Community Impact Annual Report 2011-2012
Community Impact Annual Report 2011-2012
2011-2012 Campaign Launch Walk Community Impact Report 2011-2012 Version française à l’endos Table of contents Page Page 1 You are our heroes 16-17 Third-Party fundraisers 2 Who we are 18 A letter from one of our donors 3 Transparency and accountability 19 Powered by people who care – Our Volunteers 4 Giving back 100% of your donation 20 Powerful numbers about Community Shares 5 How this community raised $1,100,000 21 Did you know? 6 How we allocate your donation 22-26 Caring Citizen Awards 7-13 Who benefits from your gift 27 Forever Fund – Planned & Legacy Giving for West Islanders 28 The future 14-15 Thank you to our donors A huge thank you to the PDI team for the complimentary printing of our projects. Graphic Design by: Mike Vallée | Together We Made a Record $ 1.1 Million Dollar Difference! $1,100,000 You are our heroes! And we couldn’t be more proud. Our community of business leaders, families, caregivers, employees and volunteers have all contributed time and money like never before and together we’ve blown away our one million dollar goal! Tim Brodhead, President of the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, one of our founding partners, spoke in Vancouver in 2010 about the “implicit social contract that binds us as citizens, the glue that creates community, not just neighbourhoods; the commitment we share as citizens in a democratic society to work together to create a better, fairer world for everybody and not least, for future generations.” Well, we wish to thank all of our fellow West Islanders who believe in this social contract and who stepped up to the plate this past year to make it our best ever! Thanks to our corporate partners who help cover our operational costs, 100% of the donations received was distributed to 36 West Island community groups that provide essential services like food and shelter, mental and physical care and loving support to teens in trouble, women in need, and seniors in distress. Of the 38,000 residents who use these services each year, chances are your money has gone to help someone you know personally. How can we top that? Well, heroes never sleep and we know we can continue to count on you to be there for our families and neighbours in need. Let’s make an even bigger difference. Let’s commit to raising and distributing 2 million dollars annually by 2015! Because the need is there. Because together we can do it. Claude Papasian President (2010-2012) Caroline Tison Executive Director (Since 2004) Vincent Lamoureux Newly elected President (2012-2014) 1 Permanent staff (L-R) : Nathalie Choo-Foo, Linda Thompson, Caroline Tison, Anne Lajoie, Sophie Dalbec WHO WE ARE 5 permanent staff and 19 volunteer board members dedicated to this community 9 partners who offer us products and services free of charge 17 corporate partners 29,000 1,270 donors who help cover our operating costs ranging from 25 cents to $187,000 volunteers who donated 10,500 hours last year OUR MISSION is to make sure help is available close to home for all West Islanders in need. WE DO THIS BY raising crucial funds for West Island charitable groups. From April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012, we raised $1.1 Million. These funds were distributed to 36 charities who help 38,000 West Islanders in need each year. 2 autism cancer mental health substance abuse anorexia BULLYING homework programs iors n e s d isolate food bank TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY Our Board of Directors is composed of executives from West Island businesses. They lend their time and expertise to ensure that we fulfill our mission in a transparent and accountable manner. Board of Directors 2012-2013 President (2012-2014) Treasurer Vincent Lamoureux Pfizer Canada Chantal Carrier Consultant Past President Honorary members of the Executive Committee Claude Papasian TD Canada Trust (President 2010-2012) Vice-presidents Bernard Crevier RBC Banque Royale Pierre Arvisais Board President (1999-2003) Roger Morin, CA Board President (2003-2005) Carole Derome Banque Nationale Nada Nasreddine Pharmaprix Kirkland & Beaconsfield Directors Honorary members Michel Abras Jean Coutu Pierrefonds Caroline Donati AVON Canada Inc. Jamie Barbieri PDI France-Anne Fortin, CA Investissements PSP Christian Blouin Merck Board President (2006-2008) Eric-Vincent Kayigamba NAS Nationwide Appraisal Services Inc. Robert Bouillon Caisse populaire Desjardins Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds Alexandre Dion Lafarge Canada Inc. Silvie Letendre, APR Pharmascience Caroline Salette RE/MAX Royal (Jordan) Inc. Ron Smith Pfizer Canada Inc. Russell Williams Rx&D Founding member of Community Shares Karen Groom-Campeau Groom & Associés Board President (2008-2010) Executive Director Caroline Tison, MBA, FICB During the 2011-2012 year we said a reluctant goodbye and sincere thank you to Karen Groom, Shelley Brown and Yasmin Nabih who dedicated their time and efforts for many years as board members. From L-R: Eric-Vincent Kayigamba, Caroline Salette, Robert Bouillon, Caroline Donati, Claude Papasian (President ‘10-’12), Pierre Arvisais, Caroline Tison, Jamie Barbieri, Vincent Lamoureux (President ‘12-’14), Nada Nasreddine, Bernard Crevier and France-Anne Fortin. Absent from the photo: Carole Derome, Roger Morin, Michel Abras, Christian Blouin, Chantal Carrier, Alexandre Dion, Silvie Letendre and Ron Smith. 3 GIVING BACK 100% OF YOUR DONATION Thank you to our corporate partners who help cover our administration and fundraising costs, so that we can distribute 100% of donations received to the community groups we support. We are unique in Canada – the West Island community is the only community in Canada that has been able to implement and sustain such a model of giving back 100% of donations received in the campaign year. CONSTRUCTION de PRESTIGE The following partners graciously offer us their products and services that we would normally have to spend money on. Genatec ® Solutions d’affaires | Business Solutions Community Shares is proud to be a member of the following associations and subscribe to their stringent code of ethics, as well as comply with Imagine Canada’s Code for fundraising and financial accountability standards. 