The Good News - Wake Forest United Methodist Church


The Good News - Wake Forest United Methodist Church
The Good News
Wake Forest United Methodist Church
Reaching Out to All in the Name of Jesus Christ
Senior Pastor
W. Donald Warren
Associate Pastors
Helen Champion
Tyler Williams
Chamberlyn Marks
Youth Director
Vicki Lawrence
Children’s Director
Denelle Manley
Admin. Assistant
Sharon Southard
Financial Secretary
Tonya Mangum
Music Director
Elsie Shuler
Allen Bailey
Children/Youth Music
Barina Bailey
Handbell Director
Shelly Compton
Preschool Director
Donna Williams
Nursery Workers
Nicole Bassett
Salena Handley
Financial Update
As of 8/31/16
General Fund
Received: $ 392,673
$ 430,792
Shortage: $
Building (Mortgage)
Received: $ 210,000
$ 120,000
$ 90,200
Created by God Study
For 4 , 5th, and 6th Graders, November 4-6
The weekend of November 4-6 will offer an exciting opportunity for 4th,
5th, and 6th graders and their families. Children this age are growing
physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially at a rapid pace, often in ways
they don’t understand. Created by God is a study of human sexuality with a
Christian foundation. It offers both you and your child opportunities to
learn, grow, and celebrate the fact that we have each been wonderfully
created by God and are called to responsible living. In addition, participation
in Created by God will help you and your tween to better communicate
about sexuality and other life issues now and in the future. The study will be
led by several members of our church staff and lay membership, each
chosen because of their ability to relate well to this age-group.
The study will run Friday, November 4, 6:30-8pm, Saturday, November 5,
8:30am-3:00pm, and Sunday, November 6, 9:30-10:45am. The cost is $20
per child, which includes a student and a parent handbook, a light breakfast
and lunch on Saturday, and snacks throughout. Parents attend with their
children on Friday night, and Sunday morning.
If you and your child are interested in participating, please contact Denelle
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The Youth Fall Yard Sale is
scheduled for October 15, from
7 a.m. to noon (We will have a
Pancake Breakfast also that
morning). Beginning the week
of October 1st, the Youth will
start accepting donations for the
There will be a designated area in the Family
Life Center for donated items. If you are cleaning
out the old summer clothes or just looking for a
place to give away some things you no longer
use, please consider donating them to the Youth
to help fund their fall retreats and mission
Trunk or Treat: Come out to Trunk or Treat on
October 30 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and play the
carnival games run by the Youth Group.
If you would like more information regarding
Youth Ministries at Wake Forest UMC, please
contact Vicki at
Keeping the Faith, Vicki
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Are you a young adult? (Technically early
20’s to 40…but let’s face it, we’re all
young adults in our hearts.)
Do you want to get to know other WFUMC
young adults?
Join us for Second Sundays beginning
October 9.
We will meet at Carolina Ale House
following the 11:00 service to eat and
hang out together.
Why are we doing this? To create a
casual space for young adults and their
families to get to know one another and
begin to grow into a thriving ministry at
WFUMC. We hope that this will be the
start of something wonderful!
When are we doing this? Every second
Sunday of the month immediately
following the 11:00 service.
Where are we doing this? At a local
Wake Forest restaurant. On Oct. 9, we will
meet at Carolina Ale House.
October 11th from 5:00-9:00 pm
Come dine with friends and help support our Preschool Ministry and Rogers Road businesses. Real
McCoys is a local restaurant, owned by one of our preschool families. Enjoy good food and
fellowship while helping our preschool ministry, too! See you on the 11 th for Preschool Spirit Night at
Real McCoys, 3325 Rogers Rd. in Heritage Wake Forest.
