TUBES - sfsi
TUBES - sfsi
TUBES O ADAPTER/CONNECTING TUBES TUBES - THERMOMETER ADAPTER, H I G H V A C U U M , FOR ~ GLASS JOINTS, TEFLON ~ II O1 Adjustable thermometer seal for use with 6 to 7 turn thermometers. Holds a vacuum of 10-4 mm of Hg. Cat. = No. No. Each 14-6925-01 10/18 39.60 14-6925-02 12/30 42,19 14-6925-03 14/35 42.63 14-6925-04 19/38 45.75 14-6925-05 24/40 53.00 14-6925-06 29/42 58.35 14-6925-07 34/45 65,17 14-6925-08 45/50 82.45 14-6600 TUBE - THERMOMETER ADAPTER, STRAIGHT TYPE, JOINT, NEOPRENE CONNECTOR, K I M A X BRAND One end has 24/40 full length inner joint. Opposite end has beaded finish which can accommodate thermometer, bleed tube or stirrer attached by an elastic neoprene connector. Supplied with connectors. (Kimble 44870, 44870R) N~ 14-6900-01 14-6901-01 D~S~d=|~, Complete Connector only Pho ¢°se: QIY ~ Pr c, ..... QfY~ P' i~ 3 - 15-84 16- 28.72 21.84 TUBES - THERMOMETER ADAPTER, FOR ~ JOINTS, SCREW CAP A N D O - R I N G , TEFLON ® Teflon® body with threaded polypropylene compression locking nut on top with inside VJton O-ring allows airtight adjustment for 6 mm straight stem thermometers. Rotate nut above ground surface to remove adapter from flask. 14-6917-01 14-6017-03 14-6917-05 14-6917-08 10/18 14/20 19/22 24/40 28.35 31.70 36.25 40.15 14-6950 TUBES - ADAPTER, TUBING TO • JOINT, TEFLON ®, PTFE, CHEMWARE ® For connecting tubing, thermometers, stirrers, etc. into female glass joints. Seal is equipped with a KeI-F nut, Ground taper requires no lubrication and will not freeze. Cah : Na. 14-6950-15 14-6950-16 14-6950-41 ~ joint . . . . . 14 14 29 Fitstube, rnm 3 4 10 Each 19.85 20.68 74.68 us, z~ 14-6920 ._> TUBES - THERMOMETER ADAPTER, FOR G R O U N D GLASS JOINTS, TEFLON ® 14-6965 Solid Teflon ® adapters for use with flasks having • joints. With O-ring. Fits 6 to 7 mm thermometers. i~ ; [a(h!: 14-6920-01 14-6920-02 14-6920-03 14-6920-05 14-6920-06 14-5920-07 14-6920-08 14-6920-10 1210 10/18 12/3O 14/20 19/22 19/38 24/25 24/40 29/42 24.50 22.41 27.26 29.08 31.02 34.33 35.81 39.07 TUBES - ADAPTER, REDUCING, ~ JOINTS, PYREX ~ BRAND With outer • joint at top and smaller inner • joint at bottom. (Corning 88OO) Cat. No; 14-6965-01 14-6965-02 14-6965-04 Top~joint, Bottom~ioint, Pkg outer Inner Qty- Price 24/40 29/42 34/45 19/38 24/40 24/40 2 - 96.08 2 - 103.01 Case Qty- Price 6 - 216.18 6-231.78 1 - 47.55 TUBES ...,..= --d 14-6970 TUBES - ADAPTER, BRAND ENLARGING, 14-7086 b JOINTS, PYREX ® TUBES - ADAPTER, R E D U C I N G , ~. J O I N T S , K I M A X ® B R A N D BUSHING TYPE, With outer F joint at top and larger F inner joint at bottom. (Coming 8820) Outside of bushing has a full length F inner joint while inside of bushing has full length smaller F outer joint grinding. (Kim ble 44865) Cat. . . . . . . . . N~; Cat,: No. Top Bottom Length, Fkg Zjt.,oeler Zjt.,inner ram Qty-Frice 14-6970-01 14-6970-02 14-6970-04 14-6970-06 14-6970-10 14-6970-11 14-6970-12 14-6970-14 14-6970-16 10/30 10/30 14/35 19/38 24/40 24/40 24/40 24/40 29/42 19/38 24/40 24/40 24/40 29/42 34/45 45/50 55/50 45/50 85 90 90 95 tO0 110 tt5 120 115 : Caso Qty-Fdce 1 - 31.01 2 - 76.69 1 2 - 3 4 4 . 6 4 1 - 54.61 1 - 46.03 6 - 1 8 5 , 7 6 1- 56.08 6 - 220.26 1- 57.67 6 - 238.52 1- 70.10 6 - 2 8 3 . 2 6 1- 88.26 6 - 366.22 t58.68 14-7086-01 14-7086-04 14-7086-06 14-7086-09 Fit, outer Fit., inner Length, nun 14/35 24/40 24/40 29/42 10/30 10/30 19/38 24/40 49 54 54 56 Case Qty - Price 1111- 26.34 31.78 28.49 30.04 14-7099 TUBE - ADAPTER, BRAND 14-7045 TUBES - ADAPTER, OFFSET, '~ 1 0 / 3 0 J O I N T , BOROSILICATE G L A S S OUTER T O P Rotation of the adapter changes the position of a thermometer in a flask. Permits thermometer to be moved away from flask wall or stirrer. Cat, No. 14-7045-01 14-7045-02 : ~ joint, outer F Joint, inner Each 10/30 10/30 24/40 29/42 40.51 40.51 DISTILLING, ~i JOINT, P Y R E X ® With outer F joint at top and inner sealed through drip tip joint at bottom. Bent at 165 ° angle. The serrated side arm is 10 mm 0.D. Drip tip at bottom extends about 20 mm below lower end of joint. (Coming 8946) Cat~ ~ Approx. Case NO~ joint length, mm Each Qty -" Price 14-7099-01 24/40 175 114.18 6 -426.96 1211 TUBES \ 14-7105 14-7336 TUBE - CONNECTING, 1 0 5 °, TWO-WAY, WITH SUCTION TUBE, t'~ JOINTS, PYREX ® BRAND TUBES - ADAPTER, BENT, PYREX ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS With suction tube for vacuum attachment. (Corning 8945) The arms are 105° apart. (Coming 8840) Cat. Pkg :NO. : JOint Oty - Price 14-7336-01 24/40 2 - 57.04 : Stem lengthbelaw 14-7105-D1 24/40 170 Case 81.00 6 -326.82 Case Oly - Price 12 - 256.68 % 14-7300 14-7340 TUBE - CONNECTING, 7 5 °, TWO-WAY, • JOINTS, PYREX ® BRAND TUBES - CONNECTING, 105 °, TWO-WAY, g JOINTS, PYREX® BRAND The arms are 75° apart and both are equipped with inner • joints of the same size. (Coming 8920) The arms are 105 ° apart. With inner and outer • joint of the same size. (Corning 8940) 14-7300-01 Cat;~ No. ~/ 14-7340-01 24/40 2 - 71.71 12 - 322.68 joints 24/40 Each 56.08 Case Qly- Price 12 - 4 5 7 . 