Hypnosis and Analgesia - ETH E-Collection
Hypnosis and Analgesia - ETH E-Collection
Diss. ETH No. 14070 Feedback Control of Hypnosis and Analgesia in Humans A dissertation submitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences presented by Andrea Luca Gentilini Dottore in Ingegneria Chimica Politecnico di Milano born 10.12.1972 in Livorno accepted on Prof. Dr. Manfred the recommendation of Morari, examiner PD Dr. med. Thomas Walter co-examiner Prof. Dr. Adolf Hermann co-examiner Schnider, Glattfelder, March, 2001 © 2001 Andrea Luca Gentilini All Rights Reserved Foreword The purpose of this section is threefold. issues that proposing a a Second, who significantly An easier through stay the final Third, coupled was I would like to success some degree, with a structured acknowledge of this thesis. start-up training for marathons during the first at the Automatic Control at that time because they finally it. contributed to the I conceived these few lines while years of my obtaining I would like mention how this thesis and how should the reader go people I would like to address tentative solution to the avoidable difficulties Ph.D. program. the First, Ph.D. candidate must face towards looking at the former obtained their Ph.D. degree Laboratory. I decided to graduate students' smile made me two do so when think that I would have been too excited towards the end to be able to draw rationale conclusions about such an important period of The path towards obtaining though this is known to all my life. the researchers who always straight. Even successfully completed a Ph.D. program, few of them decided to share their experiences for the benefit of future Ph.D. candidates. answer to two crucial researchers a Ph.D. degree I will try to do questions, which is not so here by giving my personal may be of interest also for senior supervising Ph.D. candidates. What are Ph.D. program? the avoidable and unavoidable difficulties encountered How can the avoidable difficulties be removed? 3 during a 4 Let by setting obvious premises: the goal of every Ph.D. candi¬ something new and to communicate it to the scientific community through scientific publications in high quality journals. Hard challenges convey big troubles, some of which may be easily avoided with a Not withstand¬ new approach to the management of the human resources. us start date is to discover ing the fact that research labs ture to - - for the limited the institute I perform outstanding up these words: because such best to get the highest put into building such A experience that I have from visiting other was working an excellent return to the an in provides And this is the research. background excellent infrastruc¬ why I speak exploited at which was visibly reason must be strong investment infrastructure. period of the Ph.D. program is represented by the a specific research goal is not yet outlined and the igno¬ the field often total, presuming that one has not been previously in is rance the research direction. Other apparently less relevant un¬ in same engaged certainties may disorient. They are associated to questions like which type of journal should I target for my publications, which conferences and lec¬ tures should I attend, which institutions may be worth a visit during my Ph.D. program. These latter, which seem to be more burocratical details than anything else, may interact in a dangerously synergistic way with real research problems and ultimately increase confusion. As a result, the first real research contributions are delayed in time. Very often, one is reaching particularly delicate first months where the end of the Ph.D. program with directions which may be worth to be the last round bell rings a very detailed map of pursued. and the time to lacks. bewildermentoftheinitialperiodmaybeamentorforthestart-upintheresearchwork,aVirgilioguidingthegraduatestudentthroughthehellofthefirstmonths.Inmypersonalview,thisguidemustnotbethePh.D.advisor,whosemaindutiessuchasreviewing,teaching,travelingandmanagingtheresearchinstitutedonotallowher/himphysicallytobeconstantlyafterthePh.D.candidate.Moreover,etymologycallyspeaking,herorhisroleismoretogive'advice'thantoleadtheway.ThepersonIampointingatcouldbeanybodylikeaseniororpost-docresarcherorevenagraduatestudentapproachingtheendofher/his One feasible solution to the inevitablePh.D. move At that time new research though, often from intentions to actions 5 program who has been to do, working in know how to do it but tual interest in a a similar field. Those persons know what they lack time and manpower. collaboration between 'fresh' Ph.D. student is defined. quickly an experienced The senior researcher may seeing the development of her/his idea without losing The young researcher activities. the way through daily The mu¬ researcher and a enjoy contact with other enjoys the experience of the senior, learns technical difficulties, acquires discerning capabilities an investigation and the ones which are not, experiences the importance of the communication of scientific re¬ sults. The concrete goal of such a tight teamwork may be anything which can be considered as a 'research output' such as a journal or conference paper and/or a postgraduate thesis. Needless to say, the success of such a collaboration strongly depends on the characteristics of the individuals. Particularly important keys to success beyond the technical skills may be the natural disposition to teamwork, the will to share knowledge and the commitment to solve conflicts in view of the big picture. At the end of the mentorship program, a cross evaluation of the respective partner may also be bénéficiai for both: the young researcher would receive important feed¬ back about the strengths she/he may want to exploit further and the lacks which need to be compensated. The senior researcher may benefit from the feedback about her/his leadership and management capabilities, which may help her/him further in the career. about the directions which I firmly believe that the single individuals. of the moving consequentlyis worth people potentiates the strengths however, that the Ph.D. is ultimately herself/himself and nobody else. Becoming aware interaction among It is also true, of the candidate isamajorachievementduringthegraduateprogram.Togiveanswerstothequestionsstatedinitially,theinitiallackoforienta¬tionofthePh.D.programisanavoidabledifficulty.Assigningaseniorre¬searcherasamentorforthePh.D.candidatemaybeasolutiontotheprob¬lem.DefiningaresearchoutputsuchasacommonpublicationasthegoaloftherelationshipenablesthePh.D.candidatetocommunicateresearchresultsduringaperiodwherenormallynooutputisproduced.Further,itallowsthementortotesther/hisleadershipcapabilities.Anexampleoforganizationswherementorshipprogramsaresuccessfullyusedareconsult¬ingcompanies,forthesimplereasonthattherichestskillsofaconsultantcomefromtheirexperience.Andoneofthemostfruitfulofthoseskills a success of this and are 6 opportunities. A recently hired consultant not only lacks experience, but could create damage for the company trying to establish the intuition for Further, one. it would afford to pay. The certainly reasons take a period of time the company cannot adoption of a mentorship pro¬ which motivate the consulting companies Mentorship programs may be gram in may hold also for the academic environment. an easier start-up for Ph.D. candidates. For the reader Chapters 1,2,3 and 4 of the present thesis are partially modified stand-alone publications. A foreword section is given at the beginning of each chapter to inform the reader about where she/he can find the original publication and how does the present chapter relate to others in the big picture of the thesis. After having summarized the main achievements of the thesis, chapter 5 provides an outlook for future research directions. Acknowledgments This work would not have been possible without the help and the support people. Among my colleagues at IfA, I am particularly thankful to Christian Frei, Marco Derighetti, Prof. Adolf Hermann Glattfelder and Konrad Stadler who have been precious partners during several research discussions. To Marco Sanvido, whose wide expertise in computer science often prevented the real-time platform from collapsing. Finally, a special acknowledgment to Gianni, Eleonora, Francesco, Alberto, Domenico and of many Milos with whom I lived many critical and exciting situations and to with whom I shared the office with the most gorgeous I am indebted to Marco Rossoni I would also like to mention the partners ical at the impact of Inselspital automatic Fabio, of town. Gerosa, Christoph Schaniel and supervised during Semester and Diploma projects contribution they gave to this thesis. Grieder that I consistent sight Pascal for the precious help and collaboration from our Bern, who allowed us to demonstrate the clin¬ control in anesthesia. A rewarding acknowledgein 7 ment must be their close given to Dr. Thomas Schnider and Dr. Rolf Wymann for supervision of the project, to Dr. Marting Luginbühl, Prof. Alex Zbinden and Daniel Leibundgut for the support and to Dr. Christian Birecently brought into clinical investigations. presented in the thesis was partially supported by Swiss National eniok for the vital energy he The work Science Foundation SNSF 32-51028.97. I am professionally and humanly indebted to my advisor Prof. Morari for his endless commitment to research and the strated both as a research leader and as a sharpness Manfred he demon¬ manager. Finally, I would also like to thank the many people who were running, cycling, rollerblading during summer and winter, night and day besides me while I was training for marathons: Gabriela, Oliver, Jan, Markus, Jacques, Daniel, Hannes, Gianni, Pamela, Anna, Luca, Sybille, Eleonora, Olivier, my father and my dog Nuur. 8 Abstract The main contribution of this thesis is the two novel feedback control Both systems to the design and the application of practice of general anesthesia. improve the patient The first care during and after general surgery. patient's degree of unconsciousness by continuous administration of volatile hypnotics. The second aims at regulating the patient's analgesic state by means of continuous opiates infusion. Another contribution of the thesis consists in the development of a new modeling framework to quantify anesthetic drug synergies. aims at regulating In the introduction the thoroughly analyze all the potential benefits of au¬ an example, two control strategies are presented for the particular cases of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and Bispectral Index (BIS) regulation with isoflurane. Further, we describe the real-time platform which allows us to apply closed-loop control in the operating room. In particular, we discuss the mandatory safety measures that cope with the clinical safety standards and the software architecture. we tomation in anesthesia. As Chapter 2 describes the model-based closed-loop system which delivers as assessed through Bispectral In¬ model-based closed-loop controller of isoflurane to guarantee unconsciousness dex (BIS). hypnosis This has been the first with volatile agents controller was practice. BIS triggered by monitors Drug Administration itors were on increasing humans. The use conception of this of BIS monitors in the clinical the first clinical devices to receive Food and clearance compensate for the lack of since the first successful tested ever the as a surgical monitors for unconsciousness. BIS reliable sensor for awareness, a intervention with anesthesia in 1846. 9 mon¬ deficiency 10 The results of the clinical validation of the controller sented. The patent for the control strategy to both the European Community Chapter 3 describes a control closed-loop The ideal input closed-loop system analgesics. strategy to regulate analgesia patient are pre¬ pending in for the intraoper¬ This has been the first model-based for the control system is still assessed while the humans BIS is and the United States of America. model-based ative administration of on regulate ever missing, is unconscious. Therefore controller which has two On tested since we on pain humans. cannot be developed a closed- it maintains the one hand, loop goals. patient's hemodynamic stability assessed through MAP, a possible candidate indica¬ tor for the analgesic state. On the other hand it tracks predicted analgesic concentrations in the plasma, allowing anesthesiologists to titrate opiate infusion on the basis of clinical signs of inadequate analgesia. In chapter 4 the problem of anesthetic drug interaction is addressed. Pre¬ cisely, we present a modeling framework which is suitable to quantify and test anesthetic drug synergies. Even though several synergy models were already presented in other medical fields such as cancer therapy, they are The main assumption which is violated for not adequate in anesthesia. anesthetics drugs is that all the compounds in the mixture investigated must have an effect on the considered clinical endpoint if given alone. The novel modeling framework is able to describe mixtures of two and three anesthetic drugs. Further, single drug parameters can be embedded in the model equation without the need to be re-estimated. In chapter 5 we summarize the main achievements of the thesis and outline future research directions. Zusammenfasssung Entwicklung und die Anwen¬ geschlossenen Regelkreisen im Gebiet der Anästhesie. Der erste hat das Ziel, eine bestimmte Hypnosetiefe des Patienten mit¬ tels kontinuierliche Dosierung von flüchtigen Hypnotika zu erreichen. Der zweite regelt den Analgesiezustand des Patienten mittels intravenöser Opi¬ In dieser Dissertation beschreiben wir die dung ate. von zwei neuen Zudem führen wir ein neues Modell ein, das die Interaktion zwischen Anästhetika beschreibt. möglichen Vorteile der Automatisierung¬ Beispiel nehmen wir die Regelstrategien, die den Mittleren Arteriellen Druck (MAP) und den Bispektrale Index (BIS) mit Isofiuran reglen. Dann beschreiben wir die technischen Lösungen, welche die notwendige Sicherheit unserer Geräte garantieren und die Ar¬ chitektur unserer Software Applikationen, mit welchen wir die Regler in der Im Kapitel 1 analysieren wir die stechnik in der Anästhesie. Als Klinik anwenden können. Im Kapitel 2 beschreiben wir die erste je am Menschen getestete modell¬ Reglerstruktur, welche eine gewünschte Hypnosetiefe erreichen und halten kann. Die Hypnosetiefe wird durch die Messung des Bispektral-Index abgeschätzt und durch die reglerkontrollierte Verabreichung des flüchtigen Anästhetikums Isofiuran erreicht. Die zunehmende Verbreitung der BIS Monitore im klinischen Bereich hat den Anstoss zur Entwicklung eines solchen Reglers gegeben. Die BIS Monitore sind die ersten Geräte für die Messung der Hypnosetiefe, die von der 'Food and Drug Administration (FDA)' zur Verwendung der Klinik zugelassen wurden. basierte Für die Regelungsstrategie wurde ein Patent bei der 11 Europäischen Union 12 angemeldet. Im 3 stellen wir einen modellbasierten Regler für die intraopera¬ Analgetika vor. Die hier beschriebene Struktur entspricht dem ersten geschlossenen Regelkreis, der die intraoperative Ve¬ rabreichung von Schmerzmitteln regelt. Da keine objektive und spezifis¬ che Messung der Schmerzempfindung existiert, fehlt unserem Regler ein passendes Messsignal. Der Grund dafür ist, dass Schmerz für einen bewusstlosen Patienten nicht definiert ist. Unter gewissen Umständen, kann jedoch der Mittlere Arterielle Blutdruck (MAP) als Indikator für die Analgesie be¬ trachtet werden. Deshalb haben wir einen Regler entwickelt, der gleichzeitig MAP und die Konzentrationen des Analgetikums in bestimmten Grenzen Kapitel tive Administration von halten kann. Im Kapitel 4 stellen wir ein neues Modell für die Interaktion von Anästhetika Andere Interaktionsmodelle, welche schon in verschiedenen biomedi¬ zinischen Gebieten verwendet werden, sind für die Anästhesie nicht geeignet. Diese Modelle gehen nämlich davon aus, dass jedes Anästhetikum, welches einzeln verabreicht wird einen Einffuss auf den klinischen Endpunkt hat. Dies trifft besonders in der Anästhesie nicht zu, da sich gewisse Wirkungen vor. erst bei der Kombination mehrerer Anästhetika haben wir ein von Im bis zu neues Modell drei Anästhetika entwickelt, zu zeigen. Aus diesem Grund welches in der Lage ist, Synergien beschreiben. Kapitel 5 fassen wir die Kernpunkte dieser Dissertation zusammen mögliche Richtungen für die zukünftige Forschung vor. stellen und Prefazione Questa tesi descrive due nuovi cati nel campo dell'anestesia paradigmi di controllo ad anello chiuso appligenerale. Il primo controllore regola il grado di ipnosi del paziente mediante la volatile. Il secondo ne trazione continua di nuovo Nel somministrazione continua di mantiene lo stato di analgesici intravenosi. analgesia un anestetico mediante la somminis¬ Nella tesi inoltre si propone un modello per descrivere le interazioni tra farmaci anestetici. capitolo introduttivo si esaminano i tomatici nella potenziali benefici dei controlli aupratica clinica dell'anestesia. Come esempi si considerano i particolari di un controllore della pressione arteriosa media (PAM) e bispettrale (BIS) con l'ipnotico isoflurano. Si discutono inoltre sia l'architettura software che tutti gli schemi di sicurezza introdotti nella piattaforma di controllo che consentono l'applicazione di algoritmi automatici casi dell'indice in sala Nel operatoria. capitolo 2 si descrive il controllore ad anello chiuso che ponente ipnotica dello stato di anestesia del controllore basato su modelli dinamici per la anestetici volatili che sia mai stato utilizzato dei monitor per il BIS nelle sale per lo sviluppo del sistema diregolazione.ImonitorperilBISsonostatiiprimiadaverricevutoI'approvazionedella'FoodandDrugAdministration(FDA)'comemonitordiipnosidurante1'anestesiageneraleecompensanounamancanzaesistentesindallaprimaanestesiageneraleavvenutanel1846.Siriportanoesidiscutonoinlineirisultatidell'applicazionedelsistemadicontrolloinsalaoperatoria.LoschemaperlaregolazionedelBISèinattesa13 uso paziente. regola la Si tratta del com- primo regolazione dell'ipnosi su operatorie è esseri umani. con II crescente stato lo stimolo principale 14 di brevetto presso la comunità europea Nel capitolo analgesici primo controllore basato stato di esiste il parlare analgesia sensore di negli Stati Uniti. 3 si illustra il sistema di controllo ad anello chiuso per la ministrazione continua di del e del paziente modelli dinamici per che sia stato utilizzato ideale di questo sistema di percezione per defmizione su durante anestesia som¬ generale. Si tratta la regolazione dello su esseri umani. Non controllo, poiché di dolore durante anestesia totale. è improprio Il dolore è difatti esperibile solamente da un soggetto cosciente. capitolo un sistema di controllo che mira effetti della stimolazione a sopprimere gli chirurgica sulla PAM, un possibile indicatore di una insufficiente analgesia. Lo scopo non prioritario del con¬ trollore è anche quello di regolare le concentrazioni di analgesico nel plasma predette da un modello dinamico. In questo modo si consente all'anestesista sia di dosare la somministrazione di analgesici in base ai segni clinici di una insufficiente analgesia sia di minimizzare il consumo di droga. una sensazione Con queste premesse si discute nel capitolo 4 si propone farmaci anestetici. diversi ambiti della un nuovo modello per quantificare Diversi modelli di interazione biomedicina, dei farmaci anestetici. Difatti l'ipotesiprincipalesecondolaqualeognifarmaco,sesomministratosingolarmente,hauneffettosullavariabileclinicadiinteresse,nonèsoddisfattaingeneraledaifarmacianestetici.Nelcapitolo5siriassumonoiprincipalicontributidellatesi.Inparticolaresievidenzianoleproblematichechelaricercafuturadovràaffrontareaffinchéschemidicontrolloautomaticopossanoessereordinariamenteapplicatiinsalaoperatoria. Nel ma non si possono le interazioni fra già proposti in estrapolare al dominio sono stati Contents Foreword 3 Abstract 8 Zusammenfassung 11 Prefazione 13 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 1.1 1.2 19 Introduction 22 1.1.1 Problem formulation 1.1.2 The benefits of feedback controllers in anesthesia 1.1.3 The 1.1.4 Closed-loop challenges of the 22 operating room control of anesthetic effect Modeling ... 23 24 26 27 1.2.1 The 1.2.2 Modeling the effect of anesthetic 1.2.3 Modeling for control of MAP 27 respiratory system 15 drugs 29 30 Contents 16 1.2.4 1.3 1.4 1.5 Controller 2 2.2 2.3 2.4 32 35 1.3.1 MAP Control 35 1.3.2 BIS Control 37 Clinical validation ol the controllers 39 1.4.1 MAP control 39 1.4.2 BIS control 42 Supervisory fonctions 46 Artilact tolerant controllers Experimental setup Feedback Control of 2.1 control ol BIS design 1.5.1 1.6 Modeling for 52 Hypnosis Introduction 55 58 2.1.1 Assessment ol anesthesia 2.1.2 Closed-loop drug 2.1.3 Goal olthis Volunteer 49 administration and BIS study 58 58 59 study 60 data 2.2.1 Demographic 2.2.2 Experimental setup 61 2.2.3 Study design 61 61 Modeling 2.3.1 Distribution model 2.3.2 Effect compartment Control design 62 63 modeling 66 73 Contents 2.5 2.6 3 76 2.5.1 Smooth transfer 76 2.5.2 Respiratory parameters update 77 2.5.3 Artilact tolerant controllers 77 Test ol the controller 81 Analgesia 85 Introduction 88 3.1.1 Intraoperative analgesic 3.1.2 Goal olthis administration study 88 89 3.2 Modeling 91 3.3 Control 96 3.4 5 Implementation Feedback Control of 3.1 4 17 design 3.3.1 Controller 3.3.2 Explicit MPC 3.3.3 Artilact tolerant controllers 97 tuning Controller Test olthe Controller Modeling of Anesthetic 100 105 112 Drug Interactions 121 4.1 Introduction 125 4.2 Isobolographic methods 126 4.3 Logistic regression 129 4.4 The two 131 4.5 The three Conclusions drugs interaction model drugs interaction model 134 141 Contents 18 5.1 Main achievements 142 5.2 Automatic control in anesthesia 143 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.2.1 Main achievements 143 5.2.2 Outlook 143 Feedback control of hypnosis 144 5.3.1 Main achievements 144 5.3.2 Outlook 145 Feedback control of analgesia 146 5.4.1 Main achievements 146 5.4.2 Outlook 147 Modeling of anesthetic drug interactions 149 5.5.1 Main achievements 149 5.5.2 Outlook 149 The advantages Bibliography of model-based controllers 149 152 Chapter 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 19 Plutarch, nology (ETH) collaboration This project ferent scientific methodshavethecommoninteresttoimprovethequalityoflife.Regardlessofthecausesofanapparent,yetperceivableincompati¬bility,themutualresearcheffortwhichsupportedthisthesiscontributedtobridgethegap.Theforefrontcontrolengineeringconceptscombinedwiththeultimatetech¬nologyavailablenowadaysfortheanesthesiologistsintheoperatingroommadeitpossibleforourgrouptoachieveresultswhichwerebarelyconceiv¬ablejustadecadeago.Butmoreconcretely,wheredoestheopportunityliefordisciplineslikeauto¬maticcontrolandcomputersciencetodevelopnewconceptsandproductsfortheclinicalpracticeofanesthesia?Threeinnovatingfactorsmotivateautomaticcontrolintheclinicalpracticeofanesthesia:newsensorsforthepatientmonitoring,newactuatorsforthedrugadministrationandnewshort-actingdrugs.Automaticcontrolisthescientificframeworkcoordi¬natingthethreeabovecitedelements.Duringtheinitialphaseoftheproject,severalclosed-loopcontrollerswhich 20 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia ^.trpjujviapbévov Se tov MaxsSoisixov Spâparoa, LP<jjpoäxov a'KEiaarjarjeïv. The Parallel Lives bers of both the medical and was that poetry and supported by - lüpa Demetrius and Antonius. to 53, 10. Foreword The Automatic Control Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Tech¬ developing a multi-task autonomous anesthesia system in with the University Hospital in Bern. is the strenuous commitment of excellent engineering community. Heidegger philosophy reside on tall, separated mountains, yet be¬ longing to the same geographical chain. The same holds for apparently separated disciplines like medicine and engineering, which despite the dif¬ believed mem¬ 21 regulate inspired and expired anesthetic gas, have been used in clinical studies on O2 and CO2 humans. In this concentrations chapter two more compared: control of Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and control of hypnosis through Bispectral Index (BIS). The first controller was conceived and implemented by two former members of the institute, Marco Derighetti and Christian Frei towards completion of complex controllers are discussed and their Ph.D. programs. The second controller is one of the main contribution of the author of the present thesis. Both controllers use isofiurane as input, hypnotic drug inducing hypotension. MAP was considered as the main indicator for depth of anesthesia before alternative monitoring techniques were introduced such as BIS. One of the goals of this chapter is to demon¬ strate how the introduction of a new sensor may go as far as to trigger radical changes in the paradigms for drug administration. BIS monitors did already open new possibilities for clinical research. It is a strong belief of the author that the benefits which we demonstrated in this chapter must a also be demonstrated in the clinical Provided that to surgical hypnosis analgesia. It with intravenous opiates. described in chapter 3. The be assessed with BIS can stimulation may be insufficient following chapter functions which are in the room. was alternatively The steps towards also monitors, MAP considered as therefore natural to try and gives a achieving an reactions indicator of regulate MAP goal are this latter qualitative overview of the supervisory application of automatic controllers necessary for the This topic has been the artifacttolerantcontrolschemesarepresented.Theexperimentalsetupandtheresultsoftheapplicationofautomaticcontrolduringclinicalstudiesarealsodiscussed.Thischapterappearedwithminormodificationsasapublicationinthescientificliteratureas:Gentilini,A.,Frei,C.W.,Glattfelder,A.H.,Morari,M.,Sieber,T.J.,Wymann,R.andSchnider,T.W.:2001,Multitaskedclosed-loopcontrolinanesthesia,IEEEEngineeringinMedicineandBiologyMagazine19, operating practice. tian Frei's Ph.D. thesis. In particular,39-53. main contribution of Chris¬ 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 22 Introduction 1.1 Problem formulation 1.1.1 Adequate anesthesia can be defined as a reversible pharmacological state patient's muscle relaxation, analgesia and hypnosis are guaran¬ teed. Anesthesiologists administer drugs and adjust several medical devices to achieve such goals and to compensate for the effect of surgical manip¬ ulation while maintaining the vital functions of the patient. Figure 1.1 depicts the Input/Ouput (I/O) representation of the anesthesia problem. The components of an adequate anesthesia are labeled 'unmeasurable' be- where the i.V. anesthetics hypnosis » volatile anesthetics manipuiated, variables % analgesia muscle relaxants > | relaxation unmeasurable outputs ventilation parameters Nacf EEG pattern heart rate > surgical e disturbances CQxonc. stimulus > - > blood pressure blood loss insp/exp Figure 1.1: Input/Output (I/O) representation Adapted from the literature (Frei, 2000). they must be assessed measurements, as depicted by correlating Fig. 1.1. them to available problem. physiological in Muscle relaxation is induced to facilitate the depress outputs cone. of the anesthesia movement responses to surgical access stimulations.suoicn Thedgroflax¬tincbsmyuvSwFDp()V-M.,20Aéqkj cause measurable to internal organs and to 1.1 Introduction 23 (Prys-Roberts, 1987). that clinical Another signs such macing (Cullen et as source of complexity tearing, pupil reactivity, al., 1972) results from the fact eye movement and partially suppressed by are muscle gri¬ relaxants, vasodilators and vasopressors. is operative recall of events occurred a general indicating unconsciousness and absence of post during surgery (Goldmann, 1988). Some distinction between conscious and uncon¬ sharp Hypnosis term authors believe there is scious states a (Prys-Roberts, 1987). In this respect it would be improper to However, the patterns of the electroen¬ which is the only non invasive measure of central show gradual nervous system activity while the patient is unconscious modifications as the drug concentrations increase in the body. Nowadays about of anesthesia. speak depth cephalogram (EEG) - - the EEG is considered of as the major source of information to assess the level hypnosis. Better accepted measure Mean Arterial Pressure exist for the vital functions. Heart Rate (MAP) are considered the principal (HR) and indicators for hemodynamic stability, while O2 tissue saturation or endtidal CO2 concen¬ trations provide useful feedback to anesthesiologists about the adequacy of the artificial ventilation. To achieve adequate anesthesia anesthesiologists regularly adjust the set¬ drug infusion devices as well as the parameters of the breath¬ tings to modify the manipulated variables listed in Fig. 1.1. This is ing system done based on some patient spécifie target values and the monitor readings. Thus anesthesiologists adopt the role of a feedback controller and it is nat¬ ural to ask whether automatic controllers are capable of taking over and/or improving parts of acomplexdecisionprocess.1.1.2ThebenefitsoffeedbackcontrollersinanesthesiaSeveralauthorshaverecognizedtheadvantagesassociatedwiththeuseofautomaticcontrollersinanesthesia(SchwildenandStoeckel,1995;Chilcoat,1980;O'Haraetal.,1992;Derighetti,1999).First,iftheroutinetasksaretakenoverbyautomaticcontrollers,anesthesiologistsareabletoconcentrateoncriticalissueswhichmaythreatenthepatient'ssafety. of several such 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 24 Second, by exploiting both accurate infusion devices and monitoring techniques, newly developed provide drug automatic controllers would be able to administration profiles which, among other advantages, would avoid over¬ dosing. Moreover, they may take advantage of the drug synergies, for which now a proper modeling framework was developed (Minto et al., 2000). The ultimate advantage would be a reduction in costs due to the reduced drug consumption and the shorter time spent by the patient in the Post Anes¬ thesia Care Unit (PACU). if tuned properly, Further, sate for the interindividual profile to the (Linkens variability and to tailor the stimulation drug administration surgical procedure of each particular intensity Hacisalihzade, 1990). Ultimately, automatic controllers research as a 'reference' anesthesiologist in clinical studies. and be used for The 1.1.3 automatic controllers should be able to compen¬ challenges of the operating can room Several complexities were faced when designing the real-time platform to closed-loop controllers in the operating room. The issues and the solu¬ tions adopted are summarized below. test • Sensors and actuators: To patient's several time sensors an provide easy an access adequate monitoring of the to the drug infusion devices and actuators had to be assembled in the mobile real¬ platform depicted in Fig. 1.2. Safety critical system: All the implemented closed-loop controllers physiological signals which are potentially corrupted by artifacts. They may result either from routine manipulation or calibration of use the measuring devices and may cause, if not considered in the control schemes, considerable damage to the patient (Frei, 2000). A super¬ visory system and fault tolerant controllers were embedded in the real-time platform to detect sensor failures and/or other abnormal Amoredetaileddescriptionofthesesafetyfeaturesoftheplatformwillbegiveninalatersection.