2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO
2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO
© 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO MARGARITAS KEEPERS 3OLDßWITHßAßSOUVENIRßGLASSß-ARTINIß(URRICANEß3HOTßANDß-ARGARITA ,/6%,9ß2)4!ßßßß 3AUZAß4EQULIAß#OINTREAUß/RANGEß,IQUEURßANDßFRESHß SQUEEZEDßMARGARITAßMIX 0)#+,%$ß4).+ßßßß !BSOLUTß2ASPBERRIß6ODKAßPIuAßCOLADAßMIXßANDß FRESHßSTRAWBERRIESßSERVEDßFROZEN -!.'/ß$2%!-ßßßßß B (522)#!.%߯ß(URRICANEß'LASSßßßß !ßRUMBLINGßBLENDßOFßORANGEßMANGOßANDßPINEAPPLEß JUICEßINFUSEDßWITHß(AVANAß#LUBß2UMß$ARKß2UMß $ISARONNOß!MARETTOßANDßGRENADINE "߯ß3HOTß'LASSßßßß +AHL{Aß#OFFEEß,IQUEURß"AILEYSß)RISHß#REAMßANDß 'RANDß-ARNIER 2!:ß2)4!ßßßß 3AUZAß'OLDß4EQUILAßRASPBERRYßSYRUPßFRESHß RASPBERRIESßANDßFRESHßSQUEEZEDßMARGARITAßMIXß C 42/0)#!,ß2/#+߯ß(URRICANEß'LASSßßßß !BSOLUTß2ASPBERRIß6ODKAß"ANANAß,IQUEURßPIuAß COLADAßMIXßPINEAPPLEßJUICEßANDßAß-IDORIß-ELONß ,IQUEURßFLOAT "%229ß",53(߯ß-ARTINIß'LASSßßßß &RESHßRASPBERRIESßANDßMINTßCOMBINEDßWITHß!BSOLUTß 2ASPBERRIß-ONINß2ASPBERRYßANDßSWEETßßSOURßAREß SUREßTOßBECOMEßYOURßVERYßBERRYßFAVOURITE '/,$%.ß-!2'!2)4!ßßßß D #2!.!+!:)߯ß3HOTß'LASSßßßß !ßDELIGHTFULLYßCOMBUSTIBLEßCOMBINATIONßOFß!BSOLUTß 6ODKAß4RIPLEß3ECßLIMEßANDßCRANBERRYßJUICE &25)4!0!,//:!߯ß(URRICANEß'LASSßßßß %NJOYßTHEßFRUITYßFLAVORßOFß-ALIBUß#OCONUTßCRnMEß DEßBANANAßOURßHOUSEMADEßSWEETßßSOURßANDß STRAWBERRYßPURmEßTOPPEDßWITHßLEMONLIMEßSODA A 42)0,%ß0,!4).5-ßß -!2'!2)4!߯ß-ARGARITAß'LASSßßßß 3AUZAß4RESß'ENERACIONESß#OINTREAUß/RANGEß ,IQUEURß'RANDß-ARNIERßANDßFRESHßSQUEEZEDß MARGARITAßMIXßCOMEßTOGETHERßTOßPROVIDEßTHEß ULTIMATEßMARGARITAßEXPERIENCEß 3AUZAß'OLDß4EQUILAßTRIPLEßSECßANDßFRESHßSQUEEZEDß MARGARITAßMIXß %8/4)#ß-!2'!2)4!ßßßß 3AUZAß'OLDß4EQUILAß#OINTREAUß/RANGEß,IQUEURß MIXEDßWITHß-ONINß0OMEGRANATEßANDßFRESHß SQUEEZEDßMARGARITAßMIX /2!.'%/,)#)/53ß-!2'!2)4!ßßßß 3AUZAß'OLDß4EQUILAßANDßTRIPLEßSECßMIXEDßWITHß -ONINß"LOODß/RANGEßANDßFRESHßSQUEEZEDßMARGARITAß MIX Aß )ß Bß )ß Cß FAVORITES "!(!-!ß-!-!ßßßß (AVANAß#LUBß2UMßANDß-ALIBUß#OCONUTß2UMßMEETß "ANANAß,IQUEURßPINEAPPLEßANDßORANGEßJUICEß 25-ß25..%2ßßßß (AVANAß#LUBß2UMß"ANANAßANDß"LACKBERRYß ,IQUEURSßGRENADINEßORANGEßJUICEßANDßSWEETßß SOURßTURBOTOPPEDßWITHß(AVANAß#LUBß2UMß )ß Dß )ß Eß )ß 9OU´LLßGOßCRAZYßFORßTHISßMIXßOFß3AUZAß'OLDß4EQUILAß TRIPLEßSECßRASPBERRYßSYRUPßFRESHßSQUEEZEDß MARGARITAßMIXßANDßAßSPLASHßOFßCRANBERRYßJUICE F CLASSICS !,!"!-!ß3,!--%2ßßßß &RESHßORANGEßJUICEßINFUSEDßWITHß!BSOLUTß-ANDARINß 6ODKAßß0EACHß3CHNAPPSßANDßSIMPLEßSYRUPßTOPPEDß WITHßSWEETßßSOURßANDßSODAßWATER -/*)4/ßßßß 4HISßREFRESHINGßCOCKTAILßCOMBINESßFRESHßLIMESß MINTßSUGARßANDß(AVANAß#LUBß2UMß 0520,%ß(!:%ßßßß !ßCOMBINATIONßOFß!BSOLUTß6ODKAß'ORDON´Sß'INß ANDß(AVANAß#LUBß2UMßMIXEDßWITHßSWEETßßSOURß THENßTOPPEDßWITHßLEMONLIMEßSODAßANDß#HAMBORDß ,IQUEURß2OYALE )3,!.$ß)#%$ß4%!ßßßßß 3%8ß/.ß4(%ß"%!#(ßßßß 3TOLICHNAYAß6ODKAß0EACHß3CHNAPPSßORANGEßANDß CRANBERRYßJUICEß !ßHEADBANGIN´ßCOMBINATIONßOFßRICHßßSPICYßBLOODYß MARYßMIXß!BSOLUTß#ITRONß6ODKAßANDß*OEß0ERRY´SßOFß !EROSMITHß-ANGOß4ANGOß(OTß3AUCE ,%-/.ß$2/0ßßßß 0/-%'2!.!4%ß-!24).)ßßßß 3TOLICHNAYAß6ODKAß'ORDON´Sß'INß"ACARDIß 3UPERIORß2UMßTRIPLEßSECßWITHßSWEETßßSOURßß ANDßAßSPLASHßOFß0EPSI 5,4)-!4%ß",//$9ß-!29ßßßßß ALTERNATIVEßROCKß !LCOHOL&REE߯ß3OLDßWITHßAßSOUVENIRßGLASS -!.'