4 Imagine Canada CAGP ACPDP ™ C A N A D I A N A S S O C I A T I O N O F G I F T P L A N N E R S ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES PROFESSIONNELS EN DONS PLANIFIÉS HOW THIS COMMUNITY RAISED $1,100,000 33.5% Third-Party Fundraisers (organized by community associations and companies to benefit Community Shares) $368,527 raised by 26,000 donors & 800 volunteers donating 4,000 hours of their time. See pages 16 and 17 for details 26.6% Corporate, Foundations & Matching of Employee Donations $292,230 See page 14 for details 20.9% 9.3% 6.1% 3.6% Public Donations Workplace Campaign Government Support Fundraisers Organized by Community Shares (mail, web In Memoriam) $229,505 $102,393 Made possible thanks to 1,560 guests & donors as well as 175 volunteers who donated 1,000 hours of their time. Thanks to over 1,000 donors (employee payroll contributions) $67,545 Thanks to 400 donors and 30 volunteers See page 15 for details $39,800 Thank you to the Liberal Members of the National Assembly (MNAs) who are very active in raising the profile of Community Shares and securing discretionary funding. Warm thanks to Yolande James (Nelligan Riding), Geoffrey Kelley (Jacques-Cartier Riding), Pierre Marsan (Robert-Baldwin Riding) and François Ouimet (Marquette Riding) for their ongoing support. POWERFUL NUMBERS ABOUT THE WEST ISLAND 1 in 5 There are over 55 charitable organizations in the West Island and 1 in 5 West Islanders turns to them each year for help. 46,000+ 46,390 West Islanders (27.2 % of the West Island population) indicated having donated to a charity for a total of $46,600,000 in 2008 alone! - Statistics Canada 5 HOW WE ALLOCATE YOUR DONATION Our Fund Distribution Committee: Crucial to our mission The Fund Distribution Committee is an independent committee of volunteers made up of 20 business leaders who thoroughly analyse the community groups’ needs and recommend the funding allocations to our Board of Directors. The Committee conducts an annual evaluation of the charitable effectiveness of each group, performs on-site visits, evaluates their financial statements and works closely with community group leaders throughout the year. The allocation is done at the end of our campaign, in March, and funds are handed out in April at the Fund Distribution Ceremony with over 300 people in attendance. The 2012-2013 committee members are as follows: Chantal Carrier (Committee Chair), Gerry Serio, Ross Levadi, Anthony Rizk, Assunta Forgione, Isabelle Lipari, Ellen Simpson, Michel Leduc, Linda Sheehan, Jocelyne Leduc Rouleau, Catharine Harris, Cynthia Parent, Ian Hadida, Michel Beland, Peter Giakoumatos, Ava Shaikh, Sadri Osmane, Sean Berry, Graeme Thomson and Caroline Tison. This year, we said a reluctant goodbye and sincere thank you to Robert Brisebois and Andreas Pollmueller for the time they have contributed to the committee. April 18, 2012 – Fund Distribution Ceremony 6 ! Did you know that the committee consists of 20 members and that over 800 hours are dedicated each year in making sure your donation dollars are put to great use and the impact is felt in our community? WHO BENEFITS FROM YOUR GIFT 36 West Island charitable groups and 38,000 West Islanders in need Community-based charitable groups are pillars of our community. They complement the public offer of programs and services to those in need. They offer essential services, often immediately and free of charge. The voluntary not-for-profit sector in Canada contributes $87 billion to our economy each year. This sector is vital to every community’s well being. Volunteer sector workers “work” in difficult conditions: difficulty securing funding, declining government support, declining grants from foundations, strained resources, high employee turnover, etc. They need our support. 60% Fund Allocation Breakdown Families in crisis Substance abuse Low income & immigrant families in need At-risk youth Sexual aggression victims 38% Cancer Mental illness Meals on Wheels Autism Isolated seniors Eating disorders Food bank Arthritis Intellectual disabilities 60% of the funds was allocated to groups in the social services sector 38% of the funds was allocated to groups in the health sector 2% Educating youth about the importance of the environment Musically talented youth 2% of the funds was allocated to groups in the environment and culture sectors 7 WHO BENEFITS FROM YOUR GIFT The following 36 charitable groups benefit from your donation: *The amount allocated to each group (2011-2012) is included next to the group’s name # of West Islanders helped this year: 8 7,611 Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Île (AJOI) - $37,000 The youth/street workers of West Island Youth Action offer prevention and intervention on issues such as drugs, alcohol, violence, sexuality, and homelessness to youths 12 to 25 years old. The workers encourage teenagers to discover and develop alternatives to the streets and provide them with the opportunity to speak about their needs. (514) 674-1270 / 2,623 AMCAL Family Services – $67,000 AMCAL provides a residence for teens in crisis and counseling services to their family members. It also offers a full range of programs and services for families in difficulty. (514) 694-3161 / 2,107 ANEB Quebec – $51,000 ANEB Quebec helps people whose lives have been touched by an eating disorder and their families. Eating disorders affect up to 10,000 West Islanders between the ages of 15 and 40 and their families every year. (514) 630-0907 / 170 Association québecoise de voile adaptée – Pointe-Claire - $10,000 Makes it possible for those suffering from severe physical or sensory handicaps to improve their quality of life and integration into the community by learning to sail autonomously. (514) 846-2171 / 128 AVATIL - Towards Independent Living - $15,000 Offers one-stop, community-based services, including support networks for those individuals with a mild intellectual handicap living on their own, and residential alternatives for those requiring a structured living situation. (514) 634-8944 / 808 AWISH (Arthritis West Island Self Help Association) – $36,000 Provides information, education and support and an exercise program to West Islanders affected by arthritis. (514) 631-3288 / Testimonial Please turn the page to see more groups “What AMCAL did for me was to plant the seeds that would eventually grow into a healthy, stable lifestyle. AMCAL put the brakes on my life as it was speeding out of control in a downward spiral. I saw how much easier and more enjoyable life could be without the fighting and the drugs. I began to strive for this. I learned to deal with my emotions and my problems in a healthy, mature way.” - Young teen who benefitted from the AMCAL programs. WHO BENEFITS FROM YOUR GIFT The following 36 charitable groups benefit from your donation: # of West Islanders helped this year: 147 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the West Island - $33,000 This organization provides responsible adult guidance to children through quality mentoring and in-school programs. Trained volunteers are matched with children and support them professionally in their search for a full and happy life. (514) 538-6100 / 298 Bread Basket Lac St-Louis - $15,000 Bread Basket Lac-St-Louis operates a set of initiatives under the name of Project Delmar in the community of Delmar, Pointe-Claire. The priority initiatives are to address food security with programs that will provide access to healthy fresh foods, social development issues such as environmental concerns and social housing, and to encourage and support a resident’s committee. (514) 694-5850 239 