probably either the NE or IA channel 12 xltrs 16. completes all full power Continental U.S . channel 5's except for the four west mast stations and WDTV-5. 17. ads for a store on "w side Wellington Square" and Sight and Sound Store I 18. local Promo for newscast with David and Barry Nelson, John Harris, and Greg Pandergraft 19. previously the "WAZ-TV" on ch. 52? 20. bon Dupree "Making Money" informercial 21 . STV X-rated movie, butwith normal audio!!! What a month! The 729-30 opening was every bit as good as the Thanksgiving 1986 opening in my opinion. Who knows how much further it would have gof if the Rockies hadn't got in theway? KTVD-20 and KDVR-31 were practicailysnowfree at times. LPTV/xltrs that are underlined without QTHs, I am reasonably sure are new loggin~s. Havcwritten to Fred McCormack and Doug Smtth for help on these. Any help from members on these or tfie other unlDs will be greatly appreciated . Any station not eventually IDed will be deleted. According to Fred, the LP7-Vsseen on 6118 on chs ]9,335,45,47,49,53,55,57,59, and 61 were from Iowa Falls. Danny O~lethorpe, P.O. Box 6688, Shreveport, LA 71136-" " uipment: Penney (RCA) 19" Archer 15-11138 preamp for UHF; Radio Shack 15-1718A V1U at 25' AGL, RG-6, Channel Master 9510A rotor; Antennacraft Y5-2 Yagi at 14' AGL. TV; July 1995 UTL 3 tr 1215 KABB 29 Tx 350 ~ 1235 KMOL 4 TX 350 1235+KENS 5 TX 350 Es 1415 KTNO 2 W 1010 ~ 1845 KNAZ 2 A2 1060 18508KSG1 4 UT 1760 KSGI Cedar/St . George 1915 KVW 5 NV 1270 ~ 1930 unlD 3 Floating 4 Es 1425 KNAZ 2 A2 1060 1445 xEFB 2 NL 630 Note #1 1520 unlDS 2,4,5 Mexico 1620 KEPM 2 LH 760 7620+KDBL 4 TX T60 1820 KNGH 2 CO 830 1850 ~nID 2 Mexico 1910 KTIp 2 W 1070 7920 KNAZ 2 AZ 1060 2005 KCYC 4 WY 1110 2100 unlDS 2 5 Es 2400 KNOP 2 NE 725 2400 unIDS 2 7 tr 0515 KTEN 10 d( 230 0600 KwTV 9 OK 320 0600" K000 5 OK 320 0610 KFOR 4 OK 320 E5 1435 unIDS 2 1505 KttGN 2 CO 830 1520 KUSD 2 SD 745 1520 "KTIY 4 IA 740 tr 1529 Oklahoma City 4,5,9 back in 1545 KETAt 13 OK Es 1645 unl0s 2 2200 unlDs 2 2245 NGRZ 2 NY 1110 2345 KGFE 2ND 1170 8 Es 0003 KUTV 2 Ui 1175 1528 KGFE 2ND 1710 1558 KUSD 2 SO 745 1740 KXNA 2ND 1725 2155 ltGRZ 2 NY 11 1 0 2155+1ATN 2 ON 730 2258 KGFE 2ND 7110 9 Es 0003 CNBxt 2 ON MLTV 0003+unIDs 2 0325 KUTV 2 UT 1175 1445 KGFE 2ND 1110 1520 KXNA 2ND 1125 1538 Kvvu S NV 1270 1550a11(SGI 4 UT 1160 15 55 KVOA 4 AZ 1020 1555"KNA2 2 A2 1060 1605 KTVKt 3 A2 Floating 1620 xEJt S CN 11625 XEPN 2 CH 760 7625+KDBC 4 Tx 760 7628 KPNOt 5 AZ 1635 xNFit S LN 7710 unlD 2 CB 1715 uniDS 2,4,5 Spentsh 7925 unlD b OCVC ~ 2010 NESx 2 FL 780 2010+NCBOt 2 SC 2015 Cube 2 Russia v. Cuba soccer 2130 unlD 2 Mexico 11 Ea 0220 tnlDS 2,4 ~ 0250 WND Z NL 1040 0305 4NAR 2 FD 1060 tr 0308 KJRN 2 OK 290 0335 KTUL 8 OK 290 0350 KAFT 13 AR 250 1200 KFSN 5 AR 270 Es 7650 tnlDs 2 1725 YCCO 4 NN 870 1758 KXNA 2ND 1725 7805 tnl0e 2,4 PBS// 1835 CKSK 2SA 7 380 2202 LKND 2 NB 1300 33 Western N DX D. tt Es z3zs ucaz 2332 WCVB 2332+unIDS 2345 WYVt 12 tr 0010 KAIT Es 0230 CKND tr 0330 VMC Oglerhorpe's report continues z Nr ttto 5 MA 1410 Note #2 2,4 Note #3 5 NY "Sinpsons" 8 AR 300 2 MB 1300 STN 290 Notes: 1. "Monterrey 27°" supered throughout much o[ morning show. 2. Called WCVB, and they verified what I saw. Local rogram, "Chronicle," with famous WCVB logo . ~. Trope from Little Rock 2 and 4 ruined everything on those channels . Fs was not quite as strong as Arkansas . Afew of my distances have been recalculated due to a previous error. Iam also using only one atlas (Rand McNally), rather than whatever was handy. I've decided to delete as much trope from my reports as I can. Anything under 250 miles is not generally very interesting from here unless it is new or low-power. With the rotor, DalIaslFt . Worth, Houston, Little Rock, Jackson, and such places are fairly easy Latches; in other words, not newsworthy. t3 Es 0220 KTWO Z VY 7010 0220+KCWC 4 WY 1110 0220+KCWL 5 WY 1110 02317 KTVO 2 MT 1230 4 ABC 0302 KWGN 2 LO 830 0240 unlD 0375 KXMA 2ND 7125 tr 0345 KFSM 5 AR 210 ~ 0505 KWTV 9 OK 320 0575 KTEN 10 oK 230 Es 1530 WND 2 NC 1040 1540 WHC < NC 880 //2 1540+WRAL 5 NC 880 1550 WRC 4 DC 1020 7602 7MAR 2 MO 1060 1604 VTTG 5 DC 1020 7620 uNYWt 5 NY 1628 WCBSt 2 NY 1703 WGR2 2 NY 1110 1703+unIDs 2,4,5 1758 unlD 2 CBL 14 Es 1725 wBT 4 FL 940 2 FL 940 11725+VTVJ 1745 xHGt 4 JA 1740 unlD 2 xEV 1750 unlD 5 xHDf 7757 unlD 3 Floating ; OCVC 1800 OnID 4 "4 Valletta" 1805 unlD 5 XEV 7815 unl0 4 OCVC 1845 WESH 2 FL 780 11902 WCBD 2 SC 790 19217 VJXT 4 fl 750 1950 WEDU 3 il 750 Floating 2005 1A1F1 5 FL 700 ~ 2015 uPty 5 FL 970 2035 VCIx 6 FL 940 o/KTAL 2035+unID 2 Mexico ~ 2045 unl0 5 OLVL 2050 xHG 4 JA 1050 2100 unlDS 2,4,5,6 Mexico 2130 WAY 3 NC 920 Note #1 2200 il 22,4, SC 2back ; Mex 2,4,5 still in 2345 VCIV 4 SC 790 2345" uCSC 5 SC 790 15 Es 0300 wBT 5 Fl still in Neakly tr 0440 UHis MS west 0503 K27Ef 27 LA 100 TBN Es 7715 unlD 2 2250 un10s 2 Gcvt,xEV 76 Es 0015 unIDS 2 BBS, Ca5 0140 KTW 2 VY 1010 0210 KVTV 2 UT 1175 0240 KNA2 2 AZ 7060 0255 unlD 2 XEO 0415 KVW 5 NV 7270 0428 KPHO S A2 7075 0510 unlD 2 TV7 0533 KASA 2 NM 750 tszo unlD z 7550 KWGN 2 CO 830 1628 KTVO 2 WY 1010 Note 1: The antenna was aimed southwest, with the rear to WWAY. At first I thought this was a signal from Mexico as Mexico was strong at the time. Floating on KTBS . 1 have been blessed with flexible hours and much FS! The Es is not plentiful as last year, and 34 as the MUF is generally lower, with shorter openings above channel 2. However, 1 never expecteT7 this season to be very productive . Much to my surprise, I've seen most of thestations I saw last year-and then some. t7 Es 1805 un1Ds 2,4,5 Mexico 2240 unlD 2 xEW ~ 2375 KXMA 2 ND 1125 18 Es 0015 KTCA 2 MN 970 0045 unlDs 2,4,5 US,Cenada 0200 CKC02 Z ON 1130 2130 unlDs 2 2205 unlDS 4 2255 KOB 4 NM 790 2258 KNME 5 NM 790 2305 KNA2 2 AZ 1060 2310 unlDs 2,4,5 N, NE, SV 2335 VPBT 2 FL 940 ~ 2335+VTVJ 4 FL 940 2335+uclx 6 FL 940 o/KTAL 2345 unlDS 5 Canada 19 Es 0010 LHRO 5 ON 1300 0120 VTAE b PA 1000 0722 KDKA 2 PA 1000 0150 WMAR 2 MD 7060 0150+w7v 5 W 860 0210 WRC 4 DC 1020 0223 WJBK 2 MI 890 0245 KGAN 2 IA 685 0320 KWGN 2 CO 830 7445 KDUH 4 NE 6f1 KOTA relay 7500 KNME 5 NM 790 ~ 1505 WFMY 2 xt 840 7505+WNC 4 NL 880 1507 WND 2 NC 1040 //WNC 1507+WRAL 5 NC 880 ~ 1510 tnlDs 2,4,5 1575 KCWLt 4 WY Mr . Rogers 7525 KCNL 4 CO 830 1545 KIW 5 SD 1000 KEVN 1600 KWGN 2 l~ 830 ~ 1670 KSL 5 ur tt7s 1615 KTVX 4 UT 1175 Nx 4 l1T" 1715 KNAZt 2 AZ 1725 KVVU S NV 7270 1725+KVBC 3 NV 1270 looting ; LV ads 1743 inlDS 2,4,5 1825 KTVO 2 WY 1070 1923 WPBT 2 FL 940 1928 7ATN 2 OH 730 1945 KDKA 2 PA 1000 1958 VGR2 2 NY 1110 1959 VJBK 2 MI 890 2025 LKC02 2 ON 7130 2050 WND 2 NC 1040 2102 VFMY 2 NC 840 2120 VCMH 4 OH 790 2135 IMAR 2 MD 1060 2140 WRC 4 DC 1020 2140+WiTC 5 DC 1020 2205 WOAY 4 VV 780 2200 7ATV 5 WV 860 2240 KNA2 2 AZ 1060 2240+unIDS 2,4,3 2310 KSNB 4 NE 575 Weather on News 2312 KiIV 4 IA 740 2378 KKI(JB 4 ND 1050 KXM812 2320 KPRY 4 SD 900 KSfY13 relay 2325 KFYR 5 NDa1040 0130 KUTV 2 UT 1175 20 Es 0100 unlDS 2,4,5 0150 KNCN 2 CO 830 0140 KCLICL 4 WY PBS 0150+unIDS 2,4,5 0220 KYW 5 NV 7270 tr 1350 KENS 5 Tx 350 1400 KXAN 36 7x 280 1400+KABa 29 TX 350 1405 KLRU 18 Tx 280 1415 KwA 60 TX 350 1415+KBYO 42 Tx 280 1430 KMOL 4 Tx 350 1440 KTBL 7 TX 350 Es 1440 unlD 2 Nexito o/KPRC tr 1455 KWE 24 TX 280 o/KLTS Es 1505 KTHO 2 VY 1010 1525 CKND2t 2 MB "Kids TV" 1525+KWGN 2 Co 830 700 Club 2ND 1110 1534 KGFE 1610 unlD 2 Femil Feud 2335 KDKA 2 PA 1000 2350 VTAE 4 PA 1000 2358 tnlDS 2,4,5 US erd Lenade The Es on July 18 and 19 was some of the strongest and strangest I've ever seen . It lasted all day on the 19th, with openings from two directions wmmon on both days. The NE-SD-ND openings (1445 and 2310 UTC) were both fast-moving and Intense. There were many more unlDs than listed above. In addition, channel 2 was hash for much of the day. IC the all-day opening had been one day earlier or later, I wouldn't have been able to stay with it! 21 Es 0045 0215 0310 tr 0800 Es 1425 1605 1640 WGRZ KGAN KWGN KENS WPBr WESH unlDs 2 NY 7100 10059 WJBKt 0245 unlDS 2 IA 685 2 CO 830 5 Tx 350 2 Fl 940 ~ 1425+VTVJ 2 FL 780 4,5 US end Canada 2 MI 2 N and W 4 FL 940 Western N DX 21 Es 1645 WCBD 1800 lA7IV 1859 VGR2 2135 VESH 2145 VTVJ 2155 7#tC 2205 WTTG 2215 KDKA 2220+WOAYt 2229 WBC 2231 WNYV 2300 nlDs 22 Es 0030 CBITt 0150 unlD 0155 WTOM tr 1450 KENS 23 tr OL50 XERV 7340 tMAN 1345 uMAO 1415 VCaI 1415+LMAB 1420 WKNO Es 1855 unlD 24 Es 2100 WND 2750 KDKAt 2258 IMAR 25 Es 0110 unlD tr 0727 KZTV 0305 KMOL 1345 KRBC ES 1420 WLBD 1440+WNC 1<40+WCYB 1515 WAYt 1545+KDKA 1605 IATN 1755 KGAN 2025 KWGN 2245 CKPR 2310 KGAN 2325 VBAY 26 Es 0001 unlDS 0142 NFRV 0152 unlDs 0300 VBAY 0315 KSTP 0410 CKND2 D. Oglethorpe's report continues 2 SC 790 1735 unlDS 2 Lanada 4 MI 990 1820 KDKA 2 PA 1000 2 NY 1110 2045 KXMA 2ND 1125 2137 WBT 2 FL 940 2 FL 780 4 fL 940 2145+WTV 5 FL 910 4 DC 1020 2159 1MAR 2 MD 7060 5 DC 1020 2210 VGR2 2 NY 1110 2 PA 1000 2220 7ATVt 5 VV 4 W 2228 WIVB 4 NY 1110 4 NY 1230 2230 WCBSt 2 NY 5 NY 1230 Note 1 2,4,5 ~ 2310 DC, hD beck 5 ON 4 ON //CBITt 4 MI 1070 ~ 0305 WBAY 2 Wf 900 5 TX 350 9 TA 520 10420 xHAe 7 TA 510 14 MS 290 1340+7MAV 18 MS 270 23 NS 220 1358 urvA 9 MS 320 4 MS 320 2 MS 320 //14, 18, 23 10 TN 290 ~ 1420+WNBO 13 TN 290 2 2 NC 7040 2 PA "Nerd Copy" 2 MD 1060 ~ 2320 VESH 2 FL 780 2 Mexico 10 Tx 390 10300 KENS 5 TX 350 < Tx 350 o3so KABB z9 Tx 350 9 Tx 350 2 SC 790 ~ 1440 WND 2 NC 1040 b NC 880 //WND 5 VA 700 1457 WSJK 2 TN 660 4 W 1545 VTAE 4 PA 1000 2 PA 7000 1600 WCMN 4 OH 790 2 OH 730 1632 VJBK 2 MI 890 2 IA 685 1928 KTLA 2 MN 870 2 CO 830 2035 KTWO 2 uY 1010 2 ON 1140 2259 CHFDt 4 ON 2 IA 685 2322 WLCO 4 MN 870 2 VI 900 2355 KGFE 2ND 1110 2,4,5 5 N7 900 Note #2 2,4,5 0250 CELT 5 ON 1110 2 WI 900 0310 WCLO 4 MN 970 5 MN 870 0330 KGFE 2ND 1110 2 MB 1300 0410+unID 2 Notes: 1. In and out for thirty minutes. 2. Es TV #100. Ad wish Green Bay and Applelon phone numbers. Pat Dyer, 5315 Silverlip Drive, San Antonio, 78228-2744 TX Equipment: Emerson 1987 model 872 VCR uscd as the tuner ahead o[a 9" B3LW Keepsafer CCI-V monitor. Archer V-100and 8-bay bow-tie UHF array at 20' AGLwith rotor JuIV 1995 01 Es 1013 1029 1337 1947 02 Es 1358 03 Es 0724 0929 1330 04 Es 0755 0812 1130 1156 1200 1258 O$ Es 1714 WIMT VBTV WRTV KWGN WSIL WBBM KXMA KIDK KVBC KTLA KIMT KTVI KMrv KGAN KDLO 3 3 6 2 3 2 2 3 3 5 3 2 3 2 3 1161 11029 WFMY 1090 1170 KDLH 1004 1340 WITI 802 792 11753 0747 WI SC 1213 1100 KOTA 1240 1359 KVBC 7052 0812 KTYK 1185 0828 KEYT 7011 7731 KOTV 782 1158 uctA 829 1229 KUSD 960 1428 KOLO 1071 1835 XNBC Ob Es 1500 1729 07 Es 0958 1959 OB Es 1059 09 Es 0959 1159 10 tr 0456 0628 ES 1200 1300 17 Es 0815 12 Es 1029 14 Es 0931 1902 15 Es 1524 1743 16 Es 0800 0920 0929 0959 1033 1232 WESH 2 KTVO 2 KDLH 3 VJBK 2 KDLH 3 VJBK 2 KTVK 3 WOL 38 K2JL 61 XHBL 3 xVBC 3 XXBC 3 KUSO 2 WPBT 2 xHVIZ 3 KEPT 3 KVBC 3 VSAZ 3 IAMT 3 WCIA 3 KDLO 3 KIMT 3 KrWO 2 1040 1011 1244 1238 1244 1238 836 519 186 1022 1052 1022 942 1147 ~ 1559 VPBT 2 1147 ~ 0959 KGAN 2 960 ~ 1143 xETV 6 1109 ~ 0507 VLAE 32 519 Nouston, T% CrxN) ~ 1259 KCBS 2 1186 2104 KGAN 11659 WAY 2 3 960 7237 1295 ~ 1621 xHBC 1052 1123 OB02 VDTN 1161 0928 KGAN 931 0929 KOTA 1077 1000 VISL 7011 ( 1222 KWGN 1011 3 1022 2 2 3 3 2 1076 960 1039 1062 902 Jul 14 was another VERY good FM Es day, and thus fewTV ID's here! The Ju116 KIMT Latch included a PSA for their missing female news anchor. 17 Es 0856 0930 18 Es 0732 1625 7859 19 Es 0627 1713 1359 1059 20 Es 1855 21 Es 1014 1017 tr 22 24 2234 24 tr 2234 25 Es 0837 0925 26 Es 0975 31 Es 1145 1344 1441 1629 1716 1827 KCAN VJMN NBTV KOTA VSIL KGAN WRtV VKYL WSJK VSJK WBTV VFMY KPLC NAFB WLA HSAZ WAVE xHBC KTVK KWGN WDTN KUSD KGAN KEYT 2 3 3 3 3 2 6 3 2 2 3 2 7 9 33 3 3 3 . 3 2 2 2 2 3 960 ~ 0930 VISC 1310 1090 0746 KGAN 1039 1732 KTWO 792 1959 WAVE 960 0654 WBAY 1004 1177 WSD 1253 1725 KBJR 1010 1010 7908 WBiV 1090 7015 WRAL 1173 1759 VSJK 340 2234 WLA 446 441 7123 10859 WSJK 974 1421 KDLO 1022 836 1246 WAVE 802 1405 VISC 1076 1459 WEDU 942 1629 KIMT 960 1717 WCIA 7295 1836 KCBS 3 1062 2 2 3 2 6 6 960 1011 974 1783 768 1245 3 5 2 33 1090 7240 1010 441 2 3 1010 1077 3 3 3 3 3 2 974 1062 994 1011 931 1186 Comments : Like the first day of July, the last onewas heavily loaded with Es here on the FM band (though only aprox 5-6 hrs this last time!) The heavy amount during the month really reminds one a lot of the 1986 season. We'II have to see i[August will be just as active now. The number of Ch 6 ID's on Jul 19th ought to give a hint how wild that one was as well . I sometimes glance at the TV at the right time even when the FM is crammed full of Es! 2 3 6 CST 1173 1244 1110 The days of 100+F temps produced Lopious amounts of in-state trope with only a lithe "spill" into Louisiana . 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 1062 1039 1052 836 7295 743 931 942 7071 1022 With the lack of TV stations runningTP's with ID's in the prime meteor scatter time it sure isn't the preductive adventure that it used to be. It's also so hard to End a really quiet FM channel anymore, and the Au~ust in-state trope is usually enhanced for this shower . Il becomes a case o[ aiming the FM antenna to minimize the Houston/Dallas stuff as anything closer (i.e., Austin) is not likely ever to be Levered by an ms burst long enough to deduce an ID Cram . 35 Fetmado Ovcs. Apttnado 70,SOC9. Cd. Ooadaope.N .L..671t1 Mt7IIC0 1100' Wa.of SaddNMomnauK3900~ a or Mormay mato rea SonT27FJOt13.fcnmedChamdM.aerTdiahatS .ROi1,UA900~. 3ony:KV-13TR27,Chrmel Mates 1110 r IORGb. V4FUF8' amy r SO' with R Shad amp.. AtcMc V-1IO vwhd "20'. Diatatw ~m mda. I'm teportit~ mIY hope DX a8caadu~ 700mBa. Thaw. .ia CDT-1 ~L~ 10730 " KLAN 2 to 1217 0713 mid do 2"3 ootU 0900 ' KUSD 2 SD 1216 0915 " KNOB 2 TIE 1900 XHDH 11 YU 760 WPAN S7 FL AO 0100 WMPV DI AL 139 RPMI IS AL t36 0130 WFSG % FL 929 0330 WMAO 23 MS 799 OSIS KASN N AR 771 0600 WAFT I6 Ms 719 au wosD Io Ms 719 wxvT Is Ms 7% 070o 1770 " WPBT : FL 1217 1715 " WESH 2 FL 1176 WAPr 16 MS 719 21 tr 0630 WDBD 10 MS 719 0700 S WMAO 23 MS 'A9 2013 XHDH 11 YU 780 ?S tr 1930 XHDH II YU 780 6 2100 mud cn 2Ef nw r 6 1100 mid cb 1,3 XEW-2 11200 anid ch 2 CVC mid ch 7SS 1270 mid ch 1 CVC 2 GR ¢~0 Fa taboo1 100! new are mud NIXHIMT-7 aB above 6 hdnto 1770 XHBQ 7 BN mdd da 2 7TBC w"nw 1700 KRIX S CO 10171 ~FQ 3 CO IQ~ S KRAIA 6 CO 1016 lot om 1770 KOM S CO 917 I KGWNt 2 CO KCNQ 1 CO ~ midch 7FE FJ 1013 ~ mud ch 2 ABC 30 tr 2015 XHDH 11 YU 760 Jtmc 1993 KSDK 3 MO 1061 7 Fr 0700 wudch 2NBC ne 0115 WCIA 3 a 1206 os3o KTVI 2 MO 1060 1 106010930 anid ch 3TIBC KMOV MO 1000 S TGV 3 GT 1019 m viaSAP usAeute131 1630 s wwn3r 3 hD L 1 F, looo mdacne z73 e.ne tr 2000 KZl 617X Z9¢ SHOP AT HOME S 6 0630 S WEDU 3 FL I t 161 R'E.SFI 2 FL 1176 WAM 16 A15 7"9 6 tr 0600 WDBD 10 MS 719 .'TVF' S TN IO7t 0 E, 1900 mudcN 2-3 ne 201q 2030.3 WWAY 3 NC 1436 tr 2030 KWl® 17 OK 761 2130 KSMO 62 MO X86 KTLC 47 OK 705 2113 1CPOM 21 AR 783 2200 KTBO 11 OK 705 2215 WPAN 53 FL t70 WhBV 21 AL 839 S V1MAF1 I9 MS 77t 3 WMAO 23 MS 799 f RTWN 29 MS 71) 7 tr 0100 ~ KASN 78 AR 771 07A3 ! KTAL 6 TX ¢~ wxvr Is Ms 7% wcsc to Ms rJO oleo KsAS 24 Ks ess unid du 183 .28 noM MOR moot TV KOKH 25 OK 702 ( ! WMON M MS t33 03X1 3 W170 DIAL 970 f WBMO ID AL %3 16 AR Y63 0513 KDOR 17 OK 7% 0315 ~ KLRT KOI~I 23 Ow 76t i:TFO 11 OK 761 KOCB N OK 703 audio over kcal .0600 WABM 66 AL 966 06~3 f WCr7 33 AL 923 30 MO ~ c~77C~ 49 KS ~ 0630 KSTIR 27 KS KR.SQ 33 OK 0615 WDBD 10 MS 719 WAPT 16 MS 719 0700 ~mid ch 71 Tu1a777 K~ 11 MO ~ WPh11 IS AL t76 1900 Y7WC 10 F1. 1029 1915 876 R'EIQ 12 AL 627 WHBR 33 FL 2ols wrxi, n FL loz9 210o wr® s9 FL u7a ~ n FL 1176 wAws 7o FL 1176 II13 WFSO % FL 929 2130 9VFXL 31 OA 1066 lYL1Z 78 GA 1035 2115 KfOM 21 AR 763 KSPR 77 MO 907 2200 KDFE r MO 901 f KOZ7C 21 MO 907 2215 3 WMAH 19 MS 111 mo WPAN sl Ei, t7o Whav n AL 639 WFBI 30 TN 900 2900 WHOA 32 AL 926 WTJP 60 AL 99t t tr 0000 WXTX H OA 1075 0170 WBMG 1I AL 967 WDHN I6 AL 982 WPOX n FL 951 0100 WSST SS GA 1078 W1SP 2B GA 1037 E4 0900-1100 FM op l0 9t .3 KS,MO f 6a 1670 ' KNOP 2 NE 11411 " mud cn 2FOXnee 10 FJ 1930 mtid du 27 EE nw I I FJ 0770 S WPBT 1 FL 17431 f 1VFOR 1 FL 17A3 asoo wFSH : FL 1171 oe3o Wwo 2 sc ulo W~I~ 1 TK; l~ Wervt 1 se aoo wvFF 1 sc 12511000 wPN s FL Izao 22 Fa tr 27 tr I m ~~ 36 11 Fr 1770 S KLNE 7 TIE 10191 KNOP 2 TiE I lu 17 ~ 1970 3 KTK)P 2 TIE 1111 IStr 0600 KTLC I70K 705 KWFB 170K 761 KTFO Il OK 761 0700 KDOR 17 OK 796 tr 2000 KTBO 11 OK 703 KOKK 23 OK 702 t6 tr 0600 KTLC I7 t3K 70310613 andda0 TMDn-nw 06N1 KSAS 21 K3 t35 Fr tsu " KsJIC 2 Ks tt9 Ills " ~ 2 oK L 1700 " KACV 2 TX to 1113 " KNOP 2 TIE flu 1900 S KLTIE 7 NE 1019 KMTV 3 TIE 1109 It S 0970 WSIIC 2 TH 1119 S WRCB 3 TN 1103 1030 WCYB S VA 1702 1100 WAVF2 ) KY WKRN 2 7N 1069 WSMV 1 TN 1072 H 6 O7W WSH 2 OA II00 3 \VFDU 7 FL 1116 mu s w3v1 1 FL IDn stru mcn 1 as Necnet wvFr s FI . uu o73o s WE,w : FI. 1171 S WJXT 1 FL Iltl osoo s WPBt : FL 12x3 2f tr 0670 WDBD 10 MS 71910730 WAFT IL MS 719 26 Fr m>D atud ch 7FE nw 2015 KNAZ 2 AZ 972 27 tr 0315 WDBD 10 MS 719 FJ 2000 mtid ch 2g nw ~ Ft 0700 ATfOP 2 TIE 1111 0800 1'VSD 2 m 1218 OWO KGATt 2 IA 0900 ' WPBT 2 FL 1217 1013 " WEtiN 2 FL 1171 1900 WFDII 7 FL 1116 m tr 2113 Ch 11 CUBA 1100~ BtwbaB ptiY Qlba ~ Bmhl )oW 1995 2 SD 1211 1 & 1200 S KDLT S SD 1252 1270 KUSD KTJV 1 IA 1193 KDLO 3 SD 1312 WOI S IA II71 U00 KOAN 2 IA 1243 1313 1730 KB.R 3 fA 1297 1930 KTVI T MO 1060 3 Er OMO PRBT 2 FL 1213 0630 WESH 2 FI. 1176 OLIS WSB 2 OA 1100 1100 ch 3 CUBA' ICRr ch 7 CUBAVI510N ch2 CUBA 9CRT' 1130 S WTVI 1 FL 1227 R'PTV S FL 1210 1600 cM wlXF10CS a 1613 ch2 wJXEV'-2 a 1630 ch s CUBAVISION stud dt 1 CBSwa 1700 ch 1CUBAVISION 1730 ch 1 w/1~W"2 a 171s s WPDU 3 FL Ills Isis sasrw"rwzl IQ30 ~n 2w/XHIMTa a ltls mw en s u . 1 Fv 06ds WESH 2 FL 1171 7 & 1915 mud dt 2FE nosh 9 FJ 0900 KNOP 2 TiE 1141 1030 3 KLTIE 3 TIE 1019 KUSD 2 SD 1211 KDUH 1 MO 1130 VJF F 1 B. jj,Z .l 1200 KTYO 7 MO III2 1213 cn 2w/XE~J-I a cM w/XSIGC" 5a 1215 KNAZ 2 AZ 972 1330 3 WEDU 7 FL 1116 1730 WESH 2 FL 1176 WXXV 25 MS 761 10 tr 0700 f WMAH 19 MS 711 0713 WINPV 2l AL 179 WII~ II LA 705 2213 17012730 WPMI IS AL tJ6 WPAN 33 FL 92s otll " KWGN 2 co lols 11 ~ otoo " WDIQ 2 AL wJxt I loo ' en 2 :w-2 11 FJ 1230 ' WCBD 2 K 1730 ~ 1100 " WI)NDe 2 NC 1170 ' w~lY 2 NC j~6 FM ap l0 107 .9 rwott 1330' WSB 20A 11001900 mudcN2-Sm IS 6 0800 ch2w/ XHU1T"7a cM w/ XHDF" U a 1 4900 TGV 3 GT IOl9 16 E. 0970 KUSD 2 m I216~ KTVO 7 MO 1112 KGAN 2 IA 1217 17 FJ 0130 " KJRH 2 OK 763 0713 " KQN 2 MO 1025 It 6 0700 WWAY 3 TK: 1136 WSB. 3 d 1060 0630 " KJRH 2 OK 763 " KQTV 2 MO 1023 3 FL 1116 WP87 2 FL 174) 2000 WEDU KOAN 2 IA 1213 S WFD11 7 FL 1116 19 Fa 0615 ZZ b 2030 3 WESH 2 FL Il7t tr 270o WDeD Io Ms 749 n a als g KASN x AR n4 osoo WMAw I1 Ms eo2 ILf'IH 26 AR jZp10515 WOBC 10 M3 tXl W1TV 12 MS 716 0770 WXVT 13 MS 796 .TIAV It MS t67 2100 0 RR1PL 31 LA 703 0030 WDBD 10 MS 749 01M KASH 36 AR 111 21 tr otls WAPT is Ms 719 0700 WMAO a Ms 799 b MS 713 WXVS IS MS 796 0730 3 WT~N Wh1AV 11 MS t67 Commrta: On Ima 6-71 hadfif tine tropoopmvt6 to Topeta-Krar aY ra On July 2, ItatFJ .tip opnun6lo CUBA da YS dmbtt 3Wmawih mealyGableaiguL M adrto ndoceUw hn6N of my DX tape~ Iwont eepat anytrope n-lot mdec 700 mBa(T7Ctnoa ofLA,wM of OICrtdaran Mf) Sirca 1vtaaBed rt S1FiFrnnwut IOIy of 1992 I'm (.IIYIt tmpo aloha or m soo-soo maa ma.ma xtx orwe mn.