Saturday, December 14, 2013 9:00AM


Saturday, December 14, 2013 9:00AM
Contact Name
Your support of Scouting through Topeka’s
Business/Team Name
Dodgeball Tournament goes a long way to
ensuring a quality program for over 5,700
Business Address
Scouts. Your support allows us to train
Popcorn Sales - 26%
Camping - 10%
Scout Shop Rent - 2%
Special Events - 9%
Activities/Programs - 15%
Misc. Funds - 19%
United Way - 6%
FOS Contributions - 13%
leaders, recruit Scouts, organize new Scout
units, and much more. Participating in this
event makes a direct impact on the lives of
youth right here in Shawnee County.
Membership recruitment materials
Year-round maintenance and upkeep of
Falley Scout Reservation and Rolley Scout
Competitive Division - $250 per team
Service Center
Co-ed 16 years old and older
1st place = $500, 2nd place = $250, 3rd Place =
thousands of hours given by Scouts.
Activities/Unit Service -62%
Camping Programs - 14%
Assistance/Outreach - 6%
Fundraising - 8%
Includes lunch
Scout Recognition - 3%
Management - 3%
National Charter Fee - 2%
Insurance - 2%
Fun Division - $250 per team
Co-ed 16 years old and older
Prizes and recognition for top teams includes lunch
Payment Information:
Credit Card Payment (AMEX/Visa/
For more information about supporting this
event or the Jayhawk Area Council, please
Card Number________________________
Matt Stuchlik, Shawnee Senior District
Exp. Date_____
Enclosed is my check/cash $____
Please bill (Immediately)____
Services to the community through or
by phone at 785-276-3349
Over 2,000 youth are attending
camps, they are:
840 youth are in ScoutReach against
the odds, they are:
Over 1,800 volunteers are properly
trained, they are:
5,700 youth in 11 counties
Saturday, December 14, 2013
9:00AM - 1:00PM
Jay Shideler Elementary School
Contact Name
 Teams may have up to 10 participants with
6 playing at a time. Teams should have a
minimum of four players.
 Teams may consist of either gender. Any
ratio of men and women may participate,
including all male and female teams.
 To be eligible, a player must be 16 years old
and submit a waiver form. If under 18 years
old, the waiver requires a parent signature.
 All equipment will be provided by the event.
Teams are encouraged to wear uniforms to
differentiate themselves from other teams.
 The event is open to anyone that is
interested in participating. This includes
businesses, organizations, clubs, or a group
of friends.
 The cost is just $250 per team and proceeds
support the Jayhawk Area Council, Boy
Scouts of America.
 Papa Murphys will be providing pizza for
lunch. Lunch is included in the team fee.
 Cash prizes available for competitive
division. Prizes will be available for the fun
Please return Sponsorship and Team
Registration form to: Matt Stuchlik
Shawnee Senior District Executive
Fax: 785-354-8722
Phone: 785-354-8541
Rolley Scout Service Center
1020 SE Monroe Ave. ● Topeka, KS 66612
What: 2013 Topeka’s Dodgeball Tournament
benefitting the Jayhawk Area Council, Boy
Scouts of America
Who: Open to any business, organization, club,
or group of friends.
 Each team will need to appoint a team
 The team captain is responsible for
registering the team.
 Once registered, the team captain will need
to have each player fill out a waiver form
available electronically and in paper form at
the Rolley Scout Service Center.
 The team captain should collect waiver
forms and return them to the Rolley Scout
Service Center by Dec. 12, 2014.
 The event date is Saturday, December 14,
2013. Team registrations should be
submitted via mail, in person at the Rolley
Scout Service Center or online at by December 12,
2013 at 5pm.
Business Name
Business Address
Sponsorship Levels:
____Title Sponsor (One Available) - $2500
*Company Logo place above tournament logo
*Up to five teams in the tournament
*Logo/company biography to be printed in program
When: Saturday, December 14, 2013
9am - 1pm
*Check-in starts at 8:30am.
____Eagle Sponsor — $1000
*Up to three teams in the tournament
*Logo/company biography printed in program
Where: Jay Shideler Elementary School Gym
4948 SW Wanamaker Rd Topeka, KS 66610
____Life Sponsor — $750
*Up to two teams in the tournament
*Logo/company biography printed in the program
How: Team registrations may be submitted via
mail, in person at the Rolley Scout Service Center or online at by December 12, 2013 at 5pm.
____Star Sponsor — $500
*One team in the tournament
*Logo/company biography printed in program
Cost: $250 per team for either the competitive
or fun division. ***Cash prizes of $500 for 1st,
$250 for 2nd, and $100 for 3rd will be awarded
in the competitive division. Prizes will be given
out in the fun division.
***75% of sponsorship and team registration is
tax deductable.
With all of our programs and events, donations of any level are greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged in accordance to level of gift.
____1st Class Sponsor — $250
*Logo/biography in printed program
____2nd Class Sponsor — $100
*Logo in printed program
____Donation to support the Jayhawk Area Council,
Boy Scouts of America.
*All sponsors will be printed on event banners that
will be displayed during the event.
*See reverse side for payment information.