Check our Facebook link:
Contact Donna Williams at
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Stephen Ministers Are There to
Comfort During Life’s Challenges
Trunk or Treat…
Questions about Children’s Ministry? Please contact Denelle
Manley, WFUMC Children’s Director at 919-556-2239 or at
Save the Date:
Children’s Christmas Shop – Sunday, December 11, 3:005:00pm, Family Life Center
Chapter Six in the book of Acts tells the
story of the disciple, Stephen. He is
known for providing caring ministry to
those in need and distress. In 1975,
Stephen Ministry was organized in the
U.S. as a one-to-one lay ministry. Today
it is an important resource in more than
12,000 congregations in 170 Christian
denominations in the U.S., as well as 30
other countries. This ministry focuses
on how sharing one another’s burdens
fulfills the law of Christ.
Stephen Ministry trains lay care givers
to provide confidential, Christ-centered
care to those who are facing life’s many
trials. These include death of a family
member or friend, divorce, a serious
illness, a job lay-off, empty nest, and
many other challenges. Stephen
Ministers receive rigorous training by
leaders who take an intensive oneweek leaders’ training course. If you or
a loved one feel you would benefit
from meeting regularly with a Stephen
Minister, contact Martha Daniels at
Financial Peace University
We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University
(FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money.
Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small
group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from
where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan
will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend
and save wisely, and much more!
This nine week course will start on Sunday, Oct 2nd and meet
from 3 PM to 5 PM in the old fellowship hall. You can learn more
about this course at A $50 fee
will be needed up front for materials and the remainder will be
collected when the course begins. A signup sheet and further
information will be available in the narthex.
United Methodist Women will be
meeting Wednesday, October 12th, at 7
p.m. in the fellowship hall. All women
are welcome! Our speaker is the VP of
Heritage District UMW, our own,
Brenda Connelly. We look forward to
all Brenda will share about our Heritage
District and the many endeavors we are
involved in. Refreshments and our
time together is a joy and a blessing!
We look forward to being with you
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Village Church Rolesville
A Wake Forest UMC Campus
Live like family.
Love like Jesus.
Three Levels of Partnership and Commitment
How is God calling you?
The 12: I am committed to being a core leader who is willing to lead a B3
Group, or a specific ministry team like worship setup/tear down, welcome
team, outreach team, children’s team, etc., as well as support financially
and through prayer.
The 72: I am committed to worshipping at the future Rolesville campus
(even just temporarily) and serving on ministry teams, or participating in B3
groups in non-leadership roles, as well as supporting financially and through
The 120: I am committed to supporting the Rolesville campus by meeting
needs as they arise, and/or by being prayer partners or financial partners,
but I will continue to attend worship at the WFUMC campus.
Prayerfully ask God to help you discern your level of commitment.
Then sign up in the lobby outside the worship center.
The WFUMC needs your time and talent by becoming a member of the sound team. No
experience needed! If you can use a computer or Smartphone then you can operate the
sound and light system. Most of our team members never operated sound and lights
before joining the sound team at WFUMC. You get to ride “shotgun” while learning.
When you are ready to take the “driver's” seat, a member will ride “shotgun” with you.
Please contact Scott Harris @ 919-556-6355. Thanks.
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You’re invited to a
Pilot B3
BRUNSWICK STEW, that southern delicacy
cooked for hours in large cast iron pots will be
available for sale on
A B3 Group is group of 20-40 people (adults
and kids included!) gathering together to
follow Jesus Christ and help others become
and grow as his disciples. They will get
together once per week, either serving
together, celebrating together or for a
home gathering including a meal, prayer,
worship, and bible study.
Does this sound like something life-giving
for you?
Some people will be a part of this pilot B3
group because they want to be involved with
developing Village Church Rolesville (These
groups will be the means by which the church
campus gets started and grows).
But…we welcome any and all! It’s not a
commitment to be a part of the Rolesville
campus. You might come and just see what it’s
like…who knows, you may want to take it back
to Wake Forest UMC Campus!
Tyler and Lauren Williams will be hosting this
pilot B3 group at their home on Fridays at 7pm
through December. It’s not too late to
participate! Schedules are in the lobby of the
Worship Center.