~7a dy ...menu ale .a> " ~I wrn>t ahome 1 o.w A vae fa acadint Dx wen 2. - MytoaorTVarionanowsasla. ~" DX Virginia d Beachr oVA 23454 Dealine : 5th The DX season has been good to most to most reporters . Dates of skip and tropo openings varied depending on DXers QTH. July 18th was one of the best skip openings . Jeff Wolf, 2217 Drury Road, Silver Spzing, MD 20906 July 1995 1 Es 1229 5 Es 1952 1954 2327 6 tr 0042 7 Es 1800 8 KBTX-3 TX KDLH-3 MN "Newsline" WDAY-6 ND KTIV-4 IA WGNT-27 VA KQTV-2 MO "MCTV" 2 Es 2101 WEDU-3 FL July 1995 11 Es 1924 12 tr 0721 13 tr 0729 0755 0756 14 Es 2000 15 tr 0009 18 Es 1923 KJRH-2 OK WFXI-B NC (t) WCTI-12 NC WITN-7 NC Over local WNCT-9 NC " KTVO-3 IA WSET-13 VA UNID-2-6 MUF 97 .5 Leslie Wood, 1463 Tadmor Street, N . Merrick, L.I ., NY 11566 Equipment : RCA 19" portable TV, Crossfire antenna with CM rotor . July 1995 6 Es 1315 1400 tr 2310 2315 2395 8 Es 2000 13 Es 1315 16 tr 2100 2245 17 Es 2025 July 1995 WCIA-3 18 Es 1800 KSNW-3 KYTV-3 1815 KYTV-3 WLNE-6 Ri 21 Es 1710 WREG-3 WWLP-22 MA 1755 WLBT-3 WSBK-38 MA 22 tr 2315 WPRI-12 RI WRCB-3 2335 WSBK-38 MA WLBT-3 2359 WHDH-7 WBOC-16 MD 23 tr 0200 WUNI-27 MA WLNE-6 RI 25 Es 2000 KYTV-3 WREG-3 2045 WLBT-3 Comments : A few new ones received here one Ch . 3 . The tropo to RI & MA stations were bringing local type signal strengths . Q.eslie, please include station locations with your next report . sw) Frank Wheeler, Equipment : 8533 Wattsburg Road, Erie, PA 16509-5847 Crosley 19" color TV, Archer VU-160 antenna May 1995 20 Es 2100 KATC-3 23 Es 2102 WBRZ-2 LA (1071) LA (1016) June 1995 3 Es 1530 Es 1558 4 Es 2020 6 Es 2050 16 Es 1027 19 Es 1958 23 Es 1255 27 Es 1730 2000 2200 2230 2329 (988) FL TX (1212) TX FL (1112) FL MS LA TX FL TX NE KS WEDU-3 KPRC-2 KPRC-2 WPBT-2 WPBT-2 WMAB-2 WBRZ-2 KPRC-2 WEDU-3 KJAC-4 KDUH-4 KSNC-2 July 1995 5 Es 1100~KJRH-2 6 Es 1159 WEDU-3 1200 WPBT-2 OK FL FL (929) (988) July 1995 7 Es 1900 8 Es 1928 2000 2002 10 Es 1000 1027 11 Es 1900 14 Es 1528 17 Es 2000 18 Es 1751 1800 1805 1827 1900 1910 2000 21 Es 1300 1302 2330 22 Es 1729 1828 23 Es 2058 KJRH-2 KPRC-2 WESH-2 WPBT-2 WEDU-3 WPBT-2 KNOP-2 WPBT-2 KETS-2 KMTV-3 KSNC-2 KSNW-3 WBRZ-2 KFOR-4 KJRH-2 KCTV-5 KTWO-2 KDUM-4 KNOP-2 WPBT-2 WEDU-3 WEDU-3 OK TX FL FL FL FL ND FL AR {838) NE KS (962) KS LA OK OK MO WY (1328.) NE NE FL FL FL 37 Eastern TV DX September Eastern TV DX 1995 Eric Voytko Thomas J. Yingling, Jr ., 221 Pinewood Road, Baltimore, MD Eric Voytko Gr 1721 Dalewood Place, NcLean,VA 22101 UN Quantum 1110,JVC VCR UHF(WORK) Pickett Rd,Fairfax,VA(approx 7 miles west of NcLean)Sony KV-8AD11 N,C/M 6'Dish Winegard Artq Nav 199s 8 Es 1645 1700 1705 9 Es 1840 20 Es 1400 1400 21 Es 1130 22 Es 2014 2030 25 Tr 0840 (s/f 38 CUBA-3 CU 1100 WEDU-3 FL 820 CUBA-2 CU 1100 WEDU-3 FL 820 KYTV-3 NO 870 WSIL-3 IL ~ IIQ6T-2 FL 910 UnID-2 French KGFE-2 ND 1220 WNRf-4S NC 250 over WBFF,40 mi) MGGT-48 NC 260 0855 WRDC-28 NC 240 MlM1J-39 NC 320 IYKFT-40 NC 260 o90o wJZY-46 NC 330 WNI-42 NC 330 WCNC-36 NC 320 WCCB-18 NC 320 WARP-16 NC 240 June 1995 14 Es 1900 MUF-4 cct 1430 KJRH-2 OK 1030 KOET-3 OK 1030 1933 UnID-6's 20 Tr 0600 WFXR-27 VA 200 WEFC-38 VA 200 W328A VA 160 (Lyndtburg TBN) 0755 WSLS-10 VA 200 0800 WBRA-15 VA 200 Note iR2-Regis 8 Kathy Lee,not Orlafrnck,a stumper(on same bearing as CFarlotte,NC) Note IF3-NEW ON AIR-WRAY-N Wilson .NC' sat-of iyFAY-62 Fayetteville(Fox) .Duel ID of Fox 62 box in corner with '30' inset in NC mcp below it,or full screen w/¢jg calls David Austin, 9EZ6 Fairfair Equan ti372, Fairfax VA 2!031 INTERNET: 76313. "3ecompuserve.com ui nt : Action 6° BW TV with slide tuning ; rabbit ears from Sony TV (apartment lease preverrts me from installing outdoor antenna!) UMDs only listed where something about the reception rrliglN provide potential ID. A11 times UTC (GMT), however, actual calendar day n QTH is indicated, All distances in miles (outside US, multiply by 1-6 for IUn) . t~4h 1985 15 Tr 1728 Juro 11785 14 Es Norfdk, Riclmgrd V'sN's 10,12,23,Z7,33,~ WCPB 28 MD 2100 2325 2325 2340 1¢DX 1SSNW KOET K1RH 3 3 3 2 TX KS OK OK 1240 1103 1050 1055 0030 KON 2 MO 953 0100 0135 132D 1400 1500 1500 0130 udD 2 RiGVrwrd V's 8,12 WLBT 3 NS WEDU 3 FL KETS 2 AR WD 2 KLAN 2 a 8~ BZD 890 0200 0200 0300 0300 KAITV KUSD KOAN 3 1011 1000 3 NE SD a w 2315 GOOD 0000 0300 0300 o31s urlD KDLH vrlD ImLO hart wo 3 3 2 MN 934 3 3 3 sD u loss ass 0315 0315 2350 2350 2310 KGAN IO1SD KOET KETS KPRC 2 2 3 2 2 IA SD OK AR 797 TX 1050 890 1219 1545 WEAR 3 FL 824 17 27 Tr FB Fs ,lsrOLl~ 5 Es 703-356-9663 VHF(HOME) July 1945 31 Tr 0903 W53? NC {rrote aRl} 0~611~C8-18 NC WCNC-36 NC WUNG-58 NC 0925 W44? {note 112} 0926 XMRW-45 NC WGGT-48 NC 0430 WJZY-4b NC WRAY-30 NC {note If3} 320 320 320 330 250 260 330 250? 1995 dote ii-The strangest DX experience ever .From 7 to 9 as received only weak signal,a full colorbar with no logo ~ld no audio .5hortly after 9, a film starting rnth o man pasting sigls on a wall,looked like a cheezy video done in the studio ; cut to a 747 in flight for 1 minute ; cut to well produced camfercial of beautiful people dining at posh eatery, interspersed with sore persons dwlging in o locker room and featuring o raked man!All the while with audio of WFAE 90 .7 FM to Charlotte and A . N . Jau!At 9 :06 back to grog scale TP then off again .At 9 :15 o distorted picture with terrible audio sounds (tike a jackharrtrer)as if the X-miller was acting tQ,gone for good after two minutes of this . Except for the nudity, it is similar to the HDTV tests WRC-4 did a while back on charnel 38 in Washington 21222 Phone # 410-282-5649 W42AJ-42-Z-DC-TMD E-Mail address : totiiyu>LrHeol .com W48AW-4B-ZDC-UNI alt lop 24 bola edt W38BR-SS-+-MD-WaldorF-id's as WAVI-TV-SS W64BW-64-ZrDC-TMD W61BT-61-+ " MD-Towson id's ea T3fV-61 To..msuu tV W 14BG-14-Z-DE-Newark-TBN WYBE-33-PA (note #1) 5-3-93 2300 Tr KIBYDlR ATV repeater on 421 .23mhz video ~ 423 .75mhz ardio 5-13-95 2300 Clr WEDU-3-ZFL 5-20-951800 Fs K3NW-3-IG4 6-6-95 1800 Ea WEDU-3-Z-FL 5-22-95 2230 Es KTVO-3-M0 to KATC-3-+ " L .A 2200 KTVY-3-MO Tr WRDC-28-+-NC 5-28-95 0150 KIMT-3-IA WGNT-27-VA 7 .18-95 1800 KLNE-3-NE Es WFMZ-69-PA 7-19-93 1800 E s WEDU-3-FL WHSI-68-NJ 1830 E a WEAR-3-FL WHSh-65-NJ WEDU-3-FL 7-21-95 1800 E e WMBC-63-NJ Es Cube-3 (seen at Ocean City, Nom, 1830 W34A1F34-NC-Reideville WOB??-B-NI? with Home Shopping 7-29-95 2000 Tr WVIR-29-VA 7-30-95 0100 Gr WSBBR-SB-MD doing Shop a< Homf WYED-t7-NC WAWB-63-VA new call sign Tr WLFL.-22-NC 2300 WNED-77-NY 5-31-93 2200 Tr WLIG-SS-NY WEAR-3-FL 7-31-95 1800 Ea WNTf-S2-NJ WEDU-3-FL WMGM-40-NJ CSrba-3 6-3-95 2230 Ea KATC-3-IA Equipmerd used this time. Sorry Trintron Color TV model KV-BADI 1 8 irKfi rnlar set VHF : Indoor Sorry Raobit-Ears with Winegard DA-8090 indoor preamp UHF: Chwnel Master 6 foot parabolic dish uP 45 feet, with DX-Labs m4 UA" 900 l 1-elemefa yogi design arfterme with Blonder-Tongue CMA-Uc (tnmfeait special) Note #I New 6 foot Ctue¢ieI Master dish installed a< last! With Quad-4 RG6 coot csble & DX-Labs atop model UA-900 Note #2 Off 7, stwuld be a1601,7Smt1z for axiio, but cuts baud a Icom IGA7000 eb 601 .723Mhz Note #3 5-30-65 New Clrs}icraR. PSO-39 3-elemerd 6 meter beam up below uhf-dish, ~, does not bother uhf tv fix d all! Note #4 Much 6 meters skip worked on my new Kemvood TV-60 ham radio. MUF was over 144mhz on 7-14-95 with cfmtacts in OK & AR Much 6 meters skip worked on following dates. May 7,10,11,19,20,21,22,25,28 June6,7,8,]0,11,12,13,18,20,2Z,24,2B,30 <& Juiy t ,3,4,6,7,8,9,12,14,18,19,20,21,22,28,31 . Note #S With ell the Comcast Cablevision fiber optic upgrade project taking effect in my pert of the county, I noticed rrry caty leakage tvi to my tv dx has come and when! Thank God! Alao my 6 meter tvi problem with my next door neighbor hea stopped too I hfape. Note #6 I got for my Perdium computer et 90mhz the Hauppeuge WirtrlV-Celebrity card I can wetrh tv on the computer while I we cry other program, sod video capuae, and make AVI files . 4-22-951600 September (cant .) 11 F Fs 19 Fs Auaat 1995 3 Fs qMT 2 2 797 797 855 Wgo ID, bcN ref m 2325 KSNlD OETA ID, OIdYgrna ra r 2340 bfal ads, verified via CmpuServe a¢Fae 'NawaTean T, ABC . aaarret address KON~ad .com NBC,'News 2 qgo 10, WLBT Nawa, NBC m 1430 'Aging Arlanes- PBS e Warm JeBereon polaical ad, ABC 1Aesqualae trfdiwf Raewwlion casvq ed FrierMs dSaRh Delmre Public N m °NewsCtrraW 3Erlertairanwa 7fxsghl, Cops PBS Leni Riefatrrhl dxcanwawy °Neraclfrad r, sag for Advwriaryend, .roc Waaw AAotors, ouad case 1000 mftirapfs caaraya dHurticw Fein ant nrpe dPefrafzla was Comments : tt's good to be bade in the WTFDA! I was a member in the early '80s bul school, career, moving around (bet my logs!), etc. took me away from °organized' TV DX for a number of years . We have had some really good skip this summer and it's prompted me to begin keeping bgs again. XYL, who finds this hobby too'abstrad' for her tastes, and I have travel plans and Mher uDOmmttments here this summer, so 1 wasnt able to make Lake Placid . Nex[ year I hope. A tip for those who have CompuServe: you can use BaFile to search for names of businesses you hear in local ads. You can search on the basis of likely target area (city and/or state) w entire US/C.anada . If you hear two or three different names and they all have addresses in the same dtY or area, this ID is 99% as valuable as a straight call letter ID . Another rbnipuler tip: PC Gbbe has a utility fw calculating great drde distances based on latitudelbngitude. I used tt here when: I had exact coordinates. Very helpful . I collect TY Guides; anyone who wards to swap (mine is Washirpfon-Baltimore) can corrtad me via l.onlpuServe/Intemet. 39 '~astci -:: ~. Sep "~2mber ~M BRYANT - 848 TODD PREIS DRIVE - NASFMLLE, TN 37221 - 818-848-2000 - (CDT) tQU1PMENT.~ VHF - wnegard CS-4054 ~ 20°, UHF - AMennacraft P-5 parabolic wlAntennacraft preamp ~ 25 ; FMloh 6 audio - Channel Master 'Steroro Probe 9' ~ 35' (Yamaha 7X-930 tuner) ; RG-6 coax and Channel Master HD-9515 rotor on each. Portland 13' odor tv; Emerson (rrrodel 754) VCR. All Es loggings listed; Tr rebgs noted only when rare . (" = Yloating' underlocal]. 7/10 Tr 2300 KAFT 13 R!!C AR 399 1035 (fltst '95 Es note Tr 2359 KODE 12 0~ MO 428 3 TX 651 1100 KIII 7/11 Es 1657 CFSS 3 SK 1237 (w/Spenish proprammitq) 7/12 Tr 0053 KOKH 25 0>~ OK 593 3 TX 647 1138 KBTX 0158 KVTH 25 ~AR 385 3 NM 983 1259 KSNW 0249 KOKI 23 p!M! OK 490 13oz KACB 3 Tx a32 0259 K32CL 32 DlfY MO 423 5/18 Es 1959 unid Mex B nBNlldeostw-near Jop(in) 79 5127 Tr 0230 W28AP 28 Q9M( AL 7117 Es 1940 KOTA 3 SD 1024 (TBN - Alfrons) 2042 CFSS 3 6K 1237 2 SD 754 Ms 0358 KUSD 2108 CKLT-1 3 p!!!( NB 1228 875 812 Es 1948 KFDX 3 TX 7/18 Es 1849 WJMN 3 897 MI 1952 KMID 2 TX 919 1959 CBWF'f 3 MB 1087 8 p!!Y TX 874 1954 KAUZ 1959 CBWT 6 MB 1087 983 1958 KSNW 3 NM 2019 KSRE 8 1110 ND 8 TX 837 2024 KIDY 2020 KBME 3 ND 1023 3 SD 1024 8/8 Es 1859 KOTA 2059 KLNE 3 NE 743 1959 KSNW 3 NM 983 2115 KOTA 3 SD 1024 8 MB 1087 8121 Es 1822 CBWT 2200 KDLO 3 SD 832 789 1827 KDLJi 3 MN 7/19 Es 1813 KOAA' S CO 982 1829 KBJR 8 OHY MN 790 1815 KBSD 8 KS 750 1562 2031 CFOGTV2 8 OJCIC SK 1830 KItE2 6 osflL CO 1183 1024 8122 Es 0957 KOTA 3 SD 1857 KWNB 6 NE 827 7/1 Es 1259 KSNW 3 NM 983 1859 KDUH ` 4 NE 680 3 FL 625 1329 WEDU 1920 KNOP' 2 NE 828 1358 full cNunid 3 1933 KTVS 3 CO 928 5 p!f!( CUBA 950+ 1357 ICRTrtp' 7121 Es 2130 KOTA 3 SD 1024 3 CUBA 950+ 1405 ICRTRp 7122 Es 1930 KTVS 3 CO 928 819 1449 KDTN ` 2 pier TX 7/23 ES 1938 KTVS 3 CO 928 3 TX 837 1501 KIDY 1950 CBWFT 3 MB 1087 807 1837 KENS ' S a:~ TX Tr 2130 W26AS 28 p!!r IN 183 1730 KACB 3 TX 832 (TBWCIstksvi8e) 4 NM 1098 1758 KOB ' 7x15 1630 KTVS 3 CO 928 875 Es 7/tD Es 1759 KFDX 3 TX 1~6 CBWFT 3 MB 1087 3 CO 92g 2137 KTVS 1024 215E KOTA 3 SD 1024 2355 KOTA 3 :>~ Comments : Apdogies to the editor for this rather large and somewhat dated report. 191 keep the remarks short. Overall the '95 Es season was above average. July 1 was one of the hottest openings in several years. In addition to the tv listings above, both Jamaica and Bahamas FM's were logged that day as well as an FM from Flagstaff, AZ; for a new state. Best surprises were CKLT-1 (3) NB (new province] on 7/17, and 'most wanted' KREZ-tv ((S) from Durango, CO on 7/19. KREZ is now operated by KROE (13) in Albuquerque and carries a portion of the 'Q-13" newscast . . .inserting 'Z-6" area news from Durango. This little guy only runs 6.1 kw visual erg! Massive Tr openings on 7/10 and 7/12 were also rewarding. NOTE: KT VS (3) in Sterling, CO is now promoting itself as "THE NEW(KTVS) and seems to be carryirq bss break content Irom KGWN in Cheyenne. NEYV TOTAL STATION COUNT - 489. 73's 8 pooDXing - Tom 517 Es >rRll9 "O)7DQRIST - 7945 !OZlORD AOISD - CL7~Y L1Y 13041 (iLT) Bquipmeats Receiver - Panasonic CT-11108 Jlateaaa - IIB:Fs 7' CM Diah at 32' 11GL (Installed 4/8 w/1" acreea) VSP: C11 SP9 at 30' AGL Preamp - Ifinoguard JLC-4990 " .ae~r to log. J71N 1995 3 GK 0030 IINID-11 NY Coraeretoae TV xltr Relig (to Seat) 71PR 1995 18 Tr 0021 11588-35 PA Brie (212) 0023 e111RT-ti6 PA Brie PO% (212) 40 Eastern TV DX September 1995 Fred Nordquist (coot .) MAY 1995 21 Ss 2314 IITVJ-4 PL lliasni (1222) 29 Tr 0059 IITE7(-21 CT Iraterbury IIPH (192) 0107 "1(LIK-21 NY Oardea City ZD Slide/TT (211) 0109 IIThB-29 PA Philadelphia lcl ax (226) 0121 "1188P-65 NJ Viaaland B8C (269) 0132 "IIOTK-48 1iJ Surlingtoa ID~811de 1229s JVNS 1995 --_________ _~__________________ 4 se 1853 IIlTID-4 Nenly installed 7 " RSF Disrh .really 6 Ha 1801 IID80-ti i'Z Orlando (1050 is paying o!t dsaiag Trsspo opaaiaga . 13 8s 2036 UliID-2 __-__________ ________________________ 14 se 1900 1111L-4 L71 liew Orleans (1196) 17 Tr 0909 "CPIL'L-1'V7-69 ON London //CFriT-47 (258) 17 se 2320 11TVJ-4 FL Miami (1222) 21 sa 1923 IINIDS-2/4 Totals awr up to 359 . 73 - lrsd . 22 to 2047 17NID-2 ~__________________-______________ 27 ss 11ft/OE/1D 2052-2253 11(IPs 1>K 2053 11DAP-4 Ia) 1(aasae City lcl ass (1009) 2300 EaRB-4 J1R Little Rock severe T-ato=m varaing (1043) 2315 ITVY-4 OE Okla City n : (12th) 29 Tr 2100 "11098-57 PA Philadelphia movie/lcl ads (226) William R. Hepbum, 35 Lockwood Rd, BRAMPTON ON, UNADA, L6Y 4T7 Revr Panasonic PC-29Xf40R 7V, JVC HR-Def30U VCR d leom lC-RTOb Revr Anr.~ obit VHF dipoles, 2nd Aoor UHf ~-boy audio only . JULY 1995 (EDT) 1 ES 1336 muf 6 3 ES 1410 KpTV-2 (KS) 819 1416 KJRH-2 OK T KSNW-3 KS T 1427 KSNB-4 NE T 1430 KGAN-7 IA T 1433 WDAF-4 MO 830 KTIV-4 IA 1438 T 1450 KUSD-2 SD T 1451 muf 5 4 TR 0143 WKBD-50 MI 197 "UPN-50" 5 ES 1943 muf 98.7 1950 KLBY-4 KS 1154 1955 KUSD-2 SD 854 1958 KQTV-2 (KS) 819 1959 KTIV-4 IA 837 2007 KOTA-3 SD T 7030 KPRY-4 SD 1009 2057 KDLO-3 SD 883 2175 unid 3 w/KSFY-13 // KPRY (KOTAi~ 2125 KNOP-7 NE 10 9 7151 KSWK-3 KS T 2224 WDAF-4 MO 830 2229 KSNW-3 KS 1011 2230 KSNC-7 KS 1051 2259 K1RH-2 OK 992 KTVI-7 MO 655 2304 KYTV-3 MO 824 Sprinpfiela "KY-3" u/CKVR 2309 KARK-4 AR 914 7316 KETS-2 AR 919 w/Radio Reading Svc SAP 7 ES 2051 muf 3 8 ES 1979 WPBT-2 FL 1223 1930 WFOR-4 FL T 9 TR 0342 WBOY-12 WV T ES 1500 muf 3 10 ES 2107 muf 3 11 ES 2104 KLBY-4 KS 1154 2105 KXMA-2 ND 1142 7105 KOTA-3 SD 1165 JULY 1995 11 ES 2112 KSWK-3 KS T KTIV-4 IA T 2113 KUSD-2 SD T 2140 muf 98 .7 12 ES 1353 muf 6 1359 KJRH-7 OK T 1556 WCBI-4 MS T 1559 WDIQ-2 AL 910 KARK-4 AR 914 1706 WBRZ-2 LA 1115 13 TR 0415 'unid 44+ religious (not TBN, W44AQ1) 0459 'CFMT2-60 ON 21 Orrowo s/on // CFMT-47 0505 'unid 34+ (W34ARi) 0602 'unid 3030AJi~ 0617 WVNY-72 VT 350 u/CHEX2 0626 'unid 38- (W38U1) 0630 'WETK-33 VT 350 ES 1431 KJRH-7 OK 992 1445 KETS-2 AR 919 1459 muf 5 TR 2358 WON-41 MI T u/C11141 14 TR 0137 CFVS1-20 pC 320 Rouyn-NorondoAmoa-Lo Sorro JULY 1995 14 TR 0603 WOUB-20 OH 325 1259 'WMTV-15 WI 490 18 ES 1859 KSWK-3 KS 1183 Lokin 19 ES 20 ES 71 ES TqS FF 0335 'W51A0-51 PA 179 Brookville (WPCB-40) 0349 WKBS-47 PA T 22 ES 0357 ~LIAL6fl u T IPA) H 0408 0446 0450 0506 276 rsrown MD- ~ ~4 (DC) 356 WKEF-22 OH 357 'WSTR-64 OH 398 WMFD-68 OH 255 Mons~eld 0521 unid 760 0534 'WTVQ-36 KY 458 7 0555 'WTSF-61 (WV) Smoky Hills Pub TV 1908 KJRH-2 OK 992 1917 KFOR-4 OK 1093 KOTV-6 OK 992 u/CIII 1928 KDFW-4 TX 1204 1947 KCEN-6 TX 1278 u/CIII 1949 muf 117.4 1959 KSNW-3 KS 1011 Ol 12 KSNC-2 KS 1051 u/WGRZ 1910 KMOL-4 TX 1423 1914 KDFW-4 TX 1204 1917 muf 114.0 1927 KSNC-7 KS 1051 7039 KCNC-4 CO 1335 1800 WLBT-3 MS 978 1815 WBRZ-2 LA 1115 WWL-4 LA 1105 1879 muf 101 .1 1853 WPBT-2 FL 1223 7059 KDFW-4 TX 1204 w/FOX, ex-CBS KDTN-2 TX 1203 KOTA-3 SD 1165 u/CKVR 7159 KFOR-4 OK 1093 1533 X~t~L~B~Z~:2~ ME 554 NS 799 1550 CBATx-4 C f/oB 724 ( 0 offset 1608 CBATx-4 ~B 676 1546 S.t3tiL;i r Holifox SrJohn-Frsderie:lon (+ offset) 1610 CJCB-4 NS 747 w/rolls in top bar 41 TV D% REPORT Eastern TV D% September 1995 William Hepborn (coot .) n ES 1617 CKCW-2 NB 747 w/cclk in t bar 1634 CJCH6-6-6 N~, 728 Caledonia // GCB-4 u/CIII 1659 muf 117 .3 1721 CJON-6 NF T 1757 CBGATl4-2 QC 724 1804 WESH-2 FL 1020 1834 WEDU-3 FL 1102 1900 CBHFTI-3 NS 680 YonnouN~ FF n ES 1935 CJCN-4 NF 1200 25 ES 1959 WMAB-2 MS 873 1955 CBAFT1-5-5 NB 698 2056 KJRH-2 OK 992 Fredericton-SfJean 2101 KLBY-4 KS 1154 FF // CBLFT-25 u/CBLT 2113 muf 6 2014 CJBR- Z Q~ 614 2118 KETS-2 AR T Qimoasb F 21n KARK-4 AR T // u/CBGATl4 y TR 0131 WEYI-25 MI 201 25 ES 1900 WESH-2 FL 1020 ~C er.L~S 1917 WBRZ-2 LA 1115 0857 'WHYS-43 NY 187 1925 WWL-4 LA 1105 Symcuse WN 1959 WEDU-3 FL 1102` 0903 "CBLFTI2-44 ON 87 u/CKVR (+ offset, ez-0) 30 ES 2102 muf 2 TR 211 s wfTr-n PA n3 Notes : Loh of ES this month) The opening on the and "UPN-n" woc ecpeclolly good . . .with m_ybed ever Atlantic DXI 31 TR 06n WOUB-20 OH T MOlrro becomes state t 33 . ~I heard on 113.8 MHz w/the Ch~rlottetown VOR Navigafion Aid. The rolls for the CHAT relays are unknown . Saint John may even hove the calls CBDT, but I don't know for sure . KLBY-4 KS has been teen with promos for both KUPK-13 Garden Ciy and KAKE-10 Wichita at different times ac well ac with o 'Korrcoc Television Network' ID . KPRY-4 SD hoc been seen with KSFY-13 Siouz ~F~alls promoc. M unid ch 3 seen on the 5th wtx // with the soma KSFY promos. Who ass Ihist. .os I ~'+Bnt Ihat KOTA-3 originated it's own progromminpf My oNw pasabilitisst Orrall.~ an~Jubl 9aYsr Ihm June.-. Doug Saitb, 1385 Old ClarkHFilla like, "leasaat vi4w, 17 37146-1098 ~quioment : Sears 19" color stereo TV ; Archer W-160 corner-reflector for UHF, with CM-7475 preamp . July 1995 3 Es 5 6 7 Es Es Tr Es 42 8 Es 11 Tr DX 1104 WLNE-6 WGBH-2 WFSB-3 1144 unID-2 1029 WCBS-2-2 0834 WTVP-47 WICS-20 WRSP-55 0841 WEIU-Slt 0900 RARD-14 1000 RENW-3 KACV-2 1157 KASA-2 0930 unID-4 1830 unID-2 0114 ROTV-6t 6" "Spirit 0140 KASN-38 1037 RSPR-33 1200 BETS-2 1205 RMCI-38 1213 ROLR-10 1240 RSNT-27 KSNB-4t 1245 RTKA-49 2339 KVTH-26 2353 KLRT-16 KHOG-29 RHBS-40 2356 KSBI-52 (RI) MA CT (923) (937) (848) NY IL IL IL IL LA NM TX NM (764) (322) (268) (268) (415) (956) (827) (1086) CRS ; AR MO AR RS MO RS (319) (329) (317) (475) (329) (510) KS AR AR AR (OK) OR (515) (363) (323) (391) (435) (586) 12 Tr 22 25 Es Tr 25 Es 29 Tr for VHF ; RS (584) OK KOKH - 25 (584) OK ROCg-34 (583) OK RTgO-14 (380) IL WCIU-26 (381) IL WCF -38 (381) IL WF D(381) IL WSNS-44 (381) IL WGBO-66 1530 unID Canada-3, ABC-3 (235) OH 0000 WCPO-9 (234) OH WKRC-12 (299) OH WTJC-26 (234) OH WCET-48 (152) RY W49AX (Louisville Box) (238) OH WSTR-64 (1075) NL 0941 XEFH-2 (948) RGBT-4 TX (861) 1027 RIII-3 TX (956) TX 1130 RENW-3 (827) KACV-2 TX MS (145) 0006 W53AF AR (323) 0017 RTHV-il MS (344) 0020 WMPN-29 0021 0022 0028 1015 ~uaust 1995 DX 1 Tr 0829 Tr 0853 2 Es 1042 3 1102 1130 1130 1130 2123 6 Es 2244 W49AX KY (152) WFYI-20 IN (246) PBS-3, CBS-3 unID NE (723) KLNE-3 unID ABC-6 CO KOAA-5t CO KRMA-6t unID ABC-2, Mexico-2 MUF ch . 5 RICK BHAFTAN, 217 GREEN ROAD, SPARTA NJ 07871 201-726-8131 . G8 VCR . SYLVANIA 19" COLOR Ty . 19 HLBNBNT VHF ANTENNA, CHARNEL HAHTSR 7' DISH . JERROLD AHRIALB 70' RAT . FinegarQ amps for 1N sad TV . Hp first report is a rhile sad first from Sparta . The ap house is looatad oa top of s tba rock, surrounded Dy valleys and aountaias is the aiadle o! the eparta Hovntain range 1000' ABL . 