•Modeluncertainty:Amajorsourceofdifficultyresultsfromthehighuncertaintyassociatedwiththepublishedmodelsforthe • vital functions and operations.drug t" gah Figure 1.2: The real-time platform Nevertheless, anesthesiologists are able to variability by tailoring the drug ad¬ ministration to the single subject's needs, therefore guaranteeing an adequate performance across the population. In order to reproduce this, feedback controllers must be designed with robust and/or adap¬ tivetechniques.Robusttechniquestendtoleadtocontrollersforthe'worstcase'situation,whichtendstomakethemsluggish.Adaptiveschemesrelyontheexcitabilitybytheinputsignal,whichisoftenlimitedbyethicalconstraints.Ourapproachwastousebothdatacollectedfromordinarypatientsduringanesthesiaanddataacquiredfromyounghealthyvolunteersforthedesignandthevalidationoftheproposedcontrolstrategies.Clinicalvalidation:Theimprovementsfortheclinicalpracticeandthepatient'scarewhichareenvisionedfromtheuseofautomaticcontrollersinanesthesiacannotbequantifiedunlessextensiveclini¬calvalidationisperformed.ThereforetheETHprojecthasbeenputonsolidfoundationsbyestablishingaclosecooperationbetweena 1.1 Introduction 25 let t rouie ni aima «lifting mm-rgmey shui-ficjH'n llI'i'ÄtljlJIg for clinical studies. distribution and effect. compensate for interindividual 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 26 clinic (University Hospital of Bern) and an anesthesia workplace (Dräger Medizintechnik. Lübeck, Germany.). Among ufacturer advantages, the partnership with directly from young healthy data the hospital technology us to acquire volunteers for model identification. The support from the industrial partners available enabled man¬ other provided us with the latest the market. on Up to now, six different control strategies have been tested by the ETHUniversity Hospital team on more than 150 patients during general anesthe¬ sia. These controllers regulate O2, CO2, inspired and expired anesthetic gas concentrations in the breathing system as well as MAP and depth of hypno¬ sis derived from the EEG (Derighetti et al., 1996; Frei, Derighetti, Morari, Glattfelder and Zbinden, 2000; Sieber et al., 2000; Gentilini et al., In press, 2001.; Derighetti, 1999; Frei, 2000). Closed-loop 1.1.4 control of anesthetic effect Among the several controllers presented in the last section, two Single Input Single Output systems (SISO) extracted from the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) control problem depicted in Fig. 1.1 will be described extensively here: Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and Bispectral Index (BIS) control. Both feedback systems and aim at input controlling reasons 1999). MAP decreases with anesthetic.retal efct.Byondha,psilumzbrgv(F195)M¬APwq'-T28HE the the volatile anesthetic isofiurane as during surgery (Frei, 2000; Derighetti, increasing isofiurane concentrations in the in¬ motivate MAP control Several ternal organs. use the anesthetic effect. As such, MAP can be considered to be a direct measure of 1.2 Modeling 27 Hypnosis can be assessed with the Bispectral Index (BIS Index, Aspect Medical System. Newton, Massachusetts). The BIS index is derived from the EEG by combining the higher order spectra of the signal with other univariate indicators such as Spectral Edge Frequency (SEF) and Median Frequency (MF) (Schwilden et al., 1987; Schwilden et al., 1989; Shüttler and Schwilden, 1995). This combination of indicators is necessary since, for instance, SEF and MF can provide an estimate of the hypnotic state at deep levels but are likely to fail in the region of light sedation (Ghouri BIS can reveal, unlike simple Fourier et al., 1993; Kochs et al., 1994). analysis, the synchrony of cortical brain signals which characterizes un¬ (Rampil, 1998). consciousness BIS values lie in the range 100 is associated with the EEG of awake an 0-100, where and 0 denotes subject an iso¬ predicts accurately return of consciousness (Doi et al., 1997; Glass et al., 1997; Kearse et al., 1994; Sebel et al., 1995) and is the first clinical monitor for hypnosis which to date has received FDA clear¬ BIS has been developed and validated based on EEG recordings of ance. 5000 subjects. More than 600 peer-reviewed articles and abstracts provide electric EEG a signal. BIS clinical evaluation of BIS. The modeling trollers. issues and the control The additional operating safety design will be required for issues outlined for both the application con¬ in the will also be described. Clinical results will be discussed for room both controllers. Modeling The model required for control has to account for two systems: the medical devices involving drug distribution, 1.2.1 The A schematic Fig. 1.2 is (actuators and qualitatively different and the physiology effect in the human body. sensors) metabolism and the respiratory system drawing of in Fig. given the respiratory system depicted 1.3. A pump forcesof theairintothepatients'lungswhileunidirectionalvalvesimposeafixedorientationforthecirculation 1.2 at the bottom of 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 28 Figure 1.3: Schematic representation of the closed-circuit breathing system. Typical ranges for the parameters of the respiratory system (see Eq. (1.1) for a detailed description) are : Qq 1-10 1/min, Jr 4-25 1/min, Vt 0.3-1.2 l,V 4-6 1, AQ 0.1-0.5 1/min, C0 0-5 %, expressed as isoflurane = = volume percent in the breathing mixture. This gas flow through (Qo branch and excessive air leaves 1/min), high > 4 the a constant flush. dynamics introduced by the respiratory system may be neglected since a change in the fresh gas composition is effective for the patient almost immediately. During minimal flow anesthesia (Qo < 1 1/min) the fresh gas flow only compensates for gas taken up by the patient and the eliminated COi through the absorber. At such low flows the system is economically more efficient and safer for the patient. In fact, due to recirculation, the patient breathes a gas mixture at almost constant humidity and temperature. The expired gases are now re¬ circulated, which introduces considerable dynamics. A first principles model of the minimal flow breathing system was derived a fresh gas flow is used on one the system leads to tocapurehbvisfymndl(Dg,19).AwkF20IzCqj' If the other. = = the gases. The fresh gas stream enters on = = 1.2 Modeling 29 breathing parameters through dC V^F=QoC°where V [1] the following equation: (g° -Ag) Cmsp - fn{yT -A) (Cmsp -c^ (li) respiratory system. C\ [%] is the alveolar concentration, measured as volume percent of the is the volume of the concentration or endtidal breathing mixture. Jr [1/min] is the respiratory frequency, Vt [1] is the tidal volume, A [1] is the physiological dead space. AQ [1/min] represents the losses of the breathing circuit through the pressure relief valves. Qq and the Co [%] are the fresh gas flow and its anesthetic concentration respiratory circuit, respectively. Cd control system. We will refer to Co as the is the manipulated "vaporizer setting" entering variable in in the our following sections. 1.2.2 Modeling the effect of anesthetic The drugs physiological mechanisms regulating drug distribution and drug effects only partially known. Therefore first principles modeling is almost im¬ possible. Thus one has to select from approximate first principles physiologi¬ are (Bischoff, 1975), black-box identificationgeneric schemes(Jacobs,1988),andknowledgebasedmodeling.Allapproachesexhibitcertaindrawbacks.Inphysiologicalmodelsparametersarehighlyuncertainandcollectedfromdifferentsourceswhereexperimentsmayhavebeenperformedunderverydifferentconditions.Black-boxmodelsandknowledgebasedmodelssufferfrompoorextrapolationproperties.ForthedesignofbothBISandMAPcontrollers,weusedphysiologybasedmodels.Theyconsistofapharmacokinetic(PK)partdescribingthedrugdistributionintotheinternalorgansandapharmacodynamic(PD)partdescribingthedrugeffectonthephysiologicalvariablesofinterest.ThestructureofthePKpartiscommontobothcontrollers,sincebothuseisofiuraneasinput.ThePDpartdiffersinthetwomodelsandwillbediscussedinthenexttwosections.AnyPKmodelconsistsofdifferentialequationsresultingfrommassbalancesforthedrugarounddifferentcompartments(Jacquez,1985).Forthe cal models ith compartment between internal is the vector of is the pharmacological properties of isofiurane were extensively documented (Eger II, 1984; War¬ ren and Stoelting, 1986; Yasuda, Lockhart, Eger, Weiskopf, Johnson, Preire and Faussolaki, 1991; Yasuda, Lockhart, Eger 1986). drug we drug may write Vt-^ dC at Cly0 (Ct) (Zwart = Qt(C) (Ca = Ct/Rt and outflow et - (Clo) concentration in the arterial Ch0) - pool. II,Weiskopf,Liu,Laster,TaheriandPeterson,1991),someoftheparametersinEqs(1.2,1.3)werederivedfromtheliterature.Theotherswereestimatedfromthedatacol¬lectedduringgeneralanesthesiawithisofiurane.Forfurtherdetailsontheidentificationprocedurethereaderisreferredtothepublishedliterature(Derighetti,1999;Frei,2000).Inspiredandendtidalconcentrationsaremeasuredon-lineandprovideareliableindicationofthepatient'sdruguptake.Thisrepresentsaclearad¬vantageoverintravenousdrugs,forwhichnomeasureofdrugconcentrationinthecentralcompartmentisavailable.Thisadvantagewasexploitedinbothcontrolschemesbyimposingconstraintsonendtidalconcentrationstopreventoverdosing.Inourmodelsventilationandbloodflowaredescribedasnonpulsatilephe¬nomena.Sincetheequilibrationtimeofthedrugisgreaterthantherespira¬torycycleandtheperiodofHR,thisassumptiondoesnotaffectperformanceofthecontrollers.1.2.3ModelingforcontrolofMAPTomodelthePDeffectofisofiuraneonMAP,weassumedthatthereactionofthehemodynamicsystemtothedrugdoesnotchangeduringprolongedadministration(Derighetti,1999;Frei,2000;WarrenandStoelting, 30 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia al., 1972): kt(C)Ct concentrations in the different concentration Since the (1.2) (1-3) where of the Qt is the blood flow bathing the organ, Vt is the distribution volume drug, kt is the elimination rate, Rt is the apparent partition coefficient which macroscopically describes drug absorption and metabolism as a ratio (Bischoff, 1975). compartments and C Ca In other words to isofiurane though HR is known to be strongly coupled with MAP, it was not taken directly into account into our model. Several tachycardie episodes have been reported during isofiurane anesthesia and may suggest the need to model those effects (Shimosato et al., 1982). However, it is not clear whether those episodes depend on beta sympathetic In fact, at moderate to deep levels of activation of barorefiex activity. isofiurane anesthesia, two clinical investigations have reported contradictory results concerning the activity of the barorefiex, leaving the issue unresolved (Seagard et al., 1983; Kotrly et al., 1984). were no time considered. varying phenomena due modeling structure describing the hemodynamic effects of halothane (Zwart et al., 1972) was adapted to the characteristics of isofiurane. While halothane decreases Cardiac Output (CO), reducing thethe perfusiontoin¬ternalorgans(Gelmanetal.,1984;SmithandSchwede,1972),isofiuranedecreasesmainlysystemicresistancethroughdilatationofthebloodvessels(EgerII,1984).WeassumedthatMAPandCOcanbedescribedthroughthefollowingPDrelationship:MAP=^a(C)(1.4)Eilift(C)wheregtrepresentstheconductivityoftheithorgan,increasedbythepres¬enceofisofiuraneandQa=J2l=1Q%representsCO(Derighetti,1999;Frei,2000).Conductivitiesgtsareassumedtodependexclusivelyontheanes¬theticconcentrationinthesamecompartmentwhereasQaisassumedtodependonthearterial(A),graymatter(G)andmyocardial(M)concen¬trationsthroughtheaffinerelationships:Qa=Qa,o{^-+aACA+aGCG+aMCM)(1.5)ff,=ff,,o(1+&.crO-(1-6)QaoandgtQarethebaselineCOandconductivityintheithorgan,respec¬tively.Accordingtothepreviousdiscussion,theeffectsofisofiuranecon¬centrationsaremorepronouncedinEq.(1.6)thaninEq.(1.5)(Frei,2000).MAPmustbekeptwithinphysiologicallimitsduringanesthesiadespitesurgicalstimulations.Therefore,aphysiologicalmodeldescribingtheeffectsofskinincision,skinclosureandintubationonthesystemiccirculationwasderived(Derighetti,1999;Frei,2000).Surgicalstimulationsactivate 1.2 Modeling 31 Even to sensitation The or tolerance 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 32 sympathetic part of the autonomous nervous stress, infection and hemorrhages do. system, as other situations like The sympathetic system triggers a neural and a humoral reaction. The first causes the release of norepinephrine in the synaptic cleft, whereas the second is associated to the discharge of norepinephrine and epinephrine from the adrenal medulla into the blood stream. The two reactions show significantly different time constants, one in the order of few seconds and the other in the order of a minute, which is the characteristic time constant of blood circulation. It is expected that the MAP reactions show the same distinct time constants. These effects during our clinical studies. A typical example where both effects are clearly visible after a tetanus stimulation MAP measurements expressed as deviations from is shown in Fig. 1.4. the value before stimulation are plotted versus time immediately after the stimulus for one patient. The solid line represents the prediction of the model (1.5,1.6). This model was validated during clinical studies and the possibility of suppressing the effects of surgical stimulation by a feedforward compensation with isofiurane were investigated (Frei, Derighetti, Morari, experimentally Glattfelder and Even a though great Zbinden, 2000). the model for MAP amount of uncertainties. and sites of surgical pain (Petersen-Felix 1.2.4 observed was extensively validated, stimulation and the different et Modeling it still contains These may result from the different types subjects' sensitivities to al., 1998). for control of BIS To model the PD effects of isofiurane 20 unteers and have isofiurane. put them under on BIS, we enrolled general anesthesia with consenting vol¬ AtthetimetherewerenopublishedPDmodelsdescribingtheeffectofisofiuraneonBIS.Foramoredetaileddescriptionofthestudydesign,thereaderisreferredtochapter2ofthepresentthesis.Weassumedthattheoveralldynamicmodelfromisofiuraneinspiredcon¬centrationstoBISislimitedbythedrugdistributiontotheorgans.Oncethedrugfacesthereceptorsoreffectsite,wecanassumethatthebindingoccursinstantaneously.Then,attheeffectsite,therelationbetweenBISandlocalanestheticconcentrationsisrepresentedbyastaticnonlinearity.NoneofthecompartmentsofthePKmodelcouldbeconsideredtheef- have been 1.2 Modeling 33 Neuronal reaction Humoral reaction % S o0 o & c^g 8 8 ° 8°8 n9^S o JO °9 °^° o^ogo* -88 o°8 o °8n2oO°®>0 qO a8o00oOg°0 time ted 1.4: versus MAP deviations time after a concentration of isoflurane. peak) from values before stimulation The neuronal components of the MAP reaction Adapted from the literature feet compartment in effect compartment den (o) tetanus stimulus for dynamics. light was one subject (first peak) are at 0.5 are distinguishable plot¬ % endtidal and humoral (second from the plot. (Frei, 2000). of the arguments above. Therefore an artificial added to the model to compensate for this hid¬ The effect compartment can be regarded asanadditionalcompartmentwithnegligiblevolumeattachedtothecentralcompartment.Thisassumptionensuresthatitspresencedoesnotperturbthemassbal¬anceequationsofthePKmodel.Effectsiteconcentrationsarerelatedtoendtidalconcentrationsbyafirst-orderdelay:dCedtkeO(Ci-Ce).(1.7)Theparameterkeoisreferredtoastheequilibrationconstantfortheeffect Figure [min] 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 34 site. As PD relationship adopted we ABIS the classical ^ ABISMAx = Emax model: (1.8) where ABIS ABISmax BISq is the baseline mum achievable BIS. or = BIS = BISMAX awake state ECso (1.9) -BIS0 - (1.10) BIS0. value, BISmax represents for which the effect is half of the maximum achievable. to small concentration subject's sensitivity be regarded as an index and BISmax = 0 since tric EEG. In such The cases of the model high BIS 7 represents the at the effect site. changes nonlinearity. We assumed BISq concentrations of isoflurane lead to = an It = can 100 isoelec¬ 0. modeling assumptions together with the available identification pro¬ cedure for the effect site compartment are discussed with more details in (Yasuda, Lockhart, Eger II, Weiskopf, Liu, Laster, Peterson, 1991; Schnider et al., 1994). It is worth mentioghavrblyfsdPDpu¬K(G.,I201)Tc-BSF5w'zx4OjA project. the literature and the mini¬ represents the concentration at the effect site Taheri 1.3 Controller design 35 \\ - M N - i ^K. - ~-^ - 05 1 vol 05 1 vol [%] [%] relationships for two patients who underwent general anes¬ closed-loop BIS control. In both plots BIS values versus effect site concentrations are represented. The solid line ( ) and the dash dot line (— ) represent the optimal fit obtained for the individual and for the population of volunteers, respectively. Note how the patient represented in the right plot differs from the average subject in the population. Figure 1.5: PD thesia with • — Controller 1.3 In this section the control 1.3.1 design to regulate MAP and BIS is discussed. MAP Control Control of MAP is back design (OBSF) performed by means of three Observer Based State Feed¬ controllers whose interconnection is illustrated in where y\ and j/2 represent MAP and endtidal isoffurane Fig. concentrations, 1.6, re- 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 36 The spectively. underlying idea of the control structure is that the main Upper Endtidal V2,ref Vl,ref V2 u p 2/1 V2,ref ci MAP Lower Endtidal Figure 1.6: Block diagram of the override structure to control MAP. y\ and 2/2 denote MAP and endtidal concentration measurements, regulates MAP under normal conditions whereas upper and lower limit for endtidal concentrations, C|* u and respectively. C\ C| enforce the represents the vaporizer setting. Adapted from the literature (Frei, 2000). controller C\ regulating MAP constraints have to be because orevencardiacarrest.TocomplywiththeupperlimittheoverridecontrollerC",whichisinitselfacompleteOBSFcontroller,wasintroduced.TheminimumselectorappliedtothecontrolsignalsofC\andC|*ensuresthattheupperlimity"retiscompliedwith.Aminimumendtidalconcentrationy^retmustalsobeguaranteedtopre¬ventlightanesthesiaandawareness.Thereforewealsointroducedanover¬ridecontrollerC|toensureaminimumendtidalconcentration.Thestabil¬ityanalysisoftheoverridestructurewasdoneaccordingtothepublishedliterature(Glattfelderetal.,1983;GlattfelderandSchaufelberger, high arrhythmias,1988). is active under normal conditions. imposed on y^. An upper bound isofiurane concentrations may lead to y"ret However, is needed hypotonic crisis, cardiac 1.3 Controller design 37 (Kwakernaak and Sivan, 1972) was modified with the additional blocks represented in Fig. 1.16 (Derighetti, 1999). A feedforward compensation term for MAP as well as The classical state feedback controller with observer integral action for the effect of were added for better surgical setpoint tracking and stimulations and modeling errors, to compensate respectively. The saturation shown in thecontrollerparameterson-linewithoutgoingthroughthewholeLQRdesignprocess.1.3.2BISControlTocontrolBISweadoptedthecascadedInternalModelControl(IMC)depictedinFig.1.7,wherethemastercontrollerregulatesBISandtheslavecontrollerregulatesendtidalconcentrations.ThemodelofthepatientMasterSlavePatient-c62eiFigure1.7:BlockdiagramofthecascadedInternalModelControl(IMC)structuretocontrolBIS.y\andy2denoteBISandendtidalconcentrationmeasurements,respectively.ThemastercontrollerQiprovidesendtidalconcentrationreferences2/2,re/totheslavecontrollerQ^.ThesaturationblockafterQ\wasintroducedtoenforceupperandlowerlimitsfory^.2/1re/iVve/r1Pi Figs 1.6 and 1.16 limits the fresh gas concentra¬ tions between 0% and 5%, expressed as isofiurane volume fraction in the fresh gas flow. Therefore, an anti-windup compensation was added to cope with the input constraints, which was not depicted in Fig. 1.16 for the sake of simplicity. The parameters of the controller were obtained as the solu¬ tion of a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem (Bryson and Ho, 1975). The controllers were parametrized with the fresh gas flow Qq, the patient's weight and the respiratory frequency Jr such that it is possible to compute input 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 38 is split in two parts. The PK model P2 relating inputs to endtidal concentrations yi and the effect to y\ 2/2 is or the PD (Gentilini controller u nonlinear, where the nonlinearity relationship relating effect site concentrations to press, 2001.). According to Fig. 1.7, the master et al., In Q\ provides endtidal slave controller. 