5 6 ii 14-7334 TUBES - ADAPTER, BENT, 1 0 5 °, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSlLICATE GLASS Adapter with tooled end to accept cork stoppers. Delivery end is bent to give included angle of 105°. Delivery end O.D. is approximatery lOmm. (Kimble 10005) Body 14-7334-01 1212 150 18 FitsR.bber Rts Cork , Case $Oppe;'No: 8t0pperNe O y-Prce 1 7 1 - 8.35 14-7420 TUBES - CONNECTING, 7S°r THREE'WAY, ~ JOINTS, WITH ~ OPENING FOR THERMOMETERS, PYREX ® BRANDr BOROSILICATE GLASS With thermometer opening in the form of an outer • 10/30 joint. (Coming 8980) Cat. Length, Case Ha, Iolnt mm Each Qty- Price 14-7420-01 24/40 160 76,18 6 -307.44 TUBES lO 14-7460 TUBE - C O N N E C T I N G , 7 5 °, THREE-WAY, ~ JOINTS, PYREX ® BRAND The side arm is placed at an angle of 75 ° from lower joint. The lower end and side arm are equipped with inner • joints, and the upper end with an outer • joint• All joints are of the same size. (Corning 9000) Cat, Z Length, 14-7460-14 14-7469-17 14-7460-19 14/20 19/22 24/40 P,.k9 ,Oly PriCe tgs 105 160 ~ Cese Qty- Pr!¢e 1 - 48.10 1 - 44.92 6 - 277.44 1 - 68-76 • ~ ~i!~ i!!• ~ i ~ 14-7503 TUBE " C O N N E C T I N G , CLAISSEN TYPE, ~" JOINT, K I M A X ® BRAND With • 24/40 joints in vertical main tube and at exit end. 10/30 outer joint at top of vertical side tube. (Kimble 44995) Cat~ : N o i : 14-7503-01 : : : Case Qly-Prlce 1- 88.96 ¸• ~ ~¸ 14-7539 14-7499 TUBES - C O N N E C T I N G , CLAISSEN STYLE, PARALLEL SIDE A R M , THREE-WAY, ?~ JOINTS, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS TUBES - CONNECTING, 9 0 °, ~ STOPCOCK, I N N E R JOINT, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS With outer • joints at upper end and on side arm, and inner ~ joint at Lower end. All joints on each tube are 24/40. (Kimble 44990) The upper end of the 9 mm O.D. tube is bent at 90° to the vertical, and has a plain fire-polished finish. The lower end is equipped with an inner 24/40 • joint. The • stopcock has a bore of 2 mm. (Kimble 45000) Ca : N~ 14-7499-01 CaI~ . . . . Noi : : 14-7530-19 : : : : :: Case Oly PriCe 6-260.58 : : i : : : Case Qly-price 1 - 72.69 TUBES - CONNECTING, PARALLEL SIDE ARM, THREEWAY, ~: JOINTS, PYREX ~ BRAND, BOROSIUCATE GLASS With outer • ioInts at uoaer eno ano on sloe arm. and inner • olnt at lower end. AI iomIs on eacn ruDe are of the same size Corning 9040 Cal. No, 14-7500-01 ~ ]dnt Length, mm 24/40 160 Case Qty - Price LABBEST PIPETTOR TIPS SEE 13-7180, 13-7181, 13-7184 6 -340.68 1213 TUBES DISPOSABLE GLASS CULTURE TUBES O1 i ii!iii 14-8495 TUBES - CULTURE, PLAIN, DISPOSABLE, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS 14-8497 TUBES - CULTURE, DISPOSABLE, BOROSILICATE GLASS, LABBEST Top quality tubes at very competitive prices. Uniform wall thickness, well rounded bottoms and consistent lengths. Fully annealed to insure a stronger and cleaner tube. ,: H i O~D.x ~nglh rnm Overf ew Cap~mL 14-8497-40 14-8497-42 14-8497-44 14-8497-46 14-8497-54 14-8497-56 14-8497-58 14-8497-68 14-8497-64 10 x 75 12 x 75 13 x 100 15x85 15 x 100 16 x 125 16x150 18x150 20x 150 4 6 10 11 15 19 23 29 36 Case Qty- Price 1000 1000 1000 1000100010001000500500- 47.75 50.85 55.65 55.95 70.54 83.55 81.45 83.88 98.85 Economy priced disposable test tubes save time and expense of reprocessing and washing, eliminate possibigty of residual contamination. See page 1218 (14-8630)for tube closures. (Kimble 73500) Cat. No. O.9.x ~nglkmm Overflow Cap.mL 14-8495-38 14-8495-40 14-8495-42 14-8495-44 14-8495-46 14-8495-54 14-8495-56 14-8495-58 14-8495-60 14-8495-64 14-8495-70 6 x 50 10 x 75 12 x 75 13 x 100 15 x 85 16 x 100 15 x 125 16 x 150 18 x 150 20 x 150 25 x 150 1 4 6 10 11 15 19 23 29 36 60 Case Qty-Price 1000- 46.26 1000- 48.07 1000- 51.83 1000- 57.06 1000- 58.03 1000- 71.54 1000- 84.65 1000- 81.61 5 0 0 - 64.11 5 0 0 - 99.33 500 -113.60 TUBES - CULTURE, DISPOSABLE, FLINT GLASS, LABBEST These culture tubes are identical to 14-8497 Culture Tubes except made of soda-lime glass. : O;D;x : 14-8498-40 14-8498-42 14-8498-44 14-8498-48 14-8498-54 14-8498-56 14-8498-58 14-8498-60 14-8498-64 10 x 75 12x75 13 x 100 15x85 16x 100 16 x 125 16 x 150 18 x 150 20 x 150 Overflewl : Case ~ap,mL Q y--Fr ce 4 1000 - 35.39 6 1000- 37.48 10 1000 - 46.09 11 1 0 0 0 - 53.00 15 1000- 58.28 19 1000 - 62.54 23 1000 - 64.27 29 500 - 59.48 36 5 0 0 - 65.04 VACUUM TUBING SEE 13-8911, 13-8912, 13-8913, 13-9115 1214 ~j 14-8490 TUBES - CULTURE, PLAIN, DISPOSABLE, PYREX ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS Economy priced disposable