/"%229ß#//,%2߯ß(URRICANEß'LASSßßßß !ßTROPICALßBLENDßOFßFRESHßMANGOSßSTRAWBERRIESß PINEAPPLEßJUICEßORANGEßJUICEßANDßSWEETßßSOURßMIXß TOPPEDßWITHßLEMONLIMEßSODA 7),$"%229ß3-//4()%߯ß0ILSNERß'LASSßßßß !ßFROZENßDELIGHTßOFßFRESHßBANANASßPINAßCOLADAßMIXß ORANGEßJUICEßANDßRASPBERRYßSYRUPßFINISHEDßOFFßWITHß AßSLICEßOFßFRESHßPINEAPPLE "%22),)#)/53߯ß(URRICANEß'LASSßßßß !ßDELICIOUSßCOMBINATIONßOFßBERRIESßUSINGßß RASPBERRYßSYRUPßBLENDEDßWITHßFRESHßSTRAWBERRIESß ANDßORANGEßJUICEßTHENßGARNISHEDßWITHßAßFRESHß STRAWBERRYßANDßORANGE /2!.'%ß#253(߯ß-ARGARITAß'LASSßßßß 0UCKERßUPß!BSOLUTß#ITRONß6ODKAßANDßAßSPLASHßOFß SWEETßßSOURßSERVEDßWITHßAßSUGAREDßRIMß 3TOLICHNAYAß6ODKAßINFUSEDßWITHß-ONINßß 0OMEGRANATEßANDßTOPPEDßWITHßLEMONLIMEßSODA !ßDELIGHTFULßBLENDßOFßORANGEßSYRUPßFRESHßSQUEEZEDß MARGARITAßMIXßORANGEßSHERBERTßMANGOßPURmEßANDß LEMONLIMEßSODAß %,%#42)#ß)#%$ß4%!ßßßßß )3,!.$ß-!)ß4!)ßßßß $/5",%ß"%229ß#//,%2ß߯ß0ILSNERß'LASSßßßß !ßCOMBINATIONßOFß3TOLICHNAYAß6ODKAß(AVANAß#LUBß 2UMß'ORDON´Sß'INßANDß"LUEß#URACAOßCOMEßTOGETHERß WITHßSWEETßßSOURßTHENßTOPPEDßWITHßLEMONLIMEß SODA #APTAINß-ORGANß/RIGINALß3PICEDß2UMßANDß GRENADINEßMIXEDßWITHßPINEAPPLEßANDßORANGEßJUICEß TOPPEDßWITHß(AVANAß$ARKß2UM "5,,ß",!34%2ßßßß *ACKß$ANIEL´Sß7HISKEYß3OUTHERNß#OMFORTß #HAMBORDß"LACKß2ASPBERRYß,IQUEURßANDß3TOLICHNAYAß 6ODKAßMIXEDßWITHßSWEETßßSOURßANDßTOPPEDßWITHß LEMONLIMEßSODA &ORßTHEßTRUEß(ARDß2OCKERßTHISßMIXßOFß*iGERMEISTERß ANDß2EDß"ULLßSCREAMSß0!249 © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO ß(ARDß2OCKß#AFEß)NTERNATIONALßßßß%52/ 3/54(%2.ß2/#+ßßßßß 3IPßINTOßTHISßBLENDEDßCONCOCTIONßMADEßWITHß'RANDß -ARNIERßORANGEßLIQUEURßMANGOßPURmEßANDßSWEETßß SOURßMIXß 342!7"%229ß$!)15)2)ßßßß !ßFROZENßBLENDßOFß(AVANAß#LUBß2UMßANDß STRAWBERRIES 0)c!ß#/,!$!ßßßß !ßFROZENßCOMBINATIONßOFß(AVANAß#LUBß2UMß-ALIBUß #OCONUTß2UMßANDßPIuAßCOLADAßMIX +!(,5!ß#/,!$!ßßßßß &ROZENßCONCOCTIONßOFß-ALIBUß#OCONUTß+AHLUAß #OFFEEß,IQUEURßANDßPIuAßCOLADAßMIXßGARNISHEDß WITHßPINEAPPLEßANDß-ARASCHINOßCHERRY ,/#/"%229ß2)4!ßßßßß 4RYßANYßMARGARITAßFROZENßORßONßTHEßROCKS ß ICE &ORßTHEßKIDßINßALLßOFßUSß4HISßTASTYßTREATßISßMADEßß WITHßRASPBERRYßSYRUPßCRANBERRYßJUICEßSWEETßß SOURßANDßLEMONLIMEßSODA E #253(%$ß6%,6%4߯ß-ARTINIß'LASSßßßß )NDULGEßWITHß-ONINß0OMEGRANATEßANDßRASPBERRYß SYRUPßCOMBINEDßWITHßFRESHßLEMONADEßANDßß LEMONLIMEßSODA © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO ß(ARDß2OCKß#AFEß)NTERNATIONALßßßß%52/ WINES WHITEßWINES 'LASS "OTTLE (ARDß2OCKß#AFEß,ABEL 2IESLING *ACOBSß#REEKß2ESERVE 3AUVIGNONß"LANC 0OETSß#ORNERß3EMILLON 3TONELEIGH 7OLFß"LASSß3EMILLON #HARDONNAY 2OSEMOUNT +OONUNGAß(ILL (ENRYß,AWSON #HAMPAGNEßß3PARKLINGß7INES +ILLAWARRAß$USK ,INDAUERß"RUT 3EPPELTSß3TONYß0EAK "RUTß2ESERVE -UMMß.6ßBOTTLEßONLY REDßWINES 'LASS "OTTLE (ARDß2OCKß#AFEß,ABEL -ERLOT 2OSEMOUNTß#ABERNET 0OETSß#ORNER 3HIRAZ 3HADOWOOD *ACOBSß#REEKß2ESERVE 3HIRAZß#ABERNET 0ENFOLDSß+OONUNGAß(ILL #ABERNETß3AUVIGNON 7OLFß"LASSß9ELLOWß,ABEL 7YNDHAMß%STATEß Plenty of fresh options here, even our onion rings are hand cut and battered in house everyday. Jumbo Combo $28.95 A delectable array of our most popular starters that’s big enough to share. Includes Santa Fe Spring Rolls, Hickory-Smoked Chicken Wings, Onion Rings, Potato Skins and Tupelo Chicken Tenders. Served with four different sauces for mixing and matching. † Santa Fe Spring Rolls $12.95 Stuffed with spinach, black beans, cilantro, corn, jalapeños, diced red peppers and Jack cheese. Served with fresh Hard Rock grilled salsa and guacamole Chipotle Ranch dressing. Tupelo Chicken Tenders $14.75 Boneless, seasoned and breaded chicken tenders, served with Honey-Mustard and Hickory Bar-B-Que sauces on the side or tossed in our Classic Rock, Heavy Metal or Tangy Bar-B-Que sauces. Served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing.