JUly 2012 - The official publication of the Kentlands Citizen`s Assembly


JUly 2012 - The official publication of the Kentlands Citizen`s Assembly
JUly 2012 n www.KentlandsUSA.com
After Storm, Residents and Businesses Discover Power of Community
By Kate Myers
The general manager of Coal Fire
in the Kentlands Square Shopping
Center remained calm when the
restaurant’s power went out around
10:15 p.m. on Friday, June 29, during
a dramatic, fast-moving storm that
packed 80-mph winds, heavy rain
and lightening. But when the power
still hadn’t returned Saturday morning
and attempts to secure dry ice and
refrigerated trucks fizzled, Kevin
Schwartz started to worry.
Permit #5139
So Schwartz walked over to Pinky &
Pepe’s Grape Escape—not to drown
his sorrows, but to ask for help.
“We have a great relationship with
them, so it was an obvious place
to turn,” said Schwartz. Owner
Evie Rodgers readily agreed to let
Schwartz store food in the store’s
walk-in refrigerator for as long as
necessary. Rodger’s act of generosity
saved Coal Fire about $7,500. “They
saved us a lot of money and time,
and I can’t thank them enough,” said
Schwartz. “They even came in early
Sunday morning to unlock the store
so we could retrieve our food and
open on time.”
Though Rodgers only lost power for
a few hours, her Internet service was
down on Saturday, leaving her unable
to process credit card payments.
Fortunately, Hallmark next door
lent her a stack of paper credit card
vouchers. “I can’t operate without a
way to take credit card payments,”
said Rodgers. “Even though we had
power, I needed those vouchers.”
Other area businesses weren’t so
fortunate. While Chick-fil-A was able
to move its entire refrigerator and
freezer contents to the Chick-fil-A in
Germantown, the restaurant still had
to toss most of its cold prep items, such
as salads and wraps. “I lost between
$600 and $700 worth of chicken, plus
anywhere from $11,000 to $13,000 in
revenue from not being able to open
Whole Foods was closed on Saturday
as well and had to discard most of
its perishable products. “We always
want to offer our customers the best
and if there was any question about it,
we threw it out,” said Candace Child,
the store’s marketing team leader.
Residential power outages varied.
While some Kentlands residents lost
power for a just a few hours, others
were without power for nearly 24
hours. And those looking to escape
soaring temperatures inside—and
outside—their homes were out of
luck; the Kentlands pools were closed
all day Saturday due to the outage.
Fortunately, neighbors mirrored the
same spirit of generosity shown
by local businesses. “We were
really lucky to only lose power for
a few hours during the night,” said
Kentlands resident Laura Geraghty.
Kentlands Community Foundation Creates Award
for Exemplary Volunteerism
By Krista Brick
The Kentlands Community Foundation
(KCF) usually is championing the causes
of others in the community, but at this
year’s annual meeting the group honored
three of its own, creating a special award
in one volunteer’s name who has set the
standard for volunteerism.
Kentlands Clubhouse
485 Tschiffely Square Rd.
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
all day,” said owner Brian Summers.
John B. Schlichting, who recently ended
his tenure as chairman of the foundation’s
executive committee, found himself at
the center of attention during the annual
meeting held at the Lakelands Clubhouse
to celebrate the achievements of this
multi-pronged community group. But at
this particular meeting, the 11-member
board turned its eyes on Schlichting.
In fact, without his knowing, his own
board created a new award-- The John
B. Schlichting Award for Exemplary
Volunteerism, setting the standard for
excellence for service, commitment, and
community engagement.
“In light of the commitment John has
displayed serving on the Board for seven
years, his overall leadership as chairman
of the Board for the past three years, and
the example he sets as someone who
gives back to the community selflessly,
the Board thought it was important
to recognize John in an original way
for his energy, knowledge and overall
desire to do good work which is perhaps
unparalleled,” said Glen Palman, who is
taking over as chair of the board.
“Of course, a hallmark of the KCF is
volunteerism. Therefore, the KCF Board
(continued on page 9)
“Unfortunately, some of our friends
[in the Lakelands] weren’t as lucky.
We had them [and their children]
over for the day so they didn’t have
to deal with the heat. The adults were
all excited to sit around and enjoy
margaritas while the kids napped!
Our friends’ power came back on
around seven that night, so they went
home. The kids were disappointed
they didn’t get to have a sleepover,
but at least our friends went home to
a cool house!”
Rodgers was able to see a silver lining
in the storm’s aftermath. “While the
power outage was inconvenient
and unexpected, it was incredible
to see everyone come together as a
community. Everyone was in need
of something, and we were all there
for each other. I think we all realized
that in a crisis, we have each other’s
backs, which is great.”
Kentlands Resident Active Volunteer.............. 3
Kentlands Events........................................ 4
Kentlands Historical Trust.......................... 4
Kentlands Milestones.................................. 5
Kentlands Activities. ................................... 6
Budget & Finance Advisory Update.............. 7
Board Seeks Volunteers for Positions. ......... 7
Manager’s Corner...................................... 7
Foundation Update..................................... 8
Kentlands Crime & Listserv.......................... 9
Kentlands 2011 Volunteers Honored........ 10
Residents Celebrate July 4th....................... 11
Clarke Presented with KCF Award............. 12
TGIF Happy Hour Summer Fun.................. 12
Not Your Avearge Joe’s Opens.................... 14
“There are Angels Among us”.................... 15
Young Pianists Receive Certificates. ............. 15
Kentlands Sports News............................. 16
City News. ............................................... 18
Citizens Forum. ........................................ 18
Kentlands Classifieds. ............................... 19
At Your Service Directory......................... 21
Real Estate Listings. .................................. 22
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com 2
Kentlands Town Crier
By Krista Brick
Kentlands Resident Active Volunteer at Home and in the Vitural World
In Robert Randolph’s filing drawer you’ll
find the usual important tax documents
and bank statements but indiscriminately
tucked inside a file folder marked “K”
you’ll also find some of the most historic
speeches from President John F. Kennedy’s
political career.
For the past couple of years Randolph has
been working with the John F. Kennedy
Presidential Library in Boston, MA helping
to transcribe Kennedy’s handwritten notes
and speeches he made throughout his
career. The library is working to make
sure it has a digital copy of the works for
its archives.
Describing himself as a “card-carrying
historian,” Randolph said although it is
tedious work at times, the opportunity to
read Kennedy’s marked up speeches and
notes is a rare one to gain insight into a
historic figure’s mind.
Randolph, who suffers from multiple
sclerosis, found the volunteer opportunity
while trolling to keep up with his passion
to give back. Being nearly housebound
per document, Randolph said. “Best
of all, the project coordinator has been
able to select documents for my attention
whose subject matter matches my
interest and background in international
affairs, for instance major speeches from
1956-57 by then-Senator Kennedy
about such subjects as “Colonialism and
American Foreign Policy”, “Is Algeria of
Concern to the United States?”, and “The
Struggle against Imperialism – Part II –
Poland and Eastern Europe.”
“You talk to people sometimes who are
aging and feel their age and complain
about that. My sense is each of us is the
various ages all in one. I am the “me”
from decades ago with layers of things
that have happened since then. Now that
I am disabled it isn’t that I am a different
person,” Randolph said of his desire
to continue volunteering despite his
“These speeches have been not only
fascinating in themselves but also, I
believe, extremely relevant to current
world affairs, in particular U.S. foreign
relations with regard to the world of
Islam. The Cold War context of Kennedy’s
comments was very different from our
situation today,
but it can be
there is food
in numerous
Throughout the year, library officials send
Randolph hard copies of the documents
they need transcribed, each about 20
pages long. Because of his background
in editing and history, Randolph has
special software at home called Optical
Character Recognition software. It allows
physical text to be scanned by a highspeed, sheet-fed scanner and the software
recognizes characters and produces a
word document. Randolph must then
proofread the text against the hard copy
to make sure it translated correctly and
find words that it could not recognize.
The process takes a few days to complete
library and he’ll continue to volunteer to
do the job along with his work with the
Kentlands Community Foundation and
other volunteer commitments.