2/2,re/ vaporizer BIS. The overall model is represented by BIS at the compartment model P\ relating This control the master specified by concentration reference values 2/2,re/ to the forces yi to reach the reference value loop loop. The theoretical background and the tuning guidelines for IMC control sys¬ are reported in the literature (Morari and Zaflriou, 1989). Input satu¬ ration was also added to the parallel model P2 as an anti-windup prevention. The saturation block after Q\ limits endtidal concentration references be¬ tems tween are 0.4% and 2.5%. not violated, Constraints but also represent bandwidth. To compensate for The a 2/2,re/ ensure that the limits for j/2 clear limitation on the controller's this, anesthesiologists are the range of the constraints at their convenience parallel model in the master PD model around concentration.ThisconfigurationprovedtobemorerobustwithrespecttoPDparametricuncertaintiesthanthefullnonlinearmodel.Theoffsetconcentrationsintheblockdiagramwereomittedforthesakeofsimplicity.ThetransferfunctionsoftheparallelmodelsP2andP\wereobtainedbyusingtheaverageparametersidentifiedfromthepopulationofvolunteers.ThetransferfunctionsoftheIMCblocksQ2andQiwerechosenasthefilteredinversesofthenominalmodelsP2andPi(MorariandZaflriou,1989).ThechoiceofacascadedarrangementwithIMCcontrollerscontributedsignificantlytotheacceptanceofthecontrollersintheoperatingroom.Infact,thecascadearrangementmimicstheprocedureadoptedbyanesthesi¬ologistsiftheywereaskedtocontrolBISmanually.Namely,duetolackofclinicalexperienceincontrollingthehypnosisthroughBISvalues,ananesthesiologistwouldfirsttargetaspécifievalueforendtidalconcentra¬tions.Thenshe/hewouldadjusttheendtidalconcentrationreferencesonthebasisoftheBISvalues.Inthedevelopedcontrolschemebothtasksareachievedatthesametime.Also,thedesignisaccomplishedbytuningjusttwoparameters,whichhaveadirect,clearinterpretation.Thesepa¬rametersaffecttheapproximateclosed-looptimeconstantoftheslave narrow on a referenceand loop is a able to during enlarge or anesthesia. linearization of the nonlinear 1.4 Clinical validation of the controllers 39 controller, respectively. Further, in the ideal case when there is no plant-model mismatch, the closed-loop trajectory tracks reference changes with no overshoot, therefore preventing overdosing. The time constants of the IMC filters were set to achieve nominal settling times for such con¬ trollers (defined as 90% of the steady-state value) equal to ts 2 min for master = the endtidal controller and ts = 4 min for the overall BIS controller. Another advantage of the IMC strategy is that the control transfer functions can adjusted on-line when the operating conditions of the closed-circuit breathing system are changed. This is not unusual during surgery since /h, Vt, Qo are often modified for several reasons. For instance, short periods at high flows (Qo > 5 1/min) are normally used when a quick wash-out of the drug is needed towards the end of the operation. Further, increasing alveolar ventilation /r(V^ A) is a standard procedure to reduce high be — levels of endtidal al., 1985). If CO2 respiratory.enod parmetschngdbyiolu,vwP2Qk.14CfMAFS-I065T^%Y et which result from an increased metabolism (Chapman 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 40 g i 100 8° Strong stimulus [ I' - i - ^60 20 ^1 5" 1 1- 30 40 Upper override 50 60 70 80 90 80 90 - "05- 0^_ ^ 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70 30 40 50 60 70 tune [mm] Automatic MAP regulation during liver surgery. The first plot references, respectively. The second plot represents endtidal concentration measurements yi together with the upper and lower limits y"ret an(i y^ref- The third plot represents the vaporizer settings during the study. In the fourth plot the active controller is depicted, Figure 1.8: from above where depicts MAP 1 denotes C| is and MAP active, -1 denotes C%* is active and 0 denotes active. Note that the upper override controller becomes active when surgical stimulation starts at t = 50 min. Adapted from the literature C\ is heavy (Frei, 2000). The clinical duration of and type of 65 mmHg , performance is evaluated based on several criteria such as the periods with MAP within ± 10% of the target value, number critical incidents in both groups. These are periods with MAP< systolic blood pressure BP> 160 mmHg or HR> 110 bpm. representstheendtidalconcentrations2/2togetherwiththe Figures 1.8,1.9 and 1.10 show a clinical evaluation of the MAP In all figures the upper plot represents the MAP profile during The second plot controller. the study. upper the vaporizer settings and the V2*ref notation in and lower Fig. 1.6, the controller y\rer active and 0 denotes that C\ the lower endtidal C\ would tend limits. active -1 denotes that C| is to reduce isofiurane settings and endtidalconcentrationsbelowtheacceptedlimit.Atroughlyt=50min,aheavysurgicalstimulationoccurs.Tocompensateforthis,anendtidalconcentrationlargerthany"retwouldberequired.ThisactivatestheupperoverridecontrollerC",asdepictedinthefourthplotofFig.1.8.Figure1.9showsacomparisonbetweenmanualandautomaticcontrol.Uptot=192minanesthesiawasconductedmanually.Accordingtotheanes¬thesiologist,duringthisphasejustminoradjustmentsofthevaporizerset¬tingwereneeded.Att=210minautomaticcontrolstarts.Thisphaseisdominatedbyaheavydisturbancestartingatapproximatelyt=220minandaperiodofgoodregulationfromt=250minon.NotefromthesecondplotinFig.1.9thatthecontrollertendstomakemoreuseofthebandwidthofallowedendtidalconcentrationsthantheanesthesiologist,alsoasare¬sultoftheheaviersurgicalstimulationsinthesecondpartoftheoperation.Figure1.10showsaclinicalevaluationwherethecontrollerwasabletosup¬presstheeffectofsurgicalstimulationsoccurringatt=82minandt=115min,respectively.Theperiodbetweent=50minandt=80minwasnotcharacterizedbyanysignificantstimulations.Duringthisphasethelowerendtidalcontrollerwasactivetodeliveraminimumamountofisofiurane.Thefollowingconclusionscanbedrawnfromtheabovediscussion.ThecontrollerissuccessfullyabletocompensateforlightdisturbancesasshowninFig.1.8.Thelimitedcontrolactionandthefastdisturbancedynam¬icsseriouslylimittheabilitytocompensateforheavydisturbances.Theselimitationsalsoapplyformanualcontrol.Thereforeweexpectthatthe 1.4 Clinical validation of the controllers 41 The third and fourth plots represent controller, respectively. According to is active. active, +1 denotes that C|* = the override selector often switches between the MAP controller consequently dif- is In is Fig. 1.8 the MAP profile under automatic control during a liver surgery represented. The controller is able to achieve good performance during the periods of light surgical stimulations occurring at t 38 min and t 89 min. Note that during the period of light stimulation (t 20-35 min) = = C| even though acceptable range. Presumably, this is a result of the particular sensitivity of the patient's MAP to isofiurane during the unstimulated period. In this case endtidal concentrations lie within the C\ and 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 42 ^100 - Strong stimuli^ K " g 80 >^ 60 - 140 1 b 160 180 L ' - 200 220 240 /~"'\ '- " -- , V ~-^. *~ 0 L 4 -"' * ^ 2Î ' 1 05 CT 260 _ „ ^ ^~~~ , - , 180 200 220 240 260 280 180 200 220 240 260 280 220 240 260 280 - o 25 2 - oL_ 1 - ^ 140 160 180 200 [mm] time Figure 1.9: Comparison of manual and automatic tomatic control starts at minute t the variables in each plot plot, see = the heavier surgical regulation a caption of Fig. that automatic control makes concentrations than the 210 min. For of use anesthesiologist. a detailed 1.8. of Note in the second wider bandwidth of endtidal This presumably stimulations in the second part of the from the literature of MAP. Au¬ description results from the operation. Adapted (Frei, 2000). ference between manual and automatic control will not be substantial. An intuitive way for improving blood troller with information about (Frei, Derighetti, Morari, now being 1.4.2 tested in first pressure major Glattfelder and pilot regulation is to provide the con¬ future disturbances like skin incision Zbinden, 2000). This approach is studies. BIS control Forty ASA-class I to dominal, orthopedic, III patients aged thoracic or 20 to 65 scheduled for elective ab¬ neuro-surgery are enrolled in the clinical 1.4 Clinical validation of the controllers I 80 ^ 60^ |* 50 o L 60 , , , 70 80 90 100 43 | , , , 110 120 130 140 ,_ 150 i i i i i i i i i i i 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 time z [min] regulation of MAP during neurological surgery episodes regulation were performed. For a detailed description of the contents in each plot, refer to the caption of Fig. 1.8. Note that the lower override controller C| is active during the first period (t 50-80 min) of light surgical stimulation to guarantee a minimal anesthetic Figure 1.10: for which Automatic no of manual = administration. evaluation of the BIS controller. The goal of the study is to determine closed-loop titration of isofiurane to target spécifie values of BIS improves the quality of anesthesia. Time to eyes opening after interruption of drug administration, average time spent by the patient in the PACU will be recorded together with episodes where BIS was outside the range 30-70. These periods indicate excessive and insufficient level of hypnosis, respectively. The study is in progress. Figure 1.11 shows the performance of the controller during a discus hernia removal. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first model-based closed-loop controller for hypno¬ whether sis assessed with BIS humans. using volatile anesthetics which has been tested The controller was able to keep on BIS in the range 40-50 and to 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 44 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 _ / _ i t i t ± t 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 time plot the follow [min] In the upper are • changes in the reference the first and second uncertainty plot This is 1.11. was expected, are less was started at t decreased from Qo = 3 = 70 min. 1/min to Qo At t = 1 = comparing since the model dynamics Further, to a higher level, at low flow conditions. The auto¬ 80 min the fresh flow 1/min to minimize consumption. The supervisor recognizes the changes setting increased immediately of noisy than the BIS. system and updates the model in the controller. As slower performance apparent when 1.12 shows another clinical validation of the controller. matic controller thetic Fig. as is lower for the PK model than for the PD model. endtidal measurements rate in The signal appropriately. the slave controller is better than the master, Figure : plot BIS and BIS reference values during closedrepresented. In the second plot endtidal reference concen¬ ) and measurements 2/2 (• •) are depicted. In the lowest 2/2,ref ( vaporizer settings are represented. Figure 1.11: loop control trations -• I 0 a anes¬ in the breathing the vaporizer result, which compensates for the Note also that the input at the 1.4 Clinical validation of the controllers 45 60~ - >7 'V'VI 40 ; ' "'; "''"i~<: '' ' 20100 110 120 130 140 150 160 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 130 140 150 160 25 =3 2 5 1 5 "" 1 05 , Bumpless transfer Flow reduction £1 2- 60 70 80 90 100 110 time Figure 1.12: The tion of Fig. plots illustrate the clinical 1.11. Automatic control 120 [mm] was study as started at t described in the cap¬ = 70 min and the fresh 3 1/min to Qq 1 1/min at t 80 Qq min. The supervisor implements instantaneously a higher vaporizer input to compensate for the slower dynamics of the actuator at low flows. gas flow rate was vaporizer does trol at t a = not reduced from = = = change across the switch from manual to automatic con¬ bumpless transfer procedure was designed to provide 70 min. A smooth transition between manual and automatic anesthetic administra¬ tion. The mathematical details of the procedure are reported in chapter 2. comparing the performance of Namely surgical stimulations are not and therefore the hypnotic state as much as they do af¬ affecting BIS fect MAP. This is expected, since consciousness is depressed with lower anesthetic concentrations than the stress response and particularly hemo¬ dynamic reactions. The question is then whether isofiuranedesu Interesting conclusions can be drawn when the MAP and the BIS controller. - shouldbe - 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 46 regulate natural to use or it to BIS. regulate Supervisory 1.5 The BIS MAP. Isofiurane being a hypnotic, it would seem more However, this also depends on the anes¬ thesiologists' confidence in the BIS values. A meaningful control objective would be to administer isofiurane to regulate BIS while maintaining MAP within specified limits. to functions supervisory functionality may be regarded as the superposition of all wrapped around the basic feedback routinely applicable in the operating room. the necessary functions that have to be control algorithms to make them Even though the need for supervisory functionality for automatic control application in anesthesia has clearly been recognized by a number of re¬ searchers, not all of them implemented them in real practice (Furutani Often just a brief outline of the neces¬ et al., 1995; Kwok et al., 1997). sary supervisory functions is presented (Fukui and Masuzawa, 1989; Mar¬ tin, 1994; Martin et al., 1992; O'Hara et al., 1992; Isaka and Sebald, 1993; Woodruff, 1995). A supervisory system was implemented in our real-time platform according to the scheme represented in Fig. 1.13. Four main layers can be identified. D Input and output conditioning: The measurements pass an input conditioning stage as they enter the anesthesia system. This includes preprocessing of the signals, selection of the most trusted one out of a set of multiple measurements and rejection of measurement artifacts. Similarly, the control signals pass through a comparable output condi¬ tioning stage. Typical tasks of this part are the shaping of test inputs for Fault Detection and Isolation override controller or (FDI), the min-max selection of an the switch from manual to automatic control. state of the process stored,includingcontrollerstates.Typically,thisinformationisstoredindatabanks.Fromtherethedataareaccessedforstorageorfor C Process information: At this stage all the data available about the aredisplay. 1.5 Supervisory functions 47 Anesthesiologist Level Signal conditioning D Input Output Control variables Measurements Figure 1.13: The different layers of supervisory functions. At the lower level physiological measurements and output for the actuators pass through a signal preprocessing stage. For instance artifacts in the measurements are rejected during this phase. At the top level, the Man Machine Interface is represented. Adapted from the literature (Frei, 2000). B Algorithmic layer: This incorporates feedback controllers, Super¬ Logic Control (SLC), Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) al¬ gorithms, as well as decision support functions. The separation into layers Bl and B2 separates dynamic from logic control. At this stage, visor for instance, ogist transition conditions are checked to allow the anesthesiol¬ to switch to automatic control. FDI functions detecting faults in the system. This may include disconnected are responsible for equipment faults like sensors or leaks as well as the detection of critical phys¬ iological patient states like excessive blood losses. Decision Support (DS) makes suggestions to the anesthesiologist on how to optimize the anesthetic procedure. It provides information that can not be directly read off from monitors. Typical examples are the display of the esti- 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 48 mated time required for the patient to wake up drug application or the estimated concentration after termination of of anesthetics in the different compartments. A Man Machine Interface layer (MMI): and it is therefore drawn structure. and vice Every versa plemented by This is the most the top layer graphical through user is also part of the MMI. As during BIS control is depicted in oriented supervisory anesthesiologist typically im¬ the MMI. The MMI is interface an user of the information from the system to the has to pass a as (GUI) example the Fig. 1.14. but any acoustic alarm control panel adopted Operating panel for closed-loop regulation of hypnosis, (a) which displays parameters of the breathing system, BIS and the actual control action; (b) buttons for the switch between passive, manual and automatic control; (c) buttons to inform the controller about significant events such as skin incision, skin closure and intubation; (d) BIS controller panel, where the reference BIS is selected together with tolerable limits Figure Central 1.14: panel for the endtidal anesthetic troller and reliability concentration; (e) information about active con¬ of both BIS and endtidal concentration measurements. 1.5 Supervisory functions 49 The detailed discussion of all the of the present we will focus supervisory functions is beyond the scope chapter but can be found in the literature (Frei, 2000). Instead on a particular aspect of the supervisory system which is the treatment of measurement artifacts. Artifact tolerant controllers 1.5.1 4- 3- 2 1 S time Figure 1.15: Example of an 10 [mm] untreated artifact control of endtidal anesthetic concentrations. isofiurane concentration references (— • — ) occurring during In the upper automatic plot, and measurements ( endtidal ) are plot, vaporizer settings are represented. Note that the short disconnection of the sampling line is interpreted by the controller It therefore reacts as an absence of anesthetic in the breathing system. by injecting instantaneously a large amount of anesthetic which delays the settling time of the step response. Adapted from the literature (Frei, 2000). plotted. In the lower Several authors listed the undesirable implications of non proper artifacts 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 50 handling during closed-loop control in anesthesia for the patient (Ruiz et al., 1993; Reid and Kenny 1987; Fükui and Masuzawa, 1989). A minor conse¬ quence is illustrated in Fig. 1.15. Here a model-based endtidal controller is supposed to lower endtidal isofiurane concentrations from 1.3% to 0.7% as indicated by the dashed line. During this maneuver an automatic cali¬ bration of the monitor occurs during which a zero value is provided for the concentration measurement. This sudden change in the controlled output causes the controller to fully open the vaporizer. Although the artifact ter¬ minates after 20 s, enough isofiurane has been supplied to the system to considerably overshoot and prolong the maneuver. Fortunately, this situa¬ tion only deteriorates the controller performance but there are no critical consequences for the patient here. On the other hand artifacts in the blood pressure signal might lead to sharp decreases of blood pressure during MAP control. An example of such critical transients is documented by Fukui and Musuzawa (Fukui and Masuzawa, 1989). Luckily, we have not encountered such a situation. I w 5 -A,B,C,D V L k/s i, -A,B,C,D K Vi 1.16: Feedback Artifact tolerant control schemes for Observer Based State (OBSF) the residuals which controllers. are The nonlinear functions corrupted by tp and -01 artifacts and which may lead to exclude degradationofthecontroller'sperformance.Adaptedfromtheliterature(Frei,2000).Beforepresentingoursolutiontotheartifactproblemweinvestigatehowartifactsdeterioratecontrollerperformance.Figure1.16representsa Figure seriousclassi- In be Supervisory cal OBSF controller where imation of the developing In states x e.g. with a The artifacts the strategy Fig. v(t) w(t) spectively. S(t) represents the 1.16 and computed considering Kaiman filter S(t), integral system represented by the we will work with of the system. The matrix L for a unlike white measurement thecontrollerintwoways.First,throughtheoutputinjectionmatrixLartifactsleadtoamismatchbetweenobserverstatesandsystemstates.Second,theyleadtoanoffsetoftheintegralpartofthecontroller.Thismismatchbetweencontrollerstatesandrealitycanbeviewedasacontrollerwind-up(Kothareetal.,1994).AnaturalremedytopreventartifactsfromdegradingthecontrollerperformanceistomakesurethattheartifactsS(t)donotentertheobserverequations.Inastochasticframeworktheerrorsignaley(t)=y(t)—y(t)representsavectorvaluedzeromeanandwhitestochasticprocess(Bar-ShalomandFortmann,1988).Ifv(t)andw(t)arezeromeanwhitenoiseprocessesandanartifactoccurs,ey(t)isnotzeromeanbuthasameanofS(t).Thusthedetectionofanartifactbasedontheinnovationssignaley(t)isequivalenttodetectingasuddenshiftinthemeanofey(t).Thetestforthezeromeanhypothesismaybeformulatedasastatisticaldecisionbasedontheactualvalueofey(t).IncaseofanartifactthecorrespondingoutputinjectionvectorissettoLi=0whichpreventstheartifactfromenteringtheobserverequations.Thestatisticaldecisionmayberepresentedbyadiagonalnonlinearblockf(ey(t))multiplyingtheinnovationsey(t).Thatis:UeyM)-eyM={e0yM;£$^|(LH)whereTtisaspécifiethresholdvalue.WithamoregeneralnonlinearityV'(ey(t))=diag(V'i(eyi(t)),...,VP(eyp(t))) 1.5 functions 51 V have been introduced. action and the feedforward artifacts. The observer update or serves process and measurement noise process compensator state space matrices linear time invariant approx¬ represent process and measurement A, B, C, noise, of the observer states design. noise, affect(1.12) D. to estimate the re¬ characteristics, can 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 52 the observer dynamics it(t) Typically i>i(eyji(t)) analogous approach become: = Ax(t) + is such that Bu(t) V'j(O) + = LV>(ey(t))ey(t). 1 and tpt(—oo) (1.13) V^00) = may be taken to exclude artifacts from the = 0. An integrator equation. With the nonlinear modification introduced in the feedback system must be checked trasformed into the following anew. Eq. To do (1.13) this, the stability the system can of be form: ey è = G(s)ë+ = A(ey)+z2 (1.14) zi (1.15) G(s) incorporates the linear time invariant parts of the closed-loop system and A contains the nonlinear weighting functions. Using Integral where Constraints when time (IQC) varying or The nonlinear modifications such that the case. More one can uncertain 4>l{eyz) check the systems stability are of the output of Eqs (1.14,1.15) included in the A-block. injection have to be chosen of the observer does not suffer in the artifact free performance precisely they must be chosen such that the noiseonthesignal(eyJdoesnotleadtoaninactivationoftheobservercorrections.Theartifactsuppressionschemewasextensivelytestedduringtheclinicalvalidationofthemodel-basedendtidalcontrolleraswellasforMAPandBIScontrol.InthislattercasetheconceptswereadaptedtotheparticularstructureofthecascadedIMCcontroller.Figure1.17showstypicalcaseswhereartifactswereproperlydetectedwithoutperformancedeterioration.Inparticular,thelowerplotinFig.1.17showsthecorrectbehaviourforanartifactlastingforapproximately5min.1.6ExperimentalsetupWhenitcomestotheroutineapplicationofautomaticcontrollersonpa¬tients,considerableattentionmustbepaidtoaproperHardware/Software(HW/SW)platform.Intheearlyphaseoftheprojectthecontrollerswere Quadratic even normal Experimental setup 1.6 53 Sensor disconnetion time Figure 1.17: In both ( trations (— ) ) as plots well as measured [min] inspired ( endtidal concentrations ) and endtidal predicted by concen¬ the observer represented. The plots demonstrate the successful suppression during sensor calibration and disconnection, where no endtidal measurements are available. Adapted from the literature (Frei, 2000). • — are of artifacts implemented under Modula II the necessary platform A/D and suffered from a D/A on an MS DOS number of shortcomings, real-time and multi adequate user supported conversion boards industrial PC with (Derighetti, 1999). such as poor support of tasking features, lack of software components interfaces and compiler limitations. to design host (PC) computer system provides experimental platform (Frei, 2000). The oper¬ ating system XOberon from the Robotics Institute of ETH provides the required real-time and multi task features (Wirth and Gutknecht, 1993). The applications are implemented using the object oriented programming language Oberon, a member of the Pascal-Modula family (Kottmann et al., Currently a target (VME PowerPC) This the hardware basis for the - 1 Automatic Control in Anesthesia 54 2000). Making use of the object oriented technology a framework has developed which efficiently allows to write new control applications. The platform is depicted in puter system equipped with thesia workstation from Fig. a 1.2. The compact integration of the touch-screen Dräger Germany on a standard CiceroEM contributes acceptance of this prototype system in the general the platform is endowed with an significantly operating been com¬ anes¬ to the room. Also, emergency shut-down button which cuts any active controller off and transfers the to the been regulation of the breathing system dosing. Recently an i.v. pump has infusion of analgesics. manual anesthesiologist through integrated for the continuous The design of the MMI aimed at reproducing closely the standard moni¬ toring systems for anesthesia. This way anesthesiologists are able to run closed-loop controllers without any engineering support. An example operating panel was already presented in Fig. 1.14. of an Chapter Feedback Control of 2 Hypnosis 2 Feedback Control of 56 Vous les connaissez? Hugo. Hoederer. Oui. Tu Hugo. Non. Jean-Paul Hypnosis Sartre, entendu as (Ils écoutent.) Les mains un bruit de moteur? Non. sales. IV Tableau, Scène III. Foreword In this chapter the model-based closed-loop control system which regulates hypnosis with the volatile anesthetic isofiurane is discussed in detail. Hyp¬ nosis is assessed by means of the Bispectral Index (BIS), a processed pa¬ rameter derived from the electroencephalogram (EEG). Isofiurane is admin¬ istered through a closed-circuit respiratory system. The model for control was identified on a population of 20 healthy volunteers. It consists of three parts: a model for the respiratory system, a pharmacokinetic (PK) and a pharmacodynamic (PD) model to predict BIS at the effect compartment. A cascaded Internal Model Controller (IMC) is employed. The master con¬ troller compares the actual BIS and the reference value set by the anes¬ thesiologist and provides expired isofiurane concentration references to the slave controller. concentration Several advantages factor for the • • The slave controller of the model-based success the controller is anti-windup of this controller designed measures the fresh gas anesthetic to approach are adapt which revealed to be worth to be mentioned to different a key : respiratory conditions protect against performance degradation in the event of saturation of the • maneuvers entering the respiratory system. input signal fault detection schemes in the controller cope with BIS and expired concentration measurement artifacts. The results of 4 clinical studies are presented performed in the thesis. Two of them in the were operating room on humans already discussed in chapter 57 1. In the following chapter two other clinical validations control structure is under patent pending in both the are presented. The European Community and the United States of America. This chapter can be found with minor modifications scientific literature as a publication in the as: Gentilini, A., Rossoni-Gerosa, M., Frei, C, Wymann, R., Morari, M., Zbinden, A., Schnider, T.W.: 2001, Modeling and closed-loop control of hypnosis by means of Bispectral Index (BIS) with isoflurane, IEEE Trans¬ actions on Biomedical Engineering, In press. 2 Feedback Control of 58 Hypnosis Introduction 2.1 Assessment of anesthesia 2.1.1 We already discussed the définition of anesthesia as an adequate combina¬ hypnosis, analgesia and muscle relaxation in the introductory section of chapter 1. We briefly outlined how to measure muscle relaxation and we pointed out the difficulties in assessing analgesia intraoperatively. This lat¬ ter aspect will be discussed in more details in chapter 3. This chapter will be devoted to the methods to measure and control the patient's hypnosis intraoperatively. tion of is associated with unconsciousness and absence of Hypnosis tive recall of intraoperative events (Goldmann, 1988). post opera¬ With the electroen¬ cephalogram (EEG) the brain activity can be measured non-invasively. Anesthetics change the pattern of EEG. These changes can be quantified and correlate with the drug concentration. The EEG has been used as a measure of depth of hypnosis. However, several difficulties are associated with the use of EEG as a measure of the degree of unconsciousness (McEwen et al., 1975). Unlike the electrocardiogram (ECG), the EEG has no cyclic patterns and statistical techniques must be used to extract useful infor¬ mation. Moreover, while most anesthetics affect the EEG, they do so in different ways (Stanski, 1990): for instance, high doses of opiates produce a slow paced, high voltage EEG whereas hypnotic agents induce 'burst sup¬ pression', short periods of time where the EEG is isoelectric (Muthuswamy et al., 1999). 