test tubes save time and expense o1 reprocessing and washing, eliminate possibility of residual contamination. See page 1218 (14-8630) fortube closures, (Coming 99445) Cat. No. 0.0. x length,mm Overflow Cap.,mL 14-8490-40 14-8490-42 14-8490-44 14-8490-46 14-8490-54 14-8490-56 14-8490-58 14-8490-60 14-8490-64 10 x 75 12 x 75 13 × 100 15x85 16x100 16 x 125 16 x 150 18 x 150 20 x 150 4 6 10 11 15 19 23 29 36 Case Qty- Price 1000 - 48.40 1000- 52.10 1000- 57.30 1000- 60.80 1000- 71.80 1000 - 85.10 1000 -103.00 5 0 0 - 54.40 500 99,80 TUBES I0 14-SEE1 14-8506 TUBES - CULTURE, PLAIN, DISPOSABLE, KIMAX-51 ®, IN AUTOCLAVABLE KIM-RAK ® TUBES - CULTURE, DISPOSABLE, FOR SCREW CAP, BOROSILICATE GLASS, PYREX ® BRAND A premium quality tube with sturdy, uniform bottoms and consistent lengths• Ready to fill, cap and autoclave. The Kim-Rak system was developed by Kimble to put culture tubes to work instantly. Consists of 50 clean borosilicate glass culture tubes in an autoclavable (121°C, 15 psi pressure) rack which is sealed in a protective plastic bag. Supplied eight racks to the case. See page 1218 (14-8630) for tube closures• (Kimble 73600) For tissue culture or general bacteriological work, 3 of the 6 sizes are available with marking spot• Supplied without screw caps; see page 1218 (14-8649) and (14-8651). (Coming 99447, 99449) Cat,: : ~ NO~ : : :: 14-8501-54 14-8801-56 14-8801-60 14-8501-64 : O:D,X : : lengtbmm : : 16x100 16x125 18 x 150 20 x 150 Overflow: Cap;,m[ 15 19 29 36 : c~sa Qty~P!ir~ 4 0 0 - 91.15 4 0 0 - 98.10 400 -104.03 400 -153.55 Cut; NO~ O.D.X length,mm GPI thread With Marking Spot 14-8586-44 13 x 100 14-8506-56 16 x 125 14-8506-58 16 x 150 13-415 15-415 15-415 1000 - 234.70 1000 - 251.80 1000 - 267.30 Without Marking Spot 14-8507-44 13 x 100 14-8507-54 16 x 100 14-8507-56 16 x 125 14-8507-58 16 x 150 14-8507-63 20 x 125 14-8507-64 20 x 150 13-415 15-415 15-415 15-415 18-415 18-415 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 i: i Case Qty-.Prke - 228.50 241.70 248.50 263.70 180.00 204.85 14-8510 TUBES - CULTURE, DISPOSABLE, FOR SCREW CAP, BOROSILICATE GLASS, KIMBLE For tissue culture or general bacteriological work. With marking spot. Tubes are shrink wrapped in modular trays. Supplied without screw caps; see page 1218 (14-8649) and (14-8651). (Kimble 73750) Cat, No. : 14-8518-44 14-8510-54 14-8510-56 14-8510-58 14-8510-63 14-8510-64 : O;D;X lengthimm:i 13 x 100 16 x 100 16 x 125 16 x 150 20 x 125 20 x 150 G P I thread 13-415 15-415 15-415 15-4t5 18-415 18-415 : case : ~ Qty- Price 1000 -233,56 1000 -228.05 1000 -250.38 1000 -250.83 500 - 167.84 500 - 199.27 14-8514 TUBES - CULTURE, FLAT BOTTOM, FOR SCREW CAP, DISPOSABLE, BOROSILICATE GLASS, KIMBLE Tubes are sJmilar to 14-8510 but have a flat bottom and are wJthout marking spot. Supplied without screw caps; see page 1218 (14-8650 and 14-8651), (Kimble 73760) Cat; Noi 14-8514-56 14-8514-58 : 0.D. X length,mm 16 x 125 16 x 150 GPI thread 15-415 15-415 Case : Qty- Price 1000 -305.77 1000 -318.55 1215 TUBES TUBES - CULTURE, FLAT BOTTOM, FOR SCREW CAP, DISPOSABLE, BOROBILICATE GLASS, PYREX ~ BRAND TUBES - CULTURE, POLYPROPYLENE, STERILE, DISPOSABLE, LABBEST Tubes are similar to previous listings but have a flat bottom and are without marking spot, Supplied without screw caps; see 14-8649, (Coming 99448) These culture tubes are similar to 14-8542 except precision molded of polypropylene, Cat. s: 14-8515-56 14-8515-60 0.D;X Pkg GPI 16x125 15-415 19.5x 145 18-415 Case 2 5 0 - 1 0 2 . 4 0 1000 - 3 0 7 . 2 0 500-203.00 SCREW CAPS-FOR ABOVE Made from a special phenolic compound resistant to heat and autoclaving. Caps have rubber liner. (Coming 99999) Cat~. 14-8649-09 14-8649-13 14-8649-21 Case ' -! Price 1 0 0 0 - 78.60 1 0 0 0 - 99.10 1000 - 111.50 13-415 15-418 18-418 DISPOSABLE PLASTIC CULTURE TUBES Cat. No. 14-8543-01 14-8543-02 14-8543-03 14-8543-11 14-8543-12 Size, mm Cap sty~ Inner Fa~ 12 x 7 8 12 x 75 12 x 75 17 x 100 17 x 100 snap none snap snap snap indJv. tray/125 tray/25 tray/25 indiv. Case Qty- Price 500 1000 500 500 500 - 87.05 - 100.28 - 78.57 - 100.77 - 185.95 TUBES - CULTURE, POLYSTYRENE, NON-STERILE, DISPOSABLE, LABBEST Quality engineered tubes ensure reliable performance in the laboratory. Polystyrene for clarity. Available in polybags or box packaged. Cat. No. 14-8552-01 14-8852-03 14-8552-Q5 14-8552-07 14-8552-18 14-8552-11 14-8552-15 14-8552-16 14-8552-20 14-8552-27 Size, mm Cap sty~ Inner pa& 1 0 x 65 10 x 75 12 x 75 12 x 75 13x100 13 x 100 16x125 16x125 1 6 x 150 17x100 none none none snap none screw none screw screw none bag bag bag bag bag/250 bag/250 bag/500 bag/250 bag/250 bag/250 Case Qty - Price 1 0 0 0 - 43.47 1000 - 44.62 1000 - 95.26 1000 - 1 2 8 . 6 2 1 0 0 0 - 81.37 1000 - 96.49 1000 - 1 8 5 . 8 0 1000 -131.81 1000 - 1 5 1 . 