“Volunteering is an important part of the
American social fabric, as Kentlands well
knows judging from the large numbers
present each year at the KCA volunteer
recognition dinner,” Randolph said.
“Sociologists see volunteerism as part of
the “social capital” which makes possible
many benefits to society which neither
government nor business alone can
“It is in that context that, throughout my
adult life, I have done my best to serve my
community, both locally and in a larger
sense, by volunteering.”
documents left
to transcribe,
according to
Randolph. He
said there are
hundreds of
boxes at the
Photo by Krista Brick
“This is a way of making history real
and tangible and having a chance to be
inside the head of any important person
is a treat,” Randolph said. “Today CSPAN
gives us a chance to witness congressional
hearings. Reading these documents is like
being there but even better. I am studying
every word in detail to catch the details.”
he could no longer volunteer on-site like
he used to with Boy Scouts and soccer
organizations. What he found was a
national volunteer database that not
only connects people with volunteer
opportunities near them but with virtual
volunteer positions also. Plugging in
his interest in history into the database,
Randolph linked with the Kennedy
Library’s need for a transcriber.
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www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
K E N T TownCrier
Volume 28 n Issue 06
Editor and Advertising Manager
Cynthia Villareal
Kentlands Citizens Assembly
Rachael Henderson Hammoudeh
Board of Trustees
Alex Kleinman
Vice Chair
Joyce Whitman
Sigrid McCutcheon
Writers & Contributors
Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin
Kate Myers
Carrie Dietz
Krista Brick
Staff Photographers
Tom Marchessault
Krista Brick
Cynthia Villareal
The Kentlands Town Crier is the primary regularlypublished means of communicating information
of interest to Kentlands citizens. It is published
by the Board of Trustees, which is responsible for
the form, content, and policies of the newspaper.
The newspaper addresses items of legitimate
interest to the Kentlands Citizens Assembly.
It does not espouse any political belief
or endorse any product or service.
Articles submitted for publication must be signed
and may not be libelous. Letters may be published
as space permits. Articles and letters may be
edited for length and content. The deadline for
submitting articles will be the last day of the
month. Articles may be either dropped at the
Clubhouse, faxed to 301.948.9730, or mailed to:
Kentlands Town Crier
c/o The Kentlands Clubhouse
485 Tschiffely Square Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20878.
The Kentlands Board of Trustees of the
Kentlands Citizens Assembly does not endorse
the products or services advertised herein,
ensure the correctness of advertisements
contained herein, nor is it responsible for
any claims made by the advertisers herein.
The Kentlands Town Crier reserves the right
to edit, reject, or cancel any advertisement
at any time. The Kentlands Classifieds will not
post any professional or commercial advertising.
layout Design
Cynthia Villareal
© Copyright 2012, Kentlands Citizens Assembly.
All Rights Reserved.
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com Kentlands Events July - August 2012
All events are held at the Clubhouse unless otherwise noted. Events in BOLD are open to all Kentlands residents.
Spanish Group, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Bridge Club, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Spanish Group, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Bridge Club, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Kentlands Historical Trust Meeting, 6:30 pm
TGIF Happy Hour, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Concert on the Lawn, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Spanish Group, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
National Night Out & Root Beer Float Party, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Budget Planning Workshop, 7:30 pm, Resident input welcomed
Bridge Club, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Appointments with the Town Architect, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, 320 Firehouse Lane
Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:00 pm (rescheduled from July 25)
AUGUST 9 Board of Code Compliance Meeting, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Kentlands Summerfest, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Spanish Group, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Environmental Management Committee Meeting, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Budget Planning Workshop, 7:30 pm, Resident input welcomed
Bridge Club, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Kentlands View Condo Meeting, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Spanish Group, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Budget & Finance Advisory Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Bridge Club, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Newcomers’ Coffee, 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Spanish Group, 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Bridge Club, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Carriage House
Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:00 pm (rescheduled from August 22)
By Chantel Reid
Fence: approved to install a picket fence
in the backyard to match the front existing
The Kentlands Historical Trust met on
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 at the Kentlands
Clubhouse and the following ten (10)
applications were reviewed:
Sautsen Lam
210 Beckwith Street
Garage Door: approved to replace the
existing garage doors using a Clopay
stainless steel raised panel door. Color: to
match existing door.
Elaine & Richard Koch
103 Leeks Lot Way
Sliding Door: approved to replace the
existing rear sliding door with a wood or
fiberglass Simpson door.
Marty & Nannette Horan
144 Little Quarry Road
Fence: approved to replace existing front
fence with identical fence and add two
gates as marked on the site plan. Fence
shall match existing picket style. Fence
shall be built of wood and be painted
white (not off-white).
Glenn & Kylah Eyrich
210 Holmard Street
Color Change: approved to paint siding
Benjamin Moore “shelburne puff HC28”,
shutters and door “bittersweet chocolate
2114-10”, and trim “cloud white OC130”.
Bryan & Yolanda Goettsch
352 Little Quarry Road
Steps: approved to replace existing
front concrete stairs with Pennsylvania
Bluestone flagstone.
Lighting: approved to install low voltage
Kentlands Condominium
150 Chevy Chase Street
Vent: approved to replace one of the
outdoor vents with a new version vent as
noted in the application.
James & Charlene Sullivan
303 Inspiration Lane
Deck: approved to install a 5x14 ft. patio
Christopher & Anna Prall
348 Chestertown Street
deck using Trex final decking. Approved
to install a patio door where the two
windows are currently installed as noted
in the application.
John & Nancy Evans
610 Tschiffely Square Road
Color Change: approved to paint deck
and trim “Cabot Red Cedar”.
Storm Door: approved to replace existing
storm door using a Pella clear view storm
Barry & Martha Aron
219 Massbury Street
Windows: denied approval to replace
six windows on the first and second
floor using Starmark by Okna casement
windows grid pattern and color to match
Reason(s): The
Standards states: “Windows shall be
built of wood, may be clad in white vinyl
or Celuka Cellular PVC (e.g. Windsor
Windows, Legend Series or equal
The next Historic Trust meeting will be
held August 1, 2012 at the Kentlands
Clubhouse at 6:30 pm.
Kentlands Town Crier
Kentlands Resident Celebrates Her 100th Birthday
Seventy Years and Counting!
Kentlands residents Hal and Pearl
Levee will celebrate their 70th wedding
anniversary on July 26, 2012. An intimate
family party will be held on July 21 at the
home of their son and daughter-in-law,
Steve and Pat Levee. Their daughter, Leslie
Lynn, and her husband, Jim Weightman,
will also be attending.
Hal and Pearl met at a beach club dance
on June 1, 1941 where Hal had been
invited to compete in the U.S. Single Wall
Handball Championships. They were
married on July 26, 1942.
Pearl was an artist who studied under
Gene Davis, painting modern on canvas.
Rosalyn R. Tobin, a resident at Kentlands
Manor, formerly of Bethesda, will be
celebrating her 100th birthday on July
28th at the Comus Inn with family and
friends. Her family includes her three
children, Ruth of Stoystown, PA; David
of Boyds, MD; and Debby of Danvers,
MA and their spouses. She also has six
grandchildren: Rebecca of Washington,
DC; Marc of New Orleans, LA; Justin of
Salisbury, MD; Anna Rain of Rockville,
MD; Eric of Boston, MA; and Emily of
Washington, DC.
She then became a professional interior
designer registered in Maryland, Virginia,
New York, and Florida.
Hal has a degree in Mechanical
Engineering from the Illinois Institute of
Technology and a Master of Management
Science from Pace University. His work
took him to India, Taiwan, and Italy where
he supervised construction of electric
generating and nuclear power stations.
During World War II, Hal was assigned
to the Combat Engineers Corps and
worked on the Atomic Bomb Project (The
Manhattan Project) at the University of
Chicago. He worked on the first nuclear
reactor which
museum piece
at the Fermi
Rosalyn lived abroad with her late
husband, Irwin Morris Tobin, in Vienna,
Austria for 4 years, Bonn, Germany for
2 years, and Belgrade, Yugoslavia for 2
years while he served as a Foreign Service
Officer for the US State Department. She
loved their travels together.