Carrefour des 6-12 ans – $46,000 The Carrefour provides services for children living in areas of our community where low income families make up more than 70% of the population, and where 42% of students have learning difficulties and require specialized education support. (514) 685-9598 154 Centre Bienvenue - $61,000 Provides support and psychosocial services in the community, and work reintegration programs to improve acceptance of mental illness and contribute actively to society. (514) 421-2212 / 4,013 100 Cloverdale Multi-Resources Family Centre – $26,000 Encourages children and families from the Cloverdale area and its surroundings who often live in difficult conditions to get involved with each other, to improve and maintain their well-being through various services such as animation, prevention and education. (514) 684-8228 / Club des petits déjeuner - Funding allocated in 2010 for a 2-year project. Does its utmost to ensure that every child receives two elements required for learning: a nutritious breakfast and a nourishing environment. The funding from Community Shares will be used to open a club at Harfang-des-Neiges school in Pierrefonds. Testimonial Please turn the page to see more groups “I’m so grateful I found CALACS. They have been my saving grace. They do such crucial work! Thanks to them, I’ve become liberated, not just a survivor or a victim of a sexual aggression.” 9 WHO BENEFITS FROM YOUR GIFT The following 36 charitable groups benefit from your donation: # of West Islanders helped this year: 145 Community Perspective in Mental Health – $52,000 Provides individualized support in the community to adults coping with a mental illness. They offer at-home visits, support groups and help in finding low-income housing. (514) 696-0972 313 De-Zone Youth Centre - $14,000 De-Zone Youth center is a safe, substance-free space where youth between the ages of 12 and 17 can spend time to hang out, talk with youth workers, get homework help, take guitar and art classes and meet new people. (514) 630-9622 ext. 5208 2,107 The Ecomuseum Zoo - $10,000 Teaches children and adults the importance of protecting the local environment and wildlife. Visitors can discover more than 115 species of live animals from Quebec in a natural setting. Offers a large variety of activities on-site and off-site. (30,000 children participating in the educational program) (514) 457-9449 / 1,888 Family Resource Centre - $13,000 The Family Resource Center works to support all West Island children with learning and behavioral difficulties. Their specialized programs provide emotional support, referral services and skill development for children, their parents and professionals. Their programs and activities include: individual and family counseling, advocacy, parenting workshops, social skills programs and study skills programs.. (514) 685-5912 / 1,280 Friends for Mental Health – $42,000 Friends for Mental Health provide crucial support, counseling and respite services to West Island families coping with the mental illness of a loved one. (514) 636-6885 / 282 10 Leave Out ViolencE (LOVE) - $25,500 Offers youth the support and skills they need to reject negative behavior and to replace aggression with more constructive ways to be seen and heard. LOVE’s unique approach of youth reaching out to youth has impacted the lives of hundreds of young people across the West Island. (514) 938-0006 / Testimonial Please turn the page to see more groups “When I first contacted Friends for Mental Health I didn’t know if I was coming or going. I didn’t know what was wrong. I think I was completely insane. And the person that received me just listened to me and said “you need to talk so much, we need to meet again next week.” And I was accepted. I felt embraced. From then on everything became alive. So for me I could never, never, never, never say it enough. Friends for Mental Health brought me back to life.” WHO BENEFITS FROM YOUR GIFT We are proud to support the following groups: # of West Islanders helped this year: 82 L’Équipe Entreprise - $36,000 Provides a low stress work environment assisting West Islanders living with a mental illness reintegrate the workforce. (514) 636-1081 346 La Maison des Jeunes de Pierrefonds – $32,000 This activity and resource center for youth offers a constructive alternative to the streets and shopping centers for teenagers looking for guidance and a healthy place to hang out. For many teens, this place offers them a level of stability they cannot find at home. (514) 683-4164 170 La Maison des Jeunes de A-Ma-Baie – $32,000 Les Maisons des Jeunes are activity and resource centers for youths that offer a constructive alternative to the streets and shopping centers for teenagers looking for guidance and a healthy place to hang out. For many teens, this place offers them a level of stability they cannot find at home. (514) 685-2989 37 Light a Dream - $13,000 Provides young adults with special needs the opportunity to experience and learn in a productive business environment while providing the community with quality products and services. The program promotes their understanding of various business and economic principles, while enhancing their social, interpersonal, decision making and leadership skills. (514) 636-9966 / 474 Literacy Unlimited - $17,000 In the West Island, 35,000 youth and adults are at risk for poor health, unemployment, poverty, substance abuse, problems with the law and becoming outcasts in our society due to a low level of literacy. Literacy Unlimited helps West Islanders remove this stigma by offering a one-to-one tutoring program, adult education classroom assistance and a high school literacy program. (514) 694-0007 / 181 Omega Community Resources - $23,000 This day centre is open Monday-Saturday to assist adults with mental health problems residing in the West Island. The Saturday program offers clients support and follow-up while encouraging improvement of their self-esteem and autonomy. (514) 631-2760 / Testimonial Please turn the page to see more groups « I really like spending time with you. It feels good to know that I can trust you with my feelings and the ordeal I am going through. Thanks for being there and for listening. If you weren’t there in my life, I would not still be alive.” - Note left from a young teen to a Maison des Jeunes counsellor. 