September 2008 - SHARE Foundation


September 2008 - SHARE Foundation
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P.O. Box 400
VOLUME 34 #11
The 14th Leprechaun Hunt© is now over. There is still
the telling of some war stories and scratches are still
visible. I am proud to report that of the five leprechauns
not found, I was able to retrieve all of them in the
following days with the help of a GPS.
The people who participated in the hunt were great
people, friendly and thoughtful.
Besides the awarding of the golden pots followed by the
great food and outstanding entertainment, the greatest
moment was, I think, was when the villagers of Sharing
Meadows provided entertainment. Sheila Clancy worked
with them on the Irish dance and New Element played
music for them to dance to. As it was ending, the band
played faster and faster with the villagers keeping right up.
I don’t know for sure, but there probably were proud tears
in the eyes of their parents. I know there were in my eyes.
And at the end there was an appreciation by the audience
that was very similar to Beatlemania.
there, please let your friends know about it for next year.
Word of mouth is still our best advertisement.
All of the long hours of the villagers sanding hiking
sticks, picking out the black walnuts for the zucchini bread
and Waldorf salad, weaving rugs, painting ceramics etc.,
etc. came to fruition in our guests’ genuine approval.
The Leprechaun Hunt© was a lot of work by many
dedicated people. One of our regulars was in intensive
care in a hospital at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
Minnesota but Chuck Forcey and his wife, Marcia, made
sure that the corn was roasted for our guest’s enjoyment.
Chuck died ten days later knowing that he did his best.
May God welcome Chuck to his heavenly home and
comfort Marcia with happy memories of their life
This was the best Leprechaun Hunt© in the numbers of
people attending, funds raised and family fun. If you
weren’t there, you truly missed a great event. If you were
Also God bless all the workers! There were over 100
people who were able to give a great time to our guests at
the Leprechaun Hunt©.
What a remarkable summer 2008 was at Sharing Meadows for both campers and staff! We saw first hand that it does
take a village to put on meaningful, wonderful summer camps! We are eager to begin the fall season of mini-camps
starting with September 12, 13, and 14. For the first time, Sandy will send some invites by email to families and
agencies that have provided email addresses to her, while others will be sent by mail as usual. If you don’t receive an
invitation and want to join us, please call Sandy at 219-778-2585.
Won’t you consider serving God’s precious other-abled individuals by volunteering to be a counselor, nurse or cook
at one of the fall camps? These Values Retreats are as meaningful and uplifting for the staff as for the loving campers!
A perfect staff has the energy of high school and college age volunteers, as well as the wisdom and patience of retired
folk because the campers that come range from 18-75 years of age. Come enjoy a bean-bag tournament, a DJ dance,
chair volleyball and special time with God. Find that joyful child within you once again. Volunteer at one of our camps!
Fall mini-camp dates:
Sept. 12-14
Oct. 3-5
Oct. 24-26
Nov. 14-16
Dec. 5-7
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VOL. 34 #11
By Kathleen Kelly
I was flipping through a calendar that features various
inspirational quotes and one in particular caught my eye:
“After the verb to Love, to Help is the most beautiful
verb in the world.” What a powerful thought! The more I
thought about it, the more I realized that it described our
community perfectly. So much good has taken place at
Sharing Meadows because people love us and help us.
Countless individuals and groups offer their help
throughout the year but it is especially evident during the
summer with the faithful volunteers who arrive each
week to cut acres of grass on the property, our summer
camp that runs so smoothly with the help of our
dedicated staff, and the hundreds of people who plan,
organize and execute the Leprechaun Hunt© to make it
our biggest fundraiser each year. All of these beautiful
people realize that after the verb to love, to help is the
most beautiful verb in the world.
I have been privileged to work with numerous persons
who help in so many different ways. Each one is valued
and appreciated for sharing their time and talents with us
and each one is truly making a difference. At this time I’d
like to focus on one such caring friend, Chuck Forcey. I
first met Chuck over twenty years ago (pre Sharing
Meadows days) when we were both members of Sacred
Heart Church in Michigan City. The church hosted a
Thanksgiving dinner and many years I worked side by side
with Chuck as he carved turkeys and served our guests. No
job was too big or small for him and he welcomed each
person like treasured guests. Thanksgiving remains a
treasured holiday filled with happy memories of those
dinners and time shared with others.