She was a longtime resident of
Bannockburn, a unique Bethesda
neighborhood that was developed as a
Group Housing Cooperative. Her home,
which she still owns, was one of the first
built in 1946.
Rhoda Aiello,
also lives in
the Kentlands
and he and
and nine great
also live in the
metro area.
Rosalyn enjoys reading, doing crossword
puzzles, playing rummikub, and visits
with family and friends. In good health,
she cooks for herself - although Rosalyn
is always hoping someone will drop by
to take her out to eat!
Rosalyn’s friends at Kentlands Manor
surprised her with a special cake and
party on July 12.
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Kentlands Town Crier 5
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
Upcoming Summer Activities
Pool and Snack Bar Hours
The lap, main, and baby pools are open every day beginning at 9:30 am through
September 3. TGIF Happy Hour - August 3
The lap pool will be closed during Kentlands Kingfish Swim Team meets. The early
morning lap swim will be available in the social pool when the Swim Team has
morning practice.
Pool Hours Until September 3
Join your neighbors at a KCA-sponsored Happy Hour on Friday, August
3 from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at the Clubhouse. We’ll be serving wine,
beer, and soft drinks for everyone to enjoy while they meet old friends
and new. Please bring your favorite hors d’oeuvre to share with everyone! RSVP today by calling 301-948-2071 by July 31. See you there!
Daily - Entire Pool: 9:30 am - 9:00 pm
Mon., Wed., and Fri.: Lap Pool Only: 6:00 am - 9:00 am
National Night Out & Root Beer Float Party - August 7
The pool will close at 3:00 pm on August 11 for the Kentlands Summerfest.
Pool season will end on Labor Day, Monday September 3. The Social (Main) Pool will
close at 4:00 pm for the season and the annual Dog Swim will be held from 4:00 pm
to 6:00 pm. The Lap and Baby Pools will remain open until 9:00 pm.
Join us at 7:00 pm on the Snack Bar patio for our Annual National Night
Out, a unique safety and community event. In addition to literature
and finger-printing kits, root beer floats will be provided.
The Kentlands Clubhouse Snack Bar is open daily until August 26 from 11:45 am
- 5:00 pm. The Snack Bar will not be open on Labor Day. We apologize for any
inconvenience, but we are unable to accept bills larger than $20.
Tuesday Raft Night Extended Snack Bar Hours
Kentlands Summerfest - August 11
We’re switching it up this year for our annual summer celebration. Join
us on August 11 at 6:00 pm for a summer picnic on the pool deck with
a DJ and dancing afterwards. It’ll be a fun time for all ages. Please call
the Clubhouse at 301-948-2071 by August 7 to sign-up for the fun!
June 5 to July 24: 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm
July 31 to August 21: 6:00 - 7:45 pm
Summer Concerts on the Lawn
Newcomers’ Coffee - August 25
New to Kentlands? The Kentlands Welcoming Committee’s next
Newcomers’ Coffee is scheduled for Saturday, August 25 at the
Kentlands Clubhouse from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. It’s a fun hour where
you’ll meet your neighbors and hear about the community, fun activities
and events. Please call the Clubhouse at 301-948-4290 by August 23
to sign up.
The Kentlands Clubhouse Lawn is the place to be on Saturday
evenings. Bring a picnic supper and enjoy listening to live music
from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.
August 4
I&I Riddim will transform the Lawn into a
Caribbean Island paradise (rescheduled due to storm)
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com 6
Kentlands Town Crier
Budget and Finance Advisory Committee Update
By Robert Randolph, Chair, Budget and Finance Advisory Committee
Since Kentlands is without
a Community Treasurer at
the moment, the Board and
President suggested that
Kentlands residents might
appreciate a current overview
Assembly’s (KCA) finances
by the Budget and Finance
Advisory Committee Chair.
I am happy to comply, and I
hope the result is helpful.
over the past year)--both in line
with the Reserve Funding Plan
recommended by KCA’s most
recent professional Reserve Study.
In addition, $45,728 was allocated
to the Capital Improvement
Project Reserve. This represents a
51% decrease from this time last
year, chiefly because of payments
made from this reserve for the
costs of the Massbury storm-water
remediation project.
Cash and Investments
As of May 31, 2012 (closing
date of the most recent
monthly Financial Report
prepared by CMC, KCA’s
company), the Assembly had
cash and investments totaling
$2,514,230, an increase of
16.4% compared to this time
last year.
Equity (retained earnings, our
operational reserve) was $174,715
at the end of May, an increase of
27% since the same time last year.
The industry standard which KCA’s
auditors recommend we follow is
for Homeowners’ Equity to be 1020% of annual assessments. While
our percentage has improved from
8.1% a year ago to 9.4% now, we
still have a long way to go.
Other Financial Highlights
Of the assembly’s total equity
at month end, $853,299 was
allocated to the Recreation
Facilities Reserve (an increase
of 22% since this time last
year) and $809,491 to the
General Reserve (up 29%
At the end of May, year-to-date
revenue from all sources was
$842,841. This is roughly 2%
above budget, mostly due to
better-than-anticipated returns on
KCA’s investments (40% above
budget) and payments into the
Titleholders Initial Contribution
fund (56% above budget).
Year-to-date outlays, including
expenses and transfers to reserves,
totaled $777,071. This is almost
6% below budget, chiefly
thanks to economies achieved
in the areas of Publications and
Communications (18% below
budget for the year so far),
Administrative Expenses (16%
below budget). and Maintenance
and Services (14% below budget).
It may be of interest to note that,
as of May 31, year-to-date
expenditures for Professional
Services were 8% below budget,
with Legal Fees in particular
33% below budget. In general,
these decreases reflect both
improvements made (e.g., better
management of the Town Crier
the advertising revenue) and
a reduction in obligations
(e.g., minimal snow removal
expenses and fewer issues
requiring legal counsel).
Also, Legal Fees designated for
Collections were budgeted at
$7,083 for the year to date, of
which $6,839 had actually been
expended. Recovered Collection
Fees totaled $5,086 so far this year,
with more fee recoveries likely
as further delinquent assessment
accounts are brought up to date.
To sum up, year-to-date net income
at the end of May was $65,769,
which is $67,087 favorable
to the YTD net loss of $1,318
which the budget anticipated
for this time of year. A YTD net
loss is typical during the summer
months because of seasonal costs
of recreation programs and warmweather maintenance projects.
CMC projections show KCA
on track to end the year with
a net gain of around $68,451,
compared with the full-year net
gain of $1,364 foreseen in the
2012 budget and $42,277 and
$12,665 actually achieved in
2011 and 2010 respectively.
How to Get More Information
are available in the monthly
Financial Report from CMC,
which interested Titleholders are
welcome to review by dropping
in at the KCA offices.
Board Of Trustees Seek Volunteers for Trustee Positions
The Board would like to take this opportunity to seek Kentlands
residents who may be interested in serving as a Trustee for the
Kentlands Citizens Assembly. There are two open positions: one as
Treasurer and one as Trustee. A description of the duties of
a Trustee can be found under the Board of Trustees tab at
Gardner James Engineering is continuing
the process of evaluating the asphalt and
they have completed the coring phase
which evaluates the depth and stability
of the asphalt and the conditions that
exist below. This includes the stone base
and the soil beneath. You may see some
markings on the radiuses around the
corners of the mews and these areas will be
re-enforced during the paving phase.
Interested residents are invited to contact CMC General Manager,
Randy Fox, at rfox@cmc-management.com by sending a resume
and a short letter stating a desire to be on the Board and a brief
description of qualifications or background. Submission deadline is
August 1, 2012 by 5:00 pm.
The engineers will now develop bid
specifications which the Board will approve
followed by a request for proposals from
competent asphalt contractors. Gardner
James will review the results of the
proposals and will make a recommendation
to the Board for their approval. Our goal
is to begin the paving in late September or
early October.
Many residents take advantage of
renting the Clubhouse Great Room
for private functions.
Resolution Number 12 provides for the
rules and regulations associated with the
room rental. One important requirement is
that the individual(s) whose name(s) appear
on the Rental Agreement as the designated
Agreement Holder(s) must be present for
the duration of the function.