3 3 1 0 0 0 - 74.82 TUBES - CULTURE, POLYPROPYLENE, NON-STERILE, DISPOSABLE, LABBEST Similar to 14-8552 except are precision molded of polypropylene. Available in polybags or box packaged. 14-8542 TUBES " CULTURE, POLYSTYRENE, STERILE, DISPOSABLE, LABBEST Precision molded to deliver consistently accurate and reproducible results. Available in individual peel-apart sterile wraps or sterile tray packs; both forms of packaging are steritized and tested in accordance with U.S. Pharmacopeia Volume XX. Cot. No. • 14-8542-01 14-8542-05 14-8542-06 14-8542-07 14-8542-08 14-8542-10 14-8542-15 14-8542-16 14-8542-20 14-8542-25 14-8842-26 14-8542-28 1216 Size mm Cap slyJe Inner pack 10 x 75 12x75 12 x 75 12 x 75 12 x 75 13 x 100 16 x 125 10 x 125 16 x 150 1 7 x 100 17 x 100 17 x 100 none snap none snap snap screw screw screw screw snap snap snap tray 125 new tray 125 tray 125 tray/25 tray 125 nalv tray 125 nalv 'ndlv tray/25 tray 125 Car. No. 14-8553-81 14-8553-02 14-8553-04 14-8553-10 14-8553-15 14-8553-27 Size, mm Cap style Inner pack 12 x 75 12 x 75 12 x 75 13 x 100 16 x 125 17 x 100 none none snap none none none bag/50O box bag bag/250 bag/500 bag/250 Case Qty- Price 1000 2500 1000 1000 1000 1000 Case Oty- Pr ce 1000 - 136.5~ 5 0 0 - 79.48 1000 - 71.91 1000 - 108.88 500 - 78.02 1000 - 1 8 8 . 8 3 1000 - 1 2 2 . 9 8 1000 - 238.4~ 500 - 131.84 5 0 0 - 74.29 500 - 71.01 1000 - 128.86 SEE OUR SELECTION OF APPAREL Aprons, Boot/Shoe Covers, Coats/Smocks, Coveralls, Hoods/Head Covers, Sleeves - 41.80 51.08 48.45 40.72 71.52 97.00 TUBES 14-8556 TUBES - CULTURE, POLYSTYRENE, DISPOSABLE, NON-STERILE, OXFORD ® Tubes are molded from polystyrene and provide excellent clarity. They are chemieady resistant to aqueous solutions of mild bases and weak acids. Tubes are non-sterile and packed in 4 boxes of 250 each per case. The polyethylene cap with special plug and skirt that fits both 12 x 75mm and 13 x lOOmm tubes. Cat; : Ne, Oxford ;: No. ; DesrrJption : 14-8556-01 14-8557-11 204007 204247 Polystyrene Plug/Skirt Cap ; ; : : Size, :: Packaging mm 12 x 75 12 x 75/13 x 100 Case Oly--Prlce " Boxes Bulk 1000 1000 - 47.81 34.75 14-8545 TUBES - CULTURE, POLYSTYRENE, STERILE, D I S P O S A B L E , FALCON TM Of clear polystyrene and biologically tested. Their single use assures against residual contamination. Choice of snap or screw caps or without caps; available individually wrapped or in "inner pack" bags. The 13 x 100 mrn is graduated at 0.5 mL and 5 mL for blood work. Cat~': No:~i! iZ : ~ i 14-8545-01 14-8545-02 14-8545-03 14-854B-04 14-8545-10 14-8545-12 14-8545-13 14-8545-14 14-8845-15 14-8545-18 14-8545-17 14-8546-19 ~! i Falcoa . . . . NO! ~i~ 352001 352057 352051 352017 352045 352037 352025 352027 352003 352058 352054 352052 TUBES - CULTURE, P O L Y P R O P Y L E N E , : ~: ~ i SiZ~mmh ~i~ ~ 17 x 100 17 x 100 17 x 100 17 x 100 16 x 150 16 x 125 16 x 125 13 x 100 12 x 75 12 x 75 12 x 75 12 x 75 i~~: STERILE, DISPOSABLE, Cap sty~ Snap Snap Snap None Screw Screw Screw Screw Snap Snap Snap None FALCON Inn~ pa~ Indiv. Bag/25 Bag/125 Bag/125 Indiv. Idiv. Bag/125 Bag/125 Indiv. Bag/25 Bag/125 Bag/125 : Case Oty~Price 500 - 124.60 500 - 112.68 1000 - 202.30 1000 - 125.70 500 - 195.88 500 - 150.60 1000 - 344.40 1000 - 272.10 500 - 108.40 500 - 105.20 1000 - 171.80 1000 - 108.50 TM Of translucent polypropylene and biologically tested. Their single use assures against residual contamination. Can be used with temperatures from -196 to +121°C. Available with snap cap or without cap and individually wrapped or "inner pack" bags, Cat~ Na~ ~ : : , Facan NO;; 14-6545-05 14-8545-06 14-8545-07 14-8545-20 14-8545-21 14-8545-22 : : 352006 352059 352018 352005 352063 352053 TUBES - CULTURE, N O N - S T E R I L E , : : 17 x 100 17 x 100 17 x tO0 12 x 75 12 x 75 12 x 75 DISPOSABLE, Cap style : Snap Snap None Snap Snap None FALCON Inner : pack : Indiv. Bag/25 Bag/125 Indiv. Bag/25 Bag/125 : " Case Q]y- Price 500 500 1000 500 500 1000 - 157.70 164.70 147.80 134.80 120.50 157.00 TM Similar to 14-8545, Tubes, 12 x 75 ram, except non-sterile and bulk packed, Falcon numbers are in parenthesis. : ~t; I 14-6546-15 14-8546-20 :" : : Des~dPtiep::i ; : Polypropylene w/o cap; R[A procedures requiring boiling water baths. Bulk packed (352002) Polystyrene w/o cap; 1400 RBF Bulk packed• (352008) Case Qty-- Price 1000 - 48.50 1000 - 49.00 1217 TUBES c0 14-8630 CAPS - FOR CULTURE TUBE, POLYPROPYLENE, K I M - K A P ~', N A T U R A L C O L O R 14-8645 A convenient, economical closure for use with any plain culture tube. Internal ribs permit partial or complete closure with contents remaining sterile without the need for cotton plugging. Autoclavable. Packed 100 pieces to a convenient plastic bag. (Kimble 73660) Case ~OIy~PHce 14-8630-31 14,8880-85 