Chuck’s involvement grew once we began developing
the community of Sharing Meadows. When the first
three homes were built, he (who owned several La-ZBoy furniture galleries in the area) invited me to go to
one of his stores to select furniture. When I arrived, the
manager gave me some tags and told me to mark
anything I wanted. I selected living room and dining
room furniture for all of the homes and left with a feeling
of accomplishment, knowing that we had high quality,
comfortable furniture for our new villagers. The next day
Chuck handed the itemized invoice for the furniture to
Father Blaney marked “Paid in Full” and he went on to
do that for the next two villages.
The first Leprechaun Hunt© was held in 1995 to help
support the operation of the residential program and
Chuck and his wife, Marcia were involved from the
beginning. They thought an auction would be a good
addition to the event and donated two recliners for it.
When the idea of T-shirts was mentioned Chuck
contacted his source and next thing I knew, a case of
green Leprechaun Hunt© shirts was there, waiting to be
Chuck and Marcia Forcey
sold on the big day. Fresh roasted sweet corn was on the
menu and it was prepared by an organization that had a
corn roaster but when they charged us a large fee for
their services, Chuck bought his own corn roaster and
made sure we always had plenty of corn to satisfy our
guests. No matter what we needed, Chuck did his best to
provide it.
When the guest house was constructed, we named it
“The Forcey House” as a small token of our gratitude for
the many acts of kindness Chuck and Marcia Forcey
always showed to us. By that time they had sold their
business so Chuck and Marcia took me to a furniture
store owned by a friend of theirs. While Chuck and his
friend talked, Marcia and I went through the store,
choosing furniture for the home and of course, the bill
was taken care of. The Forcey House is a cozy,
comfortable home and remains an enduring reminder of
the Forcey’s dedication to our mission.
Chuck and Marcia embraced our mission and have
always been there when we needed them. They served as
honorary chairpersons of our Share Our Dreams Gala for
the past two years and did much to promote the event to
their friends and colleagues. The Leprechaun Hunt©
remained their favorite event, however, and this year,
their dedication went above and beyond when they made
arrangements for the sweet corn and the corn roaster to
be delivered to Sharing Meadows even though Chuck
was in a hospital, gravely ill and Marcia was by his side.
Share Foundation lost a treasured friend when God
called Chuck home. I grieve for our loss but take comfort
in witnessing his presence at Sharing Meadows and
realizing that his goodness will continue. He truly
believed that loving and helping are the two most
beautiful verbs in the world and that’s the way he lived
his life.
Rest in peace, dear Chuck. You will be missed and
remembered fondly.
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Join us for this wonderful evening of fine dining, dancing
to the Tom Milo band and soft candlelight, artistically
designed floral centerpieces, fine wine, delicious food, lively
conversation and friends and family to share it. Sounds like a
heavenly evening? You can be part of it by attending Share
Foundation’s annual Dinner Dance Gala and Silent Auction.
The Center for Visual and Performing Arts in Munster will
come alive on Friday, November 7th as we gather for this
elegant event to benefit the community of Sharing Meadows.
We invite you to Share Our Dreams of a joyful life for other
abled individuals and help to make those dreams come true as
we continue to develop the community of Sharing Meadows.
Ticket prices entitle you to enjoy all of the festivities. The
Tom Milo Band will entertain you with music for easy
listening and dancing. You will also enjoy cocktails, a
delectable dinner, a special dessert prepared by the chef from
Giovanni’s, and the chance to bid on some magnificent items
in our silent and live auction. You can look forward to a vast
assortment of items including holiday decorations, sports
tickets and memorabilia, certificates to restaurants
throughout northwest Indiana, household goods, salon
services and vacation packages. We will even offer a few
things made by the villagers of Sharing Meadows in their
vocational training program.
You can participate in many ways. Sponsoring a corporate
table by inviting your business colleagues to the Gala is a
great way to say thank you for a successful year. Or you can
host your family and friends for a pre-holiday gathering to
enjoy each others company before everyone gets busy with
shopping and preparing for Christmas. You can even get a
head start on your own Christmas shopping by successfully
bidding on one of the unique items in our auction and avoid
the crowds at the mall. We are also seeking unique items for
the auction so if you have something you wish to donate,
please call the Share Foundation office at 219-778-2585 to
make arrangements. No matter how you participate in this
annual fundraiser, your support will help fund the programs at
Sharing Meadows and directly benefit our other abled friends.
