High quality through high end technology on LSAW large diameter pipes A. Liessem H.-G. Hillenbrand T. Kersting L. Oesterlein N. Schoenartz PRCI/EPRG/APIA, Technical Conference May 15 - 20, 2005 Orlando, USA TP64 EUROPIPE. The world trusts us. Europipe GmbH, Mülheim, Germany Europipe GmbH, Mülheim, Germany Europipe GmbH, Mülheim, Germany Europipe GmbH, Mülheim, Germany Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung, Duisburg, Germany HIGH QUALITY THROUGH HIGH END TECHNOLOGY ON LSAW LARGE DIAMETER PIPES H.-G. Hillenbrand, T. Kersting, L. Oesterlein EUROPIPE GmbH, Muelheim, Germany A. Liessem EUROPIPE GmbH, Ratingen, Germany N. Schoenartz Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung, Duisburg-Huckingen, Germany ABSTRACT Large diameter longitudinally welded linepipe have to fulfil increasing technical requirements in order to guarantee best performance during construction and longterm service. Therefore the linepipe manufacturing steps from steel making to pipe production are continuously improved in order to increase the quality level and the productivity by reducing non-quality costs. Besides forming and expansion the welding process and its control is one of the most crucial operation during linepipe manufacture. A welding process which parameters are steadily controlled and which weld seam quality is inspected by highly developped non-destructive test methods is therefore a pre-requisite that welding defects are primarily avoided or if not avoidable at least reliably detected. A closed quality control loop between the NDT inspection and the welding process makes sure that corrective or preventive actions are taken. In the last years EUROPIPE invested in the latest developments in welding technology. Digital power sources open up new options of process control for multi-wire welding. This investment now perfectly supplements the modernisation of the non destructive inspection of the longitudinal weld seam by ultrasonic and radiographic test methods. In the first part of this paper the main technical features of the new welding equipment will be presented and how this new technology helps to control the welding process. The second part will focus on details of the non destructive testing with particular regard to the internal quality control of the weld seam. WELDING TECHNOLOGY OF LSAW PIPE One of the most essential and challenging steps in the production of linepipe is the welding of the longitudinal seam. A wide range of different quality requirements have to be achieved reliably and under economic conditions. The production of a weld seam suitable for the purpose of high pressure linepipe is more than just joining two plates edges. The following table 1 summarises the most important quality aspect of a submerged arc welded longitudinal seam: SAW quality aspects Mechanical Properties Corrosion Resistance Weld shape Imperfections/Defects Strength Matching ratio Toughness Hardness HIC/SSCC resistance Misalignment Radial offset Weld bead height Weld contact angle Weld bead width Interpenetration Weld linearity Undercuts Slag inclusions Porosities Lack of fusion/interpenetration Cracks Key factors: (Welding parameters) Consumables, Base metal Key factors: Welding parameters (Consumables) Key factors: Welding parameters (Consumables) Table 1: Quality aspects for SAW seams 1 / 12 Whereas the mechanical properties/corrosion resistance is predominantly defined by the selection of appropriate welding consumables the weld shape and the occurrence of imperfections or defects is strongly influenced by the welding parameters. In the EUROPIPE Mill in Muelheim an der Ruhr up to 15 km of weld seam can be manufactured per day. Stable welding processes are mandatory to guarantee lowest repair and rejection rates. To further improve the process EUROPIPE invested in the latest technology of digital power sources. Seven inside and the equal number of outside welding machines are equipped with the Lincoln Power Waves (PW) (Figure 1). Figure 1: View of the modular PW 500 for inside welding (left) and the PW1000 for outside (right) The new power sources offer a wide range of additional possibilities compared to the former situation. Main features are: Feature Old power sources Power Waves (PW) Net compensation ± 10% 7 E Power source presets 7 E Adjustable ramp function 7 E AC and DC Mode 7 E Frequency control 7 E CC-Mode E E CV Mode 7 E Phase angle control 7 E Wave Designer 7 E Table 2: Comparison between old and new power sources The advantages are based on the new digital design. The Power Wave uses the inverter technique. As these inverters are primary and secondary switched they allow a wide range of parameter settings. It is possible to switch between CC- (constant current) or CV-(constant voltage) mode, Sine- or square wave mode, constant or dropping characteristics by simple software changes (Figure 2) 2 / 12 U(t), I(t) U(t), I(t) t Offset Frequency 0 - 100 Hz t Figure 2: Examples for the parameter options of the PW In addition the modular design allows a flexible layout of the welding station. Higher capacities can be achieved by simply connecting an additional modul. The smaller size of the moduls facilitates the maintenance. The use of presets allows a fast setting of the power source well adapted to the wall thickness to weld. A preset contains all necessary information for a single welding head such as wire diameter, stop/start-parameters and so on. This allows narrow tolerances for the welding parameters leading to a stable process. Welding speed can be improved to reach high productivity and low heat input without the risk of increasing defect rates. Figure 3 shows an example of the optimisation of the heat input while increasing the deposition rates at a given wall thickness. A reduction of 11% heat input with a parallel increase of deposition rate of 4% was realised by using the power waves options. 