4/30 Dish 1900 55 1900 49 S/2 Es 1045 3 3/4 Ee 0026 2 S/S Tr 1644 8 s/7 sa 1300 2 3/9 Tr 1321 14 5/14 Tr 1016 2_ and VHF up, GF FdSHfl. elairstorn NJ F49HE, Hackettatova HJ RTHB, ehraveport LA 11PDT . Nismi FL IRGC, Rochester NY EET&, Little Rock AR FTMF, Arlington VA FZTY, Otics NY 0140 16 FETN, Elmira NY 0116 26 E2.8AD, Allentoxn PA 5/20 8s 1103 8 CJOH, Bt . Johaa NP 1109 3 CJAP, Argeatia NF 1112 2 ~ CJOZ, Grand Sank NF 1300 2 RETB, Little Rock AR 1402 8 ZTAL, Tezarknaa Tz 1427 3 RYTV, epriagfield NO 3430 2 RTVI, 8t . Louie HO 2030 3 RFDY, Fichita Falls TE 5/21 B8 2220 3 RHT%, Hrpaa TE 2225 3 FLHT, Jackson HB 2230 2 EPRC, HOVatoh T% 5/28 Tr/8t 0008 4 IRC, Fashiagtoa DC 0015 38 F38HJ, Atlantic Citp NJ 0100 7 FITN, Fasbingtoa NC FVEC, Hampton VA 0131 13 0204 12 FCT2, New Harn HC 0215 8 FRIC, Richmond VA 0220 10 FAVY, POitsmovt VA 0217 14 EYDO . Greenville NC 0249 35 I1RLH, Richmond VA 2020 2 FEBR, Deytona Heath FL 8/4 Es 1603 2 KJRH, Tulsa OR 8/S Es 1932 3 1CHTY, Hryan TY 8/8 Es IDI>2, Dozier AL 1930 2 1118., Ner Orleans LA 1940 4 8/6 Tr 1901 9 FS18A, Faehington DC e/9 ae/Tr/Sa OSOe 2 RBNC, Great Hend RH 0110 3 FLBT, Jackson HB ob54 9 IIZT, 8yrscuea NY 1200 2 FHRZ, Baton Rouge LA 1929 2 RPAC, Houston TY 1943 3 RHTY, Hryaa TY 8/10 Tr 2205 8 LT1sC, Jobaatora PA 8/14 Es 1847 3 RTBB, Bhreveport LA 1900 3 FREG, Hemphis TN 1905 4 RJAC, Port Arthur TE 1910 4 RARR, Little Rock AR 1930 S RZAB, Fort Forth TZ r/Nike eaydar 1940 8 RTAL, TYZarkaIIa TZ 2045 2 KJRH, Tulsa OR 8/15 Es 8770, Rirkeyille NO 1022 3 1130 4 RNOy, Bt . Louts NO 1200 4 RYOR, Oklahoma City OR 1215 2 RJRA, Tulss OR 1230 2 RGAN, cedar Rapine ZA e/18 Bs 1030 4 FTR, Dotban AL 143 4 2 ZCRT . Havana coon 2000 4 FFL, Her Orleans LA 2148 5 FHC, Hemohie TN 6/18 Hs 1300 S CBYT, Corner Hrook NF 6/19 Es 1653 8 'CJONTV, Bt . Jobae NP 1700 6 CJCH, Caledonia NB 1720 S CHIT, Bpdnay N8 t/20 Ea 3630 5 RDLT, NStcball HD 1700 3 EDLO, Florence 8D 8/22 Tr 2357 10 FTAJ, Altoona PA 8/23 Tr 0831 1 ~Z, Clearfiald PA 8/24 Tr 0149 13 )QRT, Albany NY 8/28 Tr/Es 2200 to ITEM, Albany NY 2248 1 FDA), Raasas City NO 2252 2 EDTy, Bt . JoseOb HO 2300 3 RINT, Mason city IA 2331 4 EBNB, Superior NE Tr 8/28 1800 5 ITTG, Fashin9ton DC 2300 40 F" pA Z, Yra'Llgt 1)E 8/29 Tr 0000 84 IDPH, Beaford DE 0020 14 I14BG, Nexaik DE 0410 88 FJEL, eageratoxn ND 0920 5 rTVH, epracuee NY 0930 88 FBYT, eyreouse NY 1000 14 F14AH . Hingbampton NY 7/1 Se 0900 2 E08D, Varmillion 8D 0930 5 apTq, Feet Palm Heacb gL NHC Also is FTVJ 4 Hiasi, FLBT 3 Jackson, 4 St . Lovia 7/3 Ea 1207 5 FTyg, Nashville TN 7/ " Tr 1718 17 )QtHT, Bobeaectedy NY 7/S Ha 1330 2 IBHa, Cbiaago IL II130 4 ICFRY, Pierre 8D 2140 8 RYLO, Reliance BD 7/8 Ea 1135 S EALB, Alazandria r.n 7/7 Hs 19 " 0 3 Rst+w . Fichita R6 :oo0 2 axcA, Bt . Paul NN 2030 1 ETZY, eiovz City IA ~/IS Gx NNJH-2 , Hlairstorn HJ 1310 S6 )/18 Tr 2008 10 IIEC, Rochester NY 7/le as iB28 5 RRAH, Port Forth TY . t/22 Short Bkip to Canada iSSa 2 CFCL2, Rea ;as DN 1105 4 CEBN, Rougn-NOraade 1820 3 r" znrmve ~ Hears-FabreYgPQ 1825 3 CHAD1Rl, et~ . Harquarite 1834 s CH9D'1'V, Nnlartic p0 1840 8 CLCL, Timmins ON 1845 4 CJC9, Grand ga11s .NF . 1850 8 CJON, 8t . Johae NF ntv 1700 2 CPOATI4, Cszleton PQ 1701 S CHFAT, Chibovgswau Pp 1727 3 CITOTV, Timmias ON 1730 4 CHAIITy1, Rivisre eu Reaaue eq 1753 2 FHRZ, Baton Rovga LA CRND2, Ninaedoea NH 1900 2 Eastern TV DX Rick Shaftan 7/23 Ee 1130 2 September (coot .) 7/31 Ctd . 0030 a ~, Buffalo Nx 0247 7 cu xrv7 , "idiand oN Great bend R8 narioua =_ lsa_ s~enaties. LYNC, all night. 7/2s 1900 1922 2000 Ea S ElrT4, Ranaas City KO f RI#O8, Bedalia NO 5 "#lC, #t~phia TN 2L05 a taRR . Little honk AR 7/30 Buper Tr ti5a 19 CICB, ?oroato ~t Srie PA Rocheater NY Rocheater NY station produces a oontiauoue aero . in elo~ trop times hare . OS50 18 CICL1TV7a , Peterborough ON oolor bare . Not acme as TVO logo on 19, 0600 27 CIIIT422, Peterborough ON 0630 51 CBSFT, Aindsor ON 1205 15 49LFT, Beileville ox 1210 16 HhIPB, *atertovn NY no CCI from nearby earanton at 65 mi oa dish . 1230 7 ~7[, Carthage Y1f 1235 6 CII):TV6 , Ottawa ON 0350 12 0354 31 Oa19 13 ~/tvo logo . 2300 2330 13 6 CRCO , Ritchner ON Cl:]:ITV , Paris ON 2340 2354 7 17 HEBH, Buffalo NY ~iSI2, Buffalo NY 2356 29 ~, Buffalo NY Net Buffalo . CN phones . 1995 Eastern TV DX Russell Miller JULY 1995 past Es ICU' , EIIHF, E4BR, Nore'#i 22nd Es ES . li CHCH, =amiltoa ON PurahaeW Brit Voytko~e ICON lrom the July ad eo should have 73 aw etatioaa . 73 tii that up and running in a fev days . neat report . 1358 Looation~ Amity, ME Russell Miller P . 0 . Box 1736, Houlton, NE 04730 Equipment ; 1983 Goldstar HAY 13", R .S . Optimus Nodel 57 YCR, VHF Modified R .S . Vf{F Mt . 300 ohm xire, 18 db gain P .A .~C.Ih~ Severely modified R .S . C .R . Magi, WSnegard 28 db UHF P .A ., ~-6 760' A .S .L . 60' A .G .L . (Most Es Logged with Quanttm 1110 at 685' A .S .L,) June 30th Tr July 5th Ea 6th 7th Es Es 55 55 62 53 66 56 5o 44 38 36 64 32 27 20 33 67 QU NY YA GT MJ MA Nx MA MA Ri RI MA MA Vf Vt xx 131 435 286 385 316 300 275 300 300 340 340 300 320 235 286 453 2031 2119 11GSG YSAV 5 3 SC GA 1146 1224 0858 0925 0935 0957 0958 1015 1227 1(F.CC tiF:GT ~~ frvF wcYB OAY wESFI 6 5 6 5 5 4 2 NC TN CA TN vA WY FL 991 1408 1396 1230 1008 895 17th 1402 1658 1659 1730 YBAY xcaN KDKA 2 2 2 d£~ KT VI NT VF YSMY NZ za PA 985 lath 1242 740 3 2 $ 4 R~ MO TN TN ~~7 1278 1230 1230 1829 1925 1933 44 July 0845-1015 CHVf4 WL1G YMFP WEDN ~ati3H wLV1 uNDS NCBX wsBK YSHE WNAC W32AY YUNI 4fYTB WETK wHSi ~a~~ 23rd 8th 9th 11th Ee 1030 1100 1102 1114 120 2g 1245 1252 1259 KQg XCAN WCYJi j~v Ijf iv c~ CHFD wcco 4 ON MN 1733 1745 1813 1858 2335 WCHD YJ}~F WRAL WUNC WSBTY 2 6 5 4 2 SC Ga NC NC GA 1146 u 70 919 931 lr~z 1408 1430 1735 1745 1814 1816 WCBD RHTV WAVE Jft)1d 2 3 3 3 5 4 SC NC KY IL YI YI 1146 1015 1077 1134 985 1032 190 1912 2000 KDL{ j~ tacA 3 4 2 MN IL Nx 1194 1200 1259 Ee 0818 OgpS YNAY WCHD 3 2 NC SC 991 1146 Ee ~z~og uHTV unld 3 3 Nc 1015 (Tens . Valley) Es Es 2305 2314 5 2 4 4 4 a z4 YrTC YFRV MN TA OH Pd ip oK 1259 1242 889 1080 146?_ 1259 1056 3056 1271 1200 1217 1234 1305 1500 ~70 1~~5 1945 1950 2128 2136 1440 1441 1457 1458 1552 1559 1616 1800 18W 1900 1909 1911 1928 2050 September 1995 (coot .) YNAY YIri'N KTVI NxRN KGAN ~ MESH YIJXT uxc WCHD NSMV SATE . ,jL$~C. uSYX WPSD ~ SICMH KDIH WJJ(T YCHD W1TV WCIA WTWO SIDIV KGAN 3 2 2 z 2 42 4 4 2 4 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 4 2 4 3 2 4 2 Tr NC ox MO TN IA ~~ FL FL Nc SC TN TN AL ox xY off OH MN FL SC IN IL IN MI 7A 991 943 1277 1~0 1 2 1349 931 1146 1230 1104 1355 e89 1259 985 889 1194 1349 1146 1080 1134 1110 818 1242 JULY 1995 23 ra AP Pi' YUNI coot. . YMEA xFxr iIEDH itTXX WT VU WT IC Wrr37aY Unid AAHA NENH wzsu 25th Ee 1901 1gp2 1925 28th Tr 30 27 26 z5 Z4 20 59 61 j2 CP MA ME MA CT LT LT Cr 320 220 300 388 411 414 388 MA 00 (PBS) MA 300 N'TE t'1. 250 NN MA 346 MA 358 MA 352 MA 358 x~DC WLP 21 68 11 58 4o 19 22 NJXT IICBD '~~ 4 2 2 FL SC FL 3 12 14 16 24 34 45 31 Ns QU QU Qu NS NS Qu QU WuTE*3 ~s~ ~C CHYP CBIlIL (time? sw) CHHf CHHFT cHVN Unid 1349 1146 1402 0800-1100 NLVI 56 MA 300 Unid (PBS) 49 YNJU 47 NJ 505 2 IL 30th Es 1858 WBBM 44 ucHx MA 300 u41ax 41 ME 130 w39HH ME 173 39 wssx 38 Ma 30D Note #1 - Super stzong Maine tropo may have contributed to the long distance . I saw no sign of double-hop Es . Note #2 - Sounded like WABA instead of WABU . Note #3 - Not SRC (Charlottetown, PE) or RQ (Grand-FOndsl, to be coming from Gasps' peninsula . Stephen West, June 1995 1 Es 1153 1200 1730 5 Es 1930 6 Es 2000 2019 2025 10 tr 2015 it seemed 1077 Sandy Narrows Court, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5516 KARK-4 AR WDHO-6 FL MUF-98 .3 LA KJRx-2 OK WTWO-2 IN KQTV-2 MO WDAF-4 MO WNYC-31 NY (280) WPIX-11 NY June 1995 12 Es 1200 2141 13 Es 2030 14 Ea 1800 16 tr 0700 Es 1800 17 Es 1000 19 Es 1630 Note #1 - was receiving spaniah on 2 s 6 (same program, minus offset) 27 Es 1730 1045 with a childrens show . Mexico? WFOR-4 FL KPRC-2 TX WMAB-2 MS KARK-4 AR (MUF 93 .9) WLVI-56 MA (440) WRAQ-2 PR WAPA-4 PR WDIQ-2 AL WWL-4 LA KFSM-9 AR note #1 ATV on 6 ATV on 2, 4, 5,s 6 (MUF 106 .7) July 1995 Tropo from Cape Cod, MA to TX 6 Ea 1200 RTAL-6 Charleston, SC is common, I don't Es 1300 UNID-2 French 7 want to report relogs . CH . 23 in 9 Es 1230 WTVY-4 AL Southampton, NY is one of the more 1900 Maritimes on 4 6 6 common LPTVS seen here . I have seen tr 0800 _audio on ICOM a lot more trroo to New England here 13 530A mi~es A IC R-100 than when I live 250 miles north in the Philly area . 45 NORTHERN FM~DX orD emirsmW1A,: ,VT, ,!vL4, ,h~ , A, J, GREG CONIGLIO 5100 GLENWOOD DRIVE WILLIAMSVILLE, NEW YORK 14221 e-mail: conigli o~geog .buffalo.ed u coniglio~ aau .buffalo .ed u V131 KKDN~UBVMS .BITNET ,MI,IN, L, 'I,'~1!~,IA, .'~Dti ,!vfT, '1 ,ID, W A,OR,Ah,Canada S £M R 995 ~ N£: t ~L : 3 months from postmnrk st, as evidenced by this huge column . A wide range of skip in Conditions really picked up in July and early with some excellent openings . July 22 was AugJly, especially unusual-a widespread Maritimes opening for many in the Northeast US and Eastern Canada . Trops were also excellent, with some super paths reported around July 30August 1 . Great to see so many new faces lately, thanks to everyone who reports! On with the DX . . . ~nr ~ru~ r~rr~~r~~~rr~!~~~ C. R. BERNTH - P.O . BOX 236 JULY 1995 DX 21 ES 1720 WRMF 97 .9 FL Palm Beach 1800 WPEG 97 .9 NC Corxbrd 1745 WGNE 98 .1 FL Tttusville 1819 WLRO 99 .3 FL Cocoa - EASTPORT NEW YORK 1074 572 1034 978 JULY 22 TR 1350 WRVE 99 .5 NY 25 ES 1715 KMZU 100 .7 MO 1942 KBLS 102 .5 KS 1933 KKDY 102 .5 MO 11941-0236 Schenedady Carroltton N .Fort Riley West Plains (Thanks for reporting, Charles! We hope to ear from you often!-gc) MIKE HAWK -10212 P ST. - OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68127-2130 Equipment : Kenwood KT-815 tuner, FM-10 at 35 feet. MAY 1995 DX 1152 WBSN 89.1 LA New Orleans 1201 WRBH 88 .3 LA New Orleans 1219 WOUE 93 .3 LA New Orleans, `Nothing but Jams 093', local KRflK off for a few hours 1900 1902 1914 1928 1932 1932 WRNIB WLMS WPCV WJIS WAYJ WAYG 89 .3 88 .3 97 .5 88.1 88.7 89.1 FL FL FL FL FL FL Boynton Beach Lecanto, // WBVM Winter Haven Bradenton, Joy FM Fort Myers, Way FM Sarasota, Way FM 1733 WCOS 97 .5 SC Columbia ,~I~ 1995 DX 3 ES Ml1F 107 .1 1835 WPCV 97 .5 FL Winter Haven 1847 WPBHt 94 .5 FL Pt.St.Jce,Beach94 .5 1849 WAIB 103.1 FL Tallahassee, 8103 1851 WRJM 93.7 AL Geneva, The Rose`, (Nike this is who that is, hope this helps!-gc) 1858 WRMB 89 .3 FL Boynton Beach 1900 WUWF 88.1 fL Pensacola 1902 WYFE 88.9 FL Tarpon Springs 1924 WPSM 91 .1 FL Ft .WaItonBech,Psm1934 FM WPCS 89 .5 FL Pensaco la 1935 WBHY 88.5 AL Mobile 1938 WKSJ 94 .9 AL Mobile 1939 WABB 97.5 AL Mobile JIJI~ 4 ES 1727 WRVS Z .E~ 89 .9 NC Elizabeth City 1822 CKUA13 1827 _CKRA 1829 CiiK 1830 CFBR 1833 CISN 1834 CKUA 1836 CIA 1837 KUAB 1838 C~flD 1839 CKUA1 1641 unro 1843 CI- SN 1844 K MD_ 1845 CFMM 1848 HMG_ 1849 ~1FM 1~511'YSS 1854 CJKR 1900 ~ 1903 KMGI 191 KYOT 1912 KNAI 91.3 96 .3 107 .3 100 .3 103.9 97 .5 99.1 W1 .3 102 .5 93.7 1oa .s 102.1 95 .7 99.1 104 .9 89.1 94 .9 97 .5 95 .3 102 .5 95 .5 88 .3 0850 KEEY 102.1 MN St. Paul 1~ AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB AB ?? SK UT SK AB MT MT MB ~ ~ AZ AZ Drumheller Edmattar Edmonton, r Edmonton Edmonton Lloydminster Red Deer, ID as Zed Red Deer Red Deer Calgary Okties 105 Saskatoon,Sun102 Delta Prince Albert, Power 99 Edmonton, local ads Nissoula,news Nissoula, Kiss Winnipeg Sandpoint Pocatello, Magic 102 Phoenix Phoenix, SS 142 1101 1285 1075 NORTHERN FM DX 0950 WPCV 97.5 0957 WHLG 102.3 1000 WAYJ 88.7 1! 0953~BA 96 .7 MIKE HAWKs re ort con tinned . . . FL Winter Haven FL Jensm Beach FL Ft . Myers IA Albia, gospel music 1615 came home to 91 .1 MUF 1630 WNCM 88 .1 FL Jacksonville 1633 WJCT 89 .9 FL Jacksonville 1635 WXVS 90 .1 GA Waycross 1705 WUFF 97.5 GA Eastman 1707 WBYZ 94.5 GA Baxley, Z 94 .5 1t13 WCOS 97.5 1114 WXLY 102.5 1119 WGNI 102.7 1120 WSFM 107 .5 1121 WWOO 101 .3 1123 WZFX 99.1 1126 MNX 97 .3 1127 WSTS 100 .9 1129 WMXT 102.1 1130 WRNN 94 .5 1135 WSSX 95 .1 1143 WEZL 103 .5 1145 WSON 102 .9 1146 W~NI 103.3 1148 unlD 93.9 1155 WYBB 98 .1 1158 WMGL 101 .7 1159 WKTZ 90.9 1200 WNLE 91.7 1206 WBHC 103 .1 1207 WDOG 93.5 1209 WOIK 99 .1 1211 WKRO 93 .1 1213 WKKZ 92.7 1216 WJEG 104.1 1217 WBGA m2.5 1220 WAEV? 97.3 1225 WAPE 95.1 1227 WOPW 95.7 1227 WMTX 95.7 1228 WXDJ 95.7 1229 WTRS 102.3 1230 WLOO 103.1 1232 y~V ~ 103.5 1233 WAVW 101.7 1235 WOLC 102.1 1236 WAOA 107.1 1238 WTPX 106.7 1239 WEAT m4 .3 1241 WYGC 104 .9 1243 WTF 107 .5 1244 WIRK 107.9 SC SC NC NC NC NC NC SC SC SC SC SC SC 7 SC SC FL FL SC SC FL FL GA GA GA GA FL GA FL FL FL FL GA FL FL FL FL FL FL GA FL Columbia N.Charleston, Oldies 102.5 Wilmington,103 GNI Southport Wilmington Whiteville Wilmington, Coast 97.3 Fairmont Pamplico Murrels inlet, CNN News Charleston,95 Mix Charleston Scranton, Sumy 102.9 Cheraw 'Power FM' Folly Beach, 98 Rock Ravenel, The Coast Jacksonville Femandina Beach Hampton Allendale Jacksonville Edgewater, 93 Crow FM Dublin Bnmswick Waycross Savannah, Nix 97 .3 Jacksonville Valdosta Clearwater, Mix 95 .7 Hanstead, SS Dumellon Winter Park Leesburg Vero Beach, Wave 101 .7 Watertown, Power Country Melbaune Ft .Lauderdale, SS W .Palm Beach, Sunny 104 .3 High Springs Omega W .Palm Beach SEPTEMBER 1995 SLY 1 ES CONT. 1245 WFLM 104 .7 FL White City '1247 WIVY 102.9 FL Jacksonville, Coast 102.9 1249 WYGC 100.9 FL Gainesville 1250 WDIZ 100.3 Fl Orlando, New Rock 100 1252 WSHE 103.5 FL Ft .Lauderdale 1253 WOMX 105 .1 FL Orlando 1255 WBVM 90.5 FL Tampa 1258 WGSG 89 .5 FL Mayo 1259 WOCS 88 .9 FL Ft .Pierce, Classic 89 1300 WRMB 89 .3 FL Beynton Beach, FM89 1300 WPK) 89 .3 FL Titusville 1306 WPCS 89 .5 FL Pensacola 1308 WWRM 94 .9 FL Tampa 1310 WOVV 95 .5 FL Fort Pierrce 1311 WRTO 98 .3 FL Gaukis, SS 1311 WJBX 99 .3 FL Ft .Myers Beach, The X 1313 N~F~ m0 .1 FL Pt .Charlotte, Gold 100 1315 WTMI 93 .1 FL Miarni, classical mx 1318 WGYL 93.7 FL Vero Beach 1319 WAYJ 88.7 FL Fort Myers, Way FM 1319 WAYG 89 .1 FL Sarasota, Way FM 1320 WJIS 88 .1 FL Bredenton, Joy 88 1325 WAVH 106.5 AL Bay Atinette, Oldies 106 apparently hasn't charged formats yet 1331 WVfE 107.9 FL Coral Cove 1332 WIGH 103.1 FL DeFuriak Springs 1337 KTBZ 107 .5 TX LJackson, New Rock 107, and The Buzz IDs 1347 KMKS 102 .5 TX Bay City 1349 KOOK 106 .5 TX Galveston, SS 1350 unlD 103.3 ?? Lone Star Country 1352 YXTJ 107.9 TX Beaumont, SS 1353 KH~C 105 .7 TX Houston, reigion 1354 ~ 97 .3 LA Kaplan, casino ad 1355 WGCM 102 .3 MS Gulfpat, Coast 102 1357 K~J7 1116 .7 LA Port Sulphur, new, calls 1359 KBSOt 94 .7 TX Corpus Christi, SS 1400 WBSN 89.1 LA New Orleans 1402 WXRG 96 .7 MS Gulfport 1404 WRNO 99 .5 LA New Orleans, River 99 .5 1407 WNOE 101.1 LA New Orleans, k 1413 WJZD 94.5 MS Lag Beach, JZ-94 .5 1415 J~4~ 102.9 LA Belle Chasse, Big EZ 102.9 1425 KCIL 107.5 LA Houma, k, C107 1425 WTKL 95.7 LA New Orleans, Cool 95 .7 1430 WHMD 107 .1 LA Hamma~d 14341 94.3 LA Galiano, 94 Country 1437 WZRH 106 .1 MS Picayune, The Zephyr 1438 KXOR? 106.3 LA Thibodaux 1441 WEZB 97 .1 LA New Orleans 1450 WYNK 101.5 LA Baton Rouge 1451 WKJN 103.3 LA Hanmond 1455 unlD X0.3 ?? C100 a 2100 and CHR music (possibly KLRZ 100.3 Larose,LA-gcl 1500 XHRP 94 .7 CL Saltillc 1503 XHNLN m6.1 ?? NOT MONTERREY, who? NORTHERN FM DX JULY 1 ES CONT 1508 KXKC 99 .1 LA New Iberia 1510 KSIv~ 94 .5 LA Lafayette 1512 XHRK 95 .7 NL Monterrey 1514 XHJD 98.9 NL Monterrey 1515 KFXY 96.7 LA Morgan City, Foxy 96 1518 XHRL 98.1 NL Monterrey 1523 WGGZ 98.1 LA Baton Rouge, Oldies 98.1 1532 XHGAL 93.7 NL Galeana 1536 XHNAR W3 .5 NL Linares, tentative 153i WFMF 102 .5 LA Baton Rouge 1547 XHAAA 93.1 TA Reynosa 1558 xHM_P 95 .5 CL Torreon, clear b 1605 XHRYA 90 .9 TA Reynosa 1640 XH?? 93.7 ?? Flamingo Estereo 1644 XH?? 90.9 CI Chihuahua, calls? 1650 XH???? 94.9 CI Chihuahua, definitely from Chihuahua, ID sounded like D 94 .9 n English 1700 KHTG 88 .1 TX Pasadena, SS and EE ID 1700 KSBJ 89 .3 TX Humble, religion 1700 KPVU 91 .3 TX Prairie View 1704 KUHF 88 .7 TX Houston 1705 KTSU 90 .9 TX Houston 1725 WKNN 99.1 MS Pascagoula 1727 WMJY 93 .7 MS Biloxi, Magic 93.7 1728 WOSM 103.1 MS Ocean Springs, religion 1731 KJIC 90 .5 TX Pasadena, religion 1736 WXRG 96.7 MS Gulfport, Rock 96.7 1800 WHTL 91.3 AL Mobile 1805 WMAH 90.3 AL Biloxi 1859 WUWF 88 .1 FL P~sacola, Woof Radio 2000 weak Es continues to persist 2030 WPCV 97 .5 FL Winter Haven 2036 WHTO 96 .5 FL Orlando 2114 WKZR 102 .3 GA Milledgeville 2116 WOZY 95 .9 GA Dublin 2117 WQIK 99.1 FL Jacksonville $~ 1729 CwIX 88.7 ON Winsdor, 89X 1732 WBSU 89 .1 NY Brockport 1735 WFRW 88 .1 NY Webster 1959 OEL 89.9 MD Elkton ]LI6 0800 KRCQ? 102.3 NIN Detroit Lakes 0805 Z~KK 105.1 SD Huron 0830 KTSD 91.1 SD Reliance 0830 KJKJ 107 .5 ND Grand Forks, KJ108 0840KMOD 97 .5 OK Tulsa 0900KOLL 106.1 OK Owasso,Coo1106.1 0905 unlD 102 .9 ?? Oldies 102 .9, (This was likely KOTP St.Marys-Topeka, new-gcl 0920KRIG 94 .3 OK Nowata 0928KRSU 91.3 NW Appleton 0930 90 .1 NIN Collegeville X00 KSSS 97.5 ND Bismarck, Cat Country "^" C)~L 102.3 MO Columbia, new station with oldies and Cool 102 slogan 48 SEPTEMBER 1995 1130 unlD 103 .1 AR ??, CD 103 .1, ID, k 1852 ~ H16.5 MO New Madrid 1900 KNSR 89.9 NM Collegeville 1904 KOKS 89 .5 MO Poplar Bluff 1925 KKLR 94 .5 MO Poplar Bluff, Clear 94 .5 1940 K RE 93.7 KS Horton, !/ KERE 1470 2051 KEEY 102.1 NN St. Paul, K102 2053KITN 93 .5 MKV Worthington 2100 WHWC 88 .3 WI Menomonee, kieas 88.3 2132 WJNIC 96 .3 WI Rice Lake 2143 KDOG 96 .7 MN N .Mankato 2252 WOFM 94 .7 WI Mosinee 2255 WWJO 98 .1 NN St .Cloud, 98 Country 2258KTCZ 97 .1 MN A4mneapolis, 2302 WLJY 106.5 WI Marshfield 2305 YIWA H15.3 IA Sheldon, new freq. STATION #15001Cargratulations!~c) 1].ES 1739 WCIZ 97.5 NY Watertown, 97.5 CIZ 1742 BV4 88.7 PQ St.Pamphile 1745 KRL 89.1 PQ Quebec 1748 CFLX 89.1 PQ Sherbrooke 1800 WMHI 94 .7 NY Cape Vincent 1809 WTNY 93.5 NY Watertown 1826 CKLH H12 .9 ON Hamilton, (Mike, this is the S . Ontario station with that slog!-gcl 1828 CHYM 96.7 ON Kitchener, Chime FM 1829 WKLX 98.9 NY Rochester 1830 WPXY 97.9 NY Rochester 1832 WGRT 102.3 MI Port Huron 1833 CIDC 103.5 ON Orangeville, Hot 103 .5 (Mike this is the city of license~c) 1834 WSAQ 107.1 MI Port Huron 1836 ~ X6.1 ON Guelph, Magic FM 1837 W ER 106 .3 MI Saginaw 1839 CK M 105 .1 ON Peterborough, Country 105FM 1840 WTKW 99.5 NY Bridgeport 1842 I M 97.5 ON London 1848 WVOR 100.5 NY Rochester 1853 WAER 88.3 NY Syracuse 1858 WCMU 89.5 MI Mt.Pleasant 1934 KNLR 97.5 OR Bend 1935 KLRR 107 .5 OR Redmond 1937 102 .9 OR Redmond 1940 KOAB 91 .3 OR Bid ]ZIB 1921 WJMC 96.3 2000 WERN 88.7 2050 WWEZ 97.5 2W0 WDLM 89.3 2112 KHLS 96.3 2133 WPXR 98.9 2200 N~ 100.1 new to the air 2215 WJ00 107 .5 WI WI TN IL AR IL MO Rice Lake, back again Madison Trenton, newTrstate E .Moline Blytheville Rock Island, Power 98 .9 Cameron, Clear Contry IL Galena 528 NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 MIKEHAWK's report continued . . . ,~JjY 13 TR ,A1LY 1B ES CONT 0106 KKJR 107.1 MN Hutchioson, KK-Country 1902 WNCW 88.7 NC Sgndale 0132 WZOK 97.5 IL Rockford, 97-ZOK 1905 unlD 104 .9 ?? Oldies 104 .9, the 0135 WHTL 102.3 WI Whitehall DJ's name was Brad Pierce 0140 WQFL 100.9 IL Rockford 1906 unlD 104 .7 ?? Star 104 .71most likely 0144 KEGE 93.7 MN Minneapolis, The Edge it was WSSS Charlotte-gcl 0150 WKBH 105 .5 WI Trempealeau, Z-Rock 1909 WKOC 93 .7 NC Elizabeth City 0158 KUNY 91 .5 IA Mason City 1914 Vy~D_J 102 .7 VA Appomattox, 0200 KNOW 91 .1 MN Minneapolis Oldies 105 and 102.7 0200 WWSP 89.9 WI Stevens Pant 1919 WAKG 103.3 VA Danville 2100 WJTY 88 .1 WI Lancaster 1920 unlD 101.7 NC Charlotte? that area? 2103 WERN 88.7 WI Madison 1922 WPTM 102 .3 NC Roanoke Rapids 2104 WZOK 97.5 K Rockford 1923 WLEE 96 .5 VA WilGamsburg (Mike, this 2H16 WHTL 102.3 WI Whitehall is the station with those calls-gc) 2110 wvcx sa.s WI Tomas 1925 ~~1K 94 .7 WV Elkins, K95 2249WOJO 105 .1 IL Evanston, SS 1926 WRVQ 94.5 VA Richmond 2251 WGCI 107.5 Chicago 1928 WGH 97.3 VA Newportl~ws 2253 WRCX 103 .5 Chicago, Rock 103 .5 1931 WQBE 97.5 WV Charleston 2300 WMBI 90 .1 Chicago 1934 JYP 100.9 WV S .Charlestan 2306 WGEM 105.1 IL Quinsy 1935 WCMS 100 .5 VA Norfolk 2327 WBBM 96.3 0 . Chicago 1935 WKEE 100 .5 WV Huntington, Key FM 2330 WNUA 95.5 IL Chicago 1941 WYAV 104 .1 SC Caraway 2333WWSP 89.9 WI Stevens Point 1945 WQDR 94 .7 NC Raleigh 1947 WPVR 94.9 VA Roanoke, Lite 95 1808 WRHT 96 .3 NC Morehead City 1949 WFXK 104.3 NC Tarboro, Foxy 107 & 104 1811 WRCQ 103 .5 NC Dum, Rock 103 .5 1813 WHPE 95.5 NC High Pant, g 1705 WQIK 99 .1 FL Jacksonville 1817 WQSM 98 .1 NC Fayetteville 1714 WUFF 97.5 GA Eastman 1819 WZXS 103.9 NC Topsail Beach 1725 WIVY 102.9 FL Jacksonville, Coast 102.9 1821 WJ G 104.3 Hamlet 1730 WSTF 97 .9 FL St.Augustine 1823 WKOOt 98.7 NC Jacksonville 1731 WR00 107 .3 FL Jacksaiville 1826 WMNX 97 .3 NC Wilmington 1740 WPCV 97 .5 FL Winter Haven 1828 WRNS 95.1 NC Kinston 1743 WAKN? 94 .9 ?? (Maybe WHKN Milan, GA?