Mark your calendars for Friday, November 7th and watch
your mailbox for your invitation. Father Blaney’s dream of a
better life for other abled individuals and their families has
grown to be the community of Sharing Meadows. You can be
part of Father Blaney’s dream and Share Our Dreams at the
Gala on November 7. To receive an invitation or have one sent
to a friend, call the office at 219-778-2585. Hidden Winner:
Jerry Woodward, Highland, IN 46322.
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The Sharing Meadows product of the month for
September is a redwood bird feeder with screen can
hold a large amount of birdseed and is perfect to attract
the many birds that stay during the winter. They sell for
a donation of $10 to the Share Foundation and they
make a nice gift.
To order your bird feeder, call the office (219.778.2585),
use our website ( or stop by
the St. Timothy Center Monday through Friday between
the hours of 8:30am and 4:00pm to see them in person.
All proceeds benefit the vocational training program for
the Villagers of Sharing Meadows. Thank you!
Share Foundation’s website continues to attract visitors from all over the country. Last month we had an
amazing 68,747 hits with visitors from the United States, France, Spain, China, Germany, Vietnam and the
Philippines. Check it out for yourself:
Share Foundation has gratefully received the following donations from the
Knights of Columbus from their annual Tootsie Roll Drive:
$2,088.10 from Pope John XXIII Council # 1696 of Whiting, IN 46394
$1,136.45 from Queen of All Saints Council # 6347 of Knox, IN 46534
$3,386.19 from Queen of Angels Council # 12154 of St. John, IN 46373
Funds from the Knights of Columbus subsidize our Camp / Values Retreat each year.
God Bless them for their faithful generosity!
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VOL. 34 #11
Jeff Corsbie
Caleb Crawford
Dave Faulstich
Kevin Krupa
Peggy Lusco
Dieter Schultz
The Small Family
Jolene Vincel
Steve Widelski
David Bennett
Beth Bobillo
Ray Borkowski
Bonnie Fulkerson
Pat Meer
Alex Opat
Debbie Whitehead
Brooke & Ashlynn Templin
$1500 WINNER
Cody Luth
Bill Biehl
Eric Blake
John Goolsby
Mylinn Lewis
Matt Waitfield
Evan Thorstad
The success of the 14th Annual Leprechaun Hunt© was due to our friends who attended and brought family
and other friends with them, the many wonderful volunteers who worked and the following sponsors:
Chuck & Marcia Forcey
Steve Franz, Regional Party
Rentals & Sales
Chuck & Julie McNellis
John & Cathy Peterman
The James W. Ryan Family
I.L.A. Local 2038
I.L.A. Local 1969 AFL-CIO
Bud Lies, City Pure Ice, Inc.
Philippe’s Catering/Carry Out & Deli
Vanek Brothers Trucking, Inc.
Able Disposal
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kroczek
Jo Ann Allen
John Lasics
Bakker Produce
Leprechaun Hunters Bowling Team
Betty Benner
McKay Printing
Father Dennis Blaney
Mickey’s Linen
Robert Bonta
Tom Mulcrone Family
Carroll Co.
Ed & Nancy Nordmann
Eckrich Armour Inc.
Olinger Distributors
Bill & Anne Franz
Ruge & Sons Meats
Gordon Good Service
Sahara Restaurant
Heston Supper Club
Doug and Julie Schmitt
Susan Horney
St. Anthony Memorial Hospital
Howard & Sons Meats
T.J. Maloney’s Authentic Irish Pub
Kathleen Kelly
Turano Bakery
Kempf Gun Shop
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VOL. 34 #11
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Living Memorials
Belated Birthday wishes for my friends: Mary
Ann Magurany Aug. 5, Tom Magurany Aug. 6,
Gloria Shiel Aug. 9, Peggy McGroarty Aug. 21,
and Madeline Polochak Aug. 27, int. Dolores Sidor
In thanksgiving for our 60th Wedding
Anniversary, int. Ernie & Betty Bajusz
Happy Birthday Thomas Bajusz, int. Ernie & Betty
God’s Blessings to Father Dennis J. Blaney,
“Dennis D’Menace,” on his 50th Anniversary of
Ordination to the priesthood, int. Traute & Miller
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In thanksgiving for all the Blessings God has
given us in 60 years of marriage (Sept. 11). May
the Lord continue to be with us, int. John & Sylvia
Health & Blessings for John & Sylvia Matusik on
their 60th Wedding Anniversary, int. Stas & Ann
VOL. 34 #10
Happy Anniversary to James & Pat Ward, int.
