LPSO helps the `Hunt for a Cure` with Relay for Life Event in Thibodaux


LPSO helps the `Hunt for a Cure` with Relay for Life Event in Thibodaux
LPSO helps the ‘Hunt for a Cure’ with
Relay for Life Event in Thibodaux
On April 13, members
of the Lafourche Parish
Sheriff’s Office participated in the Lafourche Thibodaux Relay for Life
fundraising event held at
Nicholls State University
in Thibodaux. LPSO
participated in this event
each year since its
inception 17 years ago.
This year’s theme was
“Hunting for a Cure,”
and two LPSO teams
$9,563.50! Carolyn Peterson was the top individual fundraiser collecting a total of $2,359.00. LPSO team members were
recognized for their efforts in receiving the award for Most Money Raised as a Government Team! LPSO would like to thank every participant and volunteer who helped raise money for this
year’s event. To find out
more about this cause, or
to find the next local
event in our area, log on
to www.relayforlife.org.
2012 Edition
Inside this issue:
Deputies Participate
in Career Days
Fireman’s Parade
Sheriff for a Day
Sheriff Recognized for
Support of Military
Easter Bunny Makes
Special Stops
The Rap Sheet
brought to you by
on behalf of the
Brennan Matherne, PIO
Content, Design & Layout
Rachelle Bilbo
Design & Layout
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and exciting news for the
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The Rap Sheet, May-June 2012
Page 2
Deputies Participate in Career Days
at Local Elementary Schools
LPSO deputies have been participating in several Career Day events
at elementary schools throughout the
parish. Deputies from Water Patrol,
Bicycle Patrol and Motorcycle Patrol
will be joined by K-9 officers,
D.A.R.E. Officers and School Resource Officers in talking to students
about the various aspects of their day-to-day duties. Students will get to
see, first-hand, the tools and equipment deputies use on a daily basis to
perform those duties. Career Days, such as the one highlighted here at
Larose Lower Elementary on April 19, 2012, typically feature several
representatives from various career fields and companies. Deputies
also participate along with other first responders such as EMTs and firemen. Throughout the year, deputies participate in similar events, which
are not only limited to Career Days. For more information about these
types of events, contact your child’s school to find out what types of
programs the school offers.
Sheriff Webre “Marshals in”
2012 Fireman’s Parade
On Saturday, March 18, the Lafourche Fire District #1 Volunteer Fire Department
held its annual fireman’s parade, dinner and auction in Raceland. Sheriff Craig
Webre had the pleasure of serving as the Grand Marshal for this year’s parade. The
parade began along LA-182 in Raceland, crossed over Bayou Lafourche, headed
north on LA-308, then passed between Raceland Middle School and Raceland Upper
Elementary School en route to the Raceland Ag Building on Texas Street. Sheriff
Webre led the way, accompanied by several deputies of the Lafourche Parish
Sheriff’s Office as well as a motorcade of vehicles from fire districts throughout
Lafourche Parish. The parade concluded at
the Ag Building with a dinner and auction.
The Rap Sheet, May-June 2012
Page 3
E.D. White Senior Sworn
in as Sheriff for a Day
By Brennan Matherne
On Monday, April 30, 2012, Lafourche
Parish Sheriff Craig Webre participated in the
18th annual Lafourche Parish Student
Government Day Program. Each year, a
group of high school students from E.D.
Lafourche, and South Lafourche High Schools
are selected to assume the respective offices
of various public officials including Sheriff,
Thibodaux Mayor, and many more. Each
student is sworn in during a morning ceremony and then follows one public official
throughout the day, learning about the roles of
their office and what a typical day is like in
the life of a parish official.
Alex Hymel, a senior at E.D. White Catholic High School, was selected to be “Sheriff of
Lafourche Parish for
a day.” Hymel met
Sheriff Webre at the
swear-in ceremony
that morning.
opening ceremonies,
Hymel began his day
with a one-on-one
meeting with Sheriff
learning Sheriff Webre looks on as Judge John LeBlanc swears in Alex Hymel
about the origins of and several other high school students during a morning ceremony.
the office of sheriff
and the history of the Lafourche Parish
major in Nursing.
Sheriff’s Office as well. Hymel had a firstAfter a luncheon for the program
hand look at the computer
participants in Thibodaux, Hymel finished out
software used by deputies on
the day touring a number of Sheriff’s Office
a daily basis to help track all
facilities including the Detention Center and
information about calls for
the Training Academy. Hymel said he enjoyed
service, investigations, arrests,
learning about “the other side” of the Sheriff’s
etc. Following his meeting
Office, not just the side typically depicted in
with the Sheriff, Hymel was
the media.
presented with an LPSO patch
as well as a Commission card
naming him “Sheriff for the
Hymel then accompanied
Sheriff Webre during his
KLRZ’s Talk on the Bayou
radio show. Hymel went on
the air and talked with the Sheriff and host
Ken Friedlander about the Student Government Day Program as well as his personal
plans for the future. Hymel said he plans to
attend Nicholls State University in the fall and
Sheriff Webre Recognized as Patriotic Employer
Sheriff Craig Webre has been recognized by
the Office of the Secretary of Defense for his
support of employees’ participation in the
National Guard and Reserve Forces. Deputy
Floyd Jennings, who nominated the Sheriff for
the award, presented him with the award earlier
this year (pictured at the right).
The certificate recognizes Sheriff Webre as a
“Patriotic Employer” for his support of deputies
and other personnel actively enlisted or otherwise participating in the military. LPSO policy
provides the opportunity to work with any
employee who is actively serving in the military,
whether it be for weekend assignments or more
long term deployments.
Currently, there are 55 employees/deputies of
the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office that have
served at least two years in the military.
The Rap Sheet, May-June 2012
Page 4
Easter Bunny Makes “Special”
Stops around the Local Area
Once again in 2012, the Easter Bunny made a few special stops to visit the children of the local
area along with deputies from LPSO’s Police Social Services. During the months of March and
April 2012, the Easter Bunny made visited children at the Thibodaux Health Unit, the Thibodaux
Library, the PACT Place in Lockport and Children’s Hospital in New Orleans.
Thank You!
Josh & Angela Barbera wanted to extend a sincere “THANK YOU” to all the
community members and businesses, as well as fellow deputies and officers
that donated their time, money and goods in an effort to help make the
tournament such a huge success and a fun time for everyone.
We also want to congratulate the winning teams from the tournament!