The renter is responsible for any damages or
the failure to clean up after the function, and
Kentlands Town Crier 7
unfortunately, we have had instances where
the resident renting the room is not present
during the event which wouldn’t excuse the
renter for responsibility of damages.
Kudos to the community’s newest
restaurant, Not Your Average Joe’s, and
the immediate support they’ve shown to
the Kentlands Community. Their donation
to the Kentlands Community Foundation
shows their dedication and commitment to
the betterment of the Kentlands.
Board of Trustees
Meeting Dates and
Time Changes
There will be no Board of Trustees
meeting in July. This meeting has been
rescheduled to Wednesday, August 8
at 7:00 pm.
The August Board of Trustees Meeting
has been rescheduled from August 22
to August 29 at 7:00 pm.
Going forward, all Board of Trustees
meetings will now begin at 7:00 pm.
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
By Carrie Dietz
Ready, Set, Register!
The race committee is gearing up for
the 19th annual Kentlands/Lakelands 5K
Run, Walk & Kids Fun Runs Saturday,
September 1 and registration is now open.
Early-bird registration is just $28 so
register today!
As Montgomery County’s largest 5K the
run will once again feature live music
along the race course, two water stops
and an awesome merchant expo at
the finish line. In addition, by popular
demand another wave of kids’ fun runs
will be incorporated into the event, offering the opportunity for even more young
runners to participate.
Kentlands Citizens Assembly (KCA)
and the KCF. Again, Karen was a major
influence in getting me involved as she
was approached by Mary Fehlig and
Bridget Ryder to help with the 5K run.
Since she was helping, I helped too.
It was through that experience that I
became exposed to the work of the
KCF, and was excited by its mission.
My involvement grew, and when
my neighbor, Lee Wilson, became its
chair, my participation resulted in me
being named by the KCA to the KCF
Not only do I believe in the mission
and ideals of the Foundation, I am at
a stage of life where I have both the
time and energy to contribute, and I
Meet Glen Palman
enjoy working with the KCF, the great
Glen Palman is the new Chair of the members of the Board, and Carrie
Kentlands Community Foundation Dietz, our Director.
(KCF). He recently sat down with
the Town Crier for an informal chat to What does community mean to you?
discuss his new position.
I am very proud of what the Kentlands
has become. Not only is it an
Tell our readers a bit about yourself.
attractive and aesthetically interesting
I am a recent retiree from the federal neighborhood, it has become a model
judiciary, and my wife, Karen, and I of new urbanism. New urbanism
have a son, a daughter-in-law and makes sense and I believe it will
a daughter. Our son and his wife continue to flourish.
had a child giving us a wonderful
Of course, the idea of a community,
In addition to
where folks look out for each other
enjoying retirement and working on
and readily help each other is great.
Foundation matters, I am a part-time
But in Kentlands we have the ability
volunteer instructor at A Wider Circle
to go further, and provide programs
teaching financial literacy and job
not just for ourselves, but the wider
community, through the KCF. The
existence of the KCF means we can
What is your “Kentlands” story?
do things for the common good in
After marriage, we initially settled in an organized way, and I believe that
Montgomery Village. Within weeks of is a great way for people to get to
moving into our second new home know our neighborhood and to bring
in Montgomery Village, Karen saw in together volunteers from all over the
the paper an article mentioning that area.
a new community, the Kentlands,
was having a celebration and that What do you hope to accomplish
there would be food, balloons and so during your time as Chair?
forth. Having a toddler, this seemed
I will make sure that our current
like a great way to spend the day. We
programs are well supported, and
drove down a gravel “construction
look forward to new ideas emanating
traffic only” road to get to what we
up from our communities. The grass
now know as “Old Farm.” Karen was
roots approach taken by the Board has
immediately inspired by the concept,
served us well. Just look at some of
and fell in love with Kentlands and
the new programs in the past couple
new urbanism, particularly the
of years. For example, KidsServe was
neighborhood’s design for walkability
an idea from our neighbors, not the
and the idea of having residences of
Board. The choir was expanded,
all sizes.
the Dog Show was a hit this year,
While I too liked what I saw and as was the house tour last year. We
heard, since we had just bought in have provided significant assistance
Montgomery Village, I dragged my to our merchants on Kentlands Day,
feet for many years but in 1997 we and the community table idea is
signed a contract, our home was built, now a mainstay as we support local
and in 1998 we moved in.
restaurants. Of course, we have
several other important programs,
Why did you become involved including our flagship event, the 5K
with the Kentlands Community run.
The Foundation will continue its great
I am one of those folks that initially did work and I look forward to serving as
not know the difference between the its chair.
Enter the 5K Weekly Trivia Contest!
Be sure to check the Foundation
bulletin board at the Clubhouse
each week until race day for 5K
Trivia questions! Entries will be
entered into a weekly raffle for fun
Foundation-themed prizes!
If you’d like to be a part of the fun as a
runner or walker; sponsor or volunteer
please visit: www.kentlands.org.
Pinky & Pepe’s Grape Escape to Set
the Next Community Table
Connect with old friends and new ones
at the next Community Table, August 1 at
Pinky & Pepe’s Grape Escape in Kentlands
Downtown. Since it began in February
2011, the Community Table has brought
together hundreds of area residents for
dinner and conversation at more than a
dozen area restaurants. The pay-yourown way event is a great way to meet old
friends and new while supporting local
business at the same time. Call Pinky &
Pepe’s at 301.869.9463.
KidServe to Help Operation Smile
Sunday, August 26th, one session from
3:00 pm - 4pm.
KidServe will make coin collection jars to
benefit Operation Smile, an international
children’s medical charity that provides
free surgical services to kids with facial
deformities, like cleft palate.
More than 100 people - including young
children and families- walked through
the Lakelands neighborhood with naturalist Amy Beam last month as part of
the nature walk organized by KCF Go
Green Group. Ms. Beam meandered
through tall grasses followed by all the
attendees, pointed out the Montgomery
County Muddy Branch walking trail and
the Muddy Branch stream to attentive listeners. People of all ages spent two hours
learning about the local flora and fauna.
CHORUS 2012-2013 SEASON!
Sat., July 28, from 1:30-3:30 pm. at 135 Lake St.
Open to boys and girls, grades 3-12. Prepare a brief song that shows your vocal
range and personality. A pianist will be provided.
Soloists chosen will have the opportunity to perform at local events including
Gaithersburg Oktoberfest, Kentlands Day, concerts at the mall, sports events and
Chorus concerts. All soloists will be part of the core performance group and
are required to attend the full season of classes and performances, Sept. to May.
Chorus groups are Pre Teen Glee Chorus and Teen Glee Chorus, singing show
tunes, popular, light classical and international songs.
You may submit a video if it's not possible to audition on July 28.
Please contact Lisa Pickett to schedule your audition time or to get more
information: kentlandschorus@aol.com or 301-869-1010.
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com 8
Kentlands Town Crier
The Kentlands Crime & Safety Listserv
(continued from page 1)
has determined that a new award should
be established to recognize the value
we place on individuals who give back
selflessly to the community. This award
will be given as circumstances warrant
and not dictated by the calendar. We
on the Board have determined that since
John served as such an excellent role
model for this ideal that the award should
be named The John B. Schlichting Award
for Exemplary Volunteerism, and that
John should be the first recipient of this
prestigious award.”
The award recognizes Schlichting and
others who will earn it after him for
involvement in the KCF programs and
significant volunteer time to further the
mission of the foundation that sets them
above their peers, according to Palman.
“I believe the award is a special one
that recognizes John‘s years of service
and dedication to the foundation. I think
he was very surprised, too,” said Carrie
Dietz, KCF Director.
Palman said the board members reflected
on Schlichting’s tenure on the board and
his accomplishment when it decided to
create this new award.
“We have several hundred volunteers.
We try to inspire people to give back
and help their community,” Palman said.
“As we reflected on John and what he
means to the community, the energy, the
inspiration and leadership he displayed,
we thought that special recognition
was in order. We didn’t have an award
specifically for recognizing superior
efforts to provide service as a volunteer.