250 115% Deposition rate Heat Input 110% 200 Welding speed 105% 100% 95% 90% ID 4 Wire ID 3 Wire 150 100 50 85% 80% 0 V0 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 0 Welding variant 10 20 30 40 50 WT [mm] Figure 3: Optimisation of deposition rate, heat input (left) and welding speed (right) The inside welding machines limited the performance of the mill especially at higher wall thickness. The installation of the new power sources went hand in hand with the introduction of 4-wire welding inside and 5-wire welding outside. The resulting increase of welding speed (Figure 3,right) of 25- 30% allowed a reduction from eight to seven welding lines. Nevertheless the welding capacity could be improved by 15%. But increase of the mill performance was only one part of the project. The further improvement of quality by reducing the weld defect rate was the second one. The higher reliability and the more stable welding have a direct impact on those process deviations that lead to start-/stop repairs (Figure 4). These are the so called "burn throughs" and the "weld stops". Both having as consequence time consuming and therefore expensive rework on the pipe. 3 / 12 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% Burn Through Weld stops 10% 10% 0% 0% 2002 2003 2004 2002 2005 2003 2004 2005 Figure 4: Development of Weld Stops (left) and Burn Through (right) since 2002 To keep the defect rate at a low level and to improve quality further on a tight process control is necessary. The information has to be available as fast as possible and as easy as possible. Therefore EUROPIPE installed an efficient control circuit immediately on and behind the welding machines. The best way to higher quality is to avoid any defect. The new control environment of the welding machines allows a close follow up of all components influencing the welding itself (Figure 5). Beside the visualisation of the essential welding parameters such as current, voltage and speed the operator has a feedback about heat input, flux system, transportation system, seam tracking and so on. Figure 5: Examples of control screens for welding An analyzer software connected to the welding equipment provides the possibility to evaluate the welding process (Figure 6). This leads to systematic improvement and deeper understanding of the measures to avoid defects. 4 / 12 Figure 6: Analyzer Tool: Improvement of weld stop on the run-off tab ends (left), welding parameters leading to a slag inclusion (right) The next level of this process control is the fast feed back between NDT and welding to avoid systematic deviations. EUROPIPE relies on a combination of visual inspection, automated UT and Xray as described in the following. PROCESS CONTROL OF LONGITUDINAL SEAM WELDING As it is shown in Figure 7 the visual testing immediately follows the outside welding. Both internal and external pipe surfaces including weld seam are controlled. All kind of surface defects are detected and entered in PRODIS, the integral production data information system. Beside real defects such as undercuts the testing registers process deviations i.e. irregular weld shape or width and heights of the weld seam. An automated 100%UT of the weld seam reports all internal imperfections. UT indications are confirmed by filmless radiography and/or verified by manual UT as described more in detail in the following chapter. Weld Process Control Forming Visual Inspection Welding NDT UT/X-Ray PRODIS SPC Figure 7: Weld process control by interaction of different test methods (internal testing before expansion) All test results are available in PRODIS. A list with all defect codes is on-hand at any time to the welding operators. At a low defect level each defect becomes a single event. Systematic statistic evaluation of a defect type becomes mandatory to trace it back to its origins. To facilitate that evaluation and to deliver the required information directly to the process supervisors at the shop floor a statistical process control (SPC) has been developed and integrated in PRODIS (Figure 8). 5 / 12 Figure 8: PRODIS: Defect statistics for a single welding machine (left) and an example for SPC (right) The consequent process control in combination with a fast access to the essential information at any time and any place in the mill lead to a permanent reduction of rework and losses due to weld defects (Figure 9). 100% 100% 95% 90% 90% 85% 80% 80% 70% 75% 70% 60% Repair Rate Pipe Losses 65% 60% 50% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2002 2003 2004 Figure 9: Development of repair rate (left) and pipe losses (right) QUALITY CONTROL OF LONGITUDINAL WELD SEAM In order to fulfil highest quality requirements a highly developed system of complementing nondestructive test methods has been established for the internal quality control, see Figure 10. 