bulletin - Madison church of Christ


bulletin - Madison church of Christ
Sunday A.M.
Apply Your Heart
(Proverbs 22:17-21)
“Go therefore, and make disciples of
all the nations baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19
I’ll Get Even
You’ve likely heard someone use the
expression, “I’ll get even with you if it’s
the last thing I do!” You may have even
uttered the words once or twice yourself.
Introduction: Pr over bs 22:17-18
It’s a simple concept that goes hand in
 Hanoi Hilton
hand with looking out for number one.
 “A Light Unto My Path”
Charles Spurgeon and Joseph Parker
preachers in London in the 19th
1. God’s blessing
On one occasion, Parker
 Joshua 1:8 — meditate in it day and
on the poor condition of
children admitted to Spurgeon's orphanage.
 Psalm 1:1-3 — his delight is in the
The way Spurgeon heard it was that Parker
law of the Lord
had criticized the orphanage itself.
 God blesses and prospers us
Spurgeon blasted Parker the next week
 When we do His will
from the pulpit. The attack was printed in
 We must know His will
the newspapers and became the talk of the
town. People flocked to Parker's church the
2. Strength
next Sunday to hear his rebuttal. “I
 Psalm 119:11
understand Dr. Spurgeon is not in his
 We hide God’s Word in our hearts
pulpit today, and this is the Sunday they
 Memorization
use to take an offering for the orphanage. I
 Meditation
suggest we take a love offering here
 This can be a cold, cruel world
instead.” The crowd was delighted. The
ushers had to empty the collection plates 3
3. Wisdom
times. Later that week there was a knock at
 Psalm 119:97-104
Parker's study. It was Spurgeon. “You
 Meditating on God’s Word
know Parker, you have practiced grace on
 Wisdom
me. You have given me not what I
 Understanding
deserved, you have given me what I
 Insight
 John 4:5-15
“27 But I say to you who hear, Love
your enemies, do good to those who hate
Conclusion: Apply your hear t
you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for
 Memorize what you can
those who abuse you. 29 To one who strikes
 Meditate
you on the cheek, offer the other also, and
 Spend time reading
from one who takes away your cloak do
 Thinking about what you read
not withhold your tunic either.” (Luke 6:27
 Praying about what you read
 Thinking some more
Get even — God’s way.
October 23, 2016
Bob Brown
Kyle Smith
Lee Frederick
Russ Ogburn
Scripture - Proverbs 22:17-21 ...................... John Fuller
Song Leader ............................................. Lee Frederick
866 ......... I Will Call upon the Lord (sing through twice)
Prayer ................................................. Drew Drummond
438 ....... My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less (1, 2, and 4)
645 .......................... The Old Rugged Cross (1, 2, and 4)
Communion & Offering
Presiding ...................................................... Dan Semore
Yancey Jayroe .............................................. J.W. Magee
Chad Marshall Wages ..................................... Wil Peery
Garvis Semore
717 .......................................... Victory in Jesus (1 and 3)
761 ......................Where He Leads, I’ll Follow (1 and 3)
Justin Morris
Sermon .................................................... Garvis Semore
“Apply Your Heart”
justin.morris@students.fhu.edu 337 ......................Is Thy Heart Right with God (1 and 3)
401 ............................................. Live for Jesus (1 and 3)
9:30 a.m.—Classes
10:30 a.m.—Worship
6:00 p.m.—Worship
6:00 — Meal & Classes
Family Life & Closing ................................. Kyle Smith
Nursery — Rachel Peery, Laila Peery
P.M. Pr ayer — Kyle Smith ...... Songs — Lee Frederick
Sermon — Jeff Dotson .................... Prayer — John Dial
Secure Building — John Fuller
We’re glad you are at Madison today! Last Sunday we had over thirty
visitors for our morning worship (makes me wonder if I need to be out
of town more often). On November 6 the Madison congregation will
celebrate its eleventh anniversary. Teresa and I have been privileged
to be a part of the last two and a half years — plus the many trips we
made down from Kosciusko in your early days. I’ve said it
repeatedly...I love this congregation and truly believe our best days lie
ahead. Forward ever — backward never.
is going to be special. In addition to our chili cook-off and
From the Heart Wednesday
trunk or treat there will be inflatables available for our children to
enjoy. We’ll begin with a brief devotional followed by our meal. You’ll be given a few
minutes to get your trunks (or trucks) ready for the children to come visit looking for
treats. Last year we had a crowd for this night. We’re looking for even more this year.