Ernie & Betty Bajusz
Happy Birthday to James Ward, int. Ernie & Betty
Blessings to Andrew & Eleen Weisenbach on their
50th Wedding Anniversary, int. Tony & Lorry
Special Intention, int. Lucille O’Donnell
Happy 50th Birthday Kim Leary Palos, int. Bill &
Dotty McLaughlin
Happy 80th Birthday Joe Pecsi, int. Ralph J. Lies,
Congratulations to Joe & Leona Pecsi on their
56th Wedding Anniversary, int. Ralph J. Lies, Sr.
God’s Blessings to Carol & Don Wolf on your 50th
Wedding Anniversary, int. Andrew & Mella Wargo
Happy 70th Birthday Lou Zatorski, int. Jean &
Ron Bados
Deacon Joe & Joyce Stodola
Deceased Memorials
In Thanksgiving to the Blessed Mother, int.
Defenser Family
Honor & Blessings to my mom Joan Polis, int. Tom
Happy 60th Birthday Nancy Bruno, int. Pete &
Fran Kovacik
Happy Birthday Kathleen Ricca, int. Theresa
Frances Felus
Blessings to Mike & Cherie Rippey on their
Wedding Anniversary, int. John & Eileen Curosh
Kathleen Ricca
Bill & Dotty McLaughlin
Blessing to Bob & Emma Defenser on their 50th
wedding anniversary, int. Gene & Judy Nowak
Honoring 50 years of marriage of Richard &
Nora Doherty, int. Clemens & Margaret Sliwa
In honor of resident Michael D. Grant, int. Shirley,
Darren & the late Darrell Klockenga Family
In celebration of the 56th wedding anniversary of
Stanley & Donna Grzych. May God continue to
bless them with love and happiness.
Happy 28th & God’s Blessings to Bob & Marie
Kieszkowski, int. Mary Wroblewski
Happy Birthday Cathleen Kovach, int. Ernie &
Betty Bajusz
Thanking God and asking for special blessings on
Tony & Lorry Lach’s Golden Anniversary Sept.
6th, int. Love, Aggie, Jeannette, Beth & Steve
Lorry – 50 years as one How blest we are, Love
Ya!, int. Tony
God’s blessings to my sister & her husband, Lorry
& Tony Lach, with love on their 50th wedding
anniversary, int. Estelle Drozdz
Congratulations Tony & Lorry Lach on your 50th
Wedding Anniversary, God Bless you, int. Bob &
God’s Blessings & Happy 80th Birthday Mom,
Adele Rudnick, int. Richard & Grazyna Rudnick &
God’s Blessings to Gil & Mary Scheidt on their
50th Wedding Anniversary, int. Daniel & Mary
Claire & John Ziomek
In honor of Justin E. Smith on his Birthday Sept.
19th, int. Grandma & Jonathan
The Moran Family
Ken & Evelyn Ryan
In loving memory of my mother Lucylle Andrews,
int. Anita L. Jordan
With cherished memories of our dad and
grandpa, Anton P. Arvay, on his birthday –
September 28th, int. Children & Grandchildren
Lovingly remembering Mike & Anna Baranko,
int. Michael Baranko
In remembrance of Peter P. Beda, int. Helen
In thanksgiving to St. Anthony for a special
request granted, int. Jean Chiki
In memory of Martha Beisler, int. Mary Botnovcan
In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony, int. Defenser
In memory of Ruth Miller Blair, int. Bob &
Kathryn Johnson
Eileen & Joe LoPiccolo
In Thanksgiving to St. Joseph, int. Defenser Family
In Thanksgiving to St. Jude, int. Defenser Family
Marcella Mooney
In Thanksgiving to St. Therese, int. Defenser
In memory of Ruth Miller Blair, “one great &
courageous gal”, be at peace, int. love Evelyn
In celebration of the 10th wedding anniversary of
Gwen & Larry Tanber, May God continue to bless
them with love, int. Tuesday Evening Dinner Group:
In memory of John Bobos on his Birthday Sept.