† Hickory Smoked Chicken Wings $13.95 Hickory-smoked colossal wings served Buffalo style with your choice of Classic Rock, Heavy Metal or Tangy Bar-B-Que sauces. Served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing. Hard Rock Nachos $13.95 Fresh corn tortilla chips piled high with Jack and Cheddar cheeses and seasoned pinto beans. Served with sour cream, chopped green onions, pico de gallo, jalapeños and a side of fresh Hard Rock grilled salsa. Big enough to share. Add either, Grilled Chicken, Bar-B-Que Pulled Pork, Grilled Beef, Hickory Smoked Beef Brisket for an extra 4.50. HRC Bruschetta $13.95 A new twist on bruschetta. Freshly toasted French baguette bread brushed with olive oil, fresh garlic and herb cream cheese. Topped with balsamic marinated diced tomatoes and grated Romano cheese. Joe Perry’s “Rock Your World” Quesadilla $18.95 Grilled chicken and pineapple, tossed in our own Bar-B-Que sauce (made with Joe Perry of Aerosmith’s Mango-Peach Tango hot sauce), with melted Jack cheese and stuffed in a chili-dusted tortilla. Served with fresh guacamole, pineapple salsa and sour cream. Sub Grilled Fajita Beef (1.50). Potato Skins $13.95 Large potato shells, fried golden brown, filled with Jack and Cheddar cheeses, crisp seasoned bacon, green onions and parsley. Served with a side of sour cream for dipping. †Contains nuts or seeds. *Consuming raw or undercooked hamburgers, meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. when british blues giant eric clapton suggested that his favorite restaurant, the hard rock cafe, reserve his preferred table with a plaque, we suggested his guitar instead. the rest is history. This humble red axe still lives at the Hard Rock London. © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO We strive to procure only the finest ingredients available. All our steaks served are (CAAB) Certified Australian Angus beef. Add a side salad or side Caesar salad for $6.50. Don’t forget a glass of your favourite wine with your entrée.. MAD ANTHONY’S RUMP STEAK $32.95 A 300gm. Certified Australian Angus Rump steak grilled to your liking and brushed with Mad Anthony’s (of Van Halen fame) Bar-B-Que sauce. Served with fries and fresh vegetables. Famous Fajitas $23.95 Your choice of grilled chicken or beef served with pico de gallo, shredded Jack and Cheddar cheeses, fresh guacamole, sour cream, shredded lettuce and hot flour tortillas. Grilled Chicken or Grilled Beef.* Select a combination for an additional fee. (add 1.50) New York Strip Steak $36.95 An aged Certified Australian Angus, 360gm . New York strip steak grilled to your liking and topped with Merlot-garlic butter. Served with smashed potatoes, gravy and fresh vegetables.