John was a great model and exemplified
what we try to achieve.
By Tom Marchessault & Jim Hubbard
Schlicthing was recently hired as
the Gaithersburg Planning and Code
Administration director. He remains on
the Kentlands Community Foundation
Since January 2004, there has been
a Kentlands listserv for crime, safety,
and health information relevant to the
community. While primarily intended
to alert the neighborhood about crime
and public safety indicants, it also
includes notices of lost/found pets and
the occasional lost or found bicycle.
The site is hosted by Yahoo! Groups and
moderated for the past few years by Tom
Marchessault (Inspiration Lane) and Jim
Hubbard (Massbury St.)
Two other board members were also
honored at the annual meeting.
Friend of the Foundation plaques were
given to Michelle Clarke, a long-time
active KCF volunteer and Paul Huang,
the owner of Kentlands Stadium 10.
The plaques are awarded to community
members who helped the Foundation
throughout the year.
In the early years of the listserv, most of the
content came from member-residents and
this continues to be an important source
of information. In recent years, the City
of Gaithersburg has been more proactive
with crime and safety information in the
City. Many of the postings now are news
briefs relevant to the Kentlands from
Officer Dan Lane Jr., the Community
Services/Public Information Office of the
Gaithersburg Police.
Clarke has been involved with the
Foundation since its inception, most
recently on the Community Garden
“There hasn’t been a Kentlands program
that Michelle has not touched – She
was involved since the earliest years of
Kentlands and the Foundation – From
the First 5K to the Garden Club to the
Community Garden. Our community
owes a tremendous debt to Michelle
and her spirit of volunteerism. She truly
embodies our mission of ‘facilitating the
art of community’,” said Schlichting.
Recent posts included information on the
Lowe’s incident on May 20, alerts about
the copper thefts that recently took place,
notices about burglaries and vandalism
incidents, as well as thunderstorm and
tornado alerts.
Huang has donated his time, staff and
facilities on many occasions for KCF
events such as the Manhattan Short
Film Festival and the GO GREEN
environmental film screenings. This year
he has also offered to open the theater the
morning of the 5K in the event that the
weather quickly turns.
At one point, the listserv encouraged
discussion on crime and safety issues.
After considerable backlash against
these discussions and some drop-off in
membership, the format changed so that
“opinion” submissions are no longer
approved. People interested in an online
discussion are encouraged to use the
section of the KCA website dedicated to
citizen discussion.
There are two ways to join the listserv.
1. If you have a Yahoo! account, go there
and join, using your Yahoo! account info.
2. If you do not have a Yahoo! account,
send an email to kentlandswatch @gmail.
com and we will send you an invitation
to join.
When you register, you have the option of
receiving an email alert immediately or
having them bundled up for a daily digest.
Kentlands Town Crier 9
When there were considerable back and
forth discussions, many people chose this
latter option. Now that commentary and
discussion are not allowed, we suggest
you opt to receive immediate emails.
(If you choose, the other two options
“Special Notices” or “No Email” you will
never see anything.)
There are two ways to post a message.
1. If you have a Yahoo! account, you
can go to the website and click on “Start
2. You can send an email to the gmail
address noted above with your message
in the body of the message.
All messages are first reviewed by either
Tom or Jim to ensure they are appropriate
for the listserv. They try to review them as
soon as possible.
We are always open to comments and
suggestions regarding the content and
administration of this site.
Remember, if you notice anything
suspicious in our community, please post
it after notifying the police department.
For the most part, no news on this site is
good news because nothing endangering
public health or public safety is
Summer Safety Information
One way to keep down crime in the
neighborhood is to take the due diligence
to ensure that you are not a target for
property crimes. Here are Dan Lane’s
suggestions for doing this.
It could happen to you!! Burglaries are
an ongoing problem.
Homes and garages with unlocked doors
and open windows are being targeted.
Leaving doors and windows open and/or
unlocked make you an easy target.
So Don’t Forget to:
• Close and lock your doors and
• Activate your alarms if you have
one; and
• Set lights on timers.
An Ounce of Prevention May Keep You
from Being a Victim!
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
Kentlands Volunteers Honored at Annual Reception and Dinner
On June 13, Kentlands residents who had volunteered in 2011 to serve on the Board of Trustees, committees, and task forces and to perform other necessary tasks were honored
for their hard work and commitment to our neighborhood. Volunteers and their spouses were treated to a catered dinner and enjoyed drinks and mingling with their fellow
attendees. The KCA Board of Trustees, President, and CMC staff extend their appreciation to these individuals who have worked so diligently on behalf of our community.
Board of Trustees
Alex Kleinman, Chair
Paul Zeineddin, Vice Chair
Sigrid McCutcheon, Secretary
Robert Randolph, Treasurer
Tim Clarke, Treasurer (Elected Nov. 2011)
Joyce Whitman, Trustee
Rachael Henderson Hammoudeh
Kentlands Historical Trust
John McCutcheon, Chair
Susan Darcey
Mikel Draghici
John Kraft
Hamid Nazari, At-Large Member
Budget and Finance Advisory Committee
Steve Rambo, Chair
David Kessler
Chris Mann
Mike Taylor
Bob Turner
Activities Committee
Gwen Emerson, Chair
Ailene Renzi
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com Engineering Advisory Committee
Bassam Hammoudeh
Environmental Management Committee
Wayne Stengel, Chair
Michelle Clarke
Larry Dildine
Diane Faulkner
Roger Ford
Susan Moran
Bob Turner
Nancy Turner
Runners’ Group
Martin Horan
Tree Task Force
Larry Dildine
Charlie Green
Paul Shields
Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin
Condominium Associations Presidents
Bob Ravida , Bozzuto II
Abe Schneider, 110 Chevy Chase Street
Melvin Rushfield, 120 Chevy Chase Street
Gwen Love, 130 Chevy Chase Street
Marjorie Tibery, 150 Chevy Chase Street
Paul Waldron, Copperfield Crossing
Ralph Kantrowitz, Copperfield Crossing II
Sheila Schneider, Craftstar Kentlands
Nina Mall, Kentlands Ridge
Dennis Hart, Kentlands View
Welcoming Committee
Cheryl Dunkin
Dianne Forrester
Chris Joehl
Joanne Shields
JoAnn Stengel
Photo by Rachael Henderson Hammoudeh
Board of Code Compliance
Gary Knapp, Chair
Luco Fierro
Fred Leonhhardt
Bob Lowe
Bob Olson
Robyn Renas
Elections Committee
Cynthia Evans
Angie Frick
Chris Kelly
Suzanne Price
Community Bulletin Boards
Betsy Doyle
Men’s Basketball Group
Brendan Emerson
Neighborhood Watch
Jim Hubbard
Tom Marchessault
Kentlands Town Crier
Kentlands Residents Showed Their Patriotic Pride in the July 4th Parade
Photos by Tom Marchessault
Parade Grand Marshals Bob & Nancy Turner
And Enjoyed the Annual Carnival on the Lawn
Kentlands Town Crier 11
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
Michelle Clarke presented with Friend of the Foundation Award
By Krista Brick
Just try and keep up with Michelle Clarke.
It’s not easy and most don’t try. This
Kentlands original knows just about
everyone and knows even more about
how to get the job done-- any job. And
she’s had just about all of them when it
comes to volunteering in the Kentlands.
She knows intimately the history of
the Kentlands community. She should.
She was its first Kentlands Newsletter
editor, now published as the Kentlands
Town Crier. She even knows what most
Kentlands homeowners are cooking in
their kitchen. She should. She’s convinced
them to give her their recipes for the
Kentlands Heritage Cookbook.
The founding principal for the Kentlands
Public Relations company, Clarke
has been a steadfast proponent of the
Kentlands and its New Urbanism design.
She worked with developers to promote
the Kentlands and introduce businesses to
the community and helped to bring the
first Octoberfest to fruition.
