??-' Ir "i:i : ji, 11 ,:, i . I .i ffira,*dingeMffiffinS l! a- r{, r1' j li. l,j' i f ,::, i C) ,: .,i Rating: TextPages:S06-b37 P0NTT0 P0ilDEfi: "Llfels llke nCingln a taxl, Wketker J/cu ere golng any,vhere cr nct, the rneter keeps troklng"-*!9fi11g. Maxweil WHY STUDV BRAIDING AND BRAID EXTENSIONS? 1' Inyourownwords,explain whycosmetologists shouldthoroughly understand the importanceof braidingand braidextensions. 2. Historicaty, the first highrydecorativebraidswereseenamong 3. lirday, braidsareas acceptableas anyotherhairstyle in mostmodern workplaces. -_-_- tribes. True False 4. Braidingsaronspracticewhatis commonry knownas _ hairstyling, whichusesno chemicals or dyesanddoesnot alterthe naturalcurlor coil patternof the hair. 5. Withpropercare,a braidedhairdesigncan lastup to weeksbeingpreferable. Chapter {8 Braiding and Braid Extensions months,with to 6- What is the best way to avoidmisunderstandings and ensurea happyendingto everynatural-styling service? UNDERSTANDII{GTHE BASICS 7' When analyzingthe conditionof a client'shairand scalp duringconsultation,you should pay particularattentionto the hair's 8. In braidingand other naturalhairstyling, texturerefersto what threequalities? a) b) c) 9' In additionto texture,the cosmetologistshouldconsiderwhat characteristics duringhairanalysis? a) b) c) d) 10. Everyonehas thinner,finerhairaroundthe hairline. - True False 11. In the naturalhairstyling/braiding world, hair is referredto as when it has had no chemicaltreatments. 12. or involvesoverlappingtwo strandsof hairto achievea candy caneeffect. 13. lnterureaving a weft or fauxhairwith naturarhairis knownas 14.Somestateshaveseparatenaturalhairstyling licenses. True False Ghapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions l'.t1 ,i .! .i: 15' Stylistswho holdonlybraiding, naturalhairstyling, or locktician licenses can performsuchchemicalservices as coloringor perming. --.- True False 16. ldentifythe tools usedfor braiding: a) b) c) d) e) 0 s) h) D i) k) D m) n) o) p) 17. what is the advantageof usinga boar-brisflebrush? 18. Explainthe use of the squarepaddrebrushin braiding. Ghapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions 19. In braiding, the ventbrushis usedto 20. The distancebetweenteeth is the most importantfeatureof a wide-toothed comb. True False 21. Which of the followingtools is excellentfor designparting,sectioninglarge segmentsof haif and openingand removingbraids? a) Diffuser b) Long clip c)Tailcomb d) Finishing comb 22. ldentifythe implements andmaterials neededfor extensions: a) b) c) 23. What is a hackle? 24. A(n) is a flat leatherpad withveryclose,fineteeththat sandwicheshumanhairextensions. 25. The fibersused largelydeterminean extension'ssuccessand durability. True False 26. Listsomematerials commonlyusedfor hairextensions. a) b) c) d) e) f) Ghapter l8 Braiding and Braid Extensions 27. What is Kanekalon,and why is it a good choice for extensions? 28. Discussthe prosandconsof nylonor rayonsynthetic. 29. Why is traditionalyarn now being used to adorn haif,? 3O.Why shouldcare be taken when purchasingyarn? woolfiberimportedfromAfrica,hasa mattefinishand 31._, a beautiful comesonlyin blackand brown. of 32.Thestrongfiberthatcomesfromthe domesticox foundin the mountains is Tibetand CentralAsia 33. Why is it bestto braidcurlyhairwhenit is dry? hairis bestbraidedslightlydampor verylightlycoatedwith 34. Straight,resistant to make it more pliable. a(n)or Ghapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions 35. Texturedhairis veryfragilebothwet and dry. - True 36. Listthe steps in the cleaningand disinfectingportionof the pre-service procedure. a) b) c) d) e) 0 s) 37. What questionsshouldthe stylistask to help preparethe clientfor a positive experience? a) b) c) d) e) 0 Ghapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions ,rli ti ! j ,l: ., t.: : 38. what arethe threemaintaskareasof the post-service procedure? 'a, i':: : ,: ii :,, r: : :i l b) ll l , ' r'. ::, c) 39. Listall of the implements, andsuppliesneededto preparetextured materials, hairfor braiding. a) b) c) d) e) 0 s) h) D 40. when preparingtexturedhairfor braiding,parl the back of the head into sections.Forthick,texturedhair;make for thinnerhairiuser sections; sections. 41. Explainhow to blowdrytexturedhairas paft of the pre-seruiceprocedure. BRAIDINGTHE HAIR 42. A(n) braid is a three-standbraid createdwith a(n) techniquein which the left sectiongoes underthe middlestrand,then the right sectiongoes underthe middlestrand. zts.A(n) braidis a three-strand braidproducedwith a(n) over themidd'eone, th", th h J::f :Hil :::i j[ Jl;:]ffi :',.il;:*' " "t " Chapter l8 Braiding and Braid Extensions 44. What type of braid is made with two strands twisted aroundeach other? 45. Outlinethe procedure for creatinga ropebraid. a) b) c) d) e) T) s) h) D i) k) r) m) n) Ghapter l8 Braiding and Braid Extensions o) braid is a simple,two-strandbraidin which hair is pickedup 46. The fromthe sidesand addedto the strandsas theyarecrossedovereachother. 47.Thefishtailbraidis bestdoneon layeredhairthatis lessthanshoulderlength. True False 48. What does the accompanyingfigureillustrate? c O €: @; 49. The invisiblebraid is idealfor long hairbut can be executedon shorterhairwith long layers. - True False 5 0 ' l l ] b e g i n th e p ro ce d u re fo raninvisiblebr aid,star tatthe- ofthehead, takea(n) hand.Divide sectionof haif and placeit in your the sectioninto _ equalstrands, in the left hand and in the right. 51. What do the terms singlebraids,box braids,and individualbraidsreferto? 52. The partingsor subsectionsfor singlebraidscan be what shape? a) b) c) 't,, a Ghapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions 53. With singlebraids,the determineswherethe braid is placedand how it moves. 54. Extensions for singlebraidscomein a widerangeof sizesand lengthsandare integrated intothe naturalhairusingthe technique. 55. Fiberforextensionscan be selectedfrom ,-rof 56. Discussthe processfor preparing a clientfor a singlebraid. 57. what is the procedure for creatinga singlebraidwithoutextensions? a) b) c) d) e) Chapter t8 Br aidingand Br aidExtens i ons ffi R p D i) k) D m) n) 58. What portionof the procedurefor singlebraid with extensiondoes the accompanying figureillustrate? e b d ,q .: O !- , also called lie closeto the scalp. 60. How are cornrowscreated? 61. How long do cornrowslast? 1O2 Ghapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions are narrowrows of visiblebraidsthat 62. Explainwhythefeed-inmethodis usedfor cornrowswithextensions. 63' Comparetraditional cornrowswiththosecreatedwiththefeed-inmethod. 64. Givesomeoptionsfor finishingbasiccornrows. 65. outlinethe procedurefor creatingcornrowswith extensions. a) b) c) d) e) 0 Ghapter l8 Braiding and Braid Extensions s) h) 66. Discussthe techniqueof treebraidingand howtheyarecreated. 67. Whatarehairlocks? 68. Listand brieflyexplainthe threebasicmethodsof locking. a) b) c) Ghapter l8 Braiding and Braid Extensions