12th, we love & miss you, int. Your wife Theresa &
Robert & Sandra Burnham
Gene & Jan Fryer
Kathy Cannon
Ted & Natalie Hellenga
Kathleen Kelly
Fred & Sue Miller
Happy 50th Anniversary to wonderful friends,
Tony & Lorry Lach, int. Carole Brici
In memory of Rev. Richard H. Ameling, int. Mike
Hoyt & Dorothy Miller
John & Ann Sweeney
In loving memory of my dear husband, Joseph
Bobos, missing you so much, int. your loving wife,
Fondly remembering Mary Bogolia, int. Ralph J.
Lies, Sr.
In memory of John Bolinger, int. Shirley Lisak
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In memory of Barbara Bomba, int. Gloria & Frank
In memory of Dorothy Duff, int. Ernie & Betty
In memory of Clifford Bowers, int. Ron & Madelyn
In loving memory of my dear husband, Don
Edinger, int. wife, Eileen
In memory of Rolland Boyer, int. Don & Winnie
In memory of Benjamin Elo, int. Frances Felus
Gene & Paula Engels
In remembrance of Thomas J. Broderick, int.
Eileen Broderick
In memory of Geraldine J. McClelland Brown,
int. Phyllis J. Ciez
Remembering my husband, Ted Buchler, with
love on his Sept. 12th Birthday, int. Mary Ann
In memory of Dorothy Carter, int. Milt & Eileen
In loving memory of Gene Ciastko on his 3rd
anniversary in Heaven, Sept. 21st, int. Bunny &
In memory of Mary Cubranich; Mom, we love &
miss you very much, int. Tony & Donna Maicher
In remembrance of Lincoln Dabagia, int. Tony &
Joanne Kleem
In remembrance of deceased member of the Daly
& Duffy families, int. Margaret Daly
In memory of Cecil Dean, int. Joyce Choncoff
In memory of Kay DeCarlo, int. Rose Gacsko
Remembering Aunt Kay DeNiro on her 11th
Anniversary in Heaven 9/30/08, int. Love Stan &
Fondly remembering Harriet Deterling, int. Ron
& Dolores Klawitter
In remembrance of Kathleen Kay Engelbrecht,
int. Mary Lou Ginther
Joe & Donna Nicksic & Family
VOL. 34 #10
In memory of Joseph Hayduk, int. Eleanor Hayduk
In memory of A. Mary Helfen, our mom, on her
birthday the 27th of Sept. with our love, int.
Eleanore & Gary Miller
Erna & Wayne Stiller
In memory of Roy Hildebrandt, int. Dolores Fary
In loving memory of Ignac & Ann Hodakowski,
int. Bernice Hodakowski
In memory of Lorraine C. Engleton, int. Marjorie
A. Miller
In memory of Frank Hodal on his Birthday in
Heaven, int. Ernie & Betty Bajusz
In memory of Herb Fischer, int. Nate, Stacey & Jon
In loving memory of my parents, Marcel &
Michalina Hodupski, int. Zochna
In remembrance of Eileen Flaherty, int. Patty &
Jim (Quigley) Carriveau
Eileen & Wally Topa
In memory of Janice Forbes, int. Mr. & Mrs.
Ronald Olson
Happy 76th Birthday Helen Gard Sept 22, also
your 3rd Birthday in Heaven; still love you and
miss you each and every day and always will love
& miss you, int. your husband Frank P.S. entire
family sends Birthday greetings
Remembering Helen Gaul, int. Don Meyer
In memory of Rose Ellen Gorman, int. Bill
Fondly remembering Alvin Gorski, int. Mary
In memory of my husband and soul mate, John E.