What: Pilot B3 Group
When: Fridays at 7:00 beginning Sept. 9
Where: Home of Tyler and Lauren
Contact: Tyler at
Thursday, Nov. 3 from 5-7pm by quart
AND Friday, Nov. 4 from 11am-7pm as a
meal or by quart.
Our recipe is made with beef, chicken, tomatoes
and vegetables.
Our ANNUAL BAZAAR is Saturday,
November 5 from 9am-3pm.
You still have time to make items for us to sell!
Julia and the Crafters meet on Sunday
afternoons at 3:30 in the Family Life Center and
welcome all who would like to help make
Bazaar items.
The Vintage Jewelry area is always a HUGE
hit! If you have jewelry you no longer wear
and want to donate it, please drop it off at the
Church Office.
Time to be gathering the recipes for baked
goods and specialty cookies that you can
make for our Bakery Shoppe.
The Garden Center welcomes your garden
crafts and pass along plants.
Children's Toys, Americana and Christmas
Items, Ornaments, Baby Items, Jewelry,
Woodworking Crafts and other handmade
items are needed to fill our Bazaar booths.
Please invite your friends, family, co-workers
and neighbors to dinner or lunch on Friday,
November 4 and to the BAZAAR on
Informational brochures are available at the
Welcome Center
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We extend greetings to all our
Men in WFUMC. We invite
you to come to our monthly
meeting which is built on the
theme of "Equipping Men for
a Christian Life". We allow
plenty of time for dinner,
fellowship, devotion,
ministry reports, planning to support our church
and a short program. Oh yes, there is a song or two
at the beginning. Here’s the benefit. By spending
time together with other brothers in Christ it helps
In our Christian worship and obedience
In our friendships and accountability to
other believers
To grow in faith and set an example in our
To support our pastor and our church
To return God’s love for us through Christian
Our goal is to create a safe place for men to share
their concerns, hopes, and experiences in an
atmosphere of friendliness and Christian support
and look for an opportunity to be in service to one
another, our church and community.
We find our strength in Christ’s love for us.
Everything we do in our service is tied to a purpose
and to the glory of God.
Your UMM organization wants to be a big part of
your progress along your own personal spiritual
journey by providing an active group for discussing
issues of faith.
Our men’s group meets on the 1st Tuesday of the
month from 6:45pm to 8:30pm. The dinner and
program is open to all men of the WFUMC
Please come join us and bring a friend.
If you have any questions about the United
Methodist Men fellowship, please contact Bob
Gallagher at (919)630-1718 or call the church office
at (919)556-2239.
MEMORY MAKERS is a social group for those 55
and older, who meet for food, fun and fellowship,
once a month. Memory Makers will meet October
19th at 12:00 p.m. for a covered dish. Please
contact Anne Zeneski at 919-349-3639 or with any questions.
Adult choir rehearsals in October
Rehearsals are Thursday's with Cantata
rehearsal from 7:00-7:45 and Covenant Choir
from 7:45-8:30.