14-8630-37 14-8630-39 14-8630-42 14-8630-45 13 16 18 20 25 30 lOgO 10001000500 500250 - 45.24 48.25 54.22 46.34 61.30 64.17 TUBE CLOSURES - POLYPROPYLENE, FOR CULTURE TUBES, BACTI'CAPALLS ~, O X F O R D ~ Non-absorbent, chemically resistant polypropylene closures designed with 3 internal fins provide excellent seal against contamination and evaporation; permit cultures to "breathe". Withstands autoclaving at 121 °C. Knurled edges facilitate handling. Tops accept wax pencil markers. Cal, No. : 14-8645-03 14-8645-04 14-8845-06 Oxford No. Fitstube O.D., mm 211200 211408 211606 13 16 18 Pkg Qty - Price 1000- 65.82 1000- 70.81 1000- 65.82 SCREW CAPS - DISPOSABLE, W I T H RUBBER LINER, F O R CULTURE TUBE, C O R N I N G ® B R A N D Made from a special phenolic compound resistant to heat and autoclaving. Caps have rubber liner. (Coming 99999) 14-8649-09 14-8649-13 14-6649-21 13-415 15-415 18-415 1000 - 78.60 1000 - 90.10 1000 -111.50 SCREW CAPS - DISPOSABLE, W I T H RUBBER LINER, F O R CULTURE TUBE Made from a special phenolic compound resistant to heat and autoclaving. Caps have rubber Liner. (Kimble 73800) : Case 14-8850-09 14-8650-13 14-8650-21 13-415 15-415 18-415 QIy ~Prke t O 0 0 - 71.53 1000- 82.12 1000 - 181.64 TUBES - SPECIMEN COLLECTION~TRANSPORT, POLYPROPYLENE, LABBEST Designed for safe transportation and storage of laboratory samples, Precision molded from chemically clean, virgin polyprupylene; shatterproof and chemical resistant. Precision molded screw cap gives uniform fit and leaktight seal. Conical tube design with freestanding base. Easy-to-read printed graduations and write-on area. Cat, No. : : 14-8871-23 14-8571-28 Cap., mL Description 5 10 Transport Tube Transport Tube Case Qly - Price 1000 - 58.25 1000 - 72.38 TUBES - SPECIMEN COLLECTION~TRANSPORT, POLYPROPYLENE, STERILE, LABBEST Similar to 14-8571 except sterile. Cat, Cap,, Na. mL Description 14-8572-23 14-8572-28 5 10 Sterile Transport Tube Sterile Transport Tube Case Qty- Price 5 0 0 - 65.32 50O- 86.18 TUBES - SPECIMEN C O L L E C T I O N / T R A N S P O R T , POLYPROPYLENE, AUTOCLAVABLE, 1 0 M L , LABBEST 14-8651 SCREW C A P - DISPOSABLE, POLYPROPYLENE, F O R CULTURE TUBE One piece construction with sealing achieved by unique interior design. Autoclavable. (Kimble 73805) Case : Qt 7 - price 14-8651-13 1218 15-415 1000- 53.06 This uniquely designed 10 mL translucent tube is ideal for shipping and transporting samples. Virtually unbreakable, the cap and tube can withstand autoclaving. Conical tube with free-standing base. Cat. He, - 14-8573-01 Descriptian Case Oty - Price 10 mL Autociavable Transport Tube tO00 - 93.71 TUBES REUSABLE CULTURE TUBES it! ,,.,.11 72-4766 TRANSPORT TUBE - CONICAL W I T H BASE, DISPOSABLE, CLEAR POLYPROPYLENE, GRADUATED, SOML, THREADED PLUG CAP, LABBEST 14-8335 Conical tube has free standing base for ease of handling and transporting. Graduated at 2.5 rnL intervals to 10 rnL, and 5 mL intervals to 50 mL. Packaged in 10 bags of 50 per case. Cat. Ne~ 72-4789-01 : : Description : : Conical Tube with Base : case _ clfy.-. Pr ce 500 - 147.57 14-8671 TUBES - CELL CULTURE, DISPOSABLE, POLYSTYRENE, R A D I A T I O N STERILIZED, N U N C L O N TM A TUBES - CULTURE, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS Similar to 14-8301 but without lip. Convenient for cotton plugging and rack storage. The 6 x 50 mrn size is often referred to as "Durham tube"; the 12 x 75 rnrn is for Kahn test; 13 x 100 rnm, for Wasserrnan test. (Kimble 45048) Cal: :: NO~ :i 14-8335-38 14-8335-40 14-8335-42 14-8335-44 14-0335-46 14-8335-54 14-0335-56 14-8385-50 14-8335-60 14-8335-64 14-8335-70 14-3335-74 O.D.X long h, mm 6 x 50 10 x 75 12 x 75 13 x 100 15 x 125 16 x fO0 16 x 125 16 x 150 18 x 150 20 x 150 25 x 150 25 x 250 Cop type Screw 0 Case gty'-Prke 600 -258.80 WXLmm 14 x tOO : Pkg .Qty-- Price 72- 28.22 72- 30.72 72- 30.72 72- 32.64 72- 39.36 72- 40.52 72- 39.36 72- 46.08 72- 51.84 72- 59.52 72- 98.88 24- 79.68 Ease QIy~ Prke 720 - 211.68 720 - 230,40 720 - 230,40 720 - 244.80 720 - 295,20 576 - 241.92 576 - 236.16 576 - 276.48 576 - 811.04 576 - 357.12 288 - 296.64 144 - 858.56 !,! The entire surface of each tube is given the Nunclon A surface for good cell attachment and growth. Static culture produces cell growth in a narrow line on tube side.With a rotator,the entireside of the tube will have growth. Polyethylenecaps. Packed 100 per sleeve, and 600 to a case. Cat NO, 14-8671-01 Cap., mE 1/2 3 5 9 9 11 15 20 27 34 55 95 C 14-8336 TUBES " CULTURE, PYREX ~ BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS Without rim. Convenientfor cotton pluggingand rack storage. 