Meet UEB - University of Birmingham Intranet
Meet UEB - University of Birmingham Intranet
SPECIAL Meet University Executive Board buzz EDITION Who is on the senior team of the University and what do they do? The University Executive Board (UEB) is made up of 13 senior leaders who make the key decisions that guide our development as a University community. UEB is chaired by the Vice-Chancellor and includes the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College for the five colleges, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors for Teaching, Learning and Quality, Research and Knowledge Transfer, and Estates and Infrastructure, and senior professional services staff. They meet regularly in venues around the campus and have recently welcomed some new members so we thought this was a good time to send all staff an updated structure chart. In Have your say 2009, you told us that you wanted to know more about UEB. In fact, only 16% of you felt that UEB were sufficiently visible in the University. During the past two years, UEB have been working on an action plan covering a number of areas in response to staff views and one of these is being more accessible to staff. There is also an all staff event ‘Meet UEB’ on 16 February where you can interact informally with the team and find out more about them. We are also putting short video clips online at the moment – keep an eye on the intranet for more. Professor David Eastwood, Vice-Chancellor and Principal February 2011 Look inside for the UEB structure chart and the back page for details of the Registrar’s Leadership Group. Internal Communications update 5540 Buzz UEB edition AW.indd 1 10/02/2011 10:00 Who’s who on the University Executive Board Pro-Vice-Chancellor (until summer 2011) Professor Adrian Randall Teaching, Learning and Quality PA: Sarah Proctor T: 43976 E: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (starts summer 2011) Provost and Vice-Principal Professor Michael Sheppard Provost and Vice-Principal PA: Lynne Hopwood T: 45936 E: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor Karen O’Brien Professor Adam Tickell Education PA: Sarah Proctor T: 43976 E: Research and Knowledge Transfer PA: Sara Lasance* T: 43978 E: Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor John Heath Estates and Infrastructure PA: Sarah Proctor/ Sara Lasance (jobshare)* T: 43976/43978 E: E: Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor David Eastwood PA: Linda Wilden T: 44536 E: Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College Professor Lawrence Young College of Medical and Dental Sciences PA: Janice Saul T: 43780 E: Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College Secretary to University Executive Board Dr Stephen Gower Assistant Secretary T: 46373 E: Professor Nigel Weatherill College of Engineering and Physical Sciences PA: Linda Hunter T: 49030 E: Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College Professor Michael Whitby College of Arts and Law PA: Marianne Mole T: 42266 E: * Maternity cover until November 2011 5540 Buzz UEB edition AW.indd 2 10/02/2011 10:00 Learn more buzz 128 NEWS Energy at Birmingham Registrar and Secretary Lee Sanders 20 5 2 January/February 2011 Optimistic outlook Celebrating excellence Question Time staff issued Magazine for year six times per ha sletter Monthly e-new ha t.b ne www.intra Registrar and Secretary PA: Kim Davies T: 43977 E: Director of Finance Gill Ball Director of Finance PA: Valerie Woolford T: 46082 E: Director of Human Resources Heather Paver Director of Human Resources PA: Jayne Thatcher T: 43649 E: Vice-Chancellor’s open forum. Termly events for all staff staff/events University Services Forum for all Professional Services staff staff/events Intranet with news, events and useful information including structure charts Links to Buzz social media Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College Professor Edward Peck College of Social Sciences PA: Lacra Lewis T: 48963 E: Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of College Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Professor Malcolm Press College of Life and Environmental Sciences PA: Lesley-Ann Boyle T: 43615 E: 5540 Buzz UEB edition AW.indd 3 Browse our Buzz images 10/02/2011 10:00 Who’s who on the Registrar’s Leadership Group Colleges Corporate Services Secretary to Registrar’s Leadership Group Olivia Kew-Fickus Assistant Registrar (Executive Support) T: 48231 E: College of Arts and Law Charlotte Jarvis Director of Operations PA: Val Harrison T: 49007 E: Academic Services Brendan Casey Director of Academic Services PA: Jemma Green T: 43807 E: College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Marcella Keher Director of Operations PA: Aisha Benachour* T: 44176 E: Development and Alumni Relations (DARO) Nick Blinco Director of DARO EA: Caroline O’Mara T: 46953 E: Human Resources Heather Paver Director of Human Resources PA: Jayne Thatcher T: 43649 E: College of Life and Environmental Sciences Gideon White Director of Operations PA: Lesley-Ann Boyle T: 43615 E: Estates Ian Barker Director of Estates PA: Karon Brindley T: 45951 E: IT Services Dr Seán Duffy Director of IT Services PA: Liz Jevon T: 45869 E: College of Medical and Dental Sciences Dr Emma Robinson Director of Operations PA: Mary Smith T: 44047 E: External Relations Tracey Lancaster Director of External Relations PA: Marilyn MacKenzie T: 47179 E: Legal Services Carolyn Pike Director of Legal Services PA: Jane French T: 48103 E: College of Social Sciences Charlotte Wellington Director of Operations PA: Sue Elias T: 48965 E: Finance Gill Ball Director of Finance PA: Valerie Woolford T: 46082 E: Planning Vicki Stott Director of Strategic Planning PA: Carol Luscombe T: 45486 E: PA: Personal Assistant EA: Executive Assistant 5540 Buzz UEB edition AW.indd 4 Chair of the Registrar’s Leadership Group Lee Sanders Registrar and Secretary PA: Kim Davies T: 43977 E: Hospitality and Accommodation Services (HAS) Stuart Richards Director of HAS PA: Angela Smith T: 46229 E: 5540 © University of Birmingham 2011. Printed on a recycled grade paper containing 100% post-consumer waste. Lee Sanders, Registrar and Secretary, chairs the Registrar’s Leadership Group (RLG). This group consists of the Directors of Operations in each college and the Directors of Corporate Services. They meet regularly and work together to ensure there is co-ordination amongst Professional Services across the University. * Temporary cover until July 2011 10/02/2011 10:00
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