-gcl 1830 WKML 95 .7 NC Lumbertai 1946 WIXV 95 .5 GA Savarmah 1830 WXRC 95 .7 NC Hickory 1748 SVH 91 .1 GA Savannah 1832 WSTS 100.9 NC Faimtont 1759 WLPT 88.3 GA Jesup 1834 WZKB 94.3 NC Wallace 1800 WMBW 88.9 TN Chattanooga 1835 WGNI 102.7 NC Wilmington,103 GNI 1801 + I 94.7 SC Sumter 1837 WJSK 102.3 NC Lumberton 1803 WABE 90.1 GA Atlanta, FM90 1839 WRFX 99.7 NC Kamapolis 1808 WBYZ 94 .5 GA Baxley 1840 WKBC 97.3 NC N.Wilkesboro 1813 WKZR 102 .3 GA Willedgevlle 1841 WMAG 99 .5 NC High Pant 1815 WDDK 103 .9 GA Greensboro 1843 WFMX 105 .7 NC Statesville,Country105.7 1818 WZLG 97.5 GA Hagansville, Hot 97 .5 1846 1~FJA 105 .5 NC Sanford 182.3 1~IpCH 94.9 GA Atlanta X48 WRDU 106 .1 NC Wilson,106 .1 RDU '~25 SID 94.3 ?? Hot Cow~try 94, and 1848 WQOK 97.5 NC South Boston, K97.5 mentia>ed being // 1490 AM 1849 WNEU 94.5 NC Eden, The Rock Attemative 1831 WJFR 88.7 FL Jacksonville 1850 WJXY 93.9 SC Caraway 1838 WVRK 102 .9 GA Cahxnbus, Rock 103 1851 unlD 103 .1 ?? Y~3 and mention of Y94 .5 1840 KIKK 95 .7 TX Houston IPm not positivebut I think I saw that WYAK-SC is 1842 ~I,~ 100 .3 TX Houston sirrwdcasting someone now, check FMN~c) 1843 KQQK 106 .5 TX Galveston, SS 1853 WSSS 104.7 NC Charlotte 1845 KMJQ 102.1 TX Houston, mentioned that 1855 WWSK 107.1 SC Mullins,TheShark a caller heard them from Minnesota. 1859 WHQR 91 .3 NC Wilmington 1846 Y,~QJ 103.3 TX Freeport, KJ103 and AM88 1900 WHRO 90 .3 VA Norfolk 1849 K I 96.7 TX Palestine Hot Country 1900 WNAA 90.1 NC Greensboro 1901 WLGI 90 .9 SC Hemirgway MORE 0FMIKFSDX TDCDME.!r 49 NORTHERN FM DX JIJIY 19 ES 1850 KMKS 1851 _KHMX 1853 KAFX 1857 B~HT 1900 KEDT 1901 KPFT 1902 KMPO 1911 _KKBO 1923 WBBA 1925 WHFX 1927 WTRS 1928 WMXO 1929 WOOF 1939 WTNT 1942 WMJJ 1945 WSLE 1947 WBGM 1948 WBAM 1953 WASP 1924 WTRS 1925 WIVY 1926 WL00 1928 WJRR 1930 WFHT 1932 WGNE 1935 WHTO 1936 unlD 1939 WMMO 1941 WGCO 1943 WLRN 1944 WHFX 1948 WKOL 1955 WAYJ 2000 WSVH 2000 WHCJ 2001 WIXV 2002 WYFS OOOOKWND 0019 WBBA 0020 KUFO 0030 unlD 0050 KSHE 0109 WZZO 0111 KPNT 0117 WASE 0120 WMOS 0122 WCBW 0141 WIBI 0143 WYMG 0144 WKYU 0157 KDHX 0200WSIE 0200KCLC 0206 WHIC 50 SEPTEMBER 1995 MIKEHAtNK'sre 102 .5 96 .5 95 :5 93.5 90.3 90.1 104 .9 92 .9 102 .5 103 .3 102 .3 94.5 99.7 94.9 96.5 102.3 98.9 98.9 102 .5 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX GA GA GA AL AL FL AL GA FL AL AL Bay City Houston, Nix 96 .5 Diboll, Kfox 95 Crockett Corpus Christi Houston Rosenberg,SS Pasad~a Waycross Waycross Dumnelon Birmingham, Atix 94 .5 Dothan, Woof FM Tallahassee Birmingham, Magic 96 Cairo, Whistle Tallahassee Montgomery Dothan, Oldies 102.5 ortcontinued . . . Ifl 0300KSMU 91.1 MO Springfield 0310 WCBU 89.9 IL Peoria 0318 KT~H 93.9 MO Boonville 0321 KICK 97 .9 NIO Palmyra, Kick FM 0326 WDZO 95 .1 IL Decatur 0336 KGRC 92 .9 MO Hamibal, Variety 93 0341 WHMS 97 .5 IL Champagn 0344KGLS 93 .1 KS Pratt 0405 WTAZ 102 .3 K Morton, Talk b2 0618 KJIL 99 .1 KS Copeland 0621 KSCB 107.5 KS Liberal 0625 KREJ 101 .7 KS Methane Lodge 0638 K~00 94.3 OK Elk City, The Zoo 0646 KOIZ 93.1 TX Amarillo, like a local! 519 0651 LC~GG 94.7 KS Sterling, o 0659 KJRT 88.1 TX Amarillo 0700 KACV 89 .9 TX Amarillo 0708 ~ X6 .5 TX Lubbock, Power 106, Tejano music 616 0711 KM00 107.1 KS Baxter Sps, Oldies 107 102 .3 FL Dumelon 0713 II 102 .5 TX Lubbock, 2102 102 .9 FL Jacksonville ,0715 WRMJ 102 .3 IL Aledo 103.1 FL Winter Park '0725WRMS 94 .3 K Beardstown 101 .1 FL Cocoa Beach 0737 KRFS 103.9 NE Superior, long sought after 101.5 FL Quincy, Hot 101 .5 0741 KAKS 107.9 TX Canyon 536 98 .1 FL Titusville 0750 KONE 101 .1 TX Lubbock 96.5 FL Orlando 0753KLLL 96 .3 TX Lubbock 100.5 ?? 'Mix 100.5' 0801 KGNC 97.9 TX Amarillo 98.9 FL Orlando 0802KOAC 98.7 TX Amarillo 98 .3 GA Midway 0853 KQFX 104 .3 TX Bater, Tejano, changed format 91 .3 FL Miami so new calls? (no-gc) 103 .3 GA Waycross 0901 KJAK 92 .7 TX Slatar, tent . with religion 96 .9 FL Jacksonville 1038 KWOX 101.1 OK Woodward, K101 88 .7 FL Ft .Myers, Way FM 1218 WZOK 97 .5 IL Rockford, 97ZOK 91.1 GA Savamah 1220 St .Lauis still in 90 .3 GA Savamah 1222 _KKMI 93.5 IA Burlington 95 .5 GA Savamah 1318 _WIKK 103 .5 IL Newton 89.5 GA Savamah 2038 WJEO 102 .7 IL Macomb, Classic 103 2040 WGCI 107.5 K Chicago 88.3 MO Springfield, The Wind 2041 WCFL 104.7 IL Morris, New Life Radio 97.5 ~ Pittsfield 2043WJMK 104.3 IL Chicago, Oldies tt14 .3 99 .1 MO Clayton 2044WRCX 103.5 IL Chicago 102.9 ?? Oldies 102.91See earl~r-gcl 2048WOCY 99.5 fL Quincy 94 .7 MO Crestwood, K-She 2051 WKXO 96 .7 IL Rushville, local ads 107.5 N Terre Haute, The Rock 471 2055 unid 100 .5 ?? N as 1NOLZ 92T, is this a 105 .7 N~ St .Genevieve, Point new translator, of WYMG? 103.5 KY Radcliff, Oldies 103.5 586 12100 W201AE 88.1 ~ Decatur, IDas WBGL, thought 103.9 0. Quincy, The Moose they had charged to WNLD, thus, tentative 104 .9 IL Columbia 2125 WIAI 99.1 IL Danville 91.1 IL Carlinville, New Life Radio 2130 WZZO 107.5 N Terre Haute 100 .5 IL Jacksonville 2200 WGLT 89 .1 IL Normal 88 .9 KY Bowling Green 591 2240 WWCT 105 .7 K Peoria, Rock 105 .7 88.1 MO St.Louis 2250 WGLO 95.5 IL Pekin 88 .7 IL Edwardsville 2300 unlD 96.7 ?? Twin Cities Best Rock, 89 .1 MKl St .Charles 1-97, no sign of the REAL Twin Cities, so many 94.3 KY Hard~sburg, The Wolf 563 I not Atimeapolis? (WLLI Joliet??-gc) JULY 29 TR 2356 WDNL X2.1 ,IDLY 30 TR 0930 KTCZ 0945 WIFC 0950 WOFM 0955 KDJS 0959 WVCX 1000 WWSP 1100 WPKR 1102 WGNV 1103 _WFEN 1200 WCAL 1201 1208 YKY 1212 WLTE ~ Danville 97 .1 NN Minneapolis 95 .5 WI W~rsau 0001 WLRW 94 .5 ~ Champaign 94 .7 WI Mosinee 0005 unlD 95.3 ?? Magic 95.3, KOIVN? 95 .3 NW Willmar, K-95 .3 0021 K~ 105.5 IA Mt .Pleasant 98 .9 WI Tomah 'KJ Five Star Country' 89 .9 WI Stevens Pant 0032 WOJO 105.1 ~ Evanston, SS 99.5 WI Omro 0035 WFMT 98.7 ~ Chicago, c 88.5 WI Milladore WRKX 0038 95 .3 ~ Ottawa 88.3 ~ Rockford 0613 KEEY 102.1 MN St.Paul, K102 89.3 NN Northfield 0618 KNSG 94 .7 MN Springfield, k 95 .3 NN Winona, MN and WI news 0631 KRCO m2 .3 MN Detroit Lakes, County 102 m0 .5 WI Columbus, local news 0640 KSCB 107.5 KS Liberal 102 .9 NN Minneapolis 0652 KMCX 106.5 ~ Ogalalla 0700 KUDA? 105.7 ?? mentiord'here on the Eastern Plains; not KSUX . 0714 RA 105 .7 MN Jackson, o 0120 WCCN 101 .5 WI Neillsville 0730 WOPM 106.1 MN Princeton, Country 0106 0915 KYSM m3 .5 MN Mankato, with SS! 0925 WBOB 100 .3 MN Ninneapois, Bob 100 FM, long sought after. Goad DX in July made up for a slow June. My sophomore year at UNL is fast approaching, and I may be making my home in Lincoln durng upcoming summers as well . According to WTFDA'rules' for FM slats, loggings in Lincoln wouldn't count on my Omaha totals . By the way, I now stand at 1581 heard over about 4 years of FM DXing. Working much mae and having to commute (1/2 hour drive, not too bad) cut down on DX time more than ever this year. Anyway, that's all for now. 73's . ICongrats on the great totals . Hope the Znd year at UNL goes well, and you st ill have at least same time left over for DX-I know lately how that feels too, hi-gc) IK B J- H M AD - I L , E UT 06082 Equipment: Carver TX-11 and Sherwood rx, (both IF modified}, Probe 9 of 30 feet with rata r . New are underlined . I JUNE 30 TR JUNE 1995 DX 2200 CBHY 92 .1 NS Yarmouth B 2210 CBHL 97 .1 NS Liverpool 1720 WQSR 105 .7MD Catonsville, odlies JULY 1995 DX 1725 WKHI 107 .5 VA Exmore 2200 WMGK 102 .9 PA Philadelphia, 70s,ph/WDRC LEF 0922 WZZR 92.7 FL Stuart ?212 WKDN 106 .9 NJ Camden phased WCCC 1022 KCWD 96.1 AR Harrison 2214 WNWK 105.9 NJ Newark, WHCN phased 1028 KBFC 93.5 AR Forest City 2233 WSTW 93.7 DE Wilmington, with WZMX 1029 KTMO 98 .9M0 Kennett phased, °Today's Best Music" 2236 WXTU 92.5 PA Philadelphia, ph/WWYZ, k 1045 WHKR 102 .7 FL Rockledge 1050 WFKS 99 .9 FL Palatka, 99.9 Kiss FM 2250 WFLN 95.7 PA Philadelphia, concert 1050 WKRG 99 .9 AL Mobile, Coast 100 music, phased WKSS . 2259 WXPN 88 .5 PA Philadelphia, WFCR phased 1057 WYMX 99 .1 MS Greenwood 1058 WKTK 9$.5 FL Crystal River 2345 WIOQ 102 .1 PA Philadelphia, Q102, 1106 ~ NTYX 94.7 MS Jackson with WAQY phased 2347 WSBY 98 .9MD Salisbury, oldies 1146 WKTF 95.5 MS Jackson, °Catfish 95" 1151 WMBC 103 .1 MS Columbus 0655 WRSF 105.7 NC Columbia IN 101 .7 MS Gluckstadt 0705 WWDB 96.5 PA Philadelphia, WTIC phased 1157 0731 WAEB 104 .7 PA Allentown, WMRQ phased 1157 WVNA 100 .3 AL Tuscumbia 1222 WMC 99 .7 TN Memphis 1911 WOCT 104 .3MD Baltimore, "The Colt", 1229 WHOP 98 .7 KY Hopkinsville "Greatest Hits of the 70's" 1238 KHPO 92 .1 AR Clinfon 1915 WXYV 102 .7MD Batimore, V103 1240 KOLL 94 .9 AR Maumelle, Kool 95 1925 WERQ 92 .3MD Baltimore, 92-Q 1240 KKLR 94.SM0 Poplar Bluff, Clear 51 NORTHERN FM DX JULY 1995 DX > ?001 2014 2026 2044 2052 MIKE BUGAJ's WXXQ 98 .5 IL Freeport _KITR 101 .3 IA Creston KISD 98 .7MN Pipestone KLQL 101 .1 MN Luverne KINI 96 .1 NE Crookston W277AB 103 .3 NY Noyack, new translator of WHSU with WPRB phased (Mike, this is the location of this station-gc) 2145 WSRF 2321 WJCD SEPTEMBER 1995 report continued ... 105.7 NC Columbia, Dixie 105.7 105.3 VA Norfolk, now CD 105.3 1800 KELN 97.1 NE N.Platte 1918 KIAI 93.9 IA Mason Ciy, "KIA-FM" 2027 WHQQ 92.1 IL Charleston 1054 WCMQ 92.3 FL Hialeah 1102 WFLC 97.3 FL Miami 1116 WPIK 102.5 FL Summerlond Key, Pickin 102.5 1135 WKRY 93.5 FL Key West 1138 CM-92.9 CU Mono 1141 WIKX 92.9 FL Punta Gorda "Kick Country 92 .9" 1145 WAW 101 .1 FL Marco, "Wave" 1156 unlD 99.7 ss consirudionsounds,hammer drills, saws, etc. new station or formats 1215 WSJT 94 .1 FL Lakeland,jazz 1217 WWRM 94 .9 FL Tampa, "Warm 94 .9° 1733 WZGC 92.9 GA Atlanta, Z93 2000 WZDR 94 .9 MS Columbus, Hot Cntry K94 JULY 11 ES 1935 KWKH 94 .5 LA Shreveport, k 1940 WKYQ 93.3 KY Paducah, k 12 TR 1930 WRSF 105.7 NC Columbia, in real good Norfolk 99 .7, 94 .9, 105.3 only fair 2~1 -48~WMJQ 102.5 NY Buffalo, Q102 2254 WKSE 98 .5 NY Niagara Falls, Kiss 98 .5 modern rock 2256 CJXY 95.30N Hamilton, Y95 2326 CKPC 92.1 ON Brantford, Lite 92 2339 CFCA 105.30N Kitchener, 105.3 Kool FM with classic rock 31 TR 0702 CKGE 94 .90N Oshawa 0750 CFMX 103.1 ON Cobourg, c 2052 WRVQ 94 .5 VA Richmond, Q94 2138 WERX 102.5 NC Edenton, Rock 102.5 2151 WHUR 96 .3 DC Washington, s 2154 WMZQ 98 .7 DC Washington, k 2155 WGMS 103.5 DC Washington, c 2200 WWMX 106.SMD Baltimore, Mix 106.5 2213 WASH 97 .1 DC Washington, Wash-FM 2216 WKYS 93 .9 DC Washington, s 2234 WOCT 104.3MD Baltimore, 104.3 The Colt 2244 WRQX 107 .3 DC Washington, New Mix 107.3 2245 Norfolk 99.7, lOS.s, r~ .Y rair No sooner did I send in my last report when coastal tropo hit hard with super strong signals from as far south as North Carolina . DANIEL GETTING - 4106 ELAND DOWNE - PHOENIXVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA Equipment : Harman-Kardon Citation 23, rabbit ears, & 0-10-20db Radio Shack Amp. JUNE 1995 DX JUNE 29 TR CONT 28 TR (back door cold front) 0058 WPRO 92 .3 RI Providence, r, ad 2346 WZMX 93 .7 CT Hartford, 70's okfies 0100 WPLR 99 .1 CT New Haven, ID 2350 lJ~lt lI 98 .3 CT Wilimantic, I-98 0115 WGBH 89 .7 MA Boston, C 2352 W7YD 100.9 CT New London, nn 0117 WAMC 90 .3 NY Albany, c 2358 WVVE 102.3 CT Stonington, r 0137 WAAF 107.3 MA Worcester, ed 29 TR 0140 WXKS 107.9 MA Medford, r 0010 WDGEt 99 .7 RI Wakefield, pr, "The Edge" 0210 had to call Pt quits, zzzz . never would ID at top of the hour JULY 1995 DX 0014 WBZO 103.1 NY Bay Shore, o 0015 WGNY 103.1 NY Newburgh, sr, Energy 103 2300 WLBW 92 .1 DE Fenwick I . o, ad "Wave" 0017 WBRU 95 .5 RI Providence, pr 2302 WLNG 92 .1 NY Sag Harbor 0017 WWBB 101 .5 RI Providence, B 101 .5 2310 WLFX 97 .1 MD Ocean Pines, rp, 'The Fox" 0018 WPDH 101 .5 NY Poughkeepsie, rp 6 DW 0029 WXTM 99.7 NY Montioetlo, om, "Jukebox 1700 WDIY 88 .1 RI Providence, ID, j .1" Radio 103 address Paramus, NJ 13 TR 0038 WJFD 97 .3 MA New Bedford, ID, ad 1230 WSHR 91 .9 NY L.Rordcokoma Portuguese? very strong! 13 ES (MUF 94 .91 0040 WCTK 98 .1 MA New Bedford, k 1241 WSEB 91 .3 FL Englewood, g 0044 WEHM 96 .7 NY E.Hampton, ID 1253 WBVM 90 .5 FL Tampa, g, ID 1l WLMS 0047 WXTK 94 .9 MA S.Yamwuth, talk, ad 1255 ES weakening On.~ WHOM 94 .9 NH Mt .Washington, rm wA®[pE ®F ®AN°e OX ®(t~ TGfE h9EXT PAOEV NORTHERN FM DX ,;IDLY 1927 1950 2000 2005 2011 2048 18 ES (MUF 95 .91 KTYL 93 .1 TX unlD 90 .3 ?? KM I 88 .1 OK unlD 88 .1 ?? KGLS 93 .1 KS KR 93 .1 SD ID, country Dan Oetting's report continued . . . Tyler, ID ment . of CBC Network Moore, wx, ID, g French Pratt, k, ID Sturgis, severe wx warning LiV~ SEPTEMBER 1995 /O~ Hello again. Once again we have moved. (5 times in the last 8 years!) Now we live in Phoenixville . DX to the north is not as good here as it was in Pottstown. We're not on a hill, nor are we in a valley, so DX is good but not great. The super New England tropo on June 28-29 was so intense that when local TV ch 12 went offthe airforthenight, ch.12 in Providence was in crystal clearon the local cable service! Skip has been below average here this year, but that may be in part to me not checking as much as I should . (No, most people seem to agreewith that opinionof this year, atthough it picked up in July a bit-gc). Talk to you later, Dan O. O ~~~~ ~~~~ n L~L~~ ~~< ~ .~'~~ (503) 488-0066 . Equipment: Crappy Toyota AM/FM radio with junky antenna. I bought a Grove antenna but couldn't get my car radio out to install it .AULY f9. 1995 ES JtiLY 19. 1995 ES 0900 KNAB 104.1 CO Burlington 1114 0942 KAAO 105.9 NE Alliance, 'We're Double D Country' (Lenny, KKAO uses this slogan-gc) KSLS 101 .5 KS Liberal 1241 KVAY 105.7 CO Lamar 1127 unlD 102.3 ?? same as KSLS KNNG 104.7 CO Sterling, King-FM 1049 101 .1 CO Denver 976 KOSI KSNO 103.9 CO Aspen 885 KVOD 99 .5 CO Denver 976 0955 KZYRt 103.1 CO Aspen unlD 99 .1 ?? 'Famiy News in Focus' (likely KKCI 102.5 KS Goodland 1141 KJIL Copeland,KS, or KKKK Odessa. TX-gc) KBCO 97 .3 CO Boulder 947 0915 unlD 95 .1 ?? 'Mustang Country (I was just 1008 KGLL 96 .1 CO Greeley, Eagle k 96 .1 976 out in that area-this is Delta, CO-pc) KNRX 92.1 CO Castle Rock, 52X', Denver's 0917 KSKL 94 .5 KS Scott City, Cool 94,Beatles 1204 New Rock'screw the commercials' 985 KBUY 94 .1 TX Amarillo 1241 KERP? 91 .9 CO Pueblo? (or KDRH Glenwood unlD 92 .1 ?? with Rush Limbaugh Sps?) religious, with Denver mentions 0923 KUNC 91 .5 CO Greeley 976 KWMX 107.5 CO Lakewood, Mix 107 .5 976 KWBI 91 .1 CO Morrison-Derner 1027 KONfT 101.5 CO Vail 903 0925 unlD 90 .5 ?? 'Wyoming Public Radio' ment. unlD 95 .1 ?? 'You're in the heart of Denver area eveMS (KUWZ Rock Springs,WY?-gc) the country, Y95 country (KCGY-WY, I think-gc) KPAW 107.9 CO Ft .CoIlins, The Bear' 958 any DX this radio. What a great surprise! It just kept coming, too, but I had I never thought I'd get on car to quit and get to work. Also received unlD Spanish music on 104.3, 107.1, classical on 88 .1, 89 .5, 89 .7, country on 94 .9, 92 .1, 98.1, 99 .1,101 .1,107.1, 99.9, folk on 91 .9, rock on 98.1, 90 .9, punk on 89 .5, and a bunch more . If anyone can ID anyof this, please let me know. Also note thatthere is a pirate here (Medford) on 107.7 rebroadcasting the dance channel from DMX cable, so there is no ID, but they never get caught! They're on atl the time, for over a year, maybe two. (Welcome to Northern FM DX, Lenny! We look forward to hearing from you the next opening!-gc) A D ~~ TLIANK YOU TO fl:"TER GEORGE FOR A VERY SUCCESSFUL 1995 W.T. .D .A. CONVENTION AT THE WHITEFACE CI-IALE'T IN WILMINGTON, NEW YORK!! Thanks for year dedication to the club!! 53 NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 JOHN EBELING - 9209 VINCENT AVE. SO. - BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55431 or: 6483 COUNTY ROAD 47 - ALBORN, MINNESOTA 55702 JUNE 1995 DX (PROSIT. MINN.1 JUNE 1995 DX (BLOOMINGTON . MINN .1 21 ES 23 ES&TR 950 1925 KGRW 94 .7 TX Friona 1532 KAAR 92 .7 MT Butte, "Car FM" 864 950 2010 KPNO 90 .9 NE Norfolk 1536 K PR 94 .1 MT Butte 282 1542 KOUY 95.5 MT Butte,"Y95" 950 24 TR 89 .5 ?? KPBX xttr, sent lerier 1550 unlD 1220 KIWA 105.3 IA Sheldon 170 1603 KLCM 95 .9 MT Lewiston 792 JULY 1995 DX 1610 KBLL 96 .5 MT Helena, hot k 99 .5 918 11 ES 1023 1730 WMUL 88 .1 WV Hurdington, listed 1623 KBMG 95.9 MT Hamilton 1629 KUFM 89.1 MT Missoula 1010 as 1150w, -17m! 716 1637 KDXT 93.3 MT Missoula 1010 1730 WNAA 90 .1 NC Greensboro 934 1638 KGTM 98.1 ID Rexburg 955 1733 WKRR 92 .3 NC Asheboro 951 1645 WJHU 88.1 MO Baltimore, NOTE 1 1734 WWGL 94 .1 NC Lexington, 1654 WFLY 92.3 NY Troy 974 "Christian 94 .1" 928 JULY 1995 DX 1737 WOFX 94 .9 OH Fairfieki, The Fox" 589 1751 WXBO 96 .9 TN Bristol 815 lIH 0813 KGPZ 96.1 MN Coleraine, new, k 1744 WSCO 100.1 SC W.Columbia,Sunny100 994 NOTE 2 44 1745 WKED 103.7 KY Frankfort 633 1753 W BB 104.5 TN Knoxville, 0104 .5 787 0817 WODR 94.7 NC Raleigh 1061 1757 WMGZ 97 .7 GA Sparta 972 0928 WGSG 89.5 FL Mayo 1278 1759 WNIN 88 .3 IN Evarrsville, I was Es 560 0940 ZX 94.3 AL Greenville, 094 1095 1800 WJSP 88 .1 GA Warm Springs 946 0941 WMTO 93.5 FL Port Saint Jce 11 TR "Bubba radio" (dumb saying) 1252 2005 KTMO 98 .9 MO Kenneri 618 0942 WJXR 92 .1 FL Macdeny 1285 2010 K RA 98 .9 IA Jefferson, KG98 FM 202 1416 2236 KNFX 104.3 MN Spring Valley 0947 WWKA 92 .3 FL Orlando, K92 92 1395 2250 KMZU 100 .7 MO Carroltton 0949 WJLU 89.7 FL N.Smyma Beach 378 2310 KX 104.7 KS Manhattan, 8104 .7 425 `~Tf.