2.1.2 Closed-loop drug administration and BIS Several feedback controllers for anesthesia have been ature. of the physiological signal andLinkens,1997;MahfoufandLinkens,1998;Rossetal.,1997;Ritchieetal.,1985).Concerninganalgesia,wherenoreli¬ablemeasureexists,itwasnotedthatthepatient'sautonomicresponsestopainfulstimulationsarepresentbothintheawakestateandwithhypnotic bility proposed in the liter¬ strongly depends on the relia¬ controlled, as in the case of muscle The effectiveness of such controllers relaxation (Mahfouf to be 2.1 Introduction 59 analgesic agents (Pinsker, 1986). A pragmatic task would be to deliver a drugs to obtund them. Hemodynamic variables such as Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP), Cardiac Output (CO) and Heart Rate (HR) have been considered in this respect (Isaka and Sebald, 1993). MAP control is also crucial during surgery to improve surgical visibility and to guarantee adequate perfusion to internal organs (Furutani et al., 1995). Since most volatile hypnotics also depress MAP (Warren and Stoelting, 1986), yet by different mechanisms of action (Murray et al., 1992; Monk, 1988), they and sufficient amount of used as input variables in several feedback schemes (Prys-Roberts and Millard, 1990; Millard et al., 1988; Frei, Gentium, Derighetti, Glattfelder, Morari, Schnider and Zbinden, 1999). were Concerning hypnosis, quency (SEF) several univariate parameters like and Median Frequency (MF) can Spectral Edge Fre¬ be extracted from the spec¬ tral characteristics of the EEG and have been used as controlled outputs in closed-loop system (Shüttler Schwilden, 1995; al., 1987; al., 1989). All the mentioned quantities can provide an esti¬ mate of the hypnotic state at deep levels. However, they are likely to fail in the region of light sedation (Ghouri et al., 1993; Kochs et al., 1994). Bispectral analysis computes higher order spectra of EEG which can reveal phase couplings of single waveforms. Together with multivariable statistical analy¬ sis this feature is the main foundation for the Bispectral Index (BIS, a and Schwilden et AspectMdialSymIn.Nwo,hu)TBEG¬rvbf(R198D7;K45g0j6-23 Schwilden et 2 Feedback Control of 60 Hypnosis one hand, the use of volatile complexity of the respiratory system. On the other hand expired concentrations provide a useful indication of the drug concentrations in the body. intravenous agents are used for control. On the anesthetics introduces the To the authors' best knowledge this work describes the first system to control BIS with volatile anesthetics. model identified from In this experiments on closed-loop The controller based on a humans. study which provided the dynamic model to predict BIS. It is followed by an analysis of the data and a description of the model structure. Subse¬ quently, the control design is outlined. Not withstanding its increasing pop¬ ularity, BIS is still under development and evaluation. Therefore we must guarantee the patient's safety in those situations where BIS is corrupted by artifacts and therefore not unreliable as a feedback signal. To achieve this, a cascade arrangement was used which maintains expired anesthetic concentrations between acceptable limits. When switching from manually administered anesthetic to closed-loop control the continuity of the control action is guaranteed providing a smooth transition. Moreover, we discuss the procedures which guarantee safe performance of the controller in the presence of artifacts in both BIS and expired concentration measurements. chapter we data necessary to Finally, patients 2.2 The first describe the volunteer identify a the results obtained from two are presented particular tests of the controller on and discussed. Volunteer study were designed to explore the effects of the hypnotic isofiuanalgesic alfentanil on several clinical end-points such as BIS, Another goal of the study was to raw EEG and hemodynamic variables. determine the reactions of such end-points to experimental painful stimuli, which may be used to define depth of anesthesia (Petersen-Felix et al., 1996). rane experiments and the 2.2 Volunteer 2.2.1 study 61 Demographic data Twenty consenting volunteers of physical status ASA I were enrolled for study. The age group considered was 25 ± 3 years, weight was 68± 13 kg. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups. In the first group alfentanil targeted concentrations were varied whereas endtidal concentra¬ tions of isofiurane were kept constant. In the second group isofiurane was varied and alfentanil was kept constant. the 2.2.2 Zipprep® Experimental setup electrodes ommended by were secured on the subjects in frontal the manufacturer of the BIS monitor. position, as rec¬ Raw EEG and BIS monitored with Aspect A-1000 monitor (Aspect Medical Systems Inc. Newton, Massachussets). The electrodes' impedance was kept under 3 kil. The sampling frequency of the raw EEG signal was 128 Hz. The sampling frequency of BIS was 5 s. Arterial pressure was measured invasively with a catheter cannula inserted into the radial artery. Electrocardiogram (ECG), O2 saturation in the tissues, gas concentrations in the breathing system were recorded at 100 Hz with a Compact AS/3 monitor (Datex-Ohmeda Division. Helsinki. Finland). Inspired and endtidal O2, CO2, sevofiurane and isofiurane concentrations were also calculated during every breathing cycle and stored as volume percentages by Compact AS/3 monitor. Mus¬ cle relaxation was monitored continuously with the Train Of Four (TOF) procedure. A high frequency (128 Hz) event marker was used to track sig¬ nificant events during the study such as the begin and end ofeachpainfulstimulation,occurrenceofmovementresponsesandbloodsampling.Hemo¬dynamicdata,aswellasrawEEGandBISwereacquiredwithLabview5.0underWindowsNTforoff-lineanalysis.2.2.3StudydesignBeforeinduction,baselinevalueswererecordedforapproximately10minwhilethesubjectswerebreathingpureO2withafacemask.Generalanes¬thesiawasinducedbythesinglebreathtechniquewithamixtureof7% were 2 Feedback Control of 62 60 % N2O Bolus doses (0 sevoflurane in urium were administered after loss of 15 eyelid Hypnosis mg/kg body weight) of mivac- reflexes to facilitate intubation Respiratory parameters during assisted ventilation were adjusted to main¬ CO2 partial pressures between 35 and 40 mmHg Fresh gas flow was set to 6 1/min Body temperature was kept in the range 36 5-37 C Hypnosis was maintained by continuous administration of isofiurane with tain endtidal ° the autonomous closed-circuit respiratory circuit Cicero (Drager Medizin- Lübeck, Germany) Alfentanil was delivered through the in¬ Harvard Apparatus 22 Targeting infusion policies algorithms techmk GmbH fusion pump maintained DOS constant level of a The infusion policies is was defined alfentanil and a concentration in the plasma software STANPUMP under wereappliedinarandomizedsequenceArterialsamplesofisofiuraneandalfentanilwerecollectedThesamplingoccurredduringboththetransientphaseswhenthetargetconcentrationsofboththeanalgesicandthehypnoticweremodifiedandduringsteady-stateAttheendofthestudy,alfentanilinfusionwasstoppedandthefreshgasconcentrationofisofiuranewassettozeroatthesametimeThesubjectswereextubatedassoonastheyopenedtheireyesaftertheirnameswerecalled2.3ModelingThemodeldevelopedforcontrolconsistsofthreeinteractingpartsade¬scriptionoftherespiratorysystem,amodelfortheuptakeanddistributionofisofiuraneandaneffectcompartmentmodeltodescribethetimecourseoftheBISThemodelfortherespiratorysystemwasalreadypresentedinchapter1Thedynamicsoftheclosed-circuitrespiratorysystemare1STANPUMPisfreelyavailablefromtheauthor,StevenLShafer,MD,Anesthesi¬ologyService(112A),PAVAMC,3801MirandaAve,PaloAlto,CA94304 by a at 7 different steady-state combinations of hypnotic phase lasting for approximately 20 mm Each com¬ constant level of predicted plasma concentration of constant level of endtidal concentration of isofiurane physiological mental stimuli kept with each analgesic, bination the predicted drug computed with the 1 Each volunteer and were variables reached the steady-state values, When different experi¬ 2.3 Modeling 63 Parameter Table 2.1: and Mammillary colleagues. described 2.3.1 mean±SD [min 1] kn 1.26 ±0.204 ki3 0.402 ±0.055 ku 0.243 ±0.072 kis 0.0646 ±0.0414 &20 0.0093 ±0.0137 kii 0.210 ±0.082 hi 0.0230 ±0.0156 k41 0.00304 ±0.00169 hi 0.000500 ±0.000119 rate constants of the PK model published by Yasuda by Eq. (1.1). Distribution model Isoflurane is carried to the internal organs by the systemic circulation and depress activity. As a result, the of isoflurane concentrations uptake high might be slower than at low concentrations. Several publications report the pharmacologic properties of isoflurane (Eger II, 1981; Eger II, 1984). Isoflurane decreases most volatile anesthetics cardiovascular and distribution at arterial pressure to the same extent as halothane and Enffurane do (Warren al., 1992). However, with isoflurane the decrease is the result of a reduction in systemic resistance (Graves et al., 1974) whereas for halothane it is mainly a result of a lowered Cardiac Output (CO) (Prys-Roberts et al., 1974; Lynch, 1986). In fact, at 2.6% endtidal concentrations of isoflurane, the CO is reduced by only 10% relative to the and Stoelting, 1986; Murray baseline value (Collins, 1996). characteristics of isoflurane colleagues are Therefore have identified for the distribution of isoflurane we not affected Lockhart,EgerII,Weiskopf,Liu,Laster,TaheriandPeterson,1991).ThecompartmentsaredepictedinFig.2.1.ThemammillaryrateconstantsarereportedinTab.2.1. Yasuda and et (Yasuda, a assume that the distribution by hypotension. mammillary compartmental model 2 Feedback Control of 64 Îr(Vt — A) (Cinsp — Hypnosis C\] Figure 2.1: The mammillary compartment model published by Yasuda and colleagues (Yasuda, Lockhart, Eger II, Weiskopf, Liu, Laster, Taheri and Peterson, 1991). The concentrations in the central compartment (1) rep¬ resent endtidal expiration cycle concentrations, or equivalently i.e. the concentrations at the end of the alveolar concentrations. In their experimental setup young healthy volunteers received a mixture composed by 1% sevofiurane, 0.6% isoflurane, 34.4% O2 and 64% N2O for 30 min. Synergies between volatile anesthetics at the distribution level can be neglected (Vuyk, 1997). Endtidal samples were collected during the ad¬ ministration, in the following 23 hours and every morning for the next 6-7 days. The number of compartments was established by statistical testing on the model residuals to avoid partments were overparametrization. A posteriori, the associated with groups of internal organs their time constants. on com¬ the basis of Compartments 2 and 3 have fast dynamics and are Group and the Muscles, respectively. Com¬ partments 3 and 4 are notably slower and are associated with fat compart¬ ments. By using the published partition coefficients of isoflurane (Yasuda et al., 1989), it is perfusing possibletoestimatethevolumesV3andthe associated with the Vessel Rich 2.3 Modeling 65 1 Table 2.2: suda and [1] (meaniS'.D) Volumes Compartment 2.31±0.71 2 7.1±2.5 3 11.3±5.6 4 3.0±0.7 5 5.1±4.1 Volumes of the mammillary compartments as published by Ya- colleagues. blood flows Qj of the internal organs y3 as: _vLkll (2.1) = Rj kji (2.2) Qj-- V3 R3 k3l = The volumes of the compartments inspection of the data are reported in Tab. 2.2. Based the mass assumed that alfentanil does not on visual modify the distri¬ bution characteristics of isofiurane. Therefore we adopted the distribution model described by Yasuda and colleagues as a PK model. With Eq. (2.1) we balance for isofiurane in the central compartment is: ^r E(^^-^) = For the general jthcompartment(j^2)weobtain:dC>krVlk3XC3whereasforj=2dC2dtki2G\k2\C2-k2oC2.(2.3)(2.4)(2.5)Anopen-loopvalidationofthemodelwiththedatacollectedinourvol¬unteerstudyisrepresentedinFig.2.2.InspiredconcentrationsduringthestudywereusedasinputtothePKmodeltopredictendtidalconcentra¬tions.Thecomparisonwithmeasuredendtidalconcentrationsisreported J=2 + ÎR (Vt Vi - A) (Ct insp d) 2 Feedback Control of 66 Hypnosis - - - - - „n^n 'i i Ä^BW9 - - - 1 f'rVJ" T , 0 50 100 150 time Figure 2.2: Open-loop tion of isoflurane. upper ( endtidal ) 200 300 validation of the Yasuda PK model for the distribu¬ The administration and lower ( ) point profile series for subject 6 is depicted. prediction The represent measured inspired and concentrations, respectively. The thick solid line ( the model di 250 [min] ) represents for endtidal concentrations. Fig. 2.2, showing excellent agreement between measurements and model predictions. The model is able to predict endtidal concentrations with suf¬ ficient accuracy also during closed-loop experiments, as we will discuss in the last section of the chapter. in 2.3.2 The Effect adopted isoflurane. compartment modeling PK model is not able to describe the time As an example, let us isoflurane for volunteer 11 and the BIS time course, Blank data windows in Fig. 2.3 course of BIS with consider the administration correspond to depicted periods where as profile of Fig. 2.3. the subject in 2.3 Modeling 67 Mw IT > ( 100 iii«)» 120 140 160 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 £115- I' II •7! 1 - 05- time [min] Figure 2.3: In the upper plot, the BIS profile for subject 11 during the study is plotted. In the lower plot, the corresponding PK profile of isoflurane The upper ( is depicted. ) and lower ( ) point series represent measured inspired and endtidal concentrations, respectively. received this experimental painful stimuli. Those periods were excluded from analysis since they belong to the disturbance response of the subject. In Fig. 2.4 BIS is plotted versus measured endtidal and second compartment predicted concentrations. If time is considered in the plot of the endtidal concentrations, the data describe a clockwise hysteresis. In the second plot, they describe a counterclockwise hystheresis. This demonstrates that the dynamics of BIS must lie between the time course of the concentrations in these two compartments. This also means that, when endtidal concentra¬ tions are at steady-state, the concentrations at the effect compartment are not at steady-state yet. These delays can be attributed to transportation at the site of effect as well as diffusion resistances. 2 Feedback Control of 68 '"x* ' - \ 1 hI // I ^\J vol 2.4: In the left concentrations for - vol [%] plot, subject BIS values are depicted versus measured endtidal right plot, BIS values versus predicted compartment are plotted. To compensate for this unmodeled al., 1994) was [%] 11. In the concentrations in the second et - / \ Figure Hypnosis dynamics, an effect compartment linked to the central compartment, as shown in (Schnider Fig. 2.1. The effect compartment does not represent any physiological organ or group of organs in the human body. Rather it models the drug transportation de¬ lays from the lungs to the site of effect. By assumption, the volume of the effect compartment is negligible. As a consequence, its introduction in the model does not affect the mass balances in Eqs. (2.3,2.5). Effect compartment concentrations are related to concentrations in the central compartment by the following first order model: dCe dt keO (Ci - Ce). (2.6) theoretically ß/5o The is the baseline compartment. have to be identified. whereas 7 is assumed constants ß/5o a = equilibration constant EC^o and 7 2.3 canbeestimatedbycollapsingthehysteresisloopintheplaneofBISversuseffectsiteconcentrations.Loopcollapsingwastransformedintotwonestednonlinearregressionproblems.Firstatentativevalueforkeoisassumed.ThentheoptimalECsoand7wereestimatedas:{EC50,opt,7oPt}=argmina2(2.10){EC50,l}where1NBIS,-BIS,(2.11)Inthepreviousequationß/5jdenotestheithmeasurementandß/5jde¬notesthecorrespondingmodelprediction.NisthenumberofBISmeasure¬mentscollectedforthatparticularvolunteer.Ifwedenotetheminimumof2t,wecaniterateonkeoa2asa2t,wecaniterateonk„osuchthatkeo,opt=argmin{a20J.fceOEstimatesofthemeasuredendtidalconcentrationsatagivenBISmea¬surementwereobtainedbylinearinterpolation,whichintroducesnegligibleerror.TheresultsoftheidentificationschemearereportedinTab. 2.3 Modeling 69 At the effect compartment ABIS or measure 100 and an = Emax model ABISMAX Aß/5 Aß/5MAx of the = BIS = BISMAX awake state BISmax degree = - of is assumed CJ+EC2, C} - nonlinearity of the effect compartment as keo the PD model: , (2.7) where BISo, (2.8) BIS0. (2.9) achievable with infinite isofiurane concentrations at the effect value, BISmax represents in Eq. as well the BIS ECso and 7 are the two parameters of the PD model that ECso represents the subject's sensitivity for the drug 0. (2.7). as We the PD 2 Feedback Control of 70 Table 2.3: [min-1] EC50[vo\%] 7 1 0.6492 0.8243 1.127 2 0.6248 0.5880 1.274 3 0.1463 0.5980 1.969 4 3.027 0.7118 1.144 5 3.489 0.5146 1.577 6 0.3453 0.5262 1.431 7 2.895 0.9612 1.453 8 0.4581 0.7032 1.677 9 0.8728 0.7494 1.000 10 5.000 0.4959 1.369 11 0.3684 0.9220 2.913 12 0.211 0.8015 1.590 13 0.5914 0.5976 2.210 14 0.1754 0.8270 1.940 15 1.000 0.6690 1.378 16 0.3273 0.6130 2.351 17 0.8537 1.047 2.219 18 0.08044 1.094 0.7915 19 0.02477 0.7699 5 20 5.000 0.6915 1.402 pooled 0.3853 0.7478 1.534 Volunteer Estimated keo ke0 , EC^o and 7 for each volunteer. reports the estimates obtained from the pooled analysis. Hypnosis The last row 0 < keo Subject low. Those for subjects 4,5,7. pooled analysis,0.217 wherethedatafromallsubjectsofthestudywereana¬lyzed.Thekeovalueobtainedfromthepooledanalysisis0.3853[min-1],indicatingamorerobustestimatewithrespecttooutlyingsubjects.Itisworthnoticingthatthecoefficientofvariationforkeo(cr/n=1.1426)isoneorderofmagnitudehigherthananyofthecoefficientsofvariationforthePKparametersreportedinTab.2.1.ThereforespecialcaremustbeusedtotunethecontrollerstoberobusttouncertaintiesinthePDparameters.TheaverageECsointhepopulationis0.7495±0.1771[vol%],whiletheresultfromthepooledanalysisis0.7478.Thenegligibledifferencebetweenthetwoestimatedvaluesisaconsequenceofthesymmetricdistributionofthesingleindividualparametersaroundtheirmean.ForECsotheco¬efficientofvariationwaslower(<r//x=0.2362)thanforthekeoestimate.Theaverage7inthepopulationwas1.60±0.5437,whiletheresultfromthepooledanalysiswas1.534.Inthiscasethemeanvalueisslightlyinfluencedbythehighvaluesestimatedforsubjects11,13,16and17.ThedatapointstogetherwiththefittedPDrelationshiparedepictedintherightplotofFig.2.5.Inthiscasethebeneficialeffectsoftheeffectcompartmentmodelforthefitimprovementarehiddenbytheinterindividualvariability.Underdifferentexperimentalconditionswhichdeserveattentionwhencom¬paringtheresults,OlofsenandDahanhaveidentifiedaneffectcompartmentmodeltodescribetheeffectsofisofluraneontheBISfromendtidalconcen¬trationmeasurements(OlofsenandDahan,1999).Theyreportkeo= 2.3 Modeling < 5 The average keo 71 the effect compartment is for each volunteer of the study. The improvement in the fit introduced by depicted in the left plot of Fig. 2.5 for subject 11. At the effect compartment the hystheresis observed in the left plot of Fig. 2.4 has almost completely disappeared. For the optimization we used [min-1] 20 received subjects and 0 < 7 < 5 The upper constraints and 20. were high are estimate biased towards in the as constraints. Subjects 10,19 input during the whole study. This did 10 and 19 received anesthesia at constant isoflurane active at the end of the not population was high values, as a Table 2.3 also reports the optimization for subjects doses of isoflurane and BIS remained produce significant 0.9480±1.0831 result of the BIS changes. constantly excluded from further discussion. keo values identified [min-1] (/z±<r), optimal parameters an for the 2 Feedback Control of 72 Hypnosis 100 90 80 70 m 60 50 40 30 02 04 06 vol 08 0 05 1 vol [%] 15 2 25 [%] Figure 2.5: In the left plot, BIS values versus effect site concentrations for subject 11. In the right plot, BIS values versus effect site concentrations in the pooled analysis. In both plots, the solid line ( ) represents the estimated PD relationship. min-1, ECso = 0.6% and 7 lation examined. The = 5.8 as mean values identified from the popu¬ higher average keo estimated with our data might be the result of several factors. First, our data set was collected from volunteers and not from patients. Second we explored a broader range of isofiurane endtidal concentrations (0.4%-2.2% compared with 0.6%-1.6%) and we per¬ formed randomized changes between the levels to be explored. Finally, a In partic¬ reason may be the use of the analgesic alfentanil in our study. ular, a comparison of the two estimated A;eos would suggest that alfentanil accelerates BIS equilibration. Although this hypothesis would have rele¬ vant medical implications, it was not considered relevant for the purpose of control design. In addition, in our data set alfentanil neither increased nor decreased BIS consistently. An example is depicted in Fig. 2.6. For this particular subject, none of the changes both in targeted as well as in mea- 2.4 Control design 73 sured alfentanil concentrations considerations led W us produced a noticeable BIS variation. These to exclude alfentanil in % W* "i*fc our model for BIS control. »fl*^ 250 200 Is o 150 100 50 100 150 time 200 [min] Figure 2.6: In the lower plot, alfentanil target () and measured ( o ) plasma concentrations for subject 4. In the upper plot, BIS is represented at the corresponding time instants. Isofiurane endtidal concentrations were kept at 1 % all throughout the study. 2.4 Control The overall design dynamic system the effect compartment is systems. Both systems are a from vaporizer setting to concentrations at series connection of two linear time invariant Single Input Single Output (SISO). Let us denote 2 Feedback Control of 74 the system were and output, A2 x2 = A2x2 y2 = C2x2 (2.12) B2u + (2.13) vaporizer settings and endtidal respectively. concentrations Eqs (1.1,2.3,2.5) From -kR kiR 0 km -ki *2lg 0 0 -k20 0 0 we *15 f 0 0 [ Qo/v Bt 0 [0 Co 1 0 0 0 k21 0 0 0 -&31 0 0 0 0 -^41 0 0 0 0 -k5i 0 ] 0 (2.14) (2.15) 0] 0 input *3l£ *41^ *5l£ - 0 the 0 0 0 are have: = 0 Hypnosis (2.16) where kR = (Q0 kiR = fR (VT kw = fR (VT ki = kw AQ - + - - k12 + /fl (1/T - A)) IV A)/V (2.18) A)/l/i + k13 (2.17) (2.19) + ku + k15. (2.20) The above system is connected in series with the effect compartment de¬ scribed by Eq. (2.6), output yi is the BIS. We have: where the X\ denotesthenonlinearityinEq.(2.7).ThecontrolstructuretoregulateBISwasalreadydiscussedinchapter1.InthefollowingwewillrefertothenotationintroducedinFig. Vi where /(•)1.7. input is the endtidal concentration and the A-ix-i + Biy2 (2.21) (2.22) 2.4 Control design 75 The transfer functions of the P2 and P\ blocks Qo kw (s P2{S) V (s + kR) Y\J=1 (s - + Xj) k21 - + are k20) n,=3 (s k1Rkw (s + k21 + + k]i) &20) rij=3 (s + k]i) (2.23) PiW = s where can ^- Aj (2.24) + fce0 are the eigenvalues be shown that X3 < 0 V of the j = mammillary compartmental matrix. It 5 (Jacquez and Simon, 1993). The 1,... , Eq. (2.23) obtained from Similarly, _f\ Eq. (2.24) with keo from the pooled analysis whose results are reported in Tab. 3. The transfer functions of the IMC blocks Q2 and Q\ are.1 with mean parallel model P2 parameters from Tabs 1 and 2. was obtained from was thefilrdnvsomap:Q2()=FP-1.5S^6wIMCc7T]—W3\gub,kEqzB0J_V+/y48x¬A transfer function of the ating 2 Feedback Control of 2.5 2.5.1 a smooth transfer procedure must be guaranteed to provide an optimal administration profile for the patient. That is, the first control action of the controller must be equal tothe thelastinputactionspecifiedduringmanualcontrol.Thisisautomaticallyguar¬anteedinourreal-timeplatformifreferenceendtidalconcentrationsaresetequaltomeasuredconcentrations(y2,ref=Vi)duringopen-loop.LetusassumethattheblockdiagramisopenaftertheoutputoftheblockQ2andletusdenoteasuconandumantheinputsspecifiedbytheblockandtheanesthesiologist,respectively.Wehave:UCon=<?2[V2,ref~(V2~£2)]=Q2-P2Uman=F2Uman.(2.29)Analogously,wemustguaranteethattheoutputoftheQiblockconvergestothemeasuredendtidalconcentration.Todoso,wesetyi^ef=Vi-Then:V2,ref=Qi[yi,ref-(yi-yi)]=QiPiy2=F1y2.(2.30)SinceforbothfiltersFt(0)=1(i=1,2),uconwillconvergetoumanandy2ireftoj/2,providedtheinputumanisasymptoticallyconstant.Theanesthesiologistisnotallowedtoswitchfrommanualtoclosed-loopcontrolbeforetheinputcomputedbythecontrollerhasreachedthevalueshe/heimposedwithatoleranceof±10%.ThecontrollerwillbereadytobestartedwithinatimeequaltothesettlingtimeofthefilterF2.DuringthisphasethetimeconstantsoftheIMCfiltersaretemporarilyreducedtoshortenthewaitingtime.Thepresentedinitializationschemewasacceptedbyanesthesiologistsatthisstageoftheproject,becauseumanisnotoftenchangedpriorto 76 Hypnosis Implementation The controllers were implemented in a discrete state space form. The sam¬ 5 s, corresponding to the pling times of the controllers were set to AT sampling frequency of the BIS. Three additional features were implemented to improve performance and cope with the safety requirements in the oper¬ = room. Smooth transfer When the controller is switched on, 2.5 Implementation beginning of surgery. would allow published 2.5.2 in A 77 more perfect tracking a accurate future work. Respiratory parameters update The parameters of the closed-circuit changed during As bumpless transfer procedure which a negligibly small time will be of ucon within surgery for several respiratory system fn, Vt, Qo may be reasons. example, surgical stimulations may induce arousal reactions in the patient which are not promptly captured by the BIS, since BIS values dis¬ played on the monitor at a given time result from calculations on the previ¬ ous 15-30 seconds of raw EEG data. In this case short periods at high flows (Qo > 5 1/min) are often used to guarantee a faster equilibration of endtidal concentrations because of the higher mass flow rate of fresh anesthetic. In an this manner the arousal reaction is compensated. In another scenario it may be necessary to reduce the blood et pool by increasing alveolar ventilation levels of high Jr(Vt — CO2 in A) (Chapman al., 1985). For these reasons we allow the respiratory parameters to be changed by To enhance the anesthesiologist at any time during automatic mode controller performance, we automatically update the model P2 and the Q2 block in Eqs (2.23) and (2.25), respectively. The effectselec- the ofafreshflowchangeandtheconsequentmodelupdatewerealreadypresentedanddiscussedinFig.,themeasuredsignalsusedforfeedbackcontrol(endtidalisofiu-raneconcentrationsandBISvalues)arecorruptedbyartifacts.Sucharti¬factsmaybeintroducedintheconcentrationmeasurementsbydevicecali¬brationand/ordisconnectionofthesamplingline.BISartifactsmightcomefromthehighimpedanceoftheelectrodes,corruptionoftheEEGwiththeelectromyographysignal(EMG)andaccidentaldisconnectionofthe . (Reid and Kenny, 1987; Ruiz et al., 1993; Frei, 2000) recognized that such artifacts must be handled appropriately not to seriously degrade the controller's performance or threaten the life of the patient. An elegant framework to design artifact-tolerant controllers for the observer-based feedback controllers was proposed (Frei, Bullinger, Gentilini, Glattfelder, Sieber and Zbinden, 2000; Frei, 2000). The error residuals be¬ tween measurements and the observed predictions serve as a basis for the artifact detection and prediction problem. The same approach for artifact handling cannot be appliedl). inthiscase.Infact,eventhoughparallelmodelsareusedintheblockdiagramdepictedinFig.1.7,theyarenotobservers.However,theerrorresidualsmaystillbeusefulintheartifactdetectionproblemforendtidalconcentrationmeasurements.Infact,inthisparticularcaseartifactsresultfromthecalibrationofthemeasurementdeviceandtemporarydisconnectionofthesamplinglineand/ortheYpiece.Thefirstsituationisautomaticallytriggeredbythemeasuringdevice,whereastheothersmayoccurduringrepositioningofthepatient.Inallcasesy2—0andconsequentlye2=V2—V2——§2Lete2,N={e2(k-N),...,e2(k-l)}(2.31)bethecollectionofNresidualsacquiredwheny2hadnoartifacts.Lete2denotethearithmeticmeanoftheresidualsine2jjv.Assumefurtherthate2(k—i)~J\f(e2,a2)Vi=1,...,N.Theproposedtestforartifactdetectionis:H0:e2{k)=e2(2.32)Hi:e2{k)<e2.(2.33)Ifatthesamplingtimekthenullhypothesisisrejected,thenweconsidery2(k)corruptedbyartifacts.Thealternativehypothesisisone-sidedbecauseallartifactsourcestendtodecreasee2(k).Hoisrejectedataconfidencelevela=0.01if:C2(fc)"e'2<*(«)=-2.33(2.34)awhere$(a)isthecumulativedistributionfunctionofastandardizednormalvariable.IfHoisnotrejected,thene2(k)updatesthevectorofresidualsinEq.