11 WHO BENEFITS FROM YOUR GIFT The following 36 charitable groups benefit from your donation: # of West Islanders helped this year: 1,014 Pierrefonds Community Project – $65,000 Provides services and programs for low-income and immigrant families. They also offer a young mothers program that helps girls as young as 14 years old cope with the challenges of parenthood. (514) 684-5995 Portage (West Island program) - $7,000 (Newly funded group 2011-2012) Provides specialized drug addiction rehabilitation programs for young substance abusers. Helps residents acquire the self-awareness and the competencies they need to overcome drug addiction and go on to lead healthy, productive, drug-free lives. (514) 694-9894 / 1,624 594 12 Venturing Out Beyond Our Cancer (VOBOC) - $29,000 VOBOC is dedicated to easing the cancer journey by granting special requests for adolescents and young adults undergoing cancer treatment, or who are in palliative care. (514) 695-9292 / Volunteer Accompaniment Service (ABO-VAS) - $33,000 Provides transportation and accompaniment to treatment for residents battling cancer or other critical illnesses who have no other means of transportation. (514) 694-3838 / 4,998 Volunteer West Island - $35,000 Recruits volunteers for the West Island non-profit community. Also implements social programs reducing isolation and assisting seniors to remain autonomous. (514) 457-5445 / 3,423 West Island Assistance Fund - $35,000 For more than 35 years, the West Island Assistance Fund has helped West Island families who need food or any other type of support resulting from a poor social condition. Also offers free summer camp experience for under-privileged children living in the West Island. (514) 683-0456 / Testimonial Please turn the page to see more groups “I was facing the health challenge of my life and felt very alone. Your volunteer kindly accompanied me through my treatments that lasted 5 months and sometimes I wondered if I could get through them or not. The assistance and help by the ABO-VAS volunteers made all the difference to fight my cancer.” WHO BENEFITS FROM YOUR GIFT The following 36 charitable groups benefit from your donation: # of West Islanders helped this year: 1,100 WIAIH & The Pat Roberts Centre – $53,000 This special family resource centre provides preschool, recreational, residential and respite services to people with intellectual handicaps and autism and support to their families. (514) 694-7090 / 800 West Island CALACS - $25,000 Offers help to women who have been the victims of sexual assault, as well as programs for the prevention of sexual assault. CALACS is the only service in the West Island to offer these services to women 14 years and older. (514) 620-4333 / 250 West Island Cancer Wellness Centre (WICWC) - $25,000 Offers a whole-person approach to cancer care focusing on the physical, emotional, social, spiritual and educational needs of those experiencing cancer. (514) 695-9355 / 642 West Island Citizens Advocacy – $25,500 Matches West Island residents who need help with volunteer advocates who provide emotional, practical or social support. (514) 694-5850 / 655 West Island Community Resource Centre – $45,000 Offers information and referral clinics for people in crisis as well as workshops, publications and telephone services. On average, 7,000 residents seek health and social services information for themselves, their family, friends and neighbors each year. (514) 694-6404 / 58 West Island Youth Symphony Orchestra – $16,000 Offers young musicians (aged 8-25) the opportunity to develop skills, discipline, a sense of teamwork and a deeper understanding of music. (514) 428-9643 / Testimonial “The Pat Roberts Development Center has changed our life! Before sending our autistic son to this wonderful centre, we did not know how to stimulate him properly. In the last six months, he has blossomed!” 13 THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012) We wish to thank the donors of our 2011-2012 fundraising efforts. Thank you to each and every one of our 29,000 donors who made a difference with donations, workplace giving, fundraising initiatives and participation in events, raffles and auctions. Every gift, big and small, made a difference. $100,000 + THE $50,000 $99,999 FOUNDATION Caisse populaire Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds $20,000 $49,999 Nada Nasreddine Kirkland/Beaconsfield $9,000 $19,999 ERIC T. WEBSTER FOUNDATION Genatec ® Solutions d’affaires | Business Solutions Yolande James, MNA Nelligan Major Gift Donors and Mr. James Hewitt Marchands de l’Ouest-de-l’Île Pointe-Claire Intermediate Hockey League Dr. Robert Sheitoyan Chantal Carrier & Louis Vachon, René Gagnon, Daniel Lalonde & Ann Bouthillier, Caisse Desjardins des Sources-Lac-Saint-Louis, Groom & Associés, SCP SCIENCE, Fairview Pointe Claire, La Fondation Familiale Trottier, The Repper Family, Andrée Robert et Jacques Chartrand, Brian McGowan & Elizabeth Tropea, Bromelin People Practices, Construction Jean Houde Prestige Inc., David Mellor (Royal Lepage Mellor Group), Daniel Cléroux, Jardins Cléroux Inc., IGA Extra Famille Lalonde (Ile-Bizard), IGA Extra Kirkland, Keith and Anita Dunn, Laurentian Bank, Lavery, Litwin Correa, Marc Hébert and Marilyn Moore, Marvin A. Drimer Foundation, Mercedes-Benz West Island, Palm & Havas, Pierre Marsan (MNA Robert-Baldwin), Rideau Memorial Funeral Home, Roger Morin CA, Rx&D, Samuel & Fils et Cie (Québec) Ltée., Spinelli Lexus Pointe-Claire and Lachine) Contact us for more information about our donor recognition program. 14 Our donors’ gifts ranged from a few pennies thrown in the Fairview Pointe Claire fountain to $185,000. THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS (April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012) Workplace Giving Campaign Employees are given the opportunity to donate directly through their payroll service. Thank you to the following municipalities, companies and their employees. Arrondissement Île-Bizard-Ste-Geneviève, Arrondissement Pierrefonds-Roxboro, BDC - Development Bank of Canada BMO-Bank of Montreal, City of Beaconsfield, City of Kirkland, Caisse populaire Desjardins Sainte-Geneviève-de-Pierrefonds John Abbott College, Lester B. Pearson School Board, MDA Space, Merck, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Pfizer Canada, SCN, SCP SCIENCE/CONOSTAN, Tenaquip Ltd, TD Bank, West Island Citizen Advocacy, UPS Donors $1,000 - $4,999 Andrea Duchesne (National Bank Financial), Atelier d'Usinage F.J. Ltée., Avocats-Conseil Miljours Paquette, bMod Communications, Bravo Party Rentals, Catsys Media/HWN Dodge for a Cause, Chambre de Commerce de l'Ouest-de-l'Île, Clock Audio North America Inc., Collins Clarke MacGillivray White, Cottage & Cie Shopping Event, Diane Roy-Hébert, Distribution Trans Express Can USA, Don Sancton, Dr. Shawn Cohen, DTZ Barnicke (Québec) Limitée, Exogène Recruitment and Strategic MGT Services, Fondation Pathonic, Gilles Nobert, Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd., Kernohan, Leacross Foundation, Les Aliments M&M, Les Habitations Raymond Allard Inc., Mark Tetrault, Mohammed Kanwal Family Foundation, Morguard Investments Ltd., Pharmaprix Pierrefonds/Pincourt (Suzanne Fradet), Pharmaprix Place de la Triade (Marco Vernacchia), Pharmaprix St-Jean Blvd, DDO (Faouzi Fassatoui), Pharmaprix Fairview and Pierrefonds (Nora Al-Khoury), Pharmaprix Sources (Soad Tawfik), Pharmaprix Dorval (Fernanda Civitella), Pharmaprix Stillview (Heba Muhey), Pierrefonds-Dollard Conservative Association, Pinchevsky & Co., PrivateEventDesign (Lily