$ 1757 W RA 94.3 VA Wartenton 944 2315 KKCD 105.9 NE Omaha 280 1044 2324 KF E 105.3 NE Lincoln, hot country 1758 WZBH 93 .5 DE Georgetown 327 1018 2359 KLNE 1803 WRAR 105.5 VA Tappahannock 88 .7 NE Lexington 430 956 2359 KHNE 89 .1 NE Hastings 1804 WJFK 106.7 VA Manassas 390 1808 WWDE 101 .3 VA Hampton, 2WD 1082 12 TR 1813 W XL 104.1 NC Kill Devil Hills, 332 0017 KZKX 96 .9 NE Sewward "XL 104.1" 1158 0027 KMOD 97 .5 OK Tulsa 616 1814 WNVZ 104.5 VA Nortolk, 2104 1105 0900 KDFR 91 .3 IA Des Moines 225 1015 0903 KTT~ 1818 WTVR 98 .1 VA Richmond 525 94 .7 MO Springfield 1819 WN X 98 .5 OH Cleveland 661 0907 KOWC 95 .7 IA Webster City 165 1822 WCCE 90.1 NC Buies Creek 1079 1315 KEMB 100.1 IA Emmetsburg 137 1825 WFLS 93 .3 VA Frederidksburg 976 1323 KNCY 105.5 NE Auburn 333 1835 ~AQ~ 100.9 WV Westover 822 1325 KRAO 105.7 MN Jackson 119 1837 WOWI 102.9 VA Norfolk 1105 1333 KVHT 106.3 SD Vertnillbn 229 1838 WMXB 103.7 VA Richmond, 8103 .7 1015 1342 KGOZ 101 .7 MO Gallatin 341 1839 WMRY 103.5 VA Crozei, c 940 18 ES (PROSIT. MINN1 1840 WKIK 104.7 VA Crewe 1011 1600 WMHK 89 .7 SC Columbia 1084 1842 WVGO 106.5 VA Richmond 1015 1600 WRJA 88 .1 SC Sumter 1111 1845 WVAO 99 .7 VA Staunton 922 1605 WYFL 92 .5 NC Henderson 826 99 .7 VA Nortolk 1105 1606 unlD 1845 WYFI 93 .7 ?? "Classic Rodk 93.7" 1851 WRXL 102.1 VA Richmond, XL102 1015 1638 WSCA 93 .7 SC Georgetown 1175 1855 WCLG 100.1 WV Morgantown, CLG-FM 815 1650 WDOG 93 .5 SC Allendale 1132 1015 1705 WLOW 106.9 SC Bluriton 1857 WRVO 94 .5 VA Richmond, Q94 1197 956 1714 WTKS 104.1 FL Cocoa Beach 1449 1905 WRVL 88 .3 VA Lynchburg 1102 1716 WFYV 104.5 FL Atlantic Bch 1905 WF 88 .7 VA Chesapeake 1299 1906 WTEB 89 .3 NC New Bem, listed 1720 Vy,)HM 101.9 FL DaytonaBeach 1383 1154 1722 WIVY 102.9 FL Jacksonville as WTNC in the FM ATLAS 1294 1154 1725 WGNE 98 .1 FL Tttusville 1907 WIKS 101 .9 NC New Bem 1424 1027 1726 ~~ 103.1 FL Winter Park 1909 _WAAI 100.9 MD Hurkx~C 1413 1914 WOOK 97 .5 NC South Boston, K97.5 1002 54 MORE OF JOHN'a DX on the NEXT PAGEI NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 JOHN EBELING's resort continued ... JULYJULY 1~NT 1730 WYFS 89 .5 GA Savannah 1201 1731 WCOS 88 .1 NC A~eville 947 1740 WOYK 99 .5 FL St .Petersburg 1438 1746 W M 100.9 GA West Point 1053 1748 WPGA 100 .9 GA Perry 1111 1752 WGLF 104.1 FL Tallahassee 1231 1754 WRBO 104.7 FL Tampa, New k 0105 1429 1757 WOLC 102.1 FL Watertown 1282 1759 WAIB 103.1 FL Tallahassee ex WUMX1231 1800 WXVS 90.1 GA Wayaoss 1222 1808 WCOF 107.3 FL St.Petersburg 1438 1820 WAOA 107.1 FL Melbourne 1463 1821 WZYP 104.3 AL Athens 893 1824 WJAD 103.5 GA Leesburg 1147 1825 WSHE 103.5 FL Ft .Lauderdale 1601 1832 WPBH 94 .5 FL Port St.Jce 1252 1836 WTBB 97 .7 FL Bonitay, Pirate Radio 1180 1845 w~B 94 .1 AL Carroltton 979 1850 WFXH 106.1 SC Hilton Head Island 1201 1900 WMBV 91 .9 AL Dbrons Milis 1063 1900 KBFC 93 .5 AR Forrest City, surprise! 833 1903 WMPR 90 .1 MS Jackson, bts of ads rat merely mentions of firths 1024 18 TR 2300 KCTN 100.1 IA Gamavillo JULY 19 ES 1708 KKBO 92.9 1717 KN V 92 .7 1723 KPAC 88 .3 1725 KMXR 93 .9 1726 KRI 94 .1 1728 KIOX 96.9 1730 KSTX 89.1 1731 KHHT 93 .3 1737 KLTG 96 .5 1800 KFGG 88 .7 1801 KBNL 89 .9 1802 XHAAA 93 .1 1803 K HT 93 .5 1804 KHRN 94 .3 1808 KVET 98 .1 1820 WXLS 107.1 1827 ~yID~ 100.9 1836 WNOE 101 .1 1839 WADU 94 .9 1842 KLEB 94 .3 1843 WTYX 94 .7 1847 WTKL 95.7 TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TA TX TX TX MS MS LA LA LA MS LA Pasadena Kingsville San Antonio Corpus Christi Fbresville EI Campo San Antonio Killeen Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Laredo, ID in E & S Reynosa Crodkett Heeme Austin Gultport Hazlehurst New Orleans Reserve Galliano Jackson New Orleans 1051 1223 1100 1199 1117 1092 1100 977 1199 1199 1245 1323 941 960 1035 1026 910 1032 1031 1102 882 1042 NOTE 1 : Looks as if I was right in the middle of 2 Es clouds, as per distances involved . NOTE 2: Just what I need ; another full power station only 44 miles away . Another frequency shot to hell! BILL NIENAJADLY PO BOX 2999 CLIFTON NJ 07015-2999 JULY 25 1995 ES JULY 18 1995 ES 1844 1847 1853 1856 1901 1911 KZPS 92 .5 TX KLTY 94 .1 TX KCWD 96 .1 AR _KYKC 100 .1 OK KTXQ 102 .1 TX K[1iU 88 .1 TX r~ts AS LNT`TAS HARRISON BYNG F~2T WORTH 1373 1373 1075 1300 1401 1373 WJXR 92 .1 WOGtC 93 .7 FRQF>? 92 .9 WJZS 88 .1 4ALZ 95 .3 WC~ 98 .1 WPNP 102.5 WWI2M 94 .9 WI.UF 107.3 WMPX 95 .7 WLRQ 99 .3 WYNF 107 .9 WSJT 94 .1 WARD 94 . 5 FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL 1934 1935 1937 1944 1997 1950 WKYQ KLTH KQRC KISI KSNP KCLR 93 .3 99 .7 98 .9 93 .3 95 .3 99 .3 KY PAWCAH KS KANSAS CITY RS IFAVEtiWCHM'H KS KANSAS CITY KS H[1RLIIJGICJN FD HOOIIVII .LE 820 1093 1109 1090 1167 994 AUGUSP 9 1995 ES JULY 21 1995 ES 1933 1934 1997 1999 1953 1956 1959 2009 2007 2011 2013 2014 2016 2017 RF20K MAOCt.FIH~IY O(AIA OCA1A HRADFNICJN FT MYF12S TZISJSVn"T"F SARASOTA ~A ST PEfFRSBURC CLEARFIIkTER ~C.IA CORAL (;Z2WE IAID;CJ~ .NAP7.FS 858 96 926 1044 1082 929 1053 1012 1027 1020 999 1097 992 1111 . 2050 2100 2104 2122 92 .9 92 .1 FkTI` 96 .5 7??? 100 .1 RTGL KRIS 1187 NE l3FATRICE 988 IA ICNOXVrr"T"F 911 IA CFiIAR RAPII>.S ?? ( "FC)CUS 0[d THE FANIII.Y CN KIIIt FM 95 .9" ) ANY II~AS ANY?????? Cammnts; I missed that Toronto/Detriot trop openirx~, despite the many DX-alert calls I recieved" Really, i was sleeping . This has been a outstandiuxJ season for us here in the North East aryl personally it has been a all out great year with trops and the aburxlarice of E-Skip . Plus I was able to get a new state 8 2 political units. GcoDXing, . . .Bill . 55 NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 1`IORTHERN FM DX BRUCE ELVING - P.O. BOX 336- ESK O, MINNESOTA 55733-0336 FAX (218) 879-8333 AUG. 25. 1994 TR 1900 KARL 105.1 SEPT. 8. 1994 TR 1900 WHDG 97 .5 2058 WHTD 93.7 2200 KADU 90 .1 ,DEPT. 26. 1994 TR 1920 KRAO 105.7 biAY 24. 1995 TR 1025 KOHL 89 .5 JUNE 1995 DX Z~ 1757 KVNA 97 .5 1757 KZGL 95 .9 1812 KTAK 93 .9 1825 KTRS 95 .5 1840 KLGT 92 .7 1843 KGWY 100.7 1900 KCVI 101 .5 1907 KIKC 101.3 1925 KMMS 95 .1 1930 KBMC 102.1 13 TR 1102 KHME 101 .1 1558 WFOS 1700 WJHU 21 ES 1907 WJAB 1927 WNAZ 22 GW 1259 W203AL 27 ES 1855 KUFM MN Tracy WI Rhinelander WI Three Lakes MN Hbbing MN Jackson MN Winona AZ AZ WY WY WY WY ID MT MT MT Flagstaff Cottonwood Riverton Casper 8uffab Gillette Bl~ldoot Forsyth Bowman Bo2eman MN Winona 88 .7 VA Chesapeake 88 .1 MD BaRimore JULY 1995 DX a2~.$ 1901 WERO 92.3 MD Bahimore 1948 WDYL 92 .1 VA Chester 12 TR IL Fbddord 2000 WFEN 88 .3 2147 WGLT 89.1 IL Normal 2200 WBNI 89.1 IN Fort Wayne 2330 WDCB 90.9 IL Glen Ellyn 13 TR 0058 WCNB 100.3 IN Connersville, calls are 'WIFE' but I only heard WCNB Connersville -Richmond, dueto a fade . 0100 WONU 89.7 IL Kankakee 0200 WDPG 89.9 OH Greenville, after kcal WHSA Brute signed off 0900 K292DE108.3 MN Willmar 19 ES 1832 KWCB 89.7 TX Fbresville 1853 KPLV 93 .3 TX Port Lavaca 1902 XHAAA 93 .1 TA Reynosa, my second Mexican, heard with legal ID . 1935 WPRL 91 .7 MS Lorman 30 TR 0900 KPNO 90 .9 NE Norfolk 1000 KBKB 101.7 IA Fort Madison 1200 KNSG 94 .7 MN Springfield ~VVI)CB~~9 909 AL HuMSVille 89 .1 TN Nashville 88 .5 MN Duluth 89 .1 MT Missoula HARRY J. HAYES - 9 HENRY STREET - WILKES-BARRE PENNSYLVANIA 18702 Equipment: GE Superradio w/110 khz filter, Radio Shack amp. at set, Jerrold 9 element FM yagi in attic. MAY 1995 DX ,ILCY 1995 DX 2040 WMTT 100.5 NY Conklin, now on with R8R fair sign . w/some interference from WVOR 1200 1230 1235 1240 1253 125s 1300 1838 R~K 96.1 1858 WCVU 94 .5 .R.AE 1995 DX FL Bonita Springs, 96 K-Rock FL Naples, oldies 1912 WDIZ 100.3 1930 WPBH 94 .5 FL Orlando FL Pt.St. Joe 'Beach 94' 2058 KSCS 21fvz 98 .3 TX Fort Worth 1925 ~ 93 .1 NNI New Uhn, strong, rz, IDs 1940 WBOB 100.3 MN Minneapolis, 'Big Bob FM and Bob-B-O- contest' 1930 KIKN 100.5 SO Salem, c/w,'Kicken 100' 1943 KIKV 100.7 N!V Alexandria 1954 ISQ~Y 99 .5 SD Mobridge, severe wx worming 2000 ~T p 91.1 SD Reliance, an top of semi~~ kcal Jackson Twp. WRTY 1 1952 1955 2000 2007 2010 2045 KVTT 9t7 KSCS 96.3 KVIL 103.7 KOAI 107.5 KRBE 104.1 KBIU 103.7 90.9 ~0o 2 2010 2015 2016 2025 92.5 SD KWOA 95.1 MN KTSD 91 .1 SD KIKR 103.3 IA KKLS 104.7 SD ~ 95.3 NN Wilmar,'K95 .3' ID 2052ICp,~O_ 94.5 SD 2100 KTSD 90.9 SD Dallas Fat Worth Highland Park Fat Worth, ?he Oasis', jazz Houston Lake Charles, Bayou Houston,lciss Jams', rap Six Falls Worthington, XO-95' Reliance Asbury'Kicker Country' Sioux Falls, Oldies 104.7 Wilmar, contest mentioned and oldies Reliance Sioux Fals, // KTSD 91.1 H YE ' re ort contnue ... Ko~ so .s oK Oklahoma City, rap mx CHOZ 94 .7 NF StJohn's 'Oz FM' CIOZ 96 .3 NF Marystown, 'Oz FM' CFOZ 100.3 NF Argentia, 'Oz FM' StJohns,'Magic FM VO-FM' VOCM 97 .5 WBIG 100.3 DC Washington, oldies, numerous IDs 2017~ 95 .5 SEPTEMBER 1995 FL Fort Pierce,'Star 95.5' 1705-1740 FF on all skip channels, 94.5, 95.3, 95.5, 100.5 1735 unlD 95 .3 ?? ID as 'Show FM', I suspect these were all from the Lac St. Jean, PO area 190 1995 hasn't been the greatest of seasons but things got going in July and I must say with more variety than 1994 . We didn't have any Northern openings last year . My problems with the cable wire in front of the house have started uP again as of yesterday, July 28th, this after a glorious 2 or 3 months of absoultely no sign of any cable radiation . Now I have slop on my VHF channels, as well as on FM . Once again, I have WDAC 94 .5, WMBT 1530 AM on 103.7, Allerttown on 104.1, Philly on 104.5, andnumerous other annoying things, all courtesy of my cable company. 1 live 5 feet from an apartment building with 3 brand new neighbors, so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them is trying to get signal illegally. I can only hope it will again dissappear . It was nice having a clean 104.5 while it lasted No real trops yet, but I guess this hot, humid, miserable weather will have to get out of here first. nev;m J. ~ - so sre e~ >ROen - socg crr>t x~r m>a>~ Fgrdpment: Carter 7I-11 tner Dafter modi0ed, Channel; lrae0er model 4408 (Stereo Trobe 0) at 681eet A64 lllneeard Pl'-7800 ~arfaYeP)r trap ler Y6.7mlh, leldea 1W-11/s oatand ABLnee U~7a retu. NewIaBYbp are ~aO {LE[E},nnrprepa~sfion mode wWWW . JOLT 100b as E pekl 0:1 b CENY 0:18 CEL9 9:Ei CEOZ Oat 6702 11 :51 IINE TX TX TX TX TX LA TX H 11 :51 IJlttle 13:05 13:18 13:10 El & 18:44 eOCE iTBE e~ CEOZ 16:49 CENC 1b:bo caTr lb:bl CETL 00.3 NT ltatTstowa, C/C Eadl0 . m" lla0 03.1 !~ Charlottetown, 9-03, k; a03 01.7 NP 8atatJahn'e,~pr, d 1311 00.3 NP "arTafow4 OAT", d lla9 E0.3 NE NorlbOr, lie Tab. Eadiq tfi 061 00.3 NB huaett, NH Tab. 4dlo, IO7L tlt 001 aa.6 D »CaOeraO, ai 03.9 D Slew Center, D, of 006 93.7 BE ~ada, rs 1007 OE.3 NT Oorner hook,OtrTlt, 1000 aa.7 NP 8tephenrEla, CEC Radle, sll, 1074 ao .6 Nr r rnand crest, cec Eadlo, sNi, 1163 00.1 NT ~ertow4 6710 Eadl0 . ell, 1166 1s JOLT El &rkh amt~ned 16:bE CENB 01 .9 NF Tart Aa eaagae, CEC ltadlo, 1016 16:b3 CPEE 03.7 NP Nome toimR CEC Eadi0 . e", 1113 18 :66 CELT 08.3 NT 9see lalte, C!C Rad10 . IlES 07.1 NT Sale iwt0 1bs66 f'!7E . C1C vdb, ell. 1106 Oa.7 NP "omti St . lfarptet, CaC 16:5? CEilt Eadlo, ell, 1185 I6 :b0 CRAP-E 105.7 NE AOaedtBl0 . eaO, tll, PT 737 17A0 CEdF-17 lOb.O NP 8a~t)oLa'a, aD,1D, FP 1311 171 CE6F-16 a8.1 Tel IifrWtetowa, aO, tll, TP aoE tE tto 10E lo :oo wear 01.1 TA beets p4', D, d 0:00 CEOF-9 ~D tro O:bS "[ZL 10:14 11 :06 1i1YTE a5.7 T9 Chapa4 D, tr, PF E78 lO7.b NC 1Rhoabon-Salem, D, K 418 loE.7 ve ~ppemaCot, Qdhr lob ~ 315 10E.7, of 01 .7 titfP ~e1, iV Tab.lladlo, t f 314 AD la~lnge !n th4report are aew. 57 NORTHER N FM DX LY 1995 DX .It dD6FYH FELA - 150 %)BTs1tT PLACE - 90. PLAINFIBID N .J . - 07080 Fquipment - McIntosh A8t-78 tuner/stacked Stereo Probe 9s + a single Stereo Probe 9, on rotors, at 40 ft ., Bolin phase box . Time : ELT JUNE 1995 JUNE 30 Tr 3 Tr 0848 WRCZ 101 " 7 AU Pittsfield, string, 1759 WAGE 99 .7 RI Wakefi ld, "The Edge", relaying WBRK-1340, Z-101 .7 promo 143 legal ID, rock 158 0658 WUPE 95 .9 MA Pittsfield, nx, 24 Tr WUPE Radar Weather 139 0100 WMI"f 100 .5 NY Conklin, "Classic Hits 0714 WRNX 100 .9 MA Amherst, promo, ads 149 The Met", motioned translators in 1038 [WCZT]94 .3 NJ Avalon, call + Corning-95 .3 and Mansfield-94 .7 120 "The Coast", r, Ex : 1NVOC/WXNJ 102 0911 WJ~ 101 .3 NY Stillwater, "The Jockey", 2100 Very strong tropo to Boston soft r, wx 171 2119 WFNX 101 " 7 MA I4Vnn, call, hard r 222 0950 W~VZ 93 .3 NY New Paltz, ads, r 21ST CBHY 92 .1 NS Yarmouth, CBC stuff 480 "The New Z-93 .3 FLt" 81 2159 CBAF-9 107 .3 NS Yan'outh, French 480 1001 WfY 94 .1 NY Whitehall, ID w/WVNIt-1340, 2227 WBOq 104 .9 W1 Gloucester, call + into nx, WYSP phased "W-Each", classical 239 (trot, to Bill Nienajadly for tip) 205 2238 ?7?7 91 .3 WKIB-105 .7 Boston noted 2~ on 91 .3 . Does W217AF Huntingdon Stn . 2101 KTGL 92 .9 NE Beatrice, "The Eagle" 1174 get its feed fr® W289AD-105 .7 Seldon 2104 WGfA 88 .5 IL Quincy, SID 892 perhaps???? 2121 KLTH 99 .7 MO Kansas City, 2328 CIEC 96 .5 NS Halifax, "Sun Fld" 817 "Lite 99 .7 FM", ads 1074 2348 WZBC 90 .3 MA Newtan,ID,strange mx! 206 2135 ~C~S 102 .1 MO Kansas City, "KY-102", JULY Tr 1 ads, rock 1075 0007 CBHY 92 .1 NS Yarmouth, very strong 2150 KILS 92 .7 KS Minneapolis, call, k 1238 at sign-off . 480 28 TrTr 0059 IIh~It 88 .1 MA Cambri dge, legal ID, 0712 WPXC 102 .9 MA F(yarmis, "Pixie 103" 227 r 211 0721 WYBC 94 .3 CT New Haven, Urban, ads, pr~ram 0103 WFIRB 95 .3 MA Cebridge, ID, call, last heard in 1969! 77 heavy metal . 212 2359 WRTX 91 .7 Dh Dover, WRTI Net ID 113 1~.~ 29 Tr 1044 WJXR 92 " 1 FL Macclalgy, call 829 0006 WOEI . 89 .9 MD Elkton, ID, g, perfect 1047 WZTA 94 .9 FL Miami Beach, "Zeta" 1076 with WKCR phased 102 1059 KASU 91 .9 AR Jwresboro,promo,call 942 0800 [WYMJ]99 .3 PA Harrisburg, legal ID with 1100 WAIAW 88 .1 MS Meridian, RiM 975 WQ~B-1460 but has since charged to 1108 K~ .A 103 .1 AR Demott, ID 1084 WWIQ . and W448 now rims separately, 1112 WFCA 107 .9 MS Ackerman, ad for a Ex : WSFM/WIiIT/WIMX 132 couple of pawnshops, ID, gospel mx 983 0803 Wi~N 98 .3 CT Denbury, legal ID, "98Q", Ver9 local WAWZ-98 1 mted off air' soft r, news, ads, WAIGQ phased " 133 1113 WEAK 99 .1 MS Greenwood, "Max 99", 0808 WXXW 98 .9 MA Webster, "98 .9 Double X remote from Cleveland, call later 1004 is WXXW" 161 1114 WIINNt 99 .1 MS Pas oagnula, "K-99 .1" 0630 71~CN 103 .9 MA So " Yarmouth, call + 1123 KTAL 98 .1 TX Texarkana, "98-Rocks", "Ocean 104", on CBS ne4 . 235 ad, promo 1190 0844 [IMIJS)92 .7 AO) Prince Frederick, o, ads, 1124 j¢Y 99 .3 AR Pine Bluff, "Unforgettable 92 .7", Ex : WESM 184 Safe sez promo, call 1083 0702 WRFX 102 .9 MD California, ID, k 1127 ACC 89 .1 LA New Iberia, call, 0708 Wpm 98 .3 MD Meohanicsville, "Star 98 .3" Rot Country, ads 1212 r, "So . MD's ffl Radio Station", 1139 KXAR 101 .7 AR Hope, ad 1159 believe mentioned WSLf2-1560 195 1143 I~X 99 .1 TX Drnton, "Kick-FM", 0933 WHWK 98 .1 NY Binghamton, call + Telan°, in English and Spanish 1370 "The Hawk" k, very stn °~ ~" 130 1201 IfOOI 106 .5 TX Jacksonville, ID 1305 ' 0936 W~ 95 .3 PA Towanda, Ml/FAI ID, outdoors 1204_ WJMI 99 .7 MS Jackson, promo 1046 135 1222 JCL 106 .3 AR Texarkana, "The Eagle", 2348 [WLEE ] 98 .5 VA Wil~liamsbur g, caplls~ , Tezarkana ads 1187 70s music, Ex : WBCI/WDCX 256 1228 KISX 107 " 3 TX Whitehouse, ID 1293 0011'15 : Will continue report next month . Although the '95 Season failed to produce as much skip as '94, I was satisfied with the results . I do feel this years skip was more diversified and perhaps more interesting . The next nret ta¢ether here will be November 4th Write for information/details! 73, Joe SEPTEMBER 1995 RICHARD CONTONE - 162-07 87th ST -JAMAICA, NEW YORK 11414 p~ WXTK 94 .9 MA W.Yamlouth, talk show, like on BCB 240 2200 WLNG 92 .1 NY Sag Harbor, no format could be further 86 95 2230 WEHM 96 .7 NY Montauk, jau 1700 WWPN 101.1 MD Westemport " w -.. . " n . . L' :11 ~ . t 1 11 1 t dll 111 1 1 t 1 " .: ~ '1 t 1 .m 1 " 1 1 a " " 1 1 . " .n ' 1 " 0 .~ w: . 1 1 U: i . ., 0 o m 11 1 1 1 1 tl 11' 1 1 11' t 1 t' 1~ 1 ~ o w " n . " . w 1 1 w 1 1 1 m 1 ~ ." w n . , . . ,, . W m 1 . i - . . 1 . o . " o . . m. t n v . . . -n ., o. . n . 0. t . n m . . n " ' " t ~ .w 1 1 . 1 1 " 11111 . .. ". . ". . ., 1 1 w . n " .v .. n o o " F . 7 1, 1 " 1 . .1 : 1 " 1 1 , - m . .v .. .r il Iw . 1 . m . In .m . .. . F. m " , " m , 1 1 t " n .n " n . w I w w ~/, 1 . 1 . :. , w , tl .~ . . . . o 7871 1 .m " __ i . tl :. r 1 . UL~: 1 . 1 1. ' . . . . F"p 1 .. 1~1 1 1 .. ,. . . :1 . e'I .n t t . 1 t . 1 r . i ~ m 1 t 1 . 1 1 w : 1- 58 Iy . ~ "1 " .'Ti.3't 1 11 1 1 t 1 1 t . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " n~ : . . m . 1. ' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 :11 . 312 1 . ., o " 1 1 rl . rl 1 1 r 1 1 r . r _ 1 1 ~ " . " " ~ 1 1 o n 1 1 :. " ' 1. 1 1 1 . t . " n . " n " m : .. . 1. . ' t. m . . " n 1" 1 ~ 1 . 1 ' 9 NORTHERN FM DX s report contrnue ... SEPTEMBER 1995 JtlLY 1 ES CONT. ~Y 5 ES CONT 1220 105 .7 KHCB, Houston TX Rel . 2022 105 .3 ???? Cubs vs. Pirates. 1230 94 .9 KSNN, Arlington TX News 4 Texas for 2023 101.7 ~, Perry IA Country . Hi/Lo 80-59 . North Texas is now Fox . 2024 101.7 KRCH Rochester MN 101.7 1231 103 .3 KJCS Nacogdoches TX From the Heart of 2030 102.9 KBRX O'Neill NE NebraskaLaser State Patrol East Texas,100,000 watts of Power, 2040 101 .7 ~, Olivia MN Twins vs . Orioles. Lone Star Country. Promo from Minnesota Medical Association. 1233 96 .9 ~, Alexandria LA Hwy 28E 2058 102 .9 KBWS . Sisseton SD Calls . B-103 Country mention . Calls . Now classic rock . Mx. w/a kick . 1245 103 .3 KJOJ Fre~ort TX 2103 105 .9 ???? Brewers vs . Athletics. The New KJ 103 and AM 88 . 2110 93 .3 KSJZ, Jamestown ND Z-93 Jamestown 1249 105 .3 WLTS, Slidell LA Ad for Slidell Ford . 2115 96 .5 KJJK, Fergus Falls MN 1250 105.3 ???? Cajun Mx . Twos vs . Orioles . 1252 106.5 KOOK, Galveston TX Landmark Chevrolet July 6 Es 1253 106.7 KCYT, Granbury TX Mexican Mx. 1130 923 l~TX, Livmgston TX KTX Country 1255 104 .9 KMPO, Rosenberg TX Mexican Mx. 1137 92.1 ~, Moreauville LA Johnson 1257 104 .9 ???? KLTO Chevrolet in the Alexandria area . 1303 101.7 KWDX Silsbee TX 1140 92.1 WMSU Starkville MS 92.1 The Blitz, Creole tried Chicken in Silsbee. Starkville's Classic Rock . 1310 103 .3 WKJN, Hammond LA Cajun 103 1149 93 .7 WRJM, Geneva AL Styles Shop in Bonifay. 1313 99 .1 DA Houston TX Texas Lottery. 1155 92 .1 WGCX, Fairhope AL Bay Chevrolet-Goo . Galveston Merchants promo . Just east of Interstate 65 . Also in . WJMS Yazoo 1315 103 .3 ???? Crazy Dave's Fireworks . City MS, WBKN Brookhaven MS and Cato 103 . WJMG Hattiesburg MS . 1318 95.7 KIKK, Houston TX Linda Chevrolet-Goo . 1210 92.9 KJEF, Jennings LA Calls 114 mile west of I-95 at FM 96 . 1215 95 .9 ???? Ad for Met Lanes Fishing . 1320 103 .3 ???? High Country 1330 94 .5 ???? Oldies 94.5 112~2~102.1 WKLG, Rock Harbor FL Calls ,hifv 2 Tr ,k~lv ii Tr 0036 101 .7 ???? Mills Brothers mx . 2051 102 .1 WRDS, Phoenix NY JuN 3 Es The Best Variety, WRDS m2.1 1100 92.1 WMNp(, Destin FL Calls July 13 Es/Tr 1103 92.5 WBKS Zebulon GA Calls . '1326 98.9 KTUX, Carthage TX Rebel Rock 99-X Listed as off . while sitting outside w/antenna pointed N 1105 93 .3 WYFY Manchester GA listening to WOKO Burlington VT. Rel. Box 100 Gainesville GA . Julv 15 GWITr 1113 92 .3 WLWI , Montgomery AL C/W Calls 1300 97 .1 ???? Jazz to South 1115 95.5 WNGC. Athens GA ~Iv i6 Tr Thomasville moot. Country 95 .5 0030 98.5 WNYR, Waterloo NY We promise you 1120 97.7 CX Rome GA K-98 the hits all the time on Winner WNYR 1139 98.3 WAWV. Sylavauga AL Wave 98.3 FM 0106 92.1 ???? Country. Probably Hornell NY 1140 99.5 ???? 99.5 FM Classic Rock 0830 96 .9 WMKB, Ridgebury PA Rel. 1145 100.5 WHMA, Anniston AL Just off I-20. 0835 99 .5 ???? Co~try to North Furniture Galleria in Carrolton GA . Mention of 0910 103 .7 WXCY, Havre de Grace Nb Hwy . 61 South. Thru local WNNJ w/Nascar Country. 1146 98'.5 ???? Young Country 0919 104 .7 ???? Religion 1147 94.9 ???? "WCVI Hot Country. K-94 .9 88 0930 92.1 ???? Joanne Thomas with degrees with highs in the upper 90s at the Country Gospel. Triangle's Hottest Country ." 0950 97.5 ~ISI MZ . Martinsburg WV 97.5 WKMZ 1150 92.1 WJMS, Yazoo City MS Religion ~Iv ~ Tr/Es 1155 95 .3 WAMY, Amory MS Ad for Lloyd & Peggys . 1830 101 .7 KXAR, Hope AR 1211 95 .7 WRXO . Olive Branch TN Kix 96 FM Medical Park Hospital in Hope. 1214 97 .7 WFRX West Frankfort IL Local ads 1845 98.3 WDLT, Chickasaw AL and swap and shop . Calls . Best Music . No Rap. 1217 100.9 WBDC, Huntingberg IN Ad for Dutchman 1850 97.7 KALK, WIMield TX Ad for Mt. Pleasant. Inn on Hwy 231 just North of Huntingberg. Think 1855 99 .3 ???? Cool 99.3. This could be we stayed there two summers ago. Harrisburg PA. (I think I is-gc) 1220 99 .7 WWTN . Manchester TN Rush Limbau~. 