(2.31).Otherwisethesamevectorisusedfortestingtheresiduale2(fc+ 78 2 Feedback Control of trodes. Several authors have Hypnosis 2.5 Implementation We set a = 0.1 in is described in which study, (2.34) Eq. Fig. was manual control 79 aimed at (Sieber on the basis of off-line tests. We used 2.7. data set collected a comparing endtidal al., 2000). Such during a test clinical a concentration control versus plot from above depicts endtidal concentrations and reference values during closed-loop (first part) control and during manual adjustment (second part) of the vaporizer by the anesthesiologist. The second plot depicts the residuals e2(k) together et The first Calibration y- 1 Disconnection V 05 L' \ Calibration A ^rv^ 1 " x . r^^n ^ ^ 40 0 20 60 40 60 80 time 100 120 140 160 100 120 140 160 100 120 140 160 [mm] signal ( ) plotted during closed (first half) and openloop (second half) control. In the middle plot, the error residuals &2 2/2—2/2 (—|—) are plotted together with the lower bound for artifact detection. In the lower plot the vaporizer settings are depicted. All artifact episodes were properly detected. Figure 2.7: In the upper and measurements ( plot, ) endtidal concentration reference are = Eq. (2.34). Finally, vaporizer settings of the experiment which were used in the third as input plot the sequence for the model in Eqs (2.12,2.13) whereendtidalconcentrationmeasurementshadartifactscanbe with the lower bound for acceptance defined in are plotted. Three periodsrecognized 2 Feedback Control of 80 Hypnosis The first and 28 min, t 36-39 min and t 156 min. roughly t correspond to calibration of the measuring device whereas the second corresponds to a 3 min disconnection of the sampling line. Figure 2.7 shows that all artifacts were correctly identified. at = = = last The artifacts in BIS unlikely to occur during the study. arising from the corruption of EEG with EMG since the patients In all other receive such high are doses of muscle relaxants low electrode impedance or electrodes, we use the Signal Quality Index (SQI) as a basis for the detection. The SQI is an auxiliary value delivered by the BIS monitor at each sampling time. It is expressed as a percentage value, with 100% denoting a high quality measurement. Together with the staff from Aspect Medical System, we decided that BIS is unacceptably corrupted by artifacts when SQI < 20. cases as accidental disconnection of the artifacts the reliability of meaningful input actions. the system is The following guaranteed decision ruleswereadopted(seeFig.1.7):1.ifj/2hasartifacts,thenwesete2=0andtheinputofPibecomes§2insteadof2/2•Duringthisphasetheclosed-loopsystemisequivalenttoasingleIMCloopcontrollingBIS;2.ify\hasartifacts,thenwesete\=0.Inthiscasejusttheslavecontrollerremainsactive;3.whenboth2/2andy\haveartifacts,e2=0ande\=0.Inthiscasethesystemwilloperateinopen-loop,whichistheonlyoptionwhenthereisnomeasurementavailable.Letusexamineinmoredetailthedynamicsofthesysteminthepresenceofartifacts.Specifically,assumethatartifactsoccurintheBISand/orendtidalconcentrationmeasurementsatthesamplingtimek.Supposefurtherthatnoartifactsoccuredbeforethat,whichimpliesthatfork<k,e\(k)^0ande2(k)^0.Settinge\=0and/ore2=0canberegardedasasetpointchangeinthemasterand/orslavecontroller.SincebothQ\andQ2arestrictlyproper,thisproceduredoesnotresultindiscontinuitiesofthecontrolaction.Letusassumetheworstcasesituationwhereartifactspersistbothiny1and2/2Vk>k.Thecontrollerwillstartanadministration During delivers if the controller 2.6 Test of the controller 81 profile which ultimately converges to a constant, safe vaporizer setting. This steady-state value is the input which would nominally result in a BIS equal It can be calculated to yi,ref for the average subject in the population. by first inverting Eq.(2.7) to obtain the corresponding concentration at the effect compartment: X\ = 100 EC, 2/1,re/ (2.35) 50 Vl,ref Then from Eqs (2.14,2.5) 1 Qo we obtain desired fR (VT - A) k21 vaporizer setting + h Qo &21 20 as: + ^20 (2.36) For a typical anesthetic [1] Qo the typical subject ur =0.71 [%1. A = 2.6 0.15 = 1 procedure [1/min], AQ of the with = population 0.2 we = 10 [1/min], Vr 0.6 [1], 50 and for [1/min] and yhref obtain from the above expression = Test of the controller Two clinical tests of the BIS controller were already presented in We showed that the controller is able to target and maintain level of unconsciousness assessedbyBIS.Inthissectionwereportanddis¬cusstwoparticularcasesshowingtheperformanceoftheartifactdetectionsystemandthecontrollerbehaviourwithapatientwhoexhibitedtolerancetoisoflurane.Further,weshowthepredictionaccuracyofthePKmod¬elsduringclosed-loopexperiments.Thedetailsconcerningtheadmissioncriteriatothestudiesandthepremedicationtakenbythesubjectswerereportedinchapter1.TheclinicalstudyshowninFig.2.8depictsanab¬normalpatient'sbehaviourthatwascorrectlyhandledbythecontroller.A60yearsoldmanundergoingcraniotomywasenrolledforthestudy.Figure2.8depictstheBISandMAPsignalsduringtheoperation,togetherwiththeinputatthevaporizer.Bloodpressurewasmeasurednoninvasivelywithapressurecuff.Automaticcontrolwasactiveduringthewholeperiodconsidered.Duringtheinitialperioduptot=205min,thesubjectexhib¬itedavividtolerancetoisoflurane.Precisely,BISvaluesfluctuatedaround 1. /# a chapter desired 2 Feedback Control of 82 Hypnosis Bolus dose of alfentaml „' o— 170 / 190 ' 200 Blood pressure E E 40 170 210 220 230 240 250 260 220 230 240 250 260 220 230 240 250 260 increase — 190 200 210 190 200 210 0^170 time [nun] Figure 2.8: In the upper plot BIS and BIS reference values during closedloop are represented. In the middle plot systolic, mean and diastolic arterial pressures acquired with a blood pressure cuff are represented. In the lower plot the vaporizer settings determined by the closed-loop controller are plot¬ ted. The controller was active during the whole period represented in the figure. 50 while BIS reference values kept increasing during of alfentanil that were phase. set to 40. At The roughly t = input at the 206 min a vaporizer bolus dose a sharp increase of blood regarded as a sign of inadequate analgesia. Shortly af¬ ter, BIS values dropped to around 10. It is not certain, even though highly probable, that such drop was a consequence of the bolus dose of analgesic. Let us recall that the effect of alfentanil on BIS was not completely ruled out by the data collected from the study on volunteers. The controller promptly reacted to the sudden drop in BIS values by reducing the vaporizer setting was pressure, which almost to 0. administered to compensate for was At t Symmetrically = 251 min the BIS reference value to the initial phase, the was increased to 60. patient remained unresponsive to 2.6 Test of the controller changes in the 83 vaporizer settings. BIS electrodes disconnection ^ 50; 0— 145 4 2 = ^>^ 0 1 15 150 155 „ 160 time A 165 1" [mm] Figure 2.9: In the upper plot BIS and BIS reference values during closedloop are represented. In the middle plot endtidal concentration references and measurements are depicted. In the lower plot the vaporizer settings are plotted. The solid line in the lower plot indicates the period where the controller Figure was active. 2.9 illustrates the controller's behaviour tifact in BIS measurements. The hernia removal is considered. of BIS, roughly case Figure endtidal concentrations and BIS electrodes of a 2.9 during occurrence represents the vaporizer settings. an ar¬ undergoing operative profile At t = 159 min accidentally without anybody in the operating room noticing the fact. During this transient the master controller operates without feedback signal. As a result, the endtidal con¬ centration reference signal did converge to a constant value which is capable of achieving the specified BIS reference in the average patient. Such value is approximately 0.6%, as calculated from the pooled PD relationship rep¬ resented in Fig. 2.5. When artifacts disappeared, the master controller was were disconnected of 63 years old female 2 Feedback Control of 84 switched on again by the supervisory system. Consequently, concentration references were computed on Hypnosis new endtidal the basis of BIS values. f 100 120 140 120 140 160 180 200 220 180 200 220 1 5 "o > 05 0 100 160 time Figure 2.10: In the upper plot [min] measured ( isofiurane concentrations whereas in the lower endtidal concentrations In the are ) plot and predicted ( ) predicted measured and represented. cases where isofiurane was administered through the control plat¬ form, the states of the parallel model Pi can be regarded as estimates of the corresponding measurements. Figure 2.10 shows excellent agreement be¬ tween predicted inspired and endtidal concentrations and their correspond¬ ing model predictions. It is worth noticing that the plot shows comparisons flowrates.Pciy=130mnhgdQ2[/]\TpuKvb-^•* at different fresh gasinA^'r Chapter Feedback Control of 3 Analgesia 3 Feedback Control of 86 Aunculam Mario graviter Tu facts hoc: gams, mirans Nestor, Marziale, Epigrammata. Ill, in Analgesia olere. aunculam. 28. Foreword In compared two approaches for the closed-loop administration hypnotics: either to regulate Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) or to regulate Bispectral Index (BIS). In chapter 2 we thoroughly investigated the second approach, both from a control theory and a clinical perspective. From both treatises one can conclude that BIS may be used with advantage chapter 1 we of volatile as a guide What do for we hypnotic administration. do with MAP now? MAP is not only an indirect indicator to assess depth of anesthesia or ade¬ quate perfusion to internal organs. The signal itself and its fluctuations in correspondence to surgical stimulation are signs of responsiveness of the au¬ tonomic for the drugs system. The reactions of the autonomic system patient's sake and to may be used with In the improve advantage to the operating achieve this must be minimized conditions. Analgesic goal. following chapter a new paradigm for the closed-loop administra¬ analgesics during general anesthesia is presented. The manipulated variable in the control system is the infusion rate of the opiate alfentanil, administered intravenously through a Computer Controlled Infusion Pump Theoutputstobecontrolledarethepatient'sMeanArterialPres¬sure(MAP)andthedrugconcentrationintheplasma.MaintainingMAPwithinappropriaterangesimprovestheoperatingconditionsforsurgicalin¬terventionandprovidesoptimaltreatmentofthepatient'sreactionstosurgi¬calstimuli.Maintainingplasmadrugconcentrationswithinrangesspecifiedbytheoperatorenablesanesthesiologiststotitrateanalgesicadministrationtoqualitativeclinicalend-pointsofinsufficientanalgesia.MAPisacquiredbothinvasivelyandnon-invasivelythroughacathetercannulaandablood tion of (CCIP). 87 cuff, respectively. Since plasma drug concentrations cannot be on-line, they are estimated via a pharmacokinetic (PK) model on the basis of the infusion profile. An explicit Model Predictive Controller (MPC) was designed to achieve the above mentioned objectives. An upper constraint on predicted drug concentrations was imposed to avoid overdos¬ pressure measured on the MAP were introduced to trigger a prompt during hypertensive and hypotensive periods. Artifacts in the MAP measurements are rejected to prevent harmful misbehavior of the controller. Finally, the results of the application of the controller to 6 patients are presented and discussed. ing, whereas constraints controller reaction This chapter can be found with minor modifications scientific literature as a publication in the as: Gentilini, A., Schaniel, C, Morari, M., Bieniok, C, Wymann, R. and Schnider, T.W.: 2001, A new paradigm for the closed-loop intraoperative administration of analgesics in humans, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Submitted for publication. 3 Feedback Control of 88 Introduction 3.1 3.1.1 Opiates the the Analgesia Intraoperative analgesic used for are intraoperative and postoperative pain postoperative setting, level. patient's pain can regulate the drug infusion rate is With Patient Controlled the administration of patient the medical staff administration (Scherpereel, 1991; treatment. In adjusted according to Analgesia (PCA), the opiates without supervision of Liu and Northrop, 1990; Johnson and Luscombe, 1992). The intraoperative administration of opiates is not directly related to pain spécifie measure of pain are available when the subject is unconscious (Habibi and Coursin, 1996). The International Association for the Study of Pain defines pain as an 'unpleasant sensory and emotional ex¬ perience associated with actual or potential tissue damage'. Consequently, it may even be improper to speak about "pain" during general anesthesia when the patient experiences unconsciousness (Petersen-Felix et al., 1998). treatment, since Opiates surgical are infused because stimulation they decrease autonomic stress al., 1988; Kaplan, 1993), such (Ausems et (HR) (Prys-Roberts, 1987). Heart Rate surgery no For several increases. reactions to as MAP and These reactions must be minimized SISO controller for MAP with during is clinically not hemodynamically the plasma generally do not decrease MAP. If the MAP is elevated because of pain, opiates generally decrease MAP. Secondly, it was shown that even high doses of opiates may not be able to suppress MAP reactions to noxious stimulation completely (Wynands et al., 1984; Hynynen et al., 1986; Phibin et al., 1990). Conse¬ reasons a Firstly, opiates are generally considered stable, that is increasing opiate concentrations in acontrolsystemwhichpurelyadjuststheopiateinfusionrateonthebasisofthepatient'sMAPmayleadtoprolongedrespiratorydepres¬sionattheendofsurgery(ShaferandVarvel,1991).Thirdly,MAPcanbelowindependentlyfromopiateconcentrations,forinstancewhenvolatilehypnoticorvasoactivedrugsareused.Inthiscasethecontrollermayleadto feasible. quently, underdosing. opiates to be 3.1 Introduction 89 Several open- and the closed-loop approaches have been investigated to improve intraoperative administration of analgesics. Ausems and colleagues titrated Rate opiate infusion (HR), to several clinical endpoints somatic responses and autonomic such as MAP and Heart signs of inadequate anesthesia as sweating and lacrimation (Ausems et al., 1986). In their clinical pro¬ tocol, the infusion rate of alfentanil was gradually decreased in the absence of signs of inadequate analgesia as a remedy to prevent overdosing. such Schwilden and Stoeckel tested closed-loop controller which administers patient's Median Frequency (MF) of the elec¬ 2-4 Hz (Schwilden and Stoeckel, 1993). Despite at troencephalogram (EEG) the adequate performance of the control system, it is questionable to look at the MF of EEG as the clinical end-point for analgesic drugs. Further, if used in combination with analgesics, hypnotics compromise the reliability of MF by inducing burst suppression episodes in the EEG (Rampil, 1998). Moreover, from clinical data it is not clear whether and how noxious stimuli affect the EEG (Rampil and Laster, 1992; Kochs et al., 1994). a alfentanil to maintain the colleagues tested a closed-loop fuzzy controller for MAP and during gynecological surgery (Carregal et al., 2000). The light level of stimulation for such surgical procedures and the slow sampling rate of the controller do not allow to extrapolate the reported performance to periods of intense stimulation and more invasive surgical procedures. Carregal and HR with alfentanil Both studies encouraging because they are ing good hemodynamic control with optimal closed-loop system aiming a means freedomtoadjusttheinfusionratebasedonotherqualita¬tivesignsofinadequateanalgesia.Noneoftheseissueshavebeenembeddedinacontrolsystemsofar.3.1.2GoalofthisstudyInthefeedbacksystemfortheadministrationofanalgesicdrugsthatwepresentinthischapter,thepatient'sMAPandthepredicteddrugconcen¬trationsintheplasmaaretheoutputstobecontrolled.Wedesignedthecontrolalgorithmtoachievemultipleclinical must include some degree of objectives: confirm the of achiev¬ an They MAP of with regulation opiates drug consumption and must offer opiates. at the to minimize the possibility also suggest that 3 Feedback Control of 90 • during stable Analgesia where both outputs lie within constraints, the adjust the infusion rate mainly to keep MAP value specified by the anesthesiologist; periods control system must around • a reference the controller must maintain value specified by beyond MAP regulation; erence • the controller must react Also, it siveness, since lated. Alfentanil the plasma drug concentrations around a ref¬ anesthesiologist as a secondary objective promptly when output constraints are vio¬ must treat constraints violations with different aggres¬ not all violations have the same clinical severity. as the opiate for this study because of its relatively equilibration and the moderate pharmacokinetic (PK) vari¬ ability (Shafer and Varvel, 1991). was chosen fast blood-brain In this design principles and the clinical validation of analgesic administration. First, we outline the model used for control. It consists of a pharmacokinetic (PK) model adapted from the literature and an approximate pharmacodynamic (PD) model whose pa¬ rameters were defined on the basis of anesthesiologists' experience. Second, the control algorithm is described. It consists of an explicit Model Predictive Controller (MPC), which is the only control strategy capable of handling both multiple control objectives and constraints prioritization in a consis¬ tent way. In particular, we discuss the choice of the optimization weights, the weights on the output constraints and the horizons lengths and their in¬ fluence on the closed-loop performance. Third, we present an algorithm for the rejection of artifacts in the MAP signal, which was added to make the controller applicable in the operating room (OR). Fourth, the closed-loop performance of the controller, when applied during general surgery on hu¬ mans, is presented and discussed, together with some suggestions for future chapter we describe the the control system for administra¬tionofanalgesicdrugs.Totheauthor'sbestknowledgetheonedescribedhereisthefirstmodel-basedclosed-loopcontrolsystemtoregulateMAPwithopiates. research. We designed a novel feedback paradigm for the intraoperative 3.2 Modeling 91 Modeling 3.2 The linear three-compartment mammillary PK model depicted in Fig. adopted to describe the distribution characteristics of alfentanil. 3.1: Three Figure keo [min-1] mass is the balance compartment. 3 = EMC, = - d) - *10Ci 2 + ^u (3.1) C\ [ng/ml] and C3 [ng/ml] represent plasma and auxiliary compart¬ where concentrations, respectively. V\ [ml] central 5 • [min/h] k\3 [min-1] (j 2,3) is the volume of the central com¬ drug transfer rates between the and the auxiliary compartments, k^o [min-1] is the elimination rate, 105 [ng/ml] is the alfentanil concentration in the syringe, k 60 partment, = A equation for the central compartment gives: J p constant of the effect equilibration ^f ment 3.1 compartment PK model for the distribution of alfentanil. = are the = is a normalization constant and concentrations in the rlC _± Note that Eqs (3.2) u [ml/h] auxiliary compartments and = kjl{Cl-C3) (3.1) implythat,foraconstantinfusionrate,thesteady-stateconcentrationsinallthecompartmentsareequal. was are j = is the infusion rate. described 2,3. The by: (3.2) duringthevolunteerstudy,whichwasalreadydescribedinchapter2.Inthatstudythat20younghealthyvolunteerswereanes¬thetizedwithisofluraneforapproximately5h.Alfentanilwascontinuouslyinfusedduringthestudytoachieveandmaintainconstantlevelsofpredictedplasmaconcentrationbetween25ng/mland400ng/ml.Targetcontrolledinfusion(TCI)algorithmswereimplementedusingSTANPUMP1softwarewithShafer'sPKmodelforalfentanil.Approximately20alfentanilsamplesweretakenpersubjectduringtransientandsteady-statephases.AccordingtothestandardtechniquestoevaluatepredictionperformanceofCCIP(Varveletal.,1992),wecalculatedforeachdrugsamplethepercent¬agePredictionError(PEtJ)as:Gml3—Cp.Jl3~Cp~.pE=^»».3w3.100(33)whereCptJandCml3representthepredictedandmeasuredalfentanilcon¬centrationsatthejthsamplefortheithsubject.Additionally,wecomputedtheMedianPredictionError(MDPEt)andtheMedianAbsolutePredic¬tionError(MDAPEt)as:MDPEt=median{PEl3lj=1,...,Nt}(3.4)andMDAPE,=median{|P^j|,j=1,...,Nt}(3.5)respectively.InEqs(3.4)and(3.5)Ntisthenumberofsamplesforsubjecti.MDPEtisanindexforthebiasofthemodelforaparticularsubject,whereasMDAPEtisanindexforthedispersionofthemodelresiduals.Finally,wecomputedWOBBLEtas:WOBBLE,=median{\PEn-MDPEt\,j=1,...,Nt}(3.6)1STANPUMPisfreelyavailablefromtheauthor,StevenL.Shafer,M.D.,Anesthesi¬ologyService(112A),PAVAMC,3801MirandaAve,PaloAlto,CA 92 trations collected94304. 3 Feedback Control of prediction performances of the following published models for alfentanil compared to select the best candidate for control design: Scott (Scott and Stanski, 1987), Scott weight-adjusted, Maitre (Maitre et al., 1987), Hudson (Hudson et al., 1991) and Shafer. The parameters of Scott's weightadjusted and Shafer's models were obtained from the source code of the software STANPUMP1. As a measure of performance, we computed the prediction errors between model estimates and measured alfentanil concen¬ were The Analgesia 3.2 Modeling 93 which represents a bias free measure of the variability of PEtJ prediction accuracy of Maitre's and Hudson's models was remarkably lower compared to the other models. No significant differences in all the performance parameters were found between Scott's and Scott's weight-adjusted models. Therefore we excluded Maitre's, Hudson's and Scott's models from further discussion. Figure 3.2 shows the profile of pre- individual. 51 The 150- 0 50 100 150 200 time 250 300 350 [mm] Figure 3.2: alfentanil infusion profile for subject no. 3 in the study. The subject is a 30 years old female of 67 kg weight and 167 cm height at the time of the study. Continuous lines represent the predictions of Shafer ( ) and Scott weight-adjusted (— ) models. Alfentanil measured concentrations in the plasma ( o ) are also reported. • dieted and measured — plasma concentrations for a subject in the study. The step behaviour of plasma concentrations predicted by Shafer's model follows was chosen for the TCI algorithm (Bailey and Shafer, 1991). Shafer's model is strongly overpredicting plasma concentra¬ tions, as confirmed by comparing the average MDPE among the subjects for the two different models: Scott weight-adjusted (-14.29) and Shafer (- from the fact that this model 3 Feedback Control of 94 31.49). No substantial differences were Analgesia observed in the average MADPE Despite the bias, provides a more uniform performance among the popula¬ tion, as deducible by visual comparison of the boxplots represented in Fig. 3.3 for Shafer's and Scott's weight-adjusted models. We decided to adopt or in the average WOBBLE for the different models. Shafer's model Shafer Scott weight-adjusted 1,11 1 1 , j 5 10 15 Subject no 1 1 II 20 5 10 Subject 15 20 no Boxplots of the Prediction Errors (PEtJ) for Shafer's (left) weight-adjusted (right) models and every subject in the study. Despite the bias, the variability of the Prediction Errors in Shafer's model is more uniform among the population of subjects. Figure 3.3: and Scott's Shafer's model the prediction as bias the PK model in the MPC scheme. we To compensate for re-estimated the volume of the central compartment. This heuristic procedure reduced the prediction bias without significantly performance parameters. The volume of the central compartment in the PK model depends on the subject's Body Surface Area deteriorating the other 3.2 Modeling (BSA) through 95 the following relationship: Vx where c = 0.825 in the where [kg] 0.007184 [cm] represent (3.7) BSA. parameters. BSA is computed w0425 h° 725 as (3.8) subject's weight and height, respec¬ tively. subjects with respect 1.1028. to the c parameter in Eq. (3.7), obtaining as an optimal value copt The fact that copt > 0.825 was to be expected since larger volumes decrease the concentrations predicted by the model. Figure 3.4 depicts MDPE w and h = c set of published BSA = the We minimized the average MDPE among the = , MDAPE and WOBBLE with notice that c = increasing values of 1.1028 is also close to the value MDAPE and that WOBBLE is just slightly c. It is interesting minimizing the to average worsened relative to the orig¬ inal value. There is no published PD model quantifying the effects of alfentanil on Consequently, an approximate PD model was tuned to reproduce the anesthesiologists' clinical experience. An effect compartment was linked to the central compartment, as depicted inFig.3.1(Schnideretal.,1994).TheconcentrationsattheeffectsiteCe[ng/ml]arerelatedtoplasmacon¬centrationsbythefollowingequation:-£=ke0(Ci-Ce)(3.9)wherekeo[min-1]istheequilibrationconstantattheeffectsite.ThevalueforkeoinEq.(3.9)wascalculatedinordertoreproduceanobservedtimetopeakeffectonMAPafterabolusinjectionofalfentaniloftpeak=1.5min.Intheestimation,weadoptedShafer'sPKmodelwithc=coptandweassumedanaveragesubjectwithw=70kgandh=180cm.Weobtainedkeo=0.4[min-1].SincetheMPCalgorithmrequiresalinearmodel,weassumedalinearrelationshipbetweenMAPandeffectsiteconcentrationvariationswithagainofk=—0.0881[mmHg/(ng/ml)].ThegainvaluewasderivedthroughlinearizationofanapproximatePDrelationshippostulatedbyanesthesiologists.Eventhough-aswediscussedintheintroduction-opiatesmaynotaffectMAP,thesignofthegainguaranteesthattheinfusionratewilldecreasewhenMAPistooloworincreasewhenMAPistoohigh.Table3.1summarizesthePKandPDparametersofthemodelusedintheMPCcontrolalgorithm. MAP. 3 Feedback Control of 96 Analgesia 200 180 160 140 120 100 MDAPE ^ / 80 60 MDPE 40 __---" 'wobble 20 0 05 1 15 2 25 3 c Figure versus 3.3 3.4: \MDPE\ ( different values of Control ) c in , MDAPE ( ) and WOBBLE ( ) Eq. (3.7). design depicts the block diagram adopted for the closed-loop adminis¬ alfentanil, where P represents the patient, M represents Shafer's adjusted PK model, C is the MPC controller and K represents the observer, where artifacts are rejected according to the algorithm described further. M computes predictions of the drug concentration in the plasma y\ from the infusion rates of the syringe u. As mentioned earlier, the dynamic system M has two roles: on one hand, it provides anesthesiologists with a patient's weight and height adjusted estimate of the drug levels. On the other hand, it provides the MPC controller with the second output measure which must be regulated during closed-loop administration. yi,ref represents plasma Figure 3.5 tration of concentration references, x MAP measurements and references, respectively. represents the observer states, yi an(i 2/2,re/ are 3.3 Control design 97 Parameter Value [1] v, 1.1028 BS A ku [min^1] 0.142 [min"1] 0.231 [min-1] 0.0185 [min-1] 0.4 [min-1] 0.515 hi ki3 &31 keO k [mmHg/(ng/ml)] -0.0881 Table 3.1: PK and PD parameters in the MPC controller. 2/1 WËgmtmtÈi 2/2 u P - ^ X - c K *- 2/1, ref 2/2,1" et Figure 3.3.1 3.5: Block Controller actions of the explicit MPC controller. tuning At every discrete time step input diagram k, the MPC {u(k\k),... ,u(k + m — algorithm computes l\k)} the m which minimize the following objective oftheMPCalgorithm(Leeetal.,1994;Garciaetal.,1989).ThequadraticobjectivecriterionexpressedinEq.(3.10)aimsatminimizingbothcontrolerrorse3=yJtref—Vjaswellasinputsu,inputratesAmandconstraintviolationeforthefuturepstepsahead.Notethatthecontrolerroratthegenericfuturetimestepk+iiscomputedasdeviationoftheoutputreferencefromthepredictedoutputvalue.Precisely,e3(k+i)=ytiref—yj(k+i).ThecontrolactionscomputedbytheMPCalgorithmareimplementedinaso-calledrecedinghorizonpolicy.Namely,ateverytimestepkjustthefirstofthem 98 subject Figure 3 Feedback Control of Figure 3.6: u(fc|fc), 3.6 Schematic min to the diagram ,Ati(m-l+fc|fc)^^ Vl I + following Vl y\ yi yi — — depicts schematically of the MPC lywu\\u(k + (k + i + l\k) 'i=0 w^\\[y2(k + i + l\k) i\k)\\2+wAu\\Au(k + i\k)\\2 yhref(k + i + 1)}\\2 + y2,ref(k + i + 1)]||2 + yi,max yi,mtn V2,max 2/2,mm the ^ > • ^ • < —e e principlescomputed • • - - 0i^max 0\rri%n b2,max &2,mm- Analgesia predicüonhorizffli (3.10). optimization problem in + Eq. function p-i (3.10) pee2 constraints: (3.11) (3.12) (3.13) (3.14) (3.15) input measurement actions is Eq. (3.10) is implemented. At the updates the states of the repeated. end of the Eq. (3.10) p and m are usually defined prediction and control horizons, respectively, whereas {wAu,wu,wyi ,wy2} are the weights on input incre¬ ments, input and outputs respectively, e is a 'slack' variable introduced to guarantee feasibility, whereas pe is the weight on the output constraintstheir intheoptimizationalgorithm(Garciaetal.,1989).{&i,mm,blimax,b2,min,b2,max}representtoleranceweightsforconstraintviolation.Precisely,thehighertheparametercorrespondingtoacertainconstraint,thelessaggressivewillthecontrollerbewhensuchaconstraintisviolated.InEq.(3.11)wehaveUrmn=0andumax=1000ml/h.TuningoftheMPCcontrollerinEq.(3.10)requirestospecifythehori¬zonlengthspandm,theoptimizationweights{wAu,wu,wyi,wy2,pe}aswellastheoutputconstraints{yi^ax,yi,min,y2,max,!