This vivacious woman was recently
awarded the Friends of the Foundation
award from the Kentlands Community
Foundation for her work with the
Community Garden - her second such
When she saw a need for warm winter
clothing for Gaithersburg residents, Clarke
launched the Keep Gaithersburg Warm
coat drive. Clarke said she remembered
when snow wasn’t measured in feet
outside her door, but piles of donated
coats the community had dropped off
answering her persuasive call.
“This community is filled with wonderful,
Clarke saw potential in the Kentlands
community’s first New
Year’s Eve party in the
mansion. Clarke said she
recalled using potted plants
and holiday decorations
to hide peeling paint and
cracks in windows before
the mansion underwent its
present-day restoration.
needed its first fundraising
were on Clarke. She
didn’t disappoint. Her
leadership resulted in the
first Kentlands 5K run, a
wildly popular event in the
She also organized the first
House and Garden Tour
which continues with vigor
today. She started the first
Kentlands Garden Club in
1998 and the Community
Gardens. She’s twined the art and garden
communities for a joint show that proved
to be a great partnership.
Don’t worry - she’s even got your
number. She organized the first Kentands
residential and business directory.
Photo by Krista Brick
“I guess I can find a solution to most
anything without causing a mess,” Clarke
said from her home on Booth Street. She
moved to the gorgeous condominium in
2008 with an elegant patio garden after
multiple sclerosis tried to slow her down.
It hasn’t.
giving people and they are the backbone
of the Foundation. Without the help of
hundreds of volunteers each year, the
Foundation and its programs would not
happen. From the Community Chorus
and KidServe, a new program that brings
kids and parents together to serve the
greater community; to the GO GREEN
Group and of course the Kentlands/
Lakelands 5K, it’s the volunteers who
make it all happen. The Friend of the
Foundation plaques are just a small token
of thanks to a few people each year that
have really gone the extra mile in their
efforts to support the Foundation,” said
Carrie Dietz, Foundation Director.
Doubtful, but if you’ve not met Michelle
Clarke, bets are you are familiar with
some of the things she’s done to make the
Kentlands a community and not just an
TGIF Happy Hour Summer Fun!
Photos by Cynthia Villareal
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com 12
Kentlands Town Crier
Kentlands Town Crier 13
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
Not Your Average Joe’s Opens to Large Crowds and Presents a Large Donation to the KCF
By Kate Myers
Steve Silverstein, founder of the popular
Not Your Average Joe’s franchise, visited
the Kentlands 20 times before deciding
to open a location here. “Bad food and
service you can fix, but you can’t fix a bad
location,” said Silverstein. “Restaurants
are very expensive to open so you have
to get it right.” Judging by the number
of patrons (nearly 5,000 a week so far,
according to Silverstein) and glowing
reviews from diners, it seems he has.
On July 9, Gaithersburg Mayor Sidney
members, the Kentlands Community
Foundation, the Kentlands Downtown
Partnership and acting City Manager
Tony Tomasello joined Silverstein for
the restaurant’s official ribbon-cutting
ceremony. Katz presented Silverstein—
who attends every Not Your Average Joe’s
grand opening—with a city proclamation
declaring July 9 “Not Your Average Joe’s
“Lots of communities want you to prove
yourself to them first,” said Silverstein,
“but I have to tell you that I’ve never
experienced such a warm welcome as
I have here. I’ve had at least 50 people
come up and tell me they’re happy we’re
Silverstein and Erik Larson, the restaurant’s
general manager, also presented the
Kentlands Community Foundation (KCF)
with a check for $4,250. Before officially
opening, the Kentlands Not Your Average
Joe’s held a four-night fundraiser where
patrons could dine for free but were asked
to make a donation to the KCF. “We were
thrilled by the donation,” said foundation
director Carrie Dietz. “We first met the
Not Your Average Joe’s team at Kentlands
Day in May, and they later approached us
about raising money for the foundation.
Proceeds will go toward the Kentlands 5K
and supporting our ongoing programs,
like the Go Green group, KidServe and
the Kentlands Film Society.”
Although the restaurant, which serves
handmade, locally sourced American
cuisine, has been open less than a month,
business is already booming. Larson says
the restaurant, which takes reservations,
has been booked solid most nights from
4 to 9 p.m., with an average hour-long
wait for walk-ins. The restaurant has also
attracted plenty of job seekers. According
to Silverstein, the Kentlands Not Your
Average Joe’s received 1,200 applications
for 150 openings. “We hired one guy who
had been unemployed for six months,”
he said. An outdoor patio with seating for
100 is expected to open soon.
first Not Your
to feature the
franchise’s new
industrial chic
look and larger
bar area. The
restaurant also
boasts an open
everything: the food, the decor,
and the service,” said Kentlands
resident Angie Borkat, who
dined at the restaurant recently
with her family. “I was unsure
of what to think when I heard
the name of the restaurant, but
now that we’ve experienced it,
it definitely gets ‘two thumbs
up’ from our family! I was also
really pleased with the kids
menu; not only do they have
the typical ‘kids’ food’ but they
also have healthier options
like grilled chicken, salmon
and steak. We’ll definitely be
Photos by Cynthia Villareal
AGE 4-18
KLANDS12 at checkout!
TEL: 301-916-9053 / WWW.BRIT-AM.COM
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com 14
Kentlands Town Crier
“There are Angels Living Amongst Us”
. . . .Clyde Horton, Kentlands Resident
Young Pianists Receive National Piano Guild Certificates
On June 7, piano students of Yanni Yee received their National
Piano Guild certificates which they had earned in the audition. “All
participants received perfect report cards which was truly amazing.
Their consistent hard work and passion for piano music are the keys to
their success, said Yee. In addition to numerous recitals throughout the
year in the community, Yee’s students perform at the Kingshire Assisted
Living Center to share classical piano music with the elderly during the
holiday season.
Clyde Horton and his friend and kidney donor, Joe Wolken
By Alex Stavitsky-Zeineddin
Long time Kentlands resident Clyde
Horton has a new lease on life, thanks to
a former Kentlands neighbor and friend,
Joe Wolken, who donated his kidney
to give Clyde the opportunity to lead a
normal life.
On June 12th, both Joe and Clyde had
their respective surgeries at Georgetown
University Hospital. Joe donated his left
kidney and Clyde had it transplanted into
him within minutes. The kidney took and
functioned immediately, which is not
always the case, according to Clyde.
In September 2011 Clyde, 62, was told by
his doctor that his chronic hypertension
and kidney disease had lead to acute
kidney failure in one kidney. This meant
that he would need a kidney transplant.
According to the Organ Procurement and
Transplantation Network (OPTN) there
are 99,164 registered people in the U.S.
waiting for a kidney donation of which
12,031 have been waiting for more than
five years for either a live or cadaver
The news that Clyde needed a kidney
transplant was difficult initially to take in
for him and his family, even though Clyde
had lived with chronic hypertension and
kidney disease since his mid ‘20’s. “I
had to give up my ego, masculine way of
thinking that I can take care of my self
and then start asking. I asked and asked
(for a possible kidney donor),” said Clyde.
In November 2011, after coming back
from his first meeting with Georgetown
University’s Transplant team, Clyde knew
even better how long the waiting process
was to find a donor. With his kidney
working at 80%, Clyde wanted to see if
there was any way not to go on a dialysis
machine, waiting for possibly years for a
kidney. The very same day, Clyde posted
on Facebook the fact that he was in need
of a kidney. He also asked family, friends,
Kentlands Town Crier and neighbors as well as asking for people
to pray for him and spread the word.
“Joe’s daughter, Laura, is a friend of mine
on Facebook and saw the request. She
told her father, Joe, and he immediately
said that he wanted to donate a kidney,”
said Clyde.
Laura swam on the Kentlands Kingfish
swim team with Clyde’s son years back.
“I always supported her and other
swimmers on the team, cheering them on
not only when they did well, but when
they needed additional encouragement.