Nguyen), Restaurant La Maison Verte, Restaurant Le Chambertin, Rock Thomas International, Saint-Luke's Parish, Serve your Community (Lauren Hornig), Ste-Anne's Hospital, United Accoustics Partition, Westmount Moving, Michael Iafigliola (Avantage Ford), BDC Pointe-Claire, Développement économique West Island (CLD), Luc Bérichon Notaire, Manoir Kirkland, Francis Scarpaleggia (MP Lac-St-Louis), CASP Aerospace, The Stone Doctors, Pierre Lebrun, Sarah Murphy, Pierre Arvisais, Bobby Piazza, Holly Schwartz, Marc & Marisa Trottier, Joseph Borsellino, Geoffrey Kelley (MNA Jacques-Cartier), Brian Belvedere, Luc & Donna Bertrand, City of Pointe-Claire, FCT, François Ouimet (MNA Marquette), West Island Legal Resource Center, Restaurant Mundo Trattoria, WISTA, Jean Martel, Kathy Blais, Le Groupe Maurice, IGA Extra Famille Lalonde (DDO), IGA Extra Drolet & Paquette, IGA Extra Michel Akoury, IGA Marché Topetta, IGA Extra Famille Martin, Mansfield Athletic Club Pointe-Claire, Stéphanie Simard, Alain ChanneVy, David O’Brien, Andrew Paquette, Caroline Tison, Claude Papasian, France-Anne Fortin, Sylvain Chevrier, Mark Hanna, Hélène Mirza, Isabelle Morin (MP NDG, Lachine, Dorval), Lysane Blanchette-Lamothe (MP Pierrefonds-Dollard), Aidan Griffin, Christian Roy, Jacquie McLeish, Michelle Jacques, Jean Coutu boul St-Jean (Valerio Tomaselli), Jean Coutu Ile-Bizard (Sylvie Arbic), Jean Coutu DDO (Louis Legault, Karine Legault & Lyette Boulé), Jean Coutu Boul. St-Charles, Pierrefonds (Nouha Fadlallah & Michel Abras). Circle of Friends Andrew Paquette, Bernard Crevier, Carole Derome, Caroline Salette, Caroline Tison, Chantal Carrier, Claude Papasian, Cindy Jamison, Eveline Hauri, Gerry Serio, Kevin Mohamed, Audrey & Marc Genest, Marie-Claude Gauthier, Patrick Murphy, Rhonda O’Gallagher, Veronica Piacek, Cynthia M. Parent, France-Anne Fortin, Jamie Barbieri, Janice Murray, Karen Groom-Campeau, Linda Sheehan, Louis Vachon, Nada Nasreddine, Pierre Arvisais, René Gagnon, Robert Bouillon, Roger Morin, Sarah Murphy, Vincent Lamoureux, Diane Roy-Hébert, Lyne Giroux, Karim Benchekroun, Mark Dickie, Kevin Owen, Ann and Basil Papayoti and Anne Myles. Testimonial “At Tenaquip we feel it is important to offer employees the choice to give to Community Shares. Employees like to give back to their community and like the fact that their employer does as well.” - Annie Tashdjian, Human Resource Manager, Tenaquip Limited. 15 THIRD PARTY FUNDRAISERS More than 35 businesses and associations, big and small, organized fundraising events to benefit Community Shares. Thank you to everyone who organized and supported these events. National Bank Dream Vacation Draw (Dec 2011) $126,447 TD Spaghetti Lunch (Sept 2011) $130,000 RBC Valentine Breakfast (Feb 2012) $34,315 RBC Golf Tournament (June 2011) $33,557 Pharmaprix’s Tree of Life Campaign (Oct 2011) $28,675 National Bank Golf Tournament / Commercial banking division (Aug 2011) $25,000 Slightly Incredible 2 (Si2) (June 2011) $20,000 IGA $2 Campaign (April 2011 and March 2012) $17,642 (Supports campaign fund and 100% model) Coins collected from the Fountains of Fairview Pointe Claire during the year. Pointe-Claire Intermediate Hockey Tournament “Long Live the P” (April 2011) $10,000 RE/MAX Royal (Jordan) Inc. Golf Tournament (Aug 2011) $10,000 Fairview Pointe Claire $7,436 Laurentian Bank "RaISE & SHARE Breakfast" Jan 2012 $7,000 Jardins Cléroux Inc. Poinsettias Sale (Dec 2011) $3,545 Pfizer Employee Artisan and Jewelry Sales $3,441 The Stone Doctors Band Gigs $3,400 Mansfield Athletic Club Pointe-Claire Spinathon (Nov 2011) $3,000 16 THIRD PARTY FUNDRAISERS More than 35 businesses and associations, big and small, organized fundraising events to benefit Community Shares. Thank you to everyone who organized and supported these events. Serve your Community 2 (Lauren Hornig Tennis Challenge) (Nov 2011) $2,700 National Bank Andrea Duchesne Pay-It-Forward Program WISTA “Hairspray” and “Show People” Musical Theatre Production Cottage & Cie. Shopping Event (Beaurepaire Village) $2,255 $1,500 (Oct 2011) $1,312 Private Event Design Sales (Lily Nguyen) West Island Youth Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert "Peter & the Wolf" West Island Chamber of Commerce Accolades Raffle Ile Perrot Golf 4 x Foursome Auction Catsys Media/HWN Dodge for a Cause 2 Centre Bienvenue Printer cartridge recycling program The Artists' Circle of the West Island RRLT Band Gig Studio Danza’s Dance for your Community Via Medica 5% of Sales Anita Perno FashionSense Open House (Anita Perno) Caisse populaire Desjardins Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds West Island Guide - Fall issue advertisement referrals E-Cause Fundraising Campaign REGAL catalogue Maison Mallet % of Sales Thank you to each of the 800 individuals who have dedicated over 4,000 hours in raising these funds! Thank you for caring and making a difference. 17 A LETTER FROM ONE OF OUR DONORS Dear Ms. Tison, I am writing you to tell you how much I appreciate havng been invited to the distribution of cheques evening. From the excellent buffet catered by I.G.A to the delightful music of the Youth Orchestra which rounded out the event it proved a most enjoyable experience. It is one thing to read the list of organizations benefiting from your fundraising effort but it is amazing to see and hear from these organizations and to realize the extent and depth of their work. It was also impressve to see the number of people dedicating their time to these causes. Not to mention the dedication of the businesses and corporations supporting the administration costs. Lastly, you and your team should be justly proud of W.I.C.S. Sincerely, M.L.Brown 18 We are proud to be an efficient way for West Islanders to give back close to home and will continue to strive to increase the number of West Islanders who choose to donate locally in order to benefit their local community. POWERED BY PEOPLE WHO CARE Over 1,200 volunteers lend their time, talent and expertise each year. They serve on our Board of Directors, various committees, volunteer at events, set up their own events, etc. They make our community a better place to live. We thank them all and celebrate their giving spirit. Volunteers give their time on more than a dozen Community Shares committees: Board of Directors Fund Distribution committee Planned and Legacy Giving committee Volunteer Management committee E-Strategy committee Retail Branding committee Benefit Auction committee Red and White committee Golf tournament committee West Island Wine Show committee Board of Directors 11-12 Claude Papasian Bernard Crevier Vincent Lamoureux Carole Derome Michel Abras Pierre Arvisais Jamie Barbieri Christian Blouin Robert Bouillon Shelley Brown Chantal Carrier Alexandre Dion Caroline Donati France-Anne Fortin Karen Groom-Campeau Eric-Vincent Kayigamba Silvie Letendre Roger Morin, CA Nada Nasreddine Caroline Salette Ron P.J. Smith Russell Williams Jamal Abouzeid Elie Abou Abdallah Mark Adelstein