Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project Project background


Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project Project background
Project update - June 2016
Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project
Project background
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Summerwind Drive
This mailer identifies the project’s recommended
alternative. During the project’s planning phase, the
project team incorporated input from both internal
and external stakeholders (City of Milpitas) into the
development of its alternatives.
The water district presented the project’s objectives,
study schedule and preliminary conceptual alternatives
at a community meeting held on June 5, 2014. Water
district staff gathered public input to incorporate in
the development of the project’s staff-recommended
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Project update
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This project is necessary to maintain the current existing
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
accreditation along the east levee located between
California Circle and the Berryessa Creek confluence,
and to safely convey the future 1-percent flow. At the
completion of the project improvements for the Lower
Penitencia and Berryessa Creek projects, the water
district will update the FEMA flood insurance maps
The water district has two capital flood protection
projects located immediately east of Lower Penitencia
Creek, the Lower and Upper Berryessa Creek projects.
Completion of improvements along the Lower and
Upper Berryessa Creek projects will result in an
increase to the 1-percent flow to Lower Penitencia
Creek. In its existing condition, Lower Penitencia Creek
lacks the capacity to convey the increased 1-percent
flow. A 1-percent flood is a large and rare storm event
which has a one-in-100 (1 percent) chance of occurring
in any given year.
In 1955, the water district improved Lower Penitencia
Creek and further improvements were constructed in the
1980s related to the construction of the Dixon Landing
Business Park.
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Lower Penitencia Creek is located in the northeasterly
portion of Santa Clara County within the City of
Milpitas. The project’s study limit extends approximately
one mile from the north at its confluence with Coyote
Creek to San Andreas Drive, which is 320 feet south of
the Berryessa Creek confluence (see map to right).
North project limit:
Coyote Creek confluence
South project limit:
San Andreas Drive
Berryessa Creek
San Andreas Drive
Lower Penitencia Creek project map
The staff-recommended alternative combines the
construction of floodwalls, vegetated benches, raising
and relocation of existing levees, and replacing the
California Circle bridge and Milmont Drive bridges.
In September 2015 and May 2016, the water district
finalized a Staff- Recommended Alternative Report
and a Planning Study Report, respectively. These
reports can be found on www.valleywater.org/
Last March 10, 2015, the water district board of
directors awarded a consultant agreement to Horizon
Water and Environment to develop the Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) for the Lower Penitencia Creek
Improvements Project. Staff anticipate a Draft EIR will be
available for public review at the end of 2016.
The water district board of directors further awarded a
consultant agreement in May 2016 to Wood Rodgers
to perform all the necessary Lower Penitencia Creek
Improvements Project design services.
continued on back »
More about us
Project schedule
The Santa Clara Valley Water District, with a history
dating back to 1929, manages an integrated water
resources system that includes the supply of clean, safe
water, flood protection and stewardship of streams on
behalf of Santa Clara County’s 1.9 million residents.
a January 2017 - Draft environmental document
public meeting
a March 2017 - Expected permit submittal date
a April 2017 - Board certifies environmental
a February 2018 - Final date permit is required
(to construct project in 2018)
a March 2018 - Board adopts plans, specs and
estimate and authorizes construction bidding
a May 2018 - Board reviews bid and awards
construction contract
a July 2018 - Construction begins (Can’t dewater
before June 15 due to Longfin Smelt habitat)
The water district effectively manages 10 dams and
surface water reservoirs, three water treatment plants,
an advanced recycled water purification center, a
state-of-the-art water quality laboratory, and nearly
400 acres of groundwater recharge ponds, providing
wholesale water and groundwater management
services to local municipalities and private water
retailers who deliver drinking water to homes and
The water district is the flood control agency for Santa
Clara County, annually preparing creeks for winter
rains through levee maintenance, sediment removal,
bank repair and vegetation management. We have
invested more than $1 billion in flood protection efforts
to protect nearly 100,000 parcels with many more
projects planned.
About the project
The Lower Penitencia Creek Improvements Project
extends approximately one mile from the confluence
with Berryessa Creek to the confluence with Coyote
Creek. This project is funded by the water district’s
Watershed Stream Stewarship Fund.
Overall project objectives are to:
• Convey the Lower Berryessa Creek 1-percent
design flow
• Meet required water surface elevations at Coyote
Creek and Berryessa Creek confluences
• Minimize the need for seasonal removal of
sediment and non-woody vegetation
• Maintain existing FEMA accreditation along the
east levee located between California Circle and
Berryessa Creek
• Ensure the improvements meet FEMA certification
One year of rain won’t end
four years of drought.
Keep fighting the drought inside and out.
For more information, contact Madhu Thummaluru at
(408) 630-2256 or by email at
mthummaluru@valleywater.org. Or use our
Access Valley Water customer request and information
system at valleywater.org to find out the latest information
on district projects or to submit questions, complaints
or compliments directly to a district staff person.
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© 2016 Santa Clara Valley Water District • 6/2016 EM 3436