Wedding Policy - The Northside Sun
Wedding Policy - The Northside Sun
Wedding Policy NEWSPAPER • All write-ups need to be submitted at least a week prior to publication date; • Priority is given to write-ups that appear in the Northside Sun first. If announced first in the Sun, the picture and as much of the story will be used as soon as possible; • No forms are used. Please submit the article in story form; • Vertical color photos are preferred; • Coverage is restricted to residents in the Sun’s prime circulation area - North Jackson, South Madison County, the Reservoir - and former Northsiders; • Wedding should be announced no later than six months after the ceremony. Please include wedding date; • The Sun accepts no responsibility for unsolicited stories, artwork or photographs. If a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed, every effort will be made to return such photos, but this cannot be guaranteed; • Please include a daytime phone number on all releases; • Engagements and wedding announcements can be emailed to MAGAZINE • Please type, double space, your article in story format. No forms are used by the Sun. • All write-ups should be submitted by the first day of the month for the following month’s publication. (i.e. November 1st is deadline for the December issue) • Please include photos. At least one photo will be featured with each wedding and engagement announcement. More will be used as space permits. • If a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed, every effort will be made to return photos. • Please include a daytime phone number on all releases. • Payment is due with submission. • Wedding announcements are $150. • Engagement announcements are $90. • Mail submissions to Northside Sun Magazine, P.O. Box 16709, Jackson, MS 39236; or e-mail to Deliveries are also accepted at our office at 246 Briarwood Dr. Katherine Nichols Sneed & Hunter Woot en Worley WE DD IN GS K DECEMBER 5, 2 015 THE CHAPEL • S E A S I D E , F LO R Mr and Mrs. H unter Wooten Worley I DA atherine Nichols Sn eed and Hunter W ooten Worley were in a candlelight serrv united in marriage vice at 5 p.m. Dece mber 5, at the Cha The double-ring ce pel at Seaside, Fla. remony was offfffiicia The bride is the da ted by the Rev. Cas ughter of Dr. and M ey Camp Giddens. r s . W i l l i a m granddaughter of M Franklin Sneed of J rs. Thomas Vernon ackson. She is the N i c h ols Jr., and the late late Dr. and Mrs. Ra Mr. Nichols of Cant lph Sneed of Jacks on, and the on. The bridegroom is the son of John Da rle Worley Jr. of Co Beddingffiield of Sp llierrvville, Tenn., and ring Hill, Tenn. He i Penny Worley s the grandson of t Castleberrryy of Mem he late Mr. and Mrs phis, and John Dar . Troy Edward le Worley Sr. of Ath Memphis. ens, Ala., and the la te Mrs. Worley of Escorrtted by her fat her and given in m arriage by her pare gown of tulle and la nts, the bride wore ce wrapped into a a designer mermaid silhouette latte underlay. The with a sweetheart n strapless gown dis eckline and a played a Vback. Sh scalloped lace from e wore a cathedral her mother’s bridal veil edged in gown. She carried hydrangeas, cream a hand-tied bouque y roses, white ranu t of white n c u l u s, and blush garde nia berries and sofft n roses accented w t grey dusty miller g ith grey brureenerryy. The stems latte ribbon and ivo were exposed and rryy lace overly and a bound with a simple scattering o Maids of honor we f pearls throughout re Marryy Glenn Chri t he handle. stopher and Laura Marryy Katelyn Arms Kathrryyn House. Bri trong, Anne Fisher desmaids were Cole, Katie Hazard Pearson Gresham, Douglas, Jody Clar Marilyn Wells Hill, A k Gearryy, Anna nn Turner James, S Banister Russell, M usan Roberrtts Olms arryy Louise Stephen ted, Melissa son, Natalie McGeh Wallace. They wore ee Taylor, and Mart designer champag ha Ansley ne halter flowing g They carried handowns. tied bouquets of cr eamy polar star ros berries and sofftt gre es accented with g y dusty miller green rey brunia erryy. Flower girl was bridegroom. She w Audrey Evelyn Tuc ore a dress of antiq ker, niece of the ue lace made by th when she was the e bride’s grandmot flower girl in her co her for the bride usin’s wedding. The bridegroom’s f ather was best man . Groomsmen were Hudson, Richard A Michael Barrett Da lan Johnson, Bruce y, David Tyler Patrick Longo, Patr Michael Mullin Smi ick Edward Moore, th, Daniel Dalton W Richard Kyle Rice, orley, and Logan Ja Ringbearers were W mes Young. illiam Lesley Hunte r V and Troy Ryan T groom. Scripture w u cker, nephews of th as read by Grace A e bridenthony Harrelson. G Cates and Rachel W u ests were greeted illiamson Donald. by Lisa Medley Following the cere mony, the bride’s p arents hosted a ten Beach. The bride’s ted reception at Ke ffiive-tiered cake exh l l y G r een, Alys i b i t e d a lternating rose tiers The bridegroom’s c with quilted pattern ake displayed the s ed tiers. tates of Tennessee senting the bride a , Mississippi, and A nd bridegroom’s ho labama, repremetowns and their Fantasy presented new home of Alaba the music. ma. Musical (The Sun accepts no responsibility for unsolicited stories, artwork or photographs.) For more information, call 601-957-1123 The couple lefftt the reception through a spra y of sparklers and was driven away in a 1953 Pac kard converrttible. On the eve of the w edding, the bridegroom’s fa ther hosted a rehearsal dinn er at The Boathouse at Wate rcolor. The day before the wed ding a bridesmaids lunche on was held at The Pearl in Rosemarryy Beach. A welcome parttyy was given on Thursday evening at The Red Bar in Gra yytton Beach. Afftter a wedding trip to St. John’s, Antigua, the couple is at home in Birming ham. m a y 2 0 1 6 47