Devon Ajram Michel Akoury Nora Al-Khoury Chad Almon Tom Apostolis Line Arbour Suzanne Auger Lynda Barrett Rita Bartevian Raymond Beaulieu Todd Beck Johanne Bélanger Michelle Bénard Corrine Benitah Sherman Blunte Manon Boileau Marilyn Bonneau Dominique Bonnot Dawn Bostock Michelle Bouchard Marc Brassard Marie-Paule Brunelle Philippe Brunet Tania Cabrera Marisa Calabrese Debra Capener Marie-Claude Cardi Yvan Caron Forest of Wishes committee Workplace Giving Campaign committee Marketing & Communications committee Fund Distribution Committee 11-12 you. Thank you! Chantal Carrier Michel Béland Sabrina Bensimhon Robert Brisebois Michelle Figueredo Eric Faigan Assunta Forgione Peter Giakoumatos Ian Hadida Catharine Harris Michel Leduc Jocelyne Leduc-Rouleau Ross Levadi Isabelle Lipari Cynthia Parent Andreas Pollmueller Anthony Rizk Osman Sadri Gerry Serio Eva Shaikh Linda Sheehan Ellen Simpson More Volunteers Who Contributed Their Time & Expertise Doris Cassidy Lina Catalono Bruno Ciolfi Fernanda Citivella Anne Collette Francesca Corso Maggie Costa Angela Coticone Dean Courtis Diana Crawford Julie Dallaire Galina Daneva Gavin James Daye Marc DeBlois, CFA Aurelien Degoute Ghassan Deko Gary Deme Michel Des Rivières Patricia Dewar Samma Diab Ethian Dombawela Debbie Dore Jacques Drolet Jean-Marc Dubé Chantale Dubé Francoise Duff Jean Dumas Naureen Durack Elizabeta Elizarova Bancheva Patricia Enborg Joanne Fabien Nouha Fadlallah Steve Fahey Faouzi Fassatoui Jonathan Faubert Jackie Fiset Ruth Floreani Lucie Fournier Lea Fournier Lisa-Marie Foye Suzanne Fradet Linnaea Fyles René Gagnon Alain Gauthier Lyne Giroux Michel Giroux Peter Govers Carole Guay Peter Guerrera Jennifer Harper Matt Harrison Wendy Hedrich Heather Holmes Nikisha Jaglal Annick Kanku T. Kapuku Karen Kroon Roxanne Lafrance Spiro Lagos Enrico Lalonde Shawn Lamothe Christine Landry Éric Langevin Laurence Langis Suzanne Lapierre Ginette Lapointe Nancy Lapointe Diane Latour Carole Legault Marc Lemire Éric Léouzon Christine Lepage l’Équipe des Pharmaprix Les Équipes des IGA Roxanne Léouzon Jennifer Lichtner Veronica Lopez Gail Lord Antonio Luciano Natalie Maidich Kevin Owen Julie Maheu Ed Pahud Monique Malboeuf John Palamar Roberto Manago Tony Palamaro Brigitte Martel Helen Pantalis Jean Martin Josée Paquette Derek Massari Claire Passaretti-Savage Cheryl Matte Ed Pawlusiak Sherri Mc Leod Anita Perno Craig McFadzean, MBA CFA André Perreault Ingo Medvescek Angie Perrotti-Amoroso Ivo Mehmedovic Lise Pilon David Mellor Amy Poirier Renée Menard Gerry Poole André Mercier Francine Richard Shirley Miller France Rioux Hélène Mirza Tom Romer Cynthia Mitchell Elaine Rosenberg Mary Ellen Montague Robin Rosenthal Denis & Pauline Morneau Johane Rowsell Karen Muggeridge Karyne Roy Sarah Murphy Diane Roy-Hébert Denise Nantel-Forest Monique Sauvé Sandra Nehma Antoinette Scarano Lily Nguyen Petra Scherer Natalie O’Reilly Ann Scullion Serges-Hugues Ouimet, CA Nishant Sharma Special thanks to the following volunteers who help us in the office on a weekly basis: Michel Giroux, Anne Collette, Michelle Benard, René Gagnon and Julie Wu. Jessica Shetler Yves Simard Tania Sossoyan Debbie St-Martin Paula Stone Daniel Tannous Soad Tawfik Heather Taylor Erik Thompson Claire & Michel Tison Dolly Tohme Lisa-Marie Tondreau Eric Toppetta Veronica Traynor Niki Tsakonas Tara Upton Louis Vachon Benoît Vallée Serges Vallée Lyne Vallée Carmela Varriale Philippe Vaugeois Geneviève Veilleux Marco Vernacchia Daniel Vézina George Vitoroullis Sandra Wilkinson Julie Wu Patricia Yanez Natacha Zacharie 19 POWERFUL NUMBERS ABOUT COMMUNITY SHARES Did you know ? In our first year of operation (1988), we raised $102,000 and supported 8 groups who helped 6,000 West Islanders. In 2011-2012, we distributed $1,100,000 and supported 36 groups who touch the lives of 38,000 West Islanders. The average level of funding we provided the charitable groups we support this year is $32,000. On average, Community Shares funding represents 13% of a group’s revenues; for some, it is as high as 50% of their budget (for our 2011-2012 distribution). 38,000 50% $1,100,00036 West Islanders 20 Fund Distribution Ceremony, April 18, 2012 Raised Groups DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that Cadillac Fairview donates the coins from the fountains in the Fairview Pointe Claire shopping center? These coins are collected on a regular basis, counted, dropped off at the Royal Bank branch on St-Jean and Hymus and then sent to the Royal Canadian Mint. The amount is then deposited into the Community Shares bank account. The fountains generated $7,436 this past year! Now that the penny is going to be out of production, why not toss your pennies in the Fairview Pointe Claire fountain to make a difference in your community. Did you know municipalities are supporting Community Shares throughout the year? West Island municipalities lend us their large roadside billboards and electronic billboards so that we can spread the word about our campaign, they provide us free space in their newsletters, some municipalities give employees the opportunity to support Community Shares via a regular donation straight from their paychecks through their workplace giving campaign (Kirkland, Arrondisement Pierrefonds-Roxboro) and others raise funds by organizing fundraisers internally during the year (Arrondissement Ile-Bizard-SainteGenevieve). Thank you to the mayors and councilors who believe in our work. L’Île-Bizard Sainte-Geneviève KIRKLAND Did you know Community Shares has a hockey team? Dave Jennings, a proud West Islander and supporter of Community Shares, generously offered to switch his original team’s (Red & Whites) uniforms for the classic West Island Community Shares gold and blue. The team is looking to represent Community Shares at various tournaments and accepts challenges from all teams! Recent success was found at the 2012 Pointe-Claire Oldtimers tournament winning the Terra Cotta division. 