Grams, I love you, int. wife, Delores Grams
In loving memory of Henry, Jean & Ted Hodus,
int. Zochna
Remembering Stephen J. Holdosh, Sr. on his 93rd
birthday in heaven, int. Loving wife Dorothy and
Daughters Gayle & Donna
Lovingly remembering our Parents, int. Carl &
Rita Huber
In loving memory of Augie Ignelzi, int. The Ignelzi
In remembrance of Anthony Jackowski, “Mr. J”,
int. John & Joan Costa
Mary Daly
Elaine & Bill Jonaitis
Al & Sue Krupa & Family
Phil & Bev Mullaney
C. Priscilla Murphy
Richard & Ann Pramuk
In memory of Tony & Lucille Grau, int. Teresa
In remembrance of Esther Hamilton, int. Don
John & Kathleen York
In memory of Harry Jacobs, int. Loretta Mills
Lovingly remembering my husband, Chester
Dominik, int. wife Dorothy
Tom & Eunice Conway
David Deneau
Irene Matz
With loving thoughts and memories of my good
friend, Jackie Dombkowski, I miss you every day,
Jackie, int. Louise
Harry & Joan Dudeck
Anne Radde
TJ & Nicole Eldridge
Ron & Joann Schmitt
Mark Essling
In loving memory of my dearest husband, George
E. Doppler, on the 12th anniversary in Heaven
September 24th, I miss you more each day, with
my love & prayers, int. your loving wife, Bernice,
our Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren
and Sisters
Alvin Gorski
Jim & Laurie Gorski
Thomas & Janice Knoll
Chris, Shelly & Jesi Krycka
Ann Spevak
In memory of Barbara Doran, int. Marcia & Steve
Bob & Judy Spevak
Lynne Spevak
In loving memory of my dear husband, Edward
M. Dosen, int. Gloria Dosen
Jack & Ginge Taylor
In memory of Albert F. Jamrose, int. M. Hruskocy
In memory of Joseph Janiga, int. Jeannine Kupec
Lovingly remembering Michael Jonaitis on his
11th anniversary in heaven, August 15th, we miss
you more with each passing year, int. Love Mom,
Dad & Dan
In memory of Carol Just, int. Irene Rybarczyk
Virginia & Bob Rybarczyk
In memory of David Kaiser, int. Marcella Mooney
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In memory of my good friend Uncle Nick
Kelleman, int. Vivian Peifer
Lovingly remembering Lucian Lisak, int. Shirley
Remembering Nick Kelleman Jr., int. Betty & Bill
In remembrance of Judith Lyn Luchene, int.
Thomas W. Hunt
Joe & Elaine Rizzardo
In remembrance of Mary Kelly, int. Kelly Kids
In loving memory of our parents William and
Harriet Kelly. It’s been 14 years, Dad and 8 years,
Mom since you went to heaven and your love still
burns brightly in our hearts, int. Kelly Kids Klub
In memory of Sharon Kerr, int. Daniel & Sophie
Lovingly remembering Pamela K. King, int.
Lawrence V. King
In loving memory of Gerald J. Kinzie, Sr. on his
25th anniversary in Heaven, int. Loving Wife Alyce
In loving memory of Judy Klapak, int. Ed & Jen
In remembrance of Cecilia Koch, int. First
Midwest Bank
VOL. 34 #10
Fondly remembering Pete Mowad, int. Steve, Bart,
Jim, Phil & Aker Hammond Office
Jim & Nicole Faroh
Philip & Diane Faroh
To Melanie Mailander love you forever, miss you
always, missing your little hands, int. Aunt Denise
In loving memory of Busia & Grandpa Murzyn,
int. Mark & Paul
In memory of Paul Markovich, int. Loretta Mills
In memory of my beloved husband, Gene
Murzyn, int. Sue
William E. Martin Jr., happy 49th anniversary on
your 2nd year in heaven, int. your loving wife,
In loving memory of my sister, Kathy Lynn
Nowak, int. Rev. David G. Nowak
In memory of Matilda R. Maskovich, int. Shirley
& Ardash Daronatsy
In remembrance of Ted Mason, int. Rich Mason
In memory of Thad Matusik, int. Stas & Ann
Lovingly remembering my wife
McCampbell, int. Ralph J. McCampbell
In memory of Phillip Nowfel, int. Philip & Diane
Mariam Kobos
Adele Rudnick
In remembrance of Joann Krizo Oliver, int.