* Herb Grilled Chicken Breast $23.50 A boneless, marinated half-pound chicken breast, grilled and marinated with fresh herbs, garlic and pure olive oil. Served on top of smashed potatoes, with oven-roasted mushrooms and a light herb sauce. Grilled atlantic Salmon $25.00 An 6 oz. filet grilled and topped with a Merlot-garlic butter and served with smashed potatoes and fresh vegetables. Twisted Mac, Chicken & Cheese $19.50 A grilled chicken breast tops off twisted Cavatelli pasta tossed in a lightly spiced 3-cheese sauce, with garlic, roasted red peppers and Romano parsley bread crumbs. Served with a side of garlic toast.† Grilled Creole Chicken Pasta $20.00 Julienne bell peppers, onions, seared sliced Chorizo sausage and Penne pasta tossed in an authentic spicy Creole sauce, topped with a grilled blackened chicken breast. Served with garlic toast and Romano parsley. © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO pete townshend was first. but almost 30 years after the who guitarist smashed his axe, nirvana would uphold what had become a rock tradition. Chris Novoselic’s busted Fender Bass is at the New York Cafe. Aussie Fish ‘n’ Chips $19.50 Cast your line on this one. Tempura Battered Fillets served on a bed of French Fries. Comes with a Side Salad with guacamole Chipotle Ranch dressing. The ‘Rock Chop’ $25.50 A large center cut Rib Pork Chop grilled and basted with a sweet Maple-mustard glaze. Served with smashed potatoes, fresh vegetable and a fresh Granny Smith Apple-Mango chutney. Our roots are in the Southern cooking of our founder’s hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. Nothing’s more authentically, delectably Memphis than Bar-B-Que. All burgers served on a buttered toasted bun with seasoned French fries or substitute onion rings ($4.50) or add a side House or Caesar salad ($4.50). All our burgers are cooked to medium-well unless otherwise requested. Add grilled onions ($2.00) or mushrooms ($2.50). Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Que Combo Can’t decide? Get the best of our Smokehouse! Your choice of Bar-B-Que Ribs, Bar-B-Que Chicken or Bar-B-Que Beef Brisket. Served with seasoned fries, ranch beans and fresh coleslaw Duo Combo $27.50 Trio Combo $32.00 Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Que Beef Brisket $25.50 Slowly hickory smoked for 14 hours beef brisket topped with Hickory Bar-B-Que sauce and crisp fried onion straws. Served with seasoned fries, ranch beans and fresh coleslaw. HICKORY SMOKED BAR-B-QUE BABY BACK RIBS $31.50 Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Que Chicken $23.95 Our famous Southern-style half-chicken, rubbed, grilled and basted with our authentic Hickory Bar-B-Que sauce. Served with seasoned fries, fresh ranch beans and fresh coleslaw. A full rack of West Tennessee-style ribs rubbed and basted in our authentic Hickory Bar-B-Que sauce and cooked to perfection – so the meat falls right off the bone. Served with seasoned fries, ranch beans and fresh coleslaw. The ‘Rock Chop’ $25.50 A large center cut smoked Rib Pork Chop grilled and basted with a sweet Maple-mustard glaze. Served with smashed potatoes, fresh vegetable and a fresh Granny Smith Apple-Mango chutney All our Legendary Burgers 10oz patty are made from Certified Australian Angus Beef. Add one of our Thick Shakes or Malts to any Legendary Burgers for 6– Legendary 10 oz Burger $22.50 Famous the world over: topped with seasoned bacon, two slices of Cheddar cheese, a crisp fried onion ring, lettuce, tomato, and pickles.