Joe knew me from those years but also
from our poker club. The family moved
away in the early ‘90’s but we kept in
Joe flew in from Austin, Texas in March
of this year, and found out that his
kidney was a perfect match. After the
kidney operation in June, he and his
wife, Jeanette, stayed for 10 days in the
Kentlands, with friends from the old poker
group, to recover from surgery and make
sure that the kidney was not rejected by
“I believe that collective energies
have influenced my recovery and I
am extremely grateful to my donor,
family, folks in the neighborhood, their
congregations, synagogues, and all others
for all their support, “ said Clyde. “ Now,
one of the things I want to do is to give
back and have opportunities to connect
As for the old poker group, “We all
played, including Joe, right after surgery
and just played again Wednesday night.
We even played the night I found out
about needing a kidney transplant. It is a
real bonding of men” said Clyde.
Clyde served on the Kentlands Citizens
Assembly, the Kentlands Kingfish
board, and the Kentlands Community
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
Kingfish raise funds in honor
of teammate who beat cancer
On July 3, the Kingfish swim team held the 3rd Annual
Swim-A-Thon benefiting The Leukemia & Lymphoma
Society (LLS).
The event was in honor in of a fellow Kingfish team
member, 10-year-old Kentlands resident Faith Froehlich,
who now enjoys a healthy, strong lifestyle after finishing
treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia more than six
years ago.
Photo by Christy Froehlich
The team raised more than $2,300 in the 2011 Swim-AThon and hopes to meet its goal of $4,000 this year. The
final amount will not be known until the end of July as
donations are still coming in.
During the event, Kingfish Head Coach, Rob Washburn,
swam 100 laps and Olivia French swam 200 laps.
Kingfish team member and Leukemia Survivor Faith Froehlich
swam 82 laps and raised $300.
Froehlich’s family is very active in fundraising for blood
cancer research and also supports LLS through the “Light
The Night” campaign. The family’s walk team, “Leap of
Faith,” was the top fundraiser at the Montgomery County
walk in 2011 and has raised more than $200,000 over the
past seven years. On September 8, the Froehlichs will hold
the 6th annual “Good Cause Get Together” in Kent Oaks
Kingfish Practice Hours
Weekday afternoons through Friday
July 27, 2012 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00
p.m. for practices. After the end of
the regular Montgomery County
school year, a lap lane will remain
vacant of Kingfish swimmers beginning at 6:00 p.m., and multiple
lanes will be available for non-team
swimmers from 4:00 to 4:30. pm.
Beginning June 20, there are no
Wednesday afternoon practices.
Weekday mornings through Friday
July 20, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. to
11:45 a.m. for practices.
From July 23-27, 2012, a single
practice for MCSL All Star meets
will be held for one hour each day,
time TBD by coaches.
Kingfish Meets
July 21 Divisionals at Country Glen
July 28 MCSL Relay Allstar
July 29 MCSL Individual Allstar
Kentlands Resident Finishes Third in DC Race for the Cure
By Kate Myers
Despite taking a wrong turn on the
course, Kentlands resident Michael
Borten finished an impressive third out
of 4,859 runners at the June 2 Susan G.
Komen Global Race for the Cure 5K in
Washington, D.C.
“The first- and second-place finishers
were very far ahead by the two-mile
mark, and I took a wrong turn that wasn’t
clearly marked. After mapping the route
I took though, it appeared to be slightly
longer than the intended course, so that
sort of validated my third-place finish.
I also think some of the finishers who
followed me took the wrong route too!”
said Borten.
The 2012 Quince Orchard High School
graduate ran in a show of support for his
mother Katie who is currently undergoing
treatment for breast cancer. “The race
was not only a chance to help women
everywhere fight breast cancer, but also a
fun racing opportunity,” said Borten, who
ran cross country, indoor and outdoor
track at Quince Orchard and will attend
the University of Virginia in the fall.
Katie and a group of about a dozen family
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com 16
members, friends and neighbors walked
the 5K. “The race was a very emotional
day for me. I was still undergoing chemo
treatments at the time, and I was worried
about whether I would have the strength
to finish, but I did,” said Katie, whose
team raised a combined $2,500.
Katie was diagnosed in December 2011
with Stage II breast cancer following
a routine mammogram. Long-time
Kentlands residents, Katie and her family
have been floored by the outpouring
of support they have received since
her diagnosis. “Although I have a good
prognosis, it has still been a difficult
time. A friend set up a Helping Hands
Web site for our family, and I don’t think
I’ve cooked one meal in the past five
months,” she said.
“People have also volunteered to drive
me to treatments. After my last chemo
treatment, I celebrated with a group of
neighbors at the Wine Harvest. I don’t
know what I would have done without
everyone’s help. It’s also been a great
lesson for my children to see this kind of
Kentlands Town Crier
Kentlands Town Crier 17
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Sponsorship, Vendor Opportunities
Available for 31st Annual Celebrate
Gaithersburg Festival
The 31st Annual Celebrate Gaithersburg
in Olde Towne Festival will draw an
entire community to Gaithersburg’s
historic City center for a day of food, fun,
entertainment and family activities. Be
part of the celebration, exhibiting your
wares, promoting your organization, and
enhancing your market position with
vendor and sponsorship opportunities.
The one-day event is scheduled for
Sunday, September 16, 2012, and will
include several stages of live entertainment, a variety of local food trucks, and
special Zones geared for all ages and
The Green Zone, filled with environmental information and resources and a lively
The Healthy Choices Zone, promoting
fitness and health
The Global Zone, showcasing culturally
diverse entertainment
The Kids Zone, a fun place to be with
lively children’s activities
Nearly 20,000 people attended the
festival last year.
Vendors and sponsors are invited to
apply for participation in this year’s event.
Categories include food trucks, arts and
crafts and commercial vendors, vendors
for each of the zones, nonprofit organizations, activity booths, and political
candidates, as well as opportunities to
demo your products or services on the
stage in your zone. Booth fees vary.
Early applications are due by August
10, 2012. After that, a $20 late fee will
apply. The last day for all applications is
September 7, 2012.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available for businesses interested in supporting the festival and gaining additional
marketing exposure. Several sponsorship
levels with varying promotional benefits
encourage a wide range of participation.
Application and sponsorship forms are
available from the Department of Parks,
Recreation and Culture at 301-258-6350
or email parksrec@gaithersburgmd.gov.
Gaithersburg Issues 2011 Annual
Planning Report
The City of Gaithersburg has submitted its 2011 Annual Planning Report for
the period January 1 through December 31, 2011 to the Maryland Planning
Department. Prepared by the Gaithersburg Planning Commission, the 18-page
report includes an introduction and
overview, a summary of growth related
changes, a section on Smart Growth
initiatives, and information on Adequate
Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO)
Also included in the report are maps
giving a visual representation of planning activity in 2011. The Development
Patterns map shows properties annexed
and development plans approved in
2011. A Transportation map indicates
proposed projects including the Corridor Cities Transitway and the Bus Rapid
Transitway corridor, as well as streets
built in 2011. A Building Permits map
plots commercial and residential building permits issued throughout the community, and an APFO Map locates those
schools that will exceed 110% capacity
within two years.
The document is available for review on
the City’s website at http://www.gaithersburgmd.gov/Documents/pc/2011_Planning_Report.pdf. For additional information please contact the Planning and
Code Administration at 301-258-6330.
Gaithersburg Earns 6th Consecutive
“Banner City/Town” Designation
from Maryland Municipal League
Gaithersburg was one of 46 cities and towns in Maryland to
earn designation as a Maryland
Municipal League (MML) Banner City/
Town. This is the sixth consecutive year that
Gaithersburg has received the honor,
which it has earned since the program’s
inception in 2007. Only seven other
municipalities have that distinction.
The program formally recognizes those
communities that demonstrate a commitment to MML programs and activities
through the involvement of their elected
and appointed officials. There are five
minimum requirements to earn the designation, including participation and
support of the annual “If I Were Mayor”
contest, support of Municipal Government Works Month, attendance at chapter meetings, participation in the annual
convention and fall conference, and
participation in at least one of six other
service criteria.
“Earning this designation for six years
running is quite an accomplishment,”
said Gaithersburg Mayor Sidney Katz.
“Participation in MML allows us to share
best practices, stay on top of new developments in municipal governance, and
exchange ideas for the betterment of all
cities and towns in Maryland.”