21 CARING CITIZENS AWARDS Each year, Community Shares hands out its Caring Citizen Awards to people and companies who have distinguished themselves by their actions dedicated to bettering their community. The following awards were handed out to highlight efforts contributing to the 2011-2012 campaign and for going above and beyond the call of duty: National Bank The award was presented to Carole Derome and her West Island Region’s team in recognition of the bank’s leadership in bettering our community. A big thank you goes to the West Island region’s managerial team, branch managers and staff for their dedication and for volunteering for our organization. National Bank is Community Shares top funder for the third year in a row with a total of $187,000 this year alone. The Commercial Banking division of National Bank also received an award for its support of Community Shares over the past five years via their Commercial Banking golf tournament. An award was presented to Mark Rossi and his team for contributing $101,000 to Community Shares over the past 5 years. Tenaquip Foundation & Tenaquip Limited The award was presented to Mrs. Shirley Reed, Nancy Reed, Joanne Reed, Mark Armitage and Glenn Watt, trustees of the foundation. Last year, the Foundation enabled us to launch our Planned and Legacy giving FOREVER FUND to ensure the well being of West Islanders for generations to come. They are a loyal corporate partner supporting our 100% model, participate in our events and gave a generous donation of $120,000 this year – a 20% increase over last year. Their total contribution of $180,000 this year, makes Tenaquip Limited & the Tenaquip Foundation our second largest donor this year. Thank you to the Tenaquip Foundation for understanding the needs that exist in our community and for its ongoing support. THE 22 Pfizer Canada The award was presented to Pfizer for their long standing commitment to Community Shares. Pfizer is our founding partner, allowing us to give back 100% of donations and they have the largest Workplace Giving Campaign in the West Island with over $90,000 raised by employees, including the company’s matching gift. Many employees are also volunteering on our various committees. Pfizer was our 3rd largest donor this year with a total contribution of $162,000 for a total contribution of over $1,300,000 since 1998! FOUNDATION Thank you to Pfizer Canada for donating 120 refurbished laptops to the groups we support in February 2012. This donation is valued at more than $33,000! CARING CITIZENS AWARDS TD Bank The award was presented to the TD Bank West Island region’s team. Their exceptional contribution of $156,000 this year alone was made possible thanks to their famous Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser that takes place each fall raising over $130,000, a corporate donation and their participation at Community Shares events. TD Bank employee are also very active volunteering on our various committees. RBC Royal Bank The award was presented to the RBC Royal Bank West Island region’s team. RBC contributed $115,000 this year via their annual golf tournament, their Fundraising Breakfast “ In love with your community” a corporate donation and their participation at our events. RBC Royal Bank employee are also very active volunteering on our various committees. Desjardins The award was presented to Caisse Populaire Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds, Caisse Desjardins des Sources Lac-St-Louis, Centre Financier aux entreprises (Ouest de Montreal) for their outstanding leadership in being our lead sponsor for our very 1st West Island Wine Show that took place March 21, 2012. Desjardins contributed an overall amount of $80,000 to Community Shares this year. A special mention was also made to the Caisse populaire Sainte-Geneviève de Pierrefonds for their support as a partner in allowing us to give back 100% of donations. Pharmaprix The award was presented to all West Island Pharmaprix Pharmacist-owners for their level of engagement in our community. They contributed $75,000 to Community Shares this year via their Tree of Life fundraiser, their participation in our events, sponsoring our 1st West Island Wine Show and for also being a partner helping covering administration costs so we can give back 100% of donations. A special mention went to the following pharmacist owners for going beyond the call of duty: Nada Nasreddine (Beaconsfield & Kirkland), Suzanne Fradet (Pierrefonds & Pincourt), Marco Vernacchia (Place de la Triad), Faouzi Fassatoui (Pharmaprix St-Jean Blvd) DID YOU KNOW? Kuper Academy Grade 6 students learned about their community and the needs and challenges that do arise in the West Island by visiting 8 of the community groups we fund. They found out about what each group does and how each group helps West Islanders in need. They also organized a few fundraising activities to benefit these groups, including Community Shares. Thank you to these future leaders! 23 CARING CITIZENS AWARDS PlaniConcept Plus The award was presented to PlaniConcept Plus’s President, Hélène Mirza (right), who has been volunteering her time for Community Shares for many years now. The award also highlighted her high level of engagement and collaboration with our 1st annual West Island Wine Show and with National Bank’s Dream Vacation fundraiser to benefit Community Shares. An award was also presented to Karyne Roy (left) at PlaniConcept Plus who has been a crucial contributor to our Wine Show. 24 MERK The award was presented to MERCK for its contribution of $66,000 this year. MERK has been a corporate partner allowing us to give back 100% of donations since our inception and continues to be there for us. MERK employees also donate via their workplace giving campaign and volunteer on our various committees. MERK has contributed over $800,000 to Community Shares since 1998! RE/MAX Royal (Jordan) Inc. The award was presented to Caroline Salette (left), owner-operator of RE/MAX Royal (Jordan) Inc. as well as to the RE/MAX Royal Jordan golf tournament organizing committee for their engagement in our community. They have contributed $58,000 to Community Shares since 2003, of which $40,000 came from their annual golf tournament. Mercedes-Benz West Island The award was presented to Mercedes-Benz WestIsland for their continued support as a major sponsor of our golf tournament and for sponsoring the car wash at the annual TD Bank Spaghetti lunch fundraiser to benefit Community Shares. Special thanks went out to Danny Champagne and Dean Courtis. Thank you to SCP SCIENCE, located in Baie d’Urfé, for designing and manufacturing 30 large donation boxes that are used at our various fundraising events! SCP SCIENCE also holds a Workplace Giving Campaign where employees can donate via their payroll and the company matches their donations. CARING CITIZENS AWARDS Marriott Montreal Airport The award was presented to Brenda Rodricks, General Manager of the Marriott Montreal Airport for her leadership in mobilizing the hotel and its team. The Marriott Montreal Airport offers the lodging for the grand prize trip for the raffle of our Annual Red and White gala evening. The Marriott has also offered their chef’s table and hotel stays for our auctions, helping us raise close to $30,000 over the past two years via the raffle and auctions. Nick Di Tomaso The award was presented to thank Nick for his community engagement and for working on our behalf to secure donations over the past years. Karen Groom-Campeau The award was handed out to Karen Groom-Campeau for her long standing commitment to Community Shares from 1999 to 2011. She was President of the Board from 2009-2010. She contributed her expertise and played an important role in bringing the organization to the million dollar mark in 2011. Claude Papasian The award was presented for his unwavering leadership as President of Community Shares from 2010 to 2012, helping us reach our record distribution of $1.1 Million. We also highlighted Claude’s contribution as a Board member since 2004 and for leading one of the top fundraisers, the TD Bank Spaghetti Lunch fundraiser, which has raised more than $735,000 since 2000 for Community Shares. Daniel Tannous The award was presented to highlight Daniel’s sustained contribution to Community Shares since 1998. His ongoing volunteering and his key role in getting the 1st annual West Island Wine Show off the ground were recognized and applauded. Gerry Serio The award was presented to thank Gerry for his long time contribution as an esteemed member of the Fund Distribution Committee. This committee analyses requests for funding, evaluates the impact report of each group receiving funding and makes on site visits to the charities we fund. Gerry led the financial statements review of all of the groups, where each group’s audited financial statement is analysed. 