* S.O.B. Burger $20.95 Basted with spicy Chipotle Pepper puree and topped with Monterey Jack Cheese. Served on a buttered-toasted bun with Hard Rock guacamole & grilled onions.* Hickory BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger $22.50 Basted with our special Hickory Bar-B-Que sauce and smothered with caramelized onions. Topped with crisp seasoned bacon and melted Cheddar cheese.* The Big Cheese $20.95 Topped with three thick slices of your choice of cheeses.* LEGENDARY AUSSIE BURGER $22.50 “How Aussie can you get”? Melted Cheddar cheese, grilled onions, crisp seasoned bacon, beetroot and topped with a fried egg.* Caramelized Onion, Mushroom & Swiss Burger $21.95 Smothered with sweet caramelized onions and sautéed mushhrooms. Topped with two slices of Swiss cheese. this elaborately painted drumhead was created by the hog farm, the hippie collective associated with woodstock mc wavy gravy. Located at the Hard Rock Cafe Louisville. All 7 oz. beef burgers are garnished with lettuce, tomato, onion and pickles. HRC Burger $13.00 A fresh 7 oz. beef hamburger, lightly seasoned and cooked to order.* Twisted Mac & Cheese $6.50 Twisted Cavatelli pasta, tossed in a lightly spiced 3-cheese sauce with roasted red peppers and topped with Romano parsley bread crumbs.† Seasonal Veggie $5.50 Best of the season: fresh, green vegetables on the side. French Fries $5.50 Thick-cut and golden brown. Smashed Potatoes & Gravy $5.00 Smashed potatoes, seasoned and topped with gravy. Garlic Toast $4.50 Two thick slices of bread topped with merlotgarlic butter and toasted. © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO Side House Salad $6.50 Fresh mixed greens with shredded Jack and Cheddar cheeses, seasoned bacon bits, crasins and in-house made garlic croutons. Served with your choice of dressing. Side Caesar Salad $6.50 Romaine lettuce with garlic croutons, Romano and Parmesan cheeses and tossed with Caesar dressing. Hand Breaded Onion Rings $5.00 Hand-cut and breaded fresh daily in our kitchen and served with Hickory Bar-B-Que sauce on the side.† †Contains nuts or seeds. *Consuming raw or undercooked hamburgers, meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. HRC Cheeseburger $14.00 Same great burger, even better with two slices of American, Swiss, Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese.* HRC Bacon Cheeseburger $14.95 A fresh 7 oz. beef hamburger, topped with crisp seasoned bacon and your choice of melted cheese. Served on a toasted bun.* HRC Veggie Burger $14.00 A “burger” patty made of vegetables and spices, topped with Jack cheese, grilled fresh zucchini, yellow squash and Hard Rock grilled salsa. Served on a toasted bun with fresh lemon mayo. Served with a salad and your choice of dressing.† © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO at the height of the beatles’ fame, john lennon took up with artist yoko ono and together they waged war on war. John’s hand-drawn sign from the couple’s “bed-in” is in the Lennon Room at Hard Rock Live, Orlando. †Contains nuts or seeds. *Consuming raw or undercooked hamburgers, meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Inspired by our Southern roots, the smoked pulled pork and beef brisket sandwiches remain favourites. All sandwiches served with seasoned French fries or substitute onion rings ($4.50) or add a side House or Caesar salad ($4.50). Hickory Smoked Pulled-Pork Sandwich $17.95 Hickory smoked pork hand-pulled, so it’s tender and juicy. Served with your choice of our authentic vinegar-based or Hickory smoked BarB-Que sauces and topped with marinated slaw. Served with seasoned fries, ranch beans and homemade coleslaw. Creole Chicken Sandwich $16.95 Grilled Cajun spiced chicken breast topped with sliced Chorizo sausage, diced bell peppers, onions and an authentic Creole sauce. Topped with Monterey Jack Cheese. Served on a toasted bun with seasoned fries. California Chicken Club Sandwich $17.95 Grilled chicken, crisp seasoned bacon, fresh avocado slices, tomato, lemon mayo and lettuce on toasted bread. Served with seasoned fries. Smoked Bar-B-Que Beef Brisket Sandwich $16.95 Our slow hickory smoked thick sliced beef brisket topped with Hickory Bar-B-Que sauce and crisp fried onion straws. Served with seasoned fries, ranch beans and fresh coleslaw.* Thick Shakes and Malts $9.50 Your choice of Vanilla or Chocolate ice cream. Another Hard Rock Cafe legend. Apple Cobbler $11.50 A country favourite, served warm with Vanilla ice cream, topped with walnuts and caramel sauce. † Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae $13.50 Vanilla ice cream and hot fudge on a fresh brownie, topped with chopped walnuts, chocolate sprinkles, fresh whipped cream and a cherry. † Sinful Hot Fudge Sundae $9.95 Three large scoops of Vanilla ice cream, topped with our famous hot fudge sauce, chopped walnuts, fresh whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry. † Put it in a souvenir 23 oz. Hurricane glass or 20 oz. Pilsner and keep the glass (additional fee). Ice Cream Our Hard Rock signature ice cream offerings are Chocolate or Vanilla.† Small $6.00 Large $9.00 Sorbet $7.50 Ask your server about today’s flavours. Put it in a souvenir Martini glass and keep it for an additional fee. Hot Fudge Sundae $7.50 A regular portion of Vanilla ice cream, topped with hot fudge sauce, chopped walnuts, fresh whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry.† Put it in a souvenir Martini glass and keep it for an additional fee. †Contains nuts or seeds. *Consuming raw or undercooked hamburgers, meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Add grilled chicken breast ($3.25) or Salmon ($11.00) to a Caesar salad. Hard Rock dressings: Ranch, Caesar, Honey Mustard, Honey-Citrus, Blue Cheese, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Olive Oil & Vinegar and Lite Italian Caesar Salad $14.75 Side Salad $6.50 A full helping of Romaine lettuce with croutons, Romano and Parmesan cheeses and Caesar dressing. Cobb Salad $18.50 Massive mixed greens, topped – in rows – with a grilled chicken breast, avocado, tomato, red onion, seasoned bacon, Cheddar and Jack cheese and hard-boiled egg. Served with your choice of dressing. before elias mcdaniel bates turned into bo diddley and created the bo diddley beat, he literally had to create a guitar to play. Bo’s “cigar box” axe, hand-built in 1945 © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO Honey Citrus Grilled Chicken Salad $18.50 Fresh cut greens tossed with sweet red onions, grilled Cajun chicken and tossed with our Honey-Citrus dressing. Topped with fresh orange segments, spiced pecans, red pepper strips, sweetened dried cranberries and blue cheese crumbles.