October - Traildusters Chapter
October - Traildusters Chapter
2015 Officer's & Board Members Prize Ride Time We need Volunteers '! ns o i t a n o D t c e coll e s a e l P OCT 23 thru 25th President Cliff Benson 334-4327 son@hotmail.com 425cliffben- Vice Pres. Beth Ferris 327-4881 tryrider@hotmail. com 425highcoun- Secretary Alynne Prins -568-7218 alynneprins@frontier.com 360 Treasurer Freddy Aston 750-7168 freddy.aston@frontier.com 425- Board 1 Jeff Upton 425 -239-7129 jupton65@hotmail.com Board 2 Bruce Davis 360 -629-3318 horsejoyce@aol.com State Director Cathy Nelson 360568-5933 or 425-2312148 tripplenfarm@g.mail.com Alter Dir. Audrey Gunderson 360 -435-3910 or 425-308 -4636 cascadetrailrider@gmail.com Public Lands Jeff Upton 425-239-7129 jlupton65@hotmail.com tdboard@traildusters.simplelists. com members@traildusters@ simplelists. com Hi Everyone, It is time to get rolling on the details of the Prize ride I hope you all are able to get out and put up fliers, which Were handed out at the last general meeting. Going to be a real push for everyone to participate in getting sponsors for prizes. Cliff has put together packets which will be handed out at the October meeting, and at the committee meeting. I need volunteers to go one day, and sell raffle tickets at their local feed store. I have done this in years past, and sold over 100, in a few hours, they sell themselves, as everyone needs hay! Judy Benson, has the tickets, so if you need some, please call them at 425/327-6514. Thank you all in advance! I hope to see you all soon! Audrey I am starting a list on line here of the sponsors, that have been talked to. Please, if you see the name don't go there again. When you go somewhere, please add to this list, and send it out to everyone. DAYVILLE HAY & GRAIN, BICKFORD TRAILER SALES, Arlington RV, Cascade Lumber, Electric Mirror, Car Quest, Arlington RV, Duane Lane Chevrolet @ the New Arlington Location, Mad Dog Distillery, Harry's Leather, Hoof Beats Blanket wash, DON JOHNSON HAY SALES, Valley Farm Center, Snohomish / Monroe Co-op, Graystone Stable and Equestrian Center, Skagit Farmers Supply (AKA Country Store) and Everett Cenex, October Meeting Minutes Date: October 7, 2015 mtg called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Pres Cliff B., Eagles Café, Everett, Flag salute. President Comments: Cliff B. Minutes published. Motion made by Steve R. to accept minutes.2nd by Beth C. Passed. Big contributors to Prize Ride will receive calendar which will be sold at Prize Ride- $12.00 eachhave 50 now- can order more. Tell managers at Les Swabb that you are from Tds.- BCHW to thank them for their $1,000.00 contribution. Bruce D., chairperson, along with Steve R., Marianne H., will accept nominations for offices, member at large for Nov. 4th election- presently these people are running: Pres.: Cliff B., Vice-Pres. ( will ask Beth F.), Secretary: Alynne P., Treasurer: Freddy A. At meeting, Tds. presented Cathy N. flowers for getting the Haney Meadow road project completed. Thank you, Cathy N. Treasure Report: Freddy A. Solvent. Trail Ride Coordinator: Beth F People rode to Darrington, Valhalla, Stehekin and enjoyed it all. Forest Service Rep.: Rich G. Bridget has $-- ( $2,000.00 ) to add gravel & level it in parking lot of Suaittle River Road—F.S. will pick up the balance. Good article in Pac. Crest Trail Magazine about ’68-’69 riding of P.C.T. Scott has suggested work party to cut wood for Tree Farm lunch area. State Director: Cathy N. Cathy N. will tell Jeff U. about attending Public Lands meeting Dec. 4th, Ellensburg. Grand opening of Barbecue Flats will be 5/28/16 and not 3/1/16. Turn in pictures to Ashley for next calendar. Capitol Riders are challenging everyone to buy 1 calendar each. Please turn in monies from Membership right away to speed things up. Turn in Volunteer hours. Can start now nominating people for awards to help out Mary Kay E.