12 x 75 rnrn is for Kahntest; 13 x 100 ram, for Wasserman test. (Coming 9820) 14-8672 TUBES - CELL CULTURE, FLAT-SIDED, DISPOSABLE, POLYSTYRENE, RADIATION STERILIZED, N U N C L O N TM A The Nunc flat-sided tube provides a horizontal growth area on which cells attach without using a rotator. Optically better for microscope viewing than round tubes. Can be used as a Leighton tube with 10 x 20 mm coverslip. Packed 75 per sleeve, and 450 to a case. Cat, Ne. 14-8672-01 Cap ; type Screw : WxL~mm 16 x 110 Caso : Qty,'-Pt!ce 450 - 245.15 Ceti N~ : 14-8336-38 14-8336-40 14-8336-42 14-8336-44 14-8336-54 14-8586-56 14-8336-58 14-8336-60 14-8336-64 14-8336-66 14-8336-70 14-8336-72 O,D.x ength;mm 6 X 50 16 x 75 12 x 75 13 x 100 16 x 100 16 x 125 16 x 150 18 x 150 20 x 150 22 x 175 25 x 150 25 x 200 Cap., mL 1/2 3 5 9 11 15 20 27 34 50 55 70 Pkg : : Qty- i Price i 72- 28.80 72- 30.72 72- 30.72 72- 32.64 72- 39.36 72- 39.36 72- 46.08 72- 50.88 72- 59.52 72- 94.08 72- 98.88 48- 86.40 Case: Qty- Price 720 - 216.00 720 - 230.4O 720 - 230.40 720 -244.80 576 -256.16 578 - 236.16 576 -276.48 576 -305.28 576 - 357.12 432 -423.36 288 -296.64 192 -259,20 1219 TUBES 0 i J 14-8338 TUBES " CULTURE, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATB GLASS Similar to 14-8335 but of N-51A Borosilicate and without marking spot. (Kimble 45060) Cgt~ Nd 14-8338-01 14-8338-02 14-8338-03 14-8338-04 14-8338-06 14-8338-07 14-8338-66 14-8338-09 14-8338-11 14-8338-12 O~D,X Overflew ie~gth cap. mI, 6 x 50 10 x 75 12 x 75 13x100 16x100 16x125 1 6 x 150 1 9 x 150 25x150 25 x 200 0.7 4 6 10 15 20 24 30 55 75 Pkg ~ Q1y~ Pr 72727272727272727224- 16,32 30.24 34.56 30.72 36.28 36.26 39.36 39,36 71.64 26.24 : C=se Qt~-Pr ce 720 - 122.40 720 - 226.80 720 - 2 5 9 . 2 0 720-230.40 576-217.72 720-272.16 576-236.16 576-236.16 288-213.12 192 - 157.44 ill ~_.J 14-8470 TUBES - CULTURE,. SCREW CAP W I T H RUBBER LINER, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS Plastic caps have cemented-in rubber liners and are autoclavable. With marking spot. (Kimble 45066) Cat, . No,, 14-8470-01 14-8476-04 14-8470-05 14-8470-06 14-8470-08 14-8470-09 14-8476-12 14-8470-13 14-8470-14 O,D, x ength mm 13 x 100 16 x 190 16 × 125 16x159 20 x 125 20 x 150 25x150 25 x 200 36 × 200 GPI thread Pk6 Q y - P r ca 13-415 15-415 15-415 15-415 10-415 18-415 24-410 24-410 36-430 7 2 - 95.04 72-132.48 72-132.48 72-132,46 46-107.62 48-122.8~ 36-101.2E 3 6 - 112.80 288 268 268 288 192 192 144 1~ 24 - 285.12 307,44 397.44 397.44 322.56 368.64 303.84 338.40 204.24 Co$Q Oty-Pri~ 13-415 15-415 18-415 24-410 28-410 38-430 TUBES - CULTURE, SCREW CAP W I T H RUBBER LINER, PYREX ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS Deep form phenolic caps have cemented-in rubber liners and are autoclavable. With marking spot. (Coming 9825) Cat. O.D.x GPI Pk0 Case No. length,mm thread Qty- Price Qty - Price 14-8471-01 13 x 190 13-415 144-190.08 288 - 2 8 5 . 1 2 14-8471-04 1 6 x 1 0 0 15-415 144-261.12 288 - 3 9 1 . 6 8 14-8471-05 1 0 x 1 2 5 15-415 144-261.12 2 6 6 - 8 9 1 . 6 8 14-8471-06 1 6 x 1 5 0 15-415 144-261.12 2 8 6 - 3 9 1 . 6 8 14-8471-08 2 0 x 125 16-415 9 6 - 2 1 3 . 7 6 1 9 2 - 3 2 0 . 6 4 14-8471-09 2 0 x 159 16-415 9 6 - 2 4 0 . 6 4 192 - 3 6 0 . 9 6 14-8471-10 2 2 x 175 18-415 4 6 - 1 4 0 , 1 6 192-420.48 14-6471-12 2 5 x 150 24-410 4 5 - 1 3 5 . 0 4 144-303.64 14-8471-13 25 × 200 24-410 4 6 - 1 5 5 . 5 2 144-349.92 14-8471-14 3 8 × 2 0 0 3B-430M 1 2 - 1 3 4 . 5 6 48 - 4 0 3 . 6 8 CAPS ONLY-PLASTIC, WITH RUBBER LINER Coming® brand, as supplied with 14-8471. (Coming 9999) Cah No. 14-8481-12 14-8481-13 14-8481-21 14-6481-24 14-8481-26 14-6481-35 14-8481-39 14-6461-67 14-8481-63 14-8481-65 GPI thread 13-415 15-415 10-415 24-410 26-410 24-400 28-400 36-409 40-400 38-430M Case Qty- Prke 2 8 8 - 60.48 2 6 6 - 48.96 1 9 2 - 55.68 1 4 4 - 66.24 1 2 - 18.72 1 2 - 16.48 144 - 180.00 144 - 201.60 72 - 114.46 72 - 121.68 Case Qty- Pdce CAPS ONLY-PLASTIC, WITH RUBBER LINER AS supplied with 14-8470. (Kimble 450668) 14-8480-09 14-8480-13 14-8480-21 14-8486-35 14-6480-41 14-8480-61 1220 14-8471 309 300 225 150 160 150 - 69.00 - 51.00 - 72.0~ - 66.00 -256.50 -244.5~ SEE OUR SELECTION OF BATHS AND CIRCULATORS Barnstead, Boekel, Jouan, Kendro, Lauda, Techne, Thermo Haake TUBES i | 14-8676 TUBE - TISSUE CULTURE, K I M A X ® BRAND TUBES - CULTURE, SCREW CAP W I T H PTFE FACED RUBBER LINER, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS Without lip. With flat area approximately 12 x 42 mm near bottom, and with constriction in tube just above this area to act as a dam. used to grow tissue cultures. With spot for marking. (Kimble 45105) Similar to 14-8470 except rubber lined cap has Teflon face. (Kirnble 45066A) Cat~ No; 14-8676-01 14-8475 Cat~ OD.x GF : Fk8 : Ne~ length,mm thread Oty ~ PriC~: 14-8475-01 1 3 x 1 0 0 13-415 72-125.76 14-8475-04 16 x 100 15-415 72-138.24 14-8475-05 1 6 x 1 2 5 15-415 72-151.63 14-6475-06 1 6 x 1 5 0 15-415 72-161.28 14-8475-07 20 x 125 18-415 48-185.04 14-8475-08 2 0 x 1 5 0 18-415 48-142.08 14-8475-10 2 5 x 1 5 0 24-410 36-127.20 14-6475-11 2 5 x 2 0 0 24-410 36-188.92 CAPS ONLY-PLASTIC WITH TEFLON LINER As supplied with f 4-8475. (Kimble 450680) Case Qty ~ Price 288-877.28 238-414.72 268-458.04 288-468.84 192-406.12 192-426.24 144-361.60 144-401.76 Col; NO~ : 14-8485-01 14-8485-02 14-8485-03 14-8485-04 14-8485-85 14-8465-06 ~ !