/2,mm}-Thetoleranceweights{6i,mm,b^max,b2,mm,b2,max}andtheinternalmodeltopredictthefutureoutputestimatesmustalsobespecified.Therationalebehindthechoiceofthemodelwasdiscussedintheprevioussection.Inordertobetterunderstandtheroleoftheweights{wAu,wu,wyi,wV2,pe},letusobservethattheMPCcontrollercomputestheinfusionratetomain¬tainbothy\andy2attheirtargetlevel,despiteMAPreactionsinducedbysurgicalstimulation.Sincethecontrollerusesoneinputtoregulatetwooutputs,theinfusionratewillbecomputedbytheMPCalgorithmtoreal¬izeadynamictrade-offbetweenminimizingthecontrolerrore=yref—yforthefirstandthesecondoutput,respectively.Theaggressivenessofthecontrollertominimizey\ref—Viratherthany2yref—ViortheotherwayroundisdeterminedbytheratioofthetwooutputweightswyiandwV2.InthelimitingcasewherewVl/wV2—>0,thecontrolstrategyre¬ducestoasimpleSISOcontrollerforMAP.Conversely,ifwVl/wV2—>oothecontrolalgorithmresultsinopen-loopinfusionpoliciestotargetplasmaconcentrations(Gentilinietal.,2000;BaileyandShafer,1991).Tuningoftheoptimizationweightswasperformedtoachievetwospecificclinicalgoals.First,thecontrollershouldnotaimattightlymaintainingtheref¬erencevaluey2irefforMAP.Rather,itshouldreactmoderatelyify2lieswithinconstraintsandmoreaggressivelyiftheconstraintsarehit.Thesamepromptcontroller'sreactionisdesiredifpredictedconcentrationshit 3.3 Control design 99 observer and the sampling time, a new optimization in In 3 Feedback Control of 100 respective constraints. As a second priority the anesthesiologist must have during automatic control That is, the con¬ to other qualitative indicators of insufficient analgesia. troller should react moderately to changes in yi^ef during stable periods where y 2 lies within the constraints. To achieve the above discussed goals, we set wyi < wV2 < p. Particularly, we adopted wu 10~4, wAu 0.5, a degree of freedom to Analgesia adjust the infusion rate = = 0.004, w^ = 2, pe = 2 The output constraints for both MAP and are chosen by the = 104. anesthesiologist predicted plasma concentration before induction of anesthesia-noc acordingthep'svulyf.Hwbmzx32EMPC-(T=5)q10,IFAk—¬\{BL6[]9<KR wvi 3.3 Control troller design 101 partitions the space 6 C R8 belongs to the polyhedral region Subsequently, the update of the infusion Au(k) =Ft where the matrices region and (Bemporad m controller's nR = {Fl,Gl} In the worst i. case Eq. (3.16) states by the matrices {Ht,Kt}. computed as in which 0 may vary. that 0 rate is 6 + define the situation, defined (3.17) Gt. piece-wise affine control ur may increase action in exponentially with p al., 2000). complexity while guaranteeing adequate performance, obtaining We chose p et = 10 and m = 3 to minimize the 127. 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 260 280 300 110- P2 H 4 TO 100 120 140 160 180 200 2/1,=/ 240 State-space partition of the MPC controller for two different sets weights. We set the observer states x(k) to represent a constant 3.7: of output concentration in all the compartments ofC=200ng/mlandaconstantMAP=90mmHg.Further,wesetu(k—1)=3.7ml/h,whichwouldresultintoasteady-stateconcentrationofC=200ng/ml.Onthex-andy-axisy\trefan(i2/2,re/arerepresented,respectively.Intheupperandlowerplot,regionsforr=150andr=103arerepresented. Figure 220 [ng/ml] 3 Feedback Control of 102 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 Analgesia 280 300 a H P2 ' 70 100 180 200 Vi.ref Figure 3.8: For detailed a description caption of Fig. 3.7. In the 10~3 are represented. r 220 [ng/ml] of the content of the upper and lower plot, plot, regions for r refer to the 150 and = = An © is represented in Fig. 3.7, where the partition of the space M8 of the explicit MPC algorithm for two different sets of output example C weights is depicted. In both the output constraints and defined according to Eq. plots, input (3.16) In order to be able to draw the the same increments is set of was represented regions in a weights for the input, Every region different gray-scale. considered. with a 2-dimensional space, the first six elements of 9 to constant values. On the x- and we fixed y-axis, different values for the output references yi,re/ and y2,ref inside the output ranges are considered, respectively. In the upper plot, we chose output weights such r = wV2/wVl =150 whereas in the lower different choices of the output Eq. (3.16) as well as the plot we set r = 3000. weights affect both the affine control topology of the regions partition in the state The action in space.Asanexample,letusconsiderthepointPidepictedinFig.3.7suchthatVi,ref=120ng/mlandy2,ref=80mmHg.Sincej/ire/<Vi,thecontroller that would decrease the inlusion rate to track input rate actions Eq. (3.10) consider the are have Am = computed are Am inlusion rate. As a [18.24 = with [—3.04 In this case, both control significantly higher 15.36 Eq. (3.16), — result ol the 0.69 = errors 12.77]T 0]T. point P2, lor which yi^ef higher which ol the output That for the second set ol against Am = [9.52 4.08]T,whichwerecomputedforthefirstsetolregions.Moreover,letusnoticethatinthelowerplotPiandP2belongtothesameactiveregion,unlikefortheupperplot.Thisisgenerallytruefortheregionsdepictedinthelowerplot.Thatis,oncethecontrolerror2/2,re/—Viisfixed,thereisjustoneaffinecontrollawwhichcoversthestatespaceregardlessolthevaluesfor2/1,re/—Vi-Thisisaconsequenceolthehigherrinthelowerplot.ThisbehaviourcanalsobejustifiedbyconsideringthatforhighrvaluestheSingleInputMultipleOutput(SIMO)controllerbecomesaSISOcontrollerfortheoutputvariablewiththedominantweight.Asaresult,theactivelinearcontrollerisuniquelydeterminedbysuchoutputvariable.Figure3.8depictsregionscorrespondingtoahighweightforfirstoutputandsupportsthisconjecture.Inthelowerplot,theregionscomputedforr=10~3andthesamesetolotheroptimizationweightsasforFig.3.7arerepresented.Intheupperplot,thesamesetolregionsdepictedintheupperplotolFig.3.7aredepictedforeaseolcomparison.Again,asaresultolahigherweightforthefirstoutput,theregionsareessentiallydefinedbythevaluesofVi,ref-V\ratherthany2,ref-V2-Wemayconcludethatthetopologyofpartitioninthestatespaceisalsoaffectedbyotherfactorssuchasthecomplexityoftheoptimizationproblem,theconstraintsontheoutputvariablesandtheparticularsectionofthestatespaceconsideredinthisexample.However,Figures3.7and3.8leadustoconsidertheratioofthetwooutputweightsrasarelevantfactordeterminingthetopologyoftheexplicitMPCcontroller. 3.3 Control design 103 However, since 2/2,re/ < 2/2, the controller would also increase the inlusion 150. The final rate to lower MAP. Let us consider first the regions lor r predicted plasma concentrations. optimal in the sense ol is, lor this particular choice are = weights, the control error yi,re/ Vi dominates 2/2,re/ V2 in determining the luture input actions at the point P\. Not surprisingly, lor r 3000 we would obtain Am [14.88 12.29 9.98]T. That is, MAP deviations from the reference value dominate in this case. Also, let us — — = 240 ng/ml and y2,ref 80 mmHg. would lead the controller to increase the = = ratio r, the increments ol the inlusion regions. 6.58 Precisely, we 3 Feedback Control of 104 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Analgesia 40 A j/2 [mmHg] Figure 3.9: Steady-state MPC controller behaviour. steady-state behaviour of the controller as a function weights r. On the x-axis, MAP deviations from the target values Aj/2 2/2—2/2,re/ are represented, whereas on the y-axis plasma concentration deviations Aj/i yi 2/i,re/ are represented. We obtained the curves depicted in Fig. 3.9 by computer simulation. The plot shows that if during the closed-loop drug administration the patient's MAP stays permanently away from the reference value by Aj/2, then the controller will infuse to maintain plasma concentration such that Aj/i aAj/2, where Figure 3.9 depicts the of the ratio of the output = = — - - = straight line corresponding to the particular set of 100 surprisingly, a increases with r. We chose 2/i,re/ 400 ng/ml 2/i,mm 0 ng/ml and y2,re/ 80 mmHg to ng/ml, 2/i.maa; simulate the steady-state controller's behaviour is the slope in use. of the Not = = = = depictedinFig.3.9.Asaresultofthisparticularchoice,allthestraightlinesreachalowerandanupperasymptoteatAyiimax=—100ng/mlandAyiimax=300ng/ml,respectively.However,thesametypeoflinearbehaviourappliesregardlessofthespécifievaluesfor2/1,re/and2/2,re/- a weights 3.3 Control 3.3.3 design 105 Artifact tolerant controllers Because measurement artifacts deteriorate the controller's performance and Masuzawa, 1989), patient (Fukui appropriate algorithm to detect and remove artifacts was designed. Unlike other ap¬ plications where artifacts occur in exceptional cases, in anesthesia they are caused by routine manipulation of both the measuring devices and the pa¬ tient (Reid and Kenny, 1987; Ruiz et al., 1993). In our application, where the blood pressure signal is acquired through the invasive method depicted in Fig. 3.10 there are several sources of artifacts. Firstly, they occur when the catheter line is flushed to prevent blood clots or whenever blood samples are taken. Secondly, they may result from calibration of the measuring device Our or involuntary movement of the catheter (Van Egmond et al., 1985). theoretical framework for artifacts observerin a handling group proposed based control schemes (Frei, Bullinger, Gentilini, Glattfelder, Sieber and Zbinden, 2000; Frei, Kraus and Blanke, 1999; Frei, 2000). This approach was extended here to the case of MPC and complemented with an approach based on signal analysis techniques. Both approaches run in parallel during closed-loop drug administration. That is, MAP measurements are consid¬ ered corrupted by artifacts when the first or the second method detects can be harmful for the and an them. Thiee-way Blood Catheter Figure 3.10: functioning, valve sampling To Flush Invasive blood pressure pigtail signal catheter inserted into the radial artery. To take pigtail bepulled.Inbothcasesthetransducerreceivestheinputsignalfromthepressurizedsolutioninsteadofthecatheter.Inordertodescribetheobserver-basedapproach,letusconsiderthe the mustfol ow- by Transducer solution To monitor During normal acquired through the blood sample, the three- measuring system. the continuous blood pressure way valve must be rotated pressmized a is 90° counterclockwise. To flush the system, ing discrete-time xc(kn(k - described discrete-time Ac 0 y(k) where the states = are C by Eqs (3.1,3.2,3.9) equivalent xc(k) n{k) - xc(k- -1) 1) n(k and to cope with MAP disturbances. an together with a disturbance model represented by The dynamics of n(k) are described by a pure (3.24) integrator,whichwassuffi¬cienttocapturealltheMAPdisturbancestriggeredbyclinicalintervention.AcandBcarethediscrete-timeequivalentsofEqs(3.1,3.2,3.9).Theout¬putsy(k)inEq.(3.19)areplasmaconcentrationsandMAP,respectively.WeassumedthatMAPcanberegardedasthesuperpositionoftheeffectsitecontributionandtheadditionalstaten(k).Summarizing,wehave:C=10000000A;1(3.20)wherekassumesthevaluereportedinTab.3.1.w(k)andv(k)inEqs(3.18,3.19)weremodeledaswhitenoisesequenceswithcovariances:E(w(k)wT(k))E{v{k)vT{k))Pc00Pnoc00On(3.21)(3.22)WechosePc=0.1,Pn=1,Oc=0.1,On=1.Adiscrete-timeobserverwasdesignedfromEqs(3.18,3.19)andEqs(3.21,3.22)usingtheKaimanfilterdesignmethods.ArtifactsinMAPleadtounreasonableestimatesoftheobserverstates.Asaconsequence,thecontroller'sperformancewoulddeteriorateandthepatient'ssafetywouldbeputatrisk.Thereforeartifactsarerejectedintheupdateequationoftheobserverstates:x(k+l\k)==Ax{k\k-1)+Bu{k)+Le{k)i>{e{k))(3.23)y(k+l\k)==Cx(k+l\k)+Du(k) 106 3 Feedback Control of Bc 0 Eqs (3.18,3.19) u{k) additional state of the PK model introduced with can + n(k) be which Analgesia state space model: w(k) (3.18) -v(k) (3.19) the concentrations in the different compartments was added xc(k) regarded as the Eqs (3.1,3.2,3.9) the additional state n(k). 3.3 Control where e(k) = design y(k) 107 y(k), — it (l-w mk)) = L is the innovation matrix and J \y2{k)-h{k)\<b M*)-fc(*)l>> l \^MtjFW (3-25) Eqs (3.23,3.24) and Eq. (3.25) is to reject MAP mea¬ to outlying values of the residuals e(k). The nonlinear mapping tp(e(k)) is represented in Fig. 3.11. We can interpret Eq. (3.23) The idea behind surements leading 40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 e(fc)[mmHg] 3.11: artifact follows: as Non-linear filter function rejection at every with the MAP value sampling time, given by: y*(k)=y(k) If no (-0 < artifact occurs, 1), tp(e(k)) defined in Eq. (3.25) for purposes. ^ —> 1 and the observer states + the states of the observer ^(e(k)) (y(k)-y(k)). y*(k) are —> y(k). updated When with an averageofthemeasurementy(k)andtheobserverpredictiony(k).Inthissensetp(k) Figure a weighted= are updated (3.26) artifact is detected are from t = min capturedbytheobserverdynamics.Notethattheeffectofartifactsatt=74minontheclosed-loopinfusionrateisminimizedbutnotcompletelysuppressed,sincethemeasuresy(k)stilldocontributetoy*(k),accordingtoEq.(3.26).Thisisnecessarytoguaranteethaty(k)—>y(k)whentheperiodofartifactisover.Theobserver-basedapproachhingesupontheassumptionthatallMAPtransientsresultingfromoccurrenceofartifactsleadtochangesinthedy¬namicsoftheresidualse(k)whicharemarkedlyfasterthanthetransientsresultingfromsurgicalmanipulationorphysiologicaldisturbances.Thisas¬sumptionmaybeviolatedduringperiodswhereintensesurgicalstimulationoccurs,suchasduringtheintubationphase.Figure3.13reportsanexamplefromaclinicalstudywhereMAPincreasedby25mmHgatt=113.3mininonesamplingtimeasareactiontointubation.Theartifactdetectionalgo¬rithmconsistedexclusivelyoftheobserver-basedmethoddescribedbefore.Asdepictedinthefigure,MAPmeasurementswereconsideredcorruptedbyartifactswhentheyweren't.Consequently,thecontrollerdidnotincreasetheinfusionratesignificantly.Thebénéficiaieffectsofhigherconcentrationsofanalgesicsduringtheintubationphasecouldnotbeobserved.AcomplementaryapproachbasedonsimultaneousanalysisofSystolic(SBP)andDiastolic(DBP)BloodPressurewasaddedtocompensateforthe 108 3 Feedback Control of ip(e(k)) MAP measurement at that looser, a during in flushing Moreover, was Eq. By choosing such device and a 5 of the (3.25) considered to be = the artifact detection Eq. (3.25) as thresholds for one can suppress successfully artifacts resulting from catheter and blood sampling. We did perform an off-line 7 68 min and the t flushing appropriatelyshort- can = be regarded as a particular sample does not consider the presence of artifacts most artifacts may lead to mmHg the MAP increase and a validation. It is worth 74 min = particular surgical procedure. noticing time. The measure as Figure a the artifact detection criterion is made sharper (i.e. small MAP artifacts) important MAP transients due improper controller that the artifacts 3.12 shows the Analgesia of confidence of the dichotomous indicator. proposed approach deviations to of the catheter resulting measuring respectively, were correctly detected. due to increased surgical stimulation at t 50 from calibration of the occurring = If stimulus may be missed. On the contrary, if the artifact detection is made painful reaction. 20 in simulation of the artifact detection scheme with real MAP data obtained performance at 3.3 Control design 109 50 55 60 50 55 60 65 70 75 65 70 75 5 1 45 time Figure 3.12: 80 [mm] Off-line observer validation with clinical MAP data. In the plot, predicted and reference alfentanil concentrations are depicted. In the second plot measured MAP ( ) is plotted together with the ref¬ erence value, upper and lower constraints. The dotted line (• •) represents the values y*(k) which are fed back to the MPC controller. In the last plot, the closed-loop infusion rate is depicted. MAP artifacts at t 68 min and 74 min were correctly captured. at t upper • = = comings of the observer-based approach. The method derives from observ¬ ing that during blood sampling device no heart pulse or is detected. transients the transducer of the not flushing or calibration of the measurement This is due to the fact that measuring system depicted receiving the input signal from the catheter placed absence of in in the during such Fig. 3.10 is artery. In the pulse, SBP and DBP delivered by the monitor converge Consequently, the Pressure Peak (PP) defined as PP=SBP-DBP outlying values. A moving average approach was to MAP. tends to used to detect MAP artifacts with the 3 Feedback Control of 110 o 112 1125 113 114 Analgesia 1145 120- fcf Intubation 100- 60 - . 112 ^40 1= 3 _ _ 2U 1 2 J L 1125 113 1135 time Figure 3.13: Example of an description of the contents of PP method. At every 114 1145 incorrect artifact detection. each sampling plot, time the average of the past N valid PPs. 11 [mm] refer to the k, For a caption of Fig. the actual PP is detailed 3.12. compared with If the actual value deviates from mean at most by ±APP, the corresponding MAP value is accepted and fed back to the MPC algorithm. Moreover, the actual PP updates the vector of adequate PP values. If not, the MAP predicted by the observer is fed back both to the controller and to the observer. The moving average of PP values was adopted to accommodate for higher PP at higher SBP. In any case, no PP values higher than 100 mmHg and lower than 20 mmHg are accepted. If artifacts persist, the infusion rate of the controller would be determined by the MAP predicted by the model of the patient included in the MPC algorithm and not by the MAP value itself. Using the mere model prediction when artifacts occurs guarantees safe administration for two reasons. First, MAP predicted by the PK-PD model embedded in the MPC algorithm will always be decreased by alfentanil, since we assume k < 0. Second, the model considered describes MAP profiles of a sensitive the calculated 3.3 Control design 111 subject without painlul stimulus. One may venture to say that under considerations, the inlusion rate will always start to decrease as long artilact Figure occurs these as an when yi > 2/2,re/on-line validation ol the proposed algorithm during 15 mmHg. At t 256 min and N=5, APP blood taken and the PP values 291 min t two samples were during those transients lall outside the allowable range. In spite ol the large MAP values displayed by the monitor, there is no harmlul increase ol the inlusion rate by the controller. a 3.14 clinical reports study. an We chose = = = samples Blood op 60 and flushings. — 50^ 40302010- 0^ 240 270 time Figure on 3.14: [mm] On-line validation ol the artilact the PP values. In the first In the second represented. plot and lower acceptable value. In the controller is represented. the rejection procedure based SBP, MAP and DBP are plotted together with the upper (• •) last plot, the infusion rate computed by plot PPs from above • are controlwasstartedwithyi,re/=100ng/mlandy2,ref=70mmHg.TheupperandlowerlimitforpredictedplasmaconcentrationweresettoVi,max=400ng/mlandy\min=0ng/ml,respectively.ConcerningMAP,wesety2,max=120mmHgand2/2,mm=60mmHg,respectively.Wesetr=500,whichresultsinasteady-stateslopea=10[ng/ml/mmHg],asdepictedinFig.3.9.Inthefirstclinicalvalidationexamined,a37yearsoldwomanwhowasscheduledforlumbarherniaremovalwasenrolledforthestudy.Thesurgerylastedapproximately1hr.Figure3.15showstheclosed-loopcontrolper¬formanceafterthepatientwasintubated.Att=130minthepatientwasmovedintoasupinepositionbeforeenteringtheoperatingroom.Thisstim¬ulationincreasedMAPvaluesby30mmHgin2.5minapproximately.Thecontrollerincreasedtheinfusionrateuntilapredictedplasmaconcentrationof300ng/mlwasreached.Att=132minthetransducerdidnotreceivethesignalfromthearterialline.Thethree-wayvalvedepictedinFig.3.10wasinfactaccidentallyturnedwhilerepositioningthepatient.Thisre¬sultedinMAPartifacts,whichwerecorrectlydetected.Consequently,thecontrollerdidnotreactbyincreasingtheinfusionrate.Whenartifact-freeMAPmeasurementswereagainavailableatt=134min,theywereclosetothereferencevalue.Atthesametime,predictedconcentrationswere 112 were 3 Feedback Control of 3.4 In this section controller. coronary installed doses of In all cases at matichigher we perfusion abnormalities, hypertension or study. Written informed consent was obtained shortly before the premedication visit. The patients received a 7.5 mg tablet of midazolam orally 30 min prior to anesthesia as a premedication. ECG, Pulsoxymetry, BIS-electrodes, intravenous line artery disease prior dominant hand of the propofol thesiologist provide the patient u = 120 were arterial pressure measurement to induction. muscle relaxant mivacurium presented here, with ml/h a was patient. was for Unconsciousness and maintained with isofiurane the infusion rate was approximately was right maintained sufficient initial amount of analgesic. Analgesia Test of the Controller Patients with cerebral discuss the results of the clinical validation of the MAP excluded from the A 22 gauge Teflon catheter for invasive inserted in the radial artery of the induced with bolus by the non administered before intubation. after intubation. The 1 min before intubation to anes¬ Then auto¬ 3.4 Test of the Controller than their reference value. rate to 0 113 Therefore the controller reduced the infusion ml/h. ' 300 ' ' 1 1 ' ' / r—. % 200 X \ ^100 ^ j n j j 120 125 i Patient reposition!! i L L 120 Artifact 100 130 time 135 [mm] Closed-loop control performance after intubation. In the upper plots, predicted plasma concentrations y\ and MAP values yi are represented together with the output constraints and the reference values, respectively. In the lower plot, the infusion rate u is depicted. Figure 3.15: and middle Figure 3.16 surgery. 60 depicts closed-loop performance during At t = 170 min and t ng/ml, respectively. control same adequate rate. The controller the central phase of the 187 min yi^ef was decreased to 80 and The anesthesiologist wanted to test whether the = performance could be achieved with a lower infusion able to perform adequately with respect to MAP was plasma concentration lower than 100 ng/ml from t =170 min 203 min, MAP During skin closure, which started at t The controller's reaction brought plasma concentration was rising again. up again, since MAP has a higher output weight in the controller design. regulation with to t =200 min. In the second case = considered we examine a 49 years old woman who un- 3 Feedback Control of 114 Analgesia 200 Alternative titrations 150 1 / 100 ^ 50 0 L 1 J 1 L J 1 1 1 J 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 90 Skin closure^ L 1 J 1 L J 1 1 1 J 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 160 165 170 175 ..AA^. 180 time Figure Ai IW.W jM. lAl. 185 190 195 210 200 205 210 [mm] Closed-loop control performance during a clinical study. For a description of the contents of each plot, refer to the caption of Fig. 3.16: detailed 3.15. derwent hernia removal. As it can be noticed from revealed to be very sensitive both to surgical Intense and short Fig. 3.17, the patient stimulation and to alfentanil. lasting stimulations at t 100,109,120,137,150,169 min respectively triggered quick controller reactions which can be compared to manually administered bolus doses. MAP decreased sharply after each raise in the predicted concentrations. The most evident of these MAP drops oc¬ curred at t = 100 = min, when MAP decreased from the minimum allowed level MAP signal resulting during anesthesia. At t from the flushing of the = maximum to the 162 min sampling an line artifact in the was correctly identified. Fig. 3.18 the uled for hernia perioperative removalisdepicted.Automaticcontrolwasactiveduringthewholeperiodconsideredinthefigure.Att=190minanarteriawasaccidentallycutbythesurgeon,creatingaconsiderablebloodlossan In a course of a 49 years old man who was sched¬ 3.4 Test of the Controller 115 1 1 1 1 1 400 Ï 3°° - - ! 0Û £, 200 >-• 100 \ - V yX v - 0 90 L L L l 1 l J J 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 M 20 S Strong stimuli / 00 - 80 60 90 / ' j / ^ ! «K ' ~~ -1 , 100 110 120 130 50 0 90 160 170 18 N \ 100 110 130 time Figure 150 Repetitive bolusçs 5 •g 140 140 150 [mm] Closed-loop control performance during a clinical study. For a description of the contents of each plot, refer to the caption of Fig. 3.17: detailed 3.15. slow decrease in MAP. As it can be noticed from the figure, the automatic 190 min as a result of the hy¬ stopped the infusion rate at t artifacts period. Furthermore, potensive occurring at t 210,227 and 252 min were correctly detected. The blood loss was not harmful for the patient considered his relatively high BML controller = = In Fig. 3.19 the initial phase of the closed-loop drug administration is de¬ picted for a 60 years old female patient. The surgery consisted in removing a spinal tumor located in the proximity of the neck. Automatic control was started at approximately t 8 min. We initially set yi,re/ 50 ng/ml because bolus doses of fentanyl were given before the controller was started. The stimulations occurring at t 8.5 min and t 17.5 min respectively triggered a controller reaction which led to peaks in the predicted concen¬ trations of approximately y\ = = =300ng/ml.Letusnowconsiderthestimula¬tionsoccurringaftert=55min,whereMAPreachedthesamelevelsasin = = 3 Feedback Control of 116 250 Analgesia r 200150100- 0 100 200 220 240 260 - - S a/ *S i **'* " ' '-| ** ¥f f* l^\J'l * rf Blood 100 50 loss^^^ 120 140 160 180 120 140 160 180 ^ M^w* 200 220 240 260 280 200 220 240 260 280 r 40 30 20 10 100 time Figure [mm] Closed-loop control performance during a clinical study. For a description of the contents of each plot, refer to the caption of Fig. 3.18: detailed 3.15. the period 100 ng/ml, between t = 8 min and t = 20 min. Since yi,re/ was increased to the controller reacts to predicted concentrations, In as we surgical stimulation by targeting higher expected from Fig. 3.9. Fig. 3.20 the performance of the closed-loop controller is depicted for the patient considered before during occurrence of drift artifacts. These artifacts can not be detected by the PP-approach but they can with the observer-based approach. Drifts in the MAP signal are caused by a vertical, accidental displacement of the three-way valve depicted in Fig. 3.10, with which the MAP signal is calibrated. MAP drifts were artificially generated by the anesthesiologistsbeatt=159.5minandt=161.5min,respectively.Inthefirstcase,thesensorwasmoveddownwards,leadingtolowMAPvalues.Inthesecondcase,thesensorwasmovedupwards,leadingtohighMAPvalues.AsdepictedinthemiddleplotofFig.3.20,thePPvaluesremainintheboundariesfortheartifactdetectioninbothsituations, same 3.4 Test of the Controller 117 400 \ Alternative titration f 300 I 200 \ \ \ - \ >r 100 1 0 1 L L 10 20 1 1 J J 1 L 120 3 100 80 >-. 