† Haystack Chicken Salad $17.95 This Hard Rock special combines fresh mixed greens, carrots, corn, diced tomatoes, pico de gallo and shredded cheese. Topped with Tupelo fried chicken or a grilled chicken breast. Tossed with Hidden Valley Ranch dressing and topped with spiced pecans and crisp tortilla straws.† †Contains nuts or seeds. *Consuming raw or undercooked hamburgers, meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. he was rockin’ before he even played a note. The childhood rocking horse of a Seattle boy named James Marshall Hendrix is at the Orlando Hard Rock Hotel. No meal is complete without a fine, cotton t-shirt. Please feel free to stop by the Rock shop for yours. Thank you for your patronage © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO Group Parties or special events in Surfers Paradise. Please call – 1300 HARDROCK (1300 4273 7625) Gift cards are available year round. Ask your server. Lisbon Biloxi Hollywood, FL Chicago New York cafes Pittsburgh Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Washington, dc South America Belo Horizonte Bogotá Buenos Aires Caracas Cartagena Margarita Rio de Janeiro UK Cardiff Edinburgh London Manchester hotels Canada Montreal Niagara Falls Ottawa Toronto Rogers Centre Toronto, Young Street Pacific Rim Fiji Guam Saipan Surfers Paradise Beirut Cairo Dubai Hurghada Kuwait Sharm El Sheikh United States Atlanta Atlantic City Baltimore Biloxi Boston Chicago Cleveland Denver Destin Detroit Foxwoods Gatlinburg Hollywood, ca Hollywood, fl Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Key West Kona La Jolla Lake Tahoe Las Vegas Las Vegas Blvd, 2009 Louisville Maui Memphis Miami Minneapolis Myrtle Beach Nashville New Orleans New York Niagara Falls, ny Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Mexico Central America Acapulco Cabo San Lucas Cancún Cozumel Guadalajara Mexico City Panama Puerto Vallarta Tijuana Caribbean Aruba, 2008 Cayman Islands Nassau, Bahamas Ocho Rios Punta Cana San Juan Santo Domingo © 2008 Hard Rock Cafe International - 5/08 - EURO Europe Amsterdam Athens Barcelona Berlin Bucharest Cologne Copenhagen Dublin Gothenburg Gran Canaria Krakow, 2009 Lisbon Madrid Malta Moscow Munich Oslo Palma de Mallorca, 2008 Paris Prague, 2008 Rome Stockholm Warsaw Middle East Africa Bahrain Atlanta, 2010 Bali Biloxi Chicago Dubai, 2011 Hollywood, fl Las Vegas Macau, 2009 Orlando Palm Springs, 2010 Panama, 2010 Pattaya Penang, 2009 San Diego Tampa Asia Bali casinos Bangkok Biloxi Beijing Hollywood, fl Bengaluru Las Vegas Fukuoka Macau, 2009 Hyderabad Tampa Jakarta Kowloon, Hong Kong live Kuala Lumpur Biloxi Macau, 2009 Hollywood, fl Makati Las Vegas: The Joint Mumbai Mexico City Nagoya Orlando Osaka Osaka, Universal park Pattaya Myrtle Beach Phuket, 2008 Pune Seoul Singapore Singapore Changi Airport Tokyo, Narita Tokyo, Roppongi Tokyo, Uyeno-Eki Yokohama