6 / 12 PRODIS SPC/UT-Alarm Quality Control Flow Smart UT evaluation System. PRODIS UT-Alarm FLORAD No OK? Repair Yes Yes UT Alarm? No AXION Assistant No OK? Yes Archive UT Manual No accepted? Yes Fig. 10: NDT Quality control flow of pipes before expansion After welding all pipes are visually tested inside and outside in order to find as soon as possible surface imperfections or defects on the pipe body and in the weld seam area. Hereafter the complete weld seam is tested by an automatic UT-equipment. The system has been installed in 2001 based on an expert system condensing 25 years of experience with automated UT and data evaluation. The equipment is able to reach a high reliability even under difficult inspection conditions typically with non expanded pipes [1]. This was realised by a smart computer based evaluation system. The sensitivity for the UT signals is set to the highest level technically reasonable. Significant UT indications will launch a so called UT-Alarm. The smart UT-evaluation system is linked to the PRODIS system in order to enable a closed loop to the welding machines as rapid process control. Pipes with an UT indication will be x-rayed by a digital film-less radiographic system called FLORAD (FLORAD = FilmLOse RADiographie (German) = Filmless Radiography (English)) which was installed in 1998 [2]. Since that time more than 250 thousand images have been made and the film technique has been successfully substituted by the image converter system. Digital systems have the great advantage of image processing like contrast adaptation, filtering etc. Based on the high amount of radiographs an automated x-ray image evaluation system (AXION) was developed to support the evaluator in order to increase the reliability of detection. This system works on basis of an intelligent expert system and is also linked to the smart UT evaluation system to reach best performance. UT-indications which are confirmed by the FLORAD are repaired and rechecked. If X-ray results are not consistent to the UT-Alarm pipes will be tested by manual UT which makes the final decision. Finally only pipes fulfilling the stringent internal quality requirements will be expanded. As described above the results of the non destructive testing supplemented by a statistical process control is fed back to the welding machines for process control purposes. To use the full benefits of film less radiography it is planned in the near future to invest in the latest digital x-ray technique based on high quality flat panel detectors. Finally two x-ray chambers with two flat panel detectors will substitute three x-ray chambers with four x-ray tubes. 7 / 12 DEVELOPMENT OF FILMLESS RADIOGRAPY As described above the high level of UT testing is complemented by sophisticated X-ray testing systems and software. Since 1998, EUROPIPE has been operating the FLORAD system for the X-ray testing of unexpanded pipes (Figure 11). This system has been supplemented in 2003 with the AXION software assistant which supports the evaluator in the assessment of the X-ray Figures (AXION = Automatic X-ray Image evaluatION) [3]. Figure 11: View of X-ray chamber with FLORAD system The FLORAD system provides a lot of advantages compared to the classical X-ray film (Table 2): X-ray film FLORAD High film costs No film costs High costs for film storage Low costs for electronic storage High disposal costs for chemistry No chemistry Processing time 10 minutes No processing required Very high image quality Comparable image quality Available only at one place Available throughout the mill and beyond Only manual evaluation possible Computer aided evaluation Table 2: Advantages of filmless radiography (FLORAD) compared to conventional X-ray film Of course, the fundamental question is if the image quality of the FLORAD system is sufficient to detect all relevant defects which can be detected with X-ray film. This question was examined independently by RWTÜV (a German testing organisation), by Shell Global Solutions and by DNV, Norway. All reports concluded that (in the wording of DNV) “the EUROPIPE Deutschland GmbH 8 / 12 Filmless Radiographic System (FLORAD) has been found to give at least the same detectability of weld defects as conventional film radiography, and is suitable to replace film radiography.” However, X-ray images are important documents which must be preserved for at least 12 years. X-ray film can easily fulfil this requirement when stored properly. Furthermore, X-ray film testing is a proven and reliable technique for decades. The same level of security and availability is mandatory for any filmless system. With the digital technique it is possible for third party inspectors to have the images rapidly at any place without danger of scratches on the film which would make the film invalid as document. All digital x-rays images will be stored in the same way as the X-ray films for at least 12 years. The retrieval and the handling will be facilitated by use of a digital image data bank. For the FLORAD system, these features are reached by a redundant cluster of OpenVMS computers with shadowed disks attached to a shared SCSI bus. Long term storage of the images is performed on ISO 9660 formatted CD-ROM disks. In this configuration, the cluster gives the required availability while through the shadowed disks the images are preserved also in case of a hardware failure. In the seven years of operation more than 250,000 images have been recorded without any unplanned downtime due to a computer hardware failure. In parallel to the operation of the system the AXION software assistant was developed. This software examines each image recorded with FLORAD and checks it for possible defects. In the current field test phase, AXION is invoked after the evaluator has made his assessment. While the evaluator draws a red rectangle around the defects he has found, suspicious areas found by AXION are marked with a green rectangle and the defect is classified using a database (Figure 12). This procedure gives the possibility to verify the operation of AXION against the evaluator with a large number of images taken in the regular mill production. The final goal is that AXION sorts out all images which certainly have no defect, leaving only the remaining images for the evaluator for the final decision. Figure 12: Example of a FLORAD X-ray image assessed by human evaluator (red) and by AXION (green) The detector used with the FLORAD system is an image converter the heart of which is a rather bulky image intensifier tube. Because of its size it was not possible to use the detector inside the pipe. Instead, it had to be mounted on a carriage above the pipe and the X-ray tube had to be mounted inside the long spar within the pipe (see Figure 11). This set-up is mechanically complex and reduces the choice of X-ray tubes. 