25 CARING CITIZENS AWARDS Shelley Brown The award was presented to recognize Shelley’s contribution as a valued member of our board of directors from 2005 to 2012. Her company, Bromelin People Practices, was also recognized as a corporate partner of ours, helping us give back 100% of donations. Robert Brisebois The award was presented to thank Robert for his long time contribution as an esteemed member of the Fund Distribution Committee. This committee analyses requests for fund, evaluates the impact report of each group receiving funding and makes on site visits to the charities we fund. Robert works at BMO Bank of Montreal and has served on the committee for 8 years. 26 Lyne Giroux The award was presented to recognize the fact that Lyne has served as an active volunteer on each of our event committees (Golf, Benefit Auction, Red and White) and had her company, well-known Aqua Spa Lyne Giroux, sponsor each event . Lyne contributed close to $30,000 to Community Shares over the past few years. Anton Designs The award was presented to salon owners Dan Anton and Kim Anton Ryser for their contribution in donating a priceless “Model for a day experience” each year involving hair styling and make up makeover for a group of ladies. This experience is thenauctioned off during our Share the Experience Benefit Auction each November. Jean Dumas The award was presented to recognize Jean’s contribution in 2011-2012. He introduced us to Nationwide Appraisal Services (NAS), a company that became a partner of ours in 2011, helping us maintain our promise to give back 100% of donations, he also helped secure many sponsors for our various events. Jean works at RBC Royal Bank and his energy is contagious! Andreas Pollmueller The award was presented to thank Andreas for his contribution as an esteemed member of the Fund Distribution Committee, where he volunteered his time for over 2 years. Thank you to Avon Canada for donating 7 youth bicycles to 3 of our community groups in February 2012. FOREVER FUND Planned & Legacy Giving Endowment Fund for West Islanders How will you be remembered in your community? The West Island Community Shares FOREVER FUND provides a NEW opportunity to make a lasting impact in the West Island community. Would you like to be remembered forever by leaving a permanent legacy for the benefit of your local community? Would you like to ensure you leave more to your estate and loved ones? Would you like to maximise the impact of your estate to your family and your community by minimising the taxes you owe? The West Island Community Shares FOREVER FUND can help you achieve all of the above. What is the West Island Community Shares FOREVER FUND? The FOREVER FUND is a permanent endowment fund created by West Island Community Shares to perpetuate its mission. Why give to the West Island Community Shares FOREVER FUND? No matter what the needs are, West Island Community Shares will be here to make sure existing and future charitable groups receive the much needed sustainable funding they require to serve West Islanders’ needs. With this new gift planning program we can continue supporting the West Island community for generations to come by ensuring that vital services will always be available for the 1 in 5 West Islanders who turns to our community for help, support and comfort. West Island Community Shares is here to stay. As the needs of our community evolve over time, we will be here to support the local charitable groups that have the expertise to address the growing needs of this wonderful community. In short, your legacy gift to the West Island Community Shares FOREVER FUND will help sustain the work of existing charitable groups as well as those that will be created in the future to serve our community. “ I have decided to name the West Island Community Shares FOREVER FUND in my Will because I know my donation will have a significant impact on my community, even after I'm gone. It is also important to me to leave an example to my daughter on being a responsible citizen. I believe in Community Shares' mission and since part of my plan was to give back to the community that I love both as a resident and a business owner, it was a simple decision to make. Nada Nasreddine, “ " West Island resident and supporter of West Island Community Shares since 1998 ! For more detailed information please refer to our on-line FOREVER FUND Planned and Legacy Giving Policy at or contact Caroline Tison at 514-695-8694 ext. 101 or at 27 The Future. . . We need to do more for the many vital community groups in the West Island. We feel strongly that we must continue to strive to improve the long-term sustainability of West Island community groups so that they can continue offering services to those who need it and not have to turn them away, with no other alternatives available in our local community. The entire Community Shares team is very grateful for the support of all of its partners, donors and volunteers. We simply could not do it without you. Our success is a collective one and only made possible thanks to each gesture, big and little. Together we can make the 2012-2013 campaign a successful one so that all West Islanders can get the help they need. you. Thank you! On a final note. . . A note from one of the community groups we support: “I just wanted to say thank you. It is always impressive to see the engagement of your partners, donors and volunteers, and to know that they are behind US, because they are on board with YOU. Thank you for the contribution which makes such a difference to our association. We are doing our best to accommodate all the people who come to WIAIH looking for solace and services, but with the spike in diagnoses and the pulling-back of the public sector, the needs never stop growing. It seems almost futile sometimes, but your backing really helps - concretely as well as otherwise.” -Natalie Chapman, Executive Director, West Island Association for the Intellectually Handicapped (WIAIH) 28 ! For more information about how you can make a difference, contact: Caroline Tison (514) 695-8694 ext. 101