George & Wilma Semancik
In remembrance of Nancy A. McGroarty, int.
Mary A. Balestra
Cecile Horvath
Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. Johnson
In memory of William Olsen, int. Milt & Eileen
In memory of my beloved wife, Millie Opat, int.
Fred Opat
Joanne Kicho
Remembering Christopher Ossanna, int. Steve,
Bart, Jim, Phil & Aker Hammond Office
In loving memory of my parents Bernard &
Dorine Konrady, int. D. G. Saladin
Mary Ann & Tom Magurany
In memory of Glenn Patterson, int. Janice Schill
In memory of Albert Kovach, int. Ernie & Betty
Judy Mestrovich
In memory of Steve Kovach, int. Ernie & Betty
Mary Repay
In loving memory of Mom, Anna M. Krawczyk,
on Sept. 10th, Miss you! int. Evelyn M. Krawczyk
Dolores Sidor
In loving memory of Tony Kreczmer, int. John &
Theresa Panek
Jackie Wendel
In memory of Steve Konkoly, int. Lorraine Mulle
In memory of Bernadine T. Kulesa, int. Mark &
Linda Janiga
Bob & Kathleen Pasztor
Peggy McGroarty
Madeline Polochak
Jim & Gloria Shiel
Lovingly remembering the Kussmaul family, int.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sobek
In memory of Larry Lannon, int. Pat Batchelder
In memory of William Lauerman, int. Tom & Jean
In memory of Lorraine Lindforms, int. Lorraine
In memory of Richard Pelath, int. Gerti & Bob
Toni Sajewski
Genevieve S. Schepanek
Kathy Sobkowicz
Lovingly remembering my husband Chester
Michnal, int. wife Bernice
In memory of David Miller, int. Gary & Carole
Bridget & Steve Scheckel
Clemens & Margaret Sliwa
In loving memory of Louis & Theresa Paunicka,
int. Dolores J. Callahan
In memory of Norval Miller, int. Al & Norma
Darin & Lynn Ray and Family
In memory of Wanda Milszynski, int. Florence
In memory of Joe Mish, int. Diana Reardon
In loving memory of our son David Molodet, we
miss and love you, int. Mom & Dad
Fondly remembering Norman Perkins, int. Greg &
Aggie Grimmer
I love you, Joe Pieters! int. wife Joann
In loving memory of John M. Polis, int. Joan Polis
Lovingly remembering my dad John Polis, int.
Tom Polis
In memory of Catherine Porsoska – our beloved
daughter, int. Mom & Dad
In memory of Dr. William Potasnik, int. Teresa
Micki Richter
September 6th to my wonderful husband
Clarence W. Putz missing you on our 61st
wedding anniversary, int. Joan C. Putz
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September 11th remembering with love my
husband Clarence W. Putz on his 2nd birthday in
heaven missing you & I will love you forever, int.
Joan C. Putz
Loving thoughts and God’s blessings on our 66th
wedding anniversary Sept. 16th, Martin E. Quinn,
love you forever, int. your wife, Vita
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VOL. 34 #10
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Stolarz, int.
Joan F. Polis
In memory of Robert (J.R.) Westfall, int. Al & Sue
Krupa & Family
In memory of Stella Stupeck, int. LaDonna
In memory of Mary Ann Wilkas, int. Wayne &
Sandy Demkowicz
In memory of Juanita Swanson, int. Irene Dumich
In memory of Georgene Wisler, int. Ralph J. Lies,
In memory of Charles Ramsey, int. Timothy Wilk
Remembering Donna Lee Swinefurth, int. Earl
In remembrance of Mareta Richardson, int.
George & Wilma Semancik
In memory of Mary Szafranski, int. Dolores
Callahan & Joey
In memory of Betty Ries, int. Lou & Loretta
In remembrance of Tommy Thomas, int. Chuck
In memory of Ted “Roxy” Rokita on your 10th
anniversary in Heaven 9-8-98, int. Your Loving
Fondly remembering Dr. Ben Ticsay, int. Dorothea
Jeanne Kelly
In loving memory of Ethel & George
Tomaszewski, int. Ken, Sue, Rich & Families
Jim & Barb Kozak
Remembering Rick Tracey (8/07/07), VJECNAJA
PAMJAT (memory eternal), int. Jerry Sutko
Ben & Joanne Moricz
In memory of Ken Shimkus, int. Tom Kusbel
In remembrance of Edward Sidor, int. Ed Lebryk
& Family
In remembrance of Mary Beth Reardon
Trachtenberg, int. Florence Evans
Mr. Dan Nowlan
In loving memory of John T. Yadron, Sr., int.