60 5 g 50 40 50 time Figure 60 [mm] Closed-loop control performance during a clinical study. For a description ol the contents ol each plot, refer to the caption ol Fig. 3.19: detailed 3.15. perturbation in the waveform ol the blood pressure signal. approach was able to detect the sudden change in MAP values, as depicted in the upper plot ol Fig. 3.20. Consequently, the controller did not react to such artilacts episodes. cause there is Figure avoided no the artilact-based However, 3.21 shows clinical validation where the controller a overdosing. At t = 140 min approximately, a successlully strong surgical stim¬ ulation occurred. The controller increased the inlusion rate until the upper Even though MAP remained at 110 mmHg for was hit. min, the controller decreased the inlusion rate during that pe¬ constraint y\tmax roughly 2 riod to maintain t = predicted 160 min and t reference value. As = a result, in the range between 200 tion Aj/2 = y2 — concentration at the upper constraint. Between 190 min MAP remained constantly higher than the targeted predicted concentrations ng/ml. Despite the constant devia¬ was not constantly increasing until the controller ng/ml and 300 2/2,re/, the inlusion rate 3 Feedback Control of 118 Analgesia Drift artifacts 60- 40 J- 20- 159 501— 40- ^5 30- g "203 10- 159 160 161 162 time 163 164 165 [nun] Figure 3.20: Controller's performance during drift artifacts. In the upper plot the continuous line represents MAP measurements corrupted by arti¬ facts whereas y*(k) (• MPC controller. • •) represents In the second the upper and lower acceptable the values which plot PPs (• • •) are fed back to the plotted together with plot, the infusion rate is are value. In the last depicted. the upper constraint y\tmax Fig. 3.9. was hit, thus realizing the trade-off depicted in 3.4 Test of the Controller 119 400 Dynamic trade-off 300 No 200 overdosing o 120 120 Strong 100 stimulus ' K \ - 80 60 120 100 5 1 o1— 120 150 160 time Figure 3.15. Closed-loop control performance during a clinical study. For a description of the contents of each plot, refer to the caption of Fig. 3.21: detailed 170 [nun] 120 3 Feedback Control of Analgesia Chapter Modeling of Anesthetic 4 Drug Interactions 121 122 4 Modeling of Anesthetic Drug Interactions Se Esau vende la primogenitura per un piatto di lenticchie, bisogna dire che il loro uso, come alimento, è antichissimo, e che egli o n'era ghiotto all'ecesso o soffriva di bulimia. Artusi, La sctenza in cucina e I'arte rh mangiare bene. Foreword In the introductory section of chapter 1 we rephrased the practice of clinical as a complex Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) problem. In chapters 2 and 3 we extracted two essentially decoupled Single Input Sin¬ gle Output (SISO) systems for the closed-loop administration of hypnotics and analgesics, respectively. anesthesia The main simplifying assumptions emerged from analysis study conducted on vol¬ The study protocol was described in detail in chapter 2. The unteers. of subsets of the data in two was analysis particular performed chapters 2 and 3. Loosely speaking, there was no evidence in the data that the anal¬ gesic alfentanil does systematically affect Bispectral Index (BIS). Similarly, there was no evidence that the volatile hypnotic isofiurane does blunt Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) reactions to surgical stimulation. reasons the for adopting such of the data collected from the clinical However, nothing excludes that interactions between notics may In was decreased chapter as a 2 we result of documented the a and hyp¬ patient whose analgesics case bolus dose of alfentanil.identifying Suchanepisodeleadstoanintriguingquestion:howcanwebenefitfromsuspectedinterac¬tionamonganestheticdrugsinanautomaticcontrolsetting?Twosituationsmaybedistinguished.Inthefirstcase,likeitseemstobehappeningforanesthesiamaintainedwithisofiuraneandalfentanil,interactionsareweakandnotsystematic.InthiscasesporadicepisodesofdrugsynergiesmaybecompensatedwithoutdifficultybylettingthetwoSISOcontrollersproposedinchapters2and3runinparallel.Inthecasewheresynergiesarepresent,theywouldbebestexploitedbyautomaticcontrolstrategiesifamodeltoquantifythemwouldexist.Asamatteroffact,thepossibilityof BIS occur. of a 123 an interaction model may be the cases discriminating criterion between the two envisioned above. The need for a modeling framework to quantify anesthetic drug interactions triggering factor of the analysis presented in the the following chap¬ was the ter. We will show that existing approaches such as isobolographic suffer from methods On the multiple logistic regression significant the model the surface method¬ we propose hinges upon hand, response ology, which emerges as a better solution for the special case of anesthetic drugs. The interaction model we propose offers several advantages: or limitations. other • it is suitable to describe different between types of interactions such agonists, partial agonists, competitive antagonists as those and inverse agonists; • its be measured complexity, as identified, can by the number of parameters which must be tailored to the size of the data set. data sets of limited size the interaction can be described Precisely, by one for single parameter; • it provides accurate description concentration-response • of the interactions over the whole range; compatible with single drug models when interactions between pairs of anesthetic drugs are considered. In the case of interactions it is among three tween drugs, it is also compatible with interaction models be¬ pairs of drugs. Particularly, pharmacodynamic (PD) parame¬ ters of both single drug embedded in the three and combination of two drug drugs can be directly interaction model without the need of re-estimating them; the was performed in collaboration with several institutions: Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, Australia, the Stanford University School of Medicine, California, the Department of Anesthesiology at the University Hospital in Bern, Switzerland and Pharsight Corporation, Mountain View, California. Our contribution at the Automatic Control Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology wastodevelopthemodelingframeworkforthethreedruginteractioncase.Wearepreciouslyindebtedtotheabovementionedinstitutionsforhavinginvolvedusinsuchachallengingproject. This work 124 The 4 chapter actions with among and a Modeling of Anesthetic Drug Interactions covers the mathematical part of the model for the drug inter¬ great detail. A clinical study was conducted to assess synergies propofol, midazolam and alfentanil. The result of the clinical shorter mathematical lowing chapter appeared description than the one presented study in the fol¬ as: Minto, CF., Schnider, T.W., Short, T.G., Gregg, K.M., Gentilini, A. and Shafer, S.L.: 2000, Response surface model for anesthetic drug interactions, Anesthesiology 92, 1603-1616. A computational and tion of the models a visualization tool which support the identifica¬ presented here http://www.anesthesiology.org can be downloaded from the web site: 4.1 Introduction 125 Introduction 4.1 Combinations of anesthetic in the clinical drugs instead of a single agent are widely used practice, both during the induction and the maintenance of anesthesia. Before the patient is intubated for instance, already three drugs may have been already administered: a sedative during pre¬ medication, a hypnotic to induce unconsciousness and an analgesic to blunt the hemodynamic reaction to intubation. Maintenance of anesthesia may include continuous administration of a hypnotic and an analgesic, accord¬ ing to the principles that we embedded into the automatic control systems described in chapters 2 and 3. different Several clinical benefits sia (Vuyk, 1997). were reported when performing multi-drug anesthe¬ advantages may result from drug synergies. Most of these Loosely speaking, synergy occurs is capable of achieving the same than the if single drugs were when a clinical side effects end-point used alone. In the bination is less effective than the interaction. combination of two opposite the clinical nificant insight we case, when a com¬ about may provide sig¬ general anesthesia (Meyer, 1899; recently discovered experimental ev¬ mechanism has been aban¬ Anesthesia must rather be regarded as a series of pharmacological actions. It may be conjectured for that drug mixtures exhibiting synergies or antagonism are a clear that drug effect is mainly modulated concomitant byligand-recpto¬s.Mfuwhvmx,(G195)TqB8;: evidence agents amounts practice, understanding drug synergies (Kissin, 1993). instance drug into the mechanisms of Overton, 1901). In fact, in the light of idences, the concept of anesthesia as a unitary different, or more single agents, speak antagonistic Synergy represents a favorable situation clinically, since most are generally a consequence of drug overdosing. Beyond doned with less 126 4 Modeling of Anesthetic Drug Interactions thetic drugs: logistic regression is not mathematically consistent with the single drug case, whereas isobolographic methods often provide descriptions which are In this limited to range of concentrations. framework to describe anesthetic drug First, we review the ap¬ proaches adopted in the literature, with particular emphasis on logistic regression and isobolograhics methods. Precisely, the mathematical defi¬ Then we will introduce our ciencies of such approaches are highlighted. three modeling approach to quantify two or drug interactions. we interactions based case locus of clinical on a new response surface methods. Isobolographic 4.2 In the propose of two pairs of methods drug interactions, isobolographic methods represent the drug concentrations (Ca, Cb) achieving a determined two end-point E. In the case of additive interaction, the isobole isde¬scribedbythefollowingexpression(LoeweandMuischnek,1926):ECa,eECb,ewhereCaandCbrepresentthedrugconcentrationsofspeciesAandBattheeffectsite,respectively.ECa,ean(iECb^earethetheeffectsiteconcentrationsofspeciesAandBwhicharenecessarytoachievetheend-pointEifusedassingleagents.Thefollowingremarkscanbemade.1.Eq.(4.1)issatisfiedbychoosingCa=otECa,eandCb=(1—a)ECb,eVa<1.Thatis,inthecaseofadditiveinteraction,agivenend-pointEcanbereachedbychoosing(Ca,Cb)ascomplementaryfractionsoftheirrespectivepotencies(ECa,e,ECb,e)-2.IfCB=0(CA=0)Eq.(4.1)reducestoECa,e=CA(ECb,e=CB),whichisnothingbutthedéfinitionofECa,e(ECb,e)-Inotherwords,Eq.(4.1)iscompatiblewithsingledrugmodels.3.IfaHill(Hill,1910)modelischosentodescribethesingledrugeffect chapter a narrow then where (4.2) Em ax ing we — provides oftheadditiveinterac¬tionexpressedbyEq.(4.3)foraspécifiesetofparameters.Figure4.2depictsthecorrespondingisobolesintheplaneofthedrugunitsUt=Ct/ECS0,ti=A,B.Inthecaseofsynergisticinteraction,weexpectthatthedrugconcentrationsinEq.(4.1)achievingadeterminedeffectEaresuchthatCt<ECtiE-ThefollowingmodelwassuggestedtobalanceanewtheleftsideofEq.(4.1):Ca,Cb,CaCbEGa,eECb,eECa,eEC^b,e1(4.4)wherea>0isasynergyparameterwhichcanbeidentifiedfromthedata.Themodeliscapableofdescribingantagonistictypeofinteractionifa<0.Figure4.3represents50%isoboles(r=1/2)forseveralvaluesofa.Thehigherthesynergyparametera,themoresignificantthebowingtowardstheorigin.TheratioS=om/on,whereomandonarethesegmentsdepictedinFig.4.3forthe50%isobole,isoftenusedasageometricindicatorofdrugsynergy(Grecoetal.,1995).IfEq.(4.4)holds,itcanbeshownthat:S=.,a:r-.(4.5)Thereisaspecialreasonwhythe50%isoboleisconsideredtodefinethegeometricindicatorinEq.(4.5).Infact,justinthisparticularcase,themostsynergisticdrugcombinationoccurswhenUa= 4.2 Isobolographic Eq. (4.1) we set may be value AE E Eq instead of E. Consequently, also AEmax Eq would have to be used instead of Em ax In the follow¬ a = will r methods E keep = can = EMAX be the 127 relationship C? CA E/Emax- simpler ^ + rearranged EC50it alternatively expressed t as a notation three dimensional representationUb = expressed A,B Note that the clinical the results which will be derived hold for both notations. in Eq. (4.2) as: , C (4.3) deviation from the baseline end-point (4.2), in — Figure Eq. = since 4.1 128 4 Modeling of Anesthetic Drug Interactions Figure 4.1: Response surface for additive interaction described by Eq. (4.1). Both drugs are assumed to follow a Hill model with parameters: 7^4 4, = lB = 2, EC50,A = 20 EC50,B = 10. Eqs (4.1) and (4.4) hinge upon two assumption which severely limit their application to anesthetic drugs. First, it is assumed that both drugs can cause an effect E if used alone, which if not necessarily true, especially if drugs A and B are administered to achieve different clinical end-points. This may be the case for instance if A is a hypnotic, B an analgesic and E is a clinical end-point for hypnosis such as BIS. In this case, we may have 00 and Eq. Ca- Further, (4.4) trivially reduces to ECa,e ECb,e provided the first assumption is satisfied, both drugs must achieve the same end-effect, as represented for instance by the Em ax parameter in Eq. (4.2). —> Further, Eq. (4.4) in = is also not greater maximum effect or of describing interactions which result asymmetric behaviour. capable 4.3 Logistic regression Figure 4.2: Isoboles curves corresponding Logistic models crete by nature, scores. measure, For are often used to describe clinical such as probability depicted in Fig. instance, if the considered clinical end-point denoted as P, then we 4.1. probability of a certain concentration C such that f(C) = are dis¬ pain and seda¬ is a probability have: l + P is the which end-point of movement response, P drug to surface Logistic regression 4.3 tion 129 event, f(C) (4.6) f(C) f(C) > 0. e«o+alog(C) If _ is a generic function of the we assume ea0 Qot (4.7) 130 4 of Anesthetic Modeling Drug Figure 4.3: Isoboles at 50% for a 0,10,100,1000 in Eq. drug model parameters were specified in the caption of Fig. Interactions (4.4). Single = where a > 0, then Eqs (4.7) and (4.6) Hill model in can V — Em ax ECso,2 equivalence C = 0 holds provided 0. implies P The extension of drugs can that: a EG'so,? = 7 and «o = —"f^og(ECso)- With = (4.7) Eq. be formulated logit One to the (4.8) (^k. \ Eq. (4.7) equivalent Eq. (4.2): E The be considered 4.1 P = as log to describe additive interactions between two follows: P = 1-P positive aspect of Eq. (4.9) a0 + olaCa + (4.9) aBCi is that the 50 % isobole (P = 0.5) is the 4.4 The two straight drugs interaction model line CB = -«L aB as we - ^CA (4.10) cv-B expect for symmetry with additive models described in the previous section. major flaw of Eq. (4.9) is that, in the absence of both drugs, end-point has the non-zero probability P ea°/(l + ea°). One the clinical A 131 = straightforward correction to such deficiency would be to use the following additive model: logit P = a0 + aA\og(CA) log(CB) + aB (4.11) Eq. (4.9). In this case however, the 50 % isobole is bowed towards origin, independently from the choice of the parameters. Precisely, we instead of the have: CB = C-^. (4.12) CT Eq. (4.12) also to reach 50 The implies following Lang: modification of constantaddedinsidethelogarithmofeachdrugconcentrationwaspresumablyintroducedtohavelog(1+C^)=0ifCA=0.However,thebowingtowardstheoriginremains,sinceEq.(4.13)canbemerelyregardedasashiftofEq.(4.11)intheplaneofthedrugconcentrations(Ca,Cb).4.4ThetwodrugsinteractionmodelBeforeintroducingthenewmodel,letintroducethedefinitionofunitsofdrugsAandB:Ua=W^~Ub=w^~(414) logit The additive that either drug must have an infinite concentration % of the maximum effect if used alone. P = a0 + aA Eq. (4.11) log(l + CA) was proposed by + aB log(l + McEwan and CB). (4.13) 132 Then, let us define a of Anesthetic Modeling 4 fixed combination of drugs A Drug Interactions and B with the fractional unit: » The model we propose hinges = Ä- upon two main (4-1B» assumptions. First, a fixed drugs (9 regarded drug. Second, const.) drug follows a Hill model when the total concentration is increased while maintaining a fixed drug fraction 9. Extending the Hill model in Eq. (4.2) to describe this two drug interaction we have: combination of be can as a new new (Ua + Ub E = yU;{8)\l{e) EMAX{9) i 1 where 7(6*) and Em ax (6) are 7(s) , + V Ua±Ub} ly ' (4.16) u50(e) the steepness and the maximum effect parame¬ tersofhdugcmbina.C/50(6)pylvzI,w9=1Eq4H2TU-SLxF+kVG[]<'>^¬:ß7 this = 1. 2. plane(Ua,Ub)occursfor1/a=Ub-Figs4.4and4.5representthesurfaceresponseandtheisobolesforaparticularchoiceofthesetofparameters.Forthe50%isobolewehave:S=,4N.(4.18)(4-/3){'FromEq.(4.18)wealsoderiveß<4.3.ThesynergyparameterßinEq.(4.17)canbeestimateddirectlyfromthe50%isobole.Infact,onthiscurve,accordingtoEq.(4.16)itmustbeUA+UB=1/50(6)Precisely:U\+U%+U\(WB-1)+Ul(WA-1)=(ß+2)UAUB.(4.19)ßbeestimatedwithstandardlinearregressionalgorithmfromthepreviousexpression.IfEq.(4.17)istoorestrictive,inthelightofthediscussionabove,higherorderpolynomialcanbeused.However,if1/50(6)GPn,n—1parametersmustbeidentified.Thismaybedifficult,consideredtheextremeinterindi-vidualvariabilityandthecostofeverydatapoint.InEq.(4.17),testingsynergyislimitedtothetestofasingleparameter.Analogousargumentsholdforthedéfinitionof7(0)andEmax(Q)-Simi¬larlytoEq.(4.17),wemaydefine7(0)=7A+(IB-1A-ß)0+ß62(4.20)Emax(ö)=Emax,a+(Emax,b-EMax,a-ß)0+ß62.(4.21) 4.4 The two at 6 1/50(6) Let that the = drugs = drug combination of that 1/a = a us assume EMax,a interaction model and = In this case, the Ub equal = b or that there is EMax,b point of units. = Ua = b and 133 in the Synergy in Eq. (4.17) occurs if ß > 0. Let us assume that this is the case following discussion. Two properties of Eq. (4.17) are worth to be mentioned. C/5o(l 6). That is, the maximum synergy occurs necessarily 1/2 and there is a symmetric behaviour with respect to the — In other Ub words, = a are combinations such equivalent. no interaction at the Em ax parameter and EMax- That is, EMax(0) EMax V 6. maximum curvature of the 50% isobole in = 134 Figure (4.16) Response 4.4: and (4.17). parameters: EMax,a 4.5 Modeling 4 = 7^4 surface for Both 4, = Emax,b = 75 drugs = 100 and The three For the three drugs synegistic are Drug Interactions interaction described assumed to follow 2, ECso,a 1.5. ß = 20 a ECso,b by Eqs Hill model with = 10. Further, = interaction model drugs interaction of Anesthetic model, the same concepts and assumptions apply. For any fixed ratio of the drugs described in the previous A,B,CrA simple ship. That is: Hill model describes the concentration section vs. effect relation¬ (Ua+Ub + Uc^1^ E — 1 In this case, however, a (750(e) \ Emax{6) Ua + Ub + Uc combination is fractions of two among the three drugs (4.22) 7(s) U50(9) uniquely defined when the in the mixture are specified. drug We 4.5 The three Figure interaction model drugs 4.5: Isoboles curves 135 to surface corresponding depicted in Fig. 4.4. may choose: Ur Up UA Obviously priate 6a 1 = functions — Ob + — UB+ Uc For ®c a UA fixed + (4.23) UB+ Uc drug combination, Emax(Qb,Qc), 7(#b,#c) and Uso(6b,6c) we seek appro¬ which meet the following specifications. 1. If 6a ically = 0, the three drugs arguments 2. If there is Consider same must hold il an a sham drug, should yield A and C. 6b = 0 or 6c = drugs B and C. a experiment in drug that shows the which Analogous 0. additive interaction among the three experiment, the or interaction model should resolve mathemat¬ to the interaction model between drugs drugs, B and C synergy with then U;50 are drug A. actually 1. the In this sham interaction of A with any combination of B and C same interaction as the interaction between A and B 4. and Few 4 other The model should be words, it should which drug is assigned We propose by a parabola. Even though higher order polynomials would give more flexibility, it may be hard to identify all the parameters from experimental data with sufficient accuracy. Every interaction parameter can be described by the following polynomial: Uso(6b,0c) a P are = + q0 + qBc0B0c properties of Eq. (4.24) canbehighlighted.1.Themodelispolynomial,thereforesmoothandinfinitelydifferen-tiable.2.Themodelisafunctionof0Band6c,because9a=1—9B—9c-9aisexpressedinthelasttermforclarity.Thetermçabccanberegardedasthe'threedruginteractionterm',sinceitvanishesoneachaxisofthetriangleofcompositions,thatiswhenpairsofdrugsareconsidered.3.ThelasttermqABC'9A9B9cinEq.(4.24)canbesubstitutedwiththemoregeneralexpression9a9b9c/(9),wheref(9)isageneralfunctionofthecompositionvector9.Thistermsatisfiesthesamepropertyofvanishingontheaxesandenablesmoreflexibilitywiththechoiceof1(0).SinceforthethreedrugsinteractioncaseofEq.(4.22)theeffectisafunc¬tionofthreeindependentvariables,theeffectsurfaceresponsecannotberepresentedgraphically.However,sincetheinteractionparameterswereas¬sumedtodependonthecompositionofthemixture,athreedimensionalrepresentationispossible.Figure4.6depictsthecompositiontrianglewhichisusedforthreedimensionalrepresentations.Everypointinsidethetrian¬gledefinesadrugcompositionsuchthat9a+9B+9c=1.Figure4.7representstheinteractionparameterP=Emaxforaparticulardrugcom¬binationexhibitingantagonism.Figure4.8representstheinteractionpa¬rameterP=Usoforaparticulardrugcombinationexhibitingsynergy. 136 Modeling as qBeB + A, + qc9c of Anesthetic symmetrical meet the above model where interaction parameters + qBB92B qABc0A0B0c + Drug with <lcc9c Interactions regards to A, B and C. specified criteria regardless In B and C. of described at most Emax(9b, 6c), l(9B, #c) + (4.24) 4.5 The three Figure 4.6: parameters triangle drugs Three by projecting verified that 6 a + (4.24) was 137 drugs composition triangle Emax(Qb,Qc), i(0b,0c) is assumed to have be obtained Eq. interaction model Ob + ®c and to represent the interaction Uso(6b,Oc)- Every side of the unitary length. The fraction of each drug the = point 1 p along the three axis. It can be can easily • developed by assuming that for every pair of drugs the interaction model is known and has the form: Pab =Pa + (Pb -Pa- ßAB)0B + ßAB 02B (4.25) Pac Pa + (Pc -Pa- ßAc)Oc + ßAc0c (4-26) Pb + (Pc -Pb- ßBc)0c + ßBc02c (4.27) Pbc = = where Pa, Pb and Pc are the parameters of the single drugs when given ßAB, ßAC and ßßc are the coefficients for the three paired inter¬ actions. By imposing the surface in Eq. (4.24) to become Eqs (4.25,4.26,4.27) when 6c 0 and 6a 0 respectively, we obtain the following set 0, Ob alone, and = = = 4 138 4 Modeling of Anesthetic Drug Interactions — 35- 3 — 25- 2- 1 5- 1- 05- 01 2 Figure 4.7: such that: ßßC = Interaction parameter EMax,a 2, /?ABC = = 3, EMax,b = Emax(Qb,®c) 3.5, EMax,c f°r = drug combination 4, /?ab 3, /?ac 3.5, a = = 5. of constraints: Pa --= <7o (4.28) Pb --= qo + qB + çbb (4.29) Pc --= qo + qc + qcc (4.30) ßAB == qBB (4.31) ßAC --= qcc ßBc --= qcc + qBB (4.32) - cqsc- (4.33) Eqs (4.28,4.33) represent a linear system of order 6. This was expected, since the parameters we imposed equivalence with are single drug parameters (Pa, Pb,Pc) and the paired interaction parameters (ßAB, ßßc, ßAc)- Since the interaction models for the three different pairs of drugs are known by 4.5 The three Figure 4.8: that: ßAB interaction model drugs Interaction parameter = 0, ßAC = 2, ßBC assumption, Eqs (4.28,4.33) = can 139 Uso(9B, 6c) 1, ßABC = for a drug combination such -2. be inverted to give: <7o == Pa (4.34) <1B == pB-PA-ßAB (4.35) qc == Pc-Pa-ßAc (4.36) qBB == ßAB (4.37) qcc --= ßAC qBc --= ßAB (4.38) + ßAC - ßl (4.39) specified in Eq. (4.24), the three Testing of synergy resolves to testing significance of one single parameter, in analogy with the two drugs interaction case. If experimental data justify the use of more involved types of expressions in Eq. (4.24), then the term /(#) may be used instead. It can be verified that Eq. (4.24) satisfies both the symmetry condition and the condition There is just one left parameter to be term interaction çabc- 140 4 expressed by just a the sham matter of brevity. Modeling of Anesthetic Drug Interactions experiment. Since verification of such statements is simple algebraic manipulations, the details are omitted for Chapter 5 Conclusions 5 Conclusions 142 Slugs and snails are after me, DDT keeps me Now I guess I'll have to tell 'em that I got Gonna get my Ph.D. I'm The a - This thesis described the recent Rocket to Russia. Side developments cation in the realm of anesthesia. first cerebellum. B, I. Main achievements 5.1 and happy teenage lobotomy. Ramones, Teenage Lobotomy were no of automatic control appli¬ Two model-based feedback controllers thoroughly discussed for the closed-loop administration analgesic drugs. To the best of the author's knowledge, model-based controllers ever applied on humans for the of hypnotics both are scribed in the thesis. We discussed the above mentioned controllers not presenting their technical aspects, but feasibility we patients undergoing general on the purposes de¬ only also demonstrated their clinical surgery. This thesis also discussed an important contribution to the study of anes¬ drug interactions. We introduced an adequate modeling framework quantify pharmacodynamic (PD) interactions among two and three drugs thetic to combinations. In this final chapter we summarize the main results achieved. section is associated to every the as the chapter title. approaches proposed in same of the some chapter In every section the approaches presented practice. may have we on We also focus other research A separate The section title is discuss the limitations corresponding chapters directions for future research. clinical of the thesis. on the while suggesting impacts that the applications and on the 5.2 Automatic control in anesthesia Automatic control in anesthesia 5.2 Main achievements 5.2.1 In 143 chapter 1 the steps towards the development of system taken at an described. As autonomous anesthesia result of a solid coop¬ laboratory evaluate the clinical in we can University Hospital Bern, benefits of closed-loop controllers which regulate seven different patient's outputs. To date, more than 200 patients were treated with closed-loop controllers during general anesthesia. These controllers regulate O2, CO2, inspired and expired anesthetic gas concentrations in the breathing sys¬ tem, Bispectral Index (BIS) and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) with both our were a eration with the volatile and intravenous anesthetic agents. Two controllers which this chapter. use Both aim at isoffurane drug were described in depth of hypnosis using MAP and controllers adopt particular schemes to regulating BIS as anesthetic the The as surrogate measures. prevent overdosing in the clinical practice and guarantee safe operation in the presence of measurement artifacts. different The controllers also adapt to the operating regimes of the breathing system, guaranteeing adequate performance. practice were was The successful application of both controllers in the clinical shown, indicating a higher quality anesthesia for subjects who treated with automatic control. 5.2.2 Outlook Chapter 1 raises the question whether there will be a time when closedloop drug administration will be routinely adopted in the operating room. Assuming technical perfection and guaranteed safety of the proposed ad¬ On one schemes, two obstacles must be overtaken. hand, anesthesiologists must be persuaded that automationsrelotnc inthsfeldoamrvgpu.R,bykcAB:"9%1N ministration 5 Conclusions 144 cannot take the over during emergency situations. However, they working quality for the 99% of the time. On the other hand, patients must be convinced that with automatic controllers represents a clear advantage can undergoing both for improve surgery her/his rioperative and postoperative period. We found that convincing a pe¬ patient about the advantages of closed-loop drug delivery is quite straightforward, provided anesthesiologist is convinced first. We feel that most of the persuasive power lies in the enthusiasm and in the confidence of physicians. the To obtain informed consent from controllers, that you would would you patients for the clinical evaluation of our it often sufficed to face them with the never travel across the ocean or an automatic controller aboard?". prefer fly the the between the flight and the dive into uncon¬ Having grasped analogy most sciousness, patients accepted favorably the automatic controller. 