~ GPI;! ~ thread 0,6. x : length, mm 16 x 125 Fkg Qty--Prlce 12- 86.62 : Case Qty- Price 36 - 2 0 7 , 9 0 | , i Cose: Qty-Pdce! 300 - 1 8 9 . 0 0 300 - 1 8 9 . 0 0 225 - 1 7 8 . 2 5 150 - 1 9 6 . 0 0 150 - 5 9 8 , 5 8 50 - 2 3 0 , 0 0 ~; 13-415 15-415 16-415 24-410 26-410 38-430 TUBES - CULTURE, SCREW CAP W I T H TEFLON ® FACED RUBBER LINER, PYREX ® BRAND, BOROSIUCATE GLASS 14-8690 TUBE - TISSUE CULTURE, SCREW CAP, K I M A X ® BRAND Similar to 14-8676 but with top finished for screw-cap• Supplied with cap having cemented-in rubber liner. (Kimble 45107) Cal~ NO: 14-8690-01 O,D.x : lenglh, mm 16x125 GPI lhread 15-415 Case Qly- Price 6 - 53.46 Similar to 14-8471 except rubber lined cap has Teflon ® face. (Coming 9828) Cat, : .~: O.D.X GPi : :Fkg : : Case i NO~ : length mm thread i Qty- Pric~ Qty-.Pr!ce 14-8476-01 13 x 100 13-415 144-249,60 2 8 8 - 8 7 4 , 4 0 14-8476-04 16 x 100 15-415 144-276.48 2 8 8 - 4 1 4 . 7 2 14-8476-06 16 x 125 15-415 144-303.88 2 8 8 - 4 5 5 . 0 4 14-8476-08 16 x 150 15-415 144-520.64 2 8 8 - 4 8 0 . 9 6 14-8476-67 20 x 125 18-416 96-266,24 1 9 2 - 3 9 9 . 3 6 14-8478-08 20 x 150 18-415 96-279.04 1 9 2 - 4 1 8 . 5 6 14-8476-10 25 x 150 24-410 46-168.96 1 4 4 - 8 8 0 . 1 6 14-8476-11 25 x 200 24-410 48-177.92 1 4 4 - 4 0 0 . 3 2 CAPS 0NLY-PLASTIC WITH TEFLON LINER As supplied with 14-8476. (Coming 9998) Cat, N~ 14-8486-01 14-8486-02 14-8486-88 14-8466-04 14-8486-65 GFI: 1bread 13-415 15-415 18-415 24-410 24-400 : : Case Qty ~ Pr!ce 268 - 161.44 288 - 161.44 192 - 1 4 7 . 8 4 144 - 187.20 1 2 - 24.60 U 14-8684 TUBE " TISSUE CULTURE, PYREX ® BRAND Designed for growing tissue cultures, this round bottom tube has a flat window area approximately 40 x 12 ram. O.D x length is 16 x 150 ram. An oversize oval spot is provided for notations, supplied with a phenolic screw cap with inert, robber liner. Thread is 18-415. For replacement caps see page 1220 (14-8481). (Coming 9831) Cat;:~ N~i 14-8684-01 : 6e~cHptioa Tissue Culture Tube : Case Qty- Price 1- 12,18 1221 TUBES ('¢ REUSABLE TEST TUBES Ol ' !i 14-8300 TUBES - TEST, W I T H R I M , PYREX ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS 14-3801 TUBES " TEST, W I T H R I M , K I M A X ® BRAND, BORGSILICATE GLASS Made with sturdy lip from tubing with uniform walll thickness. For lab work where sudden changes in temperature are encountered and where meohanicat strength is essentiat. Durabte white ceramic enamel marking spot on each tube. (Kimble 45042) 14-8301-01 14-8301-02 14-8801-03 14-8801-05 14-8301-06 14-8301-07 14-8881-08 14-8801-11 14-6301-12 10 x 75 12 x 75 13 x 100 15 x 125 16 x 150 18 x 150 20 x 150 25 x 150 25 x 200 3 5 9 14 20 27 34 55 70 7 2 - 32.64 72- 32.64 72- 36.48 7 2 - 46.88 7 2 - 48.96 72- 60.48 72- 67,20 72-107,52 2 4 - 48.90 Ca,e : QiY~Pr ce 720 - 244.80 720 - 2 4 4 . 8 0 720 - 2 7 3 . 6 0 720 - 3 4 8 . 8 0 576 - 293.76 576 - 3 6 2 . 8 8 576 - 4 0 8 . 2 0 288 - 8 2 2 , 5 6 192 - 245,76 Optimum wall thickness; well annealed, resistant to heat and chemically stable. (Coming 9800) O.D. x Cap,, Pkg Case Cpt : NP; . length,mm mL Qty - Price Qty- Price 14-8300-01 10 x 75 3 7 2 - 82.64 720 - 244.00 14-8300-02 12 x 75 5 72- 32.64 720 - 2 4 4 . 8 0 14-8300-03 13x100 9 72- 36.48 720-278.60 14-8300-05 15 x 125 14 7 2 - 46.08 720 - 3 4 5 . 6 0 14-8300-08 15 x 150 20 7 2 - 48.00 576 - 2 8 8 . 0 0 14-8300-07 16 x 150 27 72- 58.56 576 - 3 5 1 . 3 6 14-8300-08 20 x 150 34 7 2 - 66.24 676 - 3 9 7 . 4 4 14-8300-11 25 x 150" 56 72-106.56 288 - 3 1 9 . 6 8 14-8300-12 25 x 200* 70 4 0 - 81.28 192 - 2 4 3 . 8 4 *25 mm does not have a marking spot 14-8320 TUBES - TEST, P E N N Y HEAD .~ STOPPER, K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS 14-8305 TUBES - TEST, W I T H R I M , K I M A X ® BRAND, BOROSILICATE GLASS Lengths do not include stoppers. (Kimble 45100) Similar to 14-8301 but of N-51A Borosilicate glass and without marking spot. (Kimble 45050) Cap~ 14-8305-02 14-8805-03 14-6386-05 14-8805-07 14-8366-08 1222 13 16 19 25 25 x x x x x 100 125 150 150 200 9 16 30 55 70 : Pkg 7272727224- 37,29 43.84 45.12 75,84 28,48 Case Qty P,i 720 720 576 288 192 -279.72 -325.08 -270,72 -227,52 -170.88 Cat, : O.P. x ~ NOi : !eegth,mm slapper 14-8326-01 13 × 106 9 14-8320-02 16 x 156 13 14-8320-03 19 x 150 13 14-8320-08 25 x 200 10 Pkg Qty-Prlca 6-160.00 6-142.48 6-148,40 Case Qty-Prke 6 -118.56 24 - 4 8 0 . 