1900 100.9 KFXT, Sulphur OK Fox 101 1905 102.1 KTXQ. Dallas TX. Ad for Channel 11 in 131 923 ???? Ad for New Music Festival . Dallas . 6 Texarkana AR in too . 106.9 ???? Oldies 106.9 1910 103 .1 ???? Ad for Alliance for 104 .5 ???? Y-104 and Lite 104. Affordable Health Care. NORTHERN FM DX TAN's re ort continued SEPTEMBER 1995 ,H1LY 25 ES CONT 1940 95.7 KWWR Mexico MO Country 96 1945 96.1 I~R , Clinton MO Blues . NPR-like pgm . 1950 97.7 KAYO, Warsaw MO Lake region moots . 1955 100 .9 KTCN, Eureka Springs AR Rel . 2010 93.3 KJEM, Seligman MO Oldies, calls July 30 Sucer Tr . 2230 95.3 Y-95 JXY Hamilton ON 1950 2239 102 .1 FC,~NY , Toronto ON The Edge . Metal 1955 2242 100 .7 CHIN Toronto ON Ethnic . CHIN-FM ID 2245 94 .1 CBL, Toronto ON CI . 2249 98.1 HFI Toronto ON Muzak . 2003 "Nltetime was made for CHFI" 2250 99 .9 CKFM, Toronto ON Esso ad. Ontario 2008 mentions . Mix 99.9 2255 102 .9 }i, Hamilton ON 102 .9 K-Life FM 2302 89 .5 ~, Toronto ON CIUT 89.5 2020 2315 95.1 CBON-17 . North Bay ON CL, French 2025 2328 101 .9 CKAT North Bay ON Country, Calls 2027 2033 2345 104 .7 WBBS, Fulton NY C/W 2347 99 .5 WDCX Buffalo NY Rel 2350 98 .7 WCBA Corning NY CBA-FM 192 WSOR, Naples FL Local prayer requests. 2358 92.5 CSI .$, Toronto ON Toronto's New C 1922 92.1 WCTO, Venice FL Q-92 Country Country, 92.5 Kiss FM 1924 92.9 WMFO, Ocala FL 92.9 O-Life 2359 97 .3 ~dBZ Toronto ON EZ Rock Radio 1925 93 .7 WOGK, Ocala FL K-Co~try 1927 94.1 WSJT Lakeland FL Jazz Julv 31 Tr UM, Toronto ON CHUM-FM. 1928 91.3 WSEB, Englewood FL Religion 0003 104 .5 0015 104.1 W TT . Buffalo NY 1930 90.5 ???? Mentioned parallel to 88 .3 WLMS Serving Buffalo and Western NY Lecanto FL (WBVM Tampa-gc) 0018 96 .1 B~CN, North Bay ON Jazz Beat on CBC Julv 22 Es 0020 94 .5 WNED, Buffalo NY CI . 1701 92.3 CKOZ, Corner Brook NF Metal . OZ FM. 0050 95 .9 CAP London ON Rock Radio Network. Rock of the Rock . 800-668-ROCK . IDed by whoever answered the 1702 94.9 CIEU, Carleton PO French. Radio Blngo. phone at that number. Le Cieu FM. Ouebec mentions . CI . 0110 92 .1 CKPC, Brantford ON 1704 96.5 CH A, Rouyn-Noranda PO Grateful Dead. 0130 96 .9 WGRF Buffalo NY Country, French Local ad . 1705 100 .5 CBSI-15 Harrington Harbor PO This 150 YM, Kltchner ON 96 .7 Chime FM wetter is the only thing I can figure for the one w/ 0140 96 .7 0150 98 .5 WKSE Niagara Falls NY Kiss FM CBC nx and Quebec mentions . 0205 107.1 ILO Toronto ON 1709 99.1 JMM Rouyn-Noranda PO French Mx. Rock Radio Network Fr~ch. Radio 1710 98.1 CBSI, Sept Isles, PO 0230 100.3 WHGL , Canton PA Wiggle Canada . 100.5 was gone so couldn't parallel . FF., CI. 0240 90.3 ~, Toronto ON 1740 92.1 ???? Ad for Grand Casino Gulfport //90 .3 0242 90.7 CBOF, Ottawa ON and Grand Casino Biloxi . Saul C . 0258 89 .1 ~1Q Ottawa ON 1745 92.5 ???? New Lffe (or Lite) 92.5. Lots of says this is the one w/FF and ID's as Radio Music in Lite Song ... Morial . Not listed as FF . 1750 93.7 BMI, Baie-Comeau PO CBC English 0320 88 .3 WCOU. Warsaw NY l/88 .5 Spencer NY 1752 94.9 WKSJ, Mobile ALCountry ICX, Orillia ONKix FM . 0327 105.9 T Ad for Orillia Fast Freight 210 1 WOWO, DuBois PA Polka on 0-102 . Solid 0330 102.5 CBOX, Ottawa ON Cool FM 93.9 0340 93.9 ~ Ottawa ON 1909.3 KCCV Olive MO Life 92, C/W . CN Nx 0403 105 .3 CKBY Ottawa ON Christian Research Institute. CBC Nx . 0410 103 .3 ~Qq Ottawa ON 1910 92 .5 KAYX Richmond MO 0422 92.3 WMXD , Detroit MI Soul. Mix 92 .3 . Superstition Life 92. //92.3 Detroit's Best Mix 1915 94 .7 C~TTS, Springfield MO ID ALIKOI, Detroit MI 0425 95.5 1917 97.3 WIBW, Topeka KS 97 Country 0-95, Detroit Wx . 1920 90.9 KCMW, Warrensburg MO Metal . Wheels 0440 98.7 ~ 17 Detroit MI Central Mo. State U. C/W. ID Today's Bcst Mx . 0450 99.5 WYCT, Detroit MI 1925 92.5 gSYN, Joplin MO Jazz 106 0510 105 .9 WJZZ. Detroit MI Kissin 92.5 0520 97.1 WYST Detroit MI Sunday 1930 95.5 ~ Pleasant Hope MO Star 97 Detroit Weather Morning 70s. B-95 . Ad for event at Branson . JULY 1915 1920 1930 1935 1940 1945 18 ES CONT 104 .5 KKDA Dallas TX Local ads. 105 .3 KYNG, Dallas TX Young Country 96.3 Kim, Dallas TX Country. Calls 98.1 KIRO, Lawton OK Lame . Calls 99.5 KGKI Henryetta OK Kick 99 99.7 ???? Country. Branson Coast to Coast . (probably KMAC Gainesville, MO-gc) 101.7 KEOK, Talequah OK Talequah mentions . 101.9 KTST Oklahoma City OK 1019 The Twister 101.5 KI~AW_, Lawton OK Oklahoma's Best Country, KLAW 101 . 102 .1 KZSN, Hutchinson KS Lame . Kissin 102FM Hot New Country . Some Lame and Country sound the same . 92.5 KOMA, Oklahoma City OK Calls 93 .3 WSYE, Houston MS Right here in Tupelo 93 .3 KLTN, Port Arthur TX Mexican mx . 92.2 ???? Religion Charles Stanley. 090 NORTHERN FM DX RICK SHAFTANs report continued ... ,11kY 31 TR CONT 0530 101.9 ???? All Hits K-102 0533 101.9 WDET, Detroit MI NPR Nx . 0537 107.3 WRCK, Utica NY Thru local WAWZ repeater ®11 mi . 0601 105 .1 ???? Love Radio. I think this is WVOA DeReuyter NY (yes-gc) 0603 101.5 CKWF, Peterborough ON Canada Nx . 0605 88 .7 CBOF-9, Chapeau PO CBC FF 0624 95 .1 WNRV. South Bristol NY Stern 1240 97 .5 WCIZ. Watertown NY 97.5 CIZ FM 1250 106.7 WWLF . Coper~agen NY 2-Rock. August 2 TrS 0953 102.7 WEOX Manchester VT Calls after weeks of trying. SEPTEMBER 1995 That's all folks . 43 new FMs. 19 new TVs. Totals up to 1227 FM, 324 TV . Thanks to everyone for help w/ID's. NOTES: 1) WDLA, 92.1 Walton NY ; WIYN, 94 .7 Deposit NY and WDHI 100.3 Delhi NY all sign off at 10 pm . 2) The station on 93 .3 I thought was Mexico was the one in Texas. Thanks to Fernando Garcia for help on this . Even though there was an ad for Sonora Rosa in Mexico City, there was also an ID for Estereo Latino on 93 .3 and 104.9, referring to Rosenberg TX . That's it for the last month. Lots of short skip this year. Some of these Canadians are 500-600 miles. Will do mileages to see if fve broken my short skip record later. BOB SMOLAREK 31 MARK DRIVE - HIGH BRIDGE, NEW JERSEY 08829 Mav 19~ $J~ 1840 WIKX 92.9 FL Punta Gorda,k 1848 WAYG 89.1 FL Sarasota,g 1851 WOLZ 95.3 Fl Fort Myers,o 1853 WJIS 88.1 FL Bradenton,g TQ.¬$ 1806 WRMF 97 .9 FL Palm Beach,r 1807 WJFP 91 .1 FL Fort Pierces 1808 WAVW 101.7 FL Vero Beach,k 1808 WTMI 93 .1 FL Miami,c 1809 WCMO 92 .3 FL Hialeah,l 1810 WBGG 05 .9 FL Fort Lauderdale,o WKRY 182 93 .5 FL Key West,j 1823 WGMX 94 .3 FL Marathons 1828 WOLZ 95.3 FL Fort Myers,o 1829 WFLC 97 .3 FL Miami,r 1833 WLRO 99.3 FL Cocoa,Madins baseball 1838 WEEJ 00.1 R Port Charlotte,o, GOLD 100 FM WIKX 1843 92.9 FL PuMa Gorda,k 1,036 miles 1849 WWRM 94 .9 FL Tampa,r 1852 WOCL 05 .9 FL Deland,o WL00 185 03 .1 FL Winter Park,j WMFO 1925 92 .9 FL Opla,rm 2116 KALK 97 .7 TX Wir>field,r 2118 KSCS 96 .3 TX Fort Worth,k 2122 KAFX 95 .5 TX Diboll,r 2126 KWRW 97 .7 TX Rusk,o ,lUNf 19~ 1,036 1,030 1,054 1,032 1,021 959 1,061 1,073 1,058 1,162 1,150 1,054 1,061 917 1,040 981 889 911 898 1,222 1,340 1,277 1,176 sr~ 1720 WQL_,j 93 .7 MS Oxfords 1728 WBLE 100.5 MS Batesville,k 1746 WKKZ 92 .7 GA Dublin,r 1801 WOGK 93 .7 FL Ocala,k 1802 WMFO 92 .9 FL Ocala,rm 1806 WWKA 92 .3 FL Orlando,k 1818 WXXL 106.7 R. Tavares,r 1821 WW00 101 .3 NC Wimington,k WOW!!! 1823 WHKR 102.7 R Rockledge,k 1825 W MX 105.1 R- Orlando,r 1828 W YN 106.5 SC Georgetown,o 1830 WTKS 104.1 FL Cocoa Beach,t REAL RADIO 1837 WFK$ 99 .9 Fl Palatka,r 1844 WJHM 101 .9 FL Daytona Beach,s 1846 WAVW 101.7 FL Vero Beach,k 1852 WXTC 96.9 SC Charleston,r 1908 WYGC 100.9 FL Gainesville,k 1925 WBLX 92.9 AL Mobiles 1~.Ea 1851 KWJM 92.7 LA Farmerville,r 1852 WKRA 92 .7 MS Holty Springs,g 1859 KCXY 95 .3 AR Camden,k 913 922 717 886 898 904 919 }~7 933 904 552 906 851 889 959 597 870 995 1,107 890 1,102 NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 FRED NDRDQUIST - 7945 BOXFORD ROAD- CLAY NEVN YORK 13041-8606 Equipment : Carver TX-tta with IF filter mod, Stereo Probe9antenna 7/18 Es 18312100 AR/TX/LA/KS/NEW MEXICO! MUF:108+ 1832 KOXY 94 .1 TX Beaumont r/ID ~c'~j7~1813NE MIIF~94 7 AMiZ 1344 1853 KAUB 97 .1 AR Camden ID 97 Catntry 1022 1120 1757 WOW 94 .1 NE Omaha Icl traffic cx 1910 KW LV 107.1 LA Many ID/k 1244 1145-1203 hE NR1F:94.1 MHZ 1927 Y! 105.3 TX ID 1334 92 .3 NE Omaha Z92 Icl ads 1022 1153 KEZO 1947 KCYT 106.7 TX Grarrbury L&CID 1394 :~~21-2029 PTA AL No ~s . 2014 KHYI 95 .3 TX Howe k/ID 1300 10 Es 1904-1905 PTA LA No ~s. 2024 ~ 94 .1 TX Amarillo K-Buy tl Fs 1821-2005 SD/CO/NE/MSfu~1F:107.5 MiZ wx 87 degrees 1480 1187 1821 ~ 91.9 SD LowrySD Public Radio 2037 KS K 99 .1 KS Girard k FR 90 .1 CO Denver C6 Public Radio/ID 1515 1900 The New KSEK 1060, then . . . .. 91 .1 CO Morrison g mx/metro traffic/ 1906 Y I 2039 K V 99 .1 )~ Clovis clear ID hrd wx/ID 91.1 DISTANCE RECORD (nice!-gc) 1523 Taped! New State #42 1580 1857 KWMX 107.5 CO Lakewood k/ID Ma FM 1519 21 Es 18162057 AR/TX/FL MUF:100 .1 MHZ 1916 ~ 88.9 CO Denver ID j 1515 1903 WMNF 88 .5 FL Tampa ID 1108 1129 1923 KZEN 100.3 NE Central City KZ100 1954 WOCS 88 .9 FL Ft Pierce NPR/ID 1109 91.7 MS JacksonID 1930 WJSU 2004 WJFP 91 .1 FL Ft Pierce s ID 1109 Jackson State U. 1073 2007 WOLL 94 .3 FL Riviera Beach Oldies 94 .3 1157 1931 WPRL 91.7 MS )amen ID Alcom State0 1132 2054 WNIFE 90 .7 FL Orlando ID/wx/cl mx 1051 Totals:1724 .FinallyloggedNMforState#42 . Hopetomake it to Lake PlaidWTFDA Convential on Sat 8/4.73-Fred . GEO GE GREENE - 1_527 SUNSET AVE . -_AKRON, OH10 44301 E-MAIL : 7 367.3305Qcompuserve .com Equipment: Mclntosh MR78 tuner, Stereo Probe 9=35' June 1995 X: I JULY 13 EGW 2045 WHYT 96.3 MI Detroit, the planet", 1~ modern rock, trix to WKDD briefly off 1905 WEKU 88 .9 KY Richmond, wx, cl music 2131 WQBE 97.5 WV Charleston, Kroger promo, Julv 1995 X: this time with WONE off the air 12 EGW (e tended around wave) 2135 WJIM 97.5 MI Lansing, soft AC 1650 WDFM 98 .1 OH Defiance,wx report, 2136 WMMA 97.3 OH Lebanon, tnx to WTOF off air Black Bam pizza ad, oldies 1653 WKCO 98 .1 MI Saginaw, "Q country" 2140 WIXC 97 .3 MI Essexville, jingle, 1654 WFGY 98 .1 PA Attoona, "troggy" Gw Michigan promo 1655 WKQO 98 .1 KY Lexirgton, Whfttaker Bank 2141 CIOM 97.5 ON London, ,wx, "Q97 .5" 19 ES 2040 KFXI 92.1 OK Marbw, "Foxy 92", 2045 KIJNt 92 .3 TX Farwell, religion 2056 unlD 93.5 ?? weather forecast w/high MONTREAL'S 92 .5 FM temps to be 105 degrees ~92 Yeah, after a fairly unexciting season, did finally hear some e-skip in mid~July. . .along w/some interesting stuff thanks to some locals being off the air, hi . Looks like the start of a good tropo season now, tho. George (~r~i~i~l~l -~ 9 OUT OF 10 AVID FM DX'ERS READ THE VHF-UHF DIGEST EVERY MONTH! (THE TENTH ONE? HE READS IT TWICE!) ~ W.T.F.D.A. - THE CLUB FOR FM DX BUFFS REPORT TO THE V.u .D . TODAY! ! NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 Note #1 Heard Des Moines ads and Des Moines area news . Probably KBBM. There was no ID on this one. Note ~P2 Heard very well in WMSE's null with the antenna directed to SE. JOHN M. - PHONE (414) 425-0383, (4:30 to 10pm daily), E-MAIL : Jlentz~ods.ods .net EQUIPMENT: Radio Shack VU110 TV and FM antenna, Archerrotor, 0 to 30 db Archer high gain amplifier, Luxman R-115FM receiver, tuner. Times are CDT. I July 1995 JULY 14 TR CONT 0508 WLLR 101.3 E. Moline, IL country 1808 1A~ LM 89 .3 E. Moline, II 0802 KBOB 99 .7 Muscatine, IA "Quad Cities Country" 05 200 WAUS 90 .7 Berrian Springs, MI 0057 KUNI 90 .9 Cedar falls, IA 1600 WBCT 93.7 Grand Rapids, MI country Latin-American music prgm. 1945 WHLA 90.3 La Gosse, WI 1205 WVPE 88 .1 Elkhart, IN . (Local WMWK ofi) 2033 KATF 1352 WKZC 94.9 Scottsville, MI country, "Z-95" 92.9 Dubuque, IA "Kat-FM" slogans 1855 WOOD 105.7 Grand Rapids, MI . Barney 8 Friends prgm 2200 WABT 103.9 Dundee-Shaumburg, IL 2245 WEFM 95 .9 Michigan City, IN oldies 0430 WKMQ 2010 KBOB 2215 WKOA 2320 W~LX "New 95.3 Winnebago-Rockford, IL oldies 99 .7 Muscatine, IA country 105.3 W. Lafayette, IN "K105" country 103 .3 Wis. Rapids, WI rock 103.3 WGLX" 2040 WXRX 104.9 Belvidere, IL rock mx 1628 WEVS 92 .7 Saugatuck, MI oldies "The Lakeshore" 1638 KGGO 94 .9 Des Moines oldies "Des Moines KGGO" 1653 KBBM 99.5 Winterset, IA? (Note #1) 1700 WGNB 89.3 Zeeland, MI "WGNB Zeeland-Grand Rapids" 2234 KFMG 103.3 Pella, IA rock mx 2329 WGLC 100.1 Mendota, IL country, mentioned 1090 kc . 0345 KMGO 98 .7 Centerville, IA country, "Go 99" 0424 KCRR 97 .7 Gr~dy Center, IA rock 0443 KRNA 94 .1 Iowa City, IA rock 0525 KGRS 107.3 Burlington, IA rock 0545 WSWT 106.9 Peoria, IL news 0603 KCQQ 106.5 Davenport,lA rock 0605 KILJ 105.5 Mt. Pleasant, IA talk 2259 ICRTI 106.7 Grinnel, IA rock 2300 WKPL 107.1 Platteville, WI country "K-107" 2252 WLHT 95.7 Grand Rapids, MI heard over local WZTR 14~TC 0354 WSPT 97.9 Steven's Point, WI 0400 KNWS 101.9 Waterloo, IA news 0403 WIXX 101.1Green BAy, WI 0412 KOKZ 105.7 Waterloo, IA rock 0419 WCCN 107.5 Neillsville, WI rock ^CAn~ WVCX 98 .9 Tomah, WI religious 1820 WKKZ 1838 WVOB 92.7 Dublin, GA weather 8 ID 913 Dothan, AL religious, ID heard. 0736 WOZZ 93 .5 New London, WI lightrock 0811 WDOR 93 .9 Sturgeon Bay, WI ~Tr 1910 WODJ 107.3 Greenville, MI oldies Zr~ 1700 WIAA 2258 WJCH Hi, this is my first report to Northern FM-DX. I've been a avid WFTDA member for over 10 years. In all these years I've been depending upon rabbit ears and a GE Super radio. Since then I recently added a rooftop antenna and rotor and a better receiver to enhance my FM DX hobby and it sure is a big improvement . Finally after all these years I am finally reporting my FM loggings publicly! Being this my first, some of the loggings may be irregular. Thou I won't know that till I get used to my new antenna system. But most of the stations reported are over 100 miles away . I live 12 miles from Milwaukee, WI and pretty much know what goes on in the local FM scene. WEZW 103.7 is planning to change calls to WAMG, they call themselves "New Magic 103.7". On Sept.1, a new station is expected on the air as WFMI-FM,106.9 broadcasting from the same tower as WFMR 98.3 in Menomonee Falls. I suspect thou that WFMI will be licensed to &ookfield, a suburb west of Milwaukee. They plan on an all Jazz format . 73s, John Lentz (Welcome to the column, John! Glad to see you report, looks greatl Good to see that the new setup is working out for you. We hope to hear from you soon!-gc) 88 .7 Interlochen, MI NPR 91 .9 Joliet, IL Family Radio Net. 8340 WXLP 96 .9 Moline, IL rock, "97X" Quad Cities ads. 0350 WAJK 99 .3 La Salle, IL rock, "99.3 WAJK" 0411 WIXN X1 .7 Dixon, IL country "WIXN FM102" 0417 KLOU 103.3 St. Louis, MO oldies 0441 WGLC 100.1Mendota, IL country 0455 WSWT 106.9 Peoria, IL "Light Rock tOT' 0756 WHHI 91.3 0900 WUOM 91.7 (N te #2) '2115 KNXR 97 .5 2200 WWCT 105.7 2254 IFC 95 .5 Highland, WI NPR Ann Arbor, MI classical mx. Rochestor, MN Dance and Jazz mx Peoria, IL rock Wausau, WI 0KISD ~71~5 98.7 Pipestone, MN oldies, ID tape after each song 0757 KSJN 99.5 Minneapolis, MN classical music 2244 WNNO 106.9 Wis. Dells, WI rock 2254 WYZM 105.1 Waunakee, WI country co ntdown prgm . UI~L C011~~ ~V~111 ~ei~po~er~~e! STEVEN BRANCH - 3105 SHARON DR. - CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 61821 Equipment: Kenwood KT-5020 JULY 1995 DX E$ 1220 1221 1222 1223 JULY 30 TR 1045 KDLO 96.9 SD WatertownID 559 1055 KDWB 1013 MN Richfield/ Jingle, ID, 417 MinneapolisCountry Countdown 199 1059 KTJJ 98.5 MO Fannington ID 1100 WVCX 98.9 WI TomahIDasWVCY 291 1101 WMT 96.5 IA Cedar Rapids/IowaCityID 220 1111 KSJN 99.5 MN Minneapolis ClassicalMusic 422 161 1112 WKDO 99.5 KY Henderson ID 1122 WMDH 102.5 IN New Castle ID 151 XHOC! 93.3 NL Monterrey SS XHAAA 93.1 TM Reynosa SS XHTLN 94.1 NL Nuevo Laredo SS 1083 KOYE 94.9 TX Laredo Y-95, 1080 "Laredo'sCountry" 1224 XHCGO 90.5 TM Ciudad CamargoSS 1226 XHNOE 913 NL Nuevo Laredo SS 1083 29 TR 1028 KBEZ 92 .9 OK Tulsa Jingle, ID 502 1030 KGGO 94.9 IA DesMoines 298 "Des Moines'Best Rock" 1037 KZKX 96.9 NE Seward/ Lincoln ID RN DX in the Midwest is picking up after a slow 1041 KGNC 97 .9 TX Amarillo Jingle, ID 8% start inJune. The hot, humid conditions in July 1045 KQRC 98.9 KS Leavenworth/KCID 359 have provided some excellenttropo openings, 1049 KLTH 99.7 MO Kansas City Ads 344 1054 KCFX 1011 MO Herrisonville/ K~asCity including loggings from Texas, South Dakota, 341 Kansas,andMinnesota St .LouisFMsat143miles ID, The Fox are daily regularsthis summer . (Nice to hear 1102 KEZS 1029 MO Cape Girardeau fromyou, Steven . That was some openingat theend ID, Over Semi-local WSOY of July there! We hope to hear from you again1107 KCFX 104.3 TX Borger/ SS 779 welcome to the column!-gc1 Amarillo (nice!-gcl AN ACTIVE HURRICANE SEASON OFTEN BRINGS GREAT TROPO DX! DON'T MISS THE NEXT DX OPENING ; IT MAY BE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! 65 NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 TIM MCVEY - 124 TIMBER LANE - HANOVER PENNSYLVANIA 17331 Equipment: Trusty old Pioneer TX-7500 with front end-IF mods, Stereo Probe 9 on a rotor hanging bat-like in the attic ; Only new entries are listed ; EDT g Juw . ES 1150 92 .3 WCMO FL Miami FM-92 SS 20 Julv. EGW 1810 92 .3 CBAF5 NS Halifax 2100 rare enhancement to Pittsburgh. . . FF, c, mcno 1812 95 .9 CBAFI4NS Sydney //92 .3 added WORD-101 .5, WDVE-102.5, WOED-89.3, 1820 96.5 CIEC NS Halifax "Sun-FM" mr WYEP-91 .3 1830 90 .5 CBHA NS Halifax CBC, mono 2208 100.5 WOMP OH Bellaire 1850 94 .9 CKPE NS Sydney k, calls heard r, the new womp fm 1900 96 .1 CBCT PEI Clown t, mono 21 Julv . ES 1915 93 .3 CBHI NS Middletn big band mx 0900-2200 TV-2 and 3 from TX, Mexico all day, 1920 102.7 CBH frustrating MUF woukJnt rise to FM NS Halifax /KJ3 .3 1940 104.3 CFRO NS Halifax pr, promo 2003 92 .9 KSRR TX San Antonio SS Perted geometry and very little muttipath on this 3 Aua. EGW bng~duration opening; signal strengths pegged 0815 99 .7 SID NJ 50s white vocals and big the S-meter! bands, 103.1 Jukebox Radio Local 94 .9 off air, ~ got a couple via scatter: (This is WXTM MorQicelb, NYtJc) 2055 94.9 WKLL NY Utica "K-rock" 2105 94.9 WPVR VA Roanoke "light-95 FM" During this month, dozens of semi-finge stations in 11 Julv. ES PA/N,1/AADNA have been added to the log during 1925 93 .9 KKMK SD Rapid City r, "magic-93 .9" our 24-day stagnant air heat wave (11 July-4 Aug) . bcal ads Most of them anent interesting enough to report 1930 98 .7 KLUV TX Dallasoldies, co-channel . . . here . Real disappointed that the big trops didnt 1930 98 .7 KOUT SD Rapid City k, k>cai materialize ; cx seemed ideal forformation of a duct ads, the new Kat country out to OH/ILAN. 1938 100.3 KOFX SD Rapid City bcal promos, classic rode from the new 100 the Fox 1940 95 .5 KSDZ NE Gordon k, calls, bcal ads 1945 97 .5 KOSK NE Chadron k, 97 .5 and 106 FM double-O country 1950 93 .1 KRCS SD Sturgis bcal ads, poor signal AUL H - KEL Y T - (a16) 364-0725 e-mail : chernos~web .apc .org July 5 Es (Downtown Toronto M F 89 91 1745 unlD 89 .9 Strong folk music but busy and unable to DX 1uh 8 Es (Oakvilk M F 101 51 1317 unlDs 93 .5 k, 94 .7 Paul Harvey 1758 KJIL 99 .1 KS Copeland 1800 KGLS 93 .1 KS Fratt 1827 unlD 99 .1 `The official r. station of summer, Power 99 FM" r Possibly KTLI EIDorado KS or Prince Albert SAZ 1828 KEZH 101 .5 NE Hastings KZ Country k 1832 KQLS 100.3 KS Colby 2102 unlD 90 .7 Ethnic music, maybe East European t 2103 unlD 88 .3 g July 13 Tr (East Toronol 0500 WSRD 104 .9 NY Johnstown `The Wizard° r strong 0501 WBEE 92.5 NY Rochester best ever, of times even w/CISS 0507 WFRW 88 .1 NY Webster best ever, at times CKLN wiped out 0530 WFLY 92 .3 NY Troy r Fly-92 later o/WRRN 0559 LF 106.7 NY Copenhagen Z-Rock 0633 W2 8A8 95.5 NY Rochester The Nerve 95 .1-95 .5 RI M5A 2W5 JULY 14 Tr (Kingston Road. Toronrol 0544 WZAK 93.1 OH Cleveland sg 0545 WNCX 98.5 OH Cleveland r 0547 WQAL 104 .1 OH Cleveland 0-104 0550 WGAR 99 .5 OH Cleveland 0551 WNC0101 .3 OH Ashland 0552 WCRF 103.3 OH Cleveland g 0601 1M 106.3 OH New Lexington FM-106 w/WCTL 0602 BG 933 OH YounsfOldi93 gown .es 0606 WCLV 95 .5 OH Cleveland c 0609 WZLE 104.9 OH Lorain g 0614 WKKY 104.7 OH Geneva (ex-104 .9) 0634 WPSU 90 .7 PA Kane 0704 WKYN 97.5 PA St. Mary's July 18 Es (Burnt Riverl 1835 WZMP 95.1 MS Marion South 95 k 1837 WJZD 94 .5 MS Long Beach 1'848 WG2UE 93 .3 LA New Orleans 0-93 1849 WCKW92 .3 LA Laplace 1850 KLRZ 100.3 LA Larose 1855 KDF.A 93.7 LA New Iberia 1856 WEZB 97.1 LA New Orleans8-97 1859 KERA 90.1 TX Dallas 1900 KCBI 90.9 TX Dallas 1901 WWNO 89 .9 LA New Oreans NORTHERN FM DX SAUL CHERNOS JULY 18 ES CONT 1909 WYCT 941 LA Kentwood .Young Country 94 .1 1910 unlD 94 .7 `Stereo Country" East TX 1942 KNUE 101 .5 TX Tyler 1944 KILT 100.3 TX Houston 1944 KMJ1 99 .7 LA Shreveport 1945 KTCS 99 .1 AR Fort Smith 1945 KODA 99 .1 TX Houston 1947 KEWL 95 .1 TX New Boston Cool 95.1 1947 KKUS 104.1 TX Tyler US-104 1950 _KICI 107.9 TX Corsicans DFW's official Tejano tn 1950 _KKYR 102.5 TX Texarkana 1952 KXKC 99 .1 LA New Iberia Hot Country k 1954 unlD 99 .7 O-watch-99 rap/soul 1956 KTUX 98 .9 TX Carthage 1957 K~ 107.3 TX Whitehouse 2008 KTBZ 107.5 TX Lake Jackson The Buzz rp 2014 KUEZ 99 .3 TX Lufkin 2016 KTBQ 107.7 TX Nacogdoches Gt-107 2017 unlD 100.7 The Q-100 Redville rangers 2038 KRXO 107.7 OK Oklahoma City 104.7 TX Burkburnett 2039 _KYYI 2045 KXXY 96 .1 OK Oklahoma City 2044 ICSRW 96 .1 TX Childress k 2051 KLDG 102.7 KS Liberal k "102 .7 The Legend" July 19 Ez Roronto) 1604 unlDs 90791793 ., ., . 