9 / 12 In the meantime a new class of X-ray detectors has emerged, the so called flat panel detectors or digital detector arrays. An example is shown in Figure 13 and some technical data for the detector chosen by EUROPIPE are given in the following table 3: Detector size 267 mm x 318 mm (10.5 in. x 12.5 in.) Detector thickness 51 mm (2 in.) Pixel area 195 mm x 244 mm (7.68 in. x 9.6 in.) Pixel pitch 127 µm Number of pixels 1920 x 1536 Dynamic range 12 Bit (4096 grey levels) Table 3: Technical data of flat panel detector Figure 13: Flat panel detector (left) with command processor and power supply (right) A detector of this size can even be used inside a 20” pipe. In this configuration, the X-ray tube is mounted outside the pipe, which results in a simplified mechanical set-up and gives the chance to use larger, more powerful X-ray tubes. The higher power of these tubes extends the wall thickness range that can be tested. Compared to the image converter the spatial resolution of the selected flat panel is remarkably higher, resulting in a once more improved image quality. In Figure 14, the double wire pair 9 (wire diameter = wire distance = 130 µm) can be clearly separated, proving the excellent spatial resolution. The large active area of the flat panel reduces the number of images that have to be taken for a given weld length. A comprehensive comparison between the image converter used in the current FLORAD set-up and the flat panel based system is given in the following table 4: 10 / 12 Image converter Flat panel Assembly of opto-electronic and mechanical components Compact solid-state device, no mechanical parts Customised X-ray tube required Standard high-power X-ray tube Special designed bar Simplified set-up 100 mm weld length in one image 200 mm weld length in one image Max. wall thickness 42 mm Max. wall thickness 50 mm Expensive Very expensive Table 4: Comparison of image converter and flat panel based system Figure 14: Part of flat panel X-ray image demonstrating the high spatial resolution Considering the long experience and positive results obtained with the FLORAD system, EUROPIPE plans to replace the X-ray film completely in the Muelheim works using flat panel technology. A first installation with a flat panel system is currently tested under operational conditions in the Dunkerque works of EUROPIPE. The detailed concept for the integration of the flat panel technology in the Muelheim mill is simultaneously developed by EUROPIPE together with the Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung (SZMF). CONCLUSION The ever increasing requirements on the weld seam properties can reliably fulfilled only by use of a welding process which parameters are steadily controlled and which weld seam quality is inspected by intensive non-destructive test methods. This constitutes a pre-requisite in order that welding defects are primarily avoided or if not avoidable at least reliably detected. Therefore EUROPIPE replaced the existing welding equipment by the latest generation of digital power sources. The new digital design offers a comprehensive variety of parameter control and pre-settings. As a result of the welding parameter optimisation both quality and productivity could be improved significantly. 11 / 12 In order to reach best performance of the welding process with high economic efficiency it is necessary to install a closed process control loop between welding and inspection where results of NDT are fed back to the different welding machines. This is possible by use of modern computer controlled machines in a network of data exchange and automated evaluation systems. In order to fulfill highest quality requirements a highly developed system of contemplating nondestructive test methods has been established using visual inspection and the latest technology of ultrasonic testing and filmess radiography. The applied quality control system achieves high performance with regard to detection of defects and imperfections. The existing filmless radiography using image converter has been proven to be a further development for the conventional X-ray film technology. Based on the experience gathered on pipes tested according to the stringent internal quality requirements before expansion, the system will be transfert to the inspection of the expanded pipes in near future. As meanwhile a new class of X-ray detectors has emerged, the actually used image converter system will be replaced by the new flat panel detectors providing various technical advantages. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Kersting, T., Oesterlein, L., Kauth, G., Finger , G.: Neue Ultraschallanlage zur Prüfung von UP-längsnahtgeschweissten Grossrohren bei EUROPIPE in Muelheim a.d. Ruhr, DGZfPJahrestagung 2002, Weimar Kersting, T., Oesterlein, L., Schoenartz, N.: Application of Filmless Radiography during the th Production of Large Diameter Pipes, 15 WCNDT, Rome 2000 Liessem, A., Grimpe, F., Oesterlein, L.: State-of-the-art Quality Control during the Production th of SAW Linepipe, 4 International Pipeline Conference, Calgary, 2002, IPC2002-27141 12 / 12