Richard & Joan Chirby
Valerie Churly
Joe & JoEllen Helmer
Lupe Hernandez
George & Deane Janjecic
In loving memory of Ciocia, Wuja & Richard
Rudzinski, int. Zochna
Chris & Cheryl Killy
Steve & Mary Kupic
Kathy Murphy & Family
Barbara Puntillo
Judy Millspaugh
Judith Fehrman
Mary Ann Robert & Family
MaryAnn & Dwight Reed
John Haburay
Robert J. Sepiol
James & Laura Sniff
Elaine Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Thomas
Joe & Delores Mish
Patricia Nowlan - Tunberg
Sally Radivan
Carl & Mary Ann Vernia
Jacque & Donna Richey
Dianne & John Yadron, Jr.
Emil & Rose Zych
Joanne Yadron
In loving memory of Ted V. Sidor, always in my
heart, int. Dolores
In loving memory of Ted V. Sidor on the
anniversary of our wedding, Sept. 5, 1959, we all
love you and miss you; you will always be in our
hearts, int. Dolores, Children, Grandchildren, Great
Grandson and ??
In remembrance of Connor Patrick Simko, int.
Adam, Sharon, Victoria & Natalie Wojtowicz
In memory of Joseph Skvarek, int. P.J. & Jackie
Bernadine Kezy
Eleanor Siminski Family
Bob & Gerry Vician
Joelgen M. Vician
In memory of Bozo Trbovic, int. Mika Trbovic
Sophia Yankey
Remembering Jeanie Tuleja, int. Al & Pat Adzia
John & Barb Zafran
Rich & Maxine Conway
Kathy Forgich
Fondly remembering Joseph Yonto, a dear friend;
God rest your soul, int. Gerti & Bob Miller
In memory of George Uskuraitis, int. Regina Ward
Adele Rudnick
In remembrance of Jean Therese Wenzel, int.
Ellen Adams
Don & Charlotte Wentland
Mike & Joanne Barrett
Suzanne Chomel
In memory of Samuel Smith, int. Ron & Madelyn
Richard & Joyce Dominoski
Lovingly remembering the Sobek family, int. Mr.
& Mrs. Andrew Sobek
Sigmund Niepokoj
In memory of Frank Sostaric on his First in
heaven, int. Stas & Ann
Marissa & Kayla Yadron
Pat & Tom Englund
Sue O’Halek
Joan Rearick
Charlyce Sitar
In loving memory of Marilyn & Tom Starr, int.
Starr Girls & Families
In memory of Richard Pee Wee Werdin, int. Duane
& Phyllis Smith
In memory of Tom Stevens, int. Bob & Joan
Lovingly remembering my parents Mary &
Woody Werking, int. Richard Werking
In loving memory of Steve Zaborski for which
would have been our 66th anniversary 9-10-42,
Thinking of you, int. Julie
In memory of Ethel Zeman, int. Elaine & Joe
In loving memory of Bill Zura, always thinking of
you, int. Love, Barb
Fondly remembering Patsy Zygmuntowski, int.
Dennis & Joanie Wahl
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FALL Mini-Camps:
September 12 - 14
October 3 - 5
October 24 - 26
November 14 - 16
December 5 -7
Sister Jane Martinson, O.S.B.
St. Leo, FL 33574
Winnie Chaplin
Chesterton, IN 46304
Sheila Clancy
Beverly Shores, IN 46301
14th Annual Share Our Dreams Dinner Dance Gala
Friday, November 7
Center for Visual & Performing Arts, Munster
Winners receive a $100 gift
certificate to their favorite
GOOD NEWS is printed and donated by
McKay Printing Services 219-872-8552
Our friends are the best
in the world!
To remember Share Foundation in your will, the proper legal name is:
Share Foundation With the Handicapped, Inc.
P.O. Box 400
Rolling Prairie, IN 46371
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