5... July 21 Es (Burnt Riverl 1136 KEZO 92 .3 NE Omaha Omaha's best rock is on Z-92 1137 WOW 94 .1 NE Omaha 1138 KKPR 98 .9 NE Keamey 1140 KLDZ 95 .1 NE Lincoln Husker Fball ment, 476-9595 r 1142 KQLS 100.3 KS Colby 1142 KZKX 96 .9 NE Seward 1144 KKCI 102.5 KS Goodland Home of KS State Wildcats 1147 KUVR 97 .7 NE Holdrege "KUVR AM and FM" 1150 KSYZ 107.7 NE Grand Island 1151 KKYT 105.3 NE McCook Coyote Ct ounry, S ulphur City enre 1152 KTMX .9 NE York Ct104 Mix-105, what's your favorite sou dZ 1153 KLRB 97 .3 NE Aurora 1307 89 .3 lobo location, jazz, 772-17- in f'SA 100.3 TX Houston 1433 KILT 1453 KRVS 88 .7 LA Lafayette Red River Radio c 1758 WOCS 88 .9 FL Fort Pierce Treasure Coast, Classic-89 1810 WPCV 97 .5 FL Winter Haven 97-Cou try k 1817 WMNF 88 .5 FL Tampa 1812 WJIS 88 .1 FL Bradenton g 753-9- and 1(800)456-8910 1816 WSJT 94 .1 FL Lakeland pp jazz, new calls SEPTEMBER 1995 report continued .- . IDLY21 ES CONT 1818 WFLZ 93 .3 FL Tampa 1823 WJXR 92 .1 FL Macdenny "The Shark" 1836 WYUU 92 .5 FL Safety Harbor 1855 WCMQ 92 .3 FL Hialeah SS 2027 89.7 KACV pr "Toxic Radio" 2143 KCBI 90 .9 TX Dallas g July 22 Ez ~Burnt Riverl 1645 CBAF-15 88 .1 PE Charlottetown CBC French mono 1646 CBAF-5 92 .3 NS Halifax // 88 .1 1647 CBNM 90 .3 NF Marystown CBC Radio English Oz-FM r 1648 CHOZ 94 .7 NF St. John's 1652 VOCM 97 .5 NF St. John's Magic 97 r Canada news 1658 CKIX 99 .1 NF St. John's k Broadcast News 1700 WEDR 99 .1 FL Miami rap mixing with NF! 1701 CBAF 88 .5 NB Mondon // 88 .1 1707 B B 106.7 NS Mulgrave // 90 .3 // 90 .3 1708 CBHY 92 .1 NS Yarmouth 1722 WLVE 93 .9 FL Miami Beach 1729 90 .9 g Christian Life Radio (Miami areas) 1730 CBHA 90 .5 NS Halifax // 90 .3 1730 BAA 97 .9 NB Allardville // 90 .3 1742 WAYJ 88 .7 FL Fort Myers Hit Radio Way FM Jnlr24 Tr(ast , Toronnol 2215 CBCD 96 .7 ON Pembroke CBC Radio mono English 2312 CFBG 100.9 ON Bracebridge "The Moose" rp July 30 Tr (Burnt Riverl 1828 WBCT 93 .7 MI Grand Rapids "B-93" k 2000 WUPS 98 .5 MI Coldwoter "98.5" Juh 30 Tr Roronto) 2230 unlD 104.9 "Jazz104" Possible mention of Detroit 2318 WBUZ 106.5 OH Delta "Toledo's new rock, tha new Buzz 106.5" 2329 WFMK 99 .1 MI East Lansing "Light rock 99 WFMK" r 2335 unlD 101 .5 Calls like WBLS but that's 107.5 NYI JuH 31 Tr (east Torontol 0109 WBCT 93 .7 MI Grand Rapids "8-93, nobody plays more country" 0122 WSEN 92 .1 NY Baldwinsville"Oldies 92" 0124 WFLY 92 .3 NY Troy "Fly 92" r 0133 WDLS 93 .7 PA Dallas "Hot Country 93-7" 0137 WZMX 93 .7 Q Hartford "The new 93-7, WZMX" r 0140 WSRD 104.9 NY Johnstown 0154 WBLS 107 .5 NY New York s g 0159 WPEL 96 .5 PA Montrose 0214 WODZ96 .1 NY Rome "Oldies 96" 0242 unlD 94 .3 "The oldies station, Gold 94" (Most likely it was WSGD Carbondole-gc) 0256 WKSB 102.7 PA Williamsport 0304 CITEl 102.7 PCI Sherbrooke b Ff 61 NORTHERN FM DX SEPTEMBER 1995 SAUL CHERNOS' repo rt contin ued ... JULY 31 TR CONT August 4 Tr (Burnt Riwrl 0306 WBZZ 93 .7 PA Pittsburgh 1506 unlD 92 .1 FF r with disco or k edge "Non-stop hit music B-94°, 2100 WKCQ 98 .1 MI Saginaw ment 0326 WPYX 106.5 NY Albany "Pix 106" 2208 WGRY 100.3 MI Grayling 0404 HLM 106.5 PA Bloomsburg "Mix 106.5 is 2203 CHRY 96.7 ON Leamington WHLM .. .` August 5 Tr !Burnt River! 0416 unlD 92.7 "Classic rock92 .7 FM" 0345 CBL. 94 .3 ON Hunhville open carrier then // 92 .1 WSEN oldies relaying WLLZ 98 .7 0447 WMXD 92 .3 MI Detroit (and others, at 0830 WELD 99 .9 MI Rogers City Scarborough Bluffs!) k "Eagle 100" 0456 unlD 99 .1 "Today's best country music, August b MS (Bumf River! and the best of the old. . .new" 1137 unlD 99 .1 Smoothe FM ??? 0603 WVOA 105.1 NY De Ruyter "Love Radio" August 8 Tr/Es lScorborouah Blc~sl 0630 F-9 91 .9 PQ Mont LaurierQuebec 0933 WUSL 98 .9 PA Philadelphia weather, CBC FF "Power 99" s rite thru WKIX! 0636 WHK099.1 OH Dayton "K-99.1-FM" k 0936 WSKG 89.3 NY Binghamton 0640 CJLA 104.9 PQ Mirabel FF non-CBC 0945 WBYN 107.5 PA Boyertown 9 0700 CHYR 96 .7 ON Leamington k 0950 WHFS 99.1 MD Annapolis "HFS" w/ 0732 WYHT 105.3 OH Mansfield "Y-105" hfspressoeaol.com address Auaest 1 Tr fTorontol 1015 WGGY 101 .3 PA Scranton Froggy k 0024 WBZZ 93.7 PA Pittsburgh r `B-94" no 1020 WXHC 101 .5 NY Homer r sign of semi-local WBLK! 1024 KERA 90 .1 TX Dallas c local mentions DFW 0030 WRDR 104.9 NJ Egg Harbor City b-jazz nothing else! strong! 1035 WAVT 101.9 PA Pottsville "T-l0Y 0048 WSTW 93.7 DE Wilmington 0045 WLKA 102.3 NY Rochester "Lake Air" 0052 WPRO 92.3 RI Providence "92-Pro-FM" shocked I'd never logged! 0058 WSRS 96 .1 MA Worcester r August 9 Tr lScarboro~ h Bluffs! No sign of Buffalo semi 0022 WHFS 99 .1 MD Annapolis "99.1 HFS 0100 WSOG 91 .7 NY Cooperstown Modern Rock 4 modern Times° WSKG network sign-off 0038 WQNY103.7 NY Ithaca"103 .7 The Wave" r 0104 F I 106.5 PQ St. Hyacinthe FF 0046 WCKR 92 .1 NY Hornell 0111 WPYX 106 .5 NY Albany °Pix-106" 0100 unlD 94.7 No sign of Buffalo semi Country music "After Midnight show 0118 WPEL 96.5 PA Montrose g i 0107 WKSB 102.7 PA Williamsport "Kiss FM" 0123 WKSB 102.7 PA Williamsport ' 0108 WLVW 105.5 MD Salisbury "The Wave" "102 .7-Kiss-FM" r oldies, mention 92.1 0124 unlD 91 .7 PA WQED Network station 0130 WRKZ 106.7 PA Hershey "Z-107" k 0140 WHLM 106.5 PA Bloomsburg "Mix-106.5° 0135 WXCY 103.7 MD Havre de Grace k Tri0142 WBYN 107 .5 PA Boyertown g State weather 0143 WDUQ90.5 PA Pittsburgh 0146 WERQ 92 .3 MD Baltimore "The red hot "DUQ After Hours° jazz jam station 92Q" s 0155 WHGI 100.3 PA Canton Wiggle k 0158 WLIF 101 .9 MD Baltimore "Light 102° m (mentions Elmira on 102.9) 0213 WCEI 96.7 MD Euston Favourites 0210 WKKW 106.5 WV Clarksburg from 60s 70s 80s 0242 WHPA 104.9 PA Hollidaysburg r 0218 WBIG 100.3 DC Washington°Oldies100" 0244 WORD 101 .5 PA Pimburgh g 0230 unlD 94 .7 PA r "97.9 The Mountain" and 0301 WDLS 93.7 PA Dallas mant York etc. . .PA k "After Midnight program 0240 WPOC 93 .1 MD Baltimore k August 2 Tr lSccrborouoh BI 9~ 7 96 1 0253 WIOV 105.1 PA Ephwta k 106.5 off-girl 0256 WKYE 95.5 PA Johnstown 0031 CIKX 106.5 ON Owen Sound 0358 WOCT 104 .3 MD Baltimore °K-106 .5" "104 .3 The Colt 0101 WHLM 106 .5 PA Bloomsburg "Mix 106.5" 0445 WILQ 105.1 PA Williamsport k 0104 WODZ 96 .1 NY Rome °Oldies 96" August 9 (Barriel 0116 WDLS 93 .7 PA Dallas 1502 . . . . 94 .7 ON Barrio "After Midnite on Hot Country 93 .7" Travellers' information station 0119 WWBZ 93.7 PA Pittsburgh "B-94" August 3 Tr Roronto.93.7 . % 1 106 5 off-oirl 0000 CIT'El 102.7 PQ Sherbrooke FF 0003 WHLM 106:5 PA Bloomsburg `Mix 106.5" w/ C. . . 0116 WWBZ 93 .7 PA Pittsburgh "B-94" ~1~9 WBCT 93 .7 MI Grand Rapids "B-93° k NORTHERN FM DX AUL HERN comments ... SEPTEMBER 1995 qvery brieftape loop identifies as the Huronia Tourism Association and says an interactive tourism information system can be reached by telephone at (705) 835-5438, or Pound-ONT for cellular telephones . No calls heard but looking into this . Lots of July Es, and two rare SuperTropo openings ro the east coast. Makes up for a rather bland May-June. The rarely-heard Canadian Maritimes Es was particularly welcome, though signals weren't too strong. Interesting to get FL at same time, and to hear at !east one New Englander had a wide range as well, from n.w . ON and MB to NF, plus AL and LA . Very interesting pariern. I'm looking forward to learning more about other catches that day. - 73s, Saul GREG CONIGLIO - 5100 GLENWOOD DRIVE - WILLIAMSVILLE NEW YORK 14221 Equipment: Pioneer TX-9100 tuner modttied with 150khz and 180 khz fitters, CM Stereo Probe 9 FM antenna 20' AGL, CACi t & RG6 coax . Phasing : Jerrold 10 element N antenna at - 25' AGL, rotatahle, into "two capacitors in a phase box", and switcttable rabbit ears both into a 0-10-20 db Radio Shack amp. ,g~~r 1995 Dx Aucusr s rR 0810 WDSD 94 .7 DE Dover, very strong 307 2330 WBUC 101 .3 WV Buckhannon, k$ 289 0811 WXCY 103.7 MD Havre de Grace, k$ 271 2345 WRRR 93 .9 WV St .Mary's, AC$,'93R' 281 0820 WWMD104.7 MD Hagerstown, b$ 235 J~ TR: l-71 N. OF MT.VERNON. OHIO ;7~ 1015 WCWV 92 .9 WV Summersville 200 0811 TT 100.5 NY Conklin, classic rock 1718: TEARS HAUTE. IM to YAAIDAUA . IL The Met' phased over WVOR, strong 161 0730-0900: general enhancement,mainlytothesouth . S. 0814 WPEL 96 .5 PA Montrose, g$, rare Indiana, Owensboro, KY, extreme southern Illinois, because of WCMF and WCQA 163 St .Lou!s, and Cape Girardeau, tern . WMG-99 .7 also . 0819 WUSL 98 .9 PA Philadelphia, Power 99, s$ Some great DX seen in 'SFMDX' courttry - read about tt way over WKLX, 270 in an upcoming column! 0829 fWZMT}97 .9 PA Hazleton, local wx, djIGUST 1995 DX MACK HOMEI and traffic report over WPXY, ex: WWSH 192 0833 IWGGY}101 .3 PA Scranton, k$, Froggy 1230 KBCY 99 .7 TX Tye,k$,'Y99' 1372 101,ex : WGBI 185 1250 KIOL 100.3 TX lamesa, local ads 1458 0837 WLEV 96 .1 PA Euston, WJYE off 235 1253 KOTZ 105.9 OK Hobart, 'K0106' 1188 0840 WPHD 94 .7 PA Tioga, classic rock$ 1255 KYYI 104.7 TX Burnbucket, k$, Y104 1246 '95 The MeY, NOT // WMTT 106 1356 K RW 94 .7 TX Friona, Tejano in SS$ 0900 fWODZ} 96 .1 NY Rome, o$ strong in car some EE ads, Tejano FM' ID // KOFX 1417 radio with WJYE still off, ex: WFRG 163 1400 KOSU 91 .7 OK Stillwater, legal ID 1090 AIS 12 1415 K214BV? 90 .7 TX Amarillo, mentions 2346 ~KZ~Z} 104.9 KS Salina, 'Brezzy, prev. of the Texas Panhandle ?? heard by ES as KCVS (now on 90.7) 1025 1425 KKJO 97 .3 KS Garden City, 097o/C,IEZ 1195 ~3 TRS 1435 KSSN 95 .7 AR Little Rock, Kissin 96 930 CHRE 105.7 St .Catherines off the air. Heard: uneeded WMRV 105.7 Endicott, NY (strong), WMJI Cleveland, CFGL Laval, P0, WOXA York, Pa. 2335 WOOD 105.7 MI Grand Rapids, EZ105 .7 353 It didn't turn outto be a bad season after all, despite the dismal start in May 8 June. A nice variety of skip in July and eary August made up for that. I was away out in the U.S . Southwest and the Colorado Rockies for the last half of Juy. Some really beautiful country out there! DX in the mountains was terrible ; hardy anything ever heard outskle of the bcals. The air is too dry, I guess, not to mention the terrain, hi . Heard some skip from New Mexico, and an excellent trop opening from Kansas, though, details of which to be sent to Danrry Burnin. Sounds like I missed some great DX back east, namely the Juy 22 Maritime opening, and the Juy 30-31 super trop . Things have been actve to the southeast here in August, perhaps partialy due to the active tropical season this year. A couple of notes. . .ttlank you very much to Peter George for a GREAT convention at Lake Placid . I realy enjoyed myself there, and d was great seeing everybody again! Hope we all can make it next year as well . Thanks, Pete! Also, pay special attention to Mutt's MAILBOX column this month. TheWTFDAsurvey initiaty was to be published in the August VUD, hence the October 1st deadline. That deadline may have been moved further up to give you more time to finish it and mail it in . Check MAILBOX and FROM THE STAFF for details. Be sure to fill it out and let us know what you think about the club! 73, Greg 69 :SOUT HEA~I " ~~IDX: Danny Buntin 1312 N. Skyline Stillwater, OK 74075 """""""""""""""""""""""""""" s """ " SF~1'ES+16II2 1995 DEADLIIdE SWIHERN fM DX is for reporters from : AL, AR, AZ, CA, Q7, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, RS, KY,LA MD, M0, MS, NC, NM, NV, OK SC TN TX UT & WV . RE'PORT!! LS PICKS UP IN EARLY JDLY_.- TRCp STAYS t~[L ONDES2 520 ni . Es activity for the 1st half of July increased to the point where one DXer called 7/1 the best &s day he ever had. Overall, the season is certainly no match for 1999's Es . Walt Breville, 1749 Innsbrook Estates Wright City MO 63390 Equipt . : Harmon Kardon TU 920 tuner, 6 elenent Radio Shack FM yogi in 2nd story loft, high location . 6/21 is 7/10 Trs 0820 KXOF 106.3 IA Bloanfield 155 2007 KRAV 96 .5 ~C Tulsa 330 6/26 to 2010 KVOO 89 .5 ~C Tulsa 330 0100 KIIJ 105.5 IA Mount Pleasant 160 2053 KKBL 95 .9 MJ Monett 200 6/30 tr 160 2100 KKOW 96 .9 KS Pittsburg 215 0800 KNOT 106.7 !D Springfield,"Hot 106.7" 2101 KCMO 99 .9 FD Kansas City 200 7/1 Es 7/13 tr 1240 WQOL 103.7 FL Vero Beach 1010 2120 WZEA 101 .5 WI Madis~ 310 7/6 Es 7/19 tr 1212 Wlrff 93 .1 FL Miami, c 1100 0807 WIKIC 103.5 II. Newton 150 7/10 7/15 tr 2000 KNYD 90 .5 OK Broken Arrow 325 0800 WYDS 93 .1 IL Decatur 135 I found the Tulsa tr opening as I was driving near my street and found KNYD 90 .5 blasting thru the 94 Ranger's radio. Drove home and fired up the tuner, lately, I tried out a Terk "Pi" small dish amplified antenna, found it no good for even mediumstrength semi-local reception, returned it to Crutchfield and got my refund . Crutchfield seems to be a good stereo equligrent catalog firm to deal with, but they do no carry integated amps or separate tuners . (They more like specialize in car stereo . DB) On the dogrtia that lower frequencies require larger antennas for best performance, our AM BCB DXing brethern overturned this dogma years ago. For decades AM DXers used strictly 100 foot or longer straight wires until the late 1960s when NRC manber Cordon Nelson invented a square loop just 40 inches or so per side with transistor amp that rivaled the 100 ft . wires in signal pickup and gave a tight figure-8 directional pattern to boot . A few years later smaller ferrite-rods just a foot long with RF amps became most AM HCM DXers' signal catchers . Charles Kettering invented cash register motors and auto starters replacing the bad hand cranks in spite of scientists and experts telling him it could not be done by the laws of electricity . I hope this spurs one or more techincal experts among us to invent a good tiny antenna--they are needed, as I noticed a trerxl when I moved out here last year : Restrictions/prohibitions against outdoor antenna and large dishes seen to be the rule in subdivisions and towns that are otherwise highly desirable, crime-free places to live . My subdivision of Innsbrook bans dishes over 18" plus any outdoor antenna Visible from a neighbor's house or deened as obnoxious-looking fron the street by the trustees . Luckily, the thick trees on the average 2 acre lot hide a good many antenns. My next door neighbor's place is up for sale, hope the new owner is tolerant! Now my TV Ya4i on the porch deck is hidden by foliage, but when the leaves fall >n Oct/Nov. I may have to take the TV yogi down until May, if my new neighbor turns out to be intolerant . 73 . is Jeff Wolf, 2217 Dru_rv Rd Silver Seri MD 20906 ~N~Pt . : Sears AM-FM-TV band radio 6/27 Es 7/1 Es 2135 KKYA 93 .1 ~ Yankton,"KK93 KKYA" 1215 Mk' 105.3 2136 KRNA 941 .A loom City 1237 KHFI 96 .7 TX Austin 2149 KZO~; 93 .3 IA Des Moi es, ad, 1250 93 .5 or 7 " . . .Hwy 287 in Groveland" Oldies 93 .3" 1252 KRKZ 93 .3 OK Altus, Z93 2151 93 .3 k, meet ." . . .county fair July 15" 1257 KWTX 97 .5 TX " . . .Waoo-Tenple and 7/1 Es Killeen you all", s,r 1139 KZMZ 96 .9 LA Alexandria 1311 KIVY 92 .7 TX Cr'ockett, ment . Crockett 1148 KLAK 97 .5 OK ID 1152 98 .1 ment . Cartha9e, Hwy 35, 7/5 Es, tr Crown Glass 2007 KWK? 97 .5 talk, Bruce Williams KQUS 97 .5 AR Hot Springs, US-97 2009 M1F 101 .5 1158 KKPT 94 .1 AR Little Rock 2143 "93.7, the Coast", meet . Norfolk,VA 1159 KOXY 94 .1 TX Beaucront-Port Arthur 2145 WZBH 93 .5 DE Georgetown,"93 .5 Beach" coot . . . . 10 SOVffiERN FM DX 7 11 ES 1g3 unlD 97 .5, r 7/18 Es 192KQUS 97 .5 AR Hot Springs, k 7/21 ts, Es 1958 WS1W 93 .7 DE Wilmington Wolf, oont . SF.'P'fII9BII2 1995 7/21 Es 2037 93 .7 went . "in Austin" 7/30 tr 0027 WFRB 105.3 MD Frostburg, k 8/4 Es? 2131 unlD 97 .5 FYed Laun K3Z0, 5801 Huntland Rd ., Ta e Hills MD 29748 Equipt . : Denon TU-800 tuner, antenna: inegard P 35 EDSP ~ 7/9 Es 7/5 Es 1956 KBPR 90 .7 MN Brainerd, ID 1822 CJLS 93 .5 2005 kMFY 96 .9 MN Grand Rapids, ID 1829 CBH 102.7 WIGM 99 .3 WI Medford, Medford ads the Maritimes" 2007 2039 KKDL 95 .1 ND Forgo, "Cool 95" 1839 CKPE 94 .9 2047 KFN 101 .9 PM Forgo South Forgo ads 2101 WDAY 93 .7 ND Forgo, "Mix 93 .7 FM" NS New Tusket, ZD NS Halifax "CBC Serving + NS wx forecast NS Sydney, "K-94 FM" Douglas E. Smith, 1385 Old Clarksvile P ke, Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098 Ern-;pt . : Tectuiics ST-G50, Archer VU-160 at 15 7/3 Es 7/11 tr 916 1102 WPBX 88 .3 NY Southa~ton, loc, wx 829 1028 KAYX 92 .5 M'J Rickmiond,loc . t,g$ 1035 KOLL 94 .9 AR Maumelle,"Cool 95" 319 7/7 tr 0857 KHLS 96 .3 AR Blytheville,calls,o/ oc . 1040 KLRQ 96 .1 ~ Clinton,"Q96 FM" ads 380 0907 KPHQ 101 .3 AR Pig Blufflocads , 318 1047 KGMY 100.5 ~ Aumra,"My Country" 369 .AR 0921 KKCN 106.7 Trumann, "Kickin'106 .7" 1051 KWXD 103 .5 fD JAsbury, '~ X 103.5". 7/7 ES local ads, rp$ 419 1058 KIiN 106.7 DD Mount Vermn, ads 365 1003 KLYT 88 .3 IA7 ~, local underwriting 1086 1103 K.SDA7 91 .1 MJ Springfield, legal ID, 1016 KWFS 93 .5 NM Ruidoso, "Constant EBS test 349 Country K-Buy", //AM 1360 1110 KXTR 96 .5 DD Kansas City, c$ 449 7/11 tz 1113 KUDL 98 .1 KS Kansas City, "98 FM 0017 KYYS 102 .1 M3 Kansas City,"KY-102" 450 K-U-D A L sung 449 0100 KKIX 103 .9 AR Fayetteville,"Kicks 103.9"1136 KKFI 90 .tt reggae 0120 _KQdO 94 .9 481 Y~ 449 1201 ICP15 99 .7 Np Springfield, nx 334 KC Weather" 0124 KZLE 93 .1 AR Hatesville, loc. wx 261 1221 KXUS 97 .3 ND Springfield "US97" 348 KSYN 92 .5 MD Joplin, calls 915 1249 KTXY 106.9 !~ Jefferson City, ads 334 0129 KCVO 91 .7 MJ Camdenton,"Spirit FM"332 7/12 to 0140 KISF 106 .3 M7 Lexington,"KC's new rock, 0000 KI-PQ 102.1 AR Sherwood,calls & op$ 294 107 .3 Kiss FM" 416 0016 47~RL 106.3 IL Benton, cats 148 0142 KTPK 106 .9 KS Topeka,"KTPK Country 107" 7/25 Es 0941 unlDS to 91 .7 0150 KBDQ 109 .3 MO Kansas City,"104 KBD" 0157 KQRC 98 .9 KS Leavencorth,"98-9 K~2C, 7/29 tr 376 The Rock" 449 2113 KGRS 107.3 IA Burlington calls .1 Np Florissant,legal m 0202 KXOK 97 259 2153 KCC~',2 99 .9 MO Gordonville,ads,"Q99"154 0233 KRES 104 .7 MO Fbberly,"Super Station 8/~ Kres'r372 0851 WASE 103.5 KY Radcliff, "Oldies 103.5 KTXR 101 .3 MD Springfield, b$ 328 WASET~ 0855 WLCf 102.1 TN Iafayette,"WLCT 102 .1 ~ WEFN1460" 59 A real potpourri this month . For sore reason the July 11 tropo didn't seen that 0905 WHBE 92 .7 KY Russell Springs,ex WPO09ood while it was h~~w^" ng-but tire 2346 WYYB 93 .7 TN Dickson, now p$ WYYB 93 .7 TN Dickson, now p$//WRLG // WRLG 94 .1 Smyra results are not to be argued with! One 8/3 ES new seni-local appeared in late July 1103 KCFR 90 .1 aD Denver, legal ID 1012 (WLCP 102.1) but they usually can't make 1147 RYGD 98 .5 CD Denver," . .on KYGD-FM^ .Z-line. .."998 1158 KZDG 92 .5 Greeley,". it over W271AB, so I don't think they're 1200 R(SIJ 90 .5 F't. Nllins,legal ID1017 going to me much trouble. 