—a committee could do this. State Ride is Oct. 31st, Zillah. Will be leadership meeting Jan. 23 in N. Bend. Cascade will help Tds. do hospitality at Rendezvous in March 18,19,20—Cindy will coordinate times and jobs for this over in Ellensburg- contact her if interested in helping Cathy N. who will buy the supplies. LNT Rep.: Steve R. Tree Farm has appreciated how well Tds. have cleaned up the area after Prize Ride. Steve R. will leave this position Dec. 1— will need new LNT person. Hospitality: Mary Jo K. Happy Birthday to October people. Break: Raffle: Paula H. Winner—Del P. Newsletter Editor: Cheryl J. Cheryl J. will be leaving this position. Thank you very much, Cheryl J., for all your years of publishing our newsletter. You did a beautiful job! We really appreciate all your hard work that you put into making it a great newsletter. Thank you, again. Welcome, Jenny Mc.- we look forward to having you publish Tds.’ newsletter. Public Relations: Mary Kay E. Prize Ride information will be published in Herald & N. County Outlet & on line: Facebook, web. Membership: Roberta C. Fill out your form- pay- turn in to Roberta C. Volunteer Hours: Marianne H. Deadline for turning in hours is Oct. 9th- will be sent in Oct. 10th. PRA: Rep.: Del P., Linda B. Work party after Thanksgiving. Prize Ride: Audrey G. Need volunteers for all 3 days. Fri. both gates will be open by 10:00 –will start putting up tents etc. etc. Lou W. donated his dump trailer- Steve R. will bring it up & garbage can immediately be stacked on it ready to be hauled away on Sunday. Pizza for lunch on Fri. Have cones for parking. Bring cut flowers to fill pumpkins. Saturday, parking crew will start at 7:00 a.m. Registration is 7:30 a.m., lst rider out is 9:00 a.m. Will be 3 check points: cider, apple, carrot. This year’s poker hand is raffle tickets. Clean-up is Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Elva/Jerry doing the lunch. Workers get free lunch. Pay at registration for lunch. Sell raffle tickets to 18 years & older. Centennial Trail: Connie H. Fine—completion of the 27 mile Whitehorse Trail will be end of 2016—need to finish decks of 3 bridges & re-route around wetland hole. Lord’s Hill is open for lots of riding. New Business: Be aware of car thieves and break-ins at Bracken Road. Adj.: 8:00 p.m. 2015 Traildusters Ride List Updated: 1/20/15 Date Location Pass Type Req. Rider Leader 10/3 - 4 Salmon La Sac NW Forest Pass Doug Barber 10/23 - 25 Halloween Prize Ride (set up, event, tear down) Audrey Gunderson 10/31 BCHW Wine Ride - Zillah BCHW 12/12 Christmas Party - Rhodes River Ranch Beth Ferris 1/1/2015 New Year's Ride - Pilchuck Tree Farm, Lunch Stop area BCHW Brd of Director Meetings Kittitas Valley Event Center - Ellensburg 3/20, 6/20, 9/19, 12/5 No Dogs on Trail Ride Hello Cathy and Kerry, I’m writing you to inform you that we will be having a Chainsaw/ Crosscut saw certification class on Saturday, October 25th in Langley Washington. I would appreciate it if you would pass this information along to people in your chapters that have experience using either /or and are your “go-to” people when you need people to go out and clear trees from blocked trails. If you find that you have people interested in coming over for the day long class please have them contact me asap as there are things that they need to do to get the process rolling. One note, this class is NOT for beginner sawyers. It is directed to those who already have experience using a chainsaw and feel totally comfortable with it. The cost is free to BCHW