Personals at Arts Barn
In partnership with Tasty Monster
presents Personals, a musical comedy
from the creators of the hit TV show
Friends. The show runs July 27 through
August 4, with performances on Fridays
at 7:30 pm and Saturdays at 7:30 pm and
9:30 pm. Admission is $20, $18 for City
Personals is a collection of songs, monologues, and comic scenes about people
who place lonely hearts ads looking for
that certain special someone. This show
contains adult language and mature
themes and is appropriate for those 17
years and older.
For more information and tickets
call 301-258-6394 or visit online at
“Photographs” On Display
The City of Gaithersburg presents
“Photographs,” featuring the works of
photographic artists John Coker and
Thomas Germer. The exhibit runs from
July 13 through September 9, 2012, at
the Activity Center at Bohrer Park, 506
South Frederick Avenue. Viewing hours
are Monday through Saturday from
8:00 am to 9:00
pm and
on Sunday from 8:00 am to
5:00 pm.
Please note that all images are copyrighted by the artists. For more information please visit the City’s website
contact Andi Rosati at 301-258-6394.
Dear Editor:
Your June 2012 newspaper contains an article from the Board & President concerning
a trademark.
Had the Board wanted to register a tradename, it could have done so simply and
inexpensively in Maryland for a nominal fee but this President spent tens of thousands
of dollars, absolutely not in the budget, on useless legal fees to register with the U.S.
office. Are we worried about a New Mexico town using the name of Kentlands?
The article drafted by these two individuals knowingly contains a blatant falsehood in
their effort to justify their actions. The Collonnade annexation agreement was to bring
the residents of the Collonnade into Kentlands with certain benefits such as listing
their names in the directory. The annexation was well before this President and Board
Chair started their outrageous overspending on a trademark and it was not a “license”
to use a name.
Do any people think that the movie theater is a KCA function; do any people think that
a flower shop is a KCA function? Do any people think that a realtor listing houses for
sale is a KCA function? No!
We are a community, not a “brand”. We do not need the KCA to license us to say
where we live. The officers do not understand this fact. Their costly wasted efforts must
be resisted by all of us.
The Board meets monthly. State law, and the Kentlands Founding Documents, give
voters the right to observe and learn what is happening. Go! Read the information
made known to all Board members concerning finances and how, and for what, your
money is being spent.
In my opinion, the President and Board are failures and have not been appropriate
caretakers of our money. They should all immediately resign before their ill-conceived
actions destroy us all.
102 Booth Street, #18
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com Dear Editor:
Late on July 14, there was a spectacular house fire in the Hill District. Residents who
witnessed it can well appreciate that if the situation had been slightly different—dryer
weather, wind, or a delay in calling 911—we could have easily lost an entire block of
Why? Cedar shake roofs. They have a low ignition temperature, burn readily, and
create airborne firebrands that can rapidly spread the blaze. Cedar roofs are banned
in many areas due to their fire hazard—and indeed may prove to be a contributing
cause of this one. The affected neighborhood was comprised of connected and densely packed homes. A fire in any one presents a clear threat to them all.
Since the original adoption of the Kentlands Architectural Standards, modern materials
have been allowed in several categories—but not roofs. The Board briefly considered
changing the roof standards in 2009, when the expense and lack of durability of cedar
roofs were the major community concerns. Updating the roof standards must be given
greater consideration, and a higher priority.
356 Chestertown St.
Kentlands Town Crier
Alexis’s Dog Walking and Pet Care Service
Experienced and reliable dog walking/pet care for Kentlands
residents. Flexible hours. Reasonable rates. Excellent
references. Kentlands resident and pet owner.
240-449-9107 Ask for Alexis.
Beach Front Condo for Rent in
Southen Outer Banks
Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina. Quiet, but convenient to many
attractions. With two bedrooms, two baths. It will sleep 7 very
friendly people. Rent by the weekend, week or month. Introductory pricing in 2012!
Barney Gorin & Janis Tabor
20+ years in Kentlands
Left Handed Starter Golf Clubs
Stainless Steel
Tempo SS 1000 3, 5, 6, 7, 9
Triumph SS 1000 8
Dunlop Sand Wedge
Sure Shot Putter
Delta 3 Wood
Triumph 5 Wood
Includes knit wood covers
Contact Tom Marchessault at 240-601-8680
Lawn mowing for a single family home.
SUPERGATE III (with carton) — can be used 5 ways!
Deluxe 26” High Gate Adjusts Easily to Doorways 26” 42” Wide
Mower provided.
Bob & Nancy Turner
One Blue, One Purple, in Travel Bags
Bob and Nancy Turner, 109 Midtown Road
ONLY $200! Excellent condition! Features:
Kentlands Town Crier MUSIC
Ages: 6-14 | Camp Dates: June 18-July 27
HALF DAY (9am-12:30pm/12:30-3:30pm) & FULL DAY: 9am-3:30pm
Explore fine art techniques, theater, film making, Mad Science©, band,
robots, or computer programming for half of the day, and take trips
to local parks, pools, performances for the other half. Or choose the
all day sports and adventure option!
• 4 different themed walls inspire creative and imaginative play
Schoolhouse/Firehouse Wall Includes: a table, a chalkboard, an open-and-close
door with mail slot, plus a molded-in bell and alphabet
Gas Station Wall Includes: a gas pump, a phone, a crawl-through tunnel and
special molded-in details
Sports Wall Includes: a sports ball, a basketball hoop, a soccer/hockey net and
targets for ball tossing and game playing
Grocery Store/Bank Wall Includes: a neat drive-up window with see-through
shutters, an ATM machine, shelves inside for play food and realistic molded-in
Interior features include even more molded-in details including a kitchenette,
workshop and bank
Interested? Email: kellimiller@gmail.com
Ages: 3 - Rising Kindergartners | Camp Dates: June 18-July 27
9am-1:30pm, Aftercare available until 3:30pm
Engage in arts & crafts, dramatic play, music & movement,
outdoor games, and cooking as you explore the cultures, stories,
food, arts, and music of countries around the world!
To learn more, go to: www.SenecaAcademy.org or call 301.869.3728
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
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Kentlands Town Crier
Sold by Rich
Kentlands Town Crier 21
www.kentlandsusa.com n JUly 2012
Kentlands Real Estate Listings
304 Ridgepoint Pl #14
110 Chevy Chase St #404
132 Kendrick Pl #132
113 Ridgepoint Pl
353 Alfandre St
211 Firehouse Ln
331 Kent Square Rd
150 Chevy Chase St #406
334 Chestertown St
319 Inspiration Ln
224 Thaxton St
127 Thurgood St
Housing Type
Carriage Home
Single Family Home
Single Family Home
Single Family Home
Information provided by Valerie Harnois,
Keller Williams - Meredith Fogle Real Estate Team
List Price
Days on the Market
Housing Type
List Price
Days on the Market
212 Ridgepoint Pl #18
130 Chevy Chase St #305
400 Kentlands Blvd #201
172 Kendrick Pl #34L
406 Kentlands Blvd #103
491 Chestertown St
246 Hart Mews
255 Chestertown St
134 Lake St
349 Little Quarry Rd
315 Tschiffely Square Rd
418 Tschiffely Square Rd
Carriage Home
Carriage Home
Single Family
Single Family
SOLD (6/1- present)
Housing Type
Orig/List Price
Sold Price
114 Kendrick Pl #16
162 Kendrick Pl #24
118 Ridgepoint Pl
349 Alfandre Mews
103 Massbury St
310 Hart Rd
312 Thaxton St
307 Tschiffely Square Rd
317 Booth St
201 Hart Rd
Carriage Home
Single Family Home
Single Family Home
Single Family Home
JUly 2012 n www.kentlandsusa.com $249,750
$479,000 $550,000
Days on the Market
Serving MD, DC and VA since 1989
MHIC #47084 • Licensed, Bonded, Insured
Free Estimates • AtlasWoodFloors.net
The real estate information was obtained
from MRIS. Information is believed to be
accurate, but should not be relied upon
without verification.
Information was
retrieved on 7/12/2012.
Kentlands Town Crier
Kentlands Town Crier 23
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Kentlands Town Crier

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