1245 KRCS 93 .1 SD Sturgis, "All Hit ~tmtry BRCS-FM" 1022 mi . Keith D. Pugh, 227 Martin St ., New Hope , AL 35760 Equipt . : McIntosh MR-78, Probe 9, 18 b Archer FM amp 6/27 Es 6/27 Es 1850 Wl~'B 93 .5 ME Fairfield,"River 93-5" 1824 unID 100.5 FF, Canada, $ 1826 CJDM 92 .1 PQ Drumondville,FF,ID 1951 WELD 99 .9 MI Rogers City,"Eagle 100" 1959 QOM 94 .3 PS2 Montreal, r,DI 1831 CF~t 92 .5 PQ Montreal,"492" 2000 unlD 94 .7 FF, $,"R . Shontay" 1838 WSNN 99 .3 NY Potsdam, ads 2007 CBM 93 .5 PQ Montreal, c, EE 1842 CFLG 104.5 ON Cornvrall, II) 2007 WTNY 93 .5 NY Watertown, "T-93" for 1843 MUF 108+ northern NY", r countdown 1845 CHIIC 98 .9 PS2 Quebec, slogan, city ' 2014 CKTF 104.1 PQ Gatiniau, "R. Energie'= _ ref., "Ia Energid", rs, FF oot. . . . SOUTHERN FM DX Pugh, cont . SERR'II+lBER 1995 6/27 Es 7/1 Es 2018 CFLY 98 .3 ON Kingstn, "98.3 FLY 1330 KYIS 98 .9 ~C OK City, r,"Kiss" 1332 KMZE 92 .1 OK Woodward, "Z-92" 2019 unII> 97 .1 "Quinty's Hest Variety--Mix 1333 ICRPT 103 .7 OIt Anadarko, k, area ad 97", rm 1337 ItPWX 107 .5 NM Clovis, SS 2025 CKKL 93 .9 ON Ottzawa, "Cool 93 .9" 1340 KQTZ 105 .9 OIC Hobart, "x¢106", ads 2038 CIIJC 103.5 ON Orangeville, area ads 1341 KOLT 105 .9 NM Santa Fe, ad 2092 uaII) 100.9 "The Moose 100.9", op 1342 KE7X 106.5 TX Lubbock, EE-SS,"Power 106" 2046 _CKAT 101 .9 ON North Bay, k, ID 1397 KBCM 106.7 NM Los Alamos, o, "K-Banb" 2048 CJMV 102 .7 PQ Val d'or "Energy", FF 1349 KYKC 100.1 OK Byng, ID 2100 unlD 99 .9 "CBC Radio" 1343 KKYN 103.9 TX Plainview, k, ad 6/28 gw new to air 1354 FCFCV{{C 100.9 TX Quanah, k, ZD 0900 [~KB 89 .9 AL Sheffield, g,//WAFR, $ 1355 KI .AW 101 .5 OK Lawton, "K-Law" Es 1356 KII2Q 98 .1 OIC Lawton, Ifl 1649 KAMZ 93 .1 TX E1 Paso 1358 KARX 95 .7 TX Claude, "RRie Car" 1652 KTSM 99 .9 TX E1 Paso 1359 unII) 95 .9 "The Radio Ranch", TX? 1655 KORQ 100 .7 TX Abilene,t-storm warning 1401 KZRR 94 .1 NM Albuquerque 1800 XHAAA 93 .1 TM Reycnsa, ID, so who is 1402 KCDY 104 .1 NM Carlsbad, "CD-109" XHCPO calls for? Thought a change for 1409 KXTQ 93 .7 TX Lubbock, S.S Reynosa when heard ce 5/16 Es . 1410 KGNC 97 .9 TX Amarillo 1802 X- 92 .3 TM Rio Brave, Ib, $ 1410 KTQM 99 .9 TX Clovis, "Magic 99 .9" 1803 KBNR 88 .3 TX Brawnsville 1411 KRT,B 99,5 TX Lubbock 1813 KQXX 98 .5 TX McAllen 1411 KKCL 98 .1 TX Lorenzo, o, "98 Cool" 1820 unlD 91 .3 //92 .3 Rio Brave 1412 FBQ~ 97 .1 NM Roswell 1852 XHPP 93 .5 TM Tampico 1413 KEND 106.5 NM Roswell, ID, k 1853 XHOX 95 .3 TM Tampioo 1919 KWFS 93 .5 NM Ruidoso, "K-Buy" 1854 XHJT 100 .1 TM Tampico 1428 KWKQ 107.1 TX Graham, k, lcl. vex 1913 XHZTS 91 .5 ZA Zacatecas 1428 KWUA 102.3 NM Clovis, k,"KKYC" 6/29 trs(WOCG H'ville off) 1431 IQ~IOU 104.7 NM Roswell, ad, DI 1634 WJCR 90 .1 KY Upton, g, ID 1438 K7BZ 92 .7 TX Lubbock 1637 WfJT 90 .1 FL Crestview, city ref. 1439 KZOR 94 .1 NM Homes 7/1 Es 1440 KLLL 96 .3 TX Lubbock 1008 W(~M 93 .1 ME Portland, ID 1453 KFND{ 94 .5 TX Lubbock, ID 1011 WhME 92 .3 ME Augusta, r, 92 Moose 1500 KONE 101 .1 TX Lubbock, k,"K-101", ID 1016 unlD 106.9 g, $, "WREC-FM" 1505 KVRP 95 .5 TX Haskell, ID 1017 WSRD 104 .9 NY Johnstown, "Wizard 105" 1506 KSEM 106.3 TX Setninole, ad 1019 WPKM 106 .3 ME Scarborough, j , ID 1507 KIOL 100.3 TX Lamesa, "K-Life" 1025 WaOB 106 .3 NH Nashua, ad, 1519 KMRK 96 .1 TX Odessa, "Tejano 96" 1026 WYKI2 101 .3 NH Haverhill, vex, k, Ifl 1521 KSEY 93 .9 TX Seymore, ID 1029 WAEB 104 .1 PA Allentown, vex, "B-104" 1532 IOQO, 101 .3 TX Crane, SS, $ 1030 WGLV 104 .1 VT Hartford, g, ID 1540 KMPH 98 .7 NM Maljama-r, c 1038 WKSS 95 .7 CT Hartford 1549 KENW 89 .5 NM Portales, c 1041 WhGY 101 .3 PA Scranton, fD 1553 KATK 92 .1 NM Carlsbad, ads 1045 WCIB 101 .9 M~ Falmouth 1559 KWFL 99 .5 ~ Roswell 1048 WROZ 101 .3 PA Lancaster, "The Rose" 1603 KATX 97 .3 TX Plainview, Star 97 1050 WJRZ 100.1 NJ Manahawkin, "JRZ-FM" 1622 KLYT 88 .3 I39 Alby . "K-Life FM" 1055 WDSP 100.1 NY Woodstock, p, 1625 KRZN 101 .3 PS7 Albq ., j, "The Horizon" "Radio Woodstock", ID 1626 K!~IFM 96 .3 NM " ",c 1101 WAMU 88 .5 DC Washington, ID 1627 KASY 103 .3 NM " ", k 1104 WUSZ 99 .9 NM Virginia 1630 KQAY 93 .6 NM Tucimrari,spur fron 92 .7 1110 WYSU 88 .5 Of! Youngstown, ID 1642 RTNM 98 .5 NM Los Alamos, op 1114 imlD 97 .1 "First Radio News" 1643 KXXI 93 .7 NM C~ llup, //KTMN,"93X" 1117 WPPH 96 .1 NJ Maqate City, r, ID 1646 KXTC 99 .9 NM Thoreau, k, "FUn 100" 1121 unLD j95.3 "WBF~B" or WVAV" 1652 KCIE 90 .5 NM Dulce,e 1254 KRCC 91 .5 aD Co . Springs 1653 KRWN 92 .9 NM Farmington, op, // 98 .5 + 1255 KSPZ 92 .9 ~ Co . Springs 93 .7, "Classic Crann" 1300 KERP 91 .9 ao Pueblo, g, ZD 1659 KRWG 90 .7 NM LAS Cruces 1303 KIIA 94 .3 ~ Co . Springs 1700 KLVF 100.7 NM Las Vegas, ID 1310 KSLS 101 .5 KS Liberal 1705 KRSJ 100.5 CU Durangoas, ID 1311 KLDG 102.7 KS Liberal, k,"the legend" 1707 KRTZ 98 .7 N Cortez, k 1312 RSCB 107,5 KS Liberal 1721 KSLV 95 .3 ~ Monte Vista, "Life 95" 1315 IQCFG 104.5 NM Blaanfield, k, "K-Frog" 1754 KGRW 94 .7 TX Freona, SS-EE, DI 1315 KVAY 105.7 ~ Lamar, ads 1758 KRKZ 93 .5 ~C Altus, oP, ZD 1320 KSTY 103.9 00 Canon City, ZD 1759 K!hN1 89 .1 TX Amarillo, q, ID, $ 1320 KMGL 104 .1 OK OK City, ads, ID 1800 K214BV 90 .7 TX Amarilo, city ID,"WAFR" 1807 KLS.R 99 .7 TX Amarillo, r, lcl ads 1812 KTJN 106.3 TX Mercedes, Tejano 1814 KCDL 99 .3 OK Cordell, k, ID 1325 KTSP 101 .9 OK OK City, "The Twister" 1820 KSPK 102 .3 W Walsenburg, ID 1325 KATP 100.5 OK OK City, "The Cat" 1821 KJYO 102.7 OK OK City, r,"KJ-103","Open 1329 ItXHIC 105.5 OdC Chickasha, r, lcl .ads House Party" coast. . . .. . 12 SOUPf~RN FM DX Pugh, oont SEPTEMBER 1995 7/1 Es 7/7 Es 1830 KNYD 90 .5 OK Broken Arrow, city ID, 0957 KNKT 107.1 NM Armijo, g, ID "The Oasis Net", in mono 0959 .W KI 97 .7 NM Belen, SS-EE, LD KPDR 90 .5 TX Wheeler, g, ID 1001 I~{T 109.7 NM Bosque FArms, SS, L 1831 1831 KJRJ 88 .3 TX Amarillo, // KPDR Al.bq. ref., "CNN R. Notecias" 90 .S~King of Kings Radio" 1014 KAhQ 93 .5 ~ Alamosa, k ID 1020 KRFM 96 .5 AZ Shaw L,ow, ads, 1835 KPCL 95 .7 NM Farmington, g 1836 KICA 98 .3 TX FArwell, ads "K-Classic" "$96CARE-FM" or $96 KRFM 1844 KRTN 93 .7 NM Raton 1905 CJAB 94 .5 PQ Chicoutimi, r, ID unlD "KZZY 1907 97 .5 103.5" 1917 CHEY 94 .9 PQ Trois Rivers, "SHAY FM" tr 1928 CIKI 98 .7 PQ Rimouski, rs 2394 WMVl7 90 .7 GA Griffen, g, ID 1935 WERU 89 .9 ME Blue Hill, ID 7/9 Es 7/2 Es 0911 XHCM 107.5 VC Coatzacoalas, Lr 1858 WHCF 88 .5 ME Hangor, g 0917 X[flVH 94 .9 TB Villaharmosa, b 1859 WLTB 93 .5 ME Fairfield, "River 93 .5" 0925 XHD~ 92 .9 YU Merida, L 1909 wTMS 96 .1 ME Presque ISle 0928 XHMf 98 .5 YU Merida,"Estereo Amistad" 1918 WDGQ 93 .7 MA Lawrence, "Eagle 93 .7" 0932 XHFMZ100 .1 TB Villahermosa, ID 1938 WRW 89 .9 NY Oswego, ID 0934 XHCI~M 98 .9 CE Ciudad del CAanen 1943 WKTJ 99 .3 ME Farmington, II) 1001 7ff~ff 100.3 (~ Campeche, L, "Radio 7/11 trs Mia Fstereo", ID, $ 1049 KSPQ 93 .9 M7 West Plains, ° 'Q94" 1021 R. Helize 91 .1 Belize, nx, $ 1242 KASU 91 .9 AR Jonesboro, c, ID Es Es 7/5 1836 WJJH 96 .7 WI Ashland, ads, "J96" 1918+unIDs to 105.3 FF, Canada 7/6 Es 1842 KBWH 99 .5 MN Int. Falls, gr 1844 KTCO 98 .9 MN Duluth, k, ID 1103 WC~Z 96 .7 ME Faston, ads, ZD 1108 WSCLt 89 .5 MD Salisbury 1846 W1BX 93 .9 1TI Hibbing, r, ID 1127 WRVS 89 .9 NC Elizabeth City, 1900 K!~7 91 .3 NM Bsnidji, vex, ID rtu . tr "DCSU-WRVS" 695 1130 WN!1W 92 .5 NC Nags Head, k, ID 620 2051 KSHE 94 .7 AD Crestwvod, "K-SHE" 1552 XFII'PR 90 .9 TM Tampico 2313 WLEZ 102 .7 IN Terre Haute, b, ID 1558 XHS'1C)t99 .5 TM Tampico 2329 WCII. 101 .5 IL Carborxiale, "CIL-FM" 1559 XHON 96 .1 TM Tampico, ID 2326 WXAN 103 .9 IL Ava, g, ID 7/12 tr 1614 XHPP 93 .5 TM Tampico 7/7 Es 0000 KIIiT 96 .3 MJ St . Louis, "96FM K-Hits" 0945 KSPZ 92 .9 ~ Co . Springs, 0 0008 WYNG 105 .3 IN Evansville, ID 0013 KZLE 93 .1 AR Batesville, "Kicker 93 .1" 0947 KSEC 93 .3 ~ Iamar, ID 0949 KRSP 92 .3 NM Albq ., k 0019 KIPS 101 .9 AR Jonesboro, "Kiss FM" 7/14 Es (eont, on next report) 0951 KXXI 93 .7 NM Gallup 0955 KTEG 107 .9 NM Albq ., pr, ID July ES got started with a bang! The 7/1 Es is the best skip day ever for me . Signals and MUF were rock solid. Wish I had checked TV ch 7 8 up for possible t+AlFS there but couldn't leave the FM . The long duration of the opening allowed for adding many needed fran normally camnn skip areas, but Oklahana is sanewhat rare . (Alabama is rare with me in Oklahana after 21 years of trying . 24 logged with 8 via Es . *-_t new one logged was on 8-1-82 . DB) The only add areas heard an 7/1 was the Ohio and DC stations peeking in ever so briefly. Hopefully, everyone DXed on July 1st. CDT Eric Bueneman(NOUI7fij 631 Coachwa Lane Hazelwvod MO 63042-1347 Equipt . : Realistic SPA-90 AM FM FM Stereo receiver with Radio Shack W-110 antenna and Archerotor at 33 feet above ground level . 7/10 tr 6/3 Es 1645 t~F cha:uiel 6 2315 RKJO 105.1 MO St . Joseph,"K~ce 105",r fNever heard as RSFT, but KK<70 calls veried 6/8 tr 245 Clinton,"¢96"ads 185 in '83 on 1550!) 1048 KLRQ 96 .1 M7 2325 KLZR 105.9 KS Lawrence, rp,"The Lazer"255 1053 K(~hM 97 .5 MO Rolla,"Magic 97 .5", r 80 2327 KUDL 98 .1 KS Kansas City, vex, calls, rm (Got AC), ex 94 .3 1055 KWIO 98 .7 MO Springfield, ads, vex, 2330 KBF~ 104.3 MO Kansas City,k"Young 225 190 Oountry 104.3" "Rock 99", rp 2346 WIHW 97 .3 KS Tape-ka,k "97 Country", 285 1056 RTTR 99 .7 ND St . James, ads,IDw/KTTR Janesboro, "101,9 Kiss FM" .1",r 2351 ~101 .9 AR 1102 KMXL 95 .1 ND Carthage-ID,"Mix95 200 local ads, r(CHR) 1104 KCLR 99 .3 NID Hoonville, "Clear 99"k 7/13 tr 1105 KTXR 101 .3 ~ S~ingfield, ads, vex, 345 2253 WIZM 93 .3 WI Lacrosse,"Z93", r 190 "The Gentle Giant", bm 2300 ICS!TL 91 .7 IA Iowa City, legal ID,c 200 r'P 7/10 tr Des Moines, jingle ID 255 2310 KIOA 93 .3 IA 2255 KCFX 101 .1 Nl~ Harrisonville,"The Fox" 2328 !QCLR 94 .5 MD Poplar Bluff, Clear 94", k, 2257 KANU 91 .5 KS Lawrence, calls,] 255 145 225 slight splash frcm KSHE 94 .7 2308 KQ90 94 .9 M7 KC"Oldies 95", 0 2332 KIPS 101 .9 AR Jonesboro, "101 .9 Kiss FM", 225 2308 KLTH 99 .7 N>D KC'.'Lite 99 .7", 200 225 r(CHR), over WQQL 2310 KX'IR 96 .5 M~ Kansas City, c cwt. for mrtm-nts . . .. . 2311 KYYS 102.1 ND Kansas CIty,rp,"KY102" 13 SOU'ffiERN FM DX Btte<tentan, oont . SEPPfS7BER 1995 First E-skip opening of the season made it into FL and southeastern Mexico, but only made it as high as channel 6 . However, trope made up for it on June 8, with three new stations logged . Was a bit surprised to receive KMXL 96 .1 at equal level with WDZQ, TV stations from SW MJ and SE KS were in at the same time, with Jefferson CXity TV stations in like locals! 100 degree heat also brought in four straight nights of trope, into Kansas City and Topeka an July 10 (also received TV DX fran Tulsa, Oklahonma City and Little Rock, Dlashville, SW Indiana, Western Kentucky, southern Illinois and SE Missouri on the 11th and 12th, and into Iowa and Wisconsin on the 13th. TV DX on the last night was a mess, only pulling out the Quad Cities on channels 6 and '8, 73 and good DX fran h1GtIIH Mike Jeziorski - 6915 Middleton Ave . - St . Au¢ustine FL 32086 Egwpment : Techmcs SA-222 receiver wdh indoor dipole ® sea level ; all times EDT I /31 /95 - Es 1945 92.5 KZPS 2000 89 .3 CLN'ON 3/23/95 - Tr 0909 97 . t WEZH 4/21/95 -Tr 0200105 .3 WXOR 0201 94.9 unID TX TX Dallas Dallas, blues ]e,9 New Orleans, B-97 NC SC NC 5/20/95 - Es 1775 88.1 WCRP 1732 unlD PR 1805 MA 93 .5 WUNX 1820 95 .3 1824 95 .5 1824 95 .5 1828 106 .7 1831 92 .9 1839 101 .7 1843 96 .5 1843 102 .3 1844 101 .3 1847 102.7 1848 102.1 1851 95.7 1853102.1 1856100.7 WHFM WBRU WPLI WMJX OS WBAZ WTIC BAB WKCI WSKR WI00 WZID WAOY WHUD 534 NC Jacksonville 415 'Y-103 & the new Y-94.9", k, Carolina 5/6/95 - Es 1823 89 .3 R . Wao ~R 5/9/95 - Tr 0929 103 .7 WSOC 0943 105 .3 WAGI 0951 105 .7 WFMX 946 NY RI NY MA MA NY CT NY CT NJ PA NH MA NY 5/21195 - Es 1247 95 .7 sine-F 1301 89 .5 AS- "el grand fiesta de salsa", ID Spanish on 88 .1, 88 .9, 90 .5, 91 .1 Charlotte, k Gaffney, ID w/1500 WEAC Statesville, k 385 375 423 Guyama, R . Revelacioo 1250 Spanish on 88 .9, 106 .9, 95 .7, 106 .5 Harwich Port, UN underground network, 93.5 & 101 FM 1038 Southampton, "WBAB" 912 Providence New York, PIJ 865 Boston, Magic 106.7 1044 Brookline 1042 Southold, Bays 930 Hartford 963 Babylon, //95.3 883 Hamden, KC 932 Petersburg, "Freebird" slogm Philadelphia, Q-102 790 Manchester 1069 Springfield 986 Peekskill 902 Jamaica Jamaica, //89 .3 6/14/95 - Es 2038 93 .1 WMGX ME Portland 6/19/95 - F_s 1118 92.9 KNIN TX Wichita Falls 7/1/95 - Es 1622 94 .7 I_{,~ 1629 105.7 LCI-!CB 1635 90 .1 PFT 1636 102.3 KPEZ L639 106.1 1{~ TX TX TX TX TX Luiing, Party 94 .7 Houston, prev Tr Houston Austin, Z-102 Brenham, K-tez 106 1056 987 849 990 910 7/1/95 - Es 164b 106 .3 164 ( 103 .5 1ti47101 .5 1650100 .7 1655 106 .9 1659 89 .5 1717 95 .5 lcont .l unID uaID ROX ASE KK}fT KMFA KKMJ LA C-106, So. Louisiana TX Austin, Oldies 103 TX Giddings, 101-X TX Austin, Case, k TX Conroe TX Austin TX Austin, Magic 942 990 853 7!18195 - Es 1945 93. t AA 1949 95.5 KZFM 1950 98.1 KRRG 1956 97 .5 KFTX 1959 102 .3 KXCC 2000 98 .3 KKHO 2005 93 .3 KPLV 2013 101 .3 KNCN 2019 89 .5 KLUX 2022 99 .5 ~C SOS 2022 106 .9 unID 2025 89 .3 I~ 2029 106 .5 KQQK 2038 102 .3 uniD 2043 105.5 unlD 2051 100.3 KILT 2053 100.3 KCYY 2055 88 .7 _KUHF 2058 89 .1 KSTX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX TX Reynosa (Note 1) Corpus Christi, Z-95 Laredo, Energy 98 Kingsville Rockport Odem, Club 98 Port Levees Sinton, C-101 Robstown San Antonio, Kiss K-107, Port Levees Vicbria (Note 2) Galveston The X, Corpus Christi K-red, Portland Houston, k San Antonio, Y-100 Houston, prev Tr San Antonio 1040 7/19/95 - Es 1803 93 .1 KKYA IB18 89 .3 KXNE 1819 89 .7 Jr1WR ,5,~ NE j9 Yadtton, KK-93 Norfolk Council Bluffs 1282 1246 1150 7/21/95 - Es 1846 95.7 CFIB 1847 97.3 JEZ 1856 95 .s WCLV 1949 93 .5 WEZO 1950 93 .5 W WV 1957 93 .5 WUNX 1959 93 .5 WCFR ON ON OH ME NH MA Vim' Barrie, Rock 95 Toronto, Easy rock Cleveland Fairtield, The river Conway Harwich Port Springfield, state 833 1022 971 7~~-Es 2159 90 .1 OK Edmond SC 1072 1119 1021 966 998 954 849 1040 1040 1213 1136 1060 1033 7/31/95 - Es 2014 unID 2051 93 .5 KRKZ Spanish on 88 .1, 91 .1, 93 .1, 93 .5 OK Altos, address, Z-93 8/5/95 - Es 1910 tmID Spanish on 89 .3, 91 .3, 92 .5 8/6/95 - Tr 0209 97 .5 WCOS SC 0235 ]00 .9 WSTS NC artattents, coast . Columbia, k Fairmont, g Jeziorski, coast . ~TI-1>~7 FM DX SEP'III~F12 1995 Notes: recent SFMDX report, Keith Pugh indicated that the Reynosa station on 93 .1 may have changed calls to XHCPO . I 1 . In his heart) no calls during this logging, only ads for Reynosa and a "93 .1 Super Strong" slogan. 2, Be careful with this station, which rebroadcasts KSBJ-89 .3 Humble TX . A local amouncer gave a call ID, then switched the feed back W KSBJ, which also gave call IDs (at stronger volume) . It took several reviews of the tape to establish the difference between the two calls, and to verily that I was hearing one station, not two . An additional note regarding unIDs: I only log stations from which I hear either I) a clear call ID or 2) a combination of a distinctive slogan and specific references to location . The identity of some of the stations noted as unidentified above may be obvious to others, but I regard them as unconfirmed until I can verify that the station in question actually uses the slogan that I heard . The information provided by other DXers via e-mail and letters (thanks to John Combs and George Rogers, among others), as well as the FM DX reports in VUD and Greg Coniglio's column, have been very valuable in clearing up a number of these unlDs . Any additional help would be greatly appreciated . bank Holbrook 407 Arundel Road Fair Haven Cliffs Dunkirk MD 20759 (Return postage enclosed with all reports . U .S . & Canadian sent first class postage . Foreign addresses $1 .00 .) Frn,i pt . : Fisher 1008 FM tuner(1959)w/old Scott amplifier . Winegard CS-6065, 10 element yagi & C1larutelrtaster HD-9519 rotor . 88 .3 KPAC San Antonio TX,Es 1413 mi .,7/1,1225-1240 EDT S7ttyphonu music, ID, good signal 89 .1 "KLAS-FM" Mardeville, Jamaica, Es, 1440 7/13 1703-1742, strong much of time, score fading DJ7T, to ttnderate splash WEAR NII7 88 .9 & WPFw DC 89 .3 . My Place Program w/many ads My first FM Jamaica!!! Later tuned 6 mtr Ham expecting West Indies and got Missouri,HI Really no 88 .3 KJRT Amarillo Texas, Es, 1918, 7/19 1900-1908 fade out, weak opP~ ; ng sign of skip on TJ w/indoor antena . I use TV as barareter--unusual . Station 7:DS)Several and into gospel music) skipper on 89 .9 over WOEL but never go an 7D! 88 .7 KTPB ICilgore, TX, Es, 1123 mi", 7/21 1959-2002 , so/so tJ1ru ~ WAFiI DC, 7D Gus Nlancuso 5615 Inwood St . H atts MD 20785-1120 73tr 0759 WSHV 98 .9 VA South Hill Much easier than when on old freq .105 .5, no sign WSBY South strong versus normal SSE . 0800 WRSF 105 .7 NC Columbia, order WQSR No skip this stmrrer as of 8/7 . No benefit from Aug . FL hurricane . Interesting situation is DC area . Redskins new flagship station is WJFiC-FM in Virginia which has reception problans in suburban MD, so games will be simulcast ort Balto's WLIF-FM, but still leaves sane areas with possible reception gaps, especially from moving vehicles where WJFX gets last . fran adj . WMMX . Complaint letters should have been in Sunday papers by the time this is read . PUBLISHER'S NOTES : OOOPS! . . .We've had to hold a SOUTHERN FM DX report from John Jefferson, and a planned continuation of ANTENNANOTES, until the next issue . We're just about out of space for this month, and want to be able to fit the Membership Survey Form insert into this edition, which has turned out to be a real record-setter: the largest September VUD in club history! That's really something, when you consider that all the columns expected to appear had not arrived as of this month's deadline . SEND IT IN! . . .Speaking of the Membership Survey, please take a few minutes to remove it from this issue and send it to: Matthew C. Sittel - Bear Creek Lane, Apt A-4 - Asheville NC 28806. We need to hear from you now, even if you never report to the VUD. The results of this survey will tell us what you want to see in the VHF-UHF DIGEST, provide us with better data on the demographics of WTFDA . WHAT are you waiting for? Fill it out and send it to Matt! JUNKED MAIL?. ..If you have rxeived a damaged VUD recently, or just "part" of a VUD, you're not alone . This happens sometimes, and it scems to happen more often in summer months, probably due to the humidity effect on automated postal sorting equipment. Never fear. . .we keep a few extra copies on hand for several weeks after each mailing, set aside to replace any that may go astray. If you have failedto receive an expected VUD issue, or if one arrives damaged, just drop us a line and we'll do our best to replace it for you . We do not, however, currently have back issues for sale, as the demand isn't quite there to support printing many extras, and we do also have commitments to ship samples to people requesting info on WT7=DA, and to some hamfests and DX club conventions . MANY THANKS to Greg Coniglio, Robert "apologies to Mike Judge" Twomey, The General Instrument Corporation , RF Systems Division, and Tom Bryant for providing recent VUD cover material . 300 356 --Bill Thompson 75
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