members and only open to active members of BCHW. Please have them let me know what chapters they’re representing. Also, I am looking for candidates in the NW region who are willing to attend a weekend certification course to become a certifier. There are certain Criteria that has to be in place before you can become a certifier. This will make it easier for us in the NW region to certify more people since at the present time I have to recruit people from the Pierce County Chapter to come up and assist me. Thank You and looking forward to hearing from you. Randy Diefert longearsb@frontier.com Please distribute this form with your chapter members planning on attending the Saw Certification on October 25 in Langley. I will try and get Jim to send me a link to a map to his home (classroom session) before too long for those of you coming from out of the area. Also, I would like to get a firm number of people who are planning on attending from your chapters. I got word from Traildusters this week that this certification is scheduled on the same day as their prize ride at Pilchuck Tree farm and they couldn’t afford to lose any of their help for the day so, they weren’t sending anyone. Esmeralda Pass Traildusters’ Chapter BCHWS Committee Chairs Advertising Open position Trail Ride Coordinator Beth Ferris 425-327-4881 highcountryrider@hotmail.com Funky Award Ken Zukowski 360-658-8859 cowboyski@comcast.net Web Managers Tamara & Eric 206-313-2668 T-King99@yahoo.com Public Relations Legislative Beth Ferris 425-327-4881 highcountryrider@hotmail.com NW Region Rep Jeanette Ford 425-327-8484 wanttobearanch@msn.com USFS Liaison Rich Guthrie 360-568-2665 r.lguthrie@frontier.com Leave No Trace Steve Reppert 425-359-3436 reppertsw@aol.com Editor Jenny McCall jenny.mccall2@frontier.com Hospitality Mary Jo Krutak 425-301-2907 inthegr8nw@frontier.com Greeter Open Raffle Paula Holzer 425-870-2418 lexclady@gmail.com Volunteer Hour Marianne Honeycutt 360-435-2793 fmhoney521@aol.com Prize Ride Audrey Gunderson 360-435-3910/425-308-4636 cascadetrailrider@gmail.com Open Membership: Bert Crosby 425-327-6382 stormwarningrnch@aol.com PRA Rep. Del Poindexter 360-435-3828 kadel@wavecable.com PRA Rep Linda Brown 360-629-4368 ctrider12@gmail.com. Centennial Trail Toni Woodhull 360-941-7025 Please send newsletter information to Jenny McCall. She is your new newsletter editor. Thank You Jenny Dr. Chris Perez Dr. Kim Schmaus Dr. Tony Zimmerman Jeff Robinson Store Manager 233 Lebanon St | Arlington, WA 98223-1544 Phone(360) 435-7401 Fax 360-435-6815 Store Hours of Operation Mon-Fri 8:00am - 6:00pm Sat 8:00am - 5:00pm Les Schwab Tire Center 15 Snohomish County Locations to Serve You See Store Locations at Les Schwab. com SKAGIT ARMS 895 NEVITT RD, BURLINGTON, WA 98213 360-588-4672 FAX 360-757-1837 www.skagitarms.com 13 year old, 14.2 hand appy gelding. Very sweet. Good Trail horse, easy keeper. A really nice ride. Calm and gentle, cute as a button. $1500 Ken 360 658 8859 HORSE TRAILER: Logan 2003 4 Brand New tires; $8300; Leigh 360 722 9829 Looking for used trailer tires, so if you have some kicking around or you are changing out you current tires, let me know. Dirk 425 335 0496 Beautiful Lake Valhalla Ride Thank You Beth for another great fall ride! It’s riding season, so be sure to take photo’s and submitted them for the 2017 BCHW Calendar. Please NOTE cell phone pictures do not have enough resolution to be enlarged. S 9200 271st Street N. W. Stanwood, WA 98292 360-629-5228 Marcos Pena Manager Next Meeting is Wednesday November 4th, at 7 pm Eagles 1218 Broadway, Everett, WA 98203 Please support our advertisers, they help make our newsletter possible!! Traildusters Chapter BCHW P.O. Box 743 Stanwood, WA 98282