Tonight at 6:00 we’re in for a treat as Jeff Dotson brings our lesson. As we’ve done all
year on the fourth Sunday evening of the month a member of our Young Professionals
Class is speaking. Jeff and Emily are a vital part of our work at Madison. I hope you
will make plans to return this evening to hear what Jeff has prepared.
Don’t forget that next Sunday (10/30) is a fifth Sunday. We’ll be having a fellowship
meal following morning worship. A devotional will follow the meal that will serve as
our final assembly for the day. Make your plans to be here with your favorite dish!
Sunday Evening
October 26
Church of Christ
Madison church of Christ
483 Reunion Parkway
Madison, MS 39110
Aug. 14—2 Pet. 3:8-9
Aug. 21—Eccl. 12:13-14
Sept. 4—Joshua 24:14-15
Sept. 11—Psalm 91:11
Sept. 18—Romans 8:28
Oct. 2 — Daniel 12:3
Oct. 9 — Proverbs 9:10
Sharing Your
Oct. 30—Rom. 12:9-21
Nov. 6—Hebrews 11:6
Nov. 13—2 Cor. 4:7-5:9
Nov. 20—Prov. 3:5-8
Dec. 4—Philippians 1:6
Dec. 11—Job 38
Dec. 18—Gal. 5:22-23
Missions Supported
21st Century Global Missions
Skinner’s Garden, India
David Aguilar, Mexico
Cy Stafford, Tanzania
This year’s Trunk Or Treat and chili cook-off will
be on Wednesday, October 26.
We will have a fellowship meal following worship
next Sunday morning.
The Bypass congregation in Vicksburg is hosting a
Revival October 22-27.
Siwell Road will celebrate their 60th anniversary
on November 13.
We will soon begin a new quarter in our classes.
Please see Russ Ogburn if you would be interested
in helping with a class this quarter.
A Ladies Bible Study is hosted by Vicki Massey
Tuesday mornings. Please note the new start time
of 10:00. The class meets at her apartment.
Scripture Reading: J ohn Fuller (Pr ov. 22:17-21)
Song Leader AM & PM: J eff Dotson
Opening Prayer: Dr ew Dr ummond
Communion: Dan Semor e (Pr esiding), Yancey
Jayroe, J.W. Magee, Chad Marshall Wages, Wil Peery
Lessons: Gar vis Semor e
Family Life & AM Closing: Kyle Smith
Closing Prayer PM: J ohn Dial
Secure Building: William Massey
Please find a replacement if you aren’t available. Inform Brad
Guth of any changes.
Nursery: Sar ah Gr ace Askew, J or dan J ayr oe
We have a nursery for infants up through 3 years of age. Please
find a replacement if you aren’t available. Those attending the
nursery are asked to serve during Bible class as well.
For the Record
October 16, 2016
Communion Preparation
Sunday Morning Class ....... 58 October ...................Jordan
Sunday A.M. Worship ..... 102
November ............. Semore
Sunday P.M.. Worship ....... 45
Wednesday ......................... 54 December.................... Ard
Contribution ................ $3,192
Michael Lentz, friend of Lee
Tommy Massey, Bobby’s
Bo Jordan
Cy Stafford (bone marrow
transplant scheduled in
Long Term Concerns
Sarah Massey, Bobby’s mother
Wesley Tharp, Donna Williams’
Marilyn Stevens
Peggy Patterson, Allen
Patterson’s mother (Lakeland
Nursing Home for rehab)
Tracey Morris, Justin’s mother
Heath Lerner, friend of June
Tom Gordon, June Magee’s
son’s father-in-law
James & Trish Cofer, parents of
Corey Cofer
Roy Washington
Diane Smythia, Amanda’s
Charlie & Francis Johnson,
Melissa Jayroe’s grandparents