5.3 5.3.1 In to with following dilemma: "Given without a pilot in the cockpit, without Feedback control of hypnosis Main achievements closed-loop controller to regulate hypnosis as¬ Volatile agents was thoroughly discussed. such as isofiurane have slower onset and require more cumbersome actua¬ tors than intravenous drugs such as propofol. However, concentrations in the central compartment can be measured on-line. This advantage was ex¬ ploited by the proposed cascaded Internal Model Control (IMC) structure: the control system has an internal closed-loop controller for endtidal concen¬ trations which dominates if BIS measurements are corrupted by artifacts. chapter 2 the cascaded sessed with BIS with isofiurane We showed that for particular application, both the cascade arrange¬ approach to control offer several advantages over other techniques. First, it permits useful off-line model validation and anal¬ ysis. Second, it allows to adapt the controller to the different respiratory our inastraightforwardmanner.Third,italsoprovidedaneasyframeworktodesignartifact-tolerantcontrollers.Fourth,thecontrolleriscapableoflimitingendtidalconcentrationsbetweenalowerandanupper ment and the model-based conditions 5.3 Feedback control of hypnosis 145 limit to prevent the patient from awareness and to avoid overdosing, re¬ spectively. Fifth, anti-windup measures protect the control scheme against performance degradation in the event of saturation of the input signal. Summarizing, we were able to show satisfactory performance of the BIS controller during general anesthesia. We believe that the clinical validation of the controller will also confirm the usefulness of BIS monitors as a guide for the closed-loop administration of hypnotic agents. Outlook 5.3.2 Not withstanding their increasing popularity monitors may not be the ultimate depth (AEP) of hypnosis. may reveal advantages situations. As recent studies the practice, BIS as Auditory Evoked Potentials with respect to BIS monitors in seem region of light sedation and to react suggest, they more may be promptly in more detecting particular reliable in an arousal al., 1999). design closed-loop controllers which deliver hypnotics on a basis of a degree of hypnosis estimated from multiple sensors. If designed properly, those controllers may not only provide a better patient care, but they may give important insight into the nature of drug induced uncon¬ reaction case (Gajraj chapter Other indicators such in the clinical in the seek of monitors for the et A natural research direction to pursue in this would be to sciousness. It can be that on-line identification of the patient's spécifie charac¬ improve the controller's performance. For instance, identifying argued teristics may whether a subject is particularly sensitive to the drug may suggest the need detuning the controller to prevent overdosing. These ideas are currently being explored in our research project and will be published in future works. The proposed control structure is not limited to isofiurane. In factthesameapproachcouldbeadoptedforanyvolatileanestheticaslongastheappro¬priatepharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic(PK-PD)modelisused.Thismakesitanidealdesignforotherclinicalsituationssuchaspediatricanes¬thesiawhereothervolatileagentsareused.AfeasibleextensionoftheproposedapproachwouldconsistinincludingotherphysiologicalvariablessuchasMAPinthedecisionalgorithmfordrugadministration.Ingeneral,wecannotallowexcessivelylowMAP for 5 Conclusions 146 while the drug is administered closed-loop control of to maintain a desired level of BIS. A simul¬ BIS and MAP may be designed to address equivalently to the one presented for control of MAP and endtidal concentrations in chapter 2 may serve the desired purposes. Alternatively, vasoactive drugs may be infused to compensate for the hypotensive or hypertensive periods. taneous the above mentioned issues. Feedback control of 5.4 5.4.1 In An override arrangement, analgesia Main achievements closed-loop administra¬ regulating both MAP and predicted plasma concentration, realizing an adjustable trade-off between open- and closed-loop administration schemes. An MPC control algorithm was adopted, which is capable of handling complex control ob¬ jectives such as input/output constraints and drug minimization. Anesthe¬ siologists are able to adjust output constraints to the intensity of surgical stimulation or to the patient's characteristics. chapter tion of The 3 we introduced opiates during explicit a new surgery. paradigm for the The control system aims at formulation of the MPC algorithm problem considered for the imple¬ platform, which gives more insight about controller behaviour for a particular choice of the ob¬ server's states, output and references values, respectively. Also, it allows mentation of the control was in the real-time to show the relationship between the optimization weights in the MPC al¬ gorithm and the control action in a more transparent way. Among the advantages of the proposed control strategy, we want to stress that this approach may be adopted for any other analgesic drugs by simply using a different PK-PD model in the MPC algorithm. An observer- and a signal-based artifact detection algorithm were imple¬ closed-loop system. The controller is therefore capable of handling MAP artifacts during surgery and consequently to protect the pa¬ mented in the contrle'sbhaviu.Tfpmwdx¬ tient from hazardous 5.4 Feedback control of 5.4.2 As analgesia 147 Outlook pointed out in the more in this indicator of the There have been tient from chapter, and much than for hyp¬ optimal analgesic drug major lack Even though analgesic drugs are primarily adminis¬ to be compensated. tered to obtund hemodynamic reaction to surgical stimulations, MAP may not be the optimal clinical end-point for opiate infusion. In this respect, an approach using several hemodynamic variables such as HR, cardiac out¬ put and blood pressure signal simultaneously may reveal advantages with respect to the scheme presented here. notics, the numerous attempts variables. to rate the analgesic None of them state of the pa¬ to have emerged closed-loop delivery, probably because cardio¬ vascular signals like MAP are modulated by numerous other factors beyond insufficient analgesia such as biological feedback regulation and vasoactive drugs. as a hemodynamic case effect is the seems stand-alone indicator for Alternatively, one may use Somatosensory Evoked Potentials (SEP) for the closed-loop infusion of analgesic drugs, which may also provide insight both into the nature of perception of noxious stimulation during unconscious¬ ness and into the influence of opiates on the autonomic system reaction (Thorpe, 1984). A considerable benefit may result from performing such in¬ vestigations in a future research. Also, one may ascertain whether the costs of an additional monitoring technique are outweighed by a better infusion regime of intravenous analgesics. The infusion policy we presented for analgesic drugs could be extended to therapies for insulin-dependent diabetes subjects. As we de¬ scribed in the chapter, the control strategy realizes an adjustable trade-off between an open- and a closed-loop infusion policy. The open-loop policy is determined by a drug distribution infusion new modelwhichishighlyuncertain.Theclosed-looppolicyisdeterminedbyameasurementofdifficultinterpreta¬tionsuchasMAP.Thesamepremisesholdforstate-of-artinsulintherapies.Theopen-loopinfusionregimenisdeterminedbyanexperiencedphysicianwhoprescribesinsulininjectionsonthebasisofthepatient'slifestyle.Thedosesofthesingleinjectionsareadjustedonthebasisofsparsebloodglucoseconcentrationmeasurementstakenbythepatient.Thisconstitutesaclosed-loopadjustmenttotheopen-looppolicy.Thecontrolsystemfor define 5 Conclusions 148 of analgesics can be rephrased with the terminology of insulin therapy by substituting MAP with blood glucose measurements. Also, predicted con¬ centrations of analgesics must be substituted by concentrations of glucose predicted by a dynamic model of the glucose-insulin system. If used in the insulin therapy context, the Model Predictive Controller (MPC) presented in the chapter would allow to handle constraints both for predicted and mea¬ sured variables. This makes it ideal for insulin therapy, since hypoglicemic or hyperglicemic episodes may be ruled out in the same way underdosing or overdosing of analgesic drugs were in the closed-loop strategy presented in the chapter. Another interesting research opportunity unearthed by the closed-loop vali¬ dation of the controller lies in some aspects of the artifact detection/prediction were not covered by this and pre¬ physiological signals, vious works (Frei, 2000). In fact, even though model-based approaches for artifact handling can be easily implemented as extensions of model-based control strategies, they are still inherently coupled with the particular con¬ trol strategy for which they were designed. Further, for observer-based their is correct methods, guaranteed if and only if artifacts lead operation to transients in the residual dynamics which are faster than those triggered by surgical stimulation or other physiological events. As we showed with a clinical example, this assumption may not always be true. We did intro¬ duce a signal-based algorithm, which compensates for such limitation. We believe that an artifact detection approach which is solely based on the beat to beat blood pressure signal sampled at high frequencies (> 50 Hz) may represent on a which feasible solution for control purposes. frequency and time several purposes. A have Several methods based been techniques already successfully applied major advantage of such approach would be that least for the detection part - the method would be entirelyproject. decoupledfromtheparticularcontrolapplicationconsidered.Thisissuemaybeaddressedinthefutureoftheresearch problem for - for at 5.5 Modeling drug interactions of anesthetic Modeling 5.5 149 drug interactions Main achievements 5.5.1 In of anesthetic a new modeling framework to quantify anesthetic drugs inter¬ proposed. The approach we described overcomes the limitations of other methods which were applied in other biomedical disciplines such The as isobolographic methods or multiple logistic regression techniques. framework we proposed stems from the response surface methodology which emerges as a better solution for the special case of anesthetic drugs. It is chapter actions 4 was suitable to describe different types of interactions such onists, partial agonists, competitive antagonists and as those between ag¬ agonists. The complexity, as measured by the number of parameters which must be identified, can be tailored to the size of the data set. Precisely, for data set of limited size interaction can be described by one single parameter. Finally, it is compatible with previously identified model parameters for single and inverse model pairs of anesthetic drugs. 5.5.2 Outlook Even though notic synergies the presented models have already been used to explore hyp¬ midazolam, propofol and alfentanil, several other in¬ need be carried out before automatic controllers can exploit to vestigations these synergies. Just when this stage is attained, it will be possible to ex¬ ploit the benefits of multi-drug anesthesia in automatic control algorithms. As an example, opiates often potentiate the hypotensive effects of isoflurane (Vuyk, 1997). In a control scheme where hypotension is regulated by volatile hypnotic agents, closed-loop administration of small doses of opiates may lead to the same therapeutic effect with less drug consumption. 5.6 The among advantages isnaturaltoaskwhethersuchcontrolstrategies All the control schemes based approaches. It have presented of model-based controllers in this thesis were designed with model- 5 Conclusions 150 real a of advantage over more classical control techniques such as simple PID fuzzy controllers. The author of this thesis is inclined to believe they do. A first represented by the ease though model-based control schemes require a more in¬ volved implementation, they are easier to tune than other techniques and easier to adapt to changes in the operating regimes. An example was pro¬ vided by the cascaded IMC controller described in chapter 2, where anes¬ thesiologists can tune the controller to match their expected performance without the help of the system engineer and where on-line model adaptation is able to compensate for changes in the actuator dynamics. Second, modelbased control techniques provide an elegant and easy framework to design artifact and fault tolerant control schemes. Third, model-based control tech¬ niques provide a straightforward framework to implement complex control objectives such as multiple output regulation, drug minimization, handling of input and output constraints. We demonstrated the multitasked features of the MPC controller with the clinical experiments discussed in chapter 3. of advantage tuning. of model-based control strategy is Even The fact that model-based techniques need a dynamic model is a pleonasmus spell out. As we showed in chapter 2, identification of accurate models for the drug distribution and effect is made difficult by the cost of experimental studies, the lack of measurements which reduces the which may be worth to number of parameters which variability. can be identified and the extreme interindivid- It is naive to say if not erroneous, though, Infact,beforetestingourcontrollersonhumans,extensivesimulationoftheclosed-loopperfor¬manceisnecessary.Forthispurpose,amodeloramodelclassforthedrugdistributionandeffectmustbepostulatedalsowhennonmodel-basedtechniquesareadopted.Model-basedcontroltechniquesmakeuseofdynamicmodelstopredictthefuturebehaviourofthepatient'sphysiologicaloutputs.Thesemodelsmir¬rormoreorlessaccuratelytheanesthesiologist'sclinicalexperienceandtheiruseimprovesthephysicians'confidenceinautomaticcontrolstrate¬gies.However,thecontrolalgorithm'perse'islesstransparentwithsuchapproacheswhencomparedtononmodel-basedtechniques.Forinstance,evenfortheexpertsystemengineeritisdifficulttoestimate,onthebasisoftheactualoutputmeasurementswhatwilltheIMCcontrollerdescribedinchapter2chooseasthenextinputaction.Ontheotherhand,thecontrol ual non model-based strategies do not require a model. that alternative 5.6 The advantages of model-based controllers 151 actions computed by a fuzzy controller may be easier to predict. Anesthe¬ siologists tend to prefer control schemes where they are able to predict, in parallel with the controller, the future input moves. These strategies may include fuzzy or rule-based controllers. This attitude is understandable if one considers that the control algorithm will substitute the physician in the decision process. However, a this does represent research and Let a clinical a limitation perspective. more There consider are than an advantage at least two both from reasons for that. controller for us as an example using a fuzzy closed-loop drug delivery during anesthesia. First, tuning a fuzzy controller boils down to reproducing the anesthesiologists' set of rules to administer drugs. These set of rules are not only hardly countable but also based on intuition, which is not translatable into any fuzzy rule. Moreover, every physician develops her/his set of rules according to the clinical experience, the drugs commonly used in the operating room and the equipment provided by the hospital. In the end, the tuning process can be virtually endless. Second, a fuzzy con¬ troller is tuned to match a predetermined infusion policy. On the contrary, model based-controllers are tuned on the basis of the desired closed-loop performance. This makes them capable or revealing new administration strategies which could not be unearthed by a fuzzy controller. Another limitation shared their by both systematic approach in fuzzy and classical PID controllers lies in to handle example, let us consider the regulation chapter 1. Constraints for endtidalcontrol. gasconcentrationswerehandledbytwoadditionalcontrollersconnectedtothemaincontrollerinanoverridescheme.Thesameproblemwassolvedintheclosed-loopcontrolofBISpresentedinchapters1and2byusingasaturationelementforendtidalconcentrationreferencesinthecascadescheme.IntheMPCcontrollerpresentedinchapter3,themultipleconstraintsfortheinputandbothoutputsignalswerehandledinacoherentway.Also,itwaspossibletointroduceaprioritizationintheoutputconstraintsaccordingtotheclinicalseverityoftheconstraintviolation.Everycontrolapplicationmustdealwithconstraintsefficientlyinordertoguaranteereliability.Thisisparticularlytrueforcontrolschemesappliedtobiologicalsystems,wherehighersafetystandardsarerequired.Forthosepurposes,asweshowedinthisthesis,MPCemergesasthenaturalstrategyfor an non input and output constraints. 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Electrical engineering : knowledge of control systems technology. expertise in the design of linear, robust, Multivariable, Model Predictive (MPC), Internal Model (IMC), H infinity (Hoc) and frequency domain based controllers. demonstrated ability in implementing finite state machines, I/O drivers and fault tolerant control structures for real time applications. proven ability in performing experimental studies on humans. strong background in signal process analysis, with experience in physiological signals. - extensive - - - - Biomedical engineering : depth knowledge of mathematical statistics, with expertise in identification methods, regression analysis and multivariate observations. strong background in Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modeling, with special emphasis on anesthetic drugs. expertise in modeling and operation of drug administration devices. - in - - Education Apr. 2001: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland. Thesis: "Feedback Control of Hypnosis and Analgesia in Results: realization of a platform for computer-aided1 1997 - - anesthi.-modlgfrbucvpwkyx' Apr. Humans". Sep. Sep. Sep. 1999: Postgraduate degree in Statistics Department of Mathematics. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland. Thesis: "Time Frequency Representation of EEG during 1997 - Painful Electrical Stimulation". Sep. 2000: Postgraduate degree in Information Technology Department of Electrical Engineering. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland. Thesis: "Modeling and Closed-loop Control of Hypnosis by Means of Bispectral 1998 - Index with Isofiurane". Sep. 1991 Feb. - Department degree in Chemical Engineering Engineering. Milano, Italy. "Continuous Chromatography of Binary Mixtures Design of the Operating Conditions". 1997: Politecnico di Thesis: 100/100 Final mark: Sep. 1986 Jun. - M.S. of Chemical 1991: "summa Diploma cum Work Apr. laude". di Maturità Scientifica Liceo Scientifico Vittorio Veneto in Final mark: with Variable Milano, Italy. 60/60. experience Teaching Assistant Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland. Tasks: preparation and oral presentation of lectures and exercises on linear Algebra, linear and non-linear control systems. 1997 - Dec. 2000: Automatic Control - - - Apr. 1997 - organization, preparation and evaluation of supervision Dec. 2000: of students Research assistant Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering. Technology (ETH), Switzerland. candidate under the supervision of Prof Dr. Manfred Morari. Swiss Federal Institute of 1999 Dipl. - Jun. 1999: Scientific consultant Volkswirt Chrisitian Task: ofthesalaryinequalitiesintheE.U.basedontheEurostatdatabase.Dec.1998-Jan.1999:ScientificconsultantGWMS.p.A.,Italy.Tasks:-developmentofE.U.qualitycertificationforautomaticspindlemachines.-developmentoftechnicalsolutionstoimprovetheoperationalsafety.-authorofbothtechnicalandoperatingmanuals.2 May. Ph.D. assessment exams. during laboratory experiments. Automatic Control Task: written Schnidler, B.G.A., Germany. Selectivity: Grants, Patents and Awards May 2001: U.S. patent File No. 70025. "Arrangement Title: and process for controlling a numerical value for patient respiration". Submitted to the U.S. patent office. Apr. E.U. patent No. 2000: Title: "Layout of an 100-15-026.8. automatic controller for the numerical value with autonomous regulation of respiratory systems". a patient's Submitted to the E.U. patent office. Dec. "Pastonesi Award" 1997: Award: recipient. Engineering presented best thesis in Chemical in the Academic Year 1996/97. of the Swiss National Science Foundation 32-51028.97 grant. Sep. 1997: Co-recipient Jun. 1996: Dow Chemical Award: at the Politecnico di Milano scholarship. distinguished undergraduate academic record. Computer Skills Operating systems: extensive Programming languages: Text I/O formatting: L^T^X, in experience with Unix, Windows and XOberon. depth knowledge of Matlab, S-Plus, Oberon, Fortran, Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat interfaces: demonstrated ability in implementing C. packages. data communication through RS-232 and TCP/IP protocols. Real-time systems: strong machines for real-time experience in the design of closed-loop applications. Implementation in Oberon. Networking technology: expertise Web publishing: expertise in FTP, TFTP, in Web pages design controllers and finite state telnet. with HTML. Languages and English: writing French: writing Sep. 1977 Jan. 1996: speaking fluently. and - speaking fluently July 1980: primary school at the "Licée andspeakingfluentlyItalian:mothertongue. from the "Centre culturel German: writing3 Français" in Lisbon, Portugal. Langue Française" (CELF) français" in Milano, Italy. obtained "Certificat d'études de la Personal sketch Biographical Dec. 1972 Sep. 1977 Jul. 1980 Jul. 1984 Apr. Skills Born in - - - 1997 Objective : Looking for - a Jun. 1980 Jun. 1984 Mar. 1997 present dynamic experience Able to find out tions which environment where fast am learning and interaction with people is must. communicating with medical doctors, researchers and support staff. opportunities in the medical field and improve both the patient known for care and provided new engineering solu¬ anesthesiologists' working environment. getting things done. : thriatlete, a marathon runner, people, reading and sports. am a with in new Recreational activities I Livorno, Italy. Lisbon, Portugal. Rosignano Solvay, Italy. Milano, Italy. Zürich, Switzerland. : Extensive I : a certificate diver and 4 a skier. Also, I enjoy interacting List of Publications Journal Papers Chemical Engineering Publications A. Gentilini, C. Migliorini, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. "Optimal Operation of Simulated Moving-Bed Units for Non-linear Chromatographic Sep¬ arations II. Bi-Langmuir Isotherm". Journal of Chromatography A., Vol. 805, pp. 37-44, 1998. C. Migliorini, A. Gentilini, M. Mazzotti and M. Morbidelli. "Design of Simulated Moving Bed Units under Non-ideal Conditions". Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 38, pp. 2400-2410, Anesthesia and Electrical A. Engineering 1999. Publications Frei, A.H. Glattfelder, M. Morari and T.W. Schnider. Targeting Policies for Computer-Controlled Infusion Pumps". Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 28, pp. 179-85, 2000. C.W. Gentilini, "Identification and Reviews in C.W. Frei, Critical Bullinger, A. Gentilini, A.H. Glattfelder, T. Sieber and A.M. Zbinden. Drug Delivery in Anesthesia." Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 28, pp. 187-92, 2000. E. "Artifact-Tolerant Controllers for Automatic Critical C. Minto, T. Schnider, T. Short, K. Gregg, A. Gentilini and S. Shafer. "Response Surface Models for Anesthetic Drug Interactions". Anesthesiology, Vol. 92, pp. 1603-1616, 2000. A. Gentilini, C.W. Frei, M. Derighetti, A.H. Glattfelder, T.W. Schnider, T. Sieber and A.M. Zbinden. Closed-Loop Control in Anesthesia". Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, "Multitasked A. Gentilini, M. Rossoni-Gerosa, "Modeling and Closed-Loop C. Frei, R. Control of Vol. 20, pp. Wymann, M. Morari, A. Hypnosis by5 MeansofBispectralIndex(BIS)withIsofiurane".IEEETransactionsonBiomedicalEngineering.Inpress.A.Gentilini,C.Schaniel,M.Morari,C.Bieniok,R.WymannandT.Schnider."ANewParadigmfortheClosed-LoopIntraoperativeAdministrationofAnalgesicsinHu¬mans".IEEETransactionsonBiomedicalEngineering.Submittedforpublication.A.GentiliniandM.Morari."ChallengesandOpportunitiesinControlofBiomedicalSystems".AIChEJournal.Inpress IEEE 39-53, 2001. Zbinden and T. Schnider. Conference C. Papers Frei, A. Gentilini, M. Derighetti, A.H. Glattfelder, M. Morari, Schnider and A.M. T.W. Zbinden. "Automation in Anesthesia". Proceedings of the American Control Conference, San Diego CA, pp. 1258-1263, 1999. A. Gentilini, S. Alemdar, C. Frei, M. Morari. "Time Frequency Representation of Electro Encephalogram (EEG) during experimental painful stimulations correlate with movement response under general anesthesia". Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, 2000. A. Gentilini, M. Gerosa Frei, T. Schnider, M. Morari. Pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) modeling of Bispectral Index (BIS) with Isofiurane for closed loop control of depth of anesthesia". Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Chicago IL, 2000. , C. "Pharmacokinetic C. P. Schaniel, A. Gentilini, M. Morari, C. Bieniok, R. Wymann and T. Schnider. "Perioperative Closed-Loop Control of Analgesia in Humans". 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine Society, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001. Grieder, A. Gentilini, M. Morari, "A Patient Adaptive Approach mans" C. Bieniok, R. Wymann and T. Schnider. Closed-Loop Control of Bispectral Index (BIS) for Biology in Hu¬ . 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Society, Istanbul, Turkey, A. and Engineering in Medicine and 2001. Gentilini, M. Morari, C. Bieniok, R. Wymann and "Closed-loop Control of Analgesia in Humans". Invited Session at the Conference in Decision and T. Schnider. Control, Talks Invited seminar at the Institute of Process "Feedback control of 2001.InvitedseminaratRoyalVictoriaHospital."AutomationinAnesthesia".Montreal,Canada,March2001.InvitedseminarattheBiomedicalEngineeringDepartmentofMcGillUniversity."AutomationinAnesthesia".Montreal,Canada,March2001.InvitedlectureatDräger'sGmbHHeadquarters."BispectralIndexandMeanArterialPressureControllers.AChallengeforResearchandDevelopment".Lübeck,Germany,January2001.InvitedlectureatPharsightCorporationHeadquarters."FeedbackControlofHypnosisandAnalgesiainHumans".MountainViewCA,January2001.6 hypnosis Zürich, Switzerland, April and Engineering of ETH. analgesia in humans". Orlando FL, 2001. Biology Invited lecture at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. "Automatic Control in Anestesia". Lausanne, Switzerland, Presentation at the World December 2000. Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Depth of Hypnosis during Anesthesia". Control of "Closed-loop Chicago IL, July 2000. Presentation at the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Frequency Representation of Electro Encephalogram (EEG) Correlate with ment Response under General Anesthesia". Chicago IL, July 2000. "Time Invited lecture at the Politecnico di Milano. "Controllori Automatici in Anestesia: Milano, Italy, May Invited lecture at un Nuovo Paradigma nelle Sale Operatorie". 2000. Aspect Medical Systems, Inc. "Automation in Anesthesia". Newton MA, April Invited lecture at Roche 2000. Diagnostics Corporation. "Automation in Anesthesia". Indianapolis IN, April 2000. Presentation at the American Control Conference. "Automation in Anesthesia". S. Diego CA, June 1999. Presentation at the 18th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference. Drug Delivery in Anesthesia". "Artifact Tolerant Controllers for Automatic Clemson University SC, June 1999. Presentation at the 18th Southern Biomedical "Identification and Policies for Clemson 1999. Targeting University SC, June Engineering Conference. Computer Controlled Infusion Pumps". 7 Move¬ References Prof. Dr. Manfred Morari. Head of the Automatic Control Physikstrasse 3, Laboratory Swiss Federal Institute of ETL I 29 CH-8092 Zürich, email: morari@aut.ee.ethz.ch. Phone: +41 1 632 76 26. Fax: +41 1 632 12 11. Dr. Milos Popovic. Manager of the Functional University Hostpital Balgrist. Forchstrasse 340, CH-8008 Zürich. email: popovic@aut.ee.ethz.ch. Leader and Electrical Stimulation Phone: +41 1 386 37 36. Fax: +41 1 386 37 31. PD. MD. Thomas Schnider. Department of Anesthesiology, Inselspital CH-3010, Bern, Bern University Hospital. email: thomas.schnider@insel.ch. Tel. ++41 Fax ++41 (0)31 (0)31 632 39 65. 381 62 85 8 Group. Technology (ETH).