0 0 24 - 4 2 7 . 4 4 24 - 4 4 5 . 2 0 TUBES .-.= !, I0 14-8350 TUBES - CULTURE, W I T H O U T KIMAX ~ BRAND 14-8820, 14-8830 R I M , RAY-SORB% Suitable for assays o1 dilute solutions of vitamin products and for other work where protection from light is needed• (Kimble 45067) Eel; NO~ O,D.x enghmm Overflow cap,mL 14-8350-65 14-8350-70 10 x 150 25 x 150 28 55 Pk9 Oty~Pr<e 12-138.24 12-153.60 i : Case oty-PriCe' 36 - 3 1 1 . 0 4 36 - 3 4 5 . 6 0 TUBES - TEST, W I T H R I M A N D SIDE A R M , PYREX ® B R A N D , BOROSIUCATE GLASS With reinforcing bead. Suitable for filtrations in semi-microanalysis. Tubulation is approximately 10 mm O.D. x 25 mm 1orig. (Coming 9840) Cat; NO. i 14-8820-64 14-8820-72 O.D.x length,mm 20x150 25 x 200 : Case Qty.-. Price Qty ~ }'rice 12- 89.60 72 - 4 0 3 . 2 0 12-113.92 36 - 2 5 6 . 3 2 14-8820, 14-8830 TUBES - TEST, W I T H R I M A N D SIDE A R M , K I M A X ® B R A N D , BOROSILICATE GLASS With reinforcing bead. Suitable for filtrations in semi-microanalysis. (Kimble 46225) Cat. No. O.D. x length,mm Case g t y - Price 14-8830-40 14-8830-42 20 x 150 " - 5.67 25 x 200 - - 6.24 14-S325 TUBES " TEST, W I T H SCREW CAPS, TEFLON ® PFA, NON-STERILE, REUSABLE, C H E M W A R E ® Made from Teflon® PFA resin, the fluoropolymer with the lowest metal ion content. Excellent for trace metal analysis• Repeatedly sterilizable and virtually unbreakable. Cat. No~ 14-8325-01 14-8325-02 14-8325-03 14-8325-04 14-8325-05 14-8325-06 SEE OUR SELECTION OF CARTS Labconco, Gillis, Rubbermaid 14-8325-07 ~: I.D. x 0.0. xL, mm Vol., mL 8 x 10 x 120 10 x 12 x 140 14 x 16 x 110 14 x 16 x 150 5 16 x 19 x 150 19 x 22 x 220 19 x 22 x 230 10 15 20 : Each 41.93 45.81 53.50 88.05 25 72.74 50 105.55 60 117.70 1223 TUBES rUBING PLASTIC TUBING 14-8925 TUBE - B O M B , GUM STABILITY, P Y R E X ® B R A N D For the determination of gum stability of gasoline. The cover prevents condensed vapors in bomb stem flora contaminating tho sample b~t does not interfere with free flow of oxygen. Made in accord with ASTM D525. Complete with cover. (Corning 7732) i 14-0025-91 14-8925-02 13-9100 Case Tube complete Cover only 11- 41.36 11.66 FILTER/GAS DISPERSION TUBES PLASTIC T U B I N G NALGENE ® TUBES - G A S D I S P E R S I O N , PYREX ® BRAND WITH FRITTED CYLINDER, Tho most commonly used gas dispersion tubes. The 12 mm O.D. fritted cylinder permits insertion through smaller openings. Supplied in Coarse and Extra-Coarse porosity. (Coming 39533) C~ DIscdie., mm 14-8265-01 14-8285-02 Stem : 12EC 12C 250 250 ~: Case 6 - 176,76 6 - 176.76 14-8272 TUBE - G A S D I S P E R S I O N , POLYETHYLENE, FRITWARE TM Linear polyethylene bell-mounted fitting has a sealed-in disc, 70 micron porosity at large end. 305 mm tube with 6.35 mm I.D. is fitted to the other end. O.D. of bell is 25.4 mm. Cel. 1t~ 14-8272-01 ] 224 : Descr pt Gas Dispersion Tube Pk9 Q y ~Pr ce 4 - 30.95 Case Qly - price 24 - 1 8 5 . 7 0 CHLORIDE, Versatile high-quality lab-grade clear PVC tubing. Made from the highestgrade resins and special plasticizers without fillers or extenders. Resists a wide range of chemicals, is dimensionally stable and resistant to hardening and discoloration. Made of materials, which comply with food-grade, U.S. Pharmacopeia Class VI Requirements for Plastic Materials and USDA Standards. Tubing is marked continuously with hD., regulatory compliance and at one-loot intervals for convenient measuring and cutting. Supplied in case of 50 feet. Autoclavable. (Nalge 8000) Cat. No. 13-9100-01 13-9100-02 13-9100-03 14-8265 - 1 8 0 CLEAR, P O L Y V I N Y L 13-9100-84 13-9100"65 13-9100-06 13-9100-07 13-9100-08 13-9100-09 13-9100-10 13-9180-11 13-9100-12 13-9109-13 13-9100-14 13-9100-15 13-9100-16 13-9100-17 13-9100-18 13-9100-19 13-9100-20 13-9188-21 13-9100-22 13-9100-23 13-9100-24 13-9100-25 13-9100-26 13-9180-27 13-9160-28 13-9100-29 I.D., in. x O.D., in. Wall in. 118 X 1/4 1/16 3/16 X 5/16 3/16 x 3/8 1/4 X 3/3 1/4 X 7/16 1/4 X 1/2 5/16 x 7/16 5/16 x 1/2 5/16× 6/16 3/6 × 1/2 313 x 9/18 316 x 5/6 i/2 xS/3 112 x 11/16 1/16 3/32 1/16 3/32 1/8 1/16 3/32 1/8 1/16 3/32 1/8 1/le 3/33 1/8 3/32 1/e 3/32 1/3 3/32 1/8 3/16 1/8 5/33 1/e 3/16 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/2 X3/4 3116 x 3/4 6/16 x 13/16 5/6 x13h6 5/3 x7/6 11/le x 7/e 3/4 x 1 3/4 x 1 116 7/n x 1 1/8 716 x I 3/18 I x 1 1/4 1 x 1 3/8 1 1/4 X 1 3/4 1 1/2 x 2 2 x 21/2 Case Qty - Price 50 - 38.36 50 - 53.63 50 - 86.22 60 - 68.09 50 - 110.37 50 - 133.67 50 - 78.87 50 - 115.65 80 - 141.66 50 - 91.63 50 - 118.80 50 - 171.75 50 - 111.78 50 155.03 50 -- 211.95 50 - 142.58 50 - 198.89 50 - 184,75 50 - 241.21 50-- 200.91 50 - 272.23 50 - 424.72 50 - 303.08 50 - 333.28 50 - 340.92 50 - 537.79 50 - 905.46 50 - 1 0 5 5 . 9 7 50 - 1 4 0 6 . 1 0
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