October 6, 13 and 20. No rehearsal on October
Sunday morning music in October
October 2, Covenant Choir both services, Youth
October 9, Covenant Choir, Youth Choir
October 16, Covenant Choir, Bill Brown
October 23, Covenant Choir, Adult Handbells
October 30, Covenant Choir
Our Covenant Choir will be singing at
Meymandi Concert hall on December 4th at
7:00 p.m. The concert will be conducted by
composer, Pepper Choplin and will feature full
orchestra and 250 voices who will come
together from Raleigh area churches. Tickets
are $10.00 and will be available from any choir
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8:30 October Ushers
Jennifer Nyland, Jeff Troughton, Chip Stout, Bill Wandrack
11:00 October Ushers
2 Micky Brown, Greg Coghill, Linwood Harp, Jack Clifford
Balcony: Louis Freeman, Cathy & Marcus Potter,
9 Bob Northcutt, Patrick Taylor, James Butts, Lisa Hargesheimer
Balcony: John Kuse, Larry Magen, Nancy Brooks
16 John Shewmaker, George Ashley, Richard Pike, Micky Brown
Balcony: Marty Babinski, Brad Baker, Brad Bofenkamp
23 Greg Coghill, Linwood Harp, Jack Clifford, Louis Freeman
Balcony: Cathy & Marcus Potter, John Kuse
30 Bob Northcutt, Patrick Taylor, James Butts, Richard Pike
Balcony: Lisa Hargesheimer, Nancy Brooks, Larry Magen
October Visitor Welcome
Marilyn Bonnett
Erin Dzielecki
Dawn Nakash
Sue Zaruba
Pam Relyea
Micky & Clara Brown
Dolores Riggins
Martha Loftin
Russ & Rosalie Niemi
October Greeters
Sharon & Dave VanDyke, Judy Gage
Marc Bridgham, Jennifer Wilson, David Iwig
Mike & Linda Chappell, Cathy Lemly
Jane & David Howle, Jennifer Nyland
Jim & Lisa Meyer, Dolores Riggins
October Lay Readers
Bill Wandrack
Chris Galde
Don Shupe
Dave Biallas
Elena Harp
Dolores Riggins
Greg Coghill
Jane Howle
Jessica Kuse
Parker & Lynn Woebke, Carol Ashley
Scott & Nell Yates, John Shewmaker
Cathy & Marty Babinski, Jennifer Harris
Dave & Cheryl Heller, Martha Daniels
Tracy & Ken Edwards, Linwood Harp
October Counters
Todd Thigpen, Bill Klose
Cathy Price, Eddie Riggins
Joan Leatherman, Cathy Price
Sandra Bryant, Jeanette Stansbury
Martha Loftin, Bill Klose
October Communion
8:30 Dolores Riggins
11:00 Sue Meehan
John Clark, Jill Radding
Pat Taylor, Cathy Potter
Mike Porter, Chris Harper
Julia Fansler, Martha Loftin
John Clark, Jill Radding
October Acolytes
Hunter, Graylyn
Taylor, Donny, Mary
Graylyn, Landon
Hannah, Andrew, Andy
Mattie, Graylyn
Kyle, Lydia, Kennedy Miles, Donny
Eli, Graylyn
October Lawn Mowing
Brad Baker, Bruce Allen, Dave Bryant, Jim Meyer, Kirby
Parker Woebke, Don Lewis, Chad Stansbury, Guy Ayers, Jim Heard
Mike Meehan, Eddie Riggins, Paul Strickland, Bill Klose, Keith West, Dave Heller
Larry Magen, Stan Cleverley, Benny Collins, Kevin Dzielecki, Jeff Troughton
Louis Freeman, Daniel Smoot, Steve Qualley, Brad Bruce, Dave VanDyke
905 South Main Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Change Service Requested
Wake Forest United
Methodist Church
905 S Main Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587
(919) 556-2239
(919) 556-1465
Non-Profit Organization
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Permit No. 51
Starting October 2nd
Book of Revelation
Led by Dr. James Mickey Efird
Dr. Efird is a retired professor of biblical interpretation from Duke
Divinity School in Durham, N.C. He places Revelation in its historical
context and explains its message for us today. Nursery is available.
Please contact Helen at 919-556-2239 or if you
have any questions.
October 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
In the Worship Center
E-MAIL: office@
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at:
Delivering the Gift of Hope at Christmas
By Jorge Acevedo
As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them . . . —John 17:18
Monday at 2:00 p.m. November 7, 14, 21, December 5, 12
God sent Christ into the world as our Savior. That’s what Christmas is all
about. In turn, Christ sends us into the world. But do we really understand
how, where, and why we are sent? This five-week, Advent study challenges us
through story, art, and Bible study to discover what it means to